(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Song number 364, standing on the promises, 364, let's all stand together for this first song if you're able. Song number 364, all together nice and strong on that first verse. Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages let his praises ring, glory in the highest I will shout and sing, standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior, standing, standing. I'm standing on the promises of God, standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, by the living Word of God I shall prevail. Standing on the promises of God, standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior, standing, standing. I'm standing on the promises of God, standing on the promises of Christ the Lord. Love's strong cord, overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, standing on the promises of God, standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior, standing, standing. I'm standing on the promises of God, standing on the promises that cannot fall, the Spirit's call, resting in my Savior as my all in all, standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior, standing. I'm standing on the promises of God. All right, thank you for being here this evening. If you do not have a bulletin, just raise your hand and one of the ushers could get one for you. Oh yeah, let's pray. Sorry about that. Let's pray for the beginning of service. Heavenly Father, Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for allowing us, Lord, to come back to church. I pray, Lord, that you bless the service and that you be with brother Cody as he preaches your word and then that you would fill us with your spirit, Lord, as well and that you would give us ears to hear. Help us to apply all that is said tonight and bring back Pastor Safely in Jesus' first name. Amen. Turn your hymnals to song 120. Song number 120. Jesus, Savior, pilot me is our second song. Song number 120. All together nice and strong on that first verse. Jesus, Savior, pilot me. Over life's tempestuous sea, unknown waves before me roll. Hiding rock and dredge with shoal, chart and compass come from me. Jesus, Savior, pilot me. As a mother, silver child, thou canst touch the ocean wild. Boisterous waves obey thy will. When thou sayest to them, be still, wondrous sovereign of the sea. Jesus, Savior, pilot me. When at last I near the shore and the fearful breakers roar, twixt me and the peaceful rest. Then while leaning on his breast, may I hear thee say to me, fear not I will pilot thee. All right this time for real surprise. All right if you do not have a bulletin, just raise your hand and one of those just get one for you. As you can see our service times are Sunday morning at 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening at 5 p.m. and Thursday Bible study at 7 p.m. You see the list of so many teams and times if you're not on a team yet just let me or pastor know we could put you one of the teams. The list of expecting mothers is right there just continue to pray for every one of them and then also some of the important upcoming events that you see right there is men's prayer night on Friday September 30th and that's going to be at brother hike's house and we are going to have burgers so if you are going to go just let us know and that way we could get a good head count. Also on Sunday October 2nd which is next week we have our fall program kickoff and make sure to be here invite your friends your family your co-workers and just bring people and just be a part of that. On Sunday October 9th we do have the Christmas prayer and practice and it will begin that day any questions that you may have regarding that just see brother Maury and then also on Sunday October 9th we do have fall family photos and that will start at 9 45 so if you do want your picture taken of you and your family just be sure to be here at that time. Now at this time we are going to take so many numbers for the week now any salvations from Monday to Thursday any salvation from Monday to Thursday we got three as a group on Thursday any salvations from Friday and Saturday Friday and Saturday. So the barstool trip went good we had about 10 adults go along with some kids and we had 11 salvations so praise the lord for that. Now anything for this evening anything for this afternoon brother Marcos three anybody else uh brother hike one and then I believe one for our team anybody else any other salvations all right great job on the slow one and keep it up turn your handles to song uh 238 238. Song number 238 Christ liveth in me All together nice and strong on that first verse. Once far from God and dead in sin no light my heart could see but in God's word the light I found now Christ lives Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh what a salvation this that Christ liveth in me As rays of light from yonder sun the flowers of earth set free So life and light and love came forth from Christ living in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh what a salvation this that Christ liveth in me As lives the flower within the seed as in the cone the tree So praise the God of truth and grace his spirit dwelleth in me Christ liveth in me Liveth in me Oh what a salvation this that Christ liveth in me With longing all my heart is filled that like him I may be As on the wondrous thought I dwell that Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh what a salvation this that Christ liveth in me Amen. Wonderful singing. At this time the ushers will come forth to collect the offering and you can turn in your bibles to Jeremiah chapter 23. So so so Good evening we're in uh Jeremiah chapter 23 and the bible reads woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture saith the lord therefore thus saith the lord god of israel against the pastors that feed my people you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not visited them behold i will visit upon you the evil of your doing saith the lord and i will gather the raiment of my flock out of all countries whether i have driven them and i will bring them again to their folds and they shall be fruitful and increase and i will set up shepherds over them we shall feed them and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall they be lacking saith the lord behold the days come saith the lord that i will raise unto david a righteous branch and the king shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth in his days judah shall be saved and israel shall dwell safely and this is his name whereby he shall be called the lord our righteousness therefore behold the days come saith the lord that they shall no more say the lord liveth which brought up the children of israel out of out of the land of egypt but the lord liveth which brought up and which led the seed of the house of israel out of the north country and from all countries with her i had driven them and i shall dwell in their own land mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets all my bones shake i'm like a drunken man like a man whom wine hath overcome because of the lord and because of the words of his holiness for the land is full of adulterers for because of swearing the land mourneth the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up and their course is evil and their force is not right for both prophet and priest are profane yet in my house have i found their wickedness saith the lord wherefore their way shall be onto them as slippery ways in the darkness they shall be driven on and fall therein for i will bring evil upon them even the year their visitation saith the lord now i have seen folly in the prophets of samaria they have prophesied in bail and caused my people israel to err i have seen also in the prophets of jerusalem and horrible thing they committed adultery and walk in lies they strengthen also the hands of evildoers that none doth return from his wickedness they are all of them onto me as sodom and the inhabitants thereof as gomorrah therefore thus