(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright we are in the book of Juden and we'll start in verse number three where it says Beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turned in the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ. And the title of my sermon this morning is Infiltrators. Infiltrators now that's a word that we commonly hear specifically in churches within our movement and lest you think oh man another sermon on reprobates or another sermon on infiltrators or another sermon on false prophets. Why do we got to keep hearing this? Well let me read to you a verse you don't have to turn there but in Philippians chapter 3 verse number one it says finally my brethren rejoice in the Lord to write the same things to you to me indeed is not grievous but for you it is safe then he goes on to say beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision so he says so obviously we see here that the Apostle Paul this is not the first time he said this this isn't the first time he's written to them about dogs it's not the first time he's written to them about evil workers about the concision he says I'm writing to you again and look it's not grievous for me to say it again he goes for you it's safe you know why is that because simply for the fact that sometimes people don't get it the first time you know they hear a sermon about infiltrators or about reprobates about evil workers and it just kind of goes over their head it's like oh yeah in that church but not in our church no it happens in every church and let me say this is the infiltrators and reprobates false teachers and all the other names that the Bible gives them you know they're not just in our type of a church they're also in old IFP churches they're in liberal churches the only difference is is that in our type of a church we actually cast them out we call them out we say the names we teach our people to beware of these type of people okay we don't say these people don't exist and it's only in the Bible and in the New Testament and you know Joel's thing yeah Joel seems a false prophet but you know what he's not the only type of false prophet there is there's people who the Bible says they creep in unawares and the word infiltrator is not found in the Bible but Jude would render it as someone who is creeping in unawares what does that mean it's a person every false prophet who comes within our church they're not gonna have a sign that says hey I'm a false prophet they won't have a shirt that says you know reprobate you know in fact I mean you would help if they did that that would help a lot but they don't what do they do they creep in unaware what does that mean we're not aware that they are these corrupt men okay and an infiltrator simply someone who who surreptitiously just comes in under the guise of being a Christian or they're saved or that they're Baptist but they're coming in with ill intent okay they have ulterior motives to whether it's to teach false doctrine it's to molest children it's to get money from the church whatever it may be this is the purpose of an infiltrator okay and they permeate the church sometimes churches these organizations without anybody suspecting them and here's the thing we don't want to necessarily have an atmosphere in our church where we think that everyone's a reprobate okay that's not a good attitude to have that's not a good spirit to have you know you shouldn't be suspicious of everyone who comes through our door and and maybe if they look a little worldly or maybe they have a certain countenance about them you're like man I think this guy's a reprobate no that's not the kind of attitude you should have okay we ought to give everyone the benefit of the doubt you say well what if we give a reprobate a benefit of the doubt and they end up becoming a reprobate well you know what don't let that stop you from still giving people the benefit of the doubt because there's still good people out there okay and some people who come through our doors you know they're just sinners they're worldly they're carnal they've committed a lot of bad sins but they're not a reprobate but that's not to say that reprobate won't come to our church so Jude will render this as someone who creeps in unawares now go to Galatians chapter number two Galatians chapter number two I mean just that word alone creep in there creeps you know they creep in they're unaware people don't notice that they're there you know that goes to show us that that save people you know we're out in the open we don't hide what we believe we don't speak in a cryptic manner you know we are open to show people what we believe you know you say this is a Sunday morning crowd why are you preaching this one why don't you preach on the love of God we're gonna preach on the love of God after church when we go out in Samoan but right now we're trying to edify the Saints and teach you some doctrine okay and we're not trying to hide it and people say you know he's a preacher of hate I'm like you got it right you think I was trying to hide that you think I was just trying to be cryptic about it no I'm not trying to be double-tongued about these things you see people who creep in creep in unawares they are double-tongued they say one thing and then they say another thing to one person you know they say one salvation testimony to one person and then they'll give a different completely different salvation testimony to someone else look at Galatians chapter 2 verse number 1 says then 14 years after I went up against to Jerusalem with Artemis and took Titus with me also and I went up by revelation and communicated unto them that preach excuse me communicated unto them that that gospel which I preached among the Gentiles but privately to them which were of reputation lest by any means I should run or had run in vain but neither Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised and that because of false brethren unawares brought in who came in privately that means in a in a in a secret manner to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage so here's talking about false brethren he said what's a false brother that's someone who's claiming to be saved but they're not that's someone who's talking to talk actually you know someone who says yeah I got saved I trusted Jesus I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ but they're faking it so not everyone who says that they're saved is actually saved now if someone gives us a clear testimony of their salvation that's all we can go by so you know don't look at someone and they give you a salvation testimony I don't know brother who said they could be saved or they said that they're safe but they're not this person's probably probably a reprobate no that's all we can go by now by it by their fruits we shall know them you know and we will see based upon what they teach out of their mouths a couple weeks ago we talked about trying the spirits what does that mean basically testing what's coming out of their mouths that's how you try the spirits Jesus said my words they are spirit in their life he's relating to the words that are coming out of his mouth we can try the spirits but the by the speech that comes out of the words that come out of people's mouths you know they're always talking about repenting of your sins you know if they're always slipping up about a works based salvation when they say they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you know that's a red flag to say this person is lying okay he keeps slipping up about repenting your sins he keeps slipping up about different doctrines that we obviously don't see in the Bible and he says that he's slipping up but he's not slipping up that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak it the Bible says it says verse five to whom he gave place by subjection no not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you go to first John chapter 2 first John chapter 2 so false brethren and it says unawares so these are people that we would esteem as being saved but they're not they say that they're brethren but they're not and how did Paul know that they weren't brethren because it says in the latter end of verse number four that they might bring