(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And then we are in first Corinthians chapter number 10 and first Corinthians chapter number 10 obviously you see all these chapters you all have something very similar that they're speaking about in regards to the church at Corinth and one of the main issues that Corinth had obviously was this matter of fornication. We see in first Corinthians chapter number 5 that it was commonly reported and the fornication that was taking place there at the church and Paul the apostle, that's what happens when you have bluetooth, someone's calling me from San Antonio, Texas I wonder if it's steadfast just kidding, hello? Yeah I'm actually preaching right now can I call you back? Okay alright thanks bye. Is evangelist Bruce Mejia there? Sorry about that. Alright first Corinthians chapter number 10 so we see that fornication was an issue there right and the apostle Paul is driving this point and look this goes to show that a horse cannot be beat too much okay you know sometimes you got to hit that point over and over and over again why is that because sometimes people don't get it on the fifth time they don't get it on the tenth time it takes hundreds of times of mentioning hey fornication is wicked and we're not going to tolerate it in order for people to understand on the hundredth time oh you know why I think fornication is bad you know sometimes it takes a lot of repetition of the same concept to be repeated over and over again to say hey you know what to get it ingrained in the minds of God's people and so the apostle Paul just kind of hits it from different angles obviously he mentions it in first Corinthians chapter number five he talks about it in the marriage chapter he talks about in different portions of scripture but then he hits on it again in first Corinthians chapter number 10 it goes to show you that he wants to make sure that these people get it okay and it says there in verse number one moreover brethren I would not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink that same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ but with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now I want you to first of all notice in verse number one who is he speaking to he's speaking to the church at Corinth right which are not Jews right and what does the same verse number one how that all our what fathers he's talking about the people in the Old Testament why because spiritually they are our fathers he says we're under the cloud and all passed through the sea now this is obviously referring to the the nation of Israel who came up out of Egypt now we're not going to go through the entire dissertation of how that took place but we obviously understand that the Passover is a picture of salvation you know when when the the destroyer saw the blood he passed over them and they did not come into that that punishment of dying there but then also going through the Red Sea was a picture of baptism okay because they're going through the water there and it says we're all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eat the same spiritual mean did all drink the same spiritual drink verse 5 and with but with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness so it's going good got out of Egypt they got baptized the drink of the same spiritual drink and the and the me but he says I wasn't pleased with all of them and the Bible says that he overthrew them what does that mean he killed them now I preached on that on Sunday night and if you don't know anything about our God killing you need to listen to Sunday night sermon about that okay it's a vital doctrine and it helps and steal the fear of God in our hearts to get right with him why because God kills people okay specifically we're talking about God killing Christians Christians who are not living who are not right with God God can kill you and we see that example right here he overthrew many thousands yeah even okay in the wilderness now this is a good portion of scripture to show because you know you know dispensationists will say well yeah that's how they were saved in the Old Testament you know going to the Passover into the Red Sea well that's not true because not everyone in Israel was saved in fact you have Korah, Dathan and Abiram who went to hell so quick into hell that means alive into hell okay but here we see that the the God was not pleased with them all they were overthrown in the wilderness and the first principle I want you to show I want to show you this evening is that just because someone's saved and just because someone's gotten baptized and they're in church or they're listening to the preaching of God's Word it doesn't mean God's pleased with you now those are good things to start out with all right getting saved obviously you're saved from the wrath to come you know getting baptized is the first step of obedience you know coming to church and listening to the preaching of the Word of God is very essential but you know what that's not where it stops in fact the Bible tells Jesus said if you love me what keep my commandments not just once you know we ought to perpetually try to keep God's commandments well if you're not doing that guess what you're not living the life that's pleasing unto the Lord okay so it goes to show us that even though these people were doing the right things and they started off right God is not pleased with them why is that well obviously they were murmuring and we'll see later on some of the things some of the sins that they were involved with and we'll see here that the Apostle Paul is trying to say hey you know if they all did what you guys did you know as we saw in 1st Corinthians chapter number one that they were baptized right you know they were saved and all these things he goes that doesn't mean that God won't chastise you and judge you we need to make sure that we're keeping our lives clean and there were perpetually obeying the commandments of God why is that because we have an example here of the Old Testament where God took the lives of thousands of people for not living in life that's pleasing and said that should instill the fear of God in our hearts but number two the Apostle Paul didn't want those at corn to be ignorant about it he says there you know I don't want you to be ignorant don't be uneducated about these things salvation is important baptism is important you know getting into church is important but you know what you need to be a disciple okay you need to make sure that you're living a life that's pleasing unto the Lord and don't think just because you believe right regarding certain things that God is pleased with you you can believe right but not be living a life that's pleasing unto the Lord that's not pleasing unto God you know what good is it if you're listening to good preaching but you're not applying it to your life don't be a forgetful here as the Bible says in James okay where you look at the perfect law of liberty and you're like man that's good and you walk away you forget what kind of man you were that what the Bible showed you that you are you know there's changes that we need to make in our lives there we need to be good repenters making sure that we're keeping sin out of our lives that we're constantly growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ getting into church and all that is essential but it doesn't stop there okay and look if that's where it stops with you then you're a babe in Christ you are a spiritual babe in Christ why because we're supposed to be adding right adding to these spiritual disciplines adding to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance etc look at verse number six now these things referring to those who were in Israel in the Old Testament were our examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted now there's two things here number one we can see here hey it's it's not necessarily comforting but it's good to see that you know what we struggle but these people in the Bible struggled as well we see that Elijah was a man of like passions the Bible says so don't think that you're you know the only one is struggling with sin and or you know with your carnal nature no these people in the Old Testament struggle too you know they're human just like us they face the same temptations as we did as we're gonna see later on in that same chapter but also it shows us hey we need to make sure that we're keeping lusts out of our heart now when we think of less obviously we obviously we think of like sexual immorality etc but less is simply an ungodly desire is desiring something that doesn't belong to you or that you shouldn't have something that is sinful okay and the Bible tell you not to turn there mark 4 19 says and these are they which are sown among thorns such as hear the word and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things entering in choke the word and it become it unfruitful the Bible says so the Bible tells us that if we're not careful we can allow certain lusts in our hearts and what happens it chokes the Word of God you don't desire the Bible as you used to okay why because you're not cultivating that love for the Word of God the deceitfulness of riches the lust of other things entering in you know the desires of this world overcome your desire for God and his word and for the things of God and then you become an unfruitful Christian you don't want that okay what good is it if you're unfruitful you become worthless now look at verse 7 it says here neither be I doll it urs as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play now this is not referring to the 4th of July picnic well we hate kebabs and hamburgers and bacon wrapped shrimp and the like and jello watermelon where's Mike you know Mike's crazy this guy grows crazy stuff in his backyard watermelon jello watermelon okay if you don't believe me I'll show you the pictures afterwards this is not referring to the fact that they ate drank and they rose up to play Scrabble or something okay go to Jeremiah chapter number three the action of playing is actually caught in context is referring to idolatry okay look at Jeremiah chapter 3 if you remember actually the first time that the Bible mentions for example playing the harlot is referring to a woman who's just basically acting like a whore she's playing a whore and spiritually speaking even in the Old Testament God uses that illustration for the nation of Israel when they got involved in idolatry okay look at Jeremiah chapter 3 and verse number 1 they say if a man put away his wife and she go from him and become another man's she shall she excuse me shall he return unto her again shall not that land be greatly polluted but thou has played the harlot with many lovers yet return again to me say it the Lord lift up thine eyes unto the what high places and see where thou has not been lying with in the ways has thou sat for them as the Arabian in the wilderness and now has polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness so we see in context playing the harlot or playing the whore is in context with the high places idolatry that's how God viewed it as okay look at skip down to verse number six it says the Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king has thou seen that which backsliding Israel had done she has gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree and there hath played the harlot verse number eight and I saw one for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away and given her a bill of divorcement yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not but went and played the harlot also so over and over again we see that concept of someone who's playing the harlot is someone who's basically committing idolatry well that's what Israel did okay in Exodus and in Numbers they were rising up to play the harlot they were eating and drinking and we see that multiple times in the Old Testament where they're worshipping the golden calf okay they had all these false ideologies that they obviously had adapted from Egypt go to Hosea chapter 4 Hosea chapter number 4 now why does God liken you know idolatry to spiritual whoredom well because you know the Bible tells us obviously there's only one God okay and and it's a it's a grave sin to worship other gods okay God almost sees it as a as adultery when you go and worship other gods now obviously a born-again saved person will not go worship another guy okay you know you're not gonna be you know as you say I trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior I believe once they've always say every once in a while though I just struggle to worship in Buddha yeah that's weird I mean I remember when we were in North Long Beach and we were so many North Long Beach I met a guy who said yeah I trust the Christ as my Savior but I also trust in Buddha you know I trust in all these other gods and stuff it's like this guy's not safe because obviously to get saved you have to believe in the one and true God you have to trust in Jesus only and when you trust in Jesus you reject all other gods okay but obviously in the context of Israel not all Israel the nation of Israel was saved all right there's people there who were saved but not all of them were saved okay Hosea chapter 4 and verse number 12 says my people ask counsel at their stocks and their staff declare it unto them for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err and they have gone a whoring from under their God they sacrificed upon the tops of the mountains and burn incense upon the hills under Oaks and and poplars and elms because the the shadow thereof is good therefore your daughter shall commit whoredom and your spouses shall commit adultery I will not punish your excuse me I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom nor your spouses when they commit adultery for themselves are separated with whores and they sacrifice with harlots therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall though thou Israel play the harlot yet let not Judah offend and come not ye unto Gilgal neither go ye up to Bethavim nor swear the Lord liveth okay so we see again he's likening idolatry to spiritual adultery to play in the harlot now you know you go here you go sowing here and you often run into these Chinese houses right and what do they have at these Chinese houses like altars and stuff and you know they're offering fruits unto idols they have the incense which to be honest I kind of like incense I like the smell of incense I don't like obviously I don't offer it into anybody but these they're actually offering that incense unto someone so that could that is idolatry okay but Christians don't necessarily struggle with that now do they you know you're not the type to say you know man I just have this desire and this lust to just pull out Buddha and just like adore him you know or start adoring you know Dagon or whatever now you know you do have old I have be the worst with the Jews again they like having the the star of rem fan and they're worshiping that but that's a different story but really we don't have Christians who are saved who really just struggle with an aisle with an idol you know like the Virgin Mary or something like that now if you do you know you need to get right with God okay and you said