(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And our ears will be open where you can hear your word, Lord. We're blessed this congregation with all this history. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Tonight we're going to study the book of Jude. It's not a particular verse that we're going to go over. We're going to go over the entire book. And sorry you guys are stuck with me this Thursday. I don't know if you thought Pastor Anderson was coming, Brother Garrett or something like that. So you don't get a refund, so I'm sorry. You guys are stuck with me. But we're going to look at the book of Jude this evening. The book of Jude is a great book. It's one of the smallest books, of course, in the New Testament and the Bible. But it's filled with a lot of truth. And I think a lot of Christians sometimes overlook a lot of the truths that are found in the book of Jude. In fact, I think in my Christian lifetime, I've only heard a couple of sermons on the book of Jude. And not even the whole thing. Really, the book of Jude. And I think most of us have heard a sermon like that. But there's so many just deep truths and practical applications that we can make in our personal lives that we need to look at here in the book of Jude. And specifically, it has a lot of warnings. And here's the thing is, is I think a lot of churches, unfortunately, because they don't study the book of Jude, a lot of the stuff that's going on in the book of Jude, they don't study the book of Jude. And here's the thing is, is I think a lot of churches, unfortunately, because they don't study the book of Jude, a lot of the stuff that's going on in the book of Jude is actually going on in the churches. And we need to look at the book of Jude as we compare scripture with scripture because it does have a strong warning for churches and Christians alike. And this strong warning is something that we need to give heed to, lest at any time we should let them slip. Okay, so we're going to look at that this evening, the book of Jude here. Let's look at verse number one. The Bible says here, Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called mercy unto you and peace and love be multiplied. So here we see Jude speaking to the sanctified in God and those who are preserved in Christ, right? And we often think that sanctification is a matter of being clean or being set apart. And really for the Christian, that is true, right? We need to be sanctified. We need to be cleansed. We need to, on a daily basis, confess our sins to the Lord so we can be cleansed of that. But specifically, what is this referring to? It's referring to the saved. He's talking to saved people. Now go with me to 1 Corinthians chapter number six. 1 Corinthians chapter number six. I'm going to read to you from 1 Corinthians chapter number one, where the Bible reads here unto the church of God, which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, excuse me, the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours. And we know that the Bible says that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So the Bible is saying here that those who he was speaking to was those who called upon the name of the Lord and he references them as what? Those who are sanctified, those who are set apart. And of course in this world it's filled with human beings, right? But really there's two types of people here. There are those who are not saved and those who are saved. And those who are saved are the sanctified, the Bible says. Look at 1 Corinthians chapter six and verse number eleven. And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God. Sanctified can mean those who are cleansed, but it really is a reference to those who are saved. And I'm thankful, look, I grew up a Catholic. Now I was a Catholic who went to a Catholic church about two times a year or something like that. You know, maybe two times a year. But you know what? Catholics believe in saints, right? They believe that Joan of Arc was a saint. You know, her and her wicked philosophy and doctrines and her demonic possessions that she saw and the visions that she saw. But what are the saints? The saints are those who are saved. I remember my father-in-law used to say, we're saints even though when the S is missing, when we ain't. You know what I mean? He's talking about the practical way of living. And he's saying that even though we don't act right, maybe we're not necessarily behaving right. Or maybe even someone who is saved, who is backslidden, they're still saved. They're still a saint. Why? Because they've been set apart by being cleansed of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it says here, it talks about those who are preserved. Now, we don't believe in the perseverance of the saints, but we do believe in the preservation of the saints. And there's a difference between the two. You know, perseverance, we were just talking to the guys earlier today, works-based salvation, you know, doesn't matter how you try to wrap it. It's still the same item within the package. You can put it in a big package, in a small package. You can put a different ribbon on it, different wrapping. It still works. You can call it repent of your sins. You can call it keeping the commandments. You can call it, well, if they were of us, you know, they were of us, but if they went out from us, they were not of us, kind of thing. You can call it whatever you want, but it still works-based salvation. And here's the thing, I mean, you've run into them, I've run into them. People who say, well, I don't believe you have to work in order to be saved, but if you don't stay in the will of God, it just shows that you weren't saved in the first place. That's called perseverance, because you're doing something that got you out of salvation, supposedly, right? That's called perseverance, and that's a Calvinistic teaching. No, we believe in the preservation of the sins. That means once saved, always saved, right? That means the Bible says, for by grace are you saved through faith, and not of yourselves. Salvation has nothing to do with what we can do, has nothing to do with our commandments. And by the way, if it took commandments to keep us saved, then we've got a problem, because the Bible says if we offend in one point, we're guilty of all of them. There's not one human being in this world that has kept all ten commandments, and all 200 commandments, all at once, other than the Lord Jesus Christ. It's impossible. And here's the thing, if you have to repent of your sin in order to be saved, then you've got another problem. Because the Bible talks about presumptuous sins, it talks about secret sins, there's sins of omission, and then there's sins of commission. So you think about lying, you think about stealing, you think about adultery, you think about murder, all these things, and you say, well, I don't do any of that. But, you know, there's a lot of things that God commands you to do that if you don't do, it's considered sin as well. Because the Bible says that he that knoweth to do good and doeth not, to him it is what? Sin. So when we don't do that which God has commanded us to do, that's considered sin already. I mean, that kills it right there. It's a works-based salvation to say you have to persevere in the faith in order to prove to others that you're really saved. No, but we believe in the preservation. Go to Psalms 97. Psalms 97 here. I've got to be careful because preservation and