(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and especially for those of his own house, yet denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old, having been the wife of one man, well reported of for good works, if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saint's feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work, that the younger widows refuse. When they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry, having damnation because they have cast off their first faith. And with all they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle, but toddlers also, and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. I will, therefore, that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully, for some are already turned aside after Satan. If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged. It may relieve them that are widows indeed. Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, thou shall not muzzle the ox that shreddeth out the corn, and the laborer is worthy of his reward. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins. Keep thyself pure. Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake, and thine often infirmities. Some men's sins are opened beforehand, going before to judgment, and some men they follow after. Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand, and they that are otherwise cannot be hid. Let's pray to the Lord God, I would just thank you for your word and this opportunity to hear preach. Just ask that you would be with our pastor now, please strengthen him, fill him with the Holy Spirit, and please just bless the preaching. I pray that you use it to edify us and equip us to be better servants for you, and in Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen. Okay, we're in 1 Timothy chapter five this morning, and the time of my sermon this morning is a woman's place, a woman's place. The apostle Paul says in 1 Timothy chapter five and verse 14, I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. Now the inspiration for this sermon came earlier this week when I was on social media and a video came up of a woman who has a podcast, I guess, because like everyone has a podcast nowadays, you know? And she made a clip, and I don't know who this woman is, I just saw her on this video, and she's basically talking about the fact that at the age of 30, I think she says she's about 30, that she's basically a complete failure, and she's essentially just divulging all this information on her social media, and she's saying how, you know, she's not where she thought she was gonna be at the age of 30, she does not have a job, her recent podcast company dropped her, and she doesn't have anything in savings, she doesn't see herself getting married or having children in the foreseeable future, and she begins to talk about the fact that when she was 25, she thought by the age of 30 that she would have everything figured out, and now that she's 30, she's basically saying that she's just very miserable and life is not what she thought it was supposed to be, it didn't turn out the way she thought, and I just thought to myself, you know, this woman just sounds miserable, she sounds like she just hates life, and it's because of the fact that she doesn't know her place, okay? Now if you have a knee-jerk reaction to that title, a woman's place, it's only because of the fact that you've been influenced by feminism, by the philosophies of this world, because the reality is this, everyone has their place, man has his place, children have their place, and women have their place as well. Now what do I mean by that when I say a woman's place? Well, I'm referring to first and foremost, what is her biblical role? Two, what is her purpose in life? And three, what should she be aspiring to do? And when she fulfills all those three, according to the Bible, it's then and only then that she will truly be fulfilled in life and can truly please God. So if she's able to fulfill these specific roles here that I just mentioned, it doesn't matter if she's successful in a podcast, it doesn't matter if she makes a lot of money or not, if she fulfills these three, she's complete, okay? In the eyes of God, but also in her heart, she'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is fulfilled and happy in life, and you won't have to make any Instagram clips of you talking about your failures, amen? Only to go viral for a million people to see how miserable you are, and basically help the biblical narrative that she should not be doing what she's doing, amen? Now let me read to you a couple things here before we get into the passage of scripture. First and foremost, what I'm gonna explain this morning are some things that Christians don't even agree with, which is kinda sad because of the fact that the world already understands some of this. And in fact, in 2024, we have more women who have been one to this particular side of thinking, this philosophy, and understands this, not even because they believe the Bible, not because they are Christians, it's because it's just common sense, okay? And so there's a lot of women today that have actually transitioned to staying at home and fulfilling these roles only because of the fact that it just makes sense, it's common sense, it works. Let me read to you a couple things here. This is from a survey of US women conducted by Motherly, which is a advocacy group. It says nearly a quarter of American mothers now identify as stay-at-home parents, a sharp rise from the 15% in 2022. And it says that in 2023, statistics 24% means that 9% of mothers have given up their jobs over the past year. The survey asked respondents for a primary reason in initiating this change in their job status, if they'd made such a change. The most common motivation shared by 24% of surveyed mothers is they wanted to stay home with their children. Oh, that's so terrible. Oh man, you guys are just feeding into this, this misogynistic way of life, they're promoted by Christians. They're literally doing it not because of the Bible, not because they're saved, not because they're getting preaching like this on a weekly basis, not because they're being taught, it's because they just wanna stay home with their kids. You know why? Because naturally, that's what a woman wants to do, okay? And they have to be taught by the world, by the philosophy of the world to do the exact opposite. Okay, so I'm just reading that just to kind of show you that what I'm showing you tonight or today is very basic. No one should be offended at this, especially if you're a Christian. And everyone in here should be in complete and total agreement because of the fact that it's sad that the world who doesn't have the Holy Spirit of God or the Bible agrees with this and they don't even have the truth. So shame on you if you don't, or you try to misconstrue the Bible to fit your worldly narrative. Now, hold your place there in 1 Timothy chapter five because we're gonna come back to that. And go to Isaiah chapter three, if you would. Isaiah chapter number three, we're talking about a woman's place in life. What is her place? Well, let me, by way of introduction, first talk about what isn't a woman's place, okay? A woman's place, let me start off by saying that a woman's place is not in any position of leadership over a man. Now notice that I didn't say any position of leadership, period. Because according to the Bible, she's to lead her kids in the home, amen? And don't minimize that, don't mitigate the importance of that because of the fact that really, the influence of a mother is extremely important because she's raising up the next generation, okay? And so I was like, well, that's not a whole lot. Well, it is a whole lot. Because you're raising human beings to be functioning members of society, to be successful people in this world, that is a great responsibility. But the Bible forbids you to be a leader over a man. Now let me give you three particular areas that the Bible specifically talks about in that regard. First and foremost is in any governmental position, okay? Nikki Haley, okay, who's running for president, you know? And let me just say this, that according to the Bible, when a woman is in position of governmental authority, according to the Bible, God considers that to be a curse upon a nation, not a blessing. Oh, what if they're for conservative values? It's a curse upon a nation. What if they're for Christian values? It is a curse upon a nation. What if they promote a Christian doctrine? It's never gonna happen, but even if it did, it's a curse upon a nation, according to the Bible. It's never a good thing when a woman is in charge of a nation, okay? Look at Isaiah chapter three, verse number four. This is God pronouncing judgment upon Israel, and he starts off by saying that he's gonna remove all these positions of authority, of male authority, and he says in verse number