(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And soldier, and face-to-face in stern array, With armor gleaming, and colors streaming, The right and wrong engage to pay. The fight is on, but be not weary, Be strong and in his might hold fast, If God before us is better o'er us, We'll sing the victor's song at last. The fight is on, around, she soldiers brave and true, Jehovah leads, and victory will assure, Hoorah, hoorah, the armor God has given you, And in his strength forever we'll endure. The fight is on, O Christian soldier, And face-to-face in stern array, With armor gleaming, and colors streaming, The right and wrong engage to pay. The fight is on, but be not weary, Be strong and in his might hold fast, If God before us is better o'er us, We'll sing the victor's song at last. The fight is leading on to certain victory, Spans the eastern sky, his glorious name, In ev'ry land shall honor be, that morn will break, The dawn of peace is nigh. The fight is on, O Christian soldier, And face-to-face in stern array, With armor gleaming, and colors streaming, The right and wrong engage to pay. The fight is on, but be not weary, Be strong and in his might hold fast, If God before us is better o'er us, We'll sing the victor's song at last. Amen. Wonderful singing. Let's start off our service with a word of prayer. Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father, we just thank you so much for giving us another day that we can come here to your house and hear the preaching of your word. And we just ask that you would please bless us this morning, Lord, during the service. Please bless the singing. Most of all, please fill past me here with your spirit as he preaches unto us that we may leave here changed. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. You may be seated. Please turn your song books to song number 66. Song number 66 at Calvary. Song number 66, all together on that first verse. Years I spent in vanity and pride, Tearing on my Lord was crucified, Knowing not it was for me, He died on Calvary. Mercy there was grave and grace was free, One that was multiplied to me, There my verdant soul from liberty At Calvary. My God's word about my sin I learned, Then I trembled at the law I swerved, My guilty soul and glory turned to Calvary. Mercy there was grave and grace was free, One that was multiplied to me, There my verdant soul from liberty At Calvary. O the love that drew salvation's plan, O the grace that brought it down to man, O the mighty gold that God did spend At Calvary. Mercy there was grave and grace was free, One that was multiplied to me, There my verdant soul from liberty At Calvary. Now I've given to Jesus everything, Now I gladly own Him as my King. My raptured soul can only sing of Calvary. Mercy there was grave and grace was free, One that was multiplied to me, There my verdant soul from liberty At Calvary. All right, great singing. Thank you for being here this morning. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. We're going to sing our next song in just a bit, 261. If you want to get that ready in your song books, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, song number 261. If you did not get a bulletin, go ahead and raise your hand and one of the ushers can get one for you. Some important information on there. Of course, our Sunday morning service is as our services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 10 30, Sunday evening at 5 p.m. and then we have our Thursday night Bible study at seven o'clock. We are currently going through the book of Matthew on Thursday evening so hope to see you there. Of course, we are a family integrated church and so infants and children are always welcome into the service with their parents but for your convenience, the mother baby room is located in the back of the building should your child need some diversion there and of course changing tables, speakers and screens are available so you can still tune into the preaching. You see the so many times and teams and the list of expecting mothers if you can keep them in prayer and then just a regular reminder there at the bottom. On the right hand side, there is the upcoming church events. Of course, we have the Samaria Soul Waning coming up on Monday, June 12th. Meet at the building at 11 30. If you have any questions about that, you can see brother Ulysses Hernandez for more details and the most important day of the month here is Father's Day. Amen. That'll be on Sunday, June 18th and so invite your dad to come to the service. Invite someone's father to come. We'll have a gift for all the dads and possibly a sermon geared towards fathers and so looking forward to that day and then the Fourth of July church picnic is of course on Fourth of July which will be on a Tuesday. We'll give you more details on that as we approach. We just got to get over June. Amen. I just feel like we just we just got to get this month over with. You know Father's Day is coming up and then you know then we can move on with our lives, right? Men's Prayer Night is coming up on Friday, July 7th and that'll be at 7 p.m. at the church building. Of course dinner will be provided for that and then you see the regular reminders there at the bottom. Please keep in mind quiet time is this afternoon from 3 p.m to 4 15 throughout the whole building and please make sure you silence your phones. Don't let this be white noise to you. Please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching. In fact, why don't you just silence them right now. Sometimes we'll make this announcement and then someone's phone is just bound to go off and it's like you know I just I gave that announcement you know but please make sure you do so so as to not be a distraction during the service all right and that is pretty much it. Let's go ahead and sing our next song. Song number 261 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 261. Song number 261 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus All together on that first verse. Song number 261 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus All together on that first verse. All together on that first verse. All together on the last. To a world that is dying. His perfect salvation to tell. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dear. In the light of His glory and grace. Amen. Wonderful singing. At this time the ushers will come forth to receive the offering. You can turn your Bibles to the book of Jude. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In the book of Jude this morning the Bible reads Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called. Mercy unto you in peace and love be multiplied. Beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation. Ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore put you in remembrance though you once knew this how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation yet reserved in everlasting chains under darkness under the judgment of the great day even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities. Yet Michael the archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke thee but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts and those things they corrupt themselves woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of Corey these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit withereth without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts and their mouths speaketh great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ how they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and of some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh and unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise God our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever Amen. Let's pray to the Lord God I just thank you for your word and thank you for this opportunity to assemble here to hear a preach to Sachets who would be with Pastor Mihai please strengthen him fill him with your Holy Spirit and please just bless the preaching of your word and give us ears to hear it and in Jesus name we pray Amen. Amen. Okay we're in the book of Jude this morning and look down at your Bibles at verse number 7 it says even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities and the title of my sermon this morning is LGBTQ History. We're going to talk a little bit about the history of the sodomites this morning and no we're not going to go into the American history of it or the recent history of it or anything of that nature. Obviously we can go into Alfred Kinsey and his perversion research that essentially was the catalyst to the sexual revolution that included the gay rights movement but let's go a little further back than that and actually cover what the Bible says about sodomy about homosexuals and what our stance as Christians should be on this particular issue. Now we're in the month of June and obviously during this time any Bible believing Christian who loves the Lord will be grievously vexed over the abominations of our land you know I mean I love June in the sense that you know you got Father's Day I'm sure there's people whose birthdays are in June and you know there's good memories that we could create in June but you know it's just a month of just sodomy is what it is and our society promoting sodomy and taking pride in their abominable acts and so it's our responsibility as pastors and as churches to stand up and actually teach what the Bible says about this to keep this on the forefront of our minds you understand and you say why do you always got to talk about this why do you always got to bring this up well because you have a tendency to forget people have a tendency to forget Christians have a tendency to become desensitized to the culture and to the brainwashing of this world and so the Bible tells us I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God and I don't know if you know this but as Christians we have to constantly be renewed in our minds regarding these things okay and if people aren't careful they can just fall prey to the the what the world deems as being appropriate what the world claims is is right and okay to do and you know sometimes there's even Christians out there or people who claim to be Christians who are lenient on this issue right very lenient on it whether it's because they've been brainwashed maybe it's because of the fact that you know they went to some seminary where they try to you know explain away some of these