(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Good evening. We are in Isaiah chapter 32. And the Bible reads, Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. The man shall be as in hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of water in a dry place, as a shadow of a great rock in a weary land. And the eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken. The heart also of the rat shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerer shall be ready to speak plainly. The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churrel said to the bountiful. For the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. The instruments also of the churrel are evil. He deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right. But the liberal deviseth liberal things, and by liberal things shall he stand. Rise up, ye women, that are at ease. Hear my voice, ye careless daughters, give ear unto my speech. Many days in years shall ye be troubled, ye careless women. For the vintage shall fail, the gathering shall not come. Tremble, ye women, that are at ease. Be troubled, ye careless ones. Strip you, and make you bare, and good sacrifice upon your loins. They shall lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine. Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briars. Yea, upon all the houses of joy, in the joyous city, because the palaces shall be forsaken. The multitude of the cities shall be left, the forests and towers shall be fordense forever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks, until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and a fruitful field be counted for a forest. Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. And the work of the righteous shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness, and assurance forever. And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in shared dwellings, and in quiet resting places, when it shall hail coming down on the forest, and the city shall be low in a low place. But not of a mighty man. Of course we saw how that was fulfilled, that God sent an angel to come and destroy the Assyrian army, and he delivered them supernaturally, miraculously, right? Even though they were worried, they were afraid that their enemies were going to come upon them, he ended up supernaturally delivering them by destroying that army there. And then it goes into chapter 32, giving them a reminder of the fact that a king shall reign in righteousness. Now, look at verse 1, it says, Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. So we're going to look at the coming king, and kingdom, and the ruling of his princes. Now, what is this referring to? Well, obviously we know that this has an end times prophetic tone to it, that is referring to Jesus Christ and his millennial reign. But as far as the immediate fulfillment of this, there's a lot of speculation as far as what earthly king is being talked about here. We obviously know that in chapter 31, the king that was there when the Assyrians died was Hezekiah. Well, after Hezekiah you have Manasseh, and Manasseh is a very wicked king, but after Manasseh comes Josiah. And Josiah was a very righteous king, and I believe that Josiah is actually that coming king that Isaiah is talking about in this particular passage. You say, why is that? Well, Josiah, you know, his reign was extremely righteous. If you read his story, it's an incredible story, we know that he brought a lot of reform in the land when he found the law of God in the house of God. You know, he sent men to go clean the house of God, they ended up finding the word of God there. And when he read it, he realized that the nation was under a major curse because of all the idolatry, they were disobeying the word of God, the Passover was not being observed. And so in light of that, he brought about a lot of reform in the land. And he cleansed the temple of idols, and even brought down the groves, he destroyed the groves, essentially removing idolatry out of the land, just very zealous for the things of God. He reinstated the Passover as well, and probably one of the most notable things that he did during his administration was that he removed the witches out of the land, and he break the houses of the Sodomites. It's pretty exciting, you know, I wish we could get a president like that, you know. And he's just, you think about this, he's like removing the wizards, the witches out of the land, and then he's like, look at those fag houses over there, and then he's just like, take them down. He said, well, how do we know which ones are the homos? The ones with the rainbows! No, I'm just kidding. You know, the ones with the groves, really, is what it is. Because a lot of these Sodomites were worshippers of false gods, and so it probably wasn't very hard to single out the Sodomites of the land because they were worshipping the devil as they do today, amen? And so he removed the witches, he break down the houses of the Sodomites, and ultimately, he ended up delaying the judgment of God that was going to come upon the land that his father Manasseh had incurred. And so, obviously, God was still going to judge the land, but because Josiah was righteous, he kind of delayed it a little bit so it wouldn't come in his time. And you have the famous passage, you know, during his story where God tells them, because of the tenderness of your heart, you know, the wrath is not going to come upon in your day, it'll come sometime later. And so, great reminder to us that when we keep a tender heart towards the things of God, he has a tendency to show us more mercy and grace because we're sensitive towards the things that God hates and the things that he loves. And so, again, because even though there's a lot of speculation as far as what immediate king is being talked about here, I think it's pretty obvious that it's referring to King Josiah. Some would say it's actually referring to Hezekiah and that chapter 32 are events that are taking place prior to chapter 31. I don't really buy into that. I believe it's referring to King Josiah because he is the next righteous king that comes after Hezekiah, even though you have Manasseh thereafter. And so, we know that. Now, when he says there, behold, the king shall reign in