(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) in the book of Hebrews chapter 13 and the Bible reads let brotherly love continue be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares remember them that are in bonds as found with them and then which suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body marriage is honorable in all and a bed undefiled but horror-mongers and adulterers God will judge let your conversation be without without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for yet said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken on to you the Word of God whose faith follow consider considering the end of their conversation Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats with which not which have not profited them that have been occupied therein we have an altar where they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin or burned without the camp wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate let us go forth therefore unto him without the camper in his approach for here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name but you do good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well pleased obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you pray for us for we trust we have a good conscience and all things willingly to live honestly but I beseech you that rather to do this that I may be restored to you the sooner now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect in every good work to do is bull working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever amen and I beseech you brother and suffer the word of exhortation for I have written a letter unto you in few words know you that our brother Timothy is said at liberty with whom he come shortly I will see you salute all them that have the rule over you and all the Saints they have Italy salute you grace be with you all amen spray we thank you dear Lord we thank you for the book of Hebrews dear God we thank you for the King James Bible thank you for this wonderful church you have given us dear God we thank you for our pastor please bless him tonight as he preaches your word on to us in Jesus name we pray amen amen okay tonight we are concluding the book of Hebrews chapter 13 and last week I went over chapter 12 and there's a few verses that I left out from the sermon because I wasn't able to finish I'm going to do that by way of introduction tonight and then we'll jump right into Hebrews chapter 13 so let me make a couple points here by way of introduction first starting off in Hebrews chapter 12 if you look at verse 26 that says whose voice then shook the earth but now he has promised saying yet once more I shake not the earth only but also heaven and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain wherefore we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may observe God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire and basically what this passage is saying at the latter end of chapter 12 it's really given us this picture of separation and sifting through the New Testament essentially what God is saying here through the Apostle Paul in chapter 12 is that the New Testament is essentially shaking the Old Testament of things that don't really matter anymore so if you're to look at a sandbox for example and a filter and you throw in all types of elements there you got seashells you got trash you get all kinds of things you know and when you start shaking it from the sand only that which is of substance will remain right that which is waiting will actually remain well the picture that he's giving here is that now that the New Testament has been instituted God is shaking the earth right and what happens when he shakes the earth well now the meats drinks and diverse washings and cardinal ordinances have been done away with they're essentially that which is being done away with it's falling through the shaking of the voice of the Lord and only that which is important remains right in the New Testament and in fact he says in verse number let's see here verse 28 wherefore we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear so he's basically saying you know that which is most important is going to remain and this is great proof to show that salvation has always been the same because if it was different in the Old Testament than it was in the New Testament would have fallen through the cracks as soon as God shook it through the New Testament but of course the separation and the sifting that God did through the New Testament removes only the ritual laws the purity laws the meats drinks and diverse washings and the kingdom of God is that it's the only thing that remains there okay the things that existed even prior to the institution of the Old Testament so God removing the Old Testament ordinances but retaining the figures of the truth so to speak and of course when you look at the Old Testament if you're to be a believer in the Old Testament you're looking through a glass darkly so it's as if you're looking through a sandbox and you're trying to make out what's in that sandbox what are the figures in that sandbox but it's kind of it's kind of filled with a lot of sand so you can't really make out the images thereof until it's shaken and all the sand is removed then you see what Jesus Christ then you see what you see that God's intention for the Gentiles was for them to be saved and to be a part of the people of God you see God's will being revealed in the New Testament through the shaking from the voice of the Lord so that's what it's referring to there and let me read to you a verse here in Matthew chapter 13 and verse 47 it says again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind which when it was full that they drew to shore sat down gathered the good into vessels but cast the bad away so shall it be at the end of the world the angel shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just and shall cast them into the furnace of fire there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth so aside from the fact that God is obviously removing these Old Testament ordinances because of the fact that the figures of the true Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that you know he's also removing these fake believers right these Jews according to the flesh that although in the Old Testament were the people of God if they didn't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament guess what they're gonna be cast away they're gonna be shaken out because at the end of the day the true people who are the people of God who actually believe on the Lord would accept Jesus Christ as being the Savior you understand and of course we see that throughout the Gospels and the book of Acts then when Christ is preached you basically sift through believers from non-believers doesn't matter if they say they believe in God and they believe in the law of Moses if they rejected Jesus they didn't really believe to begin with right and so a sifting and a removal of those things has taken place in the New Testament and that is what that remainder of that passage is teaching there pretty cool now the next thing I want to mention here by way of introduction is actually the end of the book of Hebrews chapter 13 the let the latter end of the chapter if you look at verse 22 it says and I beseech your brethren suffer the word of exhortation for I've written a letter unto you in few words and what I want to mention here is what I kind of been reiterating over last couple of weeks and months preaching to the book of Hebrews and that is that I believe that the majority of the book of Hebrews was actually a sermon that the Apostle Paul preached maybe at some synagogue and I've given reasons why I believe that one in particular is the fact that you know this epistle is written to not a church of Galatia not Philippi not a geographical area it's literally written to a people group and it says that it's called you know we call it the the epistle to the Hebrew so he's not addressing a particular church he's addressing a people group that quite frankly can be found in a synagogue which is where the Apostle Paul would