(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Book of 1st Timothy and if you remember back in chapter number 3 the Apostle Paul states in verse 15 But if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is which is the Church of the Living God in the pillar and ground of truth and So much of what we see in 1st Timothy is basically instructions on how people should conduct themselves in the house of God You know a lot of what we see in chapter 1 is Regarding doctrine the types of doctrine you should teach and then forbidding others to teach other doctrines that are not found in the Bible We see chapter 2 and then going into chapter 3 Talking about the qualifications of a pastor and how you need to have the right man for the job This is a proper way to conduct yourself in the house of God by having the right type of leadership Chapter number 4 goes into making sure that you're teaching you're given attendance to doctrine to exhortation To reading in order for you to teach the right type of doctrine So a lot of what we see is one thing that constantly is reiterated is just hey This is how you're supposed to conduct yourself. This is the way you're supposed to behave now in chapter 5 Really homes in on this topic of widows and how is it that we're supposed to behave towards widows? What is the church's stance on widows? Are we supposed to take care of them? What widows are we supposed to take care of are there are there is there a Criteria that they're supposed to meet so on and so forth now look at verse number one First of all, we're gonna look at what the Bible says here It's talking about having an appropriate relationship in the church amongst the brethren It says in verse number one rebuke not an elder but entreat him as a father and the younger men as Brethren, so this is pretty self-explanatory But it's basically saying hey an elder and this can be viewed in two ways one It could be referring to a person who is literally an elder and age someone who is just a lot older and ancient as the Bible would call it or is just referring to church leadership a Pastor an evangelist a deacon and the Bible is telling us here that you should never rebuke an elder Okay So in other words with the implication here is that you may disagree with the leadership, right? You may disagree with the leaders you may disagree with you know, you may have deferring opinions But it should never get to a point where you think You are so correct that you can just go up and rebuke the elder now We're not talking about a false prophet. Okay, first of all, if it's a false prophet, you should even be in that church First and foremost why even go and rebuke the pastor when you're actually attending the church service there Okay, you like well, you know, I feel like it's my responsibility to go tell that false prophet, you know, give them the business Yeah, but here's the thing. You're part of his business because you're attending that service We're talking about people who are saved right and there's gonna be times when you disagree with me I disagree with you But here's the thing. The Bible says that you're supposed to entreat them as a father What does that mean you approach them respectfully if you feel like it's an issue in the church if you feel like it's an issue Between the pastor and the member and you feel it's it's important enough to address then you have to entreat them But don't rebuke them Okay, and often this comes through people who are just arrogant ignorant and immature in the Lord Right where they feel they have the right to go and just rebuke anybody and correct anybody when in actuality they don't Okay The Bible's telling us here not to rebuke an elder and treat them as a father and look may I say this I've had Many leaders in my life who I disagreed with and you know leaders that were blatantly wrong on an area But I never rebuke them. In fact, I allowed myself to be rebuked of them Tell me that I'm wrong Correct me reprove me reprimand me even though when we left that conversation I still felt as though my opinion was correct. I was right. But here's the thing. I never raised my voice at them I never yelled at them because of the fact that the Bible tells us that we're not supposed to rebuke the elder now that I Try that I tried to entreat them and try to you know You know talk to them and and show them why I believe what I believe or why it is that I do the things that I do absolutely, but you know there came a point where they weren't willing to adhere to them at that point You just kind of kind of have to walk away from the conversation But what do you not do rebuke them? You don't rebuke them. You don't reprove them. This is an inappropriate response to differences of opinion, okay now Verse number two says the elder women as mothers the younger as sisters with all purity So it's telling us here that you know, men should not be disrespectful Towards the elders, you know people in general should not be disrespectful towards the elders And in fact, you know They're supposed to rise before the hoary head and show them respect Give honor to those who are in spiritual leadership and many to view the younger women as sisters so in other words, this means that you're not to speak ill of them or You know have an inappropriate relationship with them where you just kind of treat them like one of the boys Right supposed to treat them with respect as though they were sisters your physical blood sisters, right? Protect them care for them within the boundaries of appropriateness, of course So this is just telling us. Hey, this is the way you're supposed to behave yourself in the house of God This is not a free-for-all. You can't just act away you know, however, you want to act and just disrespect anybody and Rebuke the elder and just treat the women However, you want to treat them treat the men the way you want to treat them. No, there are restrictions There are rules in the house of God