(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) in Jesus' name, Amen. Okay we're continuing this evening in the book of Ephesians and we're actually going to do a part two of Ephesians chapter number two. Last week we spent the entire basically service going through the first I would say about three or four verses and so we're going to we're going to finish the chapter tonight and if I were to really try to title this chapter or give it a theme it would be the the grafting in of the Gentiles the grafting in of the Gentiles and before we get into the second half of Ephesians chapter number two let me just give you a bit of an introduction from last week we talked about being raised from the dead and in the first verse of chapter two it says you have the quickened who were dead in trespasses and sin we explain what that word quicken means it means to be brought back to life and the reason God had to bring us back to life was because of the fact that we were slain by the law of course we know that the Bible says that it is the spirit that quickened it the flesh profited nothing my words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so the only way we were able to come back to life so to speak was because we got saved we believe on Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit came to live within us he regenerated our dead spirit brought it back to life and now we are saved Amen and so it says you have to quicken who were dead in trespasses and sin and so we talked about the the condition prior to salvation we were dead we talked about our destination it said that wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world right and the course that we were talking about last week is basically that this world is on its way to hell in a handbasket and we were on that course we were going in that broad way because of the fact that we were not saved but not only that we were also adhering to the ideologies and the false doctrines and the philosophies of this world we were going according to the course of this world that was our destination and then we see also see that we also see the devil's influence because it says according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience and we explain why the Bible calls us children of disobedience prior to salvation it's because of the fact that our parents not necessarily the parents that literally brought us forth but referring to Adam and Eve their parents of disobedience okay they're the ones you know Adam is basically the one who you know what he wasn't deceived he willingly transgressed and therefore damned the entire human race okay so we're we are children of disobedience we're children of Adam and Eve in a physical sense because we actually stem from them so we see that the condition prior to salvation now we're going to look at the result of our salvation look at verse number seven we're going to look at the creation of the new man it says that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus for by grace are you saved through faith now verse eight and nine is one of the probably one of the best verses in the Bible right just because of the fact that you know it's it's a common verse in regards to salvation it explicitly explains salvation so well it's so basic you know it's it's the cookie on the bottom shelf and if you've done so many for any length of time you've probably quoted this hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times right it's a great verse and the thing is you can literally just use this verse as a means to either start your gospel presentation or in the middle of your gospel presentation anywhere in the gospel i mean it'll make perfect sense to whoever's listening to it because it's so basic he says for by grace now what is grace grace is receiving what we don't deserve right he says for by grace are you saved but here's the thing Calvinists it's not just God's grace right it says through faith okay so he's saying look you're saved by grace but it's your faith right believing on Jesus Christ that gets you saved gives you access to that grace he says for by grace are you saved through faith and i want you to notice this and that not of yourselves now is that so hard to understand is that like written so deep and dreak i mean is it is it so like difficult to comprehend is it hieroglyphic when you read that to understand that it's not of yourself what does he mean when he says it's not of yourself well first and foremost it's not referring to your faith as the Calvinists like to say the faith is not of yourself no Jesus said in the gospels thy faith has saved you okay what he's talking about there is salvation is not of yourself now what does it mean when it says not of yourself it's not based upon your effort your obedience your effort the amount of work that you put into salvation it's not of your self it says it is the gift of God not of works that any man should boast i love this verse because of the fact that it has that phrase there not of your self but here's here's the funny thing is that you have people today who do believe it's of themselves despite the fact that this verse is clearly written in the bible that says it's not of you it's not because of your effort or your obedience it's nothing that you do that gets you saved other than your faith in Christ no work involved yet you have people today that will say this well of course you know it's not of works because they have to say that because it's written in the text you know because it says not of works and for them to say no you do have to work it's just a complete disregard what this is saying ignore that it says not of works it says it's not of works and we don't believe you have to keep the commandments to be saved you know but you do have to repent of your sins to be saved though you know that salvation requires for you to repent of your sin but folks repenting of sin first and foremost think about the how ridiculous this is this is an oxymoron folks to say well you don't have to keep god's commandments to be saved but you do have to repent of your sins think about it look folks the bible says that sin is the transgression of the law so if you invert that what does that mean it means if you keep the law you're not sinning sin is the transgression of the law thereby if you don't sin you're keeping the law so if someone says hey you have to repent of your sin you have to turn from your sin what are they saying you have to keep god's commandments because folks it's god's commandments that tells you don't sin it's god's commandments that tells you don't steal don't bear false