four, and I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. Now, I don't believe that this is referring to literal children, although it could be the case. You have instances like that throughout history, for example, with the Egyptian empire, where there'd be certain monarchs that were 14 years old, and even in Israel, that happened as well. But I think this is just referring to the fact that the men who are ruling over the nation are very immature, incapable of ruling a nation. You know, it's basically kind of like what we have today, right? Where they're incapable of speaking, they kind of lose their thoughts mid-sentence, wander off the stage type of a thing, the things that kids would do. So this is what God is saying is judgment upon a nation. So it's an indicator that America's being judged, right? Skip down to verse 11, if you would. He says in verse 11, woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him. As for my people, children are their oppressors, listen to this, and women rule over them. So God views a woman being in a position of authority as oppression, okay? Why, because it's out of the God-given order that God has instituted in this world, not just from a spiritual perspective, just in a world's perspective, how God structured this world to be. He's saying that a woman should not rule over a man. It's considered oppression, and it's a curse upon a nation when that actually takes place. He says, oh my people, they, referring to the women, which lead thee, cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. So right off the bat, we see there, in Isaiah chapter three, that when women are in positions of leadership, whether it be a president, a governor, a mayor, any position of governmental authority, automatically just put your stamp on it, that's a curse. Should never be done. And we should never promote to our children to aspire to our daughters, to aspire to be these leaders in government, and you can make such a big change if you become the mayor, and you become a governor, and you become the president, you can do such great things. No, you'll destroy the nation. You will participate in the judgment and destruction of a nation if you ever aspire and actually achieve that accomplishment, you will actually accomplish destroying the nation. Cause that's what God says. Go to first Corinthians chapter 14. First Corinthians chapter 14. Not only is God, not only does God forbid for women to rule over men in a governmental aspect, but also in church, okay? Now look at first Corinthians chapter 14, and skip down to verse 23. Now, Christians, they might agree with what I just said in the beginning, but many of them don't agree with this. Okay? Which is why you have a lot of churches that will have Sunday school teachers that are women, or you'll have churches that allow women to preach, the Pentecostals, you know, Joyce Meyers, type of churches, but this is actually something that's in complete disobedience to God's word. God forbids it, God says that it's wicked, and in fact, look at verse 23. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints. What do I have in return? I think it's second Corinthians, sorry. Yeah, second Corinthians. Second Corinthians, no, no, no, it is first Corinthians. Sorry. Oh, verse 33, I'm sorry, first Corinthians 14, verse 33. Just a couple verses down. Says in verse 33, for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints. So what is the context here? He's saying there should be no confusion in church, okay? And what is confusion? Confusion is when you have disorder, you understand? When things are out of order, they're not in God's order, because God is not an author of confusion, but a God of orderliness, that creates conflict in the church, right? So in context, when he talks about confusion, what does he bring up? Well, look at verse 34. Let your women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. Verse 35, and if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home, for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. Now, people always bring this up when they wanna criticize the Bible, and say, oh, look what your Bible says. And I agree with what the Bible says. What's the problem with it? But what they're implying is that we believe, as soon as a woman steps into the foot of a building, they just can't talk at all. They're just to remain silent. Now, that's such a stupid and silly interpretation, because we obviously know that in the context, the context is preaching. The Bible's saying that a woman is not supposed to preach. Doesn't mean they can't fellowship and talk. You know, it's just like, hey, women, you know, zip it as soon as you step through First Works Baptist Church, and can't hear a peep out of you until you leave these doors. That's not what it's saying. What it's talking about in its context, it's prophesying or preaching, and it's saying that women should not be allowed to preach in church. Why? Because of the fact that that is designated for a man to do. Why not some women that can preach? So what, I probably do too. Does that mean it's right to do? There's probably some women in our church that would probably make really good preachers. They could probably wax eloquent behind the pulpit if we ever gave it to them, but it doesn't make it right. You understand? And here's the thing, you know, we bring this up, and people will often bring up this example in the Bible. Yeah, but what about Deborah, though? Well, first of all, I miss the part that said Pastor Deborah, okay? Because Deborah was never a pastor. Barak was essentially the general and judge. And in fact, in Hebrews chapter 11, when talking about the Hall of Faith, only Barak is mentioned. Now, why is it that Deborah was in a position to teach the Word of God? Because anyone who says that doesn't even know the story. They just kind of say it, but they don't really know what the story's about. Deborah was in a position of spiritual leadership because of the fact that every man was doing that which was right in their own eyes in the days of the judges. So what happens when every man does that which is right in their own eyes? They start putting women as preachers. Instead of doing that which is right in God's eyes, and actually having a man of God teach the Word of God, they're going to the woman, Deborah, to, for spiritual leadership. Now, here's the thing is that I believe Deborah was a godly lady. She's a godly woman, she did know the Word of God, and she was essentially forced in a position of spiritual leadership because the men were being weaklings, they didn't know the Word of God. And this is the way I would liken it, is like, for example, when you have a woman today who is on fire for God, but her husband is not, she's kind of forced in that position where she has to lead the family spiritually, even though it's not her place, even though that's not what God wanted for her, she's kind of forced in that position because of the man. Understand? And so, before we get on the ladies for doing that, which I don't agree with, amen, step it up. Learn the Word of God, take the reins, be in charge spiritually, lead your wife and lead your children, or else you're going to have a Deborah situation, and when you read that story, it's really sad because Barak is over here like, I'm not going to go unless you go, too, you know? It's like, man, Barak, you're making the judges look bad. Now, the Bible's not saying that women shouldn't preach, period, so don't go overboard on this, either, because the Bible commands both man and woman, boy and girl, to preach the gospel, right? And women are to teach the Word of God unto their children at home, absolutely. We're talking about the office of a bishop, the pastorate, in church, according to the Bible, is not designated for a woman, and it says in verse 34, that they should keep silence in the churches. Now, if you think that's a rude thing to say, you should read that verse in Spanish. It sounds even, it's way more like rude in Spanish. So it's saying, they are not permitted to speak, they're not permitted to teach, they should keep silence in the churches, which is another reason why we don't encourage women saying amen in the services, either, okay? Now, every once in a while, we'll have a visitor that comes and, you know, a lady who will come, she's brand new, and you know, she's with the preaching. You know, I'll talk about something like this, and they're just like, amen. I'm not really upset at that, because they just don't know better. So I'm not gonna be like, shut up! Silence in the church, women! Although I know some of you would want me to do that. Some of you would be like, yeah, get her, you know? I'm not gonna be like, now, the only time that I would actually do something like that is when they are creating a ruckus in the service, where they're being a distraction, and now it's not even a matter of like, she's