us into subjection they were questioning their liberty they were trying to bring them back into the Mosaic law of being circumcised that was a false brother because if you read in the book of Acts they were saying you have to be circumcised in order to be saved well that's a false doctrine so that's how he wasn't just flipping and saying these are false brethren it was based upon their actions it was based upon what they were teaching people and primarily it was based upon their view of salvation that's why in Jude it tells us to earnestly contend for the faith talk about salvation why because men have crept in unawares you see if you don't talk about salvation and and the doctrine of salvation about believing only about justification you know what's gonna happen is people are gonna creep in unawares with all kinds of different doctrines repenting your sins working for your salvation getting baptized for salvation and all of a sudden you have the smorgasbord of false doctrine in the church because no one's teaching what is the right type of salvation look at first John chapter 2 verse 18 little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many Antichrist whereby we know that it is the last time they went out from us so these are people that were within that church but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would have no doubt continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us now notice that this isn't just talking about regular church members you know Calvin is like to take this verse and say that if someone backsides and goes into the world oh there were not of us you know for if they have been others they would have no doubt continued with us no this is talking about Antichrist people who teach false doctrine they're held to a higher standard and testimony of salvation than anybody else because these aren't people who are just being deceived these are the ones who are teaching deceit you see it's one thing to believe a lie it's another thing to embrace a lie and begin to teach others those lies that at that point you become a false prophet a false teacher and Antichrist according to the Bible and the Bible says them they went out from us what does that mean they were within the church you know and it's gonna happen in our church it's gonna happen where people come in teaching false doctrine and look I don't dread the day that it's gonna happen obviously I don't look forward to it but it's gonna happen it's happened to many of the churches in our movement it's gonna happen in our church and let me just go on and say that we're not gonna put up with it okay now let me just veer off a little bit and talk about a person by the name of Samuel you see Samuel in the Bible no Samuel within our church Samuel is no longer welcome that faithful word Baptist Church of Omani okay he said why is that he is a false brethren who's crept in unawares and he's he's he's kicked out he said have you personally told me he's kicked out no but if he comes back he's kicked out and I deputized anybody in our church that if I'm not here and he comes in you say you're not welcome here you need to leave oh that's cultish no cults try to keep people in you know cults say you can't leave lock the doors because we're taking another offering that's a cults do and then by the way I'm not joking about that that that's happened in Baptist churches where the pastor takes an offering he looks at the offering and one of the ushers comes in and said this is the offering he goes lock the doors we're not leaving till we take another offer that's cultish right there okay we're not trying to keep people in and look we're not even trying to kick people out we're trying to adhere to the Word of God that says if these people are within your church you need to get them out and Samuel is one of those people who's crept in unawares since day one he's he's he was troubled okay now I believe him to be an infiltrator and you said why is that we've given them many opportunities myself I've given them plenty of opportunities and when I say I give people benefit of the doubt I'm honest about that I'm not the kind of person who's just like I'll just write someone off as being a reprobate if they make a mistake or even if they slip a word I'm like you know what maybe that's not what he meant and I'll even talk to them and I'll try to I'll try to get them to explain it explain their part because I don't it's it's a vile thing to call someone a reprobate who's not a reprobate I mean you're calling them the worst piece of scum in the world to call someone a reprobate okay so this guy came to our church and look he came to our church and he said he found pastor Anderson online now be careful with that because just because someone says they listen to pastor Anderson online don't write them off as being okay you know they're good to go cuz there's enemies who listen to pastor Anderson too a bunch of wicked people who listen there I got wicked people who listen to me faithfully online they're my like faithful listen they subscribe to my channel they get the notifications and as soon as the sermon comes up or a clip comes up they are there on they're commenting and I always tell them like look you little fag hack if you don't like what I say go to another channel why do you have to troll my channel if you don't like what I'm saying and they write like paragraphs and scores of paragraphs and I'll tell them like I'm gonna be honest with you I didn't read what you just said I didn't read it period and then I just move on like but just because people say they're part of our movement doesn't mean that they're safe people a lot of these people are just infiltrators he came in saying that he listen to pastor Anderson and look he was right on the Jews he was running the post-trip doctrine but don't let that fool you either he said he was right on these things so you know he came to our church and right off the bat there was just red flags but you know I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and here's one of the things that really caused me to become really suspicious of him is when different people in the church started coming to me saying that he was pulling them aside pulling them aside criticizing other people in the church and specifically me okay and you know what he's doing he's fishing is what he's doing you don't have false teachers and reprobates do they fish for people in the church to try to get you to basically go with them that's what they try to do funny thing he never came to me obviously you know but this guy so he he has a track record of being this troublemaker now let me let me explain to you a little bit of the history of this guy he went to manly Perry's to pastor manly Perry's church okay he went soloing with them and when he came back he told me goes yeah I learned so much from soloing over there and all these things I'm like okay great you know awesome then he goes to steadfast Baptist Church with pastor Romero and he begins to criticize pastor manly Perry to pastor Romero's congregants saying all kinds of wrong things that they had about their church and all these things well they went and told pastor Romero this pastor Romero called me and he says hey who's Samuel I'm like oh he's a guy in our church I was like is everything all right he said and he basically gave me the list of some of the things he's done and and he said I just want to let you know that he's not welcome in our church anymore and I said you know what pastor Romero I apologize because he's never done anything like that in our church I said but I'll make sure that I'll rebuke him as soon as he comes back and and I'm gonna test them to see what's going on with this guy I said I didn't know that you know and that's a bad testimony let me say this when you go to a different church specifically churches in our movement be a good testimony don't be a little don't be a little jerk while you're over there some pompous self-righteous fool you know don't don't mouth off when you go there go be a blessing to whatever church you're going to leave a good taste in the mouth of the people you're with so I hear about this and so I'm like okay so he comes back and I had brother Perry with me and