(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you Lord for the souls that were saved earlier today. I said now you would please bless Pastor Mejia as he preaches your word And I give us attentiveness to listen and to take heed to what he says Lord in Jesus name. I pray. Amen All right, look down at your Bibles at Genesis chapter number 7 look down at verse number 11 It says in the 600th year of Noah's life in the second month the 17th day of the month to sell the same day Where all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were open And the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights and the self same day entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth The sons of Noah and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with him into the ark They and every beast after his kind and all the cattle after their kind and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his Kind and every fowl after his kind every bird of every sword now go to Genesis chapter 9 If you would Genesis chapter number 9, I'm gonna reach you from 1st Peter chapter number 3 verse 18 It says for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God Being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison Which sometime were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah? While the ark was a preparing were in few that his eight souls were saved by water now in Genesis chapter 7 really Starting in Genesis chapter 6 we see that the earth was corrupt and it had gotten to the point where God was basically fed up with mankind and Repented him but he had created man and he decided to destroy the entire world What what's known as the worldwide flood and in fact in Genesis chapter 6 it tells us that the world was filled with violence Okay, the the imagination of man's heart was only evil Continuously and we see that they basically reached their limit and God was fed up and he was gonna come and destroy them with the flood So what was the plan? Well, the plan was that Noah was gonna build an ark He was gonna be able to physically rescue his family And also the Bible tells us every living thing of all flesh two of every source that I bring into the ark So two of every sort of animal Was Was gonna be rescued as well Now we obviously understand that Noah the Bible tells us that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord He was a righteous man. He was a saved man. The Bible even tells us that he's a preacher of Righteousness. So as he's building this ark he's preaching the Word of God people are getting saved He's preaching about the judgment of God to come but only him and seven members of his family are Rescued from the wrath of God to come now. That's not to say there wasn't safe people, you know, or excuse me That wasn't to say that the people who died in Paris in the flow were not saved I'm sure there's many that were but at the end of the day as far as mankind is concerned Only eight people were rescued from this wrath that was to come look at verse number 19 of Genesis chapter 9 It says these are the three sons of Noah and of them was the whole earth overspread and Noah began to be a husband man And he planted a vineyard and he drank of the wine and was drunken and he was uncovered within his tent So what do we see here? He's drunk He plants a vineyard and he drinks of the wine and he becomes drunk verse 22 says and ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brethren without and Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both of their shoulders and Went backward and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces were backward and they saw not their father's nakedness And Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son had done unto him now Let me just say this it's not that he just saw his nakedness Because he received verse 24 that he specifically says that he knew what his younger son had done unto him. Okay, and He said cursed be Canaan a servant of servants. Shall he be unto his brethren? So as I mentioned, this is the story of Noah's Ark. We see the eight people were physically saved from God's wrath Noah was a preacher of righteousness He moved with fear knowing that what was going to come upon the world and he was given the privilege to rescue his own family, okay Now we see that in Genesis 7 the self same day Noah Shem and Ham Japheth the sons of Noah and his wife The three wives of his sons with them go into the ark Now here's the thing is even though his sons even though his family went into the ark with him doesn't necessarily mean that they were All righteous people and in fact We know that to be true because of the fact that ham did this abominable act towards his father now eight people Listen to this eight people Got into the boats Amen But not everyone that got into the boat was on board Eight people got into the boat But just because there are eight individuals that got into the boat doesn't mean that eight people were on board with Noah's program Or should I say they weren't on board with God's program? And the title of the sermon this evening is in the boat, but not on board When you're in the boat, but you're not on board You see you can physically be on the boat like Ham was Japheth and Noah's family But at the end of the day we see him though. He was in the boat He really wasn't on the program that God had he really wasn't a righteous person. No, in fact, he was a wicked person Okay, because he wasn't on board he we see him committing this abominable Ancestrous rape of his father. He's a wicked person But he was on the boat You know, you see Noah was a righteous man. He did find grace in the eyes of the Lord and was spared But here's the thing. Even though he was a righteous person Righteousness is not imputed from one person to another You know just because you are a righteous mother or a righteous father doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna produce righteous children Why because we have what's called the free will right? Everyone has a choice whether to accept the gospel or to reject it Everyone has a