(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) For our salvation and for those saved this week, we ask that you please bless the pastor with your holy spirit as he preaches in your way tonight, in Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen. Okay, we're in 1 Timothy chapter number 2, we're continuing our series with the books of 1 and 2 Timothy. Of course, we're still in Timothy and last week we went over chapter 1 and a lot of what was emphasized last week was in regards to the commission and the mandates that the apostle Paul was giving to Timothy as he was still abiding at Ephesus. And the main thing that he was telling them is verse number 3 says that thou mayest charge that they teach no other doctrine. So there's a thing that was highly emphasized, you can see throughout the entire book of 1 Timothy is this matter of rebuking those who are teaching false doctrine. And let me say this is that the teaching of doctrine should never be minimized in the church. The importance of doctrine should never be minimized in the church. You know, it's important to understand how to live practically and to get wisdom to become better employees, better fathers, husbands, wives and children. But here's the thing is that when it comes to doctrine, God holds this on a very high pedestal and he expects for churches to be the pillar and ground of truth. You know, where is a place where you can learn biblical doctrine to know the mind of Christ and the mind of the Lord, it's in the church, at least it should be. Because the pastor should be getting up and speaking on every single doctrine that the Bible teaches. Today you have pastors and churches that will shy away from dealing with deep doctrine, you know, the book of Revelation or any Old Testament books that seem a little deep. Why is that? Well, because they say, you know, oh, we need to be that we need to be relevant. We need to make sure that we make the sermon palatable. But here's the thing. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness. But the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished until all good works. And so in order for us to be perfect or complete, furnished into all good works, we need to hear all scripture because it's all profitable. Right. And so this is why Paul is telling Timothy, you need to make sure that you have a pulse on the doctrine that is being taught at the church. Make sure that people are not giving heed to fables and endless genealogies. There's people there that are teaching that the resurrection had already passed. They desire to be teachers of the law. They understand neither what they say nor where of their firm. And he's constantly telling them, you need to rebuke them. You need to correct them and teach the right doctrine. Right. And so we left off on that in chapter number one. Let's pick up on chapter two, which is still a continuing thought of what we what we saw in chapter number one. It says in verse number one, I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of things be made for all men. Now, I want you to notice first and foremost that at the latter end of that verse, it says be made for all men. Now, why is that? Well, because God is not willing that any should perish. And in fact, later on, it tells us in verse number four, who have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. And so look what it says in chapter one and verse number 18, because remember, he says, I exhort, therefore. So we got to see why that's there for. He says in verse 18, this charge I committed to these son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them might swore a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience, which some, having put away concerning faith, have made shipwreck. So in order for Timothy to have a good conscience, that means he has to preach the entire counsel of God. That means he has to make sure that he's going about house to house, preaching the gospel, seeing people saved. And so because of that, he's exhorting Timothy that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving them things be made for all men. Why? Because he wants them to be saved. Now, how do we apply this to ourselves? Well, here's the thing is we as Christians, obviously we need to go out and do some soul winning. Obviously we need to go and talk to our neighbors and preach the gospel to every house and make sure that we're making clear the word of God when it comes to salvation. But here's the thing. There's an element of prayer that's needed as well. You see, we don't want to just depend on our gifts or our ability or our capability of, you know, being able to wax eloquent and go out and preach the gospel. We need the power of God and we need God to go before us and soften the hearts of those people that we're going to speak to. You know, when we go out there, we're running into total strangers, right? We're running into total strangers, or maybe you're preaching the gospel to your family and you know what? They don't really respect you as much, right? Because a prophet is not without honor, saving his own country. And the thing is, is that, you know, people out there, you know, or excuse me, your own family members, they may be close to you because they know your past. They know the things that you're involved in. And so they don't necessarily have a level of respect for you. Well, therefore, supplications, prayers, and intercessions need to be made for those people, right? You need to pray that your wife, that your husband, that your children, that their hearts are softened towards the gospel. So when you bring it to them, they are receptive. They're willing to listen. They have their hearts open to listen to what you have to say. And so he tells them there, look, I'm exhorting you that you pray. You make supplications, you make intercessions and giving of thanks that they're made for all men. And so in general, we should pray and make supplications for all men to be saved, right? I mean, obviously, there's people out there that are going to reject the gospel. They don't want nothing to do with God, right? You know, you have your atheist and your agnostics and, you know, people who are just are completely turned off the church. They don't want nothing to do with God. Maybe they even want to retain God in their knowledge. Maybe they're a reprobate, OK? But in general, we don't, we're obviously when we pray for people to be saved, we're not referring to those people whose hearts are already hardened, who are already blind. We're referring to the general population who can still be receptive towards the gospel. That's what we need to pray for, right? So one thing that we need to get from this is this, is that we need to add praying for lost people to our prayer list. First of all, you need to have a prayer list, right? Second of all, you need to add the salvation of the lost, whether it's your neighbors, it's your friends. It's total strangers. It's your family members to that list and pray that God softens their heart to be receptive towards the gospel. It says in verse number two, for kings and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. So what do we see here? We see that we need to pray for kings and for all that are in authority. OK, he said, what's the purpose of praying for kings and, you know, people who are in authority, the political realm? What's the purpose of that? Well, it tells us that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. So what is he specifically saying here? We should pray that those who are in positions of authority, that the powers that are ordained of God would not interfere with church matters, right? We should pray that authorities, whether it's police officers, whether it's politicians, whether it's presidents or prime ministers, that they would not become a hindrance to the work of God. That's why he's telling us that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. You see, we're praying that they would just get off our backs so we can live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord. OK, you know, we pray, like, for example, this whole time been praying. Look, I'm going to give you an example of when