(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you just Wow you you you you you you you you it's just like Jesus you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you that's about it if you're visiting with us we've got waters, refreshments, things help yourself, make yourself at home if you need anything you can ask one of our ushers people who are at the doors or ask myself and finally if there's anyone here tonight that hasn't been baptized after you've been saved if you haven't gotten baptized by getting dunked under the water full immersion baptism and something that happened after you called on the name of the Lord and we can get that taken care of for you tonight let us know, we can fill up the tub it's real easy to do get it done in a matter of minutes it's no problem, we can get that settled for you and then you can just make sure you've got that that piece of obedience checked off the list and yep, I'm born again and I'm baptized so just let us know again speak to one of my ushers, speak to myself and we will be happy to do that for you alright, well with all that being said I'm going to turn the service back over to brother Peter who will lead us in our next song when peace like a river does head get my way when sorrows like sea billows grow whatever my loss thou hast taught me to say it is well, it is well with my soul it is well, it is well with my soul with my soul it is well, it is well with my soul no Satan should love him no trial should come let this last assurance control and rise as regarded my helplessest state and hath shed his own blood for my soul it is well, it is well with my soul with my soul it is well, it is well with my soul I sin all the bliss of his glorious life I sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and I merit no more praise the Lord, praise the Lord oh my soul it is well, it is well with my soul with my soul it is well, it is well with my soul and Lord, praise the King when my faith shall be signed the clouds we roll back as a stroll the drums shall resound and the Lord shall be sent even so it is well with my soul it is well, it is well with my soul with my soul it is well, it is well with my soul Amen, church. Amen, church. Once again, that's 2 Timothy 3. You can follow along silently while I read, starting in verse 1. The Bible reads, This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof, from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers' lusts, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jamborees withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith, but they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, what persecutions I endured, but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them, and that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for this opportunity that we have to come together here in this church, dear Lord, to not only sing praises to your name, but hear from the word of God, hear from your word, dear Lord. I pray that you would please fill Pastor Mejia with your spirit. I pray that you would please endue him with power, and help all of us that are here tonight to stay attentive, not to be distracted in our own minds, but to hear the things that you would have for us to learn, that you'd have for us to grow, dear Lord, and help us to understand the meaning behind your words. And Lord, we love you. Thank you for the opportunity to be here tonight. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. All right. I am excited to be here this evening, especially for the Fundamentals Conference. Let me just say congratulations to Pastor Birdman for paying his light bill. I don't want to speak to you soon, though. You never know. Great to be here for the Fundamentals Conference. For me, it's one of those conferences where half of that goes wrong. It's always like in different places, right? It was like in Ohio. Then we got kicked out of Ohio and went to Kentucky. And then it was in Ohio again. And then now it's in Georgia. Who knows where it's going to be next year. I'm pretty sure it's going to be here, hopefully. And so it's exciting that this conference is still going on. And I'm thankful to Pastor Birdsons and his friendship. And we love him out there at First Works Baptist Church. And we appreciate your pastor. He's doing a great work here. And I hope you appreciate your pastor as well. Pray for him. Pray for his family. And pray that he can continue to have great vision for the church. And by the looks of it, great things are happening here. You guys started a church plan and that's exciting. And so he obviously has a heart for people. And so continue to pray for him and pray for the work here as we're praying for you as well. And so the title of my sermon this evening is Fundamental Baptist Preaching. That's the title. Fundamental Baptist Preaching. You say, well pastor, why don't you just call it Bible preaching? Why don't you just call it preaching? Why don't you just call it preaching that's biblical or something? And I'm going to tell you why. It's because of the fact that there is a major difference between fundamental Baptist preaching and everything else. There is a major distinction between new independent fundamental Baptist preaching and everything else. And so tonight I want to give you some of those differences and explain to you why it's important to be explicit about what type of preaching we do. And obviously there's nothing wrong with saying Bible preaching and preaching that's from the Bible, biblical preaching. But let's just be honest here. There's a lot of reformers, there's a lot of liberal churches that have hijacked those terms. And when you actually listen to the content that's being put out by these churches, you come to find out, well that wasn't very biblical at all. That was more church fathers than it was the Bible. That was more commentary than it was the Word of God. And so it's important for us to label the kind of preaching that we do. And you know it's unfortunate because in the day and age in which we live, you have churches that are Baptist churches that don't want to really associate with being a fundamental Baptist. And even if they do fundamental Baptist preaching, they don't want to call it that because they're afraid it might offend someone. They're afraid it's going to cause people to not come into their church and listen to the preaching. But it's important for us to label it because it gives people an expectation of what they're going to be listening to when they come to church. And let me start off by saying this. Look at 2 Timothy 3 and verse number 10. It says here in verse number 10, the Apostle Paul speaking here says, but thou has fully known my doctrine. You know what that means? You don't have to wonder what the Apostle Paul believed or what he preached about or what he believes about a certain subject or about the culture or what the Bible says. He says thou has fully known my doctrine. What he believed was not obscure. He wasn't beating around the bush. It's something that he was very much open about and that's why he told Timothy, you know everything about me. And obviously it's in contrast to the false prophets that he's talking about in 2 Timothy chapter 3. Those who had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof. These are the individuals that creep into houses leading silly women captive. It says that they're ever learning, never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. It talks about Janus and Jambres, withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concern in the faith. And he goes through all of these characteristics of these false prophets and then he says this, but thou has fully known my doctrine. You see a lot of these people who he's talking about that even exist today they're very cunning when they preach. They're not very honest when they want to expound upon the word of God. They have deceit, they're cunning, they lie, they are obscure in what they're talking about because they don't really want you to know fully what they actually believe. And this is why it's important for us to just be open about our faith, open about our preaching, and here's one thing that you can always expect when you come to a fundamental Baptist church like ours, like this one, is that when you leave you're never wondering, hmm, I wonder what Pastor Burzins meant about that. You know, no one ever walks away from a Baptist church like ours and says, you know, I just don't really understand what he meant. What did he mean by I hate facts? I don't really quite understand. He was kind of cryptic about that. No, you fully know what he meant by that, right? You fully know what his position is and that's what you should want when you go to church. You should walk away with all doubts removed, you should walk away with all doubts diminished, walk away fully understanding what he meant. And here's the thing, even if people don't agree with the preaching, at least they know fully what the doctrine is. That's why it's important to label ourselves, our preaching, as being fundamental Baptist preaching. And here's what I tell my church every once in a while. If I preach just a really hot sermon and I'm stepping on their toes and, you know, they kind of give me that look. They're like, whoa, you know, you're just kind of going over. I always tell them, it's like, you chose to come here. You came to church tonight. You came to church this morning. You knew this was a fundamental Baptist church. I was not obscure about what I'm talking about at all. You knew what you were getting