and these things are to be done decently and in order look at verse number three Now we're gonna look at having an appropriate relationship in the church in regards to the widows Says in verse number three honor widows that are widows indeed now What is the widow a widow is a label given to a female? Who has been loosed from the law of her husband in other words her husband has passed away no longer living right and A widow is basically a define in verse number five as someone who is desolate and in fact look at verse number five It says now she that is a widow indeed and desolate desolate of what of a husband. This is what a widow is and widows are spoken of extensively throughout the Bible and they're often coupled with Fatherless, right and the implication for both groups is that the man responsible for them is no longer present and can no longer provide for their physical financial needs There are plenty instructions that God had given to the nation of Israel regarding widows However, the specifics in regards to how the local assembly Was not really made clear until first Timothy chapter number five And in fact in Acts chapter 6 you see that the Grecians came to the Hebrews and they were talking about how the widows Were being neglected in the daily ministration and we see that at that point Deacons were ordained and in order to provide for them to help them during this time so that The men of God can give themselves over to the Word of God and not serve tables. Okay, that's actually the wording that's used and So we see that even during the book of Acts The relationship or how the church churches were supposed to provide for widows wasn't really made clear Verse Three tells us that honor that widows are supposed to be honored But here's the thing. They're actually supposed to be widows and there's a there are there's a criteria that they have to meet So it's not like just some whatever widow comes from off The street can come into our church and then expect to be provided for you There's people who have that opinion and say well This is just referring to any widow who's above 60 could come into the church and say hey, I need help I don't have a husband. I don't have children doesn't work that way Okay, because remember this is in context of what the local assembly and there's certain things that the local assembly has to observe Within that person in order for them to judge and discern whether they meet that criteria to be provided for by the church now why is that important well because Then just like today people see people spell church this way ATM Right. So how do you spell church ATM? They think that they can just come to church and get a bunch of free money, right? And look that's how it was back then because people would go up to the Apostles and ask for money and what a Peter say You know silver and gold have I done but such as I have give ID, right? And so Here we see that God is telling them and instructing them via the Apostle Paul The widows are to be honored they are to be provided for but they need to meet a specific Criteria in order for them to receive that relief that help that we're gonna look at Okay, by the way to honor not only means respect obviously we understand that honor means to respect but it means to provide for financially If you think of Proverbs chapter 3 where the Bible tells us to honor the Lord with what thy substance Right and with the firstfruits of thine increase and so honoring doesn't just mean respect Reverence it also means to provide for financially as well This is what the Bible tells us in Exodus chapter 20 to honor thy father and thy mother. This is referring to Providing for their financial needs when they are in need, okay So the instruction here is that the local assembly has the responsibility to care for those who are widows indeed Okay and again a woman a widow is a woman who is married one who has a Had a husband that passed away and the reason that's important to clarify is because some people say well, I'm a widow Yeah, you know, I'm a widow. I don't have a husband but it's not because their husband passed away It's because they got a baby daddy Right the committed fornication had a baby and now that man forsook her and she claims to be a widow It doesn't work that way. Okay, that is according to the Bible Fornication and that child according to the Bible is considered a bastard. Oh, that's foul language I can't believe you would say something like that. Well, you got to take it up with God because he's the one who says that okay, a Widow indeed first and foremost is a woman who had a husband and that husband died Not you know left them not Didn't marry them but just slept with them fornicated with them had a baby and then just forsook him because he's just some deadbeat dad this is referring to someone who was in a Relationship they were married but that husband passed away for whatever reason and now they are a widow Okay, look at verse number four But if any widow have children or nephews Let them learn first to show piety at home and to requite their parents for that is good and acceptable before God So look he's saying this we need to honor widows that are widows indeed But before we show you who are those widows indeed? Who are those widows indeed first and foremost they need to meet this criteria Look if any of these widows who come to you and they're in need of something first and foremost You gotta ask them this do they have children? Do they have nephews Why is that important because of the fact that? The children of the widows the nephews of the widows are actually first responsible to take care of them Okay, they actually have the responsibility To care for their parents then it says there Let them learn first to show piety at home and to requite their parents for that is good and acceptable before God So first and foremost we see children or nephews, by the way Nephews is actually referring to grandchildren, you