(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, we are in 2 Corinthians chapter number 4 and we'll begin reading in verse number 1 where it says, Therefore seen we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not. Now we'll get right into it, but when you read that, what ministries are you referring to? Well, if you look back in chapter number 3 and verse number 5, it says, Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God, who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. You see, God, the Bible says, has made us these able ministers of the New Testament. Obviously, he's referring to the Gospel. Go with me if you would to 1 Timothy chapter number 1. Now this should be an encouraging thing to read because sometimes we think that we're not sufficient to go out and preach the Gospel or maybe we're not talented enough or we don't have the eloquency to go out and preach the Gospel, we don't know the Bible enough or we just feel insufficient to be able to go out there, knock on doors and preach the Gospel and see people saved. But here's the thing, look at verse number 11 of 1 Timothy chapter 1, it says, According to the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust, and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. So the Bible says that we're able ministers, why? Because God is the one who enables us. Well, who does he enable? He enables those who are faithful. Paul said, God hath enabled me, not because he was anyone special, not because he was just the cream of the crop, but because he counted him faithful. And guess what? In order for us to be enabled by God, to do great works for him, to preach the Gospel, to see people saved, guess what we gotta be? Faithful. You see, the quality that every Christian needs in their life is consistency and faithfulness, okay? A faithful man shall abound with blessings, the Bible says. You know, every man will proclaim everyone his own goodness, but a faithful man, who can find? Well, what does God require of us? He doesn't require for us to have power. He doesn't require for us to have wisdom or smarts, good looks or the like. You know what he requires? For us to just be consistent and faithful, okay? To keep his commandments, to just go out there and do it. And in context, he's talking about specifically soul winning. You see, when you first start soul winning, you know, you're probably rough around the edges. You don't know a whole lot, you don't know a lot of verses, you don't know a whole lot of concepts, but as you're faithful in doing so, what happens? You actually become refined. You begin to learn new concepts, you begin to learn new phrases, especially when you go out with other soul winners, you'll learn new illustrations, new ways to point certain things out, and God will begin to enable you to become a great soul winner. So he says there that God has made us able ministers, okay? This is not something that he just drops on your lap, it requires work. You know, some people want the product without the process, whereas God says, no, in order for you to become an able soul winner, to do great works for the Lord, such as soul winning, winning people to Christ, you need to be faithful. Now go with me, if you would, to Isaiah chapter 40, Isaiah chapter 40. I'll read to you again from 2 Corinthians chapter 4, verse 1, it says, Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not. So the Bible says that because we received this enablement, because we have this, we've received mercy of the Lord, we shouldn't faint when we are going out sowing and doing the work of the Lord. You know, that's common. You know, we don't see people saved or, you know, you become discouraged or even the things of life just encumber your life so much that you don't even do the works anymore, okay? That's considered fainting. Well, the Bible says don't faint, okay? We ought not to faint in this matter of doing works for the Lord. We ought to remain consistent, steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. And look, let me say this, is that everything needs a reset button. Everything needs a reset button. You know, if you feel your sowing is dying or your Bible reading is dying, your prayer life is not what it ought to be, you know, once you come to that recognition, there should be a button in your mind that says, all right, it's time to hit the reset button on that discipline. You know, I'm not praying like I should. Okay, then just hit that reset button. Instead of just like focusing on the fact that you're failing at that and saying, man, I'm not as good at it as I used to be, put that to the side, hit the reset button and do it again. He said, man, I haven't been in church as much as I used to. Okay, hit the reset button. Okay. Just hit that reset button. Don't faint and continue to do the things you're supposed to do. But you know what? If you stay stuck in that same stagnant position of, man, I'm just, I'm a failure, I'm not obeying God or whatever it may be, and you stay there, that's where you're always going to be. You know, you're never going to come out of that. It requires action. It requires for you to just come out of that and say, okay, I need to hit the reset button. I need to get back into church. I need to get back in my Bible. I need to get back out sowing. I need to get back to doing the things that I'm supposed to do. Okay. Look at the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 40 verse number 28, has thou not known, has thou not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither is weary. There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might. He increase its strength. Even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as Eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. So the Bible says that when we get tired of doing, we're growing weary and well doing, you know, we need to wait upon the Lord and renew our strength in him in order for us to continue to go forward. But you know, I find it interesting. A lot of people use verses like this to just like apply to themselves, even though they're not working for God. You know, they're living a worldly carnal life and all these things and it's just like, Oh, life is so hard, but God's going to renew my strength. No, he's not. You're renewing your strength in your vices. You renew your strength in alcohol and smoking pot. And in the things of this world, you're not waiting upon the Lord. And they want to stick up a little verse on Instagram to make it sound like they're like waiting upon the Lord when they're not even working for God. You know who God wants to renew the strength of is the people who are actually working for him. The person who are actually trying to live a life that's obedient unto him, they're trying to do so many. He wants to renew their strength so they can keep running, so they can keep walking. But those people who don't do nothing for the Lord, he's not going to renew their strength. They've already found another means to renew their strength. Which obviously is a false way to do it, but they do it through the means of the world. And they think by sticking some NIV verse online on Instagram, you know, I don't know, what's the NIV rendition of renew? Someone give me a word. Make