involved with when you came to our church. Thou has fully known my doctrine. You came in June. You should know what to expect. Fundamental Baptist preaching is a label that we should use as Baptists. And I'm here to remind us tonight, I want to stir up by way of remembrance. I want to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance of things that you already know, things that you've heard in times past, but just as a reminder why we call our preaching fundamental Baptist preaching. The Bible says, you don't have to turn there in 2 Corinthians chapter 4, verse 1, the Apostle Paul speaking once again, he says, but I've renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. What is he saying? He's saying, you know what? I'm no longer a Pharisee and a Pharisee does what? They handle the word of God deceitfully. Right? They are dishonest. They walk in craftiness. They try to construe their teachings in such a way that you walk away not necessarily understanding what they mean because they're trying to take advantage of you. And he's saying, we've already renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. I want to be out in the open about what I believe, about what the Bible says, so that you're not confused about it. Now, here's the thing is that people, this is all introduction by the way, we'll get into the points in just a bit. People will criticize this type of preaching a lot. And quite frankly, it's not even unsaved people that do it. It's other Christians. The biggest critics of our type of preaching is other Christians, believe it or not. Now, whether we want to debate whether they're saved or not, it's probably a mixed group of just both. But they'll often, you know, they'll listen to Pastor Burzen's preaching, they'll listen to my preaching, and they'll say something to the effect of you know, you're going to cause people to go away from Christ because of that preaching. That's going to scare people off. That's going to cause people to, you know, not want Christianity. You're going to start pushing people away from Jesus because of that preaching. But think about this for a minute. I was thinking about this on the way over here. I was thinking about, you know, how many churches really like ours preach like us? Obviously, churches like ours preach like us, but how many churches that with this type of preaching exist in the United States of America? Not very many. Right? In comparison to all of Christian churches in America. So the vast majority of preaching that's actually being promoted out there is by the guys who are saying that stuff. They have more content out there. They have more views. They got more videos. They have a wider audience. They got bigger churches. They got bigger, more subscribers on their channel. More viral videos. They have more preaching out there. And then here's our preaching, which is a very small percentage in comparison to the rest of the world in the rest of America. So think about this. Is it really our preaching? So if you were to look at the America today and say, oh man, there's so many people that are just walking away from churches, walking away from Christ. Is that really our fault if it's the preaching from these people that's the biggest in America? The Joel Olsteins? The liberal churches? They're the ones who are getting the most attention from masses. They're the ones who are people listening to the most. So it sounds to me that as though it's their preaching that's causing people to get away from Christ. It's pushing people away from the truth. It's pushing people away from the Bible. It's not ours because ours is just a small percentage. They have the platform. They have the big churches, the mega churches. They have the big voice. They're the ones that everyone is listening to. Not to say that we don't have viral videos out there, but let's just in comparison they have far more of an influence than we do towards, you know, in America. Let's just say in America. And so when they say well, your type of preaching is going to push people away from Jesus, away from the Bible, that's a complete lie because at the end of the day what our preaching does is it gives them a biblical alternative to the lies that are being promoted out there. You know, people listen to that kind of preaching by the non-denoms and by the Calvinists, by the reformers, and they're sick and tired of that. They actually want something of substance so they go to fundamental Baptist preaching. They see, well, these people actually use the Bible. These people are actually believing in the Bible. They teach what the Bible says. They teach doctrine. They're not constantly talking about the church fathers. And let me just say this, I'm sick and tired of hearing about the church fathers. Aren't they all dead? They're all gone. And I thought the Bible says call no man father. But at the end of the day, you know, our preaching, no matter how crass it is, how rude it might be, it still accomplishes that which God determined to do. So even though we're imperfect vessels, we're not the sharpest tools in the shed or whatever, you know, for the masses, and people don't necessarily think of us as being great Bible preachers. At the end of the day, when they listen to the message, they're going to be affected by that message. They will be impacted by the word of God. And I've had many people come to my church and literally just flat out say they don't like my church and they don't like my preaching. But then they keep coming. And then after a couple of weeks, they're like, actually, I kind of do like this. You know, and it kind of grows on them. You know, I've had people who are just like, I can't stand the way you preach and I think you're wrong about this and you just kind of just mean and just the way you said that and, you know, you use these words or whatever. And in the back of my mind, I'm just like, just give it a couple of weeks. Because at the end of the day, you know what? They may still not like my personality a couple of weeks from now, but they're seeing that this person is expounding the word of God, which they do like. And so at the end of the day, God gets more glory through that anyways. What's important is that God gets more glory through that anyways. What's important is what the Bible says and you know what, that resonates with someone who actually wants the truth. Go to Jeremiah chapter 23, if you would, Jeremiah chapter 23. Fundamental Baptist preaching is attractive to the person who's actually looking for the truth. Okay? And I'm not saying that there are no churches out there that, you know, that their sermons aren't biblical, if they're not Baptist or something like that. I'm sure there's some churches out there that are preaching the right gospel, they're preaching right doctrine, but let's just be honest, there's something distinctly different about fundamental Baptist preaching. And I'll get into that in just a bit, but look at Jeremiah chapter 23, verse 28. It says here, the prophet that hath the dream let him tell a dream, and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat, saith the Lord? Is not my word like as a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? So what is God saying? You know, the guy who just wants to talk, wants to give you a TED talk, let him tell the dream. The guy who just wants to give you a motivational speech, let him tell the dream, you make sure you preach my word faithfully. And he's saying there's a distinction between the two. The person who tells the dream, and the person who preaches the word of God. And he says there that his word, meaning the preaching that stems from the word of God, is like fire. And he says it's like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. Why is it like it's a fire? Because it purges believers, that's why. It lets a fire under your rear end to get you doing something for God. It makes you zealous for the things of God. It purges you, and it burns, as the disciples said on the rotating medias, did not our hearts burn within us while he walked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures? It causes your heart to burn, amen. It gives you Christian heartburn. And he says it's like a hammer. Why is it like a hammer? Because it destroys false doctrine. No commentary needed. No articles needed. No archaeological discoveries needed. Just a pure unadulterated word of God that breaks the rock in pieces. It destroys false doctrines. It destroys doubts. It destroys that which is contrary to the word of God. He says in verse 30 Therefore behold I am against the prophet sayeth the Lord that steal my words every one from his neighbor. Behold I am against the prophet sayeth the Lord that use their tongues and say he sayeth. Now folks this is something that's so prevalent today. God told me. And it's just some you know about divorce or something like that. God told me I should get a divorce. Well what God told me is that fill in the blank and it's just like where is that in the Bible? You're saying he sayeth and he never said that. People speaking in God's stead and haven't even read the word of God once. It's wicked. Look at verse 32. Behold I am against them that prophesy false dreams sayeth the Lord and do tell them and cause my people to err by their lies and by their lightness. Yet I sent them not nor commanded them. Therefore they shall not profit this people at all sayeth the Lord. And you know what this kind of preaching the alternative to what fundamental Baptist preaching is. It does people believers especially a major disservice. And