(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I Mean we're in Matthew chapter number four in verse number 18 where the Bible reads here in Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee Saw two brethren Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea For there were fishers and he saith unto them follow me and I will make you fishers of men And they straightway left their nets and followed him and it's out of the sermon this morning is make the Commission great again Make the Commission great again now obviously, what does that phrase come from? It comes in that foolish phrase make America great again, right? But here's the thing is people are so concerned with making this country great again What do they mean by that? Well, they mean make it very powerful make it very rich and make it the basically the ultimate power of this world But you know what? That's not what God's concerned about and the fact of the matter is if you study history America was great at one time not because of the money not because of their prosperity as far as finances are concerned You know why it was great because it was the hotbed for the gospel preachers. They're going out and getting people saved It was a country that would send now Missionaries all over the world soul winners all over the world and the preachers of America at one point were fiery hot Preachers that's what made America great. Well, you know what we need today We need to make the Commission great again if you want to make America great again, okay now Go to Luke chapter number 10 if you would Luke chapter number 10 You see this is important and the fact of the matter is is obviously we understand what the Great Commission is It's basically preaching the gospel to every creature all over the world every nation Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I've commanded you and lo I'm with you always even until the end of the world Amen, that is the Great Commission It's big. It's a big vision that God set forth before he went to heaven now We see here in Matthew chapter number four first and foremost that Jesus Christ when he was on this earth He cast that a vision constantly Didn't he he was constantly saying look if you want to follow me if you want to be if you're gonna follow me I'm gonna make you a fisher of men. What did that mean? He's basically saying you're gonna see a lot of people saved Okay, you're gonna go out there. You're gonna fish for men. You're gonna see people saved You're gonna make a huge difference and look they did and in fact look at Luke chapter 10 verse number one It says after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also And sent them two and two before his face and to every city and place whether he himself would come Therefore said he unto them the harvest truly is great But the laborers are few pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labors into his harvest Go your ways behold. I send you forth as lambs among Wolves carrying either purse nor scrip nor shoes and salute no man by the way and then so what's over house He enter first say peace be to this house And if the son of peace be there your peace shall rest upon him If not It shall return to you again in the same house remain eating and drinking such things as as they give for the labor is worthy Of his hire go not from house to house and into whatsoever city Enter and they receive you each such things as are set before you and heal the sick that are there in and saying to them The kingdom of God is come nine unto you So we see him casting vision in Matthew chapter number four and saying hey You'll be a fisher of benefit follow me and Luke chapter 10. What do we see 70 people being sent out? 70 soul winners going out Preaching the gospel seeing people saved preaching the kingdom of God to people I mean, this is a great so many revival that were seen here in Luke chapter number 10 now go to John chapter 21 Everyone's excited Everything's going great People are being saved Everything is just fiery. Everything's great, you know, September 17th Fwbc la starts everyone's so winning, you know, they're preaching the kingdom of God and all these things but what happens Jesus Christ dies Right and one of these disciples dude they go fishing Look at Luke 21 verse 1 and after these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberius on This wise showed he himself there were together Simon Peter and Thomas called Didymus and the than you of Cana in Galilee and the sons Of Zebedee and two other of his disciples Simon Peter saith unto them I go a-fishing They say unto them we also go with thee and they went forth and entered into a ship immediately And that night they caught nothing So what do we see the disciples before Jesus Christ came on the on the scene? They're fishing for just regular fish Jesus came completely changed their perspective then they they started laboring for the Lord 70 people being sent out a great work being done Jesus Christ dies and what happens after that they go fishing not for men You know and sometimes Christians are like that even today There's nothing new under the Sun at one point you get excited like man soul winning. We got the right gospel We're seeing people say what happens a problem comes along Okay, a little trial comes along you get a little too busy Right you get a little too busy the the cares of this world choked the word out of your heart and guess what soul winning is not as exciting as it used To be and what do you do you go a-fishing you go do something else you start focusing on things that are Important but let me say this not as important as the Great Commission You know what you need to do make the Commission great again Make the Commission great again in your personal life Hey faithful word Baptist Church of LA needs to make the Commission great again You say well, you know, I just been discouraged, you know, I've been fighting with my my parents All right, I lost my job or or just trials and difficulties. Well join the crowd Who doesn't have problems But you don't want when problems come that's not an excuse for us to minimize the gospel in our personal lives We need to make it great again now Problems everyone's gonna have problems But you know what? We need to make sure that we're balanced Christians that we can deal with problems and still get the work of God done Okay, but what do we have today? We have Christians even churches pastors even that have gone their focus off of the Great Commission What are they putting it on on bus ministry? Right, they're putting on all these different ministries. They aren't doing squat. They're not getting a whole lot done He said well, but they're working hard, but they're not getting anything done And you could disagree with that as much as you want, but the fact remains I've seen in my personal life It doesn't get the job done You know what gets the job done following Christ and be a fisher of men One on one soul winning when a church gets fired up They realize there's a lost and dying world going to hell and it's your responsibility go out and give them the gospel You know, it's not the bus workers responsibility. It's not your visitation is not doing anything Why don't you go visit a lost soul and give them the gospel instead? Why don't you make the Commission great again? You see in my personal believe anybody who first gets saved they do get excited about soul winning