(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening. Thank you all for coming. Let's all find our seats and grab a song book and let's all stand together for this first song. Open that song book up to song number 257 Look and Live. Let's all stand together for this first song and we'll sing song number 257 Look and Live. Everybody all together, nice and loud on that first verse. Jesus now and then different for it is and for it is only us only that you can live by the message of the blood of Jesus Julia the message of life and for you is the message of the blood of Jesus Julia Jesus said I hope is true Look and live I hope and live Look to Jesus now and live is for it in his word hallelujah there is only that you work and live what is offered unto you hallelujah eternal life that so shall have if you only look to him hallelujah look to Jesus who alone can save Look and live I hope and live Look to Jesus now and live is for it in his word hallelujah there is only that you work and live I will tell you how I came hallelujah to Jesus when he made me whole it was believing on his name hallelujah I trusted him to save my soul Look and live I hope and live Look to Jesus now and live is for it in his word hallelujah there is only that you work and live Amen. Let's open our service with the word of prayer. Father, thank you God, Lord for allowing us, God, to be here tonight, Lord, and hear your word preached unto us God, pray, Lord, that you would bless the service Lord, fill pastor with your Holy Spirit, God help us, Lord, in the congregation God, to be attentive tonight, Lord, and to leave here edified, Lord. We love you, God. It's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. You may be seated. Song number 65 Just over in the glory land. Song number 65. Song number 65. Song number 65. All together nice and loud on that first verse. I'm a home prepared where the saints abide. Just over in the glory land and I long to be by my Savior's side. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land I'll join a happy angel band. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land. There with the mighty hosts I'll stand. Just over in the glory land. I am on my way to those mansions fair. Just over in the glory land. Where you sing God's praise and His glory share. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land. I'll join a happy angel band. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land. There with the mighty hosts I'll stand. Just over in the glory land. What a joyful Father that my Lord I'll see. Just over in the glory land. And with hundreds saved forever be. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land. I'll join a happy angel band. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land. There with the mighty hosts I'll stand. Just over in the glory land. With the blood washed strong God will shout and sing. Just over in the glory land. Let those at us who claim the Lord and keep. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land. I'll join a happy angel band. Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land. There with the mighty hosts I'll stand. Just over in the glory land. Alright, great singing. Thank you so much for being here this evening. Just a few announcements before we sing our next song which will be 120 Jesus, Savior, Pilot, Me. If you want to get that ready in your songbooks, 120. If you did not get a bulletin, go ahead and raise your hand and one of the ushers can get one for you. Some important announcements in there. Our services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 1030. Sunday evening is at 5 PM. And then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock and we continue this evening with the book of Ecclesiastes. You see the zoning times and teams, the list of expecting mothers, the important reminders there and then some of the upcoming church events on it says Saturday, May 1st but I believe this is actually tomorrow. Right? The ladies prayer meeting? So that's wrong. It says Saturday, May 1st. It's actually Friday. Which is tomorrow. There will be a ladies prayer night and so you can see Ms. Janelle for more details about that. And then whoa this is way off. So Marcos is getting married tomorrow apparently on Friday. The ladies prayer night is on Saturday. And the rapture, no I'm just kidding. What in the world? All right. Marcos' wedding although I'm sure he would love to have it on Friday, tomorrow, it's actually on Saturday okay? You want to switch it? We can switch it if you want. I don't think you want to put that stress on your fiance though. All right. So this coming Saturday is Marcos and Ariel's wedding and that will be at 3 PM. And of course the church is welcome to come to them to celebrate with brother Marcos and Ms. Ariel. And of course her family is here with us tonight. Make sure you greet them and make them feel welcome. And then you see on Sunday May 2nd there's going to be a birthday breakfast. And so all of you who have your birthdays in May will be on your new on that day. So make sure you're here for that. Oh one more thing about Marcos and Ariel's wedding. There's going to be a wedding rehearsal tonight after the service. And so we're going to be clearing out this section here. Don't mind us. We're just going to go over some of the things that are going to take place on Saturday. And so that'll be after the service tonight. He's not getting married after the service tonight. It's the wedding rehearsal. All right. And then Sunday May 9th there'll be a special Mother's Day service. A gift for all the mothers who come on that day. Sermon geared towards mothers. And so I want to encourage you to bring your mother, bring someone's mom, your aunt, your cousins on that day. And so looking forward to that. And then Saturday May 15th brother Jose is going to be a men's barbecue. He woke up. He's going to help out with that okay. And so that'll be on Saturday May 15th. Looking forward to that. And then Friday May 28th there'll be a men's prayer meeting. Quiet time resumes from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the main auditorium in the mother baby room. No food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee. And make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service. If you can pull out your prayer sheets there we're going to go over some of the needs that our church has that you can pray for and we'll pray for corporately as a church tonight. Please continue to pray for God's favor, for the soul winning the teams there, the church van. Of course spiritual numerical growth we've had a lot, we've added a lot of families over the last couple of weeks and so just continue to pray for them. And then pray for new people of course. Pray for the innocent and Omani. And then you see some of the needs there for church families and the church of the month. Please pray for Mountain Baptist Church, Pastor Jason Robinson his newborn for the soul winning there, protection and success. Now I know I breezed through that pretty quickly but I need to talk to you about something before Maury comes up. And Brother Adam if you could mute me on the live stream please. So those of you on YouTube just hang in there for a little bit nothing's going on. We got some family business we need to take care of. Am I good with Adam? Yes. Thank you. you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you If you have any additional prayer requests that you would like to be on the bulletin make sure you fill that out at the bottom tear that off and put it into the offering plate and we'll make sure that it gets on the bulletin for the following week. Brother Maury why don't you come on up and he's going to go over these needs here. This is Bower here in the word of prayer. Dear Lord thank you for giving us another day. Lord we pray that the service is fruitful to us and that we're able to grow and grow closer to you. Lord we'd like to pay for a favor on our church Lord we want to pray that our church continues to grow and that we continue thriving and doing the first works Lord we pray that we continue to be blessed by you as well. Lord we also want to pray for soul winning efforts and we pray that we're planting seeds as we're going out doing the first works and we pray that you bless us as we do what you tell us to do Lord and serve you. Lord we also want to pray for the soul winning teams. We want to pray for the teams that they're beacons of a little community amongst the church so that people always have someone and that people are learning how to go soul winning Lord. Lord we also want to pray for the protection of our church and our families Lord. Keep us safe as we go to and from work and to and from church Lord. Keep us safe. Lord we also want to pray for a church van. We want to pray for a van that can meet the needs that we have as a church. Lord we just pray that you open the door so that we can have a van so that we can do more soul winning for you and do more great works for you Lord. Lord we also want to pray for spiritual numerical growth. We want to pray that our church is growing, growing closer to you every day. That we're learning and memorizing your word and being with you every day and praying with you Lord. And Lord we also want to pray for numerical growth. We want more people for the people that have already came Lord. We also want to pray that these people are coming into church, getting plugged in learning what it is to be a Christian Lord. And we just pray that you continue blessing them and Lord we also want to pray for we want to pray for the innocent in El Monte. We want to pray that you're with them you allow them to get saved and Lord we just pray that you hold off the judgment until they can get saved Lord. And Lord we just pray that the door is still open for them Lord and we pray that you protect them out of these wicked people's hands Lord. Lord we want to pray for for families to grow and the barren women and expecting mothers Lord we pray that you we pray that you work in their lives and Lord we also want to pray for salvation of family members for family members that we haven't had a chance to give the gospel and if Lord if we're not able to give the gospel Lord pray that it's on their heart to come to church so that they can get saved Lord. Lord we also want to pray for Mountain Baptist Church. Lord we want to pray for Pastor Jason Robinson. We pray that that you continue working in his life, continuing to have his family grow, bless his ministry, bless his soul winning efforts and Lord we also pray that you keep that you keep him safe as as he's preaching the word of God and Lord thank you for his ministry and Lord we just want to pray that that the church service goes well and we pray that you work through Pastor Mahina we pray this in your humble name. Amen. Alright if you wouldn't mind opening your hymnos to song 120 Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Song number 120 Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Everybody nice and loud on that first verse Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Amen at this time the ushers will collect the offering and we will be in Ecclesiastes by tonight You You You You Good evening We're continuing in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 And the chapter reads Keep thy foot when thou goes to the house of god and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools For they consider not that what they do evil Be not rash with thy mouth And let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before god for god is in heaven and thou upon earth Therefore let thy words be few For a dream cometh through the multitude of business and a fool's voice is known by a multitude of words When thou vowest to vow unto god defer not to pay it for he hath no pleasure in fools Pay that which thou has vowed Better is it that thou shouldest not bow then thou shouldest vow and not pay Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin Neither say thou before the angel that it was an error Wherefore should god be angry at thy voice and destroy the work of thine hands? For in the multitude of dreams and many words, there are also diverse vanities, but fear thou god If thou seest the oppression of the poor and violent pervading of judgment and justice in the province marvel not at the matter For he that is higher than the highest regarded and there be higher than they Moreover, the prophet of the earth is for all The king himself is served by the field He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver nor he that loveth abundance with increase This also is vanity When goods increase they are increased that eat them And what good is there to the owners thereof saving the beholding of them with their eyes? The sleep of a laboring man is sweet whether he eat little or much but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun Namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt But those riches perish by evil travail and he beget at the sun and there is nothing in his hand And he came forth of his mother's womb naked shall return to go as he came and shall take nothing of his labor Which he may carry away in his hand And this also is a sore evil that in all points as he came so shall he go And what profit hath he that hath labored for the wind? All his days also he eateth in darkness and he hath much sorrow and wrath with his sickness behold that which I have seen It is good and calmly for one to eat and to drink and to enjoy the good of all his labor that yet That he taketh under the sun all the days of his life which god giveth him For it is his portion Every man also to whom god hath given riches and wealth and hath given him power to eat thereof and to take his portion And to rejoice in his labor. This is the gift of god For I shall not much remember the days of his life because god answerth him in the joy of his heart We thank you. Heavenly father for such a wonderful church. Dear god We thank you for the years dear brothers and sisters for your holy words And we ask you to please bless our pastor tonight as he preaches your word in jesus name. We pray amen Amen, all right, we continue this evening with the book of ecclesiastes. We're in chapter number five tonight And one of the overriding themes of chapter number five is our conduct in the house of god We see that being mentioned in the first couple of verses here now before we get into the actual chapter I just want to remind you that as we're reading through the book of ecclesiastes, we're studying it, you know, obviously there is Somewhat of a of a dark tone, right? Very melancholy just very it seems very gloomy and sad because it just everything's just vanity and vexation of spirit But I just want to remind you that We when we read the book of ecclesiastes, we should never walk away thinking. Well just life just sucks or something You know, I mean just like man. What is there to live for? You know? What should be what we should walk away from the book of ecclesiastes With a greater appreciation for eternity, right? Because we see all the vanity and vexation of spirit in this world We see what takes place and all of the the the evil that can befall us under the sun And what it should do is it should drive us to have an eternal mindset It helps us to help us to realize man, you know, I can't wait till we go to heaven I can't wait to you know, the millennial reign. I can't wait to the new heaven and the new earth I can't wait until we begin eternity with the lord, you know, because this world is vanity and vexation of spirit But don't let it get you down. Don't let it get you depressed. Don't let it become Uh gloominess to you. It should cause you to have a greater appreciation for that which is eternal And so I just want to remind you because it's going to get really depressing the next couple of verses, right? No, i'm just kidding. I'm going to give you four points this evening Regarding chapter five and the four points are this we're going to look at the conduct in the house of god The crime in the province the curse of abundance and wealth and the comeliness of our portion in this world Let's look at verse number one. It says keep thy foot when thou goes to the house of god and be more ready to hear Than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evil So the first thing we're looking at is the conduct in our conduct in the house of god And the first thing that solomon says is this we need to listen intently when we go to the house of god He specifically says be more ready To hear than to give the sacrifice of fools and the sacrifice of fools. We'll see later on It's referring to the things that people say, okay Often the sacrifice of our lips is referring to that which we say when we praise god But the sacrifice of fools is referring to their multitude of wars that they say the foolish vows that people make oaths that people make Etc. And god is saying hey when you go to the house of god Don't go there speaking of a multitude of things which you should go there is with an ear ready to listen to the word of god Right now go to james chapter number one, if you would james chapter number one So he's telling us hey One of the best things you can do when you go to the house of god is make sure you pay attention Okay, make sure you listen and I would say this, you know, it requires a lot of discipline to listen in church Okay There's churches out there that requires a lot of discipline to listen in church because it's just really boring and You know, it's just like, you know, you just you're just you're just getting by Okay But even in a church like ours though where you know, the preaching