choice whether to serve God or not and at the end of the day we all have our individual Autonomous will to do what we want with the truth that's given to us and we see that ham Even though his father was a preacher of righteousness rejected the truth and you know if you were to take the entire Bible and Basically make an assessment of who ham was we would say he's a wicked person He is a reprobate. Okay, because only reprobates are capable of doing what ham did to his own father Okay, so we don't just see him not being righteous. We see him as being just a wicked son of Belial Raping his own father. Okay, very wicked. His son obviously did not partake in his righteousness He partook of that physical deliverance, but at the end of the day, even though he was on the boat He was in the boat. He was not on board with the program Okay, and that's the title of the sermon in the boat But not on board now turn with me if you would to Acts chapter number one if you would act chapter number one The Bible tells us in first John chapter 2 they went out from us But they were not all of us for if they had been of us They would no doubt have continued with us But they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. What is the Bible Thomas? You know, there's times when there's people who are in the church or you know They're in the congregation and they seem to be of us. They seem to be because they're in the boat You would automatically assume they're on board They're on board with the doctrine. They're on board with the direction They're on board with the vision But you know what at the end of the day when they go out teaching some false doctrine believing some heresy about salvation We understand, you know, they were in the boat, but they're not really on board Throughout the Bible we see examples of people Who played the part? Okay, but they weren't weren't really part of the program now this could be for two reasons one They're just a really wicked person a reprobate a false prophet an infiltrator Okay, or two, they're just carried about with every wind of doctrine. They just become worldly They don't have an appetite for spiritual things. They're just a fleshly Christian and they're just doing their own thing Okay, they could be either-or but let me give you some examples of really wicked people who are in the boat But we're not on board the most obvious being Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot was part of the twelve disciples. I mean talking about being in the boat The boat being Jesus, right? He's there with Jesus doing ministry for three years I mean he has him right there at his right hand. He's with them day in and day out But what does the Bible tell us that he was the son of perdition Look at Acts chapter 1 verse 16 men and brethren this scripture must needs be Must needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas Which was guide to them that took Jesus for he was Numbered with us and had obtained part of this ministry. Let me paraphrase that he was in the boat Now this man purchased the field with the reward of iniquity and falling headlong He burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out So what do we see with Judas that even though he was numbered with the disciples? He partook of that ministry He had Jesus right there in the flesh. He was in the boat. So to speak. He was not on board He was a wicked person who was stealing from the offering plate. He was a thief He betrayed Jesus he wasn't even saved Okay, he was in the boat, but he was not on board go to Luke chapter 17 If you would Luke chapter 17, we see that Judas is a perfect example of someone who's in the boat But they're not on board. They may be they may claim the name of Christ. They may be in the right type of church They may you know talk to talk but at the end of the day, they don't they're not walking the walk. Okay? Another example of this would be lots wife You know lots wife was lots wife, you know who they're one right and God came he warned law he even you know had angels go and deliver him from the destruction that was gonna come upon Sodom and Gomorrah, he allowed them, you know to have the opportunity to save his daughters and his wife But what does the Bible tell us the Bible tells that she turned back and was turned into a pillar of salt So, yeah, she was she was in the boat of deliverance she was already on her way out But you know, she wasn't on board. She missed Sodom and Gomorrah. She missed the city of faggotry Okay Look what it says in verse 31 of Luke 17 in that day He would shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house Let him not come down to take it away and he that is in the field. Let him likewise not return back Remember lots wife whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life Shall preserve it. So what does this tell us about lots wife? She had her own thing going on She wasn't really following her husband. She wasn't necessarily following the Lord. She had an appetite for the world She had an appetite for carnal things. She wasn't on the program. Yeah, she was on the boat, but she wasn't on board Okay, and she suffered the consequences because of it go to first Samuel chapter number one first Samuel chapter number one The Title is in the boat, but not on board. We see that as an example with Judas Iscariot We see lots wife, but how about Eli's sons? Perfect example of people who are in the boat doing ministry They were priests unto the Lord the Bible tells us but yet the Bible tells us that even though they were the sons of Eli Aka they were the sons of Belial Look at first Samuel 1 verse 3 It says and this man went up out of his city yearly to worship it to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts and Shiloh and the two sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas the priests of the Lord were there now you read anything. Okay. These are probably some godly guys Priests are offering the sacrifices. They're supposed to know the law of the Lord. They are doing ministry I mean, this is a very lofty position. This is a this is a position