(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Do you want to pray for us? The Lord, I thank you so much for bringing us together again. I thank you for keeping the church so strong. I pray you bless tonight's message. I thank you so much. I pray you bless. In the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen. Right. Amen. Exodus chapter number 12. The title of the sermon this evening is The One Upper of the Lord's Supper. The One Upper of the Lord's Supper. Man, I tell you. So, we've, uh, we completed a solid month of everyday soul winning in March. And we're starting that again in April. And one thing, I mean, you do that, I mean, everything just multiplies. You talk to more people, you learn more about what people believe and I'm telling you one thing, I don't know if it's just the season or if this has just always been going on, but one thing that I'm noticing, almost on a daily basis, is that people are mentioning the Passover. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago a story about where I was speaking to this lady and we talked to her a couple of years prior and she was telling me about how her life has changed because she realizes that now there's God the Mother. And so we went through a bunch of, we went through a back and forth battle on that real quick until I realized she wasn't going to receive the gospel and I left. One of the things that she brought up was that they are just so superior. She's using language like this. You know, she's just like the reason why our church is being blessed and our movement's growing is because we added the Passover back into our church services. I figured, well, it's just a one-off whatever, okay, a couple days later, knock on someone else's door, they go to a Calvary church. And they're just like, you know, I just really like this church, you know, because before I started going here I thought I was saved, now I realize I'm not because I've got to repent my sins. And by the way, other churches I've been to haven't been doing Passover and I'm like, okay. And then I've just been noticing this pattern where these professing Christians at least around here, I'm sure this isn't just confined to Idaho, but they just keep bringing up this idea of celebrating Passover or adding Passover and making it an addition to what they already do regarding communion of the Lord's Supper and saying that they're better off than the rest of us because they do that. And so we're going to answer some questions tonight, like what is the Lord's Supper? What was the Passover? What's communion? And why we don't celebrate Passover? And why celebrating Passover today does not make you in any way, shape, or form better than somebody who just celebrates the Lord's Supper. In fact, I think what you're going to learn today is that it's extremely blasphemous. Because think about it, what are you passing over? Like seriously, like what's being passed over, okay? And we're going to answer that and much more. But what I wanted to do tonight was just to start off back in the Old Testament with the beginning of the Passover. Let's get context here. Let's get some understanding of what it was and what it transitioned to before we move on. So Exodus 12, let's start in verse number 1. So the Bible says, And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you. Now, if you really study this out, and obviously we don't have time to break it down today, but the new year used to begin about this time, okay? It was about the April, about spring is when the new year originally was recognized or celebrated. The Roman Catholic Church changed all that, made it January. And yeah, there are people out there today that will want to fight and you know, and stuff about that. That's a fact, that's true. This confirms that. However, it's really difficult in today's day and age to want to celebrate the new year in April because all the calendars, your work schedule, your school, whatever it is, the world is under that system, okay? Not to get off on a rabbit trail, but there's a purpose behind that, okay? Because everybody knows that the Catholic Church has its tentacles and everything, and is probably going to be a big, major player in end times. Prophecy, One World of Religion, and all that stuff. So just something to think about and to chew on as we read through this, so don't let that throw you off there. You know, if somebody comes up to you and they're like, well, I celebrate the new year in April, great. That's cool. But you're forced to do it, you're forced to change your calendar. You're forced to change the date on documents in January, and there's nothing you can do about it. If you start signing your work documents, you know, 2022 up until April, you're going to be in big trouble. You're going to have an issue, okay? Just something that has always boggled my mind, but whatever. Verse 3. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying in the tenth day of this month, they shall take to them every man, a lamb, according to the house of their fathers a lamb for an house. Now, after I finally caught on to this pattern of Passover worshipers around here, I started asking them, well, what kind of meat are you using? Okay, are you using lamb? And every person so far has denied it, or just skirted around the question. I mean, Costco has lamb. This says lamb, so if you're going to do the Passover, might as well do it the way it's written, okay? Verse 4. And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls. Every man, according to his eating, shall make your count for the lamb. So the point being a real lamb was to be slain, was to be sacrificed. Look at verse 5 for further requirements. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. Ye shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats. So understand that this lamb could not have blemish, okay? There had to be diligence in going to seek out the lamb that you were going to use for your Passover meal during this time frame here. And obviously, you know, if you've been around long enough, you understand the correlation between this and Christ, that he is sinless, perfect, without blemish. Verse 6. And ye shall keep it unto the fourteenth day of the same month, and the whole assembly of the segregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. Again, there's also a correlation between this verse and when the time when Christ actually died. Verse 7. And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper doorpost of the houses wherein they shall eat it. So please remember, up until this time, God has been in the process of trying to get his nation out from bondage out of Egypt, and he's given Pharaoh several chances. And through God's power, he's delivered all sorts of plagues unto them, and this was going to be the one that's going to do the most damage, the biggest one, where God is going to basically go through the land and smite the firstborn of everything in Egypt. And the way out of that was to have the blood from the lamb struck on the doorpost, one on each side, and the top, obviously that's symbolizing the cross. Verse 8 says, and they shall eat the flesh in that night. Roast with fire and unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. So again, you know, if somebody wants to fight about this, oh, we have the Passover, we're better than you. It's like, okay, let's do an audit. Are you doing all this stuff here? Are you at least eating lamb or are you eating that impossible meat that's becoming more and more popular today? Okay, verse 9 eat not of it raw nor sodden. That means boiled. What does it say? What is the requirement to be roast with fire? What is that picture? Well, that picture is the fact that Christ went to hell and obviously hell couldn't hold him, so three days later walks out of the tomb, appears into the disciples, he's now at the right hand of the Father, but you can see in these verses there is a correlation with the lamb to Christ. Very important to understand when we get to the transition here, verse 10, look at verse 9 again, eat not of it raw nor sodden at all with water but roast with fire, his head with his legs and with the pertinence thereof. Verse 10, and ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning and that which remaineth of it until the morning he shall burn with fire. Okay, so you're not supposed to just be slacking this and just leave part of it around or anything like that, this is supposed to be observed diligently, okay, with care there's not something to be mocked, not something to be just, well I think I'll do part of this and then we'll do part of it next year or whatever, no, you need to follow this to a T, verse 10 or I'm sorry, verse 11 says this and thus shall ye eat it with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand and ye shall eat it in haste, it is the Lord's pass over, okay, verse 12 for I will pass through the land of Egypt this night and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast and against all the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgment, I am the Lord. Okay, and so there you have it, the very first Passover and so when you hear the word Passover also mentioned as Easter in the New Testament, this is the event that that is referring to, okay, it was to remind the children of Israel and it is to remind us honestly of our history because Israel's history is our history because we are the Israel of God, look at verse 14 and this is where this lady tried to get me here look at verse 14 and this day shall be unto you for a memorial and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations she said, see this is why so many churches today are not blessed because it says to all generations and you're not doing it, okay well the problem is we are doing it okay, the problem is they missed a huge chunk of the Bible, okay and I mean I'll just come right out and say it who's our Passover? It's Christ it's the Lord, okay, so anyways that didn't fly obviously, you can leave your place there and if you would go to Luke go to the Gospel of Luke, we're going to start Luke chapter number 22 Luke chapter number 22 so throughout the obvious the entirety here of the Old Testament right up until what is referred to as the Last Supper which is kind of, I don't really like that term because we obviously do the Lord's Supper, I like to call it the Lord's Supper or communion, both of those are fine but obviously up until the point of Christ dying, really up until the point where we're reading now the children of Israel were commanded to follow the Passover, okay, the Passover and so what happened with the Passover what was the big change let's take a look here, now if you were to read the entire chapter of Luke 22, you would see constantly and you would see the story of where Jesus tells the disciples to make ready the Passover and to get the space ready and to get everything ready so that they could commence with the Passover, now we're going to start reading here in verse number 14, Luke 22 look at verse number 14 it says, when the hour was come he sat down and the 12 apostles with him and that would include Judas all 12 apostles