often go to preach so this very male what you know the the first I believe ten chapters is potentially the Apostle Paul preaching a sermon at a synagogue towards the Hebrews and the reason I believe it's the first ten chapters is because chapters one through ten really have this collective idea right that Jesus Christ is superior to everything in the Old Testament and every chapter just basically kind of carries forth continues on from the previous thought he says that he's better than the angels he's better than the mediators he's better than the high priest and it's just really hammering in this thought but not only that but you know chapters one through ten is really systematic when it comes to the doctrine I mean there's a lot of systematic teaching in those first ten chapters very deep another reason why I believe it's a sermon from the first ten chapters it's because of the fact that in chapter five he's talking about Melchizedek and then he kind of just kind of veers off and he's like you know seeing that you're dull of hearing you know because he wants to talk about Melchizedek he's like senior dull of hearing and he starts rebuking whoever is the recipient of it and the reason I believe it's a sermon is because I have a tendency to do that and I think pastors have a tendency to do that you know they're preaching on a particular subject but they feel like they're losing the crowd a little bit you know the people they have that that fluoride look you know I mean they're just kind of like it's too cold or it's too hot you know whatever you guys complain about you know or you're hungry or whatever so then you know he sees that and then he just like I have many things to say into you but seeing that you're dull of hearing you know you need me you're you need milk and not strong me and he's just starts ripping into them all the way into chapter 6 and you know so that that kind of is an indicator that it's potentially a sermon because he's saying it like it's a sermon another reason why I believe it's a sermon from chapters 1 to 10 is because throughout those chapters you'll see the Apostle Paul quoting scripture but he's not necessarily referencing it he's like it's safe in another place you know and I'll do that too you know sometimes I'll quote scriptures and I'll say you know from the book of whatever and chapter I don't really know exactly where but you're just kind of shooting off the hip just kind of quoting scriptures so it has that tone of being preachy now I do believe that chapter 11 12 and 13 though we're actually written afterwards so once chapter 10 was finished that's like the end of the sermon okay and chapter 11 12 and 13 is more extra tative so chapters 1 all the way to 10 is very much like rebuking he's like teaching systematic doctrine he's going really deep on Old Testament and then chapter 11 is like the Hall of Faith you know I mean and how we were to continue in the faith and he's very nice right in those chapters okay but here's proof here's my last proof that these last few chapters are written and the first ten are possibly a sermon that he preached they were written later on afterwards and that is verse 22 because he says I beseech you brother and suffer the word of exhortation for I've written a letter unto you in few words now would you really consider 13 chapters few words a letter of few words no that's a that's a lot okay now obviously chapter 11 through 12 or 13 excuse me is a lot but it's less than chapters 1 through 13 you understand and so I think he's going out of his way to say you know I've written a letter unto you in few words and he's like allow the word of exhortation which obviously the last couple chapters have been extra tative in nature whereas the previous chapters were very much him rebuking now this isn't either here nor there it doesn't change anything it's just interesting to note there that when you read the book of Hebrews because I don't know if you've ever had this but as I read I'm like this is such a unique book the audience is very unique it's not being written to a church it's not even being written to a specific person it's just like a group of people so where is this where did this happen you know what I mean like where are they gonna be reading the epistle to the Hebrews but it's potentially a sermon that he preached at a synagogue where a lot of Hebrews would be and that's why he's talking about that and so that's the proof as to why I believe the first 10 chapters is potentially a sermon and the last three chapters is actually a conclusion to the letter that he's carrying over from the sermon that he preached in chapter one through two from chapters one through ten so let's get into chapter 13 now the first couple verses here is just a lot of exhortation about various different topics but it's all under the canopy of listen to this of just loving the brethren because you know he's just finished rebuking them saying they're gonna be chastised as well and then he just finishes off by saying like hey just make sure you have fervent charity one to another and in fact verse one says let brotherly love continue okay and what he's saying there is basically what he says in a lot of his epistles which is that they should be kindly affectionate one toward another you know an honor prefer one another just being loving towards the brethren and that is an important principle right there because you know as a church it's easy to really focus on doctrine because that's important it's important to focus on soul winning because that's important it's important to focus on just the the details of the ministry but sometimes one thing that gets kind of pushed to the side is having fervent love towards the brethren right just being kindly affectionate towards the brothers and I'm preaching to myself here because you know that's something that doesn't necessarily I don't want to say it doesn't come naturally to me to be affectionate but you know I'm not a mercy I'm not necessarily naturally an exhorter I'm all about hellfire and brimstone the world's gonna end we're all gonna die but hey we're going to heaven so you know stop being such a baby about it and don't be a wimp and you know get your rear end in church and stuff and we need that but we also need brotherly love as well right we need to be kindly affectionate one toward another and that is the banner that we should always carry as Christians as well and I think obviously we could do both and he tells them there hey make sure that you have brotherly love one toward another be kindly affectionate and then he gets into the practicality of how to make sure brotherly love continues with Christians first two says be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares now in the first two chapters I explained that it's possible that these angels that are being referred to in the book of Hebrews is actually referring to actual messengers people men of God who are either soul winners they're out preaching the Word of God because angel means messenger okay an evangelist the messenger a soul winner of some of sorts and verse two can actually fall into the interpretation of that category now I could also fall into the category of referring to a celestial body right you know this could be referring to the fact that it's it's telling us here that we need to make sure that we're hospitable towards just everyone because you might get yourself a celestial body one day you know just kind of showing himself as a person and then you know God's testing your for whatever reason and we do have examples of that in the Bible you have Abraham for example he entertained entertained strangers unawares and obviously a concept like this is is very much something that was prevalent in Bible days right because in Bible days people were very hospitable in the sense that if you had a stranger come by and keep in mind that that didn't happen very often right if you're living in the middle of nowhere you're in the desert you know it's very rare that you're just gonna have people coming through but it would happen where people would pass by and it would be a very Christian or just you know kind thing to do to welcome