is exciting, you know Or you know, you're learning something i'm learning something i'm preaching god's word you're listening to it You know, we're making relevant application to it even in a church like this. You still have to be disciplined to listen Okay And look some of the practical things you can do To make sure you pay attention to number one turn off your phone. Like I said in the announcements So you're not checking your phone. You're not going on twitter or something, you know, you're not going on social media You're not going on youtube. You know what I mean? Why would you go on youtube, you know, you're here I'm gonna listen to the pastor right here on youtube, you know Now maybe you're watching the live stream because the audio is better on youtube or something. Okay, then at that point That's a different situation But you know one thing you can do is make sure you just remove all distractions, right? But number two from a practical perspective is you need to come to church prepared to get something from god you need to be ready to hear and even though we you know, We cover something that you may already be an expert in, you know, because there's so many experts out there in the word of god Maybe that's something you already know. It's a concept you already understand. It's something you even even taught to others You should still come ready to listen to the preaching of god's word because the word of god is quick and powerful sharper Than a twigged sword. It's a living book It's constantly relevant and you're going to hear something when I read verses when we study a verse That applies to you today that may may not necessarily apply to you a year ago It'll be more relevant to you today because of something that happened to you this year or this month this week And so it's important that you listen You know why because god has something for you. Okay. God is always trying to sanctify us through his word And and cleanse us and try to uh, you know, correct us and admonish us encourage us So it's important that we open our ears spiritually speaking, okay Look what the bible says in verse 18 of james chapter one Actually, let me read to you from hebrew chapter two. You're in james chapter one hebrews two verse one says this therefore We ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard Lest at any time we should let them slip So he says look we need to make sure we pay attention as much as possible Because you know what happens is you're going to get a truth from god's word And if you're not paying attention, it's just going to slip it's going to slip through the cracks Okay And I can't tell you how many times i've covered something in a sermon And I literally have some someone come up to me like hey, what do you think about this whole, you know? And then they literally ask me about something that I actually covered You say what does that? What do you call that? I call it. They just let it slip. They're not giving earnest heed to the preaching of god's word. Okay Look at verse 18 of his own will Begat he us with the word of truth That we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures Wherefore my beloved brethren Let every man be swift to hear Slow to speak slow to wrath now you say why does it say wherefore because of this reason? Well verse 18 says of his own will begat he us through the word of truth with the word of truth That we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures. So if the word of god because we paid attention to the gospel It helped us to be born again It did a supernatural work where it regenerated us and got us saved He's saying well because of this reason the same word of god that has power It's for that reason my beloved brethren that we should be swift to hear and slow to speak slow to wrath In other words, hey, oh, yeah. Yeah now you're saved. That's great. But you need to keep listening to the word of god, right? And just as intently As you heard the word of god when it was being preached unto you when you first got saved Right in like manner we should give it the same manner of attention and respect and value to recognize, you know I still need to learn the word of god and I need to be a doer of the word And not a hero only deceiving my own self. Okay. He says wherefore my beloved brethren Let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath for the wrath of man worketh Not the righteousness of god, isn't it interesting that god gave us two ears, but one mouth, right? Most people live as though they have two mouths and one ear And i'm not talking about malkus, okay Malkus got his ear restored restored. Amen You know over and over again in the gospels you hear this concept, you know, he that hath ears to hear Let him hear and he's not saying like, you know, you have this this cartilage here whoever has that He's saying whoever's open to listen to the word of god. Let him listen God gave you ears. Listen to the word of god Hear it because god has something for you. Don't ever become dull of hearing, right? And you can you and I can become dull of hearing when we become prideful We think we know everything we think we've heard that truth before and we fail to realize the importance of Re-emphasizing something in our lives that we've already heard before we need to keep hammering it in why because that's giving earnest heed And we're making sure that it doesn't slip from our spiritual grip. You understand? So solomon is saying in ecclesiastes chapter five, you know when we go into the house of god You need to make sure you watch your spiritual steps and that you're more ready to hear than to offer the sacrifice of fools You know if you come here and you're just like well, I want to teach someone something What you're going to offer you're probably going to offer the sacrifice of fools, okay? Better to have a humble spirit a meek spirit And come with the attitude you want to learn something from god's word instead Okay Be ready to hear the bible says for this people's heart is wax gross go back to ecclesiastes if you would For these people's heart is wax gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes They have clothes lest at any time They should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted And I should heal them. This is exactly what happened to the children of israel I mean think about it children of israel unto them were committed the oracles of god Moses was read in the synagogues every sabbath They're getting the word of god constantly. They're being told of the messiah They're getting all this biblical knowledge and all this biblical information. And what does the bible tell us? They grew dull of hearing And it's for that reason that when jesus came into them the bible says he came into his own and his own received him not They missed the time of their visitation Why because they were dull of hearing they they just got tired of hearing the same thing Over and over and over again, okay We should not have that attitude when we go to the house of god Keep thy foot when thou goes to the house of god guard yourself And be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evil So the first thing he tells us is that we need to listen intently secondly, we need to speak cautiously He says in verse number two be not rash with thy mouth And let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before god For god is in heaven and thou upon earth therefore let thy words be few now. What is he saying there? You know, obviously when we speak of the things of god, we should speak reverently of the things of god, right? And not be hasty to just utter anything in prayer to god, you understand Why because you got to understand something you're speaking to the creator Don't call him the man upstairs, right? Right. Don't call him my daddy or something All these cute names that you know liberal christians try to come up with his name is god And if you want to get specific, you know, his son's name is jesus christ And if you want to get specific about his spirit, it's the holy spirit. Okay Don't give them these weird names and the people who do these things are those who don't realize That god is in heaven and they're upon earth, right? They don't realize the vast difference between god's divine nature and their sinful corrupt nature You know, they just think they can speak flippantly of god and call god They're there, you know, I don't know what words they have out there for them. They're they're their buddy or something like that You know, god is not our buddy folks He's our god He's our creator. He's our heavenly father. Jesus christ is our savior Now can we call him our friend? Yeah, and in fact, that's that's that's a name that we would want God to say of us to say that we are a friend of god, right? And how can we be a friend of god by doing what he tells us to do according