righteousness, he's kind of giving him that hope that one day a righteous king will come, bring reform, change the land, be a blessing to the land. But it also says that princes shall rule in judgment. And so, this is referring to King Josiah, but it's also, what, symbolically representing the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. And kind of the dead giveaway there is the fact that all the book of Isaiah is pretty much dealing with the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. And it says that princes shall rule in judgment. And that's something that does take place in the millennial reign. Now, hold your place there. Let's look at a couple of passages. Go to Revelation chapter 20, if you would, Revelation chapter 20. Now, we know that in the New Testament, both spiritual king and priest are made up of believers, right? And in fact, the Bible talks about in Revelation chapter 1 that we are kings and priests of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 2, verse 9, but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, right? Showing that kingly priesthood that now exists in that New Testament. Whereas in the Old Testament, the priesthood and the monarchy were two that had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands, and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Now, this is referring to a group of people that obviously, specifically, it's addressing those who died during the tribulation, during the great tribulation, the persecution that the antichrist brings upon God's people, but it's also collectively including all saints throughout all ages. Because the thousand year reign, or those who reign in the thousand year reign of Christ, is made up of the resurrected who came up in the first resurrection. And anybody who came up in the first resurrection are those who have believed on Jesus Christ prior to Jesus Christ rapturing all believers in Revelation chapter 7. And it says in verse number 5, but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection, implying that there's going to be a second resurrection of believers that obviously probably includes those who die within the wrath of God and all the way up until that point, to the beginning of the millennial reign. So prior to that, every believer, you and me included, we are included in this thousand year reign of Jesus Christ. Now, how this specifically looks like, we don't know, we can speculate based upon the evidence of the Bible. We know that it happens after the battle of Armageddon, where Jesus Christ takes the Antichrist and the false prophet, he throws him into the lake of fire, and then he destroys the armies, he goes to Jerusalem, and he sets up his reign. And it's possible that it's during that time that the judgment seat of Christ takes place. We hear about the judgment seat of Christ, we've seen it talked about in 1 Corinthians chapter 3, where believers are rewarded for their service, right? That's when the crowns are distributed to the believers. Well, I believe that takes place at the inauguration of the millennial reign. Because when Jesus Christ sets up his kingdom, now he needs princes, right? To essentially rule over the different geographical locations of the world at that time. And how does he determine who's ruling over what? Well, it really depends on those who serve Christ until the end, win souls to Christ, and of course various other Christian activities, just living the Christian life. And obviously I don't have the stats before me because I'm not God, but essentially if you live the Christian life, you serve God, from beginning to end, you are granted particular crowns, rewards, in the form of authority. And we see a parable in the Bible, I believe it's Mark chapter 10, that talks about that. The crowns that are given and he says, be thou over ten cities, be thou over five cities. And so people who are serving God and winning souls to Christ, when they come to the judgment seat of Christ, their works are not going to be wood-hand stubble, it's going to be gold, silver, and precious stones that shall probably be melted into a crown that's given to them and says, all right, you got Russia or something, or you got Guatemala, you have El Salvador, I don't even know if it's going to be called that during that time, but you have this particular location that you're going to rule over, and so go and basically instruct the people there, enforce the laws of God, and that is the reign of Jesus Christ. So the one main rule, of course, is Jesus Christ ruling from Jerusalem, but then you have resurrected, regenerated believers who are given the privilege to rule and reign with him. Verse number six tells us, blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Now the reason he's saying that we shall be priests and reign with him is because of the fact that, you know, as resurrected believers in the millennial reign, we are not only reigning over people, but we're also instructing people in the word of God, and what do the Old Testament priests do? They instructed people in the laws of God, they're teaching people the Bible, that's what we're going to be doing as well, so that is what it's referring to. Now go to chapter two of Revelation, if you would, Revelation chapter two, Revelation chapter number two, and look at verse 26 of Revelation two, it says, and he that overcometh and keepeth my works until the end, to him will I give power over the nations. So what this is telling you is that you have to, you know, do works to be saved. No, it doesn't. You know, when the Bible talks about overcoming, it's another way of stating those who believe on Jesus Christ, we see that in first John chapter five, and in fact, Romans chapter eight says, we are more than conquerors through him. So the way we overcome, the way we conquer is through Jesus Christ. So it's saying here, those who are saved, and those who keep the works of God until the end, he's going to give that authority. So what this is implying is that once you get saved, from there on out, if you're able to endure all the way to the end of the Christian life, basically when you die, you know, he's going to reward you with power, another word for power is what? Authority over the nations. Now, we saw that when we talked about