not keeping silent in the church, now she's disrupting the services. And we had an instance like that at the old building, where there was this Pentecostal-type lady who was in the service, and she's like, woo, yeah, amen! She's like going all crazy, and I'm just kinda holding my tongue, holding my tongue, but there comes a point when all heads start turning, you know what I mean? And they're no longer paying attention to the message, at which point, I had to pull out these verses in the middle of my sermon, and start telling her that she needs to be quiet. And she didn't like it, so she got up, and she went up to my wife, and she said, did he just say what I think he said? And my wife, in her meek little spirit, was just like, that's what the Bible says. So she like stormed off, and she threw the Bible down, at my wife's feet, and took off, came back like two minutes later, and picked up the Bible, and said, I actually need this. And you know what, she does, and she needs to turn to 1 Corinthians 14. Go to 1 Timothy chapter two. So, no Jezebel's in church. Because according to the Bible, in Revelation chapter two, the problem with the church at Thyatira was that they're permitting the prophetess Jezebel to teach their people, and seduce them, to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed, and to idols. Now, there's a specific reason why God says a woman should not preach in church, okay? It's not like, oh, God just hates women. Because people will listen to something like that, and be like, oh, that's just, why is he so misogynistic, and he just hates women? You know, what's the deal with that? Well, 1 Timothy two explains to us why. Look what it says in verse number eight. I will, therefore, that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting, and like manner also the women adoring themselves in modest apparel, with shame, faith, innocence, and sobriety, not with broided hair, gold, or pearls, or costly array, but which becometh women professing godliness with good works. Verse 11, let the women learn in silence with all subjection. Now, we can compare that to 1 Corinthians 14 and say, okay, 1 Corinthians 14 is saying what we think it's saying. Because we can back it up with 1 Timothy two, verse 11, and it's saying the same thing. Now, look at verse 12, but I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Now, I cut off the verses here for some reason. So let me go in my Bible here. It says, verse 13, for Adam was first formed, then Eve, so now we're in the same context of preaching, right? Because he's saying there he's not gonna allow a woman to teach, but to be in subjection, to learn, and not usurp authority over the man. And then he delves into the subject of Adam and Eve. Look what he says in verse 13. For Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived. But the woman being deceived was in the transgression. So what the Bible's telling us here is that women are more susceptible to lies, to deception. And so if you have a woman who's susceptible to lies, they're gullible, they are more susceptible to false doctrine, they're more likely to teach false doctrine. Look at Joyce Myers. Any Pentecostal, I've never met a doctrinally sound woman preacher. You understand what I'm saying? I mean, does anybody know of a doctrinally sound? I mean, even Joyce Myers teaches a repent of your sins in the Gospel, and she's like the extreme aspect of the spectrum, where she's like a major false prophet. But let's just talk about someone who's just well-meaning, and she's just preaching God's word. I guarantee you there's a lot of false doctrine coming out of her mouth because of the fact that Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but Eve was. Implying that women, if they're placed in a position of spiritual leadership, are more susceptible to deception, which is why they need their husbands to teach them what the Bible says, right? And so God forbids for a woman to be in positions of leadership in the government, in church. This is why we don't have Sunday, one of the reasons why we don't have Sunday school classes, because most Sunday school classes, the teachers are women, okay? And again, I'm not saying not teach anything at all because women are supposed to go preach the Gospel, door to door, and they're supposed to teach their children at home, okay? And we'll see later on that it's good for a woman to teach another woman and disciple another woman, but not even in matters of doctrine. In matters of what, like how to love their husbands. Okay, we'll get into that in just a bit. So when we talk about a woman's place, we're talking about the fact that her place is not in the government, her place is not to lead in church, and then also, let me say this, they're not supposed to be lording over their husbands either, because you know, the first two points, most Christian women will be like, yeah, that's right, that's right, but then there's this little one right here, okay, where you have a Christian home, but the woman's the one running the show. She's wearing the pants. She's leading her husband. You know, this is what we would consider to be a hand-pecked husband, okay? So she's not supposed to lording over her husband, meaning she doesn't call the shots, amen? Whether by acting like you're the boss, or throwing a fit if you don't get your way, amen? This is also wrong, why? Because the Bible tells us, wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as unto the Lord, the Bible says, okay? And so, God also condemns this type of women that, this type of woman that will try to lead, yeah, they'll reject the leadership in government, they'll reject the leadership in church, but when it comes to their own household, they're essentially puppeteering their own husband, and making him do X, Y, and Z, all the while trying to make it seem as though they have God's order in their church. That's still wrong, okay? Still wrong, it's not biblical. The Bible says that the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and is the savior of the body. And I remember back in the old IFB, I heard a pastor say this, he's like, yeah, you know, the Bible says that the husband is the head of the wife, but you know, she's the neck that turns the head. What is that? So what does that say about you? Are you implying that your wife is running you, and running the show? And you know what, an assessment of that ministry tells me, yes, she is the one running the show. Shame on him for first and foremost allowing that, and secondly, for telling people that. So he's like, he's like mocking the Bible. He says, you know, yeah, you know, the husband is the head of the wife, and then he inserts his own little interpretation, but the wife is the neck. Sorry, that's not in the Bible. Nor in the Bible does it say that the wife is the neck that turns the head. You understand? My wife is not right here. She's not this double chin right here. But telling me where to turn, it's such a stupid thing to say. And it's honestly just an admission of being a hempecked husband and pastor, because apparently according to what he's saying is that she runs the show not only in the house, but also in church, okay? It goes on to say in Ephesians five, therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wise be to their own husbands, listen to this, in everything. Meaning that he's in charge in every aspect. He is the lord of the house. And women, if you're kind of like twitching at this, you need this. And we need to squeeze the feminism out of you, okay? And squeeze the worldly philosophies out of you that were inserted by the world, by television, by social media, maybe just by your upbringing. You just have that attitude, but it's not a right attitude to have. It's ungodly. Let me continue reading some verses here. First Peter chapter three, and verse number one says, Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, that if any obeyed not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. What's that talking about? It's referring to the fact that if you are a believer, ladies, and your husband is not, or at best he's just a really backslitting Christian, the Bible tells us that if he's not willing to listen to the word of God and obey the word of God in taking that position of leadership in the home, he can be won by the conduct of his wife. Because conversation is just another way of saying conduct, the lifestyle. So in other words, the word of God says it's powerful, it has authority, but let's just be honest, not everyone regards the authority as they should, okay? And there's certain instances where some people are so backslidden, they're not affected by the word of God, they're just like, I don't wanna hear it. So the Bible says that the second best thing to do is to win them over by preaching to them, no. By nagging them, no. It says by your conversation, by your conduct, because men are very susceptible to an obedient, submissive wife. And they're more likely, okay, to start going to church with you and start taking that position of leadership when they see what Christ in you, the hope of glory has done, and what kind of wife he's created in you, it's gonna motivate him to take on that role. It says in verse two, while they behold your chaste conversation, coupled with fear, humility, shame, faceness is what it's referring to, who's adorning? Let it not be the outward adorning of the plating of the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel, but let it be the hidden man of the heart. So it's saying, you know, the emphasis isn't necessarily what you put on the outside, the emphasis should be on what's on the inside, which is that hidden man, the spirit, the new man that's within you. And that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, emphasis on quiet, which is in the sight of God of great price. And then it goes on to say, for after this manner, in the old time, the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands. So he says, you know, there's women who, in the Old Testament, they obeyed this, they essentially led their lives in such a way that they were in subjection to their own husbands. You're like, well, they had great husbands. Really? Do we need to make a synopsis of some of the husbands that were in the Old Testament? I mean, Abraham was a great man, but man, he did some stupid stuff. And yet Sarah was in subjection to Abraham in spite of that. And it says, verse six, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whose daughters he are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement. Now, guys, don't get all weird about this, and it's just like, yeah, I like how that sounds, you know? I like the ring of that, you know? Lord. Because there's dudes who are like that. I've known some personally who as soon as they got married, they wanted their wives to call him Lord. And it's just kind of like, power trip, you know? You know, obviously she's calling him Lord, but Lord, what is Lord? It means boss, okay? And so what it's telling us here is that Sarah obviously was in such subjection to her husband that she recognized that he is the boss, I'm gonna follow him as unto the Lord, things of that nature. So don't get all weird, and you know, most dudes who do that obviously have a complex, and they go on a power trip, and so don't be a weirdo like that. Geo, don't do that, okay? Since you're the most one in close proximity to marriage, you know, but hey, if he wants you to do that, you gotta do it, I guess, you know? Let me read to you one last verse. Titus 2, three says, the aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things. It's not referring to doctrine, it's not referring to teaching in church regarding systematic theology. It says in verse four, that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chase keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. That's what should be taking place in that chat, by the way. Just women admonishing one another and teaching one another how to love their husbands better, amen? Now, with that being said, that was all introduction. The Apostle Paul gives three distinct areas designated for a woman in 1 Timothy chapter five. Go to 1 Timothy five, I'll read it to you again in verse 14. He says, I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully, for some are already turned aside after Satan. Now, this is actually the prescription that the Apostle Paul gives in response to what to do with widows in the church, okay? And he's basically telling the church here, hey, you know, obviously the church is to be benevolent towards its members and provide for its members who are in need, and you'll have instances where you have a widow who is in need. However, if the widow is a young woman, she should not be taken care of by the church, she needs to marry, and when she fulfills these responsibilities that we see here in verse 14, then she's not gonna be given over to Satan, okay? And this is not a sermon on widowhood, I'm just explaining here, why was this brought up, okay? It's in context of widowhood and what to do with women who become widows. Now, the first thing that he mentions here is the fact that number one, a woman's place is by her husband's side. It's where a woman's place is. And in fact, the Bible refers to this as being a what? A help meet. Now women, men and women, listen closely, okay? This is important, because we need to keep this doctrine alive. We need to circulate this doctrine, you know, the blood needs to keep flowing on this doctrine, and make sure that we keep this alive and not make excuses for it, and try to think, well, we need to move on with the times and with the culture. No, we need Christian culture is what we need, and we need to keep these practices alive, we need to keep these philosophies alive, less people in our church, less people in this country think, well, you know, that was back then. We gotta know the cultural context. This is the cultural context. It's the same cultural context that we have today. Because sin has always been sin. This is how it's always been, okay? And so, number one, a woman's place is by her husband's side. Of course, we read that in verse 14. I will, therefore, that the younger women marry. So, when we look at the grand scope of marriage, okay, we see, in regards to the woman, that her purpose in life, listen to this, should be to make her husband successful. Let me say that again. Her purpose in life should be to make her husband successful. Now, go to Genesis chapter two. Hold your place there in 1 Timothy. You say, well, you're addressing the married women, but what about the single ladies? Well, if the Bible's instructing women to be married, to bear children and guide the house, that means that single ladies should be preparing for that. Not preparing to be an astronaut. Not preparing to be a doctor. Not preparing to cure cancer, because that's already been done. You'll die if you come up with another cure. Not preparing for some great invention. The Bible specifically teaches and directs women to prepare for marriage. That's what the Bible teaches. You say, what are you gonna train your daughters to do? To be wives. All my daughters will be trained in our household to be godly young wives for their husbands, to make their husbands successful. As much as it irks me that I'm gonna give away my daughters one day, that is God's purpose. And some young lady's purpose, you know, whether in this church or abroad, is being prepared to be the wives of my sons, because that is the way things should be. So they shouldn't be raised to become these successful entrepreneurs in the secular world, to be this boss babe. That's like a big thing, right? Do their own thing, independent boss babes or whatever, because they want to accomplish something. Women often choose to get married, unfortunately, after a lot of these accomplishments. They're like, well, I'm gonna do all this first, and I'm gonna make all kinds of money, and be a microcelebrity on social media, and have a really famous podcast, and none of this liberal stuff. I want to be like a farmer or something. I want to raise animals and be famous in that regard or whatever. And then after that, maybe I'll get married or something. Like it's an afterthought. But marriage, according to the Bible, should be the first thought. That's what they should be preparing for. Look at Genesis 2, verse 20. Let's read a couple of verses here. Adam gave names to all the cattle, to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam, there was not fount, and help meet for him. And the Lord God caused the deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of a man. So I find it kind of funny that throughout his stay in the Garden of Eden, he's just referring to as woman. He's like, hey woman. But that was her name. Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh, the Bible says. So this is what the Bible's teaching us, is that the purpose of having a wife is that they cleave one to another, not to their in-laws, not to best friends, and friends outside at your job. It says that they cleave one to another. Not one cleaves and the other one leaves. Both of them cleave one to another. That's what the Bible's teaching us here. And there's no examples in the Bible. In fact, the only examples that we see in the Bible of when people get married, you actually see the woman leaving everything. I mean, isn't that the only? I mean, I'm talking about they go to a different nation, and it's just like within a couple of days, you know, she's gone. And then the parents are just like, be thou a mother of many nations or whatever, and they just never see them again. That is the example that we have, right? So that's a great illustration to prove that you're supposed to leave and cleave. Because when it says you're no more twain, but one man, one flesh, excuse me, it's referring to the fact that you are now your own unit in the sight of God. Absent from mommy and daddy, absent from, and look, I'm not saying that they can't be involved or whatever, but the only involvement that in-laws should ever have is the involvement that you give them. And the truth of the matter is, is that you just need to figure things out on your own sometimes, okay? Gain some wisdom, and let's just be quite honest here. As a pastor, by the way, you know, a lot of problems that I have to deal with with marriages is with in-laws. In-laws that get involved and they think that they can run, you know, Poindexter's life and, you know, and her life or whatever. Keep the in-laws out of it. You know, and look, if your in-laws are out of state, you should do a backflip, amen? For the Marcos, I see you. I'm not saying don't love your in-laws. Of course we love our in-laws, amen? You know who's a great example of an in-law in the Bible? Jethro. You know, Moses didn't see Jethro at all. He just never saw him. And then when he does see him, Jethro has some good advice. And you know, I always find that story really funny because, you know, Moses has sent home his wife. Okay, and the reason he sent her home is because she's being bad, she's being a bad girl. So he's like, he sent her home. He's just like, you're going home with your dad. I can't deal with you right now. I'm delivering a million people, you know? So Jethro comes and he brings, you know, he brings Moses' wife and like Moses doesn't even greet his wife, he just goes for Jethro. And then they just start talking about their affairs and stuff and you know, Jethro is really good friends with Moses. I mean, they love each other and he invites them and then of course, Jethro benefits Moses' ministry by giving him some very sound, wise advice. And I think that's great. I think it's great when the in-laws get along with the son-in-law or the daughter-in-law, right? And that's how it should be. But what I'm saying is that obviously, you know, Jethro's not coming every weekend, trying to check up on the, make sure everything's running smoothly or something like that. It's not your business, okay? Now that's a sermon for another, I do want to preach a sermon on in-laws one day, because I think the Bible does have a lot to say about it, okay? But I digress, regrettably. Look at chapter three, if you would. Hey, leave and cleave, cleave to your wife, cleave to your husband, cleave only to your wife and cleave only to your husband. And in fact, when you make those vows, that's what we talk about. Him only, thou shalt serve, you know? And that you're only to each other and that's it. Hey, figure out your problems on your own. Get wisdom from other people who have experience, but you need, like God gave you a husband, God gave you a wife, that is the union that God has instituted for you to figure things out. And so it's important, okay? Look at Genesis three, verse 16. This is after the fall. It says unto the woman, he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception, and so this is why women experience a lot of pain during childbearing, it's because of the fall. In sorrow, thou shalt bring forth children, and listen to this, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. So God instilled within the woman this desire for her husband. She will always desire her husband, and what does that mean? It means she desires to please her husband. That's actually what will make her happy. And you have women today who are chasing this imaginary dragon of happiness that they think will make them happy, and it's not. What will make them happy is to get married and to please her husband. That's the happiest a woman will be. And we're not even talking about within the realm of Christianity, this is just mankind, right? This has nothing to do with prophecy, has nothing to do with salvation, has nothing to do with any of that, it just has to do with humanity. So mankind, God has designated it in such a way that the woman is well pleased when she pleases her husband. She is happy, she is the most happy when she's making her husband successful. Okay? That's what it says. Unless you're reading it from like the ESV or something. Because in the ESV it's like her desire shall be contrary to her husband, you know? Her emotions will be contrary to her husband for sure, but her desire will always be towards her husband, she will always want to please her husband, and it says that he shall rule over thee. So sorry ladies, that's part of the curse, all right? But it's a blessing for us, I'm just kidding. Hey, with great responsibility, what's the Spiderman saying? Great power comes great responsibility. All right, go to 1 Corinthians 11 if you would, 1 Corinthians 11. Ladies, let me just say this, you know, if you find yourself unhappy in your marriage, here is a practical solution for you to get happy once again, please your husband. Make him happy. Make him his favorite food. Ask him what makes him happy. And I guarantee you, when you succeed in that area, in making him happy, you will be fulfilled, you will have joy. But not only that, help him to be successful. Once you realize that your husband is successful, part in part because of you, you will feel fulfilled in your life. And in fact, I think about my personal life and my wife, I tell my wife this all the time. I tell her, you know what, if it wasn't for you, I'd just fall apart. I'll just be honest with you, okay? What do you mean, yeah? He's like, oh yeah, you would. That's true though. I tell my wife, like, if it wasn't for you, like, everything would just fall apart around me. Like, you play such an important role in my life. Like, without you, you literally complete me. I need you. Like, I need my wife. I cannot live life without my wife. She needs to be there, she's like, I don't even know how to, it's the, what I'm trying to say is ineffable. It's just, you can't really describe it because of how important she is in my life, in the lives of my children, but just my personal life. I need her, and I cannot be successful as a pastor, I cannot be successful as a man if I don't have my wife. Why? Because she's my help me. That's just the way it works. And so when I succeed in my personal life, when I succeed in powerlifting, in cutting, in the pastorate, my wife actually plays a large role in that. You know, this church has succeeded greatly, and yeah, it's because of my leadership to a certain extent, but you know what? Who's working in the background is my wife helping me. My wife's helped me a lot just in the inception of this congregation, of this church. When I'm lifting, and I get all the numbers, and I'm cutting a certain amount of weight, you know, I'm the one, discipline myself to do it, but the one who's helping me is my wife. She's making the meals, she's making the numbers for me. I'm like, how much can I have today? What's the problem? I don't mind trying to look at the numbers. Just give it to me, you know? Here's the money, you pay for it. But honestly, I credit a lot of my success in the Christian life, especially this half, as a married man, to my wife. Much of it is credited to her, okay? Look at 1 Corinthians 11, verse one. Be followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances as I deliver them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God, the Bible says. Now skip down to verse number eight. For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. So this is something you need to remind yourselves of, ladies, you know it's okay for your husbands to treat you like a princess, but don't go around acting like a princess as though you're the most important person. Because let me just tell you right now, according to the Bible, you were made for your husband. That's what the Bible says. Now husbands, don't go around just telling your wives, I've never told my wife that. Like hey. You're made for me. You know why, because I don't have to do that. I don't have to verbalize that. It's already, she knows, you understand? But I'm saying it behind the pulpit because I'm interpreting the scripture that that is your purpose, you are made for the man. Okay, now go to chapter seven. Chapter seven, let's look at a couple more verses here. So what is a woman's place? It's a woman's place is by her husband's side. Verse 34 says, there is a difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit, but she that is married careth for the things of the world how she may please her husband. So again, it seems as though a wife's world revolves around her husband. Because she's caring for the things of this world, how she may please her husband. This is referring to carnal things, things of the flesh, things that, you know, that exist here, things, the administrative aspects of your husband, taking care of your husband's operation. The Bible says that your job is to care for the things of this world, how you can please him in all areas, making him his lunch every single day. Three meals, okay, washing his laundry. Now I get it, I get it. There are men in our church who like cooking. I'm not one of them. And you know what, some of you women, you, you, you hit the jackpot if that's you, okay? And think of like Jose. Jose loves to smoke, and I mean smoke meat. Don't wanna like slander him or something. You know, he loves smoking meat. So Janelle hit the jackpot with Jose. Because not only does he like to smoke, I mean, he just, it's like always like quality food. You know, does she ever even have to cook? And then if she does cook, does she ever feel like intimidated by him, you know? Because Jose can make an alligator taste good. But you know what, he's the exception to the rule, okay? Now, who likes to cook here? Oh man, you weirdos. We need to get back to the old fat, no, I'm just kidding. That's okay. Obviously, you know, and I'm gonna get to it in just a bit, what are the responsibilities of a woman? But what I'm saying is the fact that, ladies, you need to figure out what your husband needs and what pleases him, what will help him to fulfill his role at his job, what will help him to better function as a member of society in this world, what can you do, your world should revolve around him. But what about me time? Your me time is his time, that's how it works. And you know what, I know that's shocking, but hold on, let's read it again. But she that is married cared for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. And in fact, folks, let me just say this, is that at my house, in my home, quality time for my wife is when she spends it with me. That's actually when she's the habit. You know what my wife likes is when I take her on dates and it's just me and her. You see, does she have alone time? Of course she has alone time if she's reading her Bible or something, but you know what the times that please her the most is when she's with me. Okay, and we need to get away from this idea, okay, or it's just like, well, you know, my wife needs to have her girlfriends, and her, you know, her girlfriend's out, and they need to have a girl's night out. What is that? Should we have a boy's night out too? Folks, this is the kind of mentality that waters down the union of a marriage. I'm telling you right now, my wife, before she was married, was happiest when she was home with her dad. She was, she didn't like being out. She was a home girl, a legitimate home girl. And you know what, now, you know when she's the happiest? When I come home, it's not like, where can we go? She tells me, I'm the happiest when you're home. We want you to be home. Why, because of her desires to her husband. And you know what, if you find yourself not having that desire, then you need to change your desires, because look, we just read the verses, and that's what the Bible says. And don't, you know, well, let's look at the lexicon, or whatever, it's gonna tell you the same thing. All right, let's move on, because some of the ladies are mad at me right now. Go back to 1 Timothy, if you would, chapter two. So what are we saying, a woman's place is by her husband's side, okay? And let me just clarify something, because there's not, I can give a little clarity to things, but sometimes people just look too much into what I'm saying. Let me just clarify something. This is not to say that a woman can't be an entrepreneur at home, and have a home business, and be successful in those areas. That's not what I'm saying at all, okay? Because we can clearly look at the example of the proper 31 woman, who was very industrious. She was a woman of industry. She was a blessing, not only to her household, to her husband, but she brought in income. I mean, she was very successful. She wasn't a busybody, but she stayed busy, amen? There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's encouraged in the Bible. What the priority is, though, is your husband, though. And if your husband and your husband's ministry, your husband's operation is suffering because of your industry, that industry needs to go. Because it's not about you. You're the help me. Amen? All right, number two. This is going over like a screen door in a submarine. Number two, what is a woman's place? A woman's place is to have children. Brother Carey was telling me about this last week, and he was like, you know what's a good sermon for you to preach on? He said, dinks. I'm like, dinks? He's like, yeah, dinks. But then I remembered, dinks. It's actually like something's becoming popular now, but it was actually even popular 10, 15 years ago. It kind of comes in waves. What is dinks? Double income, no kids. These are people who are just like, let's not have any kids so that we can have more money because therefore we can have more fun, more possessions, more fulfillment. But folks, that is wicked. You say, why? Well, first and foremost, how are you determining whether or not to have kids if you're not using birth control? Birth control is abortion. Let me just remind our church of that. Birth control is abortion. You are murdering children when you take birth control, and it's unnatural, it's ungodly. No one in the Bible does it teach it. He said, what does the Bible teach about having children? Be fruitful and multiply. Yeah, but aren't you supposed to choose how many you have? No, it's God chooses for us. He closes the womb, he opens the womb. Obviously, there should be a natural spacing, a natural spacing, which is approximately about two years apart, which should happen naturally. Sometimes it doesn't. There's people in our church who have had children back to back, and sometimes that happens. But for the most part, there's no such thing as birth control in the Bible. You get married and you do what married people do, and then you just have offspring, that's how it works. And whatever God wants you to have, that's what you're gonna have. That's how the Bible operates it. But to have this concept and this idea of, well, the less children we'll have, the more income we can have, first and foremost, once you hit 40, you'll realize this is a bad idea and now we're all alone. Because people start getting into their late 30s, late 40s, they start regretting a lot of those decisions. You have these boss babes that are out there who are like, oh, you know, I wanna be an entrepreneur, I don't wanna, I can't see myself married or having kids in the foreseeable future. Well, we'll visit you, you cat lady, in about 10, 15 years, and I'll guarantee you're not gonna have that same opinion. You know why, because a woman's natural disposition is to want children. That's what they're made for. Yes, you heard right. How can you say that? Well, can a man give birth to a child? I mean, it's a stupid question to ask, but I'm trying to be reasonable here. The only people in this world that can have women, obviously could have, yeah, actually that's true, they could have women and men, children, are women. Just because some dude dresses in a dress and calls himself a woman, he, you know what? That dude, even though he's dressed like a woman, at the age of 40, he's still gonna have to go in for his prostate examination. Right? And he's not gonna have a child. Only women are given that privilege, and it is a privilege to be able to have children. It is a blessing, okay? It is an honor to better children, and in fact, you know, it's not just having children, by the way. It's raising them up in the nurturing and the admonition of the Lord. I mean, it's a lot of responsibility, not just to have children, but also to raise them, to actually, and not just raise them to be functioning members of society, how about this? Raising them to love the Lord. That's a huge responsibility, and women play a very large role in that, and I would even go as far as to say that they play an even larger role in that than the husband, because the husband's out working. The moms are home with their kids most of the time, most of the day. They're in the presence of their children most of the day, so most of the godliness and discipline that the children will learn in their household will be from their mom. Now, it's wicked to be a dink, okay, on purpose, but obviously, there's instances where people can have kids, okay, and at that point, you have to give it to the Lord, okay, and recognize that God can open the womb, God can close the womb, and sometimes He does close it. Okay, sometimes He closes it, and people are incapable of having children, but to those people, I say still support this idea, though, because it is biblical, okay, and I'm referring to those who, by choice, are not having children because they want more money, and they think it's hard, and how are we gonna, well, here's the thing is that a lot of people, even who have kids, I mean, my wife has run into people at grocery stores that they see her kids, and they'll say, and they're like 50, 60, 70 years old sometimes, and they'll tell my wife, they're like, you know, the only regret that I have is that I didn't have more kids. They'll say that, because as you mature, you realize how wonderful children are, and obviously, they're a major blessing, but, and they're like, oh, man, but it's just so hard to have children, and all the pain, but you know what, people have done it for thousands and thousands of years, and this is how the world has functioned, and in fact, the population of the world is dependent upon you, ladies, to replenish the population of this world. Look at 1 Timothy chapter two. He says, but I suffer not a woman to teach, verse 12, nor to you suffer authority over the man, but to be in silence. Skip down to verse 14, Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression, notwithstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith, and in charity, and holiness with sobriety. So that's pretty interesting. It says that she shall be saved in childbearing. What's interesting about that is in 1 Timothy chapter five, it says that when they begin to wax wanton against Christ, then they will marry, okay? And they'll have damnation, because they have cast off their first faith. So it almost seems like they're saying two different things, because in 1 Timothy five, it says that when they begin to wax wanton, meaning lascivious, they will eventually marry, but they'll receive consequences because they've cast off their first faith, not because they had children. And what I believe this is referring to here, in context of what we see in 1 Timothy two, is that having children is not the end game. Raising those children, and keeping yourself busy raising those children, is the end game there. You see, the way you can avoid the deception of Satan, or being saved from his deception, is not just having children. It's also raising those children as well. That's what it's teaching there. When it says she shall be saved in childbearing, it's saying like you're gonna be saved from the deception of Satan, but look at the condition there, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. You compare that with 1 Timothy chapter five, I'm referring to guiding the house as well, raising those children. And look, there's plenty of people out there who are having children, but are not raising them, right? I mean, aren't the prisons filled with people, with men who grew up without a father, without a mother? Someone birthed them, but didn't raise them. Let's not view having children as being a curse. You know, the Bible tells us, and you don't have to turn there, Psalm 113 verse nine says, he maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children, praise ye the Lord, the Bible says. Now, look, I'm gonna be 100% honest with you. My kids drive me crazy. They do. They drive me mad sometimes. And sometimes at home, the volume level is just ridiculous. Almost to the point where I just wanna be like, be quiet. I just wanna yell out. And there's five of them. Seven and under. And then we have one, I'm not gonna say who it is, we have one that just has these outbursts of screams. Ah! And he's like. Just out of excitement, they just like, they just yell. And he's just like, why did you do that? And he's just like, sorry. I just do that. Disciplining them and teaching, I mean, they drive us crazy, but you know what? Man, I love all five of them. They mean the world to me. And they bring so much joy to my life. It's amazing. It's incomparable. It's a blessing, honestly. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. My kiddos, they mean the world to me. And when I come home, I look forward to seeing my wife and I look forward to seeing all five children and to play with them and tickle them and run with them. It is a major blessing, okay? So don't let the world tell you, well, it's a curse to have children and it's just all the work that goes into it. I'm so glad I don't have any kids. Yeah, you're saying that right now, but just wait 15 years from now. I look forward to my older years when my sons and my daughters are grown and they're adults because when they're adults, we're still gonna have little kids, Lord willing. But they're gonna be adults and we can commune with them and I look forward to communing with them in my old age, seeing how they become. I mean, I look forward to having my kids throughout my life, just having them there. It's a blessing. It's my legacy. Folks, our kids are our legacy, what we leave behind. And you know what, some people will die purposely without having children and they will have no legacy of their own volition, while others who wanna have kids and can have kids are just like, hello, we're over here trying and you guys are literally just kinda throwing that blessing away, it's ridiculous. Don't have that mentality, reject that narrative, reject that idea, it's a blessing to have kids. Throw the birth control down the toilet, forget all that and start having kids. All right, looking for Timothy chapter five, we're done. A woman's place is by her husband's side, according to the Bible. A woman's place is to have children, don't be a dink. And a woman's place is to guide her house. That's what the Bible says. I will, therefore, the younger women, marry, bear children, guide the house, given on occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. Now look up at verse number six, if you would, verse number six. It says in verse six, but she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth, and these things give in charge that they may be blameless, but if any provide not for his own house, especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. Verse 11, but the younger widows refuse, for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry, having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith. So it's saying that if a woman gets married, but she's not staying busy, she's gonna receive damnation, not meaning anything about salvation, meaning she's gonna receive a lot of consequences because of that, and we'll see later that she's turned aside after Satan, but look what it says in verse 13. Withal, they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle, but tablors and busybodies. What is that? Gossipers. Just doing things that just don't matter instead of folding the laundry, instead of keeping themselves busy at home, what are they doing? Getting in arguments, just fighting over stupid stuff, just kinda arguing or learning what's the latest gossip, what is the latest this? So the solution to not being given overdone to Satan is not just have children. The Bible says you gotta keep yourself busy too. What does that mean? Guide the house. He says, tablors and busybodies speaking things which they ought not. Just getting involved in other people's matters, whereas she should be just involved in her household matter. Just the matters of her household. How to improve the household. What does my husband need? What do my children need? The dishes need to be washed. The clothes need to be folded. The looking for something to keep yourself busy in. And this is basically what it means to guide the house is staying busy. Why? Because it's when Eve was idle that Satan came and deceived her. It's when Eve was idle that Satan was able to come and you know what? We sometimes blame Adam, but Adam might have just been tending to the garden. He might have just been at work. Just you know, strawberries. He's probably still naming the whatever, you know? All the while his wife's damning all the world to hell and he's just like, grapes. Ah, berries. Blackberry, you know he's just, he's like cutting corners over there. But you know he's at work and then you know if she wasn't busy obviously she's idle because this is all in context of idleness. 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Timothy 5 are dealing with the woman being idle. Okay, now look, when you have kids it's a lot of work. And it's enough work to keep you busy for a long time. I'm talking about diapers. And you're like, well we're past that stage. Potty training. Cleaning up when they fail the potty training. Let me just give you a list of things that you can do in your household, okay? Shopping, not just shopping for just anything. How about finding the right prices, amen? Cleaning, you can only clean the house so much. When you have kids you're constantly cleaning. Constantly. Caring for the children. Loving and disciplining the children. You know my wife administrates the discipline more than I do because she's home with the kids more. She's the disciplinary. I'm the CEO. I'm only called, or I'm, what's the highest, is that CEO is the highest one? You know, I'm only called in when there's really great offenses. So I do spank my kids, but she does the majority of the spanking. It's only when she comes to me and she's like, I think you need to get involved. Then they know the CEO's gonna come down on them. But for the most part, she does all the discipline. And she's also doing a lot of the loving. Because she's there with them throughout the day and nurturing them. Homeschooling the children. That's a lot of work. Because of the fact that you're no longer sending them to the public fool system. And you wanna brag about that, but you know what? You gotta educate yourself too and learn how to teach your kids. So that they can, look folks, let's not have this superficial, yeah we're homeschoolers, but you're not actually homeschooling. Where you're not even teaching them how to read, how to do math, how to do just the most basics of what they teach. It's almost as if your kids would be better off going to public school, from an education perspective. If we're gonna homeschool, let's do it right. You know, homeschooling is superior to the public fool system, but it's always superior if you actually do it. We're not a bunch of hippies here, by the way. I'm not a hippie, we're not hippies here. We're not like, well we'll just learn from the clouds and the forest man, and you know, pareidolia, class, classes in session. There seems to be structure and discipline when you're teaching your kids. It shouldn't be a flippant way of teaching your kids homeschooling, there should be some structure to it. We start at this time, this is when we end, this is what we're doing today. It's not like, well let's see, what are you guys in the mood for? Folks, it's a privilege to homeschool, but it comes with a lot of responsibility too. You understand what I'm saying? Homeschooling your children will take up a lot of your time, even though, for example, our kids, they don't homeschool for a long time during the day, it's probably like, maybe like an hour and a half at that. You know, and my son has gotten to a point where if he doesn't wanna do math tomorrow, he'll just do double work today to skip math tomorrow so he can have more time being innovative and playing and doing what boys do. But that's what we wanna teach them to do. You understand what I'm saying? Homeschooling takes a lot of work. So be a homeschooler, but be a legitimate homeschooler though. How about this? If we're talking about the responsibilities of keeping the house, this is, guiding the house, this is what it would include. Teaching the children Bible and life principles. Did you know that my kids probably learn more Bible from my wife than me? They get preaching from me three times a week, but you know what, my wife is the one who's constantly teaching them the word of God throughout the day, they have Bible time, that she has times when she teaches them, but even aside from that, she just teaches them life principles, how to have virtue in their life. What does it mean to have integrity? What is honesty? Just learning the basics of just life. She's in charge of that and it takes a long time. Here's another one. Health. My wife is the nurse of our house and in some instances, even the doctor. What does that mean? It means she researches about all that crunchy stuff. You know, I'm completely against crunchy mamas now. My wife is a crunchy mama and she will research it, she wants the best health for her kids and she has to troubleshoot sometimes when they get sick and figure out what's the best. I mean, that is a full-time job. Instead of just sending them somewhere or getting them vaccinated or whatever. You know, oh, we're against vaccinations. Okay, but you gotta be pro holistic health and you researching though. Don't just have the label, but you're not really fulfilling what that means. You understand what I'm saying? So she's like the nurse, she's the doctor in some instances, she's the researcher when it comes to that. Now, on top of all that, she has to take care of the affairs of me. Keep my clothes clean and you know, everything that I need, she has to be there for that. There's times when I call her, I'm like I need to drop everything you do and take care of this specific task right now. She's on, that's what her job is. Maintaining order in the home in the absence of her husband. Which by the way, is not always possible. Only because the kids are just, you know, they're just disorderly sometimes. But her job is to maintain structure and order because in my absence, she's in charge. Are we happy right now or what? Are we good? Are we good right now? Well I don't care because we're still, I got more to go through right here. Creating a pleasant environment in the home for her family. Meaning she has to teach the kids not to whine. She has to teach herself not to whine. She has to develop an atmosphere that doesn't murmur or complain. She has to have a sweet spirit and teach the kids to have sweet spirits. And teach the kids how to address their father and be respectful towards their father and be respectful towards their one another. Amen? Amen. Hey, isn't this a lot? So it's just like guide the house. It's like oh yeah, I just, you know, wash the dishes and fold the laundry or whatever. Oh it's not just that. They have a lot of responsibility. Hey how about this? Keeping a Christ-centered home. So on top of all that, just remember we are a Christian home. So she has to keep the world out under my obviously jurisdiction. But she, you know, they go to the library to go get books. She needs to filter through all the books because my kids like to read. So they're always bringing home stacks of books. She has to filter through the books to make sure there's nothing that's anti-God, anti-Christ, perverted stuff or whatever. She needs to filter through the things that keep a Christ-centered home. And let me say this. Here's the last thing, okay? And I'll leave you alone. My wife is the queen of our house. She is. But let me just tell you this. She's the queen of our house, but this is not chess. And I'm not joking. My wife is the queen of my house, but this ain't chess. You know why? Because in chess, the most important piece is the queen. Not in my house. Okay? And you know what? That's not how God structured it. God wants us to love our wives as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. But you know what the most important piece in the household is? Is the man. Because without the man, everything decays. So yeah, I treat my wife like a queen, but she understands that this ain't chess though. Jesus Christ is the most important, not the church. Right? He's a preeminent one. And that is the model that we should see in our homes. So what am I saying? I'm saying that the woman's place is to guide her house and it's not just a minimal amount of details. I'm showing you that women have a lot of responsibility at home. And the reason it's important to fulfill these responsibilities is so that you're not turned aside after Satan. You're not getting involved in other people's matters. You're not vain jangling and doing things that are just not profitable and ultimately getting to see by Satan. You say, well, what if I don't have kids? Then you know what? Then you have an opportunity to have an entrepreneurial type of business at your household. Because you have more extra time to come up with ideas on how to have a business at home. I know plenty of people who do that. But the point is, there needs to remain some level of busyness in the home when you're there. What is the sermon today? It's just a woman's place. It's nothing that you don't already know. I just expounded on a lot of stuff, you know? And here's the thing, don't get mad at me. Don't get mad at me. Get mad at me if I said something that's not in the Bible, though, okay? And you know, it's okay to get mad a little bit and be like, man, I kinda don't like that. But just as long as you know, as long as we both agree, it's in the Bible, though, okay? And don't kill the messenger. You know, I'm just showing you what the Bible says about this. And so let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your word. So thankful for the principles thereof. And we're thankful for our wives, Lord. And a prudent wife is of the Lord. And you've blessed us, many of us, with godly wives, Lord. And I pray that you would help us to appreciate our wives and help us to learn our place too. But along with that, you want us to keep order. And so I pray that if there's a woman under the sound of my voice, that maybe some of those principles rub them wrong, Lord. I pray that they would adhere to the scriptures, to the Bible, and submit themselves as unto the Lord. And obviously, this is not a church where we police people. And people aren't kicked out of church or anything like that for those reasons. We're trying to help improve their quality of life. And I pray that you would work in our hearts, Lord, and help us to keep this doctrine and good circulation in the body of Christ so we can maintain order. We love you, we thank you. Pray these things in Jesus' name, amen.