them into your home wash their feet give them a meal maybe even if you're possible provide preventer for their animals and their livestock if they have any and then even give them a place to stay for the night that was just like a hospitable thing to do and that's that was a common practice in Bible days and so you can see how this instruction could be hey make sure you entertain strangers unawares because God could be sending you an actual angel to kind of test you out but I would more readily say that this is probably referring to a soul winner a person when it talks about an angel because it's in the context of loving the brethren okay and he's saying there you know let brotherly love continue and then he gives some practical ways in how to do that and he says in verse 2 don't forget that when you're entertaining strangers some of those people might even be believers and in fact it might even be soul winners okay there might be preachers of the gospel and so make sure that you're hospitable to everyone because you might even come across someone who's actually serving God and and they're in need of something the Bible says in Romans 12 verse 13 distributing to the necessity of the Saints given to hospitality 1st Peter chapter 4 verse number 8 says and above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins use hospitality one to another without grudging meaning you should be hospitable and don't be all mad about it either yeah I guess you could come in oh you want water or something or what do you want oh you're hungry okay oh man okay oh you needed to go to the hospital all great you know it's like you know don't make sure that when you're being hospitable you have a cheerful countenance about it okay don't make it like as though you're being forced to do something this should come out of a heart of sincerity of love that wants what benefits their brethren and in fact in James chapter 2 the famous passage verse 15 says if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you saying to them depart in peace be warmed and filled notwithstanding give them not those things which are needful to the body what doth it profit so obviously one of the major themes of the Bible particularly in the New Testament is that we should go out of our way to meet the needs of the brethren right and if you are a person that has faith you're a safe person your faith profits you alone in Christ right gives you salvation however it doesn't profit anybody else if you don't add works to that okay and that's what that's what James 2 is really talking about is that you're supposed to add works to your faith in order to profit those who are naked and destitute of daily food so if you just say be warmed and filled how's that gonna help them you understand be hospitable have fervent love towards your brother let brotherly love continue and if someone comes by and they need something at your home or maybe they're broken down and obviously you know in the day and age in which we live we don't really see that a whole lot we as a church kind of do because we do have people come through here and obviously we need to make sure that you know whoever we're talking to are is definitely in need they're not just trying to buy themselves a 40 you know down the street or whatever because that is the case but you know we've had instances where people come and they're like hey we're just I'm struggling right now and I typically tell them like well we only help church members like we had someone recently come and you know they were reaching out for help and I was like what is exactly that you want and he's like well I just need help to get my family back in you know a shelter of some sort and I said well you know we only help Christians who go to our church like our church policy is that we only help believers who actually attend our church we don't just help anybody you know and I said but if you're hungry are you hungry we'll give you some food you know and he's like yeah I'll take it and I'm like all right well I'm gonna give you some food but first you got to listen to this man preach to you for a little bit okay and so brother Jesus came out and said preach the gospel to this guy then give him some in and out cards or whatever and let them be on their way and so that's not gonna happen all the time but you know there's instances where we should reach out and help someone if they are in need and discern if this person actually has a need we don't want to just be cold hearted towards just everyone because obviously we've there's so many charlatans out there and people who are just they see church as an ATM or they're trying to take advantage of people that if you're not careful you could just be shut off towards everyone and just think well everyone's bad you're throwing out the baby with the bathwater interesting everyone has an nefarious agenda but you know there might be someone out there who's just down on their luck and they're looking for actual help and I'm not saying you you're gonna pay for their rent or whatever but you know what just tell them like hey I'll get you a meal but you got to listen to me preach the gospel to you okay and you know and listen to this and obviously you're not buying their time but hey take advantage of the opportunity you have to give the gospel to them they get saved and they get a meal out of it too and who knows you might run into someone who actually has saved and they might need help and that's an opportunity for you to exercise brotherly kindness okay and so let brotherly love continue he says and he's basically telling us that you know there might be opportunities where someone knocks on your door and they're in need of something or they you know they've been broken down obviously use discernment but just realize that there are opportunities to be a blessing to believers out there let me a couple passages here from Matthew chapter 10 verse number 40 it says he that receiveth you receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me he that receiveth the prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward and he that receiveth the righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward is basically saying hey if you help a messenger of the gospel a prophet of the Lord you're gonna get a reward for that it's not gonna go unnoticed if you let brotherly love continue towards a stranger meaning a person you don't know understand and of course we have the example in Luke chapter 10 where God literally tells his disciples whatever house you go into you know eat whatever's before you if they offer you a meal eat it you know for the laborers worthy of his hire and I've had instances I remember in times past when I'd go out soul winning and a person would say you want to come in and have lunch with us and I'm just like I was a starving Bible college student I'm like yes absolutely and just eat whatever was before me and I was thankful for it you know and so and you know you'll have instances and I'm sure you've experienced this if you've gone soul winning long enough is that they'll offer you a bottle of water during the summer or something and you know most people who do that obviously they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart but I guarantee you there's believers out there that know like I'm gonna get myself a quick reward or you know these are the messengers of the gospel these are the angels unawares and so I want to make sure I'm a blessing to them and receive it okay let them be a blessing he says in verse 3 remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and then which suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body so he says let brotherly love continue how well number one obviously by being a blessing to those you come across who are in need but he also says by having empathy and compassion this is what verse 3 is talking about you know remembering them that are in bonds meaning remember those who are incarcerated and obviously in these days there's probably a lot more believers are incarcerated for their faith and there is now but he says the principle that he's trying to get across here is that you need to