(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man part of the chapter we're going to focus on is found in Psalms 143 in verse number 10 where the Bible reads teach me to do thy will for thou art my God thy spirit is good lead me into the land of a brightness and the title my sermon this morning is after salvation after salvation so here we see David asking for a very practical but yet a godly thing he wants the Lord to teach him how to do as well and that goes to show that once someone gets saved or when someone is saved they don't automatically know how to do right okay you know there's there's a false teaching out there that basically teaches that as soon as you get saved you have everything right okay or you better have everything right you better have the desire to read the Bible you better have the desire to to want to go to church to win people to Christ to clean up your life and that's false okay why because the Bible teaches us that once we get saved yes our spirit is saved but you know what our flesh is not and because our flesh is not saved we're not going to desire right away to do the right things why because we carry a bunch of baggage with us especially if you get saved later on in life right now here the Lord or excuse me the Lord through David I think praise a very godly prayer okay and I think it's a prayer that a lot of us need to ask the Lord for it's to say hey Lord please teach me to do your will teach me how to do right now go with me for what's the Psalms 111 Psalms 111 so we understand that salvation is by grace through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works that steady man should boast that doesn't take any work okay getting saved doesn't take any work it simply takes faith and just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and the Bible teaches us that once we believe on Christ that our spirit is regenerated we're on our way to heaven our names written in the book of life and we never have to worry about ever going to hell after that amen however you know we have a lot of years ahead of us on this world okay so there's a lot of things that we got to do and there's a lot of commandments found within the Bible that we need to keep but here's the thing do we know how to keep all those commandments do we know how to clean up our life do we know how to do right in the side of the Lord no I mean once we get saved the Bible says the word babes in Christ you know a baby a physical baby doesn't know how to be a mature human being yet you know they're they're newborn they just know they need to eat right they cry and they keep us up at night and all these other things but they don't know the basics of even life yet they have to be taught these things and it comes with time but look what Psalms 111 verse 10 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all they that do his commandments his praise endureth forever so what's a way that you can understand God's will all right what's in it what's a way that you can understand his commandments by doing them you see we live in a society where it's like well I'm only gonna do it if I understand what the outcome is right or I'm only gonna do this or I'm only gonna believe this or I'm only gonna practice this if I see the outcome but the Bible teaches us here that we get good understanding by doing his commandments by stepping out in faith just doing what God tells us to do and guess what afterwards we understand why God tells us to do those things now this sermon I think is very much important because a lot of the times people get saved whether it's someone you lead to the Lord or you yourself you get saved but you don't know what to do right afterwards now look let me just go let me just make it very clear if you don't do any of the things that I'm saying today it doesn't mean you're not saved okay it doesn't mean you're not saved it doesn't mean you're not going to heaven it simply means number one you're just ignorant of what God says in his word okay or number two you do know what he says in his word but you're being disobedient you're being rebellious okay and God does not want rebellious children he doesn't want or excuse me he doesn't want his children to be rebellious therefore he chastises his children okay so this is very much important go to Romans chapter 7 you know there's a there's a teaching also out there that says you know that the will of God is like some mystical power pixie dust type thing in force that really reveals itself in different ways to different people what God's will for you is not God's will for me and all these weird things that really Baptists have basically bitten into and have copied from the Charismatics because every Pentecostal and Charismatic Church teaches something like that or it's just like well I had a dream you know and in that dream God revealed his will to me that doesn't it doesn't work like that if you had a dream and Jesus showed up in that dream and all you had all these revelations you just had too many onions on your burger the previous night that's what that means okay because everything that we need to know about God is found in his word so you say what is God's will for my life well he wrote 66 books for you to figure that out and you have a whole lifetime to figure out what God's will is so even if you want to know like the specific will of God and things that are pertained to maybe just your life personally before you even get into that why don't you need to have good understanding of this because this is God's revealed will so as you know God's revealed will the Bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighted in his way so as we walk with the Lord we obey his commandments we do that which is right on the side of the Lord guess what we get to stumble upon God's blessings we get to stumble upon the specific wills as far as who or where we're gonna go start a church or who we're witnessing to or God's blessings whatever it is but it all starts right here okay now this is very important because again there is a teaching out there that teaches that as soon as you get saved you know you got you got everything right and this causes a lot of people to be impatient with other people you know someone gets saved and it's just like they're not you know foolproof mature Christian and what happens is the mature Christians jump down the throats of those who aren't mature yet well you got to be patient with people okay you can expect them to understand everything of the Bible like right the day after they get saved it doesn't work that way you know I can't expect my son to be a fully mature grown man at this point he needs to learn some things he needs to grow and I have to be patient with him you know when he's trying he has this thing now where it's just he asked for it he talks like non-stop now okay and but sometimes it's frustrating cuz I don't know what he's trying to tell me he's like I thought and I'm like I don't know what that means son and then he gets frustrated cuz he's like like he's just I'm like yes no you know I don't know what to tell him but you know what I can't get frustrated with him he's growing you know he's learning how to speak he's learning how to do basic things well apply that spiritually we can't get frustrated with new Christians when they don't get something right away okay they need to grow they need time to grow and you need to teach them and lovingly bring them along but look at Romans chapter 7 verse 14 this is verse 14 through 18 is a good example of how most Christians if not all Christians feel like sometimes sometime or another in their life verse 14 says for we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin for that which I do I allow not for what I would that do I not but what I hate that do I if then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that it is good now then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not so what is Paul saying here it's like man there's like a war going on in my soul you know I want to do right but when I want to do right guess what I do wrong you know and when I don't want to do wrong I end up doing that which is wrong this is like this is a constant war of the flesh and the spirit of my life and you know what if you're honest with yourself you felt like that every once in a while you're probably feeling like that today you felt like time like that this week when you just feel like you're weak you know the flesh is trying to conquer you you're not walking in the spirit and you're fulfilling the lust of the flesh well that's the war that we see going on in here okay and if this doctrine that once you get saved you would have everything you know down packed in line in order Paul wouldn't have said this why is he saying that he's struggling if anything the the best Christian in the New Testament was the Apostle Paul but yet he's relating to us and to every single human being that once we get saved there's a war going on you know and that's why it's important that we feed the spirit and we're not always feeding the flesh okay that's why it's good that for you to turn off the television all right or turn off the YouTube channel or turn off