passages or they're just wicked people who work for these sodomites who are seeking to normalize this filth before the public and before other Christians as well and so it's important that we talk about this and it's important that we highlight what the Bible actually says about it now here in the book of Jude we see that it says it compares a lot of these false prophets that are being talked about in the book of Jude to the subject of Sodom and Gomorrah and it cracks me up when theologians get up and they say you know the Bible doesn't really have much to say about homosexuality and about gay people whereas if you look in the word of God over and over and over and over again it talks about the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament and in the New Testament that Jesus Christ talked about it the Apostle Peter talked about it Jude talks about it you know many others Isaiah talks about it Jeremiah talks about it Ezekiel talks about it he always talks about the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah referring to the destruction of these particular cities because of their wicked deeds so it's obvious that God wants to keep this on the forefront of our minds he wants us to know about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah lest a society in the future should give themselves over to such filth and perversion and suffer the consequences because of it he says even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh now there's other theologians that claim that strange flesh is referring to angels and they'll even go as far as to say you know the book of Enoch kind of talks about this and give credence to that fraudulent document and claim that oh this is referring to angels and it's referring to the fact that they were going after angels but hold on a second when we look at the Genesis account the men of Sodom didn't know they were angels they just saw them as regular men and even prior to that event in Genesis 19 we know that there is some time which Sodom and Gomorrah were giving themselves over to this perversion because we hear about the cry of Sodom we hear about in Genesis 13 the fact that the men of Sodom were exceeding wicked before the Lord even previous to that event taking place in Genesis 19 this is obviously referring to the fact that they're being Sodomized they're being homos going after strange flesh are set forth for an example so God wants us to look at Sodom and Gomorrah and say hey this is the prime example of what I will do to a society who gives themselves over to these abominable acts suffering the vengeance listen to this of eternal fire now some people who die without Christ they die and depending on what kind of death it is they just die of natural causes of accidents and then they go to hell whereas Sodom and Gomorrah was literally destroyed by hell going to hell because fire and brimstone is referring to the fact that God rained down hell upon them and essentially transmitted them all the way down to hell through fire and brimstone and so we're going to come back to this passage in Genesis 19 and so we're going to come back to this passage in just a bit go to Genesis chapter 6 and I'm going to cover the history of Sodom and Gomorrah and again this is important to talk about especially for the fact that in 2021 our church was targeted by the sodomites to the point where they actually exercised violence against us and targeted our building and blew it up okay you know they didn't like my preaching on sodomites and they took it offensively and they tried to run me out of the city and sign petitions and get the mayor involved and all this nonsense and when they realized that I would just not back down when they realized that I would not apologize they basically said well I guess we should just blow up his building so he doesn't have a place to meet it but the idiots don't realize that taking away a building taking away a structure doesn't change the message right and a good example of this is pastor Shelley you know he's been moving from building he's been living in the wilderness for quite some time but you know the message hasn't really changed now has it so you can remove our buildings you can destroy our structures you can threaten our lives you know just a couple weeks ago about a little over a week ago or about a week ago Sherr Foundation had a conference on the King James Bible and he had a bunch of perverts out in front of their church with assault rifles right assault rifles and you know they have guns or whatever and obviously it's an intimidation tactic right you know I don't believe that they're actually going to do anything with those assault rifles what they're doing is just simply trying to intimidate the congregants from ever going back to that church but you know Sherr Foundation is a legitimate church that stands on God's word pastor Aaron Thompson is a legitimate man of God and it's going to take a little more than that to intimidate him and in fact I would even say nothing will probably intimidate that man from preaching God's word the only thing that can stop him from preaching God's word is God himself and the same thing goes for us the same thing goes for the churches that we're associated with and I think a lot of these perverts are starting to get the picture now that there's not much you can do and you know if they ever take it to the extent where they want to take our lives and kill us because they want to silence the message of God it's only going to propagate the message that much the more so you know it's always a win with us you persecute us make us famous you kill us you make us famous no matter what you do you're just essentially helping us to get the message out there so much more faster and let me just say this before we get into the message in times past I was really grieved over the fact that you know I felt like this group of people and those promoting this wicked agenda you know I feel like they were making progress in the sense of you know a lot of people were being deceived by this but I'll be honest with you I've been on social media recently and it's kind of restored my faith in humanity a little bit because now I start seeing these accounts and reels and shorts of people just like sick and tired of sodomy and you know you have like the really light kind where they speak out against it and they're very appropriate and they're very kind about it but then you have the other extreme you know where you know they say some choice words you say do you approve of that I hit the heart for sure and then you go to the comments section and I'm just like heart heart heart heart you know and then they're saying some pretty crazy stuff in there and it's just like but you're a pastor heart like I agree I wouldn't necessarily type that out but I'll definitely heart a comment that does and you know what a lot of these people are young people which is showing us that the new generation that's rising up is sick and tired of this field being promoted to the youth being promoted in the schools being promoted in society they're tired of it so don't listen to the narrative out there that says oh they're making so much progress folks normal people hate that stuff okay and that's where we are we're a normal church which is why when our sermons get out there a lot of these people agree with us and they're like based they look at a sermon in a sermon club they're like based why because they like what we're saying they agree with what we say and so don't ever think that yeah we might be the minority in a sense of you know we're the extreme of you know Christianity or extremism or whatever it may be but at the end of the day the vast majority of the population I believe according to what I'm seeing agree with us now they might not go to our extent where they believe that they can be saved they believe that they can be redeemed but you know what that's not really in question right now okay we're not even talking about that okay I'll preach a different sermon on that obviously we know they can't be saved let's just talk about the fact that it's just filthy and perverse against nature and worthy of death according to the Bible okay alright so let's get into it look at Genesis chapter 6 here and I believe Genesis 6 is where we can start off when talking about the history of sodomy you're like woah woah woah I thought Genesis 19 though you know isn't that where it really started no I believe it starts in Genesis chapter 6 due to the fact that God floods the earth right for its wickedness and we see for its violence and he saves eight people alive but one of Noah's sons ends up raping and committing sodomy against his father and folks let me just say this is that he didn't just learn that out of the blue he obviously learned that behavior or became a reprobate you know previous to the flood and look if God was willing to rain down fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah for its abominable acts wouldn't that mean that if he was willing to drown the entire world then possibly that was taking place also in the flood previous to the flood absolutely like well you know it says violence well sodomy is violence look at verse number one it says and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and the daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and by the way the sons of God is referring to believers it's not referring to Nephilims or you know these celestial beings or something like that the Bible says but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even unto them that believe on his name it's referring to believers Christians obviously they wouldn't call them Christians now or at this time but they're believers verse 3 says and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be in 120 years there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown and God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and it repented the Lord he had made man on earth and it grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and creeping thing and the fowl of the air for repenteth me that I have made them the Bible says so the world had become so vile so wicked so perverse so violent that God just said I'm just going to start over and in fact we could even say the world became reprobate because reprobate silver shall man call them for the Lord has rejected them right according to Jeremiah chapter 6 it's basically useless it cannot be redeemed it's done for