new. What? Make new. Make new. Refresh. Refresh, yeah. They that wait upon the Lord shall refresh their strength, you know. And they think that just by posting that Instagram post that that's going to help them do that. No. You know. God does that to those, first of all, he does it to save people, amen. But he does it to save people who are actually working for him. That's who he wants to renew the strength of. So that should be an encouragement and a challenge to us. Go back to 2 Corinthians chapter 4. If we want God to renew our strength, because obviously we understand that we're going to get tired, we're going to get weary and well-doing, you know, that would be an encouragement to us that God is willing to renew that strength, okay. And we want to ask the Lord for that. When we get tired of doing the mundane things, the boring things of whatever the week, whether it's your job, it's family life, whatever it may be, you know, keep in mind that God can renew that strength, God can renew your vision. That's what he can do for you. Look at verse number 2. It says, but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, committing ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. So he says they've renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. They're not walking in craftiness. They're not handling the word of God deceitfully. Now what is craftiness? Craftiness, it simply means to be sneaky, right, to be cunning. And what does it mean when people handle the word of God deceitfully? Well, if you think about it, in essence, the word of God is synonymous with truth. So to handle the word of God deceitfully is to basically turn the truth of God into a lie. Now go to Romans chapter 1. Hold your place there in 2 Corinthians chapter 4. So he's saying, hey, we're not trying to be deceitful. We're not trying to be cunning with the word of God. We want to make sure that we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God, that we're honest about these things, that when we're preaching the counsel of God, we're preaching the whole word, and when we're given the gospel, we're given the right one. We're not handling the word of God deceitfully. Look at verse 24, wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served a creature more than the creator who is blessed forever. Amen. So this is a quality of reprobates. Reprobates change the truth of God into a lie. They're the ones who get a verse or a scripture, a chapter in the Bible, and they completely pervert and twist it to mean something completely different. They're turning the truth of God into a lie. What are they doing? They're turning the word of God deceitfully. Go to 2 Peter chapter 3, 2 Peter chapter 3, and verse number 15, it says, an account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul, also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you, as also in all his epistles, speaking to them of these things in which some things are hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction. So it's saying here that there are certain things that Paul would write, and not just Paul. I mean, we see things that Peter writes, some things that John wrote in Revelation. They're hard to understand. I don't think anybody in this room or anybody in this world knows the word of God completely well, like just front to back, just 100%. Why? Because there's certain things that are cryptic in the Bible that are just hard to understand. Whether you're a Baman Christ or you've been a Christian for decades, there's still things in the Bible that are hard to understand. And it says there, which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures. Well, what does it mean to rest? Rest means to pervert or to twist. We would say to take out of context, okay? Now, often when you see in the Bible the phrase, or excuse me, the word unlearned, it obviously means someone who just doesn't know what the Bible says, right? But it often is shown in the Bible to mean someone who is actually an unbeliever. Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 14, let me show you, 1 Corinthians 14, in verse number six it says, else when thou shalt bless with the Spirit, how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest? So someone who is unlearned is someone who doesn't understand. Skip down to verse 23. If therefore the whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers, right, will they not say that ye are mad? So unlearned and unbelievers are used synonymously. Look at verse 24. But if all prophesy and there come in one that believeth not or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all. So someone who is unlearned is like someone who is an unbeliever, which would make sense and someone who is unlearned can twist the scriptures because they don't know the scriptures. Because the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned. Now you don't have to turn there, or actually go to 1 Timothy chapter one. So those people out there that do that, they twist the Bible, they twist the scriptures, they handle the word of God deceitfully. Look at 1 Timothy 1 verse five, it says, now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned. Now unfeigned means fake. So there are people out there that have a fake faith. We would say they're not saved, but they're claiming to be saved. And look what it says, from which some having swerved, swerved from faith, have turned to silence of vain janglings. In other words, they are reprobate concerning the faith. They swerved from the faith, and because of that, they turn to silence of vain janglings. They're talking a bunch of nonsense. Look at verse seven, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor where of, they are firm. They don't know what they're talking about. Now we've seen a lot of that this week, haven't we? You know with Tyler Doka, or Tyler Dukey, and unjust LeBlanc. You know these reprobates over at Lame Harvest Baptist Church are people who are arresting the scriptures. They're twisting them. And you know what, I mean, I've heard some pretty bad teaching over the years. This is the worst I've ever heard in my entire Christian life. I've never heard, I don't think I've ever even heard Joel Osteen say something as bad as these guys. And that guy's wicked as hell. But these guys are twofold more child of Joel Osteen. These guys are saying the most wicked, abominable things that a supposed saved preacher could say. And they're not saved. Tyler Doka's not saved, Justin LeBlanc is not saved. You know you listen to these sermons and they're constantly contradicting themselves. They're constantly saying things, they're speaking out of both sides of their mouth. You know there's no consistency in their speech. Let me read to you from Psalms chapter five, verse nine, it says, for there is no faithfulness in their mouth. Their inward part is very wickedness. Their throat is an open sepulchre. They flatter with their tongue. I mean that shows Justin LeBlanc perfectly right there. He's wicked, he's evil. And then you have Tyler Doka who's not even good at like repeating what his viper evangelist says. They're both like contradicting themselves, he can't even repeat exactly what he's saying. You know, Justin LeBlanc says, you