(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, today we start a brand new book, the book of 1st Corinthians and if I were to title this chapter here I'd just call it Foolish Wisdom, Foolish Wisdom and we're going to go verse by verse over the next couple of weeks we're going to cover 1st Corinthians as well as 2nd Corinthians but I really like the book of 1st Corinthians and 2nd Corinthians for specifically because it's very practical okay now you think you contrast it with the book like the book of Romans and the book of Romans is just a very doctrinal book I mean it has a lot of what they would call systematic doctrine right whereas Corinthians though it has doctrine it has a lot of practical tips that we can specifically relate to that we can immediately apply to our church today you say well why is that well simply for the fact that the Church of Corinth had a lot of problems okay and throughout the years our church is going to have problems okay we're not a perfect church you know we're not a just once and for all perfect church with no problems no there's going to be issues that arise in our church sooner or later it's just bound to happen why because the church is full of sinners and sinners bring in problems but the fact is is that we need to deal with these problems and I believe the book of 1st and 2nd Corinthians teach us that why because it shows us the way you're not supposed to do it and then the way you're supposed to do it as well so let me give you just a brief introduction first and foremost the the the book of 1st Corinthians is obviously written to the church at Corinth that's located south of Greece okay it's next to centrium it's in the region of Achaia and so this is a church that's actually located where there's a lot of Greeks there's a lot of I guess you could say probably a lot of idolatry okay simply because it's found in that region but it's also the place where Paul met Aquiline Priscilla if you're on Sunday night we talked about Aquiline Priscilla and this is where he met them this is where he found out that they were tent makers and and the reason they're there is because Aquiline according to the Bible according to the book of Acts was a Jew and the Bible says that Claudius who's the ruler at Rome at that time had dispersed all the Jews in all places and so Aquiline Priscilla ended up at Corinth and so that's one of the reasons I really like 1st and 2nd Corinthians and really if you listen to any type of preaching in regards to the New Testament more often than not you'll hear a lot of references from the book of 1st and 2nd Corinthians there's a lot of doctrine that can be pulled out of here and you know whether it's in regards to the wisdom of this world it talks about idolatry it talks a lot about it talks a lot about the spiritual gifts and the misconceptions that people have of it but it's also the popular book in which we find the template of how to discipline people in the church how to excommunicate them from the church according to 1st Corinthians chapter number five and so we see a broad spectrum of topics that are covered in these books and we're going to go through each and every one of them throughout the next couple of weeks but let's start here in verse number one the Bible reads here Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God and Sosthenes our brother unto the church of God which is at Corinth to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be saints with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord both theirs and ours so right off the bat what do we see here we see that Paul the apostle is writing to save people okay why is that well we can simply see that by the fact that in verse number two it says with all that in every place call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and anytime you see that phrase to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ it's in reference to someone who is saved okay why because that's what you do to be saved the Bible says in Romans chapter 10 in verse number 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved it reiterates that in a different way in verse number nine where it says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so to verbalize that which you believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead is signifying that that person is getting saved right and so here we see that that's what it's talking about it's talking about people who have called upon the name of the Lord but I want you to notice also that it says called to be saints all right now you say why would you focus on that well according to the Bible saved people are saints now there's a false teaching out there taught obviously by and large by the Catholic institution and it teaches that the sainthood is reserved for those who have already died and who the Catholic Church would deem as being someone who has reached this just exceptional perfection of godliness okay or likeness of God they have reached a certain degree of holiness okay you think of Mother Teresa for example who if you probe her life at any extent you see that she was not even a good Catholic right I remember I was I was friends with a guy and I was trying to witness to him when we had the church in Maywood and and I was I was trying to witness to him he wouldn't get saved but he was like he was a staunch Catholic I mean he had the rosary around his neck which is funny because they tell you never to wear the rosary around your neck in the Catholic Church but even then they're like you know this is it you know but he told me he goes he goes I got a funny story to tell you brother Bruce he said I knew a friend I had a friend who actually was the bodyguard one of the bodyguards of Mother Teresa I said really and he said yeah he was a bodyguard with Mother Teresa and he said the Mother Teresa was a chain smoker she smoked like a chimney and so every time you know she'd be doing her good deeds and all these things she hit the corner started smoking her pack of Marlboro's she could not stop smoking you know but yet they gave her the title of sainthood right they gave her that she's in the likeness of God and that she has perfected this matter of holiness when she's a chain smoker and by the way there's far more worse sins than I'm sure that she's committed other than that but the Catholic Church teaches this and I'm not I mean I don't care about slamming the Catholic Church but I'm trying to I'm trying to contrast this so what the Bible says and what others are teaching out in this world okay you know they'll teach that when someone reaches an ecclesiastical recognition of someone based upon their works that person is a saint you know Joan of Arc or I don't know what the latest saint was Saint Paul of the the pope or whoever died you know what they do is they view that person's works after they die and based upon those works based upon their merits they're given this title of being a saint and by the way once they become a saint they basically become worthy of veneration which is worship okay and which the Bible would call its idolatry is what it is okay now the now the Catholic Church refers to this as canonization okay the Orthodox Church refers to this as glorification so they have more of a a Christian bent to it but it means the same exact thing what they're doing is they're they're they're causing people to think that yes you have to work your way up to this title okay these people were not only good enough to go to heaven but they're good