(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I Mean all right the part of the chapter we're gonna focus on is found in Romans chapter number 4 and verse number 22 Where the Bible reads and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness now It was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him But for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord From the dead who was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification Untitled my sermon this morning is he must rise from the dead. He must rise from the dead now Obviously today is Easter a lot of people will call it resurrection Sunday There's nothing wrong with the word Easter and you say what is Easter all about? Well, it's simply about the resurrection of Jesus Christ Okay And the resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most if not the most important doctrines in the Christian Christian faith He said well, I thought it wasn't important for him to die on the cross and to you know suffer all those things Yes, but it was even more important for him to rise from the dead You see throughout the years and throughout the centuries many people have given their lives for other people Many people in a noble heart whether it's for their children. It was for their wives. It was for their husbands It was for their families or maybe just as a noble act for a stranger have given their lives for other people And what did they deliver them from what they deliver them from possibly a physical death? however, only one man was able to not only deliver others from from from a Physical death in the sense of we will rise again But also from the spiritual death, which is hell and that was Jesus Christ our Lord And that's why the resurrection is so essential in the Christian faith It's not so much as the fact that it is important that he died on the cross But he was it was even more important that he resurrected from the grave Look what the Bible says there verse 24. We'll read it again It says but for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead Who was delivered for our offenses? So I'm not downplaying the fact that he suffered on the cross Okay, I'm not downplaying the fact that he he was crucified. He was beaten. He was scourged. He was humiliated all those things We understand that that was important. In fact, the Bible says he was delivered for our offenses. You said what does what does that mean? Well, the Bible tells us that if we keep the whole law yet offend in one point We're guilty of all right and the Bible tells us that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God That there is none that doeth good. No, not one as it is written. There's none righteous No, not one our righteousness. The Bible says we're all as an unclean thing and our righteousness are as filthy rags Why is that because we've already offended the Lord by breaking his law now you think of all the commandments in the Bible, okay, and Most command most people know know of the Ten Commandments They may not know all the Ten Commandments, but one of the Ten Commandments is thou shall not bear false witness, right? Which is lying but who can say in this world that they've never lied, right? Like if I were to tell you let me see a show of hands of some of those of you who have not lied And if you were to raise your hand, I would say well you just come you just broke that law right now Because you just lied, right? There's no one in this world now Maybe there's obviously there's people here who are not murderers. Not everyone's an adulterer, right? Physically speaking but the Bible does teach us that if we offend in one point, we're already guilty of all, you know There's not adjustment upon earth that do with good and sin if not the Bible says and so because of that the Bible says for the Wages of sin is death. We there's a just penalty for our actions There's a just penalty for us breaking breaking the law of God and the Bible tells us here that Jesus Christ was delivered What does that mean? He was delivered to the cross to be scourged to be being to be humiliated for our offenses the offenses We've done against God now go to Isaiah chapter 53. We're gonna see how that how this looks here Brother David, can you hit the AC please? Thank you. The Bible says who was delivered for our Offenses this was necessary. Okay for him to be crucified And we see that in Hebrews chapter 12 that they obviously he despised the shame But look what it says in Isaiah 53 in verse number one This is a prophecy of the Lord It says who hath who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of the dry ground He hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him He is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him He was despised and we esteemed him not surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet We did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted He was wounded for our transgressions He was bruised for our iniquities The chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes the Bible says we are healed now go to Romans chapter number five Now here's the interesting thing about this scripture I met people, you know Especially those who would esteem Judaism as a legitimate religion as a Christian religion and they'll say that Isaiah 53 is referring to the nation Of Israel. Well, here's the thing Israel was not wounded for our transgressions They weren't bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was not upon them This is referring to one man who bore these griefs and these sorrows. Okay, the Lord Jesus Christ Why because he was delivered for our offenses Okay Romans chapter 5 in verse number 6 look what the Bible says for when we were yet without strength and due time Christ died for the Ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man Some would even dare to die but God commanded his love toward us and that while weary at sinners Christ died for us So it tells us there that even though we were ungodly even the Bible says that we're enemies of God Jesus Christ was willing to suffer the consequences to be delivered a just man to be delivered for unjust people and That's a beautiful story. That's something that we ought to be thankful for every single day But here's the thing though if he was just delivered for our offenses. It'd mean nothing to us Now I may have some emotional You know backing to it and you know We've read stories of people have given their lives for other people and it was just like a noble act But in reality that would affect us in no way if all he did was just die for us You see the Bible tells us goes on to say that he was Delivered for our offenses, but he was raised up for our justification Okay, yeah, it was necessary for him to be offered Okay, it was necessary for him to be delivered because of what we've done But it was even more necessary for him to resurrect from the grave. Okay? Now go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 this may be basic to some of you this morning, but for others it may not be okay And the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 in verse 21 just to reiterate what we're talking about being delivered It says in verse 21 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him the Bible says so he was made sin for us the Bible says and and so it was very much necessary for him to Die even more necessary for him to resurrect from the grave now go to Romans chapter number 10 Romans chapter 10 is a our verses That we use when we go out and preach the gospel and when we talk about the gospel, we're talking about the death burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ you see the Bible tells us that it's the gospel that can save you you say you saved me from what? Well according to the Bible every person in this world is condemned to a place called hell Okay The Bible says as I mentioned before for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God The Bible tells us in revelations 21 8 it gives a list of people who are gonna go to hell and even says that the liars Shall be cast shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death So if you committed even lying the Bible says you're worthy of that second death referring to the lake of fire, okay? So you say well, how can I avoid that? How can I get away from that? We'll look at Romans chapter 10 verse 6 says But the righteousness which is of faith speaking on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven That is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead You know when I read that I often think of people that I speak to when I'm giving them the gospel And I want them to be saved You know I say are you 100% sure that if you died today you go to heaven and they'll often say well who can know That no one knows that for sure. You know have you died they tell me right? Have you been to heaven have you been to hell and the answer is obviously no. I've never been there of course I haven't been there. I'm still alive. You know But you what is Romans chapter 10 telling us don't ask those questions Who shall go to the heavens who should go into the deep even in Deuteronomy it says that right? But what say that the verse number eight the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart That is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and Shall believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved The Bible says see a lot of people believe that in Jesus in the sense of the he exists They wouldn't even believe that he's the Son of God a lot of religions He said, but the Bible says you have to believe that he rose again from the dead To be saved Okay. Well, I believe that he was crucified Yeah, but the Bible says you have to believe that he rose again from the grave from the dead very important. Okay Verse 10 says for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth Confession is made unto salvation. So the Bible says that not only you have to believe it, but you have to confess it with your mouth Okay, we would say pray Ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior and let me say this if you're in here today, and you don't know for sure that if you're to die that you would go to heaven if you don't know where you would go when you would die then you Need someone in this room to come talk to you before you leave to help you know these things and to confess Jesus Christ right that he rose again from the grave and asked him to be your Savior Why is that because the Bible says that is it appointed for a man wants to die, but after this the judgment? so everyone's gonna die one day and Look if you're saved the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord But the Bible also says in Luke 16 of the man who was not saved that he died and in hell He lifted up his eyes immediately now look I come from a Catholic background and That's what that's what I grew up as as a Catholic and the Catholics teach that there's a purgatory In fact, I heard it multiple times yesterday was out Sony purgatory is basically it's not heaven It's not hell something in between and they teach literally that you can pray people out I mean I had a family member die recently and they had a prayer session for him Why they wanted to pray him out of hell out of purgatory into heaven Let me say this as sincere as people are when they do those things. It's not happening It doesn't exist You say oh, I don't know. I think it. I think it does nowhere in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation Will you ever find the concept of purgatory? Okay, look the only thing closest to purgatory the rat is right here This is purgatory. Okay, and we could pray for people to get saved here. All right, but after this There is no purgatory There is no your soul going to some sort of sale to wait for the for the prayers of people to get you out It doesn't exist. And here's the thing. You say I don't agree with you. I think you're wrong on that But do you want to gamble with that? You know, look here's the here's the options that you have Either I'm wrong and you go to purgatory and hopefully you can round up about 20 people to pray for you out of purgatory Or you're wrong and when you die You go to hell You shouldn't say that I say that out of love because I don't want anybody to go to hell Okay purgatory doesn't exist the Bible only talks about heaven and hell And the Bible says that if that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in that heart that God has raised Them from the dead thou shalt be saved say from what from the wrath to come You see the Bible explicitly talks about God's wrath Okay, and God's wrath is manifested in a place called hell Alright anybody who says well God is a God of love. He is a God of love But guess what? He's a God of wrath, too in fact He's such a God of wrath and anger that he created in a place for souls to go for all of eternity and they'll never Get out. I mean you talk about wrath. I Mean, I'm sure you've been angry with someone before but I'm not sure if you've ever been so angry and so wrathful Do you want someone to go to a burning place of fire and torment where there's rest neither day nor night for all forever? Okay God says God created a place just like that. Okay. He said well, I don't want to go there Well, the Bible says that Jesus Christ can deliver us from the wrath to come Okay, look at verse number 10. It says for with the heart. Excuse me verse 17 skip down to verse 17 So then faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God So we need the Bible to be saved. All right, you need to hear God's Word You need to believe what God is saying now what I say now what anybody else in this room says you need to believe what God says you see Yesterday when Sony was one of my friends and he asked a really important question He goes, what do you think is more important my opinion your opinion or God's Word? And more more often than not they would say God's Word Okay, and he would tell him he would give him the gospel right then and there because our opinions don't matter Not even my opinion matters you say aren't you opinionating? No, no, I'm simply expounding what the Bible says You measure it according to what I'm reading to you and see if it matches up obviously Okay, so then faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God, but I say have they not heard Yes Verily their sound went into all the earth and their words into the ends of the earth go to John chapter end of the world, excuse me, John chapter 20 So the resurrection is important. It's important for everyone. And in fact, it's so important To God, it's so important in the Bible that there's multiple Parables there's multiple illustrations. There's multiple examples not just in the Bible But in just in life in general to remind us that Jesus Christ God in the flesh the Son of God Came to this earth. He died and he resurrected. He shows it everywhere Look at John chapter 20 verse number 3 the Bible says Peter therefore went forth and that other disciple came to the sepulcher So they ran both together and the other disciple did outrun Peter and came first to the sepulcher and he's stooping down and looking in Saw the