(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) we are in 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 and look at verse number one it says here now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant you know that you were Gentiles carried carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking about the Spirit of God calleth Jesus a curse and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in on the title sermon this morning is gifts that are null and void gifts that are null and void now what do I mean by gifts that are null and void well that term null and void basically means they don't exist anymore okay something that is null and void simply means that it's non-existent it's not applicable today now 1st Corinthians chapter 12 through 14 are chapters that deal primarily with the subject of spiritual gifts if you want to do an in-depth study studies 1st Corinthians 12 all the way through 14 and those are the primary ones that's not the only place we see spiritual gifts but that this these are the chapters that primarily teach about the subject of spiritual gifts with the exception of Romans chapter number 12 and we won't get into that one this morning now these spiritual gifts include you know the wisdom of words knowledge the gift of help government but the the primary ones that I want to deal with today are the ones that I believe according to the Bible are null and void which is what the miracles healings and tongues okay miracles healings and tongues now as a result these are also the chapters that cares Maddox like to use to prop up their doctrine of faith healing or speaking what they would say speaking in tongues whereas the Bible actually talks about speaking with tongues all right and and I'll explain what that means in just a bit now most of these people you say I don't know anybody like that well if you've ever heard of a guy like Benny Hinn you know the whited sepulcher who he basically heals people with their jackets and does all kinds of crazy stuff this street fighter you know thing he's a charlatan what is he doing he's making merchandise off of the flock of God is what he's doing you know he's a money-grubbing false prophet who uses you know these doctrinal teachings of apostolic gifts in order to make money off of people okay now let me start off by saying that I believe in these gifts I believe in these manifestations I believe in miracles I believe in healings I believe in tongues why is that well I speak a different tongue it's called Spanish and in fact I'm learning a third tongue which is Greek and when the Bible talks about speaking with tongues it's not talking about speaking with this heavenly gibberish language you know what the Bible referred what they would use as the Bible is saying in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 the tongues of men and of angels right this heavenly language jibber-jabber that no one understands but God whereas any example you see of someone using a tongue to speak it's actually a known language now I believe that God can still heal people today man I believe God can perform miracles I believe people can speak with tongues however these acts are not manifested today the way they were manifested then and a just an overview of the New Testament will help you understand that then that's primarily what we're gonna talk about now for example let's let's talk about tongues for a minute all right now you know you have the Pentecostals the Charismatics who they uphold that spiritual gift as being like one of the most important things you can have right I mean forget salvation you know forget having the right Bible you need do you speak in tongues that's what they want to know I mean how many times have you spoken to a Pentecostal at a door when you're out sowing right and they're like well yeah you try and talk to them about salvation well tell me this though can you speak in tongues that's important to them okay now here's the thing though because if you read Acts chapter 2 where you see that manifestation of that gift what do we see we see cloven tongues of fire we see a rushing mighty wind and we see that men who previously could not speak a foreign language now able to speak and and preach it and the Bible tells us that the men they were preaching to were able to hear every one of them in their own native language that's referring to this miraculous supernatural event that takes place with the Apostles when they got the cloven tongues of fire the rushing mighty wind the Holy Spirit came upon them and they were able to preach the Word of God in a foreign language that they did not know a for time that's a miracle you know now here's the thing so you have that in Acts chapter 2 go to 1st Corinthians 14 now look when I'm speaking Spanish we don't have a rushing mighty wind when that happens I don't have cloven tongues of fire I'm not just gonna automatically speak Arabic just out of thin air if I run into an Arab you know I'm not gonna automatically speak Mandarin to someone who speaks Mandarin fluently why because that gift is no longer available this was something that was unique to the Apostles and I'm gonna prove it this morning that these gifts are unique to only the Apostles and let me just say this there was more than just 12 Apostles okay now so that kind of puts that to bed okay but look at 1st Corinthians 14 verse 22 because what do we see today with charismatic churches and Pentecostal churches where do they primarily speak in tongues in church right don't they now do we see Acts chapter 2 as that being a place of a church no in fact that's out in the open okay now look what the Bible teaches in 1st Corinthians 14 verse 22 wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe so what is that saying tongues are for a sign they were a wonder there were a miracle but not for Christians but what do we see today we see so called Christians in churches holla shalabang a six-pack dollar glorifying themselves in church that's not helping anybody that's not edifying anybody it's telling us here not to them to believe but to them that believe not so why would speaking with tongues be something