(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) this morning second Peter chapter number three the Bible reads this second epistle beloved I now write unto you in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandments of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved into fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one days with the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years as one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men counts lackness but as long-suffering to us were not willing to any should perish but that all should come to repentance but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hastening under the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and that and the elements shall melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness wherefore beloved seeing that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless an account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given us him hath written unto you as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction you therefore beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness but grow in grace and then in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever amen and let's pray dear Lord God I thank you for this church thank you for our pastor just asked that you would just strengthen him now and fill him with your Holy Spirit as he preaches your word unto us and in Jesus name we pray amen amen okay we're in 2nd Peter chapter 3 this morning and look down at verse number 1 it says this second epistle beloved I now write unto you and both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance that you may be mindful of the words which are spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lust listen to this and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation and what I'm gonna preach on this morning is evangelical boys who cry wolf evangelical boys who cry wolf what am I what am I referring to well the Bible seems to indicate here that in the end times there's gonna be groups of people in general that are gonna reject Bible prophecy they're gonna disregard the warnings of the end times and when the end is actually near when the Antichrist actually appears when these things actually start to take place people are gonna mock they're gonna make fun of it and they're gonna say where is the promise of his coming for all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation and you kind of wonder how is it that the whole world can actually fall into that trap and not clearly see what the Bible teaches about this when it's actually front and center right there and it's you know for all the world to see when the Antichrist appears why is it that people are just gonna completely disregard it and just not believe it I'll tell you why because of evangelical boys who cry wolf okay and the only way you can get to a time like this is by having years and years of Christian so-called claiming that the world's gonna end and it doesn't end you know claiming oh man this is it the world's about to end the red heifer you know the wars that are taking place all these things that are happy you know the the solar eclipse is taking place this is it the end is near and then nothing happens and so what happens is that Christians and I'm using that term loosely begin to lose credibility with the world because they're constantly coming up with these false alarms these boys who cry wolf type things and what is that what is the boy who cried wolf well obviously it's a it's a it's a proverbial story that has the moral that you know the more you lie about a particular event that's gonna take place and you give these false alarms eventually a liar when he tries to tell the truth no one's gonna believe him so when the truth actually comes when the wolf actually appears when the Antichrist actually comes on the scene and these same Christians are gonna be like hey it's the Antichrist the end is near this is it everyone's gonna be like where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continued as they were from the beginning of the creation you Christians always say this the world is always ending with you guys and you always have this fatalistic mentality that the world's about to come to an end it's not gonna happen and then what happens in the story is that the wolf actually comes and then kills all the sheep okay you know by giving false alarms they damage their credibility and reliability in the eyes of others and evangelical boys who cry wolf always talk about how the world is about to end and you know most recently you can see this a lot on social media I see this a lot on social media probably one of the most popular things right now is the red heifer okay and how you know people keep saying oh man these these Jews they got the red heifer and we got to watch out because that means the third temple is about to be constructed and if the third temple is about to be constructed then you have the Antichrist but hold on a second since when do you believe anybody who's an adherent of Judaism regarding any kind of end times Bible prophecy I mean think about that for a second because here's the thing is that that's not in the Bible the red heifer is in the Bible Numbers chapter 19 in the Old Testament when it comes to making an offering without blemish absolutely you can find that in the Word of God but making a tie to end times Bible prophecy and trying to show show that in the Bible that somehow it's correlated to the end times has no significance whatsoever you know you said where does this come from it literally it's literally a Jewish fable that's literally what it is because they're the ones who are saying oh man only nine red heifers have been without blemish have been sacrificed and the Messiah is gonna sacrifice the tenth one and all of a sudden you have these Christians evangelicals who are buying into it or saying oh yeah these Jews are saying this is true I mean come on think about that okay who is a liar but he did deny that Jesus is the Christ he's Antichrist the Bible says so it's not a reliable resource for the truth for end times prophecy you know a red heifer is just a heifer that's red you know and they could be just lying about the entire thing and just making it all up just to kind of strike fear in the hearts of the public and really to you know essentially recruit more Christians to believe that they're the source of knowledge for the Bible the knowledge of God but obviously that's not true another thing that pops up a lot or has been popping up a lot recently is the war between Palestine and Israel Oh Palestine bombed Israel and Putin said that if America defends Israel that he's gonna defend Palestine or whatever and this is it World War three but let me ask you a question since we're in the Bible does it say that World War three is the kickoff to the end times oh yeah no wars and rumors of wars yeah you know what's funny about that in Matthew 24 it talks about the wars and rumors of wars and Kingdom rising against Kingdom nation against nation and then it says this but the end is not yet isn't that funny and here's another thing is that wars we're always in war there's always you have a Palestine Israel they've always been in war every year they're going to war every year they're shooting missiles at each other every year yeah but this is like you know Palestine is Ishmael and they're trying to go after Israel and all this stuff but you know what no it's not it's not sorry you know I understand that the Bible does say that there's wars and rumors of wars and then nation shall rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom but you know what the truth of the matter is that is not the smoking gun of the end times this is essentially precursors to the end times but at the end of the day because we've had so many wars throughout history you