know, how long are you going to be in the lake of fire Christian? You know, because he says Christians will go to the lake of fire if they don't live for God. And he says, well, I don't know, you know, it depends on how many bad works you've done. Then Dukey gets up and he says, well, you'll be in there in the new heaven and the new earth after the millennial, you'll be there for the millennial rain, but after that, you'll be in the new heaven and the new earth, so it's only the millennial rain. So which one is it? You know, one says that you'll be there, it depends, and the other one says, well, you'll only be there for the millennial rain. Well, here, why don't you both just let us know how long you're going to be in there for because both of you are going there. Both of them are going to go. You know, they teach this damnable heresy that a Christian who does not keep the commandments of God, oh, they're saved, but they're still going to the lake of fire. What do you say from then, stupid? If you say you're saved, why would you say that people can still go to the lake of fire? It's called a second death. So if God gives us everlasting life and we shall not see death, why is it that some Christians who don't keep God's commandments still see it? You know, it's called everlasting life, it's not called temporal, then you go to hell and then you'll see it again when you get out. That's what they believe. They'll have everlasting life. They're saved. They're saved. They believed. Oh, the Lord Jesus, they're saved. But they will experience the lake of fire. You know, they'll experience the lake of fire, they said, and then afterwards they'll come out. So basically, the Holy Spirit of God that lives within them goes to hell with them. Right? Because the Bible says we're sealed unto the day of redemption. But this is the kind of nonsense that's coming out of these guys' mouths. You know, and he's like falling over, he made a video a couple days ago, falling over himself trying to defend his viper evangelist. You know, he sounds like a complete idiot. And by the way, let me just say both of these guys are faggots, I guarantee you. Dude, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Probably a flamer. And, you know, I talked to a guy who actually had left his church. You know, he called me up, he's like, man, I know a lot of stuff about these guys, you know. I'm like, cool, let me know, what's up? What you got? You know? And he was just like, from day one, there's been red flags. You know, he left when they started preaching the flat earth. And you know, Tyler Doka has known Justin LeBlanc even before he started the church. These guys are deceitful. They've been in on it the whole time. They're both infiltrators. Okay? They're probably little fag buddies is what they are, trying to infiltrate the Baptist churches. And, you know, he was saying that this guy, Justin LeBlanc, and by the way, sometimes people think, man, how come we can't see these things? Why is it that we can't see? And just remember this, is that a false prophet will always be found out to be a false prophet. Because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. So they can't help but just speak their nonsense and their evil foolishness out of their mouth. So they have one of two choices. You know? They can either keep their mouth shut, not say anything, or they can just be found out. And that's what happened with like Garrett Kirschway. That guy would never talk. He was like a mute. He just never talked to anybody. Why? Because he knew if he did, the wickedness was going to proceed out of his mouth. Well, this guy was telling me that he's like, man, Justin LeBlanc is completely different outside of the pulpit than when he was in the pulpit. In the pulpit, he's just like, you know, all boisterous and stupid. Outside of the pulpit, he was quiet. He never said a word. All he did was smirk, and he never said a word. You know why? Because he didn't want to be found out to be a false prophet. That's why. Because out of the evil treasure of the heart, that's what was going to come out of his heart. So he waited until he got behind the pulpit to spew his garbage. And he says this. He said, man, this guy, Doka, ordained Justin LeBlanc to be the evangelist of the church one month into starting the church. And he said he'd even go sowing with them once. Not once. I said, how do you know? He goes, because I was Justin's sowing, or sowing partner. You know, I was always with him. I was the only one who went out with him. And then he said, this guy would come out with these ridiculous numbers. Now, you go on Lame Harvest Baptist Church's website, they have their salvations right there on the front. Like, over what is it? Over 2,000 or something? 2,155 million or something. Some crazy ridiculous number. And it's just like, what in the world? The church only runs like 25 people. OK. Oh, hold on a second. You know, but can't they do that great work? OK, look. I'm an optimist, but I'm a realist as well. And I'm a realist before I'm an optimist. Actually, I'm a pessimist. I didn't take that back. I'm more of a pessimist. I'm just kidding. But I'm a realist. You know, I believe God can do anything. I believe God can do anything. And I believe God can use us to reach the multitudes. But let's be realistic. That's not realistic there. 25 people and most of those salvations, quote unquote, are coming from Justin LeBlanc. Well, this guy, he was telling me that Justin LeBlanc always had like the most craziest numbers. You know, 40 people saved this week himself or whatever. And he even said that one time, you know, because Justin claims to be able to leave someone. I could leave. You give me this. I'll see someone saved in five minutes. That's what he says. You give me this. I'm a viper with the Bible. Oops. Yeah, you are a generation of vipers. You know, but he says he can see someone saved in five minutes. This guy tells me that when they went out sowing us one time in one hour, you know, they came back and they're like, how'd it go? And this guy was like, I saw one saved. And the other guy was like, yeah, I saw two. Justin gets up and he says, oh, man, I kind of feel bad. You know, I don't want to make everyone look bad. I saw 18, 18 in one hour. Thank you. Do the math. By the way, I'm not saying no one sees anybody saved in five minutes, but that's not very common at all. So let's say he's telling the truth, which he's not, that he sees someone saved, a person every five minutes. How many is that in one hour? 12. So it's not even possible to see 18. That would mean that every single person is like five minutes here and as soon as he stopped talking to this person, he has to talk to this person to get saved. Then the third, then the fourth, 12 people. But he claims 18. And look, one of the common denominators of these false teachers who are found in our movement is they always, always inflate the numbers, the soul winning numbers. They claim to see all these multitudes saved, you know, all of them. Any person who's been found to be an infiltrator, they always claim to be this bombastic soul winner who sees all kinds of people saved. I'm not saying that people can't see multitudes saved, but there is a element of exaggeration with some of these people. 