to the bible Okay but speak cautiously Don't have this irreverent attitude towards god when we pray to god when we speak of god There should be respect and he says look a good way to avoid this He says there let thy words be few Did you know that the less you say the more likely it is that you're gonna say something stupid Right, right Like man, I just can't I just have a hard time. Just saying really stupid stuff, you know, well, here's the solution just don't talk Just don't say anything and you're good In fact, it's a double whammy If you don't say anything, not only will you protect yourself from saying something really stupid People actually think you're really smart, right? That's actually what the bible says You'll be esteemed a man of understanding if you shut your lips. That's what the bible tells us You know god's trying to help you out here Let thy words be few He says in verse number three For a dream cometh through the multitude of business And a fool's voice is known by the multitude of words. I love I like how that sounds okay now There used to be this this quote that they used to say back in bible college. They used to tell us this every year They used to say this your walk walks And your talk talks But your walk talks louder than your talk talks They would say hey your walk walks and your talk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks You know, don't you know people who just they talk a lot They talk about what they can do. They talk about how good they are They are they're always, you know singing their own praises they're boasting themselves of a false gift so to speak They're talking about their gifts and what they're able to do, but it's different talking that and actually doing it. Okay And one of the main things that's being uh emphasized here in verse three Is that he says a dream coming through the multitude of business. I mean think of a dream you think of you know That what you're imagining Concepts in your mind whether you know, you're asleep or you're just you're daydreaming you're imagining certain things And we often use it we use this term today, you know When you have a dream of a goal that you want to accomplish You're basically foreseeing the future of what could be right? I have a dream of raising godly children. I have a dream of marrying a godly spouse I have a dream of of you know, winning many people to christ and doing something great for god It's something that you're foreseeing your future. That's that's possible Now you can say those things right And it sounds noble sounds honorable like oh, man I have a dream to do this have a dream to do that, but if that's all you do then it's all talk A dream never comes to fruition just by talking about it. You got to be about it You actually got to do it And in fact, it says there it comes through a what? multitude of business It's not referring to like business like you starting a business it's referring to just doing something God is all for us having dreams. Amen. I mean he gave joseph a dream of what could be and uh, you know, he he revealed to him his will for for his life and I believe that you know It's it's important for us as individuals to dream. Okay You know to dream of what could be to dream of how god can use us our children our family our church But here's the thing, you know a dream without a plan is only a wish And unless you put some steps to that dream and begin to execute those steps that's all it's going to remain is a dream A dream can only come to pass With a multitude of business, you know actually doing something about it You know, oh man, I want to get married one day I want to marry a godly spouse one day. Okay, so what's the business? Are you are you about the business Are you laboring for that? Are you working towards that? Are you building up your character? Are you walking with god? Are you getting god's favor? Are you growing up? Are you putting away the video games? Are you are you manning up? What are you doing? Well, no, it's just a dream Yeah, but a dream coming to pass with the multitude of business You understand? It's one thing to talk about it's another thing to actually do it to actually put feet To those things. Okay in order to get something done but let me go back to that original point of The fool's voice being known by the multitude of words the bible says in proverbs go to james chapter 3 If you would james chapter 3 proverbs chapter 10 verse 19 says this in a multitude of words there wanteth not sin But he that refrained with his lips is wise. He says look when there's a when there's a lot of talk When you're constantly talking and you're saying stuff you're not going to lack sin you're going to eventually say something really bad Okay, you're going to offend someone you're going to say something you're going to regret that you said later on Why because there's a multitude of words. It's a law of numbers Proverbs 15 verse 2 says the tongue of the wise Useth knowledge aright But the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness Now james chapter 3 is the chapter that is dedicated to really Talking about this matter of the tongue and the things that we say And this is really important. Okay, and you know, I feel like quarterly I have to like preach on this specific topic Because it's just a problem that christians can often have They just you know Sometimes they just let it fly And and you know, we preach this and then you come to the altar you get right with god And then three months from now we got to do it again because it's just a constant thing. Okay And we're not in that season right now But it but the text calls for it. Okay Look what it says in verse one my brethren be not many masters knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation For in many things we offend all If any man offend not in word the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body So what is the bible saying here? It says that an individual? Who is not an offensive person? They're not just constantly offending people with their words God says this individual is a perfect man doesn't mean sinless. It means he's complete. He's mature It means he thinks before he says something you understand And he says and he's able to bridle the whole body He's probably disciplined in other areas in his life if he's able to be disciplined in what he says, okay Behold we put bits in the horse's mouth That they may obey us and we turn about their whole body This is pretty funny because he's just like talking about all these things That can be controlled and used as animals He's like a horse will do what it tells you to do if you like, you know Put the put the the bit in the horse's mouth verse four behold also the ships Which though they be so great are driven of fierce winds yet are they turned about with a very small helm whithersoever the governor listeth Even so the tongue is a little member and boasteth great things behold how great a matter a little fire Kindleth and the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity So is the tongue among our members that defileth the whole body and seteth on fire the course of nature And then set on fire of hell. Oh, man, the bible just cussed right there You just use the hell as you know, not in its literal way what's going on here? He's basically saying look your tongue can cause a lot of destruction The bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue Now look folks if people get offended at my preaching there's nothing I can do about that That's between you and the lord Okay, if i'm a little crass in my preaching if I get a little rude in my preaching This is what I tell people though. I'd be rude in speech yet. Not in knowledge Because god wants me to preach the bible unfettered without apology And sometimes the bible gets a little hot the topics get a little hot and pastor me here gets a little offensive But you know what if I don't get offensive if I won't get you I won't I won't get your attention And you won't see the gravity of sin the gravity of iniquity the gravity of mistakes And and and things that people could get involved in and therefore you won't take it serious You know why a lot of people in these churches don't take the pastor or the church serious because the pastor is not even taking it serious That's why When he preaches he's just just cotton candy I want to preach with hot sauce I want to pour hot sauce when i'm preaching I want it to burn I want to get down deep so, you know That what god is saying is true You understand at least you know, i'm serious about it And the reason I say this because you know as the years go by people are going to get offended You're going to see it time and time again. It's happened before Where people literally get we've had people in our church Where i'm preaching? And they just get up and just literally walk out And