(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And the Lord and shall trust in him and all the upright in the heart shall glory Let's pray your lord I thank you for every individual that took time out of their week to come come here and might hear your word preached And I just pray for pastor as he comes forward that you would use them in a mighty way Jesus name we pray amen All right, so I just passed out these little charts for you guys It just kind of just a little help to kind of guide you as you read through The Bible and it kind of covers the Kings and stuff that we went over the last few weeks If you didn't get one, I apologize. I will get you one We're just having some difficulties with our printer after we did all the prayer sheets We went through and started printing these out and then you just started grinding and all that. So it's it's time I kind of like to stretch forth technology, but it doesn't seem to work these days. So I will get you one And so what the title of my sermon is tonight is the insurrection of Judah And the reason why I started us here in Psalm chapter 64 is because you're going to see that this chapter Parallels what we're talking about today So if you look on the second page of the handout that I gave you if you have one You'll notice on the kings of Judah side The last name there is Athaliah And if you haven't noticed that Athaliah is obviously not a king and the Bible doesn't mention her as a queen But she did reign over the kingdom of Judah for six years And so we're gonna be talking about her this evening So you're there in Psalm chapter 64 keep your place there because we will go back to it quite often But if you do me a favor and find your place to 2nd Chronicles chapter 22 2nd Chronicles chapter 22 And then when you get there just keep something there Because we're gonna go back and forth between these two chapters So just find your place in 2nd Chronicles 22, and then come back to Psalm 64 The Psalm chapter 64 look at verse number one It says hear my voice Oh God in my prayer preserve my life From fear of the enemy and so let's just stop right there So this is a psalm of David and obviously David was no stranger to war no stranger to battles No stranger to people trying to stab him in the back And so he writes this psalm here and it says hear my voice Oh God right in my prayer And what does he say? He says preserve my life from fear of the enemy now Why does he say that because obviously David was a man after God's own heart But he was also very wise and he understood that when we live in fear of the enemy It hurts you physically it also hurts you spiritually It's not a good thing to have anybody in here who's ever just you know lived in fear for a few You know for for any length of time you'll notice that you're basically having a bad day, right? So if you're waking up and you're afraid of what you thinks about to happen Or things that are going on at work things are going on with your kids things are going on with your family You know that takes its toll on you physically and so he's saying hey Lord Please help me preserve my life from fear of the enemy because that is detrimental to your health to your productivity To your Christian life it looked down at verse number two He says hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity now Insurrection I'll just read for you the dictionary definition before I explain it It says insurrection is an act or an instance of rising in revolt rebellion or resistance Against civil authority or an established government in plainer more simpler terms It means to take over that means to infiltrate to take over So if you look down again at verse number two He says hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked And we're going to be talking about this today because this all applies to the life of Athaliah and what we're going to read in the wickedness that she did But the Bible makes it very clear here and this verse is specifically talking about not just any of wicked people, but it's talking about great people wealthy people people with influence with power right though the mighty powerful type people of this earth and what it says there and what I don't want you to gloss over is that it says that They have a council right the secret counsel of the wicked and it says from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity So the wicked counsel right when these wicked people of the earth when they get together and they counsel with each other Their goal is an insurrection. It's a takeover. It's an infiltration Why is that because they are workers of iniquity and that is what they do That's what they do all throughout the Bible oftentimes will get accused of being too heavy on conspiracies Are you're just a conspiracy not this and that but you know what these things are in the Bible and there's nothing new Under the Sun there are conspiracies today and just to give you a couple of quick examples Who's heard of the what is it called the Bilderberger group Mike? I know you've heard of the Bilderberger right and they're not talking about building cheeseburgers my friend. Okay, these these are wealthy Rich people that have great influence in politics throughout the earth and what do they do? They meet together at someplace typically in Europe right typically in Europe They meet together and they discuss things and it's secret and it's this and it's that you know And there's debate on what's being said there. All you need to really understand is this verse It's a secret counsel and those people are wicked, right? and so the result of that is going to be laws and bills and things of that nature that are for the purpose of infiltration for insurrection to overthrow and to subvert Society, that's what it's for who's ever heard of the Bohemian Grove Right. We've all heard of the Bohemian Grove in here. I bet you know, what was that guy's name Alex Jones, right? He said he snuck in there and I'm own theory about that I think that he was probably led and there's just my personal opinion I think that they want that information to be exposed to the population because they're trying to institute Satan worship or bail bail worship, whatever you want to call it, right? They're trying to expose society to that to get people complacent to drop their guards But anyways, that's a is it still