(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's all find a seat and grab a song book and let's all stand together for this first song. Song number 245, the old account was settled. There was a time on earth, my name was at the top, and many things go, yes the old account was settled long ago, and the old account was settled long ago, and never tried to pay, but when I looked ahead and saw it so long ago, yes the old account was settled long ago, when it was love, I'll not forget that book with pages wide as snow, yes the old account was settled long ago, long ago, oh you enter and amen, and then if I show long ago, long ago, pay for he washed my sins away, when the, for allowing us God to be here tonight Lord this evening and hear your word preach unto us God, pray Lord that you would help us to be edified Lord, help us to be attentive tonight Lord that we would leave here, leave here, and 64 standing on the promises of God, 54 standing on the promises of God, everyone nice and loud, all ages let his praises ring, glory in the highest I will shout and sing, standing on the promise, standing, standing, I'm standing still, when the howling storms of doubt and fear, promises of God, standing, standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God, by love's strong cord, overcoming daily with the spirit, standing, standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God, standing on the, resting, resting in my Savior as my all and all in my hand. Please make sure that you are supervising your children in the building, no children should be in the mother baby room alone without their parents, and just make sure you supervise them just all around, make sure they're not being destructive and destroying church property, keep an eye on them, obviously we have a lot of little ones in our church and sometimes there's like a stampede of them just kind of, you know, running around the church and sometimes they can be destructive and my children are often in that stampede as well, okay, so I'm not just talking about your kids, I'm talking about my own, so make sure you keep an eye on them and make sure they respect church property, you see the upcoming church events that we have Sunday June 20th is our Father's Day service, we're going to have a gift for all the dads who come on that day and the service will be geared towards dads as well, and so we're probably going to have a breakfast, an early breakfast for that day, and so just keep that in mind, Friday June 25th there's going to be a ladies prayer night, on June 27th there's going to be a baby shower for Ms. Stevie, and if you have any questions about that you can see Ms. DJ, she's basically going to be the one heading that up and so you can see her for more details about that after the service, Sunday June, excuse me, Sunday July 4th we're going to be celebrating the July birthday breakfast and we're going to do some special after Sunday night service on that on that day, and then the big thing that's coming up in July is the Red Hot Preaching Conference, amen, that's July 15th to the 18th, I hope you can make it to that, lots of great preaching and it's just a good time of fellowship and listening to edifying preaching, it's going to be hard preaching, it's going to be hot preaching, and so I hope you can make it to that, and we're probably going to have the church vehicle go up and so get with brother Ulysses on that because I know the seating is limited on that so if you want to make it to that it's kind of like first come first serve and no we can't put anybody in the trunk, so you have to utilize an actual seat. Quiet time resumes on Sunday afternoons from 3 to 4 15, of course no free to drink or loud in the main auditorium except for water and coffee, and please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the sermon, and then just keep in mind that there are sermon notes, a page for sermons you can write there, just different various needs that we have, pray for God's favor in our church, pray for the sowing that we continue to see more people saved, and the sowing numbers have been great, and so getting a lot of people saved, and of course a lot of people have been baptized even this year, and so thank God for that, please pray for the sowing teams as they continue to grow, and as our church continues to grow, we need to add more leaders, okay, and we don't want to just add leaders for the sake of adding leaders, but we want people, we want men to stand in the gap, to make up the hedge, and take that responsibility, so pray that we would have more team leaders to lead and train, disciple more people as they come to our church, pray for our missions program, and actually brother Milan, if you guys remember brother Milan Knezevich, he's at Faithful Word Baptist Church now, but he actually went to Belize on Sunday with his wife, and so he told me hey I'm gonna go up there, I'm gonna give you an update on how that's gonna go, what's going on with the restaurants, is there a lot of restrictions going on there, and whatnot, and so he's gonna give me an update on that, and based upon that I'm gonna determine whether you know we go to Belize early this year or later on depending upon of course the restrictions, and please pray for Cozumel, because I was thinking about Cozumel, and brother more brought it up again today, that's a little island off the coast of Mexico that I think we should go to, it's very simple, and the thing is, although it's off the coast of Mexico, and they speak Spanish there, there's a lot of English speakers there as well, because it's a big tourist spot, and so be in prayer over that, and then you see the protection for our church, for the families, spiritual and numerical growth of our church, and we've seen a lot of that over the last couple of months, we might need to tear down this wall in the coming months if our church continues to grow, just because one of the laws, it's not obviously it's not set in stone, but they often say if you're 80% full then you're full, okay, and so you say well you know there's a couple seats scattered here and there, yeah but here's the thing is people don't like to sit right next to each other, you guys remember El Mani, how El Mani was, you were literally like shoulder to shoulder, that's the only room that was available, now you got a little bit of elbow room, you know you could put your purse down, and you know you could actually, children can actually sit in the seat instead of on your lap, but you know if we continue to grow we're gonna tear down this wall and expand back, and so be in prayer over that, if that's necessary we'll do it, more laborers, new people, leadership, pastors in training, and some of the needs here for the for the families in our church, of course family salvation, and I'm sure all of us have a family member that is unsafe, or family members that are not saved, and so if you can pray for them, families to grow, forbearing women in our church, expecting mothers, new mothers and newborns, and then you see the rest of the requests there, and then the Church of the Month is no longer Shield of Faith Baptist Church, we got to take him off, okay, Pastor Joe Jones, sorry man, you only get a month, I'm just joking, we're not gonna pray for him tonight, I'm just, we're gonna start, we're gonna pray for Steadfast Baptist Church, and Pastor Jonathan Shelley, we're doing a rotation of pastors in churches, and so Pastor Joe Jones, no hard feelings all right, we love you, but please pray for Steadfast Baptist Church, pray for Pastor Jonathan Shelley, for the soul-winning their protection and success of the church they continue to grow, and just for wisdom for Pastor Shelley, he has church plants that he's in charge of, and that's a big responsibility, different people in different states, and so, and pray that you know God will raise up some men to take over those churches as well, and relieve that burden from Pastor Shelley, and so be in prayer over him, and if you have any additional prayer requests that you'd like to be mentioned on the bulletin, you can write that at the bottom of the prayer sheet there, tear that off, put it into the offering plate when it comes by, we'll make sure that it gets on there, and if you say well I have a prayer request, but I don't really want people to know what it is specifically, then what you can do is put your name, and put right next to it, unspoken, and we'll put that on the sheet all right, at this time we'll have Brother Maury come on up, and he's gonna pray over the needs. All right, please bow