I said we're and I told I said we're meeting right now I told pastor Romero called me he said these things about you is it true the whole yeah yeah I mean you know I didn't mean like that I said you said it's like multiple people in the church and there's even people in the church who are credible people who are not they're not troublemakers they're not critical who actually what the non-critical spirit came to pastor America hey this guy said this and this was done look out of the mouth of two or three witnesses everywhere should be established and look their witnesses agreed you know it'd be something different if there is like three witnesses but there are witnesses agreed not hitherto you know they're there they were conflicting stories about this guy but all every single one of them agreed okay so I told him I said now you have two options number one you can call pastor Romero or at first I said I said you understand you're wrong for doing that and he goes yeah I'm wrong I said okay you have two options you can go to pastor Romero call him and say and apologize for what you've done and if you feel like you don't need to apologize then you need to leave and never come back because you're not welcome to you because I will not house any any railer in our church I said your choice but you gotta make the choice now he goes okay I'll call him so he called him and he got it right supposedly and I called pastor Romero and he said yeah Samuel called me he got it right you know everything is good so he's welcome to come to our church if he wants to come back I said okay great and and I just kind of brushed it off as being you know he's just like a babe in Christ he doesn't know any better you know I'll be patient with him but then the accusations kept coming people kept coming to me about things he was saying now let me let me look look this is family time I know we got visitors here but just you know put on your seat belts he came he was going to people in our church calling brother Perry a reprobate that is the most vile thing you could ever say to a safe person to call a person a reprobate to call him a sodomite is to call him a faggot is what you're calling him to call a person a reprobate to call a false teacher and look side note here don't just flippantly call anybody a reprobate if they're if they're not if you don't have evidence of that don't call him that that's that's beyond an insult so he's calling he's going to people calling brother Perry a reprobate I think he's a reprobate and look just the reason he's saying that let me just let me just go ahead and disclose to you why he's saying that he wanted a day brother Perry's daughter and brother Perry is the man of his house he said no if a dad says no you know what that means in the Greek it means no what does it mean the Hebrew no let me translate it in Spanish no it means no and look if someone tells you no just move on don't get bitter just move on I mean is it really that bad to be told no so he gets mad at him and then he starts railing on him to different people in our church and I had different people come in our churches say yeah it's funny you said it because he came to me also and said XY and Z and then yesterday brother Alex tells me that he says the same thing he's criticizing brother Perry he didn't call him a reprobate call him Ogg the king of the Amorites right now you say what is that that's called railing he's railing is what he's doing okay look Alex and I for example we're friends if I say hey I'm king of the Amorites he knows I'm joking with him if I'm playing around with him he's gonna know I'm playing with him but when you in sincerity are calling someone else because you're bitter towards that person you're railing now that doesn't make him a reprobate but that makes him a railer and we're not gonna tolerate that so then he goes up to another person and he starts criticizing me okay and he starts saying yeah you know brother isn't he so proud the way he walks up to the pulpit and I'm thinking myself how do I walk up to the do I have like a pimp walk when I walk over to the pulpit or something I'm like I'm like examining myself like am I limping am I just like you know what am I doing that's a railing accusation and what he's doing he's fishing for criticisms as well he's hoping that the person he criticizes me or other people to that that person will say you know what yeah it's funny you said that because XY and Z I believe this about that person too so they can make their little conspiracy and join together and calls cause some kind of uprising in our church you know it's not gonna work here so he does these things and and you know I hear about then I'm like and then there's video so now there's recordings of things that he said there's there's text messages and all these things that are coming out and at it comes to a point where it's just like you know what this guy's not a babe in Christ this guy's just like an infiltrator because we've talked to this person multiple times about these specific things he brings in these gospel tracts or booklets that have repenting your sins garbage in it you know and then he preaches a message at preaching night where he mentions works and repenting and I said hey I'm not uploading your sermon because you said XY and Z did you did you know you said that and he said oh yeah oh man yeah okay yeah look you may think I'm like too soft or something but I understand okay maybe he just made a mistake you know why cuz I want to believe in people I honestly sincerely want to believe in people you know and the Bible says I should be long-suffering towards people be patient with them oh you're not patient there you're ripping them on him right now yeah but it's like months after I've given him many chances okay so then they tell me that he's gone to so let me just say this he's not welcome here okay he's not welcome he said well what if he gets it right with you he's never welcomed here he can't step foot in me and these church doors ever again ever you say why are you are you gonna post this on YouTube you better believe it because I want our other friends on our movement to know about this guy that if Samuel ever comes to your church you don't welcome him in there because he's an infiltrator and you'll start criticizing you and your members those people aren't welcome in our church so then I find out that he goes to my friend's church pastor Ringo Ayala you know Iglesia Bautista de Santa Ana and I found this out yesterday and they said yeah he's going to that church now it's like that guy doesn't even speak Spanish what are you doing there Alex went to that church for a little bit but Alex can speak a little Spanish this guy don't speak any Spanish so I found out about this and I call pastor Ringo like that day I called him yesterday and he answered the phone I said we were talking for a little bit and I say hey I'm calling you for a specific reason there's a guy named Sammy who's going to your church is that right and he said yeah he comes from your church I said well I just want to let you know that I threw him out of my church he's not welcome to come back here anymore and I basically went through every single thing that I just told you guys and he said man it's so funny you said that because as soon as he came in there's like red flags all over for me about him he said there's people that are coming to me in my church he said about him things that he was saying I mean the fool can't keep his mouth shut for one visit and he's like he told someone in this church that he's like looking for a wife who goes to church looking for a wife you go to church that you're preaching to be sent out to go soul winning now if you find a wife along along the road amen nothing wrong with that but to go to church specifically he didn't say why'd you go to church he didn't say oh because I want to learn more about the Word of God I want to learn some more Spanish no I'm here for a wife that's wicked so I tell him then he goes well I'm glad you told me because the next time I see him I'm gonna tell him you're out of here you're criticizing my friend you're not welcome here either okay and that's the kind of attitude we need to have he said well where's he