know often today we think of nephews as being you know The children of our sister or our brothers, right? That's what typically we would say is like that's my nephew if my sister has a son or a daughter We would say that's my niece or my nephew in the Bible. Nephew is actually referring to the grandchildren and Even if you look up the word the term nephew you see one of the obsolete Definitions of that is that it's referring to grandchildren All right And even in the Bible you see that throughout the Bible that sons and then nephews will be mentioned in tandem with one another because it's Referring to grandchildren the word grandchildren is not used, you know, sometimes you'll see children's children or you'll see nephews being mentioned there Okay, that's how it was in the 1600s that term So the children are responsible to take care of their parents, right and it doesn't have a limit So folks, you know what that means if you have parents who are no longer able to work They you know, they can't work that they have a disability of some sort They're incapable of providing for themselves This is what it means It means you're supposed to ship them off into some old folks home and just leave them there to rot and die No, that's so wicked and unfortunately a ton of people do that and they even recommend Well, yeah, if you can't take care of your parents, you know, they're getting old You should just put them in the old folks home visit them once a month and you know They'll take care of them there. They some of those people receive some of the worst treatment in those in those homes, by the way Okay That's not that's not biblical. It's actually very wicked. He said what are we supposed to do? Well, you're supposed to take care of them. How do you expect me to take care of my parents? Well the way your parents took care of you, buddy By wiping your butt and providing for your needs clothing you and feeding you for 20 plus years or whatever Until you were married and moved out of the house or until you moved out or whatever, you know in like manner We should repay our parents. Okay, you know never have this attitude. Well, I don't respect my mom I don't respect my dad. They're not Christian. So I'm not gonna provide for them It doesn't give the caveat if they're believers to provide for them if they're your parents provide for them. Okay, you know if they're incapable of Providing for themselves or working the responsibility doesn't fall upon the church To provide for your parents needs it actually falls upon the children and or grandchildren to do that and look folks we should look I encourage you look at your situation look at your parents situation and I do this where I talk to my mom and I say hey, you know She lives by herself and she's like a hustler, you know, so she's always you know doing her her little businesses on the side she's about a little over 70 years old and she works but I always tell her like If you feel like you can never pay the bills You're always welcome to come and live with me and I tell her if you feel like you can't buy groceries You need to tell me and I'll buy your groceries from here on out, you know, whatever it is that you need a light bill paid Groceries if you if you can't pay the rent you could come live with me. I will take care of you Why because my mom took care of me and the Bible commands us to honor our parents as such, you know It's more so for the mom too, you know what I mean? Because the dad, you know dads they just kind of get it together unless you have a dad Who's just really lazy or something like that, you know, dad's typically get it together. I have a dad who's he's about I don't know 60 years old. He works on a farm, you know, he's probably gonna work until the day he dies So I don't really have to worry about my dad, but my mom on the other hand Yeah, I need to make sure that my mom's taken care of and this is what God requires of us to honor our parents. Okay now So if a woman Has lost her husband first and foremost does she have children and or grandchildren that she can go to? That will take care of her if she doesn't have that then the Bible tells us that she needs to go back to her parents House if they're still around of course, okay And in fact in Leviticus chapter 22 We see the Bible tells us in verse 12 if the priest's daughter also be married unto a stranger She may not eat of an offering of the holy things But if the priest's daughter be a widow or divorced and have no child and is returned unto her father's house as in her youth She shall eat of her father's meat, but there shall be no stranger eat thereof Excuse me, there shall be no stranger eat thereof. So what is it saying? It's saying that if a woman Has a husband that passes away, you know first you got to see if she has children or grandchildren If not, she goes back to her father's house and her father has to take care of her. Okay We see that even with Judah right in Genesis chapter 38 He tells his daughter-in-law after the passing away of her of his son To go back to her father's house and be taken care of of him look at verse number five Now she that is a widow indeed and desolate Trusted in God and continuous in supplications and prayers night and day So what is a widow that is a widow indeed a widow indeed first and foremost does not have children To take care of her, right Can't have children to take care of her We're talking about widow indeed to be to be honored by the by the local assembly Does not have children whether it's because she never had children or she outlived her children Does not have parents to take care of her right and it says here That she needs to be one who trusts in God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day So does this say that it could just be any regular Joe Schmo? No, in fact, it needs to be a godly person they need to have a good report of the people within the church and This is fact folks, you know, like