(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and the Bible reads and Hannah prayed and said my heart rejoiceth in the Lord mine horn is exalted in the Lord my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies because I rejoice in thy salvation there is none holy as the Lord for there's none beside thee neither is there any rock like our God talk no more so exceedingly proudly let not arrogance e come out of your mouth the Lord is a god of know of knowledge and by him actions are weighed the bows of the mighty men are broken and they that stumbled are girded with strength they that were full have hired out themselves for bread and they that were hungry ceased so that the Baron hath born seven and she that hath many children is wax feeble the Lord killeth and maketh alive he bringeth down to the grave and bringeth up the Lord maketh poor and maketh rich he bringeth low and lifteth up he raised up raised up the poor out of the dust and lifted up the beggar from the dung hill to set them among princes and to make them inherit the throne of glory for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and he that set hath set the world upon them he will keep the feet of his Saints and the wicked shall be silent in darkness for by strength shall no man prevail the adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces out of heaven shall be Thunder upon them the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth and he shall give strength unto his king and exalt the horn of his anointed and I'll Kana went to Rama to his house and the child did minister unto the Lord before Eli the priest now the sons of Eli for the sons of Belial they knew not the Lord and the priest custom with the people was that with many man offered sacrifice the priest servants came while the flesh was in seething a flesh with a flesh hook of three teeth in his hand and he struck it into the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot all that the flesh hook brought up the priest took for himself so they did in Shiloh unto all the Israelites that came thither also before they burnt the fat the priest servants came and said to the man that sacrificed give flesh to roast for the priest so he will not have sought in flesh for thee of thee but raw and if any man said unto him let him not fail to burn the fat presently and then take as much as thy soul desireth then he would answer him nay but thou shalt give it me now and if not I will take it by force wherefore the sin of the young man was very great before the Lord for men abhorred the offering of the Lord but Samuel ministered before the Lord being a child girded with a linen ephod moreover his mother made him a little coat and brought it to him from year to year when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice and Eli blessed Elkhana and his wife and said the Lord give the seed of this woman for the loan which is lent to the Lord and they went unto their own home the Lord visited Hannah so that she conceived and bare three sons and two daughters and the child Samuel grew before the Lord now Eli was very old and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and he said unto them why do you such things for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people nay my sons for it is no good report that I hear you make the Lord's people to transgress if one man sin against another the judge shall judge him but if any man sin against the Lord who shall entreat for him not withstanding they hearken not unto the voice of their father because the Lord would slay them and the child Samuel grew on and was in favor both with the Lord and also with men and there came a man of God unto Eli and sent unto him thus saith the Lord did I plainly appear unto the house of thy father when they were in Egypt and Pharaoh's house and did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest to offer mine altar to burn incense to wear an ephod before me and did I give unto the house of thy father all the offerings made by fire with the children of Israel where for kick ye at my sacrifice and at my offering which I have commanded in my habitation and honors thy sons above me to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the offerings of Israel my people wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith I said indeed that thy house and the house of thy father should walk before me forever but now the Lord saith be it far from me for them that honor me will I honor and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed behold the days come that I will cut off thine arm and the arm of thy father's house that shall not be an old man in thine house and thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation and all the wealth which God shall give Israel and there shall not be an old man in thine house forever and the man of thine whom I shall cut not cut off from mine altar shall be to consume thine eyes and to grieve thine heart and all the increase of thine house shall die in the flower of their age and this shall be a sign unto thee that shall come upon thy two sons on Hophni and Phinehas and one day they shall both they shall die both of them and I'll raise me up a faithful priest that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in mine mind and I will build him a sure house and he shall walk before mine anointed forever and it shall come to pass that everyone that is left in thine house shall come and crouch to him for a piece of silver and a morsel of bread and shall say put me I pray thee into one of thy priests office that I may eat a piece of bread let's pray to Lord God thank you for this wonderful church you've given us Lord and just every individual here Lord we pray that you bless pastor right now fill him with your Holy Spirit as he preaches unto us your word and that us in the congregation can be edified by the preaching Lord we pray this all in Jesus name amen amen okay we are in first Samuel chapter 2 and what I'm going to preach on this evening is Hophni and Phinehas I'm going to talk about Eli's sons Hophni and Phinehas if you look at first Samuel chapter 2 and verse number 12 it says now the sons of Eli were the sons of Belial they knew not the Lord and I'm going to go over some of the horrendous things that the sons of Eli actually did and how we relate that to the spectrum of reprobation that we're talking about this morning we often think about reprobates in context of sodomites right and it definitely fits the context but there's actually a spectrum of reprobation if you think about it the way the Bible describes a reprobate it can range anything from being a sodomite someone who is into vile affection someone who burns in or less one toward another someone who the Bible will refer to as a sodomite but it can also range all the way up into a false prophet and a false prophet can be a reprobate and not necessarily be a homosexual not necessarily be a person who's burning in their lust one toward another but they're just as equally as wicked as the sodomite because of the fact that they are they don't have that moral boundary they have a seared conscience and they're just as wicked and in fact both of these groups are both called sons of Belial and so you look at the sodomites and judges chapter 19 they're described as being sons of Belial but you also look at Hophni and Phinehas and they're also called the sons of Belial even though the Hophni and Phinehas are not recorded as committing any acts of sodomy pedophilia bestiality of sorts they're still referred to as sons of Belial and I'm gonna cover that in just a bit now let me explain a little bit first regarding who Eli is now Eli is one of the last judges if you think about the Old Testament prior to the institution of the Kings you had the system of the judges and that is what Joshua all the way through judges covers up until 1 Samuel and these judges aren't Kings they basically operate as a judge a priest and a prophet and this judge is a person who can operate as a