(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) cleave to the house of Jacob and the people shall take them and bring to their place and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaids and they shall take them captives whose captives they were and they shall rule over their oppressors and it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give the rest from thy sorrow and from thy fear and from the hard bondage wherein thou was made to serve that thou shalt take up this provert against the king of Babylon and say how hath the oppressor ceased the golden city ceased Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers he who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke he that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted and none hindereth the whole earth is at rest and is quiet they break forth into singing yea the fir trees rejoice at thee and the cedars of lebanon saying since thou art laid down no fellers come up against us help from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming it stirs up the dead for thee even all the chief ones of the earth it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings and the nations all they shall speak and say unto thee but thou also become weak as we or thou become like unto us thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of thy vials the worm is spread under thee and the worms cover thee how thou fallen from heaven oh lucifer's son in the morning how thou cut down to the ground which does weaken the nations for thou said in thine heart i will send into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will send above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high yet that shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit they that shall see uh see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble and in shade kingdoms that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that opened not the house of his prisoners all the kings of the nations even all of them lie in glory everyone in his house his own house but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch and as the raiment of those that are slain thrust through with the sword that go down to the stones of the pit as a carcass trodden under feet thou shall not be joined with them in burial because thou has destroyed thy land and slain thy people the seed of evildoers shall never be re-owned prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers that they do not rise nor possess the land nor fill the face of the world with cities for i'll rise up against them saith the lord of hosts and cut off from babylon the name and remnant and son and nephew saith the lord i will also make it a possession for the burden bitter and pools of water and i will sweep it with the besom of destruction saith the lord of hosts the lord of hosts hath sworn saying surely as i have thought so shall it come to pass as i have purposed so shall it stand that will break the asyrian in my land and upon my mountains tread him underfoot then shall is yoked apart from off them and is burdened apart from off their shoulders this is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations for the lord of hosts hath purposed and who shall disannul it and his hand is stretched out and who shall turn it back in the year that king a has died which was was this burden rejoice thou not thou whole palestina because the rod of him that sponthi is broken for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent and the firstborn of the poor shall feed and the needy shall lie down in safety and i will kill thy root with famine and he shall slay thy remnant howl oh gate cry oh city thou whole palestina are dissolved for there shall come forth from the north of smoke and none shall be alone in his disappointed times what shall one then answer the messengers of the nation that the lord hath founded zion and the poor of his people shall trust in him let's pray to the lord god thank you for uh allowing us to be in your house lord just hearing the preaching of your word lord just please full pastor i'm here with the holy spirit as he preaches unto us and that us in the church uh can take something new from your word lord and apply to our lives we pray this all in jesus name amen amen whoa powerful what's going on there all right we're in isaiah chapter 14 this evening and we're continuing with our bible study on the book of isaiah let me give you a little bit of review from chapter 13 just to get us kind of caught up on what's going on here chapter 13 is essentially preaching against babylon and keep in mind that this is prophetic because of the fact that babylon actually doesn't come until about 100 years after so this is preaching 100 years prior to the destruction of babylon and you know the lord is essentially using isaiah to prophesy of the immediate kingdom that's coming 100 years from where he's at but it's also referring to end times babylon and so we saw a lot of the parallels there in chapter 13 in that regard and the latter end of chapter 13 is essentially talking about the fact that babylon shall be made desolate that kingdom will be destroyed to the point where the beasts of the field will be inhabiting the land because no one's going to dwell there okay now here in chapter 14 is a continuation of that destruction chapter 13 mainly deals with the destruction of the people of the land but this judgment proceeds forth into chapter 14 and it's going to deal with the king of babylon and just as we saw with chapter 13 that is dealing with the immediate babylon but also the future end times babylon in like manner in chapter 14 it's dealing with the immediate king of babylon but also the demonic entity behind that king and of course there's some end times prophecy fulfillment there as well so keep in mind that a lot of this has a lot of near and distant fulfillment okay and you never want to fall into this preterist trap where you think to yourself well all this stuff has already taken place it's not going to be fulfilled you know god has multiple layers in his word and the word of god is very much powerful and even though this is something that's happening in their immediate future immediate albeit 100 years from where they're at it obviously has a future fulfillment and the reason we know that is because of the language that's being used a lot of the terms the languages that are being used are repeated once again in the new testament specifically in the book of revelation and the reason god does that is because he wants us to connect the dots you understand he wants us to familiarize ourselves with the past and how it plays a part in the future now here again as i mentioned is that the prophet isaiah is going to be addressing the human king of babylon but as well as the principality of that king as well and this is a really famous chapter because it's the