(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You Good evening, everyone. Welcome to first works Baptist Church We're gonna get started with song number 411 hold the fort song number 411 and if you are able to let's all stand together for our first song song number 411 hold the fort seen on that first verse. Oh my comrades see the signal waving in the sky See it on that on that first. Oh my comrade see the signal waving in the sky I Reinforcements now appearing victory Hold the board for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will See The mighty post advancing Satan leading Mighty men around us falling courage almost gone Hold the board for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave The answer back to heaven by thy grace we will See the glorious banner waving hear the trumpet blow In our leaders name will try you over every Boat Hold the board for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will See it on that last Fierce and long the battle Rages, but our help is near Onward comes our great commander cheer my comrades cheer Hold the board for I am coming Jesus signal still Wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will I Am a wonderful scene. Let's start our service with a word of prayer Dear God Heavenly Father. We thank you so much Lord God for just allowing us to be here in your house this evening Oh God, we do pray that you please just bless every aspect of the service Please bless the singing unto you Lord your God and I pray that you please just be with our pastor guys He preaches your word I pray that you film with your Holy Spirit Oh God guide him through the scriptures of God bring to remembrance of the things that he has studied and also I do pray that You please just be with us in the congregation help us or God to just learn of your word and help us We've got to receive it in our hearts with God as well. I pray now these keys in Jesus name. Amen You may be seated if you Raise your hand if you didn't get a song sheet, we're gonna sing the wonder of it all Please keep your hands raised and one of the ushers will come by and give you one Keep your hands raised nice and high. We're singing the wonder of it all We've sung this song before but it's been a while. It's a really good song Keep your hands raised if you have not gotten one Okey-dokey, we're gonna sing it on that first. There's the wonder of sunset The Sunrise I see But the wonder of wonders that thrill my soul is a wonder that God loves me Oh the wonder of it all the Wonder of it all just to think that God The wonder of it all the Wonder of it all just a thing that God loves me There's a wonder of springtime and harvest The sky the stars the Sun The Wonder of wonders that thrills my soul is a wonder that's only begun Oh The wonder of it all the Wonder of it all Just a thing that God The Wonder of it all the Wonder of it all just a thing that God loves me There's a wonder of God's revelation The Word who dwelt among men But the wonder of Wonders that thrills my soul is that Jesus is coming Again Oh The wonder of it all just a thing that God The Wonder of it all the Wonder of it all just a thing that God Loves me All right great singing just a few announcements here before we sing our next song which will be song number 119 till the storm passes by song number 119 if you want to get that ready in your song books Of course, our services are as follows Sunday morning is at 1030 Sunday evening at 5 p.m And then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock You see the first works family nights summer schedule there We'll start next week with carnival nights and then that will be after the evening service We'll have food and games for the kids And so I want to encourage you to bring your families to spend some time After Sunday night church and just fellowship and then on the 16th is the ice cream social We have the men's preaching night and kids Olympics on the 30th and then we concluded with the church bonfire on Friday, August 4th We'll give you more details about the bonfire as we approach that date But this coming Tuesday is the 4th of July Church picnic and that'll be at Eucalyptus Park We'll meet there or we'll start around 1030. That's when they're gonna start grilling and so you can come at any time It's more of a casual type setting and so I want to encourage you to be there There'll be games and food and fellowship And so hope to see you on Tuesday and then men's prayer night is this coming Friday on July 7th 7 p.m. At the church building dinner will be provided for those who come and then as I mentioned the family nights begin on Sunday July 9th Samaria soul winning is on Monday, July 10th meet at the building at 1130 You can see brother Elise's for more details about that And then of course Congratulations, once again to the carries on the news that they're expecting continue to pray for them We'll make sure we'll get them on the bulletin here so we can keep them in prayer and then the maps for the 4th of July Picnic are available at the Usher station Obviously you can just type in where you can lift this park is that map is there to kind of help you avoid The parade okay, so that way you can get into the park and so you can get one at the Usher station And then there's also a sign-up sheet there as well If you're gonna be coming to the picnic just so we can get a headcount of everyone who's coming and then that is pretty much It make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service Let's take some soul-winning numbers from this past week salvation's from Monday to Thursday any salvation's from Monday to Thursday Six salvation's Friday and Saturday, how about Friday and Saturday two and then this afternoon salvation's for this afternoon two for brother hikes team One for brother Morris team one for brother Ulysses team one for the Marcus's team that I miss anybody else Okay, great. Keep up the great work. Let's go ahead and sing our next song 119 till the storm passes by Song number 119 till the storm passes by Song number 119 sing it on that first verse In the dark of the midnight Have I oft hit my face While the storm howls above me And there's no hiding place And there's no hiding place Mid the crash of the thunder Precious Lord hear my cry Keep me safe till the storm Passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast let me stand In the hollow of the hand Keep me safe till the storm Passes by Many times There is no Need to try For there's no end of sorrow There's no hope by and by But I know thou art with me And tomorrow I will rise Where the storms never dark In the skies Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast let me stand In the hollow of the hand Keep me safe till the storm Passes by When the long Night has ended And the storms come no more Let me stand in thy presence On that bright peaceful shore In that land where the tempest Never comes, Lord may I Dwell with thee when the storm Passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast let me stand In the hollow of the hand Keep me safe till the storm Passes by Amen, wonderful scene at this time our ushers will be receiving the offering And please turn your Bibles to Hosea chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good evening to now we're in Hosea chapter 1. Hosea chapter 1 in the Bible reads, in the word of the Lord that came unto Hosea the son of Birai in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel the beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea and the Lord said to Hosea go take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms for the land hath committed great whoredom departing from the Lord. So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblium which conceived and bare him a son and the Lord sent unto him call his name Jezreel for yet a little while and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu it will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of Israel and shall come to pass it that day that I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel and she conceived again and bare a daughter and God sent unto him call her name Lorahama for I will no longer have mercy upon the house of Israel but I will utterly take them away but I will have mercy upon the house of Judah and will save them by the Lord their God and will not save them by bow nor by sword nor by battle nor by horses nor by horsemen. Now when she had weaned Lorahama she conceived and bare a son then God said call his name Bloami for ye are not my people and I will not be your God yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people there shall be said unto them ye are the sons of the living God then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together