I don't think I think that any widow could come in here false and In order for us to even know that this widow trusts in God Continues in supplications and prayers, you know, she always has to be a member of the church Right for us to even know something like that You see how strict these restrictions are and this criteria is, you know, you said why is God being so strict? Where it's just like go to the children. No children. Okay, go to the nephews. No nephews go to the parents. No parents Okay. Well if that's the case, then she needs we need to make sure that she's a godly woman Why is he so strict because he doesn't want to waste money And just give money to whoever you know, Tom Dick and Harry that comes to the church and ask for money No, there needs to be a criteria that is met in order for widows to be provided for I don't agree with that Then just say you don't agree with the Bible because that's what it says Verse six says but she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth. So this is very important right here Because it's telling us that there are certain women out there who potentially might be widows Or they just have you know, they have bastard children. They had you know Children out of wedlock and Are they? Trusting in God are they continuing in supplication and prayers? No, in fact, they're living in what pleasure So why would they come to a church to get money from the church so they can provide for their own needs? No, it's so they can live in pleasure and there are people like that. Okay She That liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth So the contrast is there are two widows one widow is godly loves the Lord serves God continues in supplications and prayers, you know is a godly woman The other one is a widow and what is she doing? She's living in pleasure And what does the Bible tell us he that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man the Bible says in the book of Proverbs okay, and Why does it say that she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth Well, the only way a Christian can be dead while they live is that they're not exercising their faith Because faith without works is dead being alone, right? You know, this is a woman who's basically Consumed with herself, you know It's just living in pleasure is not serving the Lord and is simply seeking a handout in order to continue their Wanton lifestyle, all right Look at verse 7 and these things give in charge That they may be blameless and look there's a lot of examples in the Bible of in the Bible of great widows Godly widows think of Ruth, right? She was a godly widow and even then what happened she got married to Boaz, right? But even as a widow she didn't have parents So she went with her mother-in-law and even then she went out to glean, you know Corners of the field and it was there that God led her to meet Boaz and Boaz married her and that was taken care of You know, there's Ruth. There's the woman of Sarepta who God miraculously provided for her by sending Elijah, right? and then you have Anna the prophetess in the New Testament Luke chapter number two and the Bible tells us let me read to you says And there was one Anna prophetess the daughter of annual of the tribe of Asher She was of great age and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity and she was a widow of about fourscore in four years And she was a widow for a long time Which departed not from the temple? But served God with fastings and prayers night and day You know, we can safely assume about Anna is that God provided for her knees Why cuz she served God she didn't she didn't depart from the temple She served God with fastings and prayers night and day This is someone who would fit the criteria of what we see in first Timothy chapter number five So don't tell me he can't be done. Amen look at verse eight says here, but if any provide not for his own and Especially for those of his own house He had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel now this verse can be applied to multiple people actually because it could be applied to the parents who Have a daughter who is now a widow and if they're not willing to provide for that daughter that guy's denied the faith He's worse than an infidel, right? This could also be referring to the children who are not willing to provide for their parents Right their mom who is a widow and you know, she doesn't have The means to to pay for the ranch or or provide food and if they deny that You know, they rather send their mom to some old folks home so they can just rot and die Well, that person is worse than an infidel and they've denied the faith. Okay, cuz they're not willing to provide for their own Looking for a summer night. We'll get back to that verse in just a bit. It says let not a widow Be taken into the number Let not a widow be taken into the number under three score years old having been the wife of one man All right. So here's the final final thing that he's saying here. He's saying look If it's a widow indeed first and foremost does she have children They can take care of it. No, okay. Does she have grandchildren? No, does she have parents? No, okay Is she godly? Yes, does she serve God? Is she a faithful member of the church that she is She's serving the Lord with what she has. Yes, she is. Okay Well, here's the next thing is she under 60 years of age if This woman is over 60 years of age. Then she qualifies to be taken care of of the church Okay, however, if it's someone who is under three score years old, she's been the wife of one man. The Bible says no Verse 10 says well reported her for good works If she had brought up children if she have lost strangers if she have washed the Saints feet if she have relieved the afflicted if she Have diligently followed every good work. So you say wait a minute if this woman is a godly woman She's doing all these things Why is God saying that if they're under three score years of age and they're doing all these things not to take them in Well, because it says if she have brought up what children So if she's brought up children Then she needs to go to those children and those children need to take care of the mother. That's what this is referring to. Okay She's brought up children let the children take care of you see we don't want people to view the church as like the government Or any little problem the financial problem they have any kind of little mishap They have they just they see the church as some ATM where they can come and just pull out money Depart withdrawal money whenever they can know there's requirements here and God is saying look if they're 60 and up then yes They can be taken in they can be taken care of with these requirements that they're a godly person It's a godly woman, but if they're under 60 years of age and they are well reported of these things She's raised up children. Let the children take care of her then, okay Look at verse 11, but the younger widows refused young younger referring to what under 60 years of age Look at this phrase here for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ They will marry So interesting phrase, isn't it? Saying look when they begun to wax wanton against Christ They will marry look at verse 12. It says having damnation because they have cast off their first faith So let me explain a couple things regarding verse 11 because it it's a it's an interesting verse. Okay? First and foremost, what does it mean to wax wanton? Well to wax obviously means to grow Wanton means basically to live without regard Okay, you know just to be reckless and careless and in fact if you take this word and define it based upon what we're Looking at here. It's basically to live in pleasure Alright, so a younger widow you say refused because they will begin to wax wanton against Christ now It tells us in James 5 5 you have lived in pleasure on the earth and have been Wanton so we see those that defining it there but this isn't implying that waxing Watson against Christ results in marriage because that's how you can see how someone would kind of confuse that Right because it says, you know, the younger wood is refused for when they began to wax wanton against Christ They will marry it's like what in the world So when they want to live in pleasure, they're gonna marry someone that's the result of them waxing Watson That's not what that's referring to waxing Watson against Christ results in what verse 12 Having damnation because they have cast off their first faith, okay Now, let me explain something Because we're gonna look at the woman who becomes idle Wandering about from house to house and I'm gonna rip on that just a little bit. Okay And obviously Paul says that the way you you you you fix this is you know, the younger women need to what Marry their children guide the house But here's the thing it doesn't stop at just being married them Because here we see that the younger women can wax Watson against Christ and get married and still have damnation Right and cast off their first faith even when they are married Now, let me prove this Okay, because don't we all know someone or I've heard of a lady Who is married yet is still idle? Wanders about from house to house as a toddler and her busybody Maybe she's not a widow. Maybe she's married. But you know what? She does these things? Of course, we do because guess what marriage doesn't fix that You know, like what is the time I wonder about from house to house Well, let me let me let me put it to you in 2020 terms. Okay wandering about from social platform to social platform One are about from YouTube comments to Facebook to Instagram to Twitter to all these other things and they're not Doing what they're not bearing children guiding the house and giving them occasion of the adversary to speak reproachfully Well, I said that they're married though. Yeah, but hold on a second That's not the only thing that's needed in order for them not to be given over to Satan and let me prove that further Because who is the one who this is being exemplified after Eve? Eve turned aside after Satan and guess what she was already married right She had Adam there, but guess what in her idleness? She was tempted of the serpent her husband wasn't there and she was deceived by him She turned aside after Satan even though being married So when the Bible's talking about here is this When they begin to wax wanton against Christ, they're just living in pleasure There's just being a wanton person where they're just being reckless and careless Just just kind of living it up, you know, this type of person is gonna be given over to idleness to wandering To tattling and being a busybody if they don't bear children guide the house Etc. Okay. This is what that's referring to Now it says in verse 12 having damnation because they have cast off their first faith damnation is not referring to like they're just you Know wives are gonna split hell wide open If they're not doing these things, okay Because if that were the case, we'd have way more women stay home and get married bear children and got the house That's not what that's referring to damnation is just referring to the fact that they're gonna receive punishment This is why the Bible tells us in chapter number two that they shall be saved in childbearing Right because when women have children and they guide the house it keeps them busy And we'll get into that and just a little a little bit more So it says having damnation because they have cast off their first faith now What is the first faith verse 8? But if any provide not for his own especially for those of his own house He had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel So just as the male has denied the faith if he's not willing to provide for his own household Guess what? The woman has denied the faith if she's married and doesn't guide the house Doesn't have children doesn't teach her children doesn't keep herself busy In the body of her household and not other people's matters. It's like they've denied the faith Okay Now what happens when they receive to themselves damnation verse 13? With all they said nevertheless because with all means nevertheless So it's saying even though they're married Nevertheless they learn to be idle Wandering about from house to house Not only idle but tattlers and busybodies now, what does it mean to be a tattler and a busybody? It means a gossiper Okay, let me give you a Spanish version of this a cheese Mossa That's what that's talking about Just getting involved in other people's business and matters Just getting involved and in social media platform comment feeds Just just wasting time Instead of reading a good book on how to raise godly children learning a new skill learning, you know, just becoming more knowledgeable about how to become a how to be a mom how to leave the house how to cook how to sew how to do Things that are profitable they become idle and they wander about from house to house Tattlers and busybodies just getting involved in other people's business folks. This is bad Okay This is why he tells them to bear children and guide the house because when a woman focus it look This is not popular and to the even amongst Christian. There's Christian ladies who are listening to my voice right now. They hate my guts Good Hate my guts This is Bible folks You're not gonna deny it and those who are getting mad at me for are the ones who are guilty of it Guilty of being a little busybody and a toddler. Okay? We don't have they don't have to wander about from house to house anymore they got social media Getting involved in other people's business. Well, I just feel like I'm just like a keyboard warrior, you know I can I could really put it down and Why don't you put it down with your home? Why don't you put it down with cooking? Why don't you put it down with raising your children? You know, why don't you put it down with training your children how to how to do the potty? How to use the potty why don't you put it down on teaching them how to talk Look folks if if a woman Gives Herself over to the task of raising her children. She won't have time for anything else My wife sometimes feels like she's just at the end of the day. She's like man I feel like I didn't get much done because I've consumed with just like teaching Bruce or teaching Kyla or helping the Zayas You know, they're they're they're days filled with Tasks of their children. Okay Now look, let me just say this. Okay? Because I know there's there's there's people out there the couples who are married and they can't have children for whatever reason Okay, and that I'm not talking about people like that You said well, what about us? Can we become toddlers and busybodies? Well, I mean if I can't have children then what's what do I do? Well at that point the husband is responsible for keeping his wife busy And look if you if you're a husband and you have a wife and you you know You can't have children for whatever reason then start a home business or something You know start a home business But it's up to the the husband's it's his responsibility to fill his wife's time so that she doesn't fall into these categories right here to be given over after Satan because obviously there's a lot of time on Their hands, right? But you know if you fill that schedule up with tasks with a family business with something They're not going to be given over to these things and look there are women who have children and there's still toddlers and busybodies The Implication of bearing children is that you will guide and train those children Having children is not that hard actually especially for the man the woman she has to give birth to the you know It's not very difficult, right? It's actually raising the children teaching the children Discipling the children. That's when the work comes into play Okay And I know this for a fact because I've observed people who have eight children and I've observed those mothers I've observed my own wife You know when I come home from work I see the work that she puts in into training our children training my son teaching them how to read teach it I mean just look folks just teaching them how to use the potty It is a task in and of itself That does not happen, you know in a weekend. Maybe to some it does but not to everyone. That's a big task Okay, and you add on top of that cleaning the house Preparing a meal plan for the week You add on top of that washing the clothes and doing the dishes and all these things caring for the household You know, I can't believe you're talking about here a male chauvinist pig. It's a hog pigs are females just as a reminder This is just biblical folks. I Know this is strange to a lot of women But you know what? It's because they have been dude by feminism. And in fact Christian feminism at that Are you saying that I'm just in less than essence? I'm not saying to you I've never said anything like that. And if you don't believe me go talk to my wife. She agrees with everything that I'm saying Okay, she's afraid of you You know, you just instilled in here cuz she's afraid of you go tell her and see if that's true or not She agrees with me 110 percent because you know why cuz she grew up in a home Where her mom did the same exact thing as well Raised eight children breastfed them. Amen You know home schooled them trained them This takes a lot of work And you know what when you're doing? Homeschooling cleaning you are raising children you got children in diapers You have children under three years of age You hardly have time for social media I'm just being honest with you. It's fact Now surely enough I'm not gonna see any lady on social media And I'm not saying you know, you can't get on you do whatever you want do whatever your husband tells you to do And I'm not gonna if I see you on social me. I'm like, oh Like all pastor like my post You know I'm not saying that Okay poster means Posture comments, you know do whatever you got to do. Okay, but what I'm saying is this is that Don't be idle and look This is what I'm saying Don't finish the end of the day wondering why you couldn't get it anything done When if we were to observe your day, it's filled with intervals of social media And other things that are not You know dealing with this right here. Okay? This makes me mad Makes me mad folks because I see this a lot. I see this So often and and in our culture, I see it amongst Christians and it's like, you know Ladies, come on, but you know what at the end of the day, it's not the lady's fault You know whose fault it is is the men who are married to old ladies This is supposed to be leading them You know, hey man, why don't you step up to the plate and check yourself before you wreck yourself? Well, this is how I want to leave my home, okay, but then don't get mad at me when I preach this then Because this is biblical It's time for the men to step up and stop being afraid of your wife Yeah, I went there Stop being scared of your wife Lead your wife love your wife, you know, I'm not saying be some machista where you just smack your wife or something like that Obviously, that's wicked. I'm talking about lead your wife in such a way that she is Provoked to follow you to listen to you and admonish your wife lead your wife. Why is your wife leading you? This is not correct folks That is ungodly Makes me mad when I see women leading their husbands Ticks me off. Why because it's out of order and that is the problem with churches today Is you have a bunch of weak-willed men led by their strong-willed women? back And again, I'm not saying you'll bring the hammer down to your wife and just scream her head off I'm boss here. If you have to say you're the boss here to your wife that you're obviously not the boss If you have to say hey, I'm the Lord here I'm the man of the house here if you have to try to establish that with words, it's not true Because those things should be already known right You know, my wife tells me that when when she was younger Her dad of course is a pastor. He was a pastor pastor. Joyce Mazzino You know, he was a man of small stature But then you know in the morning we're talking about, you know spiritual said he had he was very tall spiritually speaking and he demanded like his presence demanded respect and Especially and fear amongst his family and children. Oh That's not right. Of course is right. What are you talking about? That's why his kids turned out great That's why his kids are godly That's why he has a godly family folks, but she would tell me that he would come home And if anyone was sitting around everyone just like sit up They weren't even doing anything wrong, but he's just new dad's home. Hey, we need to straighten up and behave ourselves cuz dad's home. Oh That's just fear. Hey, you got it right man. You're smart cookie Well, we live in a society where we want to be our children's best friend One of you buddy buddies with our with our children. No folks. That's not the way it works Just got to get that off my chest for a little bit, okay And you know what if you don't agree with that then so what you're not preaching so too bad for you You know go listen to some lame preaching where they adhere to The wife more than the husband where they try to build up the wife more than the husband They don't train the husband to be a man to lead his hope to lead his house to lead his wife to lead his children That's what the man's supposed to do folks Lead Your home lead your wife lead your children what happens when that doesn't take place It says verse 14. I will therefore that the younger women marry So don't take care of the young women because they're waxing waxing wants and against Christ. They're living in pleasure What are they supposed to do marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak? Reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan What is that defined by wandering being idle toddlers and busybodies that is considered someone who's turned aside after Satan? We had a lady in our church Who I threw her out Okay, why because she was being a toddler a busybody. She was wandering around from house to house literally Calling people in our church and you said what would she talk about? She just complained about her husband the entire time Criticized her husband the entire time she would come to church and look some of you know who I'm talking about and some of you know who I'm talking about because when you first met her you're like Because the first thing that came out of her mouth is just criticisms about her husband Just all she can do is just criticize her. Oh, he's a rapper man This never ever it and she even said this she yeah if you witness to him He probably even liked what you say cuz that's the kind of guy he is. He tries to like, you know be deceitful like that Know what it is is that if we witness to him, he probably get saved He's probably a good guy You know what I mean? But she made she turned him out to she made him to be like some sort of devil and lo and behold She's criticizing me here. She's criticizing different people in the church. She's calling people late at night Just wanted to complain about everything. So, you know what I did I said you can't come back anymore You're a toddler. You're a busybody. You're idle. All you do is complain about your husband We don't want to hear it and we never want to spirit by the way, ladies We never want a spirit that you criticize your husband behind their back If you want to cook if you want to criticize your husband do it to the Lord in prayer Don't ever do it to another lady in the church For sure don't do it to another man in the church You know, don't ever put down your husband to another human being in this on this planet That is such a reproach it's so wicked it's so evil for someone to do something like that. Oh, yeah, but my husband He just doesn't read the Bible at all He just doesn't know anything. He doesn't even know what post-trib means He doesn't even know how to prove the reparative doctrine You know this that's wicked folks You know and look to that person who's tempted to do something like that, here's what I got for you. Okay, you married him So in your attempts to make him look stupid you actually look even more stupid Because you chose to live with him for the rest of your life So the better better thing to do is Better thing to do is respect your husband trying to win them over and and be the type of wife that God wants you to Be you know and not criticize him All right, let's move on Hopefully right something might have something else might come down the pipeline verse 16 So what was this teaching us here is teaching us look these this is the criteria for a Grandchildren if they have parents that can go home to but if they don't have any of those things Okay Is she a godly woman and if she is she 60 and up if she is then she meets the criteria The church will take care of her and look folks We will do that forever for the rest of her life if she meets that criteria because that's what God commanded us to do But if they're younger than that, then they just need to get married, right? Bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to bear any type of reproach If any man or woman that believeth have widows let them relieve them and let not the church be charged That it may really relieve them that are widows indeed Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor G The elders that rule well be worthy of double honor and then he says in verse 8 verse 18 for the scripture saith thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and The laborer not to be given out freely to some person who's not doesn't meet the criteria to be taken care of Okay, and it's biblical. I don't agree with churches that say well don't pay the pastor We can give money to missions feeding the church. He's growing the church He's teaching people how to be more Christ-like and disciples. By the way, I didn't say get rich doing that There's past pastors should live a humble life and just have the means to provide for his family for his children And just for here's your justification for screaming and yelling and calling out names So people sin in the church you they did it wrong no the Bible tells us who's listening so that they don't okay I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels Thou observe these things without preferring one before another, you know, you don't have partiality No, in other words, you don't show favoritism towards certain people You need to treat everyone equally the same if if you have a friend who's involved in sin We rebuke them before all the others may fear even if he is your friends Okay Not because I'm trying to show something but because of the fact that I don't want to be partial towards anyone Okay, and this is how it needs to be done Says drink be partakers of other men sins. Keep thyself Pure what he's telling Timothy is this hey, you know when you start ordaining Evangelists started doing deacons and gay even other pastors You need to make sure that they meet qualifications and a lot of what we see in first Timothy is this Make sure these people meet the quality obvious, you know Christian who understands neither what he says no Wherever he affirms lay hands suddenly on no man You need to make sure cannot be hid and he's basically he's telling them look in a setting in a church setting You're gonna run into people who people know all about their sins You know, they just got out of prison or something or you know, they're involved in some drug or even you know There's people in the church who get excommunicated from the church because of a specific sin And what it's telling us here is that sometimes you'll meet people like that But some other people have a background that no one even knows about Okay, and it's just telling us look these are the situations you have to deal with These are the members of people forgiving people and then You're in a church of people who are willing to help you to move forward and not remind you of failures or past mistakes That you've made this is that and again, let me just make myself very clear, you know If we ever get someone like this Which I doubt we ever will to be quite honest with you because the criteria is so keen It's very strict You know, this has to be a very very special Situation where Godly over 60 in order for them to even meet this qualification here And I think God did like that for a reason He's basically saying we need to help those who are truly You know and not try to take away the responsibility from people who should be taking or The instructions here because even though this is written many many years ago 2,000 years ago It's still applicable to us today and we need it today Sinful people then are just like sinful people today widows who are under 60 Who are given over after Satan can be guilty of idleness wandering about from house to house Tattlers and busybodies then but also today we see that today and I pray God that you'd help us as men to continue to lead our wives and our children our households Help us to be a biblical family biblical husbands biblical wives biblical children and Lord we're not perfect, but I pray that God you continue to give us wisdom and if there's anyone under the sound of my voice who Was offended by what I said Lord I pray that they prove all things hold fast that which is good and I've encouraged that person to come talk to me personally Show me where I was wrong according to the Bible because I believe everything that I showed tonight was biblical It was sound it may have been a hard saying for some But it's true and sometimes the truth hurts and I pray God that you bless us as we go on our way in Jesus name We pray. Amen