(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 1 Corinthians chapter number 3 and verse number 9 the Bible says here for we are laborers together with God, ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building, according to the grace of God which is given unto me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation and another buildeth thereon, but let every man take heed how he buildeth there upon, the title of my sermon this evening is a wise master builder, a wise master builder, now why is Paul the apostle calling himself a wise master builder, well before we get into that I really want to talk about the fact that we as Christians we ought to build things right and I'm not talking about things that are physical we were just talking about church right before you know the pyramids and how they built that and you know the Tower of Babel and all these things you know those physical things aren't really that much that important, what's important this is what we build for God the things that will last forever that's what's the most important and in fact we reference the description or conversation this afternoon but in Genesis chapter 11 verse number 4 it says and they said go, go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and what's the purpose of it and let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth you see a lot of people even in ministry they build things for the sake of making a name for themselves you know they want to build a huge church and not necessarily the people within the church we're talking about the actual building you know the high steeple with few people type of a church and building why to make a name for themselves they want to be known as the popular pastor the Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, the liberal pastor who has this beautiful building with phalanx and LCD screens and all and the like but what is it for to make a name for themselves you know we ought to desire to build something for God for who for God so that God may be receive the glory and look it would be a blessing if our church grew to be like a thousand but you know what if it never does amen if it never does we can still do it for God's glory and in fact if it never does God will probably get more glory why is that because it's a small amount of people who are doing great works for God and people will look at that and say man it must be God doing that you know because there's so many little people here or you know the church is only 60 or whatever it may be and it's just like it must be God who does that praise God for that don't we not not to be like the Genesis 11 people who want to build a tower but for what to make a name for themselves okay in fact the Bible tells us in Jeremiah you don't have to turn there Jeremiah 45 and verse 5 it says and seekest out great things for thyself seek them not and that's a rebuke to Baruch and he said look you ought not to seek great things for yourself we ought to seek great things for God do great exploits for him as we mentioned this morning now why does he call him himself the apostle Paul why does he refer to himself as the wise master builder when first Corinthians chapter 3 we'll begin reading in verse number 9 it says for we are laborers together with God year God's husband drew year at God's building according to the grace of God which is given unto me as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation and another bill that there are on but let every man take heed how he build that thereupon for other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ now go with me through it to Matthew chapter number seven Matthew chapter number seven so according to first Corinthians chapter number three the way you're supposed to build obviously is you start off with the what the foundation and the Bible tells us here there's a foundation that no man shall lay it should be this Jesus Christ okay and what is that a reference to well I believe this is a reference to salvation okay the foundation is the most important aspect of a Christian's life that we are placing our faith in Christ we're believing on the Lord Jesus Christ we're not just building upon great works to justify ourselves in the sight of God we're not basing our salvation off of the great exploits we can do or how good of a Christian we look like no it's based upon the fact that Jesus Christ is our foundation in fact look at Matthew chapter 7 and verse number 21 the Bible says here not everyone to say them to me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that do with the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works now who says that to God when they get to heaven you know yeah thanks Pentecostals you know it's just like look at all the wonderful works that I did look how good I am you know I cast out so many devils and I fed the poor and I've done all these wonderful works but what does the Bible say in verse number 23 and then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so we can say with assurance that their foundation was their works their foundation was the fact that they prophesied in his name their foundation was the things that they did not the faith that they placed on Jesus Christ and look I'll tell you that this passage is in reference to that in regards to the foundation because let's read on it says here verse 24 therefore whosoever hear these sayings of mine and do with them I will liken him unto a what a wise man which what did Paul call himself the wise master builder right which built his house upon a rock and we understand according to 1 Corinthians chapter number 10 that rock was Christ right it says in the rain descended the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock you see the Bible tells us that we're gonna fall there's gonna be times when we fail and we we we make mistakes but the Bible tells us though he fall he shall not utterly be cast down for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand but that's the person who has the foundation which is Christ that's the person who's trusted in Christ for their salvation whereas look at verse 26 and everyone that hearth these sayings of mine and do it them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand that's the Pentecostal that's the Catholic that's the Mormon that's every other religion other than Christianity and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it now go with me towards the second Timothy chapter number two so we see that the the the foundation according to the Bible is in reference to salvation that's why 1st Corinthians chapter 3 says no foundation can no man lay save that which is Jesus Christ we need to make sure that our foundation is correct you know if you have salvation wrong you have everything wrong that's why we can never learn any other doctrine from some unsaved heretic well it just sounds good what they're saying you know what people who are not saved who sound good this is have swelling words okay they entice with swelling words and that just because it sounds good doesn't mean it is good you know we need to make sure that the person is saved whoever we're listening to okay and we got to make sure that they have the right foundation you know I've heard people say well if they have baptism right you know they have everything else right no no if they have salvation right then they probably will be right on some other things as well okay and by default we can say look if they have salvation right at least we know they got the Holy Spirit of God living within them you know they don't have some devil living within them telling them to preach all kinds of false doctrine and heresy we understand that if they had the Holy Spirit of God living within them they're preaching out of the King James Bible hey we could rest assured that that person is gonna give us right doctrine now look at 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 19 the same concept here it says nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that name it the name of Christ depart from iniquity so the foundation of God is sure the seal what is the seal the Holy Spirit of God you know and whom you also trusted after that you hear the word of truth and whom also that after you believe you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance unto the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory the Bible the Holy Spirit of God after we believe on him is sealed within us and Ephesians 4 tells us until when until the day of redemption until he redeems us according to Romans chapter number 8 okay where we wait to wit the redemptions of our body and so that's the seal that we see there verse 20 says but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth and some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purge himself for these he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified in me for the master's use and prepare them to every good word go to Ephesians chapter number two