witness don't commit adultery don't murder don't do all these things it's god's commandments to say these things so if you repent and turn from the act of doing those things you're keeping that god's commandments thereby it's a work i mean is that so hard to understand don't people realize that when it says not of yourselves it's referring even referring to your obedience to god's commands i mean think about that and the bible tells us therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law he says for by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight what don't you understand of no flesh but somehow they're the exception to that rule right you know the hebrew roots movement they're the exception to that rule it literally says for by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight nobody can be justified by by keeping law you say well why not for by the lead these laws shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin the bible says it's like you're misusing the law the law was never meant to save you it's meant to show you how short you fall you know because the bible says that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god well how how far do you know you you've how how much do you know or how how far do you know you're falling short well look at the law right and wouldn't you say that even after you got saved and you begin to read the bible you really begin to recognize how far you fall because now you're starting to read the bible more you see what god requires of you more you start seeing god's commandments even more and you start saying whoa i fall really short but somehow they don't fall short no i keep god's commandments i mean i literally had a discussion with the person uh this week and they're like baptism saves baptism saves acts 238 acts 238 i'm like so the commandment save you no baptism wasn't even a baptism a commandment well we're supposed to you know keep god's commandments yeah so do you keep all of god's commandments well i keep baptism and then and then he said this well at least i'm striving to get baptized i'm like so you haven't even gotten baptized what in the world but this is the kind of nonsense that's out there folks where people want to contribute to their salvation they want to participate in their salvation and let me show you just how blasphemous and wicked this thought is okay because what are they really saying when they say you know you got to keep god's commandments you got to do your part you got to turn from your sin you got to repent you got to do all these things you got to keep god's commandments what are they saying what they're really saying because you got to read between the lines they're saying the sacrifice of jesus and his resurrection is insufficient to save me it's not enough isn't that what they're saying in order for them to say no you have to do something you have to keep god's commandments you have to repent you have to be baptized what they're really saying is this i know that the word of god was made flesh and dwelt among us i know that he was sinless i know that he shed his blood for all the world but it's insufficient we have to do something on our part as well so they're sliding the lord jesus christ they're undermining jesus christ who is the son of god they're undermining his sacrifice the bible says that he was delivered for our offenses raised again for our justification they're undermining his resurrection and saying that's not enough it's not enough you also have to do your part you also have to repent you got to turn from your sin you got to get baptized you got to clean up your lives you got to do all these things it's of ourselves is what they're saying it's a 50-50 relationship right jesus does something but we also got to put in 52 what they don't really what they don't even realize is they don't even have one percent they're in the they're in the red like like red as in hellfire red their deficit is so deep they can do nothing to pay back and to make a payment for to atone for their sin it's impossible so they're saying well our righteousness saves us right but but i mean folks the bible literally says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us and on top of that there's none righteous no not one and on top of that he says that our righteousness are as filthy rags in the eyes of god he's being facetious when he says that you know why because he's basically saying you don't have righteousness you don't possess any righteousness at all not a lick of righteousness and what you think to be righteous okay we'll use that term there's filthy rags because they can't wash away anything because it's dirty this is why the bible says that the righteousness of christ has to be imputed unto us the full righteousness of jesus christ has to be given to us in order for us to have access to eternal life that's how it works it has to be imputed unto us he hath made him to be sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him we take from his righteousness upon us it's not of ourselves and it's frustrating sometimes quite frankly and and i've been dealing with this more and more the last couple of weeks just because i'm dealing with a new group of people who who just you know have been indoctrinated with stupid doctrine a lot of there's a lot of stupid doctrine out there and and people who adhere to these doctrines and they're i mean it's it's crazy you think to yourself like you're crazy you my friend are crazy and i literally had someone tell me this they said this well prove they said prove that that we don't need our righteousness without using the apostle paul because they know that the apostle paul obviously wrote the vast majority of the new testament and he's the one who makes some of the best cases for the fact that we need the righteousness of jesus right in the book of romans you have first and second corinthians you have all these portions of scripture where he just hammers this concept so this individual because he's so wicked yeah knows that i can make i can just completely destroy his doctrine if i don't use the apostle paul or if i use the apostle paul so he's like prove this without using the apostle paul and i said this red flag number one you want me to prove the bible without using the bible i said all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for proof for correction and instruction in righteousness i said but since you asked i'll do it and i gave him i gave him other verses from james you know i gave him other verses from i gave him a verse from isaiah what now fool you know why because the bible works