military general or they're just someone who is used to expound the Word of God to the children of Israel to put them to shame whenever they're involved in things that are not according to God's Word and so you have multiple judges throughout the Old Testament and the second to last is Eli of course after Eli is you have Samuel and then after Samuel the children of Israel are crying out for a king a physical king so that it can be like all the other nations well Eli you know we know that Samuel was a man of God he was he was a man who loved the Lord he was used greatly of God but Eli was just a poor testimony and he was a poor judge and towards the latter end of his life he became very relaxed and lax with his sons he did not restrain them and he ended up suffering the consequences because of it severely now we know that Eli was obviously of the lineage of Levi and so were his sons because of the fact that they're fulfilling the office of a priest now what's interesting about his sons though if you think about this he has two sons Hophni and Phinehas and Phinehas should ring a bell to you right because previous to them you had Aaron who had sons and one of them was named Phinehas okay now the difference between Phinehas of first Samuel chapter 1 and Phinehas of Eliezer is that Phinehas of Eliezer was actually a righteous priest who executed the judgments of the Lord extensively and is very inspirational if you've read his story you know just to give you just a little condensed version of what he did you had essentially an Israelite seeking to fornicate with the medianitish woman inside of Israel and God okay just being very brazen about his sin he takes a medianitish woman he takes her into a tent in order to fornicate with her and you know you have this entire nation looking at this and they just do nothing about it you know kind of like the way churches are today right you have all the leaders there everyone's there no one's doing anything about it but then you have Phinehas. Phinehas is a priest he's a man of God and he's so ticked off over just this brazen sin that he takes a javelin and you know he's just like excuse me excuse me you know he's just kind of walking through the crowd he goes into the tent and just basically makes shish kebab of them both okay he essentially pierces the man and through her stomach and basically kills both of them and the Bible actually says that God honors that you know God wasn't like hey you could have gone about that a different way you know I don't think it was right that you did it like that it's kind of you know not politically correct your heart's in the right place but you have dirty hands or something right and you know there's probably some Israelites there that are probably like hey you know you should have talked to them first or you should have let them finish and then you could have talked to them afterwards or whatever but you know what God said that Phinehas was zealous for my sake and in fact the plague was saved from Israel because of Phinehas okay now whether you want to pronounce it Phinehas or Phinehas doesn't matter I'll probably use both interchangeably you know I think I use both all the time but you know he was a very much a zealous priest to the point where sin and that which is against God's laws infuriated him to the point where he took action okay these people are fornicating he kills them God honors him says that he's zealous for the Lord's sake and blesses them tremendously because of that now compare that with Phinehas of Eli right who's committing fornication with the women at the house of God he's doing all types of wicked things you know this is obviously a very much a major contrast now why even bring that up what kind of goes to show you that sometimes kids can grow up in church have the right training or the right bringing upbringing when it comes to a Christian upbringing and then you get two different types of results sometimes okay now you know the Bible teaches us that if you train up a child in the way that should go he will not depart from it and that's God's promise to us right and so you know we can't exclude the fact that sometimes kids have their own volition they have their own will and they can choose to serve God or not choose to reject the gospel or not but at the end of the day we need to make sure that we are like Eliezer and not like Eli because we can point to both of their parentings and see where Eli you know veered off greatly right Eli was not zealous for the Lord he was essentially someone who did not restrain his children he didn't discipline his sons and they ended up becoming these wicked reprobates who are defiling the house of God whereas you have Phinehas who's the son of Eliezer who honored not only God but he honored his father and his lineage as well okay and so just keep in mind you know just being in church doesn't make you a godly person it's what you do with what you have okay and I'll get a little bit into that later but you see there that there are they are of the lineage of Levi therefore they are priests let me give you some points regarding Hophni and Phinehas that we can learn from number one let me just say right off the bat this is very obvious they are not saved now that should be obvious right how do you know look at verse 12 now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial they knew not the Lord okay now you say why even bother to make that point well for two reasons one if you actually go to the modern versions of the Bible it doesn't say that it doesn't say now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial it'll say like for example in the NIV it'll say now the sons of Eli were scoundrels little meanies or something you know or the ESV says you know now the sons of Eli were worthless men what is that and I forgot what the message says but the message says something really stupid you know the sons of Eli were not cool dudes or you know some some stupid you know worthless men scoundrels meanie poopy face whatever you want to go is nothing comparison to sons of Belial because sons of Belial you say well what is the son of Belial Belial is a false god okay he's a false god it's a devil and in fact for all we know it could be Satan himself in either case it's a devil so what does it say they're sons of Devils they are essentially sons of Satan is what it's referring to so it's important for us to understand and this is why it's important for us to use a King James Bible because the King James Bible does not tiptoe around the tulips and say that they're scoundrels or worthless men it calls it the way it is and it's important for us to have that phrase sons of Belial so in our minds we automatically know these are not the sons of God these are not Christians these are not believers these are not people who fear the Lord these aren't backslidden priests you understand these are sons of Satan children of the devil people automatically assume and this is why it's important people automatically assume that just because a person is in spiritual leadership that means they're automatically a good Christian right or a safe Christian at that and so a lot of churches will think well he's a pastor well he's a deacon well he's on staff or something that means that person is 100% legitimate they love the Lord they're Christian you know Joel's thing I mean look how big his church is he talks about God sometimes you know he holds up the Bible or whatever it is I mean that is that he's a Christian he claims to be a Christian no he's a son of Belial he's not saved and so just because someone holds a position of spiritual authority whether a pastor evangelist deacon or just on staff or they just uphold some sort of position in the church doesn't necessarily mean that they're good people obviously we don't want to walk around going through a witch hunt looking for people to see if they're really saved or not if they're false prophets or infiltrators but folks when you have pastors quote-unquote heading a