(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Good evening, so now we're in First Timothy chapter one. First Timothy chapter one, the Bible reads, Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned From which some having swerved have turned aside on vain jingling Desiring to be teachers of the law Understanding neither what they say nor of they affirm, but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully Knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man But for the lawless and disobedient For the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murders of fathers and murders of mothers, for man-slayers, for whoremongers For them to defile themselves with mankind, for men-stealers, for liars, for perjured persons If there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry Who was before a blasphemer, a persecutor, an injurious But I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly and unbelief The grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus This is a faithful saying and worthy of all Acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief I be it for this cause I obtain mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long suffering for a pattern to them which should Hereafter believe on him to life everlasting Now unto the King eternal immortal invisible the only wise God the honor and glory forever and ever. Amen This charge I commit unto thee son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them mightest war good warfare Holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning the faith have made shipwreck of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander Who have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme Let's pray just a little God to thank you for every soul here at this church right now Lord Just pray that you bless this service Lord, please Feel past me here with your Holy Spirit Lord as he preaches unto us Lord and that we in the congregation Are attentive to the preaching Lord and we take these truths from your word and apply to our lives tonight Lord And we just pray all this in Jesus name. Amen Amen okay, we're in 1st Timothy chapter 1 this evening and the title of my sermon tonight is how to benefit from the preaching How to benefit from the preaching 1st Timothy chapter 1 and verse 18 the Bible says here this charge I commit unto thee son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them Then referring to the prophecies mightest war a good warfare. What is the Apostle Paul saying here? He's telling Timothy his son in the faith that in order for him to war good warfare in other words Fight the good fight of faith be able to be successful in the Christian life do that Which is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord actually serve God and be successful at it You know, he's gonna have to remember the prophecies that went before on him in other words He's gonna have to remember some of the preaching that he's heard in times past Showing us that the preaching of God's Word is one of the most influential things in a Christian's life, right? I mean I think about myself over the last 17 years I'm essentially the accumulation of the last 17 years of not just walking with God But just hearing preaching right when I first got saved listening to fundamental Baptist preaching all through the years I could honestly say that I've learned a lot from the preaching of God's Word. I am today I would consider myself to be not necessarily the best Christian, but I'm a consistent Christian. I'm a faithful Christian I've been given the privilege to be fruitful in the Christian life and I credit that to The preaching of God's Word the preaching that has changed my life over the years and has helped me tremendously And I think sometimes people could get this attitude about preaching and this will be one of my points later on Where preaching is just something you go and listen to to be entertained by? But really people seem to forget that preaching is actually divine Okay it is essentially God's Word being spoken through God's man for your particular situation to teach you something specific and often in my Experience it can be an answer to your prayers, you know Sometimes people are going through a difficult time or they are faced with a decision They have to make in life and they don't really know what to do and they're like God, you know, give me wisdom How can I deal with the situation? What should I do and often the answer comes through preaching but here's the thing if you're not going to church If you're not listening to preaching if you're not safe If you're not saturating your mind with God's Word and God's direction through the preaching of God's Word You're not gonna get the answer or you're gonna miss out on the answer And so it's important for us to esteem the preaching of God's Word. The Bible says despise not prophesying prophesying referring to Preaching it's an important thing in our Christian life It's an important discipline for us to actually listen to the preaching of God's Word now go to the book of Jude if you would the book of Jude I Believe that preaching can change lives I could attest to the fact that it's changed my life over the years I can think back to specific sermons that I've heard from a variety of preachers Where one specific sermon literally changed my life and helped me to change my direction as a Christian I can quote titles and points of sermons and scriptures where I feel like the Lord was speaking to my heart I feel like the Holy Spirit was leading me and I can look back over the years and say man that preaching Changed my life and help me to get right with God and help me to make the right decision And help me to get back on track in my heart when I was off track. It was supernatural. It was divine now tonight I'm gonna give you seven things seven ways for you to Benefit from the preaching of God's Word and all of these are things that I've done in in times past as a Christian And so I want to encourage you today to implement these things in order for you to benefit Not just from my preaching but just any preaching that you listen to From any pastor obviously that's saved that's preaching the right doctrine using the right Bible having the right salvation, etc Now number one, let's go through this these seven ways that you can benefit from the preaching number one Come to church expecting listen to this to learn relearn and Reinforce, let me say that again. You should come to church expecting to learn relearn and Reinforce specific doctrines and truths in your life You will benefit from the preaching of God's Word once you have the expectation that when you come to church You're gonna learn something new. Amen You're also gonna relearn something that you forgot And You're gonna reinforce something that you've always known and remembered but you need to be strengthened your conviction on So we come to church having this expectation. I'm gonna learn something new I know the Holy Spirit's gonna teach me something new through the preaching of God's Word I'm gonna hear something that maybe I've never heard before But also I'm gonna come to relearn something that maybe I forgot and how many you can say You know, there's something that I've heard in the preaching over the last year that when I heard it again, I'm like, oh, yeah I forgot about that. I know me in my personal life There's times when maybe some of my pastor friends preach something or I hear a sermon and I'm like, man I forgot about that specific truth because the Bible is filled with so much truth and we have so much truth coming in Sometimes things are just they fall through the cracks We forget about them and so we need to be reminded of those things But also we should come to church expecting to reinforce truths and doctrines and principles that we already know But we are strengthening them in our personal lives. Listen to this never come to church as a know-it-all