in tandem with one with another it's in harmony it's not going to contradict itself right but this torah observer heretic doesn't seem to understand that we need to observe the torah we need to observe the pentateuch really then why did jesus christ quote other books of the bible other than the first five books of the bible the pentateuch why did he quote isaiah why did he quote the psalms that's not the pentateuch penta means five it means the first five books of the bible and we have jesus christ the son of god quoting other books from the minor prophets the major prophets from the book of psalms and other portions of scripture oh you know why because it's god's word that's why but i love it all and here's the thing peter writing of paul said that paul's epistles were scripture even as he was penning that down so it's nonsense you know that's the only way you can disprove salvation is if you don't use the bible prove to me your doctrine but don't use the bible don't use scripture nonsense folks for by grace are you saved through faith doesn't say through works doesn't say through repenting of your sin doesn't say they're keeping god's commandments through faith and he made he made the nil in the coffin when he said therefore we conclude what does it mean to conclude something means this is the conclusion of the matter just shut up about it this is where it ends therefore we conclude that man is justified by faith yeah but we also need deeds without the deeds of the law it says that we'll compare scripture with scripture right here and then out of yourselves because it requires yourself to keep god's commandments and do his deeds do the deeds of the law well it says deeds it doesn't say really works and they get into these semantics as though like they mean something different let me just say this you could put works on the diagram right just say just put the word works and then you could put repenting your sins under that keeping god's commandments obedience holiness calvinism anything because all of these things are works because anything that you're placing your faith in outside of christ or in addition to christ is a work in god's eyes that makes sense and look folks the bible says and if by grace then it is no more works and here's the kicker otherwise grace is no more grace so you want to add works to you to to grace okay no more for you you've just made grace null and void to yourself why because it has to be exclusively by faith alone in christ okay for by grace are you safe through faith and that not of yourselves here's another kicker this is uh this is a Muay Thai bout right here it is the gift of god i mean so he says look it's by grace it's by faith it's not of yourself it is the gift of god now folks if he's saying that salvation is a gift i mean that's the most layman's terms that you can use to describe something that's free it is a gift but yeah you have people who say no we still have to pay for it though we got to do our part of course it's free of course it's a gift we're not always denying that but look if you're really saved though you'll pay for that gift that's what they're saying you got to do the works okay verse nine not of works amen by grace by faith not of yourself it is the gift of god not of works and you wonder why you know god damns people to hell sometimes because it's like i told you just in two verses five times different ways for you to understand how free this this is and if you take ephesians uh eight and nine and just say nah it still works god says okay if that's what you want then that's what you want that's what you're gonna get amen let me just say this folks whenever you get into a discussion with someone and it just seems like you're talking to a brick wall just know this don't get frustrated with them just recognize this they've just been given over to a delusion they're an individual who has rejected the word of god so much that god basically says okay sure that's what you want i'll just remove your ability to understand the scripture then and it happens all the time i mean how many of you spoken to somewhere you just like you're just like hello and they're just like works works works you gotta do gotta get baptized works works works it's crazy it's nuts you know this guy was telling me you gotta get baptized no baptism saves jesus was baptized and of course you know what i'm gonna say so did jesus need salvation because according to your theology you're using jesus as a reason why we should get saved for salvation are you saying that that's how he got saved that he needed salvation that's blasphemous why is it not of works lest any man should boast folks if you can do something to merit eternal life even five percent of it even one percent of it according to the bible you can boast about it but let me say this true salvation that's by faith alone nobody's going to boast and in fact what does the bible specifically say if any man glory let him glory in what the cross we glory in the cross we don't boast of ourselves because we didn't we didn't give ourselves eternal life all we did was respond to the light that god gave us a soul winner was sent to us to give us the gospel we got saved but we didn't marry eternal life because we're not righteous in and of ourselves so when we get to heaven what's going to happen we're not going to boast we glory in the cross we glory in the resurrection we glory in jesus not of works lest any man should boast and there's so many verses in the new testament it's beautiful that god will put so many verses to debunk this nonsense you know the bible says in galatians 2 16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of jesus christ even we have believed in jesus christ that we might be justified by the faith of christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified i mean it seems a little redundant doesn't it let's be honest that verse seemed a little redundant he just kind of like said the same thing like four different ways in one verse but you know why he did that number one because he loves people and he wants people to see it it's like oh i get it i get it so you can see why the lord will be so angry with those who would seek to pervert and twist the scriptures and impose their own definition upon what it means to be saved when he's clearly laid it out here this is why the bible says by thy words thou shall be justified and by thy words thou shall be condemned now here's the buzz phrase because you know there's certain people out there they're smart enough to know that these verses exist you know they know ephesians 2 8 9 exists so they'll say