verse 15, and he said unto them, now remember in this chapter, when you follow this constantly it's talking about the Passover Jesus is saying, hey we need to make ready for the Passover, so his intention was to bring them together for the Passover verse 15, and he said unto them with desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer we've talked about that on Sunday, remember Peter had a hard time when he first heard that message verse 16 he says for I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God, so what does that indicate right off the bat? well, what he's about to demonstrate to us and explain, we need to keep doing until he comes back, verse 17 and he took, notice this here the cup, and gave thanks and said, take this and divide it among yourselves verse 18, for I say unto you I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come verse 19, and he took bread and gave thanks and break it and gave unto them saying this is my body which is given for you this due in remembrance of me so again, this was not a one time event this is something that we are supposed to continually do and we'll go to 1 Corinthians here in a little bit and really understand that but look at verse 20 likewise, also the cup after supper saying this cup is the new testament in my blood which is shed for you go to Matthew chapter 26 Matthew chapter number 26 so in that story again, you know Passover, Passover, Christ says I've desired to eat this Passover you get to the end of the chapter there, and what do you see? No mention of the lamb, right? No mention of that, what is the emphasis? The cup and the bread so it's almost like he changes up, so they're all sitting there like okay, get this Passover all ready to go, and then he starts talking about the cup and the bread and you'd have to wonder yourself, like if you were sitting there wouldn't you be like okay, where's the meat? What's going on here? What's going on with this change? Well this change is supposed to teach us that Christ is fulfilling the lamb he is that portion look at this again here, Matthew 26 look at verse number 26 it says and as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat, this is my body, so what is he doing here? He's explaining the metaphorical meaning of the bread this represents his body this unleavened bread represents his body, and what does it do? It shows the Lord's death until he comes, that's why it is unleavened because obviously we understand that Christ died, but he also rose from the dead and so that bread is supposed to be a reminder of that fact in the event that he died and rose again, but furthermore what you don't see in here is you don't see him saying this becomes my body, like the Catholic church likes to teach, they teach the doctrine of transubstantiation, which literally means that the bread or the wafer depending on where you go, Catholic Lutheran, and the wine or the juice, depending on what church you go to, literally becomes Christ, like Christ literally shows up, and becomes that bread and the wine becomes his literal blood, okay, that is what they believe, there's a lot of Lutheran sects that believe that so on and so forth, that is not what you're seeing here, he's clearly saying this represents that, this is meant as a demonstration as a reminder nothing more, okay, verse 27, and he took the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, drink ye all of it and again, you know, nothing's in the Bible by coincidence, okay, why does it say drink ye all of it, because you can't be halfway in Christ and halfway out right, we see this all the time, out-souling people understand who Christ is people even go to church and say this and say that, but when you really get down to it, they're like, and you ask him, you know, have you ever been saved, have you been born again I don't know, I'm still kind of working on it, okay you're supposed to drink it all, you're supposed to take it all in, put all your faith on him, is what the Bible says look at verse 28 for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins, and again, I mentioned this on Sunday, okay understand, remission and forgiveness can be interchanged, but they have the respective places, when you see that word remit, or remission most of the time what it's talking about is it's a reference to the cancellation of the sin debt to the world okay, Christ didn't just die for one denomination or just for the Jew or anything like that, he died for the sins of the entire world, so that the world could believe and be saved, okay, he took care of the bill and all you have to do is accept the free gift, so that is what that is talking about there, we all understand that look at verse 29, he says, but I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new with you in my father's kingdom, now go to 1 Corinthians chapter number 5 so Luke Matthew what do they show us? they show us the transition from the Passover, which we started reading about in Exodus chapter 12 right, which would include the lamb, and it gives us the transition from the Passover to what we call the Lord's Supper or Communion Communion just means fellowship that's what that means, okay now, to further prove this here 1 Corinthians chapter 5, look at verse 7 so Paul tells the Corinthian church here he says, purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened, for even Christ, what does it say? our Passover is sacrificed for us okay, it doesn't read like this for even Christ our Passover is ongoing you know, continuously being sacrificed for us, it doesn't say that, okay, is once and