(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Deuteronomy chapter 4 the Bible reads now therefore harken O Israel under the statutes and under the judgments which I teach you for to do them that you may live and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you you shall not add unto the word which I command you neither shall you diminish ought from it that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you your eyes have seen what the Lord did because of Baal Peor and all the men that followed Baal Peor the God the Lord that God hath destroyed them from among you but ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day behold I've taught you the statutes and judgments even as the Lord my God commanded me that you should do in the land whither you go to possess it keep therefore and do them for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of all of the nations which shall hear all these statutes and say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people for what nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for what nation is there so great that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law which I set before you this day only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently let's thou let's thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen and lest I depart from thy heart all the days of thy life but teach them thy sons and thy sons sons especially the day that thou stood is before the Lord thy God in Horeb when the Lord said unto me gather me the people together and I will make them hear my words they may learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth and that they may teach their children and he came near and stood under the mountain and the mountain burned with fire under the midst of heaven with darkness clouds and thick dark darkness and the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire you heard the voice of the words but saw no similitude only you heard a voice and he declared unto you his covenant which he commanded you to perform even Ten Commandments and he wrote them upon two tables of stone and the Lord commanded me at the time to teach you statutes and judgments that you might do them in the land whether you go over to possess it take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves for you saw no matter of similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire lest ye corrupt yourselves and make you a graven image the similitude of any figure the likeness of male or female the likeness of any beast that is on the earth the likeness of any winged fowl that flyeth in the air the likeness of anything that creepeth on the ground the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth and lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven and when thou seest the Sun and the moon and the stars even all the hosts of heaven shouldest be driven to worship them and serve them which Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven the Lord hath taken you brought you forth out of an iron furnace even out of Egypt to be unto him a people of inheritance as you are this day furthermore the Lord was angry with me for your sakes and swear that I should not go over Jordan and that I should not go into in unto that good land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance but I must die in this land I must not go over Jordan but you shall go over and possess that good land take heed unto yourselves lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God which he made you with you and made you a graven image and make you a graven image or the likeness of anything which the Lord thy God hath forbidden thee for thy God is a consuming fire even a jealous God when thou shalt beget children and children's children and you shall have remained long in the land and shall corrupt yourselves and make a graven image or the likeness of anything and shall do evil in the side of the Lord thy God to provoke him to anger I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day that you shall soon soon utterly perish from off the land where unto you go over Jordan to possess it you shall not prolong your days upon it but shall utterly be destroyed and the Lord shall scatter you among the nations and you shall be left few in number among the heathen where the Lord shall lead you and there you shall serve gods and work of men's hands wood and stone which neither seed nor hear nor eat nor smell but if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God thou shalt find him if thou seek him with all thine heart and with all thy soul when thou art in tribulation and all these things are come upon thee even in the latter days if thou turn to the Lord thy God and shall be obedient unto his voice for Lord thy God is a merciful God you will not forsake thee neither destroy thee nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he swear unto them for ask now of the days that are past which were before thee since the day that the that God created man upon the earth and asked from the one side of heaven unto the other whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is or have been heard like it did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire as thou has heard and live or if God is said to go and take him a nation from the midst of another nation by temptations by signs and by wonders and by war and by a mighty hand and by a stretched-out arm and by tread by terrors according to all the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes unto thee it was showed thou mightest know that the Lord he is God there is none else beside him out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice that he might instruct thee and upon earth he showed thee this his great fire and thou hurtest his words out of the midst of the fire because he loved thy fathers therefore he chose their seed after them and brought thee out in his sight with his mighty power out of Egypt to drive out the nations from before thee greater and mightier than thou art to bring thee in to give thee their land for an inheritance as it is this day know therefore this day and consider it in thine heart that the Lord he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath there is none else thou shalt keep therefore his statutes and his commandments which I commanded thee this day that it may be may go well with thee and with thy children after thee and now may as prolong thy days upon the earth with the which the Lord thy God giveth thee forever then Moses severed three cities on this side Jordan toward the Sun rising that the Slayer might flee thither which should kill his neighbors unawares and hated him not in times past and that fleeing unto one of the cities he might live namely Bazer in the wilderness in the plain country of the Reubenites and Ramoth and Gilead of the Gadites and Golan and Bashan of the Massanites and this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel these are the testimonies in the statutes and the judgments which Moses spake unto the children of Israel after they came forth out of Egypt on this side Jordan in the valley over against Beth Peor in the land of Sion king of the Amorites who dwelt at Heshbon whom Moses and the children of Israel smote after they were come forth out of Egypt and they possessed of his land and the land of Og king of Bashan two kings of the Amorites which were on this side Jordan toward the Sun rising and Erewear which is by the bank of the river Arnon even unto Mount Sion which is Hermon and all the plain on this side Jordan eastward even under the sea of this plain under the springs of Pisgah let's pray to the God just thank you for salvation thank you for the King James Bible Lord and we thank you for this church you've given us and pastor we pledge you bless him like net right now as he preaches unto us your word Lord and that us and the congregation could take these truths of your word Lord and apply it to our lives and understanding Lord we pray this all in Jesus name amen amen okay we're in Deuteronomy chapter 4 this evening and the time of my sermon tonight is misconceptions about the Ten Commandments misconceptions about the Ten Commandments here in Deuteronomy chapter 4 look down at your Bibles at verse number 13 it says and he declared unto you his covenant which he commanded you to perform even ten commandments and he wrote them upon two tables of stone now thankfully you know we live in a world where the Ten Commandments of God are essentially known amongst not just adherence to the Bible but even people who don't even ascribe to Christianity they're not Christians they are unbelievers virtually everyone has heard about the Ten Commandments even if they can't quote every single one of them even if you were to tell them give me the list of the Ten Commandments they may