of course it's by grace of course it's by faith of course it's a gift of course it's not of yourself of course it's not of works we know that it's what the holy scripture say that's what the text says absolutely by faith sola scriptura but then the buzz phrase is this but if you're saved we're saved by faith alone but real faith what works oh of course it's free absolutely you can't lose your salvation no that's a wicked doctrine but of but true faith saving faith is working faith that sounds cute that sounds very poetic of you to come up with a phrase like that you know it sounds very um you know it sounds like a it sounds like a good title to like a song or something like that maybe you could make it into a haiku or something jason maybe you can work on that he's our haiku expert right here but you're just not gonna find it in the bible see the real what the bible actually says in james 2 because that's what they're referring to it says even so faith if it hath not works doesn't exist is that what it says no it says even so faith if it hath not works is dead being what alone now folks if something is alone does that mean it's just not there no it means it's it's absent of any companions right right means it's still there it's present it just doesn't have anything around them it's it's it's exclusive it's isolated oh no no you know we're saved by faith alone but faith alone true faith true saving faith works amen amen amen no actually no no that's wrong and look sometimes you just gotta tell these people no actually that's wrong you don't say hey that's a good point i get what you're saying about that you just say actually that's just wrong that's actually just wrong but it actually says even so faith if it has not works is dead being alone meaning the faith is still present and what's the purpose of james 2 to accompany your faith with works to be justified for salvation before god no to be justified before man so god doesn't need us to work in order for us to you know validate and justify ourselves before his eyes because he knows if we have faith and that's why the bible says you know not by works of righteousness but to him that worketh not but believeth on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness why because god sees the heart amen this vindicates us before man because if i say i have faith and i have not works how is that going to benefit you how is that going to benefit a person who's in need how does that benefit my brothers and sisters in christ if i'm not exercising my faith you say what's going to happen if you don't exercise your faith then my faith is just alone i have it unto myself okay so god still recognizes that faith is present is just alone now here's the thing is that people will bring this up look at verse 10 for we are as workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them i've had people bring this up after i quote ephesians 8 and 9 and they'll say hey but we're his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works but notice it doesn't say unto good works for salvation and it would be nonsensical for you to just focus on verse number 10 and just completely ignore verses 8 and 9 where he went specifically into saying that it's not of works yeah we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works yes we should walk in them but it doesn't mean that everyone will walk in them folks that's the reality and it's funny every single one of these people that i've spoken to this week when they try to say no you have to turn from your sin acts 238 you got to turn from your sin you got to repent you got to repent i just asked them so have you repented of all your sin i said honest question have you repented of all your sin you could hear a pin drop on social media when i asked them that they can't answer that why because they know how stupid it would sound if they said yes so i asked them so oh okay so we have to so have you repented of ever seen you've ever committed crickets crickets crickets because it's so wicked to say that you have who can say i have made myself pure no one can't and people see don't seem to oh yeah but flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of god yeah but my spirit will amen and so will my resurrected body right so there you go so ephesians 2 verse 8 and 9 is one of the best portions of scripture in regards to salvation it's it's and in fact this is actually the scripture that was given to me for eternal security when i first got saved i remember being at my old church and my the song leader was there and i asked him i said so you you can never we can never lose our salvation like there's no way you can lose it and he just like kind of just flippantly just with no passion whatsoever he was just like for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god and not of works the same man should boast and then he kind of just like walked away and i was just like i got it and i'm like whoa i didn't even know that verse was in the bias says that i'm like that's like four different ways of saying it and we're at that moment i realize i understood eternal security beyond shadow of a doubt it's a powerful it's a powerful verse now in light of that should we work for god of course duh yes we should work for god yet we yes we should labor for him yes and it's funny because all these people who condemn us for believing in this greasy grace or whatever you know they're condemning us but it's just like we're the ones who are actually soul winning right we're the ones who are actually doing the works for god we're actually the ones who are have a have a good godly work ethic what are they doing they're not preaching the gospel they're yeah they're getting drunk and turning the grace listen to this they're turning the grace of god into lasciviousness is what they're doing they're yeah oh yeah they're working they're workers of iniquity verse 11 let's move on it frustrates me folks because of the fact that i see people out there and they're they're very sincere some people are very sincere and they want to know the truth and they've messaged me and they're just like i never knew this i thought that you did have to repent of your sin i thought you did have to turn i thought you did have to get baptized i thought and it's because of these idiots out there that are teaching that nonsense oh you should be more kind and compassionate to them folks the bible says that if another person brings another gospel let them be a curse so the bible actually refers to them as damned prophets is what they are teaching a false gospel and god considers them workers of iniquity you