linen clothes lying yet when he not in then cometh Simon Peter following him and went into the sepulcher and see at the linen clothes lie and the napkin that was about His head not lying with the linen clothes But wrapped together in a place by itself then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulcher and he saw and believed for as yet they knew not the Scripture that he must rise from the dead now go to Luke 24 So we see a couple times in Scripture where the disciples it says that they didn't know the scripture Where he was supposed to rise from the dead So this this concept in this doctrine of the resurrection is not something we only find in the New Testament In fact, it's even in the Old Testament. It's everywhere. Why is that? Because the Bible says that he was raised again for our justification It's very important for people to know what that is Okay, and it's so important to God that not only did he put it in the Bible, but he put it just in nature in general Okay, we're gonna look at that in just a little bit Luke 24 verse 44 says and he said unto them These are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled Which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me then opened He their understanding that they might understand the scriptures and said and said doesn't be it is written thus It behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day their repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem now go to Psalm 16, please I'm sorry. Don't go to Psalm 16. Actually. Yeah, go to Psalm 16. I'm not playing with you I'm just trying to figure out which which Christian we should go to first So according to the Bible the resurrection is not just in the New Testament It's also in the Old Testament as well and you see it because it says as it is written and any time you see that Phrase as it is written. It's referring to a scripture in the Old Testament now I'm gonna read to you from Hosea chapter 6 and verse 1 where the Bible says come and let us reason Excuse me Let us return unto the Lord for he hath torn and he will heal us he hath smitten and he will bind us up After two days will he revive us in the third day? He will raise us up and we shall live in his sight to foreshadowing of that resurrection Look at Psalm 16 in verse number 9 The Bible says therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth my flesh also shall rest in hope For thou will not leave my soul where in hell Neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to seek Corruption that will show me the path of life and thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore now, this is David speaking this right here and David is saying that God Obviously, this is a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ So we're gonna look at Acts chapter 2 where that was a fulfillment obviously of what Jesus Christ did The Bible says that God will did not leave Jesus's soul in hell He said whoa, hold on a second What are you talking about Jesus soul in hell? The Bible teaches us that when Jesus Christ died that he descended first into the lower parts of the earth And we say well, that's the lower parts of the earth Yeah, but if you read the Bible and you study what are the lower parts of the earth even even like scientifically speaking There's fire and brimstone Okay, and the Bible teaches us that the hell is in the center of the earth. He said why would Jesus go to hell? Well simply for the fact that if you died You know and you weren't saved you'd go to hell So if the Bible says that he's the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole World if he was our substitute according to the Bible that means he would have to go to hell For us he would have to suffer that cup. He said but he was delivered for our offenses Yes, but the fact remains is that the wages of sin is death and that death is referring to a place called hell So he suffered hell for three days and three nights for every single person in this world Okay, and the Bible says that God did not leave his soul in hell. Well, what happened after that? He resurrected his body did not see corruption the Bible says he came out of the grave And let me say this when Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave. It was a bodily resurrection There is a false teaching out there that says that it wasn't a bodily resurrection. It was a spirit You know and people need to just get off of YouTube and stop watching all the you know You know the CT, you know, what do you call CTV cam videos of ghosts and spirits and all these things? Because all that stuff is made to just kind of brainwashing condition and you think well, maybe it was a spirit Maybe it wasn't a bodily resurrection. It was bodily Okay, why is that because when he revealed himself to the disciples he said touch me handle me They put their fingers in the side in his wounds in the in the print in the prince of his hand Okay, a spear hath not flesh and blood he said, okay But now that I like what he did next to prove that it was a bodily resurrection. He ate food Spirits don't eat You don't believe me go to the Buddhist temple and look at all the the plates of fruits and vegetables and chicken That they said out there for their gods Come back the next day and see if they ate that They don't eat that a body He registered was a bodily resurrection and is proven simple for the fact that he ate honey and fish. He's like, I'm hungry Give me some food He ate Amen, and so and by the way, the reason that's so important to note to to note It's simple for the fact that when we resurrect It's not just gonna be a spirit that resurrects You know, it's a body now, you know Some people say yeah, man I'm just gonna let go cuz I'm gonna get my six-pack and you know when I resurrect it doesn't necessarily work like that Okay, it's a glorified body but not glorified according to you, right? You know eight-pack and in a chest and you know all that stuff. No, it simply means it's without sin Okay, and so it's important. So it was a body to go to Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter number 2 We're gonna see where this this scripture is quoted here And many times in the Psalms you'll see David referencing the death of Christ and his resurrection Okay, and look throughout the world there are different religions that emphasize a Type of resurrection. Okay, because deep down inside every single human being doesn't want to die People could scoff at that and laugh at that and say I don't care about dying, you know I'm not afraid to die but deep down in their hearts. They're afraid to die Okay, and the fact remains is that not only deep down this air deep down inside. They're afraid to die They want to keep living they want to resurrect, you know in November I We we made a documentary on the day of the dead It's this it's a pagan false practice of the Aztecs that has integrated within the within the Catholic institution and Their belief is that on November 1st November, excuse me October 31st and November 1st that the spirits of the dead resurrect from the grave to commune with their families And if you ask anybody they'll tell you yeah They're coming to commune and that's kind of like their way to console themselves over the death of their families You know, they miss their mom They're mr dad their brothers or sisters and the only way they can console themselves is to put their faith in this false Teaching that their spirits once a year could come back from the dead and commune with them And so they put out offerings they do all these things that are anti God anti Bible and look