(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and the Bible reads the word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem and shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow onto it and many people shall come and say come ye and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth to law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore Oh house of Jacob come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob because they because they be replenished from the east and are soothsayers like the Philistines and they please themselves in the children of strangers their land also is full of silver and gold neither is there any end of their treasures their land is also full of horses neither is there any end of their chariots their land also is full of idols they worship the work of their own hands that which their own fingers have made and a mean man bow down and the great man humbled himself therefore forgive them not enter into the rock and hide the in the dust for fear of the Lord and for the glory of his majesty the locty looks of man shall be humbled and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day for the day the Lord of the host of hosts shall be upon everyone that is proud and lofty and upon everyone that is lifted up and he shall be brought low and upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are high and lifted up and upon all the Oaks of Beit She'an and upon all the high mountains and upon all the hills that are lifted up and upon every high tower and upon every fence and wall and upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all pleasant pictures and the loftiness of man shall be bowed down and the haughtiness of man shall be made low and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day and the idols he shall utterly abolish and I shall go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth for fear the Lord and for the glory of his majesty when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth in that day man shall cast his idols of silver and his idols of gold which they have made each one for himself to worship to the moles and to the bats to go into the clefts of the rocks and into the tops of the ragged rocks for the fear of the Lord and for the glory of his majesty when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of. Let's pray. We thank the Heavenly Father for the King James Bible Dear God we thank you for this church you have given us dear Lord and we thank you for our pastor dear God please bless him tonight as he preaches your word in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Okay we're in Isaiah Chapter 2 this evening and we're continuing our Bible study here in the book of Isaiah. Let me give you a little bit of review from last week just so we can get caught up here in this particular book of course last week we started the book of Isaiah with Chapter 1 talking about these accusations or indictments that God has given to the nation of Israel and he tells them that they're a sinful nation big surprise right you know they're involved in covetousness and idolatry and murder and he tells them that they're rebellious children and one of the reasons he says that is because of the fact that they've strayed from the ways of the Lord they don't know their God even though Israel is where the essentially where God has chosen to shine forth his glory and give the knowledge of is through Israel and he compares them and he says that you know the ass knows his master's crib and he says but Israel doesn't even know who's their God he's essentially saying that they've become estranged from the Lord and he begins to talk about the fact that he's chastised them over the years and you would think that a lot of that punishment would wake them up and bring them back to the paths of the Lord but he says you know there's no soundness in it from head to toe they become corrupt they're revolters he also talks about the fact that they're filled with vain worship and the reason he says that is because the Israelites during this time they're still essentially practicing the religious rights of the Old Testament they're doing the animal sacrifices they are participating in Old Testament laws but they don't really believe in that stuff because they're still worshiping false gods and you kind of wonder like why are you doing this if you don't even believe in it and the reality is this is that you know they worship God with their lips but their heart is far from him and that's actually a New Testament verse that we see here in the book of Isaiah as well and then of course later on he talks about the fact that you know they are essentially very much separated from what they used to be in the past they become completely corrupted and he's just pleading with them he says let us reason together and he wants to forgive them he wants to restore them but of course we know that he will end up punishing them now keep in mind that this is taking place after the Assyrian captivity of the northern kingdom so Judah which is the southern kingdom has not been taken captive they're still there but the northern kingdom has so they've been taken over their capital has been taken over and Assyria will eventually try to take over Judah but then they will not succeed at it God will intervene now this is not to say that Judah is any more righteous than Israel and obviously when I say Israel sometimes we refer to both but in this particular case we're talking about Israel being the northern kingdom Judah being the southern kingdom and Judah the southern kingdom is not more righteous than Israel they're actually just almost they're pretty much as guilty as the northern kingdom it's just that some of them actually have some righteous kings who are impeding the wrath of God from coming upon them and this is why the book of Isaiah is being addressed here because Isaiah is basically preaching to Judah and he's trying to use Israel as an example as to why they should get right with God now here in chapter 2 we get a glimpse of end times and you'll see this a lot throughout the Old Testament books the major and minor prophets that God declares judgment on the nation of Israel or other nations and then you'll talk about you know the fact that hope is coming at the end right and obviously there's an immediate hope that they'll get they'll be immediately restored years after you know one case with the Babylonians it was 70 years after he even tells them I know the thoughts that I think of you thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end but there is actually actually a dual fulfillment of that in that he's going to restore all things in the end of the world what we would consider to be the millennial reign the new heaven and the new earth and the book of Isaiah is very much filled with prophecies of that era that we would call the millennial reign and this is one of the first mentions of that here in chapter 2 in this particular chapter we see a lot of focus on the mountain of the Lord okay now look at verse number 1 it says the word that Isaiah the son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the tops of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills in all nations shall flow unto it so the reason he's bringing this up is because he's basically saying you know one you know you're going to be scattered right now you're going to be destroyed Israel is going to be decimated so is Judah you guys are going to be punished for your sins but I want to kind of give you light at the end of the tunnel that