(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, well, this morning I'll be preaching about a subject called common sense. Common sense, and the title of the sermon is The Disappearance of Common Sense. Now, a couple weeks ago, or maybe it was a week ago, I can't remember now, a week and a half ago, I was talking with this lady, and she's a teacher around here at one of the school districts, and I went to her house and she's like, you know what, I'm excited. I was like, oh yeah, why? She's like, well, we're not gonna be doing in-person classes, but maybe like once or twice a week at the most, and I was like thinking to myself like, that's weird, but okay, and she's like, didn't you hear what the governor said? And I was like, yeah, about how he rolled us back to a modified stage two, and she's like, yeah. And I was like, did you hear that he said that public schools were not the cause for the rise of cases in Idaho because the masks are working? It's actually small gatherings. She's like, yeah, I did hear that. That's true. And I was like, okay, so why is your school shutting down? A bunch of people get the virus, and she's like, a bunch of people called in sick, a bunch of teachers. They just keep calling him sick, and I'm like, well, what are they sick with? She's like, anyways, I'm just really glad that we're not doing in-person classes anymore. The governor really cares about us, and he, you know, he's looking out for us. I was like, yeah, but didn't he say that masks are working and the spiking cases are not the result of the public school system? And she's like, yeah, that's exactly what he said. And I was like, so why are the people calling in sick? I was like, do they have the virus? She's like, I'm like, you all right? So I just went back to work, right, and I'm like, I'm not gonna let this go, you know. But she just keeps talking, man, just keeps talking and keeps talking. And she's like, you know why it took me like almost five minutes to answer the door? Because I almost left. I forgot to mention that at the beginning of the sermon. She's like, I was looking for a mask. I don't want to get you sick. And I'm like, look, if you're sick, I'm just gonna leave. I don't want to be here in the first place. She's like, well, no, no, no. She's like, but I want to protect you. I'm like, okay, so you're not sick? No. But you want to protect me? Yes. Okay. So go back to work. All right. And she's like, yeah, these things are great. We should have been wearing these all along. I'm like, okay. You just keep going. I was like, so anyways, what's up with all those teachers? They called it sick. I was like, I'm just curious. I'm, you know, I, I just, I just, I like to look into these things. And she's like, well, they're, they're just sick. They all have a cold? She's like, you know, I just don't know. But anyway, I was like, no, no, no, hold on, hold on. I just wouldn't let it go. And she's like, maybe some of them have them. I was like, maybe. But aren't they wearing the masks? You know? And we just kept doing this. And she, she finally goes, you know what? I just, it's just a lot of the teachers, they just find it better to be at home on the computer because it eliminates all the bullying and all the problems that we have to do. I was like, oh, see, that's what I was looking for. See, I had the sense in the beginning of the story that it wasn't the virus as the cause for the teachers calling in sick. It's that they want to be lazy and they want to stay home and teach a two hour class on the computer and gain an eight hours day of pay. Okay. But she's got in, in, in, here's the funny thing. She's got no common sense, right? She's not being malicious, but she literally cannot answer a very simple question. Yeah. The governor said the public schools are not the source of the rise of cases. Why are all the teachers calling us? Oh, I don't know. She's got no common sense whatsoever. Absolutely zero. And keep this in mind, guys. She's a teacher. She is a teacher of 30 plus years. 30 years. She's like, I'm getting ready to retire in two years and I'm not gonna miss this. So she's wanting to coast her last two years, right? That's what it is. And so I finally got to the bottom, but obviously the teachers are calling in sick because they're protesting. Okay. They, they love it, you know, and, and, and her daughter was talking about, yeah, and sometimes even when we have the online classes, the teachers, they just go on for like 15 minutes to give us our assignments and then we're done. I'm like, wow. So what I want you to understand by the story is that just because you have, you know, education doesn't mean you have common sense. Okay. This is very important, you know. It's just common sense today, man. It's just disappearing across the board. It's just like it almost doesn't exist anymore. Because that attitude, I mean, it's like seems to be the majority of people that I come into contact with every single week. And if you think back, you know, to your daily activities, you're probably noticing the same thing, right? Whatever, it seems to me like whatever the news media says, it's like people are just like, oh yes, oh yes, you know, like they're literally hypnotizing people and robbing people of their basic senses, the basic ability to look at a situation and draw questions and demand the proper answers. You know, I'm just gonna read for you because, you know, I could get up here and say what common sense is, you know, people are like, oh that's your interpretation, right? Well, let's just see what the dictionary has to say common sense is. Here's a definition. Common sense is sound practical judgment concerning everyday matters or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge that is shared by common or nearly common to all people. What does our society by and large also say about judgment, about perception, and understanding that we shouldn't judge, right? And so you can see that that attitude, which is being pushed in public schools, in colleges, in the military, in the media, I mean through basically all avenues of society, right, that don't judge, don't question anything, that is taking a huge toll on society and it's robbing people of their basic ability to look at a situation and make a judgment call. You know, say, hey, this doesn't sound right. This doesn't seem okay. Something is wrong here. You know, I mean, think about this. Doesn't it seem like common sense? Jesus died on the cross, was buried, rose again the third day, paid the price for our sins. Doesn't it make sense that we shouldn't have to work for our salvation? But what do you see when you're out there knocking on doors? Most people say, well, yeah, he did all that, but you have to do the works. I mean, come on, right? Everybody knows that. And we have people from all walks of life that say that. That is, that is the religion of the world today. Works. That's what's out there. That's what we're facing today. And it's also another definition that says that the first type of common sense or good sense can be described as the knack for seeing things as they are and doing things as they ought to be done, right? Well, most people can't even see that basic truth, right? Most people, even if they deny the Bible, they deny the existence of Jesus Christ, they've at least heard about it, especially in this country. And what will they say, right? Sometimes, just for fun, I'll ask an atheist, well, what have you heard that it takes to get to heaven? And they'll say, well, you have to, you know, have to turn over a new leaf, or they'll say, you have to turn from your sins. Say, have you heard that Jesus died and paid the, you know, the price? Oh, yeah, I've heard all that. They'll say that. I've heard all that. And you're like, does that make sense? No. And then, and that's why they're all hypocrites. The story just keeps going like that. And so that, that, that's literally what we are up against today and what we're fighting. But it doesn't just stop there. It carries over into everyday life. So when you go to work, you're working for people who are in charge, who maybe