Why because they just got saved themselves, you know And they want to know how they can get their family saved and their friends saved But you know if they're not careful over the course of a couple of months Yay, maybe even a couple of years that desire begins to die down a little bit Okay, maybe you get a little too puffed up because you start learning some Bible or you just get a little lazy a little web on Which means lazy in Spanish Some the word that we use very commonly while we're out in Mexico Bunch of web onus to those Baptist who are out there who aren't doing nothing Okay, and what happens you stop making the Commission great again in your life you need to make it great again You know, you know these old IFP churches Even if they didn't agree with us on a lot of these doctrines as long as they would make the Commission great again Hey, that would be great That would be awesome. You know if they're doing the Sony marathons and mission strips and seeing people say that would be Amazing. They don't have to agree with us and everything. But you know what if there are gospel preachers, amen But that's not what's happening today. Is it okay? I look just like these disciples maybe at one point There are fishers of men maybe at one point they were doing great things and 70 people were going out But you know what we have today is Christians. They're going to fishing Okay, they're just going and doing the bare minimum having a name though They though as if they're living but they're actually dead Now go to Isaiah chapter 61 if you would So, why are you preaching this message I just came back from Mexico Where we I that's the first mission strip I've ever been on You know, I've been I've traveled to different places I went to Mexico last year, but it wasn't as fruitful as this year. It wasn't necessary a missions trip This trip was one of the most fruitful trips I've ever seen it's only it was almost fake You say what do you mean by that because it's something that we don't see here right Okay. Now we see it here as far as people getting saved, but I'm talking about the the receptiveness of the people and It just reminded me why God told us go into all the world Because there's people out there who are very open to the gospel and look let me say this. This was real missions. I Was a missionary for like three days and I probably got more done in three days Then most missionaries get done in three years I'm talking about me you're boasting. I'm just being honest Because in that mission strip we saw as a group and the numbers aren't even finished at least 240 people saved Well, how do you know all those people shut up? How do you know I do were you with me? Did you see me give the gospel? Well, how thorough were you? Well, you know what you buy a plane ticket you come with me next time and we'll see how thorough I am 240 people saved And I'm talking about we're being conservative Pastor Anderson went out with him and I went out We went we preached the gospel together for those couple of days and there's some people we prayed with we didn't count. I Mean we prayed with people and it's just like yeah, you know, but we're just not sure The confirmations we got were like these people understand. I mean yet on Saturday I'm going this my partner's giving the gospel and I see a guy in the street and I said, hey I got a free DVD for you. And he said I already got one. I said, okay Well more important than that is knowing 100% sure that if you're to die today, you're gonna go to heaven. He said I'm saved He said I got saved yesterday He said a gringo told me yesterday about this He says I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ already, what do you say I said, okay Guys yes, you know I'm talking about they're giving clear answers This is legitimate salvation's right here. Okay? So before you are, you know, what are you trying to say? This is real missions. Yeah, it's real missions. It's real And we had a stinking good time doing it too You know when we first got there It was rough to be honest with you at first pastor Anderson and I went out and it's just like this looks bad I'm with my boss and we're not seeing anybody safe and everyone's like, you know, seven eight and Then he tells me he goes. Okay you first, you know, he goes you're gonna priest the gospel I was like, alright great So I'm going there and I we gave the gospel to like 12 people fully and then he gets saved and I'm like man This is bad. You know, this place is bad And then pastor Anderson goes it's because we haven't had the tacos yet He'd even laugh And I look there I was like, okay, he's here he's like necesitamos los tacos And he was like I guarantee you once we eat the tacos. We're gonna see people say I'm like, okay, you know it happened We Ate tacos and immediately afterwards. It was like one person after another getting saved We could even we didn't finish our block Because it was and we were zigzagging to different houses. It's just like okay all these are saved Their households were getting safe mother father children Yay cousins were getting saved It was amazing, you know, what is that? That's making the Commission great again You know, you know and maybe you're sitting here thinking, you know, I just lost faith that the the gospel works Well, you know what? You need to get that faith back And we get it back is by renewing your vision for the gospel for soul winning Recognize it works and look maybe you give the gospel to 12 people last week and no one got saved Well, you know what eat some tacos And get back at it again Because it works it works And it was just like the we just have to prime the pump is what it was with tacos and then boom We're seeing people say left and right Look at isaiah 61 verse 1. It says the spirit of the lord God is upon me because the lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the weak He had sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them That are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all that mourn You know what people need and you know why people aren't getting people saved because they're not spirit filled I'm not saying you're not seeing people saved. You know, you give the gospel to nine people You don't see people say i'm talking about they're just not even doing it. You know why because they're not spirit filled You say are you trying to say you're spirit filled? Yeah Amen Not because i'm anything special but because I prayed god, please I remember going back and I was in the restroom when After that first part of the sowing and I said god, please I came out because I want to see people saved You know, i'm not perfect, but can you please fill me with your power? I want to see someone saved And it was just like god was just like that's what I was waiting for Boom The commission was great again You know, maybe what you need just some time in prayer and say god, can you please i'm not perfect. I'm a sinner You know, I have my flaws and my failures And I mess up but can you please fill me with your power and your spirit because I want to see someone saved You know god can use anybody that's right anybody Obviously he won't use a prideful arrogant person or a lazy person But you use the person who says please use me. I just want to be filled with your power and your spirit I want the commission to be great again in my personal life Look go to ezekiel chapter 34 The spirit of the lord is what we