gonna go next he'll probably go to some old IFB church you know why cuz I don't boot anybody out they welcome all the reprobates they have a reprobate Sunday school class for these people then I can throw them out you know so he's never welcomed in our church okay and look let me just put it out there for everyone else if you are a railer in our church if you are an adult or a fornicator a drunkard an extortioner you are not welcomed in our church oh oh you know but I'm growing grow outside that's not patient you know get right with the Lord in regards to those things and you can come and I'm not talking about just any sin we're all sinners obviously okay but there's specific sins the Bible talks about that we cannot tolerate and I'm not gonna go against what God says I'm incurring the wrath of God upon my personal life in the life of our church if I tolerate someone who's a railer in our church who's a drunkard and drinking doesn't just include alcohol and includes smoking pot if you smoke chronic if you smoke any type of weed you either one repent of it or two you get out and once you get it right you can come back in the church you can't dictate what I believe you know what I can't dictate what you believe but you need to take what you believe out there it's not welcome here okay so go to ask chapter 20 it's wicked it's wicked to say anybody's a reprobate for any reason if they're not a reprobate even if you disagree with the person you know there's people in the old IFB in my old church that I disagree with like 100% other or 99% because we agree on salvation but they're not reprobates I would not dare call my old pastor a reprobate the guy that threw me out I would never call him a reprobate that is the most disrespectful thing you could ever say to a safe person that's wicked okay actually after 20 verse 28 says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseer so he's talking to pastors here to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood for I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves entering among you not sparing the flock so what's the solution to making sure that we don't fall prey to these infiltrators verse 28 says to feed the Church of God we got to teach the Bible we got to teach about people creeping in unawares we got to read the scriptures the churches don't want to read we got to make sure we talk about these uncomfortable things so you are now overtaken by a ravening wolf it says there in verse 30 also of your own selves yeah that's even worse so these aren't just people who are coming in these are people who are gonna come out of our church also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things why to draw away disciples after them now look I don't really have a problem Mario come up here come up you know Mario's here and he's like hey brother Bruce can I talk to you about something I got some person I want to talk to you about but it's kind of private can we go talking in private I say yeah let's go that's fine or even if Mario goes to someone else to say hey I got something that I need to tell someone can I talk to you in private that's different but what if I go to Mario and say hey by the way when they do something like this that's not good if they're like looking around and everything you're like hey I love brother Bruce but but and they start you know what they're doing they're trying to creep in they're trying to draw away disciples after them and they'll start with the really soft stuff first to see if they'll bite and then if they bite they'll go further into what they believe yeah they believe in salvation by grace or faith I believe that too but you know the Bible says you know faith without works is dead being alone right you've seen that right what are they trying to do they're trying to draw away disciples after them these people don't exist yes they do and if you think they don't exist and you got your head in the sand you're living in candyland this is reality this is the real world so pay attention to these things you know if someone comes to you say hey come here let's go get you want to go get a coffee I'll buy it for you all right let's go get a coffee we go get a coffee and I'm like hey so um you know I think reprobates can be saved I don't know about you it's just they're giving over to a reprobate mind but it doesn't necessarily say that they're not savable right I mean I've read testimonies of sodomites who get saved I'm a sodomite who got saved by the way Samuel believed that he believed that sodomites can be saved on multiple occasions and I told him I said no and I would explain it to him and he's oh yeah that's right that's right and then again you would come over and say yeah what about so-and-so I'm like Samuel they can't be saved look I'm all for growing but when the scriptures are plainly shown when it says right there denying the only Lord God that bought them what does that mean it's like I've denied the Lord Jesus Christ who's bought me I don't want him and they're like why I just still think they can be saved you're an idiot or an infiltrator but you gotta see Mario we'll talk later but that's the purpose they want to draw away disciples and what happens what if Mario says no I don't agree with that you know what they'll do they'll back off well say yeah yeah yeah I agree with you 100% and what they do is they move on to the next person okay so this is what you do if a person ever comes to in our church this is teaching time all right if a person ever comes to our church and they want to pull you aside privately number one that's a red flag unless they're talking about something you know that they're going through like hey man I need you to pray for me I'm struggling with the sin or or pray for my family and I just I just need someone to talk to you that's fine you know be open to that but if they pull you aside privately and they start teaching false doctrine I would say this give them number one the benefit of the doubt if when they teach that they're telling you this false doctrine and you correct them and they say okay now I get it so okay maybe this person is just confused but if they come again with that same thing that's a red flag at that point this is what you do you shut them down and you say okay hold that thought I'll be right back and you come get me and then we'll both go and you say can you repeat exactly what you just said in front of Bruce and I and look if they're sincere they will repeat it they'll get corrected but if they're not since you're like why did I mean it like that why'd you have to get brother Bruce involved you know because look anything that we say is out in the open we got nothing to hide but if people who have something to hide they're trying to in a sneaky privily manner try to draw you away from the church from brethren from the pastor from whomever because they're trying to get a militia going okay and look if you're friends with Samuel and you knew these things you need to leave today and never come back okay now if you're friends with Samuel you didn't know these things and this is what you do you cut ties okay cuz I'm not gonna house people who are friends with these people and a friend of Samuel is not a friend of mine okay because you're gonna be hanging out with them talking to them they're gonna be feeding you information all these things no in fact there's a guy you know Evan was you guys remember when Evan was thrown out of Verity well there's a guy from Verity who was friends with Evan who fed him all that information and he came here and I didn't know about I didn't know about all the things that took place I thought he told me he had come from Verity and I just thought it necessary to call Verity pastor manages just to make sure I say there's a guy in her church he comes he came from where he said he moved down here is everything all right with him and I'm glad I called because then I got the guy got the entire scoop I met with that guy and he was attached to this guy Evan and sympathizing with him and I said if you keep in contact with him you're not welcomed in our church because Evan is a reprobate yeah for sure okay when you believe that we're in hell right now look I know the auditorium is hot I