have an education, and they've got zero common sense. They cannot even look at a basic situation at work, right, and spot who the lazy people are. You know, they can't, they just think that the guy who's like first, you know, back in the office, hey, boss, this is what we did today. While the rest of the crew's out working, they don't have enough sense to realize, hey, why is this guy who was the first guy back, why does he take 18 million breaks a day? You know, why is he always right? They have no sense to be able to discern that that guy is actually the bozo of the crew. He's actually the loser. He's the one not doing any of the work. He's the one everybody's complaining about, right, and we suffer as a result of that. So we need to learn how to navigate our daily lives just learning that it's just gonna get worse. You know, it's just gonna get worse. And so we need to get better. We need to get better. Because look, dealing with people that have zero common sense can drive you nuts. If you don't understand what's going on, you don't know how to deal with these people, it will literally cause you to go crazy and snap on people, which we've all been there, right? You know what, I mean, it's getting, it seems like it's getting to a point, I mean, only God's people are gonna have even the basic common sense. You know what I mean? I mean, just, just thinking about that teacher, it's like, what is wrong with you? How, how can you not see what's going on here? How can you not see that? It's just like, literally, mouth open, not blinking, looking at me. What, you never had anybody ask you a question? Never had a student come at you before and be like, this doesn't make sense. It's crazy. You're there in Nehemiah chapter, chapter 8, look down at verse number 8, and we'll start this off here. Nehemiah 8, look at verse number 8. It says, so they read in the book of the law, or, I'm sorry, so they read in the book in the law of God distinctly and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading. There is a lot going on here, right? So it says that they read in the book of the law distinctly. That means they read in the book of the law as it is the authority, right? They're not reading a verse and saying, well, your version might say this. Well, my version has a footnote at the bottom that says the original manuscripts didn't contain these verses, so you need to know that, right? They didn't read in the book of the law and say, well, here's what Scofield says, here's what Matthew Henry says, here's what Charles Ryrie says, here's what this person says, here's what the original language says. No, they read in the law of God distinctly and gave the sense, meaning they gave the awareness, they gave the situation, which tells you what? That they understood these things. And by the way, they're not just reading the original script here, right? I mean, think about it. At this time in Jewish history here, the time of Judea, I mean, it's been thousands of years since the time of Moses, right? So what does that tell you? That copy after copy after copy of the name. But yet they still trusted what they had because they had sense. They understood that God had the ability to preserve his words throughout all generations, which is why they could read in the law of God distinctly and give the sense, but it says it caused them to understand the reading. And that's what this sermon is about. It's about making sense of situations and it's about understanding because it's such a problem today, you know, and I mean, just, I want to show you this here. Go to Romans chapter 2. Go to Romans chapter 2. It's such a problem today that, I mean, it's just affecting all areas of life, you know? I mean, like the stupid mayor that we have here, right? She wants to set up this, or not wants to, she is going to set up this this Karen hotline where now people can just go around and drive by business and be like, oh, I remember when you pissed me off three weeks ago. Guess what? Hey, there's like eight people in this business down here that don't have masks on and she's gonna send, you know, send her police officers down there to investigate and then warn these businesses if they have people inside of them not wearing masks. Here's the sense. Here's how we make sense of that. Most people, and I've been paying attention because I go into stores all over the valley every single day. I stop in gas stations, I go to hardware stores, I go to stores, I go to people's houses. Most people are wearing masks. So if they work, shouldn't these things be going down? I think that's a valid question. Okay, but now, oh no, oh no, it's getting bad, right? See, it's the people in the small gatherings like Chicken Little said, right? And that's another thing that this teacher brought up. She said, well, it's the people in small gatherings. I was like, you mean like having service workers come to your house? And she's like, well, I know, I don't think it's really that, right? She's like, I don't think it's that. I think it's the people in the bars. I was like, well, I'm against bars, so I had to say whatever. I was like, you mean churches too? She's like, well, yeah, that could be it. She's like, you know, but before all this, I went to church, so I'm not, she's like, I'm not judging. I'm a Christian. You're a Christian, huh? And you've got this much common sense. What does that tell you about what's going on today in these churches? It's absurd. Absolutely absurd. But this mayor, you know, she's got this, this, I mean, what sense does that make to impose these communist restrictions on the city here? I mean, we need to have the sense that something else is going on here. You can't tell me that this commie devil mayor who supports abortion, who supports sodomites, who supports drunkenness and fornication, and all the above, really cares about your health, and really cares about my health, and cares about the health of the city. Something else is going on here, okay? And we need to have the sense to realize those types of things. So what I want to do now is have you turned to Romans 2? Yeah, Romans chapter 2. So what I want to show you here is that we're all born given a basic level of understanding, a basic common sense, if you will. Look at verse number 14. Romans 2, look at verse 14. It says this, For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law are law unto themselves. And remember, we go here when people say, what about the guy on North Sentinel Island who's never heard the gospel? Well, he's going to hell, and it's a just, and it's a righteous thing, because he doesn't need to hear the gospel. He's got nature. He's got his conscience. He's got the law which is written on his heart, and they rejected that, and that's enough to condemn them. Verse 15, which, notice this, which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or excusing one another. We talked about that. That's like the black box, right? Our thoughts, our conscience. That's like the black box. You know, like when an airplane goes down, and they try to recover the black box, so you can hear the last conversations, and things that went on in the cockpit, and kind of make a determination of what happened. Well, that's basically what our consciences are, right? In the day of judgment, people are like, well, I'm not gonna remember all the stuff I did. You don't have to worry about it. Your conscience will accuse or excuse your thoughts. Everybody has the conversation within themselves, and at some point in their lives, it says, you know, I'm either gonna believe on Christ, or I'm gonna reject Christ, okay? But what you need to understand here is that everybody, because if you look at verse 14, when the Gentiles, so he's talking, Paul's talking to the Romans here, okay? He's talking to people who weren't born in Israel, who were not made Jewish converts, necessarily. So he says, for when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are law unto themselves. Why is that? Because God has written a law on people's hearts. People instinctively know what is wrong. Most people understand that. Obviously, if