(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You All right everyone welcome to show the faith Baptist Church Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study if you would please grab a song book and Turn the song 162 162 to God be the glory One hundred and sixty-two to God be the glory On the first So loved he the world that he gave us his son Oh Praise the Lord praise the Lord Praise the Lord praise the Lord Rejoice Jesus the Sun They see Perfect redemption To every believer the promise of God Moment from Jesus of hardin receives praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people rejoice And give him the glory great things he had done great things Great things he had done and great our rejoicing through Jesus the son Over and higher and greater Will be our wonder our transport when Jesus we see Praise the Lord praise the Lord Hear his voice Rejoice And give him the glory great things he had Amen Brother Victor, would you open the service of the Word of Prayer, please? Amen You would please go towards the back of your songbooks to 325 325 trust and obey When we walk with the Lord in the light of his word What a glory he sheds on our way While we do his good will he abides with us For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey Not a shadow can rise Not a cloud in the skies, but his smile quickly drives it away Not a sign or a tear and abide while we trust and obey Trust and obey There's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey Not a burden we bear Not a sorrow we share But our total he doth richly repay Not a grief nor a loss Not a frown or a cross, but is blessed if we trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey While we never can prove The delights of his love Until all on the altar we lay For the favor he shows And the joy he bestows But for them who will trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way To be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey Then in fellowship sweet We will sit at his feet Who will walk by his side in the way What he says we will do Where he sends we will go Never fear, only trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way To be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey All right, well good evening welcome to Shield of Faith Baptist Church. We're gonna go through these announcements here real quick. Let's see front page of the bulletin if you if you have one weekly church service time Sunday mornings at 1030 Sunday evenings at 6 and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Underneath that's list of our soul winning times We've got Saturday mornings at 1030 meeting right here Sundays at 2 with brother David Mondays at 6 30 with brother Mauser Wednesdays at 11 with brother Briley and Thursdays about 6 30 If you want to go Thursday, don't forget call. Let me know 2 0 8 3 9 1 5 3 2 3 See here back page. So this Sunday evening will be in 2nd Samuel chapter number 18 and Don't forget about the chili recipes Start working on them if you haven't already October 31st after the evening service. We're gonna have our chili cook-off and we'll have more details Soon about that And a look ahead. This is come join us on Saturday, November 6 because David's having a baby shower So don't forget to ask him for all the details And the big announcement right now is a brother Jeff and miss patty have a new member in their family Baby Aiden I was thinking about getting a little Chinese hat calling the baby rain and we'll see see what they say about I got to be the first with a nickname. We'll see how he acts and he's like Raiden and it'll fit perfectly Let's see here What else so? Birthdays and anniversaries. There's only one on there, but I heard there might be a couple more. We gotta We'll see on the next bulletin here. Let's see this week's memory versus Matthew 14 27 Which says but straightway Jesus spake it to them saying be of good cheer as I be not afraid We are a family integrated church that means children infants are always welcome in our services We don't separate children from the parents for any reason Daddy, baby room is right over here to your left. The mother baby rooms right across the hallway over there We are let's see here ties offerings for September or right below that Don't forget to play turn your phones off place them on silence So they're not any distraction and the blessing rack in the back There's a couple of things that we put back there, but somebody donated a bunch of stuff So on Sunday, there would be like a lot of other stuff back there. So forget to check that out The end the bottom line says rejection will either become an infection or become your direction Now it's from two Sundays ago So we're gonna have one more song before we receive the offering and if you haven't got one just raise your hand And I will deliver one to you All right at this time we'll be singing our new chorus of the month his eye is on the sparrow It's a new one for all of us so bear with me if I don't lead to will You Starting at the top Why should I be Discouraged Why should the shadows fall Why should my heart be lonely When Jesus is my portion Is on the sparrow and I know he watches me His eyes on the sparrow and I know I see because I'm happy I see Oh Whenever I have When songs give place To sigh When home within me dies I draw the closer to him And he sets me free His eyes Watches me His eye is on the sparrow And I know he watches me I see I see I Know All right, well let's go ahead and pray Thank you so much Lord for allowing us to be able to meet here again this evening. I sing praises from you for you Lord I just pray that you bless the service Lord the fellowship afterwards and be with us Go throughout the rest of a week Lord in Jesus name. I pray amen You All right at this time we'll be going through our prayer sheet if you didn't get one just raise your hand and someone will grab you one At this time we'll just close our eyes and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Dear Father God we come before you tonight With prayer requests and praises to lift up to your holy name Lord We just begin with praying for the opportunity to preach to unsaved family friends and co-workers We pray for all of our church families to stay healthy and safe and always keep their sights on the things of God We pray for more spiritual growth and maturity as a church throughout the year Pray for pastors dads transition to the VA system and it will go smoothly Pray for Briley and Marissa's sister that she can have her heart softened here in the gospel We also pray for miss Patti that her sister's heart can be softened here in the gospel And we pray for more people to follow up with in the community We pray for more people in the community to want to become disciples and that more of our converts would visit church and get plugged into What we got going on here Lord We just pray for the safety of our children and for them to continue to grow strong in the Lord pray for all the expecting mothers in our church that they can have healthy babies and safe deliveries and we pray for Like-minded churches to continue to grow and for our friends churches to be protected from wicked people and evildoers We pray for continued medical freedom with vaccines and koban mandates We pray for Lonnie and miss dawn to recover and to be in good health Pray for steadfast Baptist Church Lord, you know all the all the craziness that's going on over there in Texas Lord We just pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ Over there that belong to steadfast Baptist Church and pastor Shelley And we also have an unspoken prayer for my family back in California. We also pray for Miss Melissa her dad We just pray that he has a safe recovery from the kovat shot and Lord, you know all the details in that matter Lord, we just pray for him and that He would have a speedy recovery and we also have praises to lift up to your holy name Praise you Lord for our church members being in good health Lord We praise the Lord for all of our new church members and the family members We have been able to get saved and their continued growth in the Lord Praise you God for the freedom to continuously preach the gospel every week and for the Lord Just keeping us safe during the battles that we fight each and every week And we praise praise you God for a safe delivery and healthy, baby For the