know those aren't necessarily the qualifiers to indicate we are in the end times okay and Palestine and Israel are gonna be fighting forever I mean it's just what this is what history is okay you know another one is I recently talked about this is the solar eclipse where people look at the solar eclipse oh man Jesus is coming back why because the heavenly bodies are aligning together and casting a shadow over America there's always a solar eclipse solar eclipses are happening all the time but all of a sudden because it's in America you know oh now it's really the end times cuz we're so important or something you know it's crazy like it's like the the whole meme of like you know movies anytime an alien you know aliens attack earth it's always America because America is like the center of attention or something so all of a sudden the solar eclipse is going over America's like oh yeah for sure this is it it's going over Nineveh no but you know what I'm sure it was going to the other cities in towns that had biblical names who cares and it's like oh you know but it's a fulfillment of Bible prophecy how is it a fulfillment of Bible prophecy when we can literally calculate when solar eclipses are gonna take place and so but I'm telling you you go on social media Instagram Facebook whatever you'll find evangelical boys crying wolf saying you know the end is here Jesus is gonna come back it gets hundreds of thousands of likes millions of views hundreds of thousands of comments and then that day comes and goes and then that person it's you know who's espousing those teachings just stay silent about it and what happens is people who are actually looking for the truth but are not diligent to actually look to the Bible or to Bible preaching what happens is they get deceived by these false teachers and then they begin to lose faith in the Bible but you know what the Bible is credible the Bible is authoritative the Bible has the truth it's people who are interpreting the Bible you know these people who are interpreting the Bible claiming that the end is near these are the evangelical boys who are crying wolf okay the Bible tells us to not give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth and this morning I want to give you a couple points on how to avoid being an evangelical boy who cries wolf okay because the last thing we need is a church filled with you know members or just even having a little bit of members in our church thinking oh man I saw this guy on YouTube and on Rumble and on Instagram and they're saying this about the eclipse they're saying this about the red heifer they're saying this about you know the Messiah the Jewish Messiah then it says this in Hebrew and I just think we might be there that's the last thing we need you like what something like that actually happened in our church yes it's happened in the past where people literally thought we were in the end times in 2020 yet here we are four years later and let me just let me just explain something to you regarding the tribulation it's it's takes place over a span of three and a half years with the last you know part of the tribulation known as the Great Tribulation only lasting for 75 days and so there's literally people and they're not here in our church anymore but there's literally people in our church saying this is it we're in the tribulation and it's just like what are you talking doesn't there's nothing happening oh but you know coronavirus and you know crown Corona Corona means crown crown is given to him just all this nonsense but yet here we are four years later nothing has happened you said what is that it's a boy who cries wolf so let me give you a couple points this morning on how you can avoid being a boy who cries wolf turn with me if you would to second Thessalonians chapter 2 second Thessalonians chapter 2 if you would point number one how to avoid being an evangelical boy or girl who cries wolf number one don't jump to conclusions don't be a person who just jumps the gun jumps to conclusions comes up with the conclusion right off the bat with minimal evidence to prove it evangelical boys who cry wolf make assumptions and conclusions with minimal evidence to back it up oh yeah but I saw a video how do you even know if that video is true you know people just make stuff up you know AI exists now I mean it's always existed but now it's more prominent and I saw a video you don't even know what's if it's real though I saw a video where there's this angel going across the sky during the solar eclipse it's AI AI is getting really good right now but you know evangelical boys will take the smallest amount of evidence which is probably not even valid at all and just make all types of conclusions based upon that okay they develop a fatalistic attitude based off of spurious claims now let me read you a couple verses before we get into second Thessalonians chapter 2 Proverbs 18 verse 13 says he that answer it a matter before he hearth it it is folly and shame unto him so the Bible is telling us here don't be a person who jumps to conclusions don't come to a definite conclusive opinion about something until you have all the evidence until you have all the elements just wait it out don't lose your mind don't get all flustered and anxious and afraid don't be this kind of person it's just like I really think this is it though based off of what okay don't answer a matter and in fact the Bible says if you answer a matter before you hearth it you're stupid that's what the Bible is literally saying why because another word for stupid in the Bible is simple and the Bible says that the simple believeth every word that's what the Bible says okay let me read to you from 1st Corinthians 4 for it says for I know nothing by myself yet am I not hereby justified but he that judgeth me as the Lord therefore judge nothing before the time until the Lord come who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the heart and then shall every man have praised of God the Bible is constantly telling us don't jump the gun on certain things and you know what obviously the one of the most practical ways to apply this would be if you hear some gossip you hear rumor about something don't just automatically believe it well this person said this about this other person so I think it's true you know under the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established and by the way it doesn't say shall every word be believed it just says every word shall be established if you have two or three witnesses that are testifying of against a particular person that just opens the floor to actually investigate the matter right but even then diligent inquiry must be made to validate if that's true or not so what is the Bible constantly teaching us don't jump to conclusions don't jump the gun don't just believe everything that you hear don't just don't be a simple-minded person don't do it look at 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 1 this is a chapter regarding in times prophecy it says now we beseech you meaning we beg you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that he be not soon shaken in mind so he's talking about the rapture because the rapture another way of saying it in the Bible obviously the word rapture is not in the Bible but the concept is but another way of saying is the gathering together it's Jesus Christ gathering together the elect referring to believers and taking them to heaven and he's saying don't be a person who's soon shaken in mind what is that an anxious person right and he's saying don't be this way don't be troubled he says soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word neither by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand so he's saying if anybody comes to you and says hey Jesus is like he's coming like tomorrow he says if you if someone comes to you and says I have the spirit of prophecy and I saw