(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, amen. Genesis chapter number six. So today is the fourth and final part of our series, our series called Remember the Flood. And the title of the sermon this morning is going to be History Often Repeats, History Often Repeats. So you're there in Genesis six, look at verse number 13. So the Bible says, And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them, and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Now keep your place there, we're going to come back to it later, but go to Genesis chapter number two, Genesis chapter number two. We're going to take a look at basically these two patterns that repeat themselves throughout the history, throughout the Bible, and we're going to kind of study that, take a look at what that is. So in Genesis chapter number seven, after that, so you're going to Genesis two, God commands Noah on how to build the ark and what to do. And then you see Noah's obedience, and then you see rain come upon the earth. And then in chapter eight, you see that the waters subside, the Bible says that the waters assuage and that the fountains of the earth, or I'm sorry, the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven are stopped. And then Noah offers a sweet smelling savor unto God. And so we'll come back and I'll kind of show you why that's important at the end of the sermon. But what I want to do is talk about how this history here, how does history often repeat? Well, through the course of the study here, I think it was the second sermon that we did in this series. We took a look at Cain and Abel. We took a look at the details and that whole scenario and basically Cain, you know, just completely disregarded everything that God had told him to do, had no respect for the word of God. So what does he wind up doing? He winds up killing his brother, Abel, and that's a picture of destroying the flesh. So that's the first pattern that we really see in the Bible besides, obviously, Adam and Eve's issue that we took a look at first. So you're going to see that destruction of the flesh. Now, what about the second one? What's the second pattern here? Well, to understand it, we need to go back to Genesis chapter number two and take a look at a standard here. So this is when God has created Adam's created man and God looked upon Adam and said that he needs a help meet for him. He needs somebody to help him out. And we took a look at this at the first sermon and we proved that none of the animals could suffice for help for Adam. Okay. There was only one person, obviously we know that to be Eve, that was suitable for Adam that would be that help. Look at Genesis chapter two in verse number 23. So after the creation of Eve, Adam says this in verse 23, and Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Okay. So remember that verse 24, therefore, okay. So for that reason shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. Okay. That was the standard. So you say, well, what, what was the standard? What was the order of the family that God established? It was male and female. Yeah. It was man and woman. The idea here is that man marries a woman, leaves the family and they become one, they become one family. Okay. Jesus backs this up. You don't have to turn there. But Matthew 19 five, Jesus says for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain, meaning they too shall be one flesh. Okay. That's the standard. That's what God ordained in the very beginning. Okay. So the question is, who was the first person to, to go against this, the first person to violate this? Well, it was Lamek and we talked about Lamek a couple of weeks ago and what was Lamek's issue? Well, Lamek was the first person mentioned in the Bible, the first person to have more than one wife. Okay. Lamek also had a problem with pride and strangely enough, Lamek is also the father of Noah. So you have this pattern right out of the gate. You have destruction of the flesh and then you have sexual perversion. Okay. So let's see if we can find that pattern again. Go to Genesis chapter number nine. Does history repeat itself? Does history repeat itself? So remember your order. Okay. You have Genesis chapter six, which we spent a lot of time in the beginning of that chapter last week. You have God who was upset at humanity. Okay. He intends in his heart to destroy all flesh, but then he finds a son of God. He finds one of his children, a preacher of righteousness named Noah and Noah found grace in the eyes of God and God uses Noah to not only save him and his family, but to also preach messages to the world. Obviously the world rejects that. Genesis seven, we see the result for the first time on earth. You see that God causes a rain to be on the earth, wipes out most of the world except for Noah and his family. Genesis chapter eight, the waters assuage. The ark basically lands on land. No one has family to get out. Noah offers a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord. All seems well, all seems to be going good. They're obviously thankful to God that he protected them, preserved them, but not soon after that, you're going to see that that same pattern, that same history, destruction of the flesh and sexual perversion repeats itself very quickly. Look at Genesis chapter nine and verse number 18. So the Bible says this, Genesis nine verse 18, and remember this is the beginning of the current world that we live in. So you have the old world, which was pre-flood, and then you have the current world, which is post-flood. Verse 18, the Bible says this, and the sons of Noah that went forth of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and Ham is the father