you read Romans chapter 1, you learn about people who reject God to a point to where he removes their conscience, and they have no issue violating what is wrong, but they still know. They still have that understanding. You can't tell me that these pedophiles don't know what they're doing is wrong. If they didn't, then why do they try to hide it? Why do they try to push legislation to lower the age of consent if they don't know that it's wrong? They understand that it's wrong, because God has written his laws on all of our hearts, okay? So we're all born with a certain level of common sense, okay? Now go to Revelation chapter 6. Revelation chapter 6. I want to show you a time in history, well not in history, but a time that's coming in the future, and we're in the midst of right now, where this all seems to just get put on the back burner. Go out the window. Very familiar verses here, but I want to show you this. Revelation 6, look at verse 14, and you'll see something here. Look at verse 14. It says, and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Verse 15, and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. Verse 16, and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb of God. You know, I heard one guy say sometimes like, well because the the church has been raptured out of here so long ago, right? Because, you know, they believe, most churches believe in a pre-trib rapture. We believe in a post-trib pre-wrath rapture. Obviously the the wrath is starting here. We're gonna be gone before God pours out his wrath. We understand that, right? But even if what they say is true and there hasn't been any gospel preached, it doesn't matter God's law, it's already been written on their hearts. You need to understand that, right? These people here have God's law written on the hearts but I don't believe that. I mean I believe that but what I'm saying is I don't believe that they've never heard about Christ because this is saying every person in the world, right? There are obviously, if you read the rest of the book, there are people who preach the gospel through the very end. So think about this. You have a group of people here and it's a large group of people and look at the types of people back in verse 15. Kings of the earth, right? So you got your kings, you got your politicians, great men, people that have a lot of wealth, people that have a lot of resources that are seemingly smart, the rich men, chief captains, right? So you've got captains of military forces, captains of all sorts of different organizations, mighty men, right? You got your athletes, you've got your celebrities in here. All of these types of people. Every bondman. You're always gonna have bondmen. You're always gonna have prisoners and people that are not free, people that are servants or whatever the case is there. But it says, and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. How, think about this for a second. You've got these people who've obviously heard about Christ, right? Because I mean think about it. What is the Antichrist doing during the tribulation? He's at war with Jacob. He's at war with us, right? So don't tell me that people don't know who Jesus Christ is during this time frame. They hear about him. He's the subject of the news, subject of colleges, because everybody's preaching against him. We're the bad guys. And you can even see this now, right? This is basically a picture of the world here. They hear about Christ. They know who he is. And then there comes a moment in time where the heavens are rolled back as a scroll and they literally see him on the throne. Think about this. They realize, uh-oh, it's true. And what do they do? They look at the rocks and the mountains and say, fall on us and hide us from him who sitteth on the throne. What happened to common sense? You can't get more common than actually seeing the Son of God in heaven and then, I mean, literally looking at these rocks and saying, you know, hide us from him. So how stupid were they up until this point? You know what I mean? What was the process that got these people to this point? That is crazy. That is alarming. And that should concern all of us. And you know what? This point in time, which is in the future here, this is where we're going. We're in the midst of this right now. This is what every college, yes, every college, this is what the public school system, and this is what the media is producing, these types of people here. Look, and notice here, notice here, kings of the earth. You've got your kings. You've got your great men. You've got your rich men. You got your captains. You've got your people that are free. You have people, and all of these people probably have education. A lot of them do, especially the rich. So what does that tell you? It takes zero common sense to be a politician, zero common sense to be a teacher, zero common sense to be a captain, zero common sense to be in a position of leadership or to have influence or any of that. Yet what are we told today? Oh, we need to trust these celebrities. You see, in the evil dark forces that really rule the world and pump out money into brainwashing the masses, they know this. That's why they'll pay these Hollywood celebrities, hey, say this, hey, let's do a little commercial with you, you know, in a mask. Let's do a little commercial with you promoting abortion, because people see status. They see popularity. They see money. They see wealth. They see the great men of the world, and they just automatically trust them. They just automatically believe them, right? But then the world, you know, looks at Christians, and they're like, well, you're just lowly. What have you ever done? You're just taking care of a family? You go to church? You're stupid. You're dumb. You're the reason why we were in such bondage back in the 17 and 1800s. Isn't that what they say? That's ridiculous, man. That is absurd. Go to Proverbs chapter 21. Proverbs chapter number 21. But you have to understand, I mean, to get to that point to where the world would look up into heaven, I mean, nothing like this has ever been done before. And to actually think you could be hid from God, and to actually think that that's somehow gonna work? I mean, there had to have been, like, zero common sense in actual society up into that point, is what I'm saying. It's crazy to me to think that, but that's exactly what's gonna happen. Proverbs 21, look at verse number two, and we'll move on here. It says this, every way of man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord pondereth the hearts. We need to understand that most people, you know, they assume that their way is the right way, just like the book of Judges. There's nothing new under the sun, right? Just like the first part of Samuel. Why were the children of Israel always getting into trouble? Because they did what was right in their own eyes. They didn't want to learn what God had to say. They didn't want to maintain what God had to say. They wanted to do things their way, and that always leads to disaster. It always leads to being stupid. It's a stupid thing to think that your way is better than God's way, but unfortunately we live in a nation that thinks that. We live in a world that thinks that. And you know what? We're not going anywhere. We have to realize that that's just the case, and we need to learn how to navigate properly in that. And the bottom line today is this. Common sense is the most uncommon trait. Common sense is the most uncommon trait. See, because most people, and who's ever heard this? It's just common sense. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Well, unless I look at a mirror, I can't really see the nose on my face. I can see the outline, basically. You know, some of you all that have big noses, maybe. I'm just kidding. Sorry, I had to say it. I'm just teasing. Don't get mad. Go to Jeremiah 10. Jeremiah chapter 10. Some of you all are liars, huh? You got that nose growing. But you know what? Most people assume that they have common sense, and what I'm going to show you is that the Bible teaches otherwise. We're born without basic understanding. We know what's right. We know what's wrong, because God's written his law on our hearts. But you know what? That's just the basic beginning. You have to build upon that. Common sense is something that we have to attain to. Jeremiah 10 23, the verse on the bulletin, says this, O Lord, Jeremiah 10 23, O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself. It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. So here's the first point this morning. We do develop certain mental instincts automatically, right? Just being raised in a family, just living normal life, but we don't develop good judgment. We have to be taught good judgment, and that's one of the reasons why we have the Bible, one of the reasons why God has left his word to us preserved and with power, so that we can learn how to judge, so that we could learn this sense of what's going on around us, so that we could make decisions based off of his laws in the midst of a crooked and perverse world. And if we don't learn that, we neglect God's statutes, we neglect God's church, we neglect his program, everything that he set up for, we are setting ourselves up for great failure today. Great failure. Because you know why? Common sense is the most uncommon trait. It's the biggest trick in history. People are just told, well, it's just common sense. Well, it's just common sense. You know, sometimes I'll call the boss and be like, hey, I don't understand what's going on here, but it's common sense. It's not common sense. Most people aren't born with whirlpool wiring diagrams in their minds, okay? Most people aren't born with model numbers and serial numbers and the way some of these things operate in their heads. It's not common sense. You get what I'm saying, right? This is what we're dealing with today. These are the people that are running the world. These are the people that are in charge. These are the captains, the kings, the rulers, the great men, the rich men, the mighty men. And these people are automatically assumed to have knowledge. But we know better because of what Jeremiah said, oh Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself. It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. So it's not in man. How do we learn how to order our steps? There's entire Psalms about this. It's the Lord. He is the one that guides us to our steps. Go to Proverbs chapter 1. Proverbs chapter 1. And obviously the devil knows this. He knows that judgment is not something that's just naturally inherited. Now I do believe we have instincts. I do believe that you get that gut feeling that something's not right. Usually there's something to that, right? We understand that. If I had gut feelings about people who have come in here, man, something's not right. Next thing you know, they're teaching all sorts of weird stuff or just, you know, you know the story, you know the drill there. We understand that, right? There's something to that. But if we don't have our senses exercised, we're never gonna spot that stuff. That's why you can go to some of these churches around here and they're just filled with devils. Straight devils. How are you gonna go to a church around here and call yourself a Christian and then try and get other Christians kicked off of an apartment complex preaching the gospel that you claim to believe in? Is that common sense? It's common stupidity. That's what's out there today. Common stupidity. Common foolishness. That's what's common. Sense is not common. Sense has to be worked at. Proverbs 1, look at verse 5. A wise man will hear and increase learning. You know what that means? You have to take the initiative. You have to decide, I want to be wise, and the way to be wise, the way to stay wise, is to increase learning. And a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels. So if you want to be wise, you want to be somebody who can discern and have understanding, it is something you have to attain. It's not coming to you automatically. But yet some people, you know, they'll get saved or they'll be, you know, I'm gonna start following God, and then they just automatically, oh, I've got it all down. I watched like eight sermons online and I've got the truth, man. I'm good to go. I'm gonna teach you now how to do your job. Somebody reads one book on appliance repair. Hey, I know the truth, man. I'm gonna tell you, hey, you're doing everything you've ever done is wrong. All your experience, right, all the stuff that you've learned, all the stuff that you, that's all wrong. We've all worked with people like that, the know-it-alls. They are dangerous people, aren't they? They're always messing stuff up. But what does it say here? A wise man will hear, right, will hear, will listen, is willing to be humble, willing to apply these things and increase learning. And a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels. Look at verse 6. To understand a proverb and the interpretation, the words of the wise and their dark sayings. This is something that we have to work for. This is something that we have to constantly work towards. You know, with understanding, you know, you compare Revelation 2, right? We have God's law written on our hearts, the whole world. And then you read Revelation 6 and you've got to kind of look at the middle period in between there and realize, you know what, things are gonna get pretty bad. And they are already. I mean, if you work at a place where people have common sense, they have good judgment, you're lucky. You're one of the few. Consider yourself blessed if that's the case, because that is not the case for most people. So here's the thing, right, think about it like this. Everybody knows we should follow the law. If somebody tells you, I don't know, they're lying, okay? But get this. Lawyers still have to go to college to be trained on how to define the law and how to defend the law, don't they? You can't just roll out of bed and just become a lawyer in this country. You have to have training, you have to pass a certification, you have to pass these exams. They have to attain to that wise counsel in order to be able to defend the law. It's the same thing for the believer, right? We get the free gift of salvation, it lasts forever, but now you need to build upon that. You have to attain to wise counsels. You have to increase learning. These things don't come automatically. People just get this idea in their heads, oh God's just gonna feed me this stuff, right? Or I'm just gonna get the Spirit, he's just gonna tell me everything I have to do. You know, the Bible's secondary and you laugh, but that's the attitude of a lot of people. Oh well, God told me. God told me. You know, you want to understand why Pentecostal churches are so successful as far as like money and people go, they're not really successful, but you know, they have the appearance of being successful. It's because of that very reason. All they have to do is get up there and say, God told me. All they have to do is trick the people into realizing that their pastor, their speaker, is the authority. Because they already don't believe that we have the real authoritative Word of God today, right? They believe that secondary, and that's not just them. That's the Southern Baptists, by and large. That's some independent fundamental Baptists. It's the Nazarenes. It's the Presbyterians. It's the Methodists. It's all sorts of, it's all of them. And so then they can get up there and say, you know what, God told me this. Well, I'm just trusting in the Spirit to say these things. And people gobble that up, because that's the easy road. People want what's easy. Most people, you know, to find people that are not lazy and they want to work hard and want to attain things is hard, especially in today's day and age, because we live in a society that just wants to give everybody a trophy, give everybody a participation medal, or what have you. And we grow up in this system, and it is hard to break through that. It's hard to realize, you know what, that's not God's system. God wants you to work for your wisdom. Now, it is funny, because people have that mentality, but then