whatever it is device that it's causing you to be carnal you know why don't you open up your Bible why don't you memorize scripture why don't you go so when he wants you to do those things that are pleasing in the eyes of the Lord so you can be strong in the Lord and the power of his might okay but I want you to notice verse 18 says but how to perform that which is good I find not you know I've met a lot of people like that who want to do good but they don't know how to do good you know what do they need they need the Lord to teach them how to do his will okay and so this is very much when I think about this I think about newly saved people and you know you might be in here today like brother Bruce everything you're talking about I already know about okay then just go to sleep or something right you know but I'm talking to people because then by the way if that's you today then allow this to teach you how to deal with someone else okay you know it's good to come to church to get fed but it's also good to come to church to learn how to feed others as well you know especially if you're that mature if you know that much you know I mean maybe it's good for you to take this and teach someone else now go to 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 so again if you don't do any of these things it doesn't mean you're not saved there's a lot of false religions out there that will teach you that if you don't do the things that I'm gonna mention to you you're not saved Baptists will teach you this unfortunately okay Calvinists are notorious for these teachings right here they'll say if you don't accomplish these things if you're not doing the things that I'm about to mention that person wasn't even safe to begin with that's not true look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 13 but evil men and seducials shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them so the Bible is teaching us here that we ought to have an attitude that we're constantly continuing okay now just keep this in mind that the Christian life is not a a sprint okay it's like it's a marathon is what it is it's a long-distance marathon is what it is so don't expect yourself to know everything right off the bat and in fact you're gonna hear some sermons in our church you're gonna hear some doctrine that's gonna go over your head sometimes you know what don't get frustrated with yourself or don't get frustrated with your spouse or your wife you know take time pace yourself because you have a lifetime to learn these things okay you have a lifetime and the Bible tells us here that we need to continue in the things that which we have learned all right now go to Matthew chapter 28 Matthew chapter 28 so after salvation what do you need well right off the bat what you need to do after you get saved is you need to get baptized okay baptism is an important aspect of the Christian life it's an important first step of every person who gets saved and every person who gets saved needs to do it look what Matthew 28 verse 18 says and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given me excuse me is given unto me in heaven and in earth going therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you in law I'm with you always even into the end of the world amen verse 18 says or excuse me verse 19 says to teach all nations what is that talking about talk about salvation it's saying we need to go and teach all nations about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ okay that's how someone gets saved we teach them that they're sinners we teach them that they deserve hell but we teach them that Jesus Christ died for them was buried resurrected and they only have to believe on Christ in order to be saved so once they get that what do they do they need to get baptized now there's a false doctrine out there that teaches that hey in order to be baptized or in order to be saved you have to get baptized that's false that's garbage okay and steer clear of anybody who would even insinuate that that the way you get saved is by baptism it doesn't save you now what is baptism baptism is when we after South after someone trust Christ as their Savior we fully immerse them in water to picture the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ but you got to go fully in and fully out okay so you may think well you know I got saved but I got baptized like when I was like five okay well that doesn't count you just got wet is what we would say okay and you say well you know I got baptized at the Catholic Church doesn't that count no it doesn't count because number one you have to be baptized by someone who is saved and no one in the Catholic Church is saved especially the priest okay and here's the thing for them to say you have to they're baptizing baptism literally means immersion you know they're not immersing your entire body into the water and coming out of the water they're just simply sprinkling your head with water that's what they're doing that's what they did to me all right but the Bible teaches us that after salvation you are to be baptized now go to Acts chapter number two Acts chapter number two we're just gonna look at a couple verses here in regards to baptism now don't think for a moment that after you get saved that you can skip this and grow in your Christian life and learn these new concepts it's not gonna happen we would call baptism the first step of obedience now I think anybody would agree especially after we look at these verses that baptism is a command right so how bad does it look do you can't even keep the first command that God gives you after salvation you're like I don't want to get baptized but you're gonna keep every other commandment that you find in the Bible after that you can't even keep something as easy as simple as just getting baptized but you expect to keep the deep doctrines of God and learn all these concepts God's giving you the easiest commandment right after salvation which is baptism and you think you're gonna grow in all the other areas of life guess what all the other commandments are a little harder than they're just getting baptized okay baptism requires someone to do something to you the other Commandments require you to do something require you to put in the effort to do something okay look at Acts chapter 2 verse 41 it says then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3,000 souls and they continue steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and in prayers so the Bible teaches us that those that gladly received his word well who's the word Jesus Christ you know in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God so as soon as they received the word of God which is Jesus Christ they got baptized and let me say this in our church as soon as you get saved you don't have to go through like a ten week class on baptism you know to talk about the pH of the level of the water or you know how is it that you hold your nose right before you go in no okay you don't need to be taught any of that all you need to know is that you're saved you can't lose your salvation and you can get baptized okay by the way the only class you're gonna get on baptism is right here okay but after this we need to dunk you all right go to Romans chapter 5 now again there is a false teaching out there mostly taught by the Church of Christ rejectors that teach that in order to be saved you have to be baptized okay now they what they do is basically they take mark 16 out of context they take other portions of Scripture out of context but here's the foolish thing about this entire thing is those same people believe you can lose your salvation so if you can lose your salvation how many times you got to get baptized you know it's like you need to do that like every single day then you need to get baptized every single day because that's they say that's what washes away your sins call you know they say they say you know for the remission of sins and all these things is that that that will wash away our sins no the water when you get dunked doesn't wash away your sins it washes away the dirt on your skin if that okay that's what it does but it doesn't wash away your sins your sins are in here your sins are in your heart right it's not necessarily your flesh though your flesh is sinful but you're not your heart's not getting baptized you know the wicked thoughts and all the motives and all the sinful things I mean Paul even said for in me that is in my flesh dwells no good thing he's talking about the sin that dwells in him well how's baptism washing away the sins in your heart now how how do you wash away the your sins verse 9 says much more than of Romans chapter 5 much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him now go to 1st Peter chapter number 3 so we're washed by the blood of Christ okay that's what washes away our sins not water the blood of Christ now 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 20 is what people will use to teach hey see you know that's that's how you get saved is by my baptism well let's read it verse 20 says which sometimes which sometimes were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water the like figure