a vision and it was Jesus and he's saying I'm coming from my church tomorrow or in you know June you know and let me say this anybody sets a date to anything just automatically keep scrolling okay he says if anybody comes to you with the spirit of prophecy saying claiming that they have some sort of divine revelation specific only to them to give to the public don't believe it because no prophecy of the scriptures give it of any private interpretation the Bible says so that's that's like a main indicator right there that that's a false prophet if they claim they got some divine revelation from God and they're not actually getting in it from the Bible he says nor by word what is my what is my word mean you know you think of word of mouth someone coming to a person say I heard this person say that they saw Jesus in the desert this person said they saw him in the secret chambers or something don't believe it okay or by letter as from us meaning a fraudulent document claiming to be the apostles of Christ claiming to actually be inspired to write the Word of God he says don't be shaken or be troubled by these things because the day of Christ is not at hand and I'm just absolutely shocked that even though people believe sometimes the right doctrine you just get the right rumor to go around and they'll automatically believe it or they'll become troubled by it they'll become shaken in mind because of it well why because they're jumping to conclusions they're jumping the gun they think that everything is just gonna come to an end right away now let me give an example of people jumping to to conclusions in the Bible go to Matthew 24 if you would Matthew chapter 24 hold your place there if you could in 2nd Thessalonians if you didn't then it's okay you know hope you found it the first time you probably find it the second time so go to Matthew 24 and verse 23 now this is again in context of end times prophecy of the end of the world and obviously when we say the end of the world what are we talking about well there's various elements dealing with that because we could be talking about the rapture we could be talking about the Antichrist we could be talking about God's wrath being poured upon the world we could talk about the Battle of Armageddon and new heaven a new earth but in this particular passage it's actually referring to the events leading up to the rapture okay and he says in verse 23 then if any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not now why is he warning people regarding that well it's because of the fact that that's gonna happen and people are gonna be like oh okay let's go so when he says lo here is Christ who is he actually referring to he's referring to the Antichrist so there's gonna be times in the end times moments in the end times where a fraudulent video is gonna come out and say guys I found him he's here meet us at this location Christ is here and it's not like they don't have the Bible it's not like they don't have Matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 21 Revelation chapter 6 it's not like they don't have the warnings here and people are just gonna be like oh well this guy said it it's got like over 2 million views so it must be so he says in verse 24 for there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders think about that so there's gonna be false prophets and obviously referring to the false prophet the forerunner of the Antichrist he's gonna go show great signs and wonders why in order to bring veracity to the so-called Antichrist is being God okay and so when they show these great signs and wonders those videos are gonna go viral everyone's gonna be attesting and say oh yeah this is God because only God can do something like this he says for this shall arise false Christ false prophets shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect so what this is referring to is the fact that these signs and wonders are so convincing that someone like you someone like me if it were possible we would be like well maybe it is Jesus that's how powerful these signs and line wonders are in the end times he says in verse 25 behold I told you before wherefore if they shall say unto you behold he is in the desert go not forth behold he's in the secret chambers believe it not what is he warning don't jump the gun don't jump to conclusions doesn't matter who says what side with the Bible side with what the Bible says what the Bible teaches and don't be this person that just believes every Tom Dick and Harry every single viral video that's going out every podcaster that claims to know about the Bible and doesn't matter how convincing they sound if they don't line up with the Bible then disregard what they're saying yeah but this guy has a lot of credibility he's just taught some really good things well you know a broken clock is right twice a day and if you find someone who actually teaches the right things doesn't mean they're not going to be off on other things right and doesn't mean they can't be deceived regarding other topics in the Bible other doctrines go back to first Thessalonians if you would go to go to first Thessalonians chapter 5 you're in second Thessalonians but go right before first Thessalonians chapter 5 and so in order for you in order for me not to become an evangelical boy who cries wolf and obviously I'm referring to people like the real big Nick okay people like Isaiah Saldivar people are constantly making these false prophecies of the end and I'm sure there's others in the Republican libertarian circles that are constantly talking about this stuff making claims that the end is near but let me just let you in on a little secret and it's not a secret and that is is that according to the Bible we've been in the end time since like the days of the Apostle Paul we've been in the last days since the Apostle Paul because once Jesus Christ died that that's the clock was taken after that okay now obviously I'm not saying that it's never gonna happen because it obviously is going to happen okay and there's certain markers that we should be looking for but the point is you know don't just believe everything and start espousing and promoting false prophecies because you're just gonna look really dumb when it comes and goes and nothing happens you're just gonna lose all kinds of credibility you're gonna make you're the reason I'm not saying you but anybody who does this are the reason why Christianity looks stupid to the world that's why people make fun of Christianity because they're just like all these false prophecies you guys are always losing your minds and thinking this and that and you're the reason why when we're preaching the gospel in the end times when the end actually comes no one's gonna believe us not no one obviously people are gonna get saved but some people are not gonna believe us because of this very reason here so how to avoid being an evangelical boy who cries wolf number one don't jump to conclusions not just about the end times but even in church okay you know against an elder received not an accusation the Bible says right but in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established don't just believe every little gossip that you hear about people and if there's no actual evidence to substantiate the claims number two how to avoid being an evangelical boy cries wolf listen to this consume more Bible and less media propaganda consume more Bible and less media propaganda okay now this one is probably one of the main reasons people become evangelical boys who cry wolf and it's because of the fact that they're watching too many YouTube videos they're why they're listening to too many you know podcasts libertarian Republican podcasts that are just constantly fear-mongering telling people the end is near giving all the spurious claims and evidence that to prove that this is it the Antichrist is here and then what does it do to you does