they have no problem saying, well, I want to work for my salvation. I want my works to count. And there are people out there that will tell you that. You preach the gospel like, I get it, I believe what you're saying, I understand what you're saying very clearly, but I just think that the bottles I put down, the ham sandwiches I fed downtown to the poor, I just want to think that that contributes to my salvation. And there are people that will die and go to hell and roast for all eternity because of that view. Go to Psalm, chapter 111. Psalm, chapter 111. So again, we do have certain mental instincts that we automatically develop, but not judgment, right? Obviously, yeah, well, we'll get a little bit of sense depending on how we grew up, but if you want real common sense, real sensical, practical understanding, it's gonna come from the Word of God. It's gonna come from doing his commandments. Psalm 111, look at verse number 10, and I'll show you what we do about this. It says this, Psalm 111, verse 10, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And that's a big problem today. A lot of people pay lip service to this. Oh, I fear God. Oh, I'm so scared of God. Oh, I'm so fearful. Oh, really? Well, what do you have to do to be saved? We got to work. It takes work. You gotta follow the commandments. That's not fearing God. If you really had the fear of God, you would think for a second God sent his one and only begotten son to die on the cross, and somehow your works are equal or even better or assist that miraculous thing that happened? You're out of your mind. But he says this, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding have all they, now here's the kicker, that do his commandments. His praise endureth forever. So understand this. A good understanding. What is it that all people of understanding have in common? That they do his commandments. Not pay lip service, but that they do them. We're not talking about salvation right now. We're talking about gaining an understanding. We're talking about growing in the Lord. We're talking about being the wise person in society. They all have something in common, and you know what that is? It's actually not just being a hearer, but being a doer. It's hearing the Word of God, it's reading the Word of God, and realizing, oh, I need to make this change here. Which, by the way, everybody in this room, especially this guy, has to admit and has to go through. I read the Bible, I'm like, oh yeah, I forgot I'm totally not doing that. What an idiot. I'm a pastor and I'm up here, you know, I'm thinking to myself, I'm gonna knock these people out. I mean, I have to be brought back low all the time, which is why we need to read the Word of God, which is why we need to apply the Word of God. All they that do his commandments. So when we start to do his commandments, that is when we'll start to increase wisdom and get that understanding. But you need to understand they'll have one thing in common, and that is they do, not just hearers only. Go to Hebrews chapter 5. Hebrews chapter number 5. We do not, listen to me, we do not want to be a simple people. You know what a simple person is? A simple person is somebody who's just easily influenced on either side of an opinion. A simple person is somebody who's like, you know what, I just haven't made up my mind on whether sodomites are good or bad. Turn on the TV, turn on the Hallmark Network, and go, where's the Christmas movie with two dudes adopting the kid? Well, it's Hallmark, it must be great. I believe it. We've got to be loving. You go walk into your local community church, and then they say the same thing. Or you drive up Victory, five mile here on Victory, and there's a, what is it, a Lutheran or Methodist Church over there? You got a big rainbow flag on their screen. All are welcome here. Black Lives Matter. Love is love. Hell is hot. How about that? How would you like to have a child go to that church? Where do kids like to hang out? In toy stores, right? Because that's what's appealing to them. Looking at the toys. Where do pedophiles hang out? Toy stores where there's lots of kids, where people aren't looking around, where there's no discernment, where there's no judgment. And you know what? Christian churches are becoming an infested breeding ground of pedophiles. Hebrews chapter 5, look at verse 14. And all that stems from what? No common sense. Hebrews 5, look at verse 14. So just to prove my point here, says this, But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use, by reason of use, by reason of use, have their senses exercise to discern both good and evil. We have to use the Word of God in order to exercise our senses. This is why it's important to read the stories in the Old Testament. It's why God preserved them. Because you know what? When you're studying through Samuel, you're studying through the books of the Kings, you know what? You're exercising your senses by seeing what they did and why it didn't work, or in some cases why it did work. And you know what you get as a blessing for doing that? You get exercise. You get to work out your senses. You get the ability to be able to discern both good and evil, which is missing today. And remember the definition of common sense. It's the ability to judge, the ability to judge, to perceive, to understand, which the world cannot give you, which the world does not and will not give you. It only comes from the Word of God. Do you think the Mormons have common sense today? These people are absolutely crazy to believe that Joseph Smith could carry these 400 pounds or however many pounds that were golden tablets and run through the woods and basically stiff arm people out of the way and get to wherever he was going. You got to be nuts to believe that. And you say, oh well they believe it by faith. No they don't. Because according to their quorum of twelve apostles they say that wasn't a miracle, that he actually was just that buff and strong and did it. And it's been proven by science, which everybody loves to quote these days, that it was humanly impossible. It's not a man alive that could do that. But what do you read in the Bible about Samson when he kills a thousand people with a jawbone of an ass? Well it was God behind that. Or Shammah who stood in the midst of a lentil field and slew an entire troop of Philistines. Who's God that was behind that? But their hero, they say no that was all him. Why do they say that? They have no common sense, they have no judgment, but they believe it and then they go baptized for the dead. They go do all this crazy stuff, go to their houses, and you know what? A lot of them are filthy rich in my opinion. You know these people's houses they've got like three wall ovens, double stacked, Bosch, Viking Wolf. What the heck? And the wives don't work a lot of them. These people know how to make some money. And you know what? Another thing I've noticed? The front of their houses they'll usually have a sign under the doorbell that says, don't ring the doorbell, no soliciting, don't knock, don't make it weird. Well wait a minute, isn't that what you spent your mission trip doing? And I've been asking them, what's up? You get a lot of like Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts here, what's up with the sign? Like oh no, a lot of us have that because you know the war is around and you know we've already done our mission and so it's just kind of to let the missionaries know like they don't have to come here. Interesting. But that also tells us that you don't want us to door. But back to Hebrews here, it's very obvious. If you want common sense you need to do God's commandments. You need to work on these things. You have to attain. It is something that you need to work for. It is not going to be given to you automatically. You know the world just loves to throw that out there, oh just have common sense. It's just as plain as the nose on your face. No, sorry, that's wrong. That's stupid. That is foolish. Now go to Romans chapter number eight, we'll move on here. Romans chapter number eight. So point number one, we do develop certain