the church at Pergamos, the church at Smyrna, that they're given a crown of life. If they're faithful unto death, they're given a crown of life. Well, that's absolutely true. You know, if you serve God till the end of your life, till the very end, God's going to reward you for that. And that's a great motivation for us to just stick it out, right? Obviously, the Christian life is a very pleasant life. It's a very fruitful life. It's an enjoyable life. I love the Christian life. I'm always having a good time as a Christian. You know, I love the blessings of God. I love serving God. I love being in church. I love winning people to Christ. I love my wife, and I love to raise my children and nurture in the admonition of the Lord. But quite frankly, even if I didn't have those things, the Christian life would still be enjoyable because it's the Christian life, and he came to give us life and life abundantly, right? So we not only have eternal life, but we even have an abundant Christian life whereby we're able to enjoy the blessings of God. And here we see that, you know, there are instances, though, that, you know, the Christian life can get hard. It can become difficult. It can become arduous, tedious, right? We can become weary in the service of the Lord, which is why Christ puts out that carrot and says, if you keep my works until the end, I'll give you power over the nations. And so when you're discouraged, when you're tired, you might be disillusioned, you might be weary. Just remember, you know, I want to be the governor one day in Christ's millennial reign, and so I need to keep these works until the end. And, you know, obviously we see this promise given throughout the Bible, especially in the New Testament, where, you know, for example, the Apostle Paul says, be not weary in well-doing. For in due season, we shall reap if we faint not. Obviously, there's an immediate fulfillment of that promise, but there's also a future fulfillment of that, that you will reap the millennial reign. You will reap, you know, having power over the nations if you faint not, okay? And so, and he says in verse 27, and he, referring to the person who overcomes, the person who's saved, the person who endures, who works for Christ to the end, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers, even as I received of my father. This is implying that our reign isn't a, hey guys, don't do that over there. Hey, hey, hey, no, no, no, no, no killing, no, no, don't do that, right? Rod of iron means like zero tolerance. Rod of iron means that we are disciplinaries in that reign, okay? So how do you know we're disciplinaries? Well, it says, as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers. It's essentially implying, you know, rebellion against the laws of God in the millennial reign will merit immediate punishment to the point where the rod of iron will break the person who's breaking those laws into shivers, even as I've received of my father. So the point here is that I'm trying to make here is just to remind everybody to motivate people to keep serving God. Keep winning souls to Christ. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord. Be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. And, you know, let me just instruct you and exhort you in a particular area. If you ever feel like you're just tired of serving God, you're just tired of living the Christian life, you know, don't quit, but just put it, you know, just downshift a little bit though, okay? You know, you're like in fourth gear and you're just kind of tired of just running the engine, just constantly running. You know, they're constantly running because, you know, if not, it'll just freeze over. Well, you know, that's a great illustration of the Christian life. You got to keep the engine running, okay? Keep gas in the engine. You say, well, how am I supposed to maintain just running this vehicle just nonstop? The word of God, prayer, spending time with the Lord, serving God, you know, the Holy Spirit filled, that's the oil, amen? You know, just keeping that engine running, you say, well, what if I got to take a break? Well, take a break, but just don't turn off the engine because then you'll just freeze over. Your heart will become cold towards the things of God. I'm chasing a rabbit there, but the point that I'm making here is that what the Bible's telling us here is that Jesus Christ is not the only one who's going to reign in the millennial reign. We're included in that also. The princes of God are included in that reign as well. Go back to Isaiah chapter 32, if you would. So he says, Behold, the king shall reign in righteousness and princes shall rule in judgment. We also get a glimpse of the millennial transfiguration here. He says in verse 2, and a man shall be as in hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest as rivers of water in a dry place as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. So what we're looking at here is just some of the drastic changes that will be under this new administration. Verse 2 talks about the relief. Relief will be abundance, but it also says in verse 3 that the eyes of them that shall see, excuse me, the eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken. And what is this talking about? Well, I believe it's referring to the fact that physical degradation will change. You know, the older you get, your eyes become dim. You know, you go a little blind. Maybe you need glasses. Some of you are wearing glasses right now. And maybe you say to yourself, man, I feel like my eyesight is not as good as it used to be. Okay, like, you know, you're looking at, you know, I see a lot of people do this, you know, and it's, you know, their eyesight is failing them. Why? Because we live in this sinful world that where our bodies degrade over time. Okay, and it says there that the ears of them that hear shall hearken. You know, also people, you know, they become hard of hearing. Now, some people are just hard of hearing because they just listen to too much loud rap and rock, and they just destroy their ears. I'm one of them, okay, in my younger years. And so every once in a while, I'll just hear this, hee, and I'm just like, and then it comes back, and then I'm fine, you know. But I'm sure in my older