(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did he need those pills? Because he's nothing but a mega sim. You know, and he's just going on about how much of a man he is because his wife picks out these flower blouse type dresses for him. And he keeps telling him, you know, she's the one that made me realize I'm a metro. I'm like, you're a geo-metro? You're like a little car? You know? And then that's where I learned what a metro means. I'm like, so you're effeminate, basically, is what you're telling me. And that's how a lot of simps are. And we don't want that. In fact, the Bible's got a great story of a guy who's just like this individual I'm talking about, and his name's Ahab. You want to talk about a simp in the Bible. Somebody who has just got zero self-esteem, who holds other people. In this case, it's Jezebel's wife in high regards. You know, it's Ahab. This dude is a problem. And he's a sim. And here's the big kicker of them all. Think about that. This guy's a king. And he's a simp. Let's take a look. 1 Kings 21. Look at verse 2. It says this. So Naboth is a good guy in the story. Naboth's got a vineyard. He's secure with what he has and why he has it. He doesn't want to let it go. Look at this. That I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near unto my house, and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it. Or, if it seem good to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money. So Ahab has a decent proposal here. Sounds like a good deal. But here's the thing. Naboth should have the freedom to say yea or nay. Look at verse 3. Naboth said to Ahab, the Lord forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee. Let's stop right there for a second. That's the attitude that we need to have. Because we're the Naboths of the story. You've got your Amnons, your Ahabs are the same type of person. Then you've got your Jonadabs, Jezebel, same type of person. Then you have your Tamar and your Naboth the innocent. Those that are outside of this equation. We should have this type of attitude. We should be secure with what we have. We shouldn't let these pimps and these simps come along and say, wow, you can have so much more. You could be so much better if you just would look up to me and follow me and follow all the things that I'm doing. It's like, no, we're doing our own thing. We're following the word of God the way it was written. We don't care if it doesn't bring us 500 people a week. We don't care if YouTube shuts our channel down. Whatever. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we do not forsake the inheritance of our fathers. That's what matters. We don't want to let down Paul. We don't want to let down all the work that they did starting these churches because that's what people are doing today because they're simps, because they're weak, and because they're pathetic. Look at verse number four. It says, an Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word. Think about that. Because of the word which Naboth the Jesuit had spoken to him. This guy is a king. He makes it decent. The guy says, I don't want it. I'm secure in who I am. He's just like, oh, man, this is terrible. So he goes home. This guy is pouting. He's literally moping. Look at his heads. Let's start over again. Look at verse four. It says, an Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word which Naboth the Jesuit had spoken to him. For he had said, I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers. And he laid him down upon his bed and turned away his face. And would not eat no bread. This dude, you want to talk about vex? Look, this guy is vexed, but this is a simp. This is a simp. Somebody who can't just take responsibility for the people in his own kingdom. I mean, look, if he has a vineyard that's better, why can't he just be content with that? And so you say, hey, I feel like I'm kind of in that simp category. No problem. I've got a word of wisdom for you from this story. Be content with such things as you have. That there will elevate you above the simp and above the pimp. Verse five, but Jezebel his wife. Look, same thing. Jezebel is like Jonah Depp. These people are always walking around. Looking, man, just looking for somebody to wake over here. Somebody simping over here. And they're going to pounce on you, man. Simps are wimps. They're defenseless. But Jezebel his wife came to him and said unto him, why is thy spirit so sad that thou eatest no bread? Verse six, and he said unto her, because I spake unto Naboth the Jesuit, and said unto him, give me thy vineyard for money or else, if it please thee, I will give thee another vineyard for it. And he answered, I will not give thee my vineyard. So she said, what's the matter, little baby? He's just like Naboth told me no. Verse seven, and Jezebel his wife said unto him, does thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? So here you have his wife. Hey, aren't you the king? Don't you govern Israel? I mean, can't you create a law to just like manipulate him out of it or something? I mean, that would be more masculine. She's probably thinking that'd be more attractive than what you're doing right now. Because here's the reality, okay? Women don't want sins. It just is what it is. Okay? You need to be who you