it's not always going to be this way because obviously if you're in Israel you're constantly experiencing the punishment of God like God's constantly chastising the nation going into captivity you know because of the rebellion but there's going to come a time when that's not going to be a thing anymore Israel's not going to disobey God they're not going to worship false gods and he says that you know in those last days there's going to be the mountain of the Lord established upon the mountains now it's important to note that you know obviously we know what a mountain is but in this particular context and other portions of scripture for example in the book of Daniel mountains is often a symbolic representation of a nation's power okay and if you were to read for example Revelation chapter 17 when dealing with Babylon the whore it talks about the fact that she sits upon seven mountains and those mountains are later described as being nations okay which would make a lot of sense here because of the fact that he's saying that the mountain of the Lord referring to God Jesus's system his order right he will eventually be at the end the superpower of all ages okay and it says here that he's going to be established on top of the mountains referring to the fact that he's going to be ruling over all nations right and we know that you know at the end of Daniel 70th week you have the battle of Armageddon taking place where Jesus Christ essentially whoops the Antichrist and the false prophet and in chapter 20 he establishes his millennial reign and millennial reign simply means thousand year reign and that's you said where do you get that number from well Revelation 20 says it's for a thousand years okay so he rules and reigns for a thousand years on this earth and the Bible says that the kingdoms of our Lord are become the kingdom excuse me the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall rule them with a rod of iron so what does that say it's saying that the mountain of the Lord shall be established on top of the mountains in other words he's going to be ruling over all nations and all powers of this world and it says and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow onto it so the first thing we see here with verse number two when talking about that era is that there will be a one world superpower of the ages now don't let that scare you because often when we hear that we think of like the New World Order right the Antichrist Institute in the New World Order one world government one world religion one world financial system but you got to take into account that the Antichrist is simply a copycat okay you know everything that he's doing he's essentially mimicking what he knows Jesus Christ will eventually do and this is why it's important not to be pre-trib amen because the pre-tribulation rapture teaches that Jesus Christ can come at any moment and that you know that's essentially that he's going to establish his kingdom here but we know that the Antichrist comes first he's going to establish his kingdom his New World Order and then Jesus Christ later on will decimate that order and establish the millennial reign so this is what verse two is talking about the fact that when Jesus Christ comes to rule and reign physically on this earth that he will rule over the nations and I like what it says that all nations shall flow to it so it seems to indicate that in this millennial reign all nations obviously recognize Jesus Christ as being the supreme governor the supreme magistrate the king of kings and lord of lords and all nations throughout these thousand years will seek to make their pilgrimage to Jerusalem he said why Jerusalem well at that point we can visit Jerusalem amen because we know that once Jesus Christ comes to this earth he's not going to pick the United States of America to set up his kingdom he's like they got the best beaches or you know whatever he's not going to pick California he's not going to pick Texas he's going to establish his kingdom in Jerusalem in Israel where it was originally intended to be okay and if you know anything about end times prophecy you know that there's going to be a temple that's built there by the Antichrist and it is of my persuasion that Jesus Christ will when he comes he's just going to take it over okay because the Antichrist is going to proclaim himself to be God and in that temple when he comes back from the dead and the Bible specifically says I believe it's in Revelation chapter 11 where the temple is measured right and I believe the reason it's being measured in Revelation chapter 11 it's symbolic of the fact that God's going to kind of confront the Antichrist and see like with what measure you mean it shall be measured to you again you know oh you claim to be God okay well let's let's see if that's true and that's when the battle of Armageddon takes place and of course he takes the Antichrist and the false prophet and he cast them both into the lake of fire and there's a major battle battle of Armageddon where there's a lot of bloodshed and then he establishes his millennial reign and so when that takes place a lot of the nations will flow unto they'll make their pilgrimage to Israel to see the Lord like with their own eyes and this not only refers to regenerated people you and I because we're going to be resurrected at that point we will also be there ruling and reigning with Christ for a thousand years we will also reign and rule with a rod of iron according to Revelation chapter 2 you know that he that overcometh and keepeth my works until the end to him shall I give power over the nations the Bible says you shall rule them with a rod of iron and implying that believers will have segments of the population that they are over and it's based upon number one being saved okay and number two just faithfully serving the Lord up until the day that you die and so when the millennial reign is established Jesus Christ begins to distribute rewards to his servants right this is what's commonly referred to as the judgment seat of Christ and those rewards are essentially authority over the nations okay and so now you have a new system being instituted during the millennial reign and so you know the king of the world is now physically here on this earth at this point and so who doesn't want to see the king right and it's just like well you know we need to rush over there because we don't know how long the lines are going to be and you know what we got to do to get it's okay because you have a thousand years to do it you know anybody can make a pilgrimage to go see the Lord you know and hear from him it's going to be a wonderful time but what's being emphasized here in verse two is the fact that you know you have the Assyrian Empire you have the Egyptian Empire you have the Babylonian Empire the Grecian Empire you have the Roman Empire all these world superpowers that for a certain time in their seasons have oppressed the children of Israel but don't worry because the Lord one day will be that mountain that is established over all of the mountains of Assyria Babylon of Egypt every nation that is on this planet it'll be the supreme superpower of the ages and so that's going to be great look at verse three it says and many people shall go and say come ye let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us his ways and we will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem now this is a powerful statement because it seems to indicate that the general consensus of the population of that era is it's like let's go let's go hear