it actually benefit you spiritually absolutely not just makes you afraid and fear hath torment the Bible says and the Bible tells us that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind okay the evangelical boy who cries wolf knows little to nothing about the Bible and more about what their podcaster has to say okay there you famous youtuber has to say they spend more time filling up on conspiracy theories than on Bible content they know more about oh you know the the war in Palestine with Israel more about the so-called modern-day Antichrist and what the Jewish people are saying about him then what the Bible actually teaches regarding these things okay now you're what I have you turn first Thessalonians chapter 5 I'm gonna reach you from 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 16 listen to this take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine and unto the podcast and unto the YouTube video and unto whatever Instagrammer who has a lot of followers tells you about no just unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee now this is the same day you're gonna save yourself from hell because he's addressing people were already saved okay in the beginning of the chapter he says that the Spirit speaketh expressly then in the latter time some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils so what he's saying here at the very end of the chapter is that you know if you are just grounded in the Word of God you're reading the Bible you're not you're not allowing yourself to just be filled with all types of crazy information out there but you're reading the Word of God you're gonna save yourself from those doctrines of Devils you understand you're gonna save yourself from a lot of deceit if you actually just studied the Bible and there's people out there that have this attitude and you know this disposition that well in order for us not to be deceived we have to know about all the evil things of this world you know what I'm talking about all right I just need to know about every crevice of evil that's taking place in this world so that I'm not deceived that's not what the Bible teaches the Bible tells us to be wise concerning good and simple concerning evil well then how am I gonna you know how am I not gonna you know how am I avoid all these things read the Bible walk in the Spirit serve the Lord oh I know that but you know I just I just feel like I got to know about other things too so I'm not caught off guard no if you're not reading the Bible you're gonna get caught off guard and in fact if you know less of the Bible more about media propaganda you're already caught off guard you're the person I'm talking about look at first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 1 very important principle here it says in verse 1 but at the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord referring to the end times the rapture so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief ye are all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore listen to this let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober now there's a couple interpretations to what this actually means one of them being that when it says those who are asleep they're essentially people who are just not saved okay because he says let us therefore not sleep as do others but what I think this is actually referring to are just Christians who are not in the Bible okay because he says there we should be watching and be sober and let me just clarify this doesn't mean watch like videos and when's the next war and you know what's going on wherever he says verse 7 for they that sleep sleep in the night and they'd be drunken are drunken in the night now let me read to you hold your place there I'm gonna reach you from Proverbs 23 verse 29 it says who hath woe who hath sorrow who hath contentions who hath babbling who hath wounds without a cause who hath redness of eyes now in Proverbs 23 talk about actual alcohol and it's saying that a person who is drinking alcohol is a person can be can be essentially identified by their babbling right and in first Thessalonians it says that they that are drunken are drunken in the night in other words they're like spiritually intoxicated is what it's referring to not literally but spiritually intoxicated why because they're consuming you know certain information that's causing them to be to stumble and to be drunken and to babble about just conspiracy theories and all types of nonsense did you hear about what's going on over here I'm sorry you're incoherent I can't understand what you're saying right now I've been reading the Bible I was just a Palestine's gonna just do this what I can't you need to sleep with this off and I can't understand what you're saying I've been reading my Bible I mean have you ever have you had someone talk to you about those current events and you're just like I don't know what you're talking about you don't know about what's taking place in Israel I know the Bible says it's like Sodom I can't believe you you need to you need to keep up on what's going on in the world no I don't I I don't you know I'm not an alcoholic I don't like to drink spiritual alcohol real alcohol or spiritual alcohol I like to be awake vigilant sober the Bible says so it compares those who are you know sleeping and in darkness with those who are not sober they're drunk why cuz they're babbling and the Bible actually says to avoid profane in vain babbling which shall increase into more ungodliness I don't know man there's just you know there's a concept about time travel right now what are you drinking so it's warning against this it's saying don't be asleep don't be drunken which is interesting because if you actually stay awake for any length of time like beyond what you should stay awake you you can actually almost have the effects of being drunk and in fact if you're driving in that state and you're pulled over even though you don't have any alcohol content in your body you know the police can actually say that you're like basically drunk because you're incapable of driving because it's almost like the same thing sleep deprivation and drinking alcohol to a certain extent are like one in the same they basically have the same results okay so a person who is sleeping spiritually is like a person who is spiritually drunk they're intoxicated with the information of this world they're intoxicated with the conspiracies of this world and I'm telling you I can't tell you I literally just got an email a lengthy email and they said hey I love your content on Instagram but I need you to answer what's going on with the red heifer I'm like is he talking about person sir we don't use that language around you know I'm like what is what I'm like red heifer and he's like yeah this juice of this and and I'm just like delete because you know what if I gave him an answer they wouldn't be satisfied with that if I gave them what the word of God says they're not going to be satisfied with it because you know they have this fatalistic attitude they want me to say this is it go you know collect gold and food and just be ready because the end is this week don't tell anybody I told you don't that's what they want because they're drunken they're asleep spiritually they're not awake they're not sober he says in verse 8 but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet the hope of salvation for God has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ go to mark chapter 14 mark chapter 14 so you know avoid being an evangelical boy who cries wolf by reading more Bible this year and I know this is election year and but you know what every year something's going on politically every year there's gonna be a war every year you know the Jews are up to something okay every year there's something happening in the heavenly bodies and so why don't you stick to that which never changes because