they're not going to the nursery the nursery the mother baby room. They're not going to the restroom Like they're just like no, no, no, no, and they just literally just walk out I remember i'm thinking one time in particular when that happened And I was thinking myself I was I was shocked I was really shocked. You say wow. I was like because it wasn't even that hard like my Like I was just like you think that was bad This is like like everyone else in our church is just like, you know It's just like whatever about the point. I don't remember what it was I was preaching on the jews or something like that And this person just got up. It was just like no no, it was just like they couldn't take it anymore They literally walked out I had another person walk out when I was preaching on the sodomites And they they unfortunately caught a ride with someone in the church who stayed So I was like, where are you going? You know, they had to wait outside the entire time Until church was over And I went out there and I didn't even know he he was offended. I went out there and I was like, hey Thanks for coming. He's like, yeah, I don't really agree with what you're saying Oh, and then I honestly didn't know what he was talking about. What do you mean? He's like all the stuff you say about sodomites and all that. I don't agree with that I'm like, well, it's in the bible, you know, I mean you saw what I said, right? He's like, yeah, but I just I don't agree with it. But you know what? It's not me. They don't agree with It's the bible It's the word of god So at that point they get offended. It's just like well, that's not my problem then If someone gets offended at my preaching hey if someone gets offended at my preaching against the cares maniacs tough luck You don't like how I preach against the the tongue-flapping weirdos the charismatic and the pentecostals And all their false doctrine and that you could lose your salvation and all these other things that they believe Well, you're gonna have a hard time in our church because I get on that horse quite often And i'm not rearing back. I'm not apologizing for anything I say And i'm when I look you know when i'm down here and i'm talking to you guys And I and I say something that maybe I shouldn't have said i'll apologize. I've apologized to many people in our church But when i'm up here, I don't believe in apologetics So And I don't think men of god should apologize for what they preach I know that's what fox news wanted me to do I know that's what you know All these radio stations ktl a5 wanted me to do they wanted me to just buckle under the pressure And just apologize for everything I said about the sodomites my own cousin came up to my dad and said he needs to apologize for what he said My dad said my unsaved dad The guy is he's not even saved He's like he doesn't need to apologize to nobody He just needs to stick with what he said and that's it And he's just like hey man, dad, can can you go talk to some of these baptist preachers out there? Can you go help them with this Because they have the holy spirit living within them And yet you don't and yet he seems to have more boldness. Why is that? Is it the holy spirit's problem? No It's the individual, okay chasing a rabbit but you know It's gonna it's bound to happen. This is not without referring to okay. This is referring to Just relationships between one another Friendships church members family You can often damage someone with your tongue. Okay Look at verse 13 says who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? He's like who's the one who has wisdom who has knowledge who has all the bible knowledge that they can Ever hope for let him show out of a good conversation his words with meekness of wisdom And conversation is not saying his words conversation is referring to his conduct He says if you know something if you have knowledge if you have wisdom Show me by your life And then i'll listen, okay Go back to ecclesiastes if you would He says in verse three for a dream coming through a multitude of business and a fool's voice No is known by the multitude of words Be a person a man a woman of business action activity that's what that's referring to And the bible tells us where there is no vision the people perish You know why church is dying? There's a lot of reasons why churches die But one of the one of the biggest reasons because they have no vision They don't know what they're doing. They don't know what direction they're going in They have no vision for what god wants to do in that church. They lost that vision Okay And the people perish because of that god wants us to be people of activity He told when he when he uh, spake the parable he gave him the pounds and he said what occupy Till I come Work win souls to christ preach the word of god disciple people fulfill the great commission do something with your life for the lord Be a person of industry Be a person of business And i'm not saying go Be rich. It's just referring to be a person of activity of spiritual activity more than anything else We obviously understand the bodily exercise profit of little but godliness is profitable to all things Having the promise of the promise of the life which now is and of that which is to come first timothy chapter four So he's basically saying look If you have a dream, that's great, but you need to put some steps to that dream And not just talk about it. You need to actually walk the walk. Okay verse four Now he's going to be now he's going to tell us to beware of vows He says well now vows to bow unto god defer not to pay it for he has no pleasure in fools Pay that which thou has vowed Better is it that thou shouldest not vow? Than that thou shouldest vow and not pay Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin neither say thou before the angel That it was an error. Wherefore should god be angry at thy voice and destroy the work of thine hands For in the multitude of dreams Excuse me in many words there were there are also diverse vanities, but fear thou god So he's basically saying here. Hey, you need to be careful with making vows now in the bible vows oaths Uh, i'm missing the third one. What's the third one? This vows is oaths. Obviously this promises is another word swear The new test actually condemns this Okay And here it's telling you look when you if you vowed, okay, then make sure you pay it Okay, but the best thing to do is just don't vow at all You understand and in fact go to matthew chapter five. Let's look at this in the new testament God doesn't have pleasure in fools And in context he's referring to someone who just spake hastily And makes a vow makes a promise and decides not to keep it. Okay, that's actually really wicked in the eyes of the lord And in fact the bible tells us when talking about I believe it's it's psalm 15 He talks about the righteous man who dwells in the presence of god and his blessing. He says that he basically will pay to his own hurt So let's say this individual makes a vow and says this is what i'm going to do This is how i'm going to i'm going to pay or this is what's going to happen And and they vow that before god they make they strike hands with someone before the lord. They make an oath a vow they swear Even if that righteous man Looks at and says whoa, I don't have enough. You know what the bible says that he should do is pay it to his own hurt If it hurts you pay it why because it's better for you to go broke or into debt Than to not keep your vow. That's how that's how serious god takes vows So man, so I really got to watch out. Yeah, we're just don't do it It's actually safer just not to do it, right? In fact the bible says let your yay be a and your nay be nay Okay, look at matthew chapter 5 verse 33. It says again You have heard it that has been said by by them of old time thou shall not forswear thyself But but shall perform unto the lord thine oaths, which is exactly what we see in ecclesiastes 5 right perform thine oaths If you vow if you swear Pay up take care of whatever you got to do perform it verse 34 But I say unto you Swear not at all Neither by heaven for it is god's throne nor by the earth for it is his footstool Neither by jerusalem for it is the city of the great king Neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black Now he's not placing like an emphasis on jerusalem What is he doing? He's just being kind of facetious to say just don't do it anywhere Right Because obviously no one can swear by heaven. No one is in heaven who's here on earth You understand he's just saying no matter where you're at. This applies everywhere. This is a universal law for you. Okay He says but let your communications be yay. Yay. Nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of Evil the bible says, okay Now there are times when you might make a promise an oath or a vow And you did it ignorantly