saith the lord of hosts concerning the prophets behold i will feed them with warm wood and make them drink the water of gall for from the prophets of jerusalem is profane has gone forth in all the land thus saith the lord of hosts harken not onto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you they make you vain they speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the lord they say still unto them that despise me the lord hath said he shall have peace and they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart no evil shall come upon you for who hath stood in the council of the lord and hath perceived and heard his word who hath marked his word and heard it behold the whirlwind of the lord has gone forth in fury even a grievous whirlwind he shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked the anger of the lord shall not return until he hath executed until he hath performed the thoughts of his heart in the latter days he shall consider it perfectly i have not sent the prophets yet they ran i have not spoken to them yet they prophesied but if they had stood in my council and had caused my people to hear my words they should have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings i am a god at hand saith the lord and not a god afar off can any hide himself in secret places that i shall not see him saith the lord do not i feel heaven and earth saith the lord i have heard what the prophets say i prophesy lies in my name saying i have dreamed i have dreamed how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies yay there are prophets of the seed of their own heart which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name and bill the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word and speak my word faithfully what is the chaff to the wheat saith the lord is not my word like as a fire saith the lord like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces therefore behold i am against the prophet saith the lord that steal my words every one from his neighbor behold i am against the prophet saith the lord that use their tongue and say he saith behold i am against them that prophesy false dreams saith the lord and do tell them and cause my people to err by their lies and by their lightness yet i sent them not nor commanded them therefore they shall not profit this people at all saith the lord and with his people or the prophet or a priest shall say shall ask thee saying what is the burden of the lord thou shall say unto them what burden i will even forsake you saith the lord and as for the prophet and the priest and the people that shall say the burden of the lord i will even punish that man in his house thus shall you say everyone to his neighbor and everyone to his brother what hath the lord answered and what hath the lord spoken and the burden of the lord shall you mention no more for every man's word shall be his burden for you have perverted the words of the living god of the lord of hosts our god thus shalt i say to the prophet what hath the lord answered thee and what hath the lord spoken but since you say the burden of the lord therefore thus saith the lord because you say this word the burden of the lord and i have sent onto you saying he shall not say the burden of the lord therefore behold i even i will utterly forget you and i will forsake you in the city that i gave you and your fathers and cast you out of my presence and i will bring an everlasting reproach onto you and a perpetual shame which shall not be forgotten let's pray thank you heavenly father for this wonderful church here god for every precious word in bible we pray that you please bless brother cody tonight as he preaches your word in jesus name okay amen all right we're there in uh jeremiah chapter 23 and if you look at there at verse 30 it says therefore behold i am against the prophet saith the lord that steal my words everyone from his neighbor behold i'm against the prophet saith the lord that use their tongues and say he saith behold i'm against them that prophesy false dreams saith the lord and do tell them because my people to err by their lies and by their lightness yet i sent them not nor commanded them therefore they shall not profit as people at all saith the lord and the title of my sermon tonight is contemporary christian cults contemporary christian cults brother cody don't you mean contemporary christian churches i actually mean cults because i'm going to talk about tonight liberal churches this umbrella term of liberal churches your mega church movement your seeker sensitive movement whatever you like to call it i'm talking about liberal churches tonight and i'm going to compare you compare them to cults tonight because a lot of these churches are in fact cults or have cult-like attributes to them and when i talk about liberal churches i'm obviously not talking about the united methodists or lutheran church that have a fag pride flag in front of their building of course that's an extreme type of liberal what i'm talking about is this umbrella of your southern baptist convention your non-denominational churches your calvary chapel and even your pentecostal types your charismatic types your assemblies of god this umbrella term of this mega church liberal church movement we see today and i'm going to prove to you tonight using the bible as well that they are in fact cults or if they're not cults they have cult-like attributes to them and the first thing we see and if you could turn to second peter chapter two second peter chapter two second peter chapter two is the the quintessential chapter on false prophets and that's exactly what these pastors are at these liberal churches are false prophets and the first thing of why you would call a certain religious sect a cult is of course they preach a workspace salvation this is obvious this is why we call the jehovah's witnesses the mormons the seventh-day adventists we call them all cults because they obviously add works into salvation and it's the same thing with these christian cults and the funny thing is is is these contemporary churches the whole argument of why they have the rock concert and the bright lights and just come as you are no judgment here and why they have this kind of idea to just bring in the entire world to their church the whole point of it is so that they can bring all the world into their church so then they could get the gospel preached unto them that's the whole idea of these contemporary churches versus a traditional church like ours that's the whole idea that's what they'll tell you why they have a contemporary church and you know you got to be honest it sounds noble you know it sounds noble to just you know whatever it takes just get people the gospel but the whole problem with that what falls on their face is that they preach a false gospel unto them look at second peter chapter 2 verse 1 it says but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so we see what with a false prophet they privately bring in damnable heresies none of these pastors at these mega churches they're not going to just come up on stage and say i believe works based salvation they're never going to say it to you up front to your face like that they're going to kind of slight of hand they're going to lowball work salvation by basically saying well yeah we and they'll give lip service to faith alone they'll say oh yeah we believe salvations by faith alone it's a free gift but you got to repent of your sins too you know and you know faith without works is dead and you know many will say lord lord and then you know you'll know them by their fruit and they'll use all these little terms that trivially bring in damnable heresy they trivially bring in work salvation and so to cover first and foremost why these liberal churches are cults is because they preach a false gospel they add works unto salvation but what's the second point and that's obviously we all we obviously know that that they preach a repent of your sins type gospel but but there's