need. We need that power to go out and preach the gospel and look you're saved You know saved people are the only people that could get people saved, right? So you got that down if you're saved All you got to do is number one pray for god to fill you with his spirit number two Just go out and do it in faith Look at ezekiel 34 and verse number one and the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man prophesy against the shepherds of israel Prophesy and say unto them thus saith the lord god unto the shepherds woe be to the shepherds of israel that do feed themselves Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? You eat the fat and you clothe you with with the wool you kill them that are fed But you feed not the flock the disease you have not strengthened neither Have you healed that which was sick neither have you bound up that which was broken neither? Have you brought again that which was driven away neither have you sought that which was lost? But with force and with cruelty have you ruled them and they were scattered because there is no shepherd And they became meat to all the beasts of the field when they were scattered isn't it in stark contrast what we read in isaiah? You see someone who's spirit filled preaches the gospel and guess what they bound up The broken-hearted That's what the gospel does They heal people but you know what the shepherds of israel i.e christians of today Because they're not spirit filled. They're just feeding themselves and that they're not getting the job done We need to have a church atmosphere where the most important thing obviously is the preaching of the word of god, but you know what? Synonymous with that is this the great commission going out and soul winning Don't be a lazy dead christian You know if you feel like you need a little ump in your in your in your christian life go do some soul winning You know tenderize your heart again, let it burn within you again. I know things come up. I know fights come up I know there's trials and difficulties that come up but get over it Get back on your feet and go preach the gospel again make it great again Look once you start doing that all the other things just kind of seem very small in comparison to the salvation of a lost person It's amazing I mean some of the so we're out preaching the gospel there and um You know, we didn't even get to finish our block because there's so many people walking and at one point There's one house that we're trying to go to but every time we would go to it people would come We'd give them the gospel they'd get saved And then we try to get to the house and we spent like over an hour there Trying to knock that one door. We couldn't knock It was crazy And this one guy walks up and he's like on a mission. He's going somewhere and say hey, I got a free movie for you Which by the way, they're like? you know, they're like Well now you're free. It's just like You know And I gave it to him and I was like do you have five to ten minutes? Can I show you from the bible how to get to heaven and he's like, yeah You know and so I started giving him the gospel and the guy gets saved He was stuck on repenting your sins for for a while gave him some more verses and then he just believed it And he ended up getting saved And it was cool. His name was david And I said, all right. Well, it's funny because you know, i'm there with uh with pastor anderson and pastor anderson He's not the type to just stand there. Just watch you. He'll just sit down And just like drink water. He's just like kind of like looking around, you know and um And I said, do you have any questions? And he said yeah, what's what's up with baptism? I said, yeah, you need to get baptized right now and he said And I explained to him what baptism was I said, so basically I can I can baptize you right now I said you want to get baptized right now, and he said yeah Let's go. I said, okay We're gonna do baptisms. I said and then pastor was like, I guess the hotel But we hadn't we hadn't even registered in the hotel yet We didn't get our rooms or nothing So I said, okay, so this is what I told this is what we're going to do We have to walk back to our van. I said, so you want to walk with us? You don't have to change what I just baptized you like that and he's like, okay So we walk all the way back to our van get in the car Then we drive all the way back to the hotel, you know, and and he's sitting there and I get out and I said All right, we're going to baptize you and he got baptized So he gets baptized and you guys saw the video i'm sure the guy that's the guy who got baptized So another so we told another soul winning group about it And they're like, wow, that's praise the lord, you know, so they go back to their area and they never met the guy So that group comes back and he goes I met the guy that you baptized He's like because we dropped him off at his house and he goes we're walking down the street and there's a guy walking towards us With the biggest smile on his face He's like half wet He has he has this place right with him and he's just like And I was like, hey, uh, you know, can we give you this dvd or whatever and he's just like I got saved right now He goes and I just got baptized and they're like, oh you're the guy Like man, we heard about you and he's like, yeah He's like man i'm excited, you know And the guy was telling me he goes he had like the his his smiles were from like ear to ear Happy as the day is long that he just got saved and baptized make the commission great again You know and sometimes we think you know, I mean god tells us to baptize them after they get saved Right Well sometimes they're like, well, you know, I just don't want to you know Kind of put that in there because we're just out there preaching the gospel. He told us to do it And guess what he got baptized the same hour That hour he got baptized Go to first corinthians chapter number nine It's not this isn't this is reality here, you know, this is this is the book of acts right here We're seeing it happen And look Those of I mean there's people out there they're like they're calling me a preacher of hate and look let me just say this I don't deny that for one second You people think they insult me when they call me a preacher of hate. Oh, you're just a preacher of hate. I'm like, yeah, I mean You got it, right? Yeah I'm glad you recognize that That means i'm doing my job, right? If you think i'm a preacher of hate, but you know what what I disagree with if you only think That i'm only a preacher of hate, right? Okay There's a guy who went on the trip, but let's read this real quick. I got a lot of stories I gotta tell you right first corinthians 9 14 says even so hath the lord ordained That they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel But i've used none of these things neither have I written these things that it should be so done unto me For it were better for me to die that that then that any man should make my glorying void For though I preach the gospel. I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me Yea woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward but if against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. Hey, we're dispensationalists Because of dispensation of the gospel has been getting committed unto us To dispense the gospel also But we're the real dispensationalists amen There's a guy and look back to the point of being