(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're in Galatians chapter 1 and actually what we're gonna do for the next six weeks is I'm gonna be teaching through the Book of Galatians for the next six weeks on Sunday night now, we're doing The book of Judges on Thursday evenings, but I decided to do the book of Galatians on Sunday night About two years ago. I preached a sermon entitled an overview of the book of Galatians But it just didn't do justice to the book of Galatians because there's so much to cover Within this book that I like to go verse by verse and it's a great book here So let me just give you a bit of an introduction of what the book of Galatians is about now When you read this book, you'll see a lot of different topics that are being covered but the main themes that we see in the book of Galatians is that the Apostle Paul is defending the doctrine of Salvation and he's defending it against what's referred to as the Judaizers what we would refer to as the Judaizers Because there are false brethren that are creeping unawares Within the local churches found in the region of Galatia and they're spreading false Doctrine that they need to keep the law of Moses in order to be saved now Here's the scary thing, you know We could assume that basically the Apostle Paul was the one responsible for planting these churches in the region of Galatia But he goes on his missionary journey. He's confirming the other churches He's winning people to Christ and apparently from what we see in this book is that he's catching wind That the people in these churches are actually adhering to the law once again You say well, what's the problem with that? There's nothing wrong with that Well when we think of the law, we often think of you know, thou shall not kill thou shall not bear false witness That's not what the law that he's referring to that they're keeping He's referring to the law that was under the Old Covenant that was done away with in Christ That which was nailed to the cross the ordinances that were written against us that were nailed to the cross When Jesus Christ was crucified, these are the things that those in the churches in Galatia were observing In fact, he even tells them you observe times months and years. What is he talking about? he's talking about those feasts that we see in the Old Testament and Here the book of Galatians Chapter one primarily deals with him approving himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ But also condemning those who are preaching another gospel, so he just doesn't waste any time He's talking about those who preach another gospel and he's referring to those who have infiltrated these churches chapter 2 he basically shows that he's not a respecter of people because in chapter 2 is where we see that the Apostle Paul Rebukes the Apostle Peter who was an apostle before he was so he's basically showing like hey No one has the right to be a respecter of people No one has the right to have this kind of attitude that because these people are Jews that it's okay They can come in and try to Judaize churches because even Peter was very big for that Chapter 3 and 4 he really begins to give his arguments as to why it's not biblical for them to keep the law And let me say this the book of Galatians is a little rough because of the fact that he actually begins to question their salvation Why is that well because they're keeping the law Which is something that those who were under Judaism Would do in order to be saved we obviously understand that the law cannot save the Bible says therefore We conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law We understand even according to Galatians that the laws are schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ not to save us But to help us to recognize that we need a Savior, right? so he begins to give these Arguments and from chapters 1 to 2 he gives his personal argument, which is hey, this is not the gospel I gave you, you know, I'm an apostle. I'm an apostle of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ chose me You know those who preach another gospel if I even come to you preaching of the gospel. I'm a curse, right? That's what he's saying so he gives that personal argument and then in chapter 3 he gives like the logical argument and We'll get into in the coming weeks. He gives the timing argument in chapter number 4. He gives a sentimental argument Thereafter because he's the one who personally won them to Christ and then he also gives which is my favorite the allegorical argument in The book of Genesis. Okay, and so we see that there he gives a sentimental argument the allegorical argument But here's the thing is like towards the end of Galatians. He kind of like says, you know Almost to say like I believe you're saved just stand fast in the Liberty wherewith ye are called But you know it we can't blame him for questioning their salvation though, you know And this is a very strong book to prove to people that people's salvation can be questioned Right, you know, oh you can't just go around questioning people and doubting people doubting people Their salvation and claiming that they're not saved and you know all these things but in reality The Apostle Paul did it all the time with those who were trying to adhere to works based salvation You know, he not only did it to those in the book of Galatians, but he also did it to those at Corinth Where he even went as far as to say, you know that Christ be in you except he be reprobates Right. He's basically saying that they're not saved. Okay so we see that take place here in the book of Galatians and we see that This is basically a book that he is trying to set things straight within these churches. Okay, so let's start here in verse number one We're just going to go through chapter one today and explain what he's how what the foundation that he's setting forth. Okay Look at verse number one. It says paul an apostle not of men Neither by man, but by jesus christ and god the father who raised him from the dead So what does he do first? He confirms his apostleship, you know And the reason he's doing this is the same reason why he doesn't in first corinthians chapter nine You know first corinthians chapter nine the church at Corinth they're questioning his leadership They're questioning his apostleship. In fact, hold your place there and go to first corinthians chapter nine If you would go to first corinthians chapter number nine First corinthians chapter number nine Look what it says here in verse number one Am I not an apostle am I not free Have I not seen jesus christ our lord are you not ye my work in the lord if I be not an apostle unto others? Ye doubtless I am to you for the seal of mine apostleship. Are ye in the lord? So what is he saying? He goes just to show you that I am an apostle If you're saved then i'm an apostle because i'm the one who actually got you saved That proves that I was the messenger of the gospel that proves that if you're saved that you know What I actually came and I gave you the gospel you are my seal of mine apostleship And it's unfortunate that he has to do these with so many churches Where he has to prove himself to those whom he led to the lord those whom he was feeding those whom he loved You know