not be able to give you all ten but they can at least give you one and virtually everyone knows in general what the Ten Commandments are referring to and I think that's great because of the fact that you know you can't really point to any person and say hey call me some Commandments from the book of the Quran or from the Book of Mormon or from Buddhism or Hinduism they don't know what it says because it's not powerful it's not God's Word the Ten Commandments on the other hand has been used for thousands of years to improve the moral structure of many nations okay and even if people are in that particular nation aren't saved they're not Christians per se they understand the value in the Ten Commandments the moral aspect of the Ten Commandments and they understand the value of obeying God's laws because they are superior and in fact if you look down at your Bibles at verse number seven it says for what nation is there so great who have God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God as in all things that we call upon him for and what nation is there so great that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law which I set before you this day showing us that you know the nations will look at a nation that is adhering to God's laws in particular of course what we see here the Ten Commandments and be in awe of God's statutes and see how superior they are to every other law that people impose upon their nation their citizens because God's law is superior so I think that's great that a lot of people know about it and a lot of people you know ascribe to it even if they're not saved now here's the thing though the exposure of the Ten Commandments is great and all but along with that increases the possibility of the Ten Commandments being misconstrued and twisted right and so even though a lot of people know about the Ten Commandments they maybe quote one or two of them unfortunately a lot of people will also use the Ten Commandments to teach a lot of false doctrine and tonight I want to just highlight four misconceptions of the Ten Commandments and what is it that the Bible actually says regarding them now before I get into that let me just mention here that when the Bible talks about the Ten Commandments it's used synonymously with the Covenant okay and in fact look once again at verse 13 he says and he declared unto you what his covenant which he commanded you to perform even Ten Commandments okay you said why is that significant well because of the fact that if it's talking about the Covenant or unto you his covenant it's referring to the Old Covenant the Old Testament as we mentioned this morning that's used synonymously with the Ten Commandments you say well if it's synonymous with the Ten Commandments and we're in the New Testament does that mean that the Ten Commandments no longer apply to the New Testament since that which is in the Old Covenant has been done away with we're gonna cover that in just a bit but the second thing I want to mention to you aside from the fact that it's synonymous with the Covenant is that it's written in two tables of stone written with the finger of God okay and this is essentially referring to when Moses went up to Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights and received instructions of the Lord regarding his statutes and commandments and God literally wrote his commandments with his own finger on two tables of stone let me read you from Deuteronomy 10 and verse number 4 it says that he wrote on the tables according to the first writing the Ten Commandments which the Lord spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly and the Lord gave them unto me Exodus 34 and verse 27 says the Lord said unto Moses write thou these words for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel and he was there with 40 with the Lord 40 days and 40 nights he did neither eat bread nor drink water and he wrote upon the tables the words of the Covenant the Ten Commandments so we see here that it's obviously referring to those two tables of stone that would eventually be placed into the Ark of the Covenant when the nation of Israel would move from place to place as a reminder of the precepts and statutes of the Lord now go to Exodus chapter 20 if you would Exodus chapter 20 we're gonna look at just a mention here of the Ten Commandments that's found in Exodus chapter 20 and let me go ahead and just start off with the misconceptions regarding the Ten Commandments that it's important for us to understand what's being referred to here misconception number one and this is a major misconception that there are only Ten Commandments you're like how can people believe that well because they don't know the Bible right and so a lot of times people think oh do you keep the Ten Commandments but here's the thing is that the Bible is filled with hundreds and hundreds of commandments in the Old Testament alone you add upon that the New Commandments that Jesus Christ brought in the New Covenant I mean it's just hundreds of more Commandments right so a lot of people out there think well there's only ten there's only ten that you have to keep well let's just say there was only ten you still can't even keep those ten right but you know when you actually read the Bible you see that there's not just ten there's hundreds of them the Ten Commandments are actually an abridgment of all of God's moral commandments save the command to keep the Sabbath the book of Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy are essentially or they possess the expansion of those Commandments in other words you have the Ten Commandments being given in two tables of stone but then in the rest of the books Exodus Leviticus numbers of Deuteronomy it's an expansion it brings clarity it gives you specific scenarios wherewith you can execute those particular statutes and judgments okay so even though the Ten Commandments gives you just one statement you know there's like a subset categories of each of those Commandments okay and a good way to view this is that you know the Ten Commandments can be viewed like a table of contents in a book right when you look at a book you open it up you see the table of contents it's essentially giving you the overall picture of what the book is about right but within each of those chapters you have content you have things written the details of that particular chapter does that make sense everyone and so the Ten Commandments can be viewed as that table of contents that gives you just the general statement of what God requires but then the rest of the Levitical law actually expounds upon gives examples of ways to actually obey those Commandments okay now let me give you an example of this you're in Exodus chapter 20 oh actually before I get into that let me also say that when the Bible talks about the Commandments the law the Old Covenant that's a very general statement right and it really depends what we're talking about in order to get the context of it it really depends on what exactly we're referring to because we can say well God's laws right and just essentially just refer to the Bible in general or we could talk about God's law referring to the Old Covenant and if you really want to get specific you can say God's laws referring to moral laws purity laws civil laws dietary laws and even the instructions that God gave for the construction of the tabernacle in the Old Testament so when the Bible talks about when someone says you know the law you know it's almost like what do you what exactly are you talking about though because the law can just be referring to God's statutes you know even the words of Jesus Christ can be considered the law per se because those are the statutes of the Lord it's what he's decreeing forth you understand but when we talk about the Old Testament it's really broken down into those categories dietary laws purity laws moral laws civil laws instructions about the tabernacle now look at Exodus chapter 20 where we find the Ten Commandments and you say why is that important to note that there are only ten you know that people make that claim that there are only ten commandments well because when you read the actual Ten Commandments themselves and you look at just the general statement that's made you can see how people can misconstrue these things and kind of make up their own you know subcategories of what it's referring to for example look at verse 13 this is a very this is one that pretty much everyone knows about it says what thou shalt not kill now that's pretty self-explanatory right don't take other people's lives don't you know God obviously upholds the sanctity of life he doesn't want people killing other people and taking other people's lives but you know what it's important for the Bible to expand upon what exactly that means why well because of the fact that