loving and hateful That's garbage when people say that there's a guy I can't remember his name are valerian I think it's valerian for faithful word. He's from africa Okay, this guy speaks english and french. You know who i'm talking about, right? He speaks english and french. He learns spanish To go win mexicans in mexico Let me say this that's love That's love that's right That's real love So any old I have beer that criticizes the way we do things. Well, go ahead. Why don't you learn a language? Of some foreign people that you don't even know Buy yourself a plane ticket and go win 250 people to the lord then But this guy has enough love in his heart to learn a language to go reach people on the other side of the world Yeah That's love Not stinking oh i'm called to the mission field But you don't even have the stinking discipline or the gall to learn the language You know brother jonathan shelley Okay, which brother jonathan shelley he's white He he can fit into see I think it's uh, cina. Lo where those white mexicans are at Cina law is it cina law? I mean they're white blonde hair blue. I mean he he could fit in that Criteria this guy learned spanish in six months Okay Six months, you know why because he's starting a church in august and you know, what's the area he's going to houston You know what's there hispanics So because he loves people He's learning spanish so we can win them to christ That's love So yeah, call us hateful if you want, but you know, what are you learning spanish old ifb? Critical christian are you learning a language so you can reach people so you can better communicate with them and give them the gospel Don't tell me that we're just hateful if you're not getting your butt out there learning a language to go reach someone That you've never ever met in your whole life enough love to play to pay up your own plane ticket learn a language to win people to christ Six months, that's amazing. I mean he speaks it like a white guy don't get me wrong You know But he speaks it And he won his first people to the lord in spanish in mexico And we told him like man if you can win mexicans in mexico For sure, you're gonna win mexicans in the united states guaranteed You know, but that's love That's true love right there Okay and look We're not saying we're godlier than anybody But you can't accuse us of not having love We love people Now go to second corinthians chapter number five Second corinthians chapter number five The bible says here in verse 17 therefore if any man be in christ, he is a new creature Old things are passed away behold all things are become new and all things are of god who hath reconciled us to himself By jesus christ and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation I just don't know what ministry to be a part of right here The ministry of reconciliation. I don't know what i'm called to do the ministry of reconciliation To wit that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us The word of reconciliation and no that doesn't mean giving out an invitation only not just Nice I'm all for giving invitations right we give out invitations We give out invitations if someone's in a rush or they're not they're not willing to listen But you know what? We don't just depend on giving out invitations. Our main objective is to get that person saved Right. Okay. The invitation is to give them something so we have common ground The common ground is this I have something that I want to give to you for free and you want something free Right Hand it off. We give them the gospel But the guess what the track's not going to win this to them You know, I was hearing about stories on the road where we're out there pastor saying that garbage They're over here saying well, you know The god the the gospel track is what's going to preach to them the gospel. Does that thing have life? You know, no god is committed unto us The word of reconciliation, okay Jesus christ Emphasized a great commission over and over again Actually over the the 40 days where he revealed to himself to the disciples He actually gave the commission at least four times Okay, he gave it in john chapter 20 go to john chapter 20 And i'm i'm saying this because just to show that you know, we need to hear it over and over again You know if in those 40 days obviously he taught many things but you know what he emphasized the gospel over and over again He didn't just give the great commission right before he left And say hey just go preach the gospel to every creature Peace. No, he said it more than once in different ways So as he was teaching he was telling him. Hey Go preach the gospel to every creature. You know why because we don't listen the first time He said why do you keep giving the same announcements every single week because you don't listen That's why You don't listen Okay, we print out the the paper I spent an hour designing this for you You know, I put them on there so so that you remember So you don't come after him and say hey, so when is the sony marathon? it's like It's like here Get it tatted Because you don't remember okay But he's telling him over and over again right And in different ways look what it says in john chapter 20 verse 18 mary magdalene came And told the disciples that she had seen the lord and that he had spoken these things unto her by the way This is in jerusalem behind closed doors This is the first time the great commission was given thomas wasn't there at that time verse 19 says Then the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear Of the jews came jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them peace be unto you And when he had said had so said he showed unto them his hands at his side Then were the disciples glad when they saw the lord then said jesus to them again. Peace be unto you as my father had sent me Even so send I you He said well, how is that the gospel because what did god send the son to do to seek and to save that which is lost So as he's sending the son to seek him to save that which is lost guess what we're doing We're seeking and we're saving that which is lost Go with me if you would to luke chapter 24, this is basically like a parallel passage Happens about eight days after luke 24 verse 44 Luke 24 44 says and he said unto them. These are the words which I spake unto you Well, I was yet with you that all Things may must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me Then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures and he said unto them thus it is written Thus it behoove christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sins Should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem and ye are witnesses of these Things so we see here the same thing And he's saying repent. He's like, well see that repentance repent of sin. It doesn't say repent of sins It says repentance and remission of sins Okay, and by the way, when we go out there they do have to repent They have to repent of what they're trusting in And trust in christ and maybe it's their good works. They have to repent of trusting in their good works Right to go to heaven and trust in christ But the fact remains he says preach in his name among all nations you see Missions today has become a glorified vacation And people who want to claim to be missionaries, but you know what they're doing they're going all over the world inspiring people right To preach the word of god when they