the bible even says in galatians that these people loved the apostle paul so much that they were willing even to give them Their own their own eyes If it were possible But yet he became an enemy unto them. Why because he was telling them the truth Look at second corinthians chapter 12. No, actually go back to galatians I'll read you from second corinthians chapter 12 verse 11 truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you and all patience and signs and wonders and mighty deeds look at verse two of galatians, so he he confirms his apostleship to Those in galatia and by the way, this is not to one particular church, right? This is to the churches in galatia Verse two says and all the brethren which are with me unto the churches of galatia Grace be unto you in peace from god the father from our lord jesus christ Who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world According to the will of god and our father to him be glory forever and ever. Amen So think about this. This is a problem on a mass scale You know, this is not just like false doctrine in one church This is not just even amongst a couple people in those churches. These are churches that have Adapt or adopted these false beliefs and these false doctrines. So he has a lot of work on his hands Okay And he's basically writing this open letter To all these churches for everyone to read because sometimes we think well the book of ephesians is only written to those at ephesus Or the book of colossians only written to those in colossi, right? the those at thessalonica those, you know the letter to the thessalonicans so on and so forth, but what we sometimes forget is that They understood that not only was this a letter to them, but it was actually god's work They understood that the the epistles of paul were god. They were inspired by god Therefore they would share them one with another. Okay, so we see that in the book of colossians where he said hey Take this letter make sure they read it in laodicea and the ones who have a letter in laodicea Make sure that you're reading them. Why because it's god's work So this is not only something that we see in the book of galatians where all the churches in galatia are receiving this letter But it's a letter that's being shared abroad. Okay. Now, why is that? Well, because the main antagonist The main antagonist of the new testament Were the Pharisees Who were adherents to judaitism? And they were just attacking one church. They were attacking all the churches Not just in jerusalem all over as we can see here even in galatia That's why the subject of what we would refer to as replacement theology Is often repeated and reinforced throughout the new testament? The apostle paul refers to it multiple times throughout the new testament, you know, you have it in ephsians chapter two How about the book of romans? You know you have it in chapter two chapter three you have it in chapter four you have it in chapter nine ten eleven He just spends entire chapters hitting on this Why because the main antagonist the enemy of the gospel? Was israel according to romans chapter 11 So these are the people that he's combating with these are the people who he's fighting with and Unfortunately, some of these churches were being carried about with every wind of doctrine now. Look, there's a very fine line here. Okay Because we're talking about salvation and Sometimes we not sometimes we need to take the attitude of the apostle paul Where we think sometimes well man if this person is is practicing this he's probably not saved even though he says he thinks he's saved Right, but then at the end of the day if they correct it then we can say okay, they were saved They were just a little mixed up And look all of us at one point were mixed up on something Some heresy some false doctrine you didn't come perfect There is some false doctrine that you adhere to some heresy that maybe you have believed Some of you were former flat earthers So don't come at me yeah, you believe the flat earth, okay the flat earth doctrine Other other of you may have believed and reptilians Hollow earth all these nonsense nonsensical doctrines. Who are you looking at brother police marcos? And look later on in the book of galatians, what do we see we see that a work of the flesh is heresy Heresies is one of the works of the flesh You know, that's why it's important. That's what the bible tells us to study to show ourselves or prove them to god That's why the bible tells us that we be no more children tossed to and thrown carried about with every wind of doctrine Because it's possible now look There's a difference though between heresy and damnable heresy right There's a difference between heresy like the flat earth And damnable heresy like repent of your sins Okay Now look there's people out there who I believe are saved And they believe in a repent of your sins, but once they were shown that they were wrong they switched They had a paradigm shift right because they understood. Okay. I was wording this wrong I was wrong on this subject and they changed on that Okay, and it's typically because they were reading books, you know, they like john macarthur or whatever or You know I don't know some other false teacher who has Swelling words that caught the caught their attention and they began to adhere to these people. Okay So here we see a very fine line because he's questioning their salvation at one point But at the end he's like hey, but stand fast and in liberty. We're with christ that made you free And look for sure there's probably people in these churches in these regions that were not safe But maybe there were people who were saved they were carried about with this false doctrine And maybe they corrected it later on so Look at verse number six. It says here I marveled the air so soon removed from him That called you into the grace of christ unto another gospel, which is not another I find that very interesting that he says that he goes you're following another gospel. But by the way, there's not another Why because there's only one way right? There's only one true gospel that can save It's only by salvation by grace through faith by faith alone by believing in one of the lord. Jesus christ It's always been that way old testament new testament no matter what area you're in salvation has always been the same, right? So there is not another gospel, but we would refer to another gospel as that gospel being a false gospel A gospel that is cloaked and covered in some truth, but the core of it is false doctrine It's heresy. It's damnable heresy Okay, and look we not just repenting your sins Works-based salvation comes in all forms Making sure you change your life You know Getting baptized to be saved This is a false gospel You know, oh you got to make sure you keep the sacraments You got to make sure you make penance. You got to make sure that you stay in church You know or else you could lose your salvation. These are all false gospels Foolish gospels, it's a works-based salvation that just has different christmas wrapping But when you open it up, it's the same thing the content is still the same by the way the destination is still the same Just as there just as there's one gospel that can get you to heaven There is one false gospel