the word of God preach from the Lord let's go learn about his ways and his paths and be obedient unto his word now why is that why is it that the general population even though there's unsaved people also during the millennial reign why is that everyone is kind of excited about hearing the word of God well because of the fact that at the beginning of the millennial reign you also have the arrest so to speak of Satan right Satan is bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand years as well and so because Satan is bound for a thousand years he's not present he's no longer the God of this world who has blinded the minds of them which believe not and obviously we know that there's various ways that Satan has blinded the masses from hearing the truth but one of the main ways is through false religion right he is the creator of all false religions and so once he's bound once he's taken away you know false religion will no longer exist you know Catholicism will no longer be around amen hallelujah it'll be gone you know Jehovah's Witnesses will be annihilated right no they won't they'll burn eternally you know same thing with the Adventists Buddhist and Hindus Islam will be destroyed you know these false cults and religions will not be a thing in the millennial reign all the world shall know the Lord and obviously you know we know that the truth is powerful but the problem is is that not everyone wants to listen to the truth only because of the fact that they have false religion they have preconceived ideas given to them by false religion but the truth is powerful so that if the truth is given unfettered access to the mind you know a person would love to hear it they love the truth because truth is wonderful you know the liberty that Christ provides not just through salvation but just through the precepts that he has are in they enrich the life right they enrich life they enrich our way of life and so this is one of the reasons why all the nations are like let's go hear the word of God preach let's go see what God says about this let's go hear it straight from his mouth let's go learn about his ways because his ways are superior right now you know there's even though they are superior the vast majority of the world does not want to hear it because of preconceived ideas of false religion they have to essentially get saved and even then they have the flesh to battle with you know they have to build an appetite for the truth things of that nature but you know during these times a lot of those obstacles are removed there's free course given to the word of God and therefore everyone is excited about hearing the Bible so it's just like what are you doing on Wednesday well I'm going to Jerusalem you know and we're not going to the Wailing Wall you know we're not going to be visiting any you know we're going to Jerusalem to see the king and I mean think about that that's going to be a wonderful thing a wonderful sight and let me just make something very clear is that believers us Gentile believers we're not going to be ruling and reigning with Christ in Jerusalem okay it's of my belief and I believe the Bible teaches this that we're going to be ruling in different areas of the world Jerusalem is really subject only for those 12 disciples I mean Jesus Christ told the 12 disciples that they shall rule over the 12 tribe the 12 tribes of Israel in that in the resurrection and so hey I don't have beef with that though you know I mean it's all good with me I can go see it go say hi to Peter and Paul and I got to get back to work kind of thing you know but it says there that everyone will be excited to hear the word of God and we'll invite others to hear it as well so they can learn of his ways and walk in his paths now I do want to make this I want to explain something regarding this is that the gospel will still be preached during the millennial reign and the reason why is because God still wants people to be saved and you got to take into account that people are being born during this era okay children are still being produced and you have people who have survived the wrath of God who are essentially walking into this transitional period of the millennial reign so you still have unregenerated people people are going to be having children obviously the resurrected are not going to be you know we're going to live from then on out and we have eternal life we have a resurrected bodies but there's still going to be people who can who live and die in the millennial reign and so when it talks about you know them wanting to hear the ways of the Lord you know it could be referring to the gospel but I think it's just referring to just the word of God in general you know because of the fact that the word of God not only benefits people spiritually but even practically I mean think about the book of Proverbs for example right there's a lot of practical teaching that unsaved people have taken from the book of Proverbs because it has the it's so practical it's so divine has so much wisdom that even unsaved people are attracted to those principles and points of wisdom that anybody wants to listen to it there's people who read the Bible all the time who are unsaved I'm not saying they understand the spiritual aspect of it but they probably really enjoy the principles that it gives because of the fact that it's God's word you know it's like gold silver and so you know when Jesus Christ first came the common people heard him gladly you know even bad people wanted to listen to him I mean Herod was was happy to listen to him Herod was happy to listen to John the Baptist I mean people enjoyed listening to the word of God even if they're not saved because it's God's word right it has power it's very unique and it enriches the life and so I believe in this case you know obviously there's going to be a lot of people saved but I think people just in general whether they're saved or not are just going to be like I just want to go here the word of God being preached being taught because it is powerful look at verse 4 he says and he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nations shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore so the third thing that we see here when it comes to the millennial reign is that there will be worldwide peace and we don't have to join hands for it you know we don't need to ask one nation to stop fighting another nation and stop bombing another nation you know we're not going to hear about fake wars and wars that are you know being are used to essentially keep the military industrial complex going you know that's all going to stop because once Jesus Christ is here the government shall be upon his shoulders he is the Prince of Peace and he will bring a lot of reconciliation to the nations now it says first and foremost that he's going to judge the nations and he's going to rebuke many people okay and why do you rebuke someone because they're wrong okay and although I believe that he will do this personally I think this is also something that he will delegate to his servants when they're spread out all over the world essentially to bring order to the world understand so you know if you you're resurrected you have served God faithfully you've won a lot of people to Christ you know you're sent to you know Russia or something right and you're just like Putin's been wrong this whole time this is the superior way of believing this is the superior laws and I don't believe that we're going to be imposing the gospel on anybody I believe that the gospel is freely given to anybody