should be doing it themselves Real missions is for you to preach And win those people to the lord Okay, not to have a glorified vacation and do discipleship You know, i'm all for discipleship, but you know what preach the gospel And if you want to really disciple someone you bring someone along with you as you're preaching the gospel Go to mark chapter 16, this is the second time Then he mentions it So he says as the father sent me so sinned are you and he's talking to every individual? No one is exempt from this and don't ever get this attitude where it's like well, you know Well, you know in a month when i'm ready no go now Okay, and look this is the best way to break the ice and this is how we do it in our church You are a silent partner for a while Watch someone else do it for a while Watch someone do it observe them and when you are ready you can do it yourself But you need to go and look Being a silent partner is great because guess what you get the rewards of the person who's preaching the gospel Because you're laboring with them so you get some freebies for a while You know because you're laboring with them as you're going out there. You're praying you're helping the you're sowing partner out You're helping with the distractions. God's going to reward you too So these are like freebies for us Right because you're not necessarily putting in the word to preach the gospel But because you're helping the laborer preach the gospel you're getting the rewards Amen that is sweet, you know, that should encourage you and say hey look you should take this this sale now While it lasts You know if you're afraid then go ahead. Okay still go You're still going to get rewarded as if you're the one preaching the gospel because you're laboring with your partner Be a silent partner go out and learn and look People in this mission strip learn spanish to go preach the gospel. You already know english As far as I know everyone knows english here, right You already know it. So guess what? It's easier for you To learn it now, okay the gospel look at mark 16 verse 14 afterward He appeared unto the 11 as they sat at me verse 14 and abraded them with their own With their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen And he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature He that believeth in his baptize shall be saved But he that believeth not shall be damned the bible says when it's talking about creatures talk about creation us people Is what it's talking about. It's not talking about animals Okay He says look and look this verse 16 goes to show you the emphasis that he's putting on baptism Okay, because he says he that believeth in his baptize shall be saved He said whoa, are you saying that baptism saves? No, because later on he says he that believeth not Shall be damned. He doesn't include baptism, but he does include baptism in the first part You know what? That means that god wants you to baptize people After they get saved and look we need to start implementing this into our gospel presentation after they get saved Not just like all right. God bless See ya No, why don't you take it a step further and say hey, okay now that you're saved according to the bible You need to get baptized Why I just don't want to offend anybody. You just told them they're going to hell How much worse can I get after that you told them hey you're lake of fire you're gonna have your part In the lake of fire and you think you're gonna offend them by telling them they need to get baptized you're weird If that's what you think That's like the worst thing you can tell is that they're going to hell Right Well after they get saved say, okay. Well Now that you're saved and look you have not Because you asked not Right. I just don't think well have you asked them And look, what's the worst that can happen? They say no Yeah, you said no, okay. All right. I just want to let you know that that's what you need to do next That's your first step of obedience after salvation Because we want to let you know and the worst that can happen is they say no But you need to start implementing this into your gospel presentation after they get saved Okay, make it a habit to teach them what the bible says about bapta and look It's going to take some extra effort and some extra work to do that Because if you your mind is programmed to only give the gospel which is good You know, there's another step you got to add into that and that's getting them baptized Hey, look, we're the church where we'll baptize in any time You know Hey, look i'll take it a step further because I was inspired on wednesday. I was talking to pastor anderson And he was telling me he was showing me some awards that he got while he was at house anderson He's like check out this award that I got while I was at first baptist church And it was the most baptisms for that month You know, they're having a program which goes to show that he was with the program of his church When he was there, okay and side note here. We need to be with the program of the church But he was getting all kinds of people baptized and he said that the pastor got up and said all right We're doing a new thing. I don't know if we'll take it this far Okay, but this is pretty good and he said If you get someone saved At any hour of the day including midnight whenever And they get they want to get baptized. We will have someone on the property that can baptize them It doesn't matter what hour of the day it is Pastor anderson took it literally And he was working like, uh, I think he was working third shift. He wants someone to the lord at his job two days afterwards And then he showed him in the bible He says that same hour that he was he was baptized and he goes you need to get baptized and the guy said, all right Let's go So he's like I got a place where you can get baptized at any hour of the day So they go he goes to the first baptist church and he's and he goes to the security guard he was like He's like, hey, I got a guy who wants to get baptized. He's like Like are you serious? He's like, yeah So they had to call like a deacon, you know and get him out of bed and stuff He was like, hey this guy and the guy literally came you can tell like the guy was just he had just woken up But they baptized him And the church was ecstatic like yeah, we had our first baptism like one two o'clock in the morning I don't know if we'll take it to the extreme Because I probably won't answer you if you call me No baptism now i'm just kidding. But you know what? We're not just subject to baptisms on sundays and thursdays Okay If someone gets saved and look it's it's a reasonable time and i'm close by or something i'm close by anyways I don't want to go you call me say hey this person wants to get baptized right now I'll say all right fill up fill fill her up. I'll be right there Okay, if someone gets saved this afternoon and wants to get baptized Come back Fill her up and say hey brother bruce. Someone's getting baptized. I'll come back and we'll baptize him. Why not? It should be it's a part of the great commission So let's take it a step further You know how you make the commission great again is by doing it all And we got we already got the teaching all things whatsoever god's commanded us we're preaching the bible right now Why don't we add some baptisms to that? You know, there's um, well i'll give you some other stories in just a bit go to matthew 28 This is