of leadership Okay now go to first Samuel chapter 2 verse number 12 Yeah, it looks like they're in the boat Look at verse 12 of chapter 2 now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial They knew not the Lord Whoa, hold on a second. You're trying to tell me that these people are the priests of the Lord But they don't even know who the Lord is What in the world these people are in the house of God, they're supposedly teaching the Word of God They're offering the sacrifices. They are the leadership of the nation, but they don't even know the Lord themselves Well, that's why they're called the sons of Belial by the way sons Belial is the devil Satan. Okay What he's saying there is that they're they're sons of the devil They're sons of Satan and this is why later on we see well actually prior to this God saying that he would slay them He wanted to destroy Hophni and Phinehas and you know what this happens a lot of the times even in preachers homes Where you have a pastor but you know and his children are in church They're serving the Lord so-called, but they're not even saved, you know, and they end up doing their own thing. They hate God So on and so forth Gehazi is another example of that, but we're not gonna get into him for the sake of time So this is something that we see today in both extremes and very entire varying types of settings You know, we can see it within families. For example where you know, mom and dad are Leading the household they're going to church, you know, they're they're teaching spiritual things, but maybe not everyone's on board This is the example with Eli and his son. It's his son's Hophni and Phinehas We that could be a boat so to speak, you know, or we see it in marriage Lot's wife Where maybe the husband or maybe the wife they're serving God fervently. They love the Lord They're walking with God, but you know, maybe the the the other partner that the wife or the husband they're not on board Okay, maybe they're just playing the part. They're not really into church They hate the Lord or maybe they just are worldly Christian who doesn't want to serve God Okay They want to serve their own lusts that could be a boat that someone could be in We see it in ministry and in church Eli's sons or Judas right where people can come into church We would say that these are infiltrators They come into the church to do ministry. They come to play the part but Eventually because they're wicked people they come up with some crazy wicked false doctrine, you know, whether it's they believe Differently about salvation they teach some some some heresy regarding salvation. You have to repent of your sins You know or they teach a one is doctrine They teach any varying types of damnable heresies and it's like when the world how can this person get into that? They were already into that They came here believing those heresies They were in the boat, but they just weren't on board. Okay They go along to get along but at the end of the day, they're not really on board Now obviously you have times when people are in the boat, but they're not on board, but it doesn't mean they're not safe Maybe they're just Worldly or maybe they just need to grow Maybe they just need time to learn doctrine to assimilate to the church You know, I'm not talking about those people. I'm talking about people who are just wicked people who are not on board But they claim to be in the boat So what are some ways that people are in the boat but not on board now go with me if you went to John chapter number Six I've already mentioned this in in the beginning. But how about this when it comes to this matter of salvation? Some people can be in the boat but not on board So, what do you mean by that? You know people come to a Bible believing church like ours You know where the right gospel is being preached we talk about salvation in the sermons. It's a soul winning church and They go so winning they go and they hear the presentation of the gospel Over and over and over again. We talk about it not only from behind the pulpit, but even amongst ourselves This is a doctrine that's constantly being reinforced. But yet what they're not even saved They're in the boat, but they're not on board when it comes to salvation that my friends is a dangerous Position to be in okay Now look there's times when people You know, they're like that and they go to some church And the church is so weak on doctrine That it really doesn't affect them much Let me say this I believe that in our church I preach enough doctrine Heavy doctrine enough doctrine that if people are not saved they come to our church if you stay here long enough You will be a reprobate Because truth is being given to you over and over and over and over again Salvation is constantly talked about over and over and over again And if you just hear it over and over again three times a week and you just say no Yeah, you can be in the boat all you want But obviously you're just not on board with salvation Okay The gospel is constantly reinforced reiterated over and over again. This is a dangerous place to be look at john chapter 6 verse 63 john chapter 6 and verse 63 The bible says it is the spirit that quickened it the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you They are spirit and they are life But there are some of you that believe not For jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him now look folks You can fool me You can fool the brethren But you can't fool god You can come with your christianese You can come with your baptist look you can come with your hair parted And you know looking like an independent fundamental old ifb baptist long skirt wearing biscuit eating whatever you want to call it You can come as baptist as you want, but if you don't believe the right salvation God will make your man will make your folly manifest You know And I think there's two categories to this. There's the people who are just infiltrators Who already know they believe contrary to us, but they come anyways about salvation And they come because they want to they want to stir things up. They