Ephesians chapter number two I'm just laying the foundation that the foundation that we ought to have is Jesus Christ salvation ought to be correct that's why you know we can't listen to pastors when they say well you know they're a little wrong on salvation you know that you know they believe in repenting your sins but they're a little wrong on that but they're right on this no they're not right on that okay because the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he own for they're spiritually discerned according to the Bible oh but you know they're just you know they just believe they're a little off on salvation if you're off just a little bit on salvation then you're completely off and you're wrong period okay why because then at that point you're not saved you're an unregenerated person claiming to be a Christian trying to teach me the Bible it doesn't work these things are spiritually discerned it can only be understood by God's people through his Holy Spirit now I'm gonna read to you you don't have to turn there Colossians chapter 2 verse number 4 says and this I say lest any man should beguile you with with enticing words for though I be absent in the butt in the flesh yet I am with you in the spirit join and beholding your order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you have been taught abounding during with thanksgiving so it says there to be rooted and to be what built up rooted in who in Christ and it says there it also tells us as he have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord how do we receive him by faith so walk ye in him we walk by faith and not by sight look at Ephesians chapter 2 verse number 19 it says now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone and whom all the building fitly framed together growth into unholy temple in the Lord you know what that tells me is that the prophets of the Old Testament they had to believe on Christ to be saved now was their foundation no no it was the sacrifices no it's not the sacrifices those were a shadow of things to come but you know what we have today is churches that believe oh you know people were saved by the sacrifices in the Old Testament by the blood of bulls and of goats well you need to read Hebrews chapter number 10 okay because the Bible tells us it is impossible that those things should take away sins and here it says that we're both built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets well what province is it referring to the prophets of the Old Testament Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone what is it what is a cornerstone it's a foundation okay verse 22 says in whom you also ye also are builded together for inhabitation of God through the Spirit now go to Hebrews chapter number three if you would Hebrews chapter number three now Hebrews chapter number three is a passage that has perplexed me for years I remember getting saved and reading through the entire Bible and coming to passages like Hebrews three and it's just like I don't know what it means you know and obviously you understand that the Bible does not teach you to lose your salvation we know that for a fact okay you can't lose your salvation it's impossible to lose but I like what brother Milan said you run into passages and it's just like it messes with the narrative of the story of the Bible it's like you come over it's like man that doesn't go along with what everything else I'm reading why is that now let me just sidetrack here and say this anytime you run into a passage like that don't be don't get scared no no don't start panicking just keep reading and say well don't understand it but maybe one day I will okay and say God opened down my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law I'm gonna accept this passage by faith and believe what it's saying even though I don't necessarily understand it and guess what maybe you're not ready to get that truth as of yet yeah you know maybe God's like you know I'm not gonna reveal that into you as of yet you know you're not mature enough you know you're not old enough to understand those passages but later on as you read more passages you'll come to an understanding of it that's why I love the Bible okay because the Bible is inexhaustible the more you read it the more you learn you can never get to a point where you just know everything you know and I remember getting this understanding this passage on the airplane on the way to Phoenix and I was thinking to myself wow God is good that's so awesome the Holy Spirit is that word he's teaching me the Word of God and it's just like there it is now let's look at it Hebrews chapter 3 verse number 1 it says here wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the apostle and high priest of our profession in Christ Jesus now let me say this is there a lot of people who say the Hebrews was not written to save people you know I don't know if you've ever heard something like that people will say no it's just it's written to Hebrews but it's not necessarily written to Christians to save people it says holy brethren whenever you ever seen anybody call an unsaved person a holy brethren you know maybe in John Nelson Darby's Bible you know where he says all kinds of crazy stuff but not here it says holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling verse 2 who was faithful to him that appointed him as also Moses was faithful in all his house for this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses in as much as he who had builded the house had more honor than the house for every house is builded by some man but he that built all things is God and Moses verily was faithful in all his house as his servant for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after verse 6 is the verse that really perplexed me for years it says but Christ is the son over his own house whose house are we if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm until the end and I remember reading that thing of myself whoa hold on a second what do you mean I have to hold it firm into the head you know that kind of sounds like you know and obviously I was saved when I read this and I just said you know what I know the rest of the Bible doesn't teach you have to work your way to heaven or do anything like that I just don't know what this means but God I'm just gonna trust you and I'm just gonna forget about it and I remember throughout the years I'd go back to it I try to understand it couldn't understand it now what does that mean if we hold fast because obviously that's the condition right the confidence in the rejoicing of the hope firm until the end now go to go to go to Luke chapter 14 well first and foremost in Hebrews chapter number 6 and verse number 19 says which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which enter it into that within the veil so we understand this is that salvation is like an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast okay what does that mean one anchor digs deep into the ocean floor and it makes sure the boat though it's suede left and right a little bit does not move very far okay so God is telling us hey salvation is like that anchor it's an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast you'll never lose it okay I will never leave you nor forsake you and all the verses that talk about that he said so what does it say then then why is the condition if we hold fast the confidence with rejoicing firm into the end well if you think about it we don't we're not commanded to rejoice to be saved or to have confidence to be saved you know firm into the end think about that right but secondly what we build doesn't determine our salvation it's what we lay as a foundation that determines our foundation because Jesus Christ is the foundation anything that's built there upon is the works that we do for the Lord it's the things we do for God and in fact in 1st Corinthians chapter chapter 3 what does it say if any man to build there upon gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble gold silver precious stones are those things that are of quality things that cannot be burned up things that will last things that have quality to them whereas wood hay and stubble man you can burn those things really fast so that which we build upon the foundation is not a picture of our salvation it's a picture of our works the things we do for God and look there's a lot of people out there that are working for God but you know what it is they're not necessarily doing quality work and you know what they're producing wood hay stubble things that will ultimately at the judgment seat of Christ will burn okay it's gonna burn it's not gonna count for anything and it's they're gonna be saved yet so as by fire as the Bible says you know I want to make sure they're gonna suffer loss I want to make sure that whatever I build it lasts forever I want to make sure that it's gold silver and precious stones things that can withstand the test of our Lord Jesus Christ at the