where unto even baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ no so there you go see baptism saves us that's why you got to get baptized okay you guys know what parentheses are this parentheses there so it's a thought within this thought right so basically he segues into this thought but the thought that he previously has said still continues so if we were to take that parentheses out which we're not going to but if we were to take it out and just read it without the parentheses look what it says the like figure wherein to even baptism doth also now save us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ so what saves us the resurrection of Jesus Christ is what saves us and here's the thing you say no baptism saves us because Noah was saved by water no he wasn't the ark saved Noah you know it's not like he was in the water and the waters just he has buoyancy in the water he just himself no he went into the ark the door closed and he was saved by the ark okay so the Bibles teaching us here that the way we're saved is by the resurrection of Jesus Christ not by baptism all right and I want to get that completely clear and look I preached the message called baptism for the remission of sins look it up if you don't understand this concept of baptism but I think it's very simple to understand okay if you understand that salvation is by grace through faith by believing on Christ and it's not through baptism you're good to go and that baptism comes after salvation go to Ephesians chapter number one Ephesians chapter number one verse 6 says to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace the Bible says now look I think anybody would agree that the Bible teaches us that the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins right why because it was a picture well the water is also a picture the blood of bulls and goats can't take away sins why because it pictures what Jesus Christ did it pictures the blood of Christ which can wash away our sins well in like manner baptism doesn't save us it just pictures the fact that we're saved now we we need to get baptized after salvation because we need to follow Christ example because Christ did it as well and that's another stupid thing that they don't think about you know baptism saves us then why did Jesus get baptized you know this did he need to get saved I mean it's foolish obviously he did it to leave us an example to go by okay now go to Romans chapter number six Romans chapter number six Romans six in verse number one says what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein knowing that that so many of us were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death therefore we are buried with them by baptism into death the like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life so look if baptism really saves us then how come we're not dead right now because it says there therefore we are buried with them by baptism into death so if this was like a literal thing that baptism literally saves us then we should be literally dead we should have died but you know what it's a picture it's a picture of the old man dying and then resurrecting so let me just make this very clear if you're saved today but you have not gone baptized you need to get baptized today okay and don't wait another day you say why is that because if you now that you know what the Bible says about baptism and you still choose not to now you're living in disobedience now I grew up with just my mom I didn't have my dad but my mom did a very good job of whooping me when I needed to get it whooped okay and I I joke but I say I learned boxing for my mom you know what I mean and my mom did a very good job why because she's my mother so when I got in trouble guess what my biological mother is the one who whooped me now my mom wasn't even saved so think about this God the Bible says that God is our Heavenly Father now right after we get saved and God is righteous he's holy he's just and he's strict so if his children live in disobedience guess what he's gonna do he's gonna chastise you okay and and especially after the fact that you know you're supposed to get baptized all right so and look here's the thing as I mentioned before you know how do you expect to keep the rest of the commandments if you're not even willing to keep this simple commandment of just being baptized I mean what's the big deal right it's like oh you know there's gonna be a lot of people there and then who cares it did last like a couple seconds you go in you go out we wrap you up in the town you go change and go about your day you stay a little wet you know but you dry out you know what if I told my wife after we got married you know I'm all for the marriage but I don't want to wear a wedding ring I think that just cramps my style I don't think we need to do that you know how do you think my wife would feel like you don't something as simple as just wearing a ring you can't wear a ring like yeah I just don't feel like I need to do that I'll do everything else but I just don't like the whole ring thing you know you would think that's foolish you know I go up on my day with a with a wedding ring on my finger without even knowing that it's there sometimes right because it's so easy it's something so simple to do and only a disobedient rebellious stubborn person would say after salvation now I don't want to get baptized no why it's easy okay so after salvation by the way the Bible tells us this he then knows to do good and do it to not to him it is sin so lest you think well I'm not sitting if I don't get baptized you know that's not a really bad sin well you know that you're supposed to and if you choose not to do that what you know you're supposed to do you're sinning you're doing wrong now go to a second Peter chapter 1 I know this is very practical but I think this is necessary to talk about because we get new people in our church all the time and new people in our church you know we take for granted that we knew it know these things we've learned these things but some people don't know these things okay and they need to learn these things and some of you maybe who already know these things this is gonna help you to communicate a lot better when you're helping your people to grow in this area of life okay now so after salvation teach me to do that well well God says right here's the first thing you gotta do you gotta get baptized okay not for salvation not to maintain your salvation not to do any of those things because I commanded you to do it that's what God is saying okay and it's kind of just like a first step of obedience is like you know and here's the thing I'm not I know I'm beating a dead horse here but I've seen this a lot just in within the last 11 years of me being a Christian when people would get saved and they just refused to give it's like no I need my mom to be here I need my pet my deal my cousins are all gonna my primos are gonna come and we want to have like this big celebration that's not what the Bible says you should do now I'm not against you like wanting your family to come but it's just like one excuse after another why you don't get baptized it's typically not because your deal is not present it's just you don't want to do it okay you're disobedient yeah now after salvation you get baptized and I'm gonna give you a couple more things here but this is very important to learn so in order for you to be successful in the Christian life if you want any type of success any type of blessings you need this right here 2nd Peter 1 verse 4 says whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature heaven escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust and beside this giving all what diligence add to your faith virtue into virtue knowledge so he says this look exceeding precious promises have been given unto us that's what we need for success right but he says but beside this you need diligence what is diligence consistency you need to be faithful consistent diligent faithful constant okay being steadfast if you want any type of success in the Christian life you need this matter of diligence in your Christian life you're not an on-and-off Christian you're not unfaithful you can be counted upon your if you're faithful you're consistent because here's the thing the Christian life is not like one new thing after another what it is is you constantly doing the same thing over and over again and perfecting the same thing you do over and over again so this right here is vital if you're gonna succeed in the Christian life you know if you're gonna succeed at knowing any Bible you need to be consistent at studying the Bible and reading the Bible if you're gonna be successful at so many you need to be faithful and consisting at doing it okay there's a lot of things that require success but one of the main things is this you need to be faithful now go to Proverbs chapter 28 and look in my personal life I've seen a lot of people who've had a lot of potential to do great things for God but they blow it you know why because they're not faithful they're not consistent you know and God doesn't require for you to be just this amazing Christian he doesn't