and preach but the laws of God you know will be instituted because it's superior and Jesus Christ is now king and so I believe many people will be going through the nations basically saying your way of doing things is not right it's inferior it's created crime it's produced rape and murder and evil and wickedness this is the superior order that you need which is the ways of the Lord so you are now officially demoted and now you shall be sweeping the streets you know whatever president or king there is they shall be rebuked and it says there that he shall judge among the nations meaning I believe that he's also going to reconcile things between nations because of the fact that there's not going to be any more warfare there's no need for war it says that he beats the swords into plowshares spears into pruning hooks they're not going to lift up sword against each other they're not going to learn war anymore and so there will be one hundred percent peace throughout the world so that means you know all the guns are gone guys you know there'll be no need for your desert eagle nine millimeter your Glock your AK-47 your grenade your bazookas whatever you have in your closet right now that's all going in the trash apparently you're like oh man is god not pro government pro is god not pro guns well he is now but in this time there will be no need for it because no one's going to break into your house you can plant a vineyard and no one's going to steal from it you can build a house no one's going to break into it I mean this is going to be an awesome you know you don't have to live in fear that your car is going to be stolen there's not going to be any cars most of it's going to be destroyed throughout the wrath of god anyways no violence will be exacted upon this world and so it's just like what do we do with all these weapons well now we're just going to use them for agricultural things right for work and to live a peaceable life the meat shall inherit the earth and so you know the picture that's being given to us here is that the prince of peace will establish legitimate peace on this world there's not going to be any more conflicts because think about it when someone has a conflict with another person they essentially have opposing ideas or opposing opinions and you know god wants us to be peacemakers right so if these people can come to a common ground they can come to a reasonable conclusion that they both agree on then there's no need for conflict right it's just like why is he that way or you know I get what you're saying so the one person who can do that with the entire world is Jesus because he is the source of all wisdom he's the source of all knowledge and it's just like you're angry with this nation about this you're angry with this nation about this and he just drops knowledge on them and wisdom and they're just like oh you know I never saw it that way but you know that's how it's going to be because you got to think about it like how powerful is this wisdom that he's able to reconcile all nations so they're not fighting against each other right they're not fighting against each other they're not lifting up sword against sword and of course we are going to be over those nations so that reconciliation is going to be a lot easier in a sense of you know we bring that reconciliation to the table of that nation and because Jio is going to be in charge of whatever nation across the street him and I are already on the same team and so it's just like you're good I'm good you know we're both saved we're resurrected we're instituting the same laws and everyone has to be subject to those laws so it's a great time in this era now let me just say this let me just veer off the subject real quick and just say that these four verses completely debunks preterism okay because preterism is the teaching that all of these things have already taken place but no there's no worldwide peace right now well we have peace in our hearts yeah but unsaved people don't have peace there's no peace to the wicked right because this is talking about peace on a global scale and the last time I checked no one's beating their swords into plowshares or pruning hooks you know everyone still has weapons everyone's still living in fear people are still breaking into houses thieves are breaking through and stealing things so this has not yet happened and you know the last time I checked you know unsaved people aren't saying come let us hear the word of the Lord because if that were the case the house of God would always be full but it's not because not the unsaved are not looking for the word of God and so this is one aspect of preterism the preterist cannot answer and in fact if you ask preterist what is the thousand years symbolic of they won't give you an answer because they don't have one how do you symbolically explain a thousand years there's nothing symbolic about it a thousand years literally means just a thousand years that's what it is and so a lot of these elements that we see of this of the millennial reign has not yet taken place the mountain of the Lord is now over the nations because if that were the case then we wouldn't need what takes place in revelation that says that the kingdoms of our Lord the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ that has not yet taken place because all nations are not Christian in fact no nation is Christian in this world no one adheres to the laws of God strictly you know it's not happening no one's saying hey let's all go hear the word of the Lord nations are still fighting against nations and in fact you know Israel still bombing people so obviously that hasn't been fulfilled right and people are still learning war because it says at the letter in neither shall they learn war anymore now this is important this part this that particular phrase is important because of the fact that you know at the end of the millennial reign God releases Satan from his prison for a time so he can go and deceive the nations to recruit an army to fight against God in the battle known as the battle of Gog and Magog okay and it's a it's a massive army it's a massive army that joins forces and fighting against God it's crazy like you just these little ants that think that they're going to defeat the God of the universe that's how strong you think the delusion is strong when the Antichrist comes the delusion in the battle of Gog and Magog is stronger than that because it's just like so what's your plan exactly how are you going to accomplish defeating God here I'm just curious you know how is that even going to happen but you know they're deceived by Satan and according to the Bible we look throughout passages in the book of Ezekiel that talks about the battle of Gog and Magog there's no weapons during that time you know because all that stuff has already been put away no one has learned war so no one who's physically here on this earth knows anything about war so obviously you know a lot of the unregenerated people during that time are going to be terrified of this grand army that's standing against them because for a thousand years there hasn't been any war the last war was the battle of Armageddon that would have been the last war that anybody has ever seen and in fact you know the vast majority of those at the end of the millennial reign who you know they don't even they've only heard my stories because obviously the regenerated people who are resurrected have seen it all but as far as people who are you know they they're born and they die there they only hear stories about that war of