know why because they're damning souls to hell that's why they make it their full-time job to pervert god's word to damn souls to hell that's wicked you know people who are just ignorant about it they're just ignorant about it but folks when you bring the bible and you show them and they say no it's not what it says esv says this niv says this forget the king james version it's old this is what it says that that brings out the rage in me i'll just be honest with you because at that point i'm working with a person or i'm speaking to a person who is undermining god's work not a sincere humble person who honestly wants the truth this is a person who's rejecting the truth so my counseling definitely changes towards these individuals once i find out that they just want to propagate and promote a false gospel let's move on now let's look at our condition without christ look at verse 11 wherefore remember that ye being in time past gentiles in the flesh and the reason he's saying remember is because he just got finished telling us all these great things that just happened to us when we get saved all these blessings were saved by grace through faith and then he says remember so this is a good thing for us to do every once in a while just every once in a while remember what it was like not to be saved remember what it was like not to have the truth wherefore remember it's good to just think back you know especially if you've been a christian for any length of time for a long period of time you can often you know sometimes you can become proud because you know a lot of truth you know what the bible says you're in a good church hearing preaching you're reading the right bible i mean you you're winning souls to christ and you can get a little high-minded so it's important to just remember call my my father-in-law used to call it the hall of shame every once in a while it's good to take a road down a walk down the the hall of shame just remember what it was like before christ bc it says wherefore remember that ye being in time past gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh flesh made by hands that at the time ye were listen to this without christ what a scary place to be you think you think your problems are bad now you think your problems are bad think about people who are going through the same things as you are if not worse without christ let that sink in for a little bit you think you're going through a difficult trial a difficult tribulation you're suffering now okay now apply that same trial to a person out in the world without christ at least you have jesus right he says that at the time you were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel that's a good verse for all the republicans to to uh memorize a little bit right like no immigrants you're an immigrant because you're not even saved any person who's not saved is an illegal immigrant in the eyes of god they're aliens from the commonwealth of israel right i mean this is a good verse for all the conservative republicans who just hate all the mexicans and just like no one coming over here and all these things this is our country shut up if you're a christian this is not your country shut up about that you live here you're not going to be here forever and even worse for those who who are republicans who are not even saved you shut up because you are a immigrant you're an illegal alien and you're over here at at at home depot baptist church on the corner trying to get some work to earn your way into heaven so you can have these you know riches of heaven or whatever you know you're an illegal alien you're an alien of the commonwealth of israel there i said it all the republicans are all mad good get mad well we shouldn't mix politics with religion i just did so he says ye were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel it's referring to gentiles right and even jews at some point were aliens because they were not part of israel at one point okay until that old covenant was established there were strangers and foreigners in egypt right that's why he told them hey don't vex the stranger for your one strangers in the land of egypt he says being aliens from the commonwealth of israel and strangers from the covenants of prominence having no hope who and without god in the world this applies to all of us there's a time when we were illegal aliens we were at home depot in this world we were you know we're running from ice strangers from the covenants of promise we had no hope we were without god in the world the bible says okay now when it says the circumcision it's what is that referring to it's referring to jews okay so in the bible whenever you read that phrase circumcision in the bible it's obviously the physical act of circumcision but it's referring to a specific people who adhere to an ordinance of circumcision in order to be a part of the people of god and that was israel those are jews okay and in fact you know the apostle paul when writing to the church at philip high he says beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision which is synonymous with circumcision he's saying beware of these jews that's what he's telling them he's not saying beware of the you know the hospitals that practice this stuff he's saying beware of the people who adhere to that act which are jews so the jews who are the circumcision would call gentiles the uncircumcision why because of the fact that they referred they in their minds they're thinking to themselves these are not the people of god which at one point they were right about that gentiles were not the people of god at one point so he's talking about our condition their condition our condition without christ before christ we we weren't part of the commonwealth of israel we were not the people of god we were strangers from the covenants of promise we didn't know what the covenant said we didn't know the promises that were made to israel and to abraham and in seed we were without god we were without hope we were lost folks and now we're going to look at the positioning our position in christ he says in verse 13 but now these are some great phrases but now i preached the sermon one time and i think it was in bible college it was called but now i was trying to teach the bible college students to stop whining so much i'm like yeah you know you had all these problems but now it's different you have a bible you have you have a church you're saved you have all these things oh but my dad didn't you he left me when i was a kid my mom left me when i was a kid and you know i was adopted yeah yeah but now though but now it's different