are. You need to be content. And as a child of God, you need to be okay with that, that God has called us to live differently than the world. And if those girls out there don't want you because of that, they're not worth your time. They're not worth anything to you. Don't allow them to pull this type of behavior on you. Verse seven, and Jezebel his wife said unto him, does thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? Arise and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry. I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. And of course, she's a daughter of Belial. She's a devil herself. So what does she do? Well, she comes up with a plan. Because that's what the world does. That's what the pimps do. They've got a plan. They have a plan for the sins. But again, we need to be outside of that and be able to recognize it for what it is, that it's equally wicked. We don't want any part of that because the innocent like Naboth, the innocent like Tamar are the ones that get hurt. Okay? And we have an opportunity to actually be like heroes for the kingdom of God in those situations, to help people out. Okay? She comes up with this plan. And guess what? Who does she hire? The sons of Belial, right? Because they're reprobates. They will go ahead and do exactly what she wants. And what does she want? She says, hey, you guys go and just, you know, call Naboth to his meeting. You know, you'll lure him in and say, oh, you're being called on high, doing all these good things. And then you're going to lie about him, blaspheme him in God, and then kill him. And that's exactly what happens. So you see the situation here. You see this triangle of how this works. You have the pimps. These are the predators. These are the people that prey on the weak, prey on the simple. But yet they're simple themselves, but they're different. Right? And who always gets hurt? It's the people that are hanging in the balances. The people that just don't know any better. Or sometimes it's people like us that do know that we get hurt because we have to deal with this in our families. We have to deal with this in our neighborhoods. Go to First Corinthians chapter number 16. And again, Ahab was a king and a sinner. You say, well, big deal. Well, you're a king. And if you don't understand these things, you could possibly, you could perhaps wind up being a simp. Somebody who's simple. Somebody who's gotten sucked in to holding people in admiration because of the advantage that they have. See, we should never look at someone else and be like, oh, man, they're gifted such athletically. I've got to really work for that. And you just start overlooking everything they say and do just because they have that advantage. Or maybe somebody comes in here and they have a lot of money. That's an advantage. That's an advantage. Are we going to hold that person in admiration? The moment you do, you're a simp. And you don't want to be a simp because a simp is wimp. Right? Simping ain't easy. Okay? First Corinthians chapter number 16. We're going to start reading here in verse number 13. And I just want to say this. We're going to talk to this real quickly, some application here. What is manhood? Obviously, manhood is defined by what's between your ears and your heart. Okay? Real, true manhood is you taking responsibility and understanding that this book is where we draw the line no matter what anybody says. That's why Paul told Timothy, hey, be instant in season and out of season. Don't allow people to pull you outside of that. Don't allow people to make you feel less than what you are because maybe they have an advantage. Maybe they have this or they have that. That's not okay. That's not right. We don't let people make us feel like that. It's not right. It's not what we're called to do. In fact, here's what he tells the Corinthians in chapter 16. Look at verse 13. He says this after a big long rebuke. He says, watch ye stand fast in the faith. Okay? What do you have people doing today? Oh, church is within you. You don't really need to just go to church. And the word of God is within you. You know, it's just how you feel. You know, just love thy neighbor and coexist and you'll be perfectly fine. Do as thou wilt. Right? Isn't that what people are saying today? Whereas Paul's like, hey, no, stand fast in the faith. Right? Edify and evangelize. That's where it's at. And he says, could you, like men, be strong? Now that applies to the women too because the women definitely need strength especially in today's day and age. We'll talk about that next week. But look at verse 14. Let all your things be done with charity. Okay? So one thing these pimps on the internet will tell you is, you know, you ought not to show any love for these hoes or for these girls. And they'll just say things like that. You know? And they'll train men to act like that. To use and to abuse. Just like Amnon learned from Jonah Dab. And that's it. I mean, that is a tragedy in and of itself. But the Bible says, hey, quit you like men. Be strong. Let all things be done with charity. Let all things be done with love. Not just a verbal love but an active love. Actually showing people that you care and doing things for other people and loving them that way because that's what Christ wants us to do. Look at verse 15. He says, I beseech you, brethren, you know the house of Stephanas, that it is the first fruits of Achaia and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints. Look, he starts talking right after he gives the commandment. Hey, be strong. Quit you like men. And then what does he say next? He says, let all things be done with charity. And then to give us an illustration, to give us an example, he says, hey, there's this group of people that have addicted themselves to the ministry. That's charity. That's love. That is what it's all about. Verse 16, that ye submit yourselves unto such. You see, and I bring that up because today, you know, if you don't submit yourself to this, what you're called to do if you're saved, not to stay saved, right, but to obviously grow and just be a disciple and to expand the kingdom of God, you have run the risk to go to another camp, whether that be the simp category or the pimp category. It doesn't matter. It's gonna hurt you either way. He says that ye submit yourselves unto such and to everyone that helpeth with us and labors. Right, I mean, that's what this thing is all about. You know, but people today, they wanna make you, they wanna make us, they wanna make us feel like we're not men. Like, oh, you got the soul or anything, knocking on people's doors, having a door slam in your face, I bet that makes you feel real tough. That's not, what good is that doing? It's doing more than we could possibly imagine. Okay, that is wisdom. That's displaying the manifold wisdom of God right there. Look at verse 17. I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and for to Natas and Achaeus. For that which was lacking on your part, they have supplied. So there you go, right? Supplying, taking care of one another's needs. That is charity. That is how you show yourself a man. Verse 18, for they have refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore, acknowledging them that are such. Paul's trying to help these people out because honestly, the Corinthians by and large became simps. The moment they started saying, I'm of Paul, I'm of Apollos, I got this, what happened next? Oh, we'll just allow this guy who's committed this crazy fornication to stay in here and be proud of it. Why were they proud of it? Because they were like, we're free in Christ, bro. We're free in Christ, man. Right, we can have, you know, we don't need that law stuff. And then here comes Paul like, you've completely missed this message here. You guys are jacked up. Let's see, verse 18. They have refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore, acknowledging them that are such. So he says that, again, to point people, hey, young men, men in general, be strong. Okay, and here's how you do it. You remain faithful in these things. A good way to do it is to look at people who have addicted themselves to the ministry, who study the word, who labor in the word, and say, what can I do to help you out? You know, because the world's gonna come by when you make that decision and they're gonna say, you're a sim. And you're gonna say, no, I'm no Ahab. I'm not Amnon. Right, that's you. You've got this thing backwards. We're called to serve the brethren, called to serve in church. Turn to Psalm chapter number 19. Psalm chapter number 19. We're getting close to being done here. Psalm chapter number 19. So again, you know, if we don't know what the Bible says, and this is just a quick one. I preached a sermon, I think it was last year, in a series I did called All Good in the Hood, and we talked about manhood. Okay, so I don't wanna spend a lot of time on it, but you get the picture here. It's very simple. I mean, it's easy to do. It's a choice that you have, right? And the Bible gives us clear instructions here. Hey, quit you like men and be strong, you know? Do all things with charity. Love the brethren, don't forsake the gathering. You know, submit yourselves into these people and learn and grow and influence that way. That's how we influence, okay? Here's some application, Psalm 19, look at verse 7. Here's something perfect for the simps. The law of the Lord, verse 7. The law of the Lord is perfect. It is perfect. This King James Bible is perfect. It's perfectly preserved, no mistakes. People say, well, it doesn't have any errors, but it's got mistranslations. You're a simp. If that's your philosophy. The law of the Lord is perfect. Converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Again, making wise the simple. The simple don't need to go to Andrew Tate. They don't need to go to Jake Paul and Logan Paul and whatever other YouTubers are out there. You know, Bedros Kullian. You know, Jordan Peterson. You know, they have little nuggets and things like that, those two guys, I'm sure. You know, but whatever. Your conversion from simp to Christian to a king is going to come from the law of the Lord, which is perfect. It converts the soul. You will never get full, transparent conversion from those programs. Because God has called us to act this way and He's provided the information for you to do that freely. You don't need that membership. Let's see, I'm going to have you guys go to Psalm, chapter 119. A hundred chapters over. Psalm 119. While you're turning that memory for you, another Psalm, 116.6, which says, the Lord preserveth the simple. I was brought low and He helped me. And that's what we need to realize here, right? We don't want to make fun of people that actually do fall into the simp category. You know, when we meet them or whatever it is, we want to try to help them out. We want to try to make sure that we apply the law of the Lord to them because that's what's going to convert them. It is God that makes wise the simple. Somebody who runs around saying, man, I am so of Paul or I'm so of a Paulist and everything I do is trying to get their attention, is nothing but a simp. And it's somebody who needs correction, somebody who needs to be taught. Hey, you need to be converted so you can be yourself, so you can study for God and so that you can actually, you know, move forward in the kingdom of God and actually do something for a change. Psalm 119, look at verse 130. Psalm 119, 130, the Bible says, the entrance of thy words giveth light. It giveth understanding to the simple. The entrance, how does the word of God enter? Through your eyes and your ear drums, down into your heart. You're saved, that seed stays. Devil can't take that away from you. You can quench the spirit, but he ain't getting in. He does not have that kind of power on you. The entrance of thy words giveth light. And that's what the simp needs. The simp needs light. And you're gonna get that only from the word of God. It gives understanding to the simple. Turn to Proverbs chapter number seven. Proverbs chapter number seven, we are almost done. Proverbs 122 says this, how long, this is the cry, this is the call of wisdom. How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge. Again, we have a limited time, we have a limited opportunity to get to people that are in that category, is what I'm saying. And we read this a few weeks ago, but I wanna cover it just real quickly here because I really feel it applies. Proverbs, rather, chapter seven, look at verse number seven. Look at what Solomon says, gives us another example of a simp. It says, and I beheld, and beheld among the simple ones. I discerned among the youths. A young man, void of understanding. What do you think is about to happen to this guy? Something good? Look at verse eight. That's right, passing through the street near her corner. Always gotta be at a corner, right? And this is true in Watt Avenue in Sacramento. Don't go there past 1030, okay? Just a quick commercial break. Watt Avenue and the Del Taco, right off the freeway. Be careful if you ever go to visit Verity and you stay over there. But anyways, verse eight, passing through the street near her corner, and he went the way to her house. Verse nine, in the twilight of the evening, in the black and dark of night. And behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot and subtle of heart. You see these characteristics, don't you, through these pins, right? Subtle, Jonah Dabb was subtle, okay? Jezebel's plan to kill Naboth was subtle. It was well thought out, it was well planned, okay? This woman here, this ho is of a subtle heart, looking for his loving, she is loud and stubborn, her feet abide not in her house. I want you guys to remember this, okay? These women that get on this TikTok and these YouTubes and Facebook or whatever, look, I don't care how good they look to you, I don't care what they're promising you, okay? This is reality, she is loud and stubborn. When you get along with this person, you get involved with this person, she is loud and stubborn, her feet abide not in her house. She will vex you for the rest of your life, if not mentally, possibly even physically. Look at verse 12, now is she without, now in the streets, in lieth and wait at every corner. Verse 13, so she caught him and kissed him and with an impudent face said unto him, I have peace offerings with me, this day have I paid my vows, therefore came I forth to meet thee diligently, to seek thy face and have found thee. I was in the house the other day and these people, these young kids, man, like this tall, were just scrolling some kind of social media, I couldn't tell which one it was. But it was just video after video of like these women and just other random things too, just saying the craziest things, I can't even bring them up. Just insane, I'm like, I need to get out of here, man, this is insane, kids are like this tall and they're on TV and they're just like scrolling somehow, just, oh, she's just sad. There's nothing new under the sun, this thing's been going on for thousands and thousands of years. What you're reading right here, I have peace offerings with me, this day have I paid my vows, therefore came I forth to meet thee diligently, to seek thy face, I have found thee. You know, a lot of these videos were these girls that were very attractive, promising, you know, if you click this, I'm looking for a guy just like you, broken, you know, maybe you have kids and a dad bod, that's one I kept hearing, I want a guy with a dad bod, be careful with that kind of stuff. I'm just telling you, let these people know what are the odds, I've been seeking you, now it's at your fingertips, it's on this, and it comes very quickly, it's very accessible, it's why we need to protect our children. Therefore came I forth to meet thee diligently, to seek thy face, and I have found thee, a match made in heaven. Only the simps believe that though. Look, these girls that look like that, they don't want you. Not that cool, understand that, okay? Verse 16, and she's not that cool, she ain't no Porsche in reality, what's under the hood is nothing good. Verse 16, I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt, and it goes on and on and on, and she just starts to pour it on. Then basically what happens is this young man just like, yes, he's hypnotized, he goes through with it, and Solomon explains, this guy has become slain by her, jumped down to verse 24. So after he tells this story here, he basically says that this is a guy likened unto somebody who's had his, you know, who's been struck through by a dart, but look at verse 24, it says, hearken unto me now, therefore, all you children, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths, for she hath cast down many wounded. By the time your eyeballs see those videos, you need to see not only the fact that her footsteps take hold on hell, we don't even have time to go to that, but you need to see this right here, you need to see verse 26, for she hath cast down many wounded, and you will be next. Yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Just because you're strong, just because you're a king, just because you're whatever, doesn't mean you cannot become a simp. Verse 27, her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. Most of these hoes are not saved at all. In fact, I would, if I could bet, and I'm not a betting man, I would bet that a lot of them will reprobate concerning the faith. And they are out there doing the Jezebel. They are out there trying to slay men. Okay, now again, women, you can be simps too. This can apply to women in a broad sense of the definition when you decide, you know what, I'm going to hold men in admiration, or I'm going to hold other women, people, in admiration. Okay, so again, don't think, oh, this doesn't apply to me. You know, one last proverb, go to 14, Proverbs number 14. I'll leave you with one last thought here, one last verse. Proverbs 14, look at verse 18. So Solomon tells us this, the simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. The simple inherit folly. There's only one inheritance for the simp, and it's folly, it's vexation, it's the snare, it's a trap, it's total destruction, okay? And again, it's our job to realize, really they're the same, because I believe personally, this is my belief, I believe that pimps are simps, all of them. You know, no, no, a pimp's a player, and we ought to be players before we get, you ought to play the field before you get married. That's what I had an army recruiter tell me that. Kevin probably tested this. You know, that's the thing in the military. You know, when I got married, I was 19 years old, I remember the saying, you haven't even played the field yet, boy. What's wrong with you? And I'm like, thinking to myself, I don't have to go to the clinic every day to get medications like you do either. So I think I'm doing something right, okay? Again, the world has it wrong. The simple inherit folly. It's our job to understand what's going on in our day and age, and how the Bible applies, so that we can rescue the innocent, should we be presented with that opportunity. So I'm gonna leave it there. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Again, thank you so much, Lord, for this teaching. I just pray that you would help us all to gain knowledge, gain wisdom, Lord, that we may help others, especially the simple ones, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. All right, please grab your song books one more time this evening, and turn to 448. Brethren, we have met to worship and adore the Lord our God. Will you pray with all your power while we try to preach the word? All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy Spirit is with us. All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy Spirit comes down. Brethren, pray and holy man I will be showered all around. Brethren, see poor sinners round you slumbering on the brink of woe. Death is coming, hell is moving, can you bear to let them go? See our fathers and our mothers and our children seeking down. Brethren, pray and holy man I will be showered all around. Sisters, will you join and help us? Cause his sister hated him. Will you help the trembling mourners who are struggling hard with sin? Tell them all about the Savior. Tell them that he will be found. Sisters, pray and holy man I will be showered all around. Let us love our God so freely. Let us love each other too. Let us love and pray for sinners till our God makes all things new. Then he'll call us home to heaven at his table we'll sit down. Christ will gird himself and serve us with sweet manna all around. Amen. Good singing this evening. Brother Kevin, would you close the service out and a word of prayer please? Yeah, I just want to thank God for the word that Pastor T. Wade and Father Park and by the way, thank you to the Pimps and Sims around us that we were able to have devoted role and walk away from and guide us. Would you bless us with a fellowship and as we take away our own value God we say amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.