only place where lucifer is mentioned right and we know according to scripture even though it isn't used anywhere else then it's referring to satan and we'll get into that in just a bit we're going to get into some very interesting stuff here but that's mainly why this chapter is known as because of the of the fall of satan okay is what people would often refer to it as now in this chapter as i mentioned we're dealing with two different characters being addressed as one isaiah speaking of the literal king 100 years from where he's at but also the demonic entity now let me just say this is the scholars will actually not that we care what they think but you know just to kind of put it out there they will actually disagree with the fact that this is also talking about satan and when i read some articles and just different things that scholars are saying it's kind of like you guys are stupid you know how do you like think that this is only referring to an earthly king and it just has nothing to do with satan himself but the reality is this is that the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god and unsaved people can very are very good at you know digesting information and just getting something that's at face value but you need a spirit of god to help you to see the undertones and the underlying spiritual truths of god's word because the bible is not only information but it's a spiritual book as well and it's to be read in a spiritual manner and so they completely missed the boat on this and they think that when it talks about lucifer it's not referring to satan it's just referring to the actual king of babylon but we're going to see in just a bit why that would be a ridiculous claim and if you think about it you know there's a when you read the chapter there's some pretty clear elements in this passage that have a satanic undertone to it i mean you read it and it's just like okay they can't be referring to an earthly king because it's talking about spiritual realms talk about the fact that he's trying to send his throne into heaven and things of that nature and when you compare this to another instance in the old testament where god is addressing a particular king but then he's also telling that king in ezekah 28 that was then eden well obviously at that point he's referring to satan because the king of tyre was not in eden okay so obviously referring to lucifer satan and we'll see the parallels the the similarities between the two chapters in just a bit now again as i mentioned at the latter end of chapter 13 he's talking about the destruction of babylon and how animals and beasts of the field are going to inhabit it and then he rolls right into verse number one of chapter 14 it says for because the lord will have mercy on jacob and will yet choose israel and set them in their own land so this is the contrast to the destruction that's going to come upon babylon the lord is saying however i'm going to have mercy on israel i'm going to set them in their own land and what is that referring to is that referring to the christ rejecting nation of israel that we know today absolutely not what this is referring to is saved israelites throughout history that at the resurrection they will come into their own land because in actuality the promises are to those who are the seed of christ right and who have believed on the lord jesus christ so this is a promise to that and it says and the strangers shall be joined with them who are the strangers it's us it's gentile believers right even though both by our of twain are made one new man you know essentially we are all this chosen generation of jew and gentile and it says and they shall cleave to the house of jacob now why why will we as gentile believers cleave into the house of jacob is it because of the fact that there is jews and israelites there no it's because jesus christ will be there and he's going to be ruling and reigning from israel during the millennial reign and it says and the people shall take them and bring them to their place and the house of israel shall possess them in the land of the lord for servants and handmaids and they shall take them captives whose captives they were and they shall rule over their oppressors now this is something that literally happened but you know obviously the layered spiritual meaning that we get behind that is the fact that believers are going to be ruling and reigning with christ for a thousand years and to a certain extent you can say we're going to be ruling over the oppressors or whatever and you know this could be referring to unregenerated people that transition into the millennial reign from you know the three and a half years of god's wrath being poured on this earth you know obviously that's all speculation but we know that that's actually going to take place in the millennial reign we are going to rule and reign and we shall rule with the rod of iron it says in verse number three it shall come to pass in the day that the lord shall give thee rest from all from thy sorrow and from thy fear and from the hard bondage wherein thou was made to serve that thou shall keep take up this proverb against the king of babylon and say how hath the oppressor ceased the golden city ceased the lord hath broken the staff of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers he who smote the people in wrath with the continual stroke he that rule the nation nations in anger is persecuted and none hindereth the whole earth is at rest and it's quiet they break forth into singing yea the fir trees rejoice at thee cedars of lebanon saying since thou are laid down no feller is come up against us so what's this referring to well the first two verses is just kind of giving us a picture of the restoration of israel something that is repeated throughout the book of isaiah and other books but then from verses three to eight we see a proverb for babylon and what this is referring to is the fact that god is just reminding his people you know that babylon will be a byword in a proverb one day because of the fact that they will be destroyed and people will look upon them and they will say oh man the oppressor has ceased babylon is no longer ruling over us and the golden city has come to an end you know god's broken the staff of the wicked it's essentially addressing the fact that hey god has given us the victory over our oppressors you know we're no longer under the wicked hand of the babylonians and it even says in verse eight that the fir trees rejoice at thee the cedars of lebanon and historically babylon was known for just going through lebanon just chopping down all the trees and using it for their own interests or whatever it is that they're doing and so it would it was made desolate during that time but here it's saying that the cedars shall grow they shall prosper and they will even rejoice at the fact that babylon is removed and it says