(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We'll start reading in verse number one it says in Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables and said the kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which made a marriage for his son and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding and they would not come again he sent forth other servants saying tell them which are bidden behold I have prepared my dinner my oxen and my fatlings are killed and all things are ready come unto the marriage but they made light of it and went their ways one to his farm another to his merchandise and the remnant took his servants and entreated him spitefully and slew them and the title of the sermon this morning is it's a big deal it is a big deal now here in Matthew chapter 22 we read a parable that Jesus Christ is giving regarding a king who is making a marriage for his son and he sends his servants he commands them to go out and call those who are bidden to come and the Bible states that when he when they go out that the servants go out there they call the people who are bidden to come to this marriage that basically these people simply disregard everything that they're telling them and they make light of it now what does it mean to make light of something it simply means not to take it seriously it's just not a big deal they just basically disregard what's being told regardless of the severity of what's being commanded and they just make light of it they're not taking it seriously it's not important or it doesn't have any true value to them now in context the parable is referring to the fact that Jesus came into his own and his own received him not who are the servants that are going out to bid the people it's referring to the prophets it's referring to those preachers and pastors and teachers who have gone out to preach the word of God to prepare people for the coming Messiah and people simply made light of it specifically the Jews they made light of it and because of that they basically rejected the Lord Jesus Christ but here's the the secondary application we get we can get from this is that when God's prophets come to people to give them God's commands we can't make light of it why because whatever God says it's a big deal we can't basically cherry pick the Bible and choose what's important and what's not what's applicable and what isn't we're not dispensationalists okay where we break up the Bible into seven different dispensations and cherry pick what's right and what isn't what applies to us and what doesn't know all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it's profitable for doctrine for proof for correction and instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished into all good works the Bible says the entire Bible is important and the entire Bible is a command you know I preached the message the other week about the 15 commandments referring to first first Thessalonians chapter five and someone on the channel said oh you're adding to God's Word now you're just adding commandments to the Bible they think that the only commandments in the Bible are found in Exodus chapter 20 the Ten Commandments the Bible is filled with Commandments and we can't take any commandment and make light of it not take it serious why because there's a specific reason why God has placed that commandment in the Bible and we ought to take it serious we ought to do our best to obey those Commandments and propagate that which God propagates emphasize what God emphasizes and never try to minimize what God is saying in his Word now go with me if you would to Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16 I'm gonna read to you from Deuteronomy 32 and verse 15 the Bible reads here but Jeshurun waxed fat and kick thou art waxed and fat thou art grown thick thou art covered with fatness then he forsook God which made him and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation so the Bible is telling us here in regards to Israel the day he as a nation completely disregarded God so Jesus Christ when he came into his own his own received him not that's not the first time that's happened you see Israel has had a track record of rejecting God and in fact in Deuteronomy 32 he says that they lightly esteemed the rock of their salvation what does that mean they didn't take him serious now look at Luke 16 verse 15 it says here and he said unto them ye are they which justify yourselves before men but God knoweth your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God you see when you lightly esteem God it is very likely that you're steaming that which is abominable in the eyes of God and this is true with Christianity today isn't it you run into churches and Christians and pastors who criticize distinct commandments in the Bible and when you look at it and you further research who they are and their ministries and what they believe you see that they highly esteem that which is abominable in the eyes of God you know they esteem the sodomites of this world and the false prophets and the Billy Grahams, Billy Balaam and Joel Osteen they hold these men up to be these great men of God but guess what the Bible says they're an abomination in the eyes of God I don't believe that you should judge people the Bible says that the spiritual judge of all things and the Bible is full of judgment in fact there's an entire Bible called the book of judges guess what they're doing the entire time judging the Bible tells us in Isaiah 5 20 woe unto them to call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter you see people will look at a church like ours and they will listen to preaching like ours and the doctrines that we emphasize and the word of God and they'll say this that's not a big deal you know you guys just want to fight over every single doctrine those doctrine it's not a big deal but you know what it is a big deal every doctrine in the Bible is a big deal and when we begin to lightly esteem doctrine lightly esteem the word of God mark it down you're probably highly steaming down which is an abomination in the eyes of God you know things that are in the Bible should be a big deal to us obviously it's not to the world but it's sad when Christians so-called don't make a big deal about things about the things of God they're more interested in making a big deal about a big deal about politics you know and the the voting that's coming up I can care less about those things you know they make a big deal about sports or whatever it may be you know the other day I don't know what day it was something was playing there was some sort of sport going on and I was at I was at home working and my wife's I asked my wife what's that noise you know people were like screaming and stuff like that and then my wife's like yeah what is that I was like I think it's a football game which it wasn't it ended up being like a baseball game or something you know but people spend like I think the game finished to like what 12 or something one o'clock okay someone was watching yeah just kidding I gotta skip this point now I'm just kidding I'm kidding but you know what the fact of the matter is that's what the world emphasizes that's what's important to the world but you know what what's important to us is the Bible what's important to us is that which is eternal that which God emphasizes that ought to be important to us it's a big deal in fact you know back to this whole politic political thing you know that people are going to be casting votes whatever coming up soon this congresswoman like put some of her advertisement on our church grounds just assuming they're probably like yeah this church is Republican you know and they're just digging it in or something no I'm not Republican you're a Democrat I'm not Democrat either I'm I'm I'm a Christian is what I am I'm a Bible believing Christian well hold on a second but Republicans are like Christians aren't they no they're not okay they work for the same devil sorry to break it to you so we need to make sure that we you said what did you we