Oz family and we praise you God for the safe delivery and healthy baby for the troop family, we praise you for keeping miss patty in good health Lord through all that and Praise you for baby aid and troop we just pray that you be with him and The troop family through this time and we pray all these things in Jesus name. Amen Would please grab your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter number 18 Last book of the Bible Revelation chapter number 18 Revelation 18 starting out verse 1 the Bible reads and After these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the greatest fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and The hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth Have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies and I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and That you receive not of her plagues for her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works in the cup Which she hath filled filled to her double How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously So much torment and sorrow give her for she sayeth in her heart I sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow Therefore shall her plagues come in one day Death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her and The kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her and lament for her When they shall see the smoke of her burning standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying alas alas that great city Babylon that mighty city for in one hour is thy Judgment come and the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and Scarlet and all thine wood and all manner vessels of ivory and all manner vessels of most precious wood and of brass and iron and marble and Cinnamon and odors and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots and slaves and souls of men and The fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from me and all things which were dainty and Goodly are departed from me and now shall find them no more at all The merchants of these things which were made rich by her shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment weeping and wailing and saying alas alas that great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple and Scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls for in one hour So great riches has come to naught and every ship master and all the company and ships and Sailors and as many as trade by sea stood afar off and cried when they saw the smoke of her born of her burning saying what city is like unto this city and They cast dust on their heads and cried weeping and wailing saying alas alas that great city When were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness for in one hour She may desolate rejoice over her thou heaven and he holy apostles and prophets for God hath avenged you on her and A mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea saying Thus with violence shall the great city Babylon be thrown down and shall be found no more at all And the voice of harpers and musicians and of pipers and trumpeters shall be heard no more at all in thee And no craftsman and whatsoever craft he be shall be found any more in thee and the sound of the millstone Shall be heard no more at all in thee and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee And the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee For thy merchants were the great men of the earth for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived and In her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth Brother Anthony would you pray for us? All Right, amen, so we're there in Revelation chapter number 18. We'll get to that here in a second So last week we started a series called voices in my head voices in my head And basically what we're doing is just going through the Bible and kind of we're gonna identify the sources of these things You really want to say voices in my head. I'm not talking about necessarily like an audible voice, right? Talk about that some other time, but really these thoughts that pop up in your head You're like what in the world's going on? Why am I having this idea? Why am I having the thought? Where did this come from? We're taking a look at that and last week we talked about That in detail and basically the main application last week was on forgiveness And remember if we don't forgive a brother and sister in Christ, we took a look at that That that will basically put us in a position to be tormented and God says that he will do that to us It was very clear in the Bible and talked about that You know, we all have different opinions and you know little skirmishes here and there but that stupid little beef that you just can't Let go of is eventually gonna grow and possibly land you, you know a good term in God's prison if you will and so we talked about that mental torture and Gave you the application to get out of that and to overcome that now We're gonna after today's sermon We're gonna talk about the four voices in detail Which I've narrowed down to the voice of the world the voice of the devil Obviously the Holy Ghost meaning the scripture the Bible and then the voice of our flesh You know your heart mind old man new man conscience. How does all that fit into this stuff? We're gonna get into that in the coming weeks But today we're going to talk about how the world gets its voice what? Influences it and you're gonna see that it's the spiritual battle It's the devil's and what they do and how they operate that can often Contribute to ideas and thoughts and attacks on the believer and so we're gonna start this off here Look at verse number two Revelation chapter 18 verse number two It says this and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon The great is fallen is fallen and is and don't miss this become the habitation of Devils and the hold of every foul Spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful Bird now you can leave your place there and go to first Timothy chapter number four now Most people I believe this that if Christ is gonna come back in our lifetime if we're gonna witness the Antichrist I believe that America is Babylon. I believe that we're the leading world power right now and basically that Says a lot about this nation and what's going to eventually happen and you can already see this You know if America is Babylon. What does this say in Revelation 18 to that? It's gonna become the habitation of Devils that it's going to be the hold of every foul spirit. Okay now obviously you're gonna find Devils You're gonna find foul spirits. You're gonna find wickedness in a lot of other countries I've been to Japan I can attest to the fact that it is extremely wicked, but But right I believe that America is probably far more Wicked and I know a lot of people don't like to hear that and they don't like to you know Think of it that way, but look we've been sold out for many many years. It's a fact it is truth We've done study after study on that and so right now what I believe is that we're actually witnessing an increase in foul spirits An increase in Devils because what does it say it says that this nation of Babylon right the world power would become the house The home of Devils and every foul spirit and what you have to realize and you've got to understand is that will Impact believers in some way shape or form and so we need to be ready for that and to learn and to understand What is really going on now the title of the sermon this morning is this anyone else hear that? Anyone else hear that and basically that's just saying that you know Sometimes you know especially in our church We'll have conversations and we'll like be looking at what's going on around us with the corona virus with a vaccine You know with all this garbage that's going on out there And it's like you know we're just like wondering how are people not seeing the wickedness and the evil You know I just read an article today about the Roman Catholic Church over in France It was reported that they were guilty of like three hundred and thirty thousand child molestations mostly being Little boys right and that's just what they're willing to admit you know over the span of I forgot however many years But this this sort of thing I mean if that if that's what they're willing to admit How bad is it really like what are the numbers if