(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Let's all find our seats. As you find your seat, go ahead and grab a hymnal. Turn to song number 53. Song number 53, Beulah Land. Let's all stand together for this first song, If You're Able. Song number 53, Beulah Land. All together nice and strong on that first verse. I've reached the land of joy divine And all its riches freely mine Here shines undimmed one blissful day For all my night has passed away Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land As on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea Where mansions are prepared for me And view the shining glory shore My head, my home forevermore My Savior comes and walks with me And sweet communion here have we Gently leads me by his hand For this is heaven's borderland Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land As on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea Where mansions are prepared for me And view the shining glory shore My head, my home forevermore A sweet perfume upon the breeze For vernal trees and flowers and never fading grow Where streams of life forever flow Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land As on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea Where mansions are prepared for me And view the shining glory shore My head, my home forevermore Does Zephyr seem to float to me? Then's Melody, as angels with the white rope throng Join in the sweet redemption song Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land As on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea Where mansions are prepared for me And view the shining glory shore My head, my home forevermore Amen. Wonderful singing. Let's start off our service with a word of prayer. Lord God, Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us this day, Lord, that we can come to your house and hear the preaching of your word and fellowship here, Lord, together with like-minded brethren. And I thank you, Lord, for the souls that were saved this afternoon. I ask that you bless them in their lives and help them to come to church also, Lord. And I ask that you please just bless the service tonight. Please bless the singing, and most of all, please fill Pastor Mihi with your spirit as he preaches your word, Lord. That he may preach a bold message and fill us also with your spirit, Lord, that we may take the truths that he preaches and apply them unto our lives. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Go ahead and turn in your song books to song number 198. Song number 198, Joy Unspeakable. Song 198, all together on that first verse. I have found his grace is all complete. He supplyeth every need. While I sit and learn at Jesus' feet, I am free as free indeed. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. I have found the pleasure I once craved. It is joy and peace within. What a wondrous blessing I am safe from the awful gulf of sin. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. I have found that hope so bright and clear, living in the realm of grace. Oh, the Savior's presence is so near. I can see his smiling face. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. I have found the joy no tongue can tell, how its waves of glory roll. It is like a great or flowing well within my soul. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. All right, great singing. Thank you for being here this evening. Just a few announcements before we sing our next song, which will be song number 41, Suite By and By, if you want to get that ready in your songbooks. Song number 41. Our services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 10 30 Sunday evening at 5 p.m. and of course we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock. You see the soul winning times and teams and the list of expecting mothers. Please keep them in prayer and the important reminders there at the bottom. Please make sure you pay attention to those. And then some of the upcoming church announcements. Of course the July birthday breakfast and Judea soul winning is on Sunday, July 3rd. We have a annual 4th of July picnic coming up at Eucalyptus Park on Monday, July 4th. You can sign up in the back at the Usher station if you want to be a part of that. And so we'll give you more information as we approach that date. And then we also have the men's prayer night coming up on Friday, July 29th and the Samaria missions trip on Saturday, July 30th. And Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Steadfast Baptist Church will be preaching for us on Sunday, July 31st. He'll be here Sunday morning, Sunday night. And so make sure you don't miss out on that and thank him for coming as well. Inside of the bulletin is the summer calendar and just a couple things we're going to be doing throughout the summer. Of course, as I mentioned, we have our annual church picnic on July 10th. We're going to be having game night and a Jenga competition. So there'll be gift cards for all the winners. And then we do have the Red Hot Preaching Conference at Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California on July 15th through the 16th. I'm sorry, that's not right. July 15th. How long does it last? Doesn't it last a couple of days? Basically from Thursday all the way up until Sunday. And so I know a lot of people are going to be going up there. So just keep that in mind and I hope to see some of you there. July 17th is the ice cream social. And then we have the kids Olympics going to be coming up on July 24th. We'll give you more details about that later. And then we're going to be having immense preaching and pizza night on July 31st. We'll have some of the men come on up and preach for us. And then we'll have pizza thereafter. Sports night is on August 7th at Eucalyptus Park. And then we're going to conclude the summer calendar with a bonfire at Bolsa Chica on August 12th. And so keep that in mind. And then as I mentioned this morning, I'm going to be preaching through a series starting in July on the family. And so I want to encourage everyone to be here during that time. It'll be on Sunday night. And we'll have a couple of weeks just addressing just different things about the family. And it's a series that obviously I encourage you to be here for all series that I preach. But especially this one, though, OK? And a lot of it's going to be practical. And so I want to encourage you to be here for that. And that'll be in the month of July. And then, of course, the regular announcements there at the bottom. Make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service. Now, another thing that's not on here is Roe versus Wade was overturned. Amen. Amen. And so on a podcast, we did a podcast a couple of weeks ago. And I'll be honest with you, I didn't believe it was going to be overturned because this nation is so wicked and vile. I'm like, it's not going to happen. You know, it's a pipe dream, but it actually happened. And so and I said in that podcast, you know, if it happens, I said, we'll celebrate at the church. You know, we'll do something at the church. So we're going to we're celebrating with ice cream tonight. I think it's Haagen-Dazs ice cream, right? Haagen-Dazs ice cream after the service and celebration that Roe versus Wade was overturned. In fact, the sermon tonight is going to be based on that. And I'm going to burst a couple of bubbles tonight. And so so make sure you stick around and get yourself some ice cream. Let's go and take some so many numbers from this past week. Salvation from Monday to Thursday. Any salvation from Monday to Thursday? Five. OK, great. Anybody else? One. OK, anybody else? How about Friday and Saturday? Salvation for Friday and Saturday? One. How many? Six. OK, great. Anybody else? Ziza, are you raising your hand? Anybody else? Yes. Three for Riverside. OK, great. Anybody else? How about this afternoon? Salvation for this afternoon. Five for this afternoon for the Marks team. One for the Hikes team. Four for the Morris team. Two. Great. Did I miss anybody? OK, going once, twice, thrice. Keep up the great work on zoning. Let's go in and sing our next song. Song number 41, Sweet By and By. Song number 41. Song number 41, Sweet By and By. All together nice and strong on that first verse. There's a land that is fairer than day. And by faith we can see it afar. For the Father waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there. In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore. We shall sing on that beautiful shore. The melodious songs of the blessed and our spirits shall sorrow no more. Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore. To our bountiful Father above we will offer our tribute of praise. For the glory He has given us. Gift of His love and the blessing that hallow our days. In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore. Amen. Wonderful singing. At this time the ushers will come forth to collect the offering and you can turn in your Bibles to Ezekiel chapter number 14. Good evening we're in Ezekiel chapter 14 and the Bible reads then came certain of the elders of Israel onto me and sat before me and the word of the Lord came on to me saying sent a man these men have set up their idols in their heart and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face should I be inquired of at all by them therefore speak on to them say unto them thus saith the Lord God every man of the house of Israel that seteth up his idols in his heart and put at the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face and cometh to the prophet I the Lord will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols that I may take the house of Israel in their own heart because they are all estranged from me through their idols therefore say unto the house of Israel thus saith the Lord God repent and turn yourselves from your idols and turn away your faces from all your abominations for every one of the house of Israel or the stranger that sojourneth in Israel which separateth himself from me and seteth up his idols in his heart and put at the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face and cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me I the Lord will answer him by myself and I will set my face against that man I will make him a sign and a proverb and I will cut him off from the midst of my people and you shall know that I am the Lord and if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing I the Lord have deceived that prophet and I will stretch out my hand upon him and I will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel and they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity the punishment of the prophets shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him that the house of Israel may go no more straight from me neither be polluted anymore with all the transgressions but that they may be my people and I may be their God saith the Lord God the word of the Lord came again to me saying son of man when the land sinned against me by transgress transgressing grievously then will I stretch out my hand upon it and will break the staff of the bread thereof and will send famine upon it and will cut off men and beasts from it though these three men Noah Daniel and Job were in it they shall deliver but their own soul their own souls by their righteousness saith the Lord God but cause noisome beasts to pass through the land and they spoil it so that it be desolate that no man may pass through it because of the beasts though these three men were in it as I live saith the Lord God they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters they only shall be delivered that the land shall be desolate or if I bring a sword upon that land and say sword go through the land so that I cut off men and beasts from it though these three men were in it as I live saith the Lord God they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but they only shall be delivered themselves for if I send a pestilence into the land and pour out my fury upon it in blood to cut off from it man and beast though Noah Daniel and Job were in it as I live saith the Lord God they shall deliver neither son nor daughter they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness for thus saith the Lord God how much more when I send my four sword judgments upon Jerusalem the sword and the famine and the noisome beasts and the pestilence to cut off from it man and beast yet behold there shall be a left arraignment a remnant that shall be brought forth both sons and daughters behold they shall come forth unto you and he shall see their way and their doings and he shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem even concerning all that I have brought upon it and they shall comfort you when you see their ways and their doings and he shall know that I have not done without a cause all that I have done in it saith the Lord God let's pray we thank you heavenly father for this wonderful church here god we thank you for our pastor please uh bless him with your holy spirit as he preaches your word in jesus name pray amen amen okay we're in ezekio chapter 14 this evening look down at your bibles at verse number 12 it says the word of the lord came again to me saying son of man when the land sinned against me by trespassing grievously then will i stretch out my hand upon it and i will break the staff of the bread thereof and will send famine upon it and will cut off man and beast from it listen to verse 14 though these three men noah daniel and joe were in it they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness saith the lord god and the title of my sermon this evening is how to delay god's judgment how to delay god's judgment sometimes when you study the word of god and you see that god is going to chasten a nation he's going to judge a nation for their sins you see that there are certain instances where it's really too late for that nation you know they can do whatever they can on their part and and try to uh stop the judgment of god from coming or stop you know god's hand from destroying them but sometimes a nation can become so wicked so vile so perverse where god is literally just done with that nation in fact the bible tells us that the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget god so god specifically promises that if there's a nation out there that forgets him forgets his laws forgets what the word of god says they're going to be turned into hell god is going to destroy him because sometimes it's just too late for a nation there are nations that have done irreparable damage okay now when we look at israel for example really that's the template for what we see when it comes to god judging nations because he judged israel so many times throughout the old testament he pronounced judgment upon him he destroyed them he allowed them to go into captivity he allowed many of them to fall by the sword by famine by pestilence there's so many times when he stretched out his hand of judgment against israel to destroy him for their sin and in fact you know there's been times throughout the history of israel where they got so bad you know they became so rebellious so filled with transgression that god specifically says you know if noah daniel and joe breyer the only ones they would ever they would be able to save is themselves now that's pretty bad because if you think about it noah is a great man of god he's he's one who has found who found grace in the eyes of the lord daniel's a godly man joe is a perfect and upright man and one that is true with evil all of these men could intercede for their families for their nations and god would hear them but he's even saying this he said even if these three men were here on the spot interceding for israel at this moment i still want to listen to them and the only ones that they would be able to save is themselves i mean think about that he's basically saying it's too late for this nation and it can get to a point with the nation where it gets so bad so wicked that the only ones that will be spared are people like noah daniel and joe okay and so i want to talk about that this evening look at verse 18 if you would it says in verse 18 though these three men were in it as i live saith the lord god they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but they only shall be delivered themselves or if i send a pestilence into that land and pour out my fury upon it in blood to cut off from it man and beast though noah daniel and joe were in it as i live saith the lord god they shall deliver neither son nor daughter they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness now i want you to notice that the reason he's saying they're not going to be able to deliver israel is not because they're not godly enough it's not because they don't love the lord it's not because they don't know what the word of god says it's because of the amount of wickedness that israel is responsible for you understand so he's not saying you know these guys aren't godly enough to save you it's just that israel is so wicked that it can't be saved okay the nation has become so depraved so uh away from god that they're without hope basically and it even says there in verse 18 they wouldn't