plucked them up from the roots amen and we threw them in the trash because we're not we don't support any politics oh but your vote counts no it doesn't you know soul winning counts going out there and preaching the gospel counts you know preaching truth and emphasizing what God emphasizes counts you don't see anybody like voting and God emphasizing politics in the Bible and when he did emphasize politics is when he was the king amen but you know what we don't live in our theocracy today now do we you know we don't have God as our as our king as far as the country is concerned therefore we ought to emphasize that which God emphasizes and do what God wants us to do so let me give you a couple subjects here because obviously there's a wide range of things that we can talk about that would fall into place as far as what is a big deal to God but I'm just gonna highlight four specific things that I believe obviously are very important and our church needs to know this is a big deal number one doctrine is a big deal doctrine is a big deal you say why would you say that why would you want to emphasize that because today churches are de-emphasizing doctrine and they actually look down upon those who want to esteem doctrine they think that people who are looking into doctrine is just going down deep and coming up dry no we're going down deep and we're learning a lot of Bible go to 1 Timothy chapter 4 you see what is what is doctrine mean because that word is used a lot doctrine simply means teaching so don't let that word scare you into thinking like you know it's some cultish word it simply means to teach and the Bible commands us to teach doctrine biblical doctrine is what that's referring to so what does teaching do it gives us knowledge what does knowledge do well it helps us not to be destroyed because the Bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and specifically from knowledge of the Bible you see the Bible tells us that the simple those who are ignorant are passed on and are punished so you may have a good heart the right motives but the Bible tells us that if you don't know the Bible you're gonna be destroyed why because you're simple you're passing on you're being punished just as a fool is punished for beat for his rebellion okay the Bible tells us in Isaiah 28 verse 9 whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine then that are weaned from the milk and draw drawn from the breast we want to make sure that our church is constantly emphasizing doctrine and he said well I just want to hear a sermon on grace okay well you're gonna hear a doctrinal sermon on grace that the grace of God has appeared into all man teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust okay we're not just gonna stick to Romans chapter 6 well we're not under the law but under grace we're gonna teach what the Bible actually says about grace what is that that's actually the actual doctrine you see a lot of churches unfortunately they only stick to a few books in the Bible John sometimes Proverbs don't skip Psalms 23 teach a 23 week a 23 week a lesson on Psalms 23 he's going through each verse going down deep into the Hebrew you know we can do that in 15 minutes okay that's why on Thursday nights we go through an entire chapter in one sitting okay sometimes I don't get to finish the chapter but I guarantee you'll get more Bible verses in that one chapter then most of these churches preach and in three months okay why because it's important to teach doctrine and the reason we teach verse by verse in our church is because that way we don't leave any stone unturned you know we go through a chapter we're forced to basically explain what does this verse mean compare Scripture with Scripture compare the Bible with the Bible that the Holy Ghost can teach us through his words what the Bible means about these certain subjects doctrine is important look at first Timothy 4 verse 16 says look at look how important this is to God it says take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee so let me clarify some things here before I get into explaining what this means first of all it says take heed unto thyself in other words you need to make sure you're paying attention to these two factors right here is what he's saying he says unto thyself and unto the doctrine and then he says if you pay attention to these two aspects you paying attention to doctrine yourself and to those who you're teaching you're gonna save yourself now this does not mean save yourself like going to heaven okay because a lot of false cults would like to do that and say well you know you got to make sure you know the Bible and you stay in church and you do good works you don't commit sin that's the way you can save yourself no that's false doctrine see there's doctrine then there's false doctrine okay that will fall into the category of being false doctrine when it says save thyself it's talking about verse number one where it says that many have given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so what is it gonna save you from apostasy what is it gonna save you from heresy what is it gonna save you from false teachers and false prophets who are creeping in unawares to spy out their liberty of the Christians to draw away disciples after them who is it what is it gonna save you from from wolves and sheep's clothing you see unfortunately there's a lot of sheep out there who are saved and the wolves are just eating them up you know why because the pastors are not getting up and teaching doctrine not giving heed to themselves into the doctrine for in doing so thou shalt both save thyself and then that hear thee so this is a command to a pastor to say hey make sure you're given attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine because when you're reading the Bible on a constant basis not commentaries not Charles Spurgeon devotionals where he gives you one verse and then he puts his little Calvinistic slant on it know the Bible I'm against every single devotional that exists okay you know because devotionals basically make the Bible not a big deal you just don't even use your Bible you got this devotional you know just read one verse and like five paragraphs of a guy explaining what that one verse means and most of the time those guys aren't even saved and they're putting their own little false doctrine in there and guess what you're not learning anything that's why those people are believing seducing spirits and doctrines of devils why because they're not giving attendance to reading so the pastor reads okay the Bible himself he learns but then as he's teaching because doctrine means teaching he's saving the congregation as well from what from false doctrine because he's not leaving his sheep ignorant you see if you only know about love and grace which praise God for those things about if you want a sermon on love and grace just come out so many with us we'll be doing that all afternoon come out throughout the week with us we're gonna be doing that all afternoon we quote Romans 5 a Romans 3 16 tons of times and we give the explanation of it too you know that's where preaching the love if you really want to talk about the love of God and the grace of God hey we'll quote we'll quote Ephesians 2 verse 8 do not all the time while we're out sowing so it'll save people so it's not talking about saving you from hell okay because the word saved or salvation is not always in reference to being justified or being rescued from hell often it's just in this context being saved from false doctrine that's why doctrine is important so don't ever come with this attitude like oh here are we're gonna learn something else from the Bible yeah you are gonna learn something from the Bible you know and if you don't want to learn something from the Bible then go to you know this community church down the street or something or they won't even open the Bible they'll have a screen with the verse right on top from a false version of the Bible you know and then you'll get eaten up by the wolves I don't want to get eaten up by wolves