your heads, dear Lord Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to have a church to go to, and thank you for just opening the door for us to be able to be around like-minded believers, and allowing us to be able to have such a great church like this, and Lord we just thank you for the King James Bible, and and all the blessings that you give us Lord, and Lord we want to pray for our church, we want to pray that you continue blessing our church, allowing our church to grow, and obviously we're having an issue that was a great issue to have, is our church is growing Lord, and we just pray that your hand is over our church, and we continue working for you, and serving you, and doing the things you want us to do, doing the first works Lord, Lord we want to pray for the soul winning teams, we want to pray that the teams are growing, and that the teams are fruitful, and that men and women are trained on how to give the gospel Lord, and Lord we just pray that you continue blessing our efforts, bless the soul winning captains, so that they can as well continue doing a great job at what they're doing, and Lord we also want to pray for missions, we want to pray for the island of Cozumel Lord, we just pray that the door remains open, that the people remain receptive, and we're able to go over there and do a great work for you Lord, and Lord we just pray that the door is open for us Lord, Lord we want to pray for new people, we want to pray that the new people that come to church, they get plugged in, they start going to church, they start reading their Bible, they start praying, they start growing closer to you Lord, and Lord we just pray that you continue working in their lives, and they desire to grow closer to you Lord, we want to pray for the leadership in the church, we want to pray for Pastor Mejia, and as he's leading our church, and in a way that's honoring and glorifying to you Lord, and Lord we just pray that you continue blessing him, bless his family, Lord be with him as he's walking through this world Lord, and just allow him to continue being a great leader as he has been Lord, and Lord we want to pray for the salvation for family members that potentially hasn't been able to hear the gospel from us, Lord we pray that you put it on their heart that they want to come to church if we're not able to give it to them Lord, and Lord we just also want to pray for families to grow, Lord please continue blessing our families, and allowing our families to have more children, and Lord we just pray that we continue walking with you Lord, and Lord we also want to pray for the unspoken request, and Lord we just pray that you work in the lives of the people that have these unspoken requests, and even for the requests that maybe aren't on here, but they're going to put a request on here Lord, we just pray that you're able to answer that need that they have Lord, and then Lord we also want to pray for the church of the month with your steadfast Baptist church, Lord we pray that you continue blessing his church, blessing Pastor Jonathan Shelley, allowing him to be able to do a great work for you, bless his ministry Lord, and Lord we pray that you continue allowing him to put out great content, and preaching your word, and Lord we just pray that you continue growing him in his ministry, Lord we want to pray that you continue growing his church, but also allowing his church plants to thrive, and Lord we pray that you raise up a man there to help take the burden off of Pastor Shelley, and Lord we just pray that you continue blessing his church, allowing protection and success for his ministry, and soul winning efforts, and his church members Lord, and also I want to pray that you bless his family, his wife, and his children Lord, and Lord we just pray that you continue walking with him as he continues walking with you Lord, and Lord thank you for just giving us the ability to go to church, and Lord we pray that the fellowship that follows is great as well, and we pray that we have hearts that are willing to hear the preaching, and grow thereby Lord, and we pray that you have a name, amen. Alright, please turn your hymnos to song number 114, The Great Physician, 114. Song 114, The Great Physician, song 114, The Great Physician, Everyone nice and loud all together on that first verse. The Great Physician now is near The sympathizing Jesus He speaks the drooping heart to cheer Oh hear the voice of Jesus Sweetest name on seraph song Sweetest name on mortal tongue Sweetest carol ever sung Jesus, blessed Jesus Your many sins are all forgiven Oh hear the voice of Jesus Go on your way in peace to heaven And wear a crown with Jesus Sweetest note and seraph song Sweetest name on mortal tongue Sweetest carol ever sung Jesus, blessed Jesus All glory to the dying lamb I now believe in Jesus I love the blessed Savior's name I love the name of Jesus Sweetest note and seraph song Sweetest name on mortal tongue Sweetest carol ever sung Jesus, blessed Jesus And when to that bright world above We rise to be with Jesus We'll sing around the throne of love His name, the name of Jesus Sweetest note and seraph song Sweetest name on mortal tongue Sweetest carol ever sung Jesus, blessed Jesus At this time the ushers will collect the offering and we'll be in Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. Good evening, we're in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 and the Bible reads Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth the stinking Savior So does a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor A wise man's heart is at his right hand but a fool's heart at his left Yea also when he that is a fool walketh by the way His wisdom faileth him and he saith to everyone that he is a fool If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee leave not thy place for yielding pacifieth great offenses There is an evil which I have seen under the sun as an error which proceedeth from the ruler Folly is set in great dignity and the rich sit in low place I have seen servants upon horses and princes walking as servants upon the earth He that diggeth the pit shall fall into it and whoso breaketh in hedge A serpent shall bite him, whoso removeth the stone shall be hurt therewith And he that cleaveth wood shall be in danger thereby If the iron be blunt and he do not wet the edge Then must he put to more strength but wisdom is profitable to direct Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment and a babbler is no better The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness and the end of his talk is mischievous madness A fool also is full of words A man cannot tell what shall be and what shall be after him who can tell him The labor of the foolish wearieth every one of them because he knoweth not how to go to the city Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child and thy princes eat in the morning Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles And thy princes eat in due season for strength and not for drunkenness By much slothfulness the building decayeth And through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through A feast is made for laughter and wine maketh merry But money answereth all things Curse not the king, know not thy thought And curse not the rich in thy bedchamber For a bird of the air shall carry the voice And that which hath wings shall tell the matter We thank you, Heavenly Father, for your precious words, dear God We thank you for our wonderful church And we ask that you please bless our pastor tonight as he preaches your word In Jesus' name we pray, amen Amen, alright, we're in Ecclesiastes chapter number 10 this evening And look down at your Bible at verse number 1 It says, dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor So doth the little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor So we continue with this concept of folly And another word, folly is not necessarily a word that we use today You know when we talk about someone being stupid or acting foolish We don't say hey that person is acting with folly Or there's folly in that individual's reputation But that's what it means, it means something that is foolish or even stupid And that's what it's talking about here And we see that this is a constant thing that is being brought up in the book of Ecclesiastes And the reason for that is because King Solomon is trying to let us know hey how dangerous and how detrimental foolishness can be in the life of a person What it can do to you The effects of foolishness upon the life of a person can have devastating