years, I'm probably going to be deaf, okay. But the point is, is that obviously as the years go by, our bodies break down, you know, getting out of bed is not as easy anymore, sneezing throws out your back, you know, picking up a song book will throw out your back, and, you know, your bones and your sinews and everything just doesn't work as sufficiently as it was before. You know, when you're younger, in your teenage years, you could do a lot to your body, a lot of damage to your body and still function at 100%. And, you know, I thank God, and obviously, you know, this might change tomorrow, that I don't necessarily feel any physical ailments. I will say this, though, like, you know, I feel like I wake up easier now, like in the middle of the night, like just any little sound, I'm just like, and then I just have a hard time going back to sleep. I think that's an indicator that I'm getting older. You know, I've heard that people who are, they get older, they just, you know, sleep lighter or something like that. You know, maybe that's happening to me. Can any old people attest to that? Okay, we got one here. I see that hand. I see that. Anybody else? Okay, right here, right here. Okay, I see that. I'm praying for you. Okay? That's part of the physical degradation, you know. You just don't sleep as well. Your bones become weak, and obviously, there's things that you can do to prevent those things, but eventually, just know this, you're going to die. You can do all kinds of things. You can eat healthy. You can exercise. You can run. I don't know why you would want to, but, you know, you could do all these. You can eat organic. You can stay away from caffeine. Don't know why you do that. You know, you can just be as healthy as possible, but, you know, there's one little thing that no one can escape, and that's called death. But it's saying here that there's going to come a time during the millennial reign where physical degradation will change. You know, the eyes, you won't need bifocals anymore. You can read perfectly. The eyes will be perfect. You can hear perfectly. And this is a very interesting phenomenon in the millennial reign, right? And the Bible talks about the fact that, you know, there shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days, for the child shall die a hundred years old, but the sinner being a hundred years old shall be accursed. It talks about the days of his people shall be the days of a tree, meaning that the life expectancy will increase, okay? And obviously for us, we won't even experience that, because we'll have our glorified bodies and all that, and so we don't have to worry about that. But just people who will live and die in the millennial reign, they're going to experience some of these physical phenomenons, and the degradation will be a lot slower. A lot of things are going to change during that time. Look at verse 4. It says, the heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly. What is this referring to? It's referring to the fact that the obstructions to the truth shall be removed. You know, you're not going to find unreceptive people in the millennial reign. The obstructions are removed. The strongholds in people's minds will no longer be there. People who are rash to pass judgment on God's word will not exist. They will understand the knowledge of God's word, and people will be able to speak plainly and communicate plainly the truths of the Bible. Let me read to you from Hebrews 8.11. It says, and they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. Now, I'm fascinated with how perfect the Bible is, and how timely it is, especially over the last two weeks. Like chapter 30 and 31 was just like right on the dot for elections. It applied, right, to what was going on. And you know what? Chapter 32 is also very much timely as well, because look at verse number 5. The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churrel said to be bountiful. Now, that's a pretty awesome verse right there, especially considering that, you know, we don't have a liberal person in the White House right now. I mean, currently they are until January, what, 20th or so, right? But it says here that once the righteous king takes over, a vile person shall be no more called liberal. Now, what is this referring to? Well, it's referring to the fact that there's not going to be any more gaslighting or mass manipulation about the character of people. Because, you know, obviously when we think of liberal, sometimes people don't understand what liberal means. We kind of, even as Christians, we have sort of redefined what it means to be liberal. It's a very like a negative thing. It has a very negative connotation. Think about like these lame churches. We call them liberal churches. You know, these purple light type churches with smoke and mirrors, and you know, the CCM and all that. We call that liberal churches. But, you know, liberal simply means bountiful, generous, right? And this verse is basically saying that there are vile people in places of authority, positions of authority, that claim to be liberal. And really, that's what the liberal Democrats, that's what they are, right? You know, they like to be generous, just not with their own money, it's with other people's money. They want to be generous with your money. They want to be generous with rich people's money. People of wealth, they want to take away the money. It's like, wow, I thought you guys were so generous with these immigrants and stuff. So they went to a bunch of people and they're just like, ah, no, we can't, you know, we just, we don't have any space. We're like, oh, they can sleep anywhere. They can sleep on the floor. You know, just, you know, isn't that what you guys are for or whatever? But obviously, what is that? It's just gaslighting. You know, these liberals act like they're so generous and so liberal and so bountiful. But really what they are is just vile, okay? And that is major manipulation. It's gaslighting because that is actually not the case. You know, they don't really love you. They don't really want to help people. And in fact, you know, liberal Democrats are some of the most racist people ever. I'm not saying there's no racists in Republican circles because there definitely is. But, you know, there's also racist people within the Democrat circles as well. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, I mean, the KKK were Democrats. You know, and so beat that. But, you know, they've been able to essentially manipulate, gaslight the nation. They think that, they say that Christians are evil and Bible believers are evil and Baptist conservatives are just the worst types of people, but yet, you know, the reality is we're the righteous ones. We're the righteous remnant that's preserving this nation, spiritually speaking, from degrading and going to hell and delaying the judgment of God upon the nation, local New Testament churches. And I submit to you that we're actually the liberal ones. We're liberal. God is liberal, right? Why? Because he's bountiful. He's generous. He's giving. He gave of his son. He's the most liberal person to ever exist is Jesus Christ because he gave his life to redeem the lost. So, you know, vile people, you know, what's another example of a vile person that tries to make themselves look liberal or good? How about homos? Which is why they call themselves gay, as if they're happy, but they're some of the most miserable people on the face of the planet because they either got AIDS or are going to get AIDS. And so, you know, that's a vile person calling themselves gay, but in reality, you and me are gay. We're the gay ones. Now, you know, some of my pastor friends like to use that a little over the top. I don't just go around calling myself gay because it just doesn't roll off the tongue as good. You know, just for demonstrative purposes, I'm just saying right now, you know, I'm gay. Let me clarify, happy, okay? But it's great that, you know, the narrative will never be skewed in the millennial reign. Some vile person, some wicked person is not going to be able to manipulate the masses into thinking that they're someone that they're not because the truth shall always prevail. Now, you know, people, you know, Republicans and Christians are just super just right now, you know, you know, because their man's in the office and everything. And, you know, I'm sure a lot of people, a lot of Christians are really relieved right now. You know, I'm relieved that we're not having a woman as a president. But there's a lot of people who are just like, this is exactly what we needed and now they can have their utopia for the next four years or whatever. But you know what? At the end of the day, it's still not going to be what we actually need, right? Because vile people will still call themselves liberal. Vile people will still try to pass off as being righteous people. And, you know, as great as it's going to be the next four years, you know, let's not boast ourselves of tomorrow for we don't know what a day may bring forth. But we see that. And so he says the vile person shall not be called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. What is churl? You know, churlish person, you think of the fact that they're impolite, mean-spirited. Another way to describe them would be a miser. So someone who's churlish is someone who's actually stingy, okay? They are individuals who hoard their wealth. That's what a miser is. And, you know, it's very similar to the word what? Miserable. And so the Bible teaches us that when we withhold more than is meat, right? God's not pleased with that. He wants us to be liberal. He wants us to be generous. He wants us to be a blessing to others and not be a miser. And you know what we need to teach that to? Kids. Brothers and sisters. Why? Because, you know, kids have a tendency to be extremely selfish with their belongings. You know, a dad in our church, I think it was, I don't know, brother Alex, he was explaining something that his kids do and it's just like something that all our kids do. And he was just like, you know, my kids have this thing where they're just like, you know, one kid wants to play with the toy that belongs to another kid. And even though that kid is not even playing with that toy, right, that's what it was, it's just like as soon as the kid grabs it, it's just like, no, that's mine. And he thought that was something that was like unique to his kids, but, folks, all kids do that. Where it's just like one kid has all these toys, a brother or sister comes to play with one of the toys, you're just like, you can't touch that. What is that, though? They're just being misers. You know what? God doesn't want us to be misers. He wants us to be generous. You know, withhold not good from him to whom it is due, if it is in thine power of thine hand, to do it, right? If someone needs something and we have it, the Bible says that we should be generous with people, bountiful with people, and bless people with what we have. And if God has blessed you with some finances, hey, bless someone else with those finances you got, amen? Be a blessing to someone, and I'm not just saying just like, you know, obviously we need to be discreet about it, we need to be wise about it, but if you know of a need that someone has in our church, or someone has in your sphere of influence, and you're able to meet that need, meet that need. And expect nothing in return at that. You know, if someone ever asks me for money, or they're in need or something, I always tell them, you know, it's a gift, that's for you. And if they say, well, can I pay it back? I say, you can if you want to, but I'm just going to kiss it goodbye. And not because I don't trust that person's not going to give it back to me, but because of the fact that according to the Bible, I shall be recompensed in the regeneration. So anytime you give something to someone that cannot repay you, it's like God pays the interest on that, in the resurrection. That's how God's economy works. And so he says there, the churro shall not be said to be bountiful. Oh, man, you're so generous when actually they're stingy, you know, they're stingy with their wealth, they're not willing to bless others and help others. He says in verse six, for the vile person will speak villainy and his heart will work iniquity to practice hypocrisy and to utter error against the Lord to make empty the soul of the hungry. And he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. I'm sure there's a lot of liberal Democrats that actually