(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse? Thou must save and thou alone In my hand no price I bring Simply to thy cross I cling While I draw this fleeting breath When my eyes shall close in depth When I rise to worlds unknown And behold, beyond thy throne Rock of ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in thee Amen. Wonderful singing. Let's start off our service with a word of prayer. Lord God, Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us this day and the opportunity to come to your house, Lord, to hear the preaching of your word. We thank you for our pastor, Lord, that he can teach us the fundamental truths of your word, Lord, and instruct us in your word and in righteousness. And I thank you for every precious soul that's in this building tonight, Lord. I ask that you please bless his service. I ask that you please bless his singing. And most of all, please fill Pastor Mihi with your spirit as he preaches your word unto us. And fill us also with your spirit in the congregation. And when we take what he preaches and apply it to our lives, Lord, that our lives may be changed. We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. You may be seated. Please turn your songbooks to song number 281. Song number 281 as our second song, Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior. Song number 281 all together nice and strong on that first verse. Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cry, While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry, While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Lead me at a throne of mercy, Find a sweet relief, Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry, While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face, Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry, While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Thou the spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee, Whom in heaven but Thee. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry, While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. is at 10 30 Sunday evening at 5 p.m. and then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock you see the fall program there at the on the left-hand side we had the pie baking contest this morning congratulations to the winners and then of course the ladies prayer meeting and cookie exchange is this coming Saturday October 29th you can see miss Janelle Gonzalez for more details about that miss DJ's baby shower is gonna be on Sunday October 30th which is next Sunday and that'll be after the service annual Thanksgiving banquet is the conclusion of our fall program that'll be on Tuesday November 22nd and just keep in mind that that'll take the place of our midweek service so we're not gonna meet on Thursday on that week because of Thanksgiving we're pushing the service back to Tuesday as we do every year and you see the location there please make sure you RSVP on our website if you're going to come and feel free to invite your family and friends and associates co-workers whoever you want to come on that day to feast with us and of course if they're not saved we can preach to them the gospel get them saved and so looking forward to that and of course just as a reminder that is the 1800 style okay that's gonna be the theme so don't be the party pooper and just come 2022 out you know just all 20 to 20 22 gear and all that make sure you get it participate get involved and look silly like the rest of us all right next week of course as I mentioned is the teen Sunday teen night after the Sunday evening service we'll be heading to Yogurtland and we'll have some yogurt after service for all the teens who come out of course anybody's welcome to come but I'm only inviting the teenagers for that all right and then on Sunday November 6th is the Apple cider fellowship and then as I mentioned the annual Thanksgiving banquet and then of course there at the bottom no food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service it's going to take some so many numbers from this past week Salvations from Monday to Thursday any Salvations from Monday to Thursday one okay and then we had six for Barstow is that correct six for Barstow anybody else how about Friday and Saturday Friday and Saturday one okay and then this afternoon Salvations for this afternoon for the Morris team or for brother Morris team to prefer the Marcus's team to for brother hikes team one for the Glen's team that I miss anybody else going once twice thrice okay keep up the great work on soul winning let's go to sing our next song 121 like a river glorious song number 121 like a river glorious all together on that first verse the river glorious is God's perfect peace over all victorious in his grim increase perfect yet it floweth fuller every day perfect yet it groweth deeper all the way stayed up on Jehovah hearts are fully blessed why Oh Oh trace Oh stay amen wonderful singing at this time the ushers will come forth to collect the offering and you can turn in your Bibles to 3rd John you you you good evening tonight we're in 3rd John 3rd John and the Bible reads the elder unto the well-beloved Gaius whom I love in the truth beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosper if I rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee even as thou walkest in the truth I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth beloved thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers which have borne witness of thy charity before the church whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sword thou shall do well because that for his namesake they went forth taking nothing of the Gentiles we therefore ought to receive such that we might be fellow fellow helpers to the truth I wrote unto the church but diatrophes who loveth to have the preeminence among them receiveth us not wherefore if I come I will remember remember his deeds which he doeth prating against us with malicious words and not content with their with neither death he himself received the brethren and forbid of them that they would them that would and cast them out of the church beloved follow not that which is evil but that which is good he that do with good is of God but he that do with evil hath not seen God Demetrius hath good report of all men and of the truth itself yea we also bear record and you know that our record is true I have many things to write but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee but I will I trust and shall shortly see thee and we shall speak face to face peace be to thee our friends salute thee greet the friends by name let's pray the Lord thank you for this day Lord and for this church that you've given us Lord and thank you for the Bible Lord and thank you for pastor as well we pray that you bless him right now and fill him with the spirit and give him boldness as he preaches the word and I pray that we're edified and that we're attentive to the hearing the preaching of your word Lord and just bless the service in every aspect we pray this in Jesus name amen amen all right third John there look down here by was a verse number 11 it says beloved follow not that which is evil but that which is good he that doeth good is of God but he that do with evil hath not seen God now here in third John obviously the context is about this individual in verse number 9 by the name of diatrophies who the Bible says love to have the preeminence among them and he's talking about the fact that he's not willing to receive the Apostle John he's a hater of those who are good he's a hater of those who are the Apostles he kind of wants to be the important person in the church here and then in verse number 11 he admonishes that congregation and tells them follow not that which is evil now obviously the primary interpretation of this is basically saying don't follow this guy don't follow diatrophies don't support him don't follow him but I'm gonna actually go I'm gonna use this portion of scripture as a secondary application of something that a principle that I believe you can find throughout the Word of God that's pretty should seem pretty simple to all of us as Christians as believers and that is that we shouldn't follow that which is evil right the time of my sermon this evening is a Christian's attitude towards evil Christian's attitude towards evil you say well yeah obviously that's like a no-brainer you know we shouldn't fall out which is evil but you know there's so many Christians today then we'll have that philosophy they believe that they understand that evil is not something that we should be a partaker of they recognize readily that you know we shouldn't associate that which is wicked and sinful and ungodly and demonic but for some reason around this year Christians make an exception to that you know during Halloween okay where it's just like well yeah that applies all other times of the year but you know this specific time of the year known as Halloween you know it's okay to dabble a little bit and what but here's the thing you're still following evil and the Bible has strict commands against some of the practices that we see during Halloween and a lot of principles that we can see but before I get into all that let me just explain to you what it means to be evil okay because obviously that term evil is used various times in the Word of God in varying context okay you have evil that God does to someone and that's not referring to something that is sinful because God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man you're saying every man is drawn away of his own lust and enticed etc that type the type of evil that God is responsible for is synonymous with judgment okay when evil comes upon a person by the hand of the Lord evil comes upon a nation evil comes upon a state often in the Word of God when God takes a credit for that then that's referring to his judgment that's referring to something he's allowed some sort of punishment chastisement you know you think of all of these natural disasters that are out there right on a yearly basis people constantly say you know California's being judged because of all the fires and you know there is truth to that because California is a wicked state and we have a wicked leader wicked governor Newsom and I wouldn't doubt that on a yearly basis God reminds us of that by sending fire and burning up all the trees or whatever and you know doing that but you know it doesn't just happen in our state it happens all across the country you know for example you have the hurricane in Florida you know that would be considered that that's considered something that's evil that's come upon them by the hand of God okay and I know a lot of Florida people don't like to hear that because they think they're God's gift to the United States of America because they're so conservative so Republican you know they have a wonderful governor or whatever but you know what natural disasters say something different because obviously God is God judge Florida by sending that hurricane there so how do you know well when you have alligators you know just kind of swimming around in your kitchen you know and there's sharks there as well and all that crazy nonsense you know you could look it up in the Word of God the Bible teaches that that is a punishment upon a nation when the beasts of the field or even of the sea are kind of taking over that's an indication that God is judging that place and if I'm not mistaken you know that hurricane came to Florida left and then like came back again or something you know he said why would God judge Florida well because they're so prideful and arrogant they think they're just the greatest things in sliced bread or whatever and you know I honestly personally believe that Florida is just a very spiritually dark place and you say well there's no paganism there you know what are you talking about yeah but there's such a fake Christianity over there where you have the ruckmanites who have you know who have been had churches there and there's people that who are ruckmanites to have churches there these hyper dispensationalist it's a lot of false prophets out there that have established churches it just seems like a very spiritually dark place and so obviously that's besides the point what I'm saying is that you know that's the kind of evil that God is responsible for okay natural disasters the evil that comes upon an individual based upon a punishment that God is instituting based upon a consequence that they're facing that's a different type of evil okay and then there's the evil you know the Bible talks about the evil day where Satan is attacking us right where he is battling us and he allows evil things or he's trying to he's trying to inflict evil upon us you know that's another type of evil but the evil that I'm referring to is that which is associated with wickedness sinfulness demonic activity that which is of you know satanic origin that which is filthy and perverse that's what that's what the Bible also defines as being evil and when the Bible says follow not that which is evil it could be it can be referring to that right that which is sensual devilish earthly that which is satanic you know is what we should stay away from now turn with me if you went to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 I'm gonna go through just a list of verses and just kind of explain what they mean here and again the more specific what I'm referring to is Halloween okay now obviously for example you have people who celebrate Halloween and then you have like the Hispanic community that celebrates Day of the Dead dio de los Muertos which is basically the same exact thing the difference is they speak Spanish while they do it okay and hey and it lasts for a couple more days or whatever maybe but they they still implement a lot of paganism a lot of wickedness and a lot of evil you know sometimes Christians think that that's permissible to do that yeah you know there's no harm in that we don't really believe that we just want to participate and have fun or whatever you know God is not for those things and let me just say this is that it's important that we as Christians listen to this do not become desensitized to evil what does it mean to become desensitized well it means to lessen the sensitivity of something okay in other words when we realize that something is evil and wicked and it's wrong and in God's eyes and it bothers us we need to continue to allow it to bother us and what happens sometimes is that Christians will open that door and they know that it's wicked they know that it's evil but because they either don't put it away from themselves or don't repent of it or they just kind of allow themselves to dabble in them here now and again what happens is they become desensitized to it it doesn't bother them anymore and they begin to tolerate it to the point where they embrace it and then they make excuses why it's okay to do it you understand and that can obviously apply all across the board to all types of sins but you know I think in context of what we're talking about this this evening it's definitely true when it comes to Halloween I mean churches have become desensitized to Halloween to wicked practices you say well how do you know well how about like churches practice doing like trunk a treat or something you know which is a sanitized version of Halloween you know they still dress up and they still do all the pagan worship or whatever it's just that church and they put candy in a trunk and then kids come and take candy out of the trunk or whatever but they're still celebrating Halloween okay you can't be desensitized to these things and if you ever feel like man I feel like I have become desensitized to those things because of social media you know because of you know documentaries that I've seen or or people that I'm around then you need to put those things away from you and ask God to soften your heart once again towards those things ask the Lord to help you Lord help me to hate these things the way you hate them because I don't hate them I tolerate it I embrace it you know it doesn't bother me like it used to and help me to regain that hatred for that evil once again because that's what God wants for our lives okay and so we can't be desensitized to these things that's why it's important that we preach on it on a constant basis and I haven't really preached on Halloween the last couple years because I've been focusing a lot of the day of the dead and I think to myself you know well our people already know that Halloween is wicked and and you know bad and and sinful but you know as our church begins to grow we get a lot of new Christians and first and foremost sometimes people who have been saved for quite some time they can regress in this area and make excuses why it's okay to observe it but then you also have new Christians who didn't even know that it's bad you know they're planning to go to some Halloween party next weekend or something and and you know look like a skank and or look like a look like a friggin weirdo or something and go there right and participate and not even think anything about it and so you know your pastors up here telling you and gonna show you from the Word of God why it's wicked and why we should not participate in it why you shouldn't go to your to your jobs Halloween bash or whatever you know or why you shouldn't allow your children to participate in those events either okay and look this is not a sermon on anti fun you know I mean oh pastors just he doesn't want to have any fun he doesn't want the kids to have any fun first of all my kids in their closet they have all kinds of costumes not anything wicked they got their astronaut costume they got their you know princess costume modest princess costume they dress up throughout the year just have fun there's nothing wrong with that my kids eat candy too I don't know if you know that you know and my kids eat candy they do all that fun stuff but here's the thing do we have to like worship Satan while we do it though I mean do you have to like be so diabolic about it do you have to get fake blood and spread it all over yourself to have why is that fun to you you know do you have to look like a whore you know well do you have to dress up your daughter like a whore in order for her to have fun no see that those are stupid reasons that people try to bring up and say well you know we're just having fun you know looking like a whore is not fun okay make the Bible says fools make a mock at sin and we have to think of mockery like we're making fun of someone but mocking is like imitating right you're mocking sin and you're a fool if you make a mock at sin and think that it's permissible to look like a devil or look like some sort of demon or whatever or look like a skank or whatever you know that's not fun that's not it's not pleasing in the eyes of the Lord and we should stay away from those things okay let me read you a couple verses here of course Romans 132 says who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them so God not only condemns people who obviously commit those wicked acts but they he condemns people who take pleasure in those things okay he said well how do I play it don't watch that stupid Jeffrey Dahmer documentary how about that how about for starters you don't take pleasure and that disgusting filth on Netflix or whatever like well I just want to watch it for educational purposes or something why would you want to educate yourself on evil you know Bible says be wise concerning good and simple concerning evil you know and I guarantee you because you know Netflix is not necessarily like a Christian organization I promise you I'm pretty sure that that documentary does not hold back on scenes of what that pervert devil did okay so why would you want to fill your mind with those things why would you want to view those things and see all that filthy perversion and you know you're like who's Jeffrey Dahmer don't even worry about it the guy's been in burning in hell for so long it doesn't even matter okay he's a he's a wicked reprobate who did a lot of wicked things things that the Bible says that wicked reprobates do and that's it why would we want to glorify and lift up some filthy pervert cannibal or whatever you know and think that's like a cool thing to do you know folks we need to be simple concerning those things and reject those things and recognize God condemns the person who takes pleasure in them okay the Bible says in Proverbs 8 13 the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride arrogance in the evil way in the fraud mouth do I hate so here here's a good thing for starters if you're struggling in this area if you've been desensitized to this you need to start fearing God once again and when you begin to fear God you begin to recognize I have a healthy fear of God where I don't want him to judge me I don't want him to chastise me the first step into that is you begin to hate evil okay the fear of the Lord is to hate evil the Bible says in Job chapter 1 and verse number 1 there was a man in the land of us whose name was Job and that man was perfect and upright one that feared God listen to this and is chewed evil what does that mean he just rejected evil why was he such a perfect and upright person because he just hated evil he would chew it he rejected it it goes on the same verse 8 the Lord said unto Satan hast thou consider my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and upright man one that feareth God and is cheweth evil so this isn't just like someone's opinion about him this is God's opinion on him this is what God this is God's assessment on Job he recognized that Job actually in his heart deep down inside hated evil okay the Bible says in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 it says abstain from all appearance of evil so think about this you know you say well you know we're not doing all the demon stuff and no one's gonna dress up like Jeffrey Dahmer at my at my Halloween get-together or whatever but we're just having a Halloween party well that's just an appearance of evil then you know and by the way some Christians you know we need to learn that obviously the acts are sinful but we need to learn that there's certain things that look sinful that we should stay away from as well the appearance of evil so God is not only against the action of evil he's even against the appearance of you let not your good be evil spoken of the Bible says okay look at 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse number one you say well you know give me an example how can I abstain from all appearance of evil don't celebrate Halloween how about that you know don't celebrate it don't praise it don't you know I don't know what else to say about I mean just don't stay away from it okay look folks before I got saved obviously I was into Halloween because I wasn't even saved it was just a day you go out and you know you collect candy and you go egg some cars or whatever you know back in my day at least you know in the 90s you know you go do a lot of mischief or whatever but once you get saved you recognize oh man this stuff is associated with like the devil this stuff is associated with that which is wicked and wrong and and anti God I need to abstain from these things and not partake in them and it's one day out of the year it's not like you're ruining your entire childhood or your children's childhood by not celebrating it I mean look folks who's to say you just can't have pizza on that night and why don't you just buy your kids a bowl of candy and just give it to them instead of going to complete strangers like why is it you would you trust any strange don't we tell kids not to take candy from strangers I mean think about that right it's like never take candy from strangers but then one day out of the year it's just like yeah go knock on every stranger's door and ask for candy have them put it in your pillowcase you know and and and but that's permissible that's nonsense see how the warp the mind can get where it's just like just common sense like don't take candy from strangers unless it's on Halloween and you look like a devil and you knock on a person's door you say trick-or-treat then it's permissible okay and by the way obviously you don't know what's in that candy anyways you know they can be putting all kinds of stuff why don't you just go to Walgreens or wherever Target and and go get the candy put it in a bowl and say yeah here you go there's your candy okay now eat up or whatever and have pizza dress up like a fireman and we're just gonna stay home and and watch a Christian video or something like that you know why does it do you have to you know get involved in the occult why does it have to become all dark and and and skanky and and faggoty and all these things it doesn't have to be that way you know you don't have to draw the line where it's just like well no if I'm gonna celebrate Halloween I gotta look like a hoe that's the only time I'm gonna do it you know that's wrong folks abstain from those things eschew those things okay you know I'm getting ahead of myself look at 1st Corinthians 10 and no we're not having by the way don't try to come to me and say can we have an alternative can we do like a like a harvest festival at our church or something like that and maybe we all dress up like clowns or something you know don't tell me that cuz I'm gonna say you know you don't have to dress up like a clown cuz apparently the question you're asking me already shows me that you are clown okay you know don't do that don't try to turn turn our church into these liberal churches where they do those participate in those things and things that think that it's permissible because it's not permissible this is God's house okay now look next week we're gonna go to yogurt land I might even get some pizza for all the little ones cuz they're not teenagers yet we want them to have fun we're not anti fun so don't don't point to say yes just don't know how to fun we just don't know how to be wicked I guess is what it is we don't know how to behave in an evil way okay and if you want to criticize us for that and so be it he says in verse first Corinthians 10 verse 1 moreover brother I would not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and we're all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eat the same spiritual meat did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drink of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ so we see that there's a congregation the Bible would also refer to as a church in the wilderness and they all partook at the same thing you know modern day it was like they all heard the same preaching we all have the same salvation we all got the same Bible we all got the same things right and then he says in verse 5 but with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now these things were our examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted so even though there's God's people are in the wilderness under the leadership of pastor Moses okay and they saw all the miracles they partook in all those activities yet they still lusted after evil things and suffer the consequences because of it okay and so the lesson that God wants us to learn is don't be like those people don't be like the the group of people in the wilderness in the church in the wilderness who although was under the leadership of Moses and in that church you know they were still lusting after evil things they still wanted to partake in the things of this world okay he says in verse 7 neither be idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer now all these things happen unto them for examples they are and they are written for admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come so he's basically saying no take that as an example don't lust after evil things you should not have this inordinate lust in your heart to just you know go out there or go watch some scary put the horror movies away my friend you know put Texas Chainsaw Massacre away put Amityville way so how do you know those things cuz I watched them when I was unsaved okay this is a first-generation Church I'm being honest with you I'm being transparent with you and so you know put those things away it's like well just one day out of the year okay just one day out of the year just like to scare myself a little bit you know you want to scare yourself a bit go look at your bills I mean go look at the gas prices drive around you know it's just like go freak out over those things use that to get you scared a little bit and I'll be honest with you I like scaring people specifically my wife and my kids I do I'm all for it you know I look like yeah you know just kind of hiding and scaring them I think it's fun and you know I don't need a mask okay to do it apparently right but you know some people and look there's there's like a group of people out there in society who just they they love horror they love blood they love gore and I mean they love going to the haunted houses and and being a part of that and even you know that Ulysses and I were just talking you know earlier this week about you know year-round they have like these extreme haunted houses where people literally have to sign a waiver because they they do some really grotesque things in there for hours on end and they're even sometimes they're subject to death sometimes people could even die in those things but people literally sign waivers for that you know why because they love that you know well that's not me yeah but it's all in the same camp though my friends it's on the same camp you know put away the horror movies away from you stop watching the Netflix specials or whatever stop watching the Amazon Prime specials stop watching the YouTube specials on ghosts on on demons you know that has nothing to offer you it has nothing to offer you it's gonna vex your righteous soul and it's not Christian and you know it's just not spiritually healthy for you to do those things okay look at look at verse 20 but I say that the things which which the Gentile sacrifice they sacrifice to Devils and not to God and I would not that you should have fellowship with Devils you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of Devils you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table and of the table of Devils I remember I had a friend go to chapter 13 by the way go to chapter 13 I had a friend who was a Christian and we're both in Bible College and he had divulged to me that he had seen some horror movie it was around this time and I don't know if it was like the ring or something like that or one of those one of those horror movies where the prison is just completely white or something you know and then they had like the jump scare or whatever and he said he watched a movie he's like I gotta tell you something I watched that movie I'm like why would you watch that it's like that movie looks scary you know and then he's just like you know I watched it and like when I left after I was done like something was bothering me and stuff like that it's just like I felt like like dirty he told me you know it's just like I felt I'm like yeah it's called grieving the Holy Spirit he's like I literally felt that and he's like I regret like watching it and you know I wish I hadn't like he said in times past I used to really enjoy watching horror movies and you know the Jason the Freddy Krueger although those are really cheap or whatever you know the exorcist and all the you know I really like watching those and so I thought you know it would be the same thing I just watched this and it'd be like whatever but he said now it literally like grieved me in my heart and it just it just gave me a really nasty feeling as I was going home and even it's not like he was scared like he was just in the sheets right you know he just felt like really guilty and and and I told him I was like you know it's cuz you have the Holy Spirit going within you and so obviously when you start putting in that which is unholy and you subject the Holy Spirit to those things it's gonna grieve him and it's gonna bother him and in like manner it'll bother you and so don't think that you can just watch it and watch it and it's not gonna bother you it's actually it's gonna do something to you and in fact you know if you watch it long enough you'll become desensitized to it and the problem with that is is that when you become desensitized to something you need something even crazier to get that you know excitement going or whatever I guarantee these people who go to those weird haunted houses where they potentially die they didn't just start off going to these haunted houses they probably started going to like not scary farm or Six Flags scary mountain I don't know what do they call that the horror place what do they call it you guys know yeah come on evangelist what is it horror nights how do you know that we'll talk after he yeah horror nights you know and you know I'm sure they started off going to those things and getting the jump scare and then it's just like that wasn't enough so they had to do something a little crazier and a little more wild and a little more scary and watching the horror films and after a while like even the stuff that would scare the most normal person just didn't do anything to them and they're just like I need to watch something crazier I need to do something way more wild or whatever and then what happened obviously they get to this weird point where they go to the haunted house where a bunch of reprobates are just torturing them because that's literally what it is they torture them and so don't go down that path okay and you know the Bible tells us you're in 1st Corinthians 13 Isaiah 5 20 says woe unto them to call evil good and good evil they put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter Psalm 26 verse 5 says I have hated the congregation of evildoers and I will not sit with the wicked you know I refuse to be a part of a celebration that is Antichrist there's nothing in Halloween that says that they're pro Jesus Christ nothing nothing about it is pro Jesus it's literally I mean the night prior to Halloween it's called the devil's night so they call it it's like the eve of the devil's night and Halloween is the same exact thing and in fact you like your conspiracy theories folks you can look it up Satan worshipers do all their filth and perversion on Halloween night I mean why is that a surprise to you you know our children are kidnapped you know animals are sacrificed you know they do all this filth and perversion why would we want to even be remotely associated with that which is anti Bible and Antichrist blasphemous okay look at first Corinthians 13 and look down at verse number four referring to charity or as we will call today love okay charity suffers long and it's kind charity envyeth not charity vonteth not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seeketh not our own is not easily provoked thinketh no evil look at verse six rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth what does it mean to rejoice it's like you're happy about it right and Halloween is literally a time of year where people are rejoicing in iniquity you know they rejoice they go down the street and there's like a knife hanging out of some guy's chest or like they rejoicing I'm like wow it's great you know you know they rejoice in the the the whores they rejoice in the the blood and the gore the crazier the costume the better you know I mean we're my wife and I are driving down our neighborhood and there's always this this neighbor who like you know she decorates her front yard with Halloween stuff right and we're not just talking about like pumpkins with faces on them or whatever we're not just talking about like webs I mean it's like corpses everywhere I mean that's but to make matters worse just like baby corpses there's just like baby corpses hanging and stuff and I'm like how is this even permissible like this is like why would you even like you you you like store this in your house like throughout the year like what in the world how can you even live with yours and she's just like you know it's just setting up her stuff I'm like and every year it just seems to get worse like every year there's more corpses more blood you know just a lot of perversion anything just over that's fun you know they're just messing around you're desensitized you get right with God you need to get right with God you need to soften your heart if you see nothing wrong with a fake corpse of a baby you your head is screwed up something's wrong with your mind something's wrong with your heart you know we don't every time we drive by it's like we don't want to look at that you know I have children I don't want to see that nonsense I don't want my children to see that my wife doesn't want to see it it's wicked we don't want to rejoice in iniquity like whoa look at that that's man there's nothing so real there's other people who literally will put you know that they'll fill up a trash bag or something to make it look like a corpse in a body bag or something just put that on their front yard and people will rejoice over those things I mean why would why would that not be permissible all year round except for this day you understand what I'm saying it's like all year round Christians and people would just reject that it'd be like this is wrong this is wrong it's inappropriate or whatever but all of a sudden on a Halloween it's just or in the month of October it's just okay to do those things I mean it's weird it's a it's a it's a weird way of thinking look at 1st Corinthians chapter 15 1st Corinthians chapter 15 don't rejoice in iniquity and it says to rejoice in the truth rejoice in the light you can have fun as a Christian my friend okay you don't need alcohol you don't need weed you don't need drugs you don't need to look like a whore you don't need to look like a vampire or whatever you don't need to look I mean I don't even know if people just look like that but you don't need to look like Leatherface or you know these other serial killers I guarantee you there's gonna be a ton of people this year who are dressing up like Jeffrey Dahmer I guarantee that people are gonna do that and they're just like think it's like the girl it's like this guy was like one of the most wicked rapper you want to look like this guy you know you want to like dress like him and look like him you know it's just like I hope those and I guarantee the glasses he wore I'm sure that's gonna be really popular and no person better come into our church with those serial killer glasses I'm just telling you I'm gonna be like what are you doing you know those serial killer glasses you know what I'm talking about those like 70s 80s serial killer glasses that pretty much every serial killer had I saw a meme was just like serial killers really looked at these and said yo I was like whoa you know it's just like this is what they would wear look at 1st Corinthians 15 32 says if after the manner of men I fought with the beast at Ephesus what advantage is it me if the dead rise not let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners the Bible says and so you know during Halloween and the month of Halloween there's a lot of evil communication that's being put forth and that's why the manners are becoming corrupt because what we say how we talk often affects our conduct and that's the reason he's saying this because he's saying in verse number 32 let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die and the Apostle Paul saying hey don't talk like that because that's gonna mess up that's gonna pervert your manners your manner your your conduct your conversation don't be a part of that look at Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 hold your place there in 1st Corinthians by the way because we're gonna come back to that look at the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 4 on that same note it says in verse 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed unto the day of redemption you know we ought to be good stewards of the Spirit of God that we have dwelling within us and obviously no matter what we put in he's never gonna leave us nor forsake us he's not gonna just like you know we're not we can't lose our salvation he's sealed there he's the earnest of our inheritance but the command is still to not grieve him in other words don't put things in your ears and in your eyes that he would disprove of that he hates that would grieve him a grieve grief is an emotion which further proves that this is the third person of the Trinity because he feels grief now why is he grieved because he has to live in that temple and you're like putting in you know Jeffrey Dahmer you're putting in you know horror flicks you're putting in corrupt communication you're putting those things in and it grieves him because he has to dwell there you understand so he says don't grieve the Holy Spirit of God he says in verse 31 let all bitterness wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking to put away from you with all malice let me say this social media is filled with all that stuff there's so many videos out there of people getting beat up or they fight or people get run over or whatever it is and people like rejoice and people getting hurt it's like they rejoice and people getting beat up they make like nasty comments about it you know that's grieving to the Holy Spirit of God he says be kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you and so that's all introduction go with me if you would actually you're in Ephesians go to chapter 5 if you were Ephesians chapter 5 I'm just giving you some basic principles regarding you know that which is evil and how the Bible tells the weirdest be simple concerning evil wise into that which is good the Bible tells us in Psalm 34 verse 14 depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it the Bible says in Romans 12 verse 9 let love be without the simulation abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good verse 21 tells us be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good and let me just give you a personal testimony of this just to kind of show you that you know myself before I got saved obviously I would celebrate that stuff and and and you know that was just part of me growing up you know dressing up going trick-or-treating hanging out with my friends and doing all those things but you know when you get saved you have to kind of learn to kind of disengage from that way of thinking and so you know when I got saved it's just like oh man a lot of things have to change in my life because what I would typically do on the 31st is not what I'm doing now you know and it's just kind of like and I'll be honest with you it was like it was kind of boring I was just like you know what are we gonna do you know but you know what maturity right says who cares if it's boring we're trying to do that which is right okay and often or what I've realized as a Christian you know growing spiritually and maturing spiritually is that that which I see to be boring isn't necessarily boring it's just that I haven't developed an appetite for the right things you understand it's like people when they when they switch from worldly music or CCM or something to like hymns it's just like oh this music's boring what's not really boring it's actually very powerful it's actually very fulfilling it actually has a lot of doctrine it actually feeds the spirit and feeds the soul it's just that you've developed the appetite for faggot music you understand you know and you know what you need to change that appetite and I know this may rub some people in our church the wrong way but you know this is an independent fundamental Baptist Church and we're independent fundamental in our doctrine and in our music as well okay don't come at me with well you know that's not in the Bible will you show me where CCM is in the Bible show me where it's just you show me a psalm where literally they just repeat the same thing seven times over and it's just the most shallow doctrine that you ever hear in your life it's not found my friends okay and so you know you change your appetite okay and and look if this offends you it only goes to show you you haven't matured because of the fact that you know great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them okay you know put away the CCM put away the worldly music and put away the Halloween mentality where it's just like well this is what we've always done and my mom and dad we used to do all these things for Halloween and all yeah but you know what we're Christians now okay and as Christians and look don't think it's just like does this mean we can't have pumpkins or something have pumpkins I mean we gave out pumpkins last week you know I mean you know does this mean we can't like you know do something next week course you could do something you do whatever you want I'm not the Baptist police here I'm just telling you what the Word of God says that you should eschew those things that which is associated with darkness and that which is associated with Satanism and tell me why is that you rejoice celebrating something that the Satanists love to to celebrate saying this love Halloween are you kidding me Satanists love how it's their favorite day of the year they love Satan or Satanism loves Halloween they love all the horror flicks so why do you like that which they like you know I thought the Bible says what Concord hath Christ with Belial what agreement hath the temple of God with idols why are you in agreement with Satanists okay and look you may go out here tonight and be like well I'm still gonna show over Halloween okay you know what then do us a favor and don't flaunt it if you disagree with the Bible saying right now and you're like you know what I'm still gonna celebrate it we're gonna go trick-or-treating blood gore whore and all you know we're all we're just I'm gonna dress like a little queer ghost I'm gonna be Jeffrey Dahmer this year you know I'm gonna do it and I'll get right on the 1st of November or whatever if that's you okay then stop flaunting it on social media okay by the way if you want to listen to your CCM and you want to listen to all that nonsense okay do that on your own time but don't flaunt it on social media don't just put it on social media because you know you wouldn't say it out front here in church but you you're bold enough to put it on social media though aren't you because you know everyone's gonna watch it yeah getting a little uncomfortable here for a Halloween sermon but you know what we're living a day and age of social media where people aren't bold enough to say to your face they're not bold enough to say it in church but they're bold enough to put it on an Instagram story they're bold enough to put on social media posts because it's their social media but you know what that's not boldness at all okay and you know what because we're in the day and age of social media guess what social media is getting preached on to okay you know my father-in-law and those before him didn't have to preach on that because that wasn't an issue you know sometimes people would just sin in secret they'd be worldly in secret they celebrate Halloween in secret they listen to their CCM in secret but now they operate opportunity to do it out in public through social media so if that's what you want to do if that's what you want to be a part of have at it but stop flaunting it okay or you know put yourself on private or something like that you know it's just like well you know I just want everyone to see and and why why if you know that this is what the church disagrees with you know it's wrong you know are you doing it to spite the church are you doing it despite the preaching of God's Word I mean think about that for a minute well you know that's just what I and let me just say this husbands and fathers help out with that don't just stay silent and allow your family to post just whatever they want allow your children to post whatever they want allow your wife to just post whatever they want why don't you actually do something why don't you take some leadership why don't you just man up and take some leadership and say don't post that crap you know you if you want to listen to that and you know in your headphones or whatever and you want to permit that that's fine but don't post that because this is an appearance of evil and it makes it look like we're approaching the preaching of God's Word in our church okay because I can't tell you to stop listening to obviously you know if Gio likes CCM or whatever if he likes the queer music and all that and he's all about here I am to worship you know that's on Gio you know what I mean the problem I'm gonna have if it's if Gio is like you know you because you know his weekly stories he's always posting stuff or whatever you know he's at the gym and he's just like here I am to worship you know people are gonna be like what are you aren't you a fundamental Baptist what are you doing so you know don't flaunt your sin don't flaunt your worldliness but more than that husbands and fathers do something about it you know I'm not really on social media then get yourself on social media and correct that in your children and in your spouses then that's not an excuse I digress okay so and that wasn't in my notes but you know what it's important to say okay because I'm not you know I'm not your old IFB pastor I'm just not gonna say anything about it I'm gonna say something with their at the risk of offending you and if I offend you then so be it just as long as the entire church knows where I stand on this then I'm not just gonna be like well you know yeah no I don't feel that way sorry I don't actually I'm not sorry okay oh why you gotta be so mean about it that well you know don't do it I don't have to be mean about it so three reasons not to celebrate Halloween actually is I think there's four I think there's four number one and this is very basic it originated with pagans and don't give me this nonsense of well so did Christmas Christ the muss how is that something that originated with pagans when it's called Chris the celebration of Christ is actually something that really took place and look if someone wanted to celebrate Christmas on the 1st of January so be it I mean I would I celebrate Christmas starting in September I started listening to Christmas music back in September you know gotcha you know I'm secretly listening to Christmas music back in September right I'm assuming some of you are doing that right now is that what you're oh you are yeah see Courtney knows what's up she's mature in the Lord you know we love the birth of Christ my friends and you know what you know I get all the feels for Christmas you know I get all the feels you know it's just there's a certain vibe do you get with Christmas my friends you know it's a better vibe than Halloween but don't come at me like oh well if you're gonna speak out against Halloween you should also speak out against Christmas why would I speak out against the birth of Jesus Christ because it arrayed it originated with pagans no we didn't you've been watching too many YouTube videos yeah but you know they believe that a certain false God was born on that day here's the difference though here's the difference okay is that that false God was literally never born whereas Jesus Christ was actually born and there's actually 365 chance that he was born on the 25th there's absolutely no chance that that false God was born on any of the days of the year but there is a one in 365 chance that he was born on the 25th okay and or there's 365 chances he was born on one day of the year so but it didn't originate with pagans Halloween in fact did you see Halloween started off in different regions obviously you have the the Celts who celebrated their their festival Samhain which was essentially a festival that they celebrated to end off the summer and begin essentially the cold or dark part of the year okay and it was essentially to mark you know the the death or whatever you understand to mark death or the dark season when the harvest would die and it would get colder but they've literally believed that the that the veil between life and death was at its thinnest during that time so they believe that you know ghosts and demons would come and communicate with them and and and torment them that was that was a possibility so they would literally dress up in order to ward off those spirits it would have these bonfires where they would do certain you know rituals or whatever and so when the Catholic Church in their conquest was taken over they didn't want to just like you know completely destroy their practices because they wanted to win over these pagans so they essentially just amalgamated with them and say we can just kind of have a blend of what you're doing what you know the Catholic Church does and then you have this thing called Halloween now for for Mexicans and the rest of the Hispanic world deal of the los Muertos was birthed off of that as well okay and so yeah you have the Romans practicing a form of of Halloween you have the Celts practicing the form of Halloween that's where it originated from okay and then it came over here and you know it turned into what we have today but at the end of the day we shouldn't celebrate it because of the fact that unsaved wicked reprobates came up with it I mean pagans these these people were unsaved wicked reprobates who worship Devils so why would we want to be associated with that at all okay look at Ephesians 511 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them so can you think of any any celebration in the United States of America darker than Halloween can you think of a celebration that's more unfruitful than Halloween I mean there probably is as far as unfruitful is concerned what oh yeah that's you know what you got me that's true he wins okay yeah yeah Pride Month is actually way more wicked than Halloween okay Halloween comes in two in second place though okay you're right right but you know the Bible says that we should reprove it not to have fellowship with it or prove it so aside from the fact that we should separate from it aside from the fact that we should not fellowship with it or have any you know association with it God expects for us to also reprove them it's not enough that you're separating from it you also have to stand against it see a lot of people are okay with just like backing away and not participating in it but they have this thing with oh man do I have to speak out against it yes of course because you're light let your light so shine before men my friends but they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven awake to righteousness and so we need to speak out against this and not be embarrassed and be like yeah well you know we don't really celebrate Halloween to your Christian you know friends or to your Christian family like I don't do Halloween because Halloween is like a devil oh you're such a party pooper well you know no I'm not because I'm a Christian and Christians shouldn't celebrate things like this we should reprove those things and so you know we're not for it and it it's it's it has pagan worship so it's originated with pagan worship we should have no dealings with it and abstain from all that okay go with if you would to go to second Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 not only that but it glorifies death and evil I've already talked enough about that but you know Halloween has this obsession with death it has this obsession with evil has this obsession with Satan and it has a tendency to kind of soften the blow of Satan's wickedness and his devices or people just like okay it's Halloween it's okay to see this stuff it's okay to participate in them but it glorifies death and evil the Bible says in Proverbs 8 36 but he that sinned against me wrongeth his own soul all that they hate all they that hate me love death number three I mentioned this but it grieves the Holy Spirit and it will vex us second Peter 2 6 says in turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an ensemble unto those unto those that after shall live ungodly and deliver just lot vex with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds that's a good verse for you to memorize and meditate upon when you're invited to that wicked Halloween party well you know we're gonna go but we're not gonna drink though because you know drinking is wicked you know so it's okay for you to be around people who are drinking though well we're gonna go but you know I'm gonna be modest when I go as you're amongst those who are immodest we're gonna go we're just not gonna dress up all crazy as you're amongst those that are dressed up all filthy and perverse I mean folks that there's no logic in that you know I don't think lot look like a fag in Sodom I don't think he had skinny jeans on in Sodom and Gomorrah and look like a queer and dressed up like Jeffrey Dahmer I think he probably just looked like a regular person but I guarantee there's a bunch of people around him that did look like that and you know what that vexed his righteous soul from day to day why because that's not what he's about that's not what we're about he said what am I gonna do on that night asleep you ever think about that well I mean fun go order pizza okay put on marching design or something like that and you know get some ice cream and go to sleep afterwards I mean that's a fun night for me sleeping in general is a fun night for me I'm like me like Sarah and I we're gonna do some crazy time we're gonna go to sleep on time you know we're going to bed on time you know if we could we just fall asleep on the couch that's like fun now you know I because I'm old it's just like before it's just like you know staying out all day no way no way the ladies I'll ever stay out is here at church because people are keeping me up but other than that at home I'm just like get the kids to bed let's go to bed I'm tired you know I've got things to do tomorrow but if we have to have fun this is what I do okay let me tell you what I do with my family to have fun okay we obviously not right now because I'm on keto but we order pizza get ice cream you know we do we watch an Andy Griffith show that's what we do really wild huh you know and you everyone's like Andy what it's a black-and-white TV show you know does anybody know what I'm talking about okay all right you know we watch that with the kids and we just sit around and look at each other's faces and we talk to each other you know that's boring yeah that's because you apparently you don't like to be around your family you don't like talking to your family you know like you know we should enjoy being around our family the Bible says that we are to enjoy our children you know I actually like looking at my wife's face I actually enjoy looking at my children and and playing with them and playing tag with them and playing tickle parties with them and just running around and just having fun you know I don't need all this gore and blood and all that nonsense to have a good time and if that's what you need to have fun you know you need to check your life okay and not just you know keep making it crazier and crazier just to get that jolt of joy or whatever rejoice in the truth just rejoice in the basics of life okay but don't grieve yourself because someone invited you to a Halloween party or they have a cauldron of apple juice or whatever and it's probably spiked and everyone all the girls that look like whores they look like sluts yes I said it you know everyone there's blood and gore everywhere there's black lights there's all kind of types of nonsense and it just looks dark folks the Bible says men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil so think about that for a second the only time I like the dark is when I'm going to sleep I turn off all the lights close the curtains I want my melatonin just be just leaving my body at a crazy rate because I'm trying to go to sleep okay but not while I'm away just in the dark you know all spooky with the spooky music you know they're they're probably playing Michael Jackson thriller you really want to listen to that pedophile sing that but don't grieve the Holy Spirit don't allow yourself to be vexed you don't have to go to your your company party you don't have to go to your best friend who grew up with you right your best friend invites you come on we always do this this is what you say yeah but I'm a Christian but you did it last year well last year I was still a baby in Christ now I'm trying to grow here and I'm not trying to do it and look if if your best friend is willing to try to make you compromise that's that's a problem number one but number two you should be a best friend and be like no because Halloween is wicked and you shouldn't celebrate it either what are you doing celebrating Halloween any either aren't you a Christian aren't you a believer why don't you put them on the spot and when they put you on the spot and say well aren't you hanging out with us like we used to be back in the day you say because I'm a Christian now why are you acting like a worldly person and not following the Lord Jesus Christ in the Word of God make it awkward for them I have no problem making a situation awkward for people that I talked to you know I want the upper hand and be like actually it's just weird that you would want to celebrate that wickedness so why are you doing that don't you read the Bible aren't you about this I thought we like separate from that stuff oh you're just because you're gonna like first works Baptist Church how'd you know and what kind of church do you go to what kind of church do you go to where they permit that you know put them on the spot stop letting people put you on the spot okay and and husbands don't allow you know your family your wife your children your auntie your mama your dad your brother and sister to peer pressure you into doing that which is contrary to God's Word get a backbone and say we're not doing it I can't believe it but last year you know it's funny because now it's this year so there's no change yeah well last year there's a lot of it you know I was a year younger last year too you know there's a lot of things that were different last year this year is different so we're not doing it so stop asking I'm just telling you what I would say you don't have to say it that way or you or yell like I would you can do it in a different way I'm just kind of I'm just trying to give you a template this is the Romans road for you okay don't vex your your don't vex your your soul don't vex your children don't vex your your family number four why we shouldn't celebrate Halloween and make it turns women into whores and I've already talked about that I don't know why it's just people think that it's okay to dress in an immodest way during Halloween you know what I mean it's just like oh you know all the throughout the year it's just like be as modest as possible for some reason Halloween comes around it's just like oh time to pull out my hoe dresses my hoe skirts like well you shouldn't say like that you're gonna offend some people well you know I hope I offend some people and cause people to be ashamed of that clothing so that they don't do it I'm not speaking to a bunch of unsaved people here right is everyone saved here does everyone believe the Bible do we are we all Christians are we all Baptist are real members of an independent fundamental Baptist Church here okay then this shouldn't be like oh you should be like oh yeah it's right you know I guess people do dress like whores during that time they do I mean who's gonna argue with me on that does anybody here want to debate that and say no I've been to an Amish Halloween party or something like that doesn't exist it turns women into whores and you know what my next point which is my last point is actually five points sorry is it why we shouldn't celebrate Halloween is it sets a bad example for our children that's a really bad example for them because here we are throughout the year just just just like gung-ho about holy living and righteousness and and and you know we're against that which is satanic but then just one day out of the year it's just like open it's okay like you know dad why is mom dressed like that it's just like oh just one day at a year or whatever why are we doing this oh it's just one day out of the year it sets a bad example for our children and our children are like sponges and you know what they know when you and I compromise they know it don't think that they don't know it doesn't matter how young they are they know when you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing you're making an excuse for it okay and especially something as grave as Halloween you understand where it's just like this day it's okay to do it and it's okay to dress this way you know don't be a bad example for your children you're gonna regret it in the long run you're gonna regret it in the long run and look miss Kelly can someone get her a cup holder please good night in the morning can we get a butler over here just to kind of hold the cover miss Kelly she tried to put that cup down like five times we'll wait no I'm just kidding go to Romans 13 it sets a bad example for our children what was I saying compromise what they know when we compromise I already said that what they absorb everything like a sponge and so you know what you do in moderation they're gonna do in excess and you know I've known Christians even those who are like of you know their their dad's a pastor and they celebrate Halloween they do all that stuff because the father never just you know that the pastor never just put his foot down and said we shouldn't do this you know I'm thankful and it's not my father-in-law by the way my father-in-law was completely against Halloween and they you know he wasn't forced celebrating it they wouldn't go trick-or-treating or anything like that and so I'm thankful for that example and you know what I'm not saying be perfect because no one's perfect I'm not perfect I'm not a perfect example for my children but I am the example that my children have and so I have to do the best as a first-generation Christian to set the bar high because I didn't grow up in church I didn't grow up knowing these things I had to like learn these things firsthand so to speak and then we have to impart this into our children so that our children don't grow up you know looking like whores and weirdos one day out of the year or something like that you know they need to reject those things and not be for them you say well what should I do then instead of like dressing up on Halloween you know because I really want to dress up I really want to put on a costume or something look at Romans 13 and verse 11 says in that knowing the time that now is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than what we believed the night is far spent the day is in hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light the Bible says let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness none in strife and envying listen to this but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the luster of you know put on Jesus Christ and I'm not saying he's a costume because of the fact that the new man is something that's supposed to be put on on a daily basis and so if you don't like this sermon put on the Lord Jesus Christ and you know what the inward man delights in the law of God Bible says that I delight in the law of the Lord after the inward man so if you don't like what I just said you don't like my sermon put on the Lord Jesus Christ and your new man will like it you put on the new man the new man would say hey everything he said was right why you man you man bro like why are you getting upset about this you know he's right about it this is what the Bible says this is what we should be doing okay the flesh is the one who just wants to dress like that act like that do all those things the the Spirit wants to put on Jesus Christ and loves righteousness and rejoices in the truth and doesn't rejoice in iniquity doesn't rejoice in that which is filthy and perverse and evil this is what our attitude should be as Christians towards evil okay and not allow ourselves to become desensitized to it you know I know it comes around every year and and you know people celebrate it you have people at your jobs your boss is throwing a party next week your neighbors throwing a party you know oh but it's really just kind of no if there's anything associated with Halloween I don't want nothing to do with it you know that's not and by the way Halloween literally means hollowed Eve you know hollowed means it means holy let me ask you so is there anything holy about Halloween absolutely not so why recognize that let's pray father we thank you so much for your word help us Lord as your people to draw an eye to you and Lord help us to just live a life that's pleasing unto you Lord help us to raise our children our families lead our families our wives in the way of righteousness as best as we can Lord and to reject that which is evil in this world and who cares what the world is doing who even cares what worldly Christians are doing if that's what they want to do then and so be it but they can't use the Bible to justify it I pray that Lord we would be that remnant that just obeys the Word of God and if there's someone under the the sound of my voice that maybe got offended at what it said what I said may they put on Jesus Christ and delight in the law of God and and and and seek to walk in the laws of the Lord and have that discernment Lord and I pray you bless us as we go on our way in Jesus name Amen please turn your songbooks of song number 152 here is our last song song number 152 security song number 152 all together on that first verse more secure is no one ever then the loved ones of the Savior not young star on high abiding nor the bird in homeness I got his own docked and and nourish in his holy courts they flourish like a father kind he spares them in his loving arms he bears them neither life nor death can ever from the Lord his children sever for his love and compassion comfort them in tribulation little flock to joy then yield be Jacob's God will ever shield be rest secure with this defender at his will all for surrender what he takes or what he gives us shows the father's love so precious we may trust his purpose holy days his children's welfare solely amen wonderful singing you are dismissed you