consequences So he goes on to talk about that And in fact in chapter number 9 and verse 17 it says The words of wise men are heard and quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools Wisdom is better than weapons of war but one sinner destroyeth much good So we see that contrast constantly being spoken of here in Ecclesiastes We see wisdom and folly Wisdom and foolishness, prudence and wisdom, knowledge and then there's folly and ignorance And he's basically trying to let us know the severity of having folly in your life, the result of it So the first thing that we're going to look at here is what folly does to your reputation And what it does is that it can tarnish your reputation Now look what it says in verse 1 again It says dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking saver Now a fly is something that is very small, we would consider to be insignificant But we see here that when it falls into the ointment of the apothecary it could actually make a very big stink And he says so doth a little folly to him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor So what's the comparison that Solomon is making here? He's basically saying just as when a fly flies into an ointment of apothecary And then it just smells rotten, smells disgusting, it smells gross In like manner, a little bit of foolishness, a little bit of stupidity to your reputation could just completely damage you And why is that? Well here's the thing, it's because of the fact that your reputation is actually very fragile It's very fragile and it holds a lot of value but it can be ruined very easily And the Bible places a very heavy emphasis on your reputation Now some people try to have a good reputation because they're just worried about what people think about them They try to have a good reputation before the world because they're concerned about what the world thinks of them But when it comes to that, forget that, forget what the world thinks of us Because no matter what we do as Christians, the world's always going to hate us The world's always going to look at us like we're crazy, like we're just radical, like we're just a bunch of nut jobs So who cares what the world thinks? What we care about is our reputation before who? Before God We want to make sure that we live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord That we have a reputable reputation not only before God but also before other Christians as well Because we want to be an example unto them And the Bible even tells us in earlier chapters, it tells us in chapter 7 and verse number 1 That a good name is better than precious ointment It also says in Proverbs 22 verse 1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and gold You know it's actually better to have respect than to have riches? It's better to be respected and have a good reputation before individuals than to be a person of wealth, a person of riches You think of all these rappers out there and these movie stars and these rock stars You know a lot of people admire them and they love them But it's only because what? They're famous It's because they have a lot of money, right? But the reality is 10 years prior to them being a movie star, a rock star, a rap star No one even cared who they were Why? Because they find their value, they find their reputation and how much money they make Whereas the Bible is actually telling us that a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches A good reputation is not something you can buy Respect is not something that you can purchase, it's not something that you can buy It's something that you have to earn, you understand? It says a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and gold But we see here that folly or foolishness can mar that reputation, it can tarnish your character Now think about this, you know it takes years, it takes years to build up a good reputation A good reputation at your job, a good reputation at your church A good reputation just in general takes years to kind of build up You know you got to build up confidence in others and your abilities and your integrity and all those virtues But here's the thing is that the unfortunate thing is that it actually takes only but a moment to ruin it So you can actually spend years building up your reputation and one foolish move, one moment of folly can completely destroy your life So it shows you the severity of that folly I mean think about this, what about the great men in the Bible? Let's talk about King David for example David was a man after God's own heart, he wrote the majority of the Psalms He is the Old Testament picture of Jesus Christ, one of the biggest Old Testament pictures of Jesus Christ But yet what did he have in his life that everyone knows about? That little folly of what? Adultery The fact that he committed adultery with Bathsheba He had that little folly, although it wasn't really little, of murder, right? Conspiring to murder, he has this blemish upon his record as an individual And anytime we talk about David, we can talk about the great works that he did, the great Psalms that he wrote But that little folly tarnished his reputation And we see that actually even after he dies Later on in the historical books when it talks about David, it talks about how great he was and all the things that he did And then it talks about the matter of Bathsheba and Uriah He says how he loved the Lord, he was obedient to God, and how he served the Lord except for in the matter of Bathsheba and Uriah What is that? That's that little folly that basically sent forth a stinkin' savor on David's reputation What about Samson? I mean Samson was one of the strongest men in the Bible I'm sorry, he was the strongest man in the Bible It's not because he was deadlifting 600 pounds or anything like that He wasn't hitting the gym, and in fact, I think Samson was just like a regular I'm not going to say he was scrawny or anything like that, but maybe he was, I don't know He probably looked like an individual who wasn't very strong, let's just put it like that He wasn't the rock from the movies that they put out Anytime Hollywood puts out a movie about some biblical character, he's always roided out That's not Samson Samson, because they think, well, it says that he's strong and he's able to rend things Or rend lions and tie fox's tails and he's whipping all these Philistines He must have had some muscles and just really strong No, the reason he even had that strength was not because of his muscles or his ability It's because the Spirit of God would come upon him and would give him this supernatural strength to do those things Every time the Spirit of God would come upon him, he would have these supernatural abilities that other people did not have And he was supposed to be used as a great man, a great example of someone who is filled with the Spirit The Bible says be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might So he was supposed to exemplify that from a literal perspective, but what happened? Well, he got involved with Delilah He had a little folly in his life And he ended up finishing his life very poorly And in fact, he committed suicide And when we talk about Samson, we can talk about all his great exploits that he did And all the funny stories that are attached to him And the foxes and the Philistines And all these things But at the end of the day, we also talk about what? That little folly That really tarnished his reputation You think about Solomon, who's the one who's actually writing this Hey, why don't you take your own advice Solomon? He's over here writing the book of Proverbs He's writing the book of Ecclesiastes Talking about wisdom, I mean this is the wisest man that ever lived in the Bible In the Old Testament, other than of course Jesus Christ God endowed him with prudence and wisdom and knowledge And not only that, but he gave him riches and wealth He was an amazing king But at the end of his life, he had hundreds of concubines and hundreds of wives So I guess that's not necessarily a little folly That's a lot of folly He's adding wives to himself And what happened when that took place? It took his heart away from God Because a lot of these wives that he was marrying They were heathens, they believed in different gods And so he stopped serving the God of the Bible And he began to serve false gods Not because he believed in these gods But simply because he's being carried away with the women that he married And so that little folly that was in his life Sent forth a stinking savor to his reputation So it kind of shows us