an all-male resort the Bohemian Grove? Yeah, so it's this all-male resort out in the redwood groves in California somewhere north of San Francisco I believe it's been a long time since I've seen this documentary But basically what they do there is they bust in male prostitutes only male politicians are allowed So this is a place where you're gonna find like Michael Dell the guy from Dell computers people like that who else presidents right the bushes and Though the Rockefellers probably and all these wealthy people and again All you really need to understand and I'm not saying it's wrong to look into that stuff I think it's interesting because it lines up with what we find in the Bible. The point is the goal it is What they're doing there is Counseling each other right? They're encouraging each other For what reason and that is to infiltrate our society. That's where they come up with ideas That's where they come up with these plans and these bills and these ways to basically enslave the people that that's really what it boils Down to it's a fact, you know, if you don't believe me I mean just you know Listen to your co-workers listen to people out in the streets Listen to people talk about what's going on in the world America today is vastly different than even ten years ago Let alone talk about twenty thirty forty fifty years ago, right? What does that tell you? There's a spiritual insurrection going on as well in this country There are people that are hell-bent on changing the mindsets through censorship and through all these other avenues of approach That these wicked people want to Institute so that way we will no longer be able to speak truth We'll no longer be able to stand up for truth. And so that's what these meetings are for and you know It's there's nothing new under the Sun David had to do the same thing He had to go through the same thing in his prayer right off the bat before he even mentioned this Was preserve my life from fear of the enemy So we ought not to live in fear of these things, right? Because why because we understand that God is greater than all that now don't neglect it. It is important It is interesting to know, you know, because it's it's what's going on in our world It can sometimes help you better explain things to people that have questions like why is this world the way it is? Why does why does you know Trump seem to be the same as Obama, you know I mean who's you know, and you can kind of explain to them, you know, the puppet master tactics And that's basically what you're gonna get here. And so that's what we're dealing tonight. We're dealing with the insurrection more specifically the insurrection of Judas II because up until the point I Mean pretty much up until the point where you see Joram king of Judah take over Basically the Kings worship God right they worship the God of the Bible. They worshiped Jehovah God They you know They they obviously had their issues but on the Israeli side on the on the the northern kingdom of Israel side what happened there? Obviously you understand we've already talked about it the sins of Jeroboam, right? He instituted the golden calves of one and Dan the one of Bethel and then subsequently all the kings up until Jesus point, right? Prescribed to the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and along with that came Balaam worship Which is devil worship and so on and so forth now and we'll get into it What we're gonna see tonight is basically Judah going the same direction as the kingdom of Israel and how did that happen? It happened by an insurrection It happened because somebody made a bad choice to yoke up with the world to yoke up with Israel And then that bred forth plans and secret counsel and so on and so forth and we'll get into that here momentarily. So You don't have to turn there, but I just want to read this verse for you second Kings 11 3 We're gonna end the sermon here in second Kings chapter 11 But this is about Athaliah. So this is what it says about her It says he was with her hid in the house of the Lord six years and this is talking about Joash And then it says and Athaliah did reign over the land So the first thing I want you to understand is that she did reign over the land I'm not saying she was a queen because the Bible does not use that term to describe her But nonetheless she held the power. She did reign she made decisions. She killed people She was a very very wicked woman in fact second Chronicles 24 7 says for the sons of Athaliah that wicked woman had broke up the house of God and Also all the dedicated things of the house of the Lord. Did they bestow upon Balaam? So what she did is she brought what she learned from Ahab from Jezebel from that lineage from those wicked people And she brought that to the kingdom of Judah. And so now the kingdom of Judah has been insurrected It has been infiltrated. They have been taken over by wickedness And so that's what we're going to be learning about tonight So I've got three points three basic points for you this evening out of Psalm chapter 64 and number one is if you look down at verse number three, they sharpen their ability and I'm what I mean by they is they that that the Seek wicked counsel or that basically the workers of iniquity that we just read about in verse 2 They sharpen their ability to speak lies in order to gain control by influence Let me say that again. They sharpen their ability to speak lies in order to gain control by influence So what these people do is they they're not just making mistakes. Okay, they're not just oh, we're just sinners, you know Oh, we're just making bad choices. Oh, I stumbled on bail. Oh, I stumbled upon this devil worship No, well the Bible says is they actually sharpen actually practice They actually rehearse and try to learn more on how to speak lies Look down at verse number three Psalm 64 3 it says who wet Their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows even bitter words So the secret counsel that we're reading about here in Psalm chapter 64, right? The secret counsel of the wicked and we understand what their goal is to infiltrate right to subvert to overthrow Societies to overthrow those that are righteous. The Bible says that they wet their tongues WHET what that means is to sharpen right other places in the Bible talks about how they wet their swords It's just