there's other portions of the Bible in the Old Testament that sanctioned the death penalty for those who merit death and when we talk about that we preach about that people who don't know the Bible will often point to us and say whoa whoa whoa why are you saying that the Bible says thou shalt not kill okay so they would say that it's wrong to impose the death penalty upon someone who murders kidnaps commits sodomy things of that nature and they're like whoa whoa whoa hold on a second I thought the Bible says thou shalt not kill and the answer is yes of course the Bible says thou shall not kill but we need to look at the expansion of that law we need to look at what the Bible actually says regarding the subcategory of that commandment to understand what that means okay because the Bible's not gonna contradict itself if he's telling us thou shall not kill in one portion and then another portion that says they shall be stoned to death those aren't contradictions what that means is that thou shalt not kill obviously has a specific definition that doesn't include the death penalty when a person merits it okay you said well what is thou shalt not kill mean well really in the Bible the New Testament explains to explains to us what that means which is murder premeditated murder at that okay now hold your place there actually go to chapter 21 if you would chapter 21 and look at verse number 12 because he essentially gets right into it he says in verse number 12 he that smiteth a man so that he die shall surely be put to death now if someone's smiting a man there is essentially referring to the fact that they mean harm okay they are essentially violating that person they're killing them with their bare hands and if they kill them the person in the violation is worthy of death according to the Bible and it goes on to say in verse 13 and if a man lie not in wait but God deliver him into his hand then I will point thee a place whether he shall flee so it's making a distinction here right it's saying if a person purposely begins to beat a man to the point where he takes his life that according to the Bible is considered premeditated murder it's murder but if a person doesn't lie in wait in other words he didn't have the intention of killing this person it's an accident that happens that would in modern times be considered what manslaughter right at which point God actually prescribes a city of refuge for that person to flee to so that the revenger of blood doesn't catch him and kill him okay and you say well what does that mean exactly well you know accidents happen sometimes you know and it you know if someone takes another person's life not because they hated them or they wanted to kill them it's just an accident that took place you know obviously God sees both sides of the story he understands that this person did not intend to take that person's life but he also understands that the person who's related to the person who died is gonna be very angry over the fact that you killed this person even if it's on accident and the natural result of that is that the family member or friend whatever it is will want revenge so what God prescribes is cities of refuge for the Slayer to flee to and they'll be safe and protected from the Slayer however if the person decides to leave the city of refuge and the Slayer catches him and kills him well that's his fault according to the Bible okay in fact look at verse 14 he says but if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor to slay him with guile thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may die go to Numbers chapter 35 numbers chapter 35 so we see an example of here of a difference between killing someone on accident even though it's still bad God still creates a solution he prescribes the cities of refuge but he doesn't prescribe the death penalty for manslaughter if the person did not come upon him unawares however per person you know determines or in a in a heat of passion smite someone beats them and kills them he does prescribe the death penalty and if he comes upon him presumptuously he premeditates that murderer then obviously he is put to death so when the Bible talks about thou shalt not kill this is exactly what it's talking about okay now look at numbers 35 verse 15 it says these six cities shall be a refuge both for the children of Israel and for the stranger and for the sojourner among them that everyone that killeth any person unawares may flee thither and if he smite him with an instrument of iron so that he died he is a murderer the murderer shall surely be put to death and if he smite him with the throwing a stone wherewith he may die and he died he is a murderer the murderer shall surely be put to death or if he smite him with the hand weapon of wood wherewith he may die and he died he is a murderer the murderer shall surely be put to death the revenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer when he meeteth him he shall slay him so in these days police didn't really exist okay to bring someone to justice who's the justice the people okay and so he's basically saying look you know the way capital punishments were carried out was by the people themselves you know it says there the revenger of blood the family member the husband the brother the nephew whoever's related to that particular person you know they have their sanction or deputized to slay the murderer who took the life of their family member whatever may be God says that that is permissible and that does not violate the command in Exodus chapter 20 thou shall not kill because this is obviously the exception it's not considered murder it's considered justice okay he says in verse 20 but if he thrust him of hatred or hurl at him by lying of weight that he died or if enmity or enmity smite him with his hand that he died he that smote him shall surely be put to death for he is a murderer the revenger of blood shall slay the murderer when he meeteth him and if he thrust him suddenly without enmity or have cast upon him anything without lying of weight or with any stone wherewith a man may die seeing him not and cast upon him that he died and was not his enemy neither sought his harm then the congregation shall judge between the Slayer and the revenger of blood according to these judgments and the congregation shall deliver the Slayer out of the hand of the revenger of blood so on and so forth he's basically saying you know if you have a situation where maybe questions arise but it doesn't seem as though the person had any ulterior motive to kill the person the the victim well then at that point you bring him before the congregation of the judge and they have to do a inquiry they have to investigate and if they find him innocent they realize this guy had no enmity he didn't hate the guy he didn't try to kill him okay at that point sent him to the city of refuge so that no harm comes upon him for this accident that took place okay the point that I'm making here is that when the Ten Commandments say thou shall not kill that's not just a blanket statement for anyone who dies at the hand of any person because there's certain instances where taking someone life someone's life is justified it's permissible in the eyes of God and if I go to Exodus 22 Exodus chapter 22 let's let's show you an example of this Exodus chapter 22 so the misconception is oh there's only Ten Commandments not necessarily there's ten chapters quote-unquote in the table of contents but you actually got to read the chapter to get the details and the expansion of that law lest you should disobey the Lord and not put people to death when they're supposed to be put to death okay look what it says in Exodus 22 verse 1 if a man shall steal an ox or a sheep and kill it or sell it he shall restore five oxen for an oxen for sheep for a sheep in other words you know if someone steals something they don't deserve the death penalty okay so yeah the Bible says thou shall not steal but the punishment for theft is not the death penalty it's restoration okay restitution verse 2 says if a thief be found breaking up and be smitten that he died there shall no blood be shed for him so notice that it says not a murderer but a thief so if a thief is breaking up meaning he's breaking into someone's house or someone's tabernacle or a tent or whatever you know whatever they had at that time and you know the dad just sees a shadow and just beats the living daylights out of him because he's protecting his family the Bible says that the person who kills the man even though he's a thief he's not gonna die for that he's not gonna receive the death penalty even though the Bible does not describe the death penalty for thieves and even though he killed the thief he does not put to death why look at verse number three if the Sun be risen upon him there shall be bloodshed for