God were to come down here and say hey? Here's the real numbers and and by the way we all know that whole deal with Epstein and that stuff That's going on there You know it's kind of kind of ironic that when that was getting ready to boil over and the media was getting ready to report All that stuff. They're like. Oh, we got this virus. I mean you know that takes priority You know there's always some celebrity in some sort of trouble to distract and so there's just all these things going on And you know we can be left sometimes in our families and in our you know job Just like looking at people like anyone else see what's going on does anyone else like you know is there something wrong with me like like? What's going on like why why do we see this stuff, but other people are just completely blind to it now Obviously the Bible is gonna have some great explanations as to why here and in 1st Timothy chapter 4 look at what it says In verse number 1 it says this says now the Spirit speaketh expressly That in the latter times some shall depart from the faith now notice this giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils now let me just stop right there now and you know depending on what church you go to or What denomination you've ever been a part of who you're dealing with here? There's like a spectrum when it comes to the subject of demons and spirits and things like that You know you got one end of the spectrum That's like everything that is bad with you everything that's wrong with you as a demon you're addicted to sugar That's the spirit of sugar. You know I know you got to have a cast out of you You know if you're you know you got a problem with anger Oh, it's the spirit of anger everything is a spirit and everything's got to be cast out You know at church and then on the other end. It's like well. It's not really that big of a deal It's more just metaphorical right well typically where it's gonna the truth gonna be usually right in the middle right So we don't want to go either far to the left or right on that We want to stick to what the Bible says and I think you can see right here in this verse It says now the spirit now. That's not a bad spirit, and that's the spirit of God. It says now the spirit speaketh Expressly this is attentively. This is surely. This is immediate. This is saying basically hey This is an urgent matter that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits now How would somebody give heed to seducing spirits? What does that mean to give heed? Well it means to pay attention or to acknowledge so there has to be some sort of communication between these demons these devils and Humankind okay now where are they getting these things well? They're getting these things by that little whisper that little voice that people who are unsaved are not able to Discern because they can't understand the Bible and again I've said this before and we you know talked about this in great detail if a person is not saved There is only a certain amount of Bible They're gonna understand, and it's very very very little but it says giving heed to seducing spirits and what in doctrines of Devil so again you have this communication going on in the world today, and what do we read about in Revelation 18? Well if this is Babylon We are sitting in the nation to where this is going to become the habitation of Devils and every foul spirit So you're gonna find spirits you're gonna find troubles you're gonna find wickedness here that you might not even find in other places But look at verse number two speaking lies in Hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron and we've all seen that you know This is your preacher that gets up and says brother sister opens the Bible Has the worship band and stuff and then tells you you got to turn from your sins in order to be saved or if? You don't meet a certain standard that you lost your salvation right that's a seducing spirit. It sounds spiritual That's what these people do that the devil is not just gonna come along and be like hey You know just throw this outcome entirely because most people you know even liberals will be like wait a second You know you got at least have some kind of similarity some kind of appearance of Doctrine of godliness and stuff like that so what these Devils do is they seduce by their demonic doctrines speaking lies and hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron look at verse number three it says forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from Meets now don't miss this which God hath created to be received with Thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth Let's just stop right here. What big religion on this planet tells us to abstain from mead on a certain day like Friday What's the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church does that hey abstain for me? It's what else do they say forbid to marry which we're gonna. You know obviously look at later, but I Mean which is in the beginning of the verse. They're forbidding to marry right so what does Catholic Church Do you say well if you want to be a priest in our religion you can't be married What's the result of that they get a bunch of reprobates people who have had their conscience seared with a hot iron verse 2 and they? Tell you to abstain from certain means well It's not just the Catholic Church that does that but a lot of these messianic Jewish type Organizations do the same thing they just do it in a different way. They say okay well Christians shouldn't eat pork They shouldn't eat any pork products all the fish that you should eat should have scales And they start to impose these dietary regulations that we find in the Old Testament on people in the New Testament Right you've got entire organizations devoted to telling you that you can't eat meat Okay, that is demonic. I don't care what you say. I don't care who you're listening to I don't care what doctor it is they are Demonic that wisdom did not come from God it came from a seducing spirit It came from a doctrine from a devil is what the Bible is telling us here look at verse number four for every creature of God is good So someone's you know offering some some bacon to you right if we have a bacon feed back here You know you have the right to eat that and if somebody comes in here and starts saying well Hey, that's not right. That's not biblical. That's not okay, then guess what? You are being seduced by a doctrine from a devil That's what it says you say I don't like that. Hey take your issue up with God not me I'm simply just reading what the Bible says it says for every creature of God is good and Nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanksgiving so that is the key as God's people hey somebody puts a you know a plate of camel back there You know eat that be thankful that we've got some food and eat that guy Okay, tell these messianic Jew types and these Catholics to get saved learn Bible doctrine. I mean look There's no debating this there's no debating what we just read here. It's crystal clear crystal clear look at verse three again What does it say it said there would be people Forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from means where do you think they got that idea from? Did it come from God? No, it came from devils is what it says in verse number one right we just read that What does verse four say for every creature of God is? Good nothing to be refused if it be received with Things yep, so that's the key are you thankful for your food look? God is able to preserve your health You ever wonder why somebody can eat just a junk garbage diet and still be healthy There's a lot of other factors that go into health besides what you put in your mouth now I'm not saying I'm gonna go out and you know try to find dog and just be like let's see how Can't win this meet you know I I don't know I just don't I'm probably eating overseas and not even knowing it, but you know I mean if brother Mike bring some dog Try it you know if he deep-fries it or puts in this chili I'll eat it you know I've eaten all kinds of things overseas that I didn't even know what they were and you know I'm still alive still healthy You know my dad in there with Alzheimer's dementia You know in the final stages and every time I go get his labs done. You know they're like man This guy's healthy everything is just like perfect Yeah, this