an older word to describe sharpening but notice what it says it says who wet their tongue like a Sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows even bitter words. They do this by counsel They do this by lies. They do this by speaking. Why do you think the news is so popular? Why do you think so many people are wrapped up in the news and different politicians? Why do you think they travel the country and speak on things? It's because that's how they gain Control by influence right what they do is they rehearse these lies They rehearse these plans and even through bitter words. It says that's how they subvert people, right? That's why David said hey hide me from their secret counsel hide me from their agenda hide Hide me from their plans and just to give you a modern-day example of this I'm sure everybody in here's heard the term Easter worshipers right after that attack overseas on some Christian churches I think it was Hillary Clinton and who else was it Obama that they tweeted something Yeah, they tweeted something on on their social media that said oh, we feel sorry for the Easter worshipers Well, look, I've never heard of that term in my whole life and I've grown up, you know In and out of church from my early 20s till now obviously being in church and I've never heard of Christians described as Easter worshipers What do you think they learned that they learned that by carefully sitting down counseling with each other and basically plotting careful bitter words to Basically overthrow people to condition people that Christianity is bad, right? They don't want to seem like they're happy about those attacks. So they have to tone down the language, right? They have to wet their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows Using better words an Easter worshipper to describe a saved warning in Bible believing Christian is a better word. That's not right The Bible doesn't call us Easter worshipers. It calls us saints Bible believing Christians or just the other day with these mass shootings. What? What did Trump say? What did he do? What kind of words did he use to describe those things or regarding the problems of those? He said that the whole reason those things happen is because of video games and the internet right now He didn't just come up with that by himself, right? We understand that he has a puppet master Somebody sat him down in a room and told him that's the seed that we want to plant in the American people, right? Nobody wants to talk about the fact that it's the result of sin and allowing iniquity into our country that God's allowing these things To happen, you know or the fact that they probably put those people up to it in the first place Which I haven't looked into it. I'm not saying that's the case. It could be though I wouldn't put anything past these people They're wicked evil people and one thing that I know is that they have Secret counsels and the whole purpose is to infiltrate. It's to insurrect. It's to subvert and Overthrow society and that's exactly what they are doing So point number one is they sharpen their ability to speak lies in order to gain control by influence And that's why we need to be careful and be you know be watchful Regarding these people because they're all liars especially in today's day and age I wouldn't trust any of these politicians out there. Not a single one You know who else comes to mind just right off the bat and have this in my notes But it's a guy Ben Shapiro, you know that that Jew guy, right? I mean that guy's a Christ rejecting Jew But you yet he's so good with his words and destroying people in debate, right? And we know what the Bible says about debate, right? We don't want to be filled with debate We don't want to be debating people but nonetheless He does this on TV and he gets people's attention and now all of a sudden he's got all of evangelical Christianity Oh, he's such a gift from God always got the mouth of God on him when really he is Psalm chapter 64 verse 3 He just sharpens his tongue He wets his tongue for the purpose that he may shoot at the righteous at those of us that are saved Look at verse number 4. It says that they may shoot in secret at the perfect Suddenly do they shoot at him and fear not what is the goal? What is the goal of the secret counsel of the wicked is to interact interact who is to interact the righteous? That's what this verse is saying here that they may shoot in secret at the perfect It's just saying there those of us that are complete those of us that are saved That is the goal and that's always been the goal if you think about it, right? I mean what's going on today? Let's get the Ten Commandments out of school. Let's get anything that has to do with Christianity out of government buildings Let's get all the Christianity out of America There is a huge drive to do that today, right and that didn't just happen overnight It happened after council meeting after council meeting after secret meeting after secret meeting of people that sharpen their tongues for the sole Purpose to insurrect this country and they've been doing it for a very long time You don't have to turn there But Psalm chapter 11 verse 2 says for lo the wicked bend their bow that They make ready their arrow upon the string that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart That is always the goal you could bet your last dollar that any time these wicked Politicians come out with some new bill some new trendy thing that they want to do some reason why something happened the end Goal, even if we can't see it at the time is to subvert society. It's to bring people to bail That's what it is. They understand that there's people hanging in the balance These people are much smarter than we give them credit for right most Christians today They can't get the fact that the wicked or wicked that the seed of the devil are the seed of the devil, right? We understand you have saints over here people that are born-again Bible believing Christians that are saved But you also have on the other side you have people that are sold out that are the seed that are Condemned that are on the devil side. They are children of the devil. They cannot be saved They are reprobate and then in the middle There's everybody else who have not made up their minds yet who have not gotten saved They don't haven't gone either