church and they're involved in very very questionable suspicious things criminal activity that should let you know oh he's probably not a son of guys probably a son of Belial because you know the world will say you see that's why I don't go to church I don't go to church because people like that are in churches but people like that aren't Christians they infiltrate churches parading and masquerading as a spiritual leader as a pastor they're masquerading as a son of God but in actuality their reprobates their sons of Satan they've infiltrated now the fact that it says that their sons of Belial you know it's very telling it's a very telling piece of information because it's basically telling us that even though they're they are fulfilling the office of a priest they're actually faking it okay they're not really priests like God did not sanction for them to be in that position God is not pleased with them so well how do you know because later on we're gonna say that God wants to kill them God doesn't just want to kill you okay that's like that's designated for people that the Lord hates and it says later on in chapter 4 that God would kill okay like he wants to kill Hophni and because they're children of Satan they're not children of God so they're masquerading as sons of God but they're actually sons of Belial they're not saved now hold your place or go to Acts chapter 13 Acts chapter 13 now this should come as no surprise because of the fact that Jesus warned us if you've read the Bible beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves the Bible says so God is specifically warning us he's already told us to be aware of this he's saying hey you got to be aware because there's certain prophets who claim to be sent from God but there are false prophets they're masquerading as sheep but they're actually wolves in sheep's clothing they're there to devour the congregation they are there to bring corruption false doctrine to take advantage of the innocent you need to make sure you pay attention to this now I remember when I first got saved I didn't really learn about stuff like this you know the the doctrines of false prophets and reprobation and one particular person that I think about now is actually thinking about this last night regarding a false prophet that had infiltrated the independent fundamental Baptist movement was a pastor by the name of Jack Scott okay who was the pastor of the first Baptist Church of Hammond the largest independent fundamental Baptist Church in America and he essentially took over from his father-in-law who was the pastor there Dr. Jack Hiles and he took over after him but this guy obviously now we know is an extremely wicked person I mean the man fulfills the office of being a son of Belial to its fullest extent now when I first got saved we didn't know about this stuff they didn't teach this at my old church most fundamental Baptist don't talk about this and if we ever talk about false prophets the only thing that comes to mind is like Mormons right you think about Jehovah's Witnesses those are false prophets right but never really in context of those same sons of Belial false prophets infiltrating your church or masquerading as a Baptist and in fact they often had this philosophy that we don't want to call out other independent fundamental Baptists even if they're preaching like false doctrine false gospel because they're a fundamental Baptist that was like the philosophy in those days but I remember Jack Scott being really popular and you know back in those days they had CDs you guys know what that is CDs they would have CDs of preaching and we would listen to those those sermons and I remember for a long time I just listened to a lot of Jack Scott he was a very dynamic preacher he was very like his he had a powerful voice and he was just a really dynamic powerful preacher in our eyes at that time and I was telling my wife this that I remember just listening to sermon after sermon after sermon and one of the sermons was like in a chapel service or something and I remember just sitting there in my room just listening to the preaching and he started talking about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and he started going off on how the crucifixion the way he viewed the crucifixion he was saying you know when Jesus was crucified on the cross you belong there he said and he said God looks at you and he's saying he hates you he's like you know God hates you he's saying I wish that was you I hate you and he was saying that and again I didn't know anything about false prophets I don't know what I'm what I'm teaching today I was a babe in Christ I was very young in the Lord but man I was grieved to my core my friends and I'd even wasn't able to even to say like oh man this is heresy or this is a false prophet just the spirit that dwelled in me was grieved exceedingly and it was to the point where I just like I remember thinking myself like I need to turn this off like I can't hear this and it wasn't like oh man Jack Scott's wicked or he's evil for saying that because I didn't really know because I don't think I even finished reading through the Bible at that point at least once but the spirit that dwelled in me was so grieved at what he was saying that I was just like I can't listen to this I feel horrible listening to this like it's it's vexing my righteous soul and I turned it off I just never listened to him again and really what it is is that you know the Holy Spirit essentially in me is telling me like this is not the voice of the Shepherd this is a stranger and even with minimal knowledge of the Bible just the fact that I'm saved I was able to get that and stay away from that and I remember being in the car with other Bible college students and they would pop on you Jack Scott and I'm like I don't listen to Jack Scott anymore they're like oh you shouldn't listen what people say about him he's a man of God he's righteous or whatever and I'm just thinking like all I can think about was that sermon and how he made me feel throughout that sermon and it wasn't like oh you know go here let me show you where it says that God hates you as a Christian or something and how that's pictured in the cross or something like that he's just his opinion right he's just espousing this false doctrine this heresy well then later on he starts attacking the King James he holds what's called the King James summit where he seeks to highlight all of the so-called errors of the King James Bible out of fundamental Baptist Church and let me just say this anytime a pastor gets up and starts criticizing the King James Bible just mark it down they're probably a false prophet reprobate because that is a mark of what the devil does yay have God said when they go out of their way to try to just say oh the King James Bible is not the Word of God look at all these errors folks you got to be a certain level of wicked to question God's Word like that so he held this summit and I'm just thinking myself well this is really bad and I'm not educated enough in the King James controversy at that time for me to defend this I just know that this is the Word of God and you know what I just don't know enough to go toe-to-toe with someone like that so I'm just not gonna listen to what he's saying because I don't want to be like deterred I don't want my faith to be shaken you know what I mean so I'm just gonna keep reading the Bible by faith that this is God's Word well then a couple years down the road after that turns out this guy was grooming some some 16 year old girl committing some of the most wicked acts with this woman okay and he ended up getting caught because he left his phone on the pulpit at a youth conference one of the staff members found it and they found all these wicked pictures in there and all these things that he was doing and they ended up arresting him and he's a pedophile you know and it wasn't like oh he just fell into sin the man was basking in sin my friends it wasn't like oh he just had this affair