you know I want to make sure that I'm saving myself and then they hear me but how we're gonna do that but with doctrine why because doctrine is a big deal so we can never we should never have this attitude or this atmosphere in our church that doctrines important are not important you know even before church we were discussing what doctrine you know I'm thankful that before and after church you know what the conversation is about it's not about you know whoever won last night or whatever that game was the conversation was about doctrine okay we're discussing doctrine oh you guys are just you know spiritual I thought that's where we're trying to be still working to be is to be spiritual the way we do that is by speaking God's words you know if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God okay go to Proverbs chapter 28 if you would the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 4 verse number 2 for I give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law so we see there that the law and doctrine work hand in hand and he says there look I'm giving you doctrine obviously this is Solomon talking to his son but this is also a good symbolic picture of God giving us doctrine because we are children of God as well the Bible says but as many as received them to them give you power to become the sons of God even unto them that believe on his name and so the Bible tells us here I give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law look what Proverbs 28 verse 4 says they that forsake the law what does it mean to forsake means to abandon they that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them you see when churches and pastors and Christians begin to tell you hey you know it's not you know it's not a big deal you need you guys need to chill out on that doctrine you know we shall kumbaya you know and ecumenize ourselves and just get along with everyone go along to get along where they're not reading Proverbs 28 verse 4 because the Bible says here that when you forsake the law you begin to praise the wicked and when you keep the law when you're actually reading the Bible when you're keeping doctrine the Bible says you actually contend with them what does it mean to content means you fight so how do you see if a church is actually keeping the law if they're always fighting oh no that's a mean spirit yeah you need a mean spirit when you fight you know come on guys get down no you're angry you hate every false way you say well when we're gonna stop fighting in the millennial rain that's the thousand year vacation amen but the Bible tells us there that it forsake the law praise the wicked so how does that look like today well you have pastors and teachers and churches they are praising people who are not of God you know when Billy Graham passed away people were just like oh he's in heaven Billy Graham preached false doctrine Billy Graham had the agenda to send people to hell through his false doctrine I can't believe you said that I have a poster in my room of Billy Graham what am I gonna do now you tear it down because they that forsake the law will praise the wicked look and one of the most wicked things in this world today is sodomites I mean they're always wicked but it's prevalent today and what how do you how can you tell if a church how can you tell if a Christian is keeping the law of God is it is if they're contending with the sodomites not trying to bring them into the church I can't believe you just said that you know well let me repeat it okay if someone is forsaking the law they want to bring in the sodomites and make be friends with them you know they need to read Proverbs 28 verse 4 that says look if you're forsaking the law you're praising the wicked I'll just pray for them don't praise the wicked the Bible commands you to contend with them well I'm scared what if they do so what are they gonna do you're gonna take your life don't you have eternal life you can't scare an invincible person we invincible yes because this flesh if you if I put off this flesh guess what I'm going to heaven I saw my vacation early you know so we need to recognize that if we're gonna keep contending we need to keep reading the Bible doctrine is a big deal because it is our filter through which we see who is actually contending and who is praising the wicked you know we need to make sure that we keep that where it needs to be go to Matthew 16 Matthew 16 I mean the sodomites are highly esteemed in the eyes of a lot of Christians what does the Bible tell us that they're an abomination in the eyes of God well you need to be more discreet you know when you preach you can't say things like they need to be more discreet no we need to be more open more descriptive you know I'm always looking for new words to describe these filthy perverts we just came up with them on today right what was a fagomite because we're looking in the Spanish Bible and I was looking at the Encinas from the 1500s and it had an F instead of an S and it was is a fodomita right so I was like just mix them together fagomite amen because I don't want no one to you know confuse what we believe in this church you know and look if this is a hard sermon for you to swallow just take it easy read the scriptures and just recognize look we're just reading what the Bible says okay and look the Bible is timeless it's it's it's it's timeless it's perfect the law of the Lord is perfect the Bible says and we need to make sure that that fear never instills itself in our hearts and we have faith in what God says in his word you know and if this offends you it's probably because you've been injected with a lot of Hollywood a lot of movies that have conditioned you to think that sodomites are okay no according to the Bible they're wicked where do I have you turn Matthew 16 verse 12 says here then understood they how he bade them not to be aware of the leaven of the bread but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees so we see here that God tells us and by the way the leaven is referring to doctrine there we see here that God Jesus Christ is specifically telling his disciples hey you need to be aware of certain doctrines and other portions of scripture he says beware of the leaven of Herod Herod was not a Pharisee Herod was not a religious leader guess what he was he was a politician because guess what politicians teach too is that what church is that it's called Fox News Baptist Church you know and they hold services every day you know some Christians go to Fox News Baptist Church more often than they go to the actual Baptist Church but the Bible tells us Jesus said beware of the leaven of Herod you know and what do you do you have Christians just consuming Fox News you know and just learning from these unsafe people when they've literally forsaken God his word they lightly esteemed the Bible and highly esteemed Fox News the Bible tells us in Romans 16 go to go to Romans 16 I'll read to you from Ephesians chapter 4 you're like I thought Fox News was conservative have you ever seen married with children was that that was on Fox was that a conservative show how about the Simpsons well we consider that a biblical conservative show that's on Fox isn't it I don't know if Fox still exists when I was a kid I was on channel 11 right does anybody know what I'm talking about all right they have the worst shows on Fox and you telling me that Fox News is conservative you know some of these some of these leaders in Fox News they've been found out to sexually assault and harass some of the ladies there is that conservative yeah I think you need to recheck your morals where your source of morals okay our source of morals is right here I'm gonna reach you from Ephesians 4 verse 13 the Bible says till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive so the Bible is teaching us in Ephesians chapter 4 that God has given to us some apostles some prophets and teachers some pastors and evangelists for the edifying of the body of Christ for the work of the ministry so God tells us that he sends his teachers to teach us