this prayer was answered. Because this was answered last week, was it not? I was praying, you know, if the police ever come here, just God, just give us favor with the police, you know, and give us favor, help them not to give us a hard time. And sure enough, the police showed up last Sunday after Sunday morning service. And coincidentally, they showed up after I had already made the announcement that they were shaving off the attendance from whatever we had to 10 people, right? Well, prior to that, we had some some some fatty reprobate come to our church. And this guy was basically the one who called the police and said, I went to that church service, they're meeting there and all this stuff. And they're saying all kinds of nonsense. But the police officer came, he came after service. I went to go talk to him and he was very kind, very gracious, very just respectful. He said, look, some guy called us and said that you guys were meeting. And he told me this. He said, I wouldn't even come here because you guys are doing the work of God. He says, you guys are doing the work of God. I respect what you're doing. You're worshiping God. I'm just here because I'm just doing my job. And I said, well, you came at a great time because we've already said that we're going to shave off the attendance from whatever we have now to 10. So, you know, I'm not mad at you. And, you know, I'm thankful that you're very gracious and kind. And he was very respectful. And he even said, he said, I don't even know why he said, why would that guy even call? Because he said that he was in the service. He's like, well, aren't you contributing to what you're doing? Fool. Right. But it goes to show your reprobates. They just are stupid. They don't think about these things. You know, I believe that prayer was answered to that police officer and they were very gracious and kind. Look, I'm not anti-government to the point where I just feel like every police officer is reprobate. They just can't do anything right. You know, I have a former police officer as a friend, a pastor friend, pastor Fritz, and pastor Fritz is a godly man. He's a very, he loves the Lord. He's a hellfire damnation preaching type of a pastor, you know, but you know what? He was a former police officer. And I guarantee you when he was a police officer, he wasn't doing wickedly. He was serving at the capacity that he was at according to his job and he did right. Okay. And so, you know, we need to pray for more people like that. Right. That, that they would not hinder us in this work. Okay. Cause obviously people could come and just, just give us a really hard time about, you know, and by the way, what we're doing is not illegal at all. Not illegal. We literally have 10 people in the service right now, including myself. Okay. Oh, you know, you're just, you're just trying to be a rebel again. No, I'm not. They said 10 people, we're meeting 10 people. Well, if they cut it down to five, you're going to do five. I'll do five. Well, if they say that you just, you can't meet at all, then I'll just cut myself and I'll preach, I'll preach to the wind. I'll be like Ezekiel and just preach to the mountains, preach to the trees and the chairs. Okay. You know, because at the end of the day, you know, this isn't, this isn't going to last forever folks. And you have people out there that go on both sides of the extreme and they want to criticize people. You know, what we need to do is pray for Kings and people who are in authority that they just leave us alone. Okay. I don't want to get ahead of myself here. You know, what's being stated here is what we see in second, go to second Thessalonians chapter number three, if you would, second Thessalonians chapter number three, we want to lead a quiet and peaceable life. You know, we just want to serve God. We want to go sowing. We want to be in church. We want to do that. What should God told us to do now? Look folks, I understand we're living during the time right now. There's, there's a global crisis. There's a crisis in our nation. Where some of those things are just not really as accessible as before. Okay. And I'm not even saying that the government is doing wickedly by instituting, you know, the shelter in place or, you know, wearing a mask or whatever it may be. These, these things that these decrees that they're making, because here's the thing, it's not only affecting Christians, it's affecting everyone. So it's not something that they're trying to like persecute Christians for, because here's the thing, everyone has to do it. Now look, if they say a year from now or whatever it may be, like no churches can meet. Well, at that point we have to, we obey God rather than man. There's nothing wrong with a temporary transition to stay the plague, right? A wise, temporary halting of things in order to improve the health of our city, state, et cetera. What this is referring to is when, is when authorities and Kings want to hinder the work of God on a permanent basis, right? They just don't want people to get saved. They don't want churches to meet permanently. Look at second Thessalonians three, verse one, it says, finally brethren pray for us that the word of the Lord may have recourse and be glorified, even as it is with you. So he's saying, pray for us that the word of God will be, it'll be free, it'll just have a free course to, to get into the hearts of the masses, that we can influence people through the preaching of God's word. And then he says this in verse two, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men, for all men have not faith. So he's saying this, he's basically stating what he states in first Timothy chapter two, to live a quiet and peaceable life from who? From the unreasonable and wicked men. Okay. Who would want to hinder us and what they wouldn't want the word of God to have free course. You understand? And look, the word of God still has recourse today, even with the shelter in place, you say, well, that's not very free. Well, people are watching online. People are going to watch them hear the word of God and listen to the word of God throughout the week. That's not necessarily a hindrance to the word of God. Okay. You know, you can still witness to people, maybe not door to door as consistently as you did before, but you can still witness to people. The Bible says, but the Lord is faithful, who shall establish and keep you from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord touching you that ye both do and will do the things which we command you. And so there are times when governments overstep their bounds and beginning Institute laws that are not biblical or not even in the interest of believers, right? Laws that seek to prohibit the preaching of the gospel permanently or congregating together or the preaching of God's word. We see that in the Bible, right? And you say, well, how do we know when it's gone too far? When they try to establish it on a permanent basis, when they just say, you just can't be no more, that's enough. No preaching the gospel, no, you know, no meeting together, no reading your Bibles. Well, at that point, obviously it's obvious what the solution is. The solution is, well, guess we got to go to the higher powers, the powers to be ordained of God. The Bible says, but you know, there is the higher powers and the highest power in the land is God himself. Okay, go to Romans chapter 13, Romans chapter number 13. Look what it says in Romans 13 verse one, let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power, but of God, the powers that be are ordained of God is referring to the government. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. This is not referring to the fact that if you disobey the government, you'll go to hell today. The government would like for you to think that, you know, they, you know, some people in the government think that they're God and they would want you to think something like that. But what this is referring to is when it talks about receiving themselves damnation, in other words, you're going to be punished for it. It says in verse three, for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil, wilt thou then not be afraid of the power, do thou which is good, and thou shall have praise of the same, for he is a minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that, which is evil, be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain. By the way, there's a justification for the death penalty, folks. New Testament, Romans chapter 13. Oh, you know, the death penalty was only in Leviticus. No, we're reading in the New Testament. Is everyone in Romans chapter 13, New Testament? It says that he bears not the sword in vain. A sword is not someone you spank someone, something you spank someone with, right? You know, you don't just give someone slap on the hand with the sword. What do you do? You, you, you spank them. You pierce them through. It's a weapon used to kill people. And the Bible tells us here that they're not bearing the sword in vain. In other words, they don't just bear the weapon that can kill people for no reason. They're supposed to bear it in order to put people to death who deserve to be put to death, okay? For he is a minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. So God has deputized specific government, governments to be a revenger. It uses that word to execute revenge upon those who do evil. Now, obviously, according to God's law, right? If you murdered, uh, the Bible says, if you commit adultery, Bible says, if you're sodomite, if you kidnap someone, okay, these things are worthy of death. It says, wherefore you must need to be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscious sake, okay? So here we see an example of government and you know, people want to take this to the extreme and say, well, we have to obey the government no matter what. Well, that's not true because here it says that the rulers are not a terror to good works. So if they begin to terrorize us because of the good works that we do at that point, it becomes wicked. We disobey, we're not being terrorized right now because of the good works that we do. I mean, we had the police officer last week say, you know, I'm only here doing my job. You guys are doing God's work. We're worshiping God. I don't want to interrupt what's going on. I'm just here because they called us and we have to come here and he wasn't being forceful. He wasn't even saying when I come back Sunday night, you better have your ducks in order. You know, I told him, I said, you know, there might be as many people tonight as there is this morning, only because some people are not getting the memo and they're just going to show up, you know, but I am going to seek to enforce the 10 attendance rule. And he said, got to do what you got to do. And I was like, my man. So I appreciated that. Okay. Now with that being said, I'm not referring to the current state of events, you know, and let me just make my position clear. Okay. Cause this is our church. So let me set forth what I believe. Okay. Now I believe in quarantine, but I believe the Bible teaches what the Bible teaches about quarantine is that those who are sick are quarantined, not those who are not sick. Right. However, I do not believe that the shelter in place is simply either extreme where we say, well, you know, the Bible teaches quarantine, so we should just stay home because that's what the Bible teaches. Well, that's not necessarily what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches if you're sick, you should quarantine, right? However, I believe God does endow people and yet even governments with specific wisdom. And guess what, you know, the Bible doesn't tell us, Hey, what to do with the coronavirus comes in our lifetime, right? So at that point we need to use wisdom and wisdom says, Hmm, if it's contagious and it's spreading really fast and people should probably just stay home for now. Oh, are you just trying to lock us down in our houses? Well, I think what it is is that they're trying to keep you from interacting with other people who potentially have the virus, right? That's just wisdom. You know, you use wisdom. If you know someone is sick, you know, if they have the cold or flu and they tell you, you know, you don't shake their hands, you barely even give them a fist bump or an elbow. What are you doing? You're exercising wisdom, right? And so God has specific mandates and commandments, but you know what? There's certain things that are not explicitly said in the Bible. And at that point we need to use wisdom and not demonize people for exercising that wisdom. Okay. Now go to first Peter chapter number two, first Peter chapter number two. You see the temporary ordinance to stay the blame is good. I have no problem with that. I think it's a good idea. I mean, it's funny, you know, people who get sick, you find that as an excuse to stay home from work. You don't want to infect everyone else, right? But all of a sudden someone else recommends that for you to do that, you know, in order for you to either not to infect someone else or to get infected, all of a sudden you just blow up. Oh man, this is not right. No, it's just wisdom. And look, sometimes the government institutes certain ordinances that has wisdom. It has prudence and it's not wrong to obey those things. It's not affecting us in any way. Look at first Peter two 13, it says, submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether it be to the king as supreme or to governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well. For so it is the will of God that with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. You know, certain ordinances have common sense. It's just exercising wisdom. There's nothing wrong with it. Now let me just say this, cause I need a, I need a parking here for just a bit. Okay. You know, I don't think anyone in our church should demonize either position. Okay. And talk down on people if they go to either extreme because everyone is entitled to their opinion. And let me just make this very clear. I don't think that you should compare our church to other churches or compare what one pastor said in comparison to what another pastor said. Okay. That's not right folks. You know, and here's the thing, people make blatant statements all the time. And look, you know, it's a good video for you to watch is the video that Pastor Jimenez put out about the luxuries of a follower. And one of those luxuries that followers have is that it can just switch on the dime. Cause you know what? Some people take what one pastor says and they just take it to an extreme and then that pastor clarifies later on what's going on and then they just switch on the drop of a hat. Okay. But here's the thing, prior to even switching on that dime, they're just criticizing everyone, right? For the decisions that they're making, you know, this isn't right folks. You say, well, what should I do? Just, just keep your opinions to yourself. Or if you want to express those opinions, express them in a way that you're not condemning, condemning anybody else in the church. Right. Okay. And look, I've spoken to Pastor Anderson about the situation. We've talked about the 10 people rule and he even told me, he says, whatever decision you make, I'm a hundred percent behind it. And if people criticize you for it, I'm backing you up. And guess what? The same goes for me to him, me to him, me to Pastor Jimenez, me to Pastor McMurtry or me to anyone else. Because here's the thing folks, let me just remind you, we are navigating new waters. So don't criticize the leadership or don't even criticize families who decide to say, well, you know, we're going to try to make it to those 10 people type services because that's what I feel like that's what we want to do. You know, don't criticize people for that. That's wrong. It's divisive and it's not wise. And I'm not saying you can't have the opinion of, well, quarantine is biblical and this is a part of quarantine. I'm not saying you can't have the position of, oh, shelter in place. That's wise. You know, if you go to either extreme, it's okay. As long as you do not criticize and demonize people for taking either position. Okay. And look, why don't you just get behind what your church is doing? Why don't you just get behind what your pastor's doing? And let me just make it very clear. I'm not