no matter how it looks like that will take you straight to hell Okay, and that is anything that is not by faith alone. Okay, he says which is not another but there be some That trouble you and would pervert the gospel of christ now this verse could be applied to the pentecostals of today It could be applied to the mormons of today It could be applied to the jehovah's false witnesses of today It could be applied to you know, your denomination to calvinism to you know these non-denom churches that preach a false gospel, but originally This was intended for adherence to judaism the jews Who were the original perverts of the gospel the jews? I can't believe he just said that it's true He's not speaking in generalities here The main focus of what paul is speaking here is the jews Oh, I think we should apply it in a different way though No This is what he's talking about here. And the reason we know that is because of what they're adhering to they're not adhering to mormonism You know, you'll you'll find that doctrine in first corinthians chapter 15 where they're being baptized for the dead Okay, they're not he's not talking about the jehovah's witnesses. He's referring to judaism. They're the original perverts of the gospel And what does a pervert mean? It simply means something that's twisted Something that is rested. They're they're they're changing the truth of god into a lie And he's basically saying hey these people are troubling you because they're causing you to question Right what you originally believed so the main doctrine that is being attacked here is salvation justification They're twisting it now You say well, how do you know that it is for for sure referring to the jews? Well, go to chapter five hold your place there in chapter one Go to chapter five verse seven because remember he says these people are troubling you How do we know that they're judaizers Verse seven says he did run well Who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth This persuasion cometh not of him to call with you a little leaven leaven at the whole lump I have confidence in you through the lord that ye will be none otherwise minded But he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment whosoever he be and I brethren if I preach circumcision. There you go Why do I yet suffer persecution then as the offense of the cross ceased I would they were even cut off which trouble you What is the main topic that's being referred to here circumcision And just reference the book of acts how the pharisees were coming in and they were telling them Except you be circumcised under the law of moses. Ye cannot be saved They're specifically saying you had to circumcise you have to be circumcised in order to be saved Now by the way, we believe you have to be circumcised in order to be saved Just not a physical circumcision. It's a circumcision of the heart not of the letter Okay in the spirit whose praise is not of men but of god the bible says, okay Go back to or go to hebrew chapter number two if you would Hebrew chapter number two i'm gonna read to you again from verse eight of galatians one. It says but though we or an angel from heaven This includes moroni Right How do you know who moroni is? Okay, he's the angel that came to joseph smith of the mornings Giving them another gospel right with the golden tablets and all this I mean good night How do you even oversee that? Though we or an angel from heaven. Thank you the apostle paul for putting that in Preach any other gospel into you than that which we have preached unto you. Listen, listen when it says let him be accursed Well, I don't think this is a big issue, you know You're making it too much of a big deal the apostle paul seems to be taking this pretty serious When he specifically says that if someone else comes to you, even if you were him himself or an angelic being Comes and preaches a different gospel than the gospel they have received that person is cursed Now what does cursed mean? What is accursed means it means damned? That's what that means What do we refer to when we talk about someone who's damned it means they're damned to hell Damnation they're going to hell. That's what the bible is talking about there So he's saying look if anybody tampers with the gospel if anybody adds works to salvation If anybody has a perversion of the gospel of jesus christ, let him be a curse They're damned I think they should have a chance. You got to think about this though. Okay, think about this How wicked do you have to be? How evil and nefarious do you have to be? to have an agenda to damn people to hell And make it your full-time job to do so Think about that The next time some jehovah's witness comes and knocks on your door The next time some mormon comes and knocks on your door The next time someone with another gospel comes and knocks on your door these people. Well, they're just deceived Yeah, but they're they're deceiving too though Yeah And they make it their full-time job to try to damn people to hell. This is wicked This is why god says let him be a curse Why because they're trotting under their foot the blood of jesus christ? That's why these people are thieves. They're robbers who are trying to come in through the gate another way According to john chapter number 10 You know what and look let me just say this. It's either god's way or there's there is no other way And to try to conjure up a different way means that you're just a curse This is why we're hard on false prophets This is why we don't tolerate false prophets This is why as soon as we find out there's a false prophet in our church. We kick them out We Throw them out. We don't welcome them. We don't bid them godspeed. Why because we don't want to be partakers of their evil deeds God takes this very serious. Well, I thought god is all love and he's all patience Yeah, he's so loving He's so loving That he saved us from hell So how wicked do you have to be To just turn around and say well i'm gonna teach people how to go to hell These people are a curse. These people are wicked. Okay, and look For example the modalist crowd the oneness crowd. Well, that's just the difference of opinion that tampers with the gospel Yeah Because they're teaching that jesus christ is not the eternal son of god Which is exactly what you have to believe in order to be saved In times past this was not an argument. This was commonly known but now it seems to be an issue Well, you know what? These people are a curse Well, what about the people who are just you know, straddling the fence? There is no straddling the fence on the trinity It's pretty easy You know, and if you keep arguing you keep arguing you keep trying to bring in other information or see it from a different way Then you know what? You're a curse. You're not getting it Okay Though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached That you let them be a curse look what hebrews 2 verse 1 says It says therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard Lest at any time we should let them slip for if the word spoken spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience Received a just recompense of reward. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? Which at the first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him So what do we see here? We see that anything the angels speak in the bible is always works in tandem with what the prophets say and what god says In fact god sends signs to confirm the message of the prophets even if they receive a message from the angel It says god also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with diverse miracles and the gifts of the holy ghost According to his own will go back to galatians chapter number one There is a strong condemnation of those who preach a different gospel, okay, and look that's why this is something that we Uh often emphasize whether in my sermons or just in in regular Conversation is you know what we need to make sure that the gospel is clear We don't we never want to have the smorgasbord of church members where one side is has these calvinistic beliefs And then another side is faith alone. And then the people in the back believe in predestination according to the calvinists The ones in the front are kind of pentecostal in the way they think no That's not good That means there is no clarity Of what we believe okay And look we're not afraid to admit we hate false prophets We hate them Because they're wicked evil people Okay, who want to damn people to hell, you know, we hate false prophets because we just love sinners And we want them to be saved verse 9 As we said before so say I now again If any man preach any other gospel to you that you have received let him be a curse Let me just remind you is that when god repeats things twice, it means it's very important Just in case you just didn't catch it the first time He's like let him be a curse and like let me just repeat this again Let him be a curse We need to use that word more often. Amen Let that person be a curse This is strong language that he uses and he's basically saying that they're damned This is what he says in first corinthians 16 22 if any man love not the lord jesus christ Let it be anathema maranatha. Now. We can't say for sure what maranatha is Some people would speculate that it's referring to the second coming of christ that cannot be confirmed. We don't know for sure But for sure, we do know that anathema does mean damned. It means curse Because we have the spanish word anathema that means curse So the apostle paul even says here look if any man loved not the lord jesus christ in other words, they hate jesus christ Let him be a curse, okay Go to second peter chapter two if you would second peter chapter number two How do we keep from false prophets entering into our church and prospering Well, one way is basically keep doing what we're doing now, which is when new people come into our church We immediately go talk to them make sure they're saved. Amen We go give them the gospel and then we keep an ear to the ground for anybody saying anything different than that You understand we keep an ear to the ground for anybody who may have a presentation that's questionable Okay And why because we want to make sure that's how infiltrators operate They come and they try to get the new people or they try to get the young the young christians To try to kind of help, you know assist them in deviating from the path And the way we can avoid that is making sure that we are On purpose going out and talking to people This is why I said last week don't click up when we come to church. Amen Don't just go with your game After you after church, you need to make sure that you go talk to people And give them the gospel You know and go talk to them give them the gospel see if they're safe. I'm thankful. There's two people who found us on facebook They came this morning And you know, I was thinking myself I need to go check if they're saved I went over there and some one of our church members was already there Already just spitting the gospel, you know I'm like, all right there got it and then you know, they came out and I just asked the lady Hey, are you 100 sure that day you go to heaven? And she said she started laughing. She goes. Yeah, i'm saved And then the person said yes, they're already saved. I'm like, okay great, you know, we want to make sure that you know And then the two visitors who came who my mom brought they were not saved, you know, ulysus Stepped up to the plate spanish speaker got him saved You know, and then I went over there and I confirmed if they were saved and you know Pure pressured them into getting baptized. Amen People always ask me like how do you get so many people baptized pure pressure? Nothing wrong with that What's wrong with people doing someone to doing what they're supposed to do it, man? You know, I do everything but like make them slip and things like that Shh But I say hey we can you know, what doesn't need to be baptized you can be baptized right now Some people have this roadblock where it's just like hey i'm in the water like oh wait I'm, like yeah, we got the clothes ready for we got the towels ready for you It's your first step of obedience and they were thankful that they did it In fact, the guy afterwards said, you know, i'm taking off to florida. Can you recommend a good church for me to go to in florida? You know, I I want to congregate With the church now, you know, I want to be a part of a church I want to get involved. He said, you know and so In order for us to make sure that we have our ear to the end Look, we don't want to go to the opposite extreme where we think everyone's a false prophet I got a false prophet. I think that guy's a reprobate. No, this is look Love your enemy. What does that mean? It means by default you just love everyone until you find out otherwise right Love your enemies basically means the default button is that you love everyone Until you find out that they're reprobates Then at that point you turn off the default button You click it off and you go to the other side You understand but by default we just love everyone Well, I just don't want to like I don't want to give my love to someone who you know May potentially be a false prophet. Well, you know what if you fulfill what god told you to do? He will make manifest their folly It's promised amen. He hasn't failed us yet He's manifested the folly of a lot of people who have come through our church and thank god amen Look at second peter two verse one second peter chapter two Is your quintessential chapter along with the book of jude on the topic of false prophets, right? It's the most extensive just detailed Chapter aside from the book of jude that really explains and matthew seven That really hits home when it comes to false prophets and what we're supposed to look for it says But there are false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you Who privately or privately shall bring in damnable? heresies Okay. So what is their agenda to privately teach a damnable heresy something? That's another gospel Well, you know, we gotta give people a chance and you know, maybe they didn't get saved. Let's keep reading comma Even Denying the lord that bought them And bring upon themselves with destruction. So why are they teaching false doctrine because they themselves have already denied jesus christ Even denying the lord. He says well it says that bought them. Yeah, jesus christ bought everyone You know He is the savior of all men especially to them that