want to spread false doctrine They want to get their butts whooped You know, they want to start trouble and at that, you know, god exposes people like that and then god's done that in our church You know where there's people here. They believe some weird stuff about salvation You know and and their their folly was made manifest and they got kicked out of church and thank god for that Or there's just others who You know, they they come to church. They're not saved and for whatever reason they just want to hold off on it hold off on it I don't necessarily know if there's been people like that in our church. I'm sure there has been I know for a fact that there's people who who are visitors who come to our church And they just don't want to get saved. Maybe they don't come back Okay But either way, it's just dangerous Okay You know and let me just this is obvious This is something that we all know but let me just reiterate this coming to our church doesn't get you saved Going to independent fundamental baptist church does not mean that you're safe Okay Now if you go to an independent fundamental baptist church that has the right salvation you're not saved you're likely to get saved Because someone's going to give you the gospel if you want to be saved you're going to be saved. Okay? However, you come in here trying to deceive. Don't worry. God knows Who believes not he knows from the beginning of those who don't believe, okay He knows, you know, if there's a judas iscariot out here Seeking to You know sway people from the wrong from the right salvation and sway people into the wrong type of doctrine The bible says in verse 65 and he said therefore said I unto you that no man can come into me Except that were given unto him of my father from that time many of his disciples Went back then walked no more with him Then said jesus unto the 12. Will you also go away? This is I love these verses right here. Okay. This is how I read it when I when I when i'm reading this is this With this kind of voice then simon peter answered him lord to whom shall we go? Thou has the words of eternal life It's getting real sentimental, you know And we believe and are sure that thou art the christ the son of the living god Verse 70 jesus answered them have not I chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil You're like peter's getting all sentimental with him and he's just like one of you is a devil, okay I've chosen you 12, but one of you is a devil. He's like man Kill the mood He spake of judas is scared the son of simon for it was uh for he it was that should betray him being one of The 12 so look folks judas is scary in the boat for three years I mean jesus knew it's not like he had jesus fooled he knew But yet he was not on board, okay Go to first corinthians chapter 15 I'm going to read you from philippians chapter 3 verse 17 brethren be followers together of me and mark them which Which walk so as ye have us for an example For many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even now weeping That they are the enemies of the cross of christ whose end is destruction whose god is their belly Whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly things look at first corinthians 15 verse 1 moreover, brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand By which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain Now, what does it mean to believe in vain? It means you never believed in the first place When it says keep in memory That means you know that you're saved It's not something you're going to forget Sure couldn't be times in your life where you may question because you're so backslidden absolutely, but you'll never forget And look i've talked to people who have doubted their salvation But when you pin them down and you corner them they say I believe I know i'm just struggling right now, but I know that i'm safe Okay But we're talking about people who just don't believe in the first place and let me just say this anybody who comes to our church And they claim and they say this I believe on the lord jesus christ, but you think like jesus was the brother of satan You believe in the oneness jesus you're not saved Not yeah, how can you say it's just by believing on the lord jesus christ. Yeah the jesus christ of the bible Not your wicked oneness. Jesus, right? That's the wrong. Jesus Well, I believe in the lord. Jesus christ is just the mormon. Jesus wrong. Jesus That dude's white He's like six foot tall white long hair and faggoty, okay Wrong, jesus, okay, you know You can say you believe on the lord jesus christ all you want But know this for a fact if it's not the jesus of the bible you're not saved Okay The reason I say this because you know a couple years ago we had a guy You know who was like He was teaching this super stupid doctrine. It's like you can forget that you got saved and you know, he's like if you say you believe But then you start believing the mormon. Jesus. Don't worry. You're still saved And it's just like what are you talking about? You're out of your mind You've believed in vain, sir You know this guy ended up being a really wicked person And And he's the one that example I gave where like one time, you know, he he came to me He had a literally a roll of money just a lot of cash, right? And he was just like hey pastor. I forgot to put this in the plate. Can I give it to you? I'm, just like no, I was like go give it to one of the ushers. He's just trying to like entice me like I'm just like Look at all this money and i'm all right care less He thought that was going to give him some credibility so that when I wanted to kick him out Oh, man, maybe I don't kick him out because he gives a lot That money perish with the son So You know, that's what it means to believe in vain. It's someone who is In the boat, but not on board They're in an independent fundamental baptist church. They have the king james bible, but they're wrong on salvation Let me say this anybody who visits our church, for example You shouldn't get mad if someone asks you or 100 sure if you die today you go to heaven You