since thou are laid down no fellers come up against us this is not uh southern saying by the way you know listen here feller a feller is someone who fells trees in other words chops down trees okay so just you're not mistaken at that now this is very reminiscent of revelation 14 where you have the angel saying babylon is fallen is fallen the great city and it's a proverb that's even repeated throughout uh the book of revelation more specifically in chapter 18 when the destruction of babylon comes into place and really what the principle that we can learn from those verses is that you know when uh the righteous are in authority the people rejoice right when wicked people are destroyed when they're removed from the seat of authority the oppressors are completely wiped out people are happy about that you know when the oppressor is removed and so in the immediate future of israel this is going to happen but when we think about the spiritual oppressor known as satan there will be a day where he will no longer vex the righteous right he will no longer tempt us accuse us he will no longer attack us he will be cast into the bottomless pit and yet even after that thousand years after the battle of gog and magog he's going to be cast into the lake of fire his presence will be here no more and it's like we're going to rejoice at that okay because of the fact that you know he's accused us night and day he fights us he is our adversary he is our enemy he is seeking to devour you to destroy you to kill you and so one day that will not be a theme in our lives it'll be a thing of the past right now look at verse number nine we're going to look at the king's damnation now let me make a couple comments before we read this because now we're going to get into some deep stuff here and let me just obviously we know that when we read this this is referring to satan this is referring to lucifer but a good question to ask is well who's the actual king though that's being addressed right like who's the actual earthly king that's being condemned here because we can't remove one without the other it's talking about both and each has their distinctive you know characteristics that are being addressed in the chapter but in general both are being addressed and we know what parts are referring to satan but what parts are referring to the king and who's the king that's being referred to here now in general people will say that it's possibly Nebuchadnezzar but here's the thing we don't really know for sure okay i can see why people would think that you know when you think of the book of daniel and some of the things that Nebuchadnezzar did in daniel where he set up the you know his form of the abomination of desolation he's somewhat of a picture of the antichrist right you know he was very much proud and haughty to the point where god removed his sanity for seven years so you can see you can draw some parallels between what's being stated here in chapter 14 of isaiah and what's going on in Nebuchadnezzar's life or what's being recorded in the book of daniel but let me just say this and i'm not dogmatic about this this is just something that i'm going to propose i was i would suggest that it's actually probably referring to his grandson belshazzar okay and why is that well for a couple reasons one when you look at what the condemnation of the king of babylon is in this particular chapter he goes to hell okay i mean it spends a significant amount of time talking about the the fact that the dude's gonna split hell wide open and obviously we can't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt but from the evidence provided in the book of daniel it would seem as though Nebuchadnezzar was a safe person towards the latter end right he's giving glory to god obviously he was a very proud and arrogant person initially but once he's humbled once his sanity is removed from him and he regains his sanity he gives glory to the god of heaven to the god of israel and it seems to paint Nebuchadnezzar towards the latter end in a good light you know almost to the extent that it seems as though he has god's favor you know he might be a safe person and obviously you know when we go to heaven we're like where's where's nebu at you know and it's just like down there he's been burning ever since like oh man i thought that guy was saved you know but you know he might be in heaven we don't know i personally think that he probably will be i think he was saved but you know i don't doubt for a second that belshazzar was not saved okay he's a very wicked person and if you skip down to verse 22 here's another reason why i think that it's probably referring to belshazzar it says for i will rise up against them saith the lord of hosts and i cut off from babylon the name and remnant and son and nephew saith the lord and one thing you have to understand in the bible when the bible talks about nephew we think of nephew today as being you know my brother or my sister's son but in the bible it's actually referring to like a grandson okay and so you know it specifically addresses the fact that he's going to cut off the nephew and of course the grandson of nebu kinesa is belshazzar and in the context of both chapters babylon is being destroyed it's being removed well who was the last king before it was destroyed was belshazzar right you know once he sees the writing on the wall judgment is pronounced upon him then you have the medo-persian empire taking over after him okay and we'll get into that just a bit so just keep that in mind it's probably referring it might be referring to belshazzar i can't prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt i'm not dogmatic about it but i think there's some pretty good evidence to prove that it probably is and in fact belshazzar means bail protect the king that's what it means you know bail referring to satan you know the wicked one the one who's being talked about here protect the king and satan is the one who is essentially watching over babylon at this point you understand and obviously he couldn't protect the king because no one can protect anybody from god look at verse nine so now we're going to get into his damnation it says hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming it stirs up the dead for thee even all the chief ones of the earth it has raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations all they shall speak and say unto the earth thou also become weak as we art thou become like unto us thy pomp and the word for pomp is pride arrogance thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of thy vials the worm is spread under thee and the worms cover thee and obviously this is addressing i'm gonna say belshazzar just for the sake of the sermon because i'm trying to stick to the theme here but reality is this is basically what everyone can expect who dies without christ right hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming and you know we should never get over the fact that hell is a real place amen it's a legitimate place of fire and brimstone it's not metaphorical it's not symbolic people are tormented day and night and anybody who dies without the free gift of eternal life will split hell wide open you know and so uh and by the way it doesn't matter if you're poor doesn't matter if you're just a common person you could be a king and and go to hell as well god is no respecter of people and if you reject the free gift of eternal life that's exactly where you go for all of eternity now go with me if you went to daniel chapter 5 hold your place there uh in isaiah 14 and we're going to just quickly look at the story of belshazzar we're not going to read the entire chapter but you know belshazzar was very blasphemous and historically they actually say that when the medo-persian empire came and took over one of the reasons they were able to catch them off guard is because the king at that time was throwing a great feast that essentially you know uh distracted them from being taken over and in fact daniel chapter 5 highlights the fact that belshazzar died that night okay look at verse 22 of daniel chapter 5 in doubt his son oh belshazzar has not humbled thine heart though thou knewest all this referring to the fact that you know he has knowledge that nebkenezer was prideful arrogant and god had to humble him god worked in his life it was a very public humbling right of nebkenezer and even though belshazzar is a descendant of nebkenezer he has knowledge of this he chose not to be humble he chose to be prideful as well and in fact he chose to go further than what nebkenezer did okay says in verse 23 but has lifted up thyself against the lord of heaven you know he's basically you know i will ascend up into heaven right that pride and they have brought the brought the vessels of his house before thee and down thy lords thy wives and thy concubines have drunk wine in them and has praised the gods of silver of gold of brass iron wood and stone which see not nor hear nor know and the god in whose hand thy breath is and whose are all thy ways hast thou not glorified so think about this you know he's so arrogant and prideful that he takes the vessels of the house of god and he chooses to use them for sinful and pure practices drink alcohol and party and then commend that unto false gods i mean you don't think god is going to be mad at that you don't think god wants to strike vengeance upon a person who just openly mocks god in such a manner he says in verse 24 then was the part of the hand sent from him and this writing was written this is the writing that was written many many tekel ufarsin this is the interpretation of the thing many god hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it right because it's basically it ends with him and it proceeds with the medo-persian empire tekel thou are weighed in the balances and are found wanting now what does that mean well this is basically the resume of every single unsafe person you know i think that when god you know when i die there's a balance god's gonna see how much good i do how much bad i do and then he'll judge me based upon that yeah you're right that's exact you got it that's exactly what he's gonna do but the only thing is there is no good there's nothing to do with good or not one there's none righteous knowing i won and so every single human being in this world who's not saved you know they will be weighed in the balances and they shall be wanting wanting means what lacking there's no righteousness on your part in fact the bible says that all righteousness are as filthy rags and so this person is weighed in the balances and he's definitely found wanting because aside from just like regular sins that he commits he's blasphemous he's reviling god he's defiling the accoutrements of the house of god and being prideful and arrogant this is his judgment verse 28 paris thy kingdom is divided and given to the meads and persians then commanded belchazzar and they clothed daniel with scarlet and put a chain of gold about his neck and made a proclamation concerning him that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom this is pretty funny isn't it like he like condemns him to death he's telling me you're gonna die and it's just like that's what i'm talking about get this guy a scarlet robe i knew you could do it he like rewards him but you know what this is how blinded people are today i mean think about how many times you preach the gospel to someone they get it all and they're like whoa well anyways hey man i gotta go uh i'll come visit you one day you know see what happens and it's just like that's so weird but that's how people are yeah because he's he's he's fearful he's like quaking right says that his knees are clanking together so he knows the judgment is given to him he believes it but it doesn't change anything verse 30 in that night was belchazzar the king of the caldians slain and there is the median took the kingdom being about three score and two years old go back to isaiah chapter 14 so i believe that when belchezza were slain he went straight to hell you know that that was he was weighed in the balances was found wanting and what a way to go out just completely defiling the how the the instruments of the house of god praising false gods and you know he's been there for the last couple thousand years or so because of his of his pride and even though he lifted up himself god brought him down to hell and so um and let me say this is that when it comes to that topic of pride you know that's the number one reason why people don't get saved it's the number one reason why people don't get saved because of pride i mean pride is the number one reason why people just reject anybody who could choose the bible not just like salvation just anything i mean you run into a saved person who you're trying to give the word of god to you trying to teach them what the bible says if they're setting their ways just mark it down because they're prideful it's pride they're not willing to admit they're wrong pride will be the reason why the majority of people in hell are in hell and will go to hell but pride is also the reason why christians stunt their growth they're not willing to learn they're not willing to humble themselves to learn from the word of god and so the earthly king is being addressed but the person who's also being addressed is the prince of the power of the air who we know as satan and when you read this you also kind of see that there's you know obviously he's addressing the physical king of that time and satan but there's also a striking resemblance to end times prophecy because you could say like the antichrist is the king of babylon too right and of course he's thrown into the lake of fire and then judgment is also given to satan himself