is half his brains gone. No, but you know and you know what he's fried corndogs chicken nuggets You know I mean just just just junk You know that he won't eat anything else and before you say. Oh well. I'd force him to eat this Yeah, go ahead and live with somebody. That's got to mention Alzheimer's for a week and tell me that Anyway, and then we'll talk so again who here thinks that Pete is a godly organization. No what kind of diet do they push? Yeah, that's right. Where do you think they got that from was it from God? No? I don't think so look at verse number five What does it say about our food or about creatures it says for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer now Obviously we need to rightly fight the word of truth right that I'm not saying You know I just chow down that McDonald's every single day, okay? I'll be honest the last time I went to McDonald's. I thought I was gonna die so I've been scarred I've been chafed in my mind regarding that stuff, and I did pray before it somebody did something bad I don't know what it was, but I want nothing to do with it But leave your place there and go to Daniel chapter number 10 Daniel chapter number 10 so again Just a quick overview of this spiritual battle that we face and these are things that they do right Forbid to marry obviously a reference to the Catholic Church abstaining from me It's they know there's a lot of different religious sects that will try to dictate what you can and what you cannot eat We try not to do that at all here now obviously there's Toxins and chemicals and certain things you know and you know we should be wise and stay away from stuff like that As much as possible I believe we ought to have balance not to go too crazy either way But how do these things these spirits or these devils operate well the influence culture right the influence the world? And what does that do well that influences the liberal churches it influences the workforce it influences the trainings you out You and I receive out in the community, and then the next thing you know sometimes We're just left back here like man does anyone else see what's going on does anyone else hear this am I actually going crazy Am I right right so what is the spiritual world do what is their mission was to cause doubt? It's to sow seeds of doubt is to distract us to dethrone us to denounce God's people and I want to tell you something this this evening And I know you understand this but a lot of people have this idea well I'm saved devils and demons they don't they're not gonna mess with me. They're not gonna mess with our church They're not gonna mess with us Well, I've got bad news for you because that is exactly what they do that is their mission That's why it says in Ephesians 6 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood But against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places this is what we're dealing with this is what we wrestle with and there are many different avenues and many different tactics that Devils and spirits will use but the goal is to stop people from getting saved And if they can't do that it is to stop people from becoming disciples It's to stop you from praying it's to stop you from reading the Bible. It's to stop you from maturing You know while I was studying this I got off on a little rabbit trail about serpents because the Bible calls the devil a serpent Right, and I was reading about these different serpents where they're their main Objective is to get bird eggs like eagle eggs, right? That's what they'll do They'll slither around they hunt eggs of birds But they'll never attack the bird itself Right because an eagle if you don't know this will tear a snake apart and eat it whole eat it You know, you know, God just designed them that way the venom and the stuff like that just doesn't affect them They'll eat that thing wrong. That's exactly What the little serpents will do because they are following orders from the main serpent, right? They want to stop you. They want to stop me. They want to stop us in our infancy Think about the foundation of this church right here Think about that We had to cut out what like 20-something people in the first year Went from 40 on a regular basis down to 20 and then we started thriving you say well Why do you keep bringing that up because it's applicable It just shows you the spiritual battle because now when you see these people that left our church on social media They're supporting the wickedness that the people are doing to the church, you know, steadfast Baptist Church in Texas You know what? I mean? It's like why can't you just have beef with me and then like all the other pastors Why can't you just not like one or just just be quiet about it and then go follow somebody else Why do you have to try to take the whole system down? Well, I'll tell you why it's because they are listening to a voice that isn't coming from God It's not necessarily coming from their flesh. It's coming from someone else It's coming from that invisible enemy and I'm telling you that is exactly what's going on The Bible says in Genesis 3 15 you don't have to turn there It says this and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed and shall bruise thy head Now shall bruise his heel So you have to understand that this enmity this strife this struggle this wrestling match that we have with the spiritual world is ordained by God and you have to realize that because then once you realize that you can say Okay These things are written so that we can overcome this so that we can learn the tactics and the techniques that they use So that we can protect ourselves and not get destroyed in our infancy This is why when we get people saved very few of them will ever stay and come to church It's because we walk away and that enemy is right there trying to devour that egg in its infancy I mean think about this, you know when the devil heard that Jesus Christ was born What did he influence Herod to do to kill all the the male children right same thing all the way back in Exodus? Destroy in infancy is a tactic of the devil You don't have to turn there But John 10 10 says the thief the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy And Jesus says this is I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly So the Christian life is more than just the moment that you got saved, right? That's the beginning That's the foundation. That's where you say, you know what? I'm not gonna listen to these voices I'm gonna fight the flesh now and I'm gonna actually get into my Bible. I'm gonna come to church I'm gonna support the mission and do great works for God You know You have to have that mentality because Jesus said I'm come that they might have life and that they might have it more Abundantly and it's true though the world be falling apart and burning around, you know We're under attack all the time this and that it doesn't matter because Jesus said we could still have life more Abundantly, okay So Daniel chapter number 10 and I had to turn to Daniel chapter 10 because I think it is just an awesome Picture of Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12, right? What did Paul tell the Ephesians for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against these Principalities against these forces that we can't physically see with our eyes, right? And you see that taking place here in this chapter now in this chapter here Daniel has been on a three-week fast if you will and During that time he sees if you look at verse number six well I'm gonna have you back up and look at verse number five But he's gonna describe something that he sees towards the end of that look at verse number five It says this says then I lifted up mine eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine gold of you fast verse six his body also was like the barrel and His face as the appearance of lightning and his eyes as lamps of fire In his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass and the voice of his words like the voice of a Multitude. Okay, so understand what's going on here understand this picture Though the Babylonian or the Chaldean Empire Nebuchadnezzar and all that that's done with now the the main World power that's in charge is Persia. Okay. It's the Persia median or median empire that is in charge here and Daniel saying, you know, he's got some things going on There's