require you for you to have just this amazing depth of knowledge of the Bible he doesn't require for you to be a great orator you know he requires for you to be faithful to be counted faithful just be consistent be diligent and often that's the most difficult thing for people to do you know just to be consistent in the smallest of matters Proverbs 28 verse 20 says a faithful man shall abound with blessings but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent so the Bible tells us there you want God's blessing be faithful don't skip a beat you know do what you're supposed to do constant when you're supposed to do it and guess what that's where God's blessing is but you know what if you're on and off as a Christian you know you're on fire one minute but you're not on fire the next there's no blessing in that you know it doesn't it's not worth anything just to burn out for God like in a week you're like yeah you know King James only post-trib replacement hate almost all these things and then you're not even in church the next couple weeks it's like well there that was that was short-lived you know but you know what to have all those qualities but to be faithful that says a lot right there okay so after salvation what is it baptism after salvation learn diligence after salvation go to 1st Timothy chapter 3 you need to be in church you need to be faithful to church and no not YouTube Baptist Church I love YouTube it's great I use it but you know what that's not church you need to be faithful to a literal you know it's funny we like to rag on the universal the people who believe in a universal church but we practice just like them sometimes when we're not in church well I'm basically in church I'm on YouTube you know I'm watching pastor Anderson I'm watching pastor Jimenez I'm watching all this but that's not that's not church no don't get me wrong I understand everyone has a different situation okay for instance the Perry's they live like 10 hours 20 hours away from me I'm exaggerating but they live far you know I understand that they can't make it to every single service but look if you are local you can make it to every single service okay make it happen be faithful look we all have excuses why we can't do the things we're supposed to do and sometimes they're good excuses but you know what God's not looking for a good excuse he just wants you to be faithful just be diligent I got my hair hurts that's why I don't go to church you know it's easy just come here you sit down and you listen you're not even doing any work when you come to church did you know that you know the word the biggest work is just driving over here but then you just got to sit down and just hear me yell at you for like an hour that's it and if you don't even like that just tune me out read your Bible whatever but it doesn't take work to come to church but you know what it does take consistency and diligence to be able to make it to church okay look at first Timothy chapter 3 verse 14 these things write out unto you hoping to come unto you unto thee shortly but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God what is the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of truth so the Bible tells us that the church is the pillar and ground of truth if you want to know what truth is come to church okay you know you got all this garbage taking place in the culture today and in the media and all these you know ideologies and all these politics and politicians lying and you want to know what's right come to church we'll tell you what's right why because we're teaching from what the Bible says which has timeless principles okay but you need to be in church now go with me to Ephesians chapter number two it's so easy in the technologically advanced society that we have to just not go to church okay I'm tired you know pound of coffee and come to church you know make it happen we we're such a very soft society where it's just like anything can deter us from coming to church you know but you know if God commands us to be in church we ought to be faithful about it diligent about it I'm thankful that when I first got saved that was taught to me very early on hey four to flourish three to thrive be in church I remember my old pastor got up and he said look if you want to grow in your Christian life you need to be at every single service and I took it at face value and guess what I grew exponentially because of that not because of anything that I did no I was just trying to be diligent and because I went I learned preaching I learned how to live a holy life I learned principles and doctrine and that helped me in my Christian life okay now look at Ephesians chapter 2 verse verse 8 says for my grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works that steady man should boast so the Bible says we're not saved by works we're saved by grace through faith but look what it says in verse number 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them good Ephesians chapter number 4 so the Bible says that we're not saved by works but after we're saying we're safe to work right so it's supposed to be working now how do you do that though you know we just read in the Bible in Psalms 143 teach me to do that will well when someone gets saved how do they know how to work how do they know how to do right how do they know how to how to obey the Lord look at Ephesians 4 verse 11 says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the what for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ so the way you learn how to work for the Lord is by coming to church okay and when the Bible says perfecting of the Saints it's referring Saints is referring to save people I spent a lot of time on Thursday night if you don't know what that means just listen to the sermon but look Saints basically means someone who set apart to God because we're saved okay it's not it's not based upon the works that you do it's not based upon you know how many good deeds you've done or if you flew to India to feed the poor or anything like that you know you don't have to be a Mother Teresa to be a saint you just have to be saved that's it okay but it says there that the reason the church is there and the leaders are there is to perfect you to mature you to complete you for the work of the ministry so if someone gets saved but you're not in church then you don't know how to work point of simple why because God has ordained the church to teach you how to work and to provide a place for you to work okay go to Hebrews chapter number 10 how does that look like Hebrews chapter number 10 in verse 23 the Bible says in verse 23 let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promise and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works now it's saying there to provoke what does it mean like come on man let's do it let's go so winning Chad let's go Sony man you know let's go do something for God you know it's easier to do something good when you have someone motivating to do it encouraging you become lazy as the day is long if you're by yourself trying to do work for the Lord this is the honest truth we all have a propensity to be lazy okay but if we have someone probing us and say hey let's go let's go so any let's go do this let's go let's go do something for God it's easier for you to do it but how do you do that well verse 24 says let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works verse 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching so the way you exhort one another and the way you provoke one another is by not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together assembly means basically coming to church you know it's hard to do right when you don't have anybody doing right to the left and to the right of you or teaching you hey let this is how you do right that's why Christians YouTube Christians and people who just stay at home and they're content with just listening to the sermons online typically struggle with a lot of sin okay you know why because they don't they're not assembling together with someone else to help them to do right that's why you need the church okay you need this church now I like what it says there's it's not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is you know that means back in Paul's day there are some YouTube Christians too now they didn't have YouTube back then you know so it was even worse for them right but they stayed home they forsook church they didn't go that was their manner but you know what as it was in the days of Paul so it is today right there is a manner of people who they're saved they know they're supposed to be in church but they don't come to church don't be of that manner don't forsake the assembly okay don't be like that don't just stay home get your butt to church if you're throwing up stay home if you have the stomach flu stay home but if nothing's going on and your hair is the only thing that hurts come to church don't make the excuses of all you know I just you go to church and look most of the time when you don't feel like going to church as soon as you come you make yourself come you're thankful you came man they had good food you know good