more to why these churches are cults and you know a lot of people think that when it comes to a cult you know you need to just have the cult leader and then all of a sudden you just have a cult but that's not really the case because in order to have a cult you need to have cult members and unfortunately you see a lot of these people are in fact the the whole reason why these liberal churches mega churches even sprout up without these without these members inside of these churches the pastors would be nothing we see in second peter chapter two verse number two it says and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of so we see that these false prophets trivially bring in damnable heresies and then many shall follow their pernicious ways and so a lot of people and if you could turn to second simothy chapter uh four second simothy chapter four they the pastors want to bring in this this damnable heresy this false gospel but you know there's a lot of people that follow their pernicious ways and there's obviously obviously there's a lot of nice people at these churches but there's also a lot of people at these churches and i would say the majority of people who are at these liberal churches they just want a pastor that's going to tell them what they want to hear they're going to heap to themselves these teachers we see here in second simothy chapter four look at verse number two it says preach the word be instant in season out of season which means to preach the word whether it's popular or not reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine for the kind for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they keep to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables and so we see here that a lot of these why these churches get so big and so jam-packed full of people is not because the pastor's anything special it's because the people want to gather together to hear someone tell them what they want to hear after their own lust they want to heap these teachers and you see that exactly at these liberal churches that they just want a pastor that's just going to make them feel good make them just feel all nice and fluffy you know get them through the week and just come on a sunday morning feel all spiritual and then they just live out the rest of their week however they wanted to go you know just go about the regular week that's what you see in these type of churches turn to isaiah 30 this also goes more in depth with the people at these churches but we see with second simothy chapter four that after their own lusts they heap to themselves these teachers so first it's the members of these church that want a pastor and we see in isaiah 30 if you look at verse 8 this is god talking to isaiah saying now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book that may that it may be for the time to come forever and ever that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the lord would say to the seers see not and to the prophets prophesy not unto us right things prophesy unto us smooth things prophesy deceits they're just saying just straight up lie to us we want to just you to just lie to us we don't want to hear the truth and in fact in look at verse 11 it says this is them talking to isaiah saying get you out of the way get out of here isaiah we don't want to hear you we don't want to hear the prophet of god turn aside out of the path cause the holy one of israel to cease from before us they're saying we don't want to hear what the bible has to say we don't want to hear the commandments of god we don't want to hear you know anything about the bible you know preaching on our sin we don't want to hear any of that get get get you out of the way get the prophet out of the way and cause the holy one of israel to cease from before us get all of that out of here and that's exactly what you see at these churches with these people who you know and and you can clearly see that because when you look at these people a lot of them they they they just have no reverence or respect towards god unfortunately and it's proof because of the way they dress how they act how they go about their lives you know unfortunately a lot of the women at these churches you know we we had to preach on women wearing pants at this church but i mean that is like totally out the window at these liberal churches i mean you got women who are dressed so scantily clad and unfortunately they have the entire of a harlot and and you know they they have like shorts that are like so high up they got crop tops i mean they're so immodest it's unbelievable and it's not just the women it's the men as well you know they're wearing the little skinny jeans looking a little fruity and uh you know even the graphic tees that that a lot of these men wear you know i've just seen all the worst types of things that that that these these even men will wear i mean they'll wear these heavy metal bands i've seen people come into church with metallica ac dc you know all these satanic metal bands and they just come into church thinking you know coming to the house of god thinking that that's all right and and not only that you know it'll be like a super bowl game or something super bowl sunday and all the men will just wear their jerseys and you know you clearly see what's more important to them and and not only that i mean it's bad i i i'm not kidding you one time i've seen a guy i don't know what heavy metal band this was but it was so satanic because on his shirt he literally came to church with a shirt that said 666 on it coming to that house of god wearing a shirt that says 666 and it's not just the members and this guy was like part of the ministry and stuff like that too but it's not just the the members as well even the pastors up there i've seen a pastor who has a mega church here in corona and he's he wore you know because it was a play on words on corona he wore a corona beer shirt you know and it was a play on words like oh from corona you know it's just the city but it was clearly a corona beer shirt how much respect do you think that pastor has towards the things of god you know who do you think has more reverence for god the pastor who wears the corona beer shirt or the pastor that wears a suit and tie dresses his nicest to come into the house of the lord who do you think has more respect towards god and this is the type of people we see at these churches these these people are just like judge not we don't want to be judged you know he who's without sin among you cast the first stone oh let's say judge lest you be judged you know even though that's not what the verse says so it's judge that you be not judged and you know the two worst sins to these liberal christians is is judging and cussing that's like the two worst sins you could commit you could have any other sin but those two sins are just like the unforgivable sins judging and cussing and so we see that these these people are first wanting these teachers who just tell them whatever they want to hear they just want to come to church and feel good feel nice and fluffy and they don't really want to hear their sins being preached on they don't want to really hear uh you know the thou shouts and thou shall nots of the bible they don't want to be judged and they don't want to be judged by the word of god they don't want to be judged by anyone they just want a pastor that's going to tell them what they want to hear and if you could turn to jeremiah 23 where we started at jeremiah 23 so we see that the people first in order to get a cult you have to unfortunately get cult members and then of course you know the cult leader the man for the job he's going to step right up to the plate and tell the people what they want to hear and that's what we see today at these liberal churches we see pastors get up and tell exactly what the people want to hear and we see in jeremiah 23 this is a whole chapter that's based on prophets who claim to preach in the name of god but god didn't send them and we see here in verse 