be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes okay because he says them which suffer adversity as being yourselves also in that in the body so in other words he's saying you know when you hear about someone going through a hard time don't just brush it off you know hurt with them weep with those that weep mourn with those that mourn and not just have empathy but have compassion as well what is compassion compassion is when you have empathy and then you want to do something about it understand it's like empathy is just like you feel bad for the person you feel hurt for that individual but it motivates you to actually go out and do something about it to be a blessing to them in a small way a way that can help them and whatever adversity that they're in and so never lose the virtue of being empathetic and compassionate one toward another we live in a very cold world okay and I know myself if I'm not careful I can allow my heart to get cold fast because there's so much evil out there you know I mean there's so many wicked people out there system is wicked the world is wicked there's just a lot of evil out in this world and if I'm not careful I can allow my heart to become hardened towards people right but it's important that you know we remain empathetic towards the hurts of others and you may think to yourself yeah but you know people have screwed me over so many times though and that's why I don't like to help anybody you know what I mean because people have just defrauded me and so but you know what the principle still there though and in fact you know that the Bible teaches us that even if someone does that to us we're still obligated to give the next person the benefit of the doubt and do it again even if we're defrauded again now obviously have some wisdom and don't keep helping the same person out right if you have one person that does you wrong and then you just persist to help that same individual and they keep doing your own you're just lacking wisdom and you're not very smart okay what I'm saying is if you have a person that defrauds you financially with possessions you know obviously wisdom says I shouldn't trust this person again in the future if they ever ask for help right but that shouldn't keep you from helping someone else in the future who might be in the same situation so don't allow the reputation of the previous person affect a future opportunity to be a blessing to someone else okay you know don't become this this person who just doesn't trust anybody it's like well I can't trust anybody therefore I'm never gonna go out of my way to help anybody it's not the right attitude to have God wants us to be empathetic and compassionate and make sure that we are you know putting ourselves in the shoes of those who are suffering adversity weep with them that weep mourn with them that mourn let me read to you from Matthew 25 verse 37 says then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord when saw we thee and hungered and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink when saw we thee a stranger and took thee in or naked and clothed thee or when saw we these sick or in prison and came unto thee and the king shall answer and say unto them barely I say unto you in as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me so there's a great motivation to be a blessing to people even if the previous previous person screws you over and that is that at the end of the day you're doing it as unto the Lord okay and the Lord will never let you down you the Lord sees the work that you're putting in he sees the blessing that you are to people so even if you never get a thank you and the person defrauds you he lies to you he steals from you or whatever maybe at the end of the day you know do it as unto the Lord and at the end God will say you did it unto me okay and so it's important for us to retain having an empathetic attitude and having compassionate towards people and not just become cold-hearted towards every person and especially have empathy and compassion towards the brethren right towards the brethren towards the unsaved you know don't allow yourself to just become hardened towards people and look obviously you know you're driving down the street you see drug addicts all over the place and it's easy for us to just be like that idiot and you know what sometimes I do do that and it's true they are idiots but you know what I do have some empathy for them as well because we're not for the grace of God I might be there as well you know what I mean and so you never want to become so cold-hearted that you look at an individual and don't even see the soul that dwells within that body you understand that is in need of salvation and look you know I spoke to a person I think it was last week who came to our church he came here he didn't come to a service but he came to the building and he was looking for the truth you know he wanted to discuss the Bible he wanted to talk about salvation but unfortunately his body was just wracked has been destroyed by alcohol and he suffers from neuropathy and so alcohol just does not allow him to really comprehend anything so it was hard for me to give him the guy was giving him the gospel and he couldn't understand it and he's just like you have to forgive me I have a problem with my mind my brain it just doesn't comprehend I can't really understand and so as soon as you explain a concept to him he says he does understand it and when you have him repeated unto you he just like I don't know what to say I can't tell you that's what alcohol did to him you know and I can sit there and say what an idiot what a fool and you know what that might be true but it sucks too though you know what I mean and you know it's a blessing to have comprehension and so you know thank God that we have a mind of sobriety thank God that God has allowed our mental faculties to operate on all cylinders that we can read the Bible and understand it that we can hear preaching and understand it because there's people out there and this guy's not like a reprobate or anything like that it's just the effects of sin you know when the Bible says that the God of this world had blinded the minds it's not just through false religion it's through addictions and bad habits that can cause them to really destroy their minds and their brains so they can't comprehend even the simplest you know presentation of the gospel and so have empathy towards people have compassion towards people allow your heart to be softened towards individuals who are you know wracked with sin who are destroyed by their sinful habits so let brotherly love continue okay how do we do it not forgetting to entertain strangers unawares be hospitable towards individuals remembering them who are in bonds those who are being afflicted have empathy and compassion says in verse number four marriage is honorable in all things in the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge so another way to love the brethren is by loving your spouse and in this context it's referring to the physical relationship you know the physical relationship between a husband and wife has been demonized by this world it's been perverted by this world and so to the point where Christians are just like oh that's so taboo you know we don't want to talk that's only for procreation it's not for pleasure or something like that no it's for both the Bible tells us that marriage is honorable in all things in the bed undefiled and it's not even in context of having children and just saying that it's honorable it's undefiled and so you know it's important for us and of course what the biblical teaching on this is is in first Corinthians chapter 7 that the husband should render unto his wife do benevolence and vice versa and that do benevolence is referring to that physical relationship okay not defrauding your spouse not use it not weaponizing the physical relationship against your spouse but making sure you render to your spouse that do benevolence of that physical relationship because your body belongs to them I know the world hates to hear stuff like that but it's fact my wife's body belongs to me you can clip that and put that on YouTube if you