even be able to deliver sons and daughters he said he would send a pestilence into that land and cut off man and beast things are gonna animals are gonna die people are gonna die and noah daniel and joe even if they were there wouldn't be able to do anything about it go with me if you went to jeremiah chapter number five jeremiah chapter number five it goes without saying that god judges nations and you know it's not only in the bible that we see god judging nations although we see a vast majority of them in the bible but throughout history god has judged many nations he's allowed his judgment and his wrath to come upon them he's destroyed them for their perversion for their wickedness he has allowed them to cease from going forward and becoming greater nations because he was done with them and this isn't something that's just in the bible i believe this is something that god carries out even today okay but look at jeremiah chapter 5 verse number seven it says how shall i pardon thee for this thy children have forsaken me and sworn by them that are no gods when i have fed them to the fool they they then committed adultery and assembled themselves by troops in the harlot's houses so he's talking about israel here and he's saying how am i going to even overlook this how am i supposed to overlook a nation that have wives they have their spouses they have their partners and it says there that they he fed them to the fool okay he's not trying to you know be graphic here but essentially he's saying that you know husbands you have your wives you have that which is necessary to fulfill your physical needs and demands but then it says there then they committed adultery and assembled themselves by troops in the harlot's houses they're not content with their spouse they're not content with their wives instead they actually after they're done with their wives they go on to the harlot's houses to commit lewdness and adultery and wickedness verse eight look at this imagery that he points out here they were as fed horses in the morning everyone nade after his neighbor's wife so he's saying look this you know you guys are like horses that god has fed you with you know he's fed you he's satiated your desires but then they're still named after their neighbor's wife they're still committing adultery and lust etc verse nine shall i not visit for these things now think about that he's saying you think i'm not going to judge you because of this you think i'm not just gonna you think i'm just gonna overlook adultery fornication murder lewdness covetous do you think i'm just gonna not pay attention to all the wickedness that's taking place shall i not visit for these things he's saying shall i not judge you for these things and destroy you for these things he says shall i not visit for these things saith the lord and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this and essentially what he's saying there go to matthew chapter 11 if you would matthew chapter 11 is that when a nation is given over to breaking god's commandments and they're just kind of casual about it they're just filled with wickedness and adultery and covetousness and idolatry god's not just going to turn a blind eye to it he's not just going to be like well you know they don't know any better or well you know it's just you know just they're just sinners you know i just love everyone god says i'm going to visit you for this sin i'm going to visit you for this transgression i'm not just going to let it go okay and the reason i say that is because you know a lot of people today and i want to get ahead of myself because they're so patriotic about america because they're they're such nationalists regarding the united states of america they think that america could do no wrong and when it does wrong god's just going to automatically overlook it just because it says on the dollar bill and god we still trust just because there's all kinds of patriotic songs about god and god bless america and all this stuff just because there's a so-called bible belt just because we're sending out missionaries just because there's all kinds of churches that teach a bunch of heresy out there that somehow god is just going to overlook it and not visit america with judgment because of its lewdness wickedness and perversion he's like shall i not visit for these things i mean wouldn't it be reasonable he's basically saying wouldn't it be reasonable for me to visit a nation that has been involved in this wickedness look at matthew chapter 11 and verse number 20 jesus speaking here says then began he to abraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done because they repented not woe unto thee corazon won't to the beseda for if the mighty works which were done in you have been done in tire and side on they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes but i say to you it shall be more tolerable for tire and side on at the day of judgment than for you and thou compurnum which are exalted into heaven shall be brought down to hell for if the mighty works which have been done in thee have been done in sodom it would have remained unto this day but i say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of sodom in the day of judgment than for thee now you read that you're like what sodom it's more tolerable for sodom than for than for capernaum how can this be if sodom was so wicked well what is essentially he's driving at here is the fact that capernaum had the truth capernaum not only had the truth he had the source of all truth walking in its land preaching the word of god unto them jesus christ and so that nation is far more accountable to god because of that whereas sonam and gomorrah they had lot he wasn't necessarily like the best christian okay the guy was backslidden as the day is long but here in capernaum you have jesus christ the principle that jesus is trying to get across here is that some nations or even people will be judged more severely because of the fact that they have the truth now given the person who's given the gospel here in america and rejects it and dies and goes to hell you know just as we'll go to hell just as the the african kid who's in the jungle in congo or whatever you know who's never heard of the name of christ and dies and goes to hell they both go to hell however the punishment for the person who's america who's been given the gospel their punishment will be more severe than the so-called kid who grows up in the congo and you know never heard the gospel once or whatever and as an adult he dies and he goes to hell you know his punishment is not going to be as severe as the person who is in america why because the truth was actually given to the person in america okay go to isaiah chapter 48 and then we're going to hold your place there in matthew and we're going to go to isaiah 48 now the point that i'm trying to make here is that god is going to judge nations he is going to pour out his wrath upon nations that have forgotten him that pervert his word that are rebellious against him however you know the bible does teach uh the principle that we can delay that judgment okay because there comes a point where it's just too late for that nation it's too late for that nation judgment has already been pronounced so there's nothing you can do about it other than try to delay the judgment to come in other words it's still going to come it's still going to happen one day but there's certain things that you can do there's certain things that churches can do there's certain things that christians can do they can impede it from coming sooner than later okay look at isaiah 48 and verse number eight it says here verse number eight yea thou heardest not yea thou knewest not yea from the time that thine ear was not open for i knew that thou wouldest deal very treacherously and was called the transgressor from the womb for my name's sake will i defer mine anger and for my praise will i refrain from thee that i cut thee not off now what does it mean to defer it means to delay and the principle that god is trying to get across here is that for his namesake for his praise sake he's willing to defer delay his anger delay his wrath delay his judgment for his sake so we see here the principle that he can actually impede the judgment of god from coming because of specific condition or stipulations that he sets forth now how can we in the united states of america delay the judgment of god because in my personal opinion it's already too late for america america has been involved in far too many abominations far too much perversion far too much wickedness and lewdness and and