that's profitable to someone who doesn't believe well simple for the fact that if you're speaking to them and they only speak Spanish but you speak both English and Spanish speaking with tongues is gonna profit that person why because now you can communicate the gospel in Spanish you can communicate the gospel in that language that's why it's profitable to someone who does not believe but prophesying goes on to say service not for them that believe not but for them which believe if therefore the whole church we come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that you're mad I mean don't you think that how many been to an actual Pentecostal service and you've seen when that takes place like man these people are crazy you think that they're crazy well that confirms what the Bible says will not they say that you're mad mad doesn't mean like they're angry like they're just mad mad means you're you're crazy okay verse 24 but if I'll prophesy by the way the word prophesy means preach okay it means to proclaim the Word of God now in the Old Testament and even times in the New Testament when prophesying is referred to it can also refer to report telling the future but it's still the Word of God but now that we have the canonized 66 books of the Bible we don't need any more prophesying of future events other than the prophesying that the Bible gifts okay but if all prophesied or preached there come in one that believeth not or one unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest so falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth so what is he saying here look if you're to choose between speaking with tongues and preaching choose preaching because someone who comes into the church who is unbelieving if you speak in their language but you're preaching to them it's gonna affect their heart they're gonna get saved they're gonna feel you know they're gonna hear the Word of God and they're gonna be what they're gonna want to be converted because of it okay now go to accept number five if you would accept number five and I find it so interesting I've had conversations with people who believe in this speaking in tongues and they'll bring up the whole thing of you know what about the tongues of men and of angels you know so they think like the angels these supernatural beings known as angels that they have this like operatic language that no one understands right and they automatically equate that with us being able to speak that language this jibber-jabber that no one understands but when you study the Bible the Bible records multiple angels speaking and every single one of those times that they speak it's never jibber-jabber it's a no language in the Old Testament New Testament every time an angel speaks people understand what he's saying okay now let's look at the example of healing how about healing then and now we have many examples in the Bible of the Apostles laying hands on people and healing them don't we now a great majority of these are found where in the book of Acts okay but also the Gospels as well in fact that's why it's called the acts because it's referring to the acts of the Apostles referring to their the works that they did including preaching now look at verse 14 it says in believers were the more added to the Lord multitudes both of men and women oh I'm sorry I was gonna mention this so a lot of people believe that this gift is still available like people could just lay hand on someone and then you know their AIDS or it's gone or something cancer is just automatically gone okay and they believe that because the Bible records apostles doing this that automatically were included now I believe in healings and we're gonna look at James chapter 5 and prove that that that it is true that people can get healed but the here's the thing when the Apostles did it it was a unique ability why look at verse 2 15 in so much that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them now tell me something Benny Hinn does your shadow just completely heal people when you just walk by you know and if you believe that that this ability of healing is still available today bring your shadow over here you know why don't you why don't we see what your shadow can do because here we see that this is a supernatural ability that even the shadow of Peter was able to heal those who were sick that is not available today okay there came also a multitude out of the city's roundabout unto Jerusalem bringing sick folks and them which were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed every one I don't think anyone would disagree that what we see here is not something that we even see today and look these charlatans such as Benny Hinn you know I don't know Chris Lasala for example you know they're not gonna try this right here I'm trying to get their shadow to heal people because it's stupid to even think that this still exists today now go to James chapter number five this was a unique ability no one can deny that but that's not to say the healings don't take place today because they do now do they happen all the time no okay and look one thing if you if you study healings in the Bible their representation of something else what is the healings the physical healings of people represent it represents salvation you know they're often an illustration a parable of actual salvation by his stripes we are healed the Bible says right so these are representations of actual salvation now they literally took place back then but here's the thing they no longer take place today because we don't have people casting shadows and healing people and such now look at verse 14 it says any is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord so what is the Bible telling us here that if you're sick a biblical thing to do is come to the elders of the church and say hey can you pray over me can you anoint me with oil okay so we lay hands on you and we pray over you anointing you with oil okay but look what it says in verse 15 and the shadow no it says the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise them up and if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven him so what is it what