and Believing you've already got it all together Like well, you know, what else am I gonna learn? I already I've already heard hundreds of sermons I've listened to all types of pastors. I know all doctrines all manner of behavior I kind of already know everything. Well folks if you're that person, you don't know anything at all Because the Bible is constantly telling us to grow in grace well in order for you to grow that means you have to learn something that you don't currently know and We have to relearn things because we often forget and of course the Bible commands us to strengthen meaning Reinforce things that that we already have already learned in times past Let me say this, you know first and foremost regarding learning something new You know, you should put away preconceived ideas if you're new in our church and this is the first fundamental Baptist Church You visited or it's just the first it's just the first time you've been in this type of a church You know, you need to put away your preconceived ideas what I mean by that, you know There's some things that you might have learned in times past Just just mark it down. It's probably sometimes they're in error Sometimes it's false doctrine. Sometimes it's things that you've learned in times past that you thought was true that it's not actually true It's not actually biblical and you should never come to church thinking well, you know that contradicts what I believe Therefore I'm gonna reject it that contradicts what I've always heard Therefore I'm gonna reject it. Whereas the attitude should be that contradicts the Bible therefore I'm not gonna believe it right the attitude should always be what does the Bible say? So if it's in conjunction with the Bible regardless if it's different from what you previously believed You should change what you believe and line up your beliefs with the Word of God okay, put away preconceived ideas allow the Bible to be your guide and Allow your ideas to be challenged if you have specific beliefs ideas and look I'm not just talking about doctrine Because doctrine is a major part of it. But how about just conduct right your behavior or Sometimes it is about doctrine, but it has to do with for example, you know dress standards What the Bible says about pants on women What the Bible says about, you know tattoos what the Bible says about alcohol what the Bible says about? Abortion what the Bible says about a woman working outside, you know, the out of the home What does the Bible say about these things? You might have a preconceived idea about that But if it's if you believe it's true, then you should allow it to be challenged Okay, and be willing to say well if there is some truth to this then I'm gonna learn something new And I'm not gonna reject it just because it's new to me. Okay, and so come to church to learn something New you're not to turn there, but Proverbs chapter 1 verse number 5 says a wise man will hear and I want you to notice this and will increase in learning a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel Proverbs 9 verse 9 says give instruction to a wise man and He will be yet wiser Teach a just man and he will increase in learning. What is this? This is a person who's ready to learn something new They come to church to hear the preaching of God's Word with a humble hearts Willing to learn something new that they've never heard before and if it comes from the Word of God They're willing to believe it learning something new doesn't always mean a new doctrine that you've never heard It could also be referring to your conduct your behavior things of that nature So we come to church to learn something new, but we also come to church to relearn something. You may have already forgotten Because here's the thing folks. We never want to have this Athenian Approach the preaching what I mean by that when acts 17 verse 21 It says for all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time and nothing else But either to tell or to hear some new thing You're gonna learn new things when you come to church But you shouldn't come to church thinking I only want to hear new things Right. It's just like well tell me something new about end times Bible prophecy Tell me something new about the book of Revelation. Tell me something new about the book of Daniel I want to learn something that I've never heard before and that's the only thing I want to hear Well, here's the thing you are gonna learn something new, but you also have to relearn things that you may have forgotten. Okay? Relearn things you ever got look at Jude if you would chapter one. I'm just kidding. There's only one chapter We're talking about the early look at verse 5 He says here I will therefore put you in remembrance And I want you to notice this though. Ye once knew this Say I'm gonna remind you of something even though you already know it Right, though. Ye once knew this and what is he talking about? How that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not So he's kind of talking about the history of Egypt Israel in Egypt and how God destroyed those of Egypt Going through the Exodus account there and this is something that people always you know Christians know about this Israelites already know about this believers know about this but he's saying I'm gonna bring it into your remembrance and Why is that because of the fact that it's easy for us to just forget stories? principles of the Bible names of the Bible and Simply principles that we can learn from people's lives in the Word of God, okay And so we never want to just come to church and say well, I've already heard this Therefore it doesn't really apply No It does apply to you because you need to remember it and we need to remind you once again that idolatry is sinful That idolatry according to the Bible is spiritual whoredom, even though you've heard it before you need to be reminded of it once again So the way you can benefit from the preaching of God's Word is come to church expecting to to learn something new To relearn something that you may have forgotten go to 2nd Peter if you would 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 I'm gonna read to you from Philippians chapter 3 in verse number 1. It says finally my brother rejoicing the Lord To write the same things to you to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe What is he saying to repeat the same exact thing that I've said before doesn't bother me at all Because of the fact that for you it's a safe thing Now I have to remind myself of this constantly as a pastor Because I know that as a young church, sometimes Christians just want to hear a new thing They want me to get down deep into the book of Revelation Deep into Daniel deep into the toes of the beast Deep into you know the numbers and they get into all that stuff and that's great and all but sometimes I just need to keep repeating things That you've heard before and it's not grievous and to me it's safe for you And here's the thing you know why should we be reminded of of truths and doctrines? You know commandments of conduct things of that nature well one You just need to be reminded because the Bible says you should be reminded of it, but two because you're not doing it Right So you know sometimes you hear me preach about the same thing over and over again It's like why is he preaching well it could be because some of you're not acting right So I have to like preach the same sermon that I preached last year You see what I'm saying So you know it's it's for you it is safe I gotta preach the same thing over and over again because it's good to just refresh ourselves on spiritual truth But sometimes I just have to do it because some of you have blatantly forgotten. It's commonly reported Okay Look at second Peter chapter 1 and verse number 12 here This is wherefore will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things though You know them and be established in the present truth, so according