end up voting for Trump. Let me just be real honest with you. I truly believe that because of the fact that, you know, at the end of the day, the vile person. You know, the who claims to be liberal actually knows who's the generous one. And I'm sure over the last four years, you know, even liberal Democrats are just sick and tired of liberal Democrats. And so, you know, and when it says the vile person will speak villainy, that's all you need to do is listen to liberal Democrats and you see that for a fact. You know, I think of that I think one of that clip that was going around of Kamala and one of her speeches that if you can call it a speech, you know, one of her talks or whatever she was saying, and someone in her crowd was like, Jesus is Lord or Jesus is Christ. And then she responded by saying, like, you're in the wrong place. It's like, why would she say that? I'll tell you why. Because the vile person will speak villainy. You know, she could have taken that opportunity to be like, amen, glad you're here. But literally, she took that as an opportunity to even just destroy that person and be like, you're in the wrong place. Yeah, of course she's in the wrong place because they worship Satan there. But the vile person will speak villainy. He says his heart will work iniquity to practice hypocrisy, to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry, he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. He says of the churlish person in verse seven, the instruments also of the churro are evil. He divides wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right. So obviously, a churlish person is a person who doesn't care what the truth is. It doesn't even care if a needy person is speaking the right thing or has a legitimate need. They don't care. They're going to judge them and rest judgment there and bring about lying words against the poor. It says in verse eight, but the liberal deviseth liberal things and by liberal things shall he stand. This is referring to the fact that, you know, as Christians, as believers, a good principle to gain from this is the fact that we should be thinking about being generous to others. Devise liberal things. And, you know, what better time to do that than in November and December, right? You know, during these seasons, we have a tendency to be more mindful of other people. We have more mind. We're more mindful to be thankful for what we have. But we should also be mindful of how to be generous to others to devise liberal things. And by liberal things shall he stand, meaning that if you give to others, God will make sure that he takes care of you. That's how it works, right? And I can't tell you how many times, you know, in my marriage, my wife and I maybe will help someone who is in need, even when we are technically in need. And we give to a particular person, whether it's a monetary gift that we give or groceries. And we're just like, you know what? We don't tell this to the person, but we tell this to each other. Like, we don't really have the finances for this, but let's do it anyways, because we can never outgive God. Let me just remind you of that. You can never outgive God. So we collected whatever we have. We gave it. And then literally, like, within 24 hours, either the same amount is given back to us, miraculously, or above what we gave. It's like we get a check in the mail, like the bank did something, and it's just like, hey, we owe you money for some reason. And really what it is is just God's just, like, doing something to that person's mind. They're just like... They probably got fired later. Who knows? You know what I mean? Who cares, you know? But you know, that happens all the time. And it encourages me to continue to be liberal with the things that we have, because you can never outgive God. You know, when we gave, for example, to the building project that we had here, you know, that's a perfect example. We gave, and God gave back, and it's just a matter of, you know, being liberal with our resources. And there's nothing wrong with saving for a rainy day and saving for a particular whatever, as long as you're being generous with others, though. And look, know the difference, though. Let me say this. Know the difference between being stingy and being frugal. There is a difference, okay? Because, you know, a person who's frugal, or, I'm sorry, the person who claims to be frugal can often be stingy, right? Where it's just like, no, I'm just frugal. Well, a frugal person is stingy with themselves so they can be generous with others. But sometimes people who claim to be frugal are actually just stingy with themselves and stingy with others, and they're just misers. Just kind of keeping wealth to themselves, because you just never know what's going to happen. And then what's going to happen never happens, and they end up dying, and their soul's required of them, and all they've done is just lay it up in store for someone else to take. But, you know, be frugal. I believe the Bible teaches the principle of frugality, and that is being stingy with yourself, not necessarily living an extravagant life yourself, in order to find an opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. Because as we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, but especially those of the household of faith. And sometimes people like to brag about their frugality, because they're savers, and they're couponers, or they find the best deals, but one thing they lack is, though, is actually giving to someone else of your frugality. Right? A stingy person is just a stingy person. They're penny-pinchers, just for the sake of penny-pinching. But, you know, if you're penny-pinching in order to be a blessing to others, that's a different story, and that's God's will, amen? Making yourself poor that others may be rich. Be a liberal, amen? Be a liberal in the Christian life. Be a liberal with your resources. Don't be a stingy person. The Bible tells us that a liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth shall be watered also himself, teaching us the principle that when you're generous, God will abundantly bless you. He'll water you. He'll take care of your needs. And you know what? You don't realize what a blessing it is to give until you start doing it. I