(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Romans chapter 6. So the title of the sermon this evening is called Once. Once. O-N-C-E. Now you might be like, what in the world are you talking about here? Well I'm gonna get into that here in a moment, but I want to start off with just a quick story now so I'll make sense to you here in a moment. Now you before I actually before you get into the story I'm just gonna say this. A lot of people if you ask them, you know, what is the definition of once? What does that really mean? You would hope that they would be able to explain that to you and some people might be able to rattle off the definition because maybe they've thought about it and honestly it's pretty self-explanatory. However you would be surprised that most people really do not understand what that means, especially Christians. Okay, people who call themselves Christians have no idea what that really means. Now just to kind of give you a picture of this here, when I was in third grade we were kind of grouped together doing something coloring or something like that and some guys were talking and you know it's just just just listening and for some reason I looked over to my right and as I looked over my hands instantly went like this and in between my two hands were a pair of scissors. Okay now to this day I still have no idea how that happened, why I looked over there, it's just the conditions were just right. So some kid was goofing around you know how kids are right and just accidentally launched a pair of scissors I just so happened to look over and and caught him right. It's nothing I planned for or trained for but you know what that was a once-in-a-life time event. It has never happened to me since. That happened once, okay, one time. You say okay what are you referring to here? Let me just give you a simple definition because we're gonna hammer this home tonight, right, the definition of once. When you hear or you read in the Bible once it means one time and no more. One time and no more. This is very important. You'd be surprised after we're done today going through this study here you're gonna see how this can elevate your soul winning. Trust me because what do we have today? We have a majority of people today you know reading these verses like Romans 6 10 which says for in that he died he died once or he died unto sin once but in that he liveth he liveth unto God, right? They'll read that yeah I agree with that no problem but then they're gonna do what they're gonna do is they're gonna sacrifice Christ again and they're gonna sacrifice him again and over and over and over again. You know you've got people that walk into these Catholic churches on a on a weekly basis. What are they doing there? They're sacrificing Christ not once but twice three times just over and over and over again through their physical rituals that they do. Okay this is wrong but this is a huge problem to say look anytime that you run into somebody and they're like you know what you've got to have the works you have to do something for your salvation. They do not understand the definition of once. Look down again here at Romans chapter 6 look at verse 10 it says for in that he died he died unto sin once but in that he liveth he liveth unto God. So it should be pretty self-explanatory there how many times did Christ have to die into sin? And the answer is very clear once look at verse 9 says knowing that Christ being raised from the dead diet no more death hath no more dominion over him but what you have today you have a group of people is a very large group of people in fact this is the majority of professing Christianity today they will say you know what you still have to do something you still have to have the works if you don't you are not saved a very famous so-called evangelist named Paul Washer is very you know he's gone on record and saying you know if you don't have works then you're going to hell. Okay that is blasphemy that is blasphemous it is not true that is somebody who's looked to very highly who's highly esteemed who has a lot of followers a lot of influence right in Christianity so called but there is somebody who does not understand the definition of once once means one time and no more Jesus Christ isn't gonna get back up on the cross over and over and over again right like people want to make him he did it once I mean how can you read verse 9 he died unto death no more it was a one-time event but most people cannot get that through their heads they'll say well that was one time but you know then there was another time right and then it was this one time I mean I'm serious this is what is being taught out there this is what's being implied and you know what churches that say nothing about it all you might as well just jump on the repent of sins bandwagon because you're not doing us any favors in fact you're scattering abroad and so what we're gonna do tonight is look at the set what I call the the seven once's of Christ now if you type in the word once in the New Testament's gonna come up several times again but I found about seven times all right and you have to a little grain of salt okay but about seven times that it applies directly to Christ and we're gonna take a look at that but just to further explain what I mean here go to Jude real quick go to Jude and we're gonna we're gonna look at this here as well go to Jude and so this here would be the first time that you see once in connection with Christ now the next time is gonna be in Hebrews 7 27 and then Hebrews 9 28 Hebrews 10 Hebrews 12 27 and then the last time is gonna be first Peter 3 18 now first Peter 3 18 is pretty much the same a very similar message as Romans 6 so we're not gonna look at that this evening you can look that up on your own time but if you're in Jude look at verse number 3 Jude 3 it says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered on to the Saints which was once delivered on to the Saints what does that mean it means that our faith everybody follow me our faith was delivered one time and no more one time and no more but you tell a Pentecostal this and they're like well I I get that however we have ongoing revelation we have brothers and sisters filled with the Holy Ghost and they get up and they speak in tongues and it gets translated here we get more revelation we got to have the full gospel you