do we see here is it the laying hands that heals the person is it this the shadow that heals the person no it's the prayer of faith it's the actual prayer of faith why is that because with prayer all things are possible when we pray ye have not because ye ask not the Bible tells us continually to pray and to pray for the necessities that we have therefore what heals the person prayer now look not every time is that prayer gonna be answered there's people who have prayed over people laid hands on people anointed them with oil and they don't get healed and you know what that's just their lot in life because here's the thing I have I had a cousin who died because he lived just a wicked life of drugs alcohol he has cirrhosis of the liver he had all these just diseases because of all the drugs that he did now he was saved you know and I remember talking to him the week before he died and he said I believe God's gonna heal me I believe God's gonna heal me you know I God did it in the Bible he's right he's gonna do it for me too guess what he died that week and I remember talking to him over the phone and thinking myself I'll see you in heaven you know I'll see you in heaven and he died it's not that he didn't have faith it's because he he messed up his body his sin killed him that's what it is his drinking habits killed him his drinking habits gave him cirrhosis of the liver his drug abuse is what killed him so it doesn't matter how much faith he had guess what he was suffering the consequences of his actions of his sins that's what it is okay now so we see here that tongues that's easily explained healings is easy easily explained you know but you say well so what do we do with 1st Corinthians 12 and 14 then because in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 it does talk about the diversities of gifts you know it talks about the different administrations it does mention miracles healings tongues and he's talking to a church right because he's talking to the church at Corinth so how do we explain that well turn with if you went to Matthew chapter 12 now let me just go over something okay let me lay a brief foundation here is that a common phrase that you'll see when it comes to miracles and a lot of the acts of the Apostles you'll see the phrase signs and wonders signs and wonders now it's important to remember that phrase because we're gonna deal with that later on at the end of the of the of the sermon here but you see that signs and wonders let me read to you from John 4 48 then said Jesus unto him except he sees signs and wonders ye will not believe look at Matthew 12 verse 39 for by the word thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned then certain of the scribes into the Pharisees answered saying master we would see a sign from thee but he answered and said unto them an evil and adulterous generation seek seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given him but the sign of the Prophet Jonas for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so the Pharisees come to Jesus and say hey we want to see a sign and what does he tell him he's basically telling them you're evil and you're wicked you're an adulterer you're wicked because you seek for a sign now why is he saying that well because an adulterer or someone who's adulterous is someone who's fleshly whereas the things of God are supposed to be believed by faith we don't need something physical we don't need a sign to believe and in fact in Mark chapter 16 when he commissions them to go preach the gospel he talks about how they can drink deadly things and it's not gonna hurt them he talks about how they're gonna be speaking with tongues he talks about how he's gonna they're gonna be able to heal and what is it it's for those who believe those signs will follow so after they believe they'll see those signs which will confirm the message whereas what are these guys doing we want to see that we want to see the sign first we want to see the sign first and then we'll believe but what is God saying no believe the Word of God first and then I'll show you the signs the signs of the Apostle and look throughout the the book of Acts that's exactly what we see we see people believing on the Word of God believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and then signs following okay now here's an interesting thing because the parallel passage in the in the Gospel of Luke records Jesus saying talking about the sign of Jonas the prophet and it says that he was a sign unto the Ninevites now here's the thing we understand that according to the Bible Jesus Christ went into the heart of the earth you know when he died his soul descended into hell the Bible says what is it that he ascended but that he first descend into the lower parts of the earth which is referring to hell now the people who were alive that day did not see him go to hell how was he assigned well because it says there in the book of Luke that he was assigned to the Ninevites the fact that he came back from the whale's belly and you know what the sign is to these people who were there during that time is that Jesus Christ resurrected okay that was the sign was the resurrection was a sign to confirm that he was God in the flesh that he overcame death go to 1st Corinthians chapter number one we're gonna look at some verses here so what do we see the order the sequence here we see that there to believe on the on the Word of God first there to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and then signs will follow to confirm that message what are the Pharisees want they want signs first and then they'll believe the Word of God right that's why they're an evil and adulterous generation because they're fleshly they want it they don't want to walk by faith they want to walk by sight okay look at 1st Corinthians 1 21 says for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God go back to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 12 so the Jews required a sign and Jesus specifically told them you're not gonna get any sign except for the sign of Jonas the Prophet he was assigned into the Ninevites the fact that he came back out of