because the dragon gave him his power now let's look at the parallel to satan in verse 12 here's the famous passage here how art thou fallen from heaven oh lucifer okay scholars so explain to me how is this referring to a physical king no one starts off in heaven you know there's people who believe that stuff it was like oh we all started off in heaven no we didn't we started off in the loins of our father that's where everyone starts off do you know biology this is obviously addressing a spiritual entity because it's telling them it's telling us the reader that this person's origins began in heaven how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou hast said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mountain of the congregation in the sides of the north verse 14 i will send above the heights of the clouds i will meet i will be like the most high yet thou shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit now lucifer this is actually the only time the name is used in the bible but of course we know that it's satan for various reasons that we're going to cover but let me just talk about this phrase son of the morning okay because the modern versions will render this as morning star right and we know based upon the king james bible that the the true morning star is jesus christ this is how it describes him in revelation 2 and revelation 22 but here's the thing is that literature outside of the bible will actually refer to lucifer as the morning star and so it's not just the modern versions of the bible a lot of literature outside of the bible that you know outside of any dialogue of religious context will actually refer to lucifer as being the morning star and i'm referring to literature that is describing the planet venus because lucifer is actually the name historically of the planet venus and they actually refer to it as the morning star okay now let me just say a couple things here because obviously we do not agree with the translation of the modern versions that name this uh this verse or place morning star in this particular verse why because it doesn't fit the biblical narrative of the bible and the narrative of the bible is that jesus christ is the morning star so why do people refer to it as that why do people refer to lucifer venus as the morning star well because of the fact that it's a wandering star okay and we could say even that it's like a fake star doesn't cast its own illumination it's a pseudo star so to speak you know the true star in our solar system would be the sun and in fact the bible refers to jesus christ also in the book of malachi as the son of righteousness s-u-n and it's not saying that he is that actual light in the sun it's using that as a picture of symbolic representation of the true son of righteousness okay you know we don't worship the sun helios or whatever you know god has placed the heavenly bodies there in such a way that he can use them to illustrate spiritual truths okay and so the the actual sun represents the lord jesus christ because he illuminates you know he the day star it arises in our hearts it illuminates us to spiritual truths you know he is the light of the world right which is the sun this is the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world the bible tells us in john chapter one i mean over and over again it draws that parallel that jesus christ is the light of men okay and so you know when we look at the sun it's not like oh jesus you know we're just worshiping the sun we have the discernment we have the spirit of god that tells us that's a beautiful picture right there of the son of god and then we just like walk away you know we're like cool you know and that's it and in fact i mean there's a lot of parallels you can draw between that you can't stare at the sun directly because the glory of that physical sun can blind you amen and in like manner you know the glory of jesus some people in the bible would see the glory of god and they just fall down prostrate and they're almost as dead okay and so he is the true sun whereas venus would be considered the reason they consider him to be the morning star is because of the fact that it shows up in the morning the difference is is that when it shows up it illuminates briefly it comes before the actual sun but once the actual sun shows up it just completely overshadows and just overtakes venus and you no longer see venus so there's only twice that you could actually view venus once is you know right after the sun goes down and then once right right before it comes up and here's the thing is that any human being will be able to tell the difference between the two right like you may see that you may see venus and be like that's not the sun unless you're stupid right unless you're just an idiot because there's a major difference between the two and if anybody just wonders which one they just wait a couple minutes and you'll know which one's the real sun right well obviously there's prophetic undertones to that is it not because you know a lot of people will be deceived by the antichrist who is the quote morning star he comes as a what angel of light he is the antichrist and in fact he's trying to duplicate everything that jesus christ does and when you look at end times bible prophecy doesn't matter what the pre-tripper say you know the antichrist comes first and he will show great signs and wonders to the point that if it were possible could deceive even the very elect so people are going to say look it's the sun you know in the desert the secret chambers but here's the thing people who are saved know the difference they're like that's not jesus you're tripping bro that ain't jesus you're about to go get killed if you think that's jesus but you know what you know people are just dumb blinded unsaved mainstream christians who don't preach the right gospel who think that they're saved they're going to look at venus aka the antichrist and think that that's the son of righteousness but anybody who's saved who has the day star arised in their hearts will not be deceived by that because we know that this planet venus who can be seen the physical planet that can be seen because of its close proximity to the sun you know just because it's close proximity to the sun they'll know that it's not the real deal and they just got to wait a little bit if you want to get specific about it they got to wait 75 days you know what i mean just a short little time before they see the actual sun because when you look at anti-prophecy everything that the antichrist does everything that he does he tries to duplicate he tries to copy because he's a counterfeit of jesus christ his new world order is a copycat of the millennial reign even the fact that he comes back to life is a copycat of the resurrection of jesus christ i mean the four horsemen of the apocalypse in my opinion is a counterfeit of the horsemen that