got to be filled with a spear brother you gotta have everything right here do you expect me to believe that God doesn't communicate with his church today and they'll say things like this to you but what they're doing is they're saying I don't believe what Jude wrote that's what they're saying because what are they doing are they saying the same stuff that's in the Bible or are they adding to it well of course they're adding to it now some of the stuff is the same right but they're using it in a mockingly way if you ever watch these things you know they're pretending you know and it's kind of funny I always say this here you know these these Pentecostal guys right they'll use the ESV or they'll use the NIV Bible and then they'll be like those sayeth the Lord right because what it's ridiculous why do they do that because they have to try to sell that to their congregations that's why but when you get a guy like Kenneth Copeland and he gets up and starts talking about in 2021 right or Apollo White gets up there and starts talking about striking down demons and striking down devils that are coming against Donald Trump you know what she is somebody who does not believe the book of Jude she does not believe that our faith was once delivered unto the Saints the revelation was delivered once now go to Galatians chapter 1 real quick Galatians chapter number 1 and you'll see how this is gonna further make sense here Galatians chapter 1 look at verse 23 Galatians chapter 1 verse 23 says this but they had heard only that he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed you know another way to say the faith is the way okay you know the way hasn't changed since the beginning of time people were saved in the Old Testament the same way that they are saved today it is by faith you know what in the tribulation time which we will not escape unless you die prior to the event you know what people will get saved the same way through faith but what do you have today you have dispensationalists and you know what they don't believe this verse they will tell you they do they'll scream that they believe this but the fact is they don't because Jew tells us the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints which is what salvation is a free gift for by grace are you saved through faith this has always been the truth whether you were an Old Testament saint or you're a New Testament saint there's no difference the only difference is the name whereby you're saying which today is Jesus Christ that name wasn't yet revealed in the Old Testament right so when he says the faith which once he destroyed you know what dispensationalist will say they'll say well you know what salvation is gonna be different after the rapture this is what they teach they'll teach that the Jews and you know they've got to get back together and they're gonna start doing their sacrifices again and then you know people and then the rapture time or in the tribulation times they've got to do works they've got to have faith and works to go to heaven well guess what you don't believe what's written in the Bible because it says the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints I got another example here in Galatians chapter 1 the faith which once he destroyed it's the same faith and so they don't look at that word once and say okay that means one time and no more the dispensationalist reads that he says oh one time and then another time or one time and then possibly again in the future that's how you would have to read these verses because they don't understand the English language and I want everybody in here to make sure that this is crystal clear in your mind when the Bible says once it means one time and no more unless there's a further explanation saying another time right or once upon a time or something to that effect okay so keep that in mind go to Hebrews chapter number seven Hebrews chapter number seven you know you I think about these these Catholic guys you know these priests or whatever you go down here to this Cathedral of garbage you know you're gonna have some pedophile put on his super duper vestments of bail and at that moment he believes in his heart that he is a representative of Christ on earth he's gonna hand you a cracker which tastes like garbage by the way and then that's gonna be Christ sacrificed over and over again I've been there I've seen it I've been through it I'm not trying to mock I'm just trying to be honest you haven't and I mean they're like how popular is the Catholic Church I mean it's it's it's up there right it's one of the largest probably religions in the world you know and even around here in this Mormon dominated town well by the way don't even get me started on that you want to talk about you know more of the faith which was twice delivered unto the Saints three times four times you know look no further than the Mormon tabernacle on the corner here but you get the point you know you go to a Catholic service they sacrifice Christ over and over and over and over again and you say everybody loves to pick on the Catholics right and rightfully so because that religion is false but you know what modern Christianity does the same exact thing anytime you get up and you hear somebody say you have to turn from sins turn from sin to the Savior you know what you're mocking what Jesus Christ did on the cross you're mocking that faith which was once delivered unto the Saints you're mocking Romans 6 10 which says for in that he died he died unto sin once meaning one time and no more it's a done deal it's not something that's implied or even hinted towards they would happen over and over and over and over again right and people they love to twist scriptures but I'm gonna show you tonight there's no way you're getting out of this one there's no way to twist this now there's some scriptures where you could twist a little bit here and there and you can you know maybe deceive people but God's I mean God's gonna give us the answer tonight he's gonna show you that look when you understand what's going on in Hebrews in Romans in these passages that have the word once when you really get down to the bottom line you're not gonna be able to wiggle out of it it's gonna help you grow as a Christian and help you hopefully to be able to better explain these things tips of people out in the community so Hebrews chapter 7 let's