enough to even receive the title of being a saint according to their standards now again like I mentioned what they do is after a person dies they assess their works and sometimes people don't even get the title of sainthood until like decades and decades afterwards okay because they have to really want to make sure you know all the works that they did is worthy enough for this title of sainthood well here's the problem with that in Psalms 1 16 verse 15 the Bible says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of a saints so this is talking about someone who prior to death was what a saint and then the death of that saint that became precious in the eyes of the Lord you see someone doesn't become a saint after they die someone is a saint when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ according to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 and verse number 2 is those who call upon the name of the Lord and what the Catholic Church teaches is this is the reason they deserve that title of being a saint is because of their works they're perfect their works are perfect well here's another problem with that go to Ephesians chapter number 4 hold your place in 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 Ephesians chapter number 4 they'll say you know this person deserves that title because they did perfect works they're like they're close to being perfect well look at Ephesians 4 11 says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ so the Bible is telling us here that saints are not perfected as soon as they die no the saints are being perfected right they're being matured they're being taught these things according to the Word of God so this whole doctrine of the sainthood of the Catholic Church is a fallacy it's wrong it's false doctrine okay and really it gives people something to look to to say man I can never get to that point you know only these these holy people and these people who have done so many works and they travel to India and they're chain smokers but you know what they've done good works these are the only people that get to heaven no the Bible says look if you've called upon the name of the Lord you're a saint and the reason he calls them saints is because we're separated unto the Lord right you know we're a chosen generation a royal priesthood according to the Bible you know we've been separated we've been taken out of this world we're no longer the children of wrath we're no longer the children of disobedience the Bible says we're children of God okay go back to first Corinthians chapter number one so there's a lot of doctrine even in within those two verses you know calling upon the name of the Lord being a saint you know even when we're missing the s we're still saints amen even when we're ain't we're still being a saint we're still are a saint according to God because the fact is is that God doesn't look at us to our righteousness when we're saved you know when we're saved the Bible says that God imputes his own righteous Jesus Christ imputes his righteousness into our account so when God looks at us he sees us through the blood of Christ he sees us through the righteousness of Jesus and not through our own righteousness he said why is that because the Bible clearly tells us that we're all as an unclean thing and our righteousness are as filthy rags they don't mean nothing in the eyes of God verse number three says grace be unto you in peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God always on your behalf for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ that in everything ye are enriched by him in all utterance and in all knowledge so here we see in verse number five that because of Christ we're enriched what does it mean to be enriched it means basically to be enhanced it's taken to another level right but it says there in what in all utterance well what does utterance mean it means the ability to speak okay you said why would we need to be enriched in all utterance because the fact is is once we get saved we're not just like these polished soul winners communicators of the gospel we're not like the best you know ministers of reconciliation now we know the gospel we know the death bearing resurrection but you know what throughout the years you need to become more polished in your soul winning right you need to sharpen your sword learn a better illustration maybe memorize the scriptures that you're using more often learn what's the best terminology and phrases to use what is that that's being enriched in all utterance you know we want to be able to utter the gospel open our mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel and look though we have the Holy Spirit of God living within us doesn't mean you're like the best gospel preacher you know what I mean we want to make sure that we're constantly sharpening that sharpening that sword we're constantly getting better at soul winning we're constantly being enriched by Jesus Christ in all utterance but it says there and in all knowledge so how do you grow in your utterance how do you grow any communication of the gospel you grow knowledge you know once you you know what the Bible says in the book of Romans in regards to salvation well now it's time to move to the book of Ephesians to see what the Bible says there some verses you can use from Ephesians what about Titus or even first and second Corinthians or even John and Matthew and all these other areas that you can use verses you can use or even in the Old Testament to be able to preach the gospel you see God doesn't want you as soon as you get saved you're just like well you know I'm good to go you know I don't need to learn anymore no you need to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in order to grow in utterance and look we're not talking about you growing to become a pastor or a preacher okay we're talking about we're talking about preaching the gospel here and everyone everyone needs to have within themselves a desire to say I want to be a better gospel presenter a better gospel preacher I don't want to be satisfied I don't want to think that I know it all I could always learn something new add something to my artillery I want to go with someone new why because someone every man is my teacher right Jack Howell said that every man is my teacher I could learn a new illustration a new way to present a new the gospel presentation and so we need to grow in that area to be ready always to give an answer to every man right the Bible says that the righteous added learning to his lips he teaches to his mouth and added learning to his lips you're in first Corinthians chapter number one verse number six goes on to say even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you so that you come behind and no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ now we obviously know that that testimony is referring to the testimony that God gave of his son right that he sacrificed himself to his the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world the Bible goes on to say in verse number eight who shall also confirm you unto the end that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ what is that that's basically that's talking about let's talk about eternal security right there you know God's gonna confirm us unto the end and the Bible says in Philippians chapter one and verse number six being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ now obviously we need to grow every single day right we need to be reading the