so he takes the world filled with all this violence and wicked imagination and he decides to flood it and drown it look at verse number 11 it says the earth was also also was corrupt before God the earth was filled with violence and God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and God said to Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth so it's pretty evident to me based upon after the flood the fact that Noah came out with his family and the fact that his son committed that abominable act with him violating him okay say well how do you know that he was violated you know the father said Noah said go to chapter 13 if you would or chapter 11 chapter 11 and verse 24 of course Noah messed up by getting drunk okay which is how most people get to take advantage of by the sodomites is becoming inebriated passing out says in verse 24 Noah woke from his wine and knew with his younger son I'm sorry chapter 9 chapter 9 verse 24 Noah woke from his wine and knew what his son had done unto him now the passage states that he looked upon his nakedness but based upon what Noah said obviously that's translated as he violated him he says he knew what his younger son had done unto him now where where did Canaan learn this behavior it was obviously previous to the flood right it was obviously in the world in which he lived where reprobates were probably rampant so this man was a reprobate he's committing this abominable act with his father he said how can people do such a thing that's what reprobates do and so we see that there and of course verse 25 he said cursed be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren the bible says now look at chapter 11 if you would chapter 11 actually stay in chapter 9 stay in chapter 9 and go to verse 12 so here's another thing I want to mention is the fact that you have this world that was destroyed by God for its violence for its perversion for the filth for the evil imaginations that they had continuously and after he destroys it he essentially institutes a token it's a covenant look at verse 12 it says in God said this is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for a perpetual generation I do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth now the bow that he's referring to is the rainbow so he institutes this rainbow in the sky and it tells us later on that he does it as a reminder to himself why he should not destroy the world again he says in verse 14 it shall come to pass when I bring a cloud over the earth and the bow shall be seen in the cloud and I will remember my covenant which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh and the water shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh now let me ask you a question why would God need this constant reminder when he allows it to rain and flood why would he institute a rainbow to give himself a little reminder hey don't flood the entire world I'll tell you why because perversion still exists today and there's enough going on today in our world in our society to provoke God to say I'm just going to flood this whole thing again I'm just going to destroy this whole world again and let me say this the world in which we live in today in 2023 is way worse than in Genesis chapter 6 way worse especially with the internet and the transmission of abominations and sin and iniquity it's way worse and so the reason he has to place a rainbow in the sky when it rains is because it's essentially reminding him to not pour his wrath upon the earth to not allow to flood once again and destroy all flesh because the imagination of their thoughts are only evil continuously and wouldn't you say when God looks at a country that celebrates pride and sodomy for an entire month don't you think that when it rains he says man I would man I could just but the rainbow shows up and what's interesting is that these sodomites they kind of rub that in his face now don't they they rub that in his face they've perverted the rainbow taking it and showing it off and using it to promote their sodomy their perversion and their filth and their abomination and it's almost as if God is saying if you only knew if you only knew now that's not to say that he's not going to punish them because Jude 1.7 tells us that he is but I want you to notice the fact that the rainbow was instituted by God as a reminder to himself that when it rains because he could easily I mean obviously there's parts of this world that do get flooded and lives are taken and there's immense damage but a worldwide flood though and don't think that God would not want to just destroy this entire world for their crimes their perversion and filth but of course as we saw last week you know the remnant that is left in this world is impeding the wrath of God upon this world upon this nation even the churches that are in this world why because God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so he wants us to get people saved he wants us to preach the gospel he wants to he wants us to rescue those who have not yet been saved and essentially rescue them from perversion rescue them from reprobation by getting them saved and so that's what the rainbow is all about my friends now I don't like to use the rainbow because unfortunately it's been hijacked but when it rains and I see that rainbow I think to myself God is looking at this rainbow as I'm looking upon this rainbow at this very moment and it's reminding him not to destroy the world because he's wrathful against it and because he's made a covenant before it go to Genesis chapter 13 Genesis chapter 13 Genesis chapter 13 so keep in mind yes you know the incident in Genesis 19 was pretty bad but even previous to that God just destroyed the whole world because of it we're like well you know you think it was just for that no I'm sure it was for physical violence and other abominations but I'm 100% sure that that was included with it because of Canaan okay Canaan didn't just come off the boat and all of a sudden just became a pervert he was obviously a pervert before that okay look at Genesis 13 now we're fast forwarding many years ahead here and of course we're in the time of Abraham and Abraham had gone into Egypt to sojourn into Egypt during a time of famine and he took his nephew with them a lot right well when they came back out of Egypt and he went into Bethel he got right with God you know Lot still had an appetite for Egypt which is a picture of the world and there is an instance where him and Abraham essentially had differences between one another because of their servants and so Abraham basically said you know we need to part ways you can choose whatever part of the land you want whatever you choose I'll go the opposite way he's basically being the bigger man right and Lot he had a lot of possessions he had servants and so look at verse number 10 here as he's looking for real estate it says in verse 10 and Lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plain of Jordan that it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah even as the garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt as thou comest unto Zor so he made a decision based upon his previous or his current appetite that he gained in Egypt so he's like where am I going to choose well this place looks like Egypt I really like Egypt so I'm going to set up you know shop here basically and it says in verse number 11 then Lot chose them all the plain of Jordan and Lot journeyed east and they separated themselves the one from another and look down at your Bibles at verse 13 but the men of Sodom oh no let's look at verse 12 Abraham dwelt in the land of Canaan and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent towards Sodom so obviously Lot is really backslidden right now because he's a saved guy we know that according to 2 Peter chapter 2 he's a just man he's a righteous man but his appetites are causing him to make really bad decisions one being well I'm not going to go and live in Sodom I'm not going to go and live amongst the Sodomites and against with these perverts I'm just going to set up my tent and pitch it towards Sodom so that when he wakes up in the morning he sees Sodom the last thing he sees before he goes to sleep at night he sees Sod okay verse 13 but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly now do we all realize that chapter 13 comes before chapter 19 the reason I want to make that point is because of the fact that there's an idiot out there who claims to be a Christian a Bible scholar a PhD you know he got his PhD in theology or whatever and he wanted to expose my video on Sodom and Gomorrah and by the way never learned doctrine from someone who uses pronouns in their bio never learned doctrine from someone like that and he really didn't like my video I wonder why because even you know the most backslidden Christian would still agree with what I said but this guy says well no you know God didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for being gay he destroyed him for being grossly inhospitable which is a major understatement that's a huge understatement and that's what he kept repeating he's like they were grossly inhospitable I'm like uh yeah yeah I would say that I would definitely say it's gross for sure and yeah I would definitely consider Sodomy and rape definitely inhospitable yes but why don't we use the terminology the Bible uses which is filthy reprobate disgusting I mean I know it doesn't use it but these are synonyms obviously right disgusting filthy faggoty again synonyms alright and he says you know oh you know God wasn't destroying them because they were gay it was just because they were trying to rape the angels it's gross inhospi inhospitality or whatever and God wasn't necessarily against them being homos or whatever but here we see that they were exceeding sinners before the Lord so meaning that they were committing Sodomy prior to this rape taking place or the attempted rape taking place in Genesis 19 that means God saw their Sodomy as being disgusting and filthy and by the way he wants to separate Sodomy from rape he basically says they're two different things being gay and raping they're two different things not according to the Bible according to the Bible they're one and the same it's a perversion it's a violation it's a crime against nature so even if the person is willingly participating in that abominable act you're still committing a crime maybe not against the one who's willingly participating