well you know my grandma gave me this V can Guadalupe burn it okay because God says that that's idolatry and that's wicked oh but it has such a special place in my heart burn that stinking idol it has no place in a Christian's home okay and look the Bible says you provoke God to jealousy when you have that type of idolatry you see some people you know obviously you're not gonna worship Buddha but you know sometimes Christians do is they keep idols in their home that belong to some grandmother okay because they're a Catholic or whatever and it has a sentimental value well you know what you need to set your affections on things above and on things on this earth okay and you need to stop worshiping these idols doesn't matter who gave it to you it could be your your your mother who gave it to you it doesn't matter our loyalties to God and if God says that that's simple and that's wicked you ought to burn it break it burn it turn it to dust it means nothing why because we ought to love God with all our heart soul mind and strength okay now go to Colossians chapter number three Colossians chapter number three so but again not all Christians struggle with this this concept of you know worshiping Dagon and stuff like that but here's the thing there is a form of idolatry that we see in the New Testament that a lot of Christians do struggle with okay look at Colossians chapter 3 and verse number 1 it says if you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your affections on things above not on the things of the earth for you're dead and your life is hid with Christ in God when Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory mortify what does mortify mean just kill it okay mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness which is idolatry for which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience so we see here that in the Old Testament obviously in first Corinthians chapter number 10 the nation of Israel suffered the wrath of God due to their idolatry well we see here that people also suffer God's wrath because of their covetousness or what the Bible also terms as idolatry now why would God call covetousness idolatry well covetousness is basically something that you strongly desire that doesn't belong to you okay and it can get covetousness is so strong that you basically do whatever it takes to get it okay you start setting your affections on it to the point you desire it so much that God would deem it as being idolatry you're you're you're worshiping that item or whatever it may be and God says that's sinful okay covetousness is a very sinful thing that Christians need a battle okay now you say well yeah well I don't you know battle with like the Virgin Mary and the very beating Guadalupe and you know all these you know weird idols yeah but do you battle with covetousness you know are you are you constantly desiring money you know the Bible tells us that the love of money is a root of all evil you know and obviously sometimes we like to get on all kinds of sin like the faggots and all this stuff but obviously sometimes the sin that Christians struggle with the most is covetousness you know the struggle of just not just being content we have to be and that's the opposite obviously of covetousness go to first Timothy chapter number six but the Bible says that's idolatry why because money if you're not careful and obviously it's not the paper that we love okay what is it that we love it's what money can buy all right and every Christian has to fight the temptation to love money all right look at first Timothy chapter 6 and verse number 6 says but godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out I mean you look at Tutankhamen okay these Egyptian pharaohs who were buried with all their gold and silver and riches and all kinds of things and it's guess where it's at it's at the museum right now guess where he's at he's in hell right now he didn't take nothing with them you know they they buried him with all that stuff it's just like dude you should just given that all to the poor or something you know it stayed there for thousands of years just collecting dust you can take nothing with you and you think that's extreme in modern days I've heard of people who loved their vehicles so much they were buried with it I'm not joking I'm talking about they put them in the driver's seat look it up they put them in the driver's seat he's saying I want to be buried with my Ford or whatever it is which you know that's where the Ford belongs I'm just kidding but they want to be buried with it and it's just the corpse is there and they just bury him with the car well you know what his soul is burning in hell and that car is just being just housed by worms and all kinds of creatures and stuff like that he's not taking that with them you know but people think that they're they're gonna take what they have in this world with them no the only thing we can take with us is the things that we send ahead spiritually speaking okay that which matters most souls okay spiritual rewards but what do we have to do we have Christians that are so consumed with racking up possessions here on earth that they neglect the most important things you know we're so consumed and worried about that which we have here and look I'm not saying that it's not important to pay the bills obviously that's important we need to make sure that we're taking care of our families that we're paying the bills that we're working why so we can continue doing the work of God but sometimes Christians could get so caught up and just make it money that they neglect the spiritual things okay it says there for we have brought nothing into this world and certain that we can carry nothing out having food and Raymond let us be there with content what is Raymond Raymond is close he says just having some food and some clothing you should be happy with that now look be honest don't we have more than just that right right I mean I don't think anybody just has food and Raymond here okay if you if you say you do then you're lying right we have food and let me say this we have more a lot of Raymond some of us we have a closet full of Raymond and we have a fridge full of food so we have an abundance of possessions an abundance of needs that are being met are we not to be content with just that God says just be content with the food and Raymond but we have more than just that it says there verse number nine but they that will be rich fall into temptations and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men into destruction and perdition when you have a lot of money and you become rich or even if you desire to become rich you actually end up destroying yourself you become a very wicked bad person my wife and I were talking about a book of these men who are these people who have won the lottery there I think it's called the curse of the lottery or something like that and you know if you've ever desired or have a desire to win the lottery you're like man I know that's bad but you know I just wouldn't be cool if I just went I could tie you off with the lottery I'll pay for everyone's mission strip to Aruba or something like that you actually become a very wicked person and if you study the lives of these men who won the lottery all of them all of them I think except for like one guy or something okay which the exception proves the rule but all of their lives were destroyed I'm talking about just completely demolished why and you're like how can that be they have all that money then you're you got this weird skewed perception of money you think it makes you happy it doesn't it actually destroys your life one of