Bible cleaning up our lives growing in grace and all these things but we understand that there's gonna come a time where the Bible says God's confirmed us all the way into the end we're gonna go glorified at the end why because the word the Bible says we're waiting to it the redemption of our bodies okay now we need it we need to practice this thing of sanctification while we're here on this earth but we have the promise of God we have the earnest of our inheritance unto the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory the Bible says and so the Bible teaches that we've been purchased right with his blood but we have the confidence we have the understanding we know that God has confirmed us all the way into the end and praise God for that you know and thank God that that he not only gave us the plan of salvation in the sense of we just have to believe on Christ but he tells us over and over and over again that it's once saved always saved right man I had the privilege to go soul winning today and we led two people to the Lord both of them in Spanish one was the Salvadorian guy and man it was just it's one of those salvations that is just great when they just like catch it completely they don't have a lot to overcome which is very rare for a person who is up there in age because this guy was you know in his maybe 70s early 60s or late 60s early 70s and you know he kind of like judged the person right off the bat and said man this guy said it in his ways you know but I witnessed to him and man he was catching every single point he got the plan of salvation he understood eternal security and it's just like this is enjoyable I like this you know and he gave all the right answers you know he understood it completely and he understood the matter of he got eternal security wrong and then I showed him from the Bible and he's like okay now I now I get it you can't lose your salvation I said do you believe that he says yeah I believe that you know if the Bible says that I believe it he said you know it's one of those cherry on tops that God allows you to experience every once in a while but thank God for all the verses in the Bible to teach eternal security you know I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shiny man plucked them out of my hand verse number 10 says now I beseech you I beg you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you all speak the same thing now now he segues here okay now remember this just as we were studying the book of first and second Corinthians just remember this is that they had a lot of problems a lot of problems okay and he's gonna go through each and every one of these issues that this church had now problem number one he's already mentioned it in verse number 10 so he's like growing utterance and knowledge you guys are saints and God's confirmed you until the end and all these things and he says now look you guys all need to speak the same thing though okay and that there be no divisions among you but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind in the same judgment so problem number one right off the bat what was the problem they were having divisions okay there are there are strives there is envying but the Bible says that there is division there was conflict in the church verse 11 for it has been declared unto me of you my brethren I like what he says here by them which are of the house of Chloe that there are contentions among you so the house of Chloe basically snitched on them Paul hey man these guys when they're causing all kinds of problems in the church they're causing all kinds of divisions and Paul wasn't even like don't worry man I won't say I won't say who it is who told me he's like the house of Chloe told me so I know this is true okay look when you have divisions there will always be contentions okay now there's four specific clicks within this division because these are clicks that they're talking about here you see isn't the Bible great because you read this and you're like man this happens today you know clicks happen all the time in churches okay look at verse 12 it says now this now this I say that every one of you sayeth so not one person in this church is not part of this division because it says every one of you are saying this I am of Paul and I have Apollo's and I have Cephas and I have Christ is Christ divided was Paul crucified for you or he baptized in the name of Paul I thank God that I baptized none of you but Christmas and Gaius lest any should say that I had baptized in my own name and I baptized also the house of Stefanus besides I know not whether I baptized any other so what he's saying look you guys are some of you got a click the Paul click then another one has the Apollo's click the other one has the Peter click and then the other the fourth one is probably the one who has it the right the best way is the Jesus click okay now with those three clicks they needed to do is join the Jesus click okay but here's the problem and we said why is that causing the division because we're all part of team Jesus anyways so how can we put that how can we apply that to modern day it's like saying well you know I'm of Steve Anderson I don't know you are you hike I know you like Pastor Donny Romero so you're of Donny Romero you're of Jimenez you're of Jason Robinson you know and like well we I just like him better than we're all team Jesus okay these are men through whom which we have believed as we're gonna see later on these are great men of God that have planted that have watered but look we don't have gangs in the church we shouldn't have clicks and say yeah you know pastor man is a good but I'm all about whatever pastor Anderson says goes or whatever pastor Jimenez says goes whatever pastor Jason Robinson says goes no whatever Jesus says guys right we ought to stick to what the Bible says about having unity with Jesus right around Jesus so this is the problem here is that they're having this this division and Paul's like man and look it almost looks like it's based upon who was baptized by who right because he says this he says or were you baptized in the name of Paul he's like man I thank God that I baptized none of you but Christmas and gays because this could have been a lot worse if I would have baptized Christmas gays and these people man I could have my click could have been the biggest one here or something you know so it's based upon those who maybe were baptizing and then he says and it's like almost as he had a relapse of memory goes oh and by the way the house is the fondest too but other than that I don't even know if I baptized anybody else so what is he saying we ought to never have that kind of division now I want to divide with false doctrine and false teachers okay even an independent fundamental Baptist churches I'll divide with someone in some pastor who's teaching some false doctrine okay you can clear you can put that line right there and at that point you can say well I'm a Mahia okay I'm a Mahian I'm not with the Rodriguez's I'm not with the Parada's I'm not with these false teachers I'm not with these pastors and preachers I'm with Pastor Anderson I'm with Brother Bruce I'm with whoever on this side of right doctrine okay that's different all right but the fact remains is that we as a church we're a team right here you know and this isn't taking place in the church or anything like that but this is preventative amen this is that preventative vitamin so that less you should do otherwise after this German okay so and by the