him for he should make full restitution if he have nothing then he shall be sold for his stuff so what is the implication here the implication is that if a man is breaking into your tent and the Sun be risen upon him meaning what you can see what he's up to he's taking your camel he's taking you know your resources you can plainly see the crime that is being committed and you still decide to take his life well at that point then you're gonna suffer the punishment of the death penalty because you took someone's life unjustly because they stole something from you you said what is the difference between that and verse number two well verse number two based upon the Sun being risen up in verse number three implies that a man is breaking into someone's house maybe at night and you know obviously in the world in which we live there's we have lights and you know sensor lights whatever but in these days just when it's nighttime it's nighttime there's no lights that are out so if you have a man breaking into your house you don't know what they're up to you don't know if they're trying to rape kill if they have some nefarious agenda to harm your children and so the husband or the head of the household is acting as a protector and you know he's thinking this person's breaking into my house at night he's gonna protect his family and even though the man is always seeking to steal something if his life is taken the person who kills is not held responsible for his death because he didn't know however if the Sun has risen upon him God expects for that person to bring him to justice so that he can repay him that which he stole that make sense to everyone so obviously we're not gonna go through all the commandments and all the the the details of each commandment I'm just giving you one example to show how important it is to know the expansion of each commandment because if someone just tells you well the Bible says thou shall not steal or something okay well what are the details of that though you know the Bible says thou shall not kill though you know how can you be before the death penalty how can you be for people being put to death for this particular crime or another if the Bible says thou shall not kill well that's because the expansion of thou shall not kill needs to be read needs to be understood in order to carry out God's law appropriately okay so there's obviously more than ten commandments there are sub-commandments to those ten the Ten Commandments is essentially the overall thought of God's standard of morality okay now go with me if you would to Roman chapter 3 the Roman chapter 3 if you would so misconception number one there's only Ten Commandments wrong there's not obviously the Ten Commandments is essentially the overall arching theme of God's morality and really at the end of the day it's only nine of those ten that are the moral Commandments right we'll get to one of those in just a bit because it's another misconception but there's far more Commandments there's hundreds of Commandments which is important that's why it's important to understand the laws of God misconception number two regarding the Ten Commandments we have to keep the Ten Commandments in order to be saved this is a major misconception amongst many Christians and in fact you know you have a lot of these workspace salvationists they're not gonna go out just and tell you that that's what you have to do but that's what they imply okay you say well how do you know well cuz Ray Comfort for example when he's out there evangelizing he'll often spend an inordinate amount of time talking about the Ten Commandments in God's laws I mean just like probably like seventy percent of his gospel presentation and I'm being generous okay no actually I'm not being generous it's probably more than that okay is focused on the law you know because he has this philosophy that you got to get him like really lost before you know you can get him saved but here's the thing is that everyone's lost you don't got to get him lost they're already lost and so what he typically does is when he gives his gospel presentation which is a false gospel he'll spend all this time talking about how they're adulterers they're drunkards they're liars they're fornicators they deserve hell and look obviously that stuff is true right people are sinners who deserve hell but let's just be honest with you let's just be honest with each other the vast majority of people already know that like even if you told someone you're a sinner most people agree we don't have to like you know dig into their private life and say you know you know how you lost you know how you drink and you're a drunkard are you living in holiness you know and that's what and this is what he does he just hammers this and the sad thing about it is that like he not only gets him lost I mean he almost makes them to the point where they just can never be found because after he like just hammers that point then he brings in this repent of your sins false gospel where he says that they have to turn from their sin in order to be saved okay so the Ten Commandments obviously using in your gospel presentation is essentially a thinly veiled workspace salvation because you don't have to go through all the commandments in order to convince someone that they're a sinner I mean most of the time when I'm preaching the gospel I just say you know for example the Bible says we shouldn't lie but I'll be honest I've lied many times because I'm not perfect would you agree to you've done the same and ninety nine point nine percent of the time people be like I have lied too yeah for sure you know it would require like a very proud arrogant ray comfort type because he's he stated in his gospel presentation when he's witnessing like he doesn't do any of that stuff because you know he's repentant of all that because he lives in holiness apparently but you know he's he's violating the command to bear false witness because he's lying so the Ten Commandments are no longer used to signify our need for a Savior but rather they become like a marker for salvation like are you keeping these commandments and if you're not keeping this commandments you're not saved because in order to get saved you have to keep these commandments well he's not saying you have to keep these commandments yeah but by saying you have to repent of your sins you're saying you have to keep the commandments because sin listen to this is the transgression of the law so implying that if you have to repent of your sins you have to keep the law to be saved they're not gonna go out outright and tell you that but that's what it means now look at Romans chapter 3 verse 19 it says here regarding the law now we know that what things so ever the law saith it saith to them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight just kidding Ray comfort can give just the fight this is no flesh will be justified in his sight why for by the law is the knowledge of sin so God intended for the law to help you to realize that you're a sinner now look at verse 27 wherefore is boast where is boasting then it is is it excluded by what law of works nay but by the law of faith therefore we conclude and I love that word there conclude what does that mean this is the conclusion of the matter okay this is the end of this discussion is what he's saying therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law I still think you got to keep the law to be saved we can think that all you want but you're gonna think that all the way to hell though because no man can keep the law perfectly and the reality is this if anybody believes you have to keep the law to be saved they have a very low view of God's perfect standard because they think they all have to keep the law but then five minutes later to say well I know that no one's perfect well then you can't keep the law then because an imperfect imperfect people are the only people that can't keep the law and the only one who is perfect is the Lord Jesus Christ now go to go to Galatians chapter 3 if you would Galatians chapter 3 while you're turning I'm gonna read to you from Galatians chapter 2 and verse 16 it says knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified I mean just kind of be redundant here but it's there's a reason why it has to be redundant and isn't it interesting that the Bible so redundant regarding salvation but yet people don't seem to understand it I mean he's literally saying you're not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ we might be justified by the faith of Jesus Christ not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified and it's just like oh yeah for sure we got to keep the law to be saved then look at Galatians 3 21 is the law then against the promises of God you know because you have people also are you saying we don't have to keep