and look i'm not undermining the problems of individuals we all went through issues like that you know my father left when i was very little okay and i grew up in a single-parent home but here's the thing but now what's up now but now it's different okay we all had things that that hurt us or we've suffered through or afflicted but here's the thing but now it's different okay he says but now in christ jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of christ night to what the covenants of promise night to what the the citizenship of israel night to what the hope of god and i want you to notice it says by the blood of christ uh it's not the physical blood no it's the physical blood that was shed that was put on the mercy seat in heaven folks don't ever undermine the blood i like the fact that we sang two songs today dealing with the blood amen it's great verse 14 says for he is our peace who hath made both one and has broken down the middle wall partition between us i'm gonna explain all this having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make it himself of twain twain meaning two one new man so making peace and that he might reconcile both unto god in one body by the cross having slain the enmity thereby so let me explain a couple things here he says in verse 14 that he's broken down the middle wall partition between us and really what that's signifying is is in the old testament you had the tabernacle and in that tabernacle you had the veil that would separate right the person from the holiest of all well that veil represented the commandment of ordinances that was against us the bible says it was at enmity with us okay and the ordinances that he's referring to is the meats drinks and diverse washings okay well he abolished that in his flesh and in fact when he died that veil was rent and twain from top to bottom and the spiritual significance of that is basically god rent that from heaven all the way down to earth he broke down the middle wall partition between us now here's the thing when it says here in verse 15 having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments he's not saying that he broke the 10 commandments right he's not saying hey god broke the commandments and he abolished them you know that's such a stupid doctrine you say why bring that up because there's a pastor out there named steve furtick how many of you've ever heard of steve furtick raise your hand don't be embarrassed if you used to listen to him i see that hand steve furtick who's this liberal pastor who's a complete devil and a heretic who literally said this god broke the law for love and people tell me oh yeah yeah you took him out of context he says it twice he's like god broke the law for love no folks he fulfilled the law didn't he say i came not to destroy the law but to fulfill and just remember this sin is the transgression of the law so if you're saying that god broke the law what are you saying that god sinned which is blasphemy heresy devil stuff satan okay no jesus christ did not break the moral law okay and when he came he didn't break the law so that oh yeah now he could just murder and commit adultery and fornicate and steal and people can can you know cross dress and be transvestites and sodomites and all these things and you know god still loves you but this is what people think and what they don't they never people don't understand the the timeline of the bible sometimes they don't really realize that god's law his moral law existed prior to moses did you know that did you know that god's law did you know murder was already wrong prior to moses coming on the scene it's like moses since you're here you know i've been really thinking about this thing of what should be sin and what is not and i made a list of 10 things that i think are pretty bad can i just touch bases with you on that no it existed prior to that folks why because the bible says that the law of god is written in our hearts even in the hearts of the gentiles law of god is written in our hearts the bible says in romans chapter number two it existed prior to the law being established by moses from mount sinai and exists after the old covenant or the old testament was completed with jesus christ being crucified on the cross so what is it referring to when he says the law of commandments contained in what ordinances this is referring to the meats drinks and diverse washings go to colossians chapter number two colossians chapter number two so aside from god's moral law the mosaic law or the levitical law according to the bible was meats drinks and diverse washings carnal ordinances these are the animal sacrifices this is where the different washings that they had to do the the observance of the sabbath okay that's what that's referring to no no no that's referring to you know that's not done away with we're supposed to keep still keep the sabbath folks here's the ridiculousness of that of that way of thinking okay if god says that his law is written in our hearts how many of you here just automatically knew you know what i broke the sabbath i went to oh man i know in my heart i'm breaking the sabbath right now something in me is telling me that i need to go do an animal sacrifice something in me is telling me that i need to go get circumcised just like this law written in my heart i mean is that one is that has anybody ever had that thought good because if you did that you know you'd be a laughing stock everyone knows that the law of god that's written in our hearts is referring to god's moral law but here's the thing no one's ever thought oh man i didn't keep the sabbath on the wait a minute how did i know about a sabbath where'd that word come from right but you know what we did know that stealing was wrong we didn't know that lying was wrong murder adultery fornication we knew these things were wrong why because it's god's moral law it's written in our hearts look at colossians 2 verse 11 in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands so he's like don't worry if you haven't been physically circumcised that that's that's not what you need in order to be a part of the people of god if you believed on jesus christ your heart has been circumcised and in fact the bible specifically says for he is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision outward in the flesh made of hands but he is a jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart and of the spirit whose praise is not a man but of god so the circumcision that god recognizes is not the physical circumcision he recognizes the circumcision of the heart which means that you've believed