but a crime against nature according to God because it's against nature and so we see here that right off the bat God's already telling us these people are exceeding sinners before the Lord like God obviously views them as being very wicked and abominable and he's setting up the platform here to help us to realize these people have been wicked for a very long time now go to chapter 18 so God is viewing this he's seeing this and now it's time to take care of business he's like I gotta go destroy this place but you know God is very efficient so he's kind of doing two birds with one stone he's visiting Abraham talking to him and he's like it's like you know sometimes my pastor friends they'll come and visit me here but you know they have some other business to attend to as well so it just kind of works out that they're here around the same time we got some folks here from Verity you know they came to our church but they had other business to take care of as well it's like two birds with one stone right you could do two things so God comes out and he communes with Abraham but it just so happens that they got other business to attend to as well which is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and I want you to notice that God really wants to talk about his plans for Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham look what it says in verse number 16 it says and the men rose up from thence and looked towards Sodom and Abraham went with them to bring them on their way and the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham the thing which I do? He's like should I tell him what I'm going to do to Sodom and Gomorrah? And I think he wants to tell him I think he wants Abraham to know. He says in verse 18 seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed and listen to this for I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he had spoken of him so notice God says I want to tell him because I know he's going to keep the commandments of the Lord and what does that mean? It means that Abraham is not going to stand in judgment of God. He's going to tell him that he's going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and he wants to tell him because he knows Abraham is not for perverts. He's not going to be a bleeding heart for perverts he said wait but later on he talks about peradventure what if there's 50, 45 and 40 yeah righteous people though he's like don't destroy the righteous with the wicked but he obviously knows it's a right thing for him to do and in fact he says in the very chapter will not the judge of all the earth do right referring to the fact that what he's about to do is correct in the eyes of God and he says there I know Abraham will command his children after him. What does that mean? I know that Abraham is going to teach the right things to his children regarding the judgments of the Lord and let me say this we need to teach our kids to hate perversion too to hate that which is abominable to hate the things that the Lord hates and look you don't have to do it verbally sometimes it's just by your life by your responses by your life you know things are rather caught than taught. He says in verse 20 and the Lord said because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because their sin is very grievous I will go down now and see whether they have done all together according to the cry of it which is coming to me and if not I will know it. Now what is he referring to when he talks about the cry? Well you know in Genesis 19 we see that the city surrounds people from every quarter of the house both old and young You see Sodomites can't reproduce so you know what they do? They recruit and you know how they recruit? By molesting and raping that's how they do it. So what's this cry all about? It's the cry of the innocent being taken advantage of in Sodom and Gomorrah It's a very sad thing and it's unfortunate that whoever was governing Sodom at this time was not instituting biblical laws to prevent the innocent from being violated but you know what the same thing is going on today So he's saying you know what I hear the cry of it and I'm going to go down and see if they've done according to all, according to that cry he says I will know it, I will know it He says in verse 22 the men turned their faces from thence and went towards Sodom and Abraham stood yet before the Lord and of course the remainder of the chapter Abraham says hey if there's 50 righteous can you spare it and God says I'll spare it for 50 righteous He says what if there's 45 righteous will you spare it? I'll spare it for 45 What if there's 40? Spare it for 40. What if there's 30? I'll spare it for 30 What if there's 20? I'll spare it for 20. What if there's 10? I'll spare it for 10 Now notice okay I want you to pay attention to this In this chapter we don't find soul winners You guys notice that? You would think you know in the midst of this whole conversation here because it's God speaking here and then Abraham who's the father of faith who's going to be a blessing to all nations through the gospel that they would mobilize some soul winners that Abraham would be like hey why don't we send some preachers of the gospel to go get them saved first so we can redeem them and help them. I don't see that part and I'm sure it's not even in the Hebrew There's no talk of winning them to the Lord and you know what no one ever addresses that. These people who want to defend the Sodomites by perverting the scriptures they never bring that up Soul winners were never sent to Sodom and Gomorrah There's no soul winning there's only soul killing and you know I don't see anything in here where God is just like Abraham you go you know you go and win them to the Lord it's all about just saving the righteous rescuing the righteous from the wicked and obviously the wicked are the men of Sodom so you know this is my proof text to say that that's why we don't have gay ministries here homo ministries to try to reach the Sodomite you know what God didn't see fit to do it so I'm not going to do it either and these churches today need to start waking up and tearing down their stupid ministry to the homos and trying to reach them and roll out the red carpet for them and try to invite them to church. Folks no Sodomites are allowed in this church so that means don't bring your fag cousin to our church ever don't bring your fag uncle your dyke aunt don't ever bring them to our church if you believe they can be saved that's on you but don't ever bring them here you say why because we don't want to turn this church into a regular day into a regular day Sodom and Gomorrah you know what because we love your children that's why like man that's so harsh not as harsh as what God's doing here I mean I'm surprised some holier than thou wasn't present during Genesis 18 to say oh God you think maybe we should actually go win them unto the Lord you know what God would have probably told him why don't you go ahead and go with them and you can die with them if you want to I'm sure there was maybe some holier than thou in those days was just they thought that God went too far or something like that and look God could have just like struck them down you know there's been times instances in the Bible where someone just falls over and dies right Ananias and Sapphira they're just like and they just die right just get them out of the way just die God did it in a very like miraculous supernatural cool way it was actually hot way like you know but cool and in fact folks listen to this and I don't want to get ahead of myself here but you know the Bible talks about what is said to you in darkness that speak ye in the light right well Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't destroyed in the middle of the night it was destroyed during the day since when the sun came up then he's like alright do it because I want everyone to see this God was open about his judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah because he wanted it to be an example for everyone to realize if you decide to go down this path this is how you're going to end up oh man he's going to rain down fire and brimstone but no but you're going to burn in fire and brimstone that's the implication there so you know Abraham is just like alright ten he's like I'll deliver it for ten so Abraham has a very genuine love for the righteous people but apparently there is no righteous people I mean you have Lot and his family which if you were to count it might be about ten people that were there because it talks about him, his daughters, his wife, his son-in-laws and his sons. Now the Bible doesn't explicitly tell us what happens but his son-in-laws and his son stayed behind because he only went out with his wife and his daughters alright go to chapter 19 so the angels come to Sodom they travel there and of course Lot is there at the gate and he invites him into his home he's being hospitable he doesn't have any of that gross inhospitality and it's so funny it's just like it's for gross inhospitality yeah you're making it sound like they didn't give him lemonade or something like that like you're so rude you didn't offer me lemonade and wash my feet and all this stuff it's like so they go there and he offers them the hospitality and he encourages them to sleep in his house and it looks like as though that maybe Lot doesn't even know that they're angels either verse 4, but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom come past the house round both old and young all the people from every quarter and they called unto Lot and said unto him where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them now I've always wondered like why do the angels let it get that far because it said before they lay down to sleep so it's like they went there they communed they fellowship and they're about to like rest and then like the men came right and I've always wondered like why why didn't they just go and say Lot it's time to go we're going to destroy this whole place let's get out of dodge okay but I'll tell you why it's because God wants the reader to see the extent of their wickedness he wants them to see he wants us to see how vile and wicked these people are and what they're capable of so they went in there just to kind of show hey this is how evil people are this is why whenever we're bombarded with wicked comments you know on our social media platforms like when we're being protested people are like dude turn off your comments