it causes them to really be discontented with what biblical preaching really is. This is why people can't handle the truth sometimes. They can't handle biblical terms sometimes. You know why? Because they've been saturated with the wrong kind of preaching for so long. If someone just raises the decibels of their voice when they're preaching it's just so offensive. You can scream Jesus is like well you know I like what you said I just don't like how you said it. You just raise the decibels of your voice. You bug out your eyes like I do when I preach and all of a sudden it's just really offensive or something. Get over it. But you know that's what this modern type preaching does to people. It causes individuals to be soft effeminate spiritually spiritually castrated no backbone can't handle the meat of the word. He says what is the chaff to the wheat? What is chaff? Chaff is essentially referring to the husks of grain that are separated from the wheat and he's saying this is trash. You know why are you going to compare oh man you really got to listen to this preaching here done by you know some Calvinist reformer or whatever what is the chaff to the wheat? You know have you ever had someone like give you some sermon and they're just like well this is hard preaching right here. You know this guy he called out Kamala Harris. He takes a stand for Trump. This is really hard what is the chaff to the wheat? That's chaff. It's worthless. It's meant to be burned. It's nothing and you know if you you know you're a good Christian so you're going to be like oh I appreciate it you know and then in the back of your mind you're like this is weak. This guy thinks this is hard. He's all you know this pastor says freak. You know. This pastor you know this guy's crazy. He speaks out. He talks about gay people. He really calls them out. You know. Oh man. It's chaff. You know they hand you they're just like oh I thought it was wheat you're giving me chaff. You know someone hands you a preaching CD to send you a link. What is this chaff? You know they hand you oh man you really look at this Bible verse that I found it's from like the ESV it's like what are you giving me chaff for? This is chaff. I want wheat. The point that I'm making here is that there is a major difference between our preaching and everyone else's preaching. And again I'm not saying that you know there's people out there who are not fundamental Baptists that aren't preaching right because there are. Even amongst fundamental Baptists, Baptist churches there's a lot of churches that preach the right gospel the right doctrine but you know what there's a reason we are in a fundamental Baptist church and not in those churches though. You know we often will say you know there's good preaching out there and I agree with that but you know there's a reason why I'm a fundamental Baptist pastor and not a non pastor or just a regular missionary Baptist or something like that because there's a distinction there's a major difference between the two. And so we don't want chaff preaching chaff Christianity chaff doctrine which the wind driveth away as Psalm 1 says tossed about carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men cunning craft in this whereby they lie in wait to deceive we don't want that. We want something of substance. And that's what fundamental Baptist preaching is it's preaching that has substance to it. It's basically when you leave the church service you're just full spiritually. You're like well I got a lot of food spiritually in tonight. You know you come here on a Sunday morning and you're like well that was a good meal. Come back Sunday night and you're like well that was a good meal. You come back Wednesday and you're like well that was a good meal. You're just spiritually full all the time because you're being fed the word of God in such a way that it helps you and nourishes you spiritually speaking. And so let me give you some characteristics of fundamental Baptist. So go to Matthew chapter 7 if you would. Matthew chapter number 7. Matthew chapter number 7. I'm going to give you five points tonight and it's all alliterated. Okay. Kind of help you to remember some of these points here. Fundamental Baptist preaching let me start off by saying that fundamental Baptist preaching number one is supported by the Bible. This is a fundamentalist conference right. And so because it's the fundamentalist conference we're talking about the foundational things of Christianity of the word of God. And you know what fundamental Baptist preaching is important and it's superior because of the fact that it's supported by the Bible. Meaning that it stands on God's word. And I've already mentioned this but it's worth mentioning it again. It doesn't stand on church fathers or history books like the Roman Catholics. This bastardization of Christianity that is now making its comeback even though obviously it's been around for for a couple thousand years or whatever. But here's the thing is that now it's making a comeback. A lot of Gen Z'ers are being converted to Roman Catholicism. But when you ask them what got you into Catholicism they're like oh history did. You know what got you into being a Catholic and converting to Catholicism and believing Catholic doctrine. History I research history. It's not I research the Bible. It's not I research the word of God. You know why? Because the foundation of Catholicism is not the Bible. It doesn't matter what Catholics say. And you know what you'll run into Catholics and it's just like you tell them that and they're just like oh we gave you the Bible though. Yeah we gave you then why don't you believe it? Why don't you know it? You couldn't quote a verse if your life depended on it. You know more of Catholic church history more of the church fathers than you do the word of God. Whereas the Bible says that he's magnified his word above his name. Fundamental Baptist preaching is supported by the word of God. Okay. It's built upon the King James Bible amen. You know and if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? And you know what Catholics will criticize people like us like oh man yeah you guys you guys say sola scriptura. No I don't. I just say I use the Bible amen. I don't speak solo whatever Latin whatever. You're quoting the wrong person. I don't say that. You know I believe in the word of God being the final authority and they will mock that. Show me a verse in the Bible that says you know that the Bible is your final authority. Show me a verse in the Bible that uses the term Catholicism. Show me a verse in the Bible that says Pope. Show me a verse in the Bible about the ascension of Mary or whatever it is that they call it. All these false doctrines that they believe you won't find it. But here's a good verse for you. You know what that means? It means the word of God is our final authority. It perfects us for all matters of faith and practice. There you have it. No we won't find a verse that says faith alone. Yet they can't find me a verse that says Catholic. They can't find a verse that says purgatory. They can't find a verse that says worship Mary. They can't find a verse that says sacraments. I mean the list goes on and on and on. You know why? Because their final authority, their foundation is not the word of God. It's Satan. Look at Matthew 7 verse 24. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not. Why? Because it was founded upon a rock. That rock is Jesus Christ. So what is this telling us? It's telling us that if we build our doctrine, build our preaching, build our church on the word of God, which is Jesus Christ, you can have the winds blowing, floods coming, beating upon that house and it just will never fall. It'll beat on it. You know they'll criticize us. They'll make all kinds of videos about us. They'll expose us. But you know what? It will never fall because it's founded upon Jesus Christ. He says in verse 26, Then everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it. Now I thought that was very interesting that he says great was the fall of it. So the result of not building your preaching on the rock is that there's a great falling away. And falling away in the Bible is apostasy. That's what it means. That's literally what it means. So any church, any denomination that puts forth preaching that's not built upon the rock will eventually lead into apostasy. That doesn't use the word of God as its final authority for all matters and faith and practice. They will eventually fall away. They will eventually apostasize, get into false doctrine, and you know, become an apostate church. Methodists, Lutherans, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, these are all institutions that did not build their house upon a rock. They built it on the sand. And this is why it's important that when we listen to preaching, we listen to it by we listen to preaching that's being given by a person who's saved. Who has a pastor who has Jesus Christ as their savior. That foundation should be Jesus Christ. This is why I don't listen to reform preaching. And I know there's probably some reformers out there that are saved, but I'm not trying to fish through sewage to find it. I'm not trying to, you know, look through hours and hours of sermons and say, well, what are you going to do to find good preaching? Look up fundamental Baptist preaching. And then, you know, luckily, because we have the internet, you know, you can even get more specific and just put new independent fundamental Baptist preaching. Because at that point, you know, you know for sure that the guy preaching that is saved. Preaching the right gospel and everything. You know, it's important for us to have the right foundation. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians chapter 3 verse 11, for other foundations can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble. Not only that, you have the sandy foundation of salvation, but you also have the sandy foundation of the Bible versions that they use as well. And let me take, go to 1 Peter chapter 1 if you would. 1 Peter chapter 1. 1 Peter chapter 1. Now obviously we know that the modern versions of the Bible are trash. They are sandy, not built upon the rock. They are versions of the Bible that fell away. They are, you know, I mean what else can we say about them that has not already been said? We essentially as fundamental Baptists determine what church we will attend based upon the Bible version that they use. And we're not ashamed of that. And we pick that up from our spiritual ancestors, the old IFB, who were King James only, amen. And you know a lot of old IFB churches even though maybe they may not put KJV only or they're not very open about it, in general you go to their pews they're using the King James Bible. And if you told them like, hey, you know can we use the ESV? They'll be like, no, no. They'll be like really nice about it. No brother, you know. But at least they'll tell you no. You know there's a major problem though amongst fundamental Baptist churches that is like a thorn in my flesh. That just drives me absolutely bananas. And that is that fundamental Baptist churches in general are King James only, meaning that they will readily reject the ESV, NIV, HIV, NKJV, all these modern versions of the Bible, but they'll also allow the reign of Valera in 1960 in their church. That is the elephant in the room when it comes to fundamental Baptist churches. King James only, 1960. They won't preach from a New King James Bible because obviously it's wrong, it's a modern version, it's not the word of God. They won't preach from an ESV, they'll actually preach against the ESV. But for some reason they allow their Spanish ministries to use a reign of Valera 1960. And if you don't really know anything about the topic, let me just tell you, the reign of Valera 1960 is essentially a hybrid of the New King James and the ESV together. It's basically what it is. And you know you talk to these people like, no this is the one we've always used. What do you mean always? It's from 1960. That's not long, very long ago. And here's the thing, let's just use the principle of association. If something like the Bible came out in 1960, the 60s, it's probably not good. I mean let's label all the things that came out in the 60s. Did anything godly come out of the 60s? Absolutely not. And all of a sudden this Bible shows up and just they completely throw away the old versions of the Spanish Bible that Spanish churches and Spanish believers have used for hundreds of years and then all of a sudden go with this modern version of the Bible known as the 1960. Let me say why this is important. Because you know you'll have people who, you know, they like our kind of preaching, they like one saved always saved doctrine, they like our position on the Jews, they like our position on end times, but they will listen to a Spanish pastor that uses the 1960 even though he's preaching the same doctrines that we do. I don't know about you, I'm not going to listen to some pastor who believes in replacement theology but uses the NIV. It's not going to happen. I don't care if he's right on the Jews. I'll just say a broken clock is right twice a day. I'm not going to listen to pastors, preachers who maybe folks, Kirk Cameron believes in the Posture pre-wrath. Are you going to listen to him? You know you guys don't even know who I'm talking about. He's the guy that left behind you. Do you now know what I'm talking about? Does anybody know? Raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about. Okay, all right. This guy, he's post-trip but he's not a King James only guy. So I'm not going to flock to his page to know what he believes about the Posture pre-wrath because he probably got it from someone else who actually uses the King James. And mark it down, anytime you find a pastor who uses a false version of the Bible but he's preaching the right doctrine, he got it from someone who's actually using a King James. I guarantee it. And in fact, I've spoken to Spanish pastors who believe like we do in a lot of the details of what we believe as new IP churches and they told me we learn everything from English pastors. That's what they said. They don't get it from the 1960. The 1960 is a perversion of God's word. It's not faithful to the Texas Receptus in the New Testament. You know, for example, 1 Peter 2 2 says, as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby. In the 1960 it says that ye may grow into salvation. Oh, but you have fundamental Baptist churches allowing that Bible in their pulpits. Well, brother, I don't really know Spanish though. Then find someone who does and have them read it to you. It's like, well, you know, I kind of stay away from that version. You know, I don't really get involved in those things there. Pastor Burzins is as wide as can be. And you know what? He learned some Spanish. He's putting it in the work. Amen. Why? Because he actually cares about the issue. But it's just like, well, I'm gonna turn a blind eye to it and it's just not. No, it's the elephant in the room. You know what? You're allowing a false version of the Bible into your church or you're associating with people, pastors who claim to preach the right doctrine but they're using a modern version of the Bible, the 1960. It's a sandy Bible. Folks, fundamental Baptist preaching, listen to me, is supported by the word of God not by some false version of the Bible. Fact. And that's only one of many examples of what's wrong with the 1960. Okay, and I know we got predominantly English-speaking people here, but this affects us because we are fundamental Baptists. And we don't want to be ignorant of this issue because you're gonna get it at the door. Someone's gonna ask you what Spanish Bible I should use or, you know, my mom speaks Spanish. What Bible should she use or whatever? Or I saw this Spanish pastor online. Is he good? This is what you say. Well, what version does he use? Plain and simple. You're like, well, you know, it's really hard out there. You know, I just don't know many Spanish pastors. There's one right there. There's one right here. And he uses a right version in Spanish. Steadfast has services every single Sunday where they're preaching the word of God from the right version of the Bible. They have a Bible that's supported, they have preaching that's supported by the word of God itself. Okay. Look what it says in 1 Peter 1.22 Seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that you love one another with pure heart fervently, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. This is something that I have to constantly bring up in our church and when I have the opportunity in other people's churches as well, is this issue of the 1960. It is trash. Let me just go on record to say it's trash. It belongs in the trash can. And you know, yeah, but there's not that many people out there that use the Gomez. There's not that many people out there that use the Antigua. Yes, there is. You just got to look for them. Plain and simple. It's like saying there's not that many people who use the King James. There's plenty of people who use the King James. It's just that those who use the modern versions of the Bible outnumber us. It doesn't mean we don't exist, though. And so, fundamental Baptist preaching uses the King James Bible and it uses the right version in Spanish. Okay. Which, by the way, you know, you say which one? Well, probably the most popular one that we use is the Gomez. I think that's a great version to use. Others would like to use the 1602. If you really want to go way back, you go to the 1569 Bible of the Bear. Okay. These are great versions of the Bible for people to use. The one that's more readily available that you can just purchase right off the bat is the Gomez, though. It's a great Bible. And it's better than the 1960. Because the 1960 says, sons of the gods. It says, grow into salvation. You're like, well, you know, you know, I saw that the King James doesn't match up with the Greek. You don't even know Greek, so just keep your mouth shut. You don't even know what you're talking about. Here's one. And here's the thing. Like, there are certain variations and changes that these modern versions make, like the 1960, that doesn't necessarily affect doctrine, but it's just wrong because they changed it. Like Jude 22. Jude 22 says, and if some have compassion, make it a difference. In the 1960, it says, those who doubt, convince them. Now, that's not a bad phrase, right? I mean, those who doubt, convince them. Sounds like a, you know, something you find on the calendar, you know, words of encouragement, you know, those who doubt, convince them, or whatever. But here's why it's wrong, because that's not what it says. So they think they have the liberty to just change it. And then you have these Spanish pastors from First Baptist Church of Hammond, from all these big churches out there that are just saying, well, the 1960 is faithful to the TR. How can you say it's faithful to the TR when it's saying something completely different? That's called either you're ignorant or you're lying. And so, fundamental Baptist preaching requires preaching that is built upon the right foundation. Built upon the Word of God without compromise. And we need Baptist churches to start getting zealous about being King James only and zealous about using the right versions of the Bible in other languages as well. And not just be, well, I don't know the issue, therefore I'm going to stay away from it. Then you need to learn the issue. Because if there's Spanish, if you have a Spanish ministry in your church, you should know what you're talking about then. You should have requirements. There's certain qualifications that need to be met. Well, it's just a Spanish ministry though. Well, those people, they need the Word of God too. You wouldn't let your members use NIVs or ESVs in your congregation. But all of a sudden, what, the Spanish ministry is inferior or something? I literally had a Spanish pastor tell me this, because I showed him all these examples, and he was using the 1960 and he still does. I showed him all these examples, and this is what he said. He goes, well, let me just tell you something. He goes, I used the Gomez in my personal Bible reading. But when I preach, I use the 1960. What? Oh, so it's good for you, but then when you preach into your church, you use the crap. You use the chaff. You want to eat the wheat on your own and leave the chaff for your members. It's wicked. Folks, we need to make sure that we understand that fundamental Baptist preaching is built upon the right foundation. Alright, let me move on here. Go to 2 Corinthians 11. 2 Corinthians 11. Everyone still with me? Alright, 2 Corinthians 11. Fundamental Baptist preaching is supported by the right Bible. But let me also say this. Fundamental Baptist preaching is spirited. What do I mean by that? It gets a little wild when you hear a sermon by a fundamental Baptist preacher. That's one of the major distinctions between fundamental Baptist preaching and everything else. You know, let's say we run into two churches that preach the same exact doctrine. One's a fundamental Baptist, one isn't. I guarantee you, one of the major differences between the two is that one seems to be a little more wild when he preaches. It's almost as if they actually believe what they're saying. It's almost as if they're zealous about the things of God. You would think that they actually hate sin. You might be even mistaken to think that, you know, they possibly love the Lord. They kind of sound like a prophet of the Old Testament. And you know what? That's a major distinction between fundamental Baptist preaching and everything else. That's a major one. Spirited. They are very, yeah, they're animated. They, when they talk about the abominations of the land, they raise their voice a little bit. When they talk about the false modern versions of the Bible, they get a little angry about it. It's because they actually believe it's coming from the heart. Now, people, mainly fundamental Baptists, unfortunately, will say, see, that's what we don't like about you guys. You're just mean-spirited. I like what you said about the gays. But you just, you're just, you know, it's just the way you say it. And I kind of want to say, like, what do you want me to do? You want me to lower the decimals? You want me to whisper, faggot? Like, what is it that you want? Is that what's really bothering you? Is that really the problem here? Well, the problem is, is that you know that the truth is right, and you don't really, it just kind of rubs you the wrong way when someone's just rubbing it in your face and saying you're wrong about this. But you know what, that's what prophets are supposed to do, though. The prophets of the Old Testament were not likable men to the masses. I mean, think about Micaiah. What did Ahab say to Micaiah? I hate him. It's like, why is he wrong on doctrine? Did he steal from you? No, because he never preaches good concerning me, but evil. Why, you little snowflake? You little sissy. You know what that means? It means that Micaiah was spirited. And he preached hard. Yeah, but, you know, well, look at 2 Corinthians chapter 11, verse 6. I love this verse here. The apostle Paul speaking says this, But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge, we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things. I love that. He said, yeah, you can call me rude, but you can't refute the knowledge that I'm giving you, basically saying, like, what I'm telling you is the truth, though. And, you know what? Saying it in a nicer way doesn't change the truth, but I say it in a meaner way so that you don't forget it. Right? Like, which one's better? Fornication is wicked. Or, fornication is wicked! You'll believe the second one rather than the first one. You'll almost think, like, okay, like, if I were to say this, if I had just told you, brother adultery is wicked, you'd be like, dude, back up. There's a reason why God gave a pattern of how preachers in the Old Testament should preach. In fact, go to Ezekiel, if you would. Go to Ezekiel chapter 6. Ezekiel chapter number 6. Look at Ezekiel chapter 6 and verse number 11. This is God instructing the prophet Ezekiel on what to preach, but also how to preach. He says in verse 11, Thus saith the Lord God, smite with thine hand. He said, what did he smite? Doesn't matter, smite anything. Smite the pulpit, smite yourself, you know, and you better be careful if you're in close proximity because you might get smitten. Smite. What does that mean? It means get their attention. Smite with thy hand. Stamp with thy foot and say, alas, for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel. Notice the exclamation point there. With emphasis, right? For they shall fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence. Oh, you know, I agree with what you said, Ezekiel. It's just the way you're saying it. I just don't like the way, you know, the whole, you know, and the, you know. Well, how else am I going to get your attention? See, God understands that the message is as equally important as the delivery of the message as well. Because people don't take you serious when you're up there in, you know, skinny jeans and behind a glass pulpit giving a TED Talk about promiscuity. Who's going to take that serious? Who's going to be inspired by that? Who's going to repent of their sins based off of that? Who's going to get right with God because of that? Nobody is. That's why sin is just rampant in churches like that. Because they're not taking the man of God serious because let me just let you in on a little secret. He's not a man of God. He wants to remove the skinny jeans and the short sleeve whatever and remove the goatee you know, and actually look like a man, talk like a man, and smile with his hand and stamp with his foot and get angry. We're like, well, you know, we just hear, we just like to convey a message of love. And look, I've had many people tell me this and they'll say, you know, the Bible says speak the truth in love. Speak the truth in love. And I'll often answer this and I'll tell them this and I'll say does that mean speak the truth nicely? Because in love that doesn't mean nicely. When it says speak the truth in love it means speak the truth with the right motive. Right? Like when I'm preaching to you I'm preaching with the motive that it would impact you eternally. That it would help you to get right with God. That it would cause you to hate sin more. That it would cause you to love God. I'm doing it out of love for you. It's not referring to how nice you're saying it. You've got to speak the truth in love. I do speak the truth in love. But my speaking the truth in love is just louder than yours. But he tells Ezekiel there smile with your hands, stamp with your foot and then he gives them the message of what he is to say. Now the contrast to this you don't have to turn there. Back in Jeremiah 23, it says He told I am against them that prophesy false dreams saith the Lord and do tell them and cause my people to err by their lives and by their lightness. Lightness. They're a little lighter than their toes when they preach the word of God. No one's going to take people like that serious. And you know people can make fun of us all they want and make montages on YouTube of how we slobber and yell and scream all they want but at the end of the day this is how God has instructed us to preach. And this is how the men of God in the Bible have always preached. They've always been crass. They've always been rude. They've always been mean. And you know what? You can't say, you know by the way you can say that I have a mean spirit just you can't deny that I have the Holy Spirit though. Plain and simple. And at the end of the day no I don't have a mean spirit because mean means average and the Holy Spirit is not average. I have the Superior Spirit which is the Holy Spirit. And when the Spirit of God is upon me and I have to deal with situations in my church about fornication about adultery, about drunkenness about the abominations of the land well you know the Spirit of God comes upon me and it's time to bug out the eyes raise my voice, stamp with my foot stomp with my foot, slap with my hand and watch out. Because that's the, because why? Because fundamental Baptist preaching is spirited. And look I told you know some of the guys in my church if you're gonna preach you gotta like you know you can't be like you know these reformers. You can't preach like a James White. That kind of preaching sucks. Moves no man's soul. Okay. If you're gonna preach you gotta have some my father-in-law used to say you have to preach with belly fire. You know actually believe what you're saying. Get angry with the things that God gets angry about. Love the things that God loves. Love the word of God. Love the truth. Preach with passion. And so fundamental Baptist preaching is supported by the truth but it's also distinctly different because it's spirited. It's very much zealous. Okay. You know I think of J. Frank Norris for example who was a preacher in the roaring twenties and he was a very spirited preacher in times past. And what's funny is the old IFB pastors and churches they uphold him as being a great man of God. I mean they literally have awards that they give their Christian school students called the J. Frank Norris award. So they approve of this man. But that man was crazy. The guy was wild. I mean there's literally stories of J. Frank Norris you know in his days there's a man who he was a drunk driver and he died in a car accident and I don't want to get like explicit here but basically his brains were just splashed all over the road and J. Frank Norris came with a broken bottle of alcohol scooped up the brains went to church and preached against alcohol. You're like well that's a little too much. Yeah but I guarantee you no one drank thereafter. Kind of got the point across. I mean if you think that's too much then look at the illustrations that the men of the Bible did. Preaching on their side. Preaching to trees. His ego is like preaching to the mountains. He's like telling he's going to cast them out and he's going to destroy them. You know you got Isaiah preaching you know naked. I mean there's so many examples of men of God in the Bible who just did some wild stuff. But you know what here we are talking about it thousands of years later and I guarantee the recipients of that message in those days it got to them. And they'll never forget it. Go to 2 Timothy chapter 4. 2 Timothy chapter 4. The point that I'm making here is that fundamental Baptist preaching should not be despised. Despised not prophesying. You shouldn't think well you know it's just like you know you guys are just crazy and you know you say King James only. Yeah we're saying these things because this is a style of preaching that gets the job done. This is a style of preaching that gets people saved. It gets people living right. It gets people to love the Lord. It mobilizes soul winners. It builds churches. It builds people. And it honors God above all else. What kind of preaching is that? Fundamental Baptist preaching. Yeah but you've only been doing this for a couple of years. Fundamental Baptist for at least 17 though. And even before I was a pastor I was part of an old IFP church that did fundamental Baptist preaching. You know what? It saved me from a lot of heartache. It made me clean up my life. It taught me how to love the Lord Jesus Christ. It taught me how to love the Bible. It taught me how to love people. It taught me how to hate sin. It kept me on the right track. So therefore I'm not ashamed to call it fundamental Baptist preaching. Number 3. So fundamental Baptist preaching is supported by the Bible. It's spirited. But it's also saturated with Scripture. And this is another big difference. Because I've been in churches where it's just like one verse close your Bibles look up here. And you know what? I don't know about you but I've been in churches where it's just like no I want more though. Or you know you've had the thought in your mind like man I really I wish you would have like explained the verse before that. Because I've always wondered about this. Or I've always wondered about the verse after that. Or I've always wondered about this particular passage here. You know? And it's just like they just leave us anemic spiritually. Just starving for more. But thank God for fundamental Baptist preaching of 2024 that's just saturated with Scripture. And that's how preaching should be right? I mean you say yeah but you guys do that and you know not everyone does that. Well think about Stephen in the Bible. Remember when he preached? The guy gave an entire history on Israel in his sermon. He like went from the very beginning and then he said well what was the purpose of his sermon? Just to call out the Jews? So he just went through the entire history saturated the crowd with Scripture just to tell them that you know they're resisting the Holy Ghost. That's Baptist preaching right there. Just chasing all kinds of rabbits. Just getting off course. Talking about everything under the sun and then it's just like oh yeah I'm talking about fundamental Baptist preaching. But it worked. Made them mad. And you know Peter did the same thing. And you know that's how preaching should be. It should be saturated with the Word of God. Either being quoted or being turned to. And you know what? Saturating a sermon, saturating preaching with Scripture is necessary in order for the church to know how to navigate through the Bible. That's important. A lot of churches they don't even know like they probably can't even find you know Joshua in the Bible. They probably don't even know where Proverbs is or Ecclesiastes. They probably can't even find Zephaniah. Because they don't navigate through the Bible like that. But fundamental Baptist preaching on the other hand we have sought in this generation to just saturate the members with as much Scripture as possible. Quote Scripture. Read Scripture. Explain Scripture. Give context of Scripture. I mean essentially the service is centered around the Scriptures. But you know what? Today we have even amongst Christians those who can quote the Church Fathers more than the Bible. I've gone into discussions with people online and it's like they're quoting the Church Fathers. And I'm like this means absolutely nothing to me. Like you're quoting this as if like I care. Like I'm playing chess and you're playing checkers. Like I'm playing rugby and you're doing figure skating. Like what is this? This is chaff. But that's because whatever church they go to that's all they give is commentary, Church Fathers and I keep bringing up Church Fathers because Gen Z has been won over by this crowd. By this crowd. They're just constantly listening to these apologists of Catholics and Protestants or whatever and that is their ultimate authority. They're not saturating their messages with the word of God. They're saturating with the opinions of men. The words of man's wisdom that has no power whatsoever. We need to continue. Look what it says in 2 Timothy 4 verse 2. Preach the word. Be in season out of season. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering, I want you to notice this and doctrine. Give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine. He says you need to preach doctrine. Teach doctrine. Show them what the Bible says. Saturate the people with the word of God. I think you guys are just over the top on that though. 50 scriptures in one sermon. Really is that necessary brother? You know what? More is necessary. And I'm sorry I only brought 50. You said why? Why with doctrine? Why so much doctrine? Why so much teaching? Why so much preaching used in the Bible? Why? Why can't we get a movie night where we explain biblical principles from Superman or something? Right? Or from the Avengers or something like that. I know non-denim churches do that, don't they? They have like a movie night or something. Why not just use some modern methods to teach the Bible? Because the Bible tells us to use doctrine. Why? Look at verse 3. For the time will come, and I will even say, and now is, when they will not endorse sound doctrine, meaning you can't handle it. Do you know why it's important to just kind of load you, saturate you with scripture during services? Because if I don't, if your pastor doesn't, there will come a time that you can't endorse sound doctrine. I mean, I've had new people come to our church, and they're just kind of like, that's a lot to take in. I'm sure you've had the same. People are just like, that's just a lot of scripture you're going through. I wasn't able to fall all the way. I just, I've never heard so much scripture before, like, used. And it's kind of like sensory overload for them. But for the, but the church member that's been here for five years, they're just like, I know where he's going next. You know, the Bible's all used. It's all dirty because your fingers are all dirty, and you're just, you know, you already know what it says, and you love, you read along. It's just, you're on this spiritual bulk, and you're just consuming it, and it doesn't bother you. But you give a brand new person that, they're just like, I can't handle this much, but this is too much. You guys preach for an hour? That's a lot. Folks, there's just people out there that preach for like 15 to 20 minutes. 