the Bible is the lamp into our feet and the light into our path man should not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God just read the Word of God be awake look at mark 14 in verse 37 this is prior to the crucifixion Jesus Christ is in the Garden of Gethsemane he takes three disciples with him look at verse 37 he says and he cometh and findeth them sleeping now previous to this he says hey I need you to watch okay a watch basically keep vigil be be vigilant but then he comes back and they're asleep and say them to Peter Simon why sleepest thou couldest not thou watch one hour watch ye and pray lest he enter into temptation the Spirit truly is ready but the flesh is weak and again he went away and prayed and spake the same words and when he returned he found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy neither wouldst they what to answer him and he cometh the third time and saith unto them sleep on now and take your rest it is enough the hours come behold the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners so obviously they're physically falling asleep but it depicts what was taking place spiritually as well you know in an hour of temptation when things are just getting really serious they're asleep at the wheel they're not paying attention to what's going on they're not being vigilant and he specifically says that the Spirit truly is ready in other words you know our spirit as safe people we always want to read the Word of God we always want to hear biblical preaching we always want to participate in spiritual activities why because the Spirit is always ready it's already ready to witness to someone it's always ready to reject false doctrine and not consume that which is not pleasing in the eyes of the Lord but hold on the flesh is weak though so you know we as God's people need to make sure that if the Spirit if we're gonna obey the Spirit and walk in the Spirit we need to make sure that we're reading the Bible and you're like well that's too simple you know what things in the Christian life are just simple sometimes you know getting up in the morning on Monday and actually opening up the Word of God and actually reading the Bible a couple chapters or whatever it is that you're planning to do and listening to some preaching and actually make listen to this actually make an effort to not listen to media propaganda that is striking fear in your heart well I just think I got to make a bunker but you know if you make a bunker and you're not right with God you're toast dude you're done I don't care how fortified you know how many bullets you got how much food you got stored up God can make it all rot away he can make it just all completely disappear he can come he can have thieves come through and break and steal he can send moths to corrupt your clothing because at the end of the day that which protects us is not the the material things it's God and the way we can assure that that's gonna happen is by walking with God making sure that we're consuming Bible content and you know what it's just a far superior life to live anyways when you're just reading the Bible you don't know what's going on you're just happy you're just a happier person some of the most miserable people are those who are just constantly consumed with this stuff and I get it you know you might be a disciplined person where you can listen to that stuff and not let it bother you I have friends like that who can can get involved in that it just doesn't affect them whatsoever but you know not every person is like that let's just be quite honest okay let's just be honest you know not every person can consume large quantities of YouTube videos and podcasts and videos about you know all the spurious content and you're not gonna freak out of course you're gonna freak out about it because out of the the Bible tells us keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life I was constantly telling us to guard our hearts because once it gets in there you just don't know what it's what's gonna become of it go to Luke 21 if you would Luke chapter 21 so be watchful stay awake and in fact you know the Bible tells us wherefore he saith awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light and this is proof that he's referring to a spiritual awakening because he also says in 1st Corinthians 15 awake to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame what does it mean wait to righteousness meaning you know be vigilant in a way regarding spiritual matters pay attention to what's going on in the Bible pay attention to what's going on in your local New Testament Church pay attention to what's going on in the lives of your spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ discipling them being discipled listening to preaching you know consume yourself with the Christian life amen where'd I have you turn Luke 21 before we get in there you know I want to make this little parallel real quick because in Daniel chapter 2 you have to turn there you know Nebuchadnezzar has his dream and when I think about like these youtubers instagramers podcasters who have this type of you know and is right around the corner type of attitude I think of like the prognosticators I think of the stargazers and I think of the wise men during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar because these guys are the ones who are being paid a lot to like interpret things right like they're up there with King Nebuchadnezzar I mean those are essentially his cabinet of counselors the prognosticators the stargazers you know the the Wizards these are the people who everyone looks to for an interpretation in a matter and Nebuchadnezzar has this dream about and times so the dream is troubling him and he goes to you know these men that he's paying these men of great position and stature in this thing in their society and he's like interpret the dream and they're like well tell us the dream he's like no you got to tell me what I dream and if you can't tell me that I'm gonna make your house a dunghill you know trying to motivate them a little bit give it a little incentive for you who um a dunghill is basically a hill of poop he's like I'm just gonna destroy you okay so the magicians the sorcerers they couldn't do it you know these podcasters these youtubers these instagramers when it comes to actually interpreting end times prophecy they can't do it even if their life depended on it they could not do it now they're paid a great amount and so are these youtubers by the way you know these these charismatic real big Nick types they get paid a lot you know they got hundreds of thousands of followers sometimes some even have millions of followers and you know people go to them they're like the source and all but at the end of the day if you give them just a simple Bible prophecy scripture to interpret they can't do it you say who did it Daniel and he didn't want any money he's just like you know what the interpretations belonging to God of course he ends up giving the interpretation to Nebuchadnezzar about end times but the point that I'm making there is that you know a lot of these modern-day sorcerers magicians prognosticators yeah you know what they're steamed in the eyes of the world the world loves who they are and unfortunately even some Christians esteem them as well but at the end of the day they can't make an interpretation of end times prophecy if their life depended on it and yes their house will be made of Dunhill one day look at Luke 21 verse 33 this regarding end times again it says heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away and take heed to yourselves this is proof that when it talks about being awake paying attention it's not saying pay attention to the news Fox News Alex Jones or any other outlet out there that's claiming to give you any type of valid information about the Bible he says less