to the Bible if a pastor is not reminding his congregation Regarding truths that they've already heard in the past. What does the Bible say it says that he's negligent Meaning he is not teaching what he's supposed to be teaching. He's not reminding the flock of God He has a responsibility to remind the flock of God of truths They've heard over the years if he doesn't want to be negligent. It says in verse 13 yay I think it meet as long as I am with you in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in Remembrance knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle even as our Lord Jesus Christ has showed me referring to his death The fact that Peter is gonna die Moreover I will endeavor that you may be able to after my disease to have these things always in Remembrance and what the Apostle Peter is saying here is like I got to remind you about these things because I'm not always gonna be To remind you and so hopefully as I continue to remind you of these truths when I'm gone They're so ingrained in you that you carry them with you even after my deceased is what he's saying there sounds like remembering or Relearning things that we've already learned in times past is important to God okay look at chapter 3 if you would in 2nd Peter chapter 3 2nd Peter chapter 3 in verse number 1 It says this second epistle beloved I write now unto you and both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance So why is he reminding them of this spiritual truth verse 2? They ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior So he's saying here one of the reasons I'm constantly reminding you of these truths is because I want you to be mindful of these things I want you to be mindful of the words of the prophets And you know what we have to drill these things over and over again because throughout the week I want you to be mindful of the truth that you learn right because preaching is not just something you listen to And say wow that was a great sermon and walk away You got to take it with you amen and be mindful of those truths because it's gonna come Back in the future, and you're gonna need it and in fact you know as I was driving over here I was thinking about Just some of the truths that I learned as a young Christian through my my former pastor Who's my father-in-law, and I remember him preaching sermons, and it just seemed redundant You know it's just like he kept repeating a lot of these things over the years And I remember he would go to a particular passage, and I'm like I already know what he's gonna say I already know what he's gonna preach on I already know what where he's going with this and as a young Christian It was just like well either way though. I know I'm gonna benefit from this somehow. You know I already know this and Even though it's not necessarily applicable to me right now eventually one day Maybe it will be but let me tell you right now as a pastor those sermons I'm constantly thinking back like oh, okay now. I know why he said that in the past Now I know why he would give that warning all the time in the past now. It's applicable to me so here I am 10 you know 13 years later Remembering sermons that my pastor would constantly remind me about that at that time. I thought this is irrelevant to me But you know what later on down the road I realized how important those truths were and I'm glad I took it serious when I heard it 13 whatever 14 years back Okay, go to Psalm 119 Psalm 119 if you would Psalm 119 let me reach you from 1st Timothy chapter 4 and Verse number 4 says for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it if it be received with Thanksgiving For it is sanctified by the Word of God in prayer, and this is what the Apostle Paul tells Timothy He says if thou put the brethren in Remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ Nourished up in the words of faith and a good doctrine or unto thou has detained So what is the Apostle Paul telling Timothy you know you got to remind Timothy? To remind those he's preaching to that they can eat anything Okay, then every creature of God is good you can have bacon and pork and shrimp and Catfish and all these foods that Jews typically would say are unclean you got to remind them that they can eat these things as long as it's sanctified by the Word of God in prayer and Why because of the fact that if these truths are not being reminded and stirred up in their pure minds? Then somewhere along down the road they can get judaized By some false prophets into thinking that eating shrimp is sinful or something like that, okay? So it's important to be reminded to have our minds stirred up So come to church with the expectation to learn something new to relearn something you already know, but may have forgotten and Lastly to reinforce something that you've known and remembered, but it needs strengthening Let me read you from Acts chapter 14 verse 21 This is when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many they returned again to Lystra to Iconium and Antioch confirming the souls of the disciples and Exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God when you hear preaching of things that you already know about You can remember you can quote verses about allow that to just drive in the stakes deeper into your convictions Because that's what it's doing It's reinforcing those truths in Your spiritual life Colossians chapter 2 you have to turn there verse 6 says as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him established in the faith as he have been taught and Abounding therein with Thanksgiving now before I move on to the next point Let me just say one more thing about this particular point about learning relearning and reinforcing Don't take this lightly because in my experience. I've learned that there's a lot of people that just know the Bible They just know the Bible but because you know Conduct and behavior is not reinforced discipline is not reinforced sometimes a lot of them They just don't make it in the Christian life They fall by the wayside to get out of church they get involved in sin they do things that are just not pleasing to the Lord And it's not because they don't know the Bible. It's because they didn't reinforce Behavior Christian behavior in their lives they didn't take the preaching serious when I talked about sin They didn't take the preaching serious when I talked about the conduct and the behavior And how what God expects of you in your conversation? They thought it was just all head knowledge But then when the time came when Satan tempted them tried them they fell by the wayside because it wasn't something they reinforced in their Lives you see church attendance to me is Reinforced I'm established when it comes to that. It's like you know obviously. I'm the pastor so I have no choice But you know even prior to that It's just there's no question if we're gonna be in church Sunday morning Sunday night midweek service Why because that's a conviction that we just reinforce in our lives that does not move You know I don't go a day without reading my Bible believe it or not You know why it's because of the fact that I've already reinforced that discipline in my life Over and over again, and I heard preaching over and over and over about reading the Bible Memorizing the Bible walking with God. It was just constantly drilled to the point. It's just part of my life You know you get up in the morning you get ready Read the Bible and you pray and I do that every single day because of the fact the preaching of God's Word Reinforced that truth in my life Okay church attendance Bible reading prayer Soul-winning these are Things that need to be reinforced to just to the point where it becomes a part of your life And that happens through the preaching of God's Word, so what are we talking about here? We're talking about how to benefit from preaching number one. We said come to church expecting to learn relearn and reinforce Number two here's