doctrine why so we're that we're no longer children spiritually carry why because a child is carried about with every wind of doctrine what's the wind of doctrine it's a trendy doctrine that comes in and comes out God says hey be not you know men are not with them that are given to change and so if there's a trendy doctrine coming through don't just you know catch the next flight be in church learn doctrine so you can basically prove all things hold fast that which is good Romans 617 says now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine that which you have learned and avoid them so the Bible not only commands us to teach the right doctrine it also commands us to avoid people who are teaching the wrong doctrine as well and it says to mark them now it doesn't mean grab a sharpie and just you know mark them but it's like hey I've marked you in my mind that you're not a person I should be listening to and the Bible says avoid them what does that mean don't watch their YouTube clips okay now people try to say that about us don't they they're like oh you know stay off of YouTube don't watch Pastor Anderson no one's brother here don't watch all these other preachers but here's the thing we need to prove all things hold fast that which is good I don't just write off someone just because someone told me to write them off obviously I hear him out first but because I've been taught the right doctrine I can filter that and see if it's wrong or right okay we don't want blind followers right we want intelligent people people who can think for themselves you know it's not like hey just follow me you know and I'll teach you everything you don't need to go to the Bible no I'm confirming from the Bible what you're already reading in your Bible as well and we want you to be intelligent we want you to have wisdom and discretion to be able to discern these things on your own because the because you know the pastor is not always gonna be with you all the time you need to make sure that you take heed unto thyself right now go to first Timothy chapter one so it says there mark them which caused divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine so guess what that's gonna do that's gonna that's gonna create some enemies because there's a lot of people who are teaching contrary to the doctrines found within the Word of God but you know God says mark them and mark them in Romans 16 guess what it means it means to say the names because in Romans chapter 16 he marks those who are walking for an example and he has a long list of names that he gives in Romans chapter 16 so then he rolls into Romans 16 verse 17 where he says mark them which caused divisions what does it mean to call the names because what if I tell you yeah make sure you guys stay away from that preacher and they're like whoo I'm not gonna say any names you know I'm just and people are like how am I supposed to like beware of them I'm not gonna say I'm you know say some initials it's like no no initials say anything you know and so it's like the Shepherd going before the sheep and it's just like hey guys watch out for that wolf right there it's like where just you just gotta watch out for them it's like no it's like that's the wolf right there you know Sam Gibb Josh Tice John guy Akeem all these other people you know these people that's that's how you mark them is by saying the names you know that's why we have names so people know who we are first Timothy 1 3 says that I was sought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia that thou might is charged some that they teach no other doctrine neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do so we see here that Paul is just instructing Timothy he's saying hey make sure you go and make sure that these people are not teaching any other doctrine to the doctrine that you have learned you know what that goes to show that's a Paul doctrine was a big deal it's not like you know just go and make sure you do follow-up make sure that you know everything's just being taken care of you know if there's people who are saying they're there that they repent of your sins and other people are once they've always saved that's fine cuz it's not a big deal no he says that's a big deal we need to make sure chapter 4 go to chapter 4 verse 13 till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine the Bible tells us so go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 2nd Timothy chapter 4 that's when our church when we preach we use a lot of verses in the Bible it's not one verse and then all right close your Bibles right and just preach a sermon on my opinion we preach we we give the understanding of the scripture and then we go to another scripture okay look at 2nd Timothy 4 verse 1 says I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine so these elements are very important within a sermon okay here's how you can preach a biblical sermon you got to have you got to approve you got to rebuke but you got to exhort as well and you got to be long-suffering but you got to have doctrine okay doctrine biblical teaching what the Bible actually says about that you see what is reprove and rebuke is to tell someone that they're wrong it's to call out a pastor and say that guy is wrong okay now look what it goes on to say verse 3 for the time will come so he's giving them this commandment because of this because of verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables so the Bible is telling us there hey you got to make sure you preach the Bible and have these elements because there's gonna come a time when people don't want to endure that sound doctrine and verse 4 tells us what sound doctrine is truth so anything other than that guess what it is it's a fable you know your best life now you know do this and God will bless you throw 20 bucks into the plane and God will bless you God is happy with God is never angry with you but that's a fable that's as fable as Harry Potter that's as fable as Star Wars and the like it's not real we need to make sure that we have the elements of this and it's all centered around doctrine okay it's important now go with me if you would to let's see here go to Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter number 12 so let me say this because doctrine is actually controversial you know and this is the thing is the guys who are preaching in our in our church you don't have to try to be controversial just teach the Bible that's controversial enough you don't have to try to be cute and novel and come up with new truths or anything like that just preach the Bible and that's controversial enough okay and look the reason the Bible is controversial and doctrine is controversial because it's contrary to cultural intelligence or what's what's popular today in culture it's always it always goes against the grain is what it is okay and don't be surprised that when you begin to adhere to biblical doctrine people are gonna want to separate from you okay now people often accuse us of like oh you guys are a cult you know well not really because people separate from us all the time and when they separate you know what we do see ya bye you know if people don't like our church and they go somewhere else we're not like you can't leave if you leave you're not saved no it's just like see you later you know we don't want you to leave but if you leave then you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go but look at Matthew I'm sorry I had you turn to Matthew 12 go to Matthew 10 look at Matthew chapter 10 says think not this is Jesus speaking verse 34 says think not that I'm come to send peace on earth and you know what that makes me think of you ever seen that bumper sticker where they say no Jesus no peace but no Jesus no peace you ever heard you ever seen that one it's like no Jesus no peace it's like the NO it's like no Jesus no peace but if you know Jesus you know peace well here in verse 34 says think that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword we need you guys need to be like Jesus well that's yeah that's what we're