believe So he purchased everyone right but not everyone's going to accept that You know that propitiation Okay, not everyone's going to accept that imputation of righteousness by believing on jesus christ And this is an example because they're bought but you know what they deny the lord jesus christ And many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not So what remember talking about being a curse? That's what that's referring to So what does it talk? What does it mean when it says that their damnation slumbereth not hell's not asleep Hell's always awake And in fact it moveth itself the bible says in the book of isaiah To to take people in as they come in here. Well, you know what hell is not sleeping for them hell awaits people like that That's what the bible says that they're twice dead plucked up by the roots Okay So as I mentioned there's a strong condemnation to those go to the book of jude if you would Book of jude, there's a strong condemnation for those who would pervert the gospel of jesus christ. Look at the book of jude Look at verse three, it says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation It was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith Which was once delivered unto the saints now the bible is telling us here that we need to earnestly contend for the faith What does that mean? We need to fight For the right type of doctrine, right? Now this does not mean debate Okay This is not talking about we're going to get two barstools here with a little timer and a referee And then you just go back and forth and you know, just apologetics So You know this james white type of mentality Where both of them walk away thinking they're both right and they both won You know, this is that that's like that's like toddler stuff that everyone wins, right? You know when it says earnestly content for the faith, how do we do that by preaching the truth? By exposing lies. This is how we earnestly contend for the faith But why must we do that look at verse four four There are certain men crept in unawares Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness And denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ What does he mean when he says men have crept in unawares? That means they come into churches and people don't know that they're false prophets They're wolves in sheep's clothing Amen Okay Go to act chapter 15 So this is all in context of what we see in the book of galatians chapter one about being a curse He's coming down on them and he's saying look Whoever came to you preaching a different gospel. Those people are false prophets. Those people are a curse Now what is the false gospel that they were preaching look at acts 15 verse number one? and certain men which came down from judea Taught the brethren and said except ye believe on the lord. Jesus christ. No Except you be circumcised After the manner of moses ye cannot be saved. This is the gospel that was being preached in the book of galatians Why because in chapter two, he talks about how titus was not compelled to be circumcised Okay, skip down to verse number five But there rose up certain of the sect of pharisees which believed saying that it was needful to Circumcise them and to command them to keep the law of moses and the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter And when there had been much disputing peter rose up and said unto them men and brethren ye know How that a good while ago god made choice among us that the gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel And believe and god which knoweth the hearts bear them witness giving them the holy ghost even as he did unto us And put no difference between us and them purifying their hearts by faith Now therefore why tempt ye god to put a yoke upon the necks of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear So he's saying this, you know these guys who come to you and they try to get you to believe this false doctrine This false gospel. They don't even believe in themselves Well, they say well you got to repent of your sins and turn over a new leaf and make sure you clean up your life They haven't even done it Come on You know, these guys believe in sinless perfection like john getch Over at lancaster baptist church who's teaching then you have to repent of your sins to be saved You have to give up all your sins. He hasn't even done that But he's placing burdens on people's shoulders that he himself is not even willing to do What he's basically saying is you have to repent of the sins that i've repented of That's what he's saying Right Whatever those are but I guarantee you he has a whole list of sins that he does that He doesn't want people to highlight and if you confront him about those sins, he's like, well, you know, we're not perfect We're all sinners then why are you telling people to repent of their sins? Are you the standard of what sins we that need to be repented of? The bible says that talks about repentance from dead work and faith towards god Yet you have john getch who the pastor of that church is paul chapel Big surprise Who's allowing this guy to come behind the pulpit and preach this false gospel telling people they need to turn from their sins And does he give a biblical argument? No, it's all this logical mumbo jumbo Stuff that he says repenting is turning your back and going the other way and all this nonsense He's a false prophet You can't tell me and look paul chapel Years ago. He preached the right gospel from what I heard He preached on faith alone believe on the lord. Jesus christ But he's okay with this guy coming up and preaching a false false gospel Someone comes behind my pulpit and says something like that the nine and a half The nine and a half Outside the door Publicly exposed Not paid Not amen It's foolishness he's not even to bear he's not even capable of bearing The burden that he's placing on people to do which is repent of all your sins You know, it's wicked And you wonder why west coast baptist college is producing the people that it produces Is Look at the fruit pun intended Look at the fruit pun intended both both both, right? But you know what this is the byproduct Of this type of mentality where they just tolerate false gospels left and right. They're okay with anybody saying well, you know He's just a little off if he's preaching it. He believes it. He's way off And it needs to be corrected verse 11 says but we believe that through the grace of our lord jesus christ we shall be saved Even as they why because there is no difference between the jew and the greek For the same lord over all is rich unto all who call upon him for whosoever shall call upon The name of the lord shall be saved that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that god hath raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved. Amen Oh, I just think you god you have you got to at least be willing to let go of your sin Why why what's what's with you in this? Why must there be some sort of like thing that you have to let go of Sins that you had you just have to give up You know what? It is. It's self-righteousness is what it is Self-righteousness and they have not submitted themselves into the righteousness of god. The bible tells us in roman chapter number 10 galatians 1 verse 10 I