another way you can you can benefit from the preaching of God's Word Internalize the truth that you're listening to okay What do I mean by the internalizing the truth make it a part of yourself and I had a conversation with someone this week, and I remember thinking myself like that's like a key To really internalize the truth is by teaching someone else what you've just learned Okay, and that's probably been one of the most effective ways for me To really dig in and learn something is that I have to take that truth and teach it to someone else okay What I have you turn some 119. Let me read to you from Proverbs 16 and verse 23 Listen to this it says the heart of the wise teacheth his mouth and Addeth learning to his lips meaning he's able to teach that which he knows The Bible says in Psalm 119 in verse 9 look at verse number 9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word With my whole heart have I sought thee oh, let me not wander from thy commandments Thy word have I hit in my heart that I might not sin against thee skip down to verse 13 if you would says with my lips Have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth? I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies as much as in all riches Now I like what he says there in verse 13 where he says with my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth What does that mean means he's teaching someone else the judgments of the Lord okay? And I I really like it when after the service or something after some sermon I preach Some of them some of the guys are just repeating some of the phrases from the sermon and they sometimes they do it jokingly not Like in a disrespectful way, but like you know they talk about it, and you know what they're doing. They're reinforcing that truth You know they talk about the local New Testament Church, right? And they're always talking about the local But that's I guess that's a phrase that I constantly use in sermons when I'm talking about church I'm like the local, but you know what the guy just just constantly says it now and he just thinks the local New Testament Church and Here's the thing is that that's a great way to remember truths Use it in daily conversation take a truth from the sermon and use it You know use it in your daily conversation talk about it internalize the truth you're like well I already know that truth then reinforce it internalize it The Bible says in verse 15. I will meditate in thy precepts. I respect them to thy ways I will delight myself in thy statutes. I want you to notice this I will not forget thy word Well, how does he not forget the word because he internalizes it he puts it in his heart. He hides the truth in his heart That's what he does the Bible tells us that this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth But thou shalt meditate therein day and night for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good Success in order for us to experience true success in the Christian life the truths of God's Word Whether through your Bible reading through the preaching has to be internalized you really want to benefit from this sermon Take something that I'm saying right now and internalize it carry it with you write it down on a piece of paper Write it down in your Bible think upon it meditate upon it use it. Okay. Go to Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter number 7 you see in order to benefit from God's preaching You have to come to church expecting to learn relearn and reinforce but you also have to internalize the truth one of the ways of internalizing the truth is You have to teach someone else Declare the judgments with thy mouth, but here's a here's an even better way to internalize the truth do it Actually put into practice what you've learned Look at Matthew 7 and verse 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock and The rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not For it was founded upon a rock the Bible says So the Bible is telling us here that in order for us listen to this to weather the storms of life You have to be a doer of the word and not just to hear only Now coming to church. You got that down packed already. You're here You're hearing he that hath an ear let him hear But hold on a second. It doesn't stop there Because in order for you to actually benefit from the truth being proclaimed You actually have to obey what's being stated You have to be a doer so that when the floods come the rains descend, you're not gonna be destroyed You're not gonna be carried about you're gonna weather the storm and Here's the thing folks, you know, I'm all for biblical knowledge. You got to memorize information of the Bible learn the Bible But I hope I see you in 20 years though, I Hope I see you in 10 years. I hope I see you by the end of this year, which is only a couple weeks away. I Hope I see you at the end of 2025 But let me just give you the harsh reality Many will not be here at the end of 2025 Okay, hopefully not a whole lot But I guarantee you there will be people who were here today on Sunday whether Sunday morning Sunday night They will not be here at the end why because of the fact that they were not doers of the word They didn't internalize the truth the floods came and carried them about okay, you know I want the rains to descend upon me. I want the floods to come. I want the winds to blow I want it to beat upon that house, but I shall not be moved Because I'm already rooted in the Christian life. I've internalized these truths and I do my best to Participate and act out and obey the commandments of the Lord And look, you know coming to church is a discipline. I'm talking about getting yourself here, but it requires a little more discipline To actually take the preaching of God's Word serious and not just go through the motions of just sitting there Looking at me saying amen Nodding like there's there's some definite things happening here Supernatural things happening here where the Holy Spirit is talking to you You need to write these things down you say you know what that was for me I need that Lord help me in this area internalize that truth in my life so I could be a better Christian go to Proverbs chapter 7 Proverbs chapter 7 We're going back and forth from the Old the New Testament Proverbs chapter 7 and while you're turning there, I'm gonna reach you from James chapter 1 and verse 21. We're talking about ways To that you can benefit from preaching Internalize the truth that's being that you're listening to James 1 21 says wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness Receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls, but be doers of the word not hearers only deceiving your own selves For if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a Glass for he beholdeth himself go with his way and straightway forget it what manner of man he was what does this mean? What does he talk about when his he's beholding his natural face in the glass? That's another way of saying a mirror and what the Bible is saying here is that? When you're reading the Bible or even when you're listening to preaching It's almost as if the preaching is giving you a reflection of who you really are Right because when you hear preaching you're like oh, I've done that You're basically seeing yourself in that reflection But here's the thing when you look at yourself in the reflection You see the the parts of yourself that it's just well put together But then you also see the booger in your nose You know you see that you got you know stuff in your teeth You see how ugly you really are you know you just you you really start to see everything for what it truly is Okay, and the Bible says that when you hear the Word of God. It's like you going to that mirror Because you're a recipient of that reflection from the preaching, right? But let's say you just go to that mirror you see that booger in your nose, and you just like walk away from it You forgot dude to