there That hey, you need to protect your reputation And beware of the folly Beware of the foolish decisions that you could potentially make How about Peter? Peter was a great man Peter did a lot of great things in the New Testament He was one of the leaders that you would say of the disciples People looked at him for leadership But yet he had a little folly What was that little folly that he had? Well he denied the Lord He denied the Lord, the cock crew He backslid He said I go fishing The disciples said we also go with thee And he has that little folly in his life And that's why he's in every single Sunday school lesson In class and preaching service Ever since the last 2000 years Talking about that little folly That marred his reputation We can go on and on and on Regarding different reputation And ask God for wisdom And avoid foolishness And folly Bible tells us that They're the little foxes That spoil the vine The little folly that can destroy you Verse number 2 says A wise man's heart is at his right hand But a fool's heart at his left Now what is that talking about When he says a wise man's heart Is at his right hand But a fool's heart is on his left He's not talking about Different locations of a person's literal heart Smart people typically have Their heart located on the right Dumb people have it on the left When it talks about the right hand Or the left The symbolic nature behind this Is basically referring to the position of honor That you have Often when you study this phrase It's often referring to a position of honor A position of nobility Jesus Christ is sitting on the right hand Of the Father He has a position of honor Nobility and respect And so that's what it's referring to So a person who has wisdom Will have his heart on the right side His heart is filled with honor God is honoring him, he's honored by other individuals He's respected by people Whereas the individual who has his heart on the left Because he's not practicing wisdom People often despise this individual And we all grew up With someone that we thought This person is foolish We've known someone in high school Or at her job And we think to ourselves this person's heart is on their left Obviously They're just a very foolish and stupid person They say dumb things, they offend people They just don't have a filter in their mouth They just kind of let it fly That's a person who has their heart on the left Not necessarily a heart on their right They're not a person of honor Who is worthy or merits honor It says in verse number 3 Yea also When he that is a fool walketh by the way His wisdom faileth him And he saith to everyone That he is a fool Now I don't think this is referring to Like a person who's just like Hey I'm a fool He's just walking around, I'm a fool And just kind of saying like, I'm stupid I don't think that's what it's referring to I don't think that's what it's referring to I think it's kind of exaggerating a little bit here And it's given us an exaggerated Example is to say that Basically when this person walks into a room Everyone knows That he's a foolish person Now how do you know That he's a foolish person Because he allows himself to be heard Right He basically opens his mouth way too much And that's what it means There when it says his wisdom Fails him And he saith to everyone That he is a fool How does he say to everyone that he is a fool By just opening his mouth And the Bible tells us That wisdom resteth in the heart of him That hath understanding But that which is in the midst of fools Is made known You don't have to look for a foolish person All you have to do is just Listen sometimes The person you have to look for Is the person who has wisdom Because often the person with wisdom Doesn't open their mouth at all They often retain knowledge They retain the wisdom that they have They retain the prudence that they have And they're not out there expelling it The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 5.3 For a dream cometh through a multitude of business And a fool's voice Is known by the multitude of words You know the more you say The more likely it is that you're going to offend someone The more you talk The more likely you're going to say something really stupid In a public setting This is common You're just talking and talking in a group setting You're with your family You're at your job You've got the talk of the lips going on And you're just talking and talking Eventually you're going to say something that later on you're going to regret How many of you could say I've said something in a public setting That I regretted later on Raise your hand Everyone else is wise I guess You know I think all of us have done that I've done that And then you think about it later Maybe I shouldn't have said that Maybe that was really stupid to say And if you're the person who's like I've never had that happen You're probably the person it happens to the most Think about that right Because if you think you're always saying good things You're like nah I say wise things all the time I'm just a wellspring of knowledge I'm a wellspring of wisdom Everyone loves when I talk It's probably the exact opposite You see wisdom Says wisdom understands that we're Eventually going to slip up and say something dumb sometimes And wisdom should also say that we should be humble and recognize that To say yeah I've said some pretty stupid things In the past I'll probably say stupid things And in the future as well Because we're not perfect And that happens In marriage Where this matter of Familiarity comes to pass And you're just comfortable around your spouse And you just say something really offensive And you don't really think about it until afterwards You're like man maybe I hurt my spouse by saying that Maybe I shouldn't have said that to my spouse Maybe I shouldn't have said that to my wife Maybe I shouldn't have said that to my husband And you regret it later but here's the problem It's already been said The words have already exited your mouth And so wisdom We pray for wisdom on a daily basis We ask our Lord give me wisdom To know what I ought to say To expound on prudence and wisdom To know when to shut my mouth when I need to shut it And obviously I preached a sermon on that a couple weeks ago Called Shut Your Mouth If you guys remember that sermon It's a very memorable title You could go on YouTube and just type in Shut Your Mouth by Pastor Bruce Mejia And it'll come up And I'm pretty sure everyone can learn from that Because we've all had issues with that You're like I think you were preaching about me Yeah I was Because it's for everyone You understand? And so here we see that a fool is known When he speaks And what is the remedy to that? The remedy to that is simply this This is the best way to avoid this You just close your mouth Sometimes you just gotta close your mouth The Bible says in Proverbs 17 verse 27 He that hath knowledge Spareth his words And a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit Even a fool when he holdeth his peace In other words When it says hold your peace That's Hebrew for when they shut up Holding your peace means you just shut up That's what that means He says even a fool When he holdeth his peace is counted wise And he that shutteth his lips See I'm not just saying that Says it right there Shutteth his lips is esteemed a man Of understanding So typically the person who has knowledge And wisdom doesn't really like to expound On it very much You have to go to that person And pull that knowledge out of that person You have to ask that individual Because they're not willing to just Blurt out every single ounce of knowledge that they have They understand that their words are valuable Life and death are in the power of the tongue The Bible says Whereas the fool just kind of lets it fly Think about what he or she says The person who has knowledge Spares their words So obviously we see Here in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 That this is kind of a redundant Kind of a subject right? Because you constantly hear about wisdom And folly wisdom and folly So what does that tell us? When something is redundant in the Bible When it's constantly being emphasized in the Bible Is it because God is just running out of material To talk about? He's just like you know what I don't know what to talk about let's just talk about foolishness and folly And wisdom No he's basically telling us the importance of it When something is constantly being repeated In the Bible We should never see it as well this is just boring It's just the same thing over and over again