or you've counted the cost and you say well, I know I have sufficient to finish this I know I have sufficient to take care of this task and you do it and it works out great But what ecclesiastes five is saying is this don't be presumptuous You understand and presumptuousness is this you don't count the cost. You just make the vow make the promise swear strike hands And you're not able to perform that that vow And the safest thing to do is just just don't do it at all Now here is the problem herein lies the problem with the modern day altar call in baptist churches How many have ever heard of an altar call? Okay, how many have made an oath at an altar call? Okay. I see that hand. I'm just kidding Hey right here. I got saved in independent fundamental baptist church and they had altar calls there They would do altar calls, I mean pretty much every service except I think for like midweek service But sunday morning sunday night they would make altar calls and and it's it's when you think about it's actually really scary Because that means every week Someone is coming to an altar to make an oath to god that they will no longer do or they will begin to do x y and z That's dangerous And in fact, you know you have youth conferences where? multitudes of teenagers Will come down and make oaths and vows and swear and do all these things and say, you know I will never do this again or i'm gonna start doing this and it's like the next week. They're they're back To their regular sin or they're not taking care of their responsibilities as a christian whatever it may be. They're breaking their vows That's that's dangerous folks That's one reason that i'm against the modern day altar. Okay Altar calls it's not found in the bible. You don't see new testament churches doing it in the in the bible Okay, this is something that was created by a person an evangelist named dl moody, okay He was a congregationalist who baptized babies And it was through him That the altar call along with bus ministry and sunday school classes everything that baptists do they got it from like some other denomination Which is crazy, okay? The bathroom is supposed to be the cream of the crop But yet they're looking to the congregationalists the presbyterians the calvinists You know for a pattern of how they should run their ministry and that's how the altar call, you know came about It's a very dangerous thing folks Better to just say yes, I can no I can't because whatsoever is more than that Comes evil the bible tells us, okay Look, if you don't believe me just look at the example of the bible of jephthah Right, what did it cost him? He had to sacrifice his own daughter And not sacrifice her to get married Not sacrifice her to give her up to slavery Sacrifice her like they would a sacrifice a lamb Okay, whatsoever coming before those tent doors lord I will sacrifice unto thee if you just give me this victory and it's like jephthah god already gave you the victory Why would you even make such an outlandish vow? It was already there Why would you make this oath in this vow to god when god already told you you were going to win? There's no need for that you could have had the victory and kept your daughter And slaughtered some lamb and and you know whatever To honor the lord thereafter and instead he's like lord if you give me this victory Whatsoever coming through those tent doors is like did you think you don't I mean what? She's coming your daughter who your family comes through these doors You really want to gamble like that? And then daughter comes in she's like that, you know, and he's like, oh man And then he ended up sacrificing her It just shows you And you say well, that's a ridiculous story. Did that really happen? Yeah, it's to show you how severe the consequences to making a vow really is You know, what god often does is he gives you the best of the worst Right in the bible he'll give you the best story of the worst possible outcome To scare the living daylights out of you to make sure you don't do that He talks about fornication he just talks about how he killed thousands of people because they committed fornication Now I don't think that if you commit fornication, you're just going to die on the spot, but you might I have a story that I can point to where a bunch of them did You really think that would happen to you? I mean, do you really want to gamble with that though? So often he gives you The best of the worst story in order to instill the fear of god in you to drive a point That's what the bible says when paul said to make sin look exceeding sinful He shows you the severity of the consequences of our actions And so this is one of them. Okay, go back to inclusiosity chapter five So that is the conduct that he specifically Talks about here in chapter number five. He's saying look Take church seriously take going to the house of god serious be ready to hear When you're listening to the preaching of god's word You know stay off your phones, okay? Stay off of social media You should have bible in hand And I know you have your bible app on your phone. Okay, I do too. This is year 2021. Okay But let me just say this you got a bunch of apps on there as well You got notifications, you know, you got to see who who liked your post You got to see who who commented, you know that that reparates back and they're going back at it on the section of your facebook You know post or whatever, you know, I know you got to see all these other things So, you know, I don't think anyone in here would be disciplined enough to just go straight to their bible Oh, let me just respond to this real quick You know, I know you got to watch your tik tok. All right Just pull get a physical bible open that up and pay attention. Amen Just gonna throw it out there All right Now we're going to look at the crime within the province verse eight says if thou seest the oppression of the poor and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province Marvel not at the matter Now I already hit on this a lot. Um last week about just oppression From the higher ups whether that's government mayors You know governors You know, we see a lot of violent perverting of judgment today, right? And and you know you think of you know, governor newsom for example Who apparently they're going to recall at the end of the year? I wonder why you know And everyone's rejoicing like yes We're gonna get them out All right, who's next bruce jenner? Yeah, good job everyone Yeah, let's replace governor newsom who's a devil Let's let's replace bale with beelzebub It's the same thing, right? And I want to ask all of my republican friends the baptists out there Because here's the thing bruce jenner is a republican What yeah, yeah That's a conservative republican So I kind of want to like ask them like so who are you voting for Are you gonna vote for bruce jenner? Are you really gonna stand there and look at me and say that well, you know their beliefs are very much closer to our It's a tranny What what What's conservative about that? There's nothing conservative about that. It's an abomination in the eyes of god Amen it's disgusting filth If bruce jenner gets voted in anytime someone asks me what I think about it But what do you think about bruce? I'm like, I don't we don't have a governor. I don't I don't know what you're talking about I have no idea what you're talking about It's the crime, I mean literally there's gonna be a criminal I mean, I guess all politicians are criminals, but I mean this uh, uh a criminal Might be the governor of this state It's insanity it's a perverting of judgment, okay, but i'll be honest with you when I heard it when I first heard that i'm like Oh, it makes sense This world's going to hell in a handbasket I think the bible says that the wicked shall be turned into hell at all nations that forget god So this sounds about right And people are like we need to vote in a republican Republican and all this you're gonna get who god thinks you deserve So if bruce jenner gets voted in what does that say about you It means that the nation's a sodomite loving nation Right. Oh you like sodomites. I'll just give you a sodomite trainee beast of a of an animal as your ruler How you like that how you like them apples? And i'm not saying apples just because it's a fruit, okay Okay Although that would be a very good joke But when I heard it, you know, I did I didn't marvel because you know what the bible says marvel not at this matter It's like don't marvel it's just like yeah, it makes sense Well, everyone's just like what in the world the world is just falling apart biting it's like For us it's just like makes sense The world is already wicked right Don't Don't be the one who marvels at these things if you're marveling at them. You just need to read the book of ecclesiastes more Because when you read it doesn't come as a surprise