perseverance sound the same, so I might like, there might be a slip of the tongue. You know, not Sam Giff's slip of the tongue, okay? Where he like repeats the same thing in different churches, right? And he says, oh, this is a slip of the tongue, but he said it like in five different churches or something. Psalms 97 verse 10, the Bible says he that love the Lord hate evil. He preserveth the souls of his saints, he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. You know, I'm thankful that the Bible teaches us that he will never leave us nor forsake us. You know, I'm thankful that the Bible teaches that I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man collect them out of my hand. And here's the thing, if it was a matter of, you know, working your way or persevering, then the Bible shouldn't call it a gift. Right? Because a gift is something that's given to you that's something that's free. You did nothing to earn it. You can't do nothing other than believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to receive it. So why is this important? We're going to look in just a little bit. The Bible says that Jude gave diligence. So look at, go back to Jude. Keep your finger there in Jude and we're going to go through different scriptures here, but we're going to look at some verses. Verse number three says, Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the same. So the Bible says that Jude gave diligence to explain to them regarding the common salvation. Right? He was saved, the people he was writing to were saved, and of course he emphasized that matter. And then he says this, that ye should earnestly contend for the faith. Now what is he talking about there? He's talking about salvation. We understand that because it says it uses common salvation and it says earnestly contend for the faith. They're using the same verse interchangeably. Now here's the thing. This is what it doesn't mean. Okay? It doesn't mean you're earnestly content for the faith while you're out sowing it. You understand what I'm saying about that? You're not out there to argue with people. Okay? Now look, I'm guilty of it, you're guilty of it, and yes, it's a little fun sometimes to get into a little debate. Okay? I like debates, unfortunately. You know what I mean? I like putting someone to shame. You know, just you're wrong. And then to see that face, the look on their face when they realize that they're wrong, it's a little fun to do that. But you know what the Bible says? The servant of the Lord must not strife. Okay? And here's the thing. When we go out there, we want to make sure that we're out there with the purpose of preaching the gospel to see them saved. Know nothing save the Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Right? I'm talking about while we're out sowing. So that doesn't mean when we say earnestly contend for the faith, it's not like these Calvinists who go out there, they just want to debate everyone. You know, they stand on the corner with their blow horn and they wanted to get into arguments and debates. We're not for that because the Bible doesn't teach you how to do that. Okay? When we say earnestly contend for the faith, biblically speaking, it's fight to keep this doctrine of salvation right within the church. Here's what we need to earnestly contend for the faith. Okay? He exhorted within his writings that those reading it should earnestly contend, fight for the faith, fight the good fight of faith. And this is common throughout the New Testament. Why is that? Because the greatest opposer in the New Testament, humanly speaking, was who? The Pharisees, the Jews. And they're constantly in the book of Acts, constantly in the gospels, constantly even after that, trying to trip people up in regards to salvation in the gospel. Getting people to try to get circumcised and they couldn't be saved, bringing people under the law. And what do they have to do? They have to constantly fight this matter of doctrine of salvation within the churches. Keeping the gospel right. Fighting to keep the doctrine sound. Now why? Here's the thing. If you don't keep the doctrine of salvation in here, maybe people will look at this and say, you overly emphasize this matter of salvation. I don't think you can. Now I'm not going to get up here and give a gospel presentation every single service. Okay? Because I'm pretty sure most of you are saved. Right? Now that doesn't mean we don't talk about the doctrine of salvation. Right? What does salvation mean? What are the verses talking about? So on and so forth. But the reason why we have to do that is because the Bible teaches us that if we don't, we're not unified in this matter of teaching this doctrine. Then you just get a smorgasbord of doctrine in the church. Where I believe only and then you have some other believers that repent and believe and repent. Another one that just goes to the side of the Calvinist. Another one who's a Pentecostal. And everyone's like, well, we don't want to fight each other. No, you have to contend for the faith. And we have to make sure that in our church, this matter of salvation stays right forever until Christ comes back. Okay? So you're overly emphasizing that. You can't overemphasize that. Because this is a matter of souls going to hell or heaven. I mean, you think about this. Just think about it for a minute. Because this isn't like, oh, we're a gang. We're the one saved only. No, no, this is very important because this has to do with the salvation of people. So you think of churches that maybe the pastor believes in a one saved always saved, right? But then they allow just a smorgasbord of doctrines in the church. Well, the person who's sitting in the pews who might believe in repenting your sins, who the pastor's not correcting or not showing sound doctrine, they're going to go to hell. And they're going to go to hell and wonder, man, I was in a Baptist church this whole time and I wasn't even saved. You know, it's important. Go to Philippians chapter 1. Philippians chapter number 1. And again, this isn't a matter of fighting this outside, okay, when we're out soul winning, you know. But this is a matter of fighting it within the church. Making sure it stays straight, making sure it stays sound. Philippians 1.27 says, Guess what? We need a team here. We need to be unified here. We need to have this mentality that we are a team, we are a group, a local body of believers. And we all should say, we want to make sure this doctrine of salvation stays sound. And we all need to be on board with that, okay. But why? Go back to Jude. So why does, Jude says, look, I wrote unto you of the common salvation that ye should earnestly contend for the faith. Make sure that thing stays strong, keep it before the people, teach them. And look, not everyone, and don't get frustrated with someone in the church if they don't know all the verses on salvation like you do, okay. Some people still need to grow. There's something called a babe in Christ, right. And if they're a babe in Christ, that means they don't know everything about the Bible, okay. They might say, well I believe I was saved by grace through faith, I called upon the name of the Lord. But they may not know every single illustration that you know. They may not know every single Bible verse that you know. Be patient with people and don't say, I don't know about this guy, I don't think he's saved. If he called upon the name of the Lord, I believe he got saved, amen. Now