and appoint themselves one head and they shall come up out of the land for great shall be the day of Jezreel. Let's pray dear Lord God thank you for this church you've given us Lord thank you for the King James Bible Lord and we just pray right now that you bless the preaching Lord fill pastor with the Holy Spirit Lord as he preaches your word and just bless this service and pray we have attentiveness while we listen to the preaching Lord and pray this all in Jesus name Amen. Amen okay we're in Hosea chapter number one this evening and the title of my sermon tonight is Hosea and the wife of Hordams Hosea and the wife of Hordams the book of Hosea is a great book and of course it's one of the minor prophets and it's a book that entails a prophet speaking of the judgment that's about to come upon Israel and Judah but mainly Israel because of their idolatry and this is post I guess you could say post judgment or I'm sorry pre-judgment before the judgment comes upon them God's going to use Assyria to come and destroy Israel which is the northern kingdom as well as Judah the southern kingdom but mainly destroy Israel which is the northern kingdom because they're the ones who are the most guilty of a lot of the wickedness and iniquity that's taken place in Israel and so Hosea sent to do this and this ministry for Hosea takes about approximately 50 60 some would even say 70 years or so so he's preaching to Israel trying to bring them unto repentance and the reason God uses them in such a great and unique way is how he uses them in a symbolic way to represent the relationship between God and the nation of Israel using Hosea picturing God the father and picturing Israel which is pictured by Hosea's wife Gomer who's a prostitute okay and so it's it's a it's pretty crazy actually if you think about it when you think about the fact that God is instructing Hosea to marry a wife of whoredoms in order to symbolically represent the relationship between God and the nation of Israel looking for number one it says the word of the Lord came unto Hosea the son of Birai and the sons of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah king of Judah kings of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel the beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea and the Lord said to Hosea go take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms for the land hath committed great whoredom departing from the Lord now the first thing I want to point out before I even get into the application of what we're going to look at tonight is the fact that when God tells Hosea go marry a prostitute this isn't necessarily an instruction to all believers today right it's just like hey you know God's okay with me marrying a prostitute he's okay he wants you know me to find me a whore or whatever and marry her and you know that I want to be like Hosea you know sometimes throughout the old testament you'll see God instructing certain prophets to you know go to certain extremes in order to represent a spiritual truth and of course we see that here with but we have another example with Isaiah right where I he instructs Isaiah to essentially remove the sackcloth from his loins and be barefoot essentially be naked to expose his nakedness and it was to picture the fact that the Assyrians were going to come and destroy Egypt and lead them away captive naked and barefoot and essentially expose their shame and so obviously we know nakedness is a sin in the bible but God isn't sinning by telling Isaiah to do so because he's using them to symbolically represent the sin of a nation and so these are essentially exceptions to the rule okay you have for example the fact that the bible tells us that it is a shame for a man to have long hair does not nature even teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him yet we see the Nazarite vow in Numbers chapter 6 where it's permitted for the Nazarite to grow his locks of hair until his vow is accomplished and of course then he would cut it but you say well are they sinning by allowing their hair to grow well I think we're asking the wrong question okay the right question would be why would God allow them to grow out their hair in such a way if it's considered a sin and that is because of the fact that if you were to see a Nazarite for example in those days with long locks of hair it would be a shame to that person you would look at the person and say oh this person has not yet performed their vow this person has not performed their vow or completed their vow and therefore it's a shame and it would be a humiliating type of a thing to undergo to allow your locks to grow because essentially telling the world I have not yet fulfilled my vow okay and so you'll see examples of this where throughout the bible where it seems to contradict the laws of God maybe they're committing a sin but that's not the case God is obviously using it to represent a particular biblical truth and we see that here with Hosea so don't take this as an excuse or as permission I don't know anybody who would but to say you know oh God's okay with me marrying prostitutes or a prostitute or whatever and this is the biblical model here that I'm going to follow for marriage okay obviously that's not what's being stated here but we also see that God's willing to go through some extreme lengths here to display some biblical truth I mean Hosea is obviously an obedient servant of the Lord because when God tells him go take your wife of whoredoms he didn't question it he didn't say whoa hold on a second you know I ain't about that life or you know this is not you know that's not what I had envisioned or whatever he just obeyed the Lord and it reminds me of for example Ezekiel where in the book of Ezekiel God told Ezekiel to do some pretty crazy stuff right you know eat cow's dung and of course he was a little resistant regarding that because he thought it was going to be human dung and then he'd say oh don't worry it's not gonna be human dung it's gonna be cow's dung and then he eats the cow's dung but then in other areas where he says I'm gonna take the desire from thine eyes referring to his wife and the Bible tells us that the desires of his eyes you know his wife dies he gets up in the morning and he preaches the word of God and he just keeps going forward and he's using Ezekiel to essentially display these biblical as an illustration to display these biblical truths and so a very extreme case here not necessarily a model of how to find a spouse okay and he says there take unto you go take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms so the first thing we're going to look at here is God commanding Hosea to marry a prostitute now why does he do that why is God telling him go marry a prostitute go get a whore as a wife why would he why would he have him do that well because of the fact that a whore is essentially someone who sleeps around with multiple lovers right and more specifically a prostitute is someone who gets paid to do so that is their form of employment so men pay a woman to sleep with them and they have all types of lovers they're adulterers and it's a wicked sin and what God is doing is he's comparing Gomer who's the prostitute to Israel because of the fact that Israel is supposed to be married unto one God the God of Israel yet Israel is committing whoredom spiritual whoredom by worshiping false gods by going after different nations to help them and to assist them and making alliances with heathens that God told them not to do those alliances with and so God sees that as whoredom he sees that as being a spiritual adulterer that's what he's saying there and he says in verse number three so he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblion which conceived and bear him a son now hold your place there and go to first Corinthians chapter number 10 first Corinthians chapter number 10 if you would and then we're going to go to the book of James but hold your place there in the book of Hosea and throughout the Bible we see Israel constantly constantly being a whore okay he's like constantly just getting involved in whoredom forsaking the God of the Bible and you know joining other nations you know reaching out to Egypt for help to the Assyrians for help using them as a strong arm to defend them against the enemies of Israel and then ultimately of course worshiping a bunch of false gods and God's constantly having to address this to Israel through the prophets that they're committing whoredom look what it says in verse number five of first Corinthians 10 this is not just when they were established as a nation even when they're going into the promised land you know leaving Egypt in the wilderness going into the promised land they're already being whores okay look what it says in first Corinthians 10 5 but with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness referring to the fact that God destroyed a lot of people in the wilderness right overthrown means he destroyed them killed them verse 6 says now these things were our examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted neither be idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink listen to this and rose up to play now what are they playing are they playing scrabble monopoly you know that little jewish game where you what's that called the dreidel you know what are they playing in the wilderness well this isn't referring to a game that they're playing okay when you look throughout like for example the book of ezekiel when God is reproving Israel for its idolatry he often will say that they played the harlot in other words they're acting like a whore they're acting like a harlot so it says here that the people sat down to eat and to drink referring to the fact that they're eating things sacrifice them to idols they're eating and drinking things sacrifice them to idols and then they're rising up to play the whore in other words they're committing idolatry is what they're doing which obviously can be seen by the statement in verse 7 neither neither be idolaters verse 8 says neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand go to james chapter four if you would james chapter number four and again this is something that happened even in the wilderness and of course they picked up a lot of those habits a lot of that that sinfulness and abominable acts from egypt and when when they left egypt when they were delivered from egypt it was a mixed multitude that came out right so it wasn't just israelites you had egyptians coming out and joining israel becoming jews however not all of them are believers they're not all saved so they're still pagan and hedonistic in their ways of thinking and so to a certain extent they infiltrated israel and this is why god had to give instructions of what to do when someone would say hey let us go and worship false gods okay another god and how they were to be put to death and so we see here that throughout the bible that god is constantly calling israel a whore and they're committing adultery spiritual adultery because they're going around with other gods and forsaking you know the husband of their youth which is the god of the bible now the way we would apply this today look what it says in verse number four is this ye adulterers and adulteresses knowing not that the friendship of the world is enmity with god whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of god so just as israel as a whole is often pictured as a wife unto the god of the bible one like man in the new testament local new testament churches essentially picture the bride of christ right and when the bride of christ begins to become worldly you have churches that become worldly they forsake doctrine they start doing things that are contrary to god's word god considers that adultery when they start bringing in teachings that are contrary to the bible of false salvation they begin to intermingle with the religions of this world and start teaching things that are contrary to the bible god says then you're not my friend you're my enemy okay you're not behaving like a chaste virgin you're acting like a whore that's why he says the adulterers and adulteresses and so we need to make sure you know the way we would apply this to us today it's important to keep a holy church the bible says without spot without blemish and to be a church that's that's essentially sanctified in the eyes of the lord by the cleansing and washing of the water of the word the word of god and not become this worldly church with the purple lights and the smoke machine and you know the smoke and mirrors and all these all these worldly things that come in and obviously those things aren't necessarily inherently bad but churches that have those things often have false doctrine behind the pulpit as well okay you know if you have a church that sings worldly music you're probably going to have a church that teaches a lot of false doctrine okay and so i'm not to say that people who have the right doctrine don't listen to bad music but let's just be honest a church that has bad music probably has a lot of false doctrine in regards to salvation in regards to the bible in regards to holiness they're probably turning the grace of god into lasciviousness in many different ways and so that's why it's important that a church maintains hard preaching biblical preaching that we constantly put forth what god expects of us as a church to be wholly acceptable unto god and so that's important go back to the book of jose if you would so he tells him you know marry a whore marry a prostitute because he's trying to symbolize the fact that israel is acting like a prostitute okay now here's the thing though okay because it's actually worse with israel than it is with an actual prostitute i'm gonna explain to you why because with the prostitute the way it works is that a person pays a prostitute for their services i mean that's how it works okay they pay a harlot for their services they perform the services and that's the job whereas israel is like paying the you know these nations and these false gods to be a harlot so it's not like they're it's not like israel is necessary getting paid it's like they're the ones paying to become that way now obviously we'll see later on that they were receiving things from these uh other nations things of that nature but other portions of scripture also tells us that they're like paying them in order to become a harlot so it's like you're worse than a harlot you're you're like paying them for the for you performing those services of being an idolater a spiritual adulterer it's pretty wicked he says in verse number three so he went and took gomer the daughter of dibliam which conceived and bear him a son and the lord said unto him call his name jesrael for yet a little while and i will avenge the blood of jesrael upon the house of jehu and will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of israel and it shall come to pass at that day i will break the bow of israel in the valley of jesrael so what is he referring to here well just as his wife represents a whore his offspring also represent judgment they'll represent the fact that you know god is going to judge israel and that he we'll see later on that he's going to choose a different generation a different nation to become his people and in particular here in jesrael what he's referring to is the fact that god doesn't forget the past okay because he's actually calling back to the days of jehu who's jehu the son of nimshi and jehu the son of nimshi was a great king if you guys remember uh in your bible reading jehu the son of nimshi he did a lot of great acts he's the one who you know he drives furiously he gathered all the prophets of bale into one temple and he's like you know ahab served bale much or served him little i shall serve him much and he deceived all these false prophets to go into the temple and then he just killed them all right there you know he just put like a rat trap for the false prophets and then he slew them all and then of course he slays jezabel as well and he's just like an awesome king great story someone who's anointed by elijah the prophet and does their great exploits however there are certain sins that existed in israel and that persisted throughout the reign of jehu that he never took care of and these were idolatrous sins that existed even when the nation had split from 10 kingdoms to the north and the two kingdoms to the to the south when that happened there's certain sins that just persisted in the land and he never took care of them and so it even says towards the end of jehu's ministry his kingship it says that israel was cut short in those days because of jehu okay and the lesson that we can learn for the fact that he's telling hosea hey your son shall be named jezreel it's because he's basically saying like i haven't forgotten about the abominations of the generations prior to you now what does that tell us it tells us that god keeps good records regarding the abominations of the nations and even though we our generation isn't necessarily responsible for the abominations that are done today he still holds our nation responsible for the abominations of times past and unfortunately we also suffer the consequences because of that okay so he's keeping good records and he's going to continue to judge israel for the abominations that were done the sins the iniquities that were that were accomplished in times past even during the days of jehu even though he was a great guy god did not forget those specific sins that they committed during that time look at verse number six and she conceived again and bare daughter and god said unto him call her name loruhamah for i will no more have mercy upon the house of israel but i will utterly take them away let me ask you something what does utterly mean it's completely right it means like they're done for okay utterly means completely you know there's there's not there's not necessarily anything going to be left behind okay he says in verse seven but i will have mercy upon the house of judah and i will save them by the lord by the lord their god and will not save them by bow nor by sword nor by battles by horses nor by horsemen now the illiterate the literal interpretation here that he's actually referring to is the fact that when the asyrians came to destroy israel and judah he destroyed israel just completely just completely wiped them out and although the asyrians attacked judah they weren't necessarily as successful with that as they were with israel and if you remember back in second kings that's when the the angel comes and wipes out like 180 000 men in one night okay which is why he says that he's not going to save them by bow nor by sword nor by battle or by horses or horsemen it was just a miraculous supernatural deliverance where the angel comes and just wipes them all out okay now the spiritual interpretation of this application should i say is the fact that israel's reprobate as a nation whereas judah because jesus christ will come from judah you know even though he destroyed it a little bit a remnant was left and this is that spiritual generation that will carry on throughout the generations and it's supposed to kind of help us to recognize the fact that you know even though each generation of israel there are certain people that were just completely cut off and wiped out there was always a remnant left right and by remnant we mean a group of people who were actually believers believe it or not there were saved jews and israelites in those days okay seven thousand prophets who would not bow their knee to Baal and he always left a remnant lest they would have been like sodom and like into gomorrah the bible says and so lorohama pictures the fact that he's not going to have mercy upon the house of israel he's like i'm going to wipe them all out they're done for and i'm just going to utterly take them away but he is but he did deliver judah the southern kingdom he obviously had affection towards judah which is where jesus christ would ultimately come from look at verse eight now when she had weaned lorohama she conceived embarrassed son then said god call his name lo ami for you're not my people and i will not be your god so if someone can show this verse to the old ifb and help them to see that even in the old testament there were instances where god says you're not my people he said well they have a covenant but they broke the covenant even in the old testament and we have evidence here to clearly show conclusively that he said you're not my people i'm not your god now why is that because they're not worshiping the god of the bible they're not following the god of the bible they're following babylonian gods they're following pagans and pagan deities and they're going the way of the heathen he says in verse 10 yet the number of the children of israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people there it shall be said unto them ye are the sons of the living god now what's with verse number 10 because if he's saying look you're not my people and i'm not your god and then he goes back and says but the number of the children of israel shall be as the sand of the sea well we're missing a part here and the part that we're missing is the fact that he's obviously including the gentiles in this particular promise here because if he's wiping out israel utterly he's not going to have mercy on them but then he later states oh but you know later on you guys are going to be as the sand of the sea well they're not going to accomplish that with one nation one physical nation should i say that promise is accomplished by a spiritual nation made up of gentiles who are believers who have believed on jesus christ and he says there that ye are the sons of the living god now here's the thing this is very important to note here and that is you know when you talk to these people who believe that the jews are god's chosen people you know they can't get away from some of these verses here that obviously say that you know believers christian believers of the new testament are the sons of god and we lump up the people of god what the sons of god is being the same because that's exactly what they are but they'll say well there's a difference between the people of god and the sons of god you know people of god are the physical jews with the with the jerry curl siberns the tassel and all that the people in israel and then the sons of god are believers in christ there's a distinction between the two but according to verses nine and ten they're the exact same thing because he says you are not my people i will not be your god and then later on he says you're not my people there it shall be said unto them ye are the sons of the living god essentially saying that they're one in the same okay now go to romans chapter number nine hold your place there in hosea romans chapter number nine so understand that the new testament isn't where god is just like you know what i'm gonna create a new plan we're gonna you know i'm gonna start paying more attention to the gentiles i'm gonna make them my people that's been foretold since the old testament that's an old testament concept because he's always wanted to be wanted to be the god of all the earth he wanted all people to believe on him and to get saved through of course israel you know that's where salvation would stem from they were supposed to be a light unto the world unto them were committed to the oracles of god they had the word of god to go and proclaim it and of course they failed in that area look at romans chapter 9 verse number 6 it says not as though the word of god has taken none effect for they are not all israel which are of israel neither because they are the seed of abraham are they all children but in isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of god but the children of the promise are counted for the seed for this is the word of promise at this time will i come and sarah shall have a son and not only this but when rebecca also had conceived by one even by our father isaac we see here in romans chapter 9 that even within the nation of israel not everyone who claims to be an israelite is an israelite in the eyes of god which is why galatians chapter 6 says he addresses the israel of god he doesn't just call him israel he says the israel of god referring to saved israelites go to romans chapter 11 romans chapter 11 if you would now when it comes to the subject of replacement theology god's chosen people zionism romans 11 is my favorite chapter to go to believe it or not and it's actually the favorite chapter for the zionists to go to as well or let me rephrase that it's the favorite verse for them to go to they don't like the entire chapter you know because like romans 11 one is to the zionist what matthew 7 1 is to those who don't want you to judge right because they only stick with one verse and just ignore the entire chapter and in like manner romans 11 they just stick to that one verse and just ignore the entire chapter he says here in verse number one of romans 11 i say then hath god cast away his people god forbid and it's just like there you go the jews are still god's chosen people because god forbid that he should cast them away okay and anytime someone brings that up to me and they say hey god forbid had god cast away his people and i literally just take them to verse number 14 or verse 15 to answer them for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead so let me ask you something god is reconciling the world through jesus christ that's why we have gentile believers so if if the world has been become or if that process of reconciling the gentiles back into god has already begun that means that israel has been cast away which is why he says for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world so yes they were cast away let's read on here in verse number one god forbid for i am also an israelite of the seed of abraham of the tribe of benjamin god hath not cast away his people which he foreknew which by the way according to roman's age is referring to believers why ye not what the scripture saith of elias how he maketh intercessions to god against israel now what nation is elijah from israel right but yet we see here that he's making intercessions to god against israel so there's clearly a distinction between the israel that elijah is a part of and the israel that he's praying against kind of like what romans 9 says they are not all of israel which are of israel saying verse number three lord they have killed thy prophets who the israelites and dig down thine altars and i am left alone and they seek my life but what saith the answer of god unto him i have reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of bail so according to the bible everyone outside of the scope of those seven thousand prophets are not worshiping the god of the bible they're worshiping bail and if you're worshiping bail you're not saved if you're worshiping bail you have essentially breached that covenant which is that you're only supposed to worship the god of the bible therefore you have essentially relinquished your privilege of being god's chosen people which is why he doesn't consider them in hosea as being his people he says in verse five even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace so what he's saying here of course is the apostle paul speaking thousands of years later he's saying just like it was in elijah's day when there's only seven thousand people who are actually worshiping the god of the bible and there is this false israel who he's making intercessions against he says in like manner it's the same thing today there is a saved remnant of israel and there's also a remnant of israel should we say in israel that's not saved okay and he says that it's according to the election of grace so the remnant is based upon what for by grace are you saved through faith in that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works that any man should boast and of course we have verse number six and if by grace and there's no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of work then there's no more of grace otherwise work is no more work great verse to use out sony verse number seven says what then israel now here's another verse i like to use when talking to people who are his highness he says what then israel has not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election has obtained it and the worst were blinded now isn't that interesting because those who believe that the jews are god's chosen people will often call israel the elect but how can they be the elect if he says the israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the elect hath obtained it that would mean they're two distinct there's two separated groups there one being that's saved and the other that's not yeah but you know they're just but they're still god's chosen people not according to the stipulations placed on the bible stipulations according to the bible the qualifications to be god's chosen people is that they have to be saved in the new testament and he says that the rest were blinded now look at verse 14 he says in verse 14 if by any means i may provoke to emulation then which are my flesh i might save some of them for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead now people like to bring up all israel shall be saved and they you know that's their doctrine where they believe like in the end times when jesus christ comes from in revelation chapter 19 but somehow viewing jesus christ coming on a white horse is going to convince them and then they're going to believe on jesus christ based upon that supernatural event however he came riding on a a coal full of an ass and the bible says that they still didn't believe him he came lowly as a king without a kingdom per se a physical kingdom they didn't believe in him so what makes us think that just because they view him on a white horse coming from heaven they're going to believe in him it's not going to happen okay then what does verse 15 mean then because he says therefore if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead so the implication here is that they will be received in the end times now how is that how is it that israel will be received by god in the end times well it says life from the dead and what that's referring to is the resurrection okay that they will receive that we received in other words the only people that are going to be in the millennial reign are saved israelites unsaved israelites don't get a free pass it's not like well you know you're half saved you know or you know just say you're saved you know just you're in israel you're a jew so you get a free pass or something no it has to come by faith in jesus christ god is no respecter of people go back to jose if you would jose go to chapter two so he addresses this here and he's basically telling them that you know he he tells jose marry a woman of whoredoms these are the children you're going to have and this is what they represent the fact that he's not going to have mercy upon them uh and that this the third child he has is going to represent the fact that he's going to reach all the gentiles with the gospel and they're going to be god's chosen people look at verse number one of chapter two says say ye into your brethren am i and to your sisters ruhamim plead with your mother plead for she is not my wife neither am i her husband let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight and her adulteries from between her breasts now what does that phrase mean her adulteries from between her breasts what is that referring to exactly well again israel's being idolatrous and there's a verse in proper chapter five when dealing with marriage for example let me read it to you it's talking to a husband and the instructions of how he should appreciate the wife of his youth and it says in verse 19 let her be as the loving hind and pleasant robe let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love and we could use this verse to interpret what hosea chapter 2 verse number 1 is talking about because of the fact that in proper chapter 5 when he says let her breast satisfy thee at all times he's referring to embracing his wife at all times because you know when when i hug my wife her breasts are against my my chest and i'm embracing her and therefore i i'm allowing her embracement to satisfy me right satisfy the desire for a physical relationship the the closeness that i have with my spouse i hug only my wife with the exception of my mother and of course uh made me like a my sister if i ever see her you know every once in a while you know some old lady or something like that will come to me and give me a hug or something just like they catch me off guard okay all right you know just pat him real quick no i'm just kidding you know there's nothing wrong with necessarily a hug folks okay i'm just saying what the bible is saying here is that god is instructing a husband to be satisfied and be satiated physically with just embracing his spouse in other words don't embrace don't embrace the bosom of another stranger you know it's like you shouldn't be going around hugging other women that's what he's saying you know hug your wife you don't need to be hugging some other man's wife or you say well that's weird people do that there's people that do that well they think it's like it's appropriate to just go around and hug each other's spouse or something like that and embrace us no stay away from my wife don't touch my wife her breasts are to satisfy me at all times i'm the one who's supposed to be satiated and i have rights to her body to hug her and keep her as my spouse and and and that's what the bible is teaching there and so what proverbs 5 is saying here is that you should embrace your spouse and not embrace a stranger right so when we take that interpretation to hosea chapter 2 and he says let her therefore put away her hoardings from out of her sight and her adulteries from between her breasts it's referring to the fact that gomer which represents israel is embracing false gods he's taking the breast of false gods and embrace she's taking the breast of false gods and embracing them she's embracing the assyrians she's embracing the egyptians she's embracing false doctrine and false gods he's like tell her to put away her adulteries from between her breasts stop embracing strangers that's what it's saying okay and look that's a that's a good practical lesson too you know don't go around embracing strangers or kissing strangers you know i remember i went to guatemala and it was like a thing in guatemala to like give each other a kiss on the cheek they just kind of like see each other how many know what i'm talking about does anybody have a culture like that and it's just like it's like no that's weird don't don't kiss my wife or my wife's never been there but it's like i wouldn't be cool with that you know and so here he's instructing that he's saying you know she needs to to put away her her adulteries which is her idolatry verse number three says lest i strip her naked and set her as in the day that she was born and make her as a wilderness and set her like a dry land and slay her with thirst he's like i'm gonna just uh shame you before the entire population by just burying you naked before everyone of course he's referring to israel he says i will not have mercy upon her children for they be the children of whoredoms now what's one of the reasons why israel's be behaving in an unfaithful way look at verse number five he says for their mother has played the harlot she that conceived them has done shamefully for she said i will go after my lovers that give me my bread and my water my wool and my flax my oil and my drink so she's under this impression that if she goes after these lovers they're going to provide something for her that she needs and they're not but the reality is this they're not going to be she's not going to be fulfilled with that and most of the time they're not even going to give her that now what's the application here the application here for us as christians is this you know sin is very deceitful my friends and sin will often propose and promote an outcome that is not legitimate oh you're gonna get bread water wool flax oil drink fame fortune comfort if you commit these sins you get involved in this you get out of church you do all these things it always proposes something that it's not going to be able to come through on it's not going to fulfill it that's always how it works my friends sin is very deceitful the bible says that the pleasures of sin are only for a season and yet you may have a little bit of bread and wine and oil for a temporary time but you know what that stuff runs out eventually and so don't become deceived by sin into thinking well if i get out of church or i get involved in this relationship or if i do x y and z somehow that's going to fulfill me with all these luxuries and delicacies and i'm going to be happy wrong judgment awaits you okay go to hosea chapter 7 hold your place from chapter 2 you know israel is like well i'm going to go after the egyptian i'm going to go after the asyrians for their oil and their wine their wool and their flax but at the end of the day she is treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath because god is not just going to stand by on the sidelines and watch her commit abominable things he's going to judge her for it that's always how it works so don't be this type of christian where it's just like well i'm going to continue in sin and nothing's going to happen to me the lord does not see what you know what you're doing the lord can't see he doesn't see he's not judging me folks if you're involved in sin and you have not been judged for that sin just know this it's god's mercy on your life he's being gracious to you he's giving you space to repent but there comes a time where god's mercy kind of runs out and he's got to do what he has to do he's going to chastise you to get you back on track which is exactly what he did to israel multiple times destroyed them just completely wiped them out humbled them in sackcloth and ashes because that's the only thing that can get their attention i don't buy you but i don't want god to go to great lengths to get my attention a sermon will do a verse in the bible when i read it will do you know guilt will do it's good to have guilt my friends it's good that when you do bad you feel bad about it and not become desensitized to your actions and to your sin that it actually bothers you when you commit sin when you do that which is wrong because you don't want to go beyond those boundaries where then you hear a sermon you ignore the sermon you hear another sermon ignore that sermon and you just keep going deeper and deeper and then finally god says okay well then i know what to do to get your attention and it's not going to be pleasant it's an unsavory judgment upon someone's life and the truth is is that god will do whatever it need what needs to be done in order to make that happen now look at hosea chapter seven he said well how did gomer become that way like how you just become like a whore overnight well she didn't become a whore overnight it like with anything else it's just little by little look at it says in verse eight ephraim he has mixed himself among the people ephraim is a cake not turned so number one he started intermingling with people who are influencing him to become the way he is or she is the way it would describe israel as a whole here as being gomer and so you don't you know what often takes a christian off course it's not necessarily a what it's a who who have to be which do you should not obey the truth it's often a person influencing you or people influencing you to do wrong and what is what happens when that takes place well you become like a cake not turned in other words you're cooked on one side because you're in church but then you're all flabby and nasty and uncooked on the other side because you have one foot in the world and one foot of the church so you're like a cake unturned come to church and get cooked let him cook you sing the songs you do all these things and it's just like oh your cake on one side is nice and crispy but then you're all runny on the other side because you have one foot in the world like a cake not turned verse number nine strangers have devoured his strength and this is the scary part and he knoweth it not what does that mean it means that the people who are you are allowing to influence your life will eat you up little by little and you don't even see it he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion a fool shall be destroyed here's the kicker it's just little by little and why is it little by little well because that way you don't notice it you know a little sin a little folding of the hands the sleeve a little slumber you don't really notice it a little sin here a little sin there you don't really notice how much you can actually you know stray from the lord if you do it incrementally it's like the illustration where they say you know if a plane when a plane takes off if that plane changes trajectory just a couple inches no biggie but after a couple hundred miles oh it's going to end up somewhere else that's how it is with the christian life you change incrementally you know you look 12 months down the road you look two years down the road you're going to be in a completely different area than you were in when you initially started your flight he says strangers have devoured his strength and he knoweth it not oh listen to this yay we all all of us know about this to a certain extent right gray hairs are here and there upon him yet he knoweth not the bible says now as far as i know i don't have gray hairs on my head even though y'all stress me out a lot i'm just kidding but i do have them on my beard oh okay you free them i'm just kidding i'm just kidding yeah you know i have them on my beard i have and in fact i remember i don't know if it was like a year ago maybe two years ago i can grow a pretty long beard but i i chopped it because i don't want people to mistake me for for an imam or something like that as people typically used to and you know i keep it short but i remember you know when i would like just trim it or whatever i would see my beard did i have like red hair oh yeah that's kind of cool you know i got i'm like a ginger in my beard you know and and i had no white hairs and and you know and by the way i don't care if i have gray hairs or not i couldn't care less adam but i could care less though you say why because i'm already married so you know my wife's stuck you know what i mean she's got to get your hair no but she likes it but here's the thing is that last year i had no gray hairs on my beard then all of a sudden sometime this year i'm just like oh man there's one and then all of a sudden like i feel like i woke up one morning it's just like a patch here and a patch there and i just but it's not like they just showed up overnight right it's like they came here and there upon me and i knew it not i'm like whoa and you know what it's gonna happen to the top of my head too and i'm not gonna cheat either and dye my hair okay like some of you out here yeah just accept your gray hairs okay um i'm not doing it you know there's there's people out there there's like pastors out there and it's like if i were to dye my hair let me just say this if i were to dye my hair you know i would do it like gradually so they're like one sunday you see me it's gray and then the next time they come and it's just jet black and he had the eyebrows are are i've seen that before we're like i remember one guy who was just like he this guy was gray at back of my old church and then he came one sunday he's just like everything was just jet black including his eyebrows and i'm like come on anyways the point that i'm trying to make here is god obviously sees that gray hairs come upon us here and there sometimes we don't notice it well you know what the gray hairs of death spiritually come upon a person here and there and you know it not that's what sin does you know you commit a little bit of sin here a little bit of sin there and then the gray hairs of death the gray hairs start popping up here and there and you just don't know it it's just something that happens gradually incrementally verse 10 says in the pride of israel testify to his face and they do not return to the lord their god nor seek him for all of this ephraim also is like a silly dove without heart they call to egypt they go to asyria what is a silly dove it's a stupid bird that's what he means it's like ephraim is acting like a stupid bird with no heart now why is he saying that because like this should bother you israel this should bother you ephraim this should bother you judah that you guys are committing these abominable acts before the lord you're a nation who adheres to the god of the bible and the laws of god's word you should be ashamed of yourself but it's like you have no heart now it's possible for christians to go down this path as well you know why because it's possible for a christian to become hardened and desensitized to sin and to the things of this world if they're not careful can happen to me can happen to you this is it's a common thing and the way people go down this road is when they commit sin they don't confess it right away don't get right right away they allow too much time to pass between point a and point b point a of committing the sin and point b of repenting and so therefore they become hardened and then they have me preaching the word of god trying to bring you to repentance and you're just like in your heart you're like man i don't agree with you no i don't think that's true okay you're just hardening your heart you silly dove he says they call to egypt they go to they go to iseria i mean they're acting they're acting dumb okay go back to hosea chapter two look at verse number six it says therefore behold i will hedge up thy way with thorns and make a wall that she shall not find her paths so there comes a point with israel where god gives them space to repent and he's trying to like call them back to repentance he's trying to help them to get get it right but then they're just not listening so you know what god does instead he begins to place thorns upon that road to sin he makes a wall and they can't really see their way everything becomes kind of convoluted they can't really see what's ahead of them what is he doing he's making the path hard for them and you know the bible says that the way of the transgressor is hard and sometimes when a christian remains unrepentant of a particular sin god will place thorns upon that person's life so that when you're walking that path you're scraping yourself it's uncomfortable it's hard and the bible even says that he puts up a wall what does that mean it means he doesn't allow you to succeed he puts a wall so that you can't go over the wall it's like man i keep hitting hitting these walls in my life i can't seem to succeed in these areas yeah he's trying to get your attention the bible says that's what it's teaching can't find her past they they feel lost incapable of finding their way verse seven and she shall follow after her lovers but she shall not overtake them and she shall seek them but shall not find them then shall she say i will go and return to my first husband for then was it better with me than now what does this mean you know israel is just being stubborn they're like well i'm still going to try to go after the asyrians i'm still trying to get help from the egyptians i still want to get help you know from these false gods but she never reaches her destination like it never comes to pass and one thing christians will realize when they're backslidden they're going to keep wanting to go deeper deeper into sin but they'll never be fulfilled with that particular sin it will never fulfill them oh just one more blunt just one more bottle of alcohol just one more of this just one more that but it just never fulfills because those whose hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled the world and sin never satiate the soul the hungry soul my friends it's like cotton candy it's sweet in the beginning but it's just it's not going to fill you up and in fact you have enough of it's going to make you sick you have enough of it your teeth are going to hurt you have another enough of it is just it's just you know it's fun for a season carnival night is good for one night but we can't have carnival night every single sunday night you know what i mean and he says there eventually because they come to the realization that this isn't working out that's supposed to turn them back to god because he says there i will go and return to my first husband and i love this phrase here for then was it better with me than now and i've met a lot of christians who come to that realization where they realize you know what i had it better in church i had it better when i was like soul winning and when i was just living right reading the bible doing that which is right in the side of the lord it was better with me then than it is with me now you may think to yourself well i know someone like that and it seems as though it's going better for them now than it was then but hold on a second you're not god and you don't know that because you don't know the mental anguish that people suffer when they're away from god they could put up a front they can drown themselves in alcohol and drugs and worldliness and try to portray this happy life that they're happy outside of the will of god folks you have no idea what they're thinking when they go to sleep when they're alone with the inner recesses of their mind and what they think when they're at home you have no idea the anguish that god places upon a heart the delusions he gives them the chastisement that they feel the guilt that's constantly plaguing them every single day so when you talk to someone it's just oh it's great it's just like yeah right you liar you know your life sucks because any life outside of god's will sucks always will we may have a bad day here and there but for the most part in general we live a good life we got it made in the shade my friends and anybody outside of god's will who tries to portray as though they're happy living in sin just going out on friday nights and drinking going to the bars and sleeping around and just fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind they want to tell you that they're having a good time and they're having no problems at all well number one either they're just not saved and yes i said they're not saved because you know a christian who's that far and is not getting chastised you know then they're bastards and no sons according to the bible or they're just lying about it which i think they're probably just lying about it because it's better here it's better in the bible it's better to be in church yes it's better to be in church sunday morning and sunday night being in church sunday night is better than being at the beach on sunday night there i said it being in church sitting there while i yell at you and spit all over the place and talk about my gray hairs and all this stuff and the ac kicks on it's too cold and all you know all the whatever complaints you got going on for you this is still better than whatever you would have been doing if you weren't in church out there and if you don't believe me take a break from christianity you'll see that it's true don't take a break but i'm just saying verse eight says for she did not know that i gave her corn and wine and oil and multiplied her silver and gold which they prepared for bail so the things that people look for in the world are things that god has already provided for you in god's will with the clear conscience the pleasures that you're seeking out in the world are pleasures that god can give you within the will of god the goals and the accomplishment and the achievements that you want the areas you want to succeed in the world you can have those here in god's will go to hosea chapter 8 hosea chapter 8 so how does god chastise us placing thorns placing walls creating an emptiness within your soul they recognize you can't be fulfilled with these things look at hosea 8 verse 7 it's powerful here it says for they have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind it hath no stock the bud shall yield no meal if so be yield the stranger shall swallow it up israel swallowed up now shall they be among the gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure what is he saying you're not going to succeed out there since it has no stock the bud shall yield no meal and he says and if it does yield something strangers are just going to take it from you verse 9 says for they are gone up to syria a wild ass alone by himself ephraim hath hired lovers yea though they have hired among the nations now will i gather them and they shall sorrow a little for the burden of the king of princes because ephraim hath made many altars to sin altars shall be unto him to sin now what does that mean you know people can get to a point when their backs linen they're just sick and tired of their sin it's just disgusting you know oh man it might be fun going out on saturday nights they'll go have a drink but go ahead and multiply that times 365 days or whatever or how many ever weeks or months after a while not only does it get boring it becomes depressing there's no pleasure in that so what's what is the the lesson that he's trying to get across here what he's trying to get across is that he's trying to keep israel from going further than what they've already gone he's trying to warn them like you're going after silver and gold oil and flax and all these um all of these luxuries when seeking first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and these things shall be added unto you you're seeking after these relationships but you know you can have a fulfilled relationship within the will of god a righteous relationship within the will of god okay and of course he um you don't have to turn to hosea 14 verse 4 says i will heal their backsliding i will love them freely for mine anger is turned away from him now um let me skip some things here because i'm already out of time go to chapter three and here's the main reason why god tells hosea go marry a woman of hordups this is the main reason why aside from the fact that he's picturing israel as being a whore with other false gods and nations he's going to tell go he's going to tell hosea hey buy your wife back he's saying that look at verse number one then say the lord unto me go ye love a woman beloved of her friend yet an adulteress according to the love of the lord toward the children of israel who look to other gods and love flagons of wine so i bought her to me for 15 pieces of silver and for an homer of barley and half a homer of barley and i said unto her thou shall abide with me many days thou shall not play the harlot and thou shall not be for another man so will i also be for thee so what a what a humbling thing for hosea to go to the slavery market or whatever where prostitutes are being sold and this is his wife standing there selling herself and he's like i'll purchase her to the highest the highest number i'll give all this for i'll purchase her back to me i mean that's a that's a very humbling an incredible situation there to have to do that and that's a love that passeth knowledge is it not that he loves her so much even though she's been with multiple men and and by the way you know god bless hosea because we're looking at all the symbology and stuff but this like literally happened to him though like she's actually doing all this stuff okay like his wife is actually sleeping around she's being a prostitute she's being a whore and it's just like and he actually does buy her back so this is hosea is is a great picture of jesus christ right because of the fact that he shed his blood to purchase us right to pay our wage of sin that we deserve to pay to go to hell he paid for that for us on the cross but if you think about it you know i want to make an application here that hosea had already made a covenant before god for gomer so like she was already his right but she's out there playing the harlot she's defiling herself and then ultimately he went and he purchased her entire body completely towards the end in chapter three that's a great picture of salvation is it not because when we believe on jesus christ we're part of that new covenant that better covenant and our soul has been purchased by the blood of jesus christ but the bible also says that the holy spirit is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory so even though we are his our soul belongs to him at the end of the day you know we're going to be purchased completely as hosea purchased gomer her body in like manner one day this entire body will be redeemed by god at the resurrection and if we're to speak in generalities you know we as christians are kind of like gomer because we still have that sinful flesh that displeases the lord that sins for in me that is in my flesh dwells no good thing and we live day to day sometimes offending the lord by our actions by the sinfulness and our members and to a certain extent it's like our members are committing whoredom with the things of this world right we do things that displease the lord we're we grieve him sometimes we grieve the holy spirit because we're not completely redeemed but there will come a day when you know at the resurrection where this entire body will be purchased and now we'll just belong to hosea from here on out right we'll belong to jesus christ so shall we ever be with the lord because he says there uh in verse number three thou shall not play the harlot and thou shall not be for another man so will i also be for these like we're we're going to be inseparable at that time what a beautiful picture of salvation right purchasing gomer purchasing her body is a great picture of salvation and so i'm going to stop right there and what a great lesson to learn from hosea and his wife there that you know we as god's people it's like jesus christ hosea is in this constant pursuit of his wife to try to win her back and he's willing to pay the price to do so he's willing to pay the price whatever price is there whatever amount of money is there he's willing to do whatever it takes to to to to to purchase his wife and in like manners like our life is that it's jesus christ constantly sanctifying us so we can be made into the image of christ and here's the thing it's like a lifelong process sanctification is a lifelong process for a church it's a lifelong process until that day that he purchases completely at the resurrection and the rapture great pictures there and that's pretty much it let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for hosea's example lord help us as your people to avoid the traps that gomer fell into the the luxuries of this world the luster of this world that uh seeks to tempt us as your people to seek after the flagons of wine the oil the flax the bread and water that the world seems to promise lord but we are not to love the world neither the things that are in the world i pray that you'd help us lord as your people to be reminded of this truth as we go out about our week lord that we're supposed to be a sanctified people consecrated unto you that we're to sanctify the lord god in our hearts and stay faithful to you no matter what and i pray that you'd help us to do so love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen song number 19 there is a fountain that's our last song song number 19 song number 19 there is a fountain seen on that first verse there is a fountain filled with blood run from emmanuel's veins and sinners beneath that but lose all their guilty stains lose all their guilty stains lose all their guilty stains and sinners punch beneath that but lose all their guilty stains the dying thief rejoice to see that fountain in his day and there may i though vial as he wash all my sins away wash all my sins away wash all my sins away and there may i though vial as he wash all my sins away dear dying lamb thy precious blood shall never lose its power till all the ransomed church of god be saved to sin no more be saved to sin no more be saved to sin no more till all the ransomed church of god be saved to sin no more ever since by faith i saw the stream thy flowing wounds redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till i die and shall be till i die and shall be till i die deeming love has been my theme and shall be till i die then in an older sweeter song i'll see thy power to save when this poor little spring-stem ring tongue lie silent in the grave lie silent in the grave lie silent in the grave when this poor little spring-stem ring tongue lie silent in the grave amen wonderful scene you are dismissed