on jesus christ according to this verse right he says in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of christ buried with him in baptism wherein also you're arisen with him through the faith of the operation of god who has raised him from the dead and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you of all trespasses not some not just your past all verse 14 blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us why because gentiles had no idea about the animal sacrifices they had no idea about the sabbath they had no idea about any of these things that were common to israel it was contrary to us foreign he says and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross now let me ask you this he says that these things were nailed to the cross wait a minute who was nailed to the cross jesus was nailed to the cross so it's not like he took the the animal sacrifice he nailed it to the cross all these washings he nailed them to the cross when he says that it was nailed to the cross he's saying he was nailed to the cross and he was a fulfillment and a representation of those ordinances prove it where we at here look what it says in verse number where we had i think my notes got mixed up colossians let me go there myself because i think i i left out these verses here verse number 14 blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing to the cross and having spoiled all principalities and powers look what it says he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or respect of a holy day or of the new moon or of the sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come but the body which is what the part that was nailed to the cross is of christ so when the bible specifically says he nailed them to the cross the ordinances it's synonymous with jesus christ because he is the fulfillment of those ordinances he's the lamb of god who should take away the sins of the world he is our sabbath right and so that explains that pretty well go to ephesians chapter number two if you would so it says having abolished in his flesh the enmity enmity referring to the law of commandments containing ordinances because it was contrary to us for to making himself of twain one new man so making peace so this is where the concept of grafting in comes into play how many of you have heard that phrase before to be grafted in right and this is something that we see in roman chapter number 11 we're going to turn there in just a bit so i want you to notice this he says that he blotted out the handwriting of ordinances and of twain referring to jew and gentile he made one new man so he didn't say you know after he did this now the jews are messianic jews right now the jews are just messianic jews they're they're they're specialized christians they can still keep their little skull cap and they're you know call them themselves rabbi because they're jews no it says of twain one new man so making peace and that he might reconcile both both who jew and gentile both unto god in one body by the cross not just by the torah not just by the torah not by uh judaism by the cross so what does that tell me in order for a jew to remain the people of god he has to come to the foot of the cross not literally spiritually in other words he has to trust christ as a savior one body by the cross having slain the enmity thereby now let me just explain this real quick go to romans 11 and we'll be done in a few minutes okay because a lot of times people get confused with this okay so it's like what do we believe do we believe in replacement theology do we believe in covenant theology which one do we believe we believe both it's the same thing okay and here's the thing replacement theology is dealing with israel as a nation you know jesus said the kingdom of god shall be taken from you referring to jews and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof now what nation was that it's not talking about like the kainanites he's not referring to the greek nation he's not referring to whatever nation that existed at that point he's referring to a nation a spiritual nation made up of all believers because it's the spiritual nation that what brings forth the fruits thereof which means that they're getting people saved so now the title of people of god has been removed from a physical nation known as israel and given to a spiritual nation made up of all believers but here's the thing this concept of being grafted in is also biblical okay look at romans 11 verse 14 for i speak to you gentiles in as much as i am the apostle of the gentiles i magnify mine office if by any means i may provoke to emulation then which are my flesh and might save some of them for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead for if the first fruits be holy the lump is also holy and if the root be holy so are the branches now people try to use this verse to try to prove that you know the jews are still god's chosen people well first of all let me just say this the first fruits is referring to jesus and the and the root is also jesus so don't give that label to jews it doesn't belong to jews it belongs to jesus he says in verse 17 and if some of the branches were broken off referring to jews and thou being a wild olive tree here i recognize that name were graft in among them and with them partakers of the root and the fatness of the olive tree boast not against the branches but if thou boast thou bearest not the root but the root so what is he saying well look the jews of the old testament what do they do they boasted against the root how do they boast against the root they crucified him what do you mean right they rejected him they crucified him and because of their fall salvation is coming to the gentiles okay he says in verse 19 that will say then the branches were broken off that i might be graft in well because of unbelief they were broken off and thou standest by faith be not high-minded but fear for if god spare not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee now what does that mean well let me explain a couple things here first so what this is saying is that at one time israel there were the people of god but some of those branches were broken off some of them remained though why because some of those who remain were believers i mean peter right i mean john james you know we can't hate these jews folks did some of them were actually saved some of these pinned down some of the most awesome portions of scripture in the bible and they were formerly jews so there are plenty of branches that actually stayed so in order for them to basically you know i think of like um of