take the booger out You forgot to fix and remove the food from your teeth You forgot that you know you Well, I mean you can't change if you're ugly, but you know you forgot to fix. What could be fixed You understand what I'm saying So hearing preaching reading the Bible is like looking into the perfect law of liberty as a mirror And you know what God wants you to do when you look into that mirror fix yourself Like well, I'm already well put together. There's nothing to fix look for something to fix you got a zit somewhere There's there's some sort of imperfection somewhere in your life. There always is because we're not perfect. We're sinners There's always things that we got to work on So first works Baptist Church is a massive mirror That you come to to see your reflection of who you really are and what you currently look like in your spiritual condition at this moment And when you hear that preaching you could even do one of two things you can walk out that door and say I forgot What manner of man I was I? Think I look good Or you can say man. I need to comb my hair or man I need a you know I need a shave or man I need a grow beard all right, man I need a you know take the eye boogers out of my eye. I need to clean my teeth I need to fix something in my life that preaching reflected my weaknesses my weaknesses and my deficiencies in the Christian life Internalize the truth by actually doing what the Bible says So when he tells you to be a doer the word was the same you know when you actually look in the mirror and you go You actually fix yourself Okay, when you look at the mirror like well, that's a lot of you know let me just remove that stuff from my eye You know you get the q-tip you know and you clean the clean yourself. That's actually doing it Look at Proverbs 7 verse 1 regarding doing the words Keeping the words it says my son verse number one keep my words and lay up my commandments with thee What is he saying internalize these truths? Keep my commandments and live and my law as the apple of thine eye referring to Focus on the Bible focus on the truth here bind them upon thy fingers Write them upon the table of thine heart Say unto wisdom thou art my sister and call understanding thy kin's woman Why is he beans you why is he exaggerating so much? You know like when he bind them on my fingers right upon my heart call wisdom my sister Why is he saying he's saying get familiar with the truth internalize the truth in such a way that you are You know you're familiar with it It's part of who you are he says in verse 5 that they may keep thee from the strange woman From the stranger which flattereth with her words So it's telling you to remember these things not so you can be knowledgeable not to you could be smart It's saying so they could protect you in the long run from the strange woman go to Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 Talk about benefits Ways you can benefit from the preaching number one Come to church expecting to learn relearn reinforce number two internalize the truth Whether through teaching someone else or being a doer of the word Number three here's something really practical Improve your biblical navigation skills Let me say this when we come to church bring a physical Bible with you. I Get it we have Bible apps, and I use the Bible app, and you know no one's gonna Tell you different, and you know you're Gen Z blah blah blah, but you know when you come to church You should actually carry a physical Bible with you So that you're not biblically illiterate You say why because when you actually carry a Bible with you you have to learn where the books of the Bible are You need to learn how to navigate through the scriptures, and you know what I encourage everyone in our church anyone who listens to preaching to interact with the preaching of God's Word And one of the best ways to interact is actually pay attention to what you're reading and go to the scriptures You know the Bible says to give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine I know liberal churches have the verses for you on the screen, and you don't got to lift up a finger You ain't got to do nothing. They'll just force-feed you all the false doctrine or whatever But you know at our church We want you to actually be skilled at you know being able to open up the Bible and find Haggai Find Hosea Find Zephaniah Find first chronicles, and not just flipped it over like I'm just gonna go through my Bible I have because it's a I just could click on it right there learn how to navigate through the scriptures And let me also say this read the scriptures when we all read it Don't just look at me like why I like the way you read it Well, you know what look down at your Bibles and listen to me read it then We should all be participating and Getting involved with the preaching of God's Word Navigate through the scriptures learn how to use the Word of God And you have you understand how important that is when it comes to preaching the gospel Right and this isn't even about soul winning, but let me also say this eventually you got to remove those tabs out of your Bible Okay, eventually the bookmarks got to be removed the tabs need to be removed It's that's what if that's what you're using now kudos to you I'm glad your teacher taught you that people are smiling at me because probably that's what they're doing and that's great You know for the beginning, but eventually bless God you just got to be able to open up any Bible Right, you know if I gave you a lost person To preach the gospel to and you didn't have your soul winning Bible with you With all your tabs and all your cheat sheets which we're gonna give out cheat sheets and stuff to help you guys But you know if you're a seasoned soul winner, you should be able to pick up just any Bible and just use it Hey, you should be able to just not use any Bible and just quote the scriptures But you know, obviously it's better to actually use a physical Bible I can pick up any single Bible thin line You know a commentary Bible that you guys own or whatever, you know And just kind of go through it and I know all the verses where they're at know where the books are at We should be able to navigate through the scriptures not just in so many but more specifically while we're in church And you know what on Sunday morning navigate through the scriptures and help new people to navigate through the scriptures as well You know have new people sit next to you and show them like this is where that maybe maybe by the way Maybe some people don't because they can't navigate to the scriptures They're just like well the reason I don't do this cuz I don't know where there's that You know, where is that book? I don't know where that books at. Well, you better learn That will improve You know, you're benefiting from the preaching of God's Word Because God wants us to know where the scriptures are at He wants us to become familiar with it with the content of the Bible and Navigating through the scriptures helps with that now. Thank God, you know, we we have a Bible the King James Version of the Bible is awesome. And Obviously, it's the Word of God and we don't accept any substitutes here But thank God that you know Our our Bible is broken up into verses right chapters and verses to be able to navigate properly But let me say this a lot of the modern versions of the Bible Because they're constantly removing scriptures They don't outline the scriptures the way our Bible does So, what do you mean they often put it in paragraphs? You know why they put it in paragraphs so that you don't notice that verse 37 is missing Because what's in when it's in paragraph form they able to kind of pull the wool over your eyes You don't notice that they remove particular scriptures phrases and verses from the Bible So that's why it's important to have a King James Bible with all the verses right here Chapters broken up and to navigate through that and so improve your biblical