you say well Are they wrong for doing that? Yes. Okay, but here's the thing I'm not just saying that they're wrong and then that's the end. That's the end of it No, what it is is that Satan is trying to create a substitute for the real resurrection You see God does not have a cheap resurrection. They only takes place once a year as a spirit No, he has a legitimate resurrection Okay, and in fact he spends Chapters in the Bible even in first Thessalonians where he tells you come for one another with these words Why because one day though you lost your family members if they are saved you will see them again in a bodily resume in a bodily form a bodily resurrection and by the way It's not once a year and then they leave and then it's not for three days and then they leave and they come back No, it's permanent Okay, it's far greater than any any resurrection that any person any The Satan could ever come up with this is the legitimate resurrection and throughout the world You'll see religions teaching something something to this extent reincarnation is one of them, right? Because they always want to come back Well They're copying God is what they're doing They're copying God's design because God is the only one who can legitimately raise you from the grave in a bodily form To have and have eternal life. You'll live forever. Look at Acts chapter 2 in verse 25. This is for David speaketh concerning him Concerning who Jesus I first saw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved Therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover Also, my flesh shall rest in hope because that will not leave my soul in hell Neither will thou suffer thine holy ones to see corruption notice that he emphasizes his flesh His flesh will resurrect from his flesh actually resurrected from the grave. And by the way, the Jehovah's Witnesses Teach it's a spiritual resurrection that he didn't really bodily resurrect Why would they want to take that away from the that doctrine from the Christian faith? Well, because it's essential for salvation That's why okay now go to Malachi chapter number four Malachi chapter four if you go to the New Testament, the first book of the New Testament is Matthew you make a left There's Malachi. So the resurrection is very much important in the Christian life. Okay, it's important obviously to believe for salvation But it's also a beautiful theme to really study and understand why is that because it just Gives you a greater appreciation for that which took place Okay, and that's why we're not afraid to die Really and look if you're afraid of dying The number one either you're not saved or number two you are saved But you don't understand and you haven't dug into the Bible in regards to these things Because look when we die, it's not permanent I'm talking about our flesh You know what? I mean? Like, you know We make this big deal of how good we want to look on her in our casket get a nice little marble casket The white suit and stuff like that That stuff don't even matter in Fact go ahead and study what they do to these graves. I'm talking about these these cemeteries what they do to the people in these graves Okay, and how they sometimes remove the bodies to make move room without asking for permission Okay, you say I can't how could you say something like that? You know, it's a corrupt world But they do these things but see that's why I'm not placing my faith in the cemetery where I'm gonna be placed Okay, I know the fact that no matter where I turned out no matter what I'm wearing No matter how nice and beautiful my casket looks I'm getting out of there It's only that's a temporary Place residence for me to live until until the rapture takes place the dead in Christ shall rise first the Bible says Okay. Now if you want to look good in the resurrection, okay, then buy your white suit or something You know as you're coming in you're coming out of your grave But the resurrection is all over the Bible. Okay. In fact, the resurrection is something obviously on Sundays We meet on Sundays because of the resurrection Okay, despite what anybody says that we should be celebrating Church on Saturday, okay on the Sabbath No, Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day, which is a Sunday That's why every Christian throughout all ages and even in the Bible. They've always been on the first day of the week Which is Sunday. Okay now But not only is the do we recognize the resurrection on Sundays every single week, but you don't want even in nature The resurrection presents itself you think of the Sun Okay, now a lot of people who would who believe that you ought to be celebrating Easter or excuse me Church. You ought to be doing it on Saturdays, you know, they'll use they'll say this Oh, you're you're worshipping the Sun God because it's Sunday You know That's why you should be doing it on Saturday Why so I could worship the Saturday Saturday God or I mean you can flip that around and tell them that as well But look what the Bible says in Malachi chapter 4 in verse number 1 For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yea All that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up Say it the Lord of hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch verse 2, but unto you that fear my name Shall the son of righteousness? Arise with healing in his wings and he shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall The Bible says and I want you to notice that it says son capital S No, that's not a misprint Okay, they didn't mess up when they translated it Which a lot of people I'm sure would like to take the cage of you and see if there's a mistake right there It should say s o n not s u n. Well, here's the thing. Jesus Christ is the son of righteousness Okay, but the fact remains is that well you said why would he compare it to a son? Because the Sun sets and the Sun rises right every single day and It's a reminder to all of us The Jesus Christ was buried and he rose again You know, what a beautiful way I mean who enjoys Sun sets and Sun rises I do one of the most beautiful things you ever see in your life When I was working crazy hours as a security guard, I always see the Sun, right? It was beautiful It was the most beautiful when it's barely coming up Okay, but what was it? That's a picture. It's a reminder that Jesus Christ rose from the grave And look he not only gives it to us as Christians but also to unbelievers why so they are without excuse God gave the Sun to every single person in this world He allows it to set and he allows it to rise to remind people that there's a God who came as flesh who died He was buried and he rose again every single day. He does it To remind us of that. What a beautiful picture of that You know, and by the way these people who are atheists these people who are agnostics these people who don't want to believe in God What do you know what each and every one of them enjoys a sunset and a sunrise? And every single one of them has to come to grips that yes That is the Sun and it's a picture of Jesus Christ whether they like it or not the Son of righteousness And look anybody who says they all you guys shouldn't celebrate that because it's Sunday and you know You guys are worshiping the Sun. No one in here worships the Sun If you do get out, you know No one in here does that No one's ever bound down to the Sun No one thinks no one's a pagan here and those who accuses of doing that I like to tell them you point out to me the CCTV camera. I'm worshiping the Sun You point out to me that give me a proof that I've done that before no Christian in the right