the well's belly that's the same sign you're gonna get because I'm gonna come back from the dead is what he's referring to there look at 2nd Corinthians 12 verse 11 it says here I am become a fool and glorying you have compelled me for I ought to have been commended of you for nothing am I behind the very cheapest apostles though I be nothing now notice what he says here truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience and signs and wonders and mighty deeds now here we see the Apostle Paul referring to the signs of a disciple the signs of an apostle okay people ironically believe that because they were named disciples that automatically that God automatically gave them these abilities now here's the thing we see other people doing miracles other than the 12 disciples is that not true we see people in the book of Acts doing miracles healings they were not of the 12 but does that mean they weren't apostles no and here's the thing people think that there were only 12 apostles I mean I used to believe that when I was younger in the Lord that there was only 12 but the Bible actually talks about there being more than 12 and in fact there's at least 70 and then if you count the Apostle Paul that's more that's more right there now let's look at some things here go to Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 this point is vital in order to understand that these unique gifts are null and void today okay now don't you don't we have today fake apostles you know mr. and mrs. apostle of the first Ebeneezer tabernacle of the second generation Baptist Church ha yeah you know you have these phony apostles when the Bible clearly tells us that apostles don't exist today in fact the Apostle Paul said that he was the last one now look at Matthew chapter 10 verse number one this is we see here the ordination of these apostles okay look at verse number one it says that when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness in all manner of disease now the names of the twelve apostles are these the first Simon who was called Peter and Andrew his brother James the son of Zebedee and John his brother Philip and Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the publican James the son of Alphaeus and Labaus whose surname is Thaddeus Simon the Canaanite and Judas Iscariot who also betrayed him these twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not in the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter you not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received freely give what do we see here the ordination of the twelve now even amongst those twelve there were three that were like Jesus favorite just be honest with you right you have Peter James John right who were the ones who were there at the mount of Transfiguration when Jesus Christ was glorified Peter James and John right now just because those were the three does that mean that there are the only apostles no so we have those three we have the 12 but then we have even more than that and I'm gonna prove that to you go to Luke chapter 10 so he ordains these 12 he names them right gives them the power over diseases to heal all these people who are sick but then we also see the he ordains more even after that look at Luke chapter 10 verse number 1 after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also and sent them to and to before his face and into every city and place whether he himself would come skip down to verse number 8 and into whatsoever city he enter and they receive you eat such things as are set before you and heal the sick that are there in and say it to them the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you go to verse 17 it says and the 70 return again with joy saying Lord even the devil's are subject unto us through thy name and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you notwithstanding and this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven so we see here that the 70 who are ordained aside from the 12 had the same exact abilities as the 12 right healing treading on serpents and scorpions so on and so forth now go to Acts chapter 14 you said well that doesn't prove anything that just proves that the disciples also had those abilities therefore we have these abilities as well no you know what this proves is that these 70 are also apostles doesn't prove they were just normal disciples it proves that there are apostles now if you're if you're not convinced of that yet then this should be the coup de gras for you to know that this is true okay look at acts 14 verse 13 then the priest of Jupiter which was before their city brought oxen and garlands unto the gates and would have done sacrifice with the people which when the Apostles who Barnabas and Paul now let me ask you something was Barnabas named in the 12th no case closed heard of they rent their clothes and ran in among the people crying out and saying sirs why do you eat these things we also are men of like passions with you so on and so forth go to Romans chapter 16 I don't know I think he's just saying apostles because Paul was included in that name right there okay so he's just kind of coupling him Barnabas wasn't really a possible okay let me give you another coup de gras there okay go to Romans 16 verse 7 obviously we understand that Romans 16 is a list of Paul honoring people look at verse 7 salute Andronicus in Junia my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners who are of note among thee apostles who also were in Christ before me now hold on a second Andronicus and Junia were they among the 12th no but the Bible says here that they are apostles so what does that tell us that tells us that there's other apostles other than the 12 it's just that the 12 are like the elite that's basically what it is I mean you know God has favorites unfortunately for some you know and there's the three there's the 12 there's a 70 then there's everyone else as far as what he's gifting them with okay but we see here that Barnabas was an apostle we see that Andronicus and Junia are apostles and then others in the book of Acts you will see that they're commonly called apostles how do you know if they're