some some issues and he decides, you know, I'm gonna make supplication to God. I'm gonna pray I'm gonna chase in myself because he wants answers. Okay, and Daniel obviously, you know a great man of God You know, he's doing these things and he's praying but he's not getting an immediate response And you're gonna see that here because a 21-day period goes by and we're just gonna pick it up here in verse 10 And we'll come back and get the rest in a moment But I just want you to see this here Look at this look at what it says in verse number 10 It says and behold so he's on his face He's on his hands and knees rather and he's seeing this vision here and he's got no strength to get up And he says this in verse 10 and behold and hand touched me which sent me upon my knees and upon my other palms Of my hands verse 11 and he said unto me Oh Daniel a man greatly beloved Understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright front of thee Am I now sent and when he had spoken this word unto me? I stood trembling. Okay, so this is obviously not a bad guy This is a good guy here verse 12. It says then said he unto me fear not Daniel now Don't miss this for from the first day that thou did set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself Before thy God thy words were heard and I am come for thy word So Daniel again, he was getting a vision and he didn't understand it It was making him sick and he wanted that understanding So that's why he's doing this and notice what this certain man this angel look look at what he's telling him He's saying hey from the first day that thou did set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God thy words Were heard and I am come for thy words say great. How does that apply to the sermon? How does that apply to voices in my head? Well, you've got to understand here that a lot of times when we pray to God and we read how great God is There could be this tendency to be like why isn't my prayer answered? How come it's taking so long what's going on? Something going wrong with me then you'll start to hear these different voices these different things and we have to understand it Sometimes it's the spiritual battle that's taking place that we can't see that might be hindering the help that we need Look at verse number 13. It says this But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me One and twenty days below Michael one of the chief princes came to help me and I remain there With the kings of Persia now this wasn't just some random Prince charming, you know in Persia that withstood this guy I mean what what how did Daniel describe him? What do you say his face was like like lightning? Okay, this is a spiritual situation and we're allowed to get a glimpse into this to help us understand What takes place in the spiritual realm in the beginning that verse there says but the prince of the kingdom of Persia? Well, that's a demon Remember Persia at this time is literally Babylon That's what it is. It's the reigning world power now obviously is different than Nebuchadnezzar Babylon Kingdom and Babylon is just used oftentimes in the Bible as a word to describe the dominating world power like the Tower of Babel and stuff like that Egypt is referred to one time as Babel or Babylon So just understand what's going on here. What does it say withstood me? Right, so the things that we wrestle against are oftentimes in the spiritual world But if you don't know that if you don't understand that and if you don't even consider that You know what's gonna happen that voice of doubt is gonna come up that voice. That's just like hey Well, you know, maybe it's this maybe it's because you did this when you're five or last week You had that thought when someone cut you off in traffic and about your boss and so God's you know You start playing these games with yourself, but you have no idea what could be going on in The spiritual realm and that's why we're reading this here. Look at verse number 14 He says this now I am come to make thee understand What shall befall thy people in the latter days for yet? The vision is for many days now keep your place there We'll come back to it later on but go to Matthew chapter number four Matthew chapter number four. So again, just just from reading that quickly. What do we see here? Well, we see that devils are constantly trying to mess with us. Think about this You've got this one guy here in the Persian me know Empire Daniel and he's making supplication. He's chasing himself He's fasting He's praying unto God and the chief demon the prince demon there the principality of Persia Doesn't want him to understand the vision and you have to realize this is one of the goals of the demonic world They want to cloud your understanding of what's going on because that's what we see here That's the lesson that we are supposed to pull from this or one of the many rather And so we need to realize if we live in Babylon today And this is gonna become the habitation of Devils which it already obviously is But if it's gonna become the cage of every foul spirit, man We've got a fight coming on our hands and you need to understand right now There are people working bills and laws trying to get past that we can never meet together again Are we just gonna listen to them? No, we might have to change the way we do business We might have to change the way we operate but we're not gonna listen to them We're not gonna comply with them because they're crap. They're garbage. It's demonic. We're gonna keep serving the Lord no matter what happens Okay, so what do we see here? We see Daniel fasting, right? Daniel's fasting what happens demonic attack Matthew chapter 4 look at verse number 1 It says this I want you to notice the similarities here then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, he was afterward Unhungered. Okay, just kind of like Daniel look at verse 3 and when the tempter came to him He said if thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread, right? This is what the devil will do Also, he'll basically take half of a Bible verse half of a doctrine and insert himself or his idea into the middle of that Right. This is why we are commanded to Rightly divide the word of truth because if you can't do that He hops right in the middle of that division there and you're lost You're you all of a sudden you're falling into the trap of these doctrines of devils and these seducing spirits Okay, so he says of course when Jesus is hungry Hey, if you're really the son of God if you're really who you say you're and if you're hungry Why don't you just turn these stones into bread? Look at verse 4, but he answered and said it is written Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. What is he doing there? Well, he's quoting the Word of God. He's quoting Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse number 4. That's what he's doing He's quoting these verses Because that is how you fight the spiritual battle. There's no other way to do it You can roll around in the aisles. You could say all the chance and stuff that you want to it's not going to help You know Bible no no kingdom principles then guess what? You're not going to defeat those principalities of conversion 5 then the devil taketh him up into the holy city and said of him on A pinnacle of the temple verse 6 and sayeth unto him if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down for it Is written shall give his angels charge concerning me and in their hands? They shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot Against the stone for a 7 Jesus said unto him it is written again Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God was quoting Deuteronomy chapter number 6 Okay, again, what is the response here? What is the answer? What is the idea? How are you going? How are we going to overcome the voices in our head the voices from the world? Well by the Word of God that is the only way to do this a good version rate And again the devil take notice how he doesn't quit right a lot of times see we just figure okay I got one victory. I'm good to go. I could drop my guard. That's not how this thing works These things usually come in threes and you are you see that all throughout the Bible But verse number eight and again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world And the glory of them verse number nine sayeth unto him all these