infallible folks. So guess what? Sometimes I'm gonna make a decision and I'm gonna be wrong. Not sometimes, a lot of times. Hopefully not very much, but there's gonna be times when I make a decision. I believe that God is leading me, but you know what? I may make a mistake and guess what? I have to face the music for it. You know what? But you know, you shouldn't be some side seat quarterback. Like, well, if you would have just listened to me and listened to what other pastors say, why don't you just read the Bible? Why don't you just pray, walk in the Spirit? Because here's the thing. You're gonna make mistakes. You're gonna make claims and you're gonna eat humble pie too. That's what happens, okay? Don't criticize pastors and don't criticize church members, especially men. Criticize husbands for leading their families and seeking to bring them to church or whatever it may be. And look, if you come to church, don't criticize those who want to stay home, right? Don't criticize those who say, well, these people are just staying home. They're afraid and a bunch of sissies. They're the ones that are gonna be given into the tribulation, you know, during the tribulation and they're gonna be like, those are the people that pastor was talking about in Revelation chapter 6. Don't criticize them either because we need to worship the Lord according to the dictates of our own conscience and if things are not crystal clear, if it's not just clear, if it's a little grave, then you know we need to do the best we can with the wisdom that God has given to us. And I'm telling you, don't criticize people because eventually you're gonna have to eat a humble pie, okay? So get behind your church and if someone criticizes another pastor, back up that other pastor even if that other pastor differs from an opinion of you when it comes to this whole situation, okay? And I don't think people realize the weight of responsibility that pastors carry sometimes, you know. It's easy to just opinionate. It's easy to make a video. It's easy to make a comment, you know, and be the side seat quarterback and tell you how it should be done. It's easy how to tell the football player and the coach how to coach his own team when you're not the coach. It's easy to tell the guys who are fighting in the octagon what he should have done instead of actually going in yourself and trying to try it yourself, right? It's always easier to actually instruct people when you're actually not in the position to make those big decisions. So he said, what should I do? I don't know, I think we just read it. Pray for all those who are in authority. You know, why don't you just pray for me, pray for my family, pray that God gives me wisdom exceedingly in order to lead us through these treacherous waters, uncertain times. And you know, place your energy in doing that rather than criticizing other people, okay? We don't need that in our church, okay? You know, focus on what's going on here. Focus on the direction of our church. Focus on what we're doing. Get behind what's taking place here, okay? And look, if you don't know what I think on the subject, I'm a phone call away, folks, right? I'm a phone call away. You can call me and ask me, you know, yeah, but you're not putting up YouTube videos and you need to put up a YouTube video so when do I know what you, why don't you just call me? I don't put up YouTube videos about Coronavirus because I'm kind of sick and tired of the Coronavirus, pun intended. I'd rather just talk about other stuff, okay? But if you're really that desperate to know what I think of it, just give me a call and I'll tell you what I think about it, okay? So let me just make it very clear, I agree with all my pastor friends. Even if we disagree on how we're handling it because of the fact that we need to stick together on this thing, not criticize others, not, you know, make people feel stupid for taking either or position, okay? We need to make sure that we're humble. We're praying and we're doing the best we possibly can to navigate through these waters, okay? I just want to mention that, alright? Let's move on. Verse number two. And look, I'll probably get Coronavirus tomorrow, okay? And then at that time, boy, Ulysses is gonna have to preach for me or something. And then you can tell me I told you so, but you know it still doesn't change what I'm saying. Still doesn't change, okay? Look at verse two, it says, for kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time. So what is it saying here? In verse number five, it tells us that there is one mediator, oh it says one God, one mediator between God and men. So what does this tell us? It's telling us that God the Father and God the Son are both God, but guess what? There's one mediator between God and man. And who is that? The man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time. Now what is a mediator? Well a mediator is someone who settles or disputes or excuse me, settles disputes and reconciles differences, okay? That's what a mediator is. Now turn with me if you would to 2nd Corinthians chapter number five, 2nd Corinthians chapter number five. Why does the Bible call Jesus Christ the mediator between God and man? Well because of the fact that man prior to salvation is at enmity with God the Bible says, okay? And in fact the Bible tells us that the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. So the Bible tells us that prior to salvation, you know, we have a carnal mind. In other words, a fleshly mind. There is no new man dwelling within us. We don't have the Holy Spirit of God abiding within us. We're not sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. So it's all flesh, right? And the person who is completely in the flesh cannot please God. And in fact it's almost as if they're at their enemies of God to a certain extent because we're in the flesh. So what is what is the remedy to that? The remedy is that we need to get saved. And through Jesus Christ, when we place our faith in Jesus Christ, we're no longer at enmity against God. And in fact we are now reconciled to him. Look what it says in 2 Corinthians 5 18. All things are of God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and had given to us the ministry of reconciliation to it that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now that we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ that be reconciled to God. For he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. So what does it mean here? He reconciled him or he reconciled us back into God because he took the punishment that you and I deserve. He made an atonement for our sin. You see, people think that in order to go to heaven to be saved, we need to live a righteous life. Now there's some truth to that, is there not? Because of the fact that yes, you do need to live a perfectly righteous life in order to go to heaven. But guess what? There's none righteous, none not one. So that option goes out the door. So we said, what's the next option? Well the best option is the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Needs to be imputed unto us. We can't go to heaven based upon our own righteousness because the Bible says that our righteousness are as filthy rags in the sight of God. And it even says there in verse number 19, not imputing their trespasses unto them. So when we're reconciled to God, he no longer puts our righteousness to our account because our righteousness are as filthy rags. We're not righteous before God. He takes the righteousness of Jesus Christ and he gives that to us. By the way, it doesn't say his righteousness and a little bit of our righteousness, right? It's not like, yeah you gotta trust in Jesus, but you also got to do your part. No, your part sucks. Your part is no good, no bueno. Your part is that you need to believe on Christ. That's your part. That if thou should confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart, that God will embrace them from the dead, thou shalt be saved. That's the only part you have, is believing on Jesus Christ. But when it comes to your works, no good. For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. You see, if you can go to heaven based upon