15 to 20 minutes is like my introduction. They literally preach for like 15 to 20, maybe 25 minutes. Because the people can't, they can't endure sound doctrine. It's too much Bible for them. You know what we want to create within our church is people who are able to handle preaching for a really long time. Why not? Why not? I remember when I was in an old IFP church, I was preaching for like a tour group, and I was at this church, and it was filled with gray heads, okay, and there was no young people there, and the pastor, you know, he was kind of going liberal, and so he told me, he's just like, hey, the sermon's about 30 minutes or so, and then there's a guy there, there's an older man there, and he was a member of J. Frank Norris' church. Not when J. Frank Norris was around, because that would make him like extremely old, but like he was there when the guy who took over after J. Frank Norris pastored, and he came to me, and he was like, listen to me, son, you better preach for an hour and a half back in my day. We used to go an hour and 45, and no one even cared, and I was just like, an hour and 45, I already got enough content for like, you know, 30 minutes or something, and he was like rebuking me, and I was like still kind of new, and I was just like, whoa, you know, an hour and 45, an hour and 30, he was like, back in my day, an hour and 15 was nothing, that was normal, now we got these 15, 20 minute sermons, and I'm just like, yes, sir, yes, sir. He was right, though. You know what I'm saying? Saturate. I mean, Pastor Shelley, he goes to the hour and 30 mark sometimes, right? Yeah. You know, sometimes I go to the hour and 30 mark or something, and sometimes I'm at the hour and 15, I'm not encouraging Pastor Burzins to do this, but he might do this, I don't know, but you know, sometimes I'm at the hour and 15, I'm like, I got to stop, and people are like, keep going. Yeah, yeah. They're like, saturate us! Give us more! And then other people are like, well, I can't endure this. Oh, really? Why? Because you could doom scroll for like two hours on your phone. You know how to endure doom scrolling? You could endure Facebook, you could endure Instagram and TikTok, and all the social media platforms for hours on end. Folks, we need to saturate the members with scripture! Teaching of the Bible! Yeah, but why, though? He says, verse 3, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, then they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables, the Bible says. You know why it's necessary to saturate churches with the Bible? Because if we do not, they're going to go look for the fables. They'll be turned unto fables! They'll be turned to the liberal preaching that doesn't do anything for them. They'll be turned to the 50 minute sermonette. They'll be turned to the Dave Ramses of Baptist churches. They'll be turned to false doctrine. All they're going to look for is a person who just, you know, tickle their fancy or whatever, make them happy. We, fundamental Baptist preaching is known for being saturated with the word of God. In order to keep you sound in the faith. In order to help you to endure sound doctrine, so that you're not turned away unto Jewish fables, etc. I'm going long. Go to Titus 1, I'm almost done. I'm almost done, Titus chapter 1. Can you endure? Amen. Saturated with the scriptures. I mean, that's one of the reasons why children in our churches get saved so early. Because they're constantly listening to preaching, they're constantly listening to thorough explanations of the gospel in church. The pastors get enough teaching on how to do sowing in church, teaching about the word of God in church. The children are hearing this, they're soaking it up like a sponge. And that's biblical. You know, the Bible says that from a child that was known the Holy Scriptures, which is able to make thee wise unto salvation, the Bible says. And it's important to saturate the membership with scriptures because the little ones need to hear it too. And they take in a lot. You know, and it's saturating their soul, it's saturating their heart. You know, I have children in my church, they think deeply about the things of God. It kind of surprises me sometimes. It does, but it doesn't. It's just like, well, that's how it should be. But then I'm like, wow, that's pretty cool that they have such a high view of the Bible and of God. But it's because we're trying to financially saturate them with the Word of God, give them the Word of God. Fundamental Baptist preaching esteems saturating the membership with the Bible. We're not ashamed of it. We want people to endure it. We want people to be able to have an appetite for it. Next. Fundamental Baptist preaching is sound as well. Meaning that it's not it doesn't, there's no defect. And obviously there's no preacher that is perfect, but in general, the preachers within churches like ours are very much mature to the point that they can give you a full course meal, so to speak. And they are right on a lot of things. On the vast majority of things, I would even say. Not perfect, but they're right on the vast majority of things. And I truly believe in my heart that the pastors in the new Fundamental Baptist movement have made it their goal to make sure they give preaching that is just absent of defect. Just give you what the Word of God says. Strive to teach you the Bible. Strive to not be erroneous in their claims or erroneous in their preaching. They want to give you sound doctrine. It says in Titus 1 verse 9 holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. There are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they of the circumcision. And by the way, this is why I don't like to really use history or even church fathers especially in my arguments of why the Bible is true. Because those are man's devices that often have defect. They're errors. And it's just like, well, they reinforce what the Bible says. But does the Bible need reinforcement? It stands alone. Obviously you can point to things in history and all these things that will essentially show you that what the Bible says is true. But at the end of the day, the Bible stands alone. And it doesn't need some dead dude who people are still arguing 2,000 years later whether he was Catholic or Christian. We don't need that. The Bible stands alone. It's sound. And that's what we need to use. We need to hold fast the faithful word and make sure that we use it in order to convince the gainsayers. You say, well, I know someone online or I went at it with someone and I gave them scripture and they just rejected it. They kept throwing church father quotes and this article then they're a heretic. That's what the Bible says. You just reject them and say, oh, okay. Be a sucker. You just rejected the word of God. Want nothing to do with you. Plain and simple, right? Fundamental Baptist preaching is sound. And you never walk away wondering like, man, I still don't get it. Never walk away wondering like I wonder what that verse really meant, though. Sound, it's without defect. It is sound in its doctrine. It is whole. It is perfect. And part of that is because of the fact that the pastors who are preaching it are not diminishing from it. Right? Because to be sound means it's without defect, meaning that when the pastor's preaching, he's giving you the entire counsel of God. That's why Pastor Burson is preaching through Jeremiah on Wednesdays. I don't know many churches that are doing that. That is a monster of a book to go through right there. And that's probably why a lot of churches don't want to go through it. In our church, we're going through the book of Isaiah and it's going to be just a monster of a book as well. But you say, why go through verse by verse? Because we want to give you the entire counsel of God. We don't want our preaching to have deficiencies and defects where you're not getting something. Look, we only have, you know, like 80 years, 70, 80 years as pastors. We have to do like, we have to give it all to you in that time. And so it's just like Sunday morning sermon, Sunday night, and then we have to reinforce those and get a lot of that stuff. And then we got to teach through different books of the Bible. Why? Because we want to give you it all. It's what God commanded us to do. Not, you know, Psalm 23 for 23 weeks. Come on. Psalm 23 for that long. Folks, and I get, you could do a teaching on Psalm 23 for a couple weeks for sure. But after a while, it's like we get it. Pretty much every unsaved person knows Psalm 23. You know, if they've been to a funeral, they've heard it. Let's hear Psalm 139. Amen. Let's hear about Psalm 55. Let's hear about those other Psalms. You know, we all know that God is our shepherd that I shall not want. We know that He leads us beside the still waters. We know that. Watch me the other stuff. Because here's the thing, there's people in churches that are just like, man, I really wish you would talk about this, though. This is very interesting. Tell me about the other Psalm. Tell me about the other Proverbs. Tell me about the controversial stuff in the Bible. Well, you should be in church because you want to learn the Bible. Exactly. So give me the good stuff. Give it to me all. I'll take Psalm 23, but give me some other stuff, too. May the preaching be without deficiencies. Sound. And that is how Fundamental Baptist preaching is. Go with me, if you would, to Isaiah chapter 58. Isaiah 58. Here's my last point. Let me just review briefly. Fundamental Baptist preaching is supported by the Bible. Fundamental Baptist preaching is spirited in its demeanor. Fundamental Baptist preaching is saturated with Scripture. Fundamental Baptist preaching is sound in doctrine. And lastly, Fundamental Baptist preaching is specific about sin and about names. You know one thing I love about our churches? You never have to wonder who he was talking about. They'll tell you. I love that. Because I've been a part of churches and churches are just like, who is he talking about? You know what I mean? Like whatever false prophet of the day is just like, who? Just say it. Call the name. Say the name! But Fundamental Baptist, they don't care. They'll tell you the name. They'll give you the address. They'll give you the zip code. They'll say the name of the church. They'll tell you who it is. They have no quarrels of giving you the details. Why? Because