want but her body's mine you know what this body's hers too amen and so it's it's saying here that you we need to have the right attitude towards marriage and not view it as something that's icky or disgusting you know you've allowed Hollywood to really you know twist what marriage is and that physical relationship God is saying it's undefiled you know what defiled is in the eyes of God whore mongers and fornicators because he says whore mongers and adulterers God will judge he's not gonna judge the the couple that is participating in the physical act of marriage not just for procreation but also for pleasure because that's what it's there for he's gonna judge the whole monger and the adulterer because that is a perversion in the eyes of God it's wrong in his eyes and he says he's gonna judge them for that whether through disease or through just the the built-in consequences of being a whore and being an adulterer I mean recently actually today I just heard about that stupid podcast to fit in what the what's the fit pot what fresh and fit podcast these MGTOW dudes okay they want to promote the family they want to promote marriages or whatever one of them was just recorded on a phone conversation by his mistress or whatever and she's like I'm pregnant he's just like well just take the pill you know get an abortion she's like I'm not doing I'm not gonna kill the baby you know she's like this is your baby he's like well I don't want it so he's over here talking against abortion on whatever podcast and this stinking grifter is phony all the while he's being a little whore monger himself and then you know he he get the you know the the product of that relationship is a baby and now he's just like well just kill the baby because I don't want it you know it's wicked that's gonna judge that guy he's gonna judge him he is gonna punish him for being such a hypocrite but marriage is honorable okay and so all men if you have the desire to be with a woman you should have the goal of getting married amen one of the greatest accomplishments a man could ever attain this side of eternity getting married is awesome you know it's like a it's like a badge of honor for a man because you got something you got a girl like you who you know I mean and to say I do and to stay with you for the rest of your life crazy you know you should desire to do that if you have a desire to you know be with a woman and you want that relationship then prepare for marriage okay don't buy into this stupid faggoty MGTOW movement and this this attitude well I just want to be a player or whatever I want to just have my options over I want to be like a like a polygamist of sorts or something I want to have multiple women I just get married to one woman okay and stop being like these MGTOWs that you're just pushing marriage off until whenever get married young man if you can look I got married when I was 29 unfortunately and the reason I say unfortunate because I wish it would have been sooner you know I couldn't really control that okay you know I had to wait about seven years or so but if we're up to me I would have gotten married sooner and so it's always it's great I rejoice when people get married at a very young age because of the fact that you know they're are these sins of the youth that can catch up to you and you can avoid a lot of those things these youthful lusts if you get married amen get married you stay with your wife you have children you rejoice with the wife of your youth have that goal in mind and don't view marriage is like oh man it's just like the old ball and chain you know it's just man I got I'm just got no freedom whatsoever oh yeah freedom to just sleep around with a bunch of women and get all type of STDs and have a bunch of bastard children oh great just wonderful Liberty there folks it's nonsense okay don't buy into it marriage is honorable it should be desired it should be prepared for it should be promoted it should be talked about you know I prayed that the single guys in our church get married amen and I hope you guys are preparing for marriage don't get all weird around me when I ask you about it you know you try to get married or what I'm not saying I'm trying to peer pressure people but you know you're a man answer me like a man amen trying to get married yes sir all right you got you got someone in mind no sir her or yes sir does she like you no sir whatever just give me an answer you know be a man that has that goal in mind okay don't be a child about it now if you're the type you're like well I don't really have a desire to get married I'm kind of happy to be single right now and I don't really necessarily have the desire then so be it you know but you know what that's very far few and in between to be honest with you okay the majority of men have a desire to be married that's just it okay marriage is honorable bed undefiled keep in mind that if you want to be a little whoremonger you want to be a little adulterer then God's gonna judge you but if you want to have if you want to experience that physical relationship with no judgment get married amen that's how it works verse five says let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for yet said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper I will not fear what man shall do unto me so what does this have to do with letting brotherly love continue well what it's telling us here is not to be covetous right not to covet someone else's possessions someone else's spouse someone else's you know ox or ass as the Bible puts it in Exodus chapter 20 and according to Romans chapter 13 when you love your neighbor as yourself you fulfill the law and so if instead of like going down the list like okay I can't murder I can't commit adultery I can't covet well if you love your neighbor as yourself you fulfill the law and so the way you let allow brotherly love to continue is by making sure that you don't covet what they have right be content with what you have be satisfied with what you have at the moment and it's not like you can't have more if it's within the parameters of God's Word and God's will but just be happy with what you have right now because the moment someone becomes covetous desiring possessions desiring people desiring things that they should not have at this moment then they start compromising to receive those things you understand but if you have the attitude of you know what godliness with contentment is great gain then you real and you realize you know what at the end of the day I have everything I need because I have Jesus and Jesus said I'll never leave you no forsake you then we could always remain content and satisfied with what we have and if you have something that you want you can patiently wait for it you understand and so beware of covetousness you know beware of the will to be rich beware of having greed and avarice in your heart a desire to have more when you're not supposed to now this is not to say that you can't make more money in your business or at your job if you get a promotion but do it justly amen do it honestly don't be crooked about it don't be dishonest don't be a liar don't be a perjured person make sure that you do things honest in the sight of all men in the sight of God to obtain these things but keep your covetousness in control make sure that you exercise contentment that's a great way to love the brethren you said well I don't get it you know how do I love how does that make me love the brother well if you're covetous towards your brother for things that he has that you're not having the right attitude towards him you know you only want the things that they have but if you're happy about the things that they have and the fact that they have them even though you don't that's brotherly love that means you could rejoice when they're more successful than you you can rejoice if they make more money than you they get a new car you can rejoice and instead of saying you know in other words don't be a little hater I mean let me put into your in your terms my terms you know covetous means like the command not to be covetous is basically don't be a little hater you know because a hater is someone who's just