16 it says thus saith the lord of hosts hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you they make you vain they speak of vision of their own hearts and not out of the mouth of the lord they say still unto them that despise me the lord hath said ye shall have peace and they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart no evil shall come upon you and isn't that the preaching we see today the joel osteens the joist meyer the stephen furticks you know they just get up and say you're gonna have peace don't worry god loves you you know you're just you're just so special to god and no evil is going to come upon you nothing bad is going to happen you continue just being a drunkard and a fornicator and an adulterer and it's all okay god still loves you and everything is great and dandy and nothing bad is going to happen to you that's the type of preaching you hear at these churches today and god says that is prophesying lies look at verse 25 i have heard what the prophet said that prophesy lies in my name saying i've dreamed i've dreamed how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies yea they are the prophets of the deceit of their own heart the prophets of the deceit of their own heart that's what a cult leader is is one who preaches the deceit of his own heart it's not about what the bible says it's not about what god says it's out of his own deceitful heart that's what starts a cult in the first place is you get a leader that just tells you what he has dreamed up what he's imagined and just the lies that he is conjured up in his own heart and it says in verse 27 which thinks it caused my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor and their fathers have forgotten my name for bale the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully what is the chaff to the wheat sayeth the lord and so what god's saying he's making a clear distinction between those who have a dream and and isn't that exactly what you see is people like oh i saw i got a revelation from god i saw this long-haired hippie that i called jesus with blonde hair and blue eyes and you know he just looked he was just you know why he had the same color as me and he's just you know he just told me this thing i got a revelation a dream god's making a distinction here that there's a difference between those who have a dream and those who speak god's word faithfully those who have god's word and preaches the word of god faithfully and he says it's not my word like as a fire saith the lord i'm against the prophet saith the lord that steal my or sorry it's not my word like as a fire saith the lord and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces he's saying my words like a fire and like a hammer it doesn't sound at all like that smooth preaching we heard the fluffy preaching that we heard from isaiah 30 sounds a lot like hard preaching the type of preaching that these people don't want to hear and that's the type of preaching that god actually expects of us from the pulpit is hard preaching my friend and it says in verse 30 therefore behold i am against the prophet saith the lord that steal my words everyone from his neighbor behold i am against the prophet saith the lord that use their tongues and say he saith you know there's a lot of a lot of prophets today that would claim to say that oh i'm a prophet from god this is what god says and they use god's word they steal his words according to the bible and they say god says when god didn't say it god didn't send these people that's exactly what we see here in the chapter and there's different ways that these prophets do these false prophets do it where they steal god's word and then they claim that this is what god said even though that's not what he said that the prophesying lies there's a few ways they do it and the first way they do it and and and a telltale sign of a cult you know a lot of people will say is a controlling information is a telltale sign of a cult is those who would you know hide information refrain information tell certain information and and just control the information that their congregation gets that's the telltale sign of a cult is information control how do these false prophets do it well they'll take the bible and just never preach like 90 of the bible there's just an entire scripture after scripture after scripture that will just never be taught never be read never be preached behind the pulpits of these liberal churches and you know you say in these churches will will never hear stuff being preached and they just refrain that information they withhold that information from their congregation so that's one way they do it they just hold back information they don't let their congregation know what the word of god really says but they do it a different way too they have another way of doing it and that is where they just anytime they do preach something controversial because that's why they don't preach it that's why they refrain from talking about the whole bible because it's controversial they'll lose members they'll lose money they'll lose their you know population at their church and so the times that they do preach something controversial they'll twist it and they'll basically explain it away that's how they'll do it is is if they do preach on something controversial they'll just explain it away how do they do that well there's there's two types of way they do it there's like a really charismatic way where again they'll just claim i seen i seen a vision god just told me in a dream that i know that's what the bible says and what it looks like that's what it says but it doesn't really say that because you know i saw this dream and i know jesus told me something different and so i'm going to tell you what it really means by this dream that i had and that's what they'll say at these churches or there's the more you know you know theological way to do it is that you need to you need to understand the context of the culture of the time to really understand what it's saying oh guffaw yeah and that's like that's how they like to sound is is you know really intellectual and make you you know make their congregation feel stupid and like well i guess i gotta listen to this guy he sounds like he knows what he's talking about and that's how they'll do it they'll say you know these controversial chapters you know like women having short hair men having long hair or you know women preaching you know keeping silence in the church you know because they love their women preachers and so you know when they come to those type of passages they'll just basically say well it's just the cult it was just the corinthian church it was that you know it was the roman culture of the time and paul just you know it was so misogynistic at the time and so paul just had to write and just you know he just had to kind of conform to the society and the culture that it was in that terrible roman empire and you know we need to look at that and recognize that you know that's why he wrote it that's why women are to keep silence because it's just the culture of the time and it's a lie my friend it's a bold faced lie because we see in first peter chapter 1 23 it says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of god which liveth and abideth forever for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass the grass withereth and the flower thereof fall the way but the word of the lord and doeth forever and what that's saying is that the glory of man you know this culture this whole roman culture of the time the roman culture is gone my friend it's gone it's dead it's withered away my friend it doesn't exist anymore all we have is the word of god which liveth and abideth forever we don't have this whole context of the culture of the time because the culture is gone so we could only trust what the bible says at this point my friends we could only trust the bible because that's what lives and abides forever and all this culture and whatever man says that's gonna wither away