we see in revelation chapter nine everything he does even his forerunner right the false prophet pictures john the baptist who's a forerunner of jesus christ he's not original so he's trying to copy the lord jesus christ as best as possible and only those who think venus is the sun are going to be deceived by it and so you say then are you saying then that the modern versions got it right no because of the fact that who cares what a bunch of people said venus is called the bible says that jesus christ is the morning star and you know there's a reason why he says it as is you know because he wants us to make a distinction between the two and that's why the modern versions are very much questionable translations dandable translations because they obviously try to mix the two and you can't tell me that the modern versions of the bible do not seek to infiltrate and give undertones and you know pervert scripture to prepare the way of the antichrist i mean that's one prime example right there let me read you a couple scriptures here revelation 228 says i will give him the morning star he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches revelation 22 16 i jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches i am the root and offspring of david and the bright and morning star the bible says go to second peter hold your place there in israel go to second peter chapter two you said then why is lucifer referred to as the son of the morning well a couple things here you don't want to get you want to look too far into that because honestly you know there's people who believe that the angels are the sons of god but notice it doesn't say that it's lucifer the son of god says that he's the son of the morning and there are instances in the bible where the where the bible will use son of something in a metaphorical manner to describe where where they come from or to associate them with the particular time frame like for example you have the antichrist who's the son of what perdition perdition doesn't give birth to him it's just like something that's associated with the antichrist so when it says son of the morning it's referring to the fact that lucifer is begotten the planet being is essentially is begotten of the morning it's close proximity to when the morning starts that's when you can see him okay and obviously you know you can relate that to antines prophecy that when you see these things come to pass lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh the bible also tell tells us and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light and of course the angel capital a of the lord is the lord jesus christ and so you see those end times undertones there look at second peter chapter 2 verse 19 excuse me chapter 1 and verse 19 it says we have also a more short word of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts and what this is saying is that you know the word of god has the power to convert the heart and it says there that our hearts can essentially are like a dark place why because it's an obscurity from biblical truth doesn't know the way of salvation off hand doesn't know how to you know get saved it doesn't have those biblical truths but the word of god shines in that dark place when a soul winner comes and preaches the gospel he's illuminating the heart of the need for salvation and the solution for the problem of sin and the penalty of hell and it says until the day dawn and eventually what the day star arise in here who's the day star jesus christ and a good way to describe this is that each and every one of us received a level of truth throughout our lives that it eventually led us to the saving knowledge of jesus christ you know that more short word of prophecy came to us in bits and pieces throughout our life and we learned a little bit here we learned a little bit there until when until the day star arose in our hearts someone gave us the complete gospel and it clicked and we called upon the name of the lord and of course now we're saved and so this is what the bible is referring to here the point that i'm making here is that jesus christ is the day star he is the morning star and although the modern versions of the bible got it wrong they're doing it wrong on purpose scholars or people writers authors of secular material outside of the context of the bible they're doing it because they just refer to all the planets as wandering stars and because venus is like the first plan that you see in the morning they just refer to it as the morning star so you know they don't know any better and to a certain extent they are right but it's just as right to say that they share the same names like christ and then the anti-christ it's a false christ you understand so there's a false morning star and there is a true morning star and this is why it's important to know your end times bible prophecy because you know the bible specifically tells us that the anti-christ shall come first the son of perdition he's the one who arises first associated with the morning he's the son of the morning that's who everyone's going to see first in the end times and then the lord jesus christ thereafter go back to isaiah chapter 14 i want you to notice in verse 13 of course this is the condemnation of satan and before we continue to read let me just say this is that you know when it comes to the fall of satan there's multiple falls of satan throughout the bible if you think about it you know we can consider his fall in the garden of eden as being a fall essentially that he decided to rebel against the lord and tempt eve and essentially become what we would refer to as a fallen angel right but then also you have the instance that he essentially falls from heaven when he's excommunicated in revelation chapter 12 when he's defeated by michael and his archangels and then you know believers have 75 days thereafter he comes and makes war with the saints and he overcomes them and what takes place there is that satan is removed cast out of heaven because at this point he has access to heaven why because of the fact that he's accusing us before god day night and satan and his principalities and powers can't do anything to you without first getting permission so this is constant war going on in heaven where he's walking to and fro he's getting permission and we have an example of that in job chapter one where you know he goes to god and it's not like they just ran into each other like hey you know where has that been he's like well walking to and fro throughout the earth you know it's just like they're not catching up or something he's giving an account because god requires an account of satan of what his what he's doing and then what is what does god do has thou considered my servant joe showing us that he he has satan on a short leash understand and what you can gather from that is that anytime you go through a difficult time just