done, okay go read through the book of Hebrews, we all understand this okay, this should be basic doctrine here but you would be surprised at how many people don't get it, there are literally churches all over the world all over this country where they're sacrificing Christ on a monthly basis, some on a daily basis, some on a weekly basis, over and over again, but the Bible says that Christ is our Passover, okay he was sacrificed once and for all, for us okay, so what are you starting to see here? Hopefully you're starting to see if you sit down and you're celebrating the Passover and bringing back the lamb you're saying that Christ's sacrifice is not good enough I mean, what are you doing? oh, he's passing over my sins for the last seven days, or the last 360 days, or whatever it is that's insane because the Bible says that he died for the sins of the world, not for ours only, but for the sins of the entire world, go to 1 Corinthians chapter number 10 so this is why we don't celebrate the Passover anymore, because at the Lord's Supper, when he gathered the apostles together to celebrate the Passover he changed it on them, and said do this in remembrance of me no mention of a physical piece of meat, no mention of that whatsoever, why? Because he took the place of that lamb, okay let's look at some doctrine here 1 Corinthians chapter number 10 look at verse number 15 so Paul says this to the Corinthian church here he says in verse 15 he says, I speak as to wise men judge ye what I say now look at this here in the next verse the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of Christ? and so what he's saying there is that this event here and what you're going to find is the Lord's Supper is an ordinance, it is a command that we do it but what is it? it represents fellowship it's us agreeing with what Jesus taught the disciples, what these things represent, in showing the Lord's death till he come back verse 17 says, for we being many are one bread and one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread, one time now notice he's not talking about a physical piece of bread he's not talking about the wafer or the cracker verse 18, behold Israel after the flesh are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? now interesting, because you're several years removed from the death of Christ and the resurrection and so Paul makes a statement here about Israel after the flesh you know what? Israel after the flesh is still alive today and they obviously do not like what we do, but notice what Paul says, he says that their sacrifices are basically a reference to partaking of the altar, so they're worried, their concern is solely based off of the rituals, the cardinal ordinances everything that Paul said, hey these things were a shadow of things to come these things that they did in the Old Testament were meant to be pictures of things to come well the Israel or the Jew today says, well no we need to keep doing that stuff, we need to mend the veil back together, we need to build a temple, we need to bring that religious system back because we don't believe in Christ, Paul's rebuking that here in the midst of this teaching verse 19, what say I then, that the idol is anything? or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is anything? but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils and not to God and understand there that Israel after the flesh would fall into that Gentile category, okay look what he says, verse 20, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils and not to God and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils so if you follow the passage carefully and please again read this on your own time you'll see that the word communion and fellowship can be interchanged okay, so when we partake of the Lord's supper we're literally just showing fellowship not only with ourselves but with Christ because he said do this in remembrance of me, so it's an act of fellowship, that's one of the reasons why we do it, so if people say I don't like the word communion, I only like XYZ, it's like well communion is in the Bible, okay, it's just you got to understand what it means, verse 21 it says you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table and the table of devils and guess what, who's a perfect example of that Judas, right, because Judas was there at the Lord's supper and we all know what happened to him at the end of his life which is not very pleasant and he's now in the lowest hell go to 1 Corinthians chapter number 11 now again I say this a lot all the time too, you know the epistles in the New Testament this is where we go to to get not only our edification but to get our clear understanding on how we're supposed to run the church and how we're supposed to handle different situation and different functions and things of that nature and this is definitely a great chapter to go to to prove why we do the Lord's supper because a lot of Baptist churches do it differently I've been to some churches where they do it once a month I've been to some churches where they just you know, do it every other week it seems like, they'll do it on a whim seriously, I've been to churches where they're like you know, I just feel in my spirit that tonight we need to break out the bread and the juice and they'll just randomly have you know, the Lord's supper you know, it is what it is we're going to take a look at some of these things and I'm going to basically explain a lot of stuff about the Lord's supper and why it is that we only do it once a year again, I'm not saying that's the only