the battle of Armageddon and so they shall neither learn war anymore but it's okay because in the battle of Gog and Magog God just basically rains down fire upon them and just destroys them all and then he just tosses them into the lake of fire Kobe status right it's just easy so worldwide peace now look at verse five oh house of Jacob come ye let us walk in the light of the Lord so I think what he's saying here is you know in light of these promises that are going to happen one day let's like serve God right let's walk in the word of God and he's talking to Jacob but he's talking to us too right because you know when we could we could easily become very temporal minded this side of eternity as Christians because we have things we got to do tomorrow we got problems we have stresses health issues financial issues and there is a strong pool by the world to not have a biblical mindset but in light of the millennial reign in light of the promises of God that he's going to restore all things let us walk in the light of the Lord and obviously this is something that we have to do on a daily basis where we have to choose I'm going to read my Bible I'm going to walk in truth I'm going to live my life in accordance to the word of God I'm going to try my best to obey the Bible win souls to Christ lead my family lead my children I'm going to love my spouse I am going to be a blessing at the church I'm going to be a blessing to those around me this is what it is to walk in the light of the Lord right essentially live your life in such a way that it reflects Christianity reflects what the Bible says and we don't just do it because oh only because we love God because we obviously love the Lord but we do it also because of the fact that God has promised us a recompense at the end being that millennial ring okay so he tells Jacob come ye let us walk in the light of the Lord and it's very reminiscent to what he said in chapter one come let us reason together so he's like hey you're going to be destroyed so let's reason together and then chapter two is like hey I'm going to restore all things so come let us walk in the light of the Lord so you see God's pleading with people you know he uses different things to motivate people right some people are more motivated by his judgment you know there's some people are like I want to stay right with God because I feel like God would just whoop me if I just got out of church or if I didn't read the Bible I feel like God would just judge me and that motivates them oh that's a scare a scare tactic yeah it is Christianity uses fear tactics yeah you got it you know some say with fear pulling them out of fire and you know what the Bible tells us to fear the Lord why because it helps us to depart from evil that's a fear tactic you got it right absolutely some things sometimes I'm motivated to serve God because I'm afraid of what's going to happen to me if I don't well I'm not going to be confined to that prison of ideologies you're going to be confined to hell if you don't get saved and you're going to be and if you are saved you're going to be confined to the consequences of your actions because where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty okay so I'm loving life the commandments of the Lord are not grievous to me I enjoy the Christian life I enjoy reading my Bible I enjoy winning people to Christ I enjoy fellowshipping with a brother I enjoy being a church I enjoy the things of God and you know what I find liberty in doing those things so sometimes God uses fear to motivate you to stay right with God but sometimes he also uses incentives positive incentives rewards as a means to keep you right with God too because we need to be motivated by fear but you know we also need to be motivated by rewards like what is the result of my obedience well the result is a reward you know that in due season we shall reap if we faint not and it's just like man I got I got to make it to the very end serving God because you know God promised me a reward and I don't want to miss out on that reward you know and so rewards are obviously something so this is why he says come let us reason together but then he also says let us walk in the light of the Lord knowing that there's going to be a millennial reign all these things you know they have an end to them your trial will be over it's not going to last forever so serve God with your life okay while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work look at verse number six if you would now so that was the positive of the chapter okay because you know God's very positive of course he is but you know the way a battery works is it needs the positive so he tells them that but then he's now he's going to talk about their sins he says in verse six therefore thou has forsaken thy people the house of Jacob because they be replenished from the east and he goes on to say let me just read it from here actually because my notes are kind of messed up here says therefore thou has forsaken thy people the house of Jacob because they be replenished from the east and are soothsayers like the Philistines and they please themselves in the children of strangers so now he's going to highlight their sins and the first thing he talks about is the fact that they are being replenished from the east and what is this referring to well I believe what this is what this is referring to is the fact that they're receiving help from somewhere other than God from the east from a foreign nation they're getting foreign aid right to help them rather than actually looking up to the God of heaven and asking him for help understand and I think what this is essentially highlighting is their lack of faith in God you know it's funny you know Israel the current Israel you know if they're just God's people that's God's nation why are they always taking our money why is America always have to help them you know before it was just that they're looking to the people of the east but now they're looking for the people of the west if they're God's people you know God should take care of them but you know what they're not God's people therefore they do have to head to the west because you know the west is you know I don't know what right word to say it appropriately but you know what I mean and you know what their ways have not changed just the direction in which and what way they look for pass because in times past they're looking to the east but now they're looking into the west and you know what God's not pleased with that because Israel should be looking to the God of the Bible they should be praying unto the Lord and they should be obedient to God but you know what I've learned is that when someone is backslidden they always look for practical means to take care of themselves and they never look to God himself now that's not to say that when we pray unto God we should not execute practical means right God wants us to pray and he wants us to work but there are instances where people don't pray at all they depend on themselves they depend on others it's like they're looking for the world's government aid or something in spiritual matters where really they should be seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and listen to this and these things shall be added unto you understand and so you know they're being replenished they're being helped let me read to you from Isaiah 31 verse 1 it says woe to them that go down to Egypt for help and stay on horses and trust in chariots because they are many and in horsemen because they are very strong