18 in one hour, you're full of crap. You know, that's garbage. But you know what? He loves to have people, people's persons in admiration. He wants people to admire, you know, and obviously false prophets all have a different bent to them as far as they're all full of unrighteousness, but a lot of them, they are, excuse me, certain of them, they are stronger in one wickedness than they are another. You know, you have one guy who's a pastor and he's there because he wants to bless the children. You have another one who's there because he wants the money. You know, other people are just there because they want the admiration of the people. They want, they want the preeminence among the brethren, okay? That's why he's posting his number saying that he's seen 2000 saved and whatnot. But it's all garbage. Now, the Bible says in John 11 verse 25, Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life. And he said unto me, though he were dead, yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. You'll never go to hell. So anytime these guys mentioned the lake of fire, they never call it the second death. They only call it the lake of fire. You know why? Because if they said the second death, that would contradict scripture. I mean, everything they say contradicts scripture, but especially that. And Duke, he's not saying he's not, and I made the mistake of thinking, well, he's just a flat target. He's an idiot. He's a novice. He's just not safe. No, he's a wicked, false prophet. He's a devil from the beginning. Okay. And look, if you don't like this kind of preaching, you know, you need to make sure that you're taking notes and being aware of these things because evil people exist. You know, I'm sure there's people over there in YouTube and they're like, oh man, maybe you guys are being too hard on these people. You know? No, we're not being hard enough. Okay. I want the earth to open up and just swallow these people. I want them to go to hell today because they're so evil and wicked. I mean, Justin LeBlanc gets up with the sermon that, you know, not all Christians shall escape the lake of fire. And as he's saying the title, he's laughing. He's like, not all Christians shall escape the lake of fire. What's so funny about that? Why are you laughing at that? You know? You know why? Because he's evil and he's wicked. He's working at Chick-fil-A, you know? I'm not saying people who work at Chick-fil-A are evil, but he's probably trying to get a job at the church to make money. But this guy laughs at that. And I mean, you have what's called the Baptist writers who believe that there's like a whipping post in heaven. They'll say that. They're like, there's a whipping post. I heard Phil Kidd say that, there's a whipping post in heaven that those who don't keep God's commandments, they get, you know, a few stripes and all that stuff. That's garbage too. But these guys have taken it even further than that. To say that you're going to go to the lake of fire is heresy. Then in this video, he gets up and he talks about 1 Corinthians chapter 3, which this was the most damning evidence of him being a false, unsaved prophet than anything else. Because he gets up and he says, you know, the foundation is Jesus Christ. That's the baseline, he says. That's the baseline for everything is Jesus Christ. But then later on, he says, the foundation is the person, is the work. And that's why it gets burned up because it's the person. So you know what he's basically admitting that he's trusting, he's his own foundation for salvation. And guess what? He's right. He's going to be burned. He's going to be burned. So he says he's self-fulfilling his own prophecy because that's exactly what's going to happen to him. But guess what? That's wrong when it comes to everyone else who's saved. Because our foundation is Christ and that which is built there upon our works, that's what's going to be tried with fire. You know, they're going to go to the lake of fire. They're saved, but they'll still go to the lake of fire. It's garbage. Now, go to Jude 1, 16. You know, he talks about, we believe one saves all, I don't like the fact that people are telling me, you know, that I believe you could lose your salvation, that we're preaching a works-based salvation. We're not preaching that. It's one saved, always saved. We're just saying, why do you have to add anything to that? Anytime someone says I'm one saved, always saved, but, you know, there's a bunch of, but yeah, there's a bunch of crap that's going to come out of that other end of that. I'm serious. And he goes, but we're just saying that everyone's going to be held accountable. Why does the Bible say in Romans chapter 4 that he will not impute sin? That's future tense. So we're not going to, our, our passions are not going to get imputed upon us. The iniquities that we've done, our sins are covered and the Lord will not impute sin. What does it mean to impute? It means to put to our account, to hold us accountable for those things. Because if he was going to hold us accountable for the sins that we've done, then what was the point of Jesus dying for all our sins? So he only died for certain sins, except for the ones that are going to take you to the lake of fire. It makes no sense whatsoever. You know? And then he goes on to say, so, you know, obviously because Justin LeBlanc is like the standard for sainthood, he goes, what'd I do, what'd I do, Justin? Well, this is what you do. This is what you do. This week, go memorize the Romans road and you're good, you know, just go home and memorize the Romans road. You can get the word of God in your heart and you're good to go. Yet in another sermon, he says the standard for getting into the kingdom is that you don't make a lie. Complete ridiculous nonsense, stupidity that's coming out of these fool's mouth. Bunch of busters. Look at Jude 16. These are murmurs, complainers walking after their own lust and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. So go back to the second Corinthians chapter four, second Corinthians chapter four. And these guys are Twinkies. They can't even take, I mean, they had to disable their comments. Oh, you know, we're just disabling our comments. You know why? Because you don't want anybody to get on you because you're a little weakling. You look at all their videos, all their videos have more thumbs down than they have thumbs up. Everyone hates these guys. That guy's subscribers have gone down drastically since he's come out with his heresy. Even the flat tards have left his YouTube channel. I've had people who don't even like me who are flat tards and say, you know what, I agree with them on the flat tard doctrine, but this is way too weird for me. You know, I unsubscribe. I'm done with that guy. Even the flat tards are done with this guy. That's how you know you're just, you're done when the flat tards don't even have your back. You know, you can say the earth is flat as much as you want. You won't gain those people back. You know, look, I think some flat tards are saved. You know, some of them weren't saved. Some of them were just flat tards. I just did, you know, but that was his, that was his, his name to fame right there because he, he claimed, well, I'm