don't just mean you're tied. That's like between you and the Lord. I'm talking about between you and others. Just financially being a blessing to someone, giving of your resources, purchasing a gift, or hearing of a need and meeting that. You don't know how much of a blessing that actually is to you until you actually begin to do it. Let's read on here. Look at verse number nine. It says, Rise up, ye women that are at ease. Hear my voice, ye careless daughters. Give ear unto my speech. They're about from house to house, right? They become toddlers, busybodies. It's essentially saying that they're not taking care of their priorities. They're kind of involved in other people's priorities, other people's business. They're being busybodies. They are at ease. They're careless. And I think that's what it's referring to because of the fact that it says towards the latter end of verse 10, For the vintage shall fail, the gathering shall not come. So instead of actually going out there and doing the work and clearing the vintage and gathering, they're just kind of careless. They're just kind of letting it go. They're not really putting in the work to do so. And look what it says in verse number 11. It says, Tremble, ye women that are at ease. Be troubled, ye careless ones. Strip you and make you bare, and gird sackcloth upon your loins. They shall lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vines. So I think what this is saying is that, you know, you're really careless with your vineyard right now. You're not gathering in the fruits. You're being idle. You're being lazy. And you're not taking care of your job at home. And therefore, when the enemy comes, they're going to glean your field. They're going to glean your fruitful vine, your pleasant fields. And you're going to lament thinking, man, I should have like, you know, taken care of business here. I should have like done my job. I should have, you know, not been idle. Okay? And so this is a warning against them regarding the judgment that's going to come upon the work of their hands. And the principle that we can learn here regarding that is that, you know, as Christians, if you're not careful, you can live carelessly and at ease. And you're not gleaning the vineyard. And the night cometh when no man can work. Right? You know, you can be like, well, I'm just going to enjoy being a Christian, come to church. But you don't go out to the field to glean souls to preach the gospel, to do the work of the ministry, to do the first works. And then one day you're going to lament for the pleasant fields and the fruitful vine. Because you're like, man, I actually missed out. I didn't win souls. Or I just kind of, you know, I was just at ease. I was idle in the Christian life. I was careless. I didn't, you know, do the things I was supposed to do. And now it's too late. Now, luckily, we're not at that point. But tomorrow could be that point for you, though. Because we could either view this as when Jesus Christ returns, then it's too late. Or, you know, your hour can come where you just die tomorrow and it's too late. And you go to heaven and you start singing that hymn, I wish I had given him more. When you get to heaven, it's just like, oh, man, I knew heaven was real. I knew all this stuff was true. But I was just careless. I was at ease. You don't think there's people in heaven today that are feeling that way? Of course there are. You don't think there's people in heaven today that are thinking to themselves, man, I just, I missed out on the fruitful vine, the vineyard, the pleasant fields of souls. You know, how about every time, you know, they're in heaven and just like scores of people are just going to heaven right now. And they're just like, I'm so thankful a soul winner got me saved. And they're just like, none of these are my people because I didn't see anybody saved. And so the admonition against the women here is that they're at ease. And obviously we can apply the principle that because they're at ease, like the Zydonians and judges, that they have no one to put them to shame. They're prideful. They're arrogant. But I believe what this is referring to is the fact that they're not taking care of their job. And then the enemy is going to come take over the field and they're going to lament over that. Let's move on here. Verse 13 says, Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briars. Yea, upon all the houses of joy and the joyous city, because the palaces shall be forsaken, the multitude of the city shall be left. The forts and towers shall be for dens forever and joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks. And so he's proclaiming judgment upon the land. Let's finish up here and we'll be done. Verse 15, we're going to look at the effects of the Spirit. He says, until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high and the wilderness be a fruitful field and the fruitful field be counted for a forest, then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. So what this is referring to is that, you know, the conditions we're living in are never going to be perfect. And we should never strive for a perfect world. Because it doesn't exist. Okay? And we should never like manipulate ourselves into thinking that we can have it perfect here. With the perfect government and the perfect president and the perfect policies. It's not going to exist. Okay? Until when? Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high. And this is referring to that millennial reign. Okay? See the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the increase in land fertility in verse number 15 and 16. And it's essentially saying that even nature itself will benefit from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You know, when the millennial reign takes place and God begins to pour his Spirit upon the land, obviously we have the Holy Spirit right now. But in the millennial reign, the Holy Spirit will permeate just like the world period. And we see this in Romans chapter 8 where it talks about that the creation groaneth. Right? It's like waiting for the adoption of sons. It's waiting for the resurrection. It wants that transition. It wants that change. Because even nature itself will be affected by the resurrection. Right? The Bible tells us that he will pour out his Spirit. Justice and righteous living will permeate the earth. Law abiding citizens will be the norm. We don't have to worry about thieves breaking through and stealing. We don't have to worry about crazy weather, fires. Right? You know, crazy winds and earthquakes. Because the world will be influenced by the Spirit of God. It goes on to say in verse 17, the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness, quietness, and assurance forever. This is essentially saying that there will exist a time where the earth will be absent of anxiety, worry, fear, restlessness. So for sure social media is just not going to exist here during this time. By the way, how's that going for everyone? Everyone staying off of social media? No media in November? I hope so. All right. Can I get a amen? Amen. All right. Amen. The rest of you. You know, we can have a piece of that right now. A piece of that quietness and assurance. But obviously, not fully. Because we're hopping back on in December, amen. What the Bible is telling us here is that the work of righteousness will experience worldwide peace permeating all of the world. A deep sense of peace and confidence will essentially reign in this world, okay? Now, we don't know what that's like now. But, you know, it is going to be a thing in the millennial reign. And it's a completely different society. And in fact, go to Isaiah 65. We'll finish off in Isaiah 65. And let me read to you the last verse of Isaiah 32. It says that my people shall dwell in peaceable habitation and in sure dwellings and in quiet, resting places. What is he saying? He's saying, you know, when you live in the millennial reign, man, there's no gated community more secure than the millennial reign itself. I mean, technically, the millennial reign is a gated community, amen. Because all the dogs are without. Liars without, dogs without, sorcerers without. You know, but there is no sure dwelling here, this side of eternity, though. There is no peaceable habitation that's like the millennial reign. And in fact, look at Isaiah 65 verse 20. Again, referring to the millennial reign, it says, there shall be no more thence in infinite days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days. For the child shall die a hundred years old, but the sinner being a hundred years old shall be a curse. And they shall build houses and inhabit them. They shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build and another inhabit. They shall not plant and another eat. For as the days of a tree are the days of my people, my elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain nor bring forth trouble, for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord and their offspring with them. This is basically telling us, you know, it's a completely different living situation in the millennial reign. You can build a house wherever you'd like, no, you know, city coming down on you and making sure you have to have it a certain size or whatever and property taxes this and you can't build that and put this tree here, you know, doesn't exist. He's, and towards the latter end of chapter 32, he even says, you know, it's going to be blessing where your livestock is just able to just feed anywhere. Get your livestock and just send them out, eat whatever grass and, you know, unlimited grass for them. You can plant by any type of water and it would just prosper. I mean, that's awesome. Go find a river, plant right next to it. Boom, trees coming out, fruit coming out. I mean, it's a beautiful place that he's describing here. I think the reason God spends so much time talking about the millennial reign in the book of Isaiah is because of the fact that it's essentially trying to teach us that the earth will be a fulfillment of a great spiritual truth. And that is that whatever we do in Christ will prosper, right? Because what it's saying is that no matter what you do in the millennial reign, what you plant, where you build, it will not decay. You know, the ox can eat in any grass, the sheep can eat in any grass. There's no bad grass for them. They're not going to grow sick. Nothing's going to happen to them. No one's going to steal them. No one's going to break into your houses. No one's going to steal your stuff. No moth or rust will corrupt. That's what he's saying, right? And what he's teaching us here is that the only way to actually have that is in Christ. And you know what? In like manner today in Christ, anything we do shall prosper. Whatever we do to the glory of God shall prosper. Whatever we do serving God, we will likewise receive a reward for that. And he said, what if I make a bad decision in Christ? Well, here's the great thing about that. All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. So if the ox eats in someone else's grass, someone else's property, I promise you, as soon as he realizes that, the grass just goes whoop, just grows again. Like God's just like, don't worry, I'll just take care of it. I'll just replenish it. Because he just works all things together for good. And so may we long for this land more than our current land. You know, I know you're happy and everyone said you can sleep comfortably in your beds tonight because Trump's in office and you're not freaking out anymore and everything's going to be a-okay and good for you. But let me tell you just about a different time, though. It's going to be way better than this time. So like, how good is it? Well, the liberal, the vile person shall no more be called liberal. And in fact, the vile person won't even exist there. Let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your word and thank you again for the promise of the millennial reign. Help us to think upon these things, Lord, to not put down our stakes too deep into this world. And we're thankful for the promise of the kingdom that shall come one day. And we look forward to the king who shall reign over us. Obviously, who reigns in our hearts right now. But one day will physically reign in this world. And may we think upon those things that we, as your princes, as your priest, would so labor this side of eternity that we may inherit much in the kingdom of God. We love you. We thank you. Pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.