like hates on you for the things that you have because they want them and they don't think you should have them and of course covetousness leads to what what's another sin that we see in the Bible envy you begin to envy that person and that's not right you know envying someone because of their status because of their possessions you know because of their car because of their house because of their spouse because of their lifestyle you should be able to rejoice that they have those things even though you don't understand and have sincere admiration towards that individual and what God has given to them okay look at verse number eight oh I'm sorry verse number seven he goes on to say here remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation now I forgot this guy's name but he's on Instagram and he does these really stupid videos about the Bible because he makes himself like really knowledgeable about the Bible his name is not coming to me right now but he's he's an older white gentleman with the goatee he always has his fake smile but he's really big on just like downplaying pastoral authority okay and he's just like pastors have no authority and he's like tithing is not biblical everything that's like biblical he's just completely against okay and he's just one of the videos that he made is about pastors he's just like pastors have zero biblical authority you know they're not even necessary and obviously this is a guy who just you know despises governments you know that's second Peter chapter 2 talks about but guess what here we have an example of someone ruling over someone and this is in context of a pastor because it says those who rule over you and it specifies it says who have spoken unto you the Word of God is referring to the preacher the pastor those in Ephesians chapter 4 who are perfecting you in the faith it says that they rule over you now this ruling is obviously not with rigor it's not referring to the type of ruling that you know a man just controls every aspect and facet of your life it's just referring to the fact that they kind of govern over use in spiritual matters understand they're the ones in charge in the in the local congregation they're the ones who are leading you they're teaching you the Word of God and at the end of the day you know thank God that pastors exist because of the fact that if churches didn't have pastors or if they if the office of a pastor did not exist it'd be a complete circus you know why because God's institutions always require one leader because it requires every institution requires one person to say this is wrong and this is right because if you have a group of people trying to come to a consensus of what is wrong what is right you're gonna have ten different answers you're gonna have all these factions in a church right so at the end of the day people can have their various opinions on how they think a church should be run or what they think should take place in a church but at the end of the day the one man can get up and say I get it we all have different opinions but this is how we're gonna do it because then if you would you spend this all this time navel-gazing about who's right and who's wrong you're not gonna get anything done whereas if the pastor says well this is what we're gonna do now we can move on and just accomplish the work and obviously there are unjust rulers out there right I mean I just got word today about a pastor throwing out some church member over something that he'd even it wasn't even like a sinful thing that he did he wasn't even doing anything he has like no evidence for this excommunication and you know this particular pastor he's a wicked person anyways and you know he is essentially you know one of these rulers that kind of oversteps his boundaries understand and I've said it before I'll say it again you know I'm not a Baptist police officer up here I don't want to control what's going on in your homes and in your private lives that's your business you know what I mean and you know but you have pastors out there they want to get involved in that stuff though I don't care for that you know why cuz I got enough problems in here you know I mean I got to deal with things here why do I care what you do at home and you know what if you're involved in something sinful well God's just gonna have to take care of that cuz I'm not omniscient and so you know if he wants to bring that to life and so be it but you know what I'm not the type to say you know hear no evil speak no evil see no evil but you know what whatever you do on your private time is your business and you know what I don't care as long as you come to church you so when you're walking with God you're keeping sin out of your life and you're improving as a Christian what more can I ask for now obviously within the church certain parameters needed to need to be followed amen certain policies need to be followed but you know at the end of the day it doesn't go outside of the scope of what takes place inside this church and let me just make myself clear I'm not saying like oh yeah you know if you're drinking alcohol in your home that's your business you know what I mean obviously that's wrong obviously that merits excommunication but I'm not gonna go and ask you are you drinking alcohol here in your house I'm not gonna take a poll here and be like hey let's just be real honest who's smoking weed here who's fornicating is anybody involved I'm not every week every month I'm not just like can you sign this real quick just a little checklist of sins I just need to make sure that you're not involved in this you know I'm not like investigating everyone's personal life just so I can find something out you see what I'm saying he said well how do you know them I don't until God reveals it not through dream or visions but often what it is just a slip-up of someone in church or something you know where someone just says something I'm just like what was that like and then it's just like okay well God obviously intended for me to hear that so that I can deal with it and you know and move on from there so that's what it means to have rule ruling meaning there's one person who's preaching the Bible here okay and expounding the Word of God and when it comes to the essentials of doctrines but also making interpretations of secondary passages as well creating a standard in the church understand for ministry administrating the church you need a ruler to do something like that and so what he's basically saying here is that you need to keep people like that in mind right those who rule over you and he specifies those who have preached unto you and he says follow them so it sounds to me that God as much as he wants leaders he wants followers as well and if you ever want to be a good leader good leader you need to be a good follower first okay and this is a way to let brotherly love continue because a hallmark of a good Christian is someone who's able to follow following the Lord Jesus Christ and he hears this stupid phrase that people say I don't follow man I follow the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus is a man and Jesus ordained leaders to be followed you know oh you're oh you follow you don't follow man you follow Jesus then obviously you have another Jesus because the Jesus of the Bible told you to follow man you little rebel verse 8 now he kind of gets into a different subject here he says Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrine so he gives a warning regarding being gullible so he basically tells you know that the Hebrews make sure that you're not just like buying into every popular doctrine out there you know diverse and strange doctrine someone tells you that something's gonna happen on April 8th with the solar eclipse don't just believe it get all scared you know the only regret I have about April 8th is that I'm not gonna be able to see it I want to see it or however it is you see a solar eclipse or whatever but I'm not just like at home twiddling my thumbs worried that some some cosmic events gonna take place that's gonna affect my spiritual life or something like that but you know what the world is filled with diverse and