the law are you saying that it's not like right to keep the law well it says here is the law then against the promises of God God forbid and I want you to notice this for if there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the law now what does that tell us it tells us that even when the law was given in the Old Testament it was still not intended to give life that means people were not saved by keeping the law in the Old Testament so when the law was first imposed upon the people in the Old Testament Moses wasn't saying hey keep this so you can be saved because if the law if righteousness excuse me if the law if there had been a law given which could have given life then righteousness should have been by the law and not by faith you understand now that's very important for the dispensationalist because they believe that people were saved differently throughout the ages and they literally believe that keeping the animal sacrifice is keeping the laws of God in the Old Testament is what saved people but wrong there is no law given that should have given life because literally listen to me the very nature and essence of the law is to kill that's literally what the law is intended for the law was never intended to give people life it was never it's literally intended to slay people to kill people and in fact the New Testament listen to me refers to the law as the ministration of death it ministers death it slays the soul it slays the spirit is what it does never intended to give life it says in verse 22 but the scripture has concluded all under sin you know because they've all transgressed the laws of God that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that obey the law no that belief but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterward be revealed wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by faith the law in general is there to help you to realize that you can't save yourself you know yeah you might be somewhat in general an honest person you might be a person who doesn't steal you don't commit adultery you don't murder you don't necessarily lie all the time but here's the thing folks there's not adjustment upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not you say yeah but I've kept all of those Commandments I try not to lie yeah but you probably lied one time in your life unless you got even way more than once okay and you took a paper clip that didn't belong to you okay and let's let's just let's just pretend for a second that you know you've you've just never lied you've never stolen you've never murdered you've never committed adultery you don't have any gods before him you know you kept generally all those Commandments well everyone has at least coveted in their hearts something that didn't belong to them even if you didn't verbalize it there's no way around the laws what is what the Bible is telling us here okay because no one is God other than Jesus Christ the Godhead God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit you see the only one who can keep the laws the man who made the law okay and so the law is our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ he said well pastor you know I know of a story though in the Bible isn't there a story in the Bible where Jesus Christ told someone like to keep the Commandments you know in order to be saved what about that well let's look at that go to Matthew chapter 19 Matthew chapter 19 and by the way this is a very common scripture that Ray Comfort will bring up in order to prove you got to keep the Commandments in order to be saved okay you know I live in in holiness do you come into you lie you know are you a drunkard and you know I just want to if I was like one of those people I want to be like you know what I'm not perfect but at least I'm not a false prophet though because you're committing some of the most grievous sins because you're teaching a false gospel according to the Bible if any if anyone teaches a false gospel let him be accursed so the Bible says okay look at Matthew 19 verse 16 and behold one came and said unto him good master what good thing shall I do that I might have eternal life and he said unto him why call us down me good there is none good but one that is God but if thou will what enter into life keep the Commandments he saith unto him which Jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself now I want you to notice his response the young man saith unto him all these things have I kept for my youth of what lack I yet now obviously he just bore false witness about himself because an honest person who's not filled with pride would not say I've kept all these from my youth up what lack I saw you know anybody who's actually sincere would say okay I've broken some of those Commandments for sure but he's convinced or at least he's trying to convince Jesus that he's kept all these Commandments right he said what else would I lack verse 21 Jesus said unto him if thou will be perfect go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me so notice that what Jesus says is this he says sell your possessions and you'll be saved sell your possessions and you'll have eternal life no he says sell your possessions and you have treasure in heaven so really Jesus never gives them our answer of how to have eternal life and the reason for that is because Jesus knows that this person is not trusting in Christ he's trusting in his riches because look what it says verse 22 but when the young man heard that saying he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions then said Jesus unto his disciples verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven and again I'm saying to you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God the parallel passage says it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man excuse me it's easier for the camel to go to the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God and it says because he trusts in his riches he's placing his faith in his riches and this is still common even today where you'll talk to people who are very affluent they have a lot of money a lot of possessions you know just a lot wealth and they are the hardest people to witness to it's almost it's almost as if you would have an easier time putting a camel through the eye of a needle then getting that person saved why because the nature of the beast is that when a person is wealthy they trust in their riches more than they trust in God okay and look folks when we go to the rich neighborhoods we don't see a whole lot of fruit in the rich neighborhoods okay you're not gonna see a whole lot of fruit where the wealthy people live why because to them they already have everything that they need you know they got themselves that wealth or whatever it may be so they're placing their faith in their riches in unrighteous mammon rather than in God and this is why the Bible tells us and directs us to go preach the gospel to the poor because people who are not wealthy people who do not have money are more likely to hear the gospel to listen to it to believe it because they don't really have much okay so this is not God's this is not Jesus Christ you know little one two three step of how to get someone saved by using the law this is a passage to indicate that people trust in their riches okay and of course he quoted the law to kind of tell him like do this and you shall live and then obviously by doing so he's exposing that the rich young ruler was not you know he was prideful enough that he basically believed that he kept all the laws of God from his youth up okay now go with me if you would to go to Romans chapter 2 Romans chapter 2 so misconception number two is that we have to keep the Ten Commandments in order to be saved that's completely 100% impossible to do and you know if you could keep all you know all the Commandments you're basically Jesus you're basically on par with the Lord Jesus Christ if you're able to keep all of God's Commandments okay but obviously no one is capable of doing so righteousness cannot come by the law if it could come by getting saved through the law then there's no need for Jesus Christ to have come 2,000 years ago to sacrifice himself because the the main reason why Jesus came to sacrifice himself is because we can't keep the law so they say well we have to keep the law in order to be saved then why did Jesus come just is that just like another addition to keeping the law if we can keep the law perfectly then there's no need for Christ the reason there's a need for Jesus is because of the fact that we are all condemned under the law okay misconception number three okay and this is a major misconception of the Ten Commandments miss misconception number three because the Sabbath was the fourth commandment it should still be kept okay that's a major misconception