way to do it I'm not saying that at all but one thing I'm saying for sure is I don't feel like fighting about the frequency and things of that nature as long as you're not taking it you know, and thinking this is literally going to make me a better person by doing this because of transubstantiation or something like that I think we'll get along fine, I think we'll be okay let's start reading here in verse 17 1 Corinthians chapter 11 look at verse number 17 now in this so Paul says this that I declare unto you I praise you not stop there so understand, what he is about to mention here is a rebuke he is not happy with something okay, and this is something you have to understand and you really want to focus on this before you read the rest of the chapter verse 17 now in this, that I declare unto you I praise you not that you come together not for the better, but for the worse so he's saying hey you guys are coming together and you're assembling and it's not for the better, it's for the worse there's something bad going on here that you're doing and it needs to be called out, look at verse 18 he says for first of all when you come together in the church I hear that there be divisions among you and I partly believe it verse 19 for there must be also heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you, and this will prove over and over again to be true you talk to people who have gone to various churches and when there's divisions and there's cliques that are starting to form you better believe there's heresies going on it's just a fact, it's what Paul brings up, and I've seen it in my life several times verse 20 when you come together therefore into one place, so remember, he's rebuking them he's saying first of all, you've got divisions I know there's heresies now here's the third thing, verse 20 when ye come together therefore into one place this is not to eat the Lord's Supper ok, he's saying when you guys come together, you're not doing it for the Lord's Supper, so what are they doing? well look at verse 21 says for in eating, everyone taketh before other, his own supper and one is hungry and another is drunken so here's what's going on in the Corinthian churches they've got the bread they've got the wine they've got the juice sounds like they use the wine I don't know, but the fact of the matter is, they have all this stuff out and the Corinthians are just showing up and you've got people that are getting there early and they're like, oh! this is like the buffet, and they're just going to town and you've got a few people apparently, taking all the bread and so other people come in and they're like, ok, I'll show you and they're just like, oh! you know, just chugging all the wine and they're drunken ok, look at what he says in verse 22 what? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? he's like, don't you you know, if you want to get your fill on do it at home what are you doing here? this is not China Grand Buffet over on Fairview, ok? you need to be careful now, he's not saying that it's wrong for them to have the bread and to have the juice there in the church ok, what you're going to find here it's the manner, it's the way they're conducting themselves they're literally making a mockery of the Lord's Supper ok, I mean, think about it again, I'm not trying to say this to fight anybody I'm just simply saying, the Lord's Supper where were they? in the upper room there were 12 of them and they partook of the Lord's Supper ok, so apparently that tells you that you can do it at church you don't have to do it at home, though you can you'll see that, you'll see with a lot of things in the Bible, in the New Testament there's autonomy because these things, God wrote these things and he instituted these things to fit all time periods up until he comes back because think about it, what happens when we can't meet here? what happens when we have to go in secret? well we still need to keep this because it's a command right, what are you going to be doing in your house? there's going to be things like that that take place but back to the story I like how he's just like, what? what are you doing? what is wrong with you guys? don't you care about other people? so he says in verse 22 have ye not houses to eat and drink in? or despise ye the church of God? and shame them that have not so what this behavior does is it speaks to the people that are coming in and out of the church it speaks to the community, it speaks to the lost that you're just out of control and you're just like them it says what shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not so he's saying, look I don't praise you for the way you're handling of these things verse 23 for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you so now he's really going hard and rebuking them because he's like we've already gone over this I already taught you the right way to do it right, he says for I have received, verse 23, of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread verse 24 when he had given thanks he break it and said, take eat, this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me, that is an obligatory statement, that is a must do okay, this is something that we are supposed to do as Christians and Paul's reminding him, hey, this is what Christ told me, do this in remembrance of him, verse 25 now look at this, after the same manner, notice that word there manner, okay that is what this passage is really talking about, the manner in which they were taking the Lord's Supper so verse 25, after the same manner, also he took the cup, and