the guys who's just he was working a normal job providing for his family his wife loved them soon as he won the lottery his wife divorced them took half of the money I mean he was left with nothing and most of these guys go into bankruptcy you know this guy one of the guys that we that we're talking about that we read about he got all kinds of money and then like he went to like a strip club with like $500,000 got jacked because how about you carry $500,000 anywhere right especially to a place like that you think you're gonna find like really honest people there people of integrity at a strip club so he gets jacked for $500,000 then he picks up a bat I think was like a heroin addiction which runs them deeper into the ground now he's bankrupt addicted to drugs I mean he basically destroyed his life that is the fulfillment of verse number nine this is into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition I'd rather be broke and have enough to pay the bills feed my family and clothe them have a dinner of herbs but my wife loves me my children obey me you know I'm doing the work of the Lord I have enough just to get by and obviously we have more than just that but if I had my choice I'd get this and rather than that you know the there's a reason why the Bible calls it the deceitfulness of riches because it deceives us to think it can get us something that God cannot look what it says in verse number 10 for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some men coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows so this is talking about safe people because it says they veered from the faith they've gotten away from God away from the Bible away from church away from soul winning why because money can consume you that's why it's important my father likes to tell me to say this protect your want her because we all have the potential to want a lot of things and we'll do whatever we can to get those things okay we need to protect it it says verse 11 but thou a man of God flee these things and follow off their righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness it says follow those things seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and these things shall be added unto you not the yacht not the mansion not the fancy schmancy car no these things as in your needs will be met okay go to Proverbs chapter 28 I'm sorry go to Jeremiah chapter 6 I'll read to you from Proverbs chapter 28 and verse number 16 says the prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days the Bible says you know if you hate covetousness if you hate just this this sin of covetousness you can prolong your days why because you won't be involved in hurtful lust and things of perdition things that will destroy your life look at Jeremiah chapter 6 verse number 13 now as we read verse 13 think about the pastors in the churches of today okay for from the least of them even unto the greatest of them everyone is given to covetousness and from the Prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely they have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace were they ashamed when they have committed abomination nay they were not all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they shall fall among them that fall at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down sayeth the Lord doesn't that picture a lot of the pastors today the pastors and the prophets and the priest they're all covetousness they want money and what is the verse number 14 says they have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace you see this false prophet teacher because he's covetous because he wants money he'll tell the people what they want to hear peace peace you know miss church on Sunday miss church on Thursday and just you know just just keep working as long as you're tithing your money's coming in hey peace peace hey God is pleased with you now you know throw the hundred-dollar check and into the into the offering you know God loves you anyways God's not God's not mad at you you know Joyce Meyer that's thinking harlot false prophet God's not mad at you heck yeah he is if you're not living a life that's pleasing to the Lord he's mad okay we need to have a balanced view of God God loves us if we're saved amen to that but I think we we already know that okay you know but God commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us end of story of that one right now let's get into the wrath because many people don't even know about the anger and the wrath of God and the justice of God you know what you need to grow in your fear of God okay not like these pastors are no peace peace no war there's a time of peace in a time of war the Bible says and sometimes God goes to war with his own people okay you know we need to talk about the chastisement of the Lord as well but what do we have here in verse number 13 that these prophets the leads them to the greatest the priest they're all dealing falsely why because they're given over to covetousness they want your money now look at 1st Peter chapter 2 go to 1st Peter chapter 2 so that was something that was common in the Old Testament but it's also common in the New Testament in fact false teachers and prophets are characterized by being covetous look at verse number 3 and through covetousness shall they with feigned words just like we saw in Jeremiah 6 make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumberth not now there's an extreme to this isn't there what the false prosperity gospel preachers they want you to buy the the pile of dirt from Israel that they got a piece of wood from the actual cross of Christ some holy water you know Jews skullcap or whatever they came from Gamaliel or something from you know whatever the show what do they call the prayer shod is that what they call it you know they want your money is what they want they want you to throw in 50 $100 you know to their TBN totally bogus Network television show that's an extreme example but you know independent fundamental Baptists have been into this thing as well yep some of them are saved okay I know people who are saved who are Baptist pastors but they're still covetous that's why they priest the smooth sermons on Sunday morning they had the Sunday morning message for the new people you know I think I preached my Sunday morning message a couple weeks ago was reparated pride month okay and I think we had a couple visitors on that day all right he said faggot yeah get used to it but you know what there's there's pastors who won't don't they don't want to preach a lot of the Bible because they want the money to keep coming in because they want to keep living they're comfortable life and the Bible says that they're healing the people of God slightly that means deceitfully because they're not giving the whole truth okay they're covetous you have people who pastors who are motivated by money you know they're they get older and it's sad because some of them in their younger years they were hellfire damnation preachers they would rear back and just like let it fly but for some reason in their old age they get a little soft you know I don't know what it is maybe because they think they're closer to death or some I don't know what it is but the older they get they're like man you know we gotta we gotta be grace and all this mercy and I'm all for that but you know what that's an imbalanced view of God and the way he works okay but they do it for the sake of money go to first Thessalonians chapter number two but that ought to be no pastor's motive for the ministry no pastor's motive for preaching okay why is that because we ought to desire to preach