know, you know, you're 100 why would you ask me that? That's so offensive, you know a person who's saved would say yeah How do you know and then they just give you the right answers, you know, in fact, I think I would say that A person who's saved when they're asked that they're like, oh wow, this person's like really cares about me You know, they actually care about my salvation and where i'm gonna go when I die This is pretty neat that they would ask me something like that Because that's not very common amongst churches, right? You know Sorry It was low it was dying or something Um You know, you should you should appreciate that Right if someone asks you those things, you know the people i'm leery about is when when they say they already go to church and then we ask them they're just like Of course, why would you ask me that? I'm like, oh man, well You know because I don't want you to go to hell. I mean she's like I've never met you before this is the first time we've ever met, you know And even if you hadn't met that person Even if you did know them from years past it's still A very considerate thing to do to just ask them just to make sure You know I'm thankful that when my mom came the pastor's mom brother hike still asked her about salvation Amen, you know, i'm not gonna go up to hey, what are you doing? I'm the pastor here, bro Not assume that anybody's saved better safe than sorry better saved than sorry So Believing in vain don't be the type of person that you're in the boat, but you're not on board and look Have you been attending our church and you're not saved? You're in the boat right now And you're like man, but i've been coming for so long Like i'm just kind of ashamed. I'm kind of scared. I'm kind of fearful Well, it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god It's a fearful thing to burn in hell folks And no one's gonna look down on you if you come up and say i'm not safe. Can I get saved? No one's gonna be like You've been coming to church for how long you're not even saved hey pastor Hey pastor We're just gonna like rag on you and stuff like that No We're gonna rejoice We're gonna be thankful That you spoke up. So if you're in here, you don't know you're saved and you've been in the boat But you're not on board in regards to salvation. Now's the time to get on board And look folks let me just say this if after I said this you say no You're risking crossing that line where god says, okay, you're done then You don't want to retain me I've given you chance after chance after chance The pastor spoke about it tonight and you're still unwilling So be it I'm going to take away your ability to believe And he has done it. He will continue to do it. It's when people just reject the truth You're in a good boat Get on board with salvation Well, you know, how can you be so like adamant about that and so dogmatic about that? You know if people want to believe differently let them believe differently. Okay, but go believe it out there not in here Go to go to grace to you church or grace church would You know, uh, john macarthur and all these false heretics. They want to preach that same gospel. Don't bring it here Go to matthew chapter seven matthew chapter number seven In the boat, but not on board when it comes to salvation. It's the most important thing. Amen And look we can differ on You know different interpretations of secondary doctrines in the church. We can disagree on different things, but let us never disagree about salvation There should be no one here Who disagrees about salvation we could even disagree on how we present the gospel Different ways of doing it, you know different illustrations that we use different terminologies that we use biblical terminologies Whatever may be if you choose to use the roman's road or not But may we never disagree? on That it's faith alone one saved always saved for by grace Are you safe to your faith and that not of yourselves? All you have to do is believe If you disagree with that you might be in the boat, but you're not on board Matthew 7 21 says not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shines into the kingdom of heaven But he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven Many will say to me in that day lord lord Have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works And then will I profess unto them? I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity you weren't on board You can cast out devils you can prophesy in my name You can do many wonderful works, but doesn't mean you're on board just because you're in that boat, okay turn to Go to philippians chapter 2 if you would philippians chapter 2 So the title of the sermon this evening is in the boat, but not on board. Are you on board when it comes to salvation? How about when it comes to the intensity of the preaching? Let's move on From the first principles of christ, okay Let's move on from salvation from repentance from dead works and faith toward god and let's talk about just the preaching of god's work Okay Because let's just be honest this kind of preaching is a little different Than what you get out there? We're not saying we're the ones who preach the only ones who preach like this. Obviously, there's many churches We have friends who preach like this But let's let's be honest with ourselves. This preaching is different Not only in its delivery, but also in its content Also in its doctrine Now I just got finished mentioning secondary doctrines, right? Secondary doctrines we shouldn't split hairs over them But you know what in our church if you disagree with me about specific doctrines You're just gonna have to suck it up because you're just gonna hear from the from this pulpit for the rest of your life As long as you're here Whether that's post-trip pre-wrath rapture Whether it's replacement theology or the reprobate doctrine You know whether it's preaching against calvinism It's preaching against you know, whatever You're just gonna have to put up with it because this is the kind of preaching that this church offers That's why you put clips and sermons online So