when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood, this do ye, and here it is as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me okay, and so that phrase there, as oft as ye drink it, the way I read that is that's an autonomous statement, as often as you're going to do it, okay, do it in this manner, do it in this manner, okay, now if everybody came to me and was like we really want to do it once a month okay, maybe we'll consider it, you know, but you're baking the bread, okay, we're going to have to get on a schedule here, because poor Kinley was in the kitchen like for hours making that bread okay, so, but anyways I'm back to the subject here, you get the point, okay, so churches that do this once a month I'm not going to fight with you over it, I don't care I really don't, I won't even answer emails about it I just, that's how much I just don't care as long as we follow the manner in this passage, that's what I'm concerned with and you'll see why here in just a second okay, verse 26 for as often again, for as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show the Lord's death till he come now we do it at this church once a year because we follow basically what this came from which was the Passover and they did that once a year and it's just a tradition, okay, it's the way I learned it at Verity and it's the way we do it here it is what it is, that's why, okay or you're following tradition, yeah that's it, but I'm admitting to you that it's a tradition and that's why we do it once a year, okay if you really want to do it more, look get you on a baking schedule okay, and we're going to have to get some volunteers to take the load off, okay verse 27 wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord and this is where I've seen people get really crazy, I was at a church in Japan, okay, and there was, you know there was a Baptist church and they'd do this I think it was once a month and they would really put on a show it's King James only, they had the right gospel but man, they put on a show I'll tell you what, they'd get the stuff out and the pastor, retired marina, still love this guy to this day he was a great pastor, but man, he'd get up there and he'd be like I know some of you have been to the bars you know, he'd be like, I know some of you have been looking at things he'd just really pour it on be like, look, if you've done any sin if you've been cussing at people on that ship you know, because I was there working for the Navy if you've been cussing at people on that ship you've been running around out in town with people that aren't saved you know, you could die tonight if you drink this cup he'd scare people to death I mean, he'd just really pour it on and then he would have like a half hour time period of absolute silence okay, and I'm like man, this is getting almost kind of Catholic in here, dude I don't like this, man because I didn't learn it this way and again that's how they did it, but he really put the fear in people, you know one time, I'm gonna go off on a mini story rabbit trail, okay I'm the pastor, I can do it once in a while I used to love walking down the street at night and I would go to the train because I would train mixed martial arts at this school and I would purposely walk down this alleyway to get to the train, one, because it was fast and two, because I loved to see church members inside some of these bars and I would stand there if I saw them and I would pound on that window until they saw me and I'd tell the pastor, guess who I saw and I'd go, oh okay and then the next day when that person would come to church oh brother Joe saw you at the bar, what's up you know, he would really just take them in the office I'd be standing there like a narc but it's because he cared about those people you know, and he'd get a couple other guys you know, and please understand these are military guys and so, with that being said you know, he's retired Marine you know, he's gonna grab chiefs he's gonna grab people in the chain of command that also go to the church and they're in there, and they're pouring it on and people straighten up from that harsh rebuke so, I'm just saying I'm glad I was able to be a part of that but he would bring this up during this community time you know, brother Joe saw God I was like, man, I need to stop talking to this guy I need to quit doing that and just keep my mouth shut but anyways, that's not what this is referring to okay, obviously, you're unworthy if you're not saved okay, that is definitely a fact that is obvious actually, let's see here go to Revelation chapter number 5 Revelation chapter number 5, okay, let's talk about this unworthily, okay, it says you go to Revelation 5, but it says what does that mean? Well, first of all, you're gonna see the manner in which these Corinthians were treating the Lord's Supper led to people dying, sickness and all sorts of things, okay but, to be guilty of the blood and body of the Lord has nothing to do with how you lived your life this week, because everybody sins, okay does anybody here think that they're worthy on their own accord of salvation? no, exactly okay, look at this here let's see who was worthy, who is worthy Revelation 5, look at verse number 2, Revelation of John let's just start in verse 1 we've got time, it says now look at verse 3 and no man in heaven and no man in heaven is worthy and no man in heaven, nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the book, neither to look thereon, and I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon, verse 5 and one of the elders