start at verse number 27 real quick it says this who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifice first for his own sins and then for the people's now notice this for this he did how many times once when he offered up himself okay now what does that mean how many times did the sacrifice have to happen one time one time one time and no more but look say this all the time as well if I was a devil centuries later I get it I would do what's being done today as well I mean it makes sense right you've got most people today they don't want to actually take the time to read and study these matters out they'd rather just be spoon-fed some truth and act you know all holy and get that good feeling of going into a building with murals and lights and the sensationalism you just have that good feeling of going to church right that is what you have today but the problem with that is they are sacrificing so to speak Christ over and over again they're in direct violation of God's Word and it's a tragedy today it is a tragedy today look at back up real quick and look at verse number 26 actually you know what let's let's go back a little further to get the context to what this really means I want to go back to verse 11 go to verse number 11 so Hebrew 7 look at verse number 11 it says this if therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek and not be called after the order of Aaron now I believe Paul wrote Hebrews I could definitely be wrong but what is the point that he's trying to make here well I think it's pretty obvious the point is that this priesthood which you're gonna see and we're gonna hammer home today did sacrifices over and over and over again right he's trying to make it a point to let us know and let people know that that wasn't the answer that was a picture and a foreshadowing of things to come that was for teaching right because it's like you know people will say well this is how they were saved by partaking in the Old Testament system they had to do the sacrifices right they had to turn from their sins I mean it's like good night you know they had less truth in the Old Testament and we're supposed to believe that they had to do twice as much to be saved that is insane right and so what he's doing here and what what would you gonna see as we go through chapter 9 and 10 and 12 we're not going through the whole chapters but as we go through these different passages is he's gonna compare and contrast what Christ did to the Levitical priesthood and show us how when he says it's once meaning one time and no more it's once one time and no more there's no way to wiggle out of that okay so let's keep reading here look at verse number 12 for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law and so we need to realize that today that the priesthood was changed when Christ died on the cross what happened to the veil got ripped it got torn in half what did you do well let's mend this thing back up and nothing to see over here let's just keep going forward right let's keep on going here we're not giving up our traditions in our religion for nothing verse 13 for he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe of which no man gave attendance at the altar for it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood now do we have a priesthood today well you can say there's a priesthood of the believer I'm not talking about that today do we have a sacrificing mediating priesthood today no if you want that you can go to the Catholic Church if you want that you can go to these Mormon tabernacles if you want that you can go to a new evangelical church and they will put you on probation gladly and they will have you sacrificed to Christ over and over and over again and you can feel good about yourself all the way to hell because that's where this road will take you look the the misunderstanding what once means is sending millions and millions of people to hell weekly verse 15 and it is yet far more evident for that after the similitude of Melchizedek there arises another priest and so what is he saying here you know if you know the story about Melchizedek you read about him in Genesis the Bible doesn't say a whole lot about him but we believe that this is an Old Testament appearance of Jesus Christ now we're talking about a priest versus a priesthood verse 16 who made who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment but after the power of an endless life this is key right here endless life what are we talking about talking about our faith we're talking about the sacrifice that Christ did one time and no more right it took a person with endless life to be able to accomplish that now jump down to verse number 19 it says for the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by the which we draw nigh unto God so do we draw close do we draw near to God by what we do no now that's for fellowship after you're saved amen I agree with that I believe that I believe we should be disciples I believe we should turn over you know a new leaf and get better and get stronger but not to be saved because that is a disrespectful action towards what Christ did on the cross look at verse 21 for those priests were made without an oath if you didn't notice these Old Testament priests right we preach about this all the time they didn't have to stand up and make an oath and I swear to follow the commandments and to teach you the right ways they didn't have to do that they had to they didn't have to give up an oath or anything like that but look what the rest of the verse says but this with an oath by him that said unto him the Lord swear and will not repent thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek so there you have it our Savior our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who did the ultimate sacrifice actually swear before time even began right that is what he is talking about there and is important to understand that because you have today's you got all kinds of people saying all sorts of stuff well oh well you know in the millennium okay well then the Jews are gonna get back and they're gonna do the sacrifices you know and they're gonna be like they were kind of in the Old Testament you know and then the devil is gonna get loose and then they'll have a little bit of a trying period you know but then they're gonna look up and they're gonna see they're just