things Will I give thee if thou will fall down and worship me? What is he saying to the to the Lord Jesus Christ right there? Hey, I've got influence in all of these kingdoms. They've got one of my principalities in every city Everywhere and he's saying hey just worship me and I'll give all of this to you Obviously he's probably lying but verse number 10 Then sayeth Jesus unto him get thee hence Satan for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only Shout thou serve so again. This is why it is so important to study the whole counsel of God Okay, that's why one of the reasons why we have three services a week This is why we have the Bible reading challenge This is why we have you know The bottom lines things like that to help us remember the principles that we need to understand from the Word of God now Go to Mark chapter number nine Mark chapter number nine, so we saw first most that Daniel was fasting and then what happened, right? The Prince of Persia tried to mess with his ministering spirit that was coming to help him What do we see here in Mark chapter Matthew rather chapter number four? We see that Jesus is fasting what happens? Well Satan shows up and he's like, hey you have God said and he's trying to get Jesus into a trap It doesn't work Now you're gonna see that there is a connection in a very powerful principle when we put all of this together That we're gonna learn from tonight mark chapter 9 look at verse 25 It says this when Jesus saw that the people came running together He rebuked the foul spirit saying unto him thou dumb and deaf spirit I charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him now I'll stop right there and talk about what's going on here. So Jesus had sent the disciples out two by two To do to preach the gospel to preach the kingdom of God to heal the sick and to do miracles to show science confirming to Do all of these different things, but they ran into a situation where? Someone was possessed with the devil and all of a sudden like as at other times They couldn't cast him out. And so now they're getting confronted by the leadership of Jerusalem. They're getting confronted by the Jews Like well, what's up, man? Yeah your power ran out or something. You can't do this And so this guy who has his son possessed with the devil finds Jesus comes to him Jesus cast this demon out look at verse 26 and the spirit cried and rent him sore and Came out of him and he was as one dead in so much that many said he is Dead now before I forget this here. What is it back up real quick to verse number 25? Look at this. It says when Jesus saw the people came running together. He rebuked though. What the foul spirit, right? Isn't that exactly what we read in Revelation chapter 18 verse number two, right? If this is Babylon, which I believe it is It's definitely shaping up to be that way then guess what? We are literally in a nation that is becoming the habitation of every foul spirit But here's what you need to understand. There's a certain way that you have to deal with these foul spirits Okay verse number 27 But Jesus took him by the hand lifted him up and he arose first when he and when he was come into the house His disciples asked him privately Why could not we cast him out good question to ask right there? And here's the application for tonight verse 29 Look at verse number 29 says this and he said unto them this kind Well, what kind is he talking about this foul demon this foul spirit this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and Fasting I'm telling you right now. There are no more Apostles alive today apostle Katherine Kirk is an apostle of the devil. Okay, she is a demon She is a seducing spirit She does not go around and cast demons out of people if you don't know what I'm talking about Go to our YouTube channel and look at the last speaking in tongues video that we release will explain it all for you Very comically, but what does Jesus say this kind can come forth by? Nothing but by prayer and fasting now Obviously Jesus has all power knows everything and could just take the thing right out But he told the disciples something very special very important something that we need to realize that we need to understand for today That because we're in this nation that is becoming the habitation of every foul spirit there's a certain way that you have to deal with this principality and it is through prayer and Fasting okay and go back if you would to Daniel chapter number 10 Daniel chapter number 10 and so What I want to say I want to I want to put it like this The doctrine of fasting that is a principle that is a kingdom principle that is what mark chapter 9 verse 29 is Prayer and fasting right you see you have principles Right like systems doctrines teachings that we follow and then you have the principle like the school principle, right? Well, what's the school principle? Well a school principle or a principle in that sense is a ruler, okay? It means a head person somebody in charge like the principal is in charge of the school He oversees the doctrines that are being taught to the children which are government day camps We've talked about that fast you get the idea here. Well. What's a principality well these principalities are rulers They are heavy influencers and their job is to communicate to mankind however It is that they do that their doctrines their ways their ideas and their teachings And guess what when you run into people who already hate God They don't want to retain God in their knowledge these Devils could just walk right up to them and put all sorts of you Know evil things to back up the evil that's overflowing from their dead conscience in that this is literally what we're dealing with today And what I want to tell you is this by us following kingdom principles we can overcome the devil's Principalities it's the only way to do it again a lot of people have these different ideas Oh, I could just listen these motivational speakers get my diet right do this stuff look. It's good to get your diet, right? It's good to be motivated, but if you don't turn those principles into a lifestyle you my friend dear Christian Brother and sister will become destroyed You need to understand that the devil's goal in his minions their goal is to put the voice of doubt Distraction dethroned in your head and into your mind, and if you think oh well, I'm saved on new IFB great Great He's coming for you He is trying to attack you he is trying to attack this church all the time if you don't believe me I'll show you my inbox. I'll show you the text messages that I get some of them now when I get the emails You know what I do I have to delete them very quickly because Jessica has access to the email Some of you may I'm not sure Kayden does you know so I have to get to these things real quickly to delete them Because I don't want my children in their infancy to be subject to some of the things that people will send to our church Right and you say well, what's going on with that? What's demonic? It's demonic to say that you want to cut the pastor's throat of a church Just because we don't agree with you on something or because we knocked on your door you want to come knock my teeth out Come and try it. How about that? Why don't you just come down here and try it? They won't because apart from their little devil they're nothing they're a bunch of pukes and cowards is what they are So again by us following Kingdom principles we can overcome the devil's principalities rather that's a lot of peas but it works and so the application for today is look I Think that everybody in here can benefit from fasting and you say oh, you're talking about 40 days before now Look try a Sun up to Sun down fast first, okay? If you're struggling with any kind of a problem like man, I just don't feel right I just keep feeling this internal push to for me to think a certain way to do certain things Whatever it is, you've got any kind of problem with the world with a family I mean heck it's not a bad thing to fast for the souls that are in this valley here that we have the ability To reach right. It's been a dark year for us out there. It's all winning. You know, I get it We've tried a lot of different, you know areas aren't that receptive but you know what the way to overcome These things in today's day and age these foul spirits is by prayer and fasting So I would just recommend