that you know what you're gonna get before you come You don't just come like blindly like oh, I guess we're gonna check it out what this is all about And then you come you're just like You know what you're getting You just start having like a seizure in church because it's just like because I talked about your beloved jews or whatever, you know Hey Yeah, you're in the boat Of an independent fundamental baptist church a new ifp church But you are you on board when it comes to the preaching? Are you on board when it comes to the intensity of the preaching? hard preaching changes lives You know You should not despise preaching the bible tells us despise not prophesying And I would encourage you look if you've made this church your church if you're like, this is my church Then you need to develop an appetite for hard preaching and look i'm not just talking about like hard preaching where i'm just like Just just yelling, you know, no doctrine i'm talking about everything I just did with doctrine You know with bible teaching doctrine Versus backing up what we're talking about, you know, hey though I be rude in speech. You're not in knowledge You know You get the knowledge, but you also get the rudeness that goes along with that knowledge. Okay? Look what it says in philippians chapter 2 verse 1 it says if there be any if there Be there for any consolation in christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the spirit if any bowels and mercies Fulfill ye my joy that ye be like-minded Having the same love being of one accord of one mind, you know, there comes a point Where you're going to have to take on the personality of your church? Church Well, you know, I agree with you guys on some stuff, but you know other things I just then Then go find yourself a church where you can do all that other stuff you're talking about Because look the church is a triad The triad of different things what i'm referring to is this in order for you to really grow in our church You need the preaching You need to be involved in the fellowship And you need to be involved in the ministry doctrine right fellowship ministry If you only have one of those things you might grow a little bit but you're not really It's it's not going to be like a home to you And this church should be like your home Sounds like a cult to me Then you know There's the door If you think that of us Okay You can be in this boat, but i'm just telling you you're not going to enjoy the church You're not going to fully grow if you're not on board when it comes to the preaching of god's word Okay You got to take on the personality of the church You know, I love my church If I was not the pastor here this this would be the church that I want to be a part of it This is the best church in southern california In california period Hey, we love verity baptist church pastor roger. I love him and his preaching but this is where it's at. Okay I mean, come on. I have to say that because wouldn't it be weird if I thought that was like a better church than our church By the way, if you like disagree with me on on doctrines that really doesn't bother me, okay It's those who disagree and want to be a contrarian Right where they disagree and they just want to let you know that they disagree At that point i'm coming after you because I know You know these these people who just want to you know, they believe differently They just want the pastor to know that they believe differently. You know what i'm gonna mark you Because if you're not if you're so stupid enough to come and tell me and disagree with me and kind of try to teach me And try to reprove me about the doctrines that I believe that means you're dumb enough to go around and spread it around the church Yeah Be divisive understand so it's not like you get kicked out for believing some weird doctrine You're gonna get kicked out for being divisive understand It's a great church just take on the personality of the church You know be not only in the boat Of this independent fundamental baptist church be on board with the doctrine Be on board with our views. Amen And look in my opinion they're irrefutable They're irrefutable doctrines that we believe even the secondary doctrines they're Irrefutable you come to me. I guarantee you we will debunk it Okay, we will debunk if you believe contrary to what we believe Now it doesn't mean we're going to kick you out doesn't mean we're not going to get along I'm, just telling you you'll get along a lot better And i'm not saying well, are you saying I have to be lockstep with you? No, what i'm saying is you're going to enjoy the church a lot more If you allow yourself to be taught Our views, okay Why because the bible tells us behold How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity? That's one of the best things about our church in my opinion The dwelling together in unity we have people from different walks of life different races different countries different backgrounds But we get along so well because we got unity We have unity not just in our doctrine, but also in our fellowship in the vision of the church and in the ministry, okay? So look There's two elements to the to the preaching here element number one. It's really hard It's almost offensive Okay, it's the kind of preaching that'll make your face turn red If i'm talking about you Okay And this is the kind of preaching maybe not to this level But this is the kind of the style of preaching that I grew up on spiritually speaking Okay Where my pastor would just rip face and man, it would embarrass me but you know, it got me right with god Okay Where he would just call out the sin and it would it would step on my toes And I didn't like it because I felt like he was talking about me And you're like are you talking about me? Yes I am You know, ah pastor. I feel like you're talking about me. You got it You're good. Yeah, i'm talking about you i'm talking about all of you So that's one element is the hard preaching, okay You know cry out loud and spare now show my people their transgression the second element is doctrine I'm, not going to