judgment seat now look at Luke chapter 14 verse 27 and tell me if this sounds similar to this because remember Hebrews 3 says this if we hold fast you know the confidence with rejoicing firm until when until the end now look over Luke 14 27 says and whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple for which of you intending to build a tower sitteth not down first and counted the cost whether he have sufficient to finish it less happily why happily after he hath laid the foundation who's the foundation Jesus Christ and is not able to finish all that behold it begin to mock him saying this man began to build it was not able to finish you see what it's talking about right there is this matter of living for the Lord and working for God you know happily we lay the foundation we get saved but you know what what you build there upon those little works you do and you know what you have we have the world we had the flesh we have the devil but we also have other Christians who are looking upon our work and you know what they're gonna see they're waiting to see if you're gonna if you're gonna hang in there firm until the end they're looking to see if you're gonna hold fast with confidence with rejoicing firm until the end and how shameful is it sometimes when Christians they get off track you know they get out of church they stop reading their Bibles they're no longer soul-winning they're no longer doing these things what happens they begin to mock saying this person began to build and they were not able to finish you know what's the one of the worst testimonies that a Christian can have before an unsaved world is this attitude of quitting it's quitting especially to our own families who are unsaved you know sometimes our families it takes years for them to get saved not because they just don't want to believe they want to see if it's real you know and what happens Christians out there just like they're just like up and down up and down they're in and out of church you know what is that well that's they're not you're not able to build okay and so what happens people begin to mock is what they do no we want to make sure that as we're building we're going to continue to build you know as we're so winning we're continuing to preach the gospel as we're building the church we're continuing to preach hard on sin okay and preaching the whole counsel of God regardless of who gets offended in spite of what takes place or the consequences thereof we want to make sure that we live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord and we want to finish not just when it gets hard we get out of church or whatever maybe a job this or money this or money that no no hold fast the confidence with rejoicing firm unto the end now go to 1st Peter chapter number 2 1st Peter chapter number 2 so Hebrews 3 is not referring to salvation is referring to what we're building there upon you know whose house are we if we hold fast with confidence and rejoicing firm unto the end you know God doesn't want us to just get saved and just quit okay he wants us to be saved but he wants us to start working for him to make sure that you know we get a reward what could what does the Bible say be not weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if there's the condition we faint not you know I honestly believe and people differ with me on this I think it's true and you know what I'm glad I believe this because this helps me to stay on track I believe that you know if you quit on the Lord you lose all your rewards in my opinion you know I think you lose all your rewards because it says if we faint not you know and if I'm wrong then I'm wrong but you know what I want to keep believing that to help me to stay on track because here's the thing I don't want to risk it oh you know I'll backslide for a little bit you know just go ahead and sold my wild oats and stuff like that and I've done I've done enough for God in the past you know I've seen a lot of people say no I want to make sure that I hold fast with confidence firm unto the end why because I want to reap and do season I don't want to faint look at 1st Peter chapter 2 verse number 5 says he also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him should not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same as that made the head of the corner and a stone of stumbling a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient where unto also they were appointed go to Mark chapter 12 so the Bible relates Jesus Christ as that cornerstone that those who have believed on him he's precious he's precious to us and it talks about those who who the builders disallowed who's that referring to was referring to the Jews because look at Mark chapter 12 in verse number 10 this is in context of the Jews as it says there in verse number 10 and have you not read the scripture the stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner you see that makes perfect sense why is that because the Bible tells us he came into his own and his own received them not and we know that by and large throughout the Word of God the Jews rejected Jesus Christ what were they rejecting they were rejecting the foundation the head of the corner they disallowed and they rejected him okay and because of that according to the Bible they will be they are rejected of God but even at the end when they die guess what they along with the world they go to hell just like everyone else yeah why because they rejected the cornerstone the foundation see they're not the exception no one is the exception whoever rejects the cornerstone whoever rejects that foundation which is Christ will suffer the consequences because of it we got to make sure we have the right foundation okay now go back to 1st Corinthians chapter number three and I remember when I got that I was on the airplane when I was reading Hebrews 3 I wanted to scream not really but I was just like I got it you know this is it I'm happy you ever get that feeling you're just like man it's like satisfying and it's just like God is faithful I knew I was gonna be able to understand and one day hopefully I'll feel that way about 1st Corinthians 11 10 you know because of the angels you know it's just like that I was racking my brain this week trying to figure out what that means and maybe I'll never know what it means but Lord really one day I will you know one day I'll be on an airplane and it'll have a Eureka moment or something you know I don't know 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse number 11 says for other foundation can no man lay than that that is laid which is Jesus Christ now if any man build upon this foundation Jesus Christ gold silver precious stones wood haste stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is if any man's work abide which he had built there upon he shall receive a reward and look every single Christian ought to desire to get that reward there ought to be a desire within you say man I'm thankful for salvation but I want a reward if God is offering me something you know other than this free gift I want it verse 15 says if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire and thank God for that you know you know to him that work if not but believe it on him to justify at the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness you know what salvation is better than hell so people who get saved the people we got saved in Compton if they never come to church they never build their their lives around the Word of God you know what they probably will suffer loss they won't get any rewards but guess what they get salvation and I guarantee you that's way better than hell okay it's way better but you know what now that we're saved and we know what the Bible says we had a desire the reward not to suffer loss but let me say this there's Christians who are in churches that they're still gonna suffer loss because we don't get rewards for coming to church you guys know that oh man I'm suffering it's so hot in here I'm just a martyr for Christ man you know this is this is so difficult you know no you know sorry that does that doesn't go down and Fox's Book of Martyrs or you're not suffering for Christ but coming to church okay in fact when you come to church you're getting edified you're getting taught so you can continue doing the things that you're doing so you can earn your reward and by the way you're just sitting there listening right it's not like you're not you know you can drink some water go step outside use the restroom you know it's not it doesn't take a whole lot of work to come don't act like it's a martyr it's martyrdom to come to church okay or like it's Hades to come to church or something I know it feels like it but it's not it okay no we need to make sure that we recognize that the work that God is talking about is the as actually work so winning is a good place to start obviously preaching the gospel seeing people say doing that work that counts I'll tell you this I know there's 99 people I know this for a fact 99 people from yesterday that got some good rewards 142 people saved yeah that's someone's getting some someone's racking up some rewards right there okay but again that's what we're building there upon that foundation all right now go with me to if you would to Luke chapter 12 so let me give you some points here so number one let me say this is that as we're building we need to recognize that some people build the wrong things yeah they build it and just because maybe it's because they were deceived their pastured you know deceive them or whatever may be you know they're trying to assimilate to the methodologies of the liberal churches or whatever it may be you know some people just build the wrong things and look they may be sincere but you know what a lot of people are sincerely wrong and sincerity doesn't get your rewards you know being sincere doesn't get your rewards like oh I feel sorry for those lost people no that doesn't do anything for you guys not gonna be like well you know I'm gonna get your reward for being feeling sorry for those lost people who are gonna die and go to hell because you didn't go preach to them the gospel but you're definitely gonna get a reward for that sincerity no no God gave us the ability to be feel sincere and compassion and pity to move us to propel us to go do something for the Lord to go and get people saved so then we can earn a reward okay but there's people out there that build the wrong things look at Luke 12 verse 15 and he said unto them take heed this is Jesus speaking and beware of covetousness for a man's life consists of not in the abundance of the things which he possesses and he spake a parable unto them saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits and he said this will I do I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods so he's baby he's building for the Lord isn't he or he's actually building for himself is what he's doing he's I'm gonna tear this down and build something that's greater and I will say to my soul soul by the way who talks to themself like that I mean does anyone ever you know like hey soul soul are mediums did they do that he's Armenian all right so he can he can vouch for that if that's true see me after the service to see if that's true or not and I will say to my soul soul thou has much goods laid up for many years take that ease eat drink and be married but God has said unto them thou fool man this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou has provided you know and I think this guy was saved I think he was saved you know just because God says thy soul shall be required of thee in other words he's saying you're gonna die today okay and look what it goes on to say verse 21 this is why I believe he saved so is he that lieth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God so this guy was building but he was building the wrong things you know he was building barns greater to hold all his goods instead of using his goods to be rich in faith you see we all not to desire and in that this entire story comes after verse number 15 where he says a man's life consists not of the abundance of the things which he possesses what does a man's life consist of the faith that he has to build things for God you see what I'm saying so a lot of people sometimes we were so temporal minded we're worried about the physical things of this world and what we're building here God says look don't worry about those things take no thought for tomorrow okay we need to make sure that we're taking thought for the things of the Lord that we're building things that will last us in eternity in heaven go to Romans chapter 15 what does that look like then you say well those are the wrong things to build then you know you say why don't you guys have a building program because we're not gonna do that that's we rather invest money of hundreds and hundreds and thousands of dollars and missions trips and going to Compton and seeing people say that made a huge impact there I mean Compton was awesome okay CPT it was great 142 people save I'm still stoked about it I'm excited about the work that took place there I'm humbled by the reaction of the people who when they received the gospel they were grateful they were they're happy they said man we never had anybody come and tell us these things thank you so much for talking to me about this that touches the heart those are those things are eternal those are our crowns of rejoicing you know he said man but you guys spend so much money with food and you know all these things but you know what a small price to pay for the salvation of one soul a soul is eternal you know and look money is money is a tool man money is a tool to get the work of God done feed ourselves pay the rent put gas in the tank you know the temporal things in this world so that we can go out dish out the money to get people saved that's what's most important and look I want the money to keep coming in this church he said watch you can buy a Mercedes Benz no I can care less about having nice cars you know I want the money to keep coming in so we can keep doing works for God so we can keep seeing more souls saved because I want God to look at us and say you know what they're using the money correctly because my God owns a cabin on the Thousand Hill he owns all the silver and gold in the world Lord send the silver and gold over here well so you can be like rich and stuff no so we can invest into the work of the Lord and see people say do great exploits for him that's the purpose okay look at Romans chapter 15 and verse 18 for I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not wrought by me to make the Gentiles obedient by word indeed through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God so that from Jerusalem and round about from unto Eliaricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ yea so have I strived to preach the gospel not where Christ was named lest I should build upon another man's foundation but as it is written to whom he was not spoken of they shall see and they that have not heard shall understand that's Compton right there who's gone to Compton you know we're not building on another man's foundation because no man's going there and we're going to Inglewood next Inglewood always up to no good we're going there because no man's building there so why not go over there we're no where Christ has not been preached you know we don't have to buy a plane ticket to go to like China or Africa or the jungles of Congo there's people in Inglewood who have haven't heard the gospel yeah I mean the little girl who I witnessed to ten years old she's like I don't want to go to hell what do I have to do not to go to hell and I'm like man the fruit was so low you can just like blow on it it'll fall off and then it's like okay well hold on she's ten years old hold on so if I believe on Christ what if I sin do I lose my salvation is like she's asking all the right questions and it's just like cake but you know what no one wanted to go and give her the gospel we'll take the job do it those are easy rewards right there look at Galatians what I have you turn Galatians chapter 6 and verse number 3 says for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself but let every man prove his own work so in other words what he's saying look your walk walks and your talk talks but your walk talks louder than your talk talks okay you a lot of people talk to talk but what about walking the walk he's saying there but let every man prove his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another for every man's every man shall bear his own burden the Bible says Jude 19 please go to Jude 19 you know we got to prove our own work but I think it's proven you know and our church is about 10 months old we're about to hit our one-year anniversary I'm looking forward for the next 10 years next 20 years what God's gonna be able to do in our church but you know what we need to do is hold fast firm until the end okay look don't quit don't be the one a year from now to quit I can't handle the homos coming in protesting here at the sign of the first homo that comes to protest our church I'm out of here no don't do that you got a church here and back you up you know we got a church here we got a dumpster with the dead dog in it we got all kinds of things we can use okay I'm serious if you guys didn't know we had our dumpster here man so we're walking up to the church and it's like man what stinks this is trash it's our trash can and I'm about I was like I'm gonna push this out of the way I'm about to push it there's like a dead full grown German Shepherd in there I'm like this is Omani this is it you know Mark and I had to push it around the corner using gloves you know just holding our breath the entire time but look don't don't get discouraged and look if that was run with the footman and they had weirdly how can stop contend with the horses you know there's gonna be trials yeah I'm sure there's gonna be protests I'm sure there's gonna be all of that but you know what keep building and hold fast firm into the end and look everyone gets discouraged from time to time when you get discouraged start teaming up with someone who's really bold in the church someone who's not afraid because that rubs off on people zeal rubs off on people you know and then you know you'll get some umph then you say you know what let's do this let's fight let's fight the Lord's battles let's keep at it firm until the end Jude 19 says these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the Spirit but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves in the love of God looking for that mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ into eternal life and notice verse 20 about building up yourselves is is is in the same context here verse 22 and if some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh now go with you would go back to Luke chapter 14 so we understand that people build the wrong things and if you want to make sure that you're not building the wrong things here's a good place to start soul winning that without a shadow of a doubt is the right thing to build okay you will never go wrong with so many you're like well what about my family you know we got to take care of our family we got to make sure that we're handling our responsibilities but make time for soul winning why because that's a for sure reward when you go out and preach the gospel and see people say you know have a heart for souls have a love for people okay but how how do we build them okay well second Timothy you have to turn to second Timothy 2 4 says no man that warth entangled himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who had chosen him to be a soldier and if any man also strive for masteries yet he is not crowned except he strived lawfully so according to the Bible if we're gonna be rewarded crown we got to make sure that we're going according to the blueprints the instructions that God gives us he is not crown except he strived lawfully okay now here's some tips on how we can build all right for the Lord so we can earn that reward first and foremost we need to build with the end in mind build with the end in mind look at verse 28 of Luke chapter 14 for which of you intending to build a tower sitteth not down first and counteth the cost whether he hath sufficient to finish it so what in other words is like look when you begin to build for God count the cost okay in other words don't just think that Christianity is just a bed of roses nothing bad is gonna happen you're not gonna get sick you're not gonna get persecuted everyone's gonna love you that's not the case you need to make sure that when you're intending to build you're counting the cost and look it says to see if you have sufficient to finish it that's not necessarily saying like okay well I don't have sufficient so I'm not gonna build you know I don't have enough boldness so I'm not gonna you know be a part of this battle here no in other words it's saying okay I'm lacking this so therefore I need this I lack boldness because if you know what I'm a somewhat of a coward I'm a little scared okay then you need to pray that the Holy Spirit fills you with his power and get some valor get some courage get some strength be strong in the Lord and the power of his might have sufficient to finish it but build with the end in mind realize hey you know what I don't want to just be here until the end of the year okay be determined say you know what I want to make sure I stick it out forever until Christ comes back after the tribulation you know I'm just gonna be here to the bitter end no matter what happens and that's why it's important that you come to church not for a man not for me not for Pastor Anderson amen we you need to make sure that you're here for the right reasons and the reason is because you love the Lord you love the Bible you love souls you love the work of God that's why you're here because here's the thing the old IFB people fell to the wayside that would go to liberal churches all the time you know why because their leader failed them okay and you know people mess up pastors mess up or whatever they quit but the people who quit were depending too much on a man they were idolizing a man so when that man fell away guess what they fell away likewise we need to make sure that we have our focus on Christ because Christ will never fail us you know he'll never leave us he'll never forsake us he's always there we can rest assured that he's there but we need to make sure that we build that end in mind to say look my goal is to make sure that I keep my family in church all the days of our lives you know that I raise my children for God that I read through the Bible that I see people say have weekly and yearly goals of salvation's you know say man I want to see like 30 people saved this year you know or 20 people saved this year I want to make sure I have that goal in mind I want to make sure I stick it out to the very end and look this this this kind of encompasses a lot of areas in our Christian life for example you know if you just got married stick it stick stick to it to the very end no quitting in marriage we don't say the D word here no divorce okay and if you're divorced before and you're married now stick to that okay and look marriage is gonna get hard it's not a bed of roses it may be for the first year or two but after that it gets a little difficult the honeymoon is over and you start realizing that her feet stink too and vice versa okay okay you'll see because it's life yeah but you want not to be a weakling and say well you know at the hint of her not submitting to me or when he's not nice to me he's a jerk you know the D word you know divorce no that have to never be in the minds of any Christian to ever want to get a divorce you know you stick it out to the end build with the end in mind and by the way when we got married that's what we did didn't we till death do us part and no that's not murder okay but we need to make sure that our marriage is hey we stick firm into the end through sickness and in health poverty and in wealth all those things and say man and look talk to your spouse those of you who are gonna get married talk to your future wife future husband and say hey I want to make sure that we stick with this to the very end to the bitter end you know it's not always bitter okay but you know to the bitter end and say I know there's trials coming along the way but I want to make sure that we stick with it to the very end you know and look your husband's gonna fail you your wife's gonna fail you no not my okay see you're not building with the end in mind you live in a candy land not my hubby not my babe yes your babe yes your hubby they're gonna mess up why cuz they're sinners and sinners do stupid stuff they're gonna offend you okay they're gonna say mean things to you they're not gonna keep their promises to you sometimes you know but that happened to be excuses say oh this I don't think this is God's will for my life well you know what it may not have been God's will in the first place but it is now okay now that you're married that's God's will right there and we need to make sure that we're building that we're saying firm into the end now I'm not saying like marriage is like arduous and it's just like you just got to like endure it marriage is not endurance okay it's enjoyable but there are intervals of difficulty that you're gonna face you know when you irritate each other okay you know why because she's a girl you're a guy but mostly because she's a girl I just let you know that hey and so winning we need to hold fast firm into the end build with the end in mind when it comes to Sony just cuz you fail in so winning or you had a bad day yesterday in the marathon or whatever maybe don't say you know I'm just gonna sit this one out no hold fast firm into the end be faithful be consistent go so winning every single week when you're when you feel like it or not just do it you know preach the gospel refine yourself as a soul winner get close to those who know how to preach the gospel well and learn from them don't be so proud to think that you've already arrived when it comes to so winning I want to keep learning why because the more I learn the better my rewards will be okay look some of you who speak Spanish or learning Spanish you need to get on the ball and learn it better why because the majority of your rewards that you're gonna get here is gonna be when you speak Spanish that's just fact forty to fifty percent of the people I went to Lord and spent are in Spanish okay so I even told I told someone yesterday they're like I'm learning Spanish I'm like that's how you rack up your rewards right there because you you're able to give the gospel in two different languages and look obviously there's people who can and can't do it but those of you who can take advantage of that because I guarantee you there's people who don't have that ability that wish they had your ability okay don't be a lazy Christian get with it and learn it so you can give the gospel in Spanish see people say there's tons of Hispanics here that need to hear the gospel and they're very open to it you obviously have your Catholics here and they're just like you know no I mean they mean video can while the loop and all this junk or whatever no but we're talking about the people who are actually open to you know what Hispanics they love it when a white person or someone who's not Hispanic is talking to them in Spanish they think that's honor they're like wow this person's like trying you know I mean when we went to Mexico and I was with Pastor Anderson Pastor Anderson is fluent in Spanish but he speaks it like a gringo you know esta ria cien por ciento seguro sus tambouriera oe you know he's like that but you know what the Mexicans there in Mexico they loved it they listened and they got saved because they thought that was honorable you know so look if we're if we need a soul win to the end and build with the end in mind you know improve as a soul winner it ought to be that throughout the years you become better at what you do at your skill as a soul winner you know learn new techniques or learn new phrases learn from different people don't just stick with what you got build there upon okay to become a better soul winner look how about this how about spanking your children by the way in our church we teach to spank your children okay you know oh you know you hate them know the Bible says you hate them if you don't spank them okay you know that gets a little tiring right you're like spanking it was just like man I'm tired I don't feel like spanking this kid you know but we need to hold fast firm into the end okay why because number one we're trying to deliver their souls from hell but number two we don't want them to be wicked people when they grow up and the way you produce a wicked person is by not spanking them okay but not by not using the rod of correction amen you know we need to be on the same page in regards to that too okay and and if you don't agree with that then you need to read Proverbs okay and and and see what God has to say about spanking your children I just I just have so much love for them you know then express it through spanking because that's what the Bible says you ought to do whom the Lord loveth he chases it okay and scourges every some whom he receive it the Bible says and he gives us that example to do so but you know what they're there it's time when it gets tiring or it feels like they're not learning from it you know you spank them and it's just like is this kid getting it yeah they're gonna get it because we can trust in God that what he's saying is true okay look God is not a man that he shall lie he's not gonna give us advice and say yeah this might work this isn't Spock this isn't dr. Phil Oprah who gives you weird you know methodologies and teaches and say when you just praise them all the time and don't tell them anything negative no I tell my son that all the time don't touch that no no they need to learn the word no and by the way that conditions them so when they're older and they're so winning when they hear no they're not gonna get discouraged dad she said no she doesn't want to date me it's just like okay well you know that's the kind of that's that's what no does to you you know no does to you it helps us to be stronger so when you're out so and they say no it's like okay next door you know oh when we praying God says no okay then move on you know it's like oh how do you want to hear yes just say yes for everything no that's dr. Phil that's Oprah that's this generation of just like you know cuddle your children your children are gonna be wicked when they grow if that's what you do okay we need to make sure that we apply and look when I say correction I don't mean just verbal correction all right I don't mean like a verbal like don't do it no I'm talking about the rod of correction and look if you say well I don't know if they're living in your under your roof they need the rod of correction amen amen why is that because the Bible says that there's an order there's one person who's in charge that's the man and what he says goes okay and he's responsible he's deputized by God to apply that rod of correction you guys understand that so we need to make sure that we're firm on that until the end you know and look if you struggle with that concept then build with the end in mind realize what that will do to them in the long run I'm thankful that my mom whooped me when I was a kid I hate hearing about people I just got abused and you know they messed up my brick and my brains not messed up I'm not dead because of my mom I'm not involved in gangs because of my mom you know I'm not a loser because of my mom why because she whooped me she spanked me now look she didn't give me the biblical spankings you know you know which is in the hinder parts you know Hispanic moms do it a little different they use anything that's like whatever's in sight it's like wow if you're across the room it's just their moms Hispanic moms they could play baseball they're just like and you're just like running like they're good man they're creative they'll use any of the hangers your chanclas you name it they'll can use it they have a mind they have a mind of witty inventions okay but I thank God that my mom whooped me okay why because you know I learned that life has consequences to it and I told my mom to this day mom thank you for for whooping me you know I want to make sure I raise my kids like that too because I'm not perfect but I see what it produces it helped me to realize that there's consequences to life which ultimately really led me to Christ because then I heard about hell I don't want to go to hell I know there's a consequence for my sins and then open me to the gospel you know so you have to make sure that you you're you're building with the end in mind you know that's what the Bible says spare enough for his crying right it's like why because you will deliver his soul from hell he's telling you the end what's the what's the result of your chastising and be determined to do it okay don't be influenced by the stupid society that tells you that you shouldn't spank your children and you know all praise and positive things you can't run a car only using positive right you need both negative and positive try to run your car only using the positive section of your batteries go ahead try it let's see how far you go yeah not very far okay but not only this how about this how about this church we need to hold fast firm into the end okay look thank God you know we got like 14 months in our is that me or you that's you I'm sorry the other day the phone rang and like the Bluetooth was it I shouldn't I gotta be careful let me make sure that this is a airplane mode so we need to make sure that we hope that in 14 months we're gonna be going independent you know and praise God for that look I'm not I'm in no rush by the way to go into things like man don't you just want I'm having a good time right now I'm enjoying the season the rain right now okay I'm not like I don't have on my desk like I'll be like scratching you know like one more days like until we go no I'm not hey I'm enjoying what we have right now but it is gonna come but here's the thing are you gonna hold fast with confidence with rejoicing firm into the end I was like man as soon as it goes independent I'm out of here I'm going to the new church plant I'm gonna go do something else no we ought to say you know what I'm gonna stick it out I want to see what the what God's gonna do in this church the work that he's gonna accomplish and I want to be a part of it firm into the end go to Hebrews chapter number three in verse number 13 it says but exhort one another daily while it is called today lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin for we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast into the end so that's another verse that will often perplex me like man what is partakers are if we hold fast was come on we're making it seem like it's like is it a work say well it's saying partakers of Christ what is that referring to go to Romans chapter 8 so it says there we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end look at Romans 8 16 the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then heirs heirs of God so the Bible tells us that when we're saved we're heirs of God we're going to heaven but look what it also says and joint heirs with Christ so that means we get what he gets if there's that condition so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us you see we're if we're saying we got the error we got the inheritance of heaven but I want to be a joint heir with Christ but what I have to do I have to suffer with him I have to endure persecutions and build upon that foundation etc okay now go with me for what the second Timothy chapter number four so we said here that we have to build with the end in mind so think about it when you're suffering when you're when you're being persecuted and your family's getting on you because you know you're part of the movement or whatever you know what endure with the end in mind build with that end in mind to say you know one day they will understand one day they will see there's an end to these things okay but not only that start building with the intent to finish okay second Timothy 4 7 says but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry for I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand let's talk about Paul I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith man he's finishing strong is what he's doing the henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day not to me only but into all them also that love his appearance go to Hebrews chapter 12 so we got to make sure that as we're building is like man I'm gonna finish this no matter how hard it gets I'm gonna finish my course I'm gonna keep the faith by the way that entails not changing and look when I say not changing I'm thinking I'm talking about not changing for the worse yeah people have gotten on me like oh brother Bruce you've changed for the better you've changed your doctrine yeah for a better doctrine I've changed him from false doctrine to write doctrine that's the right kind of change you need to make right because look the same people who say that you know I want to ask them so do you expect a Catholic to change what they believe of course you do yeah because you want them to change what they believe is wrong to believe what's right well guess what I'm still practicing that and look I'm not saying I've always believed the right things but you know I believe them now and we want to make sure we have an attitude that we're constantly growing in doctrine okay growing in our understanding is oh yeah but you believe new doctrine no I don't there's people who believe this for hundreds and thousands of years and in fact people in recent days who I personally know believe these things this isn't anything new there's nothing new under the Sun I don't even know where I was going with that but it was good look we want to finish our course but now that we believe right oh that's where I was going now that we believe right you know we need to stick to that not change on the reprobate doctrine yeah you know when I'm 60 I want to preach as hard as when I was 32 Lord willing harder eat my vegetables and my fruits to make sure I have that vitality and to be able to preach hard and if I have to do it in a wheelchair I'll do it but I want to make sure that I hold fast from into the end okay not soften up Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 says wherefore seeing we are also compassed about what so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us so I like what it says there we need to run the race with patience what does that mean in other words it's it's a marathon it's not a sprint you know don't burn out you know and here's the thing typically Christians who typically burn out in the Christian life they're just like on fourth gear the entire time and that's why they burn out not me I go to I put it on fourth gear every once in a while but something I downshift a lot though because I'm trying to last long I want to run with patience the race that is set before me and I know my limitations you ought to know yours too like yeah but what will people think if I if I start like you know you know if I take it easy for a little bit they'll think that you're taking it easy for a little bit and here's the thing who cares what everyone else thinks let every man prove his own work right prove your own work your walk walks and your talk talks but your walk talks louder than your talk talks okay looking into Jesus verse 2 the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be wearied and faint in your minds so Jesus Christ left us an example you know he endured and anytime we're tempted to to faint we ought to think to ourselves man Jesus endured the cross despising the shame you know that's my example that I look to not look to just you know we're thankful for the men that we have as an example but ultimately we need to look to Christ to say man he endured the cross lest I faint in my mind according to the Bible now go to Nehemiah chapter 4 and we're almost done here's the last point regarding building as you're building you need to ignore the scoffers and scorners as you're building because here's the thing anytime you build something for God the roaches come out right all the roaches come out to try to discourage you talk bunch of trash try to try to stop you and your work okay why because you're doing something for God the devil doesn't care if you're not building anything for God you know but if you are if you're making a dent for the for the kingdom of God guess what then Satan's gonna come and try to hinder you okay you know I think of I keep I keep seeing this Instagram post with Joel Steen's wife and she literally said yeah you know this ministry is gonna do great damage to the kingdom of God you know great damage to and they didn't even catch themselves but you know out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking and it's like all over Instagram is like we were like did she even hear what she just said she didn't correct herself she didn't she didn't say I mean I mean for you no no she said to the kingdom of God and and and Joel's things like because he's he's in full agreement what's that you know to me he's like yeah that's right I want to do damage to the kingdom of God that's what I want to do okay but on that note you know as we're building that's who they're gonna try to damage is us so as we're building just just recognize scoffers and scorners are gonna come and this could come from YouTube comments to friends and family right saved or unsaved and even from churches who are saved who don't agree with us it comes from all sides yeah and look to be a part of this movement you need to get some some fortitude some thick skin thick rhino skin is what you need and look you gotta let you gotta let comments and insults and persecutions just come off like water off a duck's back okay and just be like whatever you know I've had people say vile things to me on YouTube and he's like man these people are wicked this guy this this 35 year old living with his mom in his basement in her basement he's so wicked you know but you know what if I dwell on that too much and I can't believe you said that to me no one loves me you know people like that quit I just go well you're just proving that what I'm doing is right you know and then I add salt to the wound by like commenting back here whatever rapper bait look at Nehemiah 4 verse 1 but it came to pass that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall he was wroth it took great indignation and mocked the Jews and he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria and said what do these feeble Jews you know these little churches these 20 new IFB churches what do these guys will they fortify themselves will they sacrifice will they make an end in the day will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which which are burned are they really gonna bring soul winning back you know King James Zola with all their their little things that they get on post-trip are they really gonna do something now to buy the Ammonite was by him and he said even that which they build if a fox go up he shall even break down their stone wall so he said sorry the man that that whatever they're building it's nothing if the Fox tries to run up on that wall it's gonna fall over that's what he's saying verse 4 here Oh our God for we are despised and turn their reproach unto their own head that's that's what you call an imprecatory prayer Nehemiah is a godly man he's like man I hope that what they're saying to me actually happens to them and give them for a pray in the land of captivity and cover not their iniquity and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee for they have provoked thee to anger before the builders so built we the wall and all the wall was joined together into the half thereof for the people had a mind to work and look we need to have a mind to work okay as we're building it's just like this is a place for work this is a place where we fellowship and by the way we got a lot of good fellowship in here don't we I mean tonight we'll probably be here to like 12 you guys will be here so I won't I'm just kidding you know people be here late but what we're doing we're fellowshipping we're having a good time and you know we fellowship late when hike and mark have to go take off and go get pizzas for everyone to eat so they can keep fellowshipping that's typically what they do but we're church who likes to fellowship we have a good time but you know what we're a church that likes to work okay we're versa we have verse seven but it came to pass that when Sanballat and to buy on the Arabians and the Ammonites and the Ashtadites heard that the wall of Jerusalem was made up were made up and that the breaches began to be stopped then they were very Roth so what is a breach a breach is basically a crack in the wall okay where an enemy can get through so what these guys were doing they were building the wall and they were sealing up the cracks you know the areas where the the previous generation failed to do so so how do we relate that to our movement well you know what in our movement that's exactly what we're doing we're healing up the breaches of doctrine okay sealing up the rubberbait doctrine and times and all these other doctrines we're sealing them up but you know what happens is the people Sanballat and to buy they look at that and they're Roth with it yeah why do you preach against the homosexuals over because they're wicked and no one else is doing it you know why because I love my children that's why right and I don't want my children to be molested that's why that's why I preach hard on them okay I'm sealing up the breaches I'm doing my part along with these other pastors who are out there who are doing their part to seal up the breaches on the wall so how do we know if we're really sealing it up if Sam ballot and to buy our Roth with it okay verse eight and conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem to hinder it we gotta fight against these guys we're gonna make conferences against pastor Anderson you know nevertheless we made our prayer unto God what a godly man and set a watch against them day and night because of them and Judah said the strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed and there is much rubbish so that we are not able to build a wall and our adversaries said they shall not know neither see till we come in the midst among them and slay them and cause the work to cease so just remember we're always gonna have enemies that are trying to cause the work to cease but let me say this don't let that be in this church and if anybody ever tries to cause any kind of contention or division in this church I'm booting you out no questions asked if you try to cause any division and try to cause the work to cease you see this foot you're getting it right outside the door why because we have a mind to work and we need to make sure that in our church we have unity unity is important okay we can't have this unity we can't have one person believe one doctrine and another person believe an entire different doctrine I'm not about essentials here okay and look in our church we believe in Church discipline all right and we've had unfortunately we've had to administer it multiple times since our existence ten months ago okay that's not the brack that's to say that we want to make sure that we're healing up the breaches and by the way one breach that needs to get healed is this matter of Church discipline go to Nehemiah chapter number six so I want you to know about Tobiah okay and Sanballat these are the real people who are out there in the world who are trying to cause us to stop working okay they want the work to cease the Bible says but you know if we have a mind to work we can keep going look at Nehemiah 6 one says now it came to pass when Sanballat and Tobiah and Geshem the Arabian the rest of our enemies heard that I had builded the wall and that there was no breach left her in though at the time I had not set up the doors upon the gates that Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me saying come let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono and they thought to do me mischief let's go let's go have a coffee you know let's reason together okay but what does the Bible says they thought to do him mischief verse three and I sent messengers unto them saying I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down why should the work cease well whilst I leave it and come down to you yet they sent unto me four times after this sort and I answered them after the same manner so you know what when people try to come and say well let's go meet you know I don't believe what you believe but we can just talk about yeah let's go debate a little bit why yeah why should I cause the work to cease I'm doing a great work man why are you gonna go to Compton why are you gonna go to Inglewood why are you gonna go to these places to see people's like you know well why are you trying to cause me to cease the work you know Sanballat and Tobiah all these independent fundamental Baptist Church to buy a Baptist Church Sanballat Baptist Church trying to cause us to cease you know we're doing great work and I can't come down I can't go debate you sorry you know oh why don't you debate me on Facebook well one because I don't have Facebook two I'm not a reprobate and three I'm doing a great work and I can't come down right so just recognize as you're building for God you need to make sure that you expect Sanballat and Tobiah to come and mess with you okay look and this sometimes it comes from family and all you guys are a cult because you're telling them not to listen to their face no no first of all this is the family of God second of all we are loyalties to God more than anyone else right okay just remember that but thirdly is this people are gonna come try to come to you discourage you from doing the work is like I can't believe you're doing this you know don't you love us and they try to pull all those cards on you you know what I'm doing a great work and I can't come down you need to have mental fortitude to stick it out even when persecution comes I remember when we started the church you know how much persecution and junk we had to deal with from the other side we day in and day out morning and night I'm working with you Lisa's get to get text messages emails all kinds of stuff from people saying I can't believe you're backstabbing all these people what and it's just like you know what I'm doing a great work and I can't come down people are like you know leaders are calling me we need to meet you know we're gonna meet because I just want to I just want to talk to you but you know what I could never we can't meet because I'm doing a great work and I can't come down you know and look we only have so much energy you know emotional energy we need to invest in in the right place don't waste your time with people trying to discourage you from the work you need to make sure that you are on point you're building with the end in mind and expect the sand balance and Tobias on YouTube you know on you know trying to discourage you and your families from other churches and don't be shocked when they come don't be like oh man did you hear what they called me you know they're talking all kinds of trash about me I don't know what to do you know what that confirms that you're doing right let that be a checkmark to say oh man hey I'm doing pretty good then these guys are criticizing me looks like I'm doing pretty good because look if Satan's not attacking you then the prime means you're not a threat but if he's sending all his Tobias and sand belts at you that means you're doing a great work why because they're Roth with the work that you're doing because you're healing up the breaches that they've made they're like why are you healing up these breaches that we made we accept the sodomites in our churches why can't you because because God said no that's why and don't try to stop me from the work okay that's the kind of attitude we need to have have a mind to work don't stop me from what I'm doing I'm doing a great work and I can't come down I wish you could read more of this story maybe we'll preach on on Nehemiah chapter 4 and 6 a little more but you know what at the end of the day that's what we need to do so remember the foundation is Christ but we what we build there upon is the works we do for the Lord but we got to make sure they were building right don't build vain things that are gonna burn wood hands stubble make sure it's quality gold silver precious stones and expect to buy a and Sam ballot come to try to stop you and then inspire heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you again for this day and thank you for your word Lord and so many great truths and riches that we can get from this thank you for Nehemiah who's just a great man of God someone we can emulator we'd like to emulate our lives according to and what an example he was to us and I pray to you to help us to have that same attitude that same spirit and Lord help us to build thank you for the foundation that we have which is Christ but help us to be aware of what we're building upon that foundation may it be gold silver precious stones may we put soul winning first put our families first and not be afraid help us to be bold as lions Lord and the wicked flee with no man pursued but the righteous are bold as lions and I pray that you'd help us to have that characteristic in that attribute and in Jesus name we pray Amen