all gonna get saved it's gonna be great because they have the works they got everything right you know I had a pastor get up one time and he was like you know over in Israel this was like 10 years ago now he's like you know over in Israel they found a they found a red heifer without blemish all right he's like he's like literally quivering as he's saying this he's getting all emotional he's like oh the Jews are about to do sacrifices and God's calling his people it's like dude shut your mouth how ignorant can you be and you're talking about a guy who's preached through this Bible like five or six times in his life what a sick disgusting joke do you I mean why did he have to come and die why why read the book of Hebrews if that's the truth it's disgusting it's despicable now let me figure out where I'm at here right let's see here let's see let's go to 22 says but it says by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death so what are we doing working he's comparing and contrasting the priesthood versus the priests that we have today which is Jesus Christ why were there many priests because they were human and they had to die you know there came a point in their lives where they had to hand the torch off so to speak and another priest had to rise up and take spot and go forward and preach the Bible and teach the people the commandments or not you get the idea here though there was a lot of them but how many did it take to do the ultimate sacrifice and it was one look at verse 24 by this man because he continue with ever hath an unchangeable priesthood he's the one that has the unchangeable priesthood he's the one that did the sacrifice once meaning one time and no more you see when somebody comes at you and they're like yeah but we still have to offer up our sacrifices we still have to do the works it's like what do you not understand you know it's like like you could take them to any number of these passages you could even take them here if you had to I'm not talking at the door right I'm more or less talking about when you're in a hardcore battle maybe you're sitting down with somebody you know somebody who's got some training you might need to actually sit down and explain to them how the Old Testament priesthood would or was versus what Christ the ultimate priest has done for us right because there's a lot of things that these guys just don't get and you can bring up the fact well why did they have to have so many priests back in the Old Testament because those things were never meant to save you that's why God was showing humanity hey look you could take all the priests that have ever lived who ever served you know take Eleazar you know all these guys Aaron you know I get Aaron had his issues right Eleazar they had he had his issues Eli had his issues you know a lot of these guys did but they weren't all bad terrible men a lot of them did good works but they could never do enough because they were sinners themselves and it's important to really understand these things verse 25 wherefore right so for these reasons right wherefore he is able also to save them to the utter most that come to God by him seeing he ever liveth to make it intercession for them so it is not this faggot Catholic priest that is going to make intercession for you it is Jesus Christ he is the only one that can accomplish that that is what the Bible teaches it's not your hipster pastor that says you have to turn from your sins right well it's just a generality right I mean there's got to be some change like you got to stop saying like at least three quarters of those cuss words you're saying right you got to go down to like just you know just a couple beers a week right this is what they do this is what they teach right I'm serious you know they make getting saved like super hard but they make you know discipleship easy it's anybody like like oh you know you know drinking is okay in their circles all right drinking is okay in their circles you know dressing like a little pansies okay in their circle cutting out the Word of God is okay in their circles you know having sensuality displayed before young children and teens that's okay in their circles but what do we do we get up there and tell hey that's not the way it's supposed to be but salvation still a free gift because it was bought and paid for one time and you know what they don't get it they don't understand these concepts very clearly here we do not have a mediating priesthood today and anybody who tells you differently is lying to you and they want to somehow control you right that's the goal put you on probation it keeps the attendance high it keeps the money rolling in nothing wrong with attendance and money we need both to survive however when you have to lie and you have to control and manipulate people to get it then you're in error then you're wrong that's when the world looks at it says you know what that's hypocritical that's the problem that's why I don't believe in God that's why I don't like Christianity because they're all hypocrites it does us a huge huge huge dis service it's a huge black guy verse 26 one more time he says for such an high priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens and that is the key right there you're a Catholic priest your Pope your guy that wears the fish hat your stupid leader down here at the Mormon tabernacle the watchtower society you know I don't care who it is whoever wants to put you on probation and cause you to sacrifice Christ over and over and over again not once but twice not twice but three times and so on and so forth it's a lie they are liars they're trying to take as many people to hell as possible right it's this is where it's at for such an high priest one who could not be held by death one who was separate from sinners one who was harmless undefiled righteous right higher than the heavens verse 27 who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifice for his own sins and then for the peoples for this he did once when he offered up himself right so you got to understand that these guys in the Old Testament they had to do a sacrifice for their own sins before they could do one for the people you know what does the Catholic Church do that today no does the Pope do that today no he's referred to as the vicar of Christ meaning Christ on earth or in place of Christ that's blasphemy that is