of Canaan. So the Bible is letting you know right now there's something up with this Ham character, Mr. Hambone, okay? There's something not good with this guy. Verse 19, these are the three sons of Noah and of them was the whole earth overspread. And Noah began to be a husbandman, and he planted a vineyard. So a husbandman, somebody who plants vineyards, takes care of crops, things of that nature. Verse 21, here it is, and he drank of the wine and was drunken, and he was uncovered in his tent. Now what is that a picture of? That is a picture of riotous living, destruction of the flesh, okay? Are you saying, oh, you bash it? No, no, I'm not bashing him. This is in here for a reason, okay? Proverbs chapter 31, very clear. What is the commandment? What is the wisdom given to King Lemuel from his mother? To stay away from wine and strong drink, and his mother tells him to leave that to them that are what? Perishing, to them that are dying, okay? So here we just see a picture of Noah destroying the flesh. This is not a good thing, and the following verses are gonna back that up, okay? So now you have that pattern, okay? Destruction of the flesh, look at verse 22. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without, okay? What does that mean? Well, without, meaning his two brothers are outside of the tent, and Ham bones inside, okay? Ham's inside the tent, he sees the nakedness, okay? Now is that all that happened? Now we're not given the specifics, and we ought to thank God we're not given the specifics, okay? This is a euphemism, kind of like in Genesis 19, when the Sodomites surrounded the house where Lot and the two angels that came to him, and the Sodomites are chanting, you know, bring the men out that we may know them. That's kind of what this is talking about here, okay? It's letting you know that this is definitely something bad. Look at verse 23, it says, and Shem and Japheth took a garment, okay? Now look at, so you have what Ham did, okay? And now his two brethren, they do something different, okay? So when they go into the tent, look how they handle this. Verse 23, and Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon their shoulders. And went backward and covered the nakedness of their father, and their eyes were backward and they saw not their father's nakedness. So you can see that righteousness, you can see that goodness, at least in those two. Verse 24, and Noah awoke from his wine, and here it is, and knew what his younger son, and here it is, had done unto him, okay? So Ham did something unto Noah, Noah wasn't aware of it while it was being done because he was drunk, okay? Now again, thank God that we don't know what it is, we know enough. We know that it's perverted, it's bad, and again, what is this? This is sexual perversion, okay? So notice that pattern. You have the destruction of the flesh, Cain and Abel, and then you have Lamech taking multiple wives, again, I would attribute that to sexual perversion. And then here, after the flood, just immediately after this, you have drunkenness, destroying the flesh, and then you have Ham doing this sexual perversion to his father. Absolutely disgusting, okay? So look at what, another thing that you should think about here is that Noah's drunk wakes up and knows exactly who it was that did whatever was done unto him. So that means that Ham obviously had a reputation for being like this, okay? That's what I take from this. Now look at verse 25, and he said, cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Verse 26, and he said, blessed be the Lord God of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant. So notice one family line, Ham, who's the father of the Canaanites, they get a curse because of what Ham had done, but Shem and Japheth are told that they are going to be blessed, okay? Verse 27, now I'm bringing this up and I'm putting it like this because I actually heard a preacher one time say that, well, what Ham did was a prank, okay, and Noah was just embarrassed, so he just did some kind of a prank. I don't think you can get that from this, okay? Maybe you say maybe wrong, whatever, I don't know, I don't think a prank would wind up causing an entire generation of people to be cursed. You know, anything about the Canaanites in the Bible, they're definitely cursed, okay? And if you study the Canaanites, and we'll do this later on, I've been intending to do this actually, the Canaanites basically had Sodomites, they had all that stuff going on, so whatever Ham did here, that definitely passed down throughout the Canaanites, so enough of that. Verse 26, and he said, blessed be the Lord God of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant. Verse 27, God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant. Now look at verse 28, Noah lived after the flood, 350 years, verse 29, and all the days of Noah were 950 years and he died. So kind of interesting how he lives 300 years after the flood because obviously after the flood, as people are being born and living their lives, they no longer are really living, you know, that three, 400 year mark, so obviously that old world nutrition stayed with Noah, but obviously I believe God had blessed him, so go to Matthew chapter number 24. Matthew chapter 24, so hopefully you kind of see that broad pattern that I'm trying to paint for you. You have Genesis 4, you have Cain murders Abel, that's a picture of destruction of the flesh, of people abusing themselves with mankind, things of that nature, and then you have Laman. First person to have more than one wife, which is sexual perverting the family, things of that nature, and then what followed that? Remember last week, what followed that? Well