fellowship you know it was great I had a great time at church I'm glad I went and here's the thing most people stay home because they're going through problems right there's like I just I got this problem I got to fix and you know I got I got to fix this problem we know most of those problems get fixed by you coming to church and hearing some hard preaching it's like okay that's what I should do I should not sin I shouldn't be drinking that's why I have these problems you know I shouldn't be smoking pot that's why I have these problems yeah but you know what if you stay home you stay in your sin but when you come here you get hard preaching and you get shamed when you get shamed what happens is like I need to clean up my life and you benefit from that okay now very important let's read on verse 26 in context of not forsaking the assembly look what it says for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifices for sin but a certain fearful looking for a judge of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries you know what you do when you stay home you're sinning willfully because you've come to the knowledge of the truth that you need to be in church you know don't undermine the church don't undermine coming to church don't think it's just like oh you know nothing happens if I you know you might suffer the consequences very harshly if you decide not to go to church because it's a command of God and if you sin willfully by not coming to church you know who knows what might happen to you you know and here's the thing don't let work get in the way of church you know I practice this even before I worked on staff before I worked on staff on my at the other church I got booted from I've always practiced this because I believe this from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet that you ought to always be in church and don't let work get in the way of it okay if someone's offering you a job that causes you to work on Sundays during church time you know that's probably not God's will for your life you know you may not like oh but you don't understand my bills and do you not trust the Lord look let me share something let me share a story with you I'm gonna share your testimony let me give you my testimony so before this church started and Ulysses could attest to this I got offered a very I was working on a job that wasn't you know paying very well but I got offered a really high paying job and I didn't think I applied for this job and it was a very good job it was a hard job to get into actually and I just kind of just threw it out there I was like who knows maybe I can get it if I get it I can I can make a little bit more money but the company called me back and I was like shocked I think I was with Ulysses when they called me back and we're working at the same place at that time we're on lunch break and he called me he's like hey we're considering you to work at this place and what do you think about that I was just like yeah you know that's that sounds like a good idea definitely like okay well what's your schedule like and I gave him my schedule and I said you know I go to church on Thursdays and I go to church on Sundays and he says yeah he said if you're gonna work here you actually have to make sure there's gonna be times when you're gonna have to work on Sundays and he said are you willing to do that I said no if we can if we can do anything we can to not have me work on Sundays I really appreciate it you know and he said and this is what he told me he said this he goes well here's the thing Bruce I know people from your church and they work here and they forgo church to work here so he kind of had that card to bring out on me just in case and I basically told him I understand that but not me you know and I need to not I can't miss church now here's the thing is if I would have gotten that job I wouldn't been able to be here because once the church started it was around the time that I would have gotten that job I would have been working on Sundays that would have disqualified me right away pastor Anderson said well you work on I can't I can't use you you're you're working on Sundays you know hey guys I gotta go to work you know it's like I can't preach today but I but I but I denied it you know and what happened well all this took place after that you know what I mean so look trust in the Lord lean on into thy own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him he shall direct thy path you know don't think that you have more knowledge than God you have more wisdom and than him no you need to be in church put the things that are important to God as they should be important to you okay now go with me if you would to 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 so why should we go to church why is it so important well we gave a bunch of reasons right now but to be more specific it's because hard Bible preaching is essential to our spiritual diet hard Bible preaching is essential for our spiritual diet all right 2nd Timothy 3 16 says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God when the Bible says Scripture is referring to the Bible and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works so the Bible is telling us here that the Bible is profitable for these things it's profitable to be corrected so you can be reproved so you can be instructed you can be taught how to do the will of the Lord now you're in 2nd Timothy go to chapter number 4 in verse number 2 Luke what Paul commands Timothy to do preach the word verse 2 beings the in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine very similar to what we see in 2nd Timothy 3 3 15 what is the same the way you're gonna get the reprove mint and the correction is not just by your Bible reading you need to get it in church too okay you need to get rebuked you need to get reproved you say well I don't like to be corrected then you know what go to the liberal fund centers go get your cotton candy preaching you know and what's gonna happen is you're not gonna learn squat right you know you're gonna feel good you're gonna have a sugar rush but that's it all you're gonna get is the tasty goody cotton candy preaching but you're not gonna learn anything you're gonna be a babe in Christ for the rest of your life okay look come here get your face ripped every once in a while and benefit from it okay it's better to be to get hard preaching to be to have someone step on your toes and you grow from it yeah you might get embarrassed every once in a while your face might turn red every once in a while you know you may not like me every once in a while but you know that you'll benefit from the preaching okay see the easy thing to do is just go to the liberal fund center you know where the rock bands down the hoochie mama's up on stage dancing and say you went to church then to come to a real church where you get some biblical preaching and I will show you from the Bible you know and you know what I may rip your face off when I'm behind the pulpit but when I come out from another from off the pulpit guess what we're friends you know we're good I don't hate you I'm not mad at you look the Bible tells us this is what God's commanded me to do and if I if I reprove you it's because I love you okay but that's what you need that's what I need that's what I've gone for years was was hard Bible preaching and that's I accredit a lot of my spiritual success for what I have of it is because of the godly preaching that came from the pulpit they ripped my face off because I needed it but the Bible tells us there for for doctrine for reproof for correction instruction and righteousness and then he tells Timothy there to reprove rebuke and exhort with all long-suffering in doctrine verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endorse sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables go to Titus chapter number 1 so the Bible says that scripture the Bible will complete you right the Bible will instruct you in righteousness he said but you're just you know that's you're you're equating your preaching to the Bible you you got that right because the Bible says in Titus 1 verse 1 Paul a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the faith of God's elect and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began but had then due times manifested his word through what preaching which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Savior so yeah you got it right because you know what I'm doing I'm not giving you my opinion I'm giving you the Word of God I'm expounding it unto you that I'm giving you the understanding of the scriptures that's what we need we need hard Bible preaching and look go to 1st Timothy chapter number 4 I'm gonna read you from 1st Thessalonians 5 20 the Bible says in 1st Thessalonians 5 20 I love this commandment despise not prophesying period that's what it says it just puts a period right there he just says hey don't hate preaching because prophesying means preaching okay and he says don't hate it now I'm wondering maybe he said that because you know preaching can have a propensity to be hated obviously I mean we understand that right but he's saying there