turn them off I'm like no why I want everyone to see what they're what they're saying let them talk let them spew out their perversion and their threatenings and all the vile things that they're saying let everyone see what they're capable of let them judge for them let the reader judge for themselves because anybody with any two brain cells to rub together can see this and say whoa that's freaking wicked and when it says know them the Bible is obviously sparing us details of what that particularly means because it's not trying to pervert the mind but knowing them is referring to the fact that they want to rape them okay it's not like hey what's your favorite color how long have you been how long are you going to be in Sodom for have you seen the well watered plains you know they're not trying to ask them about the land they're like they want to violate them and it says both old and young so you have these young sodomites there who were obviously recruited they weren't born that way they were recruited in times past by these sodomites and they have this incontinent insatiable desire you know for men so how do you know because the Bible talks about Romans 1 they burn and they lust one towards another it's incontinent they can't contain themselves so they see these men walking in and they're just like oh fresh meat you know and they want to violate them it says in verse number 6 and Lot went out of the door unto them and shut the door after them and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly now this is where a lot of our independent fundamental baptists brethren kind of fall into the category they're like Lot who calls the sodomites like brethren or something you know or they're just like well we just need to reach them like bro why would you call them brethren that's in there forever now this is in the Bible from here on out like embarrassing behold now I have two daughters don't do so wickedly I have two daughters to give unto you which shows you that Lot has obviously been desensitized like to a crazy extent right or he's not even thinking rationally and let me say this when you're backslitting you just don't think rationally sometimes that's why it's important to stay in church stay in the word of God allow yourself to be taught by the Holy Spirit read and learn God's word because if not your mind can become desensitized to the point where you just say and do stupid things like Lot here and by the way another reason why this is being highlighted is because the New Testament tells us that he was a righteous man that he was just Lot and obviously we know it's not because of his works it's not because like you know he's such a morally righteous person it means that he's saved and that's all that's good about Lot he says behold now I have two daughters which have not known men let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do you to them as is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came in to sojourn and he will need to be a judge now will we deal worse with thee than with them what is he saying you know we're just planning to rape these men who came in among you but now we're just going to do worse which I don't I mean like what could be even worse but you know what the bible says that they're inventors of evil things so they'll come up with something worse and they press sore upon the man even law and came near to break the door but the men put forth their hand and pulled Lot into the house to them and shut the door and they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great so that they wearied themselves to find the door so these angels come and they take Lot they pull him in and they basically just like I don't know put out their hand and just like just blind them basically a flash of light or something just give them to strike them with blindness and to just further communicate how incontinent and implacable and disgusting they are they're still trying to find the door even though they're blind you would think like okay I need someone to leave me home I wasn't expecting that can someone help me I live apartment AB or something you know it's like can someone no they're just like they're still there seeking to violate those of the household even though they're physically blind and by the way the fact that they're physically blind is just showing that they're spiritually blind as well they're hard to become dark in the bible says according to Romans chapter 1 and the men said unto Lot verse 12 hast thou here any besides son in law and thy sons and thy daughters and whatsoever thou hast in the city bring them out of this place for we will destroy this place because the cry of them is waxing great before the face of the Lord and the Lord has sent us to destroy it and Lot went out and spake unto his sons and laws which married his daughters and said up get you out of this place for the Lord will destroy this city but he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law so this is pretty strange here because previously it seems to indicate that his daughters are virgins but then it says here that he has sons in laws who had married their daughters which in my opinion the only way to interpret that would be that they had just gotten married either that day or you know somewhere around this time which would explain why the bible says that it shall be in the days of Lot that people shall be marrying given in marriage and then judgment comes you understand so in like manner it seemed as though maybe they had just gotten married at that time and then like judgment came I think that's the only way to interpret it based upon the new testament scriptures does everyone understand that? as far as the sons are concerned I don't know who knows someone asked me do you think there are sodomites I don't know the bible doesn't seem to indicate whether there were or not maybe there were you know maybe they were maybe they weren't we don't know but obviously they didn't go with Lot because they also probably thought that he was mocking as well it says in verse 14 now this is why it's important that we serve God and we're serious about this thing of serving God and reading the bible and being in church because if not when judgment comes your buddies and your family and your friends your children your spouse are just going to laugh at you when you start to try to take a stand you move this to Sodom you place this here and all of a sudden you're saying that God's going to judge it I mean he's paying a severe consequence to his actions you know if he pitched his tent over Sodom he should have just the next day be like you know this is a bad idea let's go back to uncle Abraham and get some counsel and some advice from him and see what we should do we should not be going in this direction but then he lost his kids because of it it says in verse 15 so Lot is like taking his time collecting his little stamp collection his coin collection or something he's like all his sentimental values that he has we don't know why he's lingering but you know what this is very much symbolic of Christians today who are still straddling the fence on this particular subject they're just lingering a little bit they've heard about the judgment they know what Jude 1 says they know what 2 Peter chapter 2 says but they're just still kind of lingering inside them it's time for us to just make a decision to realize you know what these people will reprobate I'm going to believe the Bible I'm not going to take what Fox News say you know don't follow the conservative party my friends it's a phony party meant to desensitize you to the abominations in this world obviously we know you'll never be a liberal but folks don't be a conservative either so what am I supposed to be I don't know a Christian if you're a conservative you're going to join a party that has sodomites in its group who claim to believe just like you and then you're going to put up with that you're going to tolerate it well this guy you know he's yeah he's gay but he's against those those groomers and stuff bro he is a groomer well show me proof he's groomed you he's groomed you into thinking that he's not a groomer that's what groomers do they groom people into thinking they're not bad people alright so a lot is lingering and it gets to a point where it's just like they just take them now look at verse 17 and it came to pass when he had brought them forth abroad that he said escape for thy life look not behind thee neither stay thou in all the plain escape to the mountain lest thou be consumed which by the way is another picture of the end times Matthew 24 fleeing to the mountains right because destruction is coming so when the abomination of desolation goes up 75 days thereafter is the rapture that takes place you have god saving us and then destruction comes thereafter which is very likened to verse 17 where he's telling them escape to the mountain lest thou be consumed verse 18 says and lot said unto them oh not so my lord behold now thy servant have found grace in thy sight and thou hast magnified thy mercy which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life and I cannot escape to the mountain lest some evil take me and I die so a lot is just being really dumb here okay he's just like you know I can't go that far can I just go somewhere close by so he allows him to go into Zoar and then finally in verse number let's see here verse 23 says the sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar then the lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the lord out of heaven and he overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the city that were that which grew upon the ground he didn't allow plants to live there like nothing survived in Sodom and Gomorrah even the plants were queer get rid of those queer plants but his wife looked back from behind him and she became a pillar of salt and it's very much likened to Matthew chapter 5 that says if the salt had lost its savor wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out to be trodden under the foot of men she lost her saltiness amen she sympathized with the homos she sympathized with Sodom and now she is a byword in a proverb because of it so verse 27 Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the lord and he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain and beheld and lo the smoke of the country went up as a smoke of a furnace and it came to pass when God destroyed the cities of the plain that