Christians did nothing, the sons of God did nothing, in fact the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair, they took unto them wives, and basically created people that had good zeal, but not according to knowledge. Well really it's the same thing that we see today, and the same thing that you see post-flood. Noah's drunk, okay, he's by himself, something bad happened, so now you have the destruction of the flesh, you have sexual perversion, and then Christians eventually do nothing, and the cycle just keeps repeating itself, okay? And so the question is, how is this gonna repeat again? Well Matthew chapter 24, big prophecy chapter, this is Jesus Christ speaking here. Matthew 24, look at verse number 37, and here's why this is so important for us today to understand these things, okay? What will it be like before the return of Christ? Matthew 24 verse 37, Jesus says this, but as the days of Noah, or Noah, but as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Now what I'm not doing is I'm not up here saying that Christ could return at any moment. There are things that need to happen. If anything, I would say the wars and rumors of wars are definitely where we are at today. I see the technology for the mark of the beast probably in the works, and things of that nature, okay? But he does say, but as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood, look at this, they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark. So as you're reading Genesis chapter number seven and you see the flood, you see the rain, the fountains of the deep break forth and it starts to rain on the earth, Noah and his family walk into the ark, till that moment people were still just living their lives. They were just getting married, doing what they're doing. But remember what God had said in Genesis six, that all the people of the earth, their hearts were basically nothing but imagining evil continually, okay? So Jesus is saying, that's what it's going to be like when I come back. Verse 39, it says, and knew not until the flood came. So they eventually figured it out. They eventually figured out what Noah was talking about, came to pass, came to be true. So verse 39, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away. Then he says this, so shall also the coming of the son of man be. So that right there is why we need to have a great understanding of the old world and why we need to remember the flood. Now there's another reason we'll get to that here in a little while. Go back to Genesis chapter number six. Genesis chapter number six. So we read this verse last week, verse number three, and I want to expound upon it a little bit. Look at what it says. Genesis three verse six, it says, and the Lord said, my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh, yet his days shall be on earth. His days shall be 120 years. So what God is saying there is he's already declared that he is definitely fed up with mankind. He's seen what's going on in the earth. He's not happy. He intends to destroy all flesh, and he's basically saying, I'm going to give this planet 120 years before I decide to actually flood it. Now he's not saying it took Noah 120 days to build the ark, but let's talk about this period here, 120 days. What was going on during these 120 days? Well, people were just living their lives, being wicked, a lot like you see would go on today. Now keep your place there, but go to second Peter chapter number two, and let's answer that question. What was going on with Noah during this 120 year period? Because people will often make this accusation, well, that's pretty, you know, God's, you know, this and that, and the Bible says he just destroyed, you know, tried to destroy the whole earth. What kind of God would do that? You know, and people often forget how merciful and how much grace God actually gives people. So he says, I'm going to give them 120 years. Okay. So what was God doing to the planet in that period of 120 years? Well, let's take a look. Second Peter chapter two, verse number five. So it says, and spared not, talking about God, it says, and spared not the old world, but saved Noah, the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. So what Noah was doing was really twofold. Noah was a preacher of righteousness, okay? Now we know according to Genesis chapter number four, that men began to call upon the name of the Lord. Obviously that message was very near and dear to Noah. Noah was preaching that. He was preaching righteousness because remember, mankind is not righteous of himself. Righteousness is a gift from God, always has been, always will be. So Noah was preaching that men should call upon the name of the Lord. He was preaching righteousness, obviously preaching against the wickedness of his day, but also as God is giving him instructions on building the ark, you know, people are probably walking by like, you're crazy, what is this? However, that in and of itself was also a testimony to the world that they should call upon the Lord and get on Noah's side. You see, God is not a respecter of persons. It wasn't like, oh, there was just something good in Noah's DNA. This one just came out right. This one just came out better, so we'll just save him. That wasn't the case. Why did Noah find grace in the eyes of God? It's because he loved the Lord, because he walked with God. Okay, that is why. Go to Hebrews chapter number 11 and let's see the result of his preaching. What did his preaching, what did his obedience to God do? Because remember, we talked last week about how the sons of God did nothing for God. In fact, they did more harm and actually they're the whole reason the flood came on the