cuz you know a lot of people say we got to keep the Ten Commandments it's God's moral law and then you have these Sabbath keepers these Hebrew roots types that will say well do you believe in the Ten Commandments and obviously we're gonna say yes it was okay then you should be keeping the Sabbath then because then that's like their wild card right like we should keep the Ten Commandments we should keep the Sabbath because it's found within the Ten Commandments and since we need to keep the Ten Commandments the Sabbath is included in those Ten Commandments therefore you should be keeping that commandment but wrong no it's not true okay and here's a good way to interpret the Bible and that is if something's not specifically repealed in the New Testament it should be kept right it should be observed and that which is been repealed will tell us in the New Testament so nowhere in the New Testament does it say murder is now permissible sodomy is now permissible you know theft is permissible and God doesn't necessarily need to reiterate those things because obviously the Bible has told us that in the Old Testament but thankfully in the New Testament we do have multiple instances where God's moral law is being reinforced and we have many instances where the Bible shows us that Christians aren't keeping the Sabbath so based upon the example of believers that are part of New Testament churches not keeping the Sabbath along with scriptures such as Colossians chapter 2 we see that the Sabbath is no longer is no longer to be kept yeah but it's part of the Ten Commandments okay but it's one of the ten that we no longer have to keep plain and simple no that's not the way it works yes it is the way it works and in fact if you study the New Testament you'll never find the phrase Ten Commandments we found it multiple times in the Old Testament where it's laid out as Ten Commandments but in the New Testament it's literally never found okay now would I have you turn go skip Romans 2 for now and go to Romans 13 we'll come back to Romans 2 in just a bit cuz I want to show you something real quick now you know a great thing about the New Testament is that you'll have people always quoting the Old Testament laws of morality right I mean we just saw an example of Jesus Christ saying thou shalt not kill thou shalt not murder thou shalt not bear false witness talking about the law right now I want to do something real quick and that is I want to let's just pretend we're heretics just just for just a little bit let's pretend we just don't know any Bible whatsoever and let's just believe we have to keep the Sabbath okay let's just pretend the Bible teaches that we have to keep the Sabbath okay like we're in complete violation right now because we're meeting this is the mark of the beast okay the Sunday is the mark of the beast or whatever you know whatever they say about Sunday and you know let's say we're in just complete violation what the Bible says we missed it yesterday but from here on out we're gonna you know next Saturday we're being Sabbath keepers corn flakes and all okay and let's say you know we believe because I believe that we have to for sure observe nine of those Ten Commandments because those are moral laws like I'm gonna observe the command not to murder okay I hope you do too let's just pretend that we just come to this epiphany that we have to keep the Sabbath though we're just like oh man we've been in violation of this for so long what are we gonna do because since our church started in 2017 we have not observed the Sabbath right I hope no no has anybody here observed the Sabbath since 2017 okay yeah we're all screwed you know we're just seven years and we haven't done it but it's okay though it's okay though I got you okay because let's again let's just pretend the Bible teaches that we have to keep the Sabbath even in the New Testament let's read verse 8 here oh no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another has fulfilled the law for this thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet and if there be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in this saying namely thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself love worketh no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law so guess what if you love one another we've already fulfilled the Sabbath if we believe we have to keep it so someone says hey you have to keep the Sabbath well I just kind of kept every commandment cuz I just love my neighbor cuz here's the cheat code to keeping all of Commandments just love your neighbor and you keep all the Commandments no no that isn't cow you actually have to observe the Sabbath no it actually says here that if I don't want to if I want to obey the command to not kill not steal not bear false witness and instead of having to go through the entire list I could just love my neighbor and the Bible says that I basically fulfill the entire law now obviously I don't believe you have to keep the Sabbath that's not a New Testament thing but I'm just saying like let's say for example if we did it would already be fulfilled since we're loving our neighbor and love worketh no ill now the second thing I want to mention regarding this passage of Scripture is it isn't it interesting that it goes to this list of Ten Commandments and there's one commandment is actually missing that people talk about all the time and that is remember the Sabbath cuz he says thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet if there be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in this saying namely thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself you know one commandment is not mentioned there is remember the Sabbath you know why because the Sabbath was a symbol a shadow of things to come and if this included the Sabbath that would be weird because loving my neighbor is not a way to explore keeping the Sabbath is not a way to express my love for my neighbor right and so God's laws should be kept unless they were specifically repealed in the New Testament and the Sabbath was repealed in the New Testament and in fact in the New Testament Jesus Christ is our Sabbath because the very intention of the Sabbath of the Old Testament is to demonstrate that all people have to rest right and if anybody did not rest on that specific day they were put to death and it's supposed to symbolize salvation because of the fact that when Jesus Christ died he went to hell for three days and three nights he did all the work so that we can rest in him rest in that salvation go to Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 if you would Colossians chapter 2 another thing I want to mention regarding that is that you know the New Testament talks about the works of the flesh are made manifest adultery fornication drunkenness notice it doesn't say violation of Sabbath that's weird hey if we're supposed to keep the Sabbath and if we don't keep the Sabbath that's a transgression of the law why doesn't Galatians chapter 5 mention that and it's not the only place where it lists grievous sins and in fact when Jesus Christ is listing grievous sins he doesn't mention you know violating the Sabbath why because it's not a thing anymore in the New Testament and even in Jesus Christ's day when he's nearing the conclusion of the old covenant he's not necessarily imposing the Sabbath because it's gonna be done away with eventually look at Colossians chapter 2 if you would in verse 14 it says here blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of a holy day or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days why which are a shadow of things to come but the bodies of Christ and there's people out there that interpret this to mean well no I'm saying don't let people judge you for observing the Sabbath but that would be nonsensical since it's who's being addressed the Church of Colossae which are not Jews they are Gentile believers and so when he says in verse 16 let no man therefore judge you in meats he's saying you know if these Judaizers seek to infiltrate your church telling you you can't eat shrimp telling you you can't eat certain seafoods you can't eat catfish you can't eat bacon can't eat sausage don't let anybody judge you about that because we're in the New Testament and it's a-okay to eat the swine okay or in drink or respective of the Holy Day referring to you know the feast days he says the new moon or Sabbath days and it doesn't say all except for you know the fourth commandment and the Ten Commandments no it says Sabbath for a reason my friends okay which are a shadow of things to come but the bodies of Christ and you know people say yeah well there's multiple instances in the book of Acts where people have kept the Sabbath no there's not it drives me bananas when people say that like all the disciples kept