strange doctrines and you know what there's an ear for for for doctrines like that people who want to heap to themselves teachers having itching ears they're going after fables all the time they always want to listen to something new some new strange diverse doctrine that's not found in the Bible give me just the Bible give me something that's solid that we can see in the Word of God you know and he's saying what is he basically saying he's saying you know be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine a win you know win is something that comes and goes understand he says don't be like these Christians just they hop on some popular doctrine out there just because it has like a million views and a thousand adherence to it or something like that no doesn't say it in the Bible Euphrates River dried up now what is he talking about specifically though because that's like a secondary application but what's he talking about specifically he says fruit is good thing it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which have not profited them that have been occupied therein so if he's addressing Hebrews he's obviously talking about the meats drinks and diverse washings because you still have Hebrews during this tail end of the beginning of the New Testament excuse me where there's Hebrews that are still following the Mosaic law regarding the dietary laws understand and they actually think that that makes them more spiritual if they abstain from certain meats if they abstain from shellfish and shrimp and pork and all these things they think that that actually makes them more spiritual well that's a diverse and strange doctrine because of the fact that meats commend us not unto God the kingdom of God is not in meat or in drink the Bible says you know all of those things were a shadow of things to come that figured something spiritual that is no longer instituted and it's just crazy to me but there's people that still buy into this stuff even though we're already like 2,000 years into the New Testament Internet and the truth's been probably and yet there's people out there like oh yeah we should we should stay away from shrimp for spiritual reasons you shouldn't eat porn for spiritual reasons even though the Apostle Peter was given a smorgasbord of meats to eat from when is it Acts chapter 10 where God brought down the the sheet knit at the four corners of all types of unclean and delicious animals and here here's what God said rise kill and eat it's like yes sir I've always wonder what this tastes like you know and he's like not so Lord and now you know I have to be repeated three times for him to get it you know and then finally he understood oh I can eat this but there's a spiritual application behind it as well but the point is is that you have people 2,000 years later still carried about with these diverse and strange doctrines that somehow the food that you consume makes you more spiritual or not you know and of course Jews and all that and Hebrew roots movement and all that but yeah how about the crunchy mamas of this world too I mean think about that it's just like well if you consume all the seed oils and I'm not for seed oils but it doesn't make you more spiritual less spiritual if you do you know bottom line and and here's the thing you know one thing that I that I've learned is that you have these people who are so strict about that stuff but it's because they're so stressed about it though like it drives them mad and it's almost like not almost it's counterproductive because there's no soundness in the bones right they're constantly stressing about oh man does this have this is this have that and then like you know the stress actually makes them more unhealthy and I you know I've said it before and I'll say it again you know I esteem someone who eats McDonald's but that is actually reading their Bible their soul winning then someone who literally uprooted their family to the middle of nowhere and lives a great holistic you know crunchy life and doesn't even go to church understand and look don't get me wrong I think you'd have both okay I think you can live a generally healthy lifestyle but don't stress out about it because it's already counterproductive if you do that you're going through all these lengths and jumping through all these fiery hoops to get healthy and then you just worry well does this have the red dye or what and you're just like scared you're you're looking at like all these boogeymen and again I'm not saying that that stuff is good for you so don't like quote me and say oh you for that stuff I don't know anything about that stuff my wife takes care of that but in either case I don't stress about it because stress can actually make things worse you know you're stressing about eating healthy you might as well just like eat a McDonald's double cheeseburger if you're gonna stress that much bottom line don't be carried about with diverse and strange doctrines and I guarantee you I could be wrong but you can quote me on this about two and a half years from now these crunchy people are gonna switch them to something else that's how it always is they just go from one thing to the next they put out their books everyone buys them and then they learn something new and then they get a bid then they get a bandwagon a bunch of other followers who just buy into whatever it is that they're saying you see what I'm saying now if that's your thing and it's working for you amen if keto works for you amen hey if carnivore works for you amen if a caloric deficit works for you amen just at the end of the day just realize that none of those can make you more spiritual now they can assist you in your body to have a more clear mind and be more healthy which can aid later on in spiritual matters because now you're not held down and you're just not always tired when you read your Bible whatever it may be but at the end of the day God's not looking down from above watching you eat you know heart and you know God forbid like bull testicles or whatever and and think that he's just like this guy's spiritual he gets it and I was like he gets it liver Kings on split out wide open let that man eat as many bull testicles as he wants because you know what he's gonna split hell wide open anyways you know and and the dude in here who's eating a double cheeseburger is saved by the grace of God you know there's a lot of weird doctrines out there and obviously the major application he's given here is just that there's people who have not profited in spiritually in those dietary laws if they didn't understand that there were a shadow of things to come like imagine the person that really thought that was doing something for them right but the person who participated in those dietary laws but understood the spiritual application to it they profited majorly right because they understood like this is a foreshadowing of something but what about the person who just abstained from and thought they were just a better Israelite because of it or something dude you got you missed it they didn't profit you okay I must hasten here let me let me just finish up verse 10 says we have an altar whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle so he's saying look just keep in mind that the altar that we serve at in the New Testament the people who are following these dietary laws they have no right to eat there why because they're not saved so they make such a big deal about not eating in their temple and making sure that you don't have to follow the temple they can say that as much as they want but they're not even allowed in heaven at the altar of God because they don't believe on Jesus Christ it says for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffer without the gate let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach and he basically is teaching here that you need to be ready to bear the reproach of Jesus Christ just as Jesus was sacrificed right physically on that cross the Bible says that we are delivered all we're killed all the day long we are delivered as sheep for the slaughter the Bible says and the Bible tells us I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God the