know it's warm in here but this isn't help when you believe we're in hell right now you're off your rocker and you've been in an independent fundamental Baptist Church where hell the doctrine of hell is being talked about salvation is being talked about all these concepts are clearly taught and you still believe something like that you're out you're out you know a reprobate is someone who when they come in that you cannot be in an independent fundamental Baptist Church for years and then believe completely contrary to what they believe about salvation about hell heaven because you're getting all this teaching that's why Christian school is a very dangerous place for any Christian you said why is that well first of all cuz predators they're number one my number two cuz they're constantly getting Bible teaching and some of the worst people I've ever met in my life are from Christian school wicked teenagers in Christian school why because they're constantly getting teaching they're not going under their own volition they're going because their parents are making them go so what happens they get this teaching that they're rejecting their heart becomes hardened and they become a reprobate I've known people from Christian schools who as soon as they get out they're full-blown faggot they get married to the same gender they become a woman or whatever garbage things and this happens in the Christian schools why because their heart is becoming hardened to the fact that they're getting the teaching well that's the same concept in a church if a person comes to our church for like years five years and they're getting the same teaching and I'm not talking this isn't your regular independent fundamental Baptist Church this is not a church where we just talk about the grace of God for four weeks straight we go over different subjects and we have a lot of Bible verses to prove it and you're listening to those things and you sit on adhered to you're not even you're not even getting saved then at that point you become a reprobate because you're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth you know what I'm saying so these people want to draw away disciples after them now go to Ezekiel chapter 22 why does the Apostle Paul refer to these infiltrators as wolves okay I've been called the wolf before from my whole type B church and that hurt to be honest with you that was a hurtful statement because a wolf is a very derogatory just insult to label a the scum of the earth okay but there's a reason why the Apostle Paul calls them wolves look at Ezekiel chapter 22 verse 25 it says there is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof like a roaring lion ravening the prey they have devoured souls they have taken the treasure and precious things they have made her many widows in the midst thereof as you read this think about these false teachers and prophets because this is exactly what they do verse 26 her priests have violated my law and have profaned mine holy things they have put no difference between the holy and profane neither have they show difference between the unclean and the clean and have hid their eyes from my Sabbaths and I am profaned among them her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey to shed blood and to destroy souls to get dishonest gain and her prophets have dobbed them with untempered mortar seeing vanity and divining lies unto them saying thus say the Lord God when the Lord hath not spoken so first and foremost what do they do they conspire since there is a conspiracy what does that mean they plan these things out they conspire to overthrow the pastor they conspire to draw away disciples after them now hold your place or go to Proverbs chapter chapter 4 Proverbs chapter 4 so lest you think otherwise these people exist they literally imagine evil in their hearts the Bible says in Romans chapter 1 that they're inventors of evil things the Bible talks about how their truce breakers these are people who are conspiring to do wrong to do evil to hurt you look at Proverbs 4 14 enter not into the path of the wicked and go not into the way of evil men avoid it pass not by a turn from in and pass away for they sleep not except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall I mean is God's word true or not is he lying no he's saying there's people who can't even sleep until they do something wrong that is a person with a seared conscience that is a reprobate according to the Bible okay for they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence but the path of the justice as a shining light that shineth more and more into the perfect day so it says they conspire these people are trying to imagine evil things that means false people false brethren who are creeping in their wares they're waking up on Sunday morning planning to come here put on a shirt and tie put on their dress carry their Bible say brother come out of time I mean these people are conspiring to do and like Garrett Kirschway for years did that for years you have to be an evil wicked person to get up in the morning every Sunday go to church on Wednesday and you're not even saved you don't believe any of those things but you are their patient is what they are they're conspiring according to the Bible but not only that but they're ravening the prey go to Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 is in context of the Pharisees and the Pharisees were false prophets they're false teachers and look what it says in verse 15 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing clothing but inwardly there are ravening wolves so that's a picture of someone coming in unawares because they look like sheep you know they have the shirt and tie they speak that they talk the talk you know they're here in church Sunday mornings or you know they're they're going out soul winning whatever it is what is that that's them being in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves ye shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bring forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringing forth evil fruit now perfect example of this in context of Samuel is Samuel one time brought a girl to church I don't know if it was for preaching night and and you know brother Alex wanted a witness to her and as he was witness to her and he was Samuel came to Alex and said no no she's safe she's safe she's safe brother I got her safe she's safe but when he asked her and Alex is okay cool well I just can I ask her you know all right he asked her salvation testimony not safe by works doesn't even agree didn't even get saved at the end of your conversation with her right you shall know them by their fruits look there's gonna be times when we witness to someone and obviously we don't know everyone who gets saved but the difference is this we get people saved false brother who creeping in the words never get anyone safe please because it take it takes a spirit filled Christian to get someone safe someone with the Holy Spirit okay and it says there even so every good tree bringing forth good free but a corrupt tree bringing forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire false prophets wherefore by their fruits you shall know them Luke 11 39 says and the Lord said unto him now do you Pharisees may clean the outside of the cup in the platter but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness you see you think of a ravening wolf he's coming to devour people or it's prey so God likens false prophets to a ravening wolf who comes here and you know what he's looking for he's looking for a prey that's why it's important read your Bible that's why it's important know what you believe that's why it's important to try the spirits you know be vigilant be awake okay awake to righteousness make sure you're studying the Word of God make sure you're out sony make sure you're putting on the whole armor of God now is not the time to be a lax lazy lukewarm Christian now it's not the time to be hit and miss in church now it's not the time to stop reading your Bibles and stop praying now more than ever we need to make sure we're vigilant on these things oh you know what I go to faith for war Baptist Church I know I'll be fine no every individual needs