at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life so that day come upon you unawares so the way people become drunken in the night is by not only not reading the Bible and walking in the spirit it's actually by being consumed with the things of this world the cares of this life so fading was referring to just like you know eating drinking being married not really caring about spiritual matters he says if you're the person who just consumed with pleasures the cares of this life you're drunken in that manner then that day will come upon unawares he says in verse 35 for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth watch ye therefore and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man sounds like being awake means be spiritual sounds like it means be walking in the spirit reading the Bible consumed Bible content don't allow yourself to be carried away with the information of this the misinformation of this world okay go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 how to avoid being an evangelical boy who cries wolf well number one don't jump to conclusions number two make sure you're consuming more Bible content than you are media propaganda number three how to avoid being the evangelical boy who cries wolf stop forcing current events into Bible prophecy stop doing that the evangelical boy who cries wolf wants every current event to be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy the Euphrates River dried up that's a bad that's prophecy fulfilled it always gets dried up then water comes back and again that's what rivers do solar eclipse this is a fulfillment of what Jesus said no that fulfillment happened like 2,000 years ago you're late but they want everything to be like a fulfillment of end times Bible prophecy you know if you want some some prophecy fulfilled in your life go win someone to Christ because when you preach the gospel you get someone saved that's a fulfillment of what the Bible says will happen when you preach the gospel we are to view current events through the lens of scripture and if it doesn't fit it doesn't fit if it doesn't fit it doesn't fit don't try to force the square peg into the round hole oh no no I know this is it right here this it's gonna happen now let me give you some examples of this okay back in 2020 you had coronavirus and you know some people in our church were buying into this nonsense too okay or it was just like coronavirus Corona in Spanish means crown and so maybe this is like the Antichrist and you know I'm like trying to I'm like man I'm trying to talk sense into people I'm like you know that's a stretch and the Bible doesn't say things like that and it's just like I don't think it's gonna happen though and you know there here's here's one of the most ridiculous ones that I heard mask the mask mandate if you take away the s and you add the are its mark I heard that I heard that it is like all the the vaccine is the mark of the beast you know and what are they doing they're they're trying to force current events into end times prophecy end times prophecy when it comes to the tribulation three and a half years here we are in 2024 nothing has happened absolutely nothing has happened and I'm telling you there's people there was people in our church who are just fear-mongering an incredible amount and people were just buying into it hook line and sinker and you know they wouldn't come to me about it because they know what I would tell them about it and say how stupid it is to believe such a thing well you know there's a lot of people are believing that stuff they're just like I don't know man you know three and a half years is a long time you know and but but you know it's funny is that whole coronavirus thing just like ended that year the whole lockdown thing ended up finishing that year although there's still people wearing masks so what do you wear it why are you so bothered by what other people do let people live their lives if that's what they want to do I don't agree with that but you know what it's not a fulfillment of end times prophecy other than that people will be giving themselves over to fables you know the Bible tells us to prove all things and hold fast that which is good and it was a grief of mine and to me to hear people say that stuff and then I preach it on it and I talk about it and people are just like no man you know I think I think this is it but you know those same people were not walking with God they were not reading the Bible and it's no surprise that they're not here today the people who are here today were the people who during coronavirus were actually reading their Bibles they're winning souls to Christ they're leading their families they're not troubled or soon shaken in mind about anything look at 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 14 of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit but the subverting of the hearers study referring to the Bible study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth meaning have integrity when you interpret the Bible don't take a current event and just try to just force it into in times Bible prophecy have some integrity about yourself and be honest he says the verse 16 so not only are we supposed to study the Bible he says but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness and you know what that needs to be the norm in a church like ours where if someone comes up with some radical you know unbiblical interpretation and you know they're there it's a vain babbling we just say I don't want to hear that that's not even in the Bible well I don't know I think you know what was that guy's name there's a guy out there it was a politician Adam probably knows who I'm talking about and his name was like in French it was like mark or Antichrist or something you don't talk about yeah what is it manual Emmanuel Macron like Omicron right it's like Emmanuel you know God with us and Omicron and they're just like I think this guy's the Antichrist there's a French dude right president of France see that's I I don't know that stuff because I'm always in the Bible Emmanuel Macron is like the answer no he's French and I know you're I could see it I get it I get it but you know it's just like oh the name and they have all this these superstitious views of names and it's just like you know it's profane and vain babblings but you know what really makes me mad is that that stuff comes and goes and those same people where is that now where is thy mouth now right where is thy mouth now what's all that stuff that you're saying years ago about this you know it never came to pass it makes me mad the real big Nick put out that video about the solar eclipse and then it came and went and he just didn't mention anything about it afterwards he didn't say hey I was mistaken nothing happened I was really scared you know he just moved on deceived hundreds of thousands of people struck fear into the hundreds of thousands of people and just doesn't own up to his false prophecy boys who cry wolf evangelical boys who cry wolf don't be that way make sure that you're studying the Bible make sure that you're not looking at current events and forcing it into end times prophecy go to Matthew 24 again Matthew chapter 24 and you know sometimes one of the greatest indicators that you're working or you're talking to a babe in Christ is when they come up with stuff like that babes in Christ are notorious for this why well let me read you from 2nd Peter 3 and verse 15 says as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they there are unlearned and unstable rest rest meaning twists as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction so let me explain to you how is it that babes in Christ come up with weird interpretations of the Bible this is how they do it they watch a video of a guy giving that interpretation using a different version of the Bible and they did just kind of use the then they just