get up here and give a motivational speech every sunday You understand now sometimes we need to be exhorted, right? Exhortation is important. It's important to encourage you, you know, stand fast in the faith, you know Don't don't move make sure that you you're you're established in in your walk with god push forward Don't quit adjust man. Follow seven times. We need that but you know what? The bible tells us preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke and exhort with all long suffering Two negatives one positive What that shows us is that we need a lot of negative preaching Okay, and I know people out there in instagram land don't like that. Oh, how can you say negative preaching? Jesus did it. You don't even know what jesus said. What are you talking about? I'm sick and tired of people telling me what jesus said and they don't even quote what jesus said Doctrine is important Okay, and I love the fact that we have a church where I can literally do expository preaching on a sunday morning And everyone's fine with it. They love it Preach to first timothy chapter six do nothing but expository type preaching and everyone's just like that was great You know, let's learn some doctrine Okay Those are the two elements And you're like man, i'm kind of not used to that I promise you get used to it get on board and you'll like it And look if you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's bad. It just means you need to change your appetite You know, sometimes it's it's an acquired taste How many you drink coffee? Good people here good people Okay, how many you drink it with creamer though? i'm talking about With creamer with the plastic sugar in it be honest you know the the The coffee mate stuff raise your hand. Raise your hand. She's embarrassed. It's okay. All right See me after the service we'll talk about that i'm just kidding You know, um I used to do the same thing, too. Okay And even with sugar and all that but there came a point where I remember a friend of mine Said he said this he said bruce Coffee is meant to be drunk and black And he said in fact That's how men drink coffee Yeah, someone's got to say it and he's stepping on my toes He's uh, this is the way coffee is meant to be drunk. It's black That's how man drinks it i'm all but it's bitter he's all yeah That's how men drink it You know what? He's right And I said, all right, so I started and that when I first started i'm like man, this is like bitter But you know the more I did it the more I was just like I never want anything in my coffee Right drink it black the more bitter it is the better No one said amen on that point Okay What i'm saying is that it was an acquired taste The bitterness of the coffee being drunk and black is an acquired taste And you know what that's the way you're supposed to drink it but you know in like manner hard preaching that's bitter You may not like it at first but it's an acquired taste, right? You stick around long enough. You're like I want that I want that specialty preaching Yeah that that roasted, uh, what's that called brother jordan Thanks, all right fresh roasted I was expecting something a little more deep or something, you know, you know, they have these roasteries That's the that's the kind of preaching Right where it's just like you go in there and they don't have creamer They don't have the plastic creamer the melted plastic creamer that they put in there vanilla and hazelnut. It's just You drink it as is No, no, no, no not dark roasted we'll talk about that later What i'm saying is this is that drinking coffee is Or hard preaching is like drinking specialty coffee With no sugar no cream just as is You know Because here's the thing You know, let me just talk about coffee for a second, right? When you drink coffee And you put that that coffee make creamer Man, you're just destroying yourself This stuff is so bad for you And people are like no you shouldn't drink coffee. It's bad for your liver. No, it's the creamer It's bad for you son Coffee is not bad for you. It's the creamer It's the it's the the garbage creamer, okay? The the unfiltered just coffee as is black That's good stuff right there You know, hey preaching is not bad for you. It's the it's the soft weak preaching the sweet preaching the creamer preaching That's bad for you the coffee make preaching that's bad for you Hazelnut vanilla preaching is bad for you You need a just bitter black unfiltered turkish coffee Yes I remember, uh, uh, john made me turkish coffee right before church So disgusting. Oh, yeah And it was like I think it was like this much, right? And I just drank it And I was like man, this is you guys are hardcore because there's like grains in here And he's like you weren't supposed to drink the grains I was like, I was like eating the grains of them But you know what that night I preach hard I was wired. I was like Anyways, what i'm saying is this is that i'm trying to make a parallel here with with hard preaching, okay? You know hard preaching is bitter, right? It's offensive. It steps on your toes It's it's you know, it's in your belly. That's bitter, right? But you know the more you get it the more you listen to it the more you apply it the more sweet life becomes And then you actually begin to appreciate Good coffee, I mean good preaching You're like I don't want this this lame folger's coffee this la olla coffee I want some specialty roast coffee because I can appreciate the taste. I want some king james You know unfiltered coffee Anyways, you know you guys are done with that. Okay Okay John 660 says this Many therefore of his disciples when they had heard this said this is a hard saying Who can hear it? When jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it. He said unto him did this offend you? He didn't say i'm sorry guys. I know you guys are young in the lord. He's like you guys offended or what? Did this offend you he's kind of calling him out like is this offending you? I don't know. No, not me But you know, there's people who are like this is a hard saying who can hear it and you know Many of his