filth for god not to visit this nation he said when is he going to visit it i don't know now i'll be honest with you i said it this morning and i'll say it again if god were to ask me when should i judge this nation i would say lord today do it today even if i get carried away with it and i go to heaven early then so be it because this nation has become so vile and wicked and they hate god they hate the truth it's such a disgusting uh world that we live in just do away with this world now but he's not gonna ask me okay and even if he did he probably wouldn't adhere to what i'm saying because he's more long suffering than i am obviously okay but i believe it's too late for the united states of america now when it comes to end times prophecy you know we could say that america is end times babylon and if it is end times babylon that would mean that america is not going to suffer a destruction of that proportion until revelation 18 okay way into the future okay but let's say it's not that means it can be destroyed and none of the nation can take over they can become babylon and then that destruction can come thereafter to that particular nation but if that were to happen in our lifetime america would definitely fit the bill of being babylon which at which point revelation 18 is when america will be destroyed okay so let's give a couple principles here how can we delay the judgment of god because i believe judgment's already coming let me give you a couple practical principles and the inspiration for the sermon is the fact that roe versus wave was overturned amen and people are losing their minds they can't believe you know you got all these feminists and and and and uh extreme leftists who are just losing their minds because you know their their right to murder babies has been taken away you know oh you're taking my white right away as a woman it's like yeah but you can't even define what a woman is so how does that work you know how do we delay the judgment of god number one vote in the right president psych number one how do we delay the judgment of god by christians getting right with god no no no we have to go protest we have to go vote in the right people no it's christians getting right with god that will delay the judgment of god from coming upon this country that's the only way look at matthew 5 verse 13 ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt hath lost its savor wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trotted under the foot of men ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all them that are in the house let your light so shine before men that may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven according to the bible we're the salt of the earth now what does salt do it preserves you say what does it preserve what preserves the nation from being judged of god my friends it preserves a nation from going into perversion from going into idolatry from getting involved in ludinus and sin and that which is displeasing unto the lord but it also preserves a nation from being judged of god and so the answer is not in the white house the answer is in the church house in order to preserve this nation to delay the judgment of god from coming upon this nation we need to be good christians we need to be salt in this world not sugar and that's the problem isn't it too many christians today in churches instead of being the salt of the earth they're the sugar of the earth because they want to be sweet to everyone and they want everyone to be pleased with how they taste folks that's not what god commanded god wants us to be salt because of the fact that when you put salt in the open wound it stings a little bit it stings a lot and you know what it's not the salt's fault that it stings it's the fact that there's an open wound there you understand the fact that there's some sort of disease going on we just expose the fact that there's a problem right and so what god wants from us go to second chronicles chapter seven if you would second chronicles chapter seven you know in order to preserve this nation we need to make sure that we are the salt of the earth how do we do that by making sure that you know we stand for god's word that we preach the truth and practical things folks leading our families is one of them being a christian husband being a christian wife mother and father you know just being a functioning member of society is enough to preserve a nation because the backbone of a nation is the church and in order for a church to be strong you need strong families and in order to have strong families you need what strong men so you need strong men to produce strong families strong families to produce a strong church strong church produces a strong nation that delays the judgment of god that's the way it works but you need salt in all those cases okay and i'm sick and tired of pastors and churches that all they want to do is they play the political card and just want to please everyone and not split hairs and not divide people and all these things whereas god wants us to be salt and you know what sometimes salt you know it bothers people right yeah there's certain doctrines out there that bother people but you know we shouldn't preach what pleases people we should preach what actually god wants us to preach regardless if it offends someone or not you say yeah but how are we going to reach people like that well you don't leave that up to god who are we to judge god's methods and god's tactics on how to reach people for christ if he tells us to do it a certain way that's exactly how we're going to do it look at second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 look at verse 14 if the republican party which are called by my name is that what it says if my people it says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land so what is the bible telling us it's about christians getting right with god my friends it's not about what's going on uh in the senate it's not about what's going on and the government it's not about the governor it's not about the mayor it's not about the president it's about christians and you know too many christians have allowed the goalposts to be to be moved they've allowed politicians who are christians so-called who have conservative values to move the goalpost into thinking that the answer is in politics and putting the right people in power more than it's the responsibility of christians you say why do they do that because they want to they essentially want to just get rid of the responsibility of being salt in this world they want to relinquish their responsibility to make a difference in this world and relinquish that to unsafe people who know nothing about the bible nothing about the bible my friends he said of my people which are called by my name okay and so you know the way we can delay the judgment of god from coming upon our nation is for christians to get right with god getting right with god getting into church living clean lives living righteously doing that which is pleasing in the sight of the lord praying it to god turning from our wicked ways making sure that we take care of our responsibility of being salt and light and you know maybe we can delay that judgment a little longer go to isaiah chapter 30 if you would isaiah chapter 30 don't allow political forums and politicians and q anon and libertarians to dictate what you and i should believe in regards to the bible don't allow them to determine what's our next move as christians don't allow them to dictate what they think should be the next move in order to preserve this nation doesn't matter how many followers they have or how many subscribers they have or how much of a platform they have it doesn't matter we need to go to the word of god and do as god says not what your favorite politician says well this politician stands for these conservative values well how about like these conservative values though and you know what you look into the background some of these people they're like catholics and episcopalians mormons not even saved well that's too much of a high standard for you to have for a politician well you know yeah and guess what they fall short of that so there you go and you know what you're not gonna find a verse that says this is how you vote right can someone pull out a verse for me in the bible in the new testament that tells us what are we how are we supposed to vote is there is there a section in the new testament that teaches us how to vote in a mayor a governor or president does it say that anywhere in the bible i don't think so and i know i'm rubbing people the wrong