so it's a 16 year old girl and in fact he took her to another state because of her age because he knew in a particular state he couldn't get convicted or whatever if she was 16 because the age of consent was different in that state so he did this plot he and he did these things while he was a pastor and unfortunately you have fundamental Baptist that are just like oh he just like fell into sin he's like David you know was bad she was like 14 15 16 years old or what no of course not and you know what what David did was wicked but it's not what Jack Scott is doing holding the position of a pastor using his position to satiate his his godly desires and lust he said well what's the point the point is the man is the son of Belial no he's a man of God no he's a man of Belial he's not saved he's a false prophet he's a spawn of Satan the Bible says but as many as received unto them gave you power to become the sons of God even unto them that believe on his name there's never an instance where God refers to a son of a son of God as a son of Belial in the same context of that person you know oh that he's a son of God but then he backslides he becomes a son of Belial doesn't exist the fact that he's calling him a son of Belial is referring to the fact that he's begotten of Satan the reason we're called sons of God is because we're begotten through the gospel in our faith in Jesus Christ so just as we are eternally secure in the hand of God through our faith in Jesus Christ there's certain people in this world listen to me who are eternally damned because they are legitimately permanently sons of Belial okay that's what that's referring to the Bible talks about Cain in 1st John chapter 3 who is of that wicked one okay look at Acts chapter 13 and verse number 9 verse number 8 actually it says in Acts 13 verse 8 but Eli miss the sorcerer for so is his name by interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith now what's going on here well the Apostle Paul is trying to preach to the governor here and he's trying to get this guy saved and then this Eli miss shows up who's a sorcerer and what is he doing he's withstanding Moses and Barnabas what does that mean he's trying to turn away the deputy from the faith so this requires like a certain level of evil and wickedness when you kind of go out of your way to try to stop someone from getting saved you understand what I'm saying so he's just like don't listen to them he's trying to stop them they don't know what they're talking about they're trying to turn away their ears from here in the gospel verse 9 then saw who also is called Paul filled with the Holy Ghost set his eyes on him and said all full of all subtlety and all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord and then he strikes him a blindness and the story's really cool okay and you kind of wish like man I wish I had that you know you're just preaching and some Jehovah's Witness shows up you like ah and they're just like blind or whatever but obviously they're spiritually blind so it's God already took care of that right but what do we see here we see that this guy is actually not just a sorcerer he's actually a Jew okay he limus is actually a Jew and it says that he's filled with subtlety and mischief and then the Apostle Paul says you're also a child of the devil what's another way of saying that a son of Belial someone who's a reprobate because a quality of a son of Belial is that they don't want people to be saved you understand what I'm saying like they purposely go out of their way to try to stop people from hearing the truth and getting saved okay there is a there's a good parallel to this today it's called the ADL okay also known as the limus who literally stopped men like myself pastors like myself in churches like myself from getting the word out there they pervert the ways of righteousness children of the devil they are enemies of righteousness and they pervert the right ways of the Lord by trying to stop the mouths of the men of God look go to Matthew chapter 23 Matthew chapter 23 now this is important because of the fact that you know if these guys are growing up in a godly home you kind of wonder like how did they get that way how is it that Hovde and Phinehas became sons of the devil even though they're sons of Eli a man of God who even though he's backslidden he's still like a safe person how does that happen well let me explain to you how it happens it happens when parents are negligent with the salvation of their children and listen to me parents you better be praying for the salvation of your of your children but you also be better be going out of your way to also give them the gospel as well and don't assume that just because your children come to first works Baptist Church that somehow that's gonna happen by osmosis because it's not I'm not responsible for getting your children safe no one else here is responsible for getting your children safe you need to make sure that you're getting your children safe and will we will supplement that message we will aid you in that message I will aid you by preaching the gospel in church but don't assume that just because they come here week in week out that somehow that's gonna happen you have to make sure that when you go home you're preaching the gospel to them making sure they're getting safe and I hope that every parent here has a burden for their children I hope you think about that I hope you think about your children your daughters and your sons and you are conscious of the fact that they need to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and you can't just assume that it's just gonna happen one day because it doesn't work that way listen Eli it doesn't work that way oh but I'm a I'm a priest doesn't matter it doesn't work that way we have an example of Eli bearing two sons who ended up becoming extremely wicked then it all started off with the fact that they were not sons of God sons of Bela means they rejected the Word of God they rejected the gospel they converted to being wicked individuals but it all started they grew up in a household a Christian home and they didn't get saved you know your greatest fear should be that your children would not get saved I pray daily for the salvation of my children but you know what I also want to make sure that I'm going out of my way to talk to my children about salvation sowing seeds of righteousness explaining to them the gospel and by the way let me just say this and also coupling that with the good testimony at home let me tell you how reprobates are made one is they reject the gospel but two that often comes coupled with parents who are hypocrites at home you know they leak they seek to live a righteous life when they're before the congregation before the Christians when they're in church hey brother hey sister god bless you but at home you're just living in a godless life you uphold a particular standard at here at church but then the standard is different when you go home and let me just say this children just see through the hypocrisy they can see through the hypocrisy they can see when you're faking it be real be a real Christian and you know what you don't have to be perfect for your children either because I'm not saying you have to have perfection but at least be real like well you know like talk about your walk with God to your children or talk about your walk with God to your wife in front of your children you know it should be that your children listen to you talk about the things the Lord it should be that your children listen to you exalt the Lord Jesus Christ even when you're not in front of the church how about on the drive home you're driving home and you know instead of talking about I don't know whatever movies out right now what movies out someone tell me oh oh man you fell for that it's hook line and sinker which one a movie ape movie Oh Planet of the Apes you know you know instead of talking about Planet of the Apes talk about how the planet belongs to the Lord Jesus how