mental instincts automatically but not good judgment. Now we can develop some bad judgment. You can see that with these kids, right? You know, they can't even talk yet and they'll walk onto the cookies and be like, right? Kids don't have to be taught what is wrong. They have to be taught what is right. They have to be taught how to judge. They have to be taught these things. We need to make them attain to these levels of wisdom that we want as God's people. So let's move on here. Romans chapter 8, look at verse number 5. Romans chapter 8, look at verse 5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are of the, or I'm sorry, but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. You can see that in Revelation chapter 6. These people are so fleshly minded that they're just like, just get us away from God. Get us away from Christ. We would want nothing to do with them. Verse 6, for to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Now this is, this is what you have to understand. The first level of reading this, somebody who is not saved cannot please God, okay? But yet I'm hearing all over the place these people saying that the alphabet people are pleasing to God, that God loves them. That's a violation of all of these verses here. You know what? Your unsaved grandmother, who you love and I feel for you, and we've all got these situations in our lives, but your unsaved grandma, who goes to church week after week after week after week, but believes that she has to repent of her sins to get to heaven, is not pleasing to God. I don't care how many hand sandwiches, I don't care how much malto meal she's sent to Africa, it doesn't please God, because they are carnally minded. That is the world's religion, human achievement. Look at what I have done. Look at what I have accomplished. This has to mean something. That is the world's common stupidity. That's what we'll call it, common stupidity. Here's point number two. The world's common sense or human viewpoint is not meant to be common for the believer. Let me say that again. The world's common sense or viewpoint is not meant to be common for the believer, okay? Now, like I talked about the world removing judgment, you know, obviously our country, you can even hear this coming out of Joe Biden's mouth, right? I've seen little clips of him here and there, and you know, I'm gonna unite red and blue. We need to remove judgment. We need to remove all the stuff. We need to accept everyone. Where do you think he's going with that? Who's left to accept the peds? That's where this is going, and those two people are definitely wicked enough to try and implement that full force in society. I'm not saying that they will, but why not? Why wouldn't they? Look, if Kate Brown wants to lock you up for having over ten people at Thanksgiving, but says it's okay for you to snort some lines of coke and inject heroin and all this other crazy stuff, well, I mean, dude, why not? You want it to look, you want to talk about common sense. You know, she's a person, and people of her type are gonna be the ones in Revelation 6. Hey, hide us from him. Even though I can see him, even though I realize everything I've heard my entire life is true, I can see it with my own eyes now. It's written on my heart, I understand that, but I want nothing to do with it. It's those types of people, and you know what? They're gonna be springing up everywhere as we get closer to the end. Let's see here, go to Proverbs chapter 10. I should have told you to keep your place there, Proverbs chapter 10, but you know, just while you're turning to Proverbs 10, I just want to give you some examples of world's wisdom. Here's one that I heard and that I was counseled of when I got married. Wait five years to have children. Wait five years to have children. Now you gotta have, well, that's kind of absurd. As a Christian, obviously, why would a pastor, why would a so-called Christian give you that kind of advice? Well, in case your marriage doesn't work out, then just dip, leave, go find you a better person, and then you don't have the kids to pay the money to. Makes sense, right? It does to the world, but is that what God wants from us? Absolutely not. That is the wisdom of the world. That is not meant for believers, but you know what? That mentality is common today. That's common today. I'm serious. I was told that by a pastor. Now, he didn't say all that. He just said, you know, just take your time. Just wait to have children. I've heard pastors preach that in my life. Just take your time. Get to know each other after you get married, and then have children. Is that trusting God? No. You think God's happy with that? Absolutely not. Well, how about this one? Play the field. This is a big one in the military. Before you get married, and you sign the papers, and I'm gonna take a leave, I'm going home, and I'm gonna get married, they're gonna have this conversation with you, and hopefully you don't ever join, but this was a conversation I had with me. You know, you need to play the field. You're only 19 and 20. How many women have you had? You're gonna regret it. You want to be the kind of guy that eats the same bowl of cereal the rest of your life? That is what they say. That is what they do. That is the culture in our society. It's ridiculous. You know, again, how about this one? You got to send the kids to college. You know, that teacher that I was talking to you about, you know, how many kids do you have? Three. Oh, I bet they're loving this at home stuff. I'm like, yeah, they always have, because they're homeschooled. Oh, I could never homeschool my kids. I'm not kidding, and I wasn't even shocked that she said this. I almost said it four, because I knew that was coming. I could never homeschool my kids. And she's right, because her kids are online listening to another person teach them. Yeah, but I'm like, think about this. You could be in a classroom with 30, 40 kids or whatever the class sizes are today, and you're okay with that for eight hours a day. You can't raise the one or two, three kids, four kids, how many you had? You can't raise them? You can't be with them? You can't teach them? But that's what the world today says. He said, well, how are your kids gonna get into college? Well, they're probably not. What about your daughters? What about them? Well, she's like, well, how, don't you, what if they have dreams of being a doctor? I was like, I'll squash it. What? Yeah, I'll squash it. You know what, there are some jobs I think that believers shouldn't have. We're a different breed of people, and if it's gonna require my daughters to go to an institution filled with pagan heathens who will one day look at Christ and say, I want nothing to do with him, hide me from him. You know, the people that would literally talk to a rock or a mountain over Christ. Do you think I want that type of person in my kids lives? You're freaking nuts. You're stupid. Common stupidity, right? But that's a philosophy of the world today, and that wisdom, if you will, it might get you a few extra dollars, and it will, just like the Mormons around here. It'll get you some extra bucks. But what's the eternal consequence? That's the question that I have for you. What's the eternal consequence? It's not good. Listen to this. So I just did a Google search, right, because we're talking about common sense. We're talking about judgment, right? The definition which the world even gives agrees. Judgment, understanding, perception, being able to have a knack for what's going on and respond appropriately. So I just said, okay, now let me just do a basic generic Google search on judgment on why we shouldn't judge people, because I know that that's another side of the coin that they promote. Here's what Google said. So why you should never judge someone. It's one of the most clear reasons why we shouldn't judge other people. Each person is different from the other. Remember, people have one thing in common. They are all different. If you don't like doing something, it doesn't mean that the other person or people should not do it too. Well, there you go. There you have your endorsement of pedophilia. You have your endorsement of sodomites. You have your endorsement of people that want to marry their animals. Based off of that definition on why we shouldn't judge people, according to Google, this is what the world at heart wants to promote. Well, there you go. This is the world we live in today. Look at verse 30, Proverbs 10. Look at verse number 30. So we need to understand that, you know, common sensical approaches to life situations, they come directly out of Scripture. You know, even when you see people in the world making right decisions, and maybe they don't go to church or they're not saved, if you really analyze the decisions they made, it's actually according to the wisdom of the world. I'll show you that. Proverbs 10. Look at verse 30. The righteous shall never be removed, but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth. Right? The meek shall inherit the earth. Right? Jesus taught that. Verse 31. The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom, but the froward tongue shall be cut out. It's the froward. It's the wicked that are gonna be destroyed. You read that in Revelation. You read that throughout the entire Bible. So why would we want to subject ourselves to their decisions, their culture, their way of thinking? It destroys the believer, is what it does. Look at verse 32. The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable. And are we not taught in the New Testament, I mean, are we not taught in the Bible, to prove what is good and acceptable doctrine? We have to prove what is acceptable unto the Lord. Well, who's gonna do that? The world? No, it's the righteous. The people who have been given that righteous as a free gift, who are saved according to Jesus Christ. The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness. So we're always gonna have this battle here. The righteous, we will always proclaim what is true, what is acceptable unto God. Right? We have to have discernment. We have to have real sense, real common sense, as believers in order to do that. And you know what? It's gonna draw out. It's gonna draw out these wicked. They're gonna speak against us. This is why the devils and the Barney Fife's often will come out in the apartment complexes or the neighborhoods. Get out of our neighborhoods. Get out. It's like, who are you? You're nobody. And then when the police do show up half the time, they're like, well, I don't know what the law is. They have no common sense themselves. It's ridiculous. Go to 1st Corinthians 3. We're almost done. 1st Corinthians chapter number 3. And that should go without saying, but it needs to be preached. The world's common sense or human viewpoint is not meant for the believer. And you know what? This pisses people off when you say stuff like this, you know, like that lady, well what about your daughters? What if they want to be lawyers? They're gonna talk them out of it. Some jobs are not meant for God's people. Am I thankful there's doctors and lawyers? Sure. Sure. Praise God for that, you know. They can get saved. They can come to church. Whatever. No problem. But I want better eternally for my family. And it causes us to make these decisions. Say, you know what? That's not the life you should take. It's not the life you should live for, okay? That's all I'm trying to say here. Look at 1st Corinthians chapter 3. Look at verse number 19. 1st Corinthians chapter 3. Look at verse number 19. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. Right? That's exactly what we've been talking about. So here's point number 3. Common sense is in spite of, not the result of, education. Right? You know how I got that? Also from this verse, but also from just meditating on Revelation 6. You have educated people in that situation there. You have educated people crying out to the mountains and rocks to fall on me, to hide me from the person who just rolled back the heavens. Who's looking down at you, not pleased. And to think that the rocks and the mountains that He made, that He made, are gonna help you. What does that tell you? I don't care if you've got a doctorate degree from Princeton or Yale or Harvard. That does not mean that you have common sense. And we've all heard of the person, you know, these smart people, you drop them off at a bus station and they're like, uh-oh, what do I do? Right? You drop them off at a ferry station, a train, it doesn't matter. It's like, oh man, I need to call somebody. Which one do I get on? Right? Go to Ecclesiastes chapter 2. Ecclesiastes chapter number 2. After that we're gonna go back to 1 Corinthians, but go to Ecclesiastes 2. It's like this. I hear this said a lot, and I've actually met somebody who did this. I met this, I used to have a guy in my platoon. He taught his son how to memorize the entire times table, right? This kid could quote it for you verbatim, but if you asked him, hey, what's a multiplication table? You're like, I don't know. What's 3 times 6? I don't know. Right? But he could quote the thing from beginning to end. And not to say he's stupid, not at all. I'm just trying to show you that just because you could teach somebody something pretty cool like that, it doesn't mean that they have common sense. There are people who are not saved, they have a lot of Bible verses memorized, but it does them zero good. Because they don't believe it, and they can't do it. How are you going to do his commandments if you're not righteous? It's impossible according to the Psalms. We just read that. Psalm 111 10. Not gonna happen. And so the result is you got these people, for example, like Hindus, they believe you're gonna die and maybe come back as a cow or cows or gods or whatever the case is. You know, I was thinking, we were talking about this, was it last week? It's about a year ago. I think it was brother Jeff, myself, and David. We knocked on this Chinese family's door, right? And this kid, man, how old was that kid? Like 12, 13, something? Right? He wanted to hear the gospel, right? And he comes outside and he's like, you know, I'm interested. Brother Jeff, you're the one that gave him the gospel, right? This is just talking with this guy, right? And the whole time his dad, who doesn't speak any English as mom, they're trying to get out and trying to stop it, right? And he's literally holding the door, like with his weight and stuff, and he's listening. He's actually paying attention. And he's like, I don't care what they say. He's like, I don't believe these people die and come back as dogs or goats or animals or stuff like that. He's like, that's stupid. You know, we're like, man, this is a kid with some sense, right? And they're like yelling at him in Chinese, and he's just like, you know, and me and David are like, man, should we just like help him hold the door? But then, you know, that's like, it could be a felony. You know, I don't know how we, what do you do in this situation? I'd never seen something like this before. Jeff's trying to get the gospel, and you know, and he's like, they're just, they're just mad. They just don't believe in God. You know, it was just, it was just a battle, you know, but I was just thinking to myself, man, there's a family with zero sense. You know, to be able to look at creation and think you're gonna die and come back as a fly if you don't live right, you know, come back as an egg roll or something stupid. Look at Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 13, Ecclesiastes chapter number 2 verse 13. So Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, said this, Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly as far as light excelleth darkness. All right, so wisdom, righteousness, is always going to exceed darkness in foolishness. Verse 14, The wise man's eyes are in his head, but the fool walketh in darkness, and I myself perceive also that one event happeneth to them all. Well, one example now got, everybody's got God's law written on their heart, but he says a wise man's eyes are in his head, and you know this is true if you just close your eyes and you just think, think about what you ate for dinner last