way tonight but sorry but not sorry you know nowhere in the bible does it tell us that we need to vote for any person because that doesn't do anything there's a false left-right paradigm my friends and i know people don't want to hear that especially during this era this this democratic area area a democrat era era where you know you have biden who's ruling but you know what that's what you need to hear is that it's still a false left-right paradigm because i know as soon as that biden got in office you know a bunch of a bunch of people went back to their old sins their old sins of voting republican or voting libertarian and standing for conservative values because they're so afraid what's going to happen to this nation if this guy takes over or if kamala takes over after him or something but you know when there's a republican in office it's like yeah it's a false left-right paradigm because you're you feel all safe so you feel safe to preach that but now all of a sudden you got a democrat in office and it's like oh man what are we going to do we got we got to vote for the right we got to vote for trump 2024 folks it doesn't do anything you know you can talk about the right wing or the left wing but it's still the same bird it's still the same bird and you know as christians we should not be a part of any of that you say well you know i don't really agree with that that's fine but just just just say that you don't agree with what the bible says though because you can't use the bible to justify your side it's impossible to do that how do we delay the judgment of god from coming upon a nation well number two is that pastors need to preach hard against sin pastors need to preach hard against sin look at isaiah 30 verse 9 that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the lord which say to the seers see not and to the prophet prophets prophesy not into us right things speaking to us smooth things prophesy deceits what is he saying he's talking about a nation that doesn't really like hard preaching they're rebellious people they're liars and they're telling the seers which is another word for prophets don't preach unto us saying see not they also tell the prophets don't talk about the right things give us lies tell us smooth things prophesy deceits prophesy of your political bent don't talk about doctrine doctrine defines okay verse 11 get you out of the way turn aside out of the path cause the holy one of israel to cease from before us wherefore thus saith the holy one of israel because you despise this word and trust and oppression and perverseness and stay thereon therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall swelling out in a high wall whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant he's saying this is going to be the reason why i judge you because it's not that they're not content with preaching it's just that they're wrong they want the wrong kind of preaching the wrong kind of preaching they're just telling us they're just telling them hey uh prophesy smooth things don't preach the hard things don't preach the hard truths don't preach exactly what the bible says we just want to feel good okay and look this is the problem and every once in a while i got to preach on this on on the republican party and this whole thing because you know christians get caught up in this stuff right they get caught up in this stuff they get caught up in the alex jones thing oh yeah they get caught up in all of that and you know they start kind of deviating from biblical principles only because these unsaved people say a couple things that we say and all of a sudden they're placed on a pedestal as though they have authority and as though they should be giving the attention that they are seeking for folks go back to the bible don't worry about what they're doing don't listen to them they're unsaved the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god neither can be known for their spiritually discerned and here's the danger with a lot of these political groups okay because that's not to say you know there's a lot of libertarians and republicans that are saved in fact the vast majority of old ifb are republicans and a lot of them are saved but when you get into the the whole of social media and you start like talking to some of these people who are republicans and all these things you start seeing that their doctrine is way off they have some crazy views about salvation some of them are like one is pentecostals some of them are just trinity deniers oh but hold on they're against vaccines though so you know let's just chill out i mean they they're against vaccines and they hate biden so they get a free pass even though they deny the trinity even though they they preach a repent of your sins gospel even though they teach damnable heresy but they get a free pass because you know they're for medical freedom i mean you guys hear what i'm saying here folks at the end of the day you know having believing and preaching on medical freedom doesn't delay the judgment from a nation did you know that did you know that preaching on those you know the political views and and you know don't take the vaccine and all these things you know did you know that that does not delay the judgment of god from coming and in fact that group is the same group that teaches that the vaccine is the mark of the beast what in the world i can't tell you how many times on social media people have to oh but it's the mark of the beast though you know and it's just like no it's not this is what the bible says about it i don't know about that i'm gonna have to look into that code word i'm gonna have to youtube it find some some idiot conspiracy theories who lives in his mother base mother's basement to find out if that's true or not we need to keep preaching what the bible says about sin and you know what it's pastors of yesteryear it's actually their fault why we're in the situation that we're in today because if they preached on sin then these republicans and conservatives and libertarians wouldn't have been able to move the goal post of morality to say well this is where we need to stand in regards to this no we need to keep the fight here you know and look i'm celebrating that roe versus wade was overturned i'm thankful because of the fact that that means that you know maybe less babies are gonna die i think that's a great thing okay but you know you know god's word says that the people who uh own these abortion clinics should be put to death every doctor of an abortion clinic should be put to death by the government that's what the bible teaches because they kill babies a bunch of wicked reprobates who have no problem destroying an innocent child you know we're over here talking about oh great this is great yeah but what about these criminals they are worthy of capital punishment because they kill babies you see the goalpost has been moved over here though so no one's talking about what's over here the goalpost has been moved over here so you got all these christians just talking about this when in reality is like yeah but what about the criminals though this is why it's important that we continue to proclaim god's word and look the more we do it the more radical it's going to seem to people because when you move the goalpost but we stay here the further the people get down there the more crazy we look whereas the unsafe people understood 50 years ago what's being said over here folks the liberals stood over here at one point right it's important that preachers preach hard against sin and we obviously can't legislate that you know we're the off scouring of this world we just got to make sure that we do our part in preaching god's word but you know what if if god's telling me to preach the word be instant in season out of season to reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine and he's telling me to do it then i'm just going to go ahead and do my part and preach hard against sin and let the chips fall where they may and you know what who knows god can maybe delay his judgment a little bit just because there's a couple pastors out there who are actually preaching hard against sin amen and if he doesn't then great he'll judge this nation we get to go home it's a win-win for me my friends go with me if you would to joel chapter 3 joel chapter 3 he said why are you so mad about this you know because of the fact that christianity is being diluted the bible is being diluted you know and look i know the easiest people from you know to reach sometimes are those who are in the republican parties and libertarian parties you know i've been