apostles well one of the they call them apostles but two if they are exercising this ability to heal these miracles that basically shows that they're an apostle now not everyone because Timothy is not an apostle Titus was not an apostle now we're gonna look later on in Acts chapter 1 the qualifications of an apostle and this is the reason why these modern-day apostles are so phony because the one the number one thing that you had to have done in order to be an apostle was to see the resurrected Christ you have to be there when Jesus Christ resurrected that's how they're able to determine if Matthias was gonna be one of the apostles because he was there from the baptism of repentance excuse me from the baptism of John up until his resurrection that's why they no longer exist oh you know but I saw a YouTube channel where someone said they saw a 50-foot Jesus and they're liars so how do you know they're liars ask them what that Jesus looked like and they if they describe some Catholic Jesus that's not Jesus you know if they describe what's the guy's name Borgia what is this Caesar what Borgia okay that Roman guy that's not him not him Jesus was he from Israel he had a tan probably okay now go to mark 16 so that should be the nail in the coffin to show you that there wasn't just 12 apostles why is that important well it's important because people have this misconception that they believe that all the disciples had these abilities no they didn't only the Apostles had that ability okay now look look at mark 16 verse 15 the Great Commission was given multiple times in the Bible this is one of them but this one is unique to the Apostles okay why is that was his in verse 15 and he said unto them going to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth in his baptized shall be saved and he but he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that belief in my name they shall cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and shall recover they shall recover so then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following okay so he already told look when you preach the gospel these are the signs that you're gonna do in order to confirm the message now I talked about that about two weeks ago I was preaching on Hebrews chapter number six and I was explaining that and the reason the word had to be confirmed with signs is because you have a moment in time here where they're coming out of that old covenant they're coming out of the oppression of Judaism so to speak of the ferry the religion of the Pharisees the tradition of the Pharisees so in order to believe their message I mean they would believe the message but in order to confirm that these men were sent from God they would have to do these miracles in order to confirm that okay now you think about it once Paul was off the scene by that time they had seen many people saved and at that point you just have people preaching the gospel seeing them saved I'm talking about Gentiles right not just Jews but more so Gentiles now okay now go with me if you would to let's see here I'm gonna skip some things here go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 you see this in Acts chapter 2 about the signs and wonders being done by the Apostles signs and wonders wrought among the people by the hands of the Apostles miracles and signs which were done Acts chapter 14 also mentions this look at 1st Corinthians 12 and verse number 7 it says but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all for to one is given the spirit of the word of wisdom and to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by the same spirit to another working of miracles and to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues but all these work at that one and that self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will now we just saw in the previous verses that these miracles were done by the Apostles so here's my question look at down to verse number 29 are all Apostles verse 29 says are all Apostles this is how we can determine whether this still exists today because are all Apostles no they're not all Apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret now hold your place there put a pen or a paper and go to Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter number 1 we're gonna look at the qualifications here of an apostle look at Acts chapter 1 verse 20 says now what are we dealing with here in Acts chapter 1 and verse 20 through 26 well what we have is the fact that Judas who is one of the twelve right hung himself he was the son of perdition therefore the Apostles are kind of basically scrambling to find that 12th apostle to get him back in the gang or something you know to complete the 12th okay and I don't know why they exactly why they did that if I were to if I were to guess I would say because of the fact that Jesus Christ had promised that the 12 Apostles would sit on the 12 tribes 12 Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel in the millennial reign so they're kind of like well we need to fulfill that still so let's look for that 12th apostle okay so here we see that they're they're looking to do that look at verse 20 says for it is written in the book of Psalms let his habitation be desolate and let no man dwell therein and his bishopric let another man take this is referring to Judas wherefore of these men which have accompanied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in out among us beginning from the baptism of John unto that same day that he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection now we see that in the Bible that even when Jesus Christ resurrected he was seen of many people right the Bible tells us that in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 but you see that they had to be there from the beginning of the baptism of John to the time he resurrected and was taken up you see what I'm saying that was the qualification there and they appointed two Joseph called barsabbas who was surname justice and Matthias so what do we see here we see that justice and Matthias are apostles why because they were there from the baptism of John up until his resurrection