doing bringing the sword what does a sword do well a sword is not meant to spank a sword is meant to divide the Bible tells us for the Word of God is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit joints in the marrow and is a discernor of the thoughts of the intense of the heart so what is the Bible telling us here it tells us that Jesus is not bringing peace he's bringing division why because we're need we need to be absolute about truth and not everyone's gonna agree with God in the Bible therefore if you adhere to the Bible and you adhere to God not everyone's gonna agree with you but don't be a pansy and say oh man but I just I just want to be friends with everyone that's unrealistic oh yeah but I got like how many I got like 5,000 followers on Facebook though that's not real friends okay you know friends this is not a sermon topic on friends but that's not what friends is being a friend is okay you know the Bible tells us here the doctrine will divide it'll divide you from friends it'll divide you from family and I'm sure a lot of people have experienced that okay it's just for I'm come to say look what he says in verse 35 and don't take my word for it let's just read the words of Jesus for I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and this this last one is actually you don't need the Bible for this and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law okay that's just that's just natural okay and I'm just kidding and a man's foes shall be they of his own household that's rough language for Jesus you're misinterpreting I don't know how you can misinterpret that that's not like you know that's not obscure that's not like well you know what does it say in the Greek you know no you just read it plainly in the English right there Jesus said I'm coming to bring a division and in case you don't know what a division is he says I'm come to set a man of variance against his father now if you and your father get along and you guys adhere to the same doctrines you ought to do like three spiritual backflips today amen if you get along with your family and all that all is good amen but that's not the case with everyone okay now the goal is that we all agree you know I mean that we're in unity arrest centered around truth but that's not always going to happen okay I remember when the whole spiel happened with my old church you know it was very it was a painful experience for people to separate from me not just family but friends you know leaders people have known for years just completely abstaining from me just cutting all ties for me that was very painful now go to Matthew chapter 12 it's very painful it's a painful experience because you realize the shallowness of people when it comes to this subject right here okay but that's what doctrine does though it divides it separates you from other people but you know what when you're separated from someone often you're separated unto someone as well as well okay because now I got a bunch of friends amen now I got a large family in fact look at the Bible says in Matthew 12 verse 49 and he stretched forth his hands toward his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren and he wasn't talking about his physical mother and brethren for whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same is my brother and sister and mother now don't go too far deep into that all right we're just like oh it's like we're like a can we all have the same last name too here's the same last name Christian okay saved children of God what this is saying is that in Christ obviously we have brothers and sisters in Christ but those who do the will of their father you know we're centered around we have common ground with one another that's why it's who cares about race you know there's a lot a lot of racist people in churches you know we ought to be like you know it doesn't matter what shade you are if you believe like I believe hey we get along great because it doesn't matter what shade you are what color you are as long as we believe the same thing you're my brother you're my sister you're my mother and so and by the way doesn't say wife throw that in there it's just brother sister and mother right it's like hey you're my wife too right no no that's not the way it works so doctrine is a big deal I mean we only begin to stretch the surface of what the Bible says about doctrine so don't ever downplay doctrine and think that it's not an important subject it's very important and in fact if our church is going to continue to thrive and go forward and see people saved and do great works for God and not have our candlestick removed we need to continue to emphasize doctrine okay but now I go to John chapter 20 something we're talking about subjects are a big deal you know a lot of people are lightly is steaming these things we shouldn't lightly esteem them we should we should not think lightly of it when God commands us when he has a command in the Bible you know we shouldn't be well that's not really that important to us and now obviously there's certain doctrines of the Bible that are far more important than other doctrines salvation is far more important of a doctrine than end times Bible prophecy we understand that but that doesn't mean that end times Bible prophecy is not important it's important because it's in the Bible okay number two subjects that are a big deal what's another one soul winning and having the right gospel that's a big deal it's a big deal you say why is that well let's let's talk about the gospel first and foremost okay people need to believe the gospel in order to be saved right and this is why it's a big deal because if you don't adhere to the right gospel you're gonna go to hell I think I put the cookie as low on the bottom shelf as I possibly could right if you don't adhere to the correct gospel you will spend the rest of eternity in hell it's not like a holding place for you where you'll get out can someone can pray you out it doesn't work that way it's not Abraham's bosom you know it's not a place in the middle where people can can pray you out you're there in torments day and night you never leave okay in fact I always mess up when I say that let me correct myself you do leave for a moment but the only reason you leave is because God takes you out of hell to relocate you to a place called the lake of fire which is just a bigger hell because there's so many people in there okay so go to John chapter 20 so that's important isn't it it's a big deal well you know some people believe it's only by belief only some people believe it's by works but you know they both say you have to just trust Jesus no this is a big deal we need to be specific and what we're referring to now let me talk about sowing real quick John chapter 20 verse 21 says then said Jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father had sent me even so send I you God commissioned his son to go and save the world amen he says I came to seek and to save that which is lost well how is that applicable to us we come to seek and to save that which is lost Christ has reconciled the world unto himself we have been now given the ministry of reconciliation now it's our responsibility to go out there and preach the gospel see people safe this is what we would refer to as soul winning what is so winning we're winning people to Christ we're saving them out of the fire now why is that a big deal that we understand what soul winning is because so winning even the term has turned into something else that's not sowing where people go on they just drop off tracks in front of a door ring the doorbell and run they play ding dong ditch ding dong ditch soul winning where they just drop off a track and that's it that's not so winning so winning is opening in your mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel someone is preaching the gospel to every creature okay so winning is going to someone one-on-one opening the Word of God and telling them how to be saved from the Bible okay that's what so winning is you know it's not I'm not I'm not against big days but you know a lot of churches with big days have replaced so winning with those big days you know and I'm not saying people don't get saved in these big days because I was part of a church where people got saved on that big day how do you know that because I was winning them I was there winning them to Christ so I and I wasn't the only one okay there are 7,000 prophets who have not bowed the knee to bail okay and so but that's not the best way to do it the best way to do is what God says from house to house going from house to house preaching the gospel to every creature and not using you know these these worldly ways of trying to get people saved we need faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God we need to make sure we keep the main thing the main thing the main thing is so when you're going out there and preaching the gospel and look that's the main ministry of our church we don't have nursery okay we have the mother baby rooms but guess who are the nursery workers the moms they're the nursery workers for their own children my son has a full time nursery worker her name is mom okay we don't have you know bus ministry and I understand it's been good fruit that came out of the bus ministry but that's not our emphasis our emphasis is so winning because what if you're not careful when you have all these different types of ministries people begin to want to invest into those ministries only financially and not actually get involved themselves okay so what they'll do is they'll they'll they'll alleviate their conscience from the responsibility of preaching the gospel by giving to these ministries of people who are actually preaching the gospel but then they themselves are not participating in that ministry but guess what the ministry of soul winning is for everyone man woman boy girl yeah even suckling amen it's for everyone and it's something that everyone can get involved in you don't have to sign a waiver you know you just go out you learn how to do it and you preach the gospel yourself okay now the Bible tells us go to Romans chapter 1 that's a big deal oh it's not a big deal you know people want to do that you know you know it is a big deal because the Bible clearly gives us a template that we're supposed to follow of how to get people saved okay and if we replace it with just a door hanger if we just replace it with a track drop if we replace it with these cute little days that they have or these evangelistic services guess what that may work that may work five years but in 10 years 20 years that's not what it's gonna be now look at Romans 1 14 it says I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and to the unwise so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also for I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God into salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith I like what he says there verse 16 I'm not ashamed of the gospel you see dropping off a track on a door is something that's very easy to do it doesn't require much spirituality to do that that's it preaching the gospel requires a spirit-filled person actually requires a safe person first and foremost but then it requires a spirit-filled man or woman to go out there and actually because you're telling people they're going to hell now don't don't if you've never heard this concept before don't think that when I say that I'm saying hey hey how you doing you're going to hell that's not the way we do it okay you know we we have a specific plan and a template that we use you know obviously it varies through each soul winner that we used to give the gospel to see people safe because at the end of the day that's the greatest that's the greatest way you can show someone you love them is by rescuing them from hell okay now go with me if you would to Revelation chapter 2 it's a big deal let me tell you why it's a big deal okay to preach the right gospel and do the right type of soul winning Galatians 1 8 says this but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you this is what Paul says let him be accursed what does a curse means let him be damned let that person go to hell this is what Paul is saying okay you just said damned yeah that's what you referred to people who are in hell they're the damned and Paul is and then if it didn't make sense the first time he actually repeats it twice he says it again in verse 9 as we said before so say I now again if any man preached any other gospel unto you then that what you have received let him be accursed that is a strong condemnation upon the person is not preaching the right gospel now you say well what's the right gospel let me give you a brief overview what the real gospel is okay when we go out and preach the gospel this is what we're referring to we're talking to people and we're telling them hey you know are you 100% sure that if you died today you'd go to heaven if they give any other answer then yes it's by believe only I can't lose my salvation then we roll into what we call the Romans Road okay Romans Road for me starts with Romans 3 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God what does that mean it simply means we're all sinners what is sin sin is the transgression of the law in modern terms is when we break God's rules so for example when the Bible tells us thou shall not bear false witness and we lie that's referring to line and we lie we have now broken that law therefore we are now considered sinners and to be quite honest with you we've done more than just lie that's just one of the most basic lies that everyone knows that they've done is lie so once they admit that they're sinners and they recognize that then we roll into the consequence of that sin which is hell the Bible says in Romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is death it's not referring to the literal physical death is referring to a place called hell so if you're to die your soul would spend the rest of eternity in a place called hell that is what you deserve because of sin yeah but I'm a good person well the Bible tells us there's none that do with good no not one in fact it says as it is written there's none righteous no not one now the person I'm talking to potentially I can look at that person say yeah they seem like a good person but you know in the eyes of God there's none to do with good no not one and they don't do it good enough to get them to heaven so they recognize and I tell and then I we go into revelations 21 8 where we explain that the fearful and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death so I'll explain to them hey you know we often think that hell is for like really bad people and it is murderers sorcerers and idolaters but it even says liars so that would include yourself that would include me that would include everyone once they recognize that that's what they deserve for their sin I simply ask them this now do you believe that God loves you and if they say yes I say do you think he wants you to go to hell and any reasonable person will say no I don't think he wants me to go to hell therefore I will explain the solution to them I said well God created a solution wherewith you can escape hell I'll read to them Romans 5 a but God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us and I'll explain that 2,000 years ago God the Father sent Jesus Christ his son who's God in the flesh to this world the Bible says he did many miracles he preached the Word of God and because of that he was crucified by the Jews but the Bible says that he gave him he gave his own life for us he sacrificed himself for us Bible also says that when he hung on the cross he bore our sins on the cross now at this point I actually spend a little bit of time on this to explain what that means because most people know Jesus Christ died for our sins but they don't really understand the intricacies of that and what I'll tell them is this when I say that he died on the cross for your sins I mean he died on the cross for all your sins past present and future and I'll explain to them do you believe that God is all-knowing and all those say yeah he's all-knowing so do you think that he knows the sins you're gonna do in the future they'll say yes and I'll explain to them I say so when he says or when he died for you on the cross do you think he knew of the sins you're gonna do in the future and they'll say yes therefore he died for those sins and then I say let me further clarify that he not only died for the little sins and I'll say what's a little sin they'll say lying yeah but he even died for the big sins what would you consider a big sin they'll say murder and then I'll add yeah and like suicide because I'm planting that seed and they'll say yeah so he died for the entire spectrum of sins you understand that then he died his soul went to hell for three days and three nights on the third day he resurrected from the grave then I roll into the fact of how they can be saved if they trust Jesus Christ if they believe on Jesus Christ I'll take them to Acts chapter 16 verse 30 okay and if they just believe on Christ they can be saved I explained what believe means it means to trust trust that he's sufficient to save you that he's the only one that can save you and and I explained to him now if I tell you that I trust in Jesus but that you still have to be a good person who am I really trusting in I'm trusting both Jesus and myself but does the Bible say I have to trust in Jesus and myself no it's only in Jesus I'll take him to some verses in John chapter 3 verse 15 and verse 36 I'll read to him and I'll say I'll tell him the verse 36 says he that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life he that believeth not the Sun shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him and I'll explain to him hey there's two types of people in this world those who believe they have everlasting life those who choose not to believe will not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him what is wrath that is translated into hell that's what that's talking about and I was you know and then I'll explain to him so according to the Bible what's the only thing you have to do to be saved and they'll say believe I said yeah absolutely right now and I'll explain to you in this matter of works I said have you ever heard of repenting of your sins they're like yeah I thought you had to repent of your sins to be safe well repenting of your sins would basically mean to keep God's commandment not to sin but you and I already went over this that we've broken all the commandments already so it's impossible to keep all the commandments not to sin because we sin every single day and in fact James chapter 2 verse 10 says they who serve to keep it the whole law yet offended one point he's guilty of all so let's say hypothetically speaking you only told one lie you never murdered you never did any of those other things according to God's perfect standard you're already guilty of all of them so once they understand is by believing only then I explained to them this matter of eternal security now this is important well it's not a big deal no this is a big deal eternal security is helping them to understand that once you're saved you're always saved you can never lose your salvation and eternal security is also teaching us that when someone is saved and they get away from God in ten years twenty years guess what you're still safe and it doesn't mean you weren't saved in the first place because if you're saved you wouldn't do those things no because you're still living in this flesh you're gonna do a lot of things that this please God okay and I'll explain to me Ephesians 2 verse 8 through 9 because that's the best scripture to explain that for by grace are you saved through faith which is believing and then look at this phrase and that not of yourselves what does that mean not of your effort not of your obedience not of what you can do it's not of yourself and then he further explains and he says it is the gift of God not of works you see a gift is free but it's not free for the person who's giving it and who's the one giving us the gift of salvation Jesus how did he pay for it with his own blood therefore it's free so a gift is not something that well you know you just have to live right well no that's called conditional that's called Indian giving if you do this I'll give it to you and if you don't if you stop doing it I'm gonna take it away from you doesn't work that way and so we understand that a gift is free and it's permanent okay because God is not an Indian giver it's why you saw how do you know it's permanent because it's called eternal life and eternal never ends okay now after I explained that to them I take them to Titus 1 2 explaining that God cannot lie he promised us eternal life therefore he cannot lie and then I'll briefly just if I tell I said you believe that now and they'll say yes I'll explain to them I'll say this okay we're gonna go to Romans chapter 10 I'm gonna show you how you could be saved but I just want to give you this quick illustration just to confirm that you understand what I just told you so you understand your sin or you understand and I'll go through all I'll review those points and then I'll say this let's say today you get saved you believe on Christ you trust Jesus as your Savior you get saved let's say 10 years from now you know you get out of church and I tell them I say I'm gonna give you a really extreme example let's say you go rob a bank and I'll tell them that's a pretty bad sin wouldn't you agree they're like yeah it's pretty bad I said let's say you even kill someone that's a bad sin I mean I'll make I'll make it like that's a bad sin they're like yeah I said let's say you even commit suicide that's a really bad sin they're like yeah I said let me ask you this when Jesus died that he died for a look for those sins and they'll go yeah he did and I said so if he died for those sins and ten years earlier you trusted Jesus as your Savior where do you go and typically it just connects and they'll go I'll go to heaven they'll say why because I believed on him and he died and paid for all of my sins okay and at that point I'll explain them how they can be saved in Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and so on and so forth now that is a brief overview of my gospel presentation it's not always the same because I'm not always talking to the same person people have different questions sometimes they give me a different body language sometimes it's a different scenario but I modify it based upon the person I talked to however the template the same template is always used okay but it's important and it's a big deal don't skip any of those points you may have a different way of saying it but don't skip any of those points don't just roll in to just believe you need they need to know that they're sinners they need to know that they deserve hell why don't I don't really like to like talk about that though that's like you know a little politically incorrect we're not politicians so go right ahead and look Jesus is the what Savior so what is he saving us from saving us from hell and someone can't call upon the name of the Lord to be saved if they don't need if they feel like they don't need to be saved in the first place who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come you see we need to recognize that and that we deserve hell in order to recognize that we need a Savior okay and so don't undermine that and look if there's someone who believes different than you in that regard you know be patient with them but after a while if they don't receive that admonishment then obviously we need to render them a heretic you see what I'm saying because obviously if someone's wrong they're wrong but we need to give them time to grow but if they're not willing to grow in that area and they keep bringing that up then basically after the second and third admonition we need to reject that person first and second admonition we need to reject them but it's a big deal why because it has to do with salvation it has to do with souls going to heaven or going to hell so be thorough and let me say this don't be so thorough do you actually confuse people because that can happen too because you can actually be so thorough that you're asking the same question over and over again that the person can actually think maybe I'm not even given the right answer you know and you and out of sincerity you're trying to make sure they understand but then at that point they're just like well maybe I'm not giving the right answer because he keeps asking me the same question you know so be thorough and just ask them to say do you understand what I just told you if they say yes then that's all you can go by what do you mean by yes you know you said that with a different tone I don't you know is that was that a question mark behind that yes you know what does that mean in your language you know is if they say yes then then move on well then how am I gonna know you're not gonna know you just by faith you believe that if you gave a right gospel you're thorough enough then they got saved okay I spent a lot of time on that but it's very important now along with that I want to talk about damnable heresy and we obviously understand that let me give this last point and I'm done go to 1st John chapter 2 damnable heresy is a big deal because it's people to hell a damnable heresy is a teaching that will send someone to hell okay and I've talked about that before but I want to I want to hit on this so number four the last one is this separation from the world is a big deal Bible tells us in 1st John 2 15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the Father is not in him okay so it's important that we recognize that as Christians we live a separated life we're not like the world now you said you have someone in mind yeah I have Josh Tyson mine this liberal wannabe independent fundamental Baptist dropped the independent drop the Baptist you know who claims to be this this great pastor who these pastors are lifting up as being this great man of God but he's a liberal he does not believe what we believe and in fact that man dresses like a girl oh I don't I don't agree with that well you know what you need to study the prophets and the pastors in the Bible and see how they behave and you'll recognize that they behave just like us not like Josh Tice not like John guy not like a team who's in Oakland who is who took a picture with his wife along with another guy with his hand on his lap holding hands the only person I hold hands with was a guy is my son and the kid is two years old I don't hold hands with guys that's weird we would say that's faggot II you know and that may offend a lot of people but you know what then he needs to change that and he's already sent out to go be this pastor doesn't have any children in fact on his Instagram he posted this he said y'all need to stop asking one me and my wife are gonna have kids we just practicing right now tell me how appropriate that is for a pastor to say you know people get mad at me when I use the word hell when I use biblical words but then they're not offended at that you know what that's called that's called using birth control and aborting babies is what he's doing as a pastor you go on his website he says meet our pastors and he has him and his wife what husband of one wife you know unless he's the wife we need to steer clear of people like that let me just say it again Josh Tice a team you know John guy these queer looking pastors skinny jean-wearing you know who don't teach the Bible they're teaching the next generation to be soft effeminate people and look to be feminine is to be sinful being effeminate is a sin in the Bible what does it mean to be feminine it's when a guy acts like a girl it's when he looks like one he talks like one that's a sin you know it's not as the beanie feminine is not as bad as being a homo because it's not someone who's effeminate can get saved okay being effeminate is simply someone who's just soft when a man is God made man to be rough around the edges and all okay but these guys what they're what they're what they're flamboyant colors personalities hold a keem on his Instagram has a picture of him and another guy in the same bed taking a nap together I think we've already established that you know and here's the thing he's like man the guys in your church are so but you know I prefer them to be that way than to be like Josh Tice say don't say that it's offending everyone you know I want to hate the things that God hates and there's a reason why churches are filled with only ladies and not enough men because they got a lady for a pastor they got any feminine guy for a pastor behind the pulpit and that attracts the ladies it's not gonna track an actual man or it'll check the wrong kind of man okay so churches and pastors ought to look like churches and pastors and if you don't agree with that you just look at the Bible and see what the Bible how the Bible portrays prophets and pastors and churches hellfire damnation preaching churches and pastors okay so and the last thing is this and I got to throw this in here because it's coming up this week is the Christian should never partake in godless practices such as Halloween right I'm sorry if you already brought your frozen costume but the Bible tells us you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of Devils you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table in the table of Devils and look Halloween is a wicked holiday if you don't believe that just look at death is just everywhere you know all day they hate me love death the Bible says you know and when they make light of death people dying children dying you know children being molested and all these things and look just look at what happens on Halloween night you know that's a perfect time for pedophiles to go and kidnap children Halloween is a wicked holiday and we should not be partakers of their evil deeds what am I supposed to do well we're having the potluck on Wednesday man come chill out we'll bash on Halloween and you know we need to make sure that that we as Christians were separated from the world we're separated from those ideologies that are against God okay and against what the Bible says look I don't think anybody can walk away from the sermon saying I don't agree with that because if you do you're saying that you're not agreeing with the Bible because we read the verses in the Bible it says this you know and it's a hard pill to swallow sometimes but just take the water of God's Word and you can swallow it okay and and just just go with you know if that's what God says and that's what we got to do and look we're not expecting everyone to just sprout overnight and become this separated godly Christian overnight but you know it starts with giving knowledge and then you growing in that knowledge growing grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so don't just throw out the baby with the bathwater if you don't agree go back and read the verses you know and if you don't agree just see me after the service and say hey you said this you know can you prove this from the Bible I'll show you from the Bible come bring the verses that I use and we can discuss it okay but at the end of the day guess what it's a big deal amen inspire heads and I have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word and thank you that these teachings are found there in I pray that you'd help us all to adhere to these doctrines and Lord sometimes it's just the process of days weeks and months to really condition our minds according to the Bible because that's what we want to do the Bible says that we need to transform our minds be not conformed to this world will be transformed but by the renewing of your mind the Bible says and I pray that you'd help us to do so and thank you Lord for those who have been saved Lord we pray that you give us more salvations this afternoon so we can hit that 2,000 mark but just so we can continue to do great more greater works for thee and I pray that Lord you help us to emphasize the things you emphasize it in Jesus let me pray amen