you trusting in Jesus and your own righteousness, then you have room to boast. You can go to heaven and say, yeah, you know, it's through Jesus, but you know, it's some pretty good stuff too. Well, you know, it doesn't work that way. You know, it does not work that way. It's not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us by the washing and regeneration of the Holy Ghost. So it's God who cleanses us from all sin, gives us the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and when God looks at us, he sees us through that same righteousness, okay. So what happened to Jesus? Well, verse 21 says, for he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin. So there is a trade, was there not? His righteousness was imputed upon us and our sin was given to him. Why? That we might be made the righteousness of God in him. You see, the penalty that you and I deserve, Jesus Christ paid for on the cross. The Bible says that he himself bore our own sins on his own body on the tree. Every single sin that you've ever committed, every single transgression that you're guilty of, he put it upon himself. He is the propitiation for our sin, not for ours only, but also them who are in the whole world. Go to Romans chapter number five if you would. Romans chapter number five. So the only way that we can be reconciled to God is by taking the righteousness of Jesus Christ. And you know, you have a false doctrine out there that says, well, you know, we're saved by grace, but it also is by works too, because faith without works is dead being alone. You know, they try to take James chapter 2 avenue and just completely pervert the entire chapter when it's not even talking about salvation. And here's why this is so, it's so not nonsensical to even say something like that. It's because of the fact that the Bible tells us in Romans chapter number 11, and if by grace, because you know we're saved by grace, then it is no more of works. Otherwise, grace is no more grace. So you know what happens when you try to add believing on Christ to your own works for salvation? You actually made null and void grace. It's no longer applicable, no longer redeemable. You can no longer use it. Why? Because it says that if by grace, then it is no more of works. Otherwise, grace is no more grace. And if it be of works, then it is no more of grace. Otherwise, work is no more work, the Bible says. You can only have one. And look, doing the works can save you if you did works perfectly, if you've never sinned, if you've never broken God's commandments. But guess what? There's none that do with good, no none one. The condemnation has already been placed upon the whole world because of the fact that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. So the condemnation is already there, okay? We need to be saved by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Look at Romans 5 verse 1 says, therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen to that. Look, I'm sure you've had enemies in the past, you never want God to be your enemy. You know, if there's one person that you need to reconcile your differences with, you might need to reconcile your differences with your parents, with your children, with your spouses, and you know, take care of those things. But you know, the greatest reconciliation that you need is with God, right? But it only happens to Jesus Christ. Verse 2, by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Verse 10, for if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also join God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement. Now go to Galatians chapter number 3, if you go to Galatians chapter number 3, because we're talking about the mediator, okay? And notice he says there's only one mediator between God and man, okay? Only one. Uno. Only one, okay? Hebrews 9-15 says that for this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament. Look at Galatians 3 verse 20, or verse 19, excuse me, it says, wherefore then serve eth the law? It was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made, and it was ordained by the angels in the hand of a mediator. Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. This mediator is referring to Jesus Christ. And when he's stating there, verse 20, is that Jesus Christ is not just a mediator of brusmejia. He's not just a mediator of high-top mason. He's not just a mediator of tall kasada. He's not just a mediator of one, he's a mediator of everyone. He's the Savior of all men, but especially of men to believe, right? Now, over and over again, if you look up the word mediator, you will always see it in reference to Jesus Christ, right? One. He said, why do you keep emphasizing that? Well, because of the fact that there's this false doctrine that the Catholic Church teaches that marrying is the mediatrix. You know, because mediator is masculine, so because they believe that Mary is a mediator, they have to call it a mediatrix. You know, sounds like, like, like the Matrix. Catholic Mariology. The title mediatrix refers to the inaccessory role of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a mediator. Now folks, did we see anywhere in the verses that we just looked at that Mary is ever referred to as a mediator? Nay, brethren. I tell you, nay. Never. Why? Because Mary needed to get saved too, folks. Mary was a sinner like everyone else, and Mary needed to believe on her own son as well, okay? Her physical son, she needed to believe on him for salvation. She's not the mediatrix. Look, they even call her the co-redentrix. That's a tongue twister right there. The co-redentrix. This is blasphemous, folks. It's a title used by some Roman Catholics for the Blessed Virgin Mary and is referring to Mary's role in the redemption of all people. Hold on a second, Mary didn't die for me. And look, this is such a false doctrine. It's so heretical and blasphemous, but let me say this is that when you're out there sowing and you run into a Catholic, don't bring this up. You know, don't just get on them for like, you know, what they may believe. You know, when people tell me like, oh do you believe in Mary? I say, yeah I believe in Mary. I believe she existed, right? Now if I feel like they're like a hardcore Catholic and they believe like that she's the co-redentrix and mediatrix and neo and all these things, that she's the one, you know, at that point obviously then I bring up this fact that there's only one meteor between God and man and that's the man, Jesus Christ. Okay, this is a blasphemous teaching and look, most religions have some form of this because even la luz del mundo, okay, LLBM, the light of the world, this false cult that's out here in Los Angeles and in different places, you know, you know the one who has a pedophile for a pastor, their apostle is like a pedophile and so was his dad and his dad before him. Hmm, you know, they're all pedophiles, they're all involved in pedophilia, a bunch of reprobates, you know, they, I remember I actually visited that church long ago before I got saved, a girl had invited me to go to that church and she was part of that church and I liked the girl so I went, you know, you gotta do what you gotta do, you know, so I went there and I remember thinking to myself like this place is weird, this is, this place is weird and I believed in Jesus in those days but obviously I wasn't trusting him for my salvation so I was still of the grace and works type thing like well yeah you gotta trust Jesus but you know I think you gotta work, you gotta do your part, you know, so that's what I believe, I was wrong obviously but I remember them talking about the apostle over and over I mean that's all they would talk about and I remember thinking to myself in the service like are they ever going to talk about like Jesus? Like isn't that what this is all about is Jesus Christ and they started talking about this apostle as though he was divine and they believed he's divine and I remember after one of the services I asked one of the girls I said are you guys saying that like we need the apostle in order to be saved like to go to heaven and they're like yeah I'm like whoa I've never heard that before and and and I said so