saith unto me, weep not, behold the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof so he obviously is the one who is worthy, okay, now go to Luke chapter number 20 real quick Luke chapter number 20, now yes you read through Ephesians, Colossians, there is mention of us walking worthy of the vocation wherewith we're called, obviously I understand that okay, we should be disciples, we should desire to read the word and to be in church and be with each other and edify and evangelize, do the two-fold mission of the church, okay, we talk about that all the time okay, we should walk in that worthiness okay, but that's not what Paul's talking about specifically in chapter 11 the context of the passage is how they're doing the Lord's Supper, the manner in which they're doing it, okay, but here's one way that we are worthy and see if this applies to you Luke chapter 20 we're going to start reading here in verse 34, but this is the famous story where the Sadducees try to stump Jesus with a parable and of course it doesn't work, he tells them that they err because they don't know the power of God but he makes a statement here in verses 34 and 35 and I want you to see this it says, and Jesus answering said unto them, the children of this world marry and are given in marriage verse 35, but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage, verse 36 neither can they die anymore for they are equal unto the angels and are the children of God being the children of the resurrection okay, so look, here's the deal, make it real simple if you're saved, you're born again you have the new man inside of you which you didn't earn which was given to you after you accepted the free gift of salvation okay, that new man is worthy because Christ made that new man, God made that new man so if you're saved, you're worthy to partake but here's the thing, you don't want to be a fool okay, because we can be saved and be foolish all of us would agree with that statement, right so go back to 1 Corinthians 11 and we'll finish up here so verse 27 wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord okay, John chapter number 1 what's recorded about John the Baptist when he was talking about Christ I am not worthy to even loose the latchet on his shoe let's see here the Romans in Turian, Matthew chapter 8 we talked about this several weeks ago okay, he said, Lord I'm not worthy that you should even come under my roof okay, so again Revelation 5, there's one who is worthy and we're in him and that's the only reason that we're worthy, okay it's because we're in Christ he did the work, verse 28 but let a man examine himself and so let him eat that bread and drink of that cup okay, examine himself do you understand what this represents are you old enough, do you understand what these things mean okay, because you don't want to violate this you don't want to follow the Corinthian catastrophe here and bring wrath upon yourself because you can, especially obviously as a believer here, look at verse 29 he says, for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body, okay, so these people coming into church just gobbling the bread it's like, oh, first come, first serve okay, they have no idea they're not discerning the Lord's body they're not discerning, they don't understand that stuff is there for another purpose okay, that stuff is there for the ordinance of communion, of the Lord's supper, to show his death till he comes and they bring what on themselves damnation, don't let that word scare you okay, it doesn't always mean hell it just means judgment, okay, so you're bringing judgment on yourself by not discerning the Lord's body, by not understanding this, which by the way is why we want to make sure that young kids that are saved really understand this before they partake I think that's a safe and respectful thing to do let's see here, look at verse 30, and we're getting close to being done, for this cause okay, so for this cause, meaning because people just don't know what's going on or don't care, they're not discerning the Lord's body, he says for this cause, many are weak and sickly among you in many sleep why does it say sleep? because they're dead and they're believers, okay, many people had to go home because they weren't playing nice God said I'm going to take you home now okay, this is meant to be serious this is a very serious thing here and he says though because people aren't discerning the Lord's body and they're just treating the Lord's supper like this God's making people weak, you got people that are sick they can't figure it out and many sleep verse 31, for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged and of course that is just superb wisdom right there sometimes if we would just sit back and think before we act, we all know we'd probably have a better decision life, wouldn't we? and that's what Paul's saying if we would just honestly take a look at ourselves hey, do I even understand why I'm doing this? okay, do I understand my actions here? if we would just ask ourselves that question we would avoid what's mentioned in verse 32 but when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord you know we could save ourselves a lot of chastening if we would just judge our own selves and be like, you know what, what am I doing here? what was I thinking? that we should not be condemned with the world, so again a little nugget of truth there regarding chastening why does God chasten his children? to bring us back in line with what he wants and up with the world, God wants separation between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of