blasphemous and these other churches out there that would come you know look to us and say well that's pretty harsh that's pretty mean you know why don't you go join them because you're part of the problem turn to Hebrews chapter 9 Hebrews chapter 9 and I was finished reading the next verse which says for the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity but the word of the oath which was since the law maketh the son who was consecrated forevermore and so you know this this this thing is just constantly being pushed out there that you know you you start off spiritual right you have this moment of conversion they say you know you have this commitment moment where you decide I'm gonna commit my life to Christ forget the sacrifice that he did once for all I'm gonna commit my life to him and then somehow be made perfect in the flesh right well once you're saved you got to have the works that's what they say right you know what they're saying once you're saved you're not really saved you have to constantly do sacrifices you have to constantly turn from sins you have to constantly contribute to what he did on the cross so somehow by this spiritual conversion that they go through all of a sudden now by their unholy flesh they're gonna be made perfect let me read this verse for you Galatians 3 3 are ye so foolish having begun in the spirit are ye now made perfect by the flesh people that have that philosophy that teach that what did Paul say to the Galatians are you so foolish are you really that foolish they are fools that's what the Bible says that is what it teaches you saying you're being harsh yes because Paul was harsh yes because it's a spit in the face to Jesus Christ you know what this is December right a lot of people in this country are gonna go ahead and celebrate Christmas a lot of Christians are gonna go we're taking a stand and we're gonna sell it we're not giving this one up right that's what they're gonna start saying you watch you quote me I guarantee it I'm already seeing it out in the community and they cannot tell you what the word once means one time and no more this is a Christmas sermon you didn't know that did you we're warming up we're gonna look you know you got black history month you got all these different types of months look and people like well we need to dedicate the whole month to Christ you know you need we need to dedicate the whole year then you know but I'll play your game and we'll dedicate the whole month every Wednesday to a Christmas sermon like this one so let's move on here Hebrews chapter 9 so we're gonna look at the at this next one here look at verse number 12 like a verse number 12 it says this neither Hebrews 9 12 neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us how many times does he have to say this it's more than once because I got seven times here seven times to teach us that it was once meaning one time and no more one time no more neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered once meaning one time and no more into the holy place having obtained an eternal redemption for us so there is no more need for a sacrifice today so when you have your favorite dispensational dirtbag teacher get up and say you know what the Jews are gonna go back to sacrificing you need to run you need to stop your ears and you need to turn that person off because that is somebody who is either lying to you or extremely stupid take your pick either way it's not for God's people because there's no more need for a sacrifice today but somehow you know this isn't that blasphemy to teach that the sacrifice the ultimate sacrifice that Christ did isn't good enough for the Jews because that's what they're saying there's Christians all over this town that are just getting giddy about the Jews getting ready to sacrifice and they're getting the priesthood back together you even in red I bet you haven't even read one page of the Bible man talk about a strong delusion okay talk about strong delusion that's what you have my friend the sins of the world were paid for one time he's the Redeemer he's the one that paid the price you saying well I still gotta have my works you're slapping Christ in the face right here that's what you're doing jump down to verse number 25 it says nor yet that he should offer himself often oh gee what in the world does that mean somebody needs to go bring this down to the Catholic Church okay somebody needs to go bring this to the journey nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest enter it into the holy place every year with the blood of others verse 26 for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of him so so again the Levitical priesthood they had to do these things on a yearly basis they had to do these things all the time go read Leviticus go read numbers go read Deuteronomy go read all the passages about the offerings and the sacrifices and the process involved in those things it'll be very evident to you that the blood of bulls and goats could never take away the sins of the world it was what the Lord Jesus Christ did there's no other way to read this I don't care what language you go back to there's no getting out of this it was one time that's it and that includes the tribulation period that includes the millennium that includes everything but apparently there's another covenant another testament out there somewhere that we're supposed to be hip to huh you're out of your mind look at verse 27 and as it appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment another good verse that you can use out sowing to show people hey there's no purgatory homie guess what there's no oh you know let's send some money and to the Pope through Twitter or whatever you know let's support them on Facebook and then that'll count towards getting a loved one out of purgatory nope because it is appointed unto men once to die meaning one time and no more once you're tapped out once you go belly up it's over my friend there's no more chances you're not getting out and then is the judgment you will either go to heaven or you will go to hell that's it look at verse 28 so Christ oh so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many again how many times do we have to read this how many times does he have to tell us apparently about seven so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation where's the works where's the ongoing sacrifice where is it show me right now you can't do it because once means one time and no more one time and no more he's not gonna sacrifice himself again when he does something once it's good enough when we do something once we might have to do it a second time right you know you follow me around at work and watch me fix one drawing you know what I might have to go back and fix it again because I'm human I make mistakes he doesn't make mistakes now go to Romans chapter 4 Romans chapter number 4 and so what else this also means right here that once he offered to bear the sins of many many means most he died for the sins of the whole world that is very clear so what that means is that he paid for past present and future sins you know what you know what else that means he died for the sins of the people who are past the people who are present and the people that aren't even born yet all people who have ever lived or ever will live it's a blanket deal it covers everything and just to back that up look at Romans chapter number 4 and verse 5 Romans chapter 4 and verse 5 it says this but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifies the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness if you don't have righteousness you can't go to heaven how do you get it well Romans chapter 4 tells us it's imputed unto you it's inputted into you it's a gift it's something that you don't have to work for you don't have to sacrifice for you don't have to pay for Christ gives that to you but that's why he's saying his faith is counted for righteousness not as faith pluses works not as faith pluses tribulation age sacrifice they're working for I just know none of that's in there because it's not true verse 6 even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works right what does that saying David saying hey you know what bless is the person to whom God won't ever impute sin unto you there's your future sins the ones you haven't even physically committed yet they're already forgiven right look at verse 7 saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven well there's your your present tense and whose sins are covered I'm sorry so we're read that again saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven right and this is where most people will agree they'll say okay I get it when I get saved my sins are forgiven but from that moment forward boy I have to have a different heart I have to have a different attitude I have to have a different way of doing business otherwise all of that will get washed out the window and I'll lose my salvation that's what people say right they believe that their sins are only forgiven up until the point to that they get saved after that they have the burden of responsibility but that's not what the Bible teaches because he died for sins once meaning one time and no more it's a done deal so Paul's saying here hey saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven there's all your past sins and whose sins are covered well that's present tense right now your sins are covered whatever you do verse 8 blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin that is the future okay you say how can these things be well you just read how these things could be in Hebrews 9 verse 28 so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many because he has endless life because he's from everlasting because he is perfect because he's not a sinner like we are he had the ability to make the sacrifice that would cover all time all people all sins that's why Paul with boldness is able to preach that in Romans chapter number 4 now go to Hebrews chapter number 10 Hebrews chapter number 10 we're gonna continue on here getting close to being done here Hebrews chapter number 10 and we're gonna go back to Hebrews 9 in a minute I just want to show you something here Hebrews chapter 10 let's see look at verse number 10 Hebrews 10 10 it says this it says by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all read that again by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all so what that's saying that his death on the cross the gospel the death the barrel the resurrection what he did for us it was done one time in no more it's not gonna happen again and the reason why is because it was good enough the first time to cover everything across the board and when it says sanctified there what does that mean it means set apart made holy remember you when you get saved you were baptized you are placed into the body of Christ another way of saying that is you are sanctified God has set you apart from the world right so verse 10 by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all it's a done deal get you everybody understand that look this this this one saved always say that everybody loves to fight with us about and pick on us about you can't get away from it one needs to look no further than comparing the Old Testament system to what Christ did to even realize that look at verse 11 and every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins now we're gonna come back to that here in a minute now go back real quickly to Hebrews chapter number 9 we're gonna read the first six verses and there's something I want you to notice that's missing as we read these verses okay Hebrews chapter 9 look at verse number 1 this is very important verse 9 I'm sorry chapter 9 verse 1 Hebrews 9 verse 1 says this then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary right you can read about that in the Old Testament verse 2 for there was a tabernacle made the first wherein was the candlestick in the table and the showbread which is called the sanctuary verse 3 and after the second veil the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all verse 4 which had the golden sensor and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid roundabout with gold wherein was the golden pot that had manna and Aaron's rod that budded and the tables of the Covenant verse 5 and over the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy seat of which we cannot now speak particularly verse 6 now when these things were thus ordained the priest went always into the first tabernacle accomplishing the service of God now had you read that for a purpose you might be like man just shut up already and say something there's a reason that we read those six verses there's