way you say why are they dividing why is there division well we'll see later on in chapter number three he calls them what babes in Christ and then he says right after because their bases it because there's envying their stripes and there's divisions you see only children in Christ only babes in Christ just fight about stupid stuff like that you know someone who's maturing the Lord you know what they're doing they're focusing on soul winning they want the work of the Lord to be done they're excited when people come to church they're focusing on the essentials and that which is most important okay only a babe in Christ it would have would focus on the visions according to chapter number three and that's what he's saying so these are the kind of people that want to pin pastors against one another you know and they think that every single pastor needs to agree on every single thing you know what look that we're not a denomination you know and it's funny that we want to rag on the denominations but you're doing the exact same exact thing you know no we're not a denomination and it's good that we don't agree on everything so that we could never become a denomination it's good the past three minutes doesn't agree with everything that pastor Anderson says and vice versa and with every other pastor but you know what we do agree on is the most important doctrines okay and look we get the cherry on top because we agree on doctrines that are not even the most essential like end times you know that's the cherry on top you know the replacement theology that's the icing on the cake that's good stuff because it's not doctrine that it's not damnable right but the fact that we can agree on those things that are not essential that girls is even closer to one another that's why our churches are tight-knit I mean that's why I can go visit someone in the south who have never met before he's he's white as light you know he's probably never even seen a Mexican in his whole life but if he believes like me we're gonna get along pretty good you know why cuz we share the same doctrine you know he hates homos so do I you know he's a Jew inwardly so am I you know he believes it's after the tribulation so do I so these are very important things that we under we have to understand we can't divide over small things right we're all part of the same team and that's team Jesus now verse 17 go back to I don't know if you're in first Corinthians if I had a church if I had you turn somewhere else go back to first Corinthians chapter number one verse 17 is a verse that the Church of Christ rejectors need to just memorize okay they need to memorize it they need to meditate upon it they need to write it on their walls you know they need a contact Stephen be lettering and get a calligraphy sheet of this verse you know KJV honey you know they need to contact her and get that verse they need to understand this thing okay now before we read that verse first Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 16 the Apostle Paul obviously explains he says woe is unto me if I preach not the God and necessities laid upon me woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel so in first Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 16 we see the Apostle Paul making a very big deal about him and the necessity that is laid upon him to preach the gospel I mean he's like I need to do this this is something that's very important to the Apostle Paul right so with that in mind let's read verse 17 for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect you say well why do I have to memorize that because the Church of Christ rejectors believe that in order to be saved aside from the fact that you have to repent of your sins you have to live a clean life and all the list of other stupid things you have to do you know you have to be baptized in order to be saved that's what they believe you know these fools think that by back getting baptized you wash away all your sins and and by the way they these same people believe you could lose your salvation so how many times have you been baptized them you know but they believe that you have to be back and they'll say this the gospel is baptism you know when the Bible says that you believe that we have to believe in the gospel it's referring to baptism because that's what saves you well then you have then you're in you're done because first Corinthians 9 16 Paul clearly just said this what was done to me necessity is laid upon me and then in first Corinthians chapter 1 he says I didn't baptize any of you I just baptized these guys right here he goes I'm glad he said I'm glad I didn't baptize all of you you know and then he says in verse 17 Christ sent me not to baptize so is he contradicting himself no because he's making a contrast he's saying Christ sent me not to baptize but to what but to preach the gospel showing that baptism is not the gospel right back the gospel is the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ okay so these Church of Christ rejectors i.e Caleb Robertson and his whole inbred family okay they need to understand that the Bible teaches us that you don't have to be baptized in order to be saved the Bible clearly teaches us here that there's a difference between the two I mean I want to know if you have to be baptized to be saved and you can lose your salvation so do you have like a monthly baptism right how does that work you see the Bible tells us that God once we get saved washes away all our sins you know and and the fact remains is that you know baptism is just a picture of salvation okay the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ but it says there for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect and there's there's a lot of applications that we can put to this but clearly what he's saying there well let's read on oh let me read it again not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should remain in effect what he's saying is this is that when we use the wisdom of this world or any kind of wisdom of words we actually dilute and weaken the gospel you see the gospel is something that's very simple it's very plain you know it's something that a five-year-old can preach it's not very complicated at all it's just a death baron resurrection it's to just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ these are simple words these are simple things that you have to do in order to be saved but if you try to just add all this spiritual mumbo jumbo this theological wisdom to try to make yourself look smart then guess what you weaken and you dilute the gospels what you do i when i when i think of that i think of the calvinists they do that all the time because calvinists are not interested in seeing people saved they're interested in seeing people see them as being smart and intelligent you know because they know greek and you know all these words and maranoya and all these other words and so people could be like wow this guy knows like a whole lot you know and they like to impress people you know why because they want people to glorify them they want people to esteem them well you know what the bible says that that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the eyes of god okay so we can't don't use wisdom of words yeah grow in your ability to preach the gospel but you don't need the greek right to be able to explain the gospel right you don't need to have all these theological terminologies in order to get the convey the gospel just believe on the lord jesus christ and now shall be saved very simple why because god loves us and if he loves us he wants it to be easy because it's easy it's easy to communicate all right now verse 18 we'll hit more on that just a little bit for the preaching of the cross is to them to perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of god so the bible is telling us that the world sees the preaching of the gospel it's foolish right i mean i've had people tell me that all the time that what i'm saying is stupid what i believe is stupid i remember one time um at my old church we used to have a day and i'm sure you've heard it's called friend day and friend it was a day was an evangelistic service where they would preach the gospel and and people have been safe through that you know i don't obviously i don't agree with having that but there have been people that have been saved through those to those services now i this is a time when i wasn't working for the church and i was working at a at a telemarketing company and i invited a lot of people to come to that church service so they came and and there's this one girl who was there and i remember i saw her in in the auditorium and i didn't even get a chance to talk to her but on monday morning i went to her and i said what'd you think she goes yeah i liked it was pretty good and then later on i talked to her again so i was like so tell me what what did you think of the service she goes to be honest i just think it was a part of the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life i was like okay you know uh why you know she's like and she said because that guy said that jesus christ died on the cross and he resurrected from the grave and that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my and then all you have to do is just believe on him to be saved she's that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life she said that and i was just like okay all right and then just walked away like all right she just rejected the gospel you know now for a safe person that was like shocking like how can you say that that's the stupidest thing you've ever heard but you know what the bible says it right there for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness it's stupid to them but we understand that it's the it is the power of god right to us which are saved it is the power of god why because the bible says that the gospel is the power of god into salvation to everyone that believe it to the jew first and also to the greek verse 19 it says for it is written i will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent now go with me if you went to isaiah chapter 29 this is where this is quoted from now why do people think it's foolish because obviously they're steaming their own wisdom right if you were to ask someone what do you have to do in order to get to heaven you know many of the the answers that people will give you is like well because i'm a good person you know the wisdom of this world teaches us to be good people to do good works to do good merits and based upon those things we can get to heaven that's the wisdom of this world okay you know for for example just yesterday you know on instagram there's there's a lady that follows me on instagram well she stopped following me now but she was following me on instagram and she actually followed me just a little after i preached my vegan sermon if you guys remember that on roman chapter 14 now ironically she never heard the sermon she just liked one of my posts that i put about my family and she just decided to follow him but she's a full-blown vegan all these things and so i followed her back because i'm thinking to myself well she has hundreds of thousands of followers hopefully my stuff will get into her you know followers and then they'll end up seeing our our stuff or whatever and they'll listen to the sermons so but her stuff comes on my feed all the time but i saw one of her feeds and it had some weird design to it and i was like i'm gonna read this what is this and then she was it was like buddha talk about buddha and all this this weird religion you know all this pagan stuff but it's funny because it talked about tutu you know from africa you guys remember that guy yeah when pastor anderson went on that on the missions trip over there and and i don't know i remember what his first name is but she talked about him and the book that he wrote and all these things and how the way you can have everlasting happiness is by having peace with yourself just the wisdom of this world right and i couldn't help it and i just i just i responded i said the only way you can have everlasting life is through jesus christ you know and it's not through any of this i said and i said i'm not trying to be contentious but you followed me therefore obviously you open up your feet to open scrutiny you know so this is what i'm putting and and i put that and then she said you know i appreciate what you said obviously you know i don't agree or whatever and she said you should really try to read these books and and these books they have a lot of insight and alignment and you know gandhi said this about being a about being a christian and he says even gandhi said that he was a christian that's what she told me and i quote i said you know gandhi actually said he said he said i would be a christian were not for christians you know what is he's insinuating is that being a christian is based off of things that you do right that's what he's saying and i said jesus said i'm the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me i said gandhi's not a christian and i said and she even said that she was a christian right she's like i'm actually a christian you know but i respect all religions now let me just go on and say that i don't respect any religion and the only religion i respect is christianity a true christianity because there's only one true religion in this world okay and you can you know say oh you're being dogmatic you're being obsolete yeah you're right i am okay if jesus said i am the way the truth and the life and no man come within that's an absolute absolute an absolute statement that's not obsolete sorry absolute i'm getting too confused that's an absolute statement to say he's the only one he's not saying i'm the only way but if you're in india go ahead and follow gandhi because i understand you grew up that way no no man cometh unto the father but by me he said okay just believe it on the lord jesus christ and so and i said you know and she has this thing that a lot of people have who have thousands of followers they have this app or something that basically you follow people and after a couple weeks your your phone automatically unfollows them so they basically that's how they they get their all their followers so they can get a large following by people who you know they follow and then they get unfollowed so it makes it look like they have this large following but people don't even know that she basically unfollowed and that's how it works if you didn't catch that ask me afterwards and i'll explain it a little more thoroughly and i said and i basically said look i'm not trying to fight with you you just your your feet came on and this is just what i believe i said but you're not even following me so it doesn't even matter you know and i unfollowed her but you know what she's doing she's quoting the words of man's wisdom and if you were to ask the average unsafe person they probably agree with her because it's the world it's going according