insert King James into it and claim that they read the Bible and got it for themselves but sorry no that's not the way a Bible interpretation works God doesn't give you weird teachings out of the Bible you get that from people who use false versions of the Bible or don't even use any Bible at all verse 17 tells us you don't have to turn there yet I'm in 2nd Peter 3 it says he therefore beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest he also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness going back to that same point of don't jump to conclusions you need to make sure you beware you don't fall into the trap of just listening to every narrative that's out there and just automatically believe it okay well what am I supposed to do well it says in verse 18 but growing grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever amen you're supposed to do is just grow in the Lord and you know what I find interesting is that safe people are constantly going to these unsafe people for Bible interpretation yeah he's not saved but man he has some really good stuff in the end times prophecy though how how can you have anything good about anything to say in the Bible when you're not even saved when you can't even discern the most simplest of doctrines which is the doctrine of salvation but yet he's gonna teach us the deep things of God no number four how to avoid being a an evangelical boy Christ wolf let me just say this have faith in the timeline that Jesus gave us Jesus gave us a timeline of in times prophecy have faith in it and I've talked to him too many people that just like yeah I know it says that but but what if it says that it isn't settled the evangelical boy Christ wolf isn't satisfied with what the Bible says they always want some outside biblical revelation some exotic doctrine outside of the Bible in order to just come up with their evidence but you know what I'm satisfied with what Jesus said I'm satisfied with the Bible and you know what if the solar eclipse doesn't match up anything in the Bible I'm just gonna enjoy the solar eclipse for what it is and move on with my day that day I just went out like huh cool and just went to work you know most of the time I was just telling my three-year-old not to look at it with his eyes but don't look at it no you don't look at it my four-year-old he's like hey dad I looked at it nothing happened get inside the house get inside the house but you know these people who are espousing false teachings about the solar eclipse are already blind they don't even have to look at the solar eclipse they're already blind look at Matthew 24 verse 3 says and he sat upon the Mount of Olives and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives the disciples came on to him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what should be the sign of thy coming of the end of the end of the world and Jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you yeah I mean seriously so obviously he knew there's gonna be a lot of false teachings out there in the end times for many shall come in my name same I am Christ and shall deceive many and ye shall hear of Wars and rumors of Wars see thee be not troubled I mean can we just obey Jesus there oh man this war why are you being true Jesus literally said don't be troubled by that for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet the end is near he says the end is not yet for nation shall rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom there shall be famines pestilence earthquakes in diverse places oh man that's another thing all of a sudden there's earthquakes like oh this is it New York had an earthquake of a four-point whatever this is it it's earthquake we get earthquakes here sometimes we get earthquakes you don't even feel them so he's telling you all these things are gonna happen but the end is not yet and that's not to say that these aren't elements they're gonna take place in the actual end times but he's telling us here that this is not the smoking gun of the end times all these things are the beginning of sorrows go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 so the the main point that I want to make there in Matthew 24 is that Jesus said you're gonna see these things but the end is not yet don't be troubled don't be anxious don't be don't be scared don't allow yourself to get carried away with these false prophecies and so be satisfied with the timeline that Jesus gave and if you know what what I'm astounded by is people's willingness to just listen to a YouTube video to you know hours of it sometimes but you're not spending hours in the Bible actually figuring out what the Bible says about it because sometimes these videos are filled with just blatant lies and deceit and just misinformation of things that the Bible clearly teaches like actually clearly explains and so people message me and I'm just like well the Bible actually says this if you would have kept reading in that same verse that same passage you would have seen the answer but people are too lazy to actually open up the Bible and see it for themselves number five how to avoid being an evangelical boy Christ wolf this is a good one listen up be a skeptic regarding claims about the Bible from outside sources we all need to learn to be a skeptic to be skeptics here when you hear things you like just I don't know about that too many people are just like oh I think this is it no be a skeptic doesn't matter let me say it doesn't matter how convincing the video is either because again AI is available and AI is gonna only gonna become more advanced and more accurate and you know video editing is just something that's very advanced so they can put something on the video make a video about something to make you believe it I mean yeah all of a sudden you know it's it's funny over the last 10 years or so you can't just get out just a legitimate picture or photo or video of Bigfoot just doesn't happen all these cameras just can't get it can't get a legitimate picture or video of the Loch Ness Monster even though there's so many videos so many cameras out there phones now with cameras but all of a sudden recently you know they got a video of the Loch Ness Monster jumping out of the water very clearly and jumping back in just conveniently during the time that AI is now very advanced be skeptical be skeptical about everything meaning don't be a person who's just like once you see something it's like you know I'm gonna buy into this hook line and sinker no I just be like you know what I need more proof I'm not gonna believe it aliens not gonna believe it yeah but there's this video there's an explanation for it and one of them and it's just not that there's aliens whatsoever if there's actual like aircrafts that are flying around at that speed like these uaps and if it's actually real then I'm just like the government is just making a new vehicle new aircraft I mean people thought that the stealth bomber was an alien aircraft at one point before it actually came out to the public because it just looks alien right well now you have these other areas they have at the speed that it's at but you don't know what kind of technology you know the government has but let's just say there is no aircraft like that people are just picked it just lie and you you got to understand some folks here here's something you can learn this morning if you don't learn anything people lie stop thinking that everyone is just 100% honest about everything sometimes people actually lie to you through your face they're willing to lie to millions of people because they have some sort of nefarious agenda behind it why would they lie because they have you know their covetous they want followers they'll do anything for those things be a skeptic look at 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 3 you could turn it down brother you lie but I fearless by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ for if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which he have not received or another gospel which he have not accepted he might well bear with him he's like I'm afraid that someone comes to you with just a really convincing argument you might actually believe it you might bear with that false prophet you might bear with that false gospel you might bear with that spirit in other words be a skeptic don't just believe everything that you see or hear you got to make sure you have all the evidence go to 2nd Peter 3 and this is our last verse here what's the sermon about this morning it's simply this you know let's avoid being a boy who cries wolf because I don't want to be the one responsible for having a church that promoted false prophecies and conspiracies that never came to pass so that when the end actually does come no one just no one believes it because of us no one believes it because of us there's enough churches and Christians that are out there like that on YouTube land on Instagram on Facebook here's the last thing in order to avoid being a evangelical boy who cries wolf get saved and serve God wholeheartedly okay the evangelical boy who cries wolf is constantly crying wolf because they're not prepared to meet the Lord so let me explain something about people who are always freaking out about the end times the ones who freak out about it are the ones who aren't ready they got sin in their life they're backslidden I'm not afraid why would I be afraid for it I'm serving God leading my family winning people to Christ preaching the Word of God reading my Bible and obviously I want to stay here longer to read to win more people to earn more rewards to see my kids grow and you know I love life but I'm not afraid if the end times came in the next three years I would not be afraid of that it would not freak me out at all the ones who it freaks out are those who know they're not living right the ones that number one they're not saved which is the vast majority of those on social media by the way the vast majority on social media who are saying these things are not safe which is why they're fear mongering because they don't even know what's gonna happen to them because to them is like oh I know the Bible talks about this stuff I know the end is coming but what does it mean for us and this is why like their their last statement is always like hey you know we got to make sure we repent of our sins and you know we got to make sure we do all these things it's just like you're not saved that's why you're fearing because you have a spirit of bondage you have a spirit of fear you're not saved but if you're saved what is there to be afraid of going to heaven are you afraid of going to heaven and if you're saved and you're walking with God you're serving God then you know what then we really have nothing to fear we get front-row seats and we're about to clock out soon type thing but I'm telling you in my experience as a pastor the ones who freak out about this stuff the most are the ones who are uncertain whether they're right with even if they're safe that they're uncertain whether they're right with God or not or afraid they're scared because they know they're probably not living right and God's gonna judge them harshly and the time is ticking so they're just like oh what's gonna happen but it's just like I don't really care what happens cuz I already know what's gonna happen and I just got to keep doing what I'm already doing and so if I keep serving God I'm walking with the Lord I might even see the second coming of Christ I might make it to the tribulation and if I don't then I go to heaven but if it happens in our lifetime you know my goal would be you've already heard my goal about this you know my goal would be to make it to the very end and if they're chopping off heads may they chop mine off right as Christ comes so as the head rolls off it comes right back if we could just time that right you know to me that'd be great would be awesome if you're honestly as a Christian we shouldn't be afraid of any of this stuff oh what about like the one world currency we're probably gonna have to use it yeah but the mark of the beast well we can't take the mark of the beast we're already saved so then what are we gonna do God's gonna have to send a raven to feed us cuz I got to meet my protein for the day yeah but what about all this stuff I don't care I'm not I'm not scared why would I be scared I'm serving the Lord I know that I'm in right standings with God and I'm not saying that I'm perfect cuz no one's perfect and I know I got things I got to work on even as a pastor and as a Christian but that's what I'm striving to do every single day and the Lord knows that I love him and I know that he loves me I know that he loves my church I know that he loves my family I know that he knows that I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and read my Bible and I'm gonna pray unto him I know that he knows that this week I'm gonna go witness to someone because I want to tell someone about Jesus Christ I know that he knows that I have the best of intentions when it comes to serving him and that I wish to serve until the day that I die and you know what beyond that I don't think it's necessary to know I think it's just necessary to just know the Lord and and and just be content with that but you know people who don't have that surety they don't have that confirmation I'm sure a lot of you do have that confirmation as well that's why you're not freaking out that's why we're just kind of like you know because we're just serving God no you just gotta have a sense of urgency I have a sense of urgency to preach the gospel I have a sense of urgency to preach the word I have a sense of urgency to read my Bible I have a sense of urgency where it matters look at second Peter 3 14 in context once again of end times it says wherefore beloved verse 14 seen that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless say the only thing you should worry about is being right with God be holy in all conversation and make sure that you're walking with God and our only concern is I want the Lord to find me in peace without spot and blameless I want to serve him till the day that I die whether that's when I die or you know the Lord tarries and I die first or till the end times I just want to be in the same exact spot spiritually in a sense of like I'm serving God and when you're when you're in that mode when you're locked in when you're actually locked in to spiritual matters doesn't matter throw away the keys you forget the combination you stay locked into the Christian life and nothing else matters we're just like it's just another day in the office for us what if they bomb you guys what if they bomb California they bomb the United States I mean it's like these videos on Instagram is like oh what if this happens to the world and it's like a huge comment hitting the world and the world's being destroyed like what would you do in this situation is like I go like this I mean what can you do what kind of question is that what would you do in this situation nothing fry discombobulate I don't know what happens to the body when that happens it's crazy so don't be an evangelical boy who cries wolf okay you know grow up be spiritually mature await your righteousness and that's it let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for the the foundation of our Christian faith which is the Word of God and thank you for the fact that it's steady it does not change we can rest upon it Lord and I pray Lord that you'd help us not to be the boy who cries wolf constantly worrying about things that are taking place in the news and current events Lord help us to realize that if we just stay in Goshen we'll be just fine and may bless this as we go on our way we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen