(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening. Tonight we're in Proverbs chapter 14. Proverbs chapter 14 in the Bible reads, Every wise woman buildeth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with their hands. He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord, but he that is perverse in his ways despiteth him. In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride, but the lips of the wise shall perverse them. Where no oxen are, the crib is clean, but much increase is by the strength of the ox. A faithful witness will not lie, but a false witness will utter lies. A scorner seeketh wisdom and findeth it not, but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth. Go from the presence of a foolish man when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge. The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly of fools is deceit. Fools make a mock at sin, but among the righteous there is favor. The heart knoweth his own bitterness, and a stranger doth not in her mettle with his joy. The house of the wicked shall be overthrown, but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful, and the end is that mirth is bitterness. The backslider and heart shall be filled with his own ways, and a good man shall be satisfied from himself. The simple believeth every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going. A wise man feareth and departed from evil, but the fool rageth and is confident. He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly, and a man of wicked devices is hated. The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. The evil bow before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous. The poor is hated even in his own neighbor, but the rich hath many friends. He that despises his neighbor sinneth, but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he. They do not err that devise evil, but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good. In all labor there is profit, but the talk of lips tendeth only in penury. The crown of the wise is their riches, but the foolishness of fools is folly. A true witness delivereth souls, but a deceitful witness speaketh lies, and the fear of the Lord is strong confidence, and his children shall have a place of refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death. In the multitude of people is the king's honor, but in the want of people's destruction of the prince. He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding, but he that is hasty of spirit exalted folly. Sound heart is the life of the flesh, but envy the rottenness of the bones. He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his maker, but he that honoreth him hath mercy on the poor. The wicked is driven away in his wickedness, but the righteous hath hope in his death. Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding, but that which is in the midst of fools is made known. Righteousness exalted the nation, but sin is a reproach to many people. The king's favor is toward a wise servant, but his wrath is against him that causeth shame. Let's pray, dear Lord God, just thank you for this church you've given us, Lord, and for the King James Bible. Lord, we pray that you bless pastor right now with the Holy Spirit, Lord, as he preaches unto us your word, Lord, and us and the congregation will take these truths and apply to our lives, Lord. We pray this all in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Okay, we're in Proverbs chapter 14 this evening, and look down at verse number four. It says here, where no oxen are, the crib is clean, but much increase is by the strength of the ox. And the title of my sermon this evening is clean up your ox's crib. Clean up your ox's crib. Now, what is an ox? Obviously it's a beast of burdens, animal, it's a beast that farmers would typically use, and what this passage is saying is that having an ox is advantageous, right? It can help increase production. When a person possesses an ox, the ox can reduce the amount of manpower needed to accomplish any task, and thereby allocating their efforts to more important ventures and achievements. So instead of having a man plow a field, the ox can get it done faster, more easily, therefore producing more food for their families and even for their business, right? And in fact, you know, he can, with a team of oxen, essentially cultivate ten times faster than a farmer with a hoe. And so if a man has an ox or a yoke of oxen, he can just simply get more done. And what the principle that's being taught here in Proverbs chapter 14 is that there are certain assets and possessions that will undoubtedly increase your productivity, it will undoubtedly increase your revenue, it will undoubtedly increase your influence, it'll just help you to be more successful in life, right? But keep in mind though, listen to this, keep in mind that along with the increase comes the responsibility to clean up after the ox, meaning that the ox needs food and needs shelter and it just makes a major mess all over the place, okay? Meaning that it just craps all over the place. So you have the responsibility of cleaning up after the ox, even though it's able to give you all types of production and increase, it says there, where no oxen are, the crib is clean. And if you don't want to deal with the mess, then don't take the ox, right? Don't use the ox. But if you want to increase your productivity, if you want to increase how much food you're bringing in, how much revenue you're having, how much achievements, how many tasks you want to get done, how much whatever it is, then get the ox, but just keep in mind you're gonna have to take care and maintain the ox. If you don't, then you're just gonna have a huge mess on your hands. Now let me just say this regarding this proverb, is that it's not discouraging the farmer from ever getting an ox, right? But rather helping the farmer to be realistic, to understand that there is a whole lot of dung that he has to clean up after. It's just being realistic about the whole situation. So let me just give you a few illustrations that can essentially, where we see this principle, where we can apply this principle in our personal lives, and then I'm gonna give you three main areas for our church to consider tonight, okay? Regarding cleaning up after your ox. Go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10, if you would, Ecclesiastes chapter 10. Let me just give you some basic illustrations. You know, when you get a brand new car, it's great, right? You get a, I don't know, an import, a foreign import or whatever, just a brand new car in general, it's great. It doesn't really break down, it just runs well, looks nice, right? Comes with all the bells and whistles, but if you ever get in an accident and it's some expensive import, I mean, now you're in a huge mess, right? Because now you got to import the parts, it's harder to fix, you know, with that ox and the increase in speed that you get with that ox becomes more of a responsibility to clean up after it, you know, if something were to happen. Think about this, a bigger house is like an ox, right? And, you know, this is something that kind of hits home to us because, you know, we just move into a bigger home for my family and I, and we've never lived in a house this big, and quite frankly, it's just a lot to do around the house. My wife is just constantly working around the clock, not that she wasn't before, but now even more so now because the bigger the ox, the bigger the mess that it makes, you understand? And the reality is this, is that if that's not being taken care of, if she just allows things to just kind of go unchecked, unclean, it'll just accumulate and then you'll have a huge mess in a matter of a week span of, you know, what happens with, you know, seven people living in a household. Look at Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 18, it says, by much slothfulness the building decayeth and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. This is basically telling us the same thing, what Proverbs chapter 4 is saying is that, you know, there's much increase by the strength of the ox, but if you don't want to deal with the mess then don't have an ox, because when no oxen are, the crib is clean. If you don't want to deal with the stress of having to clean a big house or whatever or wherever you're living, you know, you can become a minimalist or something and just, you know, live in the middle of nowhere with four walls or something and you won't have to clean up so much, right? But obviously that is the principle. Not only that, but think about this, when you get a promotion at work, it's great, right? Get paid more, maybe you receive a little more responsibility, more respect from your colleagues, but it comes with a lot more dung to deal with. It comes with a lot more responsibilities that you have to deal with, right? And you're, you are accountable for more people and everything rises and falls on leadership. It's great to have this ox of, you know, a promotion and more money, but with that comes more problems as well. The Bible tells us, you know, in Colossians chapter four, when talking to masters, those who are in charge, it says, masters given to your servants that which is just and equal, knowing that ye also have a master in heaven. So aside from the fact that God expects for bosses to be just here and they have all the kinds of issues that they have to deal with, with their employees, you know, there's also spiritual accountability there as well, where God wants to make sure that they are being just with their employees. It's just a greater responsibility that you have. Think about this, having more money and more possessions is great, right? More money, more possessions, more oxen, great, you can do more. You have basically more options when you have more money. I mean, the Bible literally says that money answer with all things. You just have a wider variety of options to choose from, but man, there comes a lot of problems with having more possessions and more money. Go to Ecclesiastes chapter five, if you would, Ecclesiastes chapter number five, and by the way, on this particular point, that's why it's important for us to realize that if you have more money, there's nothing wrong with that, you just got to make sure that money doesn't have you. You can have possessions, just make sure those possessions don't possess you. That it'll hinder you from being in church, from reading the Bible, from minding spiritual things, from sowing that which is spiritual is the most important thing, may it not hinder you from seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness. If that's the case, then you can't handle possessions. If that's the case, you can't handle money, okay? Look what it says in verse 10 of Ecclesiastes 5, it says, he that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver. You say, who's gonna be satisfied with silver? The person who's content and receives silver will be satisfied with whatever he gets, right? It says, nor he that loveth abundance with increase, this also is vanity. When goods increase, they are increased that eat them. What is that saying? We're not oxen are the crib is clean, but much increases by the strength of the ox, telling us that the more possessions we have, the more things exist that can destroy those things. Moth and rust doth corrupt, thieves can break through and steal, things break down, and it says here, and what good is there to the owners thereof, saving the beholding of them with their eyes. That's what's important folks, that if you have possessions, use them. Don't just have possessions just to behold with your eyes, you don't want no one to touch your boat, you don't want no one to touch your vehicle, you don't want no one to mess with your possessions, use those things. Those things are meant to be used, those things are meant to, you know, facilitate whatever things you got going on. Don't be, you know, my wife went to a, I think it's called, it's an estate, I can't remember what it's called, what's the word I'm looking for? State cell. Where, you know, someone passes away and then they're basically trying to sell everything in that particular house, and she's like, oh, so she found out about that, so she went there, and she said that that house was just absolutely beautiful, and they had all types of antiques, grandfather clocks, and the more she just went through each room, she realized like wow, these people had a lot of valuable things. I mean, gold and just, you know, antiques from different countries, from Egypt, they were just, they traveled a lot and they collected all these things, but nothing ever happened to them though. They're just there, and guess what, now they're just selling, they're selling these invaluable possessions for a lot less, and why? Because these people, all these people did was just behold it with their eyes, but they did nothing with it, and obviously we don't want, doesn't mean we should be careless with what we have and the possessions that we have, but the point is, you should use them and not be the Ecclesiastes 5 guy who just beholds them with his eyes, he ends up perishing, and nothing is done with it. Verse 12 says, the sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much, but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep. What is the point? The point is this, is that it's great to have possessions, it's great to have more money, but just keep in mind that more problems come with more money. There's a song about that back in the day, more money, more problems, okay, and it is absolutely true, yeah, money answerth all things, but with that comes also more problems, okay. Now that's not to say that God is against you making money, you just got to take into account that if there's an ox there, it's gonna make a mess, you got to clean up after the ox, okay. Think about this, you know, more children is great, and the Bible is pro having children, you say, well how many children does God really want people to have? As many as he gives you. It's not a particular number, you can't give a particular number, because it really depends, right. I don't think anybody should do anything to hinder themselves from having children, like birth control, or the Roman Catholic method, or whatever, you know, I think we should just be husband and wife, and pray to the Lord to give us as many children as he wills, right, and not hinder that, but just keep in mind that more children comes, guess what, more problems, okay. You say why, because now there's a bunch of little lives you're responsible for, you have to train them up in the way that should go, you have to make sure that you take responsibility with not only providing for them physically, financially, but even spiritually as well, okay, and so that's important. It's great to have children, and I love my five children, they bring a lot of joy to my life, you know, I love coming home to my family, it's one of the greatest joys of my life, just to come home, and all my little ones just come, and they tackle me, and they kiss me, and they give me hugs, I mean it's great, I know it's not always gonna be that way, but I'm gonna cherish it while it's still lasting, man, it's great, but obviously there's issues that come with that, you know, fevers, and you know earaches, and hospital bills, and just, you know, just diapers, I mean literal dung that comes with it, right, body training, and all these things that you have to deal with. Now this is not a discouragement to have children, because just as Proverbs 14 is telling us, it's not discouraging the ox, it's trying to help you to understand, you got to take into account that these are the same things you have to deal with, so it's great to have the increase, it's great to have the ox that brings the increase, but do not neglect cleaning up after your ox, okay. Now let's give, let's get practical here, and let me get into my main points this evening, and I don't think I'm gonna be long tonight, but you know how that goes when I say that. Let me just highlight three particular ox, or oxen, okay, in our lives that we need to take into account, and clean up after, okay. Let's talk about the ox of a church, okay. The bigger a church gets, the more we can do for God, amen. So why are you tearing down this wall? To make the crib bigger, you know, we want to make the crib bigger, to have more people come, the church grows numerically, spiritually, we are able to train labors for the harvest, which means more people get saved, more people are returned to righteousness, more fellowship, more people standing up for the truth, more people are being restored, I mean the list just goes on, and on, and on, of all the great things that come attached with a growing church. More sowing, more salvation, more discipleship, more fellowship, oh man, almost seems like we can, we've had, it's like we've already kind of peaked in that, but yeah, more fellowship with more people, more people being turned to righteousness, but here's the thing, more problems as well, okay. And you know, this is one of the reasons why people like a small church, which I'm not for that philosophy at all, okay. There's people who are like, well I just like the cozy, you know, little church where everyone just kind of knows each other, and I just prefer for it not to get crazy big, that's a small vision, okay, and that's a selfish, that's a selfish desire to just want to keep the church small just for your own self satisfaction, we should desire that the church grows numerically, spiritually, why? So we can do more for God, because the church is the epicenter of service, where we send out soul owners and missionaries, we're preaching God's Word, raising up godly families, we should want to multiply that exponentially, right, but we just got to keep in mind, I'm trying to prepare you as a church to expect there's gonna be problems over the next couple years, okay. You're like, do you know of any? I don't know of any, but I'm just, I just know by experience that the bigger a church gets, the more problems we're gonna have, okay, and the reason that's important to take into consideration, go to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 if you would, 1st Corinthians 1, the reason that's important is because we don't want you, or I don't want you, to experience some of these problems and just be like, I can't believe this is happening in our church, with all these people, you know, why are these people getting divorced, why are those adultery, what about fornication and drunkenness, that's what happens, I mean think about the church at Corinth, which is a fairly large church, okay, it's a fairly large church, they had all kinds of problems, they had doctrinal problems, moral problems, just sinful problems, two letters had to be written to them because they had so many problems, why? Because we're no oxen, are the crib is clean, but much increase is by the strength of the ox, and you know, it reminds me of years ago, there was a pastor who claimed to be new IFB, and he claimed to just, you know, be a part of our team or whatever, and you know, he's like criticizing us in 2020, you know, because of the whole COVID thing or whatever, which we never shut down, and he's like, we never closed down, you know, we have, it's easy for you to say, you have like four people in your church, who's gonna close down a church of four people? I got more people in my family than four, like my family's bigger than that church, you understand? So it's like, yeah, we don't have those issues, and yeah, because you got four people in your church, but you know, the bigger a church gets, let me just say this, the more fornication is gonna take place, the more division that there's gonna be, the more the likelihood of heresy entering in, that's just fact, so don't be just this, don't have an unrealistic expectation of church growth to think that just because the church gets big, that means we're just, none of that stuff is gonna get through, no, that means it's more likely that those things are gonna happen in our church, okay? You say like, what? Well, as I mentioned, division, there's gonna be divisions in our church, and just mark it down, as this is being recorded, I will repost this particular clip someday in the future, because I guarantee it's gonna happen, you know, there will be divisions, where there will be people who are trying to create schisms in our church, trying to split the church, that's gonna happen, and don't be the person who says, well then, let's just stay small then, you know, I don't want to clean up after that ox, yeah, but much increases by the strength of the ox though, so I'd rather risk, you know, having those types of divisions, schisms and splits, but get the increase, then just to say, well, I don't want the problems, therefore, I don't want to clean up after the ox, so therefore, let's just not grow at all, that's nonsense, that's a small vision, I don't believe that's God's will, okay, look at 1st Corinthians 1 verse 10, now I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment, for it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you, now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ, is Christ divided, was Paul crucified for you, or were you baptized in the name of Paul, I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius, lest any should say that I baptized in my own name, what does it say, you know, I'm hearing all these things that you guys have like these little clicks in your church, right, one is saying, well I'm with Paul, the other one's like, well I'm with Apollos, another guy is just like, well I'm with Cephas, oh you mean Peter, why don't you just say Peter, you know, I'm with Cephas, and the other guy's like, well I'm a Christ follower, right, he's like, I'm not with any of these guys, that's called a schism, that's called division, we're all on the same team, right, and you know, this is gonna happen where people, this has happened in the past, it'll continue to happen, where people try to pin the pastors in a new way, be against one another or something, you know, they try to make it seem as though because we have differences, which there's nothing wrong with having differences, somehow that means that we should be pinned up against one another, and you know, oh you know, we get to interview this pastor on this podcast, because he's the most reasonable new IFP pastor out there, or something like that, you know, that's obviously an example there, right, whereas the Bible says that we're just on the same team, and what's funny about this is that, you know, people will say, oh you know, new IFP, you guys just have to be in lockstep with Pastor Anderson, but then on the same token, they'll say, they'll try to magnify the divisions and the differences that we have with one another, so which one is it, are we in lockstep, or do we have notable differences between one another, you see what I'm saying, what it is, is a consorted effort to create division within the movement, within pastors, and this is not just gonna happen with churches, but even in our church, okay, and this is obviously something we have to be aware of, you're like, well I'm not really for that, that's kind of scary to me, to think that maybe our church can split one day, and you know, people can just, you know, draw away disciples after them, and something like that can happen, I'm willing to risk that if there's more increase by the strength of the ox, so don't let that scare you, and in fact, let me just say this, let me just go on record to say, if there's like a devil in here, and you take half of the church, see ya, you know, don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you, and so I'm not, that doesn't bother me at all, if that's what takes place, that's what takes place, I'm just letting you know beforehand, that when you have an ox, you're gonna have a lot of dung to pick up after, so don't expect for a church to grow and not have these particular issues, go to chapter 5 if you would, or excuse me, chapter 4, chapter 4, you know there's gonna be problems with divisions, and then there's also gonna be usurpers, what are usurpers? People who don't like spiritual authority, okay, who are gonna criticize authority, criticize my leadership, criticize me as being a pastor, they're gonna try to draw away disciples after them, you know, they're gonna be like the Absaloms of First Works Baptist Church, it's gonna happen, because the larger a church gets, the harder it is to keep track of everyone, right, and what everyone is doing, that's just the natural course of things, and so look at 1st Corinthians 4 verse 16, wherefore I beseech you be followers of me, for this cause have I sent unto you to Mothias, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways, which be in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church, now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you, but I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, and will know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power, for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power, so what is he saying, there's a lot of people in the church at corn, they're talking a lot of trash, questioning my authority, they're questioning whether I should even have any influence over this church, but I'm gonna see them face to face, and we'll see, you know, we'll see these people who are puffed up if they really have the power, you've got the power, we're about to see if you truly have that authority, if you can actually say that when you're confronted to the face, and this is why he says this in verse 21, what will you, shall I come to you with the rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness, he's like, should I come and just discipline you guys for this, and you know what, we need more leadership in church that is willing to pull out the rod on the congregation, we need more leadership out there that is unwilling to capitulate to the whims of the church members, you know, for doctrinal, or divisions, or whatever that's going on, and just pull out the rod, regardless of what the consequences are, and the Apostle Paul was willing to do that, he's like, he's like, I'll leave it up to you though, do you want me to come to you with the rod, you need a whooping, spiritual whooping, in order to get you back on track, that's what he's telling them, look at chapter 5, so with the bigger ox comes more increase, becomes more problems, divisions, there's gonna be usurpers, people who are questioning my authority, people are gonna fight against me, people who are gonna try to lead you astray, trying to create a faction in our church, to lead people astray, to draw away disciples after them, because they are usurpers, they're just despisers of governments, that's just the natural course of how, what happens when a church begins to grow, not only that, but guess what, more sin will be present in our church, not because we have a sinful church, but because our church is made up of sinners, so just more, it's just higher percentage of likelihood that people are gonna be involved in fornication, and folks, this is why that myself as a pastor, I have to consistently preach against this stuff, against fornication, you know what, I need to consistently, passionately, angrily preach against divorce, why, because this, you know, we're gonna have divorced people come through, or people that come to our church get married and get divorced, whichever one, and they're gonna want to justify their divorce and justify their remarriage, and you know, if you allow that in the church, it can create a snowball effect, whereby the next generation will be accepting and tolerating of that, and then our children are getting married and divorced and remarried and all that, we don't want that to happen, you say what do you got against divorced people, nothing, I mean I love the divorce people in our church, I just have again, I have this against divorced people is that those who try to promote divorce, try to promote divorce and remarriage, try to justify it, and let me just go on record to say once again is that divorced people should not be trying to develop relationships with people in our church, especially with people that have never been married, it's not right to do, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you know what, I'm coming with the rod right now to kind of let you know and to remind you that if I find out that's going on in our church, then guess what, I have to call it out, you understand, because it's not right, it's not right for you to try to get someone to marry you after you've been divorced to a person trying to get someone, trying to marry someone who's never had that relationship before, they've never experienced that, but somehow it's okay for you to do it, wrong, it's completely wrong, but you know what, the bigger our church gets, the more that's gonna be prevalent and the more I'm gonna have the uncomfortable responsibility to keep bringing up in the sermon, and you know sometimes people get tired of that, they're just like, oh man, again, yeah, again, I just got to say it again and again and again and again, because sometimes people forget or they try to go about and justify that action and I get it, I understand you might be lonely and you know you don't want to remain unmarried, I get it, but you know what, this is what the Bible says and we cannot permit that, look, I don't throw people out if people get married in our church that have been divorced, they don't get church discipline for that, so don't go around saying that either, that people will get thrown out for doing that, because I'm not, I don't do that, okay, I do tell people that if you do that, I'm not putting my stamp of approval on it, you can go to the courthouse and do that, that's what you want, keep it to yourself, and when you come back, don't try to promote that to other people as though that's a sanctioned way, a church sanctioned way of going about things and trying to justify the remarriage and all that and stop bringing up the whole reprobate card too, oh it's just a different situation because my spouse, my wife, or my husband was a reprobate, I hear that all the time, it's just, it's just, it's a cop-out to try to disobey God's Word and look, let's say, let's say the spouse was a reprobate, you know, nowhere in the Bible does it say that you can still remain, does it give that caveat or that escape clause to say, you know, you can't remarry unless that person was a reprobate or something, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm just letting you know though that the larger our church gets, the more likely that this stuff is going to come up, okay, and in fact look at 1st Corinthians 5 verse 1, it is reported commonly that there's fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife, talk about disgusting, this is not necessarily incest, this is essentially a man committing fornication with his deceased father's wife who's not his mother's, essentially his stepmom, to form I guess you could say of incest but it's not necessarily incest directly, now this is wicked, this is going on in the church and it says that it was reported commonly among you, this is why fornication is so rampant in megachurches, it's so rampant, it happens all the time, why? Because the pastor allowed the church to grow, he possessed the ox and he liked the increase but he didn't clean up after the ox and you know what, after a while you're walking in the crib and there's all kinds of dung everywhere, he probably just got used to it and now everyone just steps over the dung instead of shoveling it up and taking it out and throw where it needs to be thrown and therefore now you can't even see the floor is just filled with dung everywhere, that's how a lot of megachurches are where they just kind of turn a blind eye to fornication, yeah they know it's sinful but we got to let people time to grow, we got to disciple them, we can't judge them, the Bible says you know I you know the fact that Paul he wasn't present but he judged already and so that needs to be judged and it's actually one of the sins according to chapter 5 that merits excommunication, what's the point that I'm making with this, the point is I'm trying to prepare us for numerical growth okay, prepare for numerical growth, a lot of increase, a lot of new soul winners, a lot of new Christians, you know what's great about a bigger church is that more people get on fire for God, you know some of you who are maybe a little lax and apathetic maybe you lost your zeal, you're gonna meet some of these new Christians and it's gonna light a fire under your rear end to see how zealous they are for the things of God and it's gonna provoke you unto love and to good works, that's what's great about having an ox, it's like wow look at that ox is just plowing that field, just going sowing, just reading their Bibles, just coming to church, I mean you've seen it, I've seen it, new Christians come, they come consistently, every single service, they're on fire and you know what it provokes you, does it not, at least it should, that's what's great about the ox but let me just say this, with the bigger church I'm just telling you it's gonna come more problems, but hey I'm cool with it, I'm just warning you about it, I'm cool with bigger problems, you know life is a problem, life is problems, okay and so I'm already prepared for it, I know whether it's gonna happen, it's not gonna catch me off guard, maybe some of the things might catch me off guard, I might be surprised initially, but I know for a fact that when we possess an ox more problems will come, the crib needs to be cleaned up though, okay so if if and when we grow and we will grow, it's our job and my job more specifically to clean the crib, okay and let me say this on a practical way, with the bigger church we got to clean up the crib, so don't be leaving trash and all in your pews and stuff, don't let your children just rip up the bulletins, rip up the styrofoam cups and just leave it everywhere, clean up after yourself, hey and by the way this isn't your house, don't just leave your socks everywhere in your shoes, teach your kids how to behave themselves in the house of God, okay if you know there's shoes everywhere and socks and they're just jumping over everything like it's their own furniture, this isn't their crib, this is the ox's crib, okay we need to clean up and make sure that we're taking care of the house of God, okay and so yeah bigger church is great but you know what it's gonna be a bigger mess though, it's just gonna be a bigger mess and so every single one of us need to take responsibility and put stuff away, make sure that your kids are not drawing all over the the hymn books, okay and let me just say this, don't be drawing all over the offering envelopes either, don't use that so Peabody can have something to do during the preaching, why don't you tell them to pay attention in church instead, okay teach them and not have them draw all over the offering envelopes and color all over the hymnals and put stickers all over the hymnals or whatever, you know clean up after the ox, you know after service, this is what you need to do after the service, this very practice is life-changing here, okay giving you life-changing principles, after the service look to the left and look to the right, you know pick up all your trash and you know you said what about yourself pastor, my wife's watching this she's getting this preaching too, clean up after the kids Sarah, I'm not respecting our people, we all got to do it amen and so I know we're not excited about, I know we're excited about being able to bring our Red Bulls and rock stars and Celsius and you know all our coffees and drinks and all milkshakes whatever you got going on into the service, hey I know you're excited about bringing the ox into the building but just clean up after yourself though, okay if you spill coffee don't turn a blind eye to it, go pick up after yourself, go throw it away, ask brother Hernandez where he can, you can get some cleaning solution to clean it up or whatever, be responsible, clean up after your ox number two, regarding the subject of cleaning up the ox's crib, let's talk about the ox of marriage because we kind of touched on that a little bit, you know marriage is wonderful okay and I'm gonna compare it to an ox, why are you laughing why because it just increases more joy, just awesome, marriage is such a wonderful institution, I you know I don't regret ever getting married, it's just it's it's life-changing, it's you know that you have the physical relationship with the sanction by God, that's wonderful, you have emotional support, you know children are a byproduct of that, children are just awesome to have around you, it's just a joyous thing to experience, you're not alone, you have there's so many things that come with just marriage you know but let me just say this, there's a lot of increase with marriage but there's a lot of problems there too, so don't have this unrealistic expectation about marriage where well when I get married we're King James only so we're just gonna be fine and dandy okay we're King James only, we're soul winners, we're new IFBE, you know we got all our ducks in order, don't work that way, you're sinners, you're sinners above everything else, so when two people who are sinners get married often the product is sin, there's problems that come with it, there's issues, you have to clean up after yourself and don't have this unrealistic expectation when we get married everything is just gonna be perfect, there's gonna be no problems because the first time that a problem comes it's gonna shake you if you have that expectation, it's gonna shake you, it's gonna discourage you, you're gonna think oh man we just did I make a mistake in marrying this person, no you didn't make a mistake because once you're married it's God's will, it's like my father-in-law used to say you know if you don't think she was God's will you don't think he was God's will, he is now, she is now and let me just say this okay and this is very important and the vast majority I think of the people here it's possible that you will not agree with me at all about this, maybe some of you will but maybe a lot of you won't and that is when you start having, when dung starts just collecting in your marriage okay the crib is just being, it's just piling up with dung and you just can't shovel it all out let me just say this you need professional help, get some professional help, get someone with more experience to help you and you know what I've observed as a pastor is that there's Christians, marriages, they will experience all kinds of problems in their marriage just getting no help whatsoever, they're just willing to just crash and burn as a couple because the husband is just not willing to get help because the wife is just unwilling to get any help whatsoever and here's the thing you know it's your life, it's your marriage, do what you want but you know what the dung is piling up so high we can all smell it and when you come to church guess what the dung is coming up to my nostrils, it's coming up to other people's nostrils and then people get concerned about what's going on with you guys, don't get quiet on me now, so you have one or two options, clean up after yourself, put in the work to maintain your marriage and make it better and you know what if you can't do it it's okay this is why you have a church, get some help, don't be so prideful you're like pastor you know I never had an ox before you know how do I maintain this ox I'm like I can help you you know I've had an ox of a marriage for seven years and it's been pretty successful eight years I think it's eight years going on nine years nine years you know I've had it for like nine years and so you know I'm not no one's an expert at this but I've succeeded in it and I had my my share of troubles and dung that I've had to deal with and my wife has had to deal with and we've come forth as gold we're not perfect and so by the way just let me let you know this is that my marriage is not perfect not that you would think so but just in case you did we don't just like wake up in the morning like hello the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 31 and I'm just arising calling her blessed and she's just like you know we just levitate off the floor and then you know I just like pull out of King James Bible and I'm just that's not reality I wake up the way you wake up ugliest sin I boogers all over the place in a bad mood I'm not gonna speak for my wife because she's beautiful to me all the time okay but you know what we're regular humans just like you okay and so we've had our share of problems we've had our share of issues but you know what Christianity has allowed us to work things through and you know what if we've ever had an issue that we couldn't work through guess what we did we got help you're like wait but what you're a pastor and does that mean I don't go to someone who has more experience than myself that's the wise thing to do you said why would you do that because I don't want my Chris well I don't I don't want my wife and I to live in a crib of dung to the point where we're coming to church and we just smell like dung but we have lived and done for so long we can't smell the dung but everyone else can hello hey I'm just trying to tell you get some help why not God's giving you a church he's giving you a pastor there's other godly or couples in the church that are doing well why not go to them for help you know why I'll tell you why cuz you're prideful that's why yeah you're prideful put your pride aside and get some help well I'm just gonna figure it out on my own all right whoa all right month later two months late I don't know about that oh it's getting real quiet so here's here's your options and look you came here you purposely came here tonight here's your options clean up after yourself in your marriage don't have an unrealistic expectation well I thought that she was just gonna be godlier I thought that she was just you know took she's supposed to take care of her responsibilities I thought he was supposed to just lead the home I thought yeah you thought all kinds of stuff because both of you put your best foot forward and now you understand that both of your feet stink reality check Wow that doesn't mean you can't have a wonderful marriage because you can't live with my wife for nine years and you know what I loved every single moment of it have we had our issues absolutely have we had our tips yes does that mean like oh you know we just you know the only solution is divorce or let's just not talk about our problems at all I let's just go ahead and put a fake smile on when we come to church all the while the crib is just stinking like dumb folks there's there's been families who have come to our church with that same attitude putting the fake smile the fake countenance the fake spirituality and they're burning the marriage is burning because of it get help get someone who knows how to work with the ox get someone who has a big shovel have their pastor someone come to you and say can you help me shovel out the dung out of my marriage you know I don't like picking up dung but I'd be willing to do it for you because I love you and if that's what it takes let's clean up the dung let's do it I'm not your enemy have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth look marriage is awesome having that ox is great that ox you know you just you'll never be alone physically speaking you have that emotional support there and it's just a blessing but folks can you just follow the principle though of cleaning up after yourself then not just let problems go unfettered untouched just just ignore it we can't ignore it because there comes a point where the problems get so big and mountainous that just everyone starts knowing about it amen go to first current what I have you turn first Corinthians 7 go to first Corinthians 7 if you would first Corinthians chapter 7 it says in verse 26 I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress I say that it is good for a man so to be what is the Apostle Paul saying he says in his opinion it's better to just be single in his opinion though and the the case that he's making is that it's better to be single for the ministry sake right because then you could just you're more free to do more than someone who's married okay you just have that much liberty verse 27 says are thou bound unto a wife seek not to be loose or that loose from a wife seek not a wife but if thou marry thou hast not sin now let me just clarify what this means real quick before people try to use this as a justification for remarriage let me clarify this this passage is saying when it talks about other bound unto a wife seek not to be loose is basically saying like if you're married don't try to be like get divorced right but then he says there are that loose from a wife seek not a wife the only way you could be loosed from your spouse according to Romans chapter 7 is if your spouse dies and that is not permission for you to kill your spouse divorce is not the option death is the option we're for death not divorce right that's what Romans 7 teaches right that's what the Bible says so he says art thou loosed from a wife seek not a wife so he's saying if your spouse in this particular case your wife dies you shouldn't seek a wife why is he saying that because he's saying it's better to just remain single and do more for the Lord but then that he follows up in verse 28 and says but and if thou marry thou hast not sinned now why is he saying that because of the fact that the only time it's justifiable for a person to get remarried is if their spouse has died because at that point they're loose from the law of their husband they shall not be called an adulterer or an adulteress that makes sense to everyone and so you know lest anybody should try to use this as a justification for remarriage look at verse 28 but and if thou marry thou hast not sinned and if a virgin marry she hath not sinned nevertheless listen to this such shall have trouble in the flesh but I spare you it's the same you're gonna have some problems if you're married I must spare you the details that's what he's saying now don't let this discourage you from getting married because marriage is awesome I don't regret a moment of it I think it's wonderful I couldn't wait to get married okay when I got married at the age of 29 and I you know I would never go back to being single I just would not want that but the Bible is being realistic here and it's explaining that if you do you will have trouble in the flesh meaning dung shall accumulate so you need to clean up after yourself right it says in verse 29 but this I say brethren the time is short it remained that that both they that have wives be as though they had none they that we let's skip skip down to verse number 32 but I would have you without carefulness he that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord since you're saying that if you're single you know dedicate your time to serving God because you have that time you're not responsible for a wife you're not responsible for a husband you know I'm responsible for children you can allocate your time to serving God how you may please the Lord verse 33 but he that is married careth for the things that are of the world how he may please his wife what does this mean now that you're married you're gonna have trouble in the flesh and on top of that you have to figure out how to please your wife what does that mean make her happy now I know what you're thinking well like she married me so she done what else check that was easy but it's an ongoing thing my friends and by the way let me just clarify something because I don't believe in this whole happy wife happy life thing either okay you know where it's all it's like you know it's like oh yeah the husband's in charge but technically what the wife's in charge or something and if she's not happy no one's happy that's not in the Bible so let's go ahead and reverse that okay and not operate our homes in such a way where the woman is vicariously you know I mean ruling the house to her husband or something like that okay what this is teaching here is that as as husband you know what we need to do we need to be self-sacrificial care for the things of the world how we can please our wives because we love our wives we want to be benevolent towards our wives and be a blessing to our wives and so that's what it's referring to this is requiring a level of effort on our end to please our spouses and it requires a little trouble sometimes okay so look if you're having trouble with your children and dung is accumulating get some help if you've never dealt with this ox before don't be embarrassed we're all new to it when we first get married even if you had listen to me even if you've had godly examples even if you had spiritual godly examples you will still find trouble doesn't matter you know you could be raised in a pastor's home and deacons home in a Christian home you will still have issues because that's just the nature of the beast pun intended the ox okay you know just with that ox comes more problems so clean up after yourselves don't just ignore all the dung in the corners don't just live in dung please because after a while you start smelling like dung and after a while I know you I know you're okay with pretending like everything's fine but I'm not gonna pretend and you can't expect us to pretend that everything is okay with you guys too I know we're getting a little personal here but you know this is this is church and so you know this is what you need to hear okay go to Jeremiah chapter 7 Jeremiah chapter 7 all right I'm almost done let's talk about the ox of the internet and social media there's a lot of increase that comes with the internet and social media tons of increase the gospel can be preached man I've gotten so many people saved just through Instagram contacting them personally messaging them even when we had our YouTube I mean brother Freddy he's a byproduct of the YouTube when we had it you know now he's getting married I mean that's that's an increase that's a huge blessing to see that I mean it blesses my heart blesses my soul to see something like that you know the Word of God can be sounded forth but even not you're not even talking about spiritual matters I mean what about you have what if you have a business through social media you can increase your business through social media it's an ox social media and the internet is just an ox of a tool to use to increase your business increase your reach you can actually make money on social media Instagram or tick-tock I mean you can you can rank in some dough if you wanted to that ox is awesome I'm all for that ox you can and even if you don't use it for those means like you don't preach the gospel there you don't preach spiritual truths there you can use it just literally to keep in contact with family and friends who don't live nearby right and you know you can see everyone's you know families and pictures and selfies and you know people sometimes people document their entire lives on there on their stories you click on it just tiny little dots all the way across and you can just get all the way through because it's the same thing over and over again I'm just kidding I do the same thing all right you know it's just like you and I can still be in contact throughout the week I mean in times past it was like you only saw your pastor on Sundays and on during the midweek service but now it's just like we just see each other every single day it's just it's actually great to a certain extent right but there's a lot of crap that's on there too though it's a great tool for increase it's a great tool to get people saved to get the truth out there to grow your business to keep in contact with family and friends but there's a whole lot of crap that needs to be cleaned up with that ox it's porn right easily more easily accessible not just through the internet but social media and in this particular poem a focus more on the Instagram aspect of it because I feel like we got an Instagram type Church and if you don't have Instagram just enjoy what I'm about to say don't worry about it you know just just just tune in a lot of false prophets a lot of false prophets tons of false prophets I mean the internet social media Instagram is just replete with just so much false teaching it's almost nauseating how much nonsense is being espoused out there right but how about just like hose or let me use the biblical term horse this is a biblical term a lot of whores on the internet on on Instagram a lot of whores and whore mongers on the internet who are the whore mongers is male horse and it used to be that you know it was more so like a message like this or a point like this would be more directed towards men because they're you know it's just more likely that men will get involved in things like this but now you know we're living in a day and age where even women are involved in this stuff too because you have all kinds of dudes on the internet trying to seduce women this is a thing now let me just say this okay let me explain to you how Instagram works because I have a pretty decent understanding you might have a better understanding but I have a decent understanding you know Instagram especially with the introduction of reels it's no longer like a picture type of app now it's more videos right and you know the way Instagram works is that if you like follow or comment on a video your followers or the people you follow will be recommended that video maybe some of you don't know that well you do now so you know and then let me just say this you know the Instagram is really good for not just all these other things that I mentioned but let me just let me just very be very blunt with you it's actually good for just brainless activity and I'll be honest with you sometimes I need some brainless activity because I'm constantly using my brain memorizing scripture preaching the Bible reading learning languages and so sometimes I just need to not do anything I just need to scroll through some reels or something and just go through mean pages and just laugh and huh and then you know like or send reels back and forth and just do brainless activity for I just need to get my brain arrest okay you know sometimes I'm just on there and then random videos come up I'm like who's this dude in his underwear with the mustache and why does he keep coming up on my feet oh that's why because someone likes this video and follows this guy and comments on their videos oh that's why or why is this like this woman keep coming up on my feet oh that's why because someone keeps following this someone's following is and is being recommended to me it's getting quiet now sometimes it's just like Nazi stuff comes up you know it's like well I'm like this makes sense I know why this is on here like I'm not shocked at all but there's other stuff I'm just like why is this person keep coming up on my feet you know and then you look at me like and let me just let me just let you know Instagram says this is followed by and it'll say the person that's on your list and it'll say so-and-so like this video or so-and-so commented on this video and you know what here's the thing you may not know that but you know maybe maybe tonight you're gonna go home and clean up your crib clean that crap up stop following thoughts stop simping over women on the internet man up we can all see it you smell like crap you smell like you've been liking thought pictures you smell like you've been you smell you smell like you've been liking bikinis oh that's weird you smell like you've been liking photos of dudes in their underwear never smelled that before that's weird I'm just telling you hey look I'm not telling you to get rid of Instagram either and let me let me just give people the benefit of the doubt too because I'll use my account for example okay my account it's not big it's not super big but it has a decent amount of followers I have like 10,000 followers and you know I mainly use it to get the word of God out before and times past it was like a personal account but then I just kind of transformed it into you know I'm an influencer you know I'm a Christian influencer so I'm just I'm teaching them cleaning up the crib of your Instagram making sure you're not following and liking and watching things that you shouldn't be watching cuz it's sinful but I guess I have to address the women too though I guess this also applies to women okay and you know what married women you should be ashamed of yourself you should be ashamed of yourself kind of kind of freaking world we live in where this kind of stuff is going on and here's the thing like you can go to certain accounts like if you find a video or something you go to certain accounts if you go on that person's account the account will tell you everyone that follows that person and you'll see everyone that follows that person and you're and you know what shocking sometimes it's like what is this what kind of world are we living in look at Jeremiah chapter 5 verse 7 how shall I pardon thee for this thy children have forsaken me and sworn by them that are no gods when I had fed them to the full they then committed adultery and assembled themselves by troops in the harlot's houses now this is addressing men but I feel like we could apply this to women now they were as fed horses in the morning meaning what God gave him that which they need to satiate their you know desire their eyes their physical desires he says everyone nade after his neighbor's wife you know sometimes you go on Instagram all you see is people named after other people after other women and after other men even I'm not gonna like imitate it was like a horse name just showing just unrestrained no shame and you know it's wrong listen to this it's wrong obviously to even look at that stuff but it's even it's just even crazier that you might know that everyone else can see you're done it's one thing and I'm not even justifying this but please listen to me it's one thing if this is something you're struggling with and you're trying to keep it under wraps because you're ashamed of it but it's another thing to actually put it out on public for everyone to see do you like the video comment on the video kind of disgusting crap is this it's just like you're basically showing everyone look at my dung I didn't clean up my dung today that's basically what you're doing and no one at first works Baptist Church should be involved in that crap clean up your crib stop watching videos of Instagram thoughts and these seductive dudes in their freaking underwear what the mustache on well I just started falling for fashion what fashion he's wearing his underwear go to Proverbs chapter 5 there's this term that I just learned recently I'm a millennial but I hang out with Jen's ears I resonate with them and this is this term thirsty now back in my day that means you were you needed you were dehydrated and you needed something to drink but today that's not what it means thirsty means is referring to a person who's desperate for attention affection or approval in a way that is so raw it can be off-putting and they'll often say this to people like man that woman is thirsty right here's ever heard that before if you did it now you're learning it all right I'm teaching I teach you the Bible I teach you you know modern terms and they'll say man that guy was thirsty it's just like he they just have no dignity about themselves you understand what I'm saying and they'll demean themselves in order to gain another person's affection and they fall for what's called the IG thirst traps okay don't be thirsty don't be a thirsty person I don't even know if that's the proper way to say it but you know what I'm saying don't be a thirsty person that's such an it that's so embarrassing and shameful it's shameful for a man but I don't know I just feel this is just more shameful for a woman it's super shameful for a man and I'm not saying that it's not shameful for a man because it is it very much is okay and the men are not off the hook because I've seen some men following some stuff and liking some stuff that is not appropriate for a Christian man to follow and like and comment on you know you're falling into that thirst trap but you know what women you know what in 2024 I can't believe you have to say this but don't be a thirsty woman single or married don't be that way repent clean up your IG clean up your crib we don't want to see your crap that your ox is producing but this is the term thirsty well you know I have a Bible verse for you married women and men Proverbs 5 15 drink waters out of my own cistern for feel a little thirsty have your spouse quench your thirst stop looking to underwear mustache man for a quenching and running waters out of thine own well what does that mean it means go to your spouse if you have these desires which are completely normal desires you married someone go fulfill and quench those desires with your spouse not with some Instagram whoremonger or whore who's just like you know you're a child of God like it's it you go on the I went on some of these accounts I'm like just Christians on here why are there Christians on here why are Christians following this this is so shameful it's so disgusting this is so embarrassing and you know what some of them are in the new IFP why clean it up let some evil come upon you and you get exposed before everyone but you know you might have already been exposed because Instagram already exposed you drink waters out of their own cistern go look at your wife instead go look at your husband well yeah but they don't look like the way they used to kneel to you hate to break it to you that's all life is this is what you do you tell your you ask God Lord help me to be once again attracted to my spouse because I'm a sinful person and I keep wanting to I keep being thirsty I'm just a thirsty bomb help me to develop an appetite for my spouse that's the righteous thing to do yeah but the world make fun of it screw the world they're going to hell I don't care about them why don't care what the world thinks they're gonna be thirsty for the rest of eternity wanted a drop of water in their tongue who gives a grip what they think I don't want to please the world the world sucks that's why I left the world I got nothing to offer a bunch of simps and thirsty people I don't want you to be associated with those simps and thirsty dudes what not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their minds be a man be a woman of restraint and be satisfied with the spouse that God gave you he says let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of water in the streets I don't have to explain to you what that means use your imagination the Bible just saying it there let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountains be blessed and rejoice with the wife and you could even apply their husband of thy youth because I guess we have to apply it to husbands to let her be as the loving hind pleasant row let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with their love and why wilt thou my son or daughter be ravished with the strange woman or a strange man and embrace the bosom of a stranger and look you don't even get to embrace that bosom you just increase their followers and they increase their algorithm they don't know who you are they don't care about your life they don't care about you they're just using you for the ways of a man verse 21 are before the eyes of the Lord he pondereth all his goings his own iniquity shall take the wicked himself he shall be holding with the cords of his sin he shall die without instruction and the greatness of his folly he shall go astray now look I'm cleaning up my crib too sometimes I literally have to go on my Instagram and just go through the people I'm following make sure I'm not following anything stupid you know accidentally because I'm not trying to intentionally follow someone who's bad sinful you know there's some there's some cool memes out in the mean pages that you know people might think it's sinful but I you know I just it's just my my type of humor and so you know I'm not gonna repent of that all right we're talking about like you know nakedness okay and and adultery things of that apply to fornication and let me just say this I understand that sometimes we can follow people and we don't know what they're gonna post right like I remember years ago you know I was following someone who's an avid follower of the movement of our church and you know they posted you know script you know Christian stuff right just or their family or something like that or their husband or whatever and you know their family and then they just disappear and then all of a sudden like their picture would come up I'm like what is this because sometimes you'll deal with Christians online who backslide they backslide and then their account just completely changes to being worldly sensual and all that stuff and then it's just like oh I've got to clean this up gotta get rid of that I'm not trying to look at that so that happens sometimes right and then by the way let's not get extreme about I don't think you have to get extreme now if you feel like you have to then so be it get rid of Instagram I don't think you have to I think it's a great ox to use and then here's the thing don't misinterpret certain things either you know oh you know this person like that picture of that person's family or something that doesn't mean anything it's a heart that's the only option that Instagram gives us okay now obviously show some discretion you know what I mean and and and you know let night your good be evil spoken of but here's the thing you know a lot of these accounts that people follow they're not even Christian accounts so what is this guy or does that woman have to offer that's spiritually advantageous to you you know he's not an ox she's not an ox it's a rat you guys ever heard of the the urban legend of the rat it's an urban legend because I can't verify if it's true but I remember being a kid and they would always tell the story of a person that went to Mexico of course it was Mexico and he ended up finding this dog and his dog you know the dog basically came to him and was very affectionate towards him and if he looked at he thought he was sick and so he like rehabilitated it and he brought it home and he fed it and he kept it as a pet and then his aunt told was like that's not a dog that's a rat after he cleaned it up it was like it's an urban legend but you know what that's how a lot of people are with their Instagram following these accounts and they think they're following the ox but it's actually a rat what's the point that I'm trying to make the point that I'm making is this is that you know Instagram should be used for righteous purposes or just not even it doesn't even have to be used for righteous purposes you can use it for memes but don't use it to further your devices though don't use it to further your your thirstiness your thirst clean up after yourself go to your Instagram go to your social media and start just scooping all that dung off of your social media because we all can smell it and we all see it it's like a couple years ago there's a guy who was like a follower of the end of the new IFB and he you know he was very vocal on social media but then you go to his followers list and it's just nothing but just like porn the entire time and he has on there kjd only fundamental Baptist so winning you idiot all the while you look at his followers this is just just sin and I'm always leery I know I'm going over right now but I'm always leery of accounts that like have like you know eight thousand nine thousand ten thousand that they're following ten thousand accounts or something like that you say why because I feel like they're just kind of they're just they're just following a ton of accounts to kind of cover for who you know some of these accounts that they shouldn't be following and in my experience with people that I've seen they that's what that's exactly what they do okay I know it's an uncomfortable sermon but I don't care look you needed to hear it everyone needs to hear it here and this is just a warning to you and this is a warning that the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good but guess what apparently our eyes are there too every once in a while okay sometimes it's not you some people you know in times past people have to do things in secret now they just do it openly they can't even blush and I'm just here to remind you can you blush a little bit can you be a little shame can you can you understand that your crap is is stinking up my nostrils I'm tired of smelling your crap and I'm tired of looking at your crap too can you just be a clean Christian not a perfect one just can you clean up after yourself can you