know this god allowed it don't allow that for you to become bitter towards god just understand like god's in control they didn't catch god off guard it's not like god doesn't know about this he allowed it to happen to prune you to make you a better christian to help you to increase your faith and obviously it's not pleasant when we go through a hard time but you know what it is necessary i don't know any person who goes through a hard time is just like yes all right it sucks you know but you know it's important to have the right mindset though and to bring your mind into alignment and recognize okay what are the principles that i learned as a christian i'm going through a hard time all right god allowed it satan is attacking me because i'm his enemy but there's no temptation taking but such is common to man like that's when you need to remember all those things the reason i say is because christians just soon forget when they go through a trial they just freak out and then they just do the exact opposite of everything i told them to do they just every sermon just goes out the window all their bible reading goes out the window because they just panic but don't panic when you go through a trial just like let me remember everything that i've that i've learned because you know i'm here for such a time as this and you know this is what god's preparing me for is for this trial i'm getting pruned right now okay but the point that i'm making is that satan will attack you and he'll continue to attack you to the point where he's cast out of heaven excommunicated permanently and then he's going to physically attack people it's called making war with the saints and he's going to put them to death and he's going to overcome them so you have the fall of satan where he rebels against the lord in the garden of eda i'm preaching an entire sermon called the biography of satan which i strongly encourage you to go listen to that just go on pastor bruce media sermons.com someone made that website it's a really cool website and it has just all of my sermons and you you hit the command f option you type in biography and biography of satan will come up you will not be disappointed in that so it's a really cool sermon and it'll explain a lot about the fall of satan i'm just giving you like a condensed version here so you you know he had that fall then you have the fall from heaven where he's excommunicated but then you have another fall when he's thrown into the bottomless pit after the battle of armageddon the final fall of satan is when he's cast into the lake of fire at the great white throne judgment and that's what this chapter is referring to when he says how art thou fallen from heaven oh lucifer he's referring to the fact that he's looking into the future where satan falls because it's referring to hell and there's no other time where he's permanently in hell other than at the white throne judgment but isn't it interesting that he says how art thou what fallen now what is that past tense so there's times in the bible where god speaks of future events in the past tense because obviously from his personal will i will ascend well there's a man of perdition in the end times who will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called god or that is worshiped so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god so you have that now go to ezekio chapter 28 ezekio chapter 28 because you know you you read this and it's just like oh for sure this is referring to the devil because it has to be referring to satan but then scholars are like nope there's actual king named lucifer nothing to do with the devil you know it's just like oh it's just poetic you know things that are just being stated there so you i i'm sure you're also going to tell me that jonah was actually in hell right but you know luckily we have another we have another chapter where god essentially does the same thing to the prophet ezekiel and he addresses satan once again as being the king of tyre and uh you say well you know i thought babylon you know what's well you know satan throughout the ages essentially just rules over kingdoms you know he was over the babylonian empire babylonian empire the egyptian empire the asyrian empire the medo-persian empire the grecian empire the roman empire america oh wait you know the american empire he's still operating that's why it refers to him as being a principality power the rulers of the darkness of this world he's constantly puppeteering the rulers of this world to perform his bidding understand and so we have another example look at ezekah 28 verse 11 moreover the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tyros and say unto him thus saith the lord god thou sealest up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty thou has been in the in eden the garden of god okay now for sure it's not referring to the actual king every precious stone was thy covering the sardis topaz the diamond the barrel the onyx the jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold this guy is decked out he is every rapper's envy the workmanship of thy tabards and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that was created thou art the anointed cherub that covereth for sure not referring to a king you don't call kings cherub a cherub and i've said these so that was upon the holy mountain of god that was walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire that was perfect in thy ways from the date that that was created till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou has sinned therefore i will cast thee as a profane as a as profane out of the mountain of god and i will destroy the or covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire thine heart listen to this was lifted up because of thy beauty thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness i will cast thee to the ground i will lay thee before kings listen to this that they may behold thee when you read isaiah 14 that's exactly what he does to the king of babylon he cast them to hell and then kings are going to look at him and be like this is the guy who destroyed us this is the guy who destroyed nations he says in verse 18 that was to follow thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thy iniquities by the iniquity of thy traffic therefore will i bring forth a fire from the midst of thee it shall devour thee i will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee all they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee thou shall be a terror and never shalt thou be any more and so we see the parallels there with isaiah chapter 14 because when he cast them down into hell he spends a considerable amount of time just just highlighting the reaction of those who are in hell towards lucifer they're like this is the guy who kept us in bondage in fact go back to isaiah 14 we'll finish up here look at verse 