but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel neither seek the Lord hey you know I hope that in times in dire need and in times of plenty you're just always looking for the Lord you know if you are struggling today seek God's face say Lord I need your help and I'm going to put in work as well but I need your help to bless me because it doesn't matter how much character or discipline I have and seeking financial need you know it doesn't matter how much character I have at the end of the day if you wanted to you can make my devices come to naught you can make my work come to naught and so continue to look for the Lord but even when you are prospering right ask the Lord for the rain in times of the latter rain when everything's going great you should still be praying for your meals on your table for the paycheck to come in because at the end of the day all those things come from God every good gift and every perfect gift cometh from above from the father of lights in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning we need to keep that attitude that we keep seeking the Lord every day and say Lord provide for me you know protect me provide for my family help me to be successful at my job help me to continue to provide and to be a blessing but here we see that Israel is not doing that they're being replenished they're being taken care of by someone else it goes on to say that they are soothsayers like the Philistines so not only are they depending on foreign nations to take care of them just like today but they're also involved in the occult this is what we're talking about here but now they're involved in divination soothsaying they're probably involved in necromancy these are the ways of the heathen adopting occult practices from the heathen let me read to you from Deuteronomy 18 verse 10 just as a reminder of what God told the children of Israel regarding these practices there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh the center is to pass through the fire or that useth the divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or a consultor with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord meaning that in Isaiah chapter 2 children of Israel are an abomination and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee of course in Jeremiah chapter 10 he tells them learn not the way of the heathen so this shows me that if they're getting replenished from those of the east it's because they're soothsayers right they're using these worldly means to be provided for whereas they're not looking to the God of Israel and then of course it says there and they please themselves in the children of strangers and what I think this is referring to is the fact that they're forming alliances with the pagan nations around them okay and of course God is not pleased with that because of the fact that you know he doesn't want them to be unequally yoked together with unbelieving nations because of the possibility of them adopting the gods of those nations and of course that's still a new new testament principle there and so what do we see we see here well with this verse we simply see that they're not really depending on God anymore they're not seeking after God they're being soothsayers they're being fortune tellers someone else is taking care of them and they're making these alliances with four nations look at verse seven here's a big one here's a big reason why they're no longer looking for the Lord anymore says their land also is full of silver and gold neither is there any end of their treasures their land is also full of horses neither is there any end of their chariots like whoa what's the problem with that well sometimes when you have an abundance you have a tendency to forget God when the bills are paid and you have an overabundance of money possessions things you're living in comfort you have a tendency to just not think about the things of God and it's really interesting because of the fact that you know the children of Israel aside from the fact that they're idolaters they're also covetous which according to the new testament is also called idolatry colossians chapter three tells us that he says covetousness which is idolatry so the silver and gold the multiplication of horses has caused them to no longer look for the Lord and you know what this is still a danger today and you know I think God is fine with you having things I believe God is fine with you having things is when things have you I think God is fine with you having possessions but it's when those possessions possess you I think God is fine with you being wealthy because he's given us all things richly to enjoy the problem is when wealth has you right and people can easily fall into the trap of covetousness where they have the will to be rich and the Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil and when people covet after it they can drown themselves and destruction and perdition they can pay some very lofty consequences because what happens is you cannot serve God and mammon money has to have its rightful place in the life of a believer okay and you know what it takes a lot of just as just as much character as it took for you to obtain that wealth it takes even more character to make sure that it doesn't drive your heart away from the Lord because you know the Bible says that money answer with all things you have a lot of options when you have money you know when you don't have a lot of money you just don't have a whole lot of options you know you just got to choose a certain meal you know certain place to live certain vehicle and you just have to be content with what you have and there's nothing wrong with that but when you do have money you just can pretty much depending on how much you have I guess you know you can pretty much have whatever you want but the problem with that is is that pride can creep in apathy can creep in covetousness greed the desire for more can creep in and a lot of those things can drive your heart and your love away from the things of God you no longer esteem the things of God as being important because possessions can possess you and we see that clearly with the children of Israel there's no end of their treasures it says their land is filled with horses you know right now my kids and I we like horses particularly we always talk about and it's never going to happen but we're like maybe one day we'll own a farm and we'll have I say we'll have one cow a bunch of chickens two goats and maybe one black stallion and I always thought I was like it's probably not going to happen but it's cool to dream that we can have something a black stallion just because it's cool to have a horse but then I said you know but you know if we had any of that it would probably be minus the black stallion because horses are really expensive you got to train them you got to feed them at least the horse can give you milk you know and if we can no longer afford the not the horse that's a horse cow you know what I meant this is how so this is how much I'm far removed from farm life you know at least that the cow can give you milk but even then you know if you can't afford the cow you just kill the cow and eat the cow I mean one horse is expensive just imagine the land is just full of horses that means everyone's wealthy here everyone just has you know cars and they got horses they got they're not lacking anything and you know one of the best things to happen to Christians is poverty believe it or not that's actually what makes good Christians is poverty because when you have nothing you realize that