mind would ever do that You know, but these are people who just want to discredit the Bible They want to make it look stupid and foolish and that there's errors and it's just not perfect. No, it is perfect And see here's the thing There's a song that I used to like listen to you used to say about the King James Why is it if you find something wrong with it? There's something wrong with you That's how you got to view the Bible if you find a discrepancy quote unquote in the Bible Then you need to check your own discrepancies Rightly divide the word of truth study to show thyself approve them to God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed The Bible teaches us that yeah, he is the son of righteousness and every single day when you see that sunrise You know, it ought to remind you out of the resurrection. Jesus Christ was buried and he rose again. He didn't stay in the grave that's why we're not for the the The Jesus hanging on the cross, obviously, it's idolatry according to the Bible You know, but the Jesus hanging on the cross. Look he didn't stay on the cross. He didn't even stay in the tomb You Know he didn't stay in any one of those he's at the right hand of the Father today. He's in heaven. He's alive Okay, go to Psalms chapter 19 I'm gonna read to you from 2nd Peter 1 19 you go to Psalms 19 The Bible says in 2nd Peter we have also a more sure word of prophecy where until you do Well that you take heed as into a light that shineth in the dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise In your hearts, you know There's a lot of pictures in just nature that are meant to just reinforce and reiterate the doctrines found in the Bible And the resurrection is one of them look at Psalms 19 in verse number one or verse number one Excuse me It says the heavens declared the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork day and today utters utter its speech and night into Night showeth knowledge and that means every single day Through something the heavens declared the glory of God But every single day God is uttering speech and teaching knowledge of God's Word Look what it goes on to say There is no speech nor language where there is Where their voice is not heard Their line has gone out throughout through all the earth and their words to the end of the world in them hath He set a tabernacle for the Sun which is as a bridegroom by the way, Jesus Christ. What is he? He's the bridegroom right coming out of his chamber Rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race His going forth is from the end of the heaven and his circuit unto the ends of ends of it and there is nothing hid From the heat there. Look there's people throughout the world and you've often heard this illustration or people ask this question What about the the guy in Congo and the jungles in the cave? You know, what if what if does he die if he dies will he go to hell? Yes Okay, by the way, they got this human exists Okay, but just for your sake Yes, he would die and go to hell because the Bible teaches us that God has shown his knowledge He's uttered his speech throughout the whole world. Now, if you don't believe that then you're calling God a liar Because he said that his speech has gone throughout the whole earth Is that true? Yes You say well, I just don't know how that would work logically. Well, you know what? Faith is the substance the evidence of things hope for excuse me The substance of things hope for the evidence of things not seen you just have to believe it And look God is not a man that he should lie And if he said it's gone throughout the whole earth, that means everyone has heard this. Okay, go to Genesis chapter 8 So we see that the resurrection is pictured even in the Sun and I want to encourage you today Take time go see the sunset Let it remind you of how Jesus Christ died He was delivered for your offenses, but also recognize that the Sun cometh up in the morning He does resurrect he will resurrect and so we if we were if we're in Christ obviously Genesis chapter 8 in Verse 15 now we see you also see the resurrection through the ark Verse 15 the Bible says here and God spake unto Noah saying go forth of the ark thou and thy wife and thy sons and thy Sons wives with thee bring forth with thee every living thing That is with thee of all flesh both of fowl and of cattle of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth That they may breed abundantly in the earth and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth and Noah went forth and his sons and his Wives, excuse me and his wife and his son's wives with him every beast every creeping thing and every foul And whatsoever creepeth upon the earth after their kind went forth out of the ark now, obviously the story goes is that? God destroyed the whole world He saved eight people including two of every animal in an ark now go to first Peter chapter number three This is a picture of the resurrection because look at what first Peter chapter 3 says People often use first Peter chapter 3 to prove that baptism can save you Okay, which the Bible actually rejects that the Bible does not teach that baptism can save you now brother John over there He's gonna be getting baptized today. Amen. And and and if he wasn't he is now. I'm just kidding Just kidding. We're making it we make it public so he doesn't go back on it. I'm just kidding He's gonna get baptized but you know what John saved That's why he's getting baptized because he's already saved But there's a false doctrine out there that teaches that in order to be saved you have to be baptized And they'll use first Peter chapter 3 in verse number 18 Look what it says for Christ also has one suffered for sins The just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh But quickened by the spirit by which also he went and preached into the spirits in prison Which sometime were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah While the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water Now they'll say look see there you go. They're saved by water But here's the thing that the water saved Noah and his family No, in fact if they were into in the water, they would have drowned with everyone else. You know, what saved them was the ark They went in and then what they went into the water But guess what once they came out every living thing came out of that ark Picture of the resurrection look the like figure weren't to even baptism That also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ So if you were to take that parentheses out of verse 21 It would say the light figure weren't to even baptism does also now save us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ you see water doesn't save you the ark saved him Because once they went into that door just like the door who's Jesus Christ, they're saved They were they were saved from the wrath of God Okay, and what happens when they landed they came out every living thing came out just like us when we die Yes, we will be buried but guess what when we resurrect as we will resurrect living we will be living. Okay physically living Genesis 22, please Genesis chapter 22 We see the resurrection through just nature the the Sun We also see it through through the ark beautiful picture there of the resurrection But we also see it through Isaac in the Bible Genesis 22 in verse 7 It says an Isaac spake unto Abraham his father and said my father and he said here am I my son? And he said behold the fire in the wood But where is the lamb for a burnt offering and Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering So they went both of