navigation skills. Look at Luke chapter 4 and verse 17 It says and there was delivered unto him hymns referring to Jesus the book of the prophet of Zayas Referring to Isaiah and when he had opened the book He found the place where it was written The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor He had sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach the deliverance to the captives and the recovering of the sight to the blind to Set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord now that skill Because it's not like he had a reference There's no book chapter and verse we're talking about the Hebrew Scriptures Where they open up a scroll and it's written in paragraph form, you know right to left and he found this specific scripture That he's looking for in order to preach from because he was fulfilling that prophecy in his day at that moment and it's showing us that Jesus Christ obviously cuz he's the Word of God, but he was able to navigate through the scriptures and Here's let me I have a question for you If I were to just pull out a random subject from the Bible and say find me this passage Find me a passage in the Bible that talks about this specific subject Would you be able to tell grab a Bible and show me from the Word of God where it's at? You know Become skilled in navigating through the scriptures. Obviously, we don't have to have everything memorized. I'm just talking about navigation Knowing where things are at, you know, what books are in the Old Testament, you know, what books are in the New Testament You know what subjects are emphasized in which book? You know where to find the verses on the deity of Jesus Christ on the subject of salvation on the subject of alcohol You have these things categorized in your mind. You can navigate through the Bible and that's very important Especially when you're in church, okay, because here's the thing if you're just sitting there just looking at me the whole time You know church is gonna be very boring And then you're gonna think about what you're gonna eat afterwards. When is he gonna finish? Is this gonna be another long one? What's gonna happen? Why don't you just open up the Bible and read the scriptures that we're going to instead? Why don't you actually participate and actually read the Word of God yourself? And look we live in a country where the Bible is free You know, thank God for that. Amen we can we can freely read it take advantage of that Acts 17, I don't know if I had you turn it but go to Acts chapter 17 if you would Acts chapter 17 And then we're gonna go to Acts chapter 2 go to Acts chapter 17 Ways you can benefit from the preaching Improve your navigate your Bible navigation skills. Now. I love the story here in Acts 17 look at verse 10 Says in the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews These were more noble than those in Thessalonica and that they received the word with all readiness of mind And I want you to notice and search the scriptures daily Whether those things were so now Let me just make a quick comment about this passage here because we often use this passage as I'm going to use it right now Applying it to Christians being able to you know, rightly divide the Word of Truth to see if you know to see if these things Are so but what this is actually referring to is unsafe people so these guys are not saved and They're noble because of the fact that they're actually wanting to hear the Word of God and so we see look at verse 12 Therefore many of them who's the them those if that's of those who are more noble than those in Thessalonica the Bereans Therefore many of them believed also of honorable women which were Greeks and of men not a few So in other words these people got saved because they actually went back home looked at the scripture and said, okay What that guy was saying is true about Jesus being the Christ Therefore they got saved they believed and so forth, but this is also applicable to Christians Being or making sure that we're searching the scriptures meaning that you're studying the Bible on your own Improving your ability to rightly divide the Word of Truth to actually go through the scriptures Familiarize yourself with your sword go to Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 if you would How do you benefit from the preaching of God's Word well number one come to church expecting to learn relearn and reinforce Number two internalize the truth that you're listening to number three improve your biblical navigation skills Number four here's a big way you can you can benefit from the preaching take it personal Now I get this question asked a lot Okay Was that sermon about me? And You know most of the time I'll say yes Because in general the sermons for everyone But you know what I appreciate that That someone would ask that and think that it's about them now obviously you shouldn't think that I'm just constantly preaching against you Okay, you know you shouldn't be like oh, man. He's just mad at me. He's getting on me You know you you might have a guilty conscience or something. I don't know However, you should take the preaching personal though, and what do I mean by that you shouldn't be nudging people and? looking at people like Christians do into Adrian at this moment You should apply it to yourself take it personal and You know obviously there's gonna be times when we're preaching or not preaching, and you're like. Oh, man. That's like so-and-so Cuz for sure it applies to certain people you know and and you know on Sunday nights We get a little more family oriented in our church When I'm calling out specific things and and people just know who I'm talking about you know You just know but sometimes I have to address them, but in other instances I'm just being general about a specific things a specific topic or sin And you know sometimes people are like oh, yeah, that's so-and-so well No you apply it rather than so-and-so stop nudging your husband stop nudging your wife Stop looking at your friend stop staring at Maury stop staring. You know apply it to yourself You take it personal say Lord. That's for me It's me it's me it's me Lord standing in the need of prayer. I need to apply that sermon personally look at Acts 2 verse 36 I Like what it says here therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made the same Jesus whom he crucified both Lord and Christ now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and Sent them to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren. What shall we do? Now that's a great response. They're taking it personal They're pricked in their hearts because that's what the Word of God does it hits your heart It can see the inner recesses of the heart it divides soul and spirit joints in the marrow It's a discerner of the thoughts of the intense of the heart it pricks you and this is the answer that you should give What shall we do? What shall I do not what should he do? Now what should she do? Now oh yeah, I get that person take it personal yourself Now I can preach this from the housetops for years on end and You know a lot of times the people who should take it personal do not take it personal and The people that do not take it personal do take it personal I've had instances where I preached about something specific and maybe I was referring to a particular person in our church or something and Then another person will come like I knew that was for me, and I changed that you know I worked on that, and I'm just like actually it wasn't about you at all But the person I was preaching about didn't change that at all. You know why because they're not taking it personal But the point is that when we listen to preaching Regardless of maybe it not affecting your specific life. You need to ask the Lord Lord How can I apply this preaching to my life and let me just say all preaching is applicable all Preaching is personal, and yeah, it may not affect you right now, but you will need it in the future Fact okay Allow the preaching to prick your heart Expect something from the Lord expect to learn relearn reinforce internalize the truth Improve your biblical navigation skills take it personal, and you know what every time someone asked me was that about me I'll say yes, were you preaching about me? Yes even to the point where I went to go preach that faithful word one time and Someone came to me with a coffee mug and said pastor This is for you, and the coffee mug had a finger pointing and it said yes, that sermon was about you I'm like oh, yeah, that's perfect. Yes That's that's that's literally what I tell my church members all the time because people are always asking that like oh You're talking you're talking about me, huh sure why not you know because why wouldn't it apply to you? You came to church, and it's funny when people come to church, and they get upset that the sermon applies to them Like Warriors did you come to church so I can so you can hear me preach against other people or do you want preaching yourself? Because you should come to church expecting to hear something from God you should come to church expecting to have your heart pricked amen Because you're coming to church because you want to change you want to improve you want to be a better Christian, okay? How do you benefit from the preaching of God's word learn relearn reinforce? internalize the truth Improve your biblical navigation skills take it personal And number five very simple here very important though get locked in When you come to church you need to lock in Too many times Christians are just not locked in during the preaching of God's Word their minds their mind is elsewhere We're going to canes or we're going in and out We're going to McDonald's or what are we gonna do all right, man? I got so many things to do afterwards forget all that You know you you arguing with your spouse beforehand forget that Get locked in When you come to church sit your keister down on that chair open up your Bible and say this hour is dedicated Unto the Lord. I'm trying to hear the divine preaching of God's Word, and you know I'll deal with everything else afterwards Leave your problems at the door leave your arguments at the door Leave your worries at the door come here get locked in and focus on the preaching of God's Word. That's what you need to do Show respect for the preaching of God's Word esteem the words of his mouth listen to this for those of you You're hungry about dinner more than your necessary foods And look I'm fixing to just destroy that clock and just not even have a clock here anymore Yeah, you know why cuz I'm tired of you just You're not locked in You're locked out You're not locked in my friends. You're like. Oh, man. How long is he gonna? Go well if you gotta go then go If you got to get out of here, there's plenty of doors that you can use you know what I want to preach to people Who are locked into the preaching of God's Word not because I'm anything special, but folks I respect the preaching of God's Word I respect the content of the Bible and so should you I've been through under many sermons many preachers, and you know what I don't care if they were Bombastic or if they did not wax eloquent if they were preaching the Bible. I was locked in Plain and simple I was paying attention eyes wide just looking at the Word of God Interacting with the preacher praying thus within my heart Lord help me with this why because the preaching is actually something that's important It's supernatural. It's divine. We need to get locked in and not be scrolling through Instagram I don't think people do that you better not do that Not looking at stories or your tick-tock or your email or your whatever and seeing who posted stories on what hey by the way You shouldn't be going through the comments section of the live either It drives me absolutely bananas when people are commenting to other people on our live you're live here You might as well just stand at home get locked in Focus discipline your focus my friends and look it takes a little discipline too, and look I get it with parents I got five kids okay, and you know what my wife does not have me sitting right next to her helping her with the kids And she will never have me Because I'm the pastor so you know Lord will will have more kids and the more kids We have just more she has to like Manage and oversee, and you know once Bruce gets bigger than he can help out and Kyla can help out But you know what we have to teach our kids to lock in too And you know that that should be a motivation to you parents to really hone in and work on Helping your kids pay attention in church because when you do that you're able to pay attention in church This should not be a time when kids are playing watching coca melon Coloring in their crayon with their crayons or doing whatever teach them how to lock in in church Okay, so that you can lock in as well The Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse number 1 keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God and Be more ready to hear the Bible says than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evil Consider not that they do evil. You know you sacrifice to come here sacrifice gas and time and You know whatever else, but you know what if you're not ready to hear then you're a fool Because you wasted your time coming to church listen to me scream at you for an entire hour Got nothing out of it because you're constantly thinking about what happened before what comes after church Lock in don't be a fool and be ready to hear when you come to the house of God Talk About benefiting from God from God's Word from the preaching of the Word of God How come the church expecting to learn relearn and reinforce? Internalize the truth improve your biblical navigation skills take it personal get locked in hey Get a nap in before church amen if you didn't get a nap in then get a adobe Oh from Starbucks Get a Red Bull we were costly You know brother Adam or I shouldn't say his name, but you know we have someone who's constantly filling up that refrigerator with Red Bulls free Red Bulls Get a coffee This is important my friends We're you're not just here just to kind of just pass the time You could be doing something else if you want to pay attention get locked in focus on the preaching of God's Word Get something out of it be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath the Bible tells us Number six We're almost done How to benefit from God's preaching Don't treat preaching as an exhibition So what do you mean by that? You know preaching is entertaining Right it could be interesting you could you could agree with that like you know it is sometimes This is like an exhibition. It's it's it sometimes you hear a preacher a particular topic You're like wow this is entertaining, but we should not just come to church to be entertained It should not just be an exhibition You're coming here because you want to hear something from God you want to participate you're writing things down You know that it applies to you go to mark chapter 6 actually go to Ezekiel chapter 33. I'm gonna reach you from mark 6 Ezekiel 33 Therefore Herodias verse 19 of mark chapter 6 says had a quarrel against him and would have would have killed him Referring to John the Baptist, but she could not for Herod feared John knowing that he was a just man and a holy and Observed him and when he heard him he did many things and heard him gladly so Herod actually enjoyed the preaching from John the Baptist and It's not because he was saved It's not because he was a godly man He just liked to be entertained by John the Baptist because Bible preaching though powerful is also entertaining It's entertaining to hear a sermon about whoredom. It's entertaining to hear the word faggot It's entertaining to hear about Controversial topics of the Bible that's entertaining, but hold on a second don't come with the intent To treat preaching as an exhibition if that's what you get out of the preaching That's a byproduct then so be it become to actually grow to learn to actually apply the preaching to your life Okay Look at Ezekiel 33. Here's a perfect example of this and this will always be a problem This will always be an issue The preaching will always be an exhibition to someone Always and I'm talking about people who love the preaching but not apply it Look at Ezekiel 33 verse 31 It says and they and they come unto thee Referring to these referring to Ezekiel as the people cometh and they sit before thee as my people and they hear thy words But they will not do them for with their mouths. They show much love But their heart goeth after their covetousness and I want you to notice this in verse 32 and lo Thou art unto them as a very lovely song of One that hath a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument for they hear thy words But they do them not the Bible says so the Bible is actually teaching us that some people view preaching like a very lovely song like wow, that sounds really nice and I think I get this compliment When we have our really big days and we have a lot of visitors and sometimes I'll talk to people Who get witness to afterwards, you know, like a friend day or an Easter, you know I'll talk to them and I'll hear maybe they didn't get saved but they're like that was a really good start But we really like that was very nice But obviously if they're not getting saved Then it's just a very lovely song to them Because every different is just like I just got saved or if they're already saying they're like, you know what? I'm gonna start changing some things in my life and start coming to church getting serious about the things of God But it was just like that was very nice. I really like that for me, it's just like Because if it's not affecting you then you're not really approaching preaching in the proper way It's just like a really nice song to you You know someone who plays well someone who sings well why because preaching to a certain degree is you know entertaining But here's the thing we should not come to church expecting Entertainment come to church because you actually want to learn something from the Bible you actually want to change your life You want to make some decisions? Etc. Okay Do them don't just like the lovely song And here's the last thing so number one how to benefit from the preaching come to church expecting to learn relearn reinforce Internalize the truth teach someone else and do it Improve your biblical navigation skills. So you're participating you're interacting with the preaching Take it personal because it is about you Get locked in meaning discipline your focus Don't treat preaching as an exhibition. And then lastly here's a big part Receive it ask from the Lord If you really want to benefit from the preaching recognize that this is from God Go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 and we're done here 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 When I got saved and I started going to church I learned this early on That it really didn't matter who was behind the pulpit if they're preaching God's Word I took it as from the Lord not that the man was divine or supernatural But they were a conduit of what God wanted me to hear and learn at that moment I always took it as the leading of God's Word. Like I felt like the Lord led me through preaching I mean, obviously he led me through my own Bible reading to maybe like circumstances and situations But probably the greatest element to lead me in my Christian life was preaching I would hear a sermon be like wow that that applies to literally what I'm going through at this moment This is like for me and you know the preacher didn't know anything of my anything about my situation and how many would say you heard a sermon whether for me or from someone else and then you're just like I Feel how do they know about like I feel like it's just that was about me and It's not like you know and people sometimes people ask me like did they tell you did my wife tell you Did my husband tell you about that? I'm just like I don't know anything about anything. I'm just preaching, you know You know, you're the wives are not coming to me slipping me notes like talk about his sin about this This is what he did this week. Here's content for you. You know, here's some here's some stuff that you can work with or whatever I'm just preaching but you know what God through the Holy Spirit it and through the preaching is kind of bringing it to you and talking to you Okay, and so one of the best ways to benefit from God's preaching is you got to see it as it's coming from him This sermon is brought to you in part by God This sermon is brought to you in part by the Holy Spirit This sermon is brought to you in part by the Lord Jesus Christ He wants you to hear this sermon look at first Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 For this cause also. Thank we God without ceasing Because listen to this when you receive the Word of God, which he heard of us You received it not as the word of men But as it is in truth the word of God Which effectually worketh also in you that believe now that's a powerful statement He's saying there, you know when you heard this preaching from us you understood that it came from God and not necessarily man Didn't matter if it was Paul Peter Silas or Timothy they understood these are the instruments of God's Word But at the end of the day God is the one who's behind this God is the one who's leading me God is the one who wants me to hear the specific truth in my personal life. And this is what I need today You know what if you want to benefit from God's preaching apply these things receive it as from the Lord learn relearn reinforce Internalize the truth by teaching others and doing what the preaching says Improve your biblical navigation skills. And if you don't have a Bible come tell me I'll give you a Bible Take it personal apply it to yourself. Obviously there's times when it applies to someone else But even then you should still apply something to yourself Get locked in when you're here for this hour hour and a half or however long I preach Give that unto the Lord. So, you know at this moment, I want to be filled with the Spirit You know, and by the way when John comes up here or the song leaders, you know They're not just going through the motions when they pray this I believe they mean this with all sincerity of heart and if they don't they will from now on But you know John will often say give a spear filled ears Right You know what he means by that like help us to like approach the message what spear field is that we can receive What the message is for us today this morning tonight Because it's true. We need to take this Serious get locked in discipline your focus Treat don't treat the preaching as an exhibition and then lastly receive it as from the Lord if you apply those things You will benefit greatly From the preaching of God's Word whether for me mostly for me because you go to this church But just any sermon you hear you will benefit and succeed Greatly in your Christian life. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word And God, I'm thankful for preaching. I love preaching. I love Preaching that exhorts that reproves rebukes. I love correction Lord I love to learn something from the Word of God and I never want to be a Christian that Despises preaching the only preaching that I despise is false preaching weak preaching soft preaching that muddies up the truth Lord Lord I'm thankful for the men of God that you placed in my life over the years Lord that I've heard and have helped me Greatly help us as your people to recognize that this hour is divine When we open up the Word of God and listen to what you would have for us Help us to take it serious Lord and to benefit greatly from it. We love you. We thank you pray these things in Jesus name