the planet is God's footstool you like you know there's a stupid movie out there called Planet of the Apes the earth is the Lord's in the fullness thereof I'm just saying you know instead of talking about whatever why don't you bring up the Bible oh man that's like that's a little excessive well you know it's not it if you're real it's only excessive if you don't do it it only seems excessive if that's not how you talk right it's like oh man that seems a little extreme only to those who don't do it you know like like people are like oh you go to church three times a week that's a little excessive only to those who don't do it because those of us who go to church three times a week it's just like that's like just another day in the office so when you're driving home you're talking to your wife say you know I read in my Bible you know it's interesting the pastor said that because actually read in my Bible this week about this particular subject and it made me think about you know but but obviously it's gonna require for you to actually meditate and read the Bible though and I listen to me that will impact your children more than my preaching will my preaching is here to supplement the growth of your children and the spiritual you know growth of your kids but at the end of the day the main meat of it is when they're with you they live they're like wow dad actually reads the Bible he's getting things out of God's Word mom reads the Bible they're exalting the Lord Jesus Christ they're honoring the Lord and you know what that's how you pass your faith on to your children don't be a fake don't be a phony you know and one thing is is that sometimes people are fakes and phonies because they're more concerned about what people think about them than who they really are at home you know some of you got to stop caring about what people think about you I'm not saying be like you know super careless where you just don't even take care of yourself anymore I'm just saying sometimes Christians they care too much about what people think about them and it almost makes them fake because they have to put up a front in front of other people folks this is a real Baptist Church you can be yourself and if yourself is weird don't worry we'll fix that we'll tell you bro that's weird don't do that don't say stuff like that and we'll kind of stabilize you a little bit but you can be real and it's important to be real here it's important to the same reality to you express here it's the same one at home as well and here here's here's a good one folks listen to me and I know this is point number one but this is important amen listen to me apologize to your children if you if you've done wrong and mid-fall when you when you wrong why because we're not perfect and sometimes we make mistakes I've had to apologize to my children when I got them in trouble maybe I spanked them unjustly and I thought they were at fault I've had to apologize and say you know I was wrong about that I'm sorry and I'll tell them dad's not perfect sometimes I make a bad judgment call that's important for you to express that to your children as well and not not try to portray this you know this persona that you just never make mistakes dad's always perfect mom's always perfect everything is always just roses and daisies no you know what we need to express to our children that we need to pray unto the Lord for our needs that we love the Lord Jesus Christ that our home exalts Christ that it's Christ centered not us centered it's all about the Lord Jesus Christ the point that I'm making here is that Eli dropped the ball somewhere here or he didn't pass on his faith to Hoffman from a house and then they have grown grown up to being some of the most wicked people and causing others to stumble and just being exceedingly sinful to the point where God even hated them powerful right look at Matthew 23 on the same topic of being a son or a child of the devil it says in verse 15 woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you can pass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made you make them twofold more the child of hell than yourselves verse 33 says ye serpents a generation of vipers how can you escape the damnation of hell we don't want to spawn children of hell and this is why the Bible says to chastise your children to beat your children and now shall deliver his soul from hell and you know what we need to talk about this that's important parents you better make sure that you're chastising your children you don't raise spoiled little brats who are disrespectful disregarding others you know property or persons you didn't make sure that you will be children you're like why wasn't whooping I was a kid we know that's what I'm telling you you know what I mean you know when someone wasn't whoop with their kids you see you're just like this person was not spanked you know and I've said it before and I'll say it again I'm thankful that my mom whooped me okay I'm thankful and though it was at times unorthodox the manners in which she did whoop me you know what I'll take that over nothing now obviously like it's not like when I was a kid I was just like yeah you know it was grievous it was not nice at all and you know and I was like every other kid you know you go to your room you yell in your pillow and you're all mad but now you know I'm gonna say a person and I'm like man I'm thankful that she did that because maybe I could have been maybe I could have died or something poor decision-making because she would have raised some spoiled little brats now if you're here and you weren't spanked as a child it's by the grace of God and salvation can do a lot amen and but even then listen to me if you weren't spanked as a child it doesn't mean you should be lax on your kids and just like well I wasn't spanked and so how am I gonna do that to my kids because it would you know well you have a responsibility because God has commanded you to do it and you know what you were spared in spite of the fact that you were not spanked but you know what the same will not be said for your children if you do not discipline them and obviously we're talking about an orthodox way of spanking your children we're not talking about abuse here don't smack your kids across the mouth or you know pull them by their hair or whatever and you know the way these Mexicans do sometimes you know yeah I said it you know throwing a hanger at them or something or a cord or whatever chancla or what you know get our old-fashioned rod or your hand and apply it to the seed of education the hanger parts it's necessary my friends I guarantee you Eli did not spank his sons prove it they're sons of Belial number one but then later on it also says that he did not restrain them don't do that you know as their adults doing these things and he's like I hear about what you guys are doing don't do that that's God's not happy with that kind of kind of discipline is that so if he's talking like that to them when they're adults you could only imagine what they did when they were kids timeout take away their Xbox you know stop that don't do that that's probably the discipline that Eli had no no no no no stop stop please please Eli was probably a negotiator there's no negotiations as a parent children need to obey their parents so the Bible says you know you know you're not supposed to do that no no no no no no no how many time and he kids are smart they'll call your bluff all the time just ask them ones in here who were never spanked who are adults now you called your parents bluff all the time because you knew your parents weren't gonna spank you oh if you do it again I'm gonna and then they do it it's just like the parents don't spank them and now the kid knows oh they're not really serious about that that's why they keep doing it it's getting quiet in here don't get mad trying to help you be a better parent trying to help you not to raise a hofni and fanahas teach you to not be like Eli who refused to restrain his sons and now