and his ascension now what are they choosing him for are they choosing him to be an apostle no they're trying to they're trying to figure out who can be part of the 12 because the 12 do have a specific privilege of judging the 12 tribes in the millennial reign and they prayed and said thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men show us whether of these two thou has chosen that he may take part of this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell that he might go to his own place and they gave forth their lots and the lot fell upon Matthias and he was numbered with the 11 apostles now I don't know if Matthias is the 12th apostle that's like the common thing that people like to ask you think Paul's the 12th or you think that Matthias is I think I don't know but I do know this both of them are apostles because both of them qualify to be an apostle now I don't know both of them qualify to be the 12th apostle does that make sense to everyone now go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 so these modern day apostles are not qualified to be an apostle quote-unquote okay unless they're like 2,000 years old right and they were there since then but we know that's not true we understand that these people are more than likely they're charlatans they're driving their their Hummers and their beamers and they got all kinds of bling bling you know what I mean they want money they're typically adulterers child molesters you know taking advantage sexual advantage of the people in the church they're doing this for they're greedy of filthy lucres what they're doing they're phonies now look at 1st Corinthians 15 verse 6 after that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remained into this present but some are falling asleep after that he was seen of James then of all the apostles and last of all he was seen of me also as one born out of due time for I am the least of the apostles that I am NOT mean to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God go to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 so we see there that he was the last one so if he was the last one that means there's no more healings there's no more miracles as far as them performing that miracle then performing that healing being able to speak with the tongue that they not had not learned a four time okay look at 1st Corinthians chapter 12 now how does this fit into the body of Christ because you see 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 the Apostle Paul spends a lot of time talking about these spiritual gifts but then he talks about the body of Christ and how one member is not more important than the other and how you know they need to work together let's read it here verse 12 it says for as the body is one and has many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ we're gonna read a lot here it says for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member but many if the foot shall say because I am NOT of the hand I am NOT of the body is it therefore not of the body and if the ear shall say because I am NOT the eye I am NOT of the body is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye where was the where were the hearing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling but now had God set the members every one of them in the body as it had pleased him and if they were all one member where were the body but now are they many members but yet excuse me yet but one body and the eye cannot say into the hand I have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you so you think about it like why is this passage of scripture in between chapter 12 when he's talking about spiritual gifts chapter 13 and 14 referring to spiritual gifts well the reason why is because the problem that they're facing here if you read all three chapters is what they're exalting the gift of tongues they're exalting the gift to be able to speak with tongues they're exalting the gift of healing they're exalting these miracles over what over prophesying now here's the thing because these miracles and these abilities were only subject to these special elite people who were there from the baptism of John to the resurrection and the ascension that means not everyone has this ability you see what I'm saying but here's the thing what ability does everyone have prophesying preaching therefore what would we say what would the Bible say is the most important thing preaching soul winning preaching the gospel this is the most important thing now we'll see later on in chapter 14 that the church at Corinth they were coveting these spiritual gifts I mean who wouldn't want like to be able to do that stuff you know what I mean like just back heal and cast out demons and do miracles this is and they're there to witness these things look at 1st Corinthians 14 to hold your place there in 12 look at verse 26 how is it that brethren when you come together every one of you hath a psalm hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a revelation hath an interpretation let all things be done into edifying verse 37 if any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord but if any man be ignorant let him be ignorant wherefore brethren covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongues let all things be done decently and in order you see they were not a steaming the ability to preach now with that in mind go back to chapter 12 and look at verse 21 and it kind of makes sense that people would would covet those great gifts you know but what Paul's trying to do which he has those abilities it's kind of basically redirect their focus and say hey you need to covet to be able to preach why because our main responsibility as Christians whether apostles or just regular disciples believers is to preach the gospel that's the greatest thing and these things are gonna pass away these things were are not gonna be here forever preaching is now with that in mind look at verse 21 and the eye cannot say into the hand I have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you look what it says here nay much more of those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestowed more abundant honor and our uncommonly parts have more abundant comeliness now think about this he's saying look the things that we think are not necessary they're actually the most necessary preaching right or how about this when he says the things we think are less honorable upon those we bestowed more honor what does that remind you of well first Timothy chapter 5 verse 17 says that those who rule well are worthy of double honor especially they who labor in in the word and in doctrine so he say look you think like prophesying is not that important we bestowed more abundant honor on that person because they're laboring in the Word of God they're laboring in the Bible you see it takes work to know the Bible it doesn't take work for the Apostles to do miracles it doesn't take work to be able to slap your hand on someone's forehead and heal them it does take work to know the Bible it takes years therefore someone who rules well therefore someone who knows the Word of God they're laboring they're rightly dividing the Word of Truth they get more honor he said well what about the comeliness part well think what is commonly mean beautiful because obviously everyone in the church is not going to be a pastor or a preacher but everyone can still be a preacher of the gospel and the Bible says that these uncommonly parts the ones you think are not as important they have more abundant comeliness they're more beautiful why because how beautiful are the feet of them that preach glad tidings so what is Paul doing he's redirecting their focus he's saying look you guys got it all backwards you know speaking what you look and even said himself I speak more with tongues than y'all right he was able to speak in more languages than anybody else in that church but here's the thing he was saying you should covet to prophesy and both Old and New Testament emphasized that you think of the story of Moses when Caleb came and he was complaining he was whining oh you know they're prophesying in the camp he's like what to God that all God's people were prophesying the Word to God that everyone would preach the Word of God why because when it comes to the preaching of God's Word it's an even plane as far as the gospel is concerned everyone can get involved and preach in the gospel you know the gift of evangelism is not a gift people used to say that I used to hear that back in the day was oh he has the gift of evangelism no you just have the gift of laziness you have the gift of laziness and you don't want to go out there and preach the gospel because it's very easy to do as long as you put in the work to do it it doesn't require a gift in this now are some people more gifted in their ability to become a speaker of course better personality easier to get along with some people are more shy than others but here's the thing the Apostle Paul said this that God hath enabled me so what God calls us to he enables us to do the work as long as you're willing to put in the work to do so that's why we got a covet prophesying okay look at chapter 14 verse number 1 it says here follow up to charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy look you can cover these spiritual gifts which what's included in those spiritual gifts words of wisdom knowledge discerning of spirits look we should have that gift of discerning spirits because in the beginning of chapter 12 what do we see that no man let me read it because I don't want to misquote it it says here in verse number 3 wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus a curse and then no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost you know we should be able to discern based upon what comes out of the mouths of people we should be able to discern whether they have the right doctrine or not right that takes the ability to read people to understand what they're saying to understand the words etc okay now go to Revelation chapter 13 we're almost done so what do we see here we see that these gifts were unique to the Apostles okay unique to the Apostles not just the 12 Apostles in general okay and we see that they are no longer these Apostles are no longer here because of the fact that the Apostle Paul said that he was the last one all right now the twelve are unique from all of them right because those are the ones that were with Christ the most they're the ones who are gonna be sitting on the twelve tribes the twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel etc but these gifts were unique to them and then we see the Apostle Paul even saying himself you should covet to prophesy okay now why is this a dangerous doctrine in faith healing you know speaking in tongues miracles why is that dangerous you know for us you may think well that's just a stupid doctor it's foolish it looks funny you know you see the memes and people make memes out of them and they transform into like being Street Fighter and stuff and people are falling it's pretty funny but here's the thing I believe it's also dangerous though I'm explaining why you see I believe that every false religion has an element within their teaching that the New World Order and the Antichrist has to appeal to let me repeat that I believe that every false religion has an element that the New World Order and the Antichrist has to appeal to every single religion why because you have in the New World Order one world religion and in order to have one world religion you have to have everyone agreeing with you and you have to have an element within your structure that appeals to every single religion every single belief system now where does Pentecostals fit with this what does the Charismatics fit with this signs and wonders okay look at Revelation 13 verse 4 and they worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worship the beast saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make war with him now keep in mind that there's like 279 million Pentecostals all around the world it's a lot okay obviously this is like what seven point something billion people in the world is that correct about that much you know that's a large amount and the element that the Charismatics look for is not the