hell and those who are floating trying to figure out where they fit in where they want to fit in, verse 33 wherefore, my brethren when ye come together to eat when ye come together okay, so in the context here okay, when they assemble in church is what he's talking about, when you come together to eat tarry one for another okay, wait for each other you know, take these guides that are just bread runners that are on a high carb diet and just slow them down, explain to them no, this is not for you to get your fill this is a ritual here this is what we do, this is an ordinance okay, this is a representation of what Christ did for us, it means something and last but not least verse 34 and if any man hunger let him eat at home that ye come not together unto condemnation and the rest will I set in order when I come so these guys are so messed up Paul's like, I got a lot of other things that we need to straighten out so I'll just take care of that junk when I get there and I'm just going to rip you a new one so, again, the Lord's Supper okay, it's to show something it's to remember Christ and his sacrifice and what he did so again, the title of the sermon is The One-Upper of the Lord's Supper it's a joke people that are adding to Passover and I've seen some Baptists online doing this and promoting this like it's a good thing you know, look, we're we're trying to bring the Jews some respect by following the Passover so that we can go and talk to them and have fellowship with them because they're the apple of God's eye no, they're Israel after the flesh you should have read 1 Corinthians chapter 10 furthermore, you should have read the whole New Testament but, whatever it's kind of hard if you're a dispensationalist the point being here you're not one-upping the Lord's Supper really what you're doing is blasphemy okay, following the Passover is blasphemy because Christ is present tense that's what that means, is present tense the Passover, he's our Passover okay, that's why we don't have lamb up here we have the juice and we have the unleavened bread and that is how we're supposed to do it so, again, we have to understand here it's not about whether or not you said something wrong to somebody yesterday, you had a bad thought you honked at somebody who was taking a left turn down here on Fairview and you were in a hurry obviously, you know, we work on ourselves every single day but we have this thing called the old man and that old man is always with us and every single day is a fight if we had to absolutely be perfect in the old man or be to a certain level look, we wouldn't be doing the Passover I'm sorry, the Lord's Supper, we wouldn't be doing that once a year, we'd never do it because if we were honest with ourselves how many of us have had some foolish thoughts today? yeah, every hand in this building would go up what am I supposed to do? kneel down on a bed of rice? like some Catholics might say or suggest? obviously, that's foolish, okay the point in this passage is we don't want to abuse the Lord's Supper, we don't want to take it irreverently, we don't want to mock it these things aren't meant to just get you filled now if there's leftovers in the back you can drink all the juice and eat the rest of the bread that's totally fine but again, these guys what were they doing? I've never honestly seen a church do this, I've never seen a church like, give me all the wafers I've never seen people come up and just really ransack it, but that's what these guys were doing they were just like everyone taketh before his own supper they're like, yeah, I'm bringing some of this I'm going to eat some of this home, I'm going to eat some here and other people were like, oh, free juice okay, now what do you think would happen if we put an ad out and said, hey we've got free bread we've got free juice you know, come celebrate the Lord's Supper and we just like, made this elaborate picture with just all the food you know, we would have a line out the door probably, okay but most of those people we know unfortunately, it's sad, probably aren't saved, would come in here just for that I mean, how many times did Jesus feed people and try to teach them a lesson and then those people came back, right and he's like, you're not here because of what I said, you're not here because of doctrine and truth, you're here to get your fill you're here for the physical right, that's the point that is what we need to understand, so hopefully that might have answered some questions that we started off with, what is communion, what is the Passover, we don't celebrate the Passover today because Christ is the Passover we celebrate what is called the Lord's Supper, often, not often but it is referred to as communion a lot of times I understand why we don't use that word so much, it's because of Catholics and a lot of these other people attach other rituals and transubstantiation to that and so, don't worry, I get it, totally understand but as long as you understand these things, okay, we don't celebrate the Passover because Christ is our Passover okay, and we're in him, so we're always in Passover if you really want to, he's already passed over our sins by his sacrifice so with that being said, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer thank you so much Lord for what you did on the cross for us, and for paying the sin debt to the entire world, I just pray you help us to be able to communicate that to the people in this community and I pray you bless the rest of the service and the fellowship afterwards, in Jesus' name I pray Amen