you only have God right and the thing is even when you had money you still had God but now you realize you only have God and that's all that you need and in fact New Testament in Hebrew chapter 13 it tells us that you know it tells us to be content with such things as we have for he had said I will never leave me nor forsake me hey money will leave you and it will forsake you vehicles will leave you and forsake you possessions will leave you and forsake you but the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you and again I don't think this is telling us that these things are wrong but like with anything else it needs to be done in moderation and it needs to be checked you need to make sure that you have your priorities in place and that if God has blessed you with resources and money and wealth and possessions praise God be generous enjoy the things that you have use the things that you have you know have fun with the things that you have make sure you're winning souls make sure you're reading the Bible make sure you're learning doctrine make sure you're living a Christian life right and let me just make this disclaimer is that this instruction is for you and it's not for pastors OK because sometimes pastors will say those things about themselves like they can have horses and wealth but according to the Bible pastors are not to be wealthy they're not to have riches they're not to live lavish lives and make a whole lot of money and be rich like these prosperity preachers are God wants them to live just a moderate life where they can provide for their family not to say they can't have nice things but obviously they can't be millionaires they can't be Joel Osteen's because that's so much to ask you know what we're literally you know Joel Osteen's church has money in the walls where they found like hundreds of thousands of dollars within the walls the only thing you're going to find within these walls is maybe like a rat you all knew that you know actually I don't know what's behind these walls I don't want to know but I'll tell you this it's probably not money and if it was it's probably like some cartel left it here long ago or something but the Bible tells us you know love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world listen to this the love of the Father is not in him and it doesn't it's not saying that God doesn't love you it's saying you don't have a love of the Father if you have a love of the world and so God expects us to use the world not as abusing it the Bible says so use your vehicle use your clothes use your money use your house use those things but don't let them use you and I know I keep like flipping around but it just works you know don't let them use you don't let them drive you away from the things of God don't be like the children of Israel here let me read to you from Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 10 it says and it shall be when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware into thy fathers to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to give thee great and goodly cities which thou buildest not and full and houses full of all good things which thou fillest not and wells dig which thou dig is not vineyards and olive trees which thou plantest not when thou shalt have eaten and be full then beware lest thou forget the Lord which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage he says that's Deuteronomy chapter 6 he says hey just just make sure take heed into yourself when you start enjoying the fruits of being a Christian you know what you can you can succeed a lot as a Christian when you become a Christian you start like learning you know work ethic you start getting you start becoming smart and knowledgeable God gives you wisdom you can start succeeding in this world you've got to remember like beware don't forget the Lord once you get that promotion once you get those possessions don't forget the Lord it's always a great warning don't be like the children of Israel verse 8 says their land also is full of idols they worship the work of their own hands that which their own fingers have made and of course if you have an idolatrous practice of money you also have an idolatrous practice of just false gods verse 9 says and the mean man boweth down and the great man humbled with himself therefore forgive them not hold on a second forgive them not I thought God could always forgive people he says don't forgive them this is basically saying like this nation is about to be reprobate completely absent of God's forgiveness now why does it say the mean man boweth down and the great man humbleth himself what is that referring to well mean just means average right so it's giving you a spectrum of average people and great people who are humbling themselves ok and this can be interpreted through chapter 1 of their insincere worship where you know you have this outward expression of humility but inwardly they don't really believe that stuff and you have many churches that do this today you know you have the catholics who are notorious for bowing down and broadening their phylacteries and making this outward show of humility but inwardly they're full of dead men's bones you see what I'm saying so it's like oh the mean the average man is bowing down the great man is bowing down they're both in accordance with this but it's just like a religious act they don't really believe this stuff in their heart and you know what god says I don't forgive them so they can bow before god supposedly all they want it's not going to earn them any forgiveness they can repeat a rosary as much as they want it's not going to provide forgiveness they can say and our father or whatever it is that they pray the catholics all they want it's not going to offer them any forgiveness whatsoever god's not going to listen to that you know I talked to a catholic as I typically do I find myself talking to more catholics nowadays and you know he was just being a catholic and you know when I because you know I'm trying to win people over but I'm not really winning a whole lot of people on Instagram let me just be honest people that I win over the most are people who are like me face to face at the door who are catholics but you know I want to sow a seed of doubt though I've been sowing a lot of seeds of doubt in the minds of these catholics and orthodox people and there's one guy in particular he just had nothing to say for himself and one of the things that he kept bringing up was like oh you know you you know we gave you the bible because that's like their favorite thing to say right and I said my bible has 66 books and he's like yeah ours has 72 and you know what makes you think you can take those seven books out of the bible you know christians think that they know what the bible says but they took those seven books out and so I kind of set them up it was just too easy I just wanted to set them up so I said you believe that's like authoritative those seven books yes and you know you believe that's the bible that's the word of god it should be in the bible and he's like yes I said name me those seven books right now you're gonna name not a single one and I told him I said you ought to be ashamed of yourself you're a catholic shame on you I said I can name you all 66 books of my bible and I can name I can quote scripture from all 66 books you can't even name me the seven books that you're trying to fight to get back into the bible you're like oh we gave you the bible you can't even name it I said shame on you you know your priest should be ashamed