the entire counsel of God and we ought to desire not to be the servants of man but the servants of God how do we do that by preaching the whole Bible not being afraid if someone gets offended if what someone says hey look the majority of these people in these congregations will not be offended if you just rear back and tell the truth most of them want the truth they want you to hear about they want they want to hear about you preaching against the sodomites and subjects that aren't talked about why because they're in church and they want to grow but you know what pastors are conditioning their own people to be just like them look at first Thessalonians chapter number two in verse number four it says but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but God which triath our hearts for neither at any time use we flattering words as he no nor cloak of what covetousness God is witness nor immense sought we glory neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ he says look I'm not trying to like come here and speak smooth words to you so you can put money in the bank that's not my motive I want you to grow in the knowledge of God okay and someone who is not covetous is gonna tell you exactly what the Bible says regardless of what happened we've had look our church is not even a year old we've had people walk out of the church the services because they got offended at something that I said you know we've had people just leave the church I've had people text me and say or call me right before church on Sunday morning say hey we're not coming back you know because my wife got offended at this or something you know or whatever and it's just like dude leave your wife you know who's running the home you know my wife ever gets offended obviously you know I'm sorry you know but if I was at a church my wife got offended you know she's not gonna be like we're not going back I'm gonna be like no we are suck it up you know I mean if it was right what the pastor said we need to keep going back you know we're not going there just so we can hear peace peace when there is no peace okay but we've had people walk out I remember one time when I was preaching a sermon on the sodomites you know someone just stood up and just walked out and I didn't even know that they got offended I thought they were just taking a phone call or something later on he was a visitor but later on the person the guy who invited him said yeah he got offended at that I went to go talk he was out he literally waited outside until the service was done and say hey thanks for coming he's all I don't want to talk about it he's like I don't agree with you I was like yeah well you know take the verses that I that I used in the sermon and look them over you know I mean I think it was pretty clear and look it wasn't even the hottest part of the sermon I was like revving up but I wasn't even there it wasn't even on fourth gear I think I had it on neutral for a little bit I think I said like fag or something like that I don't know what it was but they got up and walked out you know but you know that's gonna happen and pastors that don't have to be necessary a goal to have people walk out but if they do you know don't let that be a discouragement to say oh you know maybe I shouldn't say fag so much you know because people are just gonna keep walking out if I say fag well you know what the people who walk out when you say fag probably need to walk out okay if you can't handle it then get out of the kitchen maybe you need to go home and read your Bible and pray a little more to get some guts and get some stones and some backbone to hear that kind of preaching all right and look church is not just for everyone it's for the believers okay and if you can't handle that type of preaching then go listen to Joel Osteen okay well he's a he's a compromiser but you fit in great with him if you can't take that kind of preaching you know and I grew up spiritually hearing people say yeah you're gonna turn people away and you can't preach like that you can't be hard on people like that but you know what that's contrary to what the Word of God teaches rebuke and reprove but it says exhort to but it says rebuke and reprove first there's two negatives and a positive it's a sandwich method there's two pieces of meat and one piece of bread okay and we need to make sure that the guy who you know the guys who are gonna be pastors here who are training don't be compromisers you know like oh man what if the church can't pay me then work a regular job and just preach hard man why not you know we need to get away from the old IFB mindset that we have security when we have a job at the church therefore we're just gonna preach what everyone wants to hear no we need to make sure that we're preaching that which pleases God okay and I'm not talking about just be a sensationalist all right just say things for shock value but you know what there's a lot of things in the Bible that's shocking they will give a lot of value when you preach it okay but Paul said it right there he's like I'm not covetous so I'm not gonna give you faint words now go to Luke chapter 12 Luke chapter 12 I read to you from Ephesians chapter number five but fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not be once named among you has become a saint neither filthiness nor foolish talking or jesting which are not convenient but rather giving of thanks so how do I overcome covetousness brother Bruce well number one you need to start being thankful for the things that you do have you know cuz you didn't you didn't become covetousness there are covetous until you realize that you needed the things that you didn't know you need you needed till you saw that advertisement or someone talked to you about their specific thing and you're like wow I need that you didn't know you needed it before you even saw it until you clicked on that website that showed you that one thing that you didn't know you needed you know first you got to be thankful for that what you have okay count your blessings and come to the conclusion if I had nothing else but food and arraignment my family my wife my children I can be happy I have the Bible I can be content okay now Luke 12 verse 15 says this and he said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consists of not on the abundance of the things which he possesses so he's saying there look hey don't measure your life based upon the things that you have you know keeping up with the Joneses in other words because sometimes well possessions people want possessions to show off that they have a certain status that they won't don't really have you know that's how you can tell who's rich and who's not typically the guy who's like a millionaire he's driving like a bucket for a car okay you know he's driving a car like brother Marcus here all right there's nothing wrong with that what's wrong with the bucket I'm down with the bucket it gets you from point A to point B okay I had a bucket before we got our van he said what happened to it gave it to the Lord it died but it got the job done it took me to my soul winning areas brought me to church you know help me to pick up people for church how many do the work of the Lord and when it died is just like all right time for a new one another bucket to go okay because I don't find my value in the vehicles or the possessions that I have you know it's based off of the Bible that I read my prayer life the souls that I win the work of God that we do that's what's most important okay don't find value in things and I again don't get me wrong things are important to help us to do the will of the Lord okay now go to