to take care of themselves because these wolves are ravening they're looking for a prey to devour to destroy and look they're not gonna come to you when I'm present they're not gonna come to you when another brother who's stronger in the Lord is present they're gonna come to you when you're most vulnerable and you need to learn how to discern who they are what to say what they believe what you believe so you won't be caught off guard now go to Romans chapter 1 so rabbiting what does that mean it simply means like voracious it's they're consuming that they want it they're not satisfied they'll take as many people down as they possibly can you know and that's a character quality of a reprobate look at Romans 128 it says even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled filled means you're like filled to the brim you're you're full of this stuff with all unrighteousness why do you guys call homosexuals pedophiles because pedophilia is something that is very unrighteous and someone who is a homosexual as a reprobate therefore they're filled with all unrighteousness which would include pedophilia being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetous is maliciousness full of envy murdered debate deceit malignancy whispers what is that railing hey um I love brother Bruce but that's a whisper come here come here I'm trying to see if he was willing to come good job man you're listening to the sermon brother Bruce told me not to go with anyone who's doing that you know now look don't do that after church if someone's like actually calling you like Bruce he's trying to pull away disciples out there's like I'm trying to help you I'm trying to get you to help me with the tables here or something but it says that they're being they're filled with all unrighteousness okay go to second Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 verse 14 says having eyes full there's that word again having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls and hard they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children you don't have to turn your second Timothy 3 1 says this actually go go there well let's read these verses here go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse number 1 it says this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents this this list is very reminiscent to Romans 1 unthankful unholy without natural affection truth breakers false accusers what are they doing they're lying bunch of liars incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this order they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden laden with sins led away with diverse lust the Bible says now I got a funny story to tell you about this okay we're just talking about it yesterday so I remember one time Marcus and I this is before this one we're at our old church we're out sowing and we're not we're not we're knocking on doors people are answering and stuff but then there's this door that it kind of looked like it was one of those doors you know when you open and then there's stairs that go up to like different apartments upstairs you guys know what I'm talking about so So, Marcus just opens the door he just starts walking up the stairs and I'm following him and then he gets like a little over halfway up the stairs and then there's like people walking furniture he basically went into their house you know he's going over there with the authority of the Lord he's just like he's like and he comes back down and I'm like what he's like he krypton unawares to this day those people don't know that Marcus was in their house that's a creepy feeling isn't it to know that someone was in your house now that's not what this is talking about okay these are people who creep in unawares who basically are wolves in sheep's clothing is what it's talking about go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 again worried verse 14 again it says also in Ezekiel that they devour souls look what it says in verse 14 have an eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls so that should encourage you to start reading your Bible all the way through well I've only read the New Testament things start jumping in the Old Testament it's just too much for me you need to start reading there or else you're gonna be an unstable soul and what happens to an unstable soul they're like a wave carried about right you know double-minded and a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways these are the people who are carried tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie away to the sea that's an unstable soul and look don't count preaching as your Bible reading I got my Bible reading in for today I read all kinds of scriptures at church no preaching is good and preaching is a manifestation of God's Word but you know what you need to be reading the Bible on your own you need to go home and read the Bible on your own all the way through from Genesis to Revelation you need to read the Bible every single day and become knowledgeable about these things and look in case no one knows read the King James Bible not NLT not NIV not HIV STD and all these other versions are there false and fake I'm talking about the King James Bible because look if you if you want to read like the NIV NLT that's that's a false prophets Bible right there that's what they're using you know and honestly a safe person will not read a different version of the Bible and get anything out of it a safe person will understand the King James Bible and would only adhere to the King James Bible that is the voice of the Shepherd that's a sermon for another day but the false versions of the Bible they their doctrine lines up perfectly with what the false teachers teach okay now let's see here go to look at verse number three of 2nd Peter I'm gonna read to you from Acts 15 verse 23 it says and they wrote letters by them after this manner the apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are at the which are of the Gentiles in Antioch in Syria and Cilicia for as much as we have heard that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words subverting your souls saying you must be circumcised and keep the law to whom we gave no such commandment so we see here that subverting of the soul to begot an unstable soul is largely related to what they're saying what they're teaching okay look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 3 says and through covetousness shall they with fain words make merchandise of you well what does it say in Ezekiel that they take they've taken treasures and precious things so you know I'm motive that people have sometimes when they come into churches these false teachers and prophets money they love money they want to take treasures they want to take precious things now go with me if you would to 2nd Kings chapter 20 verse 15 is 2nd Peter I'm gonna read to you from there it says which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray fall in the way of Balaam the son of Bozor who loved the wages of unrighteousness the Bible says so one character quality of these false teachers and prophets is that they love money they come to church to steal money they come to church to make merchandise off of the people now there's an extreme aspect to this you have like Joel Steen you have Noel Jones who's in LA who takes like three or four offerings one of them is a mandatory $20 offering okay but then you have this even in independent Baptist churches where these guys these pastors they literally lie their way to the top to become the pastor in order to get money they want a paycheck and that's all they care about they can care less about the congregants they don't teach doctrine in fact I've heard some people even say this don't study your pastors who said don't study the Bible just know Jesus you don't have to study the Bible just know Jesus to know Jesus is to study the Bible search the scriptures for enemy you think you have eternal life and nail which testify of me Jesus said okay but there are people like this out there who they just want money they could care less about your soul they can care less about helping you grow in the Lord they want your pocketbook because they want to build their building they want their 