for us to understand to try this, you know, try going without food You know from Sun up to Sun down, you know, I'm just gonna just lay this out here right now This is not I can intermittent fasting type thing I I do that I do intermittent fasting but I have certain little perks that I give myself during that time frame, right? Certain little pleasures. Okay, those have to be taken away I believe and I'm gonna show you that here in order for a fast to be successful the Bible Talks a decent bit about fasting but there's not like this clear-cut step one step two step three You know type instruction we have to look at people who did it and there's some autonomy in there Jesus said that we would fast after he's resurrected and these different things but one of the most common facets you'll see in the Bible is from Sun up to Sun down and again don't you know Most people can't just hop right into a three-day fast. No food. No coffee. No entertainment, right? That's more than likely Not gonna happen. Try the Sun up to Sun down now. Let's look at some principles here real quick from Daniel So Daniel chapter number 10 Look at verse number two. Actually it says this it says in those days the days of Cyrus king of Persia it says in those days. I Daniel was mourning three full weeks So what you have to understand is during this period of three weeks that Daniel is not happy, okay He is mourning. He has burdens. He wants understanding. He wants enlightenment from God Look what it says in verse number three. I ate no pleasant bread. Okay, I ain't no pleasant bread Well when I do intermittent fasting, you know, I have this this period like right in between there Well, I'll drink an energy drink, you know, it's got no sugar. It's called a highball, right? It's just like a flavored fizzy water thing and I don't know, you know Just mentally it kind of like helps me out or if I run out of those I'll just have some coffee with nothing in it I don't put stuff in my coffee anyways most of the time because I'm not good at mixing things But that's a whole nother story. But the idea here is look what he says. I ain't no pleasant bread, right? So what are you what is he doing here? He's disciplining himself. He's afflicting himself He's chasing himself because he wants God to see that he really cares about this issue here He says I ain't no pleasant bread neither came flesh Nor wine in my mouth neither. Did I anoint myself at all till three whole weeks were Fulfilled so this is what he did now. He was no stranger to fasting Daniel was obviously, you know a very intense He's been through a lot in his life. This was you know, definitely good to go for him But notice what he says I did not anoint myself at all and you might be thinking well Jesus said, you know when you're fasting to anoint yourself In fact, I'll just read the verse for you Matthew 6 17 Jesus said But thou when thou fastest anoint thine head and wash thy face the whole point here is to do these things But be humble about it. Don't brag about it. Don't sound a trouble. Hey, you know, guess what I'm doing I've been fasting and it's almost up. I've been afflicting myself I don't have that attitude Daniel didn't have that attitude even though he didn't anoint himself But what did the Jews do during the time of Christ? What are the Pharisees and Sadducees do right? Well, they made themselves look ten times worse than they were They're doing a sign up to sundown fast and they're just like oh brother I've gone without food these last several several hours and I'm telling you it has not been easy I've been smelling the cooked chicken down here the savory meat such as I love over here and it has been no Easy task and this is what they would do They'd go around let everybody know that they're doing that then God's looking down They're like, I'm not gonna respect that you're doing this to get attention, right? So when you're fasting the idea is you don't want to get attention we're not doing this So people be like man, look how holy and righteous and disciplined you are right now No, that's not the idea. That is not how we want to do this say great. How does this apply to our lives? Well, I would say this I would say try it from sundown sundown just water only, you know And you do whatever you want. Okay, we see Daniel here and other people in the Bible We don't have time tonight to look at every single one of them But they took things that were pleasant away from themselves So I think the best thing you could do is just look at your phone for the messages and just work Okay, don't sit down and play in you know, the little game on your phone or whatever, right? Chasing yourself discipline yourself Don't put that pleasant bread in front of you and the way to not go crazy doing this because the first time I ever Tried this I went nuts. I was like, I'm not gonna make it, you know, it's like two hours left I'm like, I gotta have something to eat now. I gotta have cookies. So just look stay busy Okay, stay busy use it as an opportunity to pray when you feel that intense, you know Man, I'm just so hungry. I don't think I'm gonna make it go pray go pray go do a task Go read go read some go read a chapter in the Bible go do something that you know needs to be done around the house Okay, use the time wisely look at verse number 12 Daniel 10 verse 12 This then said he unto me fear not Daniel from or for from the first day that thou did set thine heart to understand and to Don't miss this Chasing thyself before thy God thy words were heard and I am come for thy words We're gonna wrap this up here, but go to Colossians chapter 2 Ephesians Philippians Colossians Colossians chapter number 2 in the New Testament and I'm gonna say a couple of things here When you fast when you decide, you know, I'm gonna chase in myself Before God you are going to experience withdrawals That is what you're going to do and you need to pay attention to that because what you're experiencing Withdrawals from is going to show you what has power over you If it's food if it's like like like me I go seriously it was these cookies I'm like man, I have got to eat because when I was working for the government there was always cookies I knew where they were every single day There was cookies and I was like why out of all days is today the day I just absolutely got to have some chocolate chip cookies. This is insane Well, it's because obviously that was just something on me, but it's also, you know The little devil like oh you trying to do something for God. I mean think about this What happened when Daniel fasted and chased himself the devil tried to fight him What happened when Jesus was at the end of his 40-day fast and hunger the devil shows up, right? So be ready for that. That is what is going to happen. But this is how we engage in spiritual warfare This is how we overcome this demonic problem that plagues our society Okay, you have to realize this when you fast when you say, you know, I'm not gonna look at my Facebook I would say that's a good principle right get off the social media for that day get off of all that stuff You know if a text message isn't important come back to it later on Chasing yourself, right and if you're just feeling that urge like I've got to check my feet. I've got to check YouTube I've got to check that last comment. I left last night to see if anybody said something like a blast And look, I'm with you. I do it all the time. Okay, I do it all the time But just realize that is something that has some power over you that you need to get into check And I'm telling you when you make this a thing in your life. It's a game-changer It really is it is a 100% fact game-changer and I want you to just take that and try it Right. What is something that you just man? I just really need whether it's to understand a passage in the Bible is to understand something in your past Some battles some struggle that you're going through try to fast try prayer and fasting Because it may just be something in the spiritual world, right? We don't understand the Bible says that you know, we have angels they're ministering spirits But they also they have their fight too. And you know what we don't necessarily make it easy With all of our rage, you know, we hi, you know, sometimes I hop in the flash I'm like, yeah, I'm probably giving these just a lot harder of a time And I ought to be but the point is to fast prayer and fasting that is gonna be key as these days approach Right. We all want to see these mandates and these commie council members and these stupid mayors in these stupid demonic politicians Especially here in Idaho really get kicked to the curb Well, you know what? We can deliver them a blow possibly by being a church that cares and understands these principles in the Bible like fasting in prayer Understand it works. It has power but it's not without confrontation. It's not without conflict Okay, that is the hard part. You need to realize this is hard getting saved is easy It's by believing once you're saved. You're always saved then comes the fight the Christian life is what's hard Discipleship is what's hard, but discipleship is what makes a difference in this world Colossians chapter 2 I'm gonna leave you with these verses here verse number 13 says this in you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all Trespasses and that means past present and future all means all he forgave you for everything verse 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way Nailing it to his cross. So we are no longer being judged by the law because we're saved, right? It doesn't mean we throw the lie out no, we glean the principles from the law and apply them to our lives verse 15 look what it says and having spoiled don't miss this Principalities and powers we serve a king who is already Destroyed who has already mocked these principalities these powers and look what it says he made a show of them openly triumphing Triumphing over them in it. This is the idea here. This is why People out in the community certain people hate us so much is because their master They're got their little Boise State University evolution teacher If you will who's their Pope Who gives them their Bible right who's upset there? They know that Christ made a triumphing Show over their spirits and they're upset about it and they're mad And so they're gonna do anything they can to try to distract us to try to get us upset to try to dethrone Us this is what we are wrestling against here bitterness because he's already beat them. He's already made a show of them He's already destroyed them right and when you follow his principles Guess what happens we defeat the principalities because he's already defeated them and we are in him We are quickened together with him's what it says in verse 13 verse 16 Let no man therefore judge you and meet or in drink or in respect of an holiday and holy day or Of the new moon or of the Sabbath days So again, isn't that what the Catholic Church the Messianic Jews a lot of these organizations that are out there. What are they doing? What is their focus? It's the food that you eat. It's the holidays you you want to observe whatever it is You have to observe the Sabbath right the Sabbath day Adventists are real bit all they all they want to do is talk about the Saturday right you knock on the door Hey, yeah, 100% sure every day you go to heaven. Yep. How do you know cuz I go to church on the Sabbath Cuz I go to church on the Sabbath. Let me see your invite. Oh, so you got church on Sunday No, I don't want to go you're going to hell Okay, devil Keep thinking that because you're a devil you you didn't get that from the Word of God You didn't get that from the Bible. You got that from a seducing spirit. That is a doctrine of Devils we could have church on Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday if we wanted to And we're not violating any scripture for doing that. We're not gonna do that I'm sure that most of you we would probably kill each other, but You get the idea you get the point let no man therefore judge you in me why Because these principalities and these powers and these rulers of darkness want to control your life in some way shape or form You'll often do it through these silly Ordinances that they dreamed out that they conjured up and what do they do? They'll take certain Old Testament passages just like their father the devil. They'll put themselves right in the middle of it. No shellfish How do you wear mixed garments? Shut your mouth you have no understanding of the Bible So again, if I could just leave you with one thing It's Kingdom principles defeat the devil's principalities and the way that we're gonna make a big impact I'm telling you right now. You have to listen to this It is through prayer and fasting because we are in a nation that seems to be gobbling Shoveling these foul spirits in it's like, you know, these politicians are just like having seances or something on a full moon Just come on in devil. Yeah, I mean just just raking them in I mean go study the Hollywood, you know in music industry and listen to what these artists say You're talking about all kinds of familiar spirits Oh Rain Man and all this garbage, you know Look that stuff's demonic Right, but what do they do? Tell you all look at how much money that I have look at what you can obtain if you just give up your faith If you just give up this this this this God stuff But what she what what they don't understand is you know what you can buy a house with money, but you can't buy a home You can buy insurance with money, but you can't buy safety with money You can buy food with money, but you can't buy an appetite with money You can buy a Bible with money, but you can't buy faith with money This is what these people fail to understand fail to realize you buy a bed with money to realize you can buy a bed with money, but you can't buy sleep with money, all right? That's why faith is so important. That's why these kingdom principles are so important to understand and to apply in your life so that you don't get snatched up and so that we can squash these voices because we're outnumbered. We're outnumbered on this earth. At least it seems that way, right? It seems that way because when you go to work, you go to school, you go to wherever you go, more than likely you're probably the only one that believes in the way that you do. There are very few people that are going to be saved in your job, you know? Go to one of these mega churches, go to Tree City Church off of Eagle Road, and you're going to be very few people saved in that building. Why is that? Because, partially because of the works of the devil, the spiritual world. They put these voices out there and there could be this temptation when it's just, you know, most of it, you're always the only one it seems like, you know? And that little voice in there, hey, you're the one that's wrong. How can you be right when they're wrong? How can your father, your grandfather, your great grandfather, and all these people in your family be wrong? But all of a sudden you, you're right. That's a demonic voice. And you're going to overcome that by these principles in the Bible. So let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, again, for this great wisdom and these principles in your word. So pray you help us to have the courage, Lord, to implement them and to use them and to defeat these dark forces that are out there, Lord. Pray you bless the fellowship after the service, Lord, and the food that's back there. And we thank you again for everything that you do for us. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. All right, please grab your song books one more time and turn to song 110. Song 110, All the Way My Savior Leads Me. On the first, All the Way My Savior Leads Me, What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy? Who through life has been my guide? Heavenly peace divine His comfort, nearby faith in Him to dwell. For I know what every fall me, Jesus, doeth all things well. For I know what every fall me, Jesus, doeth all things well. All the way my Savior leads me, cheers each winding path I tread, gives me grace for every trial, feeds me with the living bread. Though my weary stance may falter, and my soul a thirst may be, gushing from the rock before me, lo, a spring of joy I see. The rock before me, lo, a spring of joy I see. All the way my Savior leads me, oh, the fullness of His love, perfect rest to me is promised in my Father's house above. When my spherical, immortal wings just fly to realms of day, this my song through endless ages, Jesus led me all the way. This my song through endless ages, Jesus led me all the way. Amen. Brother Jeff, would you close the service in a word of prayer please. Amen.