them together and they came to the place where which God had told them of and Abraham built an altar There and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood So let me give you a little bit of background. What's going on? God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son, which is Isaac. Okay now put yourself in his shoes. I Have a son. He's a year and seven months. Is he awake right now? Okay, he's awake. Usually he's sleeping when I preach You know, I have a son I don't know if I would even if God told me I don't know if I'd be able to do that I'll just be honest with you my friend frailty. I don't think I'd be able to do that But Abraham, of course, he's the father of faith. He obeys God He takes Isaac and he's about to go sacrifice in verse 10 says and Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay His son, so he's like he's about ready to bring it down This guy's obedient verse 11 and the angel the Lord called unto him out of heaven and said Abraham Abraham And he said here am I and he said lay not thine hand upon the lad neither do thou anything unto him for now I know that thou fear is God seeing thou has not withheld thy son thine only son from me and Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns and Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son Excuse me, instead of his son go to Hebrews chapter 11. So you say well, where's the resurrection in that? There's no resurrection in that. How is that a picture of the resurrection? Well first and foremost Isaac and Abraham are a picture of God the Father and God the Son God the Father who's willing to sacrifice his only son begotten son for everyone, right? and that's a picture of that but look at Hebrews chapter 11 says in verse 17 Hebrews 11 17 says by faith Abraham when he was tried tested Offered of Isaac and he that hath received the promises offered up his only begotten son of whom it was said in thy That in Isaac shall thy seed be called and look what it says in verse 19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up Even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure see Abraham where you see where's the resurrection in Genesis? Well, it's in Hebrews chapter 11 Because Abraham understood I'm it's okay I can sacrifice him because I have faith that God will what raise him up from the dead He believed and he had the faith the Bible says that he staggered not at the promises of God But was strong in faith giving glory to God He had so much faith that he knew even if I sacrifice my only begotten son Isaac God can raise him from the grave. He can raise him from the dead Beautiful picture of the resurrection there. Look every single saved person has that faith You know, that's why we don't mourn as the world mourns You know, if you have unsaved family members, you know exactly what I mean when I say how the world mourns Devastated You know and they have a lot of traditions that they practice to console themselves in My own family people who are not saved and I'm not saying I don't say this to to be disrespectful in any way But when someone dies in our family they literally keep the body there For like a day while they fellowship they eat They talk They go they go to the casket sometimes or the bed where they're at Hold them and they just keep them and then sometimes they'll just go do something else in the house or wherever they're at But they'll keep the person. There's like no closure You Know and I've even been to to to funerals where they'll have the casket there and they'll keep the casket open throughout the whole time And and they just they don't know how to let go You know and the fact remains obviously you and I both know and the Bible teaches us that that person is not even there anymore It's the shell obviously, but that's the only thing that they can hold on to Right. I mean, I've seen weird stuff just in Hispanic culture Where they'll they'll they just can't let go and they're there with them They'll hold them when I had a cousin who passed away decades ago. He was he was killed and and I remember being a little boy being at that funeral and it was my brother's best friend his cousin and I remember it was just the most devastating thing that could ever take place in my family's life It was so devastating to my brother and I don't mean to be weird or anything He literally took my cousin out of the casket Pulling him out because he could not Deal with the fact that his cousin died You know and we think that's like crazy, but you know what? That's why the Bible says we don't mourn as they do You see we'll honor someone obviously when someone dies and Lord. We won't have any funerals anytime soon here. Okay? You know that's gonna take place maybe later on in the future But when that happens we understand we we will definitely have a funeral to honor the person to honor the family To create to create an atmosphere of closure for them, but you know what? We understand as Christians This person is not there there before the Lord. They're alive before the Lord, you know, we're gonna see them one day You know, but the world the world doesn't understand these things. Okay, what I have you turn Go to Leviticus chapter 16 Leviticus Chapter 16, we're just looking at different examples in the Old Testament of the resurrection Leviticus 16 is a chapter that talks about the scapegoat Okay in the Old Testament Obviously we know that the Bible says in John chapter 1 that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who should take away the sins Of the world and the reason to call it the Lamb of God is because obviously in the Levitical laws It was necessary every single day and throughout the year to do sacrifices unto the Lord Okay, whether it was a ram. It was a goat. It was sheep It would have to be something that they would sacrifice to remind them of what Jesus Christ was going to do in the future Okay, but look at this beautiful picture of this this the sacrifice here Leviticus 16 verse number six the Bible says here and Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering which is for himself and make an atonement for himself and for his house and he shall take two goats and present them before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats One for one lot for the Lord and the other lot for the scapegoat and Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the Lord's lot Fell and offer him for a sin offering So what they would do is they would take lots to pick which one was for what? Whatever lot fell for the Lord they would offer that one in other words. They would burn it, right? It was it was a burnt offering then they would eat it. What is that picture? Well that picture is Jesus Christ going to hell Almost every offering in the Old Testament was burned. Okay, that's how we know that Jesus Christ went to hell It was it's a picture of it. All right, you said well, what about the scapegoat? We'll look at the scapegoat verse number 10 It says but the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented what alive Before the Lord to make an atonement with him and to let him go for a scapegoat in the wilderness He said what's the scapegoat? It's someone we place our blame on right Basically like Jesus Christ and Barabbas, you know Barabbas is the one who didn't deserve to be delivered Jesus Christ was taught what was was was uh Was treated as Barabbas. He was a man who was Jesus Christ was sinless Barabbas was not he was guilty of insurrections He was he was guilty of all kinds of crimes yet. He went free and who took the blame Jesus Christ did Okay, just like you and I did