he has to grow obviously, but don't think that just because they don't have your way of saying it, or they don't have as many verses as you do and proving it. No, all they need is this, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. That's pretty sufficient I think, right. That's not to say that people ought not to grow in their knowledge of salvation though, right. Throughout the years you ought to understand it, throughout the years you ought to grow in it, throughout the years you ought to memorize more verses in regards to it. That doesn't excuse anybody. But why is Jude saying this? Why is he saying you need to earnestly contend for the faith? Because of verse four. Look what it says, four. What's another word for four? Because, right. For there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, the reason we are to earnestly contend for the faith is because men will creep in unawares. Now, what does that mean? I remember I went soul winning with my friend Marcos, okay. And most of you know Marcos. But he was, we're out soul winning and we're actually in Montebello during this time. This is like last year or something. And Marcos was a soul winner. He loved souls and he loved soul winning and he, great guy, godly man. And I remember I was with him and we're going doing these like apartments or something and then like there's like a door here, then there's a door here and then there's a door here. So we knock on this door and no one answers. But this door was open. But you go in there and there's like stairs. So automatically you think well these stairs go into like more and more doors, right. So he's like really excited so we're knocking and it was his turn. He just walks in. Starts going upstairs and I'm like alright I'll just go upstairs too. Well halfway upstairs you start seeing things that you wouldn't typically see like in a hallway that just belongs to the public. He said well what is it? We're in someone's house. And then you start hearing people talk and like halfway up he's like, and he kind of, he's like, he's like brother we just creeped in unawares. Okay. And so you know I didn't remember what we did but I thought that was pretty funny but that's not what that means though. Now that is creeping in unawares but he wasn't trying to creep he was preaching the gospel, right. Give him some slack. But here's the thing. What the Bible's saying there is that people will creep into the church unawares. See here's the thing. We often think if someone comes into the church preaching false gospel we're going to spot them right away. Oh yeah that guy's a reprobate for sure. Oh yeah that guy's a false prophet. Oh yeah that guy yeah for sure. Yeah I don't know about that guy. No no no the Bible says they creep in unawares. They don't know what they look like. I mean they basically look like us. They'll talk like us but they're not us. And here's the thing. You say well how will we know then brother Bruce. How will we know when false prophets and false teachers come into the church if the Bible says they creep in unawares. Well because if you earnestly contend for the faith right of the common salvation and everyone knows about salvation. They're not going to talk about the common salvation. You get what I'm saying. What are they going to talk about. They're going to talk about a different kind of gospel. And so obviously the pastor is not going to be able to talk to everyone who comes through those doors. But you will. But here's the thing. If we're not equipped and we're not contending for the faith and I'm the only one who knows about the gospel. You're in big trouble when that person comes in unawares. Right. Because then they will begin to spew out and the Bible does say they will talk about these things. These false gospels. The Bible calls them damnable heresies. Well what's a damnable heresy. It's a teaching that will damn souls to hell. For there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation. What does that mean. They're reprobates. Someone who is a reprobate cannot be saved. You don't believe me. You need to listen to my sermon of men of corrupt minds. You will not leave that sermon without realizing. Okay that's it for sure. So once they become reprobate guess what. They already ordained for that condemnation. Ungodly men. See there's a big difference. Okay look. There's a big difference between a drunk who comes off the street. Or maybe not a drunk. Let's say a person who's involved in alcohol. They come in or they're involved in drugs or they're involved in whatever you think of. That sin. But they're honestly they want to get saved and they've heard about the church or something like that. And you know they need to clean up their lives after they get saved and what not. There's a big difference between that sinner and this kind of sinner. Because that sinner who comes in who has some issues. They just need some help. Right. They need someone to love them. They need someone to teach them. They need someone to preach to them. They need someone to rebuke them. They need to grow in the Lord. But a man who creeps in unawares. A false teacher. Does that make sense? This person comes in with ulterior motives. And here's the thing. Many churches will look at something like this or hear me saying something like this and be like, That guy's exaggerating. No they're all over the churches. I've personally met them. I've seen them in the churches. They exist. Yes they may not be to this degree. But they will reach that degree. And I've met people who creep in unawares. They're teaching a false gospel. They're leaving people astray and no one bats an eye at it. Why? Because they're not reading the book of Jude. Or they're reading it and they're just kind of breezing over it. These are dangerous men. Ungodly men. Look what it says. Turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm going to read to you from Proverbs 28. You go to 2 Peter chapter 2 please. But look, if we're contending for the faith, we're going to be able to spot them. You know what I mean? It's not going to be like, yeah that guy believes in repenting of your sins. He's wrong but we disagree. No it's just like, Look if someone comes in and they believe or repent of your sins, don't jump all over them. Try to get them saved obviously, right? Because some people have just been sled. They just don't know. They came from a Pentecostal background. The alleluias. You know? And they come and they don't necessarily know. And you just got to teach them the right way. Humbly teach them. Humbly teach them what the word of God says. They get saved and guess what? They get right. But here's the thing. You say, well how do I know which one's which? Because those who are false prophets and false teachers, when you teach them the right way, what does the Bible say they do? They what? Resist. They reject it. They resist it. And they want to be contentious. They don't want help. You know what they want? They want the boot. That's what they want. Because we're not going to give them the boot. Proverbs 28 says, they that forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law, get this, contend with them. So the Bible teaches us that those who forsake the law, they praise the wicked. Those, the Christians who forsake the book of Jude, because they're like, oh this guy, this guy just got into our church, man, and he's a little off on salvation, but man, the man's cleaning up his life, he's a former faggot, you know, and he's trying to clean up, he's trying to be reformed here, they praise the wicked. But you know what the Bible says is those who keep the law, contend with them. We fight to make sure that thing stays right. Okay. We're not looking to reform homos. You say, why is that? Because you can't reform a homo. It's impossible. And by the way, even if he could, the Bible doesn't say that you're saved by being reformed. Right? And again, I don't care if you go, what about this homo that, you know, they gave this testimony, and the testimonies of the Lord are my precepts and my counselors. And if God says something, and the world says something different, I go with what God says, not what the world says. Why don't I have you turn? 2 Peter. 2 Peter, I'm going to stay there, I'm going to read to you from a different portion of scripture here. Galatians chapter 2 verse 3 says, you don't have to turn there, but neither Titus, who was with me being a Greek, and that because of false brethren, unawares, brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage, the Bible says. So the Bible tells us right there, they privily, they're unaware, they come in. And look, I've seen this for years. Okay? Different churches, I've seen it year in and year out, people with different doctrines coming into the church trying to influence people in regards to salvation, and what happens, they teach damnable heresies, they're dangerous people. And here's the thing, false prophets and false teachers, homos and reprobates, they all fall into the same category. Get that? They're all the same people. Now here's the thing, a homo isn't necessarily a false teacher. But a false teacher, according to the Bible, because they're a reprobate, eventually they will become a homo. And we'll look at that in just a little bit. You're in 2 Peter chapter 2, so 2 Peter chapter 2, you can actually take Jude and 2 Peter chapter 2, and they're almost basically the same thing. And the interesting thing is that later on Jude actually says you've heard of the writings and he doesn't reference Peter by name, but he says he talks about scoffers and then, excuse me, he talks about mockers and then in 2 Peter chapter 3 it says scoffers, right? Mockers and scoffers. He's talking about Peter here, and it's almost, you see like a parallel, and obviously the Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, right? But obviously he knows what the apostles were teaching, he knows what the teachings were, and it's so similar. I would encourage you just to go home and compare the two. Just side by side, they match up perfectly. But look what 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 1 says. So what was the context of what we're reading in Jude? False teachers, men who creep in unawares. It doesn't say false teachers and prophets though, pastor. But look what it says, 2 Peter 2, 1. But they were what? False prophets, also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you who will privilege, who privilege shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction. Verse 4 of Jude says, for there are certain men, cryptic and unawares, who were before of old, ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ. So look, look what it says here. Look at the similarities. What does it mean to turn the grace of God into lasciviousness? Well, 2 Peter chapter 2 says this, that it's a damnable heresy. Why is that? Because the Bible says that before by grace are you saved through faith, right? Not of yourselves, not of works, the Bible teaches us. Well, Romans 11, 6, what does the Bible say? And if it be of grace, then there's no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace. That's why we as a church believe in one saved, always saved, and we believe strongly in this manner of eternal security. If someone says they call upon the name of the Lord, but they believe they can lose their salvation, that person was not saved in the first place. He said, but they called upon the name of the Lord. No, no, no. The Bible says you need eternal security, right? You need eternal life. That means a life that never ends. So if a person says they call upon the name of the Lord, but they believe they'll lose their salvation tomorrow, who are they trusting in Christ or in themselves? Because most of the time, you talk to these people and say, yeah, I think I lost my salvation because I was involved in this, because I did this. So it's something under what they did, right, that causes them supposedly to lose their salvation. That's what the Bible says, and if by grace, then there's no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace. So if you say, well, I'm saved by grace through faith, but I believe in works, you just nullified grace. Does that make sense? So here's the thing. That's turning the grace of God into lasciviousness, because now grace is no more grace. You're teaching a damnable heresy, and how scary is that for some ignorant Christian who listens to these people, they think they're in church, they're singing in the choir, they're supposedly reading the Bible, and they think they're saved. And what happens? They die and they go to hell. And unfortunately, Matthew 7, right? Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name have done many wonderful works, and what will he say unto them? I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Because he was depending upon his works, okay? So that's the damnable heresy that we see there. You're in 2 Peter 2, look what verse 2 says. And many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Man, that's crazy. A lot of people are gonna follow these people. A lot of people are gonna follow their pernicious ways they're gonna be listening to. That's why John MacArthur has such a big following. That's why Paul Washer has such a big following. You know, that's why Jeff Derp, well, Jeff Derp doesn't have a big following. But people like this have a big following. Why? Because many follow their pernicious ways. And look, every once in a while they're starting to comment on our channel now, you know what I mean? I think I heard this week, you know, why are you guys teaming up with Catholics? I was like, what in the world are you talking about? There's some weird people who comment on YouTube. I'm learning these last two months, there's some weirdos out there. Some big time weird. There's one guy, I don't even know what his name is, I can't pronounce his name. And I know you guys know what I'm talking about because he types in like three paragraphs. And at first when I started reading them, I'm like, I don't know if this guy's for us or if he's against us. Because I can't understand what he's saying. And I remember my wife was like, I don't know what this guy's, what is he trying to say? Is he for us? Is he against us? And obviously I found out later on that he's against us. And I actually typed in like, man, just go look for someone else because no one's paying attention to you. I mean, he comments on everyone's replies. He goes on everyone's comments and then replies to their comments, you know? And then his stupid little face, you know, is like right there. I like the fact you could put your picture there because then you read it through the picture, you know what I mean? So as he's saying it, he's like, what you say sounds as dumb as you look, you know what I mean? You could like compare both of them. But it says here, many shall follow the pernicious ways. And let me say this, in both passages in 2 Peter 2 and Jude, it says that they deny the Lord Jesus Christ. They deny him. Why? Because the Bible says that they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. And then it says this, it says as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. So this isn't all, they're just misled. No, these are people who have the motive of teaching something different. Why? Because they've resisted the truth themselves. They're men of corrupt minds, they're reprobate concerning the faith. It goes on to say in verse 3, And through covetousness shall they with fain words make merchandise of you, whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. So what are some characteristics of these false prophets and teachers? Well, number one, they corrupt the gospel. Okay, this is how we can see who these people are and they won't last long, Lord willing, in our church. And by the way, there might be a false prophet even here. You know, I don't know. But the Bible says they will be among you, which is almost like a scary thought, isn't it? To think that we can be such a doctrinally sound church and they will still creep in unawares. You know, you think of Judas. I mean, he's with the Lord, right? Three years, and obviously the Lord knew it, but the others didn't. It just went right under their nose. And sometimes that don't happen. But how can we spot them? How can we see who they are? Well, they have a corrupt gospel. The Bible says they were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you. And that's talking about the group that came out of Egypt, okay? Because obviously the group that came out of Egypt, when they put the blood on the posts of the door, that's a picture of what? Salvation. After that, they went to the Red Sea. That's a picture of baptism. So all these were figures. They weren't literal because this is a nation coming out, right? Individuals in there did not get saved. Not all of them, but some of them were saved, but some of them there, the Bible says that there were false prophets even among them. Some of the Egyptians maybe who came, because obviously some of the Egyptians came with the Israelites, right? The Bible says there were some who were false teachers and prophets. So what did God do? God destroyed them, the Bible says. But they have a corrupt gospel, but not only that, they have clout. Many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Isn't that sad when you see someone just get off track in regards to the gospel or something like that? Or you see someone being led astray by some false teacher or some false prophet. It's a very sad thing. But they have a lot of followers. I remember this one guy, I'll call him by name. His name is Dave Burse, okay? Dave Burse in my old church is a false prophet and teacher, okay? And if you want to call me, text me, and defend that guy, shame on you. You say, why is that? Because for years, that man led many young men astray. I think that guy's a homo too. I mean, he lives with a bunch of young guys, Cambodian guys. And yet he's there. You say, man, you shouldn't call people by name. No, we ought to call these people out by name, okay? He's a wicked false prophet. He believes in repenting your sins. And let me say this, our church, the church I came from, is a King James church. He'd bring his NIV all the time. And even Alex told me. He didn't, look, you guys know Alex, right? He's the one who plays our piano. Raise your hand, Alex, if you can. He's single. No, I'm just kidding. But Alex, you know, he didn't know Alex. He actually came to Alex and said, hey, you know there's some mistakes in the King James Bible. He didn't know that this guy's like, you know, got saved through Pastor Anderson and all that stuff. But he did that to me when I first came, you know? And then what do you do? What do you do? You correct it and then he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, I believe the same. They have an agenda. And people ought to stay away from people like that. Well, that ought to be kicked out of the church, first and foremost. And I remember years ago he was kicked out of the church. My father-in-law kicked him out of the church. He was booted. I remember he had, my father-in-law had the deacons. He came to church. No, he didn't kick them out of the church the way we would have kicked out. You know, we would just, I would go down there, you guys would just grab them and throw them out. That's the fun way to do it, amen? He actually would just have his deacons. He's like, you want to come to church? All right, but we're going to make church a living hell for you. He had all his deacons just surround him and they're just like following him everywhere he went. He couldn't do anything until the point he just, he didn't even stay. He just left, you know, and then he came back later on. But there's people like that all over the place. Dangerous people. We just got to work with them. No, no, no, there is no working with people like that. Look, I want to work with people. I want to see people saved. I want to see people grow in the Lord. And we're not on this trigger-happy, you know, action that we would just want to boot everyone out. That's not the goal, okay? Look, on Sunday, we had like, man, we have 74 people in the service. You know, praise the Lord for that. Thank God for that. And I wish all 74 would stay. You know, that would be the goal. But if there's someone in that 74 that's looking to creep in unawares to teach a false gospel, if there was 10, if there was 70, I'd want them to leave. And we'd boot them out. Why is that? Because they're dangerous people, okay? But they are covetous as well. The Bible says in verse 3, And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you. What does that mean? They're going to make money off of people, okay? That's the Benny Hinns of this world, you know? Send in your $100 love offering and we'll send you a hankie with oil on it or something like that, you know? That's all over the place. They make a lot of money, you know? They make merchandise of people. But the Bible says here, Whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumberth not. That means it's on their way. And praise the Lord for false prophets who die. Thank God for that. You shouldn't say anything like that. Thank God for that. Especially if they have a large platform of an audience, right? Because they can no longer teach false doctrine and lead a bunch of people astray. Verse 5 of Jude, I will therefore put you in remembrance. Keep your finger there in 2 Peter chapter 2. I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believe not. So there it teaches us that those who came out, there's some that God actually destroyed. Why? Because the nation of Israel being saved out of Egypt was a picture, obviously, of salvation, right? But the Bible says when they came out, God killed some of them. And the Bible teaches us that what should be done to these false prophets and teachers? They're made to be destroyed. Verse 6, And the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation, he hath reserved an everlasting change under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Go back to 2 Peter chapter 2 and verse number 4. The Bible reads here, For if God spared not the angels, that sinned, you see the similarities there, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment, and spared not the old world, but saved Noah, the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. And verse number 7, Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over, back in Jude, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Now please, get this, because this is not like just a horse that we like to get on. What were we just talking about right now? False prophets. False prophets. And God just segues into what? Sodom and Gomorrah. There's no coincidence to that, gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, that's not a coincidence. Why? Because false prophets are reprobates, and people who are reprobates are Sodomites. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication. What's fornication? Having sexual relations outside of marriage. What are those in Sodom and Gomorrah we're doing? They're committing sodomy. But they're also committing what? Fornication. So they go both ways. You know, Paul was just telling me about some girl, I don't remember, I don't know what platform it was on. I love Jesus, and she's like, I'm a lesbo, and I love God, and blah, blah, this and blah, blah, that. Lies. Yeah. Doesn't exist. Right? Okay. And I guarantee you ask that person how they got saved. They'll say, I think they even said I repented my sin. You gotta repent. Big, big, big surprise there, right? Because sodomites who say they're supposedly saved, they're the ones who say that you have to repent of your sins. They're the ones who say you have to be reformed. Right? But the Bible says here, going after strange flesh are set forth for an example. God left them for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Go back to 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 6, and turn in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, look at the similarities, into ashes, condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensemble unto those that after should live ungodly, and deliver just like Vex with the filthy conversation of the wicked. So here we see that God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah to be an example. That's why we preach on Genesis 19. That's why we preach on Judges 19. Why? Because we want them to remember the example of what God thinks of such a wicked, abominable sin. It's not like, well, it's just like any other sin. It's so sinful and wicked, God is willing to bring the fire and brimstone from hell and just drop it on Sodom and Gomorrah. That's how bad it is. Okay? Look at verse number 8. Likewise also these filthy dreamers, defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil, he disputed about the body of Moses, just not bring against him a railing accusation, but said the Lord rebuke thee. But these false prophets, reprobates, Sodomites, these speak evil of those things which they know not. But what they know naturally as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Why does the Bible call them brute beasts? Well, because there's not, animals not in the Bible necessarily. But the word they use for animal in the Bible is what? Beast. So the Bible calls them beasts, calls them animals. You know? Why is that? Because a beast or an animal doesn't necessarily have a moral compass. Amen. You know? They just kind of do the most disgusting, wicked things. Right. And so God says they're brute. Brute. What does that mean? Stupid. Yeah. You know, when we get up and call them stupid faggots, that's, I mean, that's... Amen. Brute beasts. Amen. You stupid animal. That's what it is. Yeah. That's what the Bible says. They're natural brute beasts. That's what the Bible teaches us. That's what the Bible calls them dogs. 2 Peter 2 10. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government. Presumptuous are they. Self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. See the similarities? Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. Now look, most people will say, well, that's Old Testament. To put sodomites to death is Old Testament. Well, we're looking in the New Testament right now. And the New Testament says they're actually made to be destroyed. You should actually destroy those people right there. Okay. What does that mean? That just means to put them to death. You know, that just, not by us, but by righteous government. Okay. Verse 11 of, in Jude, woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain. Why? Because Cain was a picture of a works-based salvation. It ran greedily after the era of Balaam for reward. Why? Because they're covetous. They want to make merchandise to people. And Paris in the game is saying, of course. Why? Because Corey went to hell. And they're going to hell too. These are spots in your feast of charity. Now that right there, my friend, is scary. What is it saying? These are spots in your feasts of charity. That means they're going to eat with us. It goes back to the principle of they creep in unawares. When they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear. That means they're not even careful to be with you. They're like, yeah, everything's going good. And they're just kind of relaxed and everything and just kind of go with the flow. Feeding themselves without fear, clouds they are without rain, carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Why does the Bible say that they're twice dead? Because the Bible says for the wages of sin is death, right? But the Bible says also in Revelation 21 8 that even liars, and it gives the whole list, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death, which is the lake of fire. So God already sees these people as if they're already in the lake of fire. Raging waves of the sea, foaming at their own shame. I mean, you ever seen a sodomite argue? I mean, you may believe these things just because it's like, well, you know, I believe it because the Bible says it. But I've seen this personally. I've seen how violent they could get. I've seen how wicked they've been. They do foam out their mouths of their own shame. You don't believe it? Listen to the rap songs of today. All the wicked things that come out of their mouths. Where we at? Verse 14, In Enoch, also the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints. Excuse me. Ten thousand of these. I'm sorry I lost my place. Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment upon all, to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against them. I think Enoch was a Baptist. Amen? That was a good sermon. That was one verse and it was like packed out. You're ungodly. You're ungodly. I mean, everything's ungodly. Very positive. 2 Peter 2.14 says, Having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls. So what does the Bible say? The Bible says that reprobates, false teachers, all grouped up together, they have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin. Why is that? And this is the thing that we've said before in Romans 1. It says they are filled with all unrighteousness. You know, you may struggle with lust in your heart, but you're not filled with lust. Right? The Bible says that these people are filled with these things. They're filled. And in fact, in 2 Timothy, it says that they're laid in. What does that mean? Just laid in. They're filled with it. And here it says they have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin. Okay? Verse 16, In Jude, these are murmurs, complainers walking after their own lust, and their mouths speak its great swelling words. Having men's persons in admiration because of advantage, the Bible says. So, these people, another characteristic of this is that they have swelling words. What does that mean? They're very flattering. Swelling words means they flatter. That was such a good search. Oh man, that was like the best I've ever heard in my entire life. You're like the best pastor ever. Where did you come up with that point? You're awesome. You think I'm exaggerate, but there's people out there like that. Man, you're so godly. You're the most godly guy ever. Wow. I mean, why? Because they want to flatter so they can be admired, the Bible says. They have men's persons in admiration. And that's why these churches, you know, people who are doctrine and sound have a hard time dealing with this because you want to boot these people out, but the people who they've influenced admire them. You know, they're like, well, these are good people. The reason you say they're nice people is because they're giving you swelling words. They're flattering you. And here's the thing. There's nothing wrong with being admired, right? But I'd rather be respected. I prefer the respect of my congregants more than the admiration thereof. And here's the thing. If you're respected, you will get admired. People admire you for your work, admire for the preaching, admire for the content, but not just because we get up with swelling words. Having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. Why? Because they want to take advantage of people. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles and of our Lord Jesus Christ, how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. Now, this is very important because we're going to get into... My iPad just died right now, so my notes are gone. So we're just going to teach a straight Bible right now, right? Not that I wasn't teaching a straight Bible before, but with no notes. Amen. Why is that important? Well, first of all, in verse 19 it says, having not the Spirit, right? Well, the Bible says that once we get saved, go to Ephesians chapter 1. Ephesians chapter number 1. Ephesians 1 and verse 13, the Bible says, In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and whom also after that ye believed, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. Go to chapter 4 and verse number 30. The Bible says, In grieving not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. So the Bible teaches us that once we believe on Jesus Christ, we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. When? Unto the day of redemption. When is the day of redemption? Well, in Matthew 24, what does it say? When you see these things come to pass, lift up your heads for your what? Redemption draweth nigh. That's when Christ comes back. But the Bible says in Jude that these don't have the Spirit. Capital S. These are people who have a Spirit, but it's not God's Spirit. And the Bible says here that these be they who separate themselves. Now this is what I believe this means. And I'm going to explain it to you. We're going to keep reading and I'm going to explain to you what this means. Verse 20, But ye beloved, building up yourselves upon your most holy faith, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. So he says, look, you guys need to just keep building yourselves up, up in your holy faith, right? Keep growing in the Lord, growing the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Make sure you're constantly reading the word of God. The Bible says give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine, take heed unto thyself. And why? Because then we can save ourselves and those that hear us. And the Bible tells us over and over again that we need to keep growing in the knowledge of the word of God. Why? Look what it says here in verse 21, excuse me, verse 22. And of some have compassion, making a difference. Now, many of the sermons that I've heard on this, just making a difference means what? Like, you know, changing someone's life or something like that. I'm not against that. But if you study the definition of difference in the Bible, what does it mean? It means a distinction. Make a difference between the holy and the profane, right? Clean and the unclean, exactly. It talks about making a distinction. So according to the Bible here in verse number 22, those who have compassion are those who make the distinction. Well, in verse 19, it says, These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. So one way we can distinguish ourselves because they creep in and out of wares, they come in to try to take the flock and they spare not the flock of God. Well, they don't have compassion towards the flock of God. They don't want to spare the flock of God. The Bible says they're like ravening wolves. They come to, in sheep's clothing, the Bible says. Why? To deceive, not just the lost, but even babes in Christ. But the Bible says here, but those who have compassion, right, they're the ones who make the distinction between the two. Why? Because false prophets, they don't care about people. They want to make merchandise of them. They want to deceive them. But those who have compassion, you can tell someone is genuine. They have genuine compassion. Okay. They make the difference. And here's the thing. You know, we're going to have them come into our churches. Just just count on it. But we have to be equipped to be able to spot them. Right. They have a different gospel. They're covetous people. Okay. They corrupt these things. They have a following. But here also we can see that they're sensual. They don't have the spirit. And how can they separate themselves when we make the difference by having compassion? And look what the Bible says here in verse 23. And of others saved with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. How can we prove that we're the right kind? Because we go salt-wanting. Amen. We say, well, don't they go salt-wanting too? They will never preach a sound biblical gospel presentation. Never. I've been with people like this, false prophets, okay, who they go salt-wanting, they go out, but they preach a completely different gospel. I've seen it. They can't confess the right type of gospel. They have trouble doing it. They don't want to. Why? Because they've resisted the truth. And so here the Bible says that we save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. We as God's people need to work at making that distinction, right? How do we make that distinction? By simply following what the Bible says in regards to these things. Because here's the thing is the Bible teaches us that we need to be aware of false prophets, et cetera. But on our part, we've got to make sure that we are preaching the right gospel, we're teaching the right gospel, and we have compassion. Amen. Because these guys are brute beasts, right? They're reprobates. That means they're without what? Natural affection. They don't have compassion. We have the capacity to have compassion, though. We have the capacity to actually genuinely love people. Right? And we need to keep making that distinction. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, again, this matter of, not preservation, yeah, preservation, right? I'm going to get them both mixed up. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God, our Savior, be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, both now and ever. Amen. You know what the interesting thing is about the book of Jude? Is it comes right before Revelation. There's a reason for that. Why? Because even in Matthew 24, it says, many shall come, right, in my name. Many Christ, right? Lo, he is there, lo, he is there in the desert. Don't believe it. Well, Jude is teaching us how we cannot believe it. Right? He's telling us what these false prophets look like. He's telling us what these false teachers look like. And this is not something that we can be careless in. We need to be able to recognize these things. Okay? And it's not just, by the way, not just the men. The women ought to learn these things too. They need to know, because why? False prophets like to go for girls too. Okay? Why? Because they're the weaker vessel. And often, sometimes, if they're not careful, they're gullible and they just believe everything that anybody tells them. It's just honest truth. That's why we got to make sure we protect the girls within our church. Men protect their own wives, but as a whole, we need to be vigilant in this area. Okay? And again, we need to have the right balance. We can't just question every single person that happens to come through the door. No pun intended, because you just came through the door right now. Who are you? No, I'm just kidding. You know, we can't question everyone who just comes through the door and say, man, they're part reprobate. Just because they have earrings or something. Okay? You guys get that? Or maybe because they have tattoos on their eyelids or something. I don't know. You think that's, I mean, people come in, they come in like that everywhere. There's people like that everywhere. We can't, just because they don't look like you doesn't mean they're not looking for the truth. Okay? How do we measure that? Well, let's see what they believe. And by the way, if they believe in repenting of your sins, just show them from the Bible. And here's the thing, if they're genuine, they're honest, they'll be like, man, I didn't know that. Yeah, you want to call upon the name of the Lord right now so you can be saved? Yeah, absolutely. And then they get it right. The ones who don't are those who with swelling words say, well, come here, come here, come here real quick. Let me show you this verse in the Bible. Then your red flag should go up. I think I need to talk to Brother Bruce about this guy. Okay? And they're often very smooth, by the way. And here's the thing, the Bible says that the false prophets in Jeremiah, they had this thing called, they healed the people what? Slightly. What does that mean? Deceitfully. Right? They come to the people, what are the swelling words for? It's to heal the people of God deceitfully. They're deceiving. And what does it mean to be smooth? It means to be deceitful. That's why we believe in hard preaching, not smooth preaching. Right? If you don't believe that, look at the visitor's video. I said it right there. Right? No swelling words. No, no, no soft sermons. It's hard preaching. Why? Because we don't want you to be deceived. And often, if you're going to tell you the truth, the truth is very hard. It's a hard thing to take. You know what's an easy thing to take? Something that's smooth. You know? God's going to use you and your best life now. And you're such an awesome, I love you guys. You know, just pray this prayer with me. I mean, Joel's team does the soonest prayer every single service. Did you guys know that? I watch him every Sunday. No, I don't watch him every Sunday. I don't watch him every Sunday. But he prays the sinner's prayer with them every single service. But if you have the same people coming in, why are they praying the sinner's prayer every single service? If they're really saved, right? But that guy has smooth words. I mean, Joel Osteen is smooth. That guy is smooth. I mean, he whitens his teeth. He makes sure that everything is just coming out immaculate to be as smooth as possible. No, we need rough. We need a beard up there. I'm shaving my beard off tonight, by the way, because of my new job. So don't hold it against me by Sunday. But don't worry, I'm going to be growing it out soon again, all right? But it needs to be rough. The beard needs to be rough, amen? But more than that, the message at times needs to be rough as well, right? Because if you only get positive preaching, it's not going to help you. Now, I'm thankful for positive preaching. Sometimes we need to be encouraged, right? I mean, you're going through a rough week, rough time. You need to know about the grace of God. It's going to be okay. Get up, man. It's going to be okay. God is still on the throne. You need to hear those things, but you know what? We need to hear a lot of negative stuff too, you know? Why? Because we're prone to sin sometimes. We're prone to do things that are displeasing to the Lord, and we need God to just rebuke us and just tell us what we're doing is wrong and embarrass us through the sermon and shame us so we can say, God, I hope Brother Bruce doesn't really know about that sin, but because you're speaking to the preaching, I want to get it right, and you get cleaned up. You know, that's what we need. But these false prophets and false teachers, they don't do that. They have swelling words. Let me say this. Even people who are saved can become false prophets. Did you guys know that? They can, you know, for whatever reason. And it's not necessarily, they've just been sucked into those things, you know, the influence or whatever, but these specific false prophets and teachers, they have the motive to teach the animal heresy. We often talk about Sam Gipp, but there's a lot more than just Sam Gipp. He's just the one who, he's the template. He's the template for all the false prophets. That's the meme, okay, for all the false prophets and teachers. There's a lot more than that who are more dangerous than him, you know, because then they don't have a wide platform. They're within churches, and people don't even know that they're there. You know, Sam Gipp, if he comes to the doors, we just boot him, right? He's like, no, get out of here. You're a weirdo, you know. But what about the other two? No one really knows about. You know what I mean? Those are the dangerous ones right there. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Lord, thank you for the book of Jude. Thank you so much for the truths found within the book there, Lord, and so many more things that I could have said that were lacking in the sermon, and I just pray that you'd help us to be vigilant. And we need to have a balance, obviously. We can't be harsh with just everyone who comes to the doors. We need to be friendly. We need to be kind. We need to be loving. We need to shake a hand and give a smile and thank people for being here. But that's not at the expense of not being vigilant or being careless. We need to make sure that the doctrine is upheld here, especially in regards to salvation. If someone teaches something different, that's a damnable heresy. That'll damn people to hell. And I pray that you'd help us because we're trying our best to make sure that the doctrine stays right, but you've already told us that men will creep in unawares. And even among ourselves, Lord, that can take place. And I just pray that you would give us the spiritual eyes to be able to see through that, Lord, and continue to fight and contend for the faith for the sake of newer Christians, for the sake of the congregation, for the sake of the second generation, and of course, for the sake of pleasing you in all that we do. And we thank you so much for we pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen.