(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) tonight in Jesus name we pray amen amen okay we're in second Thessalonians chapter number two this evening so we continue our series here with the book of first and second Thessalonians and of course the major theme of both epistles aside from tribulation is the second coming of Christ it has a lot to do with the second coming a lot to do with end times bible prophecy and this particular chapter is the one that probably emphasizes the most aside from the latter end of first Thessalonians chapter four and then pretty much all of first Thessalonians chapter five and of course chapter five really is a good nail in the coffin for the preacher of rapture but that second nail is actually found here in chapter two okay and we're going to look at that this evening but today or this evening we're going to really uh focus in on the anti-christ the man of sin and who he is and what the bible says here about him we'll be going to uh revelation 13 and different portions of scripture uh talking about him now first and foremost look at verse number one we're going to look at the imminency of Jesus Christ refuted okay the imminency of Jesus Christ refuted now what does it mean what is that talking about the imminency of Christ it means that Jesus Christ can come at any moment this is a teaching that is common from the preacher crowd that will say that Jesus Christ can basically come and rapture us at any moment he could come at the end of the service he can come tomorrow we don't know okay his coming is at hand it can happen at any moment this is what's known as the imminency of Jesus Christ but chapter two refutes that okay and we're going to see why in just a bit look at verse number one it says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord Jesus Christ so first and foremost what are we talking about here well according to the bible we're talking about his coming right well you can't describe his the rapture as the coming well that's what it says though okay it says now we'll beseech your brethren by the coming of our lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him now what is the best way to describe the rapture well the best way to describe it is from second thessalonians 2 we have first thessalonians chapter 4 and even matthew 24 where it talks about the gathering together right where you have the four angels or the angels going through the four corners of the earth and they gather together his elect from the four winds from the four corners of the earth that's referring to the rapture so it says by the coming of our lord Jesus Christ and then it says by our gathering together into him these are synonymous events stated in different ways right he says in verse 2 that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter from us as that the day of Christ is at hand so here are three ways that the apostle paul has just described the rapture he's described it as the coming of our lord Jesus Christ he's described it as the gathering together unto him and then he's described in verse number two as the day of Christ or the day of the lord as we see it in first thessalonians chapter 5 okay and what he's telling the thessalonians is this hey this is a real event because obviously he just got finished talking about it in chapter 4 and chapter 5 of first thessalonians then he tells them don't worry that you just missed the train or something okay he says don't be soon shaken in mind don't be troubled don't worry about it and he says if you receive a letter ask from us you know someone basically uh putting forth a counterfeit epistle of paul right he says if you receive a letter asked from us don't give any heat to it why because the day of christ is not at hand so what is this teaching us this is teaching us here this is showing us that the pre-trib rapture okay didn't originate in the 1800s with john nelson darby because apparently you have false teachers back then teaching that the day of christ was at hand or else why would he even be saying it right why would he even mention hey don't worry about it don't be soon shaken in mind don't give any credence to any letter any epistle that you're going to receive asked from us as if the day of price is at hand why because they were probably receiving letters they were receiving by word you're like i don't know that's kind of a stretch well you know you got to understand something is that the false doctrines that are that are present today this is not the first time that they've come up they've been around for thousands of years okay let me give an example of a false doctrine out there uh that's that's you know popping up its head today but it's been around for a long time preterism now preterism is true in the sense that some of these events have taken place but they're false in the sense where predators will say well they've only taken place in times past and they're no longer they don't have a future event they don't have a future uh fulfillment of that okay that's where they err but here's the thing you know preterism is not something new it's been around for a long time you have you know first and second timothy where paul's right into timothy and he's talking about hymenaeus and philitis who have taught that the resurrection had passed already and overthrew the faith of some so these guys were saying that the rapture had already taken place the resurrection has passed already they were teaching preterism okay and so paul was coming and refuting them and saying that he gave them over to satan they were shipwrecked you know concerning the faith and what not and so you know a lot of these false doctrines that we see today they they're the same methods and tactics and devices that satan has used for thousands of years they're just simply repackaged okay and so you know they didn't call it the preacher rapture back then but it's the same concept because they were teaching that the day of christ was at hand it was going to happen at any moment it was imminent okay it could happen in any moment but thankfully you know second thessalonians 2 exists amen where he's telling them hey the gathering together the second coming of christ don't worry if someone's saying that's going to happen at any moment it's not going to happen at any moment there's some events that have to take place prior to that but i want you to notice that he talks about the gathering together okay and some people would say that this is not referring to uh the rapture it's referring to the third coming or what they would refer to as the second coming revelation 19 now don't let me lose you because there's i know that sounds kind of confusing but that's what happens when you try to explain pre-trip stuff you know it's just kind of weird okay the preacher crowd will say that the second coming of christ is not the rapture we know it to be the rapture why just because basic math tells us that he comes one the first time in bethahim's manger that's one and if he even if you were to come let's say it's a preacher rapture well that's still two regardless of what you think what timing it is it's still number two yeah but it's like a secret coming doesn't matter he comes though you know obviously i don't believe that his coming is invisible or that no one's you know clothes are gonna fall to the ground and all these weird stuff that they believe but regardless of how you define it or how you describe the rapture to be it's still the second coming they would say that revelation 19 when jesus christ comes on a white horse with all of his saints to establish his millennial reign they call that the second coming so apparently the rapture is like the coming 2.0 or something you know it's it's kind of weird you understand and so we obviously understand that that would be the third coming because he has once in bethahim's manger second time at the rapture the third time he comes is in revelation 19 to establish his millennial reign sorry to bore you with the facts but i'm just showing you what the bible says about that okay now for them to say that revelation 19 is the second coming of christ would be completely nonsensical since the fact that we see here that there's some things that have to take place prior to that which is what the antichrist being revealed and whatnot and we're going to look at what the timing of that is in just a bit now look at verse number three what are some preceding events leading up to the rapture and by the way there's no mention in first or second thessalonians of christ's millennial reign there's no mention of that you know no one's coming to the apostle paul saying hey the millennial reign is about to start no one's saying that no one's saying that the battle of armageddon is about to begin they're saying that the gathering together and by the way revelation 19 is not a gathering together okay jesus christ is not coming to gather together his elect he's coming with his elect on horses to fight and to battle you understand and so to say that that's you know the second coming of christ and whatnot what we see here doesn't make sense it makes more sense that the gathering together is actually referring to the rapture because that's how the rapture is described as it's him gathering together his elect rapturing all believers etc okay look at verse three let no man deceive you by any means for that day referring to the day of christ referring to the coming of christ referring to the gathering together unto him that day listen to this shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition so based upon verse number three we can see clearly that the day of christ is not at hand it's not imminent and we see that there's some events that take place prior to him coming now what are the things that we see here well the preceding events leading up to the rapture is number one we see there the falling away okay now the you know there's a lot of weird teachings from the pre-trip crowd especially the hyper dispensationalist uh the peter ruckman crowds they will pervert and corrupt the bible up and down they'll say that the falling away is referring to the rapture like you're falling into heaven or something you fall away into heaven even though falling away in the bible is used either to describe someone who has backslid in who has just gone away from the lord or has apostatized which is actually the greek word that's being used here when it talks about falling away it's the word that we look that we know today is apostasy so he's saying that in order before the second coming of christ before the rapture takes place there has to be a great apostasy there has to be a falling away where people fall away doctrinally right now here's the thing is that people will say well you know aren't churches apostatizing today and the obvious answer is yes there's a bunch of weird churches doing weird stuff teaching false doctrine false way of salvation false things regarding jesus christ etc go to revelation 13 what's your place in second thessalonians so obviously there's nothing new under the sun how do we determine if what second thessalonians 2 is referring to it's not something that has already happened since there is churches apostatizing even in paul's day there's churches apostatizing hundreds of years ago there's churches that are apostatizing today they're falling away they're teaching false doctrine what is this particularly referring to well the falling away is not just a generalized falling away where you have churches just kind of you know teaching false doctrine because we have churches today that are biblical churches that are teaching the right thing this is referring to the fact that what the bible teaches as a one world religion okay look at verse number one of revelation 13 it says and i stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which i saw was like into a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth is the mouth of a lion and the dragon gives power and a seat and great authority now i don't have time to develop this particular aspect of revelation 13 but you can go back to daniel chapter 7 in different portions of daniel that describe these particular beasts and the images of these beasts and they're referring to world empires okay they're referring to the babylonian empire the medo-persian empire the grecian empire and the roman empire and they're all given these distinct images of animals okay they're all separate one from another but they all represent basically the spirit of babylon whereas here in revelation 13 you have one beast coming up out of the sea and it seems to be a culmination of all of these beasts and the basic underlying teaching there is the fact that the one world superpower in the end times is a culmination of all of those systems that have existed in times past okay it's what satan had sought to do in times past but will succeed to do in the end times okay this you got this this amalgamation of all of these animals in one this is what this is referring to so this represents the new world order but it also represents the man who's in charge of the new world order which is the antichrist okay because it says in verse two and the beast which i saw was like into a leopard his feet were as the feet of a bear his mouth is the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave what him his power and his seat and great authority at that point it's referring to the individual the man of sin who's given the position the authority and power to rule over the world you understand it says in verse three and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and look what it says here and all the world does it say them just the middle east or just jerusalem no it doesn't right it says all the world and by the way it doesn't say the known world it just says all the world wondered after the beast look at verse four and they who's they referring to all the world what does it say worship the dragon which gave power into the beast and they what worship the beast so the dragon's referring to satan the beast is referring to the antichrist so they worship the dragon they worship the beast saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make war with him now let me just let you in a little secret what they're saying is actually voluntary they're not being forced to say this this isn't a forced vaccination this is something that they decided to do based upon their own personal belief where they're like he's like god they what are they doing they're wondering after the beast the antichrist they're worshiping him and who is it the who's worshiping him all the world look at verse eight and all that dwell upon the earth or does it say all that dwell in jerusalem all that dwell in israel all that dwell on that part no all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him now the obvious exception to this verse would be who christians obviously christians aren't going to worship the antichrist they're not going to worship satan this is referring to the general population the majority of people on this earth will worship they're not just going to vote for him as the rule of the world they're actually going to worship worship is a spiritual term they didn't say all the world voted for the beast they worship the beast that that's something that the inner man does you understand so their soul desires the antichrist to be like god they liken him unto deity okay he says all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him and this this is proof here that it's not referring to any christian whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so there's your proof oh i just think that you know some christians are going to be deceived no the only ones who worship them worship the antichrist are those whose names are not written in the book of life and newsflash if you're saved your name is in the book of life permanently okay by the way everyone's name starts off in the book of life okay everyone's name starts off it's not written in once you get saved it just permanently permanently stays there once you believe on jesus christ because the bible describes people who become reprobates or those who go to hell as being blotted out of the book of life okay he said why is it like that well because he's not willing to any should perish so he everyone starts off in the book of life in hopes that they would get saved because he wants all men to be saved but unfortunately not everyone's going to get saved therefore their names are blotted out but that's besides the point what i'm trying the point that i'm trying to make here is the fact that what we're looking at here in revelation 13 is a one world religion why is it a one world religion well because everyone in the world in general agrees that this man is like god they worship him okay and so um that's what we're looking at here go back to uh second thessalonians hold your place there in revelation 13 because we're going to come back to that so he says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first so let me ask you let me ask you this when it says that all of them who dwell on the earth worship him is it referring to like buddhist yeah right is it referring to hindus is it referring to people who claim to be christian but are not saved absolutely so every pocket of religion every segment of a religious group will agree together that this man is worthy to be worshipped and they they they believe he's deity you understand now why is it what is it that makes him believe that he is divine or that he is deity or he is god well the fact that he comes back to life after he receives the deadly wound to the head okay that is what confirms his quote unquote deity in their eyes okay so all these churches so yeah do we have people today that worship satan of course do we have people today that just believe crazy stuff absolutely but not at this scale right here because you can get the most liberal watered down limp-wristed pastor out there and he will still only claim well there's only one god jesus christ is the only god even he has a little backbone at least to admit that right i'm sure there's really liberal limp-wristed pastors out there who will still say you know we should love everyone or whatever but there is only one god jesus i said i am the way the truth i'm sure that there's they're out there but in these days in the end times the bible tells us that everyone's going to worship him who is not you know if you're saved obviously you're not but anybody this would include people who claim to be christian but they're not saved in other words okay so there has to come a falling away first before the gathering together unto him before the rapture takes place now that doesn't even go with uh what we see that doesn't even go with what the preachers believe because let me explain to you what the preachers believe okay they believe the rapture is in revelation chapter four well the anti-christ is introduced in revelation chapter six okay so if it says here that in order for him to be revealed there has to be a falling away first that is that is in jive with even what they believe okay so it says except to come a falling away first and look at the next element and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition this is referring to his death okay now how do you know how do we know it's referring to his death well we just saw in revelation 13 that he receives a deadly wound to the head and his deadly wound is healed and then the world wonders after the beast and just in those statements alone we already know what's taking place he dies he comes back to life and that basically gives him credence in the eyes of the world to basically be worshiping the door okay now this shows us something here it shows us that even though the anti-christ comes on a scene in revelation chapter six during the first seal no one really knows who he is until he dies and comes back to life okay and that's important because some people today will say well i know who the anti-christ is we know who he is you know he's he's a jew or whatever well i agree with that but which jew we don't know right we don't know and i get a little upset i get a little frustrated with people who who think that they can just go beyond the boundaries of god's word and find out knowledge that god's word does not teach yes right when god says like you know it's like these people who who try to make uh you know put a date to the rapture yeah even though the bible specifically says that no man know it the day nor the hour but yet somehow god revealed it to you or something like that you understand well there's people out there who believe they know who the anti-christ is even though the bible says that he's not revealed until these events take place so what we have in revelation chapter 6 is the first seal being opened the bible says that john sees a man riding on a white horse he has a bow and he's given a crown he's going forth conquering and to conquer this is obviously referring to the anti-christ and one of the reasons we know that is because of the fact that the anti-christ or satan is always a counterfeit of jesus christ he didn't he's you know the white horse thing wasn't original is what i'm saying he didn't come up with that that's something that you see in revelation 19 with jesus christ coming on a white horse he said what's the purpose of him uh copying that or imitating that well when jesus christ comes on a white horse he comes to establish his millennial reign his order well when the anti-christ comes on a white horse he's going forth conquering and to conquer and we see that four seals later he's putting christians to death and then what we see in revelation 13 is that he sets up his new world order so what is he doing he's going to seek to attempt to be a counterfeit of jesus christ and use the bible to justify his conquering he's going to say i'm just doing it i'm the messiah i'm just doing what the bible says here i'm conquering i'm going to set up my millennial reign this is why this teaching of ushering in the kingdom is so adhere to uh this doctrine of ushering in the kingdom like jeff durbin or whatever they believe that we have to permeate all aspects of society christians political aspects stores i mean christians have to be all over because we have to usher in the kingdom folks we do not usher in the kingdom we're the off scouring of this world the bible says and you know the kingdom of god cometh not with observation the kingdom of god is within you the bible says you know and so we're not looking to set up a earthly reign that takes place at the very end when jesus christ comes at the battle of armageddon he fights the anti-christ he throws him into hell along with the false prophet and then he sets up his millennial reign and he shall rule them with a rod of iron okay and so what we're looking at here is the fact that he's revealed when he dies and then he rises again look at verse four here's the defining marker for the anti-christ's reign it says who opposeth and exalted themselves above all that is called god or that is worship so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god now that does that does that go with revelation 13 yeah because if all the world is worshiping the beast it says here that he opposes himself and puts himself above all that is called god or that is worship so it sounds to me like he's trying to he basically comes imitating god right showing himself that he is god okay now go to revelation 13 go back to revelation 13 so this is the defining marker what do we have we have the four horsemen of the apocalypse in revelation chapter 6 where you have the white horse uh which is the anti-christ going forth conquering and to conquer you have the red horse which is which is the warfare you have the black horse which is pestilence and famine and you have the pale horse known as death in hell okay which is a culmination of all the death that the prior horses bring you understand so you have the four horsemen of the apocalypse at the fifth opening of the fifth seal is martyrdom that's when the anti-christ begins to make war with the saints he puts christians to death that's why in revelation chapter 6 we see souls under the altar in heaven and it's the souls of them that were slain for the word of god for the testimony which they held okay and of course they're asking god to avenge them shortly thereafter then you have the rapture taking place which is the day of the lord okay but when he begins to put christians to death when he begins to make war with the saints when does that happen it happens when the abomination of desolation is set up what is the abomination of desolation it's the great image that is set up by the false prophet for the anti-christ so the whole world can wonder and worship the image of the beast like that's a stretch not really because that's what we see in the old testament i mean we even see that Nebuchadnezzar set up a great image and wanted everyone to worship that image you understand it's an abomination that make it desolate it's a great image that's made into the beast and that is the marker that defines the time when when the anti-christ will begin to make war with the sense and he'll prevail against them now when does that take place well you have a seven-year period in end times bible prophecy known as daniel's 70th week which you see in in daniel chapter number nine and what we're looking at here is the last week okay which is that seven year period in the midst of the week in other words in the middle of that week you have that abomination of desolation being set up which is a thousand two hundred and sixty days into daniel's 70th week right in the middle that abomination of desolation goes up it's the marker to show that christians are going to be put to death 75 days thereafter a little past the midpoint you have the rapture taking place when the rapture takes place then the anti-christ rules for another 42 months and then his rule ends because the because jesus christ comes back and whoops his butt okay now look at revelation 13 verse 14 he says and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast is referring to the false prophet saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed now there's never been in time in history where this actually has happened never you say well how do you know i'll tell you how i know because never in history has technology ever existed where an image can come to life and uh kill people right cause that as many will not worship the image of the beast should be killed to give life unto the image of the beast i mean it's just as of recently i believe in the beginning of the year you know they created this technology known as the giant right which is this massive image of a human being who's able to interact he can sing he can talk and they're looking to put it into like different states in the united states it's like a it's like a precursor to the abomination of desolation but even 10 years ago that didn't exist five years ago that probably didn't even exist i mean technology is like multiplying exponentially you understand so this didn't happen in the second century bc with entiacus epiphanies even though he set up his own abomination of desolation this didn't happen in 78d when the temple was destroyed or desecrated by emperor titus because they didn't have that technology and both of those are prophetic events that daniel prophesied of in the book of daniel chapter 7 8 and 9 right but they work in conjunction with revelation 13 the difference being revelation 13 is referring to another image of the beast referring to another abomination of desolation so it's okay to say that those things already took place what's not okay is to say that they will no longer have a fulfillment in the future because you have a bunch of elements in those prophetic statements even in the book of revelation that have not yet been fulfilled i know this is not very interesting you want to hear a sermon on depression or you know how to make it through the week and all this other stuff but we're in second thessalonians chapter 2 amen so we gotta we gotta talk about this i mean this thought that oh it only took place in the past and it has no future fulfillment is actually quite stupid because of the fact that satan has always used the same devices and tactics and methods throughout history always i mean think about it this way you know in first john chapter 2 what does john say he says even our little children you know that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby you know that it is the last days well hold on a second there's only supposed to be one though well yeah but there's always been an antichrist around and they're all shadows of a literal antichrist that will come now let me ask you this you know if antichrist epiphanies pictures the antichrist in the second century bc antitus pictures the antichrist in 70 a.d then what the heck is john talking about what the heck is john talking about right it's the abomination it's it's happening they were right even now are there many antichrists he says okay and so you know to say that not there's no future fulfillment of these things it's complete nonsense because we see that throughout the bible god obviously has times when he fulfills multiple prophecies multiple times leading up to a culmination of that prophecy but satan will do the same thing there's pictures of the antichrist in the bible there's pictures of satan in the bible it happens all the time okay and it's it's a weak argument to say these things have already passed when there are pockets there there is pockets of prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled that these preterists want to just completely ignore let me just give you a few okay because they always want to focus on the first three and a half years and say you know the three and a half years of jesus life ministry that was the tribulation because he went through tribulation but they never really want to talk about the last three and a half years and you know i think some of these guys that were teaching this they're saying that the last three and a half years the marker was stephen's death you know and they got that information from uh josephus i think or whatever don't quote me on that but here's the thing there's a ton of things that happen in the second half of daniel's 70th week that for sure have never taken place in history at least at that scale because on the second half of daniel's 70th week when the trumpets and the vials are sounding forth there's a lot of crazy stuff that happens a third of the trees are burned up the waters are turning to blood marine life die ships are being destroyed warm wood is cast into the onto the seas it makes the waters bitter and men die because of it how about how about apollyon right revelation nine you have apollyon who releases these locusts from hell and they torment men for five months and don't kill them by the way i talked to this preterist one time and he said well you know emperor titus was apollyon i'm like what he's like yeah emperor tide that's revelation is actually just referring to uh apollyon referring to emperor titus he's apollyon and i said well did apollyon soldiers or did uh titus soldiers kill people it's like oh yeah well then it's not him because the locusts went forth and they tormented men for five months but they didn't take anybody's life you might want to reread that again i mean what are you gonna tell me well well not killing them is like symbolic of killing them though it's like crazy okay how about this the 200 million soldiers horsemen who kill men by brimstone by smoke and fire how about that it literally says that in revelation chapter nine that there's these 200 million horsemen that are going about killing men by the means of these things of brimstone fire and smoke asphyxiating people they have tales of serpent you know it's okay to use that symbolic excuse but but you have to explain why it's what symbolic of you know that i know that's your get out of jail free card that you like to use but it requires an explanation of what it's symbolic of because symbols have to picture something so what does it picture right so you have the waters being turned into blood they're being made bitter never happened you have the third part of the trees being burned up never happened you have wormwood being cast into the into the sea never happened you have apollyon being released the baton and the locust never happened you have the 200 million horsemen they come out and they kill men never happen you have the two witnesses coming back and they they're supposed to be here for 42 months and they can destroy men by fire so dudes are coming up to them trying to stop their ministry and they just just flame them they're just a walking flamethrower that's symbolic though okay i know preaching can get really fiery for sure but you know what i've never i've preached some pretty fiery sermons before they got me in a lot of trouble but i've never preached a sermon so fiery that my words actually turned into fire i wish i had that ability but it's never happened that power is only designated for the two witnesses so what about them and can someone point to a time where the two witnesses they died and you know how god actually brings them back to life three days later and they ascended to heaven never happened i mean there's a ton of things that are missing here okay let's keep going how about the fact that satan is bound for a thousand years how about that which is something the preterist can't answer because in revelation 19 when the antichrist and his false prophet are cast into the lake of fire he sets up his millennial reign and satan is bound for a thousand years in the bottomless pit how about that because that would mean that there's no false religion no no one tempting anybody no evilness taking place uh no there's a lot of have you ever heard of the catholic inquisition the catholic reign so that never happened because the bible says that satan who's the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ should shine unto them so how does that jive with what they believe how about the fact that jesus christ literally rules and reigns on this earth for a thousand years did that happen i mean was that like a short-lived reign folks the bible says well he reigns and this is this is their excuse i've heard this so many times yeah but he's he's reigning in our hearts though yeah very very poetic but that's that's not what that's referring to because the bible says that he'll rule them with a rod of iron and shall listen to this break them in shivers when has jesus christ even from our hearts broke the nations into shivers never hasn't happened yet and in fact listen to this look i'm a pastor of a church but i'm not ruling the nations with a rod of iron either and i put in some work bible says he that overcometh and keepeth my works into the end the same shall rule the nations with a rod of iron and he shall break them you know he'll break the nations into you know you break the nations into shivers so that hasn't happened yet you know i'm not the president of some island or some country yet well that's all symbolic you're spiritually reigning you know i know that's your get out of jail free card but it doesn't jive with the bible it doesn't drive let's keep going because they they want to talk about these three and a half years you know but none of this has happened and so let's say let's say those seven years have already passed okay well did you know that there's other events that take place after the seven years in the book of revelation such as the great white throne judgment so has that happened where satan and all the world and people who are who are unsaved are cast into the lake of fire and whosoever's name was not written the book of life was cast into the lake of fire or is this like a parallel universe that we're looking at here and lastly how about this the new heaven in the new earth because if satan is cast into the lake of fire there should be no sin and everyone who has died and gone to hell and we get our glorified bodies sin should no longer be present and in fact death is cast into the lake of fire right death is cast into the lake of fire i guarantee you 100 there's thousands of people that died today so preterism falls apart when you look at the second half i mean it falls apart in the first half too completely falls apart in the first half but it really that's why they they avoid the second half they avoid the second half of the 70th week and they also avoid the events that come after the three and a half years of the second half because so many crazy things that happen they can't explain it all ask a preterist what about those that thousand year reign well the thousand years is just symbolic though of what and i've literally seen i've seen articles of prejudice to say this is one thing we can't explain is why he chose to use a thousand years to explain his rule i'll tell you why because it's for a thousand years what they're saying is that i just can't i don't really know how to pervert that portion of scripture that's what they're saying no folks the defining marker for the anti-christ to reign which is by the way a global reigning the anti-gus epiphanies did not rule the entire world neither did titus or any other anti-christ has sought to do and fulfill satan's will it's never happened go back to second thessalonians if you would so let me just give you a brief description of what's taking place here in end times bible prophecy you have seven years not seven year tribulation it's three and a half years a thousand two hundred and sixty days which is the first half of tribulation which is more actually readily described in the bible as the beginning of sorrows okay when the entire world goes through tribulation that takes up the entire first half of daniel's 70th week at the midpoint at the middle at the end of that beginning of sorrows is where you have the abomination of desolation which is synonymous with the anti-christ making war with the saints this is what matthew 24 describes as great tribulation okay that lasts for 75 days so a thousand two hundred sixty days first half of daniel's 70th week 75 days thereafter jesus christ comes and raptures all believers you see how can you get so specific in that regard well this is why it's because daniel chapter 12 describes the person who is blessed who comes who waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty fifth day so from the beginning of the covenant until the rapture you have a thousand three hundred and thirty five days revelation 12 describes the world going into tribulation for a total time of a thousand two hundred sixty days you subtract 1335 from a thousand two hundred sixty you get what 75 days so a thousand two hundred sixty days abomination of desolation 75 days thereafter completing the thousand three hundred thirty five days there you have it then you have 40 in two months that the anti-christ is given to reign on this earth and you know he's having a lot of trouble during this time why is that well because he has to his campaign has to deal with god's wrath he's not necessarily you know able to just enjoy his reign he's dealing with these these pesty two witnesses that are killing a bunch of people you have the 144 000 going throughout the earth preaching the gospel and then the world is just completely falling apart i mean you think biden did a bad job hey biden is looking pretty good in comparison to the anti-christ during the last three and a half years of danish 70th week i mean i know the gas prices are bad but folks uh during during the wrath of god i mean even the waters turn into blood i mean gas prices are bad but folks just picture this if all the marine life if the third part of the marine life is dying in the sea you know you know how stinky that is that's putrid it's gonna be a this is going to be a miserable miserable place to be in during those last three and a half years so he reigns for 40 and two months at the end of those 42 months is when the battle of armageddon begins and that's the conclusion of daniel's 70th week okay i hope that made sense if it doesn't ask me after the service and we'll i'll explain to you in more detail look at verse five of second thessalonians chapter five remember ye not that when i was yet with you i told you these things by the way i want you to notice that this is not something that was new to them he taught them this before this is something he would reiterate to them and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way now let's talk about the mystery of iniquity you know because this is a this is a phrase that people have tried to describe and get theological about and you know what is it talking about well it's really quite simple let's let's break this down first and foremost verse 6 says and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time he is referring to the antichrist and it's saying what is withholding the antichrist from being revealed well the preceding events of the falling away and the man of sin being revealed describing his death okay so he says now you know why the antichrist has not been revealed which is why the rapture is not taking place he's trying to tell the thessalonians this he's saying look don't worry about the gathering together to him because in order for that to happen the antichrist has to come but in order for him to come and be revealed for you to know who he is these things have to take place so he says now you know what what is withholding the antichrist from being revealed is everyone following here then he says in verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way now we've all heard this and if you haven't good for you pre-trippers will often say that this is referring to the holy spirit and they get that from the skull field reference bible i literally remember being in bible college and that's who they told us this was the he who now letteth will let is the holy spirit and you say why do they teach that well because you have to like add to the bible to make dispensationalism work you have to like add stuff that are not in the bible and of course their belief is that we're not going to be here during the tribulation believers are raptured and because the holy spirit dwells within us the holy spirit gets raptured too or something so only now he who letteth will let until he be taken out of the way and they believe that he being taken out of the way is referring to the holy spirit like once he's taken out that's when the antichrist comes but this has nothing to do with the holy spirit because the holy spirit has not been mentioned at all in this passage i mean am i missing something he's not being mentioned right this is obviously referring to the antichrist because in context we have the antichrist being spoken of now why does it say in verse 7 the beginning of verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity does already work well what is a mystery what is that something that is kept secret right what is the antichrist described as he's described as the man of sin and here describes him as the mystery of iniquity so he's saying his identity is still a mystery and the reason he says the mystery of iniquity doth already work is because of the fact that the spirit of antichrist does already work it is here now even now are there many antichrists you see folks satan obviously wants to damn souls to hell but part of his campaign is to construct the world that is ready to receive the antichrist the bible says and you have the quick and who were dead and trespasses in sin wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of power the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience you understand and to prove further that this is actually referring to satan the antichrist look at verse number nine it says even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lion wonders so the what is it saying it's telling us here that the of iniquity the mystery of the the the the identity of the antichrist is still working now because satan is trying to construct a world that is ready to basically create the system for the antichrist you understand so the mystery of iniquity that's already right this is why we know we can never really know the the the not never but we won't know the identity of the antichrist until he's taken out of the way so we don't really know what who he is until he dead until he's dead and he comes back to life so he says for the mystery of iniquity does already work only he who now leadeth will let until he be taken out of the way leadeth let basically means hinders okay so until he's killed until he receives that deadly wound to the head and he comes back to life at that point then he shall be revealed into the world the mystery of iniquity is this we don't know who the man of sin is it's a mystery and it's like that for a reason okay and by the way you know in revel which is kind of crazy because in revelation six the bible says that he's going forth conquering to conquer and he's given a crown he's given a bow so he's introduced at the beginning of daniel's 70th week but he we don't know he that he's the antichrist until three and a half years into it he said well how does his identity remain a mystery for three and a half years well a couple reasons that that can be or a couple factors that we got to take into account is the fact that when you read revelation chapter 17 there it's a coalition of kings that are kind of ruling together along with the antichrist when the antichrist comes back to life after he's put to death then those kings give their power onto the beast so at first it's like a coalition of rulers they're all kind of ruling together but once the antichrist is revealed that mystery of iniquity is revealed it's at that point that those kings give their power into the beast because everyone is worshiping the beast including the kings okay and we don't know how he remains you know his identity is remained or a secret or a mystery what we do know is that revelation six it says that he's carrying a bow he's not carrying a sword swords for close quarters a bow is something that you shoot afar off so he's winning these battles but it's it's coming from this unknown agent that no one really knows about and it could be that those three and a half years uh leading into the abomination of desolation he's just kind of gaining credibility he's he's obtaining the kingdom by what flatteries the bible says and he becomes great what they what small people referring to the jews okay i have a full extensive sermon on it called the immanency of the antichrist you can look that up if you want more on this click the link below so the mystery of iniquity does already work even in paul's day of course was already working only he who now leadeth will let until he be taken out of the way now uh let's see here go to revelation 17 hold your place there let's go to revelation 17 am i making myself clear tonight you guys understand i know it's a lot of information uh but when you get into n times bible prophecy i mean there's a lot that goes into it yeah you know and if you didn't get all the numbers you don't get all the timeline don't worry about it just know it's not pre-trip and also know that preterism is just stupid okay and so you don't have to remember all that stuff but just know this is that a lot of what's taking place at at the second half of daniel's 70th week has not taken place so if some preterist comes to you and tells you that's already taken place and ask him well the bible says that every eye shall see him when did everyone see jesus christ coming in the clouds every eye shall see him the bible says regardless if you want to think that it was pre-trip or post trip the bible says every eye shall see him when has christ ruled the nations with the rod of iron when have the two witnesses come when has apollyon come there's so many events that have taken place in the second half that did not take place that you cannot pervert it's impossible so you don't have to learn all the other stuff if you want you can rewind this and listen to it but um all right i shouldn't say rewind that's like for tapes huh uh you can play back okay where do i have you turn okay so revelation 17 and 18 are the chapters dealing with the fall of babylon okay dealing with babylon just in general of course 18 is more specifically about the fall of babylon but look at verse 8 it says the beast that thou sawest was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is this is not like dr seuss here what does he explain is the fact that this person who is embodying the the the body of the man of sin he's killed at that point that body has a vacancy which is necessary in order for satan to possess okay and it's at that point that we'll see in second thessalonians 2 that wicked capital w is revealed because and when we look at end times bible prophecy what we see is that at the end of a thousand two hundred sixty days according to revelation 12 there's war in heaven between michael the archangel and satan and his angels everyone getting me here so there's war in heaven michael of course whoops him and he's cast down into the earth satan is cast down into the earth and the bible says that he know it that he hath but a short time so after those thousand two hundred sixty days what is that defining marker again the abomination of desolation what happens right before that the antichrist receives a deadly wound to the head his deadly wound is healed so what am i saying here the consecutive events that take place is that the antichrist dies the man of sin dies he's taken out of the way satan is cast out of heaven and then he comes and he embodies he possesses the body of the man of sin and then the wicked shall be revealed and it's at that point that he begins to make war with the saints for 75 days until the rapture takes place you understand and he even says in revelation 12 he know it that he hath but a short time and how short is it 75 days and in fact jesus christ when describing great tribulation he says except those days should be shortened no flesh should be saved explaining the fact that it's only for about 75 days it's a short period of time where martyrdom is being taken place does that make sense go back to second thessalonians you could also listen to the revelation series where i explained a lot of that look at verse 8 of second thessalonians 2 and then shall the wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming that's referring to revelation 19 even him who's coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved of course when it says deceivableness of unrighteousness and then the parish this is referring to the fact that people who are on this earth during that time who are not saved they take the mark of the beast they they're sealing their fate okay because they're deceived into thinking that this man is god understand and why is that well because they didn't receive the love of the truth that they might be saved in verse 11 for this cause god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness and this is pretty sad if you think about it because there's gonna be people in this world because you kind of think like how can these people worship satan though they're just gonna worship this physical man and and wonder after the beast and all these things like how in the world can people be so deceived because you have people today who are not saved but they're truthers and they're always looking for you know oh this is the mark of the beast and we don't accept this and there's there's they're like they fight against that that new world order stuff you know what i mean so you kind of wonder like well how can they fall for this well because they reject the love of the truth god sends them strong delusions that they should believe such a stupid lie that's what it is i mean folks we know people that believe stupid lies today there's people in this world who are mormons isn't that crazy it's crazy there's people today that are joe's witnesses and and you don't even have to be safe to know that that's like crazy unsaved people are like that that's a cult unsaved people are like mormons are weird unsaved people are like joe's witnesses are weird it doesn't take the spirit of god to know that it just takes common sense right so look folks if people are willing to believe that lie kyla come inside and go sit down if people sorry if people are willing to believe such a stupid lie like that then you know what's going to happen god's going to send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that the anti-christ is god and in fact they keep buying into his life because they join him in battle against jesus christ that means they think they can win right god of the universe you're you're man that's you are delusional oh yeah that's right he might send him strong delusion that he should believe a lie now by the way look at verse 12 look at this very unloving thing to do here that they all might be damned so he sends them a strong delusion he says that they might be damned so this is how strong god feels about people rejecting the truth because they're calling him a liar they're rejecting his son he's like i'm going to give you such a strong delusion because i want you to be damned look at verse 13 but we are bound to give thanks always to god for you brethren beloved the lord of the lord because god has from the beginning listen look look what it says chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth now there's a false doctrine out there called calvinism right you know talk about being chosen for salvation now we are chosen for salvation because god wants us to be saved but what are the stipulations that are placed to that well look what it says through sanctification of the spirit which is what titus 3 describes as the renewing of the holy ghost right by the washing and regeneration and renewing of the holy ghost but look what it says and belief of the truth so in order for you to be chosen you have to believe the truth where until he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our lord jesus christ verse 15 therefore brethren stand fast and hold the traditions which you have been taught whether by word or our epistle now traditions what he's referring to is like the teachings of the bible this is why we talk about end times bible prophecy quite a bit that's why we talk about once saved always saved this is why we talk we emphasize these doctrines because we're trying to be steadfast in holding these traditions teaching these things and it's important because of the fact that you know if i don't teach this on a yearly basis you're going to believe some weird stuff i mean you have a pastor a pastor an ordained pastor of a baptist church who affiliated himself with the new ifb who taught through the book of revelation and taught a post-trip pre-rath rapture position now buying into preterism i mean talk about toss to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine folk folks if if the pastor is easily tossed to and fro how much more the congregate what about his church what he does in moderation i mean he's a he's going to become partial preterist and they're going to go full porter's preterist full retard if pastors are buying into this and he's like this pastor is like you know they make some good points they make some pretty good points i'm not fully convinced but you know they make some pretty good points what didn't you teach the book of revelation didn't you teach a post-trip pre-rath rapture position what in the world are you talking about folks hold the traditions which he had been taught don't be tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine don't just buy into every and these these these these they claim to be partial predators by the way but i guarantee you they're not partial predators i guarantee they're full predators they're not coming out with the full story because then they'll sound like major heretics because guess where guess where preterism ends up leaving you denying the resurrection let me just let you know that saying that the rapture is past the resurrection is passed already we don't really resurrect look was that really bad yeah because what about the resurrection of jesus christ who's the first fruits of the resurrection because i talked to one of these people and they said well yeah he resurrected but it's like a different resurrection it's just i can't really describe the resurrection then it's false the resurrection is not something you could kind of describe or not the bible clearly lays it out what it is it's a glorified body and if jesus christ who's the first fruits of the resurrection did not resurrect in a glorified state then we're damned we are all men most miserable if the resurrection is not real you understand and so that's where preterism leaves you and i and i preached against preterism like a year ago or something like that but this is why it's so dangerous the reason is dangerous because eventually what these predators will do is that they'll end up denying the resurrection of jesus christ saying it's already passed all rapture already took place all the resurrections already passed false and you know what paul the apostle said that's false he says these people have been teaching that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some there's people who are probably listening to that stupid broadcast and they're believing it and their their their faith is being overthrown but that's what happens when you just don't know the bible and folks this is why it's important hey future pastors out there you better be apt to teach and know what you're talking about being a loving pastor is not the only thing you're supposed to do i know that's big but that's not the only thing you have to be able to rightly divide the word of truth be a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth why because there's a bunch of false doctrines out there and the last thing we need is for pastors to buy into the stupidity why because people follow them people follow people follow pastors and you know what sometimes the blind follow the blind and they go off a cliff that's what it is we're anti-preterism at our church amen he says in verse 16 now our lord jesus christ himself and god even our father which hath loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace come for your hearts establish you in every good work good word and work what is the same hey don't worry about this it hasn't happened you know i know you got i know you got a letter you got a word you got an epistle as from us but just know that these things have to take place first and the man of sin has to be revealed first jesus christ has not yet come you're in good hands still it hasn't happened amen and you know what i say that to you today because one of these guys is like i don't know the rapture might be tomorrow the rapture might be tomorrow like what why do you have this guy on your show it's crazy folks one of them is even teaching that where the bible talks about the anti-christ opposing he exalted himself above all that is called god that is worship so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god he likened it unto this whole covid thing like church is receiving covid aid or something he's like it could be because you know you have churches like what i just want to flip tables over when i hear stuff like that you just want to reach through that screen and just snap because it's so crazy and to hear anybody go yeah that's a possibility it's nonsense folks it gives first of all it gives baptists a bad name you know i've known non-baptists who've literally told baptists and said i'm not a baptist but i don't know this about baptists they do know their bible they're the closest thing to biblical christianity as you can get when you have things like this taking place you're discrediting us let's pray lord thank you so much for your word thank you for this epistle and lord thank you that these things are revealed unto us and help us to keep it fresh in our minds to study these things to take it serious we might not be fans of end times bible prophecy and the things that are going to happen in the end but they're important i mean you gave us the book of revelation is the last book of our bible and it's obviously there for a reason you want us to learn it to know it you gave us entire chapters and books dedicated to teaching it we should know these things and we we may not have to be experts in end times bible prophecy but we should know the skeleton we should know that the basic events so that we're not tossed to and fro we need to be we need to be learned in the scriptures be skillful in the word of righteousness so we can detect false doctrine and not be deceived by it and i pray lord that you help us to do so we look forward to the second coming of christ we know that we must do much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god and if it so happens in our lifetime i pray that you'd prepare us for that tribulation and we look forward the day that we can lift up our heads when our redemption draweth nine in jesus name we pray amen