able to reach a lot of them because of my content against vaccines and medical freedom and all these things you know i've been able to reach out to a lot of these people and teach them the right way of salvation and get them saved and get them on the right bible and on the right doctrine and thank god for that but folks that's what we're supposed to be doing we're supposed to be reaching them not joining them you know i'm not going to join a coalition of you know religious leaders who are against vaccines especially because there's like jews in there and stuff like that like i'm just going to set aside my you know biblical convictions because they're against medical freedom or they're for medical freedom what's another thing that uh will impede the judgment of god from coming church is keeping the first love the first love you say why is that well you know if churches are just doing their part to win souls to christ i believe that that'll motivate god to delay his judgment a little more because he loves people and because he loves people and he sees that people are getting saved he's going to give us more time to get more people saved so how much more time i don't know i think we should just keep winning a lot of souls to christ every week every month every year and keep the first love the first love okay you know you think of genesis 18 prior to sonom and gomorrah being destroyed abraham is talking to the lord he's saying you know if there's 50 righteous if there's 40 righteous and god's like yeah if there is um i won't judge that place of course there wasn't any there might have been like maybe 10 you know all there was was really like lot right but in reality he wasn't even living a righteous life he was just a safe person who was in sodom and that's why he was delivered okay but if we can if we can just get a bunch of people saved in our nation maybe it can delay the judgment of god a little more if we can lead more people to christ if we can teach people the right way of salvation you know it'll create more salt in this world okay no we we need to go protest forget the protest protest does nothing but agitate you anger you and put you in danger okay you know these people who want to go out there and protest on the steps of whatever i'm not for that i'm not for that at all you say why because god didn't call us to go protest on the corner with the blow horn telling these women to turn or burn it's not what god's called us to do and it's ineffective it's annoying and it's a bad testimony oh what you're saying right now is about bad testimony this is god's house this is the house of god where god's command is to preach this way and if it offends anybody then so be it but we're not going to go out there you know to the steps of whatever and just you know preach about all the sodomites and all the people who are pro-abortion and all these things because it does not going to do anything you're you're pleading with the reprobates of this world right the the difference between the reprobates that are protesting and the reprobates that are in office is that one has suits and they have authority but they're probably just as wicked as they are just just a news flash they're probably just as wicked if not more than the people who are out there protesting and and doing whatever you say well how do you know because they're in positions of power what's another way to delay god's judgment governments instituting righteous laws governments instituting righteous laws can impede the judgment of god from coming sooner than later okay and again i'm thankful that roe versus wade was overturned and but you know just let me just burst the bubble real quick okay and look we're gonna have ice cream afterwards because i'm happy about that you know if i if you think about it too hard it can bring you to tears to think that this nation you know has advocated for the death of of innocent children for the last 50 years where it was legal for women to just murder their own babies innocent children i mean it's a sad thing but let me just tell you is that even though legislating righteous laws can impede the judgment of god from coming god's not going to forget the last 50 years let me just remind you of that he's not just going to overlook the last whatever you know 50 million not 50 years but 50 million babies that have been murdered because of roe versus wade it's not like oh whoa they made a good decision now that's all right let let bygones be bygones we'll forget it all you guys are trying he's going to require that blood my friends look at joel 3 verse 19 egypt shall be a desolation and edom shall be a desolate wilderness for the violence against the children of juda because they have shed innocent blood in their land he's going to judge that for the innocent blood now i you know i hate to just rein in on the on the parade here but it's true that's why i said that you know the judgment is already coming there's nothing you can do to stop it but we can impede it a little bit and you know what i heard that they're going to try to like ban something what was it something about sodomites or something from what is it getting married or something like that or make it illegal or something like that i remember the whole thing that i heard but once i heard something about some law against sodomites i was like yippee kay yay you know anything please we'll take anything anything and you know what maybe that'll impede the judgment of god from coming just a little bit okay now i will let me just say this is that you know because a lot of good things are happening right now okay you guys notice that a lot of good things happening right now right it's kind of kind of sudden though don't you think yeah it's a little suspect you know it's just i call it the jerking of the steering wheel it's just it's a little too sudden you know what i mean but i'll take it i'll take it because i'm saved my friends we're saved we have a church we're just serving god we're just kind of observing everything from the outside you know and i'm just saying it just seems a little too sudden for the pendulum to just swing so violently on the opposite direction after like masks in 2020 and vaccines and all this stuff and all of a sudden it's just like row versus wait over turn it's like what all right cool i mean i guess i mean is this real and then the other judge is like trying to make laws against sodomites it's like what i mean we'll take it for sure but are you serious and it kind of makes you wonder like what's going on here now the people who are not awake as the bible puts it they're just like oh god's blessing our nation god is with us god bless america all these republican baptist churches out there they're like waving their flags and like maybe maybe god's not gonna do and here's the thing folks let me just say this the reason we should want god to delay his judgment why is that why do we want god to delay his judgment get more people saved to get more people saved to raise our children and the nurturing the admonition of the lord to serve god do you know why they want to delay the judgment of god because they like america they're comfortable with their yacht and their you know possessions and their money and that's what they're comfortable with it's not like delay your judgment god so we can go to church more often and hear god's word being preached most of those people don't even go to church they don't even visit a church they hate hard preaching they want it because they want to live comfortable lives that's why you said what about the baptist uh you know churches that want to delay god's judgment and they're not into those things well it's because they're afraid of god's judgment and they live in this bubble where they think america could do no wrong they're fearful of god's judgment but folks why should we fear god's judgment if we're doing right we're going to be like the noah daniel and jobe well we're just going to survive by the skin of our teeth because this nation is so wicked you see the purpose of wanting the judgment to be delayed is so we can get more people saved so we can serve our families so we can be in church folks we like being in church we enjoy having the liberty of meeting together every week preaching god's word fellowshipping eating ice cream going soul winning exhorting one another daily just hanging out and just serving god together these are the things that we enjoy doing and that's why we would want to delay the judgment so we can do it some more but if god were to judge it then so be it because then we just go home sooner what's the problem