the third time. So this is when they're sitting at me and they're in galley matthew 28 28 Verse 16 says the 11 disciples went away into galley into a mountain where jesus had appointed them And when they saw him they worshipped him But some doubted and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given to me in heaven and on earth Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo i'm with you always even until the end of the world. Amen Now other versions of the bible including the reign of alaren 1960 that garbage translation of the spanish bible Will translate verse 19 as go ye therefore and make disciples, right? Because they want to say well teach is not and i've had supposed king james only people Say yeah teach all nations a better rendition would be disciples because that's what you're doing. You're teaching them No, the teaching is in verse 20 when you're discipling them Teaching them to observe all things the teaching in verse 19 is the gospel Because you know what you do when you go out there and preach the gospel you're teaching them That they're sinners That they deserve hell that jesus christ died for them according to the scriptures you're teaching them those things Okay, but they want to say make disciples. Well, you know what becoming a decide to be a disciple You have to obey the commandments of god You have to observe all things That's what a disciple is. That's not what salvation is You know, I don't care how many spanish churches use the reign of lara 1960 I don't care how for how long they've used it for it's a garbage translation Along with the niv nkjv and all those hiv perversions The reign of alara 1960 is a devilish bible Amen You know and then you have has How can you say don't you know that all the churches including the pentecostals? Including the catholics use this version of the bible. Yeah, exactly Hey, you got that, right? Thanks for proving my point Don't you know we've used it for so many years. So what? So just because it was used for so many years We just just overlooked the fact that the body that it tells us to work our way to salvation You know when the bible talks about desire and the sins the sincere milk of the word that you may grow into salvation Because it says that That's stupid This is a rabbit trail, but we're I like the rabbit we're looking at and we're going to skit it and kill it The reign of lara 1960 is a garbage translation and let me say this don't bring that garbage bible into our church Amen If you bring it into our church, you show it to me i'll ask for it and i'll throw it in the trash You say what version do you use well, I personally use the reign of lara gomez An Indian version before that like the 1909. It's an okay translation 1602 Etc. But the 1960 Is the devil's bible? Put that on youtube put that on instagram Send it to your stupid spanish pastors who are not willing to humble themselves and change that bible It's a garbage translation it says teach all nations not make disciples and look i'm not against making disciples It's necessary You know, we need to learn how to teach other people and get them into church and baptize them Okay, we need to teach them how to go soul winning how to live a holy life We need to befriend them and love them and be kind to them and and and teach them the things of the lord But you know what? They need to get saved first and they don't get saved by becoming a disciple, right? Go to luke 24 But that's anyways, so that's the the third time it was mentioned. Okay, obviously he's emphasizing this point quite a bit because it's important And mind you this is within the 40 days after his resurrection Okay, look at luke 24 I'm, sorry, don't go to luke 24 go to act chapter one act chapter one This is the fourth one Verse number one says the former treaties Have I written have I made o theophilus of all that jesus began both to do and teach Until the day in which he was taken up After that, he through the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen by the way on this reign of larry 1960 You know, I find it interesting that there's spanish pastors Who have spanish ministries from an english church they use in 1960, but their church is a king james only church So, you know what these english pastors need to do? Why don't you scrutinize the bible that they're using? Because they're because you wouldn't accept that niv you wouldn't accept any church leader in your church to use an niv or a new king james So why are you permitting for them to use the 1960 that reads just like those books in spanish? You know, you need to scrutinize and say hey That teaches a works-based salvation. You need to change that. Well, I don't want to change it. You're firing Right leave if you don't want to change that But there but you know, it's all about the money Acts chapter one, where was I? Verse two until the day in which he was taken up after that He through the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen to him Also, he showed himself alive after his passions by many infallible proofs Being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god And being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem But wait for the promise of the father which saith he ye have heard of me for john truly baptized with water But ye shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence When they therefore were come together, they asked of him saying lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom of to israel And he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father put in his own power But ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and into the uttermost parts of the earth and of course later on he's taken up in A cloud. Okay. This is actually the last time he gives the commission very clear Yeah, I mean, can we tell from these four times that he mentioned it that it's important? He was uh make the commission great again in your personal life Forget making america great again Forget your money forget your your prosperity dreams make the commission great again Make it important to you again Make it real to you go to act chapter two Verse number one says when the day of pentecost was fully come They were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind And it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues Like as a fire and it sat upon each of them And they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance now They weren't saying hala shalaballah and a six-pack dollar They weren't saying that Amen I don't care what pentecost will say You know your that's not tongues tongue is this thing you have in your mouth that you use to speak languages with Okay So what's going on here? It is a miracle Because the holy ghost is coming upon them to to preach the word of god in their languages Okay You say is that is that still evident today not in this manner, but it is still evident Because someone who's spear filled Can learn another language if god has given them the ability to do so and guess what as they're filled with the spirit They can win people to cry. I saw this take place in mexico Okay, where people who are from canada africa argentina and different portions of the world came to mexico speaking spanish And winning tons of people to the lord Look what it says in verse number five and there were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven Now when this was noise the broad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man Every white guy and gringo and african heard them speak in his own language And they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak gringos Sorry galileans And how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born Parthenians and meads and elamites and dwells in mesopotamia And in judea and capodosia and ponchos in asia fergie and pamphylia in egypt and in the parts of libya around syrene and strangers of rome Jews and proselytes creeks and arabians. We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god And they were all amazed and were in doubt saying one to another what meaneth this others mocking said these men are full of New wine, but peter's standing with by the way, we weren't filled with new wine, but we're filled with tacos, okay But peter's standing up with the 11 lifted up his voice and sent him to the men of judea And all you that dwell at jerusalem be this known unto you and harken to my words For these are not drunken as you suppose seeing as but the third hour of the day But this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel And it shall come to pass in the last day saith god I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy And your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream Dreams and all my servants and all my handmaidings. I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy I saw that done this week Prophesying dreaming dreams and vision. What was the vision to see people saved? That we can do go there and see a great work. Let me say this you guys We need to go on a missions trip A real one, that's good, right? You need to plan one out. We need to do it. It needs to be done The stories that i'm going to tell you You'll believe them but you don't really believe them until you're there and you see it for yourself Because I heard these stories and it's just like okay, you know, i'm sure we'll see a lot of people saved But when you have 12 year olds and i'm telling hey, can I give you the gospel and he just throws his bike and says yeah Give me he didn't he disregarded everything he had just to listen to what I had to say That's amazing you know the um Go to act chapter eight there's the the ladies in our group they For like a day and a half. They could not leave one house Yeah, because they kept seeing people saved in that one house Okay Moms dads sisters brothers cousins They couldn't leave that one house They'd come back the next day and more people would get saved in that house It's amazing and then this so This that same household, you know, we were like looking for like where were these girls man. They got kidnapped It's it's mexico. They got kidnapped, you know, hey, they're saved though. I'm just kidding You know And finally we found them and they had a group with them and they said hey they want to get baptized You know a mom by the name of veronica and her two children And and I said, all right, so we went and we baptized them And then you know, it was already lunch time So we're about to drop them off and then pastor anderson said just bring them with us. Let's go ollie And I said get in comer tacos And they're like, yeah So we all we all I mean talk about Acts Okay, because they believe and what were they doing afterwards breaking bread? Fellowship and then continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine. You see how is that because we gave them the youtube channel You know, here's the here's the preaching right here in spanish And then now they're on the facebook and I heard there, you know, there are the groups maybe I don't know That's not a good idea. I'm just kidding. You know, they have everything now they have all the material We're friends with them now we have their information she just so happens to have family right here in hacienda heights You know that she's going to contact Amazing Look at acts chapter 8 verse 12, but when they believe Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god in the name of jesus christ They were baptized both men and women then simon himself believed also when he was baptized He continued with philip and wondered beholding the miracles and signs which were done skip down to verse 29 Then the spirit said unto philip go near and join thyself to this mexican I'm this chariot and philip ran thither to him and heard him read the prophet isaias and said Understand this that without readest and he said how can I accept some man should guide me? And his desire philip that he would come up and sit with him the place of the scripture Which he read was this he was led as a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb done before his shears So opened he not his mouth and in humiliation his judgment was taken away And who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and the eunuch said Answered philip and said I pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet of whom speaketh the prophet this of himself or of some other man Then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached them to him. Jesus. So we're there right and Okay, so I can't all the the events are out of order So i'm going to give you what I remember so we're there and and and we see some young girls like three young girls I go over there give her a dvd Start giving it their gospel and she's kind of like not paying attention You know, she's just kind of looking around and I really didn't think she was listening And look i'm of the bent and look i'm not saying this is what you need to do But I I do this and I saw pastor aniston do this and I think it's a very good idea If they're not paying attention Bye You know instead of like trying to argue doctrine and just trying to get look if they're not getting it just move on Not only is your time valuable your energy It takes work to give the gospel It's tiresome So it's just like all right back so I said, okay Well, I just want to leave you john 316. I left it with that. I was like, see you guys. See you later God bless and I left well the next day I'm giving a gospel to a lady across the street because we couldn't get past that street and she ended up getting saved Well, I was getting her to say pastor aniston gave a dvd to a guy walking by he grabbed and he said, thank you But he just kept walking and he was actually the neighbor So we get to that house, but we didn't know that that's where he lived We knock on the door and he comes out, but I just want to give you he's like, yeah, you just gave me one And he goes, okay great and he's pastor aniston said, you know more important than that and he gives him the question And then he and then uh, of course, he doesn't know and he's willing to listen and he goes wait He opens the door and he goes come in We go in and he said my wife is reading the bible right now You know, can you come tell her what you're telling me, can you tell us both It's like the eunuch, you know, he's like I don't understand what i'm reading here He goes we're trying to understand the bible, but we don't understand the bible So we sit there and we get them safe now by the way So here in the united states the pastor aniston or anybody says, you know, I got 10 kids And people are like what in the world you're psycho are you crazy 10 kids not in mexico, right? he's over here like yeah, I got 10 kids and they're just like You know, it's just like whatever about it that's like minimum over there, okay Bear that's