preaching Pentecostals don't look for preaching I have an aunt who's a Pentecostal and she told me years ago you know she was like she came to my church or we're meeting in front my church for whatever reason it was like an off day and she said how long do you worship for and I you know I was like I don't know what you mean what do you mean like how long like the preaching she goes no no the worship how long do you worship I'm like are you talking about the singing she was like yeah I was like well we do we have three congregational songs and then we sing a song at the end of the preaching so the preliminaries takes about like 10 15 minutes so it's like 15 minutes of singing oh no I can't no no wait I need to have at least an hour and a half I was like of what of singing yeah she's like the preaching I can I can read my Bible at home or something you know I was like what in the world that that blew me away I was like you come to church for preaching that's what it's for we seem to prepare the heart for preaching but at the end of the day the focal point of the service is preaching but not for the Pentecostal they love the singing and the movement and the dancing you know the the cumbia for the Spanish ones salsa whatever you know as long as it appeals to the flesh and they they're there for the signs and wonders as well you know and I believe Satan is gonna attempt to emulate this look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 I'm gonna reach you from Matthew 24 verse 23 if any man say if any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false Christ and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect now it's interesting isn't it then in the book of Acts you see the Apostles doing signs and wonders over and over and over the signs of the Apostles signs and wonders signs and wonders look at 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 13 for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works that's not there on accident what it's talking about is that these Apostles are going to be doing these signs and wonders as well false apostles okay now go through it to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 look at verse number 7 it says for the mystery of iniquity does already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and then that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved so what do we see here we see Satan also emulating these signs and wonders you know where's Pentecostalism in the end times there it is you know revelation 13 13 says and he do with great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth and the sight of men and deceive it them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live so he's gonna appeal to that crowd isn't he because they're not looking for the Word of God they're like the they're like the Pharisees who say show me a sign and you want the Antichrist is gonna do I'll show you a sign that's what you want I'll show you signs and lying wonders so don't think just because there's signs and wonders that it's of God because what example do we have in the Old Testament where that took place you have Moses doing signs and wonders but you also have the magicians Janus and Jambres he threw down the snake or the the staff and became a snake what do we see with Janus and Jambres they did the same exact thing you know and they would always just emulate everything that Moses did everything that he every miracle that he accomplished they did too but here's the difference theirs was lying wonders whereas God's wonder was true and how do we know that they're different well it's based upon where we place the emphasis see in our church we do not emphasize signs and wonders because signs and wonders cannot be tested today and we know that they were subject only to the Apostles what is it what are what are we able to determine what are we able to test the Word of God doctrine you know we're able to try them to say there are apostles and are not as the Bible says okay based upon the doctrine that's coming out of their mouth so what's the sermon today the sermon is basically this look there's gifts that are just null and void today now the gift of wisdom of course that's a gift but that comes as we ask God for wisdom right that comes as we read the Word of God in fact the Bible tells us that he that walketh with wise men shall be wise you know the gift of knowledge well the Bible tells us to grow in grace and in the knowledge you see these are things that God helps us to have by the Spirit whereas the miracles you say that still doesn't explain why miracles healings is in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 well let me explain to you why he's mentioned in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 all the way through 14 because Paul's still there the Apostles are still there you know and they're still performing those miracles up until that time but you know once they died out it was over and done with at that point we ought to covet earnestly the greatest gift which is prophesying and then it's prior has another word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word thank you thank you so much for the gifts that we even we see in the Bible they're inspirational to us and but I pray God that you give us the sermon help us to recognize that these aren't available to us today what is available to us that which the Word of God teaches us and that which we're able to preach and any time someone places an emphasis over the supernatural miracles and healings over the clear teachings of Scripture then we have a problem I pray God that you'd help us to come to that knowledge Lord each and every day and recognize that Satan always likes to do a counterfeit especially as he prepares the world and he conditions it he creates the infrastructure for the new world order we understand that he's gonna pull elements from every single religion to try to deceive them by using that which is not biblical these lying wonders as the Bible puts it and I pray God that you continue to help us to have discernment we thank you so much for all that you've done for us pray these things in Jesus name amen