disciples at that point walk no more with him And look we've had people in our church We've had people on youtube land Where they hear this preaching at first. I remember there's this person who um You know, they they they found me through the anti-vax Whole community thing and they're like man, this guy's awesome. He preaches against vaccines And they're like promoting the live stream they're putting on their stories tune in to wild olive tree It's coming up. This is great. He's starting at 5 pm and all these things and then like at the end of the service They're like I made a big mistake They're like this guy's really bad He says bad stuff about women You know, he's he's a male chauvinist and he's saying that women can't say amen in church and just Mad at all the things that I was preaching out from the bible Yeah And literally just a polar complete 180 degree turn where it's just like she was all for me And then she's just completely against me you know From that point forward they walk no more with me So, what did you do I said does this offend you it's in the bible Hey if you're in this boat Might as well just get on board with the preaching Hey might as well tune in to some of the other preachers in the new eye of being man Pastor anderson pastor jimenez pastor. Jason. Robinson, you know, these are the men of god who preach hard too It's going to help get in the boat but get on board as well with the preaching of god's word Let's see here And of course when it comes to ministry go to philippines chapter one philippines chapter one the title is In the boat but not on board Hey, are you in the boat? But just despise the preaching Are you in the boat? But you're just like I don't agree with this doctrine Well, look if you don't agree with the specific doctrine come talk to me and let's let's let's hash it out according to the bible Okay It's just the thing i'm open To interpretation i'm open to you telling me and saying well, what about this? What about this? What about this? Let's do it but if you're proven wrong Then you should just convert Nothing wrong with saying I was wrong i'm gonna believe right now, right? When it comes to the ministry, hey, we should be not only in the boat but also on board But you say what do you mean? Well, the ministry at our church is the ministry of reconciliation. It's sowing It's preaching the gospel, right? Look at philippians 1 27 only let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of christ That whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs The stand fast in one spirit with one excuse me with one mind Striving together for the faith of the gospel the bible says so, you know, we should be unified And be not only in the same boat, but also on board with soul winning Okay, you know Be here fellowship listen to the preaching but get that third aspect of our church, which is the ministry Preaching the gospel learning how to go so well, you know, I got my own ministry, you know, I That's not my gift. You know, I don't have the gift of evangelism How many have heard that before if they say like sony and evangelist like a gift? That's not the No, what you're trying to say is that you're lazy? Okay, you have the gift of laziness, right? Evangelism is not a gift. It's a command. Amen to go out and preach the gospel and so And look this is something we're not ashamed of we are a soul winning church Door to door soul winning church. That's what we believe Well, I just think we need to get a blow horn and stand on the corner and just say turn or burn or whatever, you know And then you're really in the wrong. You took a wrong turn Your gps brought you to the wrong place. This is not the kind of church you want to be in if that's what you What you're all about? We're not about protesting Okay, you know some people you know I was actually like hey, you know you guys do protesting and stuff i'm like no That's a waste of time Protesting what? You know, I protest by rejoicing I protest satan by preaching the word of god I protest, you know the filth and the false doctrine of this world from behind pulpit I'm not gonna waste my time on some corner with the blow horn a stupid sign Sounded like a jack-in-the-box drive-through Because that's how they sound He was like you can't even understand what they're saying We need to be sure that we are on board With the ministry of our church, which is so many and if you don't know how to preach the gospel Hey, you're in the right boat Because because the the sailors in this boat can teach you how to go and preach the gospel how to be fishers of men They can teach you how to cast the net on the other side and bring in a multitude of fishes amen I'm out of time. So what's what's the sermon for today? The sermon is simply this. Hey, you know, if you're in the boat, that's great But you know, that's only step one step two is this you need to get on board You know and that's i'm not saying we can't have our differences I mean obviously we're gonna have differences But for the most part we should dwell together in unity And be on board with the direction of our church the spider hasn't have a word of prayer father We thank you so much for your word And lord, we're thankful for our church. Thank you for the king james bible And lord, we're thankful that we have a church that not everyone has Everyone has the same bible The church is out there that the pastor might have a king james, but someone else has an niv Nk jv and all these other false modern versions of the bible And that's why they're not even in the same boat at that point And I pray god that you'd help us to continue to remain unified in all these areas of life And god, I pray that you'd help us to continue to increase our appetite For spiritual things and for your word for prayer for soul winning for the truth And Please continue to protect us place a head of protection about us. We know there's people out there. They hate us They would desire for us to shut down. I pray god that you would steer them clear from us And protect us lord. We love you so much. We thank you pray these things in jesus