the only saved pastor, King James only. That's a flat tard, you know, is teaching this and it was just like, yeah, I'm the only one. Well, Hey, lo and behold, he ends up being a false prophet, which goes to show you the no, no safe pastor will ever be a flat tard. Okay. I don't care. Anybody that, that offense. So many people when I say that, you know, or prove that the earth, you know, show, what they want me to do is show them an Instagram post or a Facebook post of why I believe the earth is round or whatever, you know, cause that's all they, that's where they get their information from, from social media. They don't have a book that says that the earth is flat. They can't, you can't go to the library and see that, you know, look at verse number two, it says, but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully. You know, I mean, this is picture perfect of Justin LeBlanc, you know, one of the examples that he of this, of handling the word of God deceitfully is basically what he does. And this is, he's, he's, he's intelligent. I'm saying in the sense of like how he introduced this, cause obviously he wasn't going to start off with every Christian is going to escape. Not every Christian is going to escape, but like a fire. Okay. That would have just turned everyone off. Now, you know, I said in the beginning and I kind of felt bad about it, that the church is stupid. Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that, you know, not everyone in that church, but you know what, if they're still there after this sermon, they're stupid bunch of idiots in that church. Cause here's the thing, a babe in Christ will not put up with that crap. I'm talking about a babe in Christ who knows nothing about the Bible, only salvation, they will renounce that. They'll be like, no, I'm not for that. I had someone tell me this week, I'm a babe in Christ. And I know there's something wrong with that. You know why? Because even babes in Christ have the Holy Spirit of God living within them. And the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we're the children of God. And it tells us that's wrong. That's not the voice of the shepherd. That's the voice of a stranger. So these people who want to remain in that church, you're a bunch of reprobates, just like he is. If you're embracing everything that that guy is saying. So what this guy does is he'll take an obscure verse in the Bible. Obscure what does that mean? Like something that's cryptic, something that can't be easily understood. So let's say there's 11 verses in the Bible that are teaching the same doctrine. They use the same terminology in words. He'll take one of those 11 that's very obscure. He'll redefine it and then apply that definition to those 10 clear verses. So those 10 clear verses, they're clear that we understand what they say. But if he redefines that one verse as obscure and applies that definition upon the other ones, he could twist the definition of that. And one of those examples is this doctrine of the elect. You know what I'm saying? He'll say that those who keep God's commandments are the elect. Not just save people, those who keep God's commandments. Now go to 2 Peter chapter 1. I know we're chasing this rabbit named LeBlanc, but I want to chase it, kill it, send him straight to hell, cook it in hell, leave it burned in there. 2 Peter 1, this is the verse that he used to define elect. Look at verse number 8, it says, for if these things be in you and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Now let me just stop there real quick, okay? That's an obscure verse sometimes, even for a brand new Christian. They're like, well, hold on a second. If you lack these things, and the things that he's referring to is the virtues that we see in the beginning of the chapter, you know, it says that they're blind, they cannot see afar off, they've forgotten that they were purged from their old sins. What does that mean? Well, let me just remind you, we'll see even in chapter 4 that blind people is often referred to, or excuse me, unsaved are often referred to as being blind. But Christians are often blind too, okay? You see the church in the book of Revelation, that though they were rich, they were blind, okay? In other words, they just couldn't see, they didn't have that spiritual sight. So what happens if you're not constantly adding to your faith, you're not growing, you're gonna forget that you're purged from your old sins, you're gonna forget the most important things in life, okay? As far as the Word of God is concerned, all right? That's what that's talking about. But look at verse number 10, it says, Wherefore, the wrath of brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things, ye shall never fall. And you'll say, look, there you go, the calling and election, you gotta make your calling and election sure by keeping God's commandments, therefore you'll never fall, fall into what? Into the lake of fire, is what he'll say. But here's the thing, though he fall, he shall not utterly be cast down, for the Lord upholds him with his hand, the Bible says. And this is not what that's even talking about, okay? Fall just means fall, you know, you can fall into the condemnation of, you can even fall into the hand of God, right? Because if you're not living for the Lord, that means you're sinning, what happens? You fall into the hands of an angry God who will chastise you and judge you because of that. So you say, well, what is the calling and election sure? Why would we have to keep the commandments to make our calling and election sure? Well, we gotta know what calling he's talking about. Look at verse number three, go up to verse three, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue. So what's the calling to glory and virtue? Then it says, Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these, the word of God, ye might be partakers of the divine nature, have an escape to corruption that is in the world through lust. So as we are adding to our faith, we become partakers of the divine nature. How? Because we become holy as he is holy. See what I'm saying? Obviously God wants us to live holy lives. We become partakers of that divine nature. Now look at verse number 11. So let's read verse number 10, Wherefore, the wrath of brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure. For if ye do these things, ye shall never fall, for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There you go. So you got to make your calling and election sure, in order for you to enter into the kingdom of Christ. There it is, you know, for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But that's not what that's talking about. He said, what is that? What is that talking about? It says there, the entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly. Now, what does Jesus say in John chapter 10? He gives life and he gives it more abundantly. What is referring to is the fact that when you add to your faith, virtue, virtue, knowledge and all these things, you're living for the Lord, you will have a more glorious resurrection. Okay, you will have life, but you'll have it more abundantly. See that more abundantly is referring to the better resurrection. Does that make sense to everyone? Because here's