the Sabbath in the book of Acts and what are they referring to they're referring to when they go somewhere on the Sabbath because the Sabbath in the book of Acts is often used as an increment of time of when they went somewhere to kind of let you know they went on Saturday here's what I'm saying and even then it's like okay you know if that's what you want to use as proof that they're observing the Sabbath you're actually using an example of them violating the Sabbath because they weren't supposed to go anywhere what are you doing but you know what you know this is a Judaizing tactic to try to bring people back under the law and not even under the law God's moral law they're trying to bring people back under the meats drinks diverse washings and cardinal ordinances these Old Testament dietary ritual purity ordinances that were imposed upon people that actually are supposed to symbolize Jesus Christ so they in a sense they are basically just completely undermining Jesus Christ by making people observe those laws because the reason we don't is because we already have the fulfillment of those laws which is Jesus that's why we don't observe the Sabbath because we have Jesus you understand what I'm saying but then they're like oh no no no we have to keep observing the law basically they're undermining Jesus and they don't recognize him and you say well I think they've actually recognized him then why don't they call him Jesus then why don't they call him Jesus then why do they call him all these weird names these Hebrew roots names that are not in the Bible and then when you talk about Jesus they're like well gee the name Jesus not even in the Bible actually I was like have you read the Bible well it's not in the original Hebrew well yeah because the New Testament is written in Greek thanks for coming it's crazy people are like well that's not his actual name and the original Hebrew he was actually called something how do you know how do you know if the New Testament is written in Greek and the New Testament rendition the Greek New Testament rendition is Jesus which sounds like Jesus what sounds like in Spanish Jesus right now whatever the hahahahaha whatever you know and here's the thing folks people who ascribe to those names often have a lot of false doctrine they often have a false salvation a false gospel teach false doctrine they want people to keep the Sabbath they just undermine the Lord Jesus Christ they want to blow the shofar and you know and here's the thing look I love the Torah but I just call it the Bible anytime someone comes to me and they're just like we're Torah observers I'm like what I'm a Bible observer and so if you're only a Torah observer you don't know the Bible because there's only five books out of the Bible only five books well I'm a Sabbath keeper well I'm not a Sabbath keeper I'm a Jesus keeper you know I believe them the Lord Jesus Christ therefore I don't need to keep the Sabbath okay I don't need to wear a prayer shawl and you know have a phylactery and enlarge the borders of my garments you know and and call you know the Apostle Paul Rabbi Paul that's like a big thing I'm not into that stuff you say why because that's called Judaizing I'm here to Christianize not Judaize I want to be Christianized not Judaized well what do you got against the Jews I don't have anything against the Jews especially if they're believing Jews right and I'm following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul who was a Jew and he's telling me beware of the Judaizers because Judaizer is actually in the original language that's the word he used actually to describe people who are trying to get people to live like as the Jews the word that he used is there is actually Judaizer that's his concept that he put there inspired by the Holy Ghost Romans 2 verse 14 says for when the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves why does the Ten Commandments resonate with all of humanity or at least nine of them is because of the fact that the law is written in their hearts and you can go to any civilization and they will have some law about murder they'll have some law about theft they'll have some law about adultery but you know one law they'll never have is the Sabbath they'll be like what is that because that wasn't written in the hearts of men God's moral law was written and it doesn't include the Sabbath the Sabbath is not a moral thing my friends now when people were in the Old Testament though you know if we're Old Testament Christians or Old Testament believers yeah we would definitely be Sabbath keepers but you know because we actually read the Bible we would know like one day this is cease and we're waiting for a redeemer okay to come and actually become the fulfillment of all of these so just keep that in mind you know the laws of God are to be kept unless it's specifically repealed in the New Testament okay and so they're to be observed there to be kept and you know you see this throughout the New Testament the New Testament still reinforces nine of those Ten Commandments to not have any other gods before him idolatry right you know not to take the Lord's name in vain you say well where's that in the New Testament well here's the thing God doesn't really have to put a commandment or reinforce that commandment in the New Testament to not take the Lord's name in vain it's just that he expects people to have common sense to not take the Lord's name in vain and by the way let me just let me just park it here for a second and just say you know saying oh my god that's taking the Lord's name in vain if you're shocked you're scared or something threw you off and you say and I'm just using this as an example okay I'm not this is not me doing I'm just using an example if you say Jesus Christ that's taking the Lord's name in vain oh my god that's taking the Lord's name in vain okay you know even if you don't mean it if your intentions or your motives are pure or whatever it doesn't matter still taking the Lord's name in vain take your own name in vain leave the Lord's name out of it okay you know take your eye what I do let me tell you what I do I take my souls my soul in vain I always say oh my soul I'm talking about my soul okay and you know we're fairly I don't wanna say we're a new church but we're a young church and so you know sometimes people don't know this so it's important to like mention this you know saying oh my god or using the name of Jesus Christ as profanity or an expletive or you know because you're shocked you just say God this or whatever or using it along with a you know a cuss word of some sort that's taking the Lord's name in vain okay so change your lingo and you know you're like well I'm gonna graduate to gosh then that's a little too close to God though you see what I'm saying well you know I just think it's it's a better way of saying it just don't just don't say it at all just don't be shocked about that just don't let things take you to catch you off guard okay and I'm just using this as an example I'm trying to help people here because you know and here's the thing if you're sitting here like oh man I've done that before you know I'm kind of guilty of that I'm not mad at you or anything but it's just people have to learn though okay if you're rejoicing or you're you got scared or you got shocked or something or you're just excited you know do not take the Lord's name in vain that is an Old Testament law and it has not been repealed in the New Testament and the reason it's not reinforced in the New Testament is just because it requires common sense to not use the Lord's name in vain is that what I'm saying okay and I can just kind of go through the list here but I'm not I'm not going to I don't have enough time to cover all these adultery is reinforced in the New Testament theft is reinforced in the New Testament bearing false witness coveting all these things are reinforced and and you'll find Commandments in the New Testament that reinforce all of those things but one you don't find is keeping the Sabbath you'll never find an example of that it just it just fades out after a while and in fact the only people who are keeping the Sabbath in the New Testament are a bunch of unsaved Jews that's it all right last one here go to Romans chapter 6 and we're done misconceptions about the Ten Commandments lastly the Ten Commandments should not be kept today now the first one the one previous to this is like people who are just kind of over excessive to the point where they say well we got to keep the Sabbath but then you have another crowd which is more so like the liberal crowd the non-denom crowd that is just like doesn't want to hear about God's laws at all okay you know we preach against sodomy bestiality incest things that the Bible talks about or or you know cross-dressing and people are like well dude that's Old Testament though we're not under the law bro look at Romans 6 verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace now what is the context here the context is this it's not saying that you are just free to just cross-dress when it says you're not under the law but under grace it's in context of the fact that sin doesn't have dominion over you because the person whom sin has dominion over the natural man receives the wages of sin but if we're saved we're under grace we don't receive the penalty of that the eternal penalty of hell okay and he says for verse 15 what then shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace God forbid so if he forbids us to sin that means he's encouraging us to keep God's laws because the keeping of the law is that you're not transgressing the laws of God so we should not use our liberty as an occasion to the flesh and folks in the day and age in which we live not only should we be keeping God's laws we should also be proclaiming God's laws and telling this wicked sinful world God's standard so preach against murder preach against adultery preach against sodomy preach preach against bestiality so why is that even a thing it will be it will be preach against incest preach against polygamy oh man is that thing actually yeah it's starting to become a thing yeah the the throuples or whatever whatever you call those people are just like a dude getting with two chicks or something they're like living together and they're just there they're a couple or a couple or whatever you call it you know it's not even a word for it cuz you shouldn't exist but the Bible says that that's wicked it's vile it's wicked it's an abomination it's not God's design I don't care what Andrew Tate and all of these MGTOW weirdos are saying it's not God's design God's intention for mankind is for one man and one woman to marry till death do impart and not to have interference by any foreign individual man or woman okay stop watching Andrew Tate the guy is a pervert he's a weirdo he is you know and he's deceiving all these young guys into thinking that he's like super manly but the guy is a sex trafficker yeah super wicked he's gonna split hell wide open I don't care if he says the right things every once in a while broken clock always is right twice a day and you know what the devil spoke scripture so are we should we follow him too or what don't just like give credence to every single person that says the right thing and think they're just like a fundamental Baptist or something because they're just so godly because they took a stance on something right you know Ryan Garcia was on X the earlier this week and he was saying some stuff that I was just you know I was kind of hearting some of those comments you know about the the Olympics he was using some language I'm like hey this sounds like new IP stuff right here but you know he's not safe though and I don't endorse Ryan Garcia I just I just agree with what he said there you understand but obviously someone like Andrew Tate who's actually involved and human sex trafficking should not be supported or listened to adhere to anything that he says and obviously some of the truth that he does say he says in order to reel some of you guys in into his wicked philosophies and wicked ideologies that he just puts down women they're just subservient they're lesser in essence don't listen to that garbage okay it's nonsensical it's stupid and and men of God should not be listening to that crap the point that I'm making here is that yeah God's commandments should be kept they should be kept they should be upheld they should be exalted we should tell people about them explain to God explain to people what God expects of them regarding their morality and not just have this attitude well we're under grace you know we're not under the law but under grace that doesn't mean we don't keep God's laws Jesus Christ died on the cross he didn't die on the cross so you can just go out and murder people and steal and kill and cross-dress and commit sodomy that did not give permission for people to do stuff like that it's a weird mentality to have that type of that that type of ideology that says well just don't judge anybody okay let's just throw the laws of God out then you know why did God even you know provide these laws you know it's important for us to promote that incest is wrong and sinful and wicked and abomination and you know what the less we say it the more normalized it'll become hey we should like tell people that according to the Bible witches are put to death you say well that's not very nice here's the thing witchcraft is actually becoming very popular right now I mean just I mean just talk to some of the ladies in our church that have to find a midwife a lot of midwives out there are witches believe it or not a ton of them are it's hard to find a midwife that's not a witch you know we've been blessed with Christian midwives low charismatic at times but whatever you know I'm serious there's some of those midwives is just just a little too over the top you know they're like what scriptures would you like to quote when your wife's giving birth I'm like why do I what why would I do that we're just trying to get through this sister like you know this is a curse Sara Hurley the Bible says in Genesis 3 that you should like what do you try be calling Genesis three or something and pain and travail show you unnecessary it's like overly spiritual like giving birth doesn't necessarily have to be like a spiritual experience folks I hate to break it to you let her just get you know give birth give support you know to me what do you need you need some food you got this you know word of encouragement or whatever or in our case we just don't talk we just like I'm just waiting you know I mean I'm just there and if she needs me to you know to help her with the pain you know I squeeze the hips you know because that helps with the pain and then the baby comes it's like all right everything good or I'm gonna sleep you know because the babies typically come like at 2 33 o'clock in the morning or something who was that going with that okay but see I prefer that though over like witches though and that's becoming like a major thing right now like witchcraft is becoming super popular not just in midwifery but just like in general okay and so we need to remind people that witchcraft is completely wicked that Christians should not tolerate it they should not make excuses for it it's not like an alternative or they're just a little mixed up it's an abomination in the eyes of God okay it's demonic it's devilish and so I've I've overstated here but you know it's important to kind of go over these misconceptions because people they just kind of throw out the Ten Commandments and say well we got to keep them all no we don't have to keep all the Ten Commandments sorry to break it to you I know it sounds good that we got to keep all the Ten Commandments but fact is we don't because one of those we cannot keep anymore and if you keep the one of those Ten Commandments which is the Sabbath you're essentially rejecting the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ okay it's like you wearing a Star of David a star wearing a Star of David is an open rejection of Christianity in Jesus Christ because when the Jews got away when Israel got away from God they would wear or they would take up the star of their god Moloch, Remphan, and that's what they would parade around as an open testimony that they're rejecting the God of the Bible so how much more when you're wearing it on your neck uh-uh throw that in the trash okay you know it's not being so superstitious about that stuff and you know it's time for us to just kind of go to the Bible and say what is permissible what is not there's certain things that have been repealed certain things that are not and let's love the law of God but we don't necessarily have to adhere to things that God already said like hey that's already it's vanished and ready to be ready to go away ready to vanish away let's pray Father we thank you so much for your word thank you for your commandments and your law Lord your statutes that improve our lives as individuals but even our nation our state our world Lord and what wonderful laws you've you've placed in your word Lord and we're so thankful that you made it a distinction between that which is moral and even civil laws separate from the purity laws the dietary laws the instructions given for the tabernacle Lord and I pray that you continue to help us to make those distinctions uphold your law what your moral standard is for this world and hope it's not to be ashamed of it Lord we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen song number 208 grace greater than our sin song number 208 is our last song song number 208