Fundamental Baptist churches, their preaching is specific. It says in Isaiah 58 verse 1, cry out loud, spare not. Lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins. He says, show them. Show them where they have aired. Highlight the specific sins that they're guilty of. And you know what? We need to get back to just talking about and describing, defining sins. You know, just like in Galatians chapter 6, right? The works of the flesh are made manifest, which are these. And go through that whole list and explain to people what each sin is. Because if we don't, then a lot of these words will begin to lose their meaning. And this is something that's very common even amongst Fundamental Baptist churches. This is why a lot of Baptist churches, listen to me, this is why a lot of them think that adultery and fornication are the same exact thing. Right? It's a sexual sin. Pornia. And the Greek. But it's because they don't use those words in a practical way to preach against them. So they're just like, adultery, fornication, pornia. And then what happens is just all kinds of false doctrine stems from that. Then they'll start using Matthew 5 and 6 to teach in Matthew 18, to teach that, oh, divorce is permissible if your husband's watching porn or something. Because they haven't used these Biblical terms enough and they've lost their meaning. So it's important to teach the congregation, teach the people, teach believers specific sins. Or the definition of specific sins, sorry. Teach them what the Bible says about these specific sins and what they mean. Because we don't want to lose the meaning of what God is saying here. If God is giving us a list of things in the Bible, He wants us to know what those things mean. And so, I'm thankful for fundamental Baptist preaching because it is specific. It's specific when it comes to sin, but it's specific when it comes to the wolves as well. You know, Adam Fanon is a false prophet. This guy is wicked as hell. And it's just like, okay, I know who he's talking about. Stay away from that guy. You know. Tyler Doka freaking idiot. Thinks he's Jesus. Now he's got tattoos on his face. The guy's always doing something new. But you know, at least you, you know, what if I just told you, yeah, that one guy, you know, he just, he says he's someone that he shouldn't say that he is. Says a lot of weird stuff. He thinks that the place in which we live is kind of flat. You're like, what the heck is he talking about? Just say Tyler Doka. At least you know, like, okay, I know who he's talking about. I mean, the worst feeling is to walk out and be like, I wonder who he was talking about. But the purpose of preaching against false prophets and wolves is to, is so that you avoid them. Can't avoid someone you don't know. And then you have to, like, figure it out on your own or something like that. And so the point of the sermon this evening is this, folks, is that here at Stronghold Baptist Church, fundamental Baptist preaching is taking place. At First Works Baptist Church, at Steadfast Baptist Church, fundamental Baptist preaching is taking place. Churches like ours, fundamental Baptist preaching is taking place. Don't despise that prophesying. And understand there's a major distinction between that kind of preaching and everything else. And if you say, well, no, it's all the same, then why don't you just go to a different church? I'll tell you why. You stay because of the preaching. You know there's a major difference. And lastly, I just want to say this. Don't be ashamed of that difference. Don't be ashamed of the preaching that comes from Pastor Dave Berzins, amen? Don't be ashamed, like, well, you know, you should come because it's a good fellowship. It's a little wild, you know. Like, no, the preaching is great. You'll love the people. You'll love the fellowship. They've got a little basketball thing going on back there. But above all else, the preaching is awesome here. What kind of preaching is it? Is it like Bible preaching? What is it? It's actually fundamental Baptist preaching is what it is. Oh, I don't know about that. I've heard about that. Yeah, it's really good. It'll help you grow in your faith a lot. It's really exciting preaching, too. You'll learn a lot. All right, I'll give it a try. Because here's the thing. We don't want people, we want people walking away to the point where we can say, thou has fully known my doctrine. You know who I am. You know what we believe. We're not trying to hide anything. We want to be honest about everything. And so it's just all out in the open. Amen? Let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your word and thank you for the preachers who have come before us, Lord, who've given us this great example. And Lord, help us to take up the torch, the baton, so to speak, of fundamental Baptist preaching that we may not be ashamed of it, but maybe be grateful for it. Recognize that it's changed thousands, that I wouldn't even say millions of lives. And may we continue to use it to make an impact in this world for Christianity. We love you. We thank you. Pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. All right. Thank you so much, Pastor Mejia. We really appreciate you flying out here from California. I know it's a long flight and it's a difficult travel day. And I know you got to head back tomorrow earlier. So we appreciate you being out here. Great sermon. Great spirit with a fundamentalist conference here. So I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Again, come on out tomorrow. We got soul winning all day long. It's going to be great. And if you don't, you know, if you're not comfortable, maybe you haven't been soul winning before, we don't worry about. Just show up. We'll hook you up with someone who knows what they're doing. You can just go along. We'll pair you up with someone. You don't have to say anything. You can just see how we give the gospel to people. It's the most important thing that we can be doing as believers is showing other people how to be saved. And that is the job of all of us. So you know, there's nothing more fundamental with the fundamental Baptist than going out soul winning, right? This is it's foundational. You have to go forth and preach the gospel in order to continue in order to grow in order to thrive. We have to be leading more people to Christ. So we're dedicating all day tomorrow to doing that. So come here in the morning. Like I said before, we'll have some refreshments. We'll have some snacks Okay, some breakfast type foods Danish is things like that will be here in the morning. I want to start getting people paired up by 9 45 some parent up partners given out maps so that we can be on the street hitting the road, going to our location by 10 o'clock. I want to be out of here. So please do your best to get here on time and not cause any causes extra problems if you come in late and you're like, Oh, man, I don't need a partner. Now, you know, get here on time. Be here like 9 45 latest. Okay, latest 9 45. Get here a little bit earlier. We have snacks. Like I said, we'll equip you with lunch, assuming that it's actually they do their job. Sometimes they're not always good at getting it done on time. But if they have it done on time, we'll have it here for you. Send it out and yeah, it's gonna be an awesome day. So again, thank you to both of our pastors for being here, and we're gonna have a little bit of time of fellowship tonight. So feel free to hang out this evening and encourage the pastors are visiting with us. Thank them for coming out here to Stromlo Baptist Church for this conference and say an extra special thanks to brother Brett Stockton, too, who is really instrumental in making sure that this conference happened. So with all the conferences fundamental, it was the Midwest fundamental Baptist conference. Now it's the southern not southern Baptist but southern fundamentalist conference. Okay, we are Baptist, but it's taking place in the south now. So he was really very, very helpful in getting this thing going and really encouraging and making sure that we put this on again. And it's important fundamental conference, right? People need to know why we're fundamentalists and the fundamentals of the faith can't forget that. We need to hold on to that. We preach that. So great event. It's gonna continue to go strong. So be here tomorrow for the soul winning and then following finalizing on Sunday with with this conference. So I'm gonna turn the service over to brother Peter, who can lead us in our last song before dismissed. My church serves out the soul number 125 solid body will stand here at the exit everybody stand and sing this out on the first my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness I cannot trust the sweetest wind but wholly lean on Jesus' name on Christ the solid rock I stand all underground is sinking sand all underground is sinking sand when darkness fails his lovely face I rest on his unchanging grace in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil on Christ the solid rock I stand all underground is sinking sand all underground is sinking sand his hope is covenant his blood support me in the world with blood when all around my soul gives way even is all my hope is staying all underground is sinking sand all underground is sinking sand on the last singing sound with all you've got when he shall come with trumpet sound oh may I get him if he found rest in his righteousness alone all best to stand before the cross on Christ the solid rock I stand all underground is sinking sand all underground is sinking sand