We need to recognize the reason God has placed it in his word Is because of the fact that he wants us to give heed to it You understand? He's placing an emphasis On this specific teaching And so we should give heed to that Look at verse number 4 We're going to look at the result of wisdom As the conflict arises Now Verse number 4 will help you so much It can do Wonders in a relationship Marriage Friendships Fellowships in church Any type of conflict Don't read it, don't read it I'm trying to build it up here Any type of conflict that you can have I promise you If you do this I would say about 85% of the time The conflict will be resolved Okay Cause here's the thing When people get into a conflict With another, your spouses Relationships, friendships The conflict escalates When either party doesn't want to admit That they're wrong And obviously we know One person has to be wrong But the point is that no one is willing to admit that So what? They just keep adding on Adding on to the conflict, adding on to the argument Well you did this, well you said this And then it just blows up Okay And then later on you just kind of regret it And you're like man, why did we let it get that far Well if you just exercise This specific principle I promise you 85% of the time The conflict will be resolved And you can move on and live happily ever after Cause isn't that what you want Don't you just want to be happy Look what it says in verse number 4 If the spirit of the ruler Rise up against thee Leave not thy place For yielding pacifieth Great offenses Okay So here we see the example of a ruler This could be a king Or a lord of some sort, a boss A superior And the Bible is telling us here that this person's spirit Rises up against thee, what does that mean? They're angry with you They do something you're supposed to do You offended them in some way or manner Okay He says look, the worst thing you do is just leave your place You know, avoid conflict And here's the thing A lot of people, you know what they do? They want to avoid conflict So instead of resolving conflict They just run away from conflict But that's not the right thing to do either You can't avoid conflict in your marriage You can't avoid conflict with your children You can't avoid conflict in church or relationships You got to deal with it You know, you got to face the person You know, face your accuser Face the person who's offended you Or vice versa And deal with it, don't run away from it You're like man, I think I offended that person at church I'm just not going to show up for like four weeks And hopefully On the fifth week they just already forgot about it Because I just don't like to deal with that stuff I don't like conflict That's not the proper attitude to have And they're not going to forget You're going to come back, they're going to be so mad They're still going to be bitter Okay, so what do you do? You just deal with it immediately Don't leave your place If the spirit of an individual Rises up against you They're angry with you for whatever reason Don't leave your place And look what it says here For yielding pacifieth Great offenses What does it mean to yield? Well, you know the New Testament says this You deal with thine adversary Quickly You said this And you call me fat It's like, man, you're right, I did I'm really sorry about that Okay, well, you know, I'm not that mad I'm just saying, you just said that But, I mean, you're right, I am a little fat I just didn't like the way you said it When you yield Okay? When you yield, when you agree with your adversary Quickly When it happens, you actually pacify that anger What does the Bible say? A soft answer Turneth away wrath Okay? And so if your spouse is angry at you And just starts yelling at you And, you know You know, there's just that Problem there You know, my wife is yelling at me She's just like, I'm not taking out the trash And I keep asking you Over and over, my wife never does that And I never take out the trash No, I'm just kidding You know, she's like, you never take out the trash She starts yelling at me My wife has never yelled at me, okay And sure enough, tonight might be the night or something But, you know, she's like yelling at me You know, it won't help if I just start yelling back The Bible says, don't render railing for railing Right? So, you never put out a fire using fire It's like, I see what you said You know, I'm gonna one-up you this Okay, I see that railing Or that insult you gave me Here's another insult, okay Well, yeah, well, you don't wash the dishes You don't throw out the trash Yeah, but you haven't washed my clothes You know Well, I didn't wash your clothes Because, you know, you didn't put it in the dirty hamper Well, I didn't put it in the dirty hamper Because you haven't made my dinner yet Your dinner yet That does not help at all All you're gonna do is just go to bed mad Back to back Not facing each other Just angry And the Bible says, letting out the sun go down upon your wrath It's actually bad when you do that Okay So, yeah, yeah, you might get the last word in In that relationship But who are you gonna brag to? Like, if you win that You know, a conversation with your wife Who are you gonna brag that to? You gonna call your boys? Yeah, I told her what's up Did she wash your clothes? No, but I told her, though You should have seen the way I told her Like, what does that do? Nothing It's childish, it's stupid, it's foolish It's folly Okay Whereas, what does wisdom say? Just agree with them quickly Like, what if I'm What if, you know, I'm not wrong, though What if they're wrong? Well, you can still yield And still appeal your side The point is this, is that you give a soft answer If they yell at you You're not gonna win the argument Or do anything for the discussion By raising your voice and yelling back What actually helps is when you Yield, you give a soft answer You seek to placate Your spouse You understand? And look, isn't it better to just resolve something So you can be friends again and move on Rather than just continue to argue and fight I mean Isn't this the best relationship You ever experienced here on this earth? As your spouse, right? But you know what, this not only Applies to marriage, it applies in church as well Okay Cause we're brothers and sisters in Christ here And you know, there's gonna be fights There's gonna be You know, conflict There's gonna be offenses And you know, if you plan to stay in our church For any length of time Decades upon end, which I hope you do I plan to You know, you gotta live with these people You're gonna see this person's face Sunday morning, Sunday night, Thursday evening So it's better To just try to placate your adversary Okay Your brother in Christ who's offended Agree with them quickly So that you can resolve the conflict Because you know what, at the end of the day Your relationship with your brother in Christ is far more valuable Than you being right I mean, you ever think about that? Your relationship With your brother in Christ Is far more valuable than you being able to Walk away being right Winning the conversation It's childish folks To have that type of attitude You know what, you're right I did you wrong, I'm really sorry about that Let me go buy you a meal Let's be friends Like I don't know man, that's kinda like Kinda being a sissy there or something Well yeah, in the world's eyes But you know what, that's why the world's Marriages are failing That's why the world is failing at Friendships and relationships And all those things because they don't have The Bible, we have the Bible We have the truth, we have the solution We know what the Bible says in this regard And look, if you're wrong, there's nothing wrong with you saying You know what, you're right, I'm wrong I was actually wrong about that And you know, going back to my First point about a reputation Being respectable, you know more people Would respect you If you actually admit that you're wrong Hey husbands, you know wives would respect you More if you actually admit that you're wrong Because here's the thing Husbands don't like to admit that they're wrong Okay Thank you for that personal testimony right over there I hear that voice I'm just joking It's true, you know We don't like to admit that we're wrong You know, and so But here's the thing is that Our wives know though So even though we like Get the last word in And we win the conversation She's still cooking our food And cleaning our clothes or doing whatever And we come out on top, she still knows that we're wrong So you know what We want our wives to obviously follow us Not just because they have to But because they want to And you know how you can get your wife to want to follow you Is when you humble yourself And recognize, you know I was wrong for that I'm really sorry about that You were actually right about that I apologize, that was wrong of me That was stupid, that was foolish And then you know what happens Not only do you restore the relationship You actually cause your wife to actually Respect you that much more Okay And vice versa Why you should admit that you're wrong too Okay Oh man, we got revival going on Amen, amen Dang Got some conflict in here, park it These guys These guys I mean We're both wrong, right We're both, you know We're sinners We make mistakes, and there's going to be times When both parties are wrong The point is this, is that we need to pacify Great offenses We pacify great offenses By yielding, by giving a soft answer And at the end of the day you just need to Recognize what's more important, me being right Or salvaging this aspect of my relationship With my wife Salvaging this aspect of my relationship with a church member What's more important Is my friendship with this brother My friendship with this sister And I want to make sure that we keep that relationship So if I have to be defrauded And just admit fault And be wrong, so be it At least I gain a brother Right Because gaining a brother is actually far more valuable Than gaining an adversary Ain't that true It's far more valuable to gain a brother Who's going to have your back Who's going to love you, who's going to respect you You draw closer to one another You know, all these things Than gaining an adversary Which will obviously not result In a happy ending Okay So great wisdom here in verse number 4 Yield, sometimes you just got to yield Put your pride aside Put your arrogance aside And just admit that you're wrong every once in a while Okay, and then you can tell your boys I told her I was wrong But she's actually the one wrong, but don't tell her I said that I'm just kidding, don't do that either If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee Leave not thy place for yielding pacifieth great offenses There is an evil which I have seen under the sun Horses and princes walk A chapter on communism I actually used these verses to talk about that Look at verse number 8 He that dicketh the pit Shall fall into it And whoso breaketh the hedge Shall bite him Whoso removeth stone Shall be hurt therewith And he that cleaveth wood Shall be endangered thereby So this is actually two schools of thoughts here I'm going to give you the main interpretation Of what this is actually referring to And then the spiritual application that underlies it First and foremost The first thing that we see here The application is the reality of taking risks When you work a job Because all these are actually talking about Maybe a specific work that someone is doing Someone is digging a pit For whatever reason, maybe that's their job They're digging pits for whatever reason When you dig enough pits Eventually you're going to fall into one That's just like the law of numbers You're digging pits, you're digging for whatever reason You're eventually going to fall into one It happens Whoso breaketh an hedge A serpent shall bite him So an hedge is basically you're clearing the hedge You're clearing foliage You're clearing vegetation And the more you do it Especially in this part of the world The more likely it is that some sort of animal The example that we see here Is a serpent will come out and bite you If you're in Arizona Where all kinds of scorpions are People get bit by scorpions All the time I don't think I've ever seen a scorpion here What do we have here? We have snakes? What? Where do you guys live? I've never seen this You know what we have is raccoons That's what we have We don't have snakes We have raccoons that live in the sewers that come out You guys ever seen those family raccoons that come out? Freaking things are huge And I just learned that you're never supposed to approach a raccoon in the daytime You guys ever heard that? They say never approach If you ever see a raccoon in the daytime It's really bad The rabies infested Cause those are the only ones that will come out during the day And they'll actually attack you See you learn something in church all the time I just saved your life I just saved your life Cause you know you see that right Oh it's the daytime you know I just bite you and then you have to get a tetanus shot in your stomach Or a rabies shot in your stomach Why am I even talking about that? Oh the hedge Hey you know a raccoon might bite you If you're clearing out a shed And you're working with vegetation There's animals that are typically potentially there They can come out and bite you What does it tell you? Hey when you're doing a job There's risk involved Oh actually Marcos you do pest control So you know what's up with that He's probably going to get bit He's going to get all kinds of attacks In the coming year I just prophesied of your doom Who so removeth stones shall be hurt there with? You know you're removing stones in these days A lot of the houses were made of stones They were made of rocks Putting stones together Well you know when you're working with stones And you're carrying them, you're moving them around One of them is going to fall on your foot It's going to hurt right And he says and he that cleaveth wood Shall be in danger thereby What does it mean to cleave wood? Well cleave can mean to part But it also means to Excuse me it can mean to bring together But it also means to part as well So you know you have someone who has an axe And is just chopping wood If you chop enough wood You know maybe one day the head of that axe Is going to fly off and hit you in the face Or a piece of wood is going to fly off And hit you in the face too I mean Lumberjacks I'm sure can attest to this Is anybody a lumberjack in here? Going once Going twice I'm going to say this and no one will contradict What I'm saying here He that cleaveth wood shall be in danger thereby So the thought is this Is that no matter what job you do There's always a risk involved Right Now the lazy person will say Well there's a line in the street A line is without You know they don't want to even take the risk They're like no I don't want to go work because you know There might be a line outside or something like that They're just making excuses Because he's in the middle east There's animals out there There probably is a line without but I guarantee you That more often than not You're not going to run into the lion Especially here Okay Unless you're working in the hills where there's mountain lions Or something like that But even then I guarantee you God's going to protect you What I'm saying is this is that every job comes with a risk If you're an electrician We have an electrician over here Won't you get shocked every once in a while? I'm sure he can attest to that You cross the wires You stick your finger or whatever You do something and you're like I got it and then boom you get shocked That comes with the job Okay There's a risk involved in that Isn't there a risk with breathing in the fumes every once in a while Brother Marcos You welcome it aren't you You're getting thrown out This weekend then Drunkard There's a risk in everything There's a risk in everything Hey when you do construction Brother Albert He's a construction worker He's a general contractor He's worked in construction For many years There's obviously a risk in that you're going to get hurt At one time or another sometimes Accidents happen It's just part of the job So that should not keep you from saying Well I'm just not going to attempt anything I'm not going to ever get a job I'm not going to ever do anything because There's too much risk involved That's how life is Hey when you become a pastor There's a lot of risks involved You might get your church blown up Your car stolen Get your life threatened People want to kill you People are approaching me at the mall now People are approaching me out soul winning People are trying to jump me I mean these are the risks That are involved with being me Now most pastors don't have to worry about that But hey if you're a pastor who's preaching God's word You're actually saying what the Bible says You're not standing down You're standing up to Satan And the rules of the darkness of this world That comes with risks You have a target on your back But even then As a pastor there are risks involved Because of the fact that People will hurt you in church