401k and they want all their goods they want the precious things but precious things can also be be in reference to what people specifically who children precious things some some of those pressures in my life are my children I love my children I will die for my children they are very precious to me but these infiltrators what they do is they come in they want to take away these riches as well as the precious things that's how wicked they are look at 2nd Kings chapter 20 verse 12 verse 12 says and at that time Barad-dak, Barad-dak-baladan the son of Baladan king of Babylon sent letters in the president of Hezekiah for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick and Hezekiah hearkened unto them and showed them all the house of his precious things so Hezekiah is a perfect example of the old IP church okay he just got his head in the sand not paying attention okay so he allows these guys to come in and just to look at all the precious things the silver and the gold and the spices and the precious ointment and all the house of his armor so he's showing them all the goods and he's like here my weapons to go into my gun rack look at all my guns here this is where I keep them here's where I keep the secret one you know he's showing them everything it says in all that was found in his house their treasure there was nothing in his house nor in all his Dominion that Hezekiah showed them not what's wrong with this guy verse 14 then came Isaiah the prophet the new IFP preacher unto King Hezekiah and said unto him what said these men and from whence came they unto thee and Hezekiah said there come from a far country even from Babylon they're reprobates verse 15 and he said what have they seen in thine house and Hezekiah answered all the things that are in mine house have they seen there is nothing among my treasures that I have not showed them and Isaiah said unto Hezekiah hear the word of the Lord behold the days come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers had laid up in store unto this day shall be carried into Babylon nothing shall be left saith the Lord and of thy sons that shall issue from thee you know those precious people which thou shall beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah so you would think that something like that you'd get news like that I was like man I got to correct this I got to repent I got to make sure that I take care of my children my sons we got to make sure we build a wall because they're gonna be coming we're gonna be ready for them I messed up I screwed up I need to fix this look at verse 19 is that what he did no then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah good is the word of the Lord which thou has spoken and he said is it not good if peace and truth be in my days he said well at least it's not happening when I'm around you wicked person so you know that means he can care less about the next generation he could care less about my son he can care less about my daughter he can care less about your children you know why because peace and truth aren't his days you know I'm I care about peace and truth in my days but I care much more about peace and truth in the next in the days of the next generation that's what I care about because you know what I can do something about these tides while I'm here but I can't do anything about it when I'm gone so I got to make sure I fight twice as hard so that when I'm gone I being dead yet speaketh to my children okay but what what it has a kind of he didn't care less about that he's a picture perfect of the old IFP and look you know where these reprobates go when there's nowhere nowhere else to go in the new IFP Church they go to old IFP Church because old IFP churches don't kick people out like this they welcome them they house them they protect them they defend them they defend these filthy pedophiles they pray for them we both pray for them but they pray for their good you know we pray that they die and go to hell how can you say that about a person well how can a person ever violate a little child that's a better question to ask yourself why don't you ever ask yourself that instead of criticizing me because I pray for the death of these pedophiles why don't you ask the other better question which is why would this filthy pervert ever want to touch a child that's a better question go back to Jude the Bible also says in Ezekiel that they violated their laws and have profaned their his holy things and the Bible tells us that in Jude verse 4 says for there are certain men cryptid and aware's who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ and it goes on to say in Ezekiel that they shed blood that destroy souls they get dishonest gain now go to first Corinthians chapter number five we're almost done so what's the message today there's infiltrators and in our church once I find out that they're infiltrators they're out of here and we don't want to have an atmosphere in our church that sympathizes with these people okay like whoa you know I but yeah he's a good guy no he's not quit being dumb get some smarts I'm not insulting you I'm telling you these things because I love you because I love the people in our church if I didn't love you I'd be like let's talk about the grace of God loves you and I love you too let's pray you know I'm just ended at that but there's more to the Bible than just that we need to warn people we need to make sure we talk about these things so you're not ignorant regarding these things okay now first Corinthians chapter 5 we see Paul basically telling the church at Corinth there's a guy at Corinth who was committing fornication with his father's wife and then this is so wicked that it wasn't it was something wasn't even named among the Gentiles and here's the problem in the church of Corinth is that they weren't they weren't casting him out of the church for that it was commonly known they knew about these things and they still kept them in the church in fact there were glorying in the fact that they kept them in the church oh you know faith we're Baptist Church they they kick people out we don't we we love everyone we love people they're glorying is what they're doing okay you know so this is what's taking place so Paul just reminds them hey you need to cast out the old leaven okay you need to cast out the leaven out of your church you need to make sure you kick this person out and don't fellowship with them but look what it says in verse number nine I wrote him to you in an epistle not to company with fornicators yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for them as he needs to go out of the world so in other words what he's saying he goes look there's people who are unsaved that you're gonna meet you know you're gonna talk to them and they're fornicators they're adulterers you know just part of life you ought them not to be buddy buddies with them you know you ought to try to win them to the Lord we're not Amish here you know it's just like us four no more and touched out the unclean thing and you can't talk to anybody no we love lost people we want to get him saved we love the adulterer we love the fornicator we love the drunkard the only difference is they just can't be here in the church okay look what it says in verse 11 but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother let's talk about Christians now this is talking about Christians but remember it says if any man who's called a brother so anyone who claims to be a safe person or a Christian okay if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner was such in one no not to eat so it says look and by the way it's more than just don't eat with them he's just giving an extreme exam was like don't even sit down and have a meal with them don't have a coffee with them don't talk to them okay you're cultish but here's the thing I'm not going around to check to see if that's what you're doing I'm warning you not to do that because that's what the Bible says if you do it that's your business but if I find out about it I'm gonna confront you about it if you are hanging out with people who've been cast out of our church okay and and not just the railers the fornicators drunkards and everything else that we see in this list