with that well you know i don't i don't want to go home why are you afraid to go to heaven i'll tell you what it is is that you're too deeply rooted in this world you love this world too much you love the things of this world you love the possessions of this world you're too entrenched in the things of this world and that's why you don't want god to judge this world you want to still you know uh drive your tesla or whatever and your yacht and your helipad you know whatever things people have nowadays they're too enwrapped in the things of this world my friends back to my point here governments instituting righteous laws can impede the judgment of god go with me if you would to go to second kings 23 second kings 23 i'm gonna read to you from jeremiah chapter 5 verse 27 verse 28 says they are waxing fat they shine yea they overpass the deeds of the wicked they judge not the cause the cause of the fatherless yet they prosper and the right of the needy do they not judge what is he talking about he's talking about the laws he's saying you guys don't punish evil people you don't help the fatherless you don't judge people who are doing wrong you're not judging making righteous judgments you don't have righteous laws you're not legislating anything righteous therefore verse 29 shall i not visit for these things say that the lord shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this look at second kings 23 and verse 4 now this is talking about jesiah okay jesiah became a king at a very young age and he loved the lord and one day he decides to just go clean up the house of god because no one went to church apparently so he's like well let's clean up the house of god so we send people to go clean the house of god and guess what they found in the house of god the bible they grab the bible and they're like and they started reading and they're like maybe we should show this to the king so they take it to jesiah and and they begin to read the laws of god and jesiah is so beside himself because he he sees everything that god commanded him to do as a nation and they weren't doing it and he saw the judgment that was going to come upon him because of it and he was so vexed by what he read that he rent his clothes this is later on of course he's a lot older at this point he rents his garments and he's so distraught by the fact that their nation was was so rebellious against the lord and the fact that they were going to be judged by god it broke his heart and god saw that and he he he essentially told him like evil is not going to come upon you and uh the nation in your days because you had a tender heart he didn't say he was never going to judge israel ever again he just said it wasn't going to come in your days because you had a tender heart and folks let me say this we need to work on having a tender heart not a tender heart in the sense of you know we just tolerate everything under the sun we're talking about tender heart towards god's judgments that we would be grieved with the things that grieve god but look what he does afterwards verse four says the king commanded hilkiah the high priest and the priest of the second order and the keepers of the door to bring forth out of the temple of the lord all the vessels that were made for bale and for the grove and for all the hosts of heaven and he burned them without jerusalem in the fields of kidron and carry the ashes of them unto bethel so the first thing he did is like get all this crap out of here get all these idols and bale and all this stuff all these vessels and burn it up verse five and he put down the idolatrous priests whom the kings of judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of judah and in the places round about jerusalem them also that burn incense unto bale unto the sun into the moon oh look what it says into the planets oh wow i guess planets do exist huh and to all the hosts of heaven so what's the second thing he did all right let's get rid of all these lame limp-wristed pastors in the nation real quick all these you know these pastors who worship the star of remfan who have it on on their platform and they worship the jews you guys are gone verse six and he brought up the grove from the house of the lord without jerusalem unto the book kidron and burned it at the book uh brooke kidron and stamped it small to powder and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people man so he's like dumping and then he's like pouring the ashes out i mean he's mad verse seven and he break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the lord where the woman wove hangings for the grove he's like tear it all down he broke down the houses of the sodomites i want to meet jesiah when we get to heaven like how did that you know can you tell that story again how did that happen now folks you know you you read this verse to some republican christian out there who's for medical freedom this will offend them why would he do that though god loves everyone we should try to reach them jesiah didn't reach them he reached for the hammer he reached for the sledgehammers what he did and he broke down the houses of the sodomites he's like now there's vacancy i mean asa by the way did essentially the same thing he took them out of the land he chased them out of the land and he brought all the priests out of the cities of juden to file the high places where the priests had burned incense from giba to brashiba and break down the high places the gates that were in the entering in the gate of joshua the governor of the city which were on a man's left hand at the gate of the city so he's just desecrating all of bale stuff he's like throwing it down he's lighting it on fire he's chasing out the sodomites he's breaking down the houses i mean he's cleaning house now why is he doing that because he has a tender heart for god's law and it's the reason why god told him i'm not going to judge this nation in your generation because you're a righteous person now if what he did there was not a good thing then god wouldn't have delayed the judgment you know how come god didn't say hey whoa i love everyone right i accept everyone that's not what he said you know just like finehas when he made shish kebab of of the israelite with the moabite ish woman you guys remember that moabite you know the israelite went into a tent with a moabite ish woman to commit fornication in the sight of israel and god and moses and everyone and finehas grabbed the javelin and was like i'll take care of this i've been practicing and he just goes and he thrusts them through the belly and you know everyone's watching him do this and by the way this is like a million people out of a million people only one guy was willing to stand up and do this and god said i'll stay the plague but not because of israel but because of finehas because he was zealous for my sake he was just as mad as i was and therefore the plague was stayed god didn't destroy israel because of finehas he didn't say whoa why don't you disciple them finehas you should have i love everyone yeah you don't really find that verse in the bible when people are doing stuff like this go to jonah chapter 3 what's the point that i'm trying to make there you know when a nation does something like overturn roe versus wade obviously there's wicked people who are doing like the the u.s supreme court they're not fundamental baptists okay so don't try to make them out to be like these righteous fundamental baptists by the way that's another thing where people try to make the u.s supreme court you know they're filled with catholics there's like jews and and methodists or whatever all these other you know denominations of they're not saved don't try to make them out to be like these fundamental baptists who just love the word of god because they're not you know they obviously have conservative values and yes you know it's a great thing that they did that but you know what i'm just gonna go ahead and give that credit to the lord instead of some person who's gonna end up persecuting me in the end times anyways but when governments do that you know god can delay his judgment because of that why because now babies are going to be spared in certain states obviously and it's crazy you know los angeles they're like rioting right now in los angeles even though california it's not illegal in california it's so stupid here's the last thing is that talk about delaying the wrath delaying the judgment what's the last thing that's needed humility a nation has to humble themselves a leader is supposed to humble himself a president should be humbled okay in order to delay the judgment of god look at jonah 3 verse 4 and jonah began to enter into the city of day's journey and he cried and said yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown so the people of Nineveh believed god and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them even to the least of them for word came unto the king of Nineveh and he arose from his from his throne and he laid his robe from him and covered him with sackcloth and sat in ashes and he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout Nineveh through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles saying let neither man nor beast heard nor flock taste anything let them not feed nor drink water i mean even the animals were fasting but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily unto god yea let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands who can tell if god will turn and repent and turn away from his fierce anger that we perish not and god saw their works that they turn from their evil way and god repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not their humility was so so visible before god that even the animals were in sackcloth and ashes like the owners of the beast are like pouring ashes on the animals and like just sit and causing them to like humble themselves and obviously that's like extreme right but it shows you how extreme they were in wanting to get right with god that they wanted god to see how humble they were so that god would not destroy them now this is a great story to to to illustrate that right but here's the thing what a lot of people don't know is that Nineveh was actually still destroyed because in Nahum chapter 3 verse 7 it talks about Nineveh being made desolate now that was about a hundred years after a little over a hundred years after but you know what Jonah did and what the king did of Nineveh delayed that judgment now judgment was still going to come in the future and it did and Nineveh was just completely made desolate it was destroyed by god okay you can see that later on in the book of Nahum but the point is is that humility delayed that judgment now here's the thing okay go to revelation 18 the instance is the examples that we gave tonight were essentially of different time periods throughout Israel where this particular sin was being done and then they repented they got right with god and god delayed that judgment okay and you think to yourself well if we do this then maybe god will delay his judgment if we legislate some sort of righteous law god would delay his judgment if we are not committing adultery in this nation as a whole we'll delay god's judgment we'll preach hard maybe god will delay his judgment you know but what if like a nation is responsible for like all these things though what if a nation is just an adulterous perverse prideful you know just a filthy wicked murderous nation then you kind of kind of wonder maybe that's not going to apply to us but who knows i hope it does look at revelation 18 verse 4 when talking about babylon it says in verse 4 and i heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive none of her plagues for her sins have reached them to heaven and god has remembered her iniquities reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works in the cup where which she hath filled to her double how much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her for she saith in her heart i sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow what is that called pride like nothing's gonna happen to me i'm not gonna see the sorrow i'm not gonna see anything bad i sit a queen i'm no widow i see no sorrow verse 8 therefore shall her plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the lord god who judgeth her what do we see here we see that humility is essential to delay god's judgment okay now don't be so much of a party pooper as myself that when a legislation is passed like row versus way being overturned that you don't rejoice because we still should rejoice over that we should be happy about that because it's going to be illegal for some woman out there to murder her baby in the state in which she lives and you know considering the gas prices she's probably not willing to drive to another state where she can do that so before we get up in arms about gas prices hey that'll impede some of these women from traveling to another state to get it and you know people always bring people bring this up all the time yeah but what about rape what about rape somehow like this this whole thing about rape is is still just it's like a justified scenario where a woman can murder her baby but think about this folks why punish the baby for the crime of a rapist rapist doesn't get any punishment it's just like the baby does so you're gonna murder the baby because of the crime of some individual it's disgusting it's stupid it's backwards it's not logical at all so what if the rapist never gets caught okay then the rapist never gets caught but you still don't punish so are you just going to look for someone to punish oh the rapist never gets caught i guess i'll just punish the baby yeah just punish the most innocent person in the whole scenario which is the baby it's nonsense folks you know and you know a lot of this can just be completely avoided if people just don't fornicate right don't fornicate don't commit adultery get married and do it that way but you know i'm sure there's couples out there that still practice abortion and it's still wicked and that's why folks god's not going to turn away his wrath from judging this nation he's going to judge it it's going to happen but let's do our part to delay that as much as possible not so we can just live lavishly and deliciously and just kind of relax and and and be a conservative nation whatever no so we can serve god more for the night cometh when no man can work because the vast majority of people out there who want to delay the judgment of god are doing it so they can just live deliciously and not be bothered by the liberals and the democrats and so they can make memes against the the democrats for four another four years just to do that folks our purpose and i'm not against memes i got a doctor it's a ministry okay i love the mean ministry i'm all for memes it's a way to it's a way for me to relax just hang out for a little bit make a couple memes you know bring some joy to your life when you click on my story right but what we want is to save people to start churches to turn people to righteousness to serve god to be under god's law freely amen let's pray to that end lord thank you so much for your word i pray that you would not judge this nation as soon sooner than later lord just so you can give us more time more time to to win more souls to christ maybe we have family members who are not saved we need more time to reach them and more time to turn people to righteousness more time to read the bible more time to earn rewards more time to just walk with you and i pray god that you'd help us lord as a church to do our part and um to preach the word of god to win souls to christ to get right with you lord and um i pray lord that you help us to rejoice in that which is righteous and and just kind of view things from the outside as we continue to serve you lord and may you bless our church continue to prosper us lord as a church protect the people in our church bless them financially physically with health lord and uh bless them with more children bless us lord that we may continue to serve you even in this crooked and perverse generation we love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen please turn your songbooks to song number 63 song number 63 as our last song what a day that will be song number 63 all together nice and strong on that first verse there is coming a day when no heartache shall come no more clouds in the sky no more tears to dim the eye all is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore what a day glorious day that will be what a day that will be when my jesus i shall see and i look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace when he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day glorious day that will be there'll be no sorrow there no more burdens to bear no more sickness no pain no more partying over there and forever i will be with the one who died for me what a day glorious day that will be what a day that will be when my jesus i shall see and i look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace when he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day glorious day that will be amen wonderful singing you are dismissed so