the thing, we're all going to be resurrected, but some resurrections are going to be better than others. And we're not going to go through the entire teaching, but in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, it talks about how one glory differs from the other. Some people are just going to shine brighter than others. Why? Because they did more soul winning. They kept God's commandments. They lived for the Lord. They did all these things. Therefore, they had a better resurrection, all right? Go to Romans chapter eight. This is not in my notes, but we're going to go through this. Go to Romans chapter number eight. Romans chapter number eight. So for an entrance will be ministered unto us when we go into the kingdom of God. More abundantly the Bible says, look at Romans chapter eight and verse number 18. It says, for I reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God. So the Bible is telling us here that the sufferings of this present time, what is he talking about? Well, obviously Paul suffered a lot. He went through a lot when he was preaching the word of God, but he was even saying that's not even worthy to be compared with the glory that's going to be revealed in me when I enter into that kingdom. Okay? My resurrection is going to be far greater. And in fact, if you go back to 2 Corinthians chapter four, he even reiterates it in chapter four towards the latter end. It says there in 2 Corinthians chapter number four and verse number 17, for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding in an eternal weight of what? Glory. You see what I'm saying? So what it's referring to is the fact that when we enter into that kingdom, some will have more glory than others. That's referring to the rewards that we're going to get. Okay? That's referring to the better resurrection that we're going to receive when we go, when we die, when we go to heaven, when we get our rewards. Okay? This is not talking about the calling and election so you can go into the kingdom of God. This is talking about you're calling an election to be partakers of his divine nature. And because of that, we'll have a, God will give to us a far greater glory when we die. Okay? Now look at verse number three, I'm sorry, in chapter four of 2 Corinthians. So he'll take something like that and he'll twist it. So now he completely redefines those verses. And then he goes everywhere else where elect is mentioned and he will apply that principle or that teaching to those verses. You know, for instance, like Matthew 24, where the angels will gather together his elect. That's why he preached that stupid sermon that not every Christian is going to be raptured. Why? Because every Christian is not in, not the elect. And Matthew 24 says that the elect shall be gathered. You see how he, how you can twist that? If you just redefine one verse, you can change everything else. Now look at verse number three, it says, but if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. Now what is it referring to here? Well, it goes to show that God is not a Calvinist. Okay? It's not like he wants certain people to be saved and certain people not to be saved. You know, if our gospel be hid, it's not because God's hiding it. It's not because it's hidden under a bushel. It's because the soul owners are not going out there and giving it. It's hit to them that are lost. Look at verse number four, in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine. Now look at second Corinthians chapter three, verse 12, because this is very similar to what we saw in chapter three, because if you remember at the latter end of chapter three, who is it focusing on? Do you guys remember? Focusing on who? Moses, but who's the one who had the veil covered over them? Israel, right? And the reason it was saying that the veil was covered over them is because they're not saved. They have a veil. They're blinded. Well, we see in chapter four that the rest of the world is the same way. So that goes to show you that God is not a respecter of people. As much as the Gentiles are lost, so are the Jews. As much as the Gentiles are blind for the God of this world hath blinded them, their minds, so is the Jew. They have a veil over their eyes. They're blinded as well. Look at verse number 12, seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plaintiffs of speech, and not as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished, but their minds were blinded, just like we see in chapter four. So until this day remaineth the same veil, untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament, which veil is done away in Christ. But even until this day when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. So just as with the Jews, the way the veil can be taken away, right, is by turning to the Lord, by being in Christ, it's the same thing with the rest of the world. They're blind, but when they turn to the Lord, they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the scales will fall from their eyes. They will no longer be blind. And here's the interesting thing about this, because Moses is a picture of what? Christ. So the Jews, Israel in the Old Testament, couldn't steadfastly look upon Christ, I mean, excuse me, look upon Moses, because there was a veil there. Just as in the New Testament, no one can truly know who Christ is, because there's a veil there. But once they turn to the Lord, guess what, now they can see the glory that's behind that veil, which is Jesus Christ. Look what the Bible says in verse four, in whom the God of this world, chapter four, has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light, you see that, of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine upon them. You see, when unsaved people, they got that veil over their eyes as well, but once they believe, guess what, they can see that glorious light, the image of God, which is Jesus Christ. Now look at verse five, we're gonna skip a couple things here, for we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face, you see that, of Jesus Christ. So you see the parallel there. That face of Jesus Christ is almost like the same parallel that we see in chapter three with Moses. He had the glory, he had the veil, the Jews couldn't see that, just like in the New Testament, the Gentiles can't see past that veil. Now here's the important thing, what can we learn from this? Here's what we can learn from this is that we need to understand is that not every person who says they're a Christian knows who Jesus is. I'm talking about who say they're a Christian. You know, you got people from Calvary Chapel, Pentecostals, JWs, and all these people who believe a false gospel, they say they know Jesus, they don't know Jesus. They still have the veil over their face. So we ought not to have this ecumenical mentality to think that just because they call themselves Christians that they're Christians. Not even every Baptist who claims to be a Christian, to be saved, is a Christian. They still got the, Doka will forever have the veil over his eyes. You know, LeBlanc will forever have the veil over his eyes. Why? Because he's not saved, okay? And the Bible tells us to search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are which testify of me. That's