earth. Because there wasn't enough people following the word of God and preaching the free gift of salvation. So Hebrews chapter 11, look at verse number 7, the great faith chapter in the Bible. So it says this, by faith, Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet. So remember, it had never rained on the earth. No one had ever seen a flood or anything of the sort. God tells Noah, this is what's coming. Noah believes it. Without even physically seeing it, it's not like he had a vision. God told him, this is what's going to happen and this is what I want you to do. And Noah said, no problem, I will do all of that. Okay, so verse 7, by faith, Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear. That is key. Moved with fear. Why is that important? Because the Bible says that fear, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And so the way that works, if you're not familiar with that, is that, let's say, for example, you come to church in your own time, you're reading the Bible, you're gaining knowledge. Okay, now let's say, like we always preach, you need to apply that in your life, okay? Well, in the process of you applying that knowledge that you've learned, you're going to acquire wisdom. Because in the process of applying knowledge, you're going to make mistakes and be like, oh, wait, that didn't work out right. What went wrong? You're going to get that experience. You're going to get wise, okay? That is what we need. And so that's why it says, by faith, Noah being warned of God of things not seen, not seen as yet, moved with fear. Why? Because he had a healthy fear of God, prepared an ark to the saving of his house. By the witch, he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness, which is by faith. Okay? Righteousness is, again, imputed unto man from God. Okay? So that proves what I said about the verse in 2 Peter, verse 5, 2 Peter 2, verse 5, that Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Noah was a preacher of God's truth. And by doing that, what did Noah actually do? He condemned the world. Okay? He condemned the world. That's very important. Because guess what? By us doing what Noah did, preaching righteousness, and actually moving with the fear of God, because we don't just have the mission of preaching the gospel, we also have the mission of edifying the brethren, which requires us to constantly be in the Word to even learn how to do that. Okay? This is why we tell people, hey, you know, here's what the Bible says, stay away from this, maybe do this instead. You know, and we're always trying to come up with a circumspect way to live our life, a wise way to live our life. You know, that's us in the process of building the ark. Okay? And by doing this twofold mission, this evangelizing the world and edifying the brethren, we, in essence, are literally condemning the world the same way that Noah did, but it's ordained by God. Okay? Go back. Go back one more time to Matthew 24. Matthew chapter number 24. So again, history repeats itself, right? That's the title of the sermon. So Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Finally, during that period of 120 days, the flood came. Noah and his family get into the ark. They're saved. The world's dead. The world dies, essentially, and that history, you're going to see, actually repeats itself. Look at Matthew 24, verse 14. Look at what Jesus says about the gospel. Matthew 24, 14, the Bible says, and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. All nations. So whenever that is, okay, there could still be a nation that's going to form here in the future, you know, and the point is that the gospel is going to have to be preached in those nations before the end comes. Well, what does that mean? Well, that means that we're going to bring the final flood of the word of God on this earth. It's going to be people that move with fear and actually tell people about the ark, which is Christ. Okay? That is history repeating itself. Now go back to Genesis chapter six, and we'll get ready to finish up here, Genesis chapter number six. So again, history repeats itself. You have the world. What do they do? They destroy the flesh, sexual perversion, basically these two categories can pretty much sum up everything that is wrong with the world. We saw that repeat in the old world, well, we saw that established in the old world repeat right after the flood in the new world, and of course, those things just keep rolling over into our day. And then during that same time, you have Noah preaching the gospel, preaching righteousness, and then he is saved, condemns the world, and it's the same thing that we are doing and our people have been doing for thousands of years now. Genesis chapter six, verse number five. So again, we spent a lot of time on verse four last week, so let's just move on to verse five. And God saw the wickedness of man. Okay? And God saw that the wickedness of man was great. Again. Okay? And God saw that the wickedness of what? Man. Not Nephilim. Man. Okay? Not Nephilim. Man. You know, I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings, but somebody left a comment, and again, I'm not hating, you can believe whatever you want, whatever, okay? But it just basically said like, what's wrong with believing in the Nephilim that makes the most sense? And that was basically the comment. It's like, well, and the person said, well, I'm not sold on this. That's fine. You know? But we're proof. Like, let's get some verses together here. Like, explain this to me. And again, I am not trying to be rude, but I would say this. If you believe in the Nephilim doctrine, well, you're not King James only, because that word is not in the Bible. That word is in the NIV. That word is in the modern perversions. So and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth. Things breed forth after their own kind. Dogs beget dogs. Cats beget cats. The list goes on. Apple trees bear apples. They don't bear oranges. Humans reproduce humans. It's just the way that it is. There's no getting around that. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. So during this 120-day period, as Noah is preaching righteousness, he's living in what we would call perilous times. Second Timothy chapter 3, Paul warns Timothy that in the last days, perilous times shall come. What is that? Dangerous times. Now, why are things going to get dangerous? Why are false prophets going to wax worse and worse? Why is all this stuff just going to get worse and more dangerous? Because people will become lovers of their own selves. So instead of people looking out for other people, people are only watching for themselves. That is exactly what Noah was dealing with. Verse 6, and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And again, this wouldn't have happened here if the sons of God would have stuck with the word of God that they had at that time and moved with fear like Noah did. Verse 7, and the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them. So the Bible here is just being very honest and God is telling you this is how he felt during that time period. Verse 8, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. So what I want you to do here real quick is go to Romans chapter number 1. I want to show you how Romans chapter 1, we use it all the time, we preach it out in the community, we teach it to people because it really explains why things are the way that they are today, but you need to see the connection between Romans chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 6, the old world. Romans chapter 1, look at verse number 18. Romans chapter 1, look at verse number 18. So the Bible says, for the wrath of God is, meaning is and is and is and is, present tense is, revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Now what's interesting about that is again, people sometimes will paint this picture of the old world and say, well they didn't have the word of God, they didn't have the Bible. Look they were closer to hearing the voice of God, you know, back then than you realize because I mean God talked with Cain, obviously we know that God talked with Adam. I mean there weren't that many people on the earth, they knew who created him. There were no evolutionists back then, okay, there were no people like, oh I'm going to start Buddhism, oh I'm going to start this other, you know, it wasn't like that. Now yes they did get into idolatry eventually, but they knew who their creator was, okay. And so here in Romans chapter 1, Paul explaining to the Romans who were living in similar times to what we're living in today, go study the emperors over there and you'll see that's true, says, for the wrath of God is, this is New Testament, is, okay. Why am I bringing that up? Because people today, oh, you know, God is just love. Jesus loves everyone, don't even matter. We shouldn't hate anyone, okay. Well then the question I have is why is God's wrath revealed from heaven? And what does that look like? Well, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Now keep your finger, keep something right there in Romans 1 and go to Genesis chapter number 7. And let's see if we can figure out, well, if it is and is and is, if the wrath of God is revealed, what is that, what does that look like? Go to Genesis chapter 7. And let's take a look at that, Genesis chapter 7, look at verse 11. In Genesis 7-11, in the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventh day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened, verse 12, and the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights. Go back to Romans chapter number 1, okay. What is that, how does that connect to Romans chapter 1? Look at verse 18, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. When you understand the history and you understand the order of how things went, okay, why does rain appear on the earth at all? Why does it rain? Oh, because the crops need the water. No, because the myths used to just come out of the ground and take care of the crops back in the day. Why does it rain today? What is the rain a symbol of? It's a symbol of God destroying the old world. So every time you see it rain, every time you think about it, every time you see it rain or every time you see a rainbow, it is a reminder of God's wrath, okay. That is God's wrath being revealed currently against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. Name a scientist that has that one figured out, okay. Name a scientist that has that figured out. Every time that it rains here, you need to remember, okay. Remember the flood. Remember why that is happening. Oh, it's because that's how, no, God used to water everything before there was even any rain. The whole point is to prove and to teach the world that that is God's wrath against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth, meaning they have the truth, but they hold the truth in unrighteousness. Kind of like this morning, this guy outside tells me, I taught marriage classes for 15 years. Really? And you're hanging out with a guy in a batsuit, yelling and cussing at kids and families of people that are married. Okay. Yeah. You're a great teacher. Subscribe me right now. Okay. Let me, let me get some lessons here. Sounds like a great plan, idiot. Again, rain is a reflection of God punishing the world, okay. Verse 19, we're going to, we're, we're, we're almost done. We're going to wrap this up. Verse 19, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath showed it unto them. Okay. So he's kind of talking in past tense here. He's talking in past tense and he's basically saying that these things came from the old world. Remember Noah manifested it to the world. Okay. But not only that, but just the order of creation teaches you that there is a God. And that's what verse 20 is about and it says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made even as eternal power and God had so that they are without excuse. So again, you know, I don't have time to get into this, but the old, anybody ever comes at you with a, well, what about the guy on the lost Island? Okay. That's never heard about God. What, what about them? Well, I can tell you with certainty, there's only one Island. It's called North Sentinel Island and it's off, it's, it's close to get my geography mix up here. I think it's India. Yeah. It's Indians. Basically. And they don't want anything to do with God. Okay. There was a Pentecostal missionary that went there or tried to go there and they killed him. Okay. So there you go. That's it. So that argument doesn't hold water. Okay. It's over. Don't even bring it up. No one is without excuse. No one has an excuse at all because the very establishment of creation, that truth alone is enough to condemn a person. It's not enough to save a person. We need the gospel to save people, but that truth is enough to condemn people. Verse 21 and again, look at this, because that when they knew God, so remember back in the old world who was preaching God, who was preaching righteousness, Noah, because that when they knew God, they glorified him, not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Okay. I'm not going to get into all this again. We already talked about Romans chapter one last week and we talk about a lot, but look at verse 22. This is the last place I want to have you read. The Bible says this, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. So again, remember what Jesus said. He said, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man. And here we read professing themselves to be wise. So again, as Noah's preaching righteousness, as Noah's building the ark, demonstrating his obedience to God, the world is just going on living their thing. They're just, they're just doing whatever they do. They're evil. There's perilous times, but they're marrying, they're eating, they're drinking. They're not paying attention to what the preacher is saying. They don't care. They have no regard for the word of God. They believe in themselves that they are wise. They think they have it all figured out. We don't need that stuff. We don't need those fundamentals. We don't need that Christian stuff. We don't need any of that garbage. But look what happened to those people. They became fools. So as it began to rain and Noah and his family walked onto that ark, they realized, uh oh, we messed up. And in that moment, they became fools. And again, why is this important? Because history often repeats itself. We today are in the position of Noah. We are preachers of righteousness. But not only that, we're also, again, building the ark. And we're, you know, there was a lot that went into the ark with the animals, the instructions on how to build it, the exact dimensions and all of that sort of stuff. That is a picture of sanctification. That is a picture of righteousness. That is a picture of how we say, hey, we ought to be separate from the world. So in other words, we don't want to, you know, for example, run this church service like how the world runs their concerts, okay? That's not working out for modern Christianity now, is it? No, because they're crying and screaming that they're losing people. Because people are like, why am I going to go here when I can just go to the concert? Why am I going to go to your church when I can just watch a TED talk? It's all the same thing. It brings no value to me. And so people are lost and confused, and they don't understand what's going on. And that is where we come in. And we take the righteousness, and we take the Word of God, and we go out there, and we preach Christ. We try to get them on the ark, on Christ, in Christ to be saved. But furthermore, we try to get them discipled and get them the ability to also go do that, okay, to move with fear, to see the urgency, okay? Now, obviously, if you take a look at what's going on in the world today, I would say there is definitely, if there's ever been a need for urgency, like the way that Noah moved, it is right now. And right now is a great time, because people are fed up with all this alphabet garbage. And I'm telling you, out soul winning, it is amazing. People are receptive, and they're starting to really want to know the answers. And we have those answers. You have the dimensions. You have how everything fits together for the ark, okay? Remember that, and preach that, and take that out into the community. And again, the results are always going to be amazing, because the Bible says that the Word of God shall not return void. So we're going to stop there, and we're going to be back in Matthew next week. So hopefully this was a blessing, gave you some stuff to think about and understand. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for everything that you do for us. Just pray that you'd help us to remember the mission that you've given us, which is to evangelize the lost and to edify one another. And I just pray you bless the soul winning today and everything that we have going on, Lord, bring us back again safely tonight. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.