you see because the people who hang out with these people think that they're loving but they're not being loving because the reason God's telling us to cast them out of the church and that's a company with them and so they can be ashamed and in fact just to show you that this works they ended up obeying Paul and then in second Corinthians obviously they cast them out he gets it right and then he comes back that's what we want for someone who is saved obviously okay but it says no not to eat verse 12 for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not eat judge them that are within but then that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person put them away get them out of here okay so in the midst of all these things we see railings railing is basically to utter bitter complaints towards someone okay to lie about them and we're not gonna put up with that so Samuels out of here and he's never coming back okay and if he does we'll throw him out again and if he chooses not to leave after we tell him to leave then we have two arms we pick them up and we throw them out you can't do that watch me watch us we will do that look we have enough been here there's enough been here we even know like martial arts like Brazilian jujitsu guys as boxers there's Muay Thai kickboxers and stuff we have enough people here who I won't even have to do it these guys were probably get to them before I do there's a guy who came a couple weeks ago and he came after the church he just looked like he wasn't all there and you know whatever and Paul started witnessing to him the guy sat down and started witnessing to him and Paul has a servant Paul was just like this guy's not getting it he's not paying attention I'm trying to witness to him he's not getting it he's just kind of chasing rabbits and Paul's like I think it's time for you to go cuz you look like he was just kind of trouble is what he was right and Paul's like I think you need to go and the guy didn't want to leave so on church on Sunday nights the guys we all just kind of huddled together we just you know save the world and we're standing there and we catch wind that this guy's not leaving all we did was turn around take two steps forward and he looked at us and say well I think it's time for me to go and he got up and he walked out and it's like yeah it's time for you to go okay because he's probably thinking I'm not gonna be able to take all these guys on and this isn't your typical Christians who like they just will give me money so I could go buy a beer these guys look like they mean business and we do mean business okay so look I'm not look I'm not we're not gonna trigger happy you just to throw everyone out pick people up and just throw them out and stuff like that but we will do it if we need to okay now there's a lot more that I need to say but we're gonna finish there well go to 2nd Peter one last time 2nd Peter chapter 2 I'll read to you for 1st Timothy chapter 6 and verse number 4 says he is proud knowing nothing but doting about questions and strives of words wherefore whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings we ought to never debate with anybody in church okay this is not grounds for debate here we don't start debating doctrine here all right so there should never be any debates why because when there's disputes there's railings now the guys they pick on each other and stuff like that and they'll say funny stuff or whatever they're ragging each other I'm fine with that that creates thick skin okay and it helps you to be tough all right I'm talking about where it says in verse number 5 perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 10 says but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government presumptuous are their self-willed they're not afraid to speak evil of dignities so a lot of these guys you know what they hate they hate authority you say I don't know they hate authority because they despise governments they speak evil of dignities they start talking trash about the pastor it's like did you really have to talk about how I walk up to the pulpit is that the only thing you could find that's all you can find how do you know I didn't sprain my ankle the day before but they speak evil of dignities they speak evil of people and look if someone ever comes to you and starts saying things like this don't stay quiet yeah I don't want to cause any trouble or anything like that just you know I just love our church and I just don't want to you know no that's the worst thing you can do she usually find out about it say brothers can't talk to you for a second but don't go like this you know can't talk to you for a second but yeah hey brother so just said this XY and Z I just want to let you know that don't tell me like four months later yeah I wanted to say it before but I just you know and look don't come to me after the service to say that's funny you preach the sermon because like six months ago he said he believed in words based salvation and the heat potential was a reprobate I just want to say nothing you know don't do that or you can do that after this one but don't do that from here on out if someone tells you something like that you need to come tell me and say hey this guy said this and a red flag went up and just want to let you know that we need to know these things there's no carpet here except for there and even this carpet you can't sweep under it we don't sweep anything in this church we don't see if anything yeah we sweep it out there you go home I'm like that's that sounds really dirty we sweep in the church but we sweep it out is what we do we take out the trash we don't like just put it under the carpet no we sweep it we put on the palette we throw it in the trash and the dumpster comes to pick it up on Monday morning and then we never see it again okay verse 11 says where of angels where our greater in power and might bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord you don't have to turn to Jude verse 8 says likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities they call them reprobates so what's the sermon for today there's infiltrators okay and this isn't even the worst infiltrator that we had the worst infiltrator that we had was Garrett curse way that was the worst infiltrator he was here since day one since before day one you know that was the worst one that we had okay and I believe this guy was an infiltrator I believe he is an infiltrator and he's never welcomed back here again and if I hear that he goes to any one of our churches I will call that pastor let him know what they've done what that person has done here and in other churches see there's a track record okay and look don't listen to something like this and like I don't like this pastor you know this guy is just always ripping on you know I'm doing it for your sake okay I'm doing it so that you don't get to see by these by these filthy people okay and we need to talk about these things and again we're the new I have been you I have be we don't sweep things in on the carpet we let you we let you know well what if I can only goes I just want to tell you something I'm not gonna say his name we'll just call him bill you know that's stupid the name is Samuel you know him we know him he's not welcome back here again amen it's about heads and I board a prayer follow me thank you so much for your word and Lord this is a common theme that we see in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament but yet it's not preached on enough and Lord when these things come up we need to talk about it and I think the congregants appreciate it more when it's out in the open so then they're not wondering what happened to so-and-so they're not they're not coming up with their own a conclusion of the matter they know fully what's taking place and I pray God that you'd help us Lord to be vigilant to be aware of the infiltrators that will come to our church it's gonna happen and there may be an infiltrator here today we don't know we don't want to have a spirit of suspicion when I give everyone the benefit of the doubt but we can trust you that you will reveal it unto us as the time passes Lord and I pray you bless this as we go on our way in Jesus name we pray amen