chase i think prior to chase the bank chase it was a washington mutual is that am i correct on that i think mutual so i used to have that and i remember when they transferred over to chase i had a grandfather account so i got some of those benefits from the washington washington mutual bank i still had those in the chase area whatever because i was kind of crossed over you understand so it was like from one covenant to another because there's literally those two covenants chase and washington mutual understand but here's the thing is some of the jews because they just completely closed down their accounts and were no longer part of washington mutual you know they don't get the same thing right they don't keep saying well yeah i'm still really technically a part of chase i'm still washington washington mutual doesn't exist anymore so people are like oh you know i'm still a jew in judays god doesn't even recognize that anymore as a legitimate religion it's actually a false religion it's actually called the synagogue of satan but peter you know he he stayed faithful in that washington mutual and he got that grandfather stuff so now he's he's yeah he's he's of israel physically but he's a believer but because he was carried over from the old covenant there's certain promises that were made to him that he's going to receive in the millennial reign judging the 12 tribes of israel according to the bible right but then we who were not in washington mutual we just you know found out about this bank when it was chase we get the benefits of chase and all these things of chase or whatever but we're graphed in among them so we're both members of the same bank and i'm using bank because you know jews and banks and stuff you know it'll help you it'll help you to remember so we're graphed in among them okay now look they were broken off and they're no longer the people of god if they weren't saved now is it possible for us to get broken off yes but here's the difference if we are broken off it doesn't mean we're no longer the people of god what it means to be broken off it means basically you're good for nothing right because a branch that is attached to the vine is producing what fruit and the bible says that you know if if you're broken off if you don't abide at the vine the same is cast forth into the fire and they are burned in other words they're broken off they're worthless they're to be cast out and to be trotted the foot of men you just become a worthless christian but the same principle applies okay go back to uh ephesians chapter two let's finish up the chapter here and came and preached verse 17 peace to you which were afar off and to them that were nigh for through him we both both jew and gentile have access by one spirit unto the father verse 19 now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of god and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone so look folks if you really want to see if a jew's saved if they say that they're saved they better stop calling themselves a jew amen amen don't be bringing this you know mazianic jew mazianic believer whatever christian crap around me it's not in the bible once a jew gets saved and they believe on jesus christ they cease being part of judaism they're not a mazianic jew they're a christian use the name christ we believe on jesus christ not rabbi or yahshua or whatever yahweh or whatever use the right terminology amen sick and tired of this hebrew roots movement who's trying to judaize christianity right verse 20 and are built upon the foundation of the apostles of prophets jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone and whom all the building fitly framed together growth into an holy temple in the lord and whom you also are building together for an habitation of god through the spirit so at the end we see there our fellowship with the saints so now jew gentile you know doesn't matter what race you are in god's eyes if you're saved you're just part of the people of god that's why we don't care about race people out there care about race we do not care about race at all we shouldn't care about race we should not care how black you are how white you are how yellow you are how purple or green or red who cares and some people make a big deal about those things well you know yeah but certain cultures christian culture that's what we're striving for christian culture right we need to americanize them no we need to christianize people that's the culture we need so you know i'm a fellow citizen of the household of god you know i'm part of the habitation of god's house that's what i am i just so happen to be brown i just you know i'm a christian who just so happens to be a guatemalan you know john's a christian who just so happens to be a syrian vito is a christian who happens to be a brazilian right who cares about those things what matters is the fact that we're safe folks because you know what you can be the most americanized trump 2024 conservative republican but if you're not saved you're an illegal immigrant in the eyes of god and his immigration service works to the t because when you try to show up without without a garment he's going to say depart from me ye that work iniquity and he's going to call ice which are his angels to cast you into the lake of fire that's what i'm concerned with right there amen so let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for the fact that uh at one point we were without christ without god but now in christ jesus now we're made nigh by the blood of christ we're fellow citizens and i know that's not a popular message today but who cares that's what the bible says we're to believe the bible regardless if it's popular or not regardless if christians agree with it or not if it's what the bible says that's what we got to believe and and we seek for a better country according to the bible a heavenly country and although i love being in this country because we have a lot of freedoms there's a lot of people here that need to get saved this is where you planted us and placed us we're sojourners here on this earth we're sojourners in this country so when people tell me to leave this country if i don't like it i mean where am i going to go i this is where god's placed me and i am going to leave one day but i'm going somewhere where the unsaved will never be able to attain unless they get saved and i pray god that you'd help us to appreciate that new jerusalem that heavenly that's that mount zion to think upon that better country that you have prepared for us lord we love you so much and we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen