(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Oppress the stranger wrongfully and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and Standing the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it, but I have found none Therefore have I poured out my indignation upon them I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath their own way have I recompensed upon their heads save the Lord God That's all about it. Have a word of prayer Thank you both for bringing us here together this morning to sing praises to you and hear your word be preached or fill our pastor With your Holy Spirit he comes forward to preach the message that he laid on his heart and Lord We just ask you to give us all ears to hear and the hearts to receive the message And we love you Jesus name we pray. Amen Amen, all right, so we're in Ezekiel chapter number 22 Look down at verse number 26 It says her priests have violated my law and have profaned mine. Holy things They have put no difference between the holy and profane neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean And have hid their eyes from my Sabbath's and I am profaned among them the title my sermon this warning is some things that are Different are the same some things that are different are the same Morgan on this for a while now I've heard sermons in the past called things that are different. You know are not the same There's a book out there about the the King James Bible issue, and I think it's called things that are different on the same I believe I read that a long time ago, but this really has nothing to do with that has nothing to do with Those other sermons I've heard in the past I just kind of you know thinking about the title You know there's a lot of things out there in life that appear to be different But in reality they are the same or at least will lead you down the same path and so Really this whole sermon that I'm preaching this morning is based off of this verse We're gonna break this down, but before I do that I just want to kind of give you a the point of this sermon You don't have to turn there, but first Kings chapter 3 verse 9 Talks about the situation where Solomon who was the wisest man whoever lived because God gave him that wisdom obviously He was asked you know by God, and you know you know what is what is your petition? What would you you like to have from me? And here's what his response was he said give therefore thy servant and an understanding heart to judge thy people that I may discern Between good and bad for who was able to judge this thy so great of people So he says that I may discern between good and bad. Why would somebody ask that well one? He asked that because he obviously understood the importance and how many people there were and the issues that come up in leadership But too because the differences between good and bad are not always easily seen Right that's why he asked that he understood that even before getting that full boat of wisdom from God And so that's really the whole point of the sermon is to be able to recognize things that say they're different But really are not they're really just the same thing okay, so if you would turn to Exodus chapter number 3 Exodus chapter number 3 why turn them just gonna finish reading Ezekiel 22 26 where it says Her priests have violated my law and have profaned my holy things. They have put no difference Between the holy and profane we spend a lot of time talking about holy What does that mean holiness, but we don't always talk about what profane means? So we're just gonna kind of go through a quick overview of what those two things are So you probably understood you've heard me say this for the last year that holy means separated right to be separate to be distinct That's what it means in a nutshell Now What I want to show you here is how holy the Bible says that God is Exodus chapter 3 look at verse number 5 It says and he said draw not nigh hither put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place where now Standest is holy ground so the first thing you need to understand is we serve a holy God right as separate Distinct holy God who is uniquely holy with no rivals and no Competition right and the Bible says be holy for I am holy You see but the world today Including all you know faux religions if you will, you know, they try to bring Christ They try to bring God down to our level They try to make him common with man because they've neglected to understand this concept that he is holy and that we are to be Holy as well. Okay is this is very important So when you know Moses at the burning bush, he's there and he's like, what is this the site? You know, he walks over there God tells him Hey, you know, even though I'm not physically standing there in front of you where you're standing is holy ground So take your take your shoes off, right? He's trying to communicate the sense of urgency to Moses trying to get him to understand. Hey, this isn't a joke This isn't a game. This is real. This is the real deal here. Okay, I am holy You know if you're to walk up to Buddha or some other false god They wouldn't tell you that because they know that they're rotten to the core Okay You know Jim Jones would have told you the same thing any one of these cult leaders out there that tries to profess that they're A god or that there's some kind of deity I'm gonna tell you to take off your shoes because where you stand is all the ground and if they do you need to run The other way, okay So the first thing I want you to understand about holy Not just that it means separate but the God that we serve is holy and his desire is that we would be holy But I'll tell you what after you get saved You know the quest to be sanctified and to build up the new man. It takes discernment It really does it takes discernment. And so that's what this sermons about turn to Exodus chapter number 15 Exodus chapter number 15 So the first thing that I just want you to understand is that this means that God is Uniquely holy with no rivals no competition No one else can even come close All the gods that man has concocted and made up they all wind up falling flat on their face just like Dagon did in 1st Samuel Okay, so the second verse I want you to look at is Exodus 15 look at verse number 11 It says who is like unto thee O Lord among the gods who is like thee glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders Turn to Psalm chapter 145 Psalm chapter 145 why you turn in there? I'm just gonna read for you a mark chapter 1 verse 24, which says this it says saying let us alone What have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth thou art come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God So even though the Bible you can see that demons understand how holy God is They understood when they saw Jesus that he was the Holy One. Okay, they understood that why because he's separate. He's distinct He's unique is unlike any other Entity that man has created You know The Bible says this kind just provides this concept over and over over again that God is holy right completely separate We get that I don't want to spend too much time on this but you're there in Psalm chapter 145 look at verse 17 It says the Lord is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works So anytime you're reading the Bible and God makes a judgment he makes his standard He makes some kind of a decree you need to understand that that is righteous even though we don't always You know see and understand it, you know right off the bat You might read a story on the bottom be like, why did God do that? Why did God tell him to go kill all the Canaanites? Why did I do this? You know, it's not the problems not with God it's with our Understanding. Okay, because the Bible says right here that he's righteous in all his ways and holy in all of his works So when he blew up Sodom and Gomorrah, guess what? That was a righteous holy act when God, you know commended Asa for getting the sodomites out of land Guess what? That was a righteous and holy thing, but the world looked at that today and they say well, that's not very nice That's not really God blah blah blah and they want to just brush that under the rug and try to play that off somehow Well, that's just how it was back then. No, really. You don't understand the difference between the holy and the profane That's what it boils down to and what it got. What does God say constantly to his people throughout the Bible? My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Okay, so go to 1st Thessalonians chapter number 3 1st Thessalonians chapter number 3 The second thing that I want you to see about this concept of being holy and like I said I'm gonna go through this kind of quick because we've spent a lot of time on the subject of holy throughout the year Is this God's expectations for believers is to be separate from the world and to be holy like he is that's his expectation Why well, what other expectation would a holy God have? Than to have his people be just like him So first Thessalonians chapter 3 look at verse 11 It says now God himself and our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ Direct our way unto you and the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another and toward all men Even as we do toward you verse 13, it says to the end that he may establish your hearts Unblameable in holiness before God even our Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his Saints I Think it's very clear here in verse 13 what this standard is for God's birth for God's people for Bible believing Christians It says to the end that he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God Okay, now obviously we understand salvation free gift, right? But after that, you know, we should as God's people Continuously strive and work to be holy and like I said before you will not be able to do that if you lack Understanding if you lack discernment we need to be able to discern the differences that are in the world Why because there's many false prophets that have gone out there and they bring forth different ideas and concepts that sound similar But in reality they are different. Okay, and so that like I said, that's the point of the sermon turn to Leviticus chapter 19 Leviticus chapter number 19 why turn there? I'm just gonna read Proverbs 9 10 which says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is Understanding so it is vitally important that we gain more and more knowledge of the holy why because that is Understanding the more that you learn about God the more Understanding you're gonna have the better you will be able to discern between the holy into profane because it's not always just black and white It's not always just cut and dry Right, you're gonna wind up gaining friends in this movement And you know what, you know They you need to be able to have some discernment because there's a lot of people out there they come in here They want to act like us they want to look like us but really they're not like us they're different they have a motive now Luckily, you know, we've been through that several times this year and you guys are to the point to where you can pretty much smell Them in the parking lot, which you know, I'm thankful for that, you know, praise God for that, but let's not lose that, right? Let's keep that going and let's build upon that because it just doesn't stop there, right? It doesn't stop there There's all sorts of avenues that these people like to creep in and you know cause havoc and stuff so on and so forth And so what we're gonna talk about next here is this idea of profane, what does that mean? What does profane mean if you look up a dictionary I'll say something like this to violate anything sacred or to treat with abusive or irreverence contempt as to profane the name of God to profane the Sabbath to profane the scriptures or the ordinances of God Basically from reading in the Bible, you'll see that profane is the opposite of holy now the world will tell you Well, you know profane is just profanity It's just saying the f-word or you know, saying some kind of a cuss word, you know, and that is not holy communication Right, and if you haven't listened to the Christian rap sermon, you should because I talked about this briefly But there's a Christian rapper who's very popular. His name is Andy Moneo. The guy's a cluck And he's getting mad at all these Christians on Twitter and stuff these other rappers, right? And he's getting after them for using profanity for cussing. Okay, but meanwhile, he's promoting sodomites I Mean That's a problem. There is a man who by the way, he's a deacon in a church Okay, so there you go. You have a man who's got his priorities all messed up Regarding the profane regarding profanity. You see profanity is not just saying four-letter words Okay I'd rather work side by side and go soul-winning with somebody who has a problem saying cuss words than somebody who promotes Sodomites any day of the week and you say well, how did you get to that level just from reading the Bible? Just from hearing good Bible believing preaching. That's how I got to that level I mean, do you really think that God's gonna hold a cuss word above promoting sodomites? You're crazy What city what nation has he destroyed for saying cuss words? Okay, right But what's the one sin that makes the earth vomit the Bible says most of sodomy sodomites, right? That's clearly so what I'm trying to tell you is there's clearly An order to this not all sins equal not all of that that stuff is true But the world would like to have you focus on that and I know tons of Christians and I'm thinking of some right now You know, oh, I've never cost. Oh, I are, you know, and I'm not advocating that you start cussing Okay, I'm just simply saying, you know, that's their big their big thing. That's what they judge everyone on Well, I don't think this person say because I heard him use the f-word I don't think this person say because I saw him drinking a beer, you know, that's that's profanity That's profane. But at the same time they've got no problem watching porn They've got no problem watching rated-r movies. They've got no problem, you know, treating their families like absolute garbage But you better not say a cuss word. Oh, I don't cuss, you know, you know what that sounds like to me It sounds like a Pharisee sounds like a Sadducee somebody who has no concept of biblical truth. That's what that is You know, so as believers we need to have our priorities set straight by God's Word regarding what is profane and what is not Everybody understand what I'm trying to say here Let's not ever become like a people all you know, let's let's police everybody's language here because that's that's the most important thing That's ridiculous. That's just gonna come natural by serving God Okay, well, I think we all understand, you know knocking on people's doors and you know The first thing out of your mouth is bleep this but you're not gonna really you know Signify to people that you're a Christian that way, you know, we get that Okay But you know what? Going around telling people that God loves the queers and we should just bring them all in here to serve and they've got just as Much, you know, there's no difference between their sin and your sin We're all sinners, you know going around preaching that and saying that that's okay. I mean that that's a wicked doctrine That is completely backwards. And that's what Satan does. He turns truth around on its head, right? He does things in opposites But he does it very cleverly too. Right and that's why we need to have discernment. We need to understand to discern Differences Because they're not always the same see there in Leviticus chapter 19. I just want to go over some verses about What does it mean to be profane? So look at verse number 12 Leviticus 19 verse 12 It says and he shall not swear by my name falsely neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God I am the Lord, right? So what's worse stubbing your toe and saying the SH word or profaning and blaspheming the name of God? Obviously you can see it's blaspheming in the name of God is bringing his name common Lars This is why I don't like these t-shirts would say Jesus is my homie, you know Me and him are one team, you know Just just just trying to make him common to man Right if God told Moses to remove his shoes at the burning bush because the ground where he stood was holy You know, we need to have that same mentality when we talk and speak about the things of God We need to remove our filthiness to which is anything that is common to man not make him like unto us because he's not He's he's separate. He's holy now our new man's holy, right? But we as human beings we don't we're not holy of our own selves. Okay, and we need to treat God like that So I've just got three statements about profanity that I want to go through with you real quick. Go to first Timothy I'm sorry second Timothy chapter 2 second Timothy chapter 2 the first thing I want to show you is the problem with the profane Well the problem with profanity, okay, and I'm not just talking about four-letter words I'm talking about anything that is profane profanity in general, okay So the first thing I want you to see here is the problem with the profane second Timothy chapter 2 look at verse 16 It says but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more Ungodliness now, what is that? What's a vain babbling? Well, it's just something that just some jargon just you know You could probably chalk this up to a sitcom like the Jerry Seinfeld show. That is a profane and vain babbling That's 30 minutes of just profane and vain babbling is Anything in those shows remotely Christian remotely gonna give you any kind of knowledge of wisdom. No, not at all We're supposed to shun things like that Why because it's profane and why because it will increase unto more and more ungodliness Show me a church that endorses the stuff and I'll show you a church filled with Ungodly people and you say well, we're not we're saved by grace through faith. Amen. We are right. I'm not talking about that I'm talking about discipleship. I'm talking about fellowship with Christ. I'm talking about Enhancing our relationship with Christ so that we can finish the race which is set before us Right and we as Bible believing Christians are to shun profane and vain babblings. This is Hollywood No person should ever go to the movie theater and set your children down in front of a Disney movie Did you know that that is profane and vain? To say the least To say the very least that is profane vain, you know these people at your job sites that wanted Hey, let me tell you this joke, right? Let me tell you this joke about fornication or about adultery or about something that's profane and vain No, we're supposed to shun that to be like no, I'm good I really you know, I really don't want to hear obviously you want to try to keep the peace But you don't want to endorse that kind of behavior. Why because it will lead onto more and more and more ungodliness. That's why Right the same with songs Does he ever we talked about the song of fools not too long ago, right? We're supposed to shun that garbage and look there are people that have come to this church that are no longer here You know, they would just they would just talk me on my back about this sort of stuff Like I don't know what I'm talking about. Where are they today? They're gone Why because they didn't shun profane and vain babblings and it led to more and more ungodliness And now I mean you wouldn't even you probably couldn't even imagine some of the stuff that they're up to now that I've heard It's disgusting. It's filthy and it's exactly what we're reading here. So I want you to understand there is a problem with profanity There is a problem with the profane The Bible talks about this over and over and over again and we need to be smarter than this We need to be able to discern differences. Okay now Second Timothy next verse here. I want you to see the promise of profanity the promise of profanity It says in verse 17 and their word will eat as Doth a canker of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus. I remember I was Having a an intense discussion with this guy over ray comforts. I what is that the hell's best-kept secret This guy was bringing this into the church. It's a soul winning the soul losing program Basically where you go around and you just walk up to people and you just ask them, you know Have you ever had a dirty thought have you ever said this? Well, you violated all these commandments and you basically trying to get them to repent of all their sins Well, this guy brought this into an independent fundamental independent Baptist Church, right? And he's passing around the deacon stand there and I think I've told the story before he's like, yeah I'm gonna have to watch that was like that's garbage. That's not what our doctrine is here, you know So we started getting into a discussion. He says how dare you? How dare you just like that little Swedish girl, right? How dare you? He says how dare you talk about a man of God like that? I said he's not a man of God You know and I was like the Bible Talks about this over and over again that we're supposed to call these types of people out We're supposed to bring this to light That's the point of the word right to bring these things like to manifest them and expose them and he goes Well, I know it talks about exposing hymenaeus and finally, you know, and finally it is he goes but but you're not Paul You can't do that, you know, and so I'm sure you can understand where that lets you after that But what there you go in an independent Baptist Church you have a a building full of people that have no discernment Right, isn't this why God had to send Jonah to Nineveh because he couldn't discern her left hand from the right hand now Obviously, this is far worse than that situation because at least in Nineveh they received the message, you know at this church They just blew me off, you know, and we had to wind up leaving shortly after that But I mean, this is a problem today. This is a big problem today for God's people So I want you to see here the promise of profanity It says in their word right people who are profaned everything that comes out of their mouth is garbage It says their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus So you need to understand that when somebody comes in here, they look Christian. They are Christian They talk the same way, but when you go out there, they're like look at that ring girl. Oh, isn't she super hot? You need to understand you're dealing with somebody who is a profane Vain babbler and you're supposed to shun that kind of stuff and thank God those of you in here who have heard that stuff have Right. This was the problem that I had with storm first day. He ever came in here, right? He started talking like this and I had to shun him out here day one Day one, you know these people what they'll do is they'll try to get you alone They'll try to get you by yourself They'll throw a little quick jab out there just to see how you react the quicker that you could shut them down The less likely you will be, you know falling prey to them But the the quicker will be able to you know, get them out because they can't stop themselves most the time They're just gonna run around to every single person which he did, you know, hey, what do you think about this? You know and it just keep bringing up profane and vain things and then it brings them to light But if nobody ever says anything what happens it just keeps continuing to grow and manifest itself Until they've really rooted down into somebody and then they remove them out of church. Okay, this is a problem So I just want you to see there's a promise regarding profanity if we regard this type of iniquity It will eat you as does a canker. That's what Paul's saying here turn to Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 So just quick review about profanity the problem with the profane is it increases to more ungodliness The problem with the profane is it eats as does it canker, right? Once you subscribe to this sort of behavior, it is very very difficult to get it out of your life Now the last thing that I want to talk about real quick regarding this matter is the priority of Profanity the priority right and I kind of already talked about this here, right? We need to understand that there is a priority level not everybody who comes in here is gonna have their ducks in a row Okay, we talked about that with a few sermons ago when I preached about what to expect here at this church And so one of those things is language, right just because somebody comes in here Maybe they say a bad word or something and what you're talking that doesn't mean they're a reprobate It doesn't mean they that they're not saved. It doesn't mean anything like that. It just means they don't know Right. I mean this is new to all of us, you know more or less within the last ten years I don't think anybody in here has been in a Hardcore church like this for ten years, right? So all of us have room to grow all of us have you know to understand these things So Matthew chapter 12 verse 5 says or have you not read in the law how that on the Sabbath days the priests in the Temple profane the Sabbath and are blameless. So are there some things that people just do, you know, they're just violate You know an ordinance or a law and it's not that big of a deal. Okay, somebody, you know says it's not that big of a deal Okay, and it depends on how you use those words though. That's that's another thing. You know when somebody's putting together, you know a Tapestry of cuss words and it's just sick and vile. You need to tell them to shut up You know stop talking close your mouth, you know get get out of here But if somebody's just you know telling a story about the past name slip up and say a cuss word, right? Don't get in your head. All your you're the most profane thing, you know red flag. I need to watch you You know, just give them some grace. Okay, because some people just haven't learned yet. It comes with time, right? You don't have to turn there I'm gonna read for you Leviticus chapter 20 verse 3 This says and I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people because he hath given His seed to Molech to defile my sanctuary and to profane my holy name so what do you think's worse taking the showbread like David and his men did when they were fleeing from Saul or Burning your child to Molech because when you do that, right when we sacrifice our children And let's apply this to today when we take our kids down to the movie theater. We say, okay Walt. No, okay, mr Disney you can educate my child right you're Sacrificing your kid unto Molech and what you're doing is you're profaning the name of God because God's saying hey, that's my child right there Those are my people Right and they've got no discernment and the world's looking at you saying well, they say it's okay It must be okay and God saying no, I'm holy I told Moses to remove his shoes because the place where he stands is holy ground the place where you go needs to be Holy you need to stay away from places like that because it's just going to increase and to more and more Ungodliness. Okay, so not all profanity is the same as all I'm trying to tell you this morning and we need to understand There is a difference between the holy and the profane. So real quick. I wanted to show you the problem with profanity What is that? It increases to more and more ungodliness the promise of profanity. It will eat you as does a canker This is a promise. This isn't the maybe this isn't at all Perhaps it will do that if you subscribe to profane people and you allow them to educate you you allow their songs to go Into your ears you allow their movies to go to your eyes. It will eat you alive I promise you I promise you 100% and then I wanted you to see the priority Regarding profanity right there is an order not all sin is equal. Not all iniquity is equal Okay, so just keep that in mind as we go through this so going back to the title What is the title of the sermon some things that are different are the same? Here's what I'm talking about take an alligator and a crocodile Okay We'll just go real basic here. You know people like to argue and fight about this online. I think it's hilarious But you know people there are different but they're the same kind of animal. I mean, come on look at an alligator They'll say okay. Well, the alligator has a u-shaped snout the crocodile has of East now, you know, they are they are Differences like that, but really they're the same. Would you want to meet one in a dark alley? No, you wouldn't would you want to meet one out here in a creek? No, you wouldn't why because they're both when they bite you it hurts. They can both eat you Okay, so really things some things that are different are really just the same. Okay. They're the same kind of animal What about a husky and a Malamute? Okay They're they're both dogs. They look similar, you know, and then people want to fight. Oh, well, they're they're different, you know Well, that's true. They are different. Well, but they're the same kind of animal. Okay Another one I hear people talk about is Great Britain in the UK Now, what's the difference there? Well, the UK includes Northern Ireland Ireland, right? But whether you say Great Britain or you say UK, they're all the same United Kingdom all the same government. This is ridiculous Some things that are different are the same poisonous and venomous. Okay. Well something that's poisonous You have to either touch it or eat it like like a poisonous mushroom, right? Or you accidentally scoop them up and eat them, you know that that's poison. That's not venomous A snake is it would be a good example of something that's venomous that would inject that poison into you So there's differences there, but they're both toxic Okay. Now here's how we can apply this to our lives right you have Disciples and you have Christians Okay, you know, there's people that are saved. Did you know there's people that are saved that are not disciples Did you know there's people that come to this church that are not disciples? I'm not mad at you. I'm not mad at them I'm just telling you the truth some things that are different Right are really just the same You know, there's Christians that come here. They're just you know, just just show up, you know They don't really apply anything to their lives. Maybe they don't agree with everything, you know, but in their minds they think well I go to shield of faith Baptist Church. So I'm mighty like that or I'm like, well, I'm like with this movement, right? Well in reality, you're not because you're not really applying the teachings to your life So we need to understand that some things that are different really just the same Right, you could did you know that you can come here and be just like the world? I've seen it See it all the time all the time What do you think the end result of that's gonna be? It's gonna be the door sooner or later sooner or later If you don't continue to purpose in your heart to grow and apply these things to your life You will leave and look I'm not trying to be rude this morning. I'm just trying to be honest I'm just trying to help you out This is the point of this sermon right some things that are different are really just the same So the question you need to ask yourself is are you different? Are you really different? Are you really holy? Are you really sanctified are you really working to separate yourself from the world or are you fooling yourself this morning? Are you just here going through the motions? That's the whole point So let's get on with it here kind of a long introduction here, but go to Psalm chapter number 39 I'm sorry, Psalm chapter 37 Psalm chapter number 37 And why you turn them to read our opening verse to you again Ezekiel 22 26, which says her priests have violated my law And have profaned mine holy things they have put no difference between the holy and profane neither have they show difference between the unclean and the clean and have hid their Eyes from my Sabbath and I am profaned among them Now the first point that I've got for you this morning is Right from the beginning of that verse where it says her priests have violated my law. I want you to understand that I just want you to understand the severity of the violation of God's law by these priests The Bible says that we're all kings and priests now in Ezekiel the verse before that says If you know the story, you know that Judah has been carried away captive You don't have to turn there, but just listen to this Ezekiel 22 25 says there is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof like a roaring lion Ravening the prey they have devoured souls. They have taken the treasure and precious things They have made her many widows in the midst thereof, you know, there are people out there that devour souls There are priests there are pastors today that their sole mission their sole goal is to devour Souls the best way that you could do that if you were a devil would be to make things seem the same Hey, we're just like you we believe the same thing you do. Oh you believe in Jesus Christ. I do too I go to the tabernacle off of coal and overland over there Latter-day Saints, we're the same You see what I'm saying though that that all that place is is an institution of people dedicated to devouring souls Right, and I think it's funny here how Ezekiel 22 26 says that her priests have violated my law There is a problem when you can hear a pastor directly Violating God's law like Josh ties the trendy pastor out of Las Vegas, right who just wrote this big article a few months ago Just basically attacking the King James only position There is a person who is violated God's law Because when you decide to open up one of these Bible versions, right and you say this is the Word of God That just shows that you have no regard for the Word of God to begin with and second of all It shows that you have no discernment and it shows that you're probably more than likely a devourer of souls So I want you to understand and be able to recognize that these people are dangerous We're never to look at them and say well, you know, he's just a little bit misguided now There are people out there that are pastors that are just a little bit misguided But by and large they're dangerous people for the for the most part. So you're there in Psalm chapter 37. Look at verse 29 It says the righteous shall inherit the land and dwell there in forever the mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom and his tongue talketh of Judgment Next verse the law of his God is in his heart None of his steps shall slide the wicked the wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him So look at verse 31 again says the law of his God is in his heart. None of his steps shall slide So when you hide God's Word in your heart, the Bible says you're not going to slide but think of the opposite of that if you were to take God's Word completely out of your heart and make it a Superficial type thing which is what Christianity has done today by saying that we don't have the original manuscript So we don't really know what to say or what to preach Right. What you've done is you have become a priest you have become a person that has violated God's law and the result is going to be everything after that statement in Ezekiel 22 26. It's going to be profanity Everything that Josh ties does is profane everything everything that Todd white does is profane It's vanity everything that John guy does is profane in vain Why because they have removed the authority of God's law and the Bible says here in Psalm 37 31 The law of his God it says the law of his God is in his heart. None of his steps shall slide This is our goal. You have to have this law in your heart not just in your mind Right. You need to be able to receive these things Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word That's the Bible says that when we take heed right when we understand and we receive God's Word into our hearts Then we're gonna get out only get understanding but our steps will not slide We'll be able to understand the differences between the holy and profane, you know, it's kind of like a kind of like a game You know as you progress through a game, it typically gets harder right or you progress through a long grueling race It gets harder as you get towards the end right the more you do the harder it becomes That's kind of like how the Christian faith is the more knowledge you get the heart of the challenges, you know can become There's a lot of things out there. Like I said that are different, but they're really just the same We just need to understand that So the first thing I wanted you to notice here out of Ezekiel was the violation of God's law by the priests and the effects thereof Okay, the effects thereof when you're dealing with somebody that has no regard or downplay as God's Word Just realize you're dealing with somebody who's violated God's law and everything thereafter is going to be profane. I don't care Oh, they're the best speaker in the world, you know, and it makes so much that it doesn't matter They violated God's law in the verse before it says there's people out there that wants you to devour souls And they're gonna take the precious things from you. You know what that means for you. They're gonna take your children They're gonna take their hearts. They're gonna take your minds and they're gonna take your decisions in the future They're gonna take your rewards. That's what I'm saying here. So You can leave your place there and go to Let's see here go go back to Ezekiel chapter 22 go back to Ezekiel chapter 22. I'm gonna look at this verse again So the second thing I want you to see here is That violators of God's law will put no difference between the holy and the profane Violators of God's law will put no difference between the holy and the profane and we kind of seen that in Psalm chapter 37 where says the mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom and His tongue talketh of judgment, right? What is the world today say about judgment that it's wrong? Right. That's why you have the coexist bumper stickers This is why so many people when we talk to them out in the community say well you shouldn't judge, you know I'll never forget. We're where was that Nampa or so on and that guy came after us, you know So I don't like that question Every once in a while we'll get somebody who gets upset that we ask them if they know where they're going when they die And they say well, that's just that's just very judgmental Who you better believe is judgmental? You know you I've said this before too You wouldn't say that if you were burning alive in a building Or that same person was burning alive in a building and a firefighter came up to the second story window said hey follow me I'm your only way out. You wouldn't say well, that's the mighty judgmental statement. That's awfully bigoted. That's awfully narrow-minded You wouldn't say that you'd go right on out there because why did you care about your flesh? You care about your backside, don't you? Right, but when it comes to the spiritual all of a sudden Well, that's that's wrong right that that's only for God only God can judge me. Well, you're right That's why I came to you because I follow the Word of God and he sent me here to Ask and to discern and to judge whether or not you're really saved if I didn't care about you I wouldn't come here right in the flesh There's a lot of other things that I'd rather be doing than knocking on your door and getting yelled at all day Right, but because we understand the severity of the situation and the Great Commission We're gonna keep pressing forward and keep on doing that But what I want you to see here out of Ezekiel 22 is this Violators of God's law will put no difference between the holy and profane. This is why when you knock on people's doors around here They're just like well, you know who's to say whether or not a Mormon's going to hell who's to say, right? I mean it just you know, it's just up to God, you know I think as long as they just name name the name of God they'll go to heaven right isn't that Billy Graham's message? Robert Shuler's message as long as you could see the light right isn't that the message of what the the masons? Right look into the light. I Mean, that's that's what you have here. Look at the verse again It says in verse 26 her priests have violated my law and have profaned my holy things They have put no difference between the holy and profane so a person who violates God's law the hallmark of that individual of their ministry of their Actual being is that they will put no difference between the holy and frames They'll say I don't see a problem with a Disney movie. I don't see a problem skipping church for a sporting event I don't see a problem right just letting my kids do whatever they want Somewhere along the line people that act like that that make those decisions are people who have violated God's laws in their minds This doesn't just apply to the false pastors in our community The Bible says that we're all kings and priests and did you know that you can violate God's law to See it all the time all the time Right you get bitter people just get distraught they get upset they get their priorities backwards They backslide all of a sudden they say I'm just gonna violate God's law. I'm just gonna go ahead and knowingly Knowingly Do what God doesn't want me to do and guess what's gonna happen? profane Vain babblings more ungodliness, that's what's going to lead you. That's where it's going to increase Now I've got some examples. You know this this goes over much better when you have examples. I mentioned this guy before There's a pastor in Arizona. His name is John guy. He's a graduate of West Coast Baptist College right led by what's that guy's name? Paul Chapel, that's right. Thank you