Hebrews chapter 13 Hebrews chapter number 13 is a verse that I like to use when I'm giving someone eternal security okay it's a great verse to use but in context it's actually talking about just being content look at verse number 5 says of Hebrews 13 let your conversation your conduct your life be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he had said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee I like using that verse all the time for eternal security because it fits right but in context what is it talking about just being happy the fact that we're saved you have the Lord the Lord will never leave us and if the Lord will never leave us we can rest assured that if we're living the life that's pleasing to him he's always gonna provide for our needs that's why don't be afraid when we go to Compton for soul winning if you show any fear that you're going to Compton means you're not depending on the Lord because safety is of the Lord amen right but there's gang members out there there's bloods and Crips you know so what are you a blood are you a Crip now if you are we'll just put you on the opposite end okay we'll put you on the end that you're good with but you want not to be afraid why because Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you okay now we need to remind ourselves of these things when we have an abundance of things because it's it's easy to say you know I would never leave you know forsaken when you have nothing because that's all you got but you know when it's hard to think about those things is when you have a lot when there's food on the table the rents being paid it's going good it's all gravy baby you know you need to remind yourself and say Lord thank you so much for providing for these needs that I have for giving me the strength to work to do these things please continue to provide for me please continue to help me to be thankful for these things and to recognize what's most important okay and if you have an abundance of things right now you know you need to check yourself to make sure that that's not leading you astray okay God's not he's not mad at you for having an abundance of things but when it becomes sinful is when those things being begin to take you away from the things of God okay now go back to 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 so covetousness that's a type of idolatry isn't it because you can idolize money you can idolize possessions you can idolize items and things that can get your mind off of the things of God all right now look at verse number eight so they were guilty of idolatry verse number eight look what it says let neither let us commit fornication he's hitting that horse again as some of them that committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand good night three and twenty thousand neither neither let us tempt crisis some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents now go to Hebrew chapter number 11 so it says there don't you know we ought not to be fornicators and look one of there's a lot of consequences to fornication you know one of them obviously is that you might catch a disease okay some STD HIV whatever maybe a second consequence is that if you're in a church you're gonna get kicked out right if you don't want to repent from that okay you get booted out and then you're given over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh so that Satan can destroy you okay but another thing is just God just might kill you okay God just might just take your life away but it says there I like what it says in verse number nine says neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted oh wait hold on a second Jesus not in the Old Testament yeah he is the Bible says that they tempted Christ did was Paul mistaken no they tempted Christ and the Bible says they were destroyed of serpents but look what it says in Hebrew chapter 11 verse 24 because there's a false doctrine out there that says well you know the God of the Old Testament is not the same God of the New Testament Jesus is different from God the Father of the Old Testament you know Jesus in the sense you know he's all love and mercy and and peace but God the Father's wrath and only anger no Jesus Christ has those same attributes as well in fact Jesus was the one who destroyed them in the Old Testament look what it says in Hebrew chapter 11 verse 24 by faith Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season as steaming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect and to the recompense of the reward the dispense dispensation was to say well no they didn't know about Christ you know there Moses didn't know about Jesus he wrote of him I would says it says here that he esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches was Paul mistaken when he wrote that you know about Robert breaker and all these other fools want to say well they didn't know about Jesus you know these guys like to say that they look forward to the cross we look back that's a false teaching no that's a biblical teaching he knew Christ was he wrote of him Jesus says if you would have believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me beginning that Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them and all the scriptures the things concerning himself to him give all the prophets witness the Bible says but the dispensation would like to come up with their stupid Russian night doctrine that says well you know they didn't believe in Christ they didn't even know who Christ was yes they did why don't you read your entire Bible and put down your clearance lark and commentary go to number chapter 21 we're gonna read where this story actually came from and number chapter 21 where they were destroyed of serpents numbers 21 verse number 4 says and they journeyed from the mount whore by the way of the Red Sea to compass the land of Edom and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way and the people spake against God and against Moses wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and are so loathe of this light bread so what are they doing they're complaining stinking murmurs and the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of Israel died kisses like are you don't like that bread BAM bunch of stinking anaconda of vipers just biting and killing a bunch of people and look you don't see anything between verses six and five or where you know God's like well you know just come let us reason together you're just like there's the serpents go get them now by the way the Bible tells us that that was Christ right it says there verse number seven therefore the people came to Moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee praying to the Lord that he may take away the serpents from us and Moses prayed for the people and the Lord said unto Moses make thee a fiery serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that everyone that is bitten when you look at the pond it shall live now obviously that's a picture of Christ as we see in John chapter number three you know as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness and it talks about how Christ must be lifted up and whosoever looks upon Christ trust in him they can receive salvation so that's a picture of salvation but there's also a good principle there to don't complain you know don't be a murmur because God can send a fiery serpent which is Satan for the destruction of the flesh to come destroy you okay now obviously the serpent the brass serpent is a picture of Christ because you know God made him to be sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him the Bible says okay now go to Exodus chapter 12 I'm gonna read to you from 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 and verse number 10 where it says neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer so murmur is another word for complaining and look this is a good principle right here this is a good virtue to have don't be a complainer what's the opposite of complaining being thankful complaining is when you're not happy with the things that you have okay and look one of the most annoying people to be around is complainers murmurs they just like I don't like this and I don't like you know the yeah the preaching here and this and all whatever you know they're just they'd never happy they're always complaining about something you know God's people should never be characterized as complainers as murmurs and in fact God hates murmuring to the point where he sent to destroy to destroy them now look at Exodus chapter 12 this is what I I believe that the the destroyer is look what it says in verse number 23 for the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians and when he see it the blood upon the lintel and on the two side posts the Lord will pass over the door and will not suffer the what destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you I believe that's the same destroyer that he sent to the children of Israel when they were murmuring now go to number chapter 14 what a name I'm gonna call you the destroyer okay that's the name of this angel or whatever it is and his full-time job is to destroy people kill them okay look at number chapter 14 verse 26 and the Lord spake unto Moses unto Aaron saying how long shall I bear with this evil congregation which murmur against me I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel which they murmur against me saying to them as truly as I live saith the Lord as you have spoken in mine ears so will I do to you your carcasses shall fall in the wood this wilderness and all that were numbered of you according to your whole number from 20 years old and upward which have murmured against me doubtless you shall not come into the land concerning which I swear to make you dwell therein save Caleb and the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of none but your little ones which is which ye said should be a prey then will I bring in and they shall know the land which he have despised but as for you your carcasses I like that word he uses usually when he uses the word carcass is not in a good way it means someone who's just gonna get judged okay they shall fall in this wilderness and your children shall wander in the wilderness 40 years and bear your whoredoms until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness after the number of the days in which he searched the land even 40 days each day for a year shall you bear your iniquities even 40 years and you shall know my breach of promise and though I the Lord have said I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation that are gathered together against me in this wilderness shall you be shall they excuse me they shall be consumed and there they shall die and so on and so forth so what is it saying there just because they complain he sent the destroyer among them okay and that same destroyer was the destroyer that we see in Exodus what is that going to show us that God is no respecter of people the same destroyer that he used to kill those who were not saved who did not trust in the Lord who used that same destroyer on his own people because God is no respecter of people don't think that just because you're saved that God can't judge you don't think just because you're saved that God won't deal with you in fact sometimes he deals with you worse than he deals with the unsaved why because judgment must begin at the house of God you know he didn't use a different destroy no he used the same destroyer for his own people okay now 1st Corinthians 11 32 says for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chasing of the world of the Lord excuse me that we should not be condemned with the world that's a good picture of that destroyer isn't it because the ones and numbers who were destroyed were destroyed just like the ones in Exodus the unsaved it's like being judged with the world you ever met someone who just died the same death as the unsaved person would you know that's of God I'm talking about say person who gets chastised of the Lord it happens why because God is no respecter of people and we need to make sure that and look that's like the sermon that we preach on Sunday night obviously and I'm not gonna repreech it but we need to make sure that we fear God and have a healthy fear of him that we recognize hey you know I'm not the exception just because I'm a new IFB adherent I believe the right doctrines post trip replacement I hate faggots all these things doesn't mean you're an exception to the rule of being chastised of God in fact you're probably more of a candidate to be chastised even more why because to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required so that means you know better you know and don't go around accusing old IFBers if you yourself are guilty of not even being faithful to the Lord okay at least the old IFBers are in church I'm talking about the same people they're in church or do you know but when we criticize that's why you know there's people who listen to us on YouTube and stuff and praise the Lord for that but they don't even get their butts in church you know they want to criticize it anyone and everyone but they themselves are not even in church also I'll go even as far as to say this some of them are not even in Baptist churches they're content being in some stupid Pentecostal Church and they want to complain about the pastors like then what are you doing there you want to criticize all the old IFB pastors but you're in a Pentecostal Church the pastor there is not even saved you're in some liberal denomination church where the pastor preaches repenting your sins and you're criticizing the old IFB what is that that's stupid it looks I think that the old IFBers far out better than Pentecostal he might be off on the pre-tribulation rapture but guess what the man is saved you know he might be off on the Jews but guess what he's preaching from a King James Bible he doesn't say you can lose your salvation so before you start criticizing any Baptist who saved why don't you get your butt out of that denominational liberal church and that Pentecostal Church and get into an old IFB Church then we'll talk okay then we can start criticizing the old IFB then we can have common ground okay but we don't have common ground right now you're you're in some church where they're where the the whores are up here dancing like hoochie mamas they play rockin rock and roll music and all kinds of worldly music and stuff you know filled with flat earthers and all these conspiracy idiots you know and you want to get on the old IFB no let's let's why don't you come up come up to the Baptist Church first and foremost why don't you work your way up to at least a Baptist Church for starters okay I don't even know how I got off on that but it's true okay there's people like that and it's just like dude you know you're not even in a Baptist Church you're in some non-denom some of them are there in there in YouTube land is what they're doing okay anyways go to Philippians chapter number two it's like you can't believe you know that the pastor's wife just got up and preached what do you expect that a Pentecostal Church that's what those idiots do all this crazy stuff it's like like can you believe that the one yeah that's what they do if you're saved you need to get your hinder parts out of that church oh but the closest independent fundamental Baptist Church is like an hour away brother Perry Phillips drives like five hours to come to my church so you would rather go to the church around your corner and listen to some some stinking heretic Jezebel woman give you the counsel of God no I rather drive five hours to get my butt into an independent fundamental Baptist Church rather than ever humble myself before some Jezebel who's gonna teach me the Bible you know and you don't even agree with it so what are you doing there stupid Philippians 2 14 says now I'm complaining but this is the right kind of complaining okay when the Bible talks about do all things without murmurings and disputings it doesn't mean you know don't rebuke anything don't you know tell these people rebuke these people no this is talking about murmuring against the Lord it says there in verse 14 do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom he shine his lights in the world look let me just get on this horse again a lot of these people who follow us but they go to these stupid Pentecostal churches they're off doctrine and a lot of other areas as well and they leave themselves open to a bunch of stupid doctrines like the flat earth yeah okay why because they're there they're listening to whoever it's like a smorgasbord of just doctrines that they allow themselves to adhere to because they're in a stupid church where the pastor speaking in tongues he's allowing his adulterous wife to come up you know and preach and do all this stupid stuff so they're like they have no filter they let anybody anything come through their YouTube screen okay that's why we practice separation from those clowns I don't fellowship with no Pentecostal you know the only Pentecostal I fellowship with is the one I'm about to lead to the Lord okay that's the only one I fellowship with yep all right well now I don't have Pentecostal friends I don't have I don't listen to Pentecostal preachers oh but they preach hard on sin yeah because they're trying to maintain their salvation and they're trying to scare you into maintaining yours as well that's what they believe these fools you know prideful arrogant Pentecostals who think you need a you can lose your salvation I don't want to have any fellowship with any person who believes they can lose their salvation you know I throw Jack Rodriguez in with that same crowd he may call himself a Baptist but he's more Pentecostal than he is Baptist because he believes he can lose his salvation I don't know fellowship with the clowns like that go back to first Corinthians chapter number 10 verse number 11 says now all these things happen unto them for examples that they are and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come look what it says in verse 12 wherefore let him that's thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall now I don't believe that's referring to fall into sin because I don't really think anybody who necessarily falls into sin you know they work their way into sin is what they do okay I think that's referring to fall into the hands of an angry God into the living God because remember in the beginning of the chapter he's saying look idolaters and fornicators and God judged them the destroyer came he killed the whole thousands of people all these things so he says there wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall fall into what into the hands of a living God why because when you think you're doing all good but then you get involved in these sins who's gonna judge you God's hand is gonna judge you okay look what it says in verse number 13 says there hath no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with that temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it I think that proves my point right there because God says look when you're tempted God will make a way to escape you know the way you fall into something is if there's no way you know but God says there there's a way to escape you could pray your way out of that temptation you can quote scripture out of that temptation you can go so many there's always something you can do there's no there's a way to escape temptation you don't just fall into it you know what you fall into is to the hands of a living God and his judgment after you sin it says there wherefore my dearly beloved proves the point even more flee from what idolatry all right I speak as to wise men judge ye what I say the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of Christ the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of Christ I'm gonna skip some of this because we've already touched a lot of this and in first Corinthians chapter number eight it just talks about expounds upon the you know idolatry as far as sacrifice eating those things which are sacrificed unto idols I think already expounded up on that but I do want to I want you to notice verse number 24 it says let no man seek his own but every man another but every man another's wealth so he's saying there hey you know we need to make sure that we're doing this whether it's keeping ourselves clean or working not to offend a brother for someone else's sake you know we can't have this attitude that it's all about us my spiritual health what's going on for me how can I benefit no after a while we need to grow up and start thinking about what benefits others and look primarily I'm talking to the men here okay the ladies you can tune me out if you want I'm talking to the men we need to make sure we grow up and take responsibility for our actions okay not be perfect but we need to be responsible okay and stop doing things that are pleasing unto you and what makes life easy for you and do that which is hard for the sake of others specifically what about for your family and then after your family for the brethren okay take your mind off of your own things your own wealth well-being and put it on someone else okay think about the next generation and we need to be a next generation minded Church okay why because that'll help us take the right actions today okay you can you base what you do is you forfeit some of these pleasures of this life for the sake of the future okay but what does that take that takes maturity okay get out of your kindergarten mindset your first grade mindset what it's about me myself and I and start thinking about someone else your wife your children the brethren okay think about someone else's wealth so what's the sermon today and almost like a piggyback of what we talked about on Sunday night you know we need to make sure that we're still fearing God we're making sure we keep in sin out of our lives and we're thinking about other people's wealth not just our own right let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer follow me thank you so much for 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 we're thankful for the examples that we saw in in the Old Testament and Lord I pray that we take heed to that and not just read it over and glaze over it but take it serious you know you you don't you never change and so the same judgments that we see in the Old Testament are the same judgments you can execute upon us in the New Testament and more so for us because we actually have the entire canonized Bible you know that those in the Old Testament did not have that but we do and so to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required I pray thee to help us to take heed to that and help us to be men who are mature who are thinking upon others and not just on our own selves help us to live lives that are pleasing unto you and in Jesus name we pray amen.