to Christians hey don't hate it so if you're not supposed to hate something what are you supposed to do it's supposed to love it you know you're supposed to embrace it and in order to love something you have to obviously understand that there's value within it right so it says despise not prophesying now look at 1st Timothy chapter 4 and verse number 1 now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so the Bible is telling us that a lot of people depart from the faith they get away from biblical truths and teachings because they're giving heed they're paying attention they're believing seducing spirits and doctrines of devils doctrine means teaching a devil is that just that just the devil so devils are teaching doctrines does that mean there's like a spirit at behind the pulpit no it means the the pastors who are teaching doctrine they're devils right so these so-called pastors that think they're saved or they say that they're saved and all these things but they're teaching false doctrine the Bible says they're devils and they're teaching false doctrine and what happens people are being deceived by that okay now so what does God do well what does God tell us to do because of this because there's so many pastors out there that are teaching false doctrine what are we supposed to do look at verse 7 but refuse profane and old wise fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness so he's saying look in order not to be confused by the false doctrine and the doctrines of Devils you need to exercise yourself unto godliness how does that look like look at verse 13 till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine so he says look the way you avoid all these things is by exercising yourself unto godliness what that looks like is you give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine now what happens when you do that verse verse 16 take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee well what do you save yourself from from the seducing spirits and the doctrines of Devils okay you know I'm sure you've met safe people who go to these weird churches you know they're saying but they're like you're like why are you in that church for they're teaching like weird doctrines you know the pastor is not even saved but you know why because they're being seduced by doctrines of Devils seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils and you know what it is you said why is that because they're not giving attendance to reading they're not giving attendance to doctrine they're not giving attendance to exhortation so therefore they're not saving themselves from these things you know what you do when you come to church you're helping me save you from these false doctrines and as I reiterate them to you I'm teaching myself also I'm saving myself from these false doctrines so cut me some slack when I get up here and I just rip face on some false doctrine you know Caleb Robertson and I start calling out the names of these false prophets and teachers you know I'm trying to save you from these things and then like man I'm trying to save myself because if these things are not talked about you know what we could easily start believing these this garbage okay so go to Hebrews chapter number two I take that back go to Ephesians chapter four so we need to be in church why because in churches where we get hard preaching is which is what you need and I'm not saying we know we're not gonna have encouraging sermons every once in a while I'll tell you that God loves you every once in a while you know but you know what the Bible the Bible says that the Spirit bears witness with our spirit we're the children of God we already know that God loves us you know the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts the Bible says okay that's that's already known you know what we need to know who need to do we need to know about the judgment of God is what we need to know we need to scare the living daylights out of you and put the fear of God in your heart okay to help you to live a holy life all right Ephesians 4 verse 12 says for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive so look the reason you we teach doctrine and we rip face is so you're not a child anymore look I've met people who've been in church for like 25 plus years they're still babes in Christ and they think that because of the of the length of time they've been in church that they're like these mature Christians I don't care how long you've been in church if you're not growing if you're not learning these concepts and being diligent in these concepts you're you're a babe in Christ you know and if someone ever comes up to you don't you know how long I've been in church just you know red flag should go up all this guy's a babe if he has to pull that card out he's a babe in Christ okay because that means nothing right now because look I've met Christians who've been in church for like a year and they like surpass someone who's been in church for like 20 years why because they're learning concepts they're the Lord's teaching them how to do his will okay they're being faithful and diligent in church so what do we need after salvation we need church we need it we need hard preaching we need to be instructed in righteousness go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number six but we need to develop the right type of friends this is essential right here too all this is essential but we're gonna go only essential after another you need the right type of friends once you get saved you have really bad friends to probably to begin with okay and maybe some of them are like family members you know cousins or whatever it may be you know if you're not careful you have to replace your friends now don't say oh that's cultish you guys are just a cult no this is wisdom of the Lord here because the Bible says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed and I guarantee you that the majority of friends are fools okay you know especially if you come from a life where there's drinking there's smoking there's all kinds of debauchery taking place you know you're probably not gonna last long in the Christian life if you keep hanging around your friends okay you need some godly friends now 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 14 says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what Concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath he with that believe with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for you are the temple of the living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people so the Bible says this don't be unequally yoked together with unbelievers what does that mean don't always be with unbelievers all the time just hanging out now look if you're trying to win them to Christ then give them the gospel with him to Christ bring them to church and move on but if it but if it's like been like five years and you're still trying to like your buddies buddies like oh I go to the bar with him you know what I mean cuz I'm trying to win to the Lord you know I'm just I'm just trying to win that doesn't work okay you need to get away from those friends because it's not gonna last long if you keep hanging out with them okay I've had friends who were in church and they wanted to win their friends to the Lord I had a friend who was a major pot smoker the dude smoked weed like every day you know but after he got saved he cleaned up his life he stopped smoking pot but you know what happened he kept hanging around his friends and then he brought his friends to church but you know what they would do after church they would leave and they go out late at night look you shouldn't be hanging out late at night either why cuz the freaks come out at night you know what you need to do at night sleep there's this thing called sleep try it every once in a while when the when the lights go out it means you're supposed to go to sleep and typically good things don't happen at night when you're out and about okay you know and he was out with his friends and I tell him hey you know you need to stop hanging out with these guys you know I know you know they're your friends and they just got saved but they're still involved in a lot of things you're not supposed to be involved with and I'm telling you you're gonna end up falling into that and sure enough what happened got out of church smoking pot again all kinds of sin you know God has wisdom when he's telling you this don't you so what I do then I'm not gonna have any friends look at all these friends are here I got a group of friends all these people are my friends you know and and here's the thing is that's why when you come to church talk to people get to know some people okay get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ develop some friendships develop some relationships why so that when you're lonely you know you're at home and you're lonely you call up your Christian friend you know or you go out to eat with your Christian brother or Christian sister by the way guys with guys girls with girls okay let me just make that clear all right you know you go out with your Christian friends and then you develop