like base number over there No one reacted to that Everyone was just like whatever about it They both get saved They both get saved. They're ecstatic And they're very thankful very grateful people So we walk out we find Two teenagers that pastor aniston is witnessing to and then I find another lady that i'm witnessing to She gets saved but before she gets saved i'm talking to her and the girl from yesterday Who wasn't paying attention? She's walking down the street and she sees us and she comes up She just completely makes a left turn to go towards us and she stands next to the lady listening And i'm kind of like i'm not going to waste my time i'm just going to talk to this lady Well, i'm asking the lady the questions the girl starts answering the questions Hell everlasting life can't lose it So then I start talking to them both And they both get saved Well, guess who that girl was? She was the daughter of those people that pastor aniston got saved who were reading the bible Because she goes in I was like you live here. She goes. Yeah, these are my parents Now in that household Amazing And then their neighbor got saved. It was just one thing after another but this is the book of acts right here taking place Go with me if you would to act chapter 16 Acts chapter 16 Verse number nine says in a vision appeared to paul on the night Paul on the night There stood a man of mastodonia and prayed saying come over into mastodonia and help us And after he had seen the vision immediately we endeavored to go into mastodonia assuredly gathering that the lord has called us for to preach the gospel Unto them go to act chapter 20 We'll read the scripture and then i'm gonna finish with one last story Acts chapter 20 verse 25 says and now behold I know that ye all among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of god Shall see my face no more Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of god Take he therefore into yourselves into all the flock over the which the holy ghost Hath made you overseers to feed the church of god, which he hath purchased with his own blood For I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock Also of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them Therefore watch and remember that by the space of three days or years days for us I cease not to warn ever one night and day with tears now brethren I commend you to god into the word of his grace Which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified I have coveted no man's silver or gold or apparel by the way, every time we talk to someone in mexico Their perspective of christiana were people who wanted money That's what they would tell us Look at verse 34 yay Ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered to my necessities and to them that were with me I have showed you all things how that so laboring you ought to support the weak and to remember the words of the lord Jesus how he said it is more blessed to give them to receive and when he had thus spoken He kneeled down and prayed with them all and they all wept sore and wept and fell upon paul's neck and kissed him Sorry, most of all for the words which he spake that they should see his face no more and they accompanied him Unto the ship very touching story right there. Well the last day that we were there My friend from canada He's he this lady goes into her her driveway and she's getting she looks like she's in a hurry and he goes and he You know, I go. Hey, can I give you this dvd for free? He just says can I give you the gospel? And she was like sure. Yeah She leaves the door open Well, we didn't know that her son actually the day before had gotten saved by one of the people in our group Got him that guy saved And she heard about it Because her son was like a troublemaker and she heard she was like wow, you know He's he's excited about the fact that he got saved. So that's actually what kind of motivated her to listen to what my partner had to say So he's witnessing to her and that kind of just give him a space and I was actually during that time Making an instagram report of what I was doing I'm like, yeah, it's going great here, you know, it only gives you like a couple seconds You can talk so it stops and a girl walks up and I say hey Can I give you a dvd for free and she goes? Yeah And I said, you know Can I give you the gospel and stuff like that and she listens she gets saved and I report that on the instagram If you saw that well that ended up being her daughter These families are big in mexico She gets saved of course the son got saved the day before and then the mom is about to get saved the mom gets saved And I go up and and he tells me he goes Yeah, she just got saved right now. And I said man, congratulations. What a blessing and she goes. Can I have a bible? And he said yeah, of course and we give her a bible actually he gives her his own bible like leather bound bible This is it was the last door. It was the last one and we had to leave after that. This is the last salvation And then she grabs it and with tears in her eyes She goes when are you coming back? You know, and it's just like I look at my partner he looks at me and we're just like And we just said we'll be back And tears and how she says when are you coming back? What do you say And I just said You know, we'll come back. I said we promise we'll be back promise And you know, I talked to pastor anderson about that and he said we got to come back Amen He says we we got to come here at least twice a year You know because it's so open And she just hears she goes and she said she says I just want to thank you so much My son saved my my daughter got saved. I got saved Please come back What do you say to that? You know and it just reminded me of that story Because people are weeping and they're just like we're never going to see them again But you know what these people can see us again We can go back Make the commission Great again You know if you want to be a pastor one day Amen, you want to be an evangelist one day. Amen if you want to just be a regular church member one day. Amen But more than that Just make the commission great again Let's get out there and see people saved You know and look you don't have to wait to the next mission strip to go you can do it this afternoon Okay, we can see people saved today What's the message today? The message is simply this You know soul winning is our big the biggest responsibility we have And these people who at one point these 240 people Were going to go to hell and these People who are despised and rejected went there they gave them the gospel they got saved it can happen Because these put people placed a priority on that. Let's put a priority once again on sowing. Amen Let's pray father. We thank you so much for The great commission help us as individuals make it great again And god i'm thankful for those 240 people that were saved I pray that uh lord you give us the opportunity to go back And see more people saved there there's a lot more people children husbands and wives That need the gospel and I pray god that you would help us lord, but not just there This is our jerusalem and we're responsible for this area help us to take it serious Help us to realize that each and every one of us has to do our part And I pray god that you'd use us to do. So please fill us with your power with your spirit To do a great work for thee in jesus name. We pray. Amen So You