of you I said your priest should be ashamed of you I said I've talked to catholics who could probably name them some of them you can't even name me one I said so I'll see you later I'm about to hang up and he's like wait I'll pray a rosary for you click and you know what he probably did but god was not within a mile of that prayer though he's not listening to that god is in heaven laughing he's probably laughing on what it said to that guy because god loves the truth he is truth you know and god has allowed me to have those words to tell him that to shame him and hopefully he gets him something to think about I'll pray a rosary for you and it's just like they always address something that's not in the bible it's like you should read it to the church fathers why don't you tell me to read the bible I'll pray a rosary why don't you pray to god the father cause they reject it and so you know that's what this insincere worship is referring to here just because someone bows doesn't mean they're worshipping god oh we're venerating god no you're not you're not you're you're venerating you're worshipping a devil not god and here's proof that even if you bow it doesn't mean you're doing it to god because they claim to be doing it to god but they're not it's a false manner of worship and I'm going to finish up here verses 10 through 17 is where he gets into the day of the lord and I'm not going to read through this entire passage here from verses 10 through 17 but he basically talks about the humbling of nations and one thing I do want to clarify here because sometimes people people can get confused because when you look at this chapter it's like well you talked about the millennial reign first and now he's talking about the day of the lord I thought the day of the lord comes before the millennial reign but one thing you have to understand is that when you read Old Testament passages regarding end times a lot of this stuff is just mixed up you'll find you know the millennial reign first and then the day of the lord or you'll find the millennial reign day of the lord new heaven new earth after he's just kind of giving you this information so it's not he's not giving it to you in chronological orders what I'm saying okay so don't get confused and don't read Old Testament books the way you would read the book of Revelation because the book of Revelation gives it to us in chronological order understand whereas these Old Testament books don't always do that look at verse 18 it says the idol shall utterly abolish and they shall go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth for the fear of the lord and for the glory of his majesty when he arises to shake terribly the earth in that day a man shall cast his idols of silver and his idols of gold which they made each one for himself to worship to the moles into the bats you know because they're worshipping the creature more than the creator to go into the clefts of the rocks and into the tops of the ragged rocks for fear of the lord for the glory of his majesty when he arises to shake terribly the earth so according to the Bible the day of the lord has this terrible effect on the population where they just want to hide right and it says they want to go to the cleft of the rocks they just want to they want to get rid of all their idols and be like stash this he's coming right now and they just want to hide and they think they can literally hide from God's judgment and I think this has happened every single time the day of the lord has taken place but it happens more explicitly to the day of the lord in Revelation chapter 6 and in fact it's so extreme in Revelation 6 that they don't go into the rocks to hide they say they want the rocks to fall on them to fall on us and hide us from the wrath of him who sitteth on the throne for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand so this is the reaction to humanity to the day of the lord so it's not like you know oh what's going on over there no it's just like they know what's coming and they just get rid of everything and they're just like we got to hide as if you can't hide from God let's see here verse 22 says cece for man whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of and what he's basically saying here is you know don't stand with the opinions of man and what the man the great man the mean man is saying about the lord you need to side with the bible and you know what here's the problem with a lot of these religious groups such as the catholics is that they are very they very much esteem the opinions of man church fathers church tradition you know like when was your you know when where was the baptist church before whatever i don't know i didn't i haven't lived that long it was somewhere there though you know and you know it probably wasn't even called the baptist church probably just called the church of whatever geographical location they're in but you know what you go to that place if we had a time machine we go there they're preaching against you guys too they're calling you guys out too because we're bible believing christians that's what we always done yeah but you need to look through history what for you wrote it why am i going to look through the history that you wrote it's like this one guy was just like oh you're full of straw man arguments false we do not worship the virgin mary here's a quote from the catholic church on why they don't worship the virgin mary oh then i should just shut up the catholic church said it oh the catholic church says they don't worship the virgin mary oh man my bad oh damn why didn't i look that up before i made this video or before i said that yeah i'm really good at i'm really you know the catholic church has a lot of credibility in my eyes the opinions of man not just men but just godless men have so much credibility in my eyes i'm just going to shut up no come on come on well you know the mormons say they believe in jesus i don't who cares they lied it's called lying well we don't really believe in that what we believe is veneration you can call whatever you want it's still worship according to biblical standards i don't care what your you know document says i don't care what the pope's the pope's the vicar of hell he's wicked all popes are in hell right now there there cc from man whose breath is in his nostrils meaning he can die at any moment because he breathes just like you do for wherein is he to be accounted up and so you know god is pleading with the children of israel and he's telling them you know people can say anything they want but they're not gonna be able to stop the day of the lord from coming and the truth from being proclaimed and what's going to happen to you guys if you don't get right with god let's pray father we thank you so much for the promises of the millennial reign lord we're so thankful for the fact that jesus christ will one day rule and reign on this earth and it's such a great motivating incentive for us as christians to not faint in the way because sometimes the christian life can be hard amongst all the responsibilities that we have and i pray that lord you'd help us to keep those things in mind to not faint in the day of adversity i pray that you would help us to be in this thing for the long haul to the very end lord to continue to win people to christ and lead people in the way of righteousness to be a blessing to fulfill our god-given roles here and to live with the end in mind and i pray that you bless us as we go on our way give us a great weekend in jesus name amen call number 343 in your handles