to you Okay You know, the anti-crisis is not going to regard women the bible tells us And he's going to be the ruler of the entire world So we should not marvel when when a republican You know, how can they be he can't be a republican How can this be I mean, what did you think like republicans were independent fundamental baptists or something? Do you think they they're kjv only-est? What does solomon say marvel not at the matter, yeah, don't let it surprise you Hey look, obviously it's vexing to us a little bit, right Kind of making you hit that cringe button Just like oh man, this is cringe But look what he says Marvel not at the matter for he that is higher than the highest regardeth And they'll be higher than they God obviously sees it. He's going to pay it. He's going to recompense them upon their own head And god is saying don't marvel at this. This is not a perfect system It's a wicked world Moreover, the prophet of the earth is for all the king himself is served by the field So verse nine is kind of like a balance to this view because We don't want to look at all rulers And all governors and all mayors and any political person just just think well, they're all just reprobate He's saying more of the prophet of the earth is for all The king himself is served by the field. So he's saying look I did set up a system where We should respect certain offices respect certain people And yeah, they may not be You know, uh, uh A baptist or bible believing but some of these individuals who are in places of position We should respect that office to a certain extent. In fact, the bible tells us to pray for all people including kings rulers and governors Go to romans 13 if you would romans chapter 13 because you know people could take this to the other extreme and just say well You know forget all government just anarchy You know Don't pay taxes And and look typically people who are of this sort Are people who are too tied up into the things of this world? They feel like this is their kingdom that's why they're fighting so hard for it This is their kingdom, you know, they're entangled with the affairs of this life But look folks you can't come to that conclusion When you read the gospels when you read the bible Because jesus said himself, you know, I am not of this world And jesus is the king of the universe The king of the universe humbled himself The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And what did he do? Did he just just Create complete anarchy against the government. No some of these historians would like for you to think that that's what happened He was an anarchist he was a rebel Insurrectionist and all these things and that's why they killed him wrong Okay, they delivered him up for envy the bible says okay What did jesus do to his government he just submitted to all the stupid things that they asked him to do As long as it wasn't sinful right You know, they try to make him pay taxes he's like just pay the stupid fine Dude go get a fish. I put a I put a coin in that fish's mouth. Just go get it Pay him for me and for thee and let's just keep winning souls Now the people who err on the other side of the spectrum You're just like no, we're not gonna pay caesar and caesar's wicked. Yeah, obviously jesus probably knew that caesar was wicked But you know what? Jesus is thinking I'm gonna take the crown from caesar one day anyways It's mine anyways, that's right. Yeah, use your little taxes and silver if you want i'm gonna get it back anyways That's what he's and you know what? That's exactly what I think Take my building Take my possessions take my van Look at romans 13 verse 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works But to the evil without then not be afraid of the power do that which is good and that shall have praise of the same For he is the minister of god to thee for good But if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is a minister of god A revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. So God says hey, the reason I set up these governments is to execute righteousness upon the land So that murderers are put to death Adulters sodomites kidnappers righteous laws are instituted He says wherefore you must need to be subject not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake For for this cause pay tribute also For those of for those people who don't believe in paying taxes. Well, that's funny. It looks like paul saying here. We need to pray tribute For there are god's ministers attending continuing upon this very thing render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due Custom to whom custom fear to whom fear honor to whom honor? Oh, no, man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law He says look you need to submit yourselves to the government. Yes Obviously if it's to the point where they're trying to get you to submit to sinful things Then at that point don't do it But here's the problem with this group They literally define for you what sin is Like the mask They take the master and say well, yeah, well that's sinful that's what we're talking about. This is sinful. No, it's not What? I mean I get it that you know the thought of foolishness to sin and when you have like four masks and a shield and a window and a wall And then you're six feet apart at that point. It's the point of ridiculousness. I get that. Yeah You know, I you've seen it or you know, you're just driving your car you're by yourself You're just driving the river you're like and the person is just no one's in the car I say what in the world they've lost it But some of these conservative truth seekers Want to make that as though it's like well that's sinful that's wicked No You need to read the bible to see what's sinful and wicked and the bible says that sin is the transgression Of the law and guess what? It's not your law of liberty It's god's perfect law of liberty. Stop moving the goal post of god's standards and god's laws And try to redefine what law is according to god try to redefine what sin is according to god Stop trying to move the fight I don't wear a mask when I come up here and preach obviously. I like never wear a mask Sometimes i'm going to the store i'm like man Today today I went to the store and I had to grab one of my kids masks It's like it's like this sitting on my face I'm like this is this looks bad and then i'm like purchasing it's all snap snap. I'm like What do you do? Obviously, i'm not for I think it's dumb But you know, i'm not gonna give someone a hard time if they come to a church with a mask And I don't think any of you should either Don't look at them all crazy and you know, oh you're one of those Let them do whatever they want Don't it's funny you you want to fight for freedom But if someone's free to wear it you just want to give them a hard time yeah hypocrite If that's what they want to do then let them do that there's plenty of people who come like on a sunday morning and they have masks i'm never just preaching like Just like what is that if that's what they want to do let them do it Do it You know the more they come to church the more than my ass is going to come down it's going to come off or whatever I'm, not interested in fighting Their fight Because their fight when I when I look at the strategy when I look at who the enemy is I'm looking at it. I'm like, hey you're trying to you're trying to change my bible Because when I quote them verses they just don't know what the bible actually says i'm like What makes you think that you're some sort of christian fighting this battle when you don't even know what the bible says, right? Anyways Go back to the ecclesiastes But that is the crime And look, obviously, I don't think that people should you know It's really stupid like, you know, the whole thing about oh you you know You have to wear a mask when you go inside the restaurant But as soon as you sit down you can remove it Obviously you look at it and you're just like Like the rona is like coming at you and then as soon as you sit down like ah another one You understand Obviously, that's ridiculous Or like, you know, sometimes i'll even go to starbucks and they have the the window shields And both the worker and I just bypass it because we can't hear each other And we just talk to each other just face to face Like what if like people from 10 years ago were to get a picture of the future us talking like that With mask strong and there's like shields and they're like, they're probably like what are they doing? What is this? What kind of world is this? So don't think don't think oh you're form you're pro mask i'm not pro mask I'm pro doing whatever we got to do to keep serving god Okay And i'm not i'm not for the government 100 but i'm not 100 against it either Why because we had the police department in elmani who got our back, right? They protected us. They even said