they're in hell they're burning for all of eternity don't let that be your kids well I just you know I just I feel so bad though the Bible says spare not first crying you got to look at the long-term effects of that you know you're gonna keep your kids from a lot of trouble you're gonna give them you're gonna instill the fear of God in their hearts my mom was not even saved and she instilled the fear of God in my heart when I was a kid I prayed until the Lord and let me just say this I feared my mom like I was scared if I disobeyed or if I didn't have the trash taken out and she came home and it wasn't I knew I was toast and I was afraid and all she had to do was just give me that one look that one eyebrow and I was toast I knew it but you know that's why I didn't join gangs that's why I didn't do heroin that's why I'm not a spoiled little brat because of my mom the point that I'm making here is the fact that you don't want to raise a child of hell okay don't be like them now going back to this this subject of leaders though you know sometimes people say well you're being a little excessive some pastors are just misled they're just misled you know pray for them or something but let me say this you know there are pastors out there that are misled in certain areas certain doctrines but if they are you know taking off the top financially if they're committing lewd acts if they are teaching heresy after they've been corrected that's a son of Belial that's a straight-up reprobate okay you know Rick Warren son of Belial I told that someone who came to visit our church and they're like why would you say that and they'd like like they're preaching they're saved and they just could not fathom why I would say that Rick Warren because the guy is a freaking false prophet who teaches a false gospel and he does that for a living he doesn't teach the Word of God plain and simple he's a son of Belial now the Bible says that we shouldn't marvel at this because false prophets always masquerade as being the apostles of Christ right and so Satan is always trying to infiltrate by doing so you know this is why go to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 now the question that you know I asked myself regarding Hoffman a house in times past is like how do they even become priests if they're so wicked like how do they make it up to that position of leadership well the same way Jack Scott did the same way Peter Ruckman did the same way you know Phil Kidd did you know you don't know who those guys are those are guys who have infiltrated independent fundamental Baptist churches teaching a false gospel doing wicked things but yet they're esteemed amongst the independent independent fundamental Baptist though now how do they do it look at acts 20 verse 29 for I know this that after my departing this is Paul speaking shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them that's how they do it they actually come up through the ranks of a church I mean Jack Scott went to Bible College at house Anderson he was there since he was like a teenager just kind of dormant until he can you know have his opportunity to strike or whatever but you talk to anybody who knew Jack Scott they always thought he was a compromiser there's something off about him but you know this doctrine of false prophets was never taught explicitly in the old IP so no one really saw it I mean I I don't even want to tell you to do it but there's a clip of Jack Scott on YouTube preaching at a youth conference and you're listening is like it just sounds pornographic what do you say it's like hot and then there's like a role of men behind him and they're just kind of like at a youth conference like the most filthy disgusting illustrations that a man can give and it's just like how do you guys not see through this pervert of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them you know you have Jack house who was like finay ha son of a Eliezer but then you have finay ha as Jack Scott almost Jack and Jack right one righteous one not the Bible tells us but there are false prophets also among the people even as there should be false teachers among you who privilege shall bring in damnable heresies denying even the Lord God that bought them and so when it comes to our children we got to make sure that we get them saved you couple the negligence of your children's salvation with the hypocritical lifestyle outside of these walls you will end up with the child that hates the things of God and could potentially become a reprobate and let me just say one last thing about this point and if all I go over this this sermon is this one point it's worth it and as this is one of the reasons why we will never have a Christian school okay I'm not an advocate of Christian schools I don't like Christian schools you know God bless those who are in Christian schools and are doing it for the right reasons or whatever but I'm not an advocate of a Christian school you say who what gives you the right to even just because I was a teacher at a Christian school I saw it firsthand how about that I was a junior high I was an elementary and junior high Christian school teacher and a Bible college instructor but the Christian school was just essentially breeding grounds for reprobates I know this for a fact you know how do you know because I literally saw someone get into a Christian school deteriorate spiritually and then come leave Christian school and become a faggot marry some dude and just become a full-blown atheist reprobate and that's not the only story that happens all the time you say how pastor how does that happen I'll tell you how you put a kid into a Christian school against their will they don't want to be there and then they're constantly getting saturated knowledge of the Bible every single day against their will it hardens the heart then they go home and their parents are living worldly lifestyles they're criticizing the pastor they're criticizing the ministry they're criticizing people in the church they're a bunch of hypocrites they see what their parents are doing here they're getting this message here and it's causing them to become bitter towards the things of God you know why no someone who went to Christian school came out good yeah they're the exception to the rule and you know what they were probably good going in you know I was good going into the Bible College which is why I survived Bible College Marcos was good going in and he didn't you know you got kicked out for coming to our church but that's a different story brother Hernandez was good going in and that's why he's still serving the Lord brother Ron I'm sure he was good going in and that's why he's still serving God any testimony you hear about people oh they win and they turn off mine it's because they actually went in with the right intentions and they were right with God prior to that they were good in spite of it when I say good I mean they're godly they love the Lord but folks there's there's teenagers that are put into the Christian school they don't want to be there they're listening to chapel sermons all the time they have these excessive rules that they impose upon them almost to the same standard as God's Word and then they leave they graduate and they just become some of the most rotten people you ever meet you know obviously your kids are forced to come with you to church but that's a lot different from eight hours a day chapel sermons memorizing Bible all the while they're not even saved they're memorizing large portions of scripture I'm talking about chapters because they have you know their Bible memorization competitions they have to memorize Bible for their studies they have all these they're just surrounded with the Bible and they're not even saved so they're constantly being saturated in their heart they hate the Lord Jesus Christ they become reprobate and then you get a Hophni and Phinehas you know the word can harden the hearts of people and this is why we will never have a Christian school I'm not