like what he says here for do I now persuade men or god or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of christ now Why does he throw this random statement within this chapter? You know why because those who preach false doctrine and false gospels they're seeking to please men Whereas the person who just preaches what the word of god says in spite of its, you know, whether it's popular or not They're serving christ They're not man pleasers And you know what today we have a lot of man pleasers People who just preach what they want they're preaching what the people want them to preach Okay, they just try to cater to those with itching ears Those who just want to be smooth talked and you know, they want this motivational speech To get them through the week You know, hey i'm all for exotative sermons, but not for smooth sermons Because smooth sermons means lies and deceit Okay, go to isaiah chapter 30 isaiah chapter 30 So the apostle paul's making this statement in order to make a distinction between the right prophet and the false prophet The false prophet is a man pleaser and therefore will preach anything but the truth Who's the biggest proof of this joel osteen is the biggest proof of this right here I don't think you should call out names the apostle paul called out names all the time He's my example Okay Joel is a perfect example of this a straight man pleaser I mean this guy's botox keeps him smiling throughout the entire sermon, right? And You know, he's not necessarily preaching a whole lot of false doctrine he's just not preaching a whole lot of right doctrine In fact, he's not preaching any doctrine at all So He's just a man pleaser he's trying to get the people to come back Okay, his his football stadium or whatever. Look at isaiah 30 verse 10 which say to the seers see not and to the prophets That uh and to the prophets prophesy not unto us right things speaking to us smooth things prophesied deceits So look these people are literally saying don't tell me that which is right I don't want to know that which is right In the sight of the lord, I want things that are smooth And how does the bible define smooth deceits Because they're like, I want to hear some lies These people are pretty bold if you think about it This is like hey Come here Don't give me any right doctrine Just tell me what I want to hear. Give me lies I want to hear something smooth something that goes down smooth Not hard, right Get you out of the way verse 11 turn aside out of the path cause the holy one of israel to cease from before us Wow That's bold Go to jeremiah chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 Look, this is very Different from what the bible says in second timothy four where it says preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke Exhort with all long suffering and doctrine notice that it says reprove and reprove and rebuke this requires yelling this requires Screaming this requires people to be told that they're wrong. Okay, this requires for you to raise up the decibels of your voice This is what we will refer to as hard preaching as I mentioned this morning, right hard preaching is in your face It's slobbery It's foaming out the mouth Yes, it's angry Because god says to reprove and rebuke and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine Why for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine? They're not going to they're not going to want you to say to them right things What are they going to want smooth things to see? But after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers? Having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables. Okay Look at jeremiah 23 verse 25 I have heard what the prophet said that prophesied lies in my name saying I have a dream I have a dream How long shall this be in the hearts of the prophets that prophesy lies Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams Which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for bail So This reminds me of like pentecostals Because they always talk about their dreams and how they dreamed of 40-foot jesus and caesar borgia and all this stuff And they're like they try to deceive people through these dreams, right? Verse 28 the prophet that had the dream let him tell the dream and he that hath my word Let him speak my word faithfully. See we don't need a dream We don't need a vision We don't need to see caesar borgia We don't need moroni We don't need any of those and if you have any of those things you just ate a really crazy meal the night before Too many onions on the burger the night prior, right? But we don't need the dream. We have The word which god wants us to speak faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat sayeth the lord? Is not my word like as a fire. What does that mean? It burns, right? Why do you call it hard preaching say the lord and like a hammer? That breaketh the rock in pieces. He says that's how his word is like. It's like a hammer It's hard it breaks It breaks the false ideologies. It breaks the bad habits. It breaks the false doctrine. It breaks the false prophets it breaks to hammer Therefore behold I am against the prophet saith the lord that steal my words everyone from his neighbor. What does that mean? Well, here's the thing with false prophets Because they're not saved they cannot come they can't come up with biblical truths on their own So, you know what they have to do? They got to steal it They got to take it from someone else because they don't have the spirit of god living within them So therefore they have to pair it with other people say verbatim They're stealing the word of god from the mouths of their neighbors verse 31 behold I am against the prophet saith the lord that use their tongues and say he Sayeth this is referring to those who are accursed and look False prophets in the old testament is the same false prophets that we see in the new testament It's the same false prophets that we see today Just different languages Okay Go with me if you go back to galatians chapter one Galatians chapter number one So You know, it's another way you can you can basically determine which is the false prophet and and the prophet of god Which one is highly esteemed among men? Because typically prophets of the lord are hated I mean think of think of the prophet in the old testament makiah who they said he speaks, you know He speaks the truth, but I hate him. I mean the king literally said that he said I hate him Because he's speaking he preaches not to me, you know He basically said like he always tells me the truth That's why he hated them And it's no different today Hey, you want to know what church to go to look for the ones who are hated? What? No And i'm not saying hated by everyone because you guys don't hate me. Hopefully not You know, but we're talking about that which is highly esteemed by the vast majority of people All those are the wrong prophets Everyone loves joel's thing everyone The vast majority of the people in america, they love him I know like people who don't claim christianity like oh, yeah. I like joel's thing. He's a good guy. He's a good pastor Yeah, unsaved people though So it makes sense, right? Look let me read this to you from luke 16 It says and he said it to him either ye are they referring