we're on your side. We're not on their side We're here to protect you they said And look i'm not even four police existing I preach a sermon the police should not exist But and you know what i'm sure jesus believed that the centurions the position of a centurion shouldn't exist But he won the centurion to the lord, did he not? So anyways number three the curse of abundance and wealth He says in verse 10 he that loveth silver should not be satisfied with silver nor he that loveth abundance with increase This is also vanity so, you know the curse of abundance and wealth is the fact that it never satisfies No matter how much you have Okay You can keep accumulating money and resources and and money but if but if you're not Uh eternally minded you're never going to be satisfied with that. Okay And then it's a curse also because of because of the fact that it attracts spoilers Verse 11 says when goods increase they are increased that eat them And what good is there to the owners thereof saving the behold of the beholding of them with their eyes? The sleep of a laboring man is sweet whether he little or much but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him To sleep so you say look, you know why wealth and abundance can be somewhat of a curse Well because of the fact that you receive it And then someone just steals it from you, right? Or you have something that it's very expensive and you're just constantly thinking about it to the point where you can't sleep Well the way you can sleep and the way you can get some sweet sleep is by laboring, okay? Because then you're exhausted you just fall asleep or whatever and this is a concept that we see in matthew chapter 6 Where it says laid out for lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth Where a moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt And where three thieves do not break through nor steal you say look you need to make sure that you're not attached to the things In this world, okay And I brought up the you know, the whole thing about my van because I got stolen and they found my van guys They found my van And so what did they find in monobello? No, they found it by by almani You know, you know that city almani Really No, hey marvel not at the matter Yeah When my wife told me I was just like oh yeah, yeah, of course That's where I expected to find it Luckily i'm not attached to that van I didn't lay up treasures in that van. You know, I laid up. Oh, well, I didn't lay up treasures nor oil No gas nor transmission fluid nor windshield wiper fluid. I didn't I didn't lay up anything in that van In fact russ got to that thing before the thieves did okay These things are tools folks Our houses are tools our our our vehicles are tools our money are it's it's tools. It's all tools I would more readily mourn for a life That a you know a church member You know or my family you understand but things that are just Pass away and what god told me. Hey moth is going to eat that up Russ is going to eat that away a thief is going to break through and steal that Better to just not lay up treasures on earth Lay it up for yourself in heaven and that's what it's saying here the curse of Abundance and wealth is that someone will eventually take it verse 13 Verse 13 there is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt And some people have so much. It's just like it's more painstaking to have it They actually are more miserable the more that they have But those riches perish by evil travail And he beget at the sun and there is nothing in his hand. He's like he has nothing to give the next generation Because sometimes his wealth perishes by evil travail Verse 15 as he came forth of his mother's womb Naked shall he return to go as he came and shall take nothing of his labor which he may carry away in his hand And this also sore evil that in all points as he came so shall he go What profit hath he that hath labored for the wind? All his days also he eateth in darkness and he hath much sorrow and wrath with his sickness He's basically saying just keep in mind the way you came is naked and that's exactly how you're going to return Maybe with just a nice suit But that's about it A box a nice suit and that's exactly how you're going to go and you know what? It would have done the egyptians well to learn this concept Instead of being buried with all those millions of dollars worth of gold and silver And treasures because they thought they were going to take it with them in the afterlife You come with nothing and you leave with nothing And then lastly we see the comeliness of our portion in this world. You say man. This is a depressing sermon You're saying I can't like I mean what's the point of getting wealth? Well, here's the common the comeliness of it Verse 18 says behold that which I have seen it is good and comely For one to eat and drink and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh under the sun All the days of his life which god giveth him for it is his portion He says you know what you should do just enjoy what you have while you have it We enjoyed the van we took many trips to the park to go spend time with our family We took it to restaurants. We took it to the family's house. We sung songs in the van We played jokes in the van. We laughed with our kids in the van We used the van and created memories in the van and now the van is gone. But you know, the memories are still there Everything we did is still there right So what do you do? I enjoyed the portion You understand? And what you're saying is this don't be so attached to these things where you want to tear down barns and build up greater Use the abundance that you have And if you really want some really like legitimate wealth Don't invest into bitcoin. Just kidding. Adam I'm, just kidding You know invest into heaven Because that will never perish The bank account that you have in heaven Will never go away You need to save your money And I don't mean save your money like save it in the bank account. I'm talking about like save it like send it to heaven Give money the gospel by investing it in eternal things And you will see those treasures again one day But enjoy them while they're here You can't touch this don't touch this is my car Don't touch this is my toy. Don't touch this is my thing Just enjoy it let people enjoy it you enjoy it how people enjoy it because it's going to go away one day Okay, I was telling my son when they found our van. I said hey they found our van And then we're telling them the whole situation I said, but you know what? It's okay Because we were eventually going to lose that van. He says yeah one day it was going to burn dad I'm like forget it. I don't want to teach you this And he's just like it's gonna burn he's like everything's gonna burn my books are gonna burn my toys are gonna go away We're gonna lose everything I'm like, all right calm down. All right He's like every everything we're not gonna have anything Because it's all gonna go away because you know, we're in the book of ecclesiastes. So he's learning all these things So that's why it's just important that we just enjoy them amen Every man also verse 19 to whom god hath given riches and wealth and have given Him power to eat thereof and to take his portion to rejoice in his labor. This is the gift of god For you shall not much remember the days of his life because god answerth him and the joy of his heart He's just saying look here's my gift to you abundance Enjoy it while you have it Don't be a hoarder. Don't be a miser Enjoy what you have while you have it because one day it's going to be gone. You're going to regret Not using it to enjoy life. Amen inspire heads in our word of prayer father We thank you so much for your word and thank you for the reminder That the things that we have are temporal It's like it's like something we need to constantly remind ourselves because we live here We utilize our possessions and sometimes we get accustomed to having them and sometimes we even take them for granted I just hope that you'd help us lord to um to be mindful of that which we have To not only use it for purposeful meaning for purposeful things But also to be a blessing to others utilize it to come to church to do ministry to go soul winning to take our wives out on dates or To utilize it to be a blessing to someone if god has blessed us with an abundance of resources and even money Let's find someone to be a blessing too And lord, I pray god that you'd help us to do so Knowing full well that one day We will lose it down here But if we invest it in in the eternal we will one day see it again in jesus name. We pray. Amen For our last song tonight song number 44 will work till jesus comes So Song number 44 will work till jesus comes everybody nice and loud all together on that first verse Wow To jesus He seeks to Till Yeah My Till jesus Amen So