new relationships that's important so yeah but we don't have anything common then get in the Bible and get something common okay start learning some Christian practices and concepts and get some Christian appetite so you can have common ground with the people here all right it's for your own good you know because eventually if you keep hanging out with your friends your old friends who are involved in sin you're gonna be involved in that too and look even with friends who are Christians but are lukewarm you know you don't want to be around Christians who are lukewarm you'll be you'll become a luke yourself you will because that just rubs off on you okay now go with me if you would to let's see here go to Romans chapter 10 I'm gonna skip a couple things here so look after salvation you need to get baptized after salvation learn how to be diligent be consistent in church attendance you know don't don't hit miss don't just do go to church when you feel like going and that's another thing we need to learn to do things even when we don't feel like doing them if you're constantly led by your feelings you know what's gonna happen you know when you first get saved sometimes you just feel like reading your Bible a lot you're just on fire you're just constantly reading the Bible you're just like man all this stuff is great but then what happens is you know the fire sizzles out a little bit and then you don't feel like doing it anymore you feel like turning on the TV instead or YouTube or whatever it may be and you don't feel like doing things you're supposed to be doing well that's why you gotta learn diligence because diligence says well I don't care if I don't feel like doing I'm gonna do it anyways because I'm supposed to do it okay now why is it important for you to come to church because obviously you're gonna get a hard preaching you're gonna develop friendships but if the church is where you get sent out of okay look at Romans chapter 10 and verse 13 says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed how shall they believe in him of whom they've not heard how shall they hear without a preacher how say how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things so this is not necessarily talking about just the pastor this is just talking about preachers of the gospel so you can't I'm not saying you can't go soul winning if you just live by yourself and there's no church around but you know what the according to the Bible you need to be sent out because here's the thing if you're out there by yourself and you don't have a church how do you even know you're doing it right you could be preaching the gospel but because no one's there to observe you to correct you or for you to be a silent partner how do you know you're doing it right so you might be going out and preaching the gospel what you think it is and all these things but you might be doing it wrong no but when you come to church you have a rotation of people to go with mature people who know how to go soul winning and guess what you learn the right way to do it so you can confirm how to do it right and then not only that we have so winning times so it's a scheduled time in our church where you can be sent out to go preach the gospel in a specific area that's designated for the soul winners in our church all right I won't spend too much time on that but go to first Peter chapter number two so after salvation baptism after salvation be in church hard preaching is what's necessary in your life to clean up your life okay fellowship you need to develop new friends how do you develop new friends soon as the church ends service ends don't just like I'm out you know don't just leave go say hi to someone you don't know okay I mean you do it all the time when you go so many right shame on us if we know more about the people that we go out you know preaching the gospel to than the people in our church you know go look for someone that you don't know in our church and say hey this is how you start conversations I mean let me teach you hi I'm Bruce what's your name that's just as easy as that it's super easy okay now the worst that can happen is you know at that point what you do is you act like you're talking to the person right behind them you're like oh I'm sorry I wasn't talking to you you know just to save yourself some embarrassment but develop friendships say hi to people go talk to them all right but after salvation what else do we need we need to read the Bible every day read the Bible we're not a cult that will tell you hey you got everything you need right here no you go read the Bible by yourself okay and don't use preaching as a as a exception to reading the Bible so why I listen to a lot of preaching so I don't need to read about no no no that it doesn't work that way you need to read the Bible by yourself alone okay and you need to read the Bible cover to cover not just John not just Proverbs Genesis to Revelation not just the New Testament either read the whole Bible cover to cover look at 1st Peter chapter 2 verse number 1 wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and all evil speaking as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby if so be they have taste that the Lord is gracious go to Deuteronomy chapter number 17 so the Bible says you ought to desire the sincere milk of the word you should want to read the Bible well how do you desire some something you desire it by developing an appetite for it how do you develop an appetite for it by doing it consistently I've shared this illustration before but I think it's a perfect illustration before I to illustrate what I'm about to say before I got married I like my wife you know Sarah I liked her a lot and she has like tons of brothers and sisters so I was friends with their brothers before and you know we used to hang out and stuff now my brother-in-law Tim he's the love he loves drinking this drink called boba you guys are in boba milk tea you guys know what that is all right how many like boba milk tea anybody like boba milk tea okay good good so he liked drinking this and you'd always buy me one but I hated it for me it tastes like cigarette butts it was disgusting was like and then there's no slimy little balls and stuff like I'm like how do you drink that look at the side of this straw but every week he'd buy me one but you know because I like the sister I drink it and I didn't have the guts to tell them you know I mean like I'm good you know but I drink it I was just like this is disgusting this is the nastiest thing I've ever had in my life but you know what after like the tenth time I actually begin to like boba after a while I started buying it myself and to this day I love boba milk tea I like almond milk tea it's good I love it I love the boba I like chewing on it it's great but you know I didn't like it when I first had it it was disgusting when I first had it but because I did it consistently because I like my wife you know you know I developed an appetite for it you know after a while I was like you don't need to buy me boom but I'll get it myself you know so what am I saying is that's how spiritual things are as well you know you say I don't have a desire to read the Bible okay then read it and then what happens is you'll develop an appetite for it so you can see that it goes back to the first point be diligent be consistent what happens then you're like man this is like I'm understanding what I'm reading here this is great I didn't know I could understand the Bible well yeah you have the Holy Spirit of God living within you the Holy Spirit teaches you all things you lead you into all truths and so what happens then you don't need someone cramming down your throat saying hey read the Bible you're like I already read the Bible but you have to read it every day man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God you know we need physical food multiple times a day how much more do we need the Bible multiple times a day okay don't skip a meal and don't think that oh you know what I'm reading I'm reading the Bible right now in church you know that's that's it that's part of my Bible reading no that's not your part of your Bible reading that's part of 1st Timothy chapter 4 which says give attendance to reading okay that's what we're doing in the church but you need to go home and read the Bible and look moms I know it's probably difficult for you to read the Bible with the kids around but you need to find some time to do it and dads help out with that okay help out with that and maybe your work schedule doesn't align to you so what's the best time for me to read the Bible well in my experience the best time is in the morning okay now does the Bible say you have to read it in the morning no you could read it throughout the day okay but maybe the best time for you is at night now the reason I don't think at night is the best time to read the Bible is because you're winding down and typically if you're reading the Bible at night you're not paying attention to what you're reading okay you're just opening you're just like you know I'm ready to go to sleep and you read a couple verses and then you read the whole chapter and you're like I