interested in teaching your kids I did it for a couple years and it was just hell we have another Christian school teacher here I'm sure she could attest to that too Miss Sullen was a Christian schoolteacher you know and I'm telling you you do I've done it for I did it for a couple years and I'm thinking to myself this child hates the Lord this child hates being here and they end up hating you they hate the road they just can't wait to leave and then they become worse and let me say this like I hate the public school system I hate it okay and I'm just putting this disclaimer out there to let you know that I don't like the public school system but I would say this they would more readily survive going to a public school than a Christian school and I know a lot of people don't agree with that but you know what at a public school you're not getting Bible crammed down your throat against your will you're getting yeah evolution but you know what the Word of God is actually more dangerous to a person who doesn't believe though just takes common sense what the evolution is like that's stupid I'm not a monkey you know I didn't come from monkeys or whatever but when you're being forced the Bible against your will it can harden your heart and you could actually end up hating the Lord I I went to a public school and I experienced some of the worst things in a public school at a high school and but you know what I didn't hate the Lord during that time it's not like all this place makes me hate the Lord and in fact a lot of it made me seek the Lord go back to first Sammy chapter 2 and you know I said that I don't know like two years ago and then you know the the Jack Treiber's wife was so I think brother Ron posted the sermon then she was just livid I can't believe you would say something how can you dare you say it to send kids to a public school because your school is full of freaking rapper beats that's why and the last time I checked your music piano teacher is a fag and that's why you guys have to move them like a priest in the Catholic Church that's literally what happened it's called his name is Mike Zachary he works on staff with Doug Fisher got my old got my old IV sources here Doug Fisher he's working on staff as a couple's teacher even though the guy is a flaming reprobate he's a pedophile oh yeah but it's better to put someone in school with that dude with with Hoffney and Phinehas over there than a public school and look I I get it you know public schools bad and there's homos there too but you know the homos at a public school have purple hair and you know that they're homos like oh stay away from them Mike Zachary didn't come with purple hair he comes masquerading as someone who's a man of God who's a Christian I mean folks it's common sense and I'm not for public school okay you know we got a graduate right here brother Christian just gradually I'm sure he could tell you the horrors of all the disgusting stuff that takes place there but you know what he knows that that's who they are though better the devil you know than the devil you don't know all right next thing about Hoffney and Phinehas they were incontinent okay now what does that word incontinent because it's not that's not a common word that we would use today well a good way to learn particular words in the English language is by learning the concept of absorbed prefixes okay meaning that there's certain words in the English language that you actually end up learning more words just from learning that particular word let me give you an example like the word mortal okay means what it means you're gonna die you're not gonna live forever right but immortal means that you do live forever the difference is and you ever wonder like why do they put two M's anymore why don't they just put like you know I am OR TAL but they actually add an extra M well this is because of the fact that when these words are created to create their its antonym they often put the word in in front of that word and in means not so someone's more someone's who who's who will die but in in mortal as someone who will not die well over time you know it gets kind of hard to say in mortal so then the prefix ends up getting absorbed into the word and changes into him you see that with immortal immoral immodest and even other words like irresponsible okay I mean what's another eerie irrelevant see how they have two R's it's because of the fact that previously they had this prefix in and then that prefix gets absorbed in it ends up taking the first letter of the target word there and then that's why it's it's called that now the only time that really doesn't apply is when you have words like in continent so someone who's continent is referring to someone who restrains themselves or you think of a continent is a group of countries with boundaries right so a continent something something with boundaries in continent something without boundaries now the reason that that prefix did not get absorbed into continent is because it would sound weird to say a continent so it doesn't sound as good so it just kept it as incontinent so what is incontinent it's a person who does not have self-restraint there's no boundaries understand does that make sense to everyone little English lesson there excessively lascivious now look at first Samuel chapter 2 verse 13 it says the priest custom keep in mind hoffman a house our priests the priest custom with the people was that when any man offered sacrifice the priest servant came while the flesh was in seething with the flesh hook of three teeth in his hand and he struck it into the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot all that the flesh had brought up the priest took for himself so they did in Shiloh until all the Israelites that came thither so what is going on here well the custom according to the Old Testament is that anytime someone brought an animal sacrifice a part of that animal sacrifice was supposed to be given to the priest for food okay in particular it was the shoulder and or the breast that was like their food and Aaron would have to eat it he could eat it his sons could eat it their fam that's what that was like their sustenance is from the animal sacrifices that the children of Israel brought but here's the thing is that when they brought that animal sacrifice they were supposed to remove the fat from the sacrifice and the fat was supposed to be burned on the altar they were not to eat the fat only the shoulder and or the breast does that make sense to everyone so in order to separate the fat from the meat the brass shoulder they would see that because when you see that it separates the fat from the meat well you have these guys coming in and as it's seating they're just kind of digging in there and pulling out whatever and just kind of taking it for themselves now look what it says in verse number 15 and also be before they burn the fat the priests servants came and said to the man that sacrifice give flesh to roast for the priests because remember they're supposed to take meat out of the cauldron like the breast or the shoulder and then they roast it and then they eat it right he says give flesh to roast for the priests for he will not have sodden now the word for sodden is seed or to boil right boiled flesh of thee but raw if any man sentence him let them not fail to burn the fat presently and then take as much as thy soul desireth then you would answer him nay but thou shalt give it me now and if not I will take it by force so basically the the meat is inside the the pot the cauldron and then halfening finale houses guys his servants coming in they're like hey give us me right now they're like okay but can you wait until the flesh is the the fat is separated and he's like no I don't want it boiled we want it raw and if you refuse it I'm gonna I'm gonna take it by force so what is this what is this referring to is referring to their incontinency their incapability of restraining themselves from the sacrifices of the Lord okay now go