to the pharisees which justify yourselves before men But god knoweth your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men Is abomination? in the sight of god So that which people say oh, yeah He's like the best rick warren joel osteen and all these guys are just both the most wonderful god says that's an abomination I don't esteem that that guy's wicked Okay, why because the word of god is like a fire and it's like a hammer and it's going to cause people to hate you Just like jesus, right? Oh, everyone loved jesus. No, they didn't they crucified him They they nailed him to the cross They hated him. Okay, look at verse 11 But I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man For I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by revelation of jesus christ, what is he saying here? He's basically saying the word of god that he learned the gospel that he learned He actually he actually got it directly from jesus christ himself Okay. Now some would say that maybe he got it when he went into arabia after the road to damascus Experience that he had and that's how he was taught that uh in arabia. We don't necessarily know but here's the thing He wasn't necessarily taught it. Jesus christ just revealed it to him. Okay. Now today we're taught the gospel Today you need to learn how to preach the gospel You need to learn the roman's road. You need to learn how to be a good soul winner because you're not an apostle. Sorry Okay, you don't get things by revelation people don't just come to church and say well, I just got saved on my own reading the bible You know Just me the holy spirit jesus and god the father We got this thing going on and he I just saw the bible and I just saved myself That's not the way it works You know, it worked like that for paul when jesus christ revealed himself to the other apostle paul But this is a unique situation here just like a lot with taking place in the new testament So he says I received it. I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by revelation of jesus christ, and I believe the reason he's saying this is because What he's saying coincides with what the other apostles are saying so it's like how can you know it? So well, if you haven't even been with the other apostles well because I was taught by jesus christ A way we can apply this is this have you ever just talked to someone? And then you both agree on a specific doctrine. It's just like yeah I learned this from my bible and that person learned it from theirs and it's not coincidence It's just that we have the same holy spirit that revealed through his word that specific doctrine I've had that happen multiple times I've had I've had times when I preach a certain message and one of our pastor friends in the movement They'll also preach the same message. We'll make the same exact point You know what? It is just the holy spirit speaking through the word of god itself. Okay teaching us He says he goes on to say here verse 13 for ye have heard of my conversation in times past In the jews religion how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of god and wasted it And profited in the jews religion above many my equals in my own nation being more exceedingly zealous of the tradition of my fathers All right now notice That the apostle paul Does not say that it was god's religion Right He says I profited in god's religion no in the jews religion big difference And the jews religion just to help you out with this is not god's religion Because it's based off of The oral traditions Of the fathers what they would claim to be the fathers Filled with false doctrine, but he says I profited in times past in the jews religion How that beyond measure I persecuted the church of god so he makes that distinction there And so he had a zeal but it was not according to knowledge now. Here's what's interesting about the apostle paul and look Obviously there's reprobates out there But one thing we do have to understand is that some people can get pretty far without actually becoming a reprobate I mean look at the apostle paul He's like aggressively going after christians Getting letters to damascus. I mean he's he's he's getting at it. He's zealous against the christians Right hold your place there go to first timothy chapter one So this kind of shows us that there are people out there that could actually get pretty far without actually becoming a reprobate Some people who are just deceived some people who are just ignorant Okay Look at first timothy 1 verse 12 And I thank christ jesus our lord This is the apostle paul speaking who hath enabled me for that he cannot be faithful putting me into the ministry Who was before a blasphemer? Now, I don't believe he was blaspheming the holy ghost, okay? And a persecutor persecutor and injurious But I obtained mercy why because I did it ignorantly in unbelief in other words. He didn't know He thought that what he was doing was right However, when he was shown to be wrong he changed So people who say, you know, okay. Well, this guy's preaching some major false doctrine. What do we do? We show them the right way and they and if they say no This is still right then at that point. Okay, let him be anathema, but if they're like wow, I didn't know Thank you for telling me that and they change that's an apostle paul right there And the grace of our lord of our lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in christ Jesus go back to galatians if you would galatians chapter number one And the reason I make that point is because you got to understand the the majority of the population is not reprobate Right That would be sodom and gomorrah But we're not yet sodom and gomorrah Okay, god's not going to rain down fire from heaven. San francisco might be sodom and gomorrah But apparently I mean god hasn't rained down fire as of yet But here's the thing is we got to understand especially we live los angeles has such a bad reputation I talked to anybody like you're in los angeles all those homosexuals all sodomites and all those reprobates and stuff They think they're like just crawling out of the sewer They think they're like the raccoons just and roaches all over They literally think we're just surrounded by sodomites everywhere, you know, it's like we're in omani. That's hollywood That's hollywood We're the we don't I don't see any sodomites here they might I might have seen like one or two since we've been here maybe I take that back. I saw one When I was out soloing, okay, but for the most part this isn't infested with a bunch of reprobates Okay And the reason I say that is because you got to understand just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a reprobate And they'll just write someone off as being a reprobate just because they're a little different or even if they don't like you Just keep in mind there's christians out there that don't like you either You know And so we should not just write someone off as being a reprobate. In fact Paul the apostle is an example of someone who is even a blasphemer Someone who is injurious went pretty far, but he did it ignorantly in unbelief. Okay Now look if you run into someone knocking out knocking on doors and they're just like Blaspheming the holy ghost in front of you. Okay reprobate 100 percent, right