People will backstab you People will hurt you People will slander you People will seek to want to take you down But you know that should never be a reason why we should say Well I'll just never be a pastor I can never do that Why? There's a risk in everything you do Folks there's a risk when you get in the car and drive Right? Oh man I never want to drive because it's just so scary out there All the freeways I mean there's a risk in everything Your risk when you drive You ever think about that? You're so worried about the people who are going to hit you It's actually you who people should be worried about Your driving abilities Right? You know there's always a risk In everything that we take And what it's basically telling us is this Exercise wisdom and just recognize Anything you do has a risk And the payoff is always better than the possible Consequence of that risk You understand? Oh man what if a serpent bites me? Then just shake it off and Put a bandaid on it To shut up the wound and just move on At least you got a cool story to tell I got bit by a serpent If you Smash your fingers with the hammer As you're working on the construction site Now you get to show your black thumbnail Or your thumb or whatever To every single individual And say look yeah this is what I do You know? When you're cleaving wood you're going to get hurt It's just part of life And what happens is when these accidents take place You gain experience I'm sure you've learned through a lot of the mistakes right? The electrical mistakes It's like okay well I'll never do that again Because you know this hurts This electrocuted me And so I'm never going to do that Pain is a good teacher folks So that's the first layer of application there Basically what it's telling us Is that anything we do Comes with a risk Don't let that impede you from doing From just starting something From getting a job People say well I will never marry I'll never get into a relationship What are those guys called? MGTOW Men going their own way The queerest sounding Group of men You've ever hear in your life Where these guys are just like I will never marry Just because all women are bad You weakling What is that? You fearful little sissy You afraid to get your feelings hurt What in the world is that? You're afraid to get your feelings hurt So you'll never marry ever again You'll never date ever again I don't know if my heart is ready To get involved in this relationship Or something So stupid Everything has a risk And if you get your feelings hurt Just man up Suck it up I mean You know people are so Anti-pain These days They're just so anti-suffering Anti-pain and anti-getting my feelings hurt They just want to live in this bubble Where nothing bad Will happen Everyone is good and just want to stay away from Every potential danger there is That is a boring life Go out there Get hurt Get your feelings hurt Gain experience It's good for you Especially if you're planning to have children You know you got to be a strong Example to your children You can't be some sissified dad You know like your son You know this is so dangerous Out there don't try anything You know just like Let them Man it irritates the fire Okay You know like for example my sons Especially my youngest one He's getting hurt left and right The guys getting just He's only He's barely like one And the guys already had like seven stitches on his finger Almost chopped off his finger Cause he just gets involved in everything You take him outside The guy has a cup of dirt And he's eating it He's just like eating it They're like what are you doing And you know some people are like they're like Cause that's just too risky you know All these things in the world that we live in And whatever Fool you with that Children are a blessing Children are great And that's why you need to be a Christian Amen When you're a Christian you have the word of God You have these guiding principles that teaches you how to Race children Teaches you what to do when they eat dirt Teaches you what to do when they scrape their knees And they're growing up That's what it means folks But we have a generation of people Who just want to give consolation prizes To every single Tom, Dick, and Harry Just so they don't get their feelings hurt You know Play a sport and they get a consolation prize Everyone's a winner, you're a winner, you're a winner Everyone's a winner kind of thing Such a lame way to live Folks when there's a game that's played There's a winner and there's a loser You know what if you're the loser Don't be bitter But if everyone's a winner What's the point of training Anyways So that's the first application of that Those two verses there The spiritual application that we see there Is the fact that It says there, he that digget the pit shall fall into it Now this is typically referring to You know, what people would typically say is this What goes around comes around And The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 26 And verse 27 So in other words is this You reap what you sow If you're trying to dig a pit Because you're being mischievous You're trying to hurt another individual Just know that you're eventually going to fall into that pit as well Okay You're rolling a stone so you can roll it upon someone's head Because you're You know, you're angry with them You're bitter at them Eventually that stone is going to fall upon you Okay He goes on to say Whoso breaketh in hedge A serpent shall bite him Now a hedge in the Bible Is often, you know In relation to protection Okay, you think of God placing a hedge Of protection about Job Right, and the Bible even says When Satan is talking to God about Job He says, Hast thou not made an hedge about him And about his house and about all that he hath On every side Thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance And increased in the land So the hedge is basically like that Wall of protection That God places upon your life Your marriage, you, your finances You know, because you have Satan who constantly wants to destroy Those things, but he's not allowed to Because God places a hedge of protection About you, okay Now here's the thing Wouldn't it be dumb for us to know that Say, yeah we have a hedge of protection And then you decide to break through that hedge Right What's going to happen The serpent which is Satan The Bible often references Satan as being a serpent He's going to bite you You say, well how do we apply that Well you know what, God has not only just given us This invisible thing of wall of protection Over us as individuals But he also gives like for example Parents are the hedge of protection For their children Husbands are the hedge of protection For their wives The pastor is like a hedge of protection For the church And when you decide to go Beyond the boundaries of those Hedges of protection A serpent's going to bite you You say, I don't care what my parents say I'm just going to go do whatever I want Okay, then you're going to break through the hedge And the serpent's going to bite you Well I don't care what my husband says I'm going to do whatever I want You know, I'm smarter than him Okay, break through that hedge And what's going to meet you on the other side Is the serpent Because any time we decide To go out from under God's authority His God given authority Whether that be in marriage Or just raising children Or in church or whatever it may be There's always a serpent waiting on the other side To bite us Okay And so don't think, well you know Kids, I want to just Live wild, you know I'm a teenager And I want to go out there And I'm hearing about my friends committing fornication They have girlfriends And it seems like they're having fun And they're drinking and smoking weed And they just, you know, they're just They spend their Friday nights like hanging out And I'm over here staying home because my parents are telling me to This is boring Yeah, that's a hedge though And here's the thing Yeah, it may look fun to go sleep around With a bunch of women until you get AIDS or something Until you get like an STD Until you get gonorrhea and chlamydia And syphilis Then it's not so much, then it's not that fun Now You're stuck with some venereal disease That you got because you broke through that hedge See that hedge is supposed to protect you from those things That hedge Is supposed to protect you from being raped That hedge is supposed to protect you From destroying Your life So you decide, well, I'm going to go beyond this hedge I'm going to break through I'm just going to do whatever I want Okay, then just know this On