and that's not gonna last what's the third way they do it what's the third way they control information from their congregation well they do it probably the most prominent way they do it is through these modern bible perversions you know they'll use they'll use the niv they'll use the esv they'll use the nlt the hiv the aids the whatever version they want to use they use all these different versions and and in fact you know they'll have often times they'll have a big screen behind them and it has the verses there and you know because no one brings their bible to church and and they'll have these verses in one slide it'll be the niv version and then the next one is the esp because they don't just choose one they're going to choose a bunch of them and what they do is they use all these perversions and they get you know all these different wordings and all this different false doctrine to get god what they want god to say that's exactly what they do and it's gotten so bad my friend with these perversions i'm not joking you my friend it's getting worse and worse and these perversions are getting worse and worse and i'm going to prove that to you because i brought with you this isn't a bible comparison video but i brought with you a version that probably within the last five years or so has gotten extremely popular at these liberal churches at these mega churches and this is the message bible yeah i know i know look look away everyone look away i know it's disgusting this my friend is it makes the niv and esv look conservative let me just tell you i know i know i can't believe i'm saying that right now but it does this is so bad and this is being this bible is being promoted in liberal churches all across america my friend and i'm just going to go through a few verses to show you how bad these perversions are getting my friend and and and you know normally in bible comparison videos you know i have you turn to something in the king james i don't even have to do that because these verses are so commonly known that i mean you're welcome to turn there but you know we know a lot of these verses the most uncommon one i guess is isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 on the virgin birth it's a very popular verse you know for christmas and it says in the king james you can turn there if you want but it says therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name emmanuel very famous verse you know a lot of us know it right what does the message turn this to it says so the master is going to give you a sign anyway watch for this a girl who is presently a virgin will get pregnant you hear that a girl who's presently a virgin will get pregnant isn't that what happens with every woman who gets pregnant i mean every girl who's at one point presently a virgin yeah will get pregnant i mean that's kind of what happens to every girl who gets pregnant there's no miracle in that they completely disintegrate the the virgin birth from this from this modern perversion and not only that i mean that's not even the worst john 3 16 yeah i know john 3 16 i mean even the niv and the esv and other versions they're gonna basically get it right i mean you can't just come out and you know just destroy and tamper with john 3 16 but this version does just that what does john 3 16 say we know in the king james obviously for god to love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life we all know this verse what does the message turn it to this is how much god loved the world he gave his son his one and only son and this is why so that no one need be destroyed by believing in him anyone can have a whole and lasting life you hear that a whole and lasting life instead of everlasting life it's a whole and lasting life my friends what does it matter about a whole and lasting life i thought john 3 16 was about salvation going to heaven and it's turning into a whole and lasting life didn't queen elizabeth ii have a whole and lasting life at the ripe age of 96 you know she had it all she was rich she was famous she was popular she had it sounds like she had a whole and lasting life is that what this verse is about but it's not just john 3 16 my friend act 16 30 and 31 another soul-winning verse we know it serves what must i do to be saved and they said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved what does the message say serves what do i have to do to be saved to really live they said yeah they said put your entire trust in the master jesus then you'll live as you were meant to live and everyone in your house included again just talking about living as you were meant to live just living great on this life what does it matter about this life i thought this life was but a vapor that appeared for a little time and then vanished it away what does this life matter if you gain the whole world and then you lose your old soul my friend not only that romans 10 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved what does the message turn it to everyone who calls help god gets help unbelievable my friends these these these versions are so bad this this version takes the precious soul-winning verses where we go out every sunday and other days of the week to go preach the gospel to every creature we go pull people out of the fire and this message has turned it into nothing but living a good life when it doesn't matter if people die and go to hell what does it matter my friend and this is being promoted by false prophets all across america these wicked people who are going to be in america these wicked contemporary compromised content what does it matter my friend you say connie i don't know if i aren't you sure they're just a little mixed up in doctrine the bible says in the book of june bow on to them bow on to them for they have gone in the way of cain and ran greedily out to the arab balanford reward these are spots in your feasts of charity that feasts with you feeding themselves without fear because they are without water carried about of winds trees is fruit withered without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever that is what the bible says about these wicked fluffy phony fake false prophets you say connie you're crazy you're you're crazy if you think that's the word of god my friend you're crazy and they only do it for filthy lucre that's exactly what these false prophets do it's for filthy lucre's sake turn back to second peter chapter two second peter chapter two we've already read verse one and two and now look at verse three which says and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not and so we see there that these false prophets through covetousness they'll use these fake words they'll prophesy lies and and they do that in order to make merchandise they use this information control they they tell the people what they want to hear because to fill their own pockets and for filthy lucre's sake and you say cody i don't know if i believe you well i i i got a list here of these of a lot of famous uh contemporary church leaders and uh i i i searched on google their net worth and i just want to read for you that they're their net worth and i'm not going to say anything more not going to read you another verse i'm just going to let you decide if you think that they're in it for filthy lucre or not if you uh if if you're not sure if they're in it for filthy lucre or not then why do you think uh greg lorry at harvest here in riverside uh makes 20 20 million dollars in uh net worth you think he's in it for filthy lucre what about rick warren who's got a church plan here in anahim saddleback church if he's not in it for filthy lucre you you think maybe that 25 million dollars in net worth would say something what about brian houston from hillsong 10 million max zucato makes a lot of books 10 million steven furtick now this guy was a little hard to find actually he's pretty good he's pretty good at hiding a lot of stuff and i can see why because you know from what i found it's about 50 to 60 million dollars net worth