but the Bible says here that he was presented alive before the Lord Let me say this Jesus Christ when he died, yes, he went to hell for three days and three nights But guess what then he was alive Live before the Lord. Okay, go to John chapter 20 John chapter number 20, we're gonna see this John chapter 20 This is after the resurrection. It says here Jesus in verse 16 Jesus saith unto her Mary she turned herself and saith unto him Rabbanite, which is to say master Jesus saith unto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my father But go to my brethren and say unto them I ascended to my father and your father and to my God and your God By the way, that's a good verse to use against modalism. Amen My father your father He didn't say I am the father so I'm gonna send him to myself I'll be kind of ways like I'm gonna send to myself. No, he's ascending to his father now You're in John chapter 20 to skip down to verse 26 So he says don't touch me because I'm not yet ascended unto my father Look at verse 26 and after eight days again his disciples were within and Thomas with them Then came Jesus the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you then saith he to Thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but Believing and Thomas answered and said unto him my Lord and my God showing what the he presented himself before the Lord between that time Okay, it's proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the scapegoat He not only was offered and was burned but also he was presented alive before the Lord proving the resurrection there Go to John chapter 12 John chapter 12, this will be our last example here I just want to give you a couple of examples of the resurrection in the Bible To increase our appreciation of the resurrection What I have you turn I'm sorry John 12, all right, let me turn there myself John chapter 12 verse number 23 The Bible reads here and Jesus answered them saying the hours come that the Son of Man should be should be glorified Verily verily I say unto you Accept a corn of wheat fall unto the ground and die it abideth alone But if it died it bringing forth much fruit he that loveth his life shall lose it He that hated this life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal So Jesus is teaching a parable here, but it's all it has a second meaning obviously Anytime a seed is sown into the ground it dies When it is sown But obviously once it comes out, what does it come out as as a tree as a plant as something different? It's it's the same thing. It's a seed but it's changed Into something else, but see you can't just grab a seed and just throw it right here And expect for a tree to come out of that and he said it needs to be buried and needs to die In order for it to produce something else of what then what it is. Does that make sense? So Jesus Christ is saying look except the corner we fall into the ground and die. It's it's it's meaningless It's not gonna do anything. But once it dies, it's gonna produce a lot of fruit All right now go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and let me say this that's why it's important that when people die You bury them Don't burn them Now there's a there is a there is a tradition now that's being implemented until into the culture of this matter of cremation Okay, and you know cremation and there's all kinds of other things but primarily one of them is cremation Well, the reason we bury people is to picture the resurrection They get buried and guess what they come out of new they're going into the ground It's not you say well, you know I just think they should burn them because it's a lot cheaper and all these things but look we ought to honor the dead That's what I believe. Okay, and some people say well, you know, yeah, you shouldn't bury that I don't I'm not of the type that says you shouldn't bury them or you shouldn't burn them because you know If you spread their ashes, how's God gonna find them or whatever? There's people that believe that I've had Christians. Tell me that I'm like, what about all those Christians that were burned at the stake and stuff like God's not gonna be like, oh, yeah That's right Christians were burned at the stake. Yeah But not only that look even if they're burned and they're spread God can find it all. Okay, God's gonna find but We want to picture the resurrection You see if someone's being burned. What does that picture going to hell? right We don't want to picture that we want to make sure that we picture the the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ Baptism is a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ Burying someone six and six feet under is the picture of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ Look at first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand By which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain So the Bible is telling us there that you have to believe in the resurrection in order to be saved It's essential verse 3 it says for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and then he was buried and then he rose again the third day according to the scripture skip down to verse number 12 It says now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead How say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead now? We lift we often laugh at Jehovah's Witnesses for believing that but that's been around even since that day The people were denying the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection So this is a doctrine that's been a false doctrine that's been taught for centuries and centuries That there is no resurrection from the from the dead. Why do people teach that because it's essential to be saved Okay, it's not just the fact that he died He needed to resurrect verse 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead Then is Christ not risen and if Christ be not risen then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain scary thought He says look if Christ did not raise from the dead. I should even be here I should be looking for my van that they stole last night, right? That's what I should be doing right now But you know what? He did die. He did resurrect. So the preaching is not in vain And look I want to ask these people who don't believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ So that means you're saying that every single disciple and every single possible is wrong That they're they're vain and they're wrong because the Bible is telling us right there It says if Christ be not risen in our preaching vain and your faith is also vain Look if Christ be not risen, let us eat drink and be married for tomorrow we die And nothing else happens after that, but because he did resurrect and because it did happen. It's not vain There is a heaven and there is at health skip down to verse 35. It says but some man will say How are the dead raised up what body do they come These are the guys that want the six-pack You know in their glorified bodies, you know, how's that gonna happen? You know how you know cuz if they're if they've been there for it for for thousands of years they've decayed They've rotted away You know, how is that even gonna happen read Ezekiel and you see how God raised up a whole army of valley of dry bones Okay, God is the he's the he's the creator He's the one who came up with this material You know, he's spoken into existence You think he can't just make it again for what God all things are possible. Okay, and with what body do they come? You know, how are we gonna look at we're all gonna be white Or we're all gonna be like brown and Hispanic, you know, what color are we gonna be? It doesn't matter Who cares? We should even care about that even now Okay, I could care less how dark or light I am I Don't Believe in tanning parlors or so the whatnots that's vain. That's wicked. That's stupid You shouldn't even even think twice about those things. Why cuz it's that the stuff doesn't even matter Okay, we're gonna look way better in the resurrection anyways Well, you say why is that because obviously our resurrected bodies is something that God approves of Right. It's it's Bruce 2.0 You Know you say well, you know, I'm balding right now, you know Am I gonna have a full set of heroin in the resurrection? Who cares? In the resurrection, no one's gonna be judging you anyways You know So but then people were asking this question even back then And look what Paul tells them that fool Let me let me let me translate that to our monitor that you idiot Why are you asking that that that which thou so is is not quickened accepted die Can't be brought back to life if you're not dead Right and that which thou so is thou so is not that body that shall be But bare grain it may chance of wheat or of some other grain But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him to every seed his own body All flesh is not the same flesh But there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial But the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of terrestrial is another now. I will say this Though it doesn't matter if we're gonna have a six-pack or you're gonna lose your gut or whatever You're hoping to find in the resurrection. The Bible does say that some will have a better resurrection Okay, now don't miss this This is very important because they'll all say people are gonna be resurrected some will have a better resurrection than others In fact, some are gonna shine brighter Than others see at that point You're not gonna care if you're going bald or not or if you have your six-pack or not. Keep your six-pack I want to shine brighter So the Bible tells us that if we work for the Lord if we win souls to Christ if we labor for God if we Do that which is right on his side and we labor for him. We can have a better resurrection We can shine bright and look at the boxes for verse 41 There is one glory of the Sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star Differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption It is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor. It is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness It is raised in power. It is sown a natural body. It is raised a spiritual body There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body So it's telling us just like there's a moon and then there's the Sun there's the stars and everything every you look at the stars Stars don't shine as bright as others Some glimmer a little bit some are a little bit more dim. Some are very bright Well God says that's how the resurrection is gonna be So if you want a better resurrection get to work Start winning people to Christ and by the way yesterday was a good day to start you man Today's a good day to start. All right, you say man. I'm trying to amp up the amperage on my hate on my resurrected body Well start winning some souls to Christ to shine nice and bright It's great that we're gonna resurrect the foresaved But look if God's offering us a better resurrection to shine brighter as we see in Daniel then you want get to work Yeah, I'm just not very eloquent in preaching the gospel. I just I'm not a good speaker You know what? We're good at we're gonna make an excuses Because God's not looking for talented people to go preach the gospel. He wants obedient people Look and he equips us to have that better resurrection if you want it Okay, let's get down to verse 50 It says now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God Neither the corruption inherit in corruption behold. I showed you I show you a mystery We shall not all sleep But we shall all be changed in a moment in twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead Shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this morgue Oh must put on immortality So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality Then shall be brought to pass the saying that it is written death is swallowed up in victory. Amen Talking about the reds you see why is the resurrection important? It's so essential to the Christian faith It speaks about it in volumes in the Bible because it's telling us we will resurrect one day Our bodies will be changed don't get complacent and too comfortable in this life You know don't hold on too tightly to the things of this world Your money and your possessions in your cars and your houses and your money and your money and your money Why because that's all gonna go away You ought to invest in the things that are necessary for the for the next life for your resurrection Don't be a broke man in heaven There's gonna be a lot of broke people in heaven Why because they're so caught up in the things of this world They're so concerned with their 401k and all their money and their possessions and what they can get in this world And they're not in church. They're not reading the Bible and they're not winning people to Christ Well, guess what? You're gonna have a sorry resurrection You don't want that You can change that Get to work today Okay, so why is the resurrection so important because it not only just deals with our salvation, but it helps us keep the right perspective To Say hey, you know, I'm not gonna be here very long and I want to make sure that the body I get when I resurrect is Is nice and bright You know, so I got to use this shell To get that work done because I do want a better resurrection as the Bible says, you know, the resurrection is so important I love Easter, you know, my son my wife had an Easter egg hunt for my son at home his first Easter egg hunt We don't believe that in the Easter Bunny, but hey He likes eggs and he likes candy. I'm gonna give it give it to the boy You know, we had a good time but more important than that Is to remember and by the way next Sunday, we're gonna do the same thing. Amen It's resurrection Sunday next to the next next next next Sunday as well But really it's for us to just remember and keep in mind and keep on the forefronts of our minds the resurrection And if you're not saved today, and you don't know a hundred percent sure that if you're to die today you go to heaven You need to get that Settled before you walk out these doors Okay, because here's the thing some will wake up to everlasting life and some will wake up to everlasting contempt Some will wake up to everlasting death Okay when you die Get that thing settled today. Amen. Thank God for the resurrection. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for this day thank you so much for the resurrection of Jesus Christ and Lord We're thankful of course for his death and that he was delivered for our offenses But it wouldn't have meant anything if he did not resurrect from the grave And we're thankful for that because it shows us a shadow of things to come it teaches us that that's what's gonna happen to us As well, it's so important that you put it in the Sun you put it in the plants You put it in parables and stories of the Old Testament you command us to do baptisms Why to picture the resurrection of Jesus Christ you do so many things to to just Drive home this the concept in this doctrine of the resurrection help us not to take it for granted I pray you bless the remainder of our day in Jesus. Let me pray. Amen