way right the wicked they understand that and that's who they're going after They're going after that group of people and that's what they do They have these wicked council meetings so that they can gain control by influence and that's why the Bible says they make ready the arrow so that they can shoot at the upright and heart because if They can squash us over here if they can shut us up if they can get us out of the way then guess what? All this meat in the middle is ripe for the taking somebody's gonna get those people, right? It's either gonna be us or it's gonna be them and that's why we have to be Aware of these things and why we have to know these things turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 21 2nd Chronicles chapter number 21 We're going to do a little bit of review here before we head over to 2nd Chronicles 22 All right 2nd Chronicles chapter number 21 Look down at verse number 1 Says now Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David in Jehoram his son reigned instead now remember we're talking about the kings of Judah right now If you need help look at your chart remember after Jehoshaphat was Jehoram after Jehoram was Ahaziah now on the Israel side Remember after King Ahab it was King Ahaziah and then King Jehoram Remember your J's on the Judah side and your A's on the Israel side All right verse 2 and he had brethren the sons of Jehoshaphat Azariah and Jehill and Zechariah and Azariah and Michael and Shephatiah All these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel and their father gave them great gifts of silver and of gold and of precious things with Fenced cities in Judah, but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram because he was the firstborn now look at verse 4 Now when Jehoram was risen up to the kingdom of his father He strengthened himself and slew all his brethren with a sword and diverse also of The princes of Israel You've got to kind of ask yourself. Where was the outcry when this happened? Why didn't somebody stop him and I'll tell you why it's because Jehoshaphat decided to yoke up with Israel and the people saw that and they got complacent They probably just said you know what this these things have happened to us God has removed our strength whatever the case may be and that's what happens when wicked people or you know Not even just wicked people. That's what happens when leadership fails Right when leader like if I were to start yoke up with some liberal church I'm sure most of you would probably leave hopefully but nonetheless, you know If you didn't eventually that would have a negative impact on your future decisions that would have a negative impact on The rest of your Christianity why because you you know, you would be like well, you know, he did it I guess it must be okay That's just kind of how things go here Jehoram grew up with his father hanging out with the wicked kings of Israel and so now he's gonna live after that wickedness verse 5 Jehoram was 32 years old when he began to reign and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem and he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel like as did the house of Ahab for He had the daughter of Ahab to wife and he wrought that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord And so that's who we're gonna be talking about as the daughter of Ahab here in a moment jump down to verse number eight It says in his days the Edomites revolted from under the dominion of Judah and made themselves a king then Jehoram went forth with his princes and all his chariots with him and he rose up by night and smote the Edomites which compassed him in and the captains of the chariots so the Edomites revolted from under the hand of Judah and to this day the same time also did Libna revolt from under his hand because he had forsaken the Lord God of his fathers Remember what we just read right off the bat the Bible starts talking about King Jehoram King of Judah And it says that he strengthened himself right? No room for God. He never relies on God. He doesn't trust God He strengthens himself. He trusts in himself. And so God is making him weaker and weaker and weaker now jump down to verse number 12 I'm sorry verse 15. Just jump down to verse 15 for sake of time So basically what happens is Elijah writes him a letter rebuking him and says and thou shalt have great sickness by disease Of thy bowels until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day moreover the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines and of the Arabians that were near the Ethiopians and they came up into Judah and break into it and carried away all the substance that was found in the king's House and his sons also and his wives so that there was never a son left him Save Jehovah has the youngest of his sons and after all this the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incurable Disease and it came to pass that in the process of time After the end of two years his bowels fell out by reason of his sickness So he died of sore diseases and his people made no burning for him like the burning of his father's To I'm sorry 30 and 2 years old was he when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years and Departed without being desired. How be it? They buried him in the city of David, but not in the sepulchres of the king So I just wanted to do a quick review. We hadn't talked much about King Jehoram King of Judah up until this point Now, let's go ahead and go over to chapter 22 and look down at verse number one So now we're gonna learn about a Isaiah and then after he gets killed by King Jehu who we studied last time we met Was about Athalia. So look at verse number one second chronicles. 22 one says in the inhabitants of Jerusalem made a Isaiah his youngest son King in his stead For the band of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had slain all the eldest So a Isaiah the son of Jehoram King of Judah reigned Forty and two years old was a as I when he began to rain and he reigned one year in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Athalia the daughter of Omri And says she's the daughter of Omri a lot of times a Bible will describe You know a person and say they're the daughter of the son of so-and-so and that doesn't always mean it is The her immediate father because the Bible says that Jehoram