what Jesus said. Now let's read on here. Look at verse number seven. We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. Now this is very important because he says this, look we have this treasure in this earthen vessel. What is he talking about? He's talking about this body. You know, we have this treasure of the gospel in earthen vessel so that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. You know what that means? Is that God is willing to put that treasure within us so that when we do great exploits for the Lord, you know what people will say? That has to be from God. You know? That can't be from this little church. That can't be from this person or whatever, you know? Yeah, well God does that on purpose because so the excellency of the power can be of God and not of the person. In fact, 1 Corinthians 1, 26 says, for ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. But God had chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God had chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty, and base things of the world, and things which are despised had God chosen, yea, and things which are not to bring to naught the things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence. Now, there's a pastor this week, okay, who called me an idiot, okay? So this guy, he gets up, and he's really pissed off about my Bible college sermon that I preach. You guys know anything about that sermon? And he gets up, and he starts talking about bus ministry, and he goes, by the way, I heard some sermon this week from some pastor saying that churches have bus ministry to increase their attendance, and because the pastors are too lazy to go soul winning, you know? Everyone in the Bible's all, oh, you know? And then he goes, let me just say, that guy's a complete idiot. That was his rebuttal. Well, here's the thing, I'm not a complete idiot, I'm just completely honest. And then he says this, he goes, why don't you come here and see how much fruit we have and sonars to go out? Well, I was there for 10 years. I saw it. I saw it. Y'all don't need to go back. I already saw it. You know? And then he goes on to say, you know, smaller churches don't have bus ministry because they can't do it, they can't afford it, you know, these smaller churches, i.e., Faithful Word Baptist Church of L.A., smaller churches, you know, but we're a big church, so we can do that. That's what he said. Well, you know what? You know, there's no restraint to the Lord to save by few or by many, but if you look at the pattern in the Bible, he always uses the few. In fact, he uses the few to confound the wise. He uses the few and the despised to confound those things which are mighty. We're a big church. Look how big we are. You know, that's wise. That's the mighty. Well, God says, I'm not interested in that. I want to do something big through people who don't think much of themselves, but they're willing to go out and preach the gospel. You know, and he says, well, why don't you see how many soulrunners come out here? Well, I know what kind of soulrunners go out there. You have a reprobate going on a weekly basis, and he ain't getting no one saved. His name is Chip Chanthi. So what is it? I mean, look, here's the thing is, big churches, they glory in the fact that they're this big church, but most big churches don't do nothing for God. It's all a show. And I'm not saying all of them are like that. And I'm sure there's a couple out there that are not, but for the most part, that's exactly how they are, okay? And most of these churches, they even have soulrunners. The pastor's not going out there working his butt off soul-winning. Most of them. So you said, did you get offended that he called you an idiot? No, I've been called worse. I got enemies all up and down this country. You think that bothers me when someone calls me an idiot? I have a guy who every week, every day when I post something, he calls me a wicked false profit, he calls me all these names. You think that's no skin off my back? I don't bother me nothing. That just proves to me that I'm doing right. And in fact, I hope that that guy who said that, he actually starts soul-winning. I guarantee you he ain't missing faithfulness rally on Saturday. I guarantee he's probably going to go out and actually knock on some doors. And you know what? Amen. Amen. If I can provoke you, if I can piss you off so much, I'll show him, amen. Show me how it's done then. It's no skin off my back. But just keep in mind is that that big church, this little church got the attention of that big church. Keep that in mind. Stick that in your pipe and choke on it. You know? And then he's like, well, he's lazy. And then he just like moves on. You know? And look, I've said this before and I'll say it again. I don't hate him at all. Even after he said that, I don't hate him. I love him to death. I love him to pieces as he used to say to me. You know, I still respect him. I still think he's a great man. I think he's wrong in a lot of areas, but you know what? He's what every old IFP pastor is. And if you heard my sermon during the Red Hot Preaching Conference, you know, it's true. Aaron, if that's where you want to stay, then that's where you're going to die. You don't want to change, then just die there. But don't try to drag us down with you. I don't hate safe people. I don't. I disagree with a lot of them. And I hate when people lie, but I don't hate any of them. But here's the thing is, you know, our church is growing. I mean, it's growing. On Sundays, like I'm stressed on Sundays sometimes because I'm just like, there's no space. You know, people are coming back now and like there's new visitors that are coming, families that are moving out. We have to tear down this stupid wall. You know? Amen. And this is just year one. Look at the map. Are you saying that this little group right here is doing all that? Yeah, this wonderfully despised, weak group right here. You know, the discontented, the dead, the distressed, David's mighty men, Jesus' mighty men. Yeah, they're doing that. And praise God for that. Because you know what? God is not restrained to save by few or by many. But I will say this, He prefers to use the few. So you know, what's the sermon right there about? It's simply this, hey, you know, if the gospel is hit to them that are lost, and it's hit because of people who don't want to go out and go and do some soul winning. And look, any church who has like a huge meeting of soul winners doesn't mean all of them even know the gospel. Doesn't mean even all of them go soul winning. Don't even get me started on the reports that I get from people who just go there and do a track drop. That's not soul winning. Dropping a track at a door is not soul winning. You can't use that for your illustration. Take a picture. So you can post on Facebook, Instagram or whatever, make it sound like you're a soul winner. That's not soul winning, buddy. It's opening your mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel. You know, I sent that clip to the guys, or they watched it and they're like, and to them, but by the way, to the old IFP, that's ripping right there. Like he tore it up. He like, he tore me to shreds. Marcus was like, dude, that's brother Bruce, like during the announcements, that's me when I'm happy. You know? And he said, well, did he say your name? No, of course he didn't say my name. No old IFP pastor says any name. They don't know. They don't want to say the names. They're too scared to say the names. They're a bunch of cowards. No, they're like, Jesus, Jesus said a bunch of names. Paul said a bunch of names. All the prophets used names or else, how are people going to know you're talking about them? Right? If you want people to change, you got to say the name. Let's read on. Verse eight says we are troubled on every side. Amen. Getting out of distress. He's like, man, we got all kinds of fights right here, but man, we're not distressed about it. We are perplexed, but not in despair. We're like, man, what in the world's going on? Are you losing him? Not really. I'm having a good time doing this. Persecuted, but not forsaken. Persecuted by all these churches and all these old IFB. Hey, but we're not forsaken because we got each other. Cast down, but not destroyed. We're not going to a lake of fire like Doca and LeBlanc. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death worketh in us, but life in you. We have in the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believe and therefore have I spoken. We also believe and therefore speak, knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus and shall present us with you. For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redounds to the glory of God. For which cause we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. So what is it saying that when it says that an inward man is renewed day by day, it's not saying like the inward man is just constantly changing day by day. What that means is, hey, we got to walk in the spirit every single day. You know, we got to renew our mind. The Bible says here, let me just quote it here, Ephesians chapter four, verse number 26, but ye have not stolen in Christ, if so be they have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus, they put off concerning the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. It's a continual basis. So we have to constantly fight the flesh. We have to constantly, you know, crucify the old man and constantly make an effort to walk in the spirit that we not fulfill the lust of the flesh. So we're walking in the spirit, not just to not fulfill the lust of the flesh, but so we could be filled with the spirit. So we could be bold, so we can win souls, so we can preach boldly and not have any fear. It's not just, and look, we need to make sure that as Christians, we're not just defending ourselves. You know, against the world, the flesh, and the devil. It's like, eh, don't hit me, you know. Walking in the flesh, you don't lose. No, you need to be filled with the spirit so that you can do some fighting too. No boxing match has ever been won defending, blocking. You need to knock the dude out, right? So likewise, to be filled, to walk in the spirit, we do that so we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh, but we want to be filled with the spirit so we can do the work of God, so we can preach and do great exploits for Him. It means nothing if we're just not fulfilling the lust of the flesh. You become like an Amish, where you're just so separated from the world. We're being separated from the world so we can do the great works for God. Verse 17, for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. So what's the message today? The message is just Tyler Dukie and Justin LeBlanc are going to the lake of fire, not us, amen? But not just that, hey, we need to make sure that on a weekly basis we need to remind ourselves the importance of the gospel, okay? Because sometimes that vision dies, you know? And what I mean by dying is just like you're not as excited about it anymore. And sometimes you just get discouraged even when you go out. So Brother Huyck and I, we went swimming yesterday and we're going around this block and I'm going to be honest with you. Huyck won someone to the Lord right here, but then we're going and it was just like dry, right? It was pretty dry. And you know, Huyck, he's very discreet, so he's not going to tell me like, Brother Bruce, why do you bring me here? I drove all the way from over there and he's like, I'm not seeing anything what he's saying. You know what he told me? He goes, you know, Brother Bruce, I heard a sermon from Pastor Anderson said that we should go to more fruitful places, you know? And I'm like, I know what he's trying to say, you know? I'm like, yeah. I was like, but we got to make sure we do this because this is our Jerusalem and I gave him the speech or whatnot. And then, but then I started seeing it was like, man, there's, yeah, this thing is like, no one wants to talk. No one wants to listen. And then his complaining rubbed off on me, man. I started complaining too. So we're both complaining like, man, these people are closed, you know, all these things. But then the Lord chastised us because shortly thereafter, like six people got saved. Like one after another, very people, people who are very open. And it was a blessing. It was a blessing to talk to the people we spoke to. And it's, it goes to show you that you need to make sure that you're constantly having those moments. And I don't mean, obviously you're not going to see people save all the time, but you got to, when you don't see people save, keep going out until you do. And that's that moment that you're reminded, Hey, this is, I'm going out there, I'm making a difference. Make a difference. You know, you're, you're the hope of America, but you know, you are the hope of America. You know, you go out there to remind yourself, Hey, I have the treasure and earth and vessels, you know, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of me. And so let's keep, let's make sure that we stay a soul winning church, amen. That everyone is getting on board with soul winning, that you're out there preaching the gospel, seeing people saved so you can have a more excellent glory when you die. A better resurrection. Amen. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word. Thank you so much for just everything that's going on in our church. We're about to celebrate one year of, uh, being, having this church and Lord, thank you for all the enemies. Thank you for all the criticisms. Thank you for all the, the reviling. It's a blessing to be a part of it because just, it just confirms that what we're doing is right. And um, I'm just thankful for that. I'm sure many in here are thankful as well because it just reminds us we're on the right path. I pray many more reviling's would come in the future to just draw us closer to each other, strengthen our church. And um, thank you that Tyler Doka and Justin LeBlanc have come out with these stupid doctrines so that we can, they could expose themselves and we can see them for who they are. And we learn from that. It causes us to read our Bibles more, causes us to really take heed and, and really look, look towards the thing and not overlooking anything in the Bible. Everything needs to be emphasized. And I pray God that you'd help us Lord to continue to have more understanding of your word. And in Jesus name we pray. Amen.