16 they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake the king shake kingdoms and when i think about that this is how i see like when it says narrow narrowly looked upon thee it's like this is the guy he's the one who just like is responsible for all this freaking chaos i mean think about that because one thing about satan is that he suffers the same eternal punishment as everyone he's joining them right he's being and in fact i mean he's being thrown in there first so when people go down they're just like this is the guy he says that made the world as a wilderness and destroy the cities thereof that open not the house of his prisoners now obviously there could be some very similar parallels to the actual king because these are exploits that he could have done in his reign right but you can see the spiritual parallel there because satan does keep people in bondage he does imprison people in vice he imprisons people with philosophies vain deceits false beliefs false religion you know this is the reason why people have to overcome in order to be saved they have to overcome their false beliefs i mean folks have you ever preached the gospel to someone and it's just like it just goes over their head they just don't get it and you want to shake them and be like you know it's so simple but it's because they're imprisoned like their mind is in prison to to deceit and lies and you know think about it for a minute how you were before you got saved the fact you didn't know how to get saved and think about that moment where it just clicked to you and you're just like i get it like what what the heck you know you're just like awake to the truth you know what the bible refers to as it refers to as you recovering yourself out of the snare of the devil that's what it refers to us because everyone prior to salvation you're just enslaved to the false doctrines and the philosophies of this world and you're just kind of like in the course of this world you're going according to the course of this world according to the prince of power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience you know just serving the lust of your mind and just kind of living life but then the truth is given to you and it's just like oh man i'm going to hell wait a minute and then you're given you you know they tell you they believe on jesus christ it's a free gift it's eternal you can never lose it it's not by works not by repenting of your sins and just clicks clicks clicks clicks and then you're just in a different world after that then you're just like i get it you know what that is it's like you're out of prison it's not until you get saved that you're like i was in this prison and i didn't even know it all the kings of the nations even all of them lie in glory everyone in his own house and you know what's amazing is that there's going to be multitudes of people in hell throughout the ages who just wasted their life in frivolous matters of nations that nations waste their time in all for what for hell what shall the prophet man if he shall gain the whole world lose his own soul julius caesar conquered the known world he's one of the most famous people you know in history everyone wants to be like him the guy's in hell all that was for nothing for not it is not it is not saved the buyer many kings throughout this throughout the ages just died and went to hell yeah they did great alexander the great did great exploits he's in hell right all of them are and you know they're they're gonna see satan and they're gonna be like he's the one who deceived us into all of this and so um the point that i'm making here is that you know let's not take preaching the gospel lightly not that we do but you know let's not even take us being saved lightly thank god for the soul winner thank god for the person who preached the gospel to us who helped us recover ourselves from the snares of the devil who came to us and helped us i mean i mean folks just think about it you could man it you could have died you could have gone to hell right and there's going to be multitudes of people who are in hell they're in hell now the main thrust of this sermon of this chapter is the fact that satan is the one responsible for a lot of the chaos of this world but at the end of the day he's going to get his this is a proclamation of judgment upon lucifer the light bearer the pseudo god the false king and what this is showing us is that god will leave no stone unturned everyone's gonna get theirs he's gonna punish anyone and not even the principalities will survive god's judgment upon them and and here's the thing is that you're like well i want to see it in my day why is it preaching and it didn't happen till like 100 years after so you know this is god's program and you know he's the one who decides when it takes place and when it doesn't and so you know thank god for salvation and thank god that our adversary the devil will be vanquished one day because this is it's already written in the bible so therefore it's settled in heaven in heaven and you know you kind of wonder like do devils read the bible every once in a while just kind of like you know they're like oh man i don't want to read this part right here this is i know what that says you know it was written thousands of years ago but you know what it doesn't matter how long ago it was written god's gonna keep it it's gonna happen and so let's pray father we thank you so much for your word lord help us to not take salvation lightly not take preaching the gospel lightly but also help us not to take our adversary the devil lightly either he's a master at deception he's a master at being having cunningly devised fables and even though we've recovered ourselves out of the snares of the devil when we got saved and we came to the saving knowledge of jesus christ even though to a certain extent we defeated satan by the fact that we believed on you for salvation lord he can greatly hinder us in this lifetime as a christian and lord as as your people i pray that we remain vigilant and may we have wisdom lord and help us to take on the whole armor of god and realize that satan is walking about as a roaring lion he's seeking who he may whom he may devour he's trying to disable christians through sin through bitterness through distractions through covetousness many avenues by which he's trying to just stop the work of god i pray that lord you'd help us to pray lord may we walk with you all the days of our life may we read the bible and put you first lord and when you do allow satan to attack us and even to destroy our lives to a certain extent lord help us to realign our minds to the word of god and remember the things that we have learned so that we don't go astray and uh become a casualty and so lord may you bless us as we go on our way give us a great weekend to follow we love you we thank you we pray these things in jesus name amen