i can see why he wants to hide it michael todd 5 million he's a steven furtick clone craig groeschel 5 million ravi zacharias 7 million matt chandler 5 million todd white 1 million bill johnston from bethel 10 million beth more tell 10 million joist meyer 8 million wait are those women preachers yeah yeah women preachers yep go figure john mccarthur 14 million beat now joist meyer by a good margin and and yes i do include these these big name calvinists as these contemporary churches as well because they have modern bible perversions you know they they don't sing that you know that they're not traditional you know they they have uh contemporary music as well and uh we see paul washer another calvinist 4 million ray comfort 11 million whoa ray comfort ray comfort did you repent of your filthy lucre did you repent of your covetousness ray comfort huh 11 million dollars in net worth ray comfort looks like you got something to repent of buddy franklin graham 10 million andy stanley 45 million now we're getting to the big dogs benny hannah 60 million joel osteen at 100 million and then kenneth copeland takes the cake 300 million you tell me if they're in it for money or not i'm not going to say anything further turn to luke chapter number seven luke chapter number seven so what i've covered so far is that a cult will obviously control the information that people get information control but there's other ways that they control their congregation as well and it's and it's through thought and emotion control they control people's thoughts and emotions and i think the best way that they do it is through the music the music at these churches are are the biggest thing i mean the music is the shepherd you gotta smite for this flock for the sheep to scatter my friend the music is so big at these churches and it does control their thoughts and emotions don't kid yourself music's powerful my friend we love music at this church but music is powerful and and they the the ccm the christian contemporary music of today they know how to control people's emotions they perfected that craft they know exactly how to perfect the tempo and the rhythm and the note what notes to hit and they could just build it up to control people's emotions and i think luke chapter seven is like the perfect example of a liberal church and we look here in verse 31 it says and the lord said where unto then shall i liken the men of this generation and so what are they like they are like unto children sitting in in the marketplace and calling one to another saying we have piped unto you and you have not danced we have mourned to you and you have not wept that's exactly what these liberal churches are like they'll play their upbeat music they'll pipe onto you and then they all just start dancing they're just whoa whoa you know they're just having a blast they're having so much fun and you know they always lift up their hands it's just so great and they'll start dancing around but then it's like the next song it's like we have mourned unto you and you've not wept and so the next song just be like oh it's just like you know they go they go from this way their hand motion and then to this way it's just oh it's just you know it's controlling their emotions my friend you know if you're able to turn from one song where you're dancing around and then the next song you're weeping and crying you're being controlled by your emotions my friend and that's what these liberal churches do to draw their members in draw the world in is by their rock music that sounds really good and really emotional and that's why all these people they have such shallow doctrine because that's exactly what they're getting their music from or their their doctrine from is from the music the shallow music produces shallow doctrine we don't sing we don't the hymns aren't shallow doctrine my friend that's why we sing the hymns because they're full of doctrine and just as a bonus this has nothing to do with the music but i thought verse 33 and 34 fit pretty well with uh liberal churches as well it says for john the baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine and you say he hath the devil they say you know john the baptist is such a religious Pharisee a find a fundamentalist a legalist and then it says the son of man has come eating and drinking and he say behold of gluttonous man in a wine bibber a friend of publicans and sinners is oh the son of man given a license to sin you know just oh just live however you want and isn't that exactly what what we hear all the time from these liberal churches we go and knock on their door and we preach the gospel and they say oh just believe you're just giving people a license to sin and then they look up the church and then they see what we preach on the homos or preach on you know the the wives being in subjection and the men loving their wives and proper gender roles and they're like oh you're being such a legalist yeah and that's what they do with these stuff that's that's their big common phrase you hear at these liberal churches is you know we got to have a balance between a license to sin and legalism that's what you hear all the time so i think that's a perfect example uh from of a liberal church here in luke chapter 7 but back to the music because again music's powerful and music is what controls and drives these mega churches my friend the music is so big so popular and this is the main thing this is what their doctrine is built on they have more respect and reverence toward the worship leaders than they do the pastor a lot of the times and i want to go through i want to name the names of certain mega churches tonight and i want to show you and these mega churches why i'm picking these ones out specifically these three is because these three are best known for their music bands their worship bands and and they are so popular not just in their own churches but all across america in liberal mega churches all across america i want to go through these specific churches and talk about why why these are actually cults because these these churches are cults my friend don't kid yourself i'm going to prove that to you tonight who's heard of elevation church steven furtick who's heard of that one yeah a few people you know steven furtick are you sure he's a cult leader why would you say that is it because he claimed that he's god almighty yes i'd say that's a pretty big cult leader thing is it because he claimed that god broke the law for love and that what he means is that jesus christ basically sin transgressed the law for love yeah that's that's pretty damnable heresy i'd say is it because he put out this coloring book for kids called the code and in it it's basically a coloring book of his face on it and it talks about you know obeying the leader and just listening to what steven pastor steven has to say i mean that's that's a little cult-like too having a kid's coloring book like that what about him supporting his son's ungodly rap music his son elijah furtick you know or should i call him dude a dash that's his rapper name he he has this ungodly rap album it's not and it's not christian rap it's not i know that's popular too but it's not christian rap it's it's just actually just your worldly like mumble rap or something and i i thought about reading to you some of the lyrics but honestly the lyrics are and this by the way his son's 16 years old uh but i i wanted to read for you the lyrics but honestly i don't think a lot of the lyrics are appropriate to read behind the pulpit i know that's great a 16 year old and the ones that i kind of found that might be appropriate it was just so stupid i just you can read it for yourself if you want but i would just stay away from it and just trust me when i say it's ungodly it's wicked he talks about having the nicest clothes the bentleys the nicest cars talking about all this money and even talks about owning guns 16 year old by the way owning guns drinking and fornicating and it's a 16 year old and this is a pk a pastor's kid steven furtick's kid and what you know does steven you know you know chastise him that does he punish him does he take away that rap album does he say you know he's he's a reproach unto me well his response in a facebook post was dear elijah you already know how proud i am of you but today on the release of tain machine that's the rap album i want you to know that you inspire me i'm i'm proud of your project i'm inspired by your process i'm grateful for the person you are and the potential of who you are becoming that's his response to his son's wicked ungodly rap album you tell me if you think that's a cult or not well let's move on to another one who's heard of bethel church bethel church yeah i see i all like bethel listen to bethel over here i'm just joking i'm just joking bethel probably the craziest one on this list i have to say and because there's just this wild assemblies of god pentecostal church and and they're so crazy uh not just not just the the naysayers like me would call them christian hogwarts but they themselves call themselves christian hogwarts i'm not kidding you you know because hogwarts is like the school of wizardry and witchcraft and they have a bethel school of supernatural ministry and so they call themselves christian hogwarts believe it or not and trust me they they match the name because they are the craziest pentecostal cults i think you you would ever see and and just to go over just a couple of the most craziest doctrines that they have i don't want to go into they have a lot of crazy stuff i i really can't cover how but it could be a whole sermon in and of itself but just a couple of their just craziest doctrines one is called grave soaking grave soaking i know it already sounds demonic but basically basically what grave soaking is is they go to the tomb of some great man of the faith like billy graham or c.s lewis you know all these you know false prophets burning in hell right now and they'll go to their tomb and they'll just like lay on their tomb and they'll just god give us the anointing of this great man of the faith and they'll just so they will they they say they soak up the anointing of these wicked false prophets and so that's their grave soaking doctrine and they have another one this is probably the craziest one it was about three years ago they had a hashtag called wake up olive hashtag wake up olive you say who's olive olive was a two-year-old girl who was the daughter of a couple of members at bethel and uh you know who tragically passed away in her sleep nothing to to you know make fun of make light of you know it's really tragic you know a two-year-old girl tragically dying or sleep but uh what do the parents do have a proper burial no for six days they had this wake up olive hashtag that didn't just reach the church but all over the world everyone all these mega churches in the entire world were praying that this two-year-old girl would rise again from the dead that god would raise her up from the dead and for six days they had the corpse of this girl in their church and they had services where they're dancing around speaking in all their gibberish and dancing around and praying that god would raise this girl up from the dead wicked exactly and this is what people are listening to this is the time this is the music that people are listening to today this is the cult music that people like to listen to today and churches all across america and it's evil it's necromancy my friend last one here most popular one who's heard of hill song hill song yeah a lot more people on this one here hill song is definitely the hill song is the spearhead of this entire contemporary church movement we see today hill song is just number one influential number one in music i mean if you look at these churches they all pattern themselves after hill song hill song is the church that all these mega churches and spy are inspired from and and by the way just this is a side note as well all these churches are like these like pentecostal assemblies of god type churches and you know oftentimes you know we get this whole you know oh first words baptist church is a cult i mean we hear that all the time oh we're a call we're a call you know and then then they'll say like you know pastor mahia is like jim jones steve pastor stephen anderson's like jim jones you know you hear that all the time right but does anyone know like has anyone looked up a jim jones service he was assemblies of god i don't know if anyone knew that but he's an assemblies of god pastor and i'm not joking you i i challenge you to to go on youtube type up jim jones service and then type in bethel service type in hillsong service any any liberal church you want to pick out search them up and look at their worship at their little worship sessions and their songs and and look at how they act and it's the same my friends you look at jim jones and you look at hillsong and you see the people just like doing this and going crazy and stuff it's the same thing my friend and so really who's the cult who's the cult let's go on hillsong what's wrong with hillsong too much to cover too much to cover my friends but i just want to i just want to kind of do an overview a little bit and just kind of focus on a one specific aspect and it's been stuff that's come out as of recently with hillsong why a lot of pastors have been having to step down because they're finding out that all these leaders in hillsongs are just a bunch of perverts and not only that the founder of hillsong frank houston who's dead he's burning in hell now frank houston the founder of hillsong was is now coming out that he's been that has been multiple accusations of pedophilia and child molestation the whole movements of this contemporary church the hillsong movement where all these churches are inspired it all comes from a pedophile my friend and not only that his son brian houston takes over the church and completely sweeps all that pedophilia under the rug his father's pedophilia under the rug he he he denies the victims he never talks to the victims he tries to shut them up pay them off and in fact he even told one victim that it was his fault that he tempted his father to molest him and and the guy was seven a seven-year-old boy at the time i'm sorry brian houston it kind of sounds like you're the pedophile too kind of sounds like you're taking after your dad a little bit brian houston sounds like brian houston's a pedophile and this is where all these mega churches are getting inspired from is from hillsong from hillsong all these churches get their music they get their doctrine and they try to pattern themselves after a whole movement a whole church that has been started by pedophiles that's what it all leads to my friend is you get a bunch of churches that pattern themselves after some pedophiles that's the downward spiral you take when you head to these liberal churches turn to second timothy chapter three second timothy chapter three i hope you all see tonight that those three churches i listed they are cults my friend they are in fact cults they control people with their emotions with their thoughts information control they control people they're a cult my friend what's the takeaway from this sermon we're in second timothy chapter three i want to focus here in verse six which says for this sort are they which creep in the houses and leave captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as janice and jamborees withstood moses so did these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith it's what these false prophets are my friend the reprobates the reprobates they do it for filthy lucre they tell people what they want to hear they creep in the houses they leave captive silly women laden with sins because hillsong's also got adultery problems with their leadership and they got all these different things they got you know uh molesting women as well there's been multiple accounts of that with different leaders and so that's what these people are they leave captain silly uh lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts and they resist the truth and the reprobate concerning the faith my friends but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be made manifest into all men as theirs also was and listen to this and this is what i want y'all to take away you say why why do you preach a sermon on liberal churches we all know that we're an independent fundamental baptist church you know i'm i'm king james only i'm new ifb you know i am you know i like the leather lung fire breathing preaching what does this have to apply to me well a lot of people unfortunately even in independent fundamental baptist churches could tend to become liberal at heart be a liberal christian at heart and that's the struggle my friends is although we could come suited and booted you know come come in a dress and and and and play the part sometimes we could get watered down we get weak in the faith and a lot of people will tend to come from a baptist church get saved in a baptist church and then eventually they slide away into one of these contemporary christian churches happens all the time i'm sure you've come out you know going out soul winning and you knock on someone's door and they're saved and then you ask them where they go to church and they're like oh harvest and you're like that doesn't make a lot of sense but it's but then you ask them further and it's like oh yeah but i was i grew up baptist i was in a baptist church and stuff and you ask yourself too and you ask yourself how did you get to this point because it's because they got watered down it's because they didn't endure sound doctrine and unfortunately after their own lust they keep to themselves these teachers because they got to a point where they just wanted someone to tell them what they want to hear they got sick of the hard preaching they didn't want their sins to be kept on preaching on and they just got tired they got out of the fight and they got watered down and ended up going to one of these liberal churches but this is the takeaway at verse 10 we see that it talks about reprobates earlier in second sympathy chapter three but then in verse 10 it switches gears and says but thou but thou but thou has fully known my doctrine we know the doctrine tonight we know the doctrine of salvation my friends we know the doctrines that the bible teaches even if it's controversial even if it's something that a lot of people won't accept we know the doctrine my friends we know what the bible says and we need to endure and and we need to and we need to know that sound doctrine we need to fully know that sound doctrine and that means we need to continually come to church we need to continually read our bibles we need to be filled with the spirit and we need to know the doctrine for sure and we also it says but thou has fully known my doctrine manner of life we know what manner of life we should have we should we know the type of lives we should live where we have proper roles where the husband is the head of the household and the woman is in subjection to her her own husband and then we know what we must do with child rearing we know how a home should go we know the manner of life we know how to act we know how to uh go about our daily lives as christians we know what the christian life is about we know the manner of life we know purpose faith we know our purpose we know our purpose is going out and preaching the gospel to every creature we know the faith and we know the long-suffering charity patience we know how to be long-suffering towards one another we have heard preaching on charity loving one another and you know we've also heard the patience that we are to have towards our brothers and sisters in christ and look at this we also know in verse 11 persecutions afflictions we know versus a lot of christians in this world we know what it's like to go through persecution and affliction we know what it's like and we know all we we know all of these things and so we need to remember that and look upon that and you know appreciate that we're in an independent fundamental baptist church don't take it for granted my friends don't take it for granted the doctrine we have here the king james bible tonight my friends because we could have trash like the message bible we could have trash like these other modern perversions but we have the right bible we have the right type of preaching we have the right manner of life don't forget about it don't forget where you come from where you are right now and don't go to one of these liberal churches thinking you're going to find something better you know and it all starts by being liberal at heart it starts by well is it are we really doing things right here i mean do we have to you know sing the hymns can't we have a little bit of contemporary music how bad is it that's the downhill spiral my friends to what all these churches have led up to that's where it all starts my friend is is is you get watered down in your heart and then it eventually leads you to go to one of these mega churches and look at verse number 13 but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them that's the way from the that's the takeaway from the sermon tonight is know where you learned your doctrine from know where you learned how to preach the gospel from know that this is the church that you should be in my friend independent fundamental baptist for life my friend don't get watered down and end up going to one of these liberal churches because you know you might not think so but it's a tendency for everyone it's a tendency for everyone to think that i'm just you know it seems really fun seems a lot more loose and it seems you know i could just get out of the fight they're not going to be judged as much it seems a lot more upbeat but you know you're you're going to fall into a lot of traps my friend and i hope i explained myself tonight of what these churches are like and prevent anyone from this church to ever want to go to one of these churches so that's the takeaway from the sermon tonight let's bow our heads in our word of prayer father god thank you for uh the service today lord and for the people within the service today lord and i pray lord that you help us all to appreciate what you have given us lord and we thank you for what you've given us lord for the king james bible for being an independent fundamental baptist church and for the pastors that uh preach the word unfiltered and with uh with with all truth and all doctrine and we learn all the doctrines that you have for us in the bible lord and we thank you for all of that and and help us to appreciate what we have lord and to not back down and not get out of the fight and not get watered down and go to one of these liberal churches lord so help us to be filled with the spirit each and every day lord and help us as we go on our way we pray this all in jesus name amen please turn your song books to song number 220 song number 220 here is our last song jesus is all the world to me song number 220 all together nice and strong on that first verse jesus is all the world to me my life my joy my all he is my strength from day to day without him i would fall when i am sad to him my goal no other one can cheer me so when i am sad he makes me glad he's my friend jesus is all the world to me my friend in trial sore i go to him for blessings and he gives them over and over he sends the sunshine and the rain he sends the harvest golden grain rain sunshine and rain harvest of grain he's my friend jesus is all the world to me and true to him i'll be oh how could i this friend deny when he's so true to me following him i know i'm right he watches or me day and night following him by day and night he's my friend jesus is all the world to me i want no better friend him now i'll trust him when life's fleeting days shall end beautiful life with such a friend beautiful life that has no end eternal life eternal joy joy he's my friend amen wonderful singing you are dismissed