the other side there's always a serpent waiting for you Because Satan as a roaring lion Walketh about seeking whom he may devour And you know You know who he has first dibs on? Those who break through the hedge That's just it That's why the Bible says give not place unto Satan Right? So in other words, don't let Satan just come in and mess with your life Don't do that By breaking through the hedge of your protection Which is your husband You know, just disobeying your husband Like, well, I know he said this, but I'm going to do something else Okay, break through that hedge, see what happens You're the hedge of your parents Your mom and your dad And kids, both mom and dad Listen to your mom Have wisdom, if your mom says, no, you're not allowed to go out Don't go ask someone else Who will give you permission to go out Right? Don't try to pin your parents against one another like that Have wisdom You're a Christian, you have the Bible You know what's right That's what you should do Don't break through the hedge Just so you can go sow your wild oats And do whatever you want There's a consequence to that There's a serpent on the other side that will bite you It'll inject its venom in you It'll destroy your life Afterwards, thy mouth shall be filled with gravel The Bible says, you'll regret it Whoso breaketh the hedge, a serpent shall bite him And verse 9, whoso removeth stone shall be hurt therewith He that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby There's not necessarily a spiritual application to that But it goes into verse number 10 Where it says, if the iron be blunt And he do not wet the edge Then he must put to more strength But wisdom is profitable to direct So what we see here is basically he's telling us to work smarter not harder Obviously it's important to work hard But sometimes it's better to work smarter To be more efficient in what you do Than to work harder I actually gave this example on the podcast That just came out today We're talking about an individual A lumberjack for example Who's chopping down a tree with an axe With a dull axe May have to do it like a hundred times And I'm just throwing that number out there Let's say he has to do it a hundred times Because the axe is dull Well the person with wisdom says this Well why don't you just sharpen the axe And you don't have to swing a hundred times It's not that he's lazy It's just that he has more wisdom So he's actually becoming more efficient Because he understands Well instead of chopping the wood With a dull axe And you're spending all this time trying to break down that tree Wisdom says Sharpen the axe Sharpen the iron So that you don't have to chop so much And then you can actually chop more trees You understand That's basically what it's telling us there Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment And the babbler is no better Verse 12 says The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious But the lips of a fool will swallow up himself The beginning of the words of his mouth Is foolishness and the end of his talk Is mischievous madness A fool also is full of words A man cannot tell what shall be And what shall be after him Who can tell him The fool again just having a lot to say Verse 15 The labor of the foolish wearieth Every one of them because he knoweth not How to go into the city Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child And thy princes eat in the morning Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king Is the son of nobles And thy princes eat in due season For strength, and not for drunkenness Now I want you to notice he says Woe unto the land In other words, it's a curse to a land Now it's not referring to like Literally they're putting a child As a king So what is this talking about? What is this talking about like Joe Biden for example? Who has the mental acuity Of a child Okay And you know that might offend some people But it's just watch the videos Just listen to his speeches You can see that And what does the bible say? Woe to the land when that's the case When you have children who rule over you And in fact, this is a curse upon a land According to the bible Because Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 tells us this I will give children to be their princes And babes shall rule over them Verse 11, woe unto the wicked Or verse 12 says, as for my people Children are their oppressors And women rule over them O my people, they which lead thee Cause thee to err and destroy The way of thy paths So he's basically saying It's not a good thing when you have immature people In places of authority Such as the president of the United States Okay And I'm just gonna read through these last verses And we'll finish up By much slothfulness the building decayeth And through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through A feast is made for laughter And wine maketh merry But money answereth all things And verse 20 will help you not to be a gossiper Curse not the king Know not in thy thought And curse not the rich in thy bedchamber For a bird of the air shall carry the voice And that which hath wings Shall tell the matter In other words it's saying you know Don't be a gossiper because here's the thing There's always this little bird And the little bird often comes in the form of a tailbearer Who will eavesdrop on your conversation And go tell it to someone else That's why parents It's always good to watch what you say around your kids Cause kids are often like little birds And they'll come to church and tell a pastor About all the things that you guys have been fighting about My dad was yelling at my mom this morning You know about this and that It was just like whoa okay Thanks for telling me that You know cause kids don't have a filter And you know they'll just repeat a matter Like it's nothing Okay My mom hit my dad It's like whoa You know my mom slapped me And I was like whoa You know my mom Slapped my dad yesterday He was crying like it's like whoa Okay you know Pastor can you pray for my parents You know just like sharing prayer requests Okay So it's good not to curse the king Place a person of authority Not in your thought Not in your bedchamber why Cause the little birdie knowing that your child is gonna carry that voice Or someone else Someone can eavesdrop on that And then you got a major problem On your hands At which point what do you do You know when that person confronts you You yield right You agree with your adversary quickly You give a soft answer To turn away wrath and the cycle continues Just like that So Ecclesiastes 10 is a great chapter A lot of good stuff on reputation A lot of good things on the practicality of wisdom And a lot of good things On just conflict And solving conflict in our lives And that's pretty much it guys Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father we thank you so much for your word And we know that Thursdays is simply a Bible study Just practical teaching Verse by verse I pray that you'd help us to continue to glean wisdom From the book of Ecclesiastes And that we would apply it Lord There's so much wisdom We would save ourselves a lot of heartache And trouble And just in our relationships and marriage We adhere to these principles They're so simple and so easy to do But sometimes we over complicate things And I pray God that you would give us wisdom Help us to avoid falling In Jesus' name we pray, Amen Song number 90 For our last song Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, lover of my soul Sing one last song Song number 90 Jesus, lover of my soul Song 90 Jesus, lover of my soul All together nice and loud on that first verse Jesus, lover of my soul Let me to thy bosom fly While the near waters roll While the tempest still is high Hide me, O my Savior, hide Till the storm of life is past Safe into the haven guide O receive my soul at last Other refuge have I none Hangs my helpless soul on deep Leave all, leave me not alone Still support and comfort me All my trust on me is safe All my health from me I bring Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of thy being Thou, O Christ, art on my way Thou, O Christ, art all I want More than all indeed I find Raise the fallen, cheer the faint Heal the sick and heed the blind And the symphony is thy name I am all of righteousness Far and full of sin I am Thou art full of truth and grace Grant his grace when he is found Grace to cover all my sin Let the healing streams abound Make and keep me pure within Thou wilt wipe the fountain hard Freely let me take of thee Spring thou up within my heart Rise to all eternity