to the course of this world but you know what the bible says there god says i'm gonna destroy the wisdom of this world he didn't say i'm gonna appease it or i'm gonna yeah you guys got a point no he's saying i'm gonna destroy it and i will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent these people who think they're so smart with their college degrees and their theological mumbo jumbo and all these things that they believe that they're they're so high and elevated spiritually no god says i'm gonna bring to nothing your understanding okay isaiah 29 verse 13 says wherefore the lord sayeth for as much as this people draw near into me with their mouth and what their lips do honor me but have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men therefore behold i will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people even a marvelous work and a wonder for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid you know what he's saying there he's saying what he's saying in the new testament i'm just going to destroy it okay and you can make it sound as eloquent and beautiful as you want it doesn't mean nothing to god right this is going to destroy it all you know that's what the bible says professing themselves to be wise what happens they became fools okay that's why you know they think that knowledge is everything well i believe knowledge of the bible is everything right but what they're referring to is just the knowledge of this world okay but the but you know the bible says they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth so you can learn as much as you want and get all kinds of enlightenment by gandhi buddha and all these other people who are burning in hell today you know i guarantee you and you both of those guys are regretting every single moment that they taught what they taught because they're burning in hell they're understanding and they've lived they've led thousands yay millions to hell by their false doctrine you know he's destroying them he's just he's destroying their own wisdom and their own prudence so-called verse number 20 and go back to first corinthians chapter number one i like verse number 20 because it's like you know you know when someone gets in the fight and they're looking for something they're like where's that guy you know so where's he at come at me bro you know it's like where you at this is what he's saying verse 20 where's the wise where's the scribe he says where's the disputer of this world what is he talking about where's the debater right because where does debating really come from well where was it really popularizes in greek in greece right they love debating philosophy and all these things well there's a reason why the paul the apostle is quoting this in the book of first corinthians because why that's probably prominent in that area and he's like where's the disputer bring him over bring his wisdom i'm going to destroy that wisdom okay so when i think of the wise and the scribes and the disputers of the world i often think of these christian debaters so-called okay who you know they like to use archaeology and history to prove the bible and all these these these stupid methods of of proving god you know um i can't think of any of them right now but these most of these guys don't even say first and foremost okay but a lot of people flock to these teachers because they just sound very wise right then there are they are the disputers of this world god says i don't want to dispute nothing right you know i'm gonna bring to not you know these things and by the way later on we're gonna see how he's gonna bring them to not okay he's gonna bring them to not by those which are not okay and we'll we'll get into that just a little bit but these are people who try to you know win people by cunningly devise arguments and stuff like that and they try to sound very smart on youtube and and yeah you can't use the roman's road you know you can't use the roman's road when you're trying to win people to christ you know if you go to you know southeast asia or india or any of the one of these areas you can't just win people to christ by giving them the roman's road no you need to you need a sergeant genesis you know you need to prove their religion wrong you know you got to spend six months witnessing to someone what you know that sounds like the wisdom of this world is what it sounds like you know yeah i wouldn't pray with them if i were you because you don't really know you know what you're using the wisdom of this world is what you're using you know the way that god has set forth to be saved is simple and it works for everyone it's a one-size-fits-all salvation it works for everyone okay verse 21 says for after that in the wisdom of god the world by wisdom knew not god so what is it saying wisdom can't save anybody yeah so you can you can memorize a whole thesaurus for all i care you know quote the whole thesaurus as you're witnessing to someone but you know what the wisdom of this world the world by wisdom knew not god you can't understand god through the wisdom of this world okay you know trying to prove it through creation science trying to get saved through the creation you know by the way i i'm thankful for creation and we obviously understand that we understand that there's a creator based upon creation but that doesn't save anybody i've heard people say you know people could get saved by looking at the stars what the heck unless the stars are spelling out the roman's road and someone's there reading it to you they're not getting saved okay and so these things don't save anybody the bible tells us there that for after that in the wisdom of god the world by wisdom knew not god it pleased god by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe now mind you paul the apostles being facetious here he doesn't think preaching is foolish he's using their terminology to say you know how they think preaching is foolish he's like all right well god's using this foolish preaching to save them to believe okay this guy is getting up here and just ripping and slobbers coming out of his mouth and he's kicking the pulpit and he believes that his one saved always saved you know people are getting saved through those things okay because that's what he has chosen he hasn't chosen the wisdom of this world he's chosen his own wisdom to see people saved okay so again paul is just slamming this thing of the world's wisdom why because i believe that corinth was in an area like that and in chapter two we're going to see a lot of when he talks about you know the words of man's wisdom what happens when you use this world's wisdom well people begin to put their faith in that wisdom rather than in the power of god you know they begin to put their faith in the fact that you know a lot and you know a lot of these people who are in these calvinist churches they probably feel as stupid as the day is long yeah because their pastor makes them feel stupid because they're the only ones who can interpret the greek or whatever you know and they're probably like well i guess i just gotta like trust you know john mccarther you know he knows he knows everything you know i just gotta buy his books and just just learn from just trust him you know he went to school for x amount of years he knows the greek you know um what's that other heretic i can't think of his name james white man james white he like does his devotions in greek i struggled with my devotions in english he's doing his devotions in greek you know these people probably feel real dumb you know but why is that because they're trying to use wisdom to basically uplift themselves they're trying to that's what the bible said at the end of this chapter says let him that glory with glory in the lord you know but these people they want to glorify themselves by showing off their smarts okay by putting their their their their intellect on the pedestal verse 22 for the jews require a sign and the greeks seek after wisdom so here we see two groups of people here okay and again so now you see three ways of preaching the gospel you have the jews who seek a sign you have the greeks that seek wisdom and then you have god who says use the foolishness of preaching okay now both of these groups got it wrong the jews and the greeks you know the jews seek a sign well you know what jesus said an evil and adulterous generations seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of jonas the prophet for as for as jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the son of man be in the center of the earth in the heart of the earth so what's the saying it's talking about the gospel he says that's the only sign you're gonna get by the way that's in revelation too okay you're not you're not gonna get any other sign you're not gonna get jesus coming in the clouds and they're gonna be able to believe on him the jews don't even believe that but christians believe that they believe the jews are going to get saved by just simply looking upon christ you know revelations chapter 19 when he comes on his white horse like yeah because they believe they believe a sign yeah but that's not how you get saved yeah just because you require a sign you think that they're requiring that god is just giving into what they're requiring of him it's like for the rest of the world it's by faith alone but my people the jews are requiring a sign so i got to give them what they're requiring no god is no respecter of people okay so it's foolish to think that what do you call that you need a sign in order to be saved okay and it says that the greeks seek after wisdom now i just got this thought right now but i i want to backtrack a little bit i just thought about this about regarding baptism okay we'll get we'll get back onto this right now i want to mention this so the church of christ rejecters i just thought about this right now they believe you got to be baptized in order to be saved well in first corinthians chapter 10 it says that those in the wilderness were baptized into moses right they were baptized into moses by the red sea right and and in the cloud the bible says so according to them those people were saved well what about cora dathan and abiram because they wouldn't they were under the cloud and they went through the red sea but they split hell wide open pun intended right so these people were baptized in the cloud and in the red sea but the bible says that they went quick down into hell you know how you like them apples now go back to verse 22 so for the jews require that was a commercial break the jews require a sign in the greek seek after wisdom verse 21 excuse me so this puts the bed the simple fact that you're saved by your nationality right you have the the united in christ you know the i forgot what you call them the united in christ believers where it says by your nationality you know you're a vista car by the way i'm a vista car according to them or something what are you where's the car other than i'm not a vista car because you're mexican right what oh i'm zebulun sorry so they believe according to your nationality you're saved no the bible says both of these guys got it wrong the jew and the greek so it doesn't matter what nationality requires what god says only by the foolishness of preaching only by the gospel can you be saved now verse 23 says but we preach christ crucified unto the jews a stumbling block and unto the greeks foolishness so go to roman chapter number nine so he said basically yeah the jews are requiring a sign of me and the jews the greeks want wisdom she goes i'm just preaching christ crucified i'm not going to give what the jews require and i'm not going to give what the greeks require i'm going to give what god requires which is to preach christ and him crucified now look at romans 9 32 it says but israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at the stumbling stone as it is written behold i lay in zion a stumbling stone in a rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed so according to the bible that these jews who require a sign they stumbled at jesus christ they stumbled upon they they stumbled on him they didn't want to believe on him according to the word of god go to first peter chapter two first peter chapter number two so unto the jews a stumbling block the bible says and we see why you know he came into his own and his own received them not multiple times they tried to stone him because he made himself likened to god because he is god look at first peter chapter two and verse number five he also as lively stones are built upon a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god by jesus christ wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold i lay in zion a chief cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumbled at the word being disobedient where unto also they were appointed who's that talking about the jews again you know they stumbled at the stumbling stone now go to matthew 21 i want to show you something real quick matthew chapter 21 because this is something that you constantly see especially in regards to the jews you know the bible says that they missed their time of visitation when god in the flesh came to them and and salvation was born here on this earth they missed it they rejected the lord jesus christ they stumbled at the stumbling stone now look at matthew 21 verse 43 says therefore say i unto you verse 43 the kingdom of god shall be taken from you speaking to the pharisees which were adherents to judaism and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and whosoever shall fall in this stone shall be broken but upon whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder and when the chief priests and pharisees had heard his parables they perceived that he spake of them now go with me if we went to second chronicles 34 second chronicles chapter 34 i i read this verse and i was thinking myself why does it say that you'll grind them to powder i mean maybe he's just illustrating the fact that he's just going to demolish them which obviously he is and he has but why does it say to powder like why does it say that he's just going to grind them to powder well i believe it's because if you read in the old testament specifically in second kings and second chronicles you know you'll read about the bad kings but you also read about good kings righteous kings and often the first thing that righteous kings would do when they would come into power what would they do they would begin to reform the land yeah right they would start coming break the houses of the sodomites you know they would take down the groves they would they would smash all the idols i mean they clean house that's what they would do now here's an example of this in second chronicles 34 in verse number five speaking of jesiah which was a very good godly king verse number five says and he burnt the bones of the priests upon the altars and cleansed judah and jerusalem and so did he in the cities of venasi and ephraim and simian even unto neftali with their maddux round about and when he had broken down the altars and the groves and had beaten the graves images into powder and cut down all the idols throughout all the land israel he returned to jerusalem so what would the righteous king do when he would come and clean house he's he's demolishing everything he's destroying everything what is it he's grinding it even to powder i mean to to kill something and to smash something it's like okay it's done man but when you're grinding it to powder i mean you're making sure that thing will never come to life that thing could never be put back together and so it makes sense in matthew when we read that he says the kingdom of god shall be taken from him given to another nation bringing forth the fruit store of and he tells him and elsewhere no leaves no fruit shall grow on here they're on forevermore what is he doing he's grinding it to powder why because just as the righteous kings and second kings and second chronicles clean house the king of kings and the lord of lords will clean house as well he's gonna grind it to powder he's gonna make make sure judaism never comes back right it's like you're done like the chaff as the bible says the ungodly are taken away like the chaff so it's not like he's just breaking it down and then he could just build it back up no no you can't build that back up ever again you know obviously we have people today that are trying to bring back the hebrew roots movement it's not gonna work it's already powder it's not gonna work but i thought that was interesting you know the bible says whosoever shall he shall fall upon he will grind it to powder just like the kings did in the old testament verse number 24 go back to first corinthians i'm almost out of time here verse number 24 but unto them which are called both jews and greeks christ the power of god and the wisdom of god because the foolishness of god is wiser than men now is god foolish no what is he saying here saying if god was foolish or if he had any any inkling of any foolishness even that would be greater than the wisdom of men okay that's what he's saying and the weakness of god is stronger than men for you see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but god has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and god has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty i love this verse right here i love these these these couple of verses right here why because he's saying you know god uses to great great to do great things to confound the wise he says he uses you know those who are not wise after the flesh obviously we have to be wise according to the bible but not wise according to the flesh not those who are mine he says not those who are noble who are those who are noble the distinguished you know very polished preachers the graduates of the bible colleges and these theological cemeteries i was like i'm not going to use that i'm going to use those who are not noble those who are a little rough around the edges okay that's who he's going to use why because then god gets all the glory he's like how's god going to use this potty mouth preacher well that's how he's using he's using to see thousands of people saved to get a great message across all around the world you know not just him not just pastor anderson most of the pastors in our movement are like that you know because we're not mighty we're not wise you know we're not even noble we've been thrown out of our churches people have cast out our name as evil people think we're wicked and heretics god says i'll use that guy right there you know to confound the wise because god says i'll use him because if it gets done they're not they're gonna they're gonna say it had to be god that guy can't do it you know these people in this church can't do it it's god who had to have that's why god wants to use people like that okay so don't ever think well i can never be used of god because of x y and z well you know that might just qualify you right you know and you may not get praised and glorified on this world but god's gonna praise you one day he's gonna reward you greatly for that look the bible tells us that there's no restraint to the lord to save by many or by few right but it goes to show that he wants to use the few in order to see something great done for the lord you know think of amos who the bible says was not a son of a prophet he was just like a herdman he was nothing but he did something great for god why because god doesn't use the noble he doesn't use the mighty the wise after the flesh verse 28 and base things of the world and things which are despised i mean right there what does it mean to be despised to be hated yeah he's like i'll take those who are hated well you know what we're hated you're self-proclaimed being used of god i'm just saying i'm hated yeah so according to the bible he uses those which are despised god hath god chosen ye and things which are not look at that to bring to not the things that are he says i'm going to use those who are nobodies to make nobodies those who think there are somebodies you know he's going to use the nobodies of this world to confound those who are popular amongst independent fundamental baptist churches you know these false wicked prophets who are sending a bunch of people to hell who everyone's afraid of to call out their names he says i'm going to use those who are not to confound those to bring to not those who think there are something okay why because god wants to use people god wants to use people who are dependent upon him okay not dependent upon finances not dependent upon being eloquent he goes dependent on my word okay verse 29 that no flesh there it is that no flesh should glory in his presence verse 30 but of him are ye in christ jesus who of god is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption that according as it is written he that glorieth let him glory in the lord and that's a that's a reference to jeremiah 9 verse 24 we won't read that but so what's the what what is the the crux of the message here is that you know what forget the the wisdom of this world okay we ought to accept the foolishness of god's of the preaching of the word of god and just have confidence hey doesn't matter how crazy this may sound let's just preach it let's just go with what god says let's just be on the lord's side let's try to please the lord be not man pleasers let's be servants of christ and depend on him and not and look if you if you're despised today okay by the way that's a good measure right you say i don't feel good that people don't like me and they say all manner of evil against me hey man you're despised praise the lord you know that's who god uses you know you always wanted to be used of god right well they're there that's how it starts you have to be hated okay amen let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer follow me thank you so much for your word thank you so much for first corinthians chapter number one and we're thankful for the apostle paul and the wisdom that you gave him to pen these words lord i pray god that you'd help every one of us to take heed and i think it's easy to uplift the wisdom of this world because sometimes it makes logical sense but at the end of the day it doesn't make biblical sense and i pray you help us to increase our faith in the word of god as we read it and as we practice it as we seek to preach it and to give it to others lord and i pray you bless the remainder of our evening in jesus name we pray amen you