God remembered Abraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt and Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountain and his two daughters with him for he feared to dwell in Zoar and he dwelt in the cave and he and his two daughters so notice Abraham was just not like aw man those poor people he's just like yeah that's what God said he was going to do how's my nephew you know now obviously Lot because he's so desensitized and so backslidden he obviously transferred that mentality transferred that lukewarmness to his children because now his daughters are going to commit incest with him and of course he's suffering the consequences of that now go with me if you would to go to Leviticus chapter 18 Leviticus chapter 18 talking about the history of the LGBTQ you know we started off in Genesis chapter 6 where God destroyed the world for their violence for the sodomy which is why the rainbow even exists in the first place as a reminder to God not to do it again because there's so much filth and perversion today but then we see the events of Genesis 19 take place where God destroyed an entire city with fire and brimstone so that sodomy would not permeate throughout other cities other countries and essentially defile them now you have Israel who is a functioning society right they have they're delivered out of Egypt they're a functioning society they have a functioning government they're under a theocracy Moses receives the two tablets of stone the commandments and God begins to institute certain specific laws to keep the land specifically the children of Israel from being defiled from the abominations of the Canaanites and all the inhabitants in their land and a lot of these laws that he gives is basically things that the inhabitants of the land were doing so it's not like God just came up with this stuff and he's just like man God why bestiality like who would do such a thing he's telling them not to do that because that's what the Canaanites were doing incest, sodomy, bestiality offering the children unto Molech children sacrifice and things of that nature this is what the Canaanites were up to and if the Canaanites were involved in sodomy how is that possible if all the sodomites died in Sodom and Gomorrah I'll tell you why because of the fact that they are the ones who are worshiping false gods which is ultimately where that comes from when you make a God in your own image you reject the God of the Bible God gives you over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient so even though there may not be from Sodom the fact that they rejected the God of the Bible leads them down the road to becoming a deviant, a reprobate, a pedophile, things of that nature now look at Leviticus 18 and look at verse number 1 Leviticus 18 and verse number 1 says and the Lord speak unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and saying to them I am the Lord your God after the doings of the land of Egypt wherein ye dwelt ye shall not do and after the doings of the land of Canaan whether I bring you ye shall not do neither shall you walk in their ordinances ye shall do my judgments and keep my ordinances to walk therein I am the Lord your God so he says when you go in here make sure you obey me don't obey Egypt allow your decisions to be based off of my ordinances and commandments not after Egypt and you know what the same is true today this still is supposed to be instituted today in other words God is saying to us hey don't allow yourself to make decisions based upon the philosophies of this world what Fox News says, what your favorite podcaster says, what Andrew Tate says these passport bros say all the youngers are lying because they know what I'm talking about the older folks are like excuse me you know I'll preach that on a different sermon but you know whatever this world says if it's after the rudiments of this world and it's not after Christ we need to reject it and God says obey me whatever standard the world has no matter how much they polish that little standard don't abide by that standard abide by God's standard look at verse 22 with that being said he says thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind it is abomination so many of the laws that are instituted in Leviticus 18 is just God telling him don't do these things it's an abomination it's an abomination it's wicked it's an abomination now go to chapter 20 chapter 20 is the laws that God gives when he says if you do these things this is what's going to happen to you verse 13 says if a man also lied with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them now let me just deviate from the sermon a little bit to talk about this false prophet who basically when I quoted this he said this he calls me a creator by the way I'm an influencer a creator he said this creator wrongly misinterprets this because what this is referring to is not you know I don't know what he calls it just being what he would describe as being gay right being a homo he's like this is referring to the violation of another person so the way he interprets Leviticus 20 13 is he's saying he's like this isn't referring to two consenting individuals committing the act of sodomy this is referring to you know a person violating another individual and he says and according to this verse even the person who's violated is culpable and therefore put to death did you guys get that he says Leviticus 20 13 is not referring to two consenting individuals it's referring to one individual taking advantage of another innocent individual and that innocent individual even though they're a victim of rape they're still culpable and therefore they're put to death where do you now let me just explain something about this faggotty dude online who's teaching this stuff and he can get mad about that all he wants but he sounds like a faggot he looks like a faggot and when it looks like a fag it talks like a fag it's probably a faggot you're like I don't like when you use that word it's because you become desensitized to this world why don't you call them binary or something you know why don't you call them call them you know by their pronouns was were how about that those was worse so this is what he's implying my friends it's very severe here he's indirectly criticizing the bible by claiming that God sees just to put to death a victim of rape so he's saying you know God basically thought soffit to execute a person who's even guilty of rape where the bible doesn't teach that at all and in fact the bible teaches when a person is raped the victim obviously is not put to death but the person who committed the act is put to death because it's seen as the act of murder for example that's what the bible teaches no where in here does it say oh it was a victim or whatever and you know and therefore they're culpable as well you know according to the laws of God he's like criticizing the bible here this is referring to two consenting individuals who are sodomites okay they're committing the act of sodomy and again for him to say well sodomites is not referring to what we have today as like people just having same sex you know relationships and couples but folks the very term sodomy and being a sodomite is taken from Genesis 19 it's like hello so God says look these people deserve the death penalty and he's telling the functioning government of that day don't allow these people to go unfettered they need to be put to death along with adulterers along with murderers along with rapists these people are to be put to death why so that the events of Genesis 19 do not reoccur so you don't have an entire city of rape and sodomy and perversion and crimes against nature going unfettered this needs to be taken care of now people think to you know people want to take these kind of my kind of preaching and the preaching of my friends and say oh you're trying to incite violence right but here's the thing folks none of us are in jail it's funny huh how many sermons has pastor Jimenez pastor Thompson pastor Anderson pastor Shelley pastor Joseph how many sermons have we preached against and none of us are in jail for it you know why because we've committed no crime because we're not inciting violence why don't you go ahead and get the context and realize what we're saying is that if we were under a righteous government instituting righteous laws sodomites would be put to death not by us but by the functioning government that's supposed to institute that punishment that's what the Bible teaches and look we obviously know look I'm a realist my friends are realists we know that's never going to happen that will never happen in the United States of America we'll have a righteous government because most of the higher ups are fags anyways so they would have to like do it to themselves you know it's just not going to happen you said then why preach it I'll tell you why we preach it we preach it not in hopes that the government will ever institute it because they won't we preach it to help people understand the standard of God because when we say hey God says these people should be put to death it helps you to realize wow that must mean that God takes this very seriously it's not so we can tell someone alright now you go do the job our church doesn't teach that sure foundation doesn't teach that faithful word doesn't teach that buried none of our churches teach that we've never taught it as proof of the fact that we're not in jail because we're not committing any crime you know I don't know if you noticed but since our church started we've like never bombed anybody you guys ever notice that you notice that I'm not really into bombing things right now I might preach a sermon that bombs out or something I might preach a bomb sermon but I've actually never physically gone to some gay pride parade some institution for sodomites and just bombed them I've just never done I don't even know how to make a bomb and yet they're claiming that we're inciting violence well what is it that you're doing when you bring AR-15s to a church with children present when you are constantly breaking the windows of churches and threatening them and threatening their children and threatening the families when you're bombing our church when you're stealing our vehicles when you're doing all this you know it looks like you're the one who's inciting violence against us don't try to gaslight the public by claiming that you're like the innocent ones here anybody can see through all that crap