night. You can actually visualize that. Most of you that ate dinner last night could probably picture that, right? So you do have eyes in your head. This is why we talk so much and I preach so hard against, be careful what goes into your ears, be careful what goes in through your eyes, because it affects the eyes that are inside of your head as well, right? I mean like, you know, when I was what, seven, eight years old, my dad sat me down and we watched Commando. We watched Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Commando. I watched every Arnold Schwarzenegger movie going through grade school, and I could tell you, I could quote almost all those movies verbatim, but I couldn't remember my schoolwork. I couldn't remember the presidents or the capitals. I had to work super hard at that stuff. Well, part of it's because it wasn't interesting. I was interested in, you know, Arnold blowing people up, which is wrong, but I can't unsee those things. You know, it's like, it's like the music, you know, you hear this music and you can have a whole song could just get stuck in your head. You hear the wrong, you know, tools clank together and, you know, there's Seven Dust, there's Linkin Park, there's, you know, all these bands maybe you listen to or these groups you listen to, you know, you walk into the store and you hear the stuff, and so that's what he's saying here. We need to be careful because the wise man's eyes are in his head, so we need to think. We need to make sure that our eyes inside her head are clear and can process and understand what's going on and perceive and that we have good sense. Verse 15, then said I in my heart as it happeneth to the full, so it happeneth even to me, and why was I then more wise than I said in my heart that this also is vanity. Now go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 8. 1st Corinthians chapter number 8. So all that say this. I'm not preaching against knowing too much, right? Solomon, he looked a little too much into certain things, right? And there are some things that we don't need to be looking into. Like there are some people that are like, you know, I just really want to find out what makes porn stars tick. Don't. Don't. Don't even go down that road because you cannot unsee that stuff. It is dangerous, okay? That is gonna cause vexation to the believer. That's gonna cause you, but there are some people that just, what is it that just drives these guys to do that? Don't worry about it. Be careful about stuff like that because you will not be able to unsee that. You go looking into anything with those letters into a Google search engine and you could, I don't know, but you're probably gonna see stuff you realize you shouldn't be seeing. I mean, think about this. YouTube's not censoring fornication, wickedness, and all sorts of smut and evil. They're censoring people like us. They're censoring people that read out of the Bible. They're sensing people that actually have, or I'm sorry, they're censoring people that actually have sense. Common sense, right? So we need to combine knowledge with action which breeds wisdom. 1st Corinthians 8, look at verse number 1. We're almost done. 1st Corinthians 8, look at verse 1. It says, Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge, knowledge puffeth up, but charity edified. This is where people, man, people love, they love, they love to twist the scripture, especially the world. I can't tell you how many preachers that I have heard in my own life say, see, some of you in here, you know, you think you're all this because you read the Bible and you got this memorized and stuff, but it's more important that you love your neighbor, which is everybody on the planet according to them, which is not good judgment, by the way. Look, a lack of common sense, a lack of judgment, a lack of sense is dangerous for the believer. How many more saved Christian pastors and parents do we need to quote or bring up and tell you their story about how they trusted a sodomite to leave their Sunday school, to sit in the pew and they raped the kids? And you know why that happened? Because they have no common sense. They'll look at a verse like this, oh my god, let's just love everybody. Love outweighs knowledge. That's not what he's talking about. And somebody sent me a little thing not too long ago, you know, that thing you said in Cincinnati was pretty bad. You don't have love in your heart. You act like you got knowledge, but you got no love. You know what I realize? Delete. You're just an idiot, you're just some bleeding heart crybaby, some soy sloper that can't decipher the Word of God. You need both. It's charity that edifies. But look at verse 2, and if any man think he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. So Paul's saying, look, you think you're all that in a bucket of chicken, you need to realize you really don't know anything yet. Verse 3, but if any man love God, the same is known of him. The same is known of him. What does that mean? That means if somebody really does love God, they don't have to necessarily tell you that. It's known of him so that, what does that tell you? That person's actions, the way they conduct themselves, the sense that they have, the judgments that they judge, right? You see that in their lives. It says it's known of him. That means somebody who really loves God, who's really smart, has also learned to do the commandments and gain wisdom, right? We're to learn. I mean, I just spent an entire sermon telling you the importance of learning God's Word, right? But the solution to this is actually doing and applying these things. And when we do that, guess what? Then we're really able to display charity to the believer first, and then obviously we love people. That's why we go and knock on their doors instead of playing games or just, you know, not doing it at all. You know, I love it when these other churches are like, well we just love everybody. Well, if you believe in your message, why aren't you out in the community telling people about it? Because you're a coward, that's why. You're a fraud, that's why. We actually go out and tell people how to be saved and get people saved. And you know what? That makes you humble. And you know what? That gives, that exercises your senses. That teaches you, because you get to see thousands of people over the course of a year. Different personalities. I mean, it gets to the point where, you know, you knock on somebody's door and you, based off the first, you know, words out of the mouth, you can almost tell if they're gonna listen. You can almost tell how they've been brought up. You can almost tell these things. Now when you first start out, not so much, right? But you can take that wisdom and you can start to apply it in the workplace, into raising your kids, and you can start to tell when people are lying, when people are trying to just, you know, distract you. I mean, it's invaluable. You can't put a price tag on that wisdom, on that knowledge, right? But if any man loved God, the same is known of him, because a man who loves God, a woman who loves God, is gonna do the commandments. And that action, right, that action, that wisdom, that stuff that you carry out and actually do, that's what people see. And feel, okay, that's somebody who loves God. That's somebody who's gonna take care of the brethren. That's somebody who's gonna be wise the rest of their lives, right? And that's the goal. And remember, what is common sense? What's a righteous person doing the commandments? Actually following the Bible. That is common sense. That is what should be common among believers. The world doesn't have common sense. Like I said, they have common stupidity. You need to understand that, and we're gonna stop here, and let's pray. Thank you so much, Lord, again, just for the valuable wisdom, Lord, that you give us week after week. Just pray you help us to remember these things and to apply them in our daily lives. And just pray you bless the fellowship. So, winning Lord, bring us back all safely tonight. Ready to learn. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.