present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God so just as you're just as Jesus suffered without the gate we need to bear that reproach to and realize that everyone within the gate doesn't want us here everyone within the world is not gonna love us people of this world are not gonna love us and so we need to be ready to suffer that reproach because we are also that sacrifice as well not for sins but just sacrifice on the altar of just people who hate the Lord or despise Christianity verse 14 says for here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name but to do good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well pleased so he's saying you know as we conclude the book of Hebrews he's obviously saying here that Old Testament altar is done with that Old Testament sacrifice is done with now we have a New Testament sacrifice which is Jesus Christ but even then you know this New Testament sacrifice requires the sacrifice of the praise of God from our lips right it requires our living sacrifice but also the ordinance of just praising God showing forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous light so he's again going back to the superiority of the New Testament over the old we don't need to bring an animal sacrifice Jesus Christ has already sacrificed himself but also we don't have to offer a sacrifice because we are the living sacrifice okay and then lastly verse number 17 says obey them to have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as days that as they that must give an account that they may do it with joy not with grief for that is unprofitable for you pray for us for we trust we have a good conscience in all things willing to live honestly but I beseech you the rather to do this that I may be restored to you the sooner and let me just say this last thing here before I conclude and what he's saying here in verse 17 is that you know behave yourselves in church obey them to have the rule over you and I've always wondered about this verse like does this mean like I'm gonna be in heaven one day like Kelly Francescini yeah she was she's a good member hi you know like you're just giving an account but that's not what it's talking about at all I don't think we're gonna be going through like the church membership in heaven like just giving an account kind of thing right I think what this is saying is that the pastor gives an account to God through prayer okay because he says they watch for your souls as they that must give an account that they may do with joy not with grief for that is unprofitable for you and then he says pray for us so when the pastor prays for you what is he praying for you know you like if I and I'm not gonna tell you what I pray for you about let's just let me just use an example though okay let's just let's just use hike okay you know let's say hike is just a just a bad church member you know just and hike hike is an outstanding church member okay and so I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea I'm just gonna use him as an example because he's just an easy target okay what if I'm just I'm just praying to God I'm just like Lord get this guy out of my church like I don't want this guy he's such a grief unto me you know what I mean I mean pastors are allowed to do that you say have you ever done that yes yes I have I've done that before and you know what my pastor friends have done that too cuz you know sometimes church members are grief no one here at this particular moment okay but yes there's been instances where I'm just like I don't know what to do this person is a grief where there's others I'm just like I thank God for this person they refresh me they're an outstanding church member they are an asset not a liability and Lord I thank God for this person you know that's profitable for the person being prayed for and God's gonna bless that individual because I'm giving an account to them right but then there's others just like Lord Lord is this the messenger of Satan for the thorn in my I'm just kidding you know I'm exaggerating here but there's others I'm just like man this person's a grief of mine unto me and you know it's just I don't know what to do with this person the more they're more liability than they are an asset to our church you know they are as my father-in-law used to say they're an energy taker not an energy giver right so that's what I believe it's referring to here so this is a good encouragement for you to behave yourself in church okay you know because you might make my prayer list I'm just kidding there's people who have made my prayer you know what God has answered my prayers in many of those instances where I'm just like Lord and you know took care of them and remove them from the role you know and and so he said you know and it says that they may do it with joy not with grief I mean that speaks volumes to me cuz I praise God for a lot of people most people in our church okay and the grief part is very far few and in between so let me put your mind at ease okay but you know there's times that I do rejoice and I'm just like Lord I'm so or I just you know it's not like I'm on my knees praying but like throughout the day I'm thinking about people unto the Lord you understand what I'm saying you think about someone unto the Lord you're just like man I thank God for this person person been such a blessing in our church or maybe they're not necessarily a blessing but just their growth is a blessing to me you know what I mean like the fact that they have just grown in the faith you know when you have a new person come for example and they just become faithful they're going soul winning they're just quietly just attending services like that's a huge blessing to the pastor I love that it rejoices my heart there's times when me and you Lisa's are gossiping about you guys and you know we're just like you know man that person has been really faithful and they've been coming and they've been reading their Bibles or they made a comment about how they're trying to witness to their friend or something I mean that like that brings a lot of joy and rejoicing in my heart and so I bring that account unto the Lord I say Lord this person is just doing a fantastic job or so blessed to have this individual you know but there's others there are grief okay or I'm just like you know what Lord you know I go through the list I'm like I pray for them yeah I pray for them Lord um yeah God bless them Lord you know just help them in their areas all right you know and just couldn't because it's just their reliability sometimes okay and so that's unprofitable for that person but I digress even though I can pray preach an entire sermon on this okay he says now the God of peace verse 20 that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever amen and of course he gets into the verse 22 that we covered in the very beginning and so what are the final words here the final words is simply this you know you gained a lot of knowledge through chapters 1 through 10 now let's get some practicality in our conduct thereafter right it's good to have the head knowledge of all the systematic doctrine but then he finishes off the letter by saying let brotherly love continue though and that's important because knowledge puffeth up but charity edify it so you got knowledge great but you know what you got to make sure you couple it with charity as well and don't forget the brethren just because you have all the head knowledge here amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word so thankful for the book of Hebrews what a blessing it has been to me and I hope to others as well a lot of great truths in this book Lord and I prayed you to help us to keep it in mind as we go through our lives Lord and I'm so thankful for our church and for the most part pretty much everyone here Lord I praise God for it I'm so thankful for our church members Lord they're not a grief of mine and to me definitely the joy and rejoicing of my heart and I pray that you continue to bless our church Lord with more members and more spiritual growth and more knowledge of the Bible we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name Amen you