we have to believe in the apostle in order to be saved I was like what about Jesus they're like well you have to believe in both the apostle they said this Jesus is the mediator between God and man but the apostle is the mediator between us and Jesus it was like whoa how many media what in the world it was like so where does the Holy Spirit fall and is he also a mediator too or like how does that work you know and so I asked him I said well what if and I was sincere I really wanted to know I said what if someone out there has never heard of the apostle you know the silver tooth bling-bling fur coat apostle that they have I was like what if no one's ever even heard of this person but they've heard of Jesus and they believe in Jesus they trust him or whatever they go to heaven and they literally said this and said yes they will go to heaven but not because they believed in Jesus but because the apostle knew about them and I was like wait a minute so they're going to heaven not because they don't know the impossible because the apostle knows them so this guy is omniscient right and at that point I was like this is crazy I gotta get out of here this is nonsense but they're believing that he's like a mediator okay you know it's blasphemous it's wicked it's false and it's basically basically piggybacking off of what the Catholics are doing saying that Mary is the mediatrix the the matrix revolution whatever you know and saying that they you know we need to pray to her and seek her to be redeemed back into God and go with me to it if you went to Matthew chapter number 12 another phrase that they'll say is this the media they call it the mediatrix of all graces and that's the time that the Catholic Church gives to the to the Virgin Mary as the mother of God you know that's the mother of God in fact I remember years ago right man it was like 2008 2009 I was on a bus route around Sony I was out sowing with my bus captain and we were talking to this Catholic guy my friend was trying to witness him his name was Zach and Zach was like trying to witness to him and trying to get this guy had saved and the guy was like it's just a staunch Catholic and this guy was like well I believe in the Virgin Mary and mediatrix this and you know all this and and Zach was just being very patient he's just like hey you know it's not through her the Bible says it's only through Jesus and and he goes let me just give you an example because he was telling him he's like Mary's not divine at all she was a sinner and he goes and he gave her the example where Jesus partly reproves his own mom you know where he tells her I must be about my father's business why saw you me sorrow I must be about my father wish he not that I must be about my father's business and he took her to the book of John where he kind of rebukes her you know what the water pots and he and he was giving them this this he was telling me stories and he says to the guy I mean you think like Jesus was wrong for rebuking Mary and he's like yeah he said that's not right the he because that's very custom other top and at that point I was like we're done here that's that's all you have to say that's all you have to say to say that Jesus sin for rebuking Mary blasphemy look what the Bible says Matthew 12 verse 47 then one said unto him behold thy mother and thy brothers stand without desire to speak with you you know Mary she wants to talk with you Jesus she has to have that authority verse 48 but he answered and sent unto him that told him who is my mother who are my brother oh man and he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren for whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same as my mother and sister and mother my brother sister and mother he says so look folks that's a that's basically a strong rebuke right thinking that his mom and brother and had authority over him he's just like he's God and the people who he relates to so to speak are those who do the will of his father go back to first Timothy chapter number two if you would we're almost done here so we see that he's the mediator between God and man we don't need anybody else there's no one else who died for us there's no one else who was sinless as Jesus Christ there's no one as righteous as Jesus there's no one who took the form of flesh the word was made flesh and dwelt among us the Bible says you know the sub the eternal Son of God came and died on the cross paid for our sins received a punishment of God's wrath in order to save us he resurrected he conquered death no one else did that folks and look show me where Mary is right now show me the time that Mary died and came back to life show me where Mary was crucified on a cross nails in her hand and in her feet with the crown of thorns upon her head show me where the Bible says that she bore the sins of the whole world upon herself because the only one that could ever do something like that is Jesus Christ you know show me where she resurrected from the grave she's in heaven right now I believe she was saved but you know what she needed salvation she she could not give salvation she needed it verse 7 where into I'm ordained a preacher and an apostle I speak the truth in Christ I lie not the teacher of the Gentiles in faith and buried I will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame face in this and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array but which become of women professing godliness with good works now what is it telling us here it's telling us that the adorning shouldn't be centered around the broided hair gold pearls or costly array the reason it's telling women to dress and modest apparel with shame face in this and sobriety is because that accentuates the inward man you understand whereas someone who just focuses on the broided hair the gold pearls or costly array is calling attention to themselves rather than to the inward man you understand now let's prove this to go to 1st Peter chapter number 3 1st Peter chapter number 3 and look folks the Bible's teaching us here modest apparel this is not popular today in 2020 but good thing this is not the popular Baptist Church amen modest apparel is how can we define modest apparel what's a pair that doesn't call that doesn't call attention to yourself it's modest it's humble right and in fact it even defines it there shame face in this and sobriety not bougie'd not all glamorous okay look at 1st Peter chapter 3 now I don't believe the sustaining that women should not have broided hair or costly apparel or gold why is that well look at the parallel passage in 1st Peter chapter 3 look what it says in verse number 3 it says who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel so is this saying that women should not wear clothes no it's just saying that the adorning should not be that outward adorning and it refers to these three elements here the plating of hair wearing of gold putting on of apparel verse 4 but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price so instead of focusing on the gold and the cost of the array which is a great price once you place a greater value on what God places as a value which is the inward man all right the hidden man of the heart you see ladies should focus more on their spiritual face than on the physical face and I'm not saying like don't take care of don't don't take it don't brush your teeth and like don't take it to the extreme you know but what I'm saying is this is that if you spend more time in front of the mirror getting ready then time in the Bible then there's something wrong with that oh shame on you how can you say something like that you're so chauvinistic you should call God chauvinistic thing because that's what he said you know he's saying here that the hidden man of the heart is in the sight of God of great price you know if if a woman dresses to impress that's not valuable in the eyes of God because what God wants is not you to impress people the way you dress physically on the outward side he wants you he wants to see the adorning of the inward man the adorning of Scripture the adorning of the Word of God that dwells within you richly right and look the Bible tells us that the woman who does not do these things and is not loving her husband loving her children is actually blaspheming the Word of God okay a woman who is not in submission to her own her own husband is actually blaspheming the Word of God that's a great combination is it not go back to first Timothy chapter 2 let's look what goes on to say now notice that he just mentioned the guys he said hey you know praying lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting and then he just focuses on ladies after that the entire chapter why is that what we'll see later on is because Adam was first born then Eve and Eve you know was the one who's actually deceived okay look at verse 31 says our verse 11 excuse me let the woman learn in silence everyone got their Bibles open we all see that or King James Bible let the woman learn in silence with all subjection drop the bomb on you huh but I suffer not a woman to teach Joyce Meyer nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence now this is really not popular okay and and and your your feminists who are out there who hate man and they're just part of the feminist agenda they just wish this was just not there okay now let me say this is this is not referring to that a woman should just be quiet everywhere okay it's just like if they're on the streets if they're at home shut up woman be in silence it's not what that's referring to some guys would want that to be the case so there's some husbands out there that would want this to be applicable to all places okay you know that's why they're dwelling on the corner of their house top all right or in the wilderness however with this in context let me just explain what this is talking about this is in context referring to church okay because we see later on in chapter number three when he gives the qualifications of the pastor he talks about how that honest to behave in the house of God which is the pillar and ground of truth so he's telling them hey you guys need to learn how to conduct yourselves in a church service and when there's preaching going on the woman ought to keep silence with all subjection okay this is not referring to as soon as like the door opens and you come in ladies just like you can't talk at all and I better not catch you talking either okay it doesn't mean you can't sing it doesn't mean you can't chat it's referring to specifically the preaching of God's Word so when I'm up here preaching God's Word according to the Bible it says the woman ought to learn in silence with all subjection so what is the project it's the time of learning right it's the time when when the pastor is preaching the Word of God and everyone is learning but it tells us here the woman ought to learn in silence with all subjection and then he further just takes it on by saying I suffer not a woman to teach and you know what there's a strong condemnation in the Bible to women who take it upon themselves I'm talking to these Pentecostal churches out there you know the pastor us who take it upon themselves to pastor a church and preach behind the pulpit not biblical not biblical Joyce Meyers not biblical your blasphemy the Word of God are you saying that women can't be pastors that's exactly what I'm saying right if you don't believe me and you better come back next week when we go over first Timothy chapter number three when the Bible tells us that a bishop has to be a husband of one wife how is that possible with another woman and that Bowie it's not teaching that you know dykes and lesbians can become pastors either okay the bishop is a man understand I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence silence in the church look folks that's why we don't allow women in our church to say amen Oh shame on you wouldn't be allowed how are you gonna say yeah well I'm the boss here nice to meet you I'm pastor Chris Mihia I'm the pastor of this church I didn't take the rules of this church according to God's work and look if people don't like it the doors right there don't let the door hit you when the Lord split you okay we don't force people to stay and if you don't like what's being preached or taught you always free to leave you understand men are welcome to say man of course because the Bible is clear on that we see that example throughout the Bible but women are not okay there to keep signs in the churches now let's further prove this go to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 1st Corinthians chapter 14 and look we've had times even here at our church where we have a visitor come in and they got a little they got a little wild they get all crazy and stuff and you know I'm pretty patient you know some of you guys think I'm too patient but I try to be long suffering towards a lot of people and I try to be forbearing towards people but I have my limits too okay and I remember a lady came one time we actually got her Paul got her saved so she saved a man and then she came and she was just like amen like crazy and you know she agreed with the preaching and after and here's the thing it was very distracting though to the remainder of the church and I just said hey the Bible says a woman ought to be keep silence in the church and I suffered not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man you know let your woman keep silence in the churches and so and I was very gracious I wasn't like ripping on her I don't think I was ripping on her I was just kind of instructed that and she was just like you know and she went home to my wife and she was just like did he just say what I think he said and my wife said that's what the Bible says you know my meek little quiet wife that's what the Bible says and she like threw down the Bible and she like walked out and then she came back and said I need that actually she grabbed the Bible and then she left not popular today but it's biblical look at verse 33 and let me further by the way if there's anybody out there who's mad at what I'm saying right now don't get mad at me don't get mad at the messenger this is what the Bible teaches you prove to me where in the Bible to show me a pastor at in the Bible not gonna find it Deborah they always bring up Deborah first of all Deborah was a judge and you want to see during times she was judging in you know limpress at bay rack read that story not a good example a judge is not it is not a pastor look at verse 33 for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the Saints let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak for they are commanded to be under obedience as also say at the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church and look let me just make a little public service announcement here hey ladies if you have a question about something specific going on in the church or even you know doctrinally here's what you do ask your husband right look ladies if you have a doctrinal question and your husband's in church don't come ask me you know I'm I'm always gonna defend the husband because the husband is the head of the home go ask your husband at home okay you know you go ask him the doctrinal questions don't usurp his authority don't disrespect your husband you know by coming up to me or anybody else or any other man for that matter asking for clarity on a specific doctrine go ask your husband he said well my husband doesn't know a whole lot of Bible you know he's just not very he's just you know he's just still young in the Lord doesn't know much well you know what ask him and that's gonna motivate him to learn some Bible and to that man I said boy you better start reading some more Bible son you better start digging into the Word of God you better have answers for what the you know for the questions that your wife asks okay all right so much more I say about this go back to first Timothy yeah I'm like out of time now why why is he putting forth these these rules well because of the fact that everything's supposed to be in order see God has ordered go to a Pentecostal Church don't go to a Pentecostal Church but just look one up online okay it's all confusion and disorderly everyone's holla shalabah in a six-pack dolla about a nice and I should about a Honda and there's a bunch of crazy stuff going on there's no order in the church God is not the author of confusion is a God of order let all things be done decently and in order the Bible says right now why is he telling this to the one why is in a she's he suffers not a woman to teach nor to usurp the authority of the man who service it means to basically take charge without him even asking okay just completely take charge just ran you know just completely motor husband just take the lead why verse 13 for Adam was first formed then Eve now I had you go to first Timothy chapter 2 go back to first Corinthians and go to chapter number 11 chapter number 11 see there's order folks now are we saying that women are any less than men no I'm not saying that at all okay you know you say oh no you're saying that women can't do anything I didn't say what we can do in fact the Bible even says that women ought to be teachers of good things it tells us in Titus chapter 2 that they should teach the younger women to love their husbands to be keepers at home right so they can disciple others what is telling the women is that they can't preach beyond the pulpit and in fact if you don't believe me go to Revelation chapter number 2 and see what God says to the churches one of the churches what was the church Sardis no it's higher excuse me the church of Thyatira where they had a woman Jezebel teaching the members how to fornicate and to eat things sacrifice them to idols and he was condemning that church for allowing her to teach okay look at first Corinthians 11 verse 3 look Adams boss look what it says in verse 3 but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ what does that mean it means Jesus is our boss right he's our Lord he's the boss and the head of every woman is the man now not just any man okay don't try to apply this broadly and say that every man is that is the head of a woman no it's referring to her husband and the head of Christ is God so before you flinch and get all crazy because it says that the head of the woman is the man just recognize that it says in the head of Christ is God so if Jesus Christ who is the Son of God he's the Savior can submit himself to God the Father guess what we can submit as well we have to submit to Jesus Christ the woman's supposed to submit unto us this is the order of things now let me ask you is Jesus Christ any less an essence in power in God the Father no because he's gone right so what is this teaching us it's teaching us that there is structure in order to God's operation not only amongst the Trinity but even in the household even in the church okay look here we don't have many pastors there's not many leaders in here where we just take a bow there's not a deacon board it tells me what to do okay we don't have the deacon board to say well you know maybe you can preach this but you can't preach that you can go jump in the lake there's not there's not a deacon board that says well you know we don't want to really talk about vaccines because you know that's kind of controversial go jump in the lake I'm not listening to you why because there's only one leader one pastor and the pastor's the boss when like man in a household the head of the woman is the man it says in verse 4 every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonored this head but every woman that prayed to prophesy with their head uncovered dishonored her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven and so on and so forth go back to 1st Timothy chapter 2 so he's saying here look the reason I'm not allowing a woman to teach behind the pulpit is because that's disorderly okay and God's the God of order Adam's first form then the woman doesn't mean that she's any less than him doesn't mean she can't do anything right in fact women are very valuable you know women are extremely intelligent for example my wife I wouldn't be able to do a lot of things that I do if it wasn't for my wife she helps me a lot she's my help me man she's extremely intelligent she's extremely smart she sees things that I don't see she assists me in serving God okay and so I'm thankful for that and look she completes me I wouldn't be able to do half the things that I do if it wasn't for my wife and so I'm not saying that women are just like below us what I'm saying is that there is order to the things and look go listen to Joyce Meyer's sermon don't listen to it but go listen to a sermon and she literally belittles her husband a lot and look she has a large following does she not so what she's doing she's teaching other women to belittle their husband as well yeah but you don't know my husband he's this and that is what you married him so either you think you're trying to make you think you're making your husband look stupid but you're actually the one who looks stupid because you're the one actually married okay your fault you understand you said well how do I fix that well the Bible tells us reverence you love your husband and that will motivate him to step it up as a man that's a sermon for a different day verse 14 and Adam was not deceived but the woman was being woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety so what is this teaching us here it's not teaching us that Eve is gonna go to hell you know or the woman's gonna go to hell if she doesn't obey her husband right when it talks about that she shall be saved in childbearing she shall be saved from what from deception why because a woman who's not bearing children can often become idle and when their people are idle whether women or men you know I don't mind is the devil's workshop it's when Satan can work in order to see people to see women however if she starts bearing children guess what no idle time there's not even any personal time sometimes you know like for example my wife a man I mean especially the last couple days with his eyes he's just been up throughout the night and it's just like sometimes she doesn't even get sleep she doesn't even have time for things sometimes you know just because the kids keep them very busy she should keep her at home all right if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety and we'll see later on in first Timothy chapter 5 that you know sometimes women are given over after Satan the Bible says because of these things it's not saying that man can't be susceptible to such a thing but you know just remember this Satan went after Eve first right why because the Bible tells us that the woman is the weaker vessel weaker physically weaker emotionally I mean looks there's a reason why Satan went after Eve and did not go after Adam first okay and so what is this chapter really specifically honing in on what it's honing in on is order in the church okay keeping order making sure he's telling Timothy hey there's some ladies in there preaching forbidden forbidden to teach the Word of God forbidden to get behind the pulpit and preach this is forbidden okay and I honestly don't know how churches get away with doing it using a King James Bible and reading first Timothy chapter two you know a lot of people read this is a different culture back then you know different culture oh what is the culture of just a bunch of pacifist men who are just wimpy and like lame or like and this is why he has to instruct them to kind of like help them with that no this these principles are timeless folks this is for then this is for now look problems that were coming back then are still coming today you know why it because man is man sinners are sinners Christians are Christians there's nothing new under the Sun amen that's pretty much it let's bow our heads and have a word prayer father we thank you so much for your word thank you for 1st Timothy chapter 2 lot of hard truths here however that it's biblical and I pray God that you'd help us to take it in and give us more understanding of the Lord and sometimes people flinch at teachings like this because really we've just been desensitized by the world the world has taught us how we should think the world has taught us what we should believe and what is politically correct and what is what is right whereas really what we need to do is go to the Word of God the Word of God will transform our minds we need a renewing of our mind we should not be