Look at verse 15, but when it pleased god who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace This is that predestination that we're talking about from ephesians of last week or two weeks ago To reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the heat and immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood Neither when I have to jerusalem to them which were apostles before me But I went into arabia and returned again to damascus Then after three years, I went up to jerusalem to see peter and abode with them 15 days This is the last point i'm going to make about this this chapter right here. Go to act chapter nine Hold your place there in galatians chapter one And the reason i'm bringing this up you may not notice this but He's talking about His salvation experience right he gets saved And the bible tells us here that he doesn't go to jerusalem which the apostles were abiding in But he went into arabia And then returned again onto damascus But when you read the record of the apostle paul and his salvation testimony arabia is not mentioned in that Okay, look at act chapter 9 and verse 8. It says in psalm rolls from the earth And when his eyes were open he saw no man But they led him by the hand and brought him into damascus and he was there or excuse me He was three days without sight neither did eat nor drink And there was a certain disciple at damascus named ananias and to him said the lord in a vision ananias and he said behold I am here lord. So what do we see here? We see that he has this road because he's on the road to damascus He has this vision I believe this is when he gets saved He's brought forth to damascus to ananias, right? Look at verse 18 And immediately there fell from his eyes that have been scales and he received sight for within a rose and was baptized And when he had received me he was strengthened then will saw certain days with the disciples which were at damascus And straightway, he preached christ in the synagogues that he is the son of god So we see that immediately after he receives his sight. He just begins to preach the word of god Okay, he begins to preach that jesus christ is is god and he's preaching the gospel. However in galatians one We we don't see we see arabia being mentioned between him Going to jerusalem and being in damascus, but you don't hear anything about arabia in act chapter nine now, why is that? Well, this is my personal belief in regards to this is that In galatians one he says that he conferred not with flesh and blood And he's referring to those apostles who were in jerusalem So The detail of him going to arabia for three years is left out because he's emphasizing in galatians one That he conferred not with flesh and blood referring to the apostles who were at jerusalem. Okay? now Look at verse 21 He says but all that heard him were amazed were amazed and said is not this he that destroyed them Which called on this name in jerusalem and came hither for that intent that he might bring them bound unto the chief priest But saul increased the more in strength and confounded the jews which dwelt at damascus proving that this is very christ And after that many days were fulfilled now, what is many days? We don't know But it could be those three years that we see in the book of galatians chapter number one what he talks about there And after that many days were fulfilled the jews took counsel to kill him Then you see the three years take place verse 24 But their laying away was known of saul and they watched a gay day and night to kill him Then the disciples took him by night and let him down by the wall in the basket And when saul was come to jerusalem, he is saved to join himself to the disciples But they were all afraid of him and believed not that he was a disciple. So we see here This is actually when he goes to jerusalem just as we see in galatians chapter one Okay, but remember he didn't go to jerusalem in the beginning he conferred not with flesh and blood He didn't go to the apostles and say hey, can I be an apostle too? Can you guys accept me into your club? He just went straight to work Now why is it that he went into arabia well, it could be that it was in arabia that he was actually taught of god Or it could be that because jesus christ had told him that you're to be a light unto the gentiles He didn't waste time And he went straight for the gentiles in arabia Right, then he came back again to damascus So it doesn't say in galatians chapter one that he started off in damascus, but we know according to act chapter nine that he did And then the wording that says that he came again into damascus shows us that he was there prior He left and then he came back And then after that he departed to go to jerusalem to be with the disciples He says there by the way, if you didn't get that don't worry about it verse 27 But barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles and declared him to them How he had seen the lord in the way and that he had spoken to him and how he had preached boldly at damascus In the name of jesus and he was with them coming in and going out of jerusalem. Was it? Well, you said why do you mention that well because people try to take these scriptures to say there's contradictions in the bible That's why And they try to say well, you know all the timings off here and you know, this is why you know This is a man-made book and all these things But you know when you study what's specifically being referred to here you compare scripture to scripture you see that it all pans out Go back to galatians 1 verse 19 it says but other of the apostles saw I none save james the lord's brother Now the things which I write unto you behold before god I lie not Afterwards I came into the regions of syria and silicia and was unknown by faith unto the churches of judaea which were in christ But they had heard only that he which persecuted us in times past now preached the faith Which was which once he destroyed and they glorified god in me He said what does this have to do with the entire theme of the book of galatians? Well, remember he's proving himself to those in galatia And he's speaking out against The people who are judaizing that region who he was a part of Right, so he's adding credibility to what he's saying by saying look I was probably more zealous than these guys are All right, I profited I had letters I would go into this such and such city I would do all these things He's adding credibility to himself to say I know what these guys are all about So you can't tell me that these guys are your buddies That these guys are trying to help you out. I know their agenda, right and look He says but when I got saved I went out and I started preaching the gospel that jesus christ is the son of god. What is he? What is he confirming the gospel that he himself is preaching? So in other words, he's basically saying compare with what i'm saying To what they're saying Obviously they don't match. Okay, and then we'll get into chapter two Next week And we'll continue there. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word Thank you for the book of galatians a lot of Different things and topics that we covered. I pray god that you'd help us to continue to understand it and in jesus name we pray Amen