don't even know what I read you know no in the morning your mind's awake you read the Bible and it helps you say for how long do I read the Bible that I can't tell you because it different it's different for everyone but the point is if you're if you're new to reading the Bible maybe just read a couple chapters three chapters a day okay maybe even one but read something but you ought to build upon that okay so three chapters to five chapters to ten chapters and it doesn't have to be in a time span of a week or a couple months just pace yourself but the important thing is is this read the Bible okay don't be dependent on just the preaching you're getting here look if you don't have a Bible as David he'll get you a Bible from the back don't let him not having a Bible be an excuse of why you don't read the Bible and if you don't know where to start come talk to me come talk to one of the guys they'll tell you where to start but you need to start so if you woke up today and you didn't read your Bible don't fret the day is not over you go home crack open that Bible and read it Deuteronomy 17 verse 19 says and it shall be when he saideth upon the throne of his kingdom that he shall write him a copy of this law and a book out of that which is before the priest the Levi so this is a command that God gave for the kings of Israel okay and it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord his God to keep all the words of this law and these statutes to do them so the Bible is telling us that the king during that time had to read the Bible every single day you say until when all the days of his life okay well the New Testament were kings and priests right according to the book according to Revelation chapter 1 verse 6 it says the were kings and priests so that applies to us we're to read the Bible especially us because guess what back then they didn't have the whole Bible we got the whole Bible here okay we got old and New Testament so God's command is to read read it every single day all right now go to John chapter 1 so after salvation get baptized after salvation learn diligence now if you have problems with this matter of diligence being consistent maybe ask someone in the church to keep you accountable okay you know what that means basically what that is is this is this like man I want to be consistent in church attendance but I'm just sometimes I just don't feel like coming I feel like I'm not gonna keep that commitment well ask one of the brethren in church hey can you call me Sunday morning or Saturday night and say hey just a reminder got church you know or maybe you need a ride say hey can you come pick me up yeah I'm gonna be there to pick you up whether you want to go to church or not that's accountability even with Bible reading I've done that with Bible reading too you know where I kept someone accountable with their Bible reading and helped them to get consistent and they're reading the Bible to this day you know day in and day out that helps a lot that's if you have problems with being diligent in that area church attendance now the last thing is this is if you want to be successful in the Christian life after salvation learn how to go soul winning okay now let me just say that all these can be done out of order you can start so winning first before you even read the Bible you know all these things I've known people who started so many before they even went to church okay but I'm just giving you them in these in this order it's important that you learn how to go so winning why is that because it's important for us as God's people to be on fire for God okay hot for the Lord not lukewarm not just like lackadaisical and not just like whatever you know we're just gonna put this thing on cruise control no you need a burn for the Lord but the way you burn for God is by going so winning because one of the most exciting things that you'll ever experience in your life is to lead someone to Christ to save someone from the flames of hell that's exciting and you talk to the most the best so winners in our church or wherever in any kind of church typically there are people who are on fire for God they're talking about the things of God they're talking about the Bible they're faithful to church you know why because they've developed this habit of going out there and preaching the gospel and look when you preach the gospel you find purpose in life like I know what my purpose is it's to save people from hell that's what my purpose is in life you get excited about the things of God and that's great look at John 1 40 and one of the two which heard John speak and followed him was Andrew Simon Peters brother he first findeth his own brother Simon and sayeth unto him we have found the Messiah's which is being interpreted the Christ so Peter the first thing he did obviously he got saved prior to this a little bit prior to this but one of the first things he's did he went to go find his brother you know he didn't know how to necessarily preach the gospel he said hey I found the Christ you know go to Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter number 8 in verse 38 this is talking about the maniac of Gadara you know he gets saved the Bible says that he was sitting and clothed and in his right mind look at verse 38 says now the man out of whom the devil's were departed besought him that he might be with them but Jesus sent him away saying return to thine own house and show how great things God had done unto thee and he went his way and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him you don't even need people that once they get saved go publish it go talk about it go talk about salvation go talk about how God saved you now and I go talk about how they can get saved the same way you got saved go publish that throughout the whole city you know if you want to make it in the Christian life and just and just stay there until the end sowing is the best way to do that it'll it'll help you to grow it'll it'll make sure that your heart doesn't grow cold towards the things of God but you know if you only come to church you hear preaching you're gonna sit soak and sour you're just gonna be critical you're gonna waste your time doing a bunch of nonsense no you need a couple Bible preaching and church attendance and all these things with soul winning so once you get fed look we gather to scatter so we come here we gather together we hear preaching we get equipped and then we scatter to go tell everyone else about salvation okay this is what we need after salvation now look if you don't do any of these things you're still saved you know you have salvation you're going to heaven between gain squat after that on this earth you're not gonna get any rewards when you get to heaven but you know if you apply these principles which are very basic I understand and you're diligent you're consistent about them you're gonna get a lot of rewards you're gonna find a lot of purpose in life okay now look don't don't let this matter of sowing scare you either okay don't think you know if you just come to me like hey I want to go so I was like all right you're by yourself here's a map you know you got to talk to everyone you know I mean you got to make sure no no we're gonna parry up with someone who knows how to go sowing and you're probably not gonna do any talking for a long time weeks if not sometimes months okay because we want to make sure that you learn how to go sowing just watch the way it's done we're not gonna parry up with someone's gonna be like hey how you doing I'm from faith for Baptist Church I just want to ask you a really important question 100% sure that if you die today you go to heaven or you're not okay well they got something to tell you you know they're not just and you're like that's not gonna happen okay there you're just gonna learn we're not going to take questions we're gonna take you can ask me after the service all right but what you have to do is just base just come be a silent partner learn and look this is what's gonna happen when that when that takes place you're gonna see it done a couple times you can be like wow that's not it's not as hard as I thought it was I think I can do this and then you tell your silent partner hey can I try the next door and then after that it's just like it's history after that you become a soul winner okay but this needs to happen after salvation so don't just you know it's great to be saved I'm thankful for salvation but there's a lot of the commandments that God has for us after salvation you know you need to apply these things and be diligent at them amen let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for this day thank you so much for our salvation and thank you for the soul winners that came to us that preached to us the gospel and made known unto us salvation but we're thankful that after salvation it didn't stop there we're able to learn these things about church attendance about Bible reading about soul winning about having the right fellowship and friends I pray God that you'd help us to apply these things and to be diligent be consistent be faithful at all these things and help us to glorify your name in Jesus name we pray amen