to Philippians chapter 3 Philippians chapter 3 now that's interesting isn't it like you know how come halfening finale house are so incontinent why can't they restrain their eating habits oh could it because Eli is the same exact way and in fact the way Eli died is probably one of the most embarrassing ways to die read the story you know some people dies just like well it's kind of honorable that was kind of crazy you know how did Eli die he got some bad news fell off his seat and broke his neck and it says because he was heavy now let me explain something to you regarding the Bible okay well when God describes the certain thing if God has to say that you're heavy like according to my standards like I'm heavy okay but I would not be considered heavy in the eyes of God like you would have to be extremely obese and overweight for God to say that you say how do you know well because there's another guy in the Bible named Eglon okay and the Bible says of Eglon he was a very fat man and you know he's just kind of like putting it out there because he doesn't really describe people in such a manner so in order for him to do so he it must be like the person was morbidly obese he said well how do you know that like Eli was that big though because when he fell he broke his neck how many you've ever fallen back from a chair on a chair right when you just you know you kind of tip your chair you just and then you just fall now how many have ever broken your neck falling off it nobody because you ain't that heavy okay and so the weight of his stomach or you know he was in that perpetual bulk he never Eli never got off the bulk the weight of that on his neck ended up snapping his neck this is not a fairy tale this literally happened is why some of you need to stop eating so much okay I'm just kidding you know I got up to 243 on the bulk and it was just like enough's enough all right and sometimes we got to learn to take that three-pronged fork and just put it down amen just I'm gonna go through a season of just not eating as much so I don't become like Eli unrestrained no we need to teach ourselves how to restrain ourselves right now next week I'm not restraining myself okay because I've been restraining myself for 23 weeks and so next week banana bread pizza and all and even Taco Bell believe it or not I'm gonna become incontinent for that little period of time well where where did Hoffman a house get it from their dad but you know what Eli did in moderation Hoffman a house did in excess because now they're just like either give it to me raw meaning they want to eat it raw for you carnivores out there you know for the liver King out there you know you guys remember when that phase went through our church where people are just eat meat raw it was like so cool to eat meat raw or whatever they would even chew it they just swallow it or something eating raw liver or whatever don't be a Hoffney Infinahas I will not have it see they're sodding give it to me raw that's what they're doing they're so filled with you know just insatiable physical hunger they can't even wait for it to be boiled so it could be you know placed to fry it and get it ready they just want it right then and I just want it raw with the fat which is very sinful in the Old Testament they were not supposed to eat it with the fat God specifically commanded them in Leviticus chapter 6 and 7 and you see it also in Numbers chapter 6 that they were not supposed to eat it with the fat they're supposed to separate it the fat pictures the sin that is laid on the altar to be burned but they didn't care why well look at Philippians did I have you turn to Philippians look at Philippians chapter 3 verse 17 brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example for many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ whose end is destruction listen to this whose God is their belly those are for those mukbang people out there right whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly things this is what the Bible says in Jude these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear and so you know they're an incontinent group of brothers not only are they eating raw food because they just can't restrain themselves but they're also laying with the women who are assembling at the house of God committing fornication very wicked indeed let me skip some things here because I'm out of time I'm gonna I'm gonna hold off till next week because I got a lot more to cover you know so what can we learn from this first half this is gonna be a two-parter okay what can we learn from this first half well if you take anything from the sermon take this get your children saved get them saved pray for them think about them think about your kids hey have a burden for your kids allow that to keep you up at night sometimes you know thinking about Lord please save my children or please work in my children's hearts help them to be saved and look for opportunities to get them saved you know I'm thankful that my son Bruce got saved amen and you know and he gives a very clear presentation of the gospel he wants to go soul winning he's learning you know that was a major burden on my heart my son to be saved and don't take it lightly don't assume just because they come to first works Baptist Church with all these soul winners here that someone else will talk to them someone else will witness to them know that you need to be that someone else pray for them and let me just give one last tip in this regard and I'm done I've already closed the Bible and that is if your child gets saved or they make a profession of faith they call upon the name of the Lord and then later they come to you and they kind of give you a testimony that kind of shows that they're not saved do not do this listen to me do not to do this don't say oh no you already did that oh no no you did that remember you've already gotten saved don't do that you say why because number one you're gonna make them feel as though it's a shameful thing to be an unsafe person what you want to do is leave the doors open and explain the gospel to them and then get them saved you like oh man but they got baptized so what oh man then people are gonna know that they weren't really safe so what who cares who cares what people think if they didn't get saved they didn't get saved get them saved you know legitimately and then get them and if they get baptized again be like yeah they weren't saved now they got saved and you have they come to you again and it doesn't happen very often but if they come to you again they're still unsure get them saved don't be despair is just like oh no you already did that don't bring it up you know what the Bible says about that don't you remember that you said don't do that because you got to understand that children progressively learn these things and like adults sometimes they go along to get along understand and so you know get your children safe pray for them and don't be surprised if they come to you later saying like hey you know I don't know if I'm saved don't make them don't shame them for it don't rebuke them for it love them and say okay well let's see what the Bible says that's how you call it but you can get saved today though you know cuz folks it would be a devastating thing for you to shame them and then they die and they go to hell because you're because you're too embarrassed you understand what I'm saying but the main thing is this don't be like Eli let's not be parents like Eli Eli dropped the ball majorly you know Eli's in heaven without his sons let's pray father we thank you so much for your word Lord and thank you for the example that we have in the Bible obviously of what to do but also of what not to do and I pray that you'd help us Lord to avoid the mistakes of Eli and that we would raise godly children like Phinehas the son of Eliezer not Phinehas the son of Eli if you bless us as we go on our way we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name Psalm number 401, 401 set my soul afire