and all that nonsense and realize you're a bunch of hypocrites and so we never promote violence here in fact we're against violence and in fact the Bible says that God hates the soul of him that does violence so we hate it we're preaching the standard of God and the reason we preach it the reason I get up in June and talk about this is to remind the minds of the church members and those who are watching online what God's standard is and never forget it don't let it go over your head don't sleep on it you need to make sure you remember what God's standard is because if we don't folks the churches of America are the moral conscience of this nation we're the ones here in June we're like the conscience is just like it's wicked it's an abomination it's pedophilia and the body of the United States of America needs to listen because the conscience isn't seared yet because we're still here alright I'm gonna say this in here give me a couple minutes guys alright go to Deuteronomy 23 Deuteronomy chapter 23 now here's another thing this bozo said because obviously he can't deny that Leviticus 18 Leviticus 19 is there I mean Leviticus 20 is there 2013 and obviously he hates it and even when he talks because he claims to have like a PhD and he claims to be like a believer you can hear the disdain in his voice for the word of God you can just tell this guy hates the Lord okay he hates the Bible but he says yeah even though these were even though these laws were instituted they were never really enacted in Israel though like no one was ever really put to death for these things so it's like where are you getting where are your sources from the devil like who's the reliable source he's like yeah these were never enacted no one he's basically saying no one was ever put to death in Israel because of these laws so what he expects because obviously the Bible doesn't highlight a particular instance where Sodomite was put to death so in his mind because it wasn't highlighted therefore it was never enacted but folks there's so many laws in the Bible that were not specifically illustrated in the Bible and why do we need an illustration of Leviticus 2013 when we have Genesis 19 right but secondly you know the guy is a complete liar because the Bible even though the Bible doesn't explicitly illustrate Sodomites being put to death if God is telling these people to do so we have the faith of knowing that if they're putting murderers to death and false prophets to death and those who are cursing father and mother to death yeah then they're probably also putting sodomites to death as well look at Deuteronomy 23 verse 17 there shall no whore of the daughters of Israel nor excuse me there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel period what does that mean it can't exist in Israel what it's saying is like if there's a sodomite in Israel oh what do we do oh go back to Leviticus 2013 you know what you gotta do and just for kicks here verse 18 says thou shall not bring the hire of a whore which is parallel to verse 17 or the price of a dog which is also parallel to verse 17 referring to the sodomite so the synonym for sodomite in the Bible is dog which we'll revisit that in just a bit go to chapter 29 so here in chapter 29 God begins to essentially talk about hey Israel if you start forsaking me and you start worshipping other gods I'm gonna make an example out of you and he begins to talk about all the curses that shall come upon the land and more specifically he gets really specific as far as like how he's gonna do it he says in verse 23 and that the whole land thereof is brimstone and salt and burning that it is not sown nor beareth nor any grass groweth therein like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim which the Lord overthrew in his anger and in his wrath he's basically saying I'm gonna make you like Sodom and Gomorrah I'm just gonna completely destroy you and you will not exist go to Judges 19 Judges 19 so I bring up Judges 19 in my video because I only have 60 seconds right so I have to be very efficient in how I talk and you know I've gotten pretty decent at it to get like as much information as I can in 60 seconds because we live in a society that has a short attention span and I explain it in the most simplistic way that states you know basically God instituted these laws against Sodomim but because the leaders were lenient and they're essentially subverting the laws of God then basically it resurfaced again in Judges 19 and I think that's a very honest accurate assessment right it's like that's why you have the events in Judges 19 and he comes on and he says the creator is wrong again what happened in Judges 19 is an example of gross inhospitality that's what he says and the events in Judges 19 are basically almost exactly the same as Genesis 19 and in fact their place like you know 1919 can I help you remember a little bit right and there's only like slight differences one being that they end up raping the concubine and we're not gonna read it for the sake of time because I need to hasten they end up raping and murdering the concubine which is exactly what the Sodomites in Genesis 19 would have done to Lot or to his daughters and it gives us this extra detail in Judges 19 that's very important because it doesn't call them the men of Sodom because they're not in Sodom they're in Israel right and in fact they're a segment of the tribe of Benjamin of an area called Gibeah but the narrator doesn't necessarily call them the whole time the men of Gibeah or the men of Benjamin you know what he calls them he calls them the sons of Belial Belial is Satan it's not an accident by the way the modern versions will change that because the modern versions has Sodomite editors and they're like we can't let them know that we're children of Satan take this out Belial is Satan and so when we compare Genesis 19 and Judges 19 we see that God views the Sodomite the one who's involved in this perversion as sons or daughters of Satan in other words they're reprobates they cannot be saved these are very wicked individuals okay and of course the difference also another difference is how justice was carried out with the sons of Belial here in Judges 19 instead of God raining down fire and brimstone upon them he expected the nation to adhere to his laws and execute judgment themselves so the other 11 tribes basically came in and wiped them out okay so I know we probably wanted a Genesis 19 judgment but God is just like I've given you laws you need to just enact the laws here and just take care of business and of course this is a major war between them going back and forth go to 1 Kings 14 now let me also make this disclaimer that I probably should have made at the beginning of the sermon but I forgot and that is I'm not preaching against those who are confused okay because we do live in a society of young people who can become confused because they were molested they were raped or because they go to a stinking public school that is constantly shoving that crap down their throat and they think it's cool to be gay which is like blows my mind because back in my day that's the last thing you want to be called is like a gay or homo or fag and stuff it's just like that's super like stripping you of your manhood basically okay but now it is cool to be gay in these public schools okay not every public school but a lot of them it's cool to be gay not every public school but a lot of them it is like that and they're constantly pushing this and I'm going to be preaching an entire sermon on homeschooling next week I'm actually going to call it weapons of mass instruction because that's what they are they're weapons of mass instruction okay I'm talking about the public schools are weapons of mass instruction that are seeking to destroy the next generation that's why this generation is so gay okay because of the public schools and so I'm not preaching against those who are confused because I honestly I have a lot of people reach out to me on social media who were involved in stuff like that and they're just like you know I hope I'm not a reprobate this happened to me and I get confused and they're almost embarrassed to even like verbalize how they struggle and I don't think they are a reprobate I don't believe they are because reprobate according to the bible are those who hate the lord they burn in their lust one toward another and here's my like acid test sometimes when I talk to these people I just tell them what the bible says about sodomites and they'll just see their reaction because I've talked to sodomites before and they just can't handle what I tell them like you're so hateful and blankety blank this but these people are like I agree with you 100% like that is what they deserve you know and let me say this is that most people who ask me am I a reprobate are not reprobates you say how do you know because reprobates because reprobates could care less if they're reprobates they don't care you know they have a seared conscience that's not something that bothers them but a person who is bothered by it you know who's been molested or raped or whatever you know they worry sometimes you know and it's a sad it's a sad day and age in which we live and honestly it's probably only going to get worse because you know back in the day you know you had let's say 10, 15 years ago you see some dude look kind of queer-ish like that dude's a queer right this guy's a queer you know but now that same dude can exist today and it's just like well I don't know if he is or not because he's been so influenced by this world and they might not even be a queer they just dress like one or whatever and then you got the rappers who you know they dress like that too now and they think it's cool you know like gangsta rap is not the way it used to be you know what I mean it's not gangsta rap now it's gaysta rap or something you know it's like it's just really bad now but let me say this is that and I could be wrong and I hope I am wrong but you know you have a lot of these trannies now right and it could be that in 30 years you might have people who are so influenced by the culture that they'll cross dress and all these things and they're not reprobate we don't know we don't know how far how much destruction the minds of the children will go through through the public schools that's why get your kids out of the public school all they do is churn out sodomites and reprobates and haters of god so stop taking them there and they don't even get an education it's like they don't learn math they learn how to be queers that's literally what it is and so um man I'm way out of the- go to Revelation just go to the book of Revelation I'm just out of time this history lesson is so long go to Revelation chapter 20 or excuse me 21 what I was going to show you in 1st 2nd Kings is the fact that any time revival took place in a nation and a king was just like gun hole about the things of god one of the first things they would do in office is get rid of the sodomites and Josiah is one of the best examples of that because he didn't just take them out of the land he broke down their houses he just like break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of god think about it a nation was so backslidden that you had sodomites living next to the house of god in those days and the man of god was permitting this it was like this Lutheran church or something right and Josiah is like not under my rule so he broke down the houses of the sodomites like oh what happens to the sodomites I mean they were probably in there when he broke it down I mean he's probably like just knock it over while they're in there I mean folks you think that's bad I mean Jehu did something similar with the prophets of Baal and so it probably took place what I'm saying is when revival takes place is when you have an uprising in the nation of people and leaders hating that which is abominable and I'm not saying that we're experiencing revival but I am saying this we have a lot of young people in our church and the young people in our church feel exactly the way I do and how the bible feels about this oh it's because you're recruiting them I preach god's word I don't force anybody to be in here I'm not like you guys just trying to force that agenda down someone's throat I just preach god's word and if people come they come and they say amen they say amen if they start getting renewed in their minds then they get renewed in their minds people can leave whenever they want we don't lock the doors when we have church you can leave whenever you want if you don't like this preaching if you think it's too harsh if you don't like my language then go somewhere go to the Lutheran church and look people still won't leave after that you know why because they obviously believe it themselves and I'm telling you on social media I see it a lot a lot of young people I'm just restoring my faith in humanity and it could be that just these young people are just sick and tired of it they're tired of it they're tired of it getting pushed in their faces and being forced to watch this stuff and listen to this stuff and so they're kind of fighting back now here is the last lesson of the LGBTQ history lesson that we're going through tonight this morning look at Revelation 21 verse 8 talk about all the people that are going to hell it says but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and let me say this that includes sodomites because over and over again the bible says it's an abomination well yeah but that will also include you know people who are prideful and the people who are you know people who are prideful I mean isn't this called gay pride month I mean yeah but it would include like people who like are like you know murderers Romans 1 says that they're murderers yeah here's the thing when it comes to the reprobate doctrine and sodomites God just like says filled with all unrighteousness so he basically just covered everything so in case you come up with a question well what about this well is it unrighteous yes then they yeah they're guilty of that as well so he says the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall be all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death now go to chapter 22 and verse 15 when describing the new heaven and the new earth and contrasting it with hell contrasting it with the lake of fire and who essentially resides in those two places it says in verse 15 for without are dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie now let me say this this isn't referring to an actual dog right you know all dogs do not go to heaven animals when they die they just die okay cats don't go to heaven either by the way let me just make that very clear to everyone all you cat lovers out there I said it and I don't take it back cats don't go to heaven okay dogs don't go to heaven and by the way cats were worshiped by the Egyptians I mean the Egyptians worshiped cats just keep that in mind oh man that went over like a screen door in a submarine alright I just lost everyone through right there for without are dogs so what is it referring to well according to what we saw in Deuteronomy 23 a synonym for sodomite is a dog now why in the world would God call them that well because of the fact that not today but in ancient times a dog wasn't an animal that you kept with you that you put like booties on and treated like a human being okay a dog was a very dirty animal filled with disease who would attack innocent people just filthy it's really dirty I mean you could go to just any third world country today and see that you know we went to Belize and there's like dogs wandering around you got to kind of watch yourself because they might take a nip at you okay they're like they have mange and they have all this disease and stuff that's the kind of dogs that is being pictured here of ancient times and it says here when it comes to hell it says for without are dogs compare that to Revelation 21 8 it's the abominable that's the history and I'll preach another sermon on whether sodomites can be saved but just you know Easter egg you know a little Easter egg here they can't okay let me just let me just ruin the plot twist for you there is no twist they can't be saved but it's important for us to explain why right because we know they can but we need to prove it according to the Bible and I would gladly do so but in the time in which we have I just wanted to cover that because we as God's people need to remember this and look we're going to be persecuted for this absolutely but you know what if they persecute us and they say all manner of evil against us but we're able to win some to the Lord of the public to the Lord it's all worth it I have people who go to my old church who contact me and now they use the same language I do who didn't agree with me in times past and now they're just like dropping those f-bombs not the ones that you're thinking about not the Pastor Shelley f-bombs some of those other f-bombs you know they talk about the reprobates you know why because they're sick and tired of what's going on and look that's why I'm not freaking out over the fact that Biden is in control you know what I mean because he is making this world so unsavory he's making this country so unsavory that even those who disagreed with us are now starting to see it our way and look Biden is not even that danger I mean the guy's falling over the guy needs a walker or something he needs assistance he needs that little panic button that you get for the elderly or something you know I'm just saying you know the world in which we live is making it in such a way that the Christians of this world are starting to realize maybe those people are right because the things that we would preach about and they thought were exaggerating is actually coming to pass so now that you're like oh man the chosen is gay because they have like the pride flag and the chosen behind the scenes thing or whatever it's like oh man there are pedophiles so then they're just like well let's find that sermon real quick and they're starting to see it our way so we're winning the masses here so a little persecution goes a long way my friends and so take a stand believe it don't be ashamed about it you know support your church support the man of God support the churches that believe just like us don't be ashamed of what you believe don't be ashamed of a godly marriage don't be ashamed of raising a godly family don't be ashamed of being a Bible believing Christian that adheres to Leviticus 2013 that uses Genesis 19 to teach LGBTQ history don't be ashamed of any of it are you one of those Christians yep that's me I believe it all I believe it all let's pray Father we thank you so much for your word be with us Lord and I pray that you'd spare our nation not because of the wicked Lord but because of the righteous and I believe there's more than ten righteous here in the United States of America and I pray that you'd help us Lord as your people to continue to win the loss to Christ and not just to win them but to renew their minds through the preaching of God's word through the Gospel Lord I pray that you'd help us to do so protect our families be with the churches who are like-minded Lord and bolden others who may not have agreed with us in times past and bolden them now to take a stand behind their pulpit and preach against the abominations of our land that they would sigh and cry for it Lord and I pray that you bless us as we go on our way in Jesus name Amen Please turn your songbooks to song number 44 Song number 44 will work till Jesus comes Song number 44 We'll play it all together nice and strong on that first verse Jesus comes we'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be Gathered home to Jesus Christ I fled for rest He bade me cease to roam Lean for succor on His breast till He conduct me Home will work Till Jesus comes we'll work Till Jesus comes we'll Work till Jesus Comes and we'll be gathered home I sought at once My Savior's side no more My steps shall roam With Him I'll brave death chilling tight And reach my heavenly home We'll work till Jesus comes we'll work Till Jesus comes we'll work Till Jesus comes And we'll be gathered home I'm sorry I have two announcements before we dismiss One being tonight's service after the service we're going to have family prayer meeting afterwards just a brief prayer meeting to just pray against the abominations of our land so I want to encourage you to be here tonight for that and also I forgot to sing happy birthday so whose birthday is in June? Right here right there right there Okay anybody else? I have to do this because in our church people are more offended of me not singing happy birthday than they are at the message against the sodomites so alright so look we're going to sing happy birthday here here we go ready Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday to you enjoy those donuts God bless