something missing there does anybody know what it is it's a piece of furniture that's missing in that list and you're not gonna find that piece of furniture in the Old Testament either because you could read an exhaustive list as you go through Exodus Leviticus and numbers you know you start reading about the detail that went into all of these things there's a piece of furniture that's in this room that's not listed in this passage here what is it it's a chair it is a chair what does that mean go back to Hebrews chapter 10 look at verse number 11 you've probably heard me say this before in the past says this and every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins see in the Old Testament system Levitical priesthood those priests they were not allowed to sit down why because the sacrifices were on going you get that go to Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 pretty simple concept right the sacrifice was ongoing there was always something for them to be doing they were very busy right there was a lot of different priests there was a lot of things going on there's a lot of people that had needs it wanted to make offerings and so on and so forth here but one thing you will not find is a couch one thing you will not find as a chair because there was no room to be sitting down on the job during this time here here's why Hebrews 1 3 who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person in upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of majesty on high see there's the chair you see you can read this in the Bible God said hey Moses I don't want the children of Israel making all of these graven images I don't want them making these things after the similitude of things that are heaven and earth right you're gonna make them the way that I tell you to make them and one thing he never told them to make was a chair a throne a couch because he wanted to teach them something and that is that these sacrifices that the priest did these ongoing sacrifices could never take away sins the world but why do we have today people having that same mindset and I'll tell you why it's because they want to glory in their works their ongoing works their ongoing show their ongoing cycle look at what I've done look at how religious and holy I am that's their idea that is their goal but Christ said hey after the sacrifice that he did he was able to sit down because once meaning his sacrifice had happened one time and no more it's a done deal you should be able to tell somebody hey after the sacrifice guess what he sat down so there's no way you're gonna tell me that you have to repent of your sins and turn over a new leaf and do these sacrifices and all that garbage because that is a huge blasphemous slap in the face to what Jesus Christ did you're telling Jesus Christ to his face get up off that chair your work ain't done yet and I wouldn't want to be you I wouldn't want to be that person in fact I want to be anywhere near somebody like that because it's gonna be bad it's gonna be really bad for those people think about that think about that he sat down after his sacrifice when the priest did his sacrifice he couldn't sit down because there was another one in another one in another one in another one therefore you go back to Hebrews chapter 10 and you read verse 11 and every priest standeth daily ministering an offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins so how are you going to go inside of a Catholic Church today and have that false priest sacrifice away from you or whatever it is and tell you you're good for another week but people do it all the time they do it all over town all over town look at verse 12 but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God next time somebody tells you yeah but you know you got to have the works you got to repent of your sins still you got it it's that's ongoing it's a relationship it's a lot of work you guys know people say that out there I make them say that we make them say that look at verse 12 but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down he's not gonna get up and do it again and again and again doesn't matter you know you we all have since he said hey my blood can cover it all 100% because when he does something once it's one time and no more verse 13 from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool for by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified we are perfected forever through his sacrifice through what he offered and it's a done deals for every you look you have no part in that aside from receiving the gift okay you could turn from all the sins that you think you're capable of turning from good luck good look you know at turning from the thought of foolishness I'd love to meet you let's sit down and have a chat because to this day I have yet to meet somebody who can meet that qualification but Christ washed all of our sins away go to Hebrews chapter 12 and we'll finish up Hebrews chapter 12 and we'll finish up here look at verse 26 Hebrews 12 26 says this whose voice then shook the earth but now he hath promised saying yet once more I shake not the earth only but also heaven and you know what that voice is that that voice that Word of God you know that is what shakes that is what it shakes the world that is what causes atheists that's what causes these reprobates to shake because they know that his sacrifice was legit that it was one time and no more and they hate it with a passion so one more time he says this whose voice then shook the earth but now he hath promised saying yet once more I shake not the earth only but also heaven so he's quoting hey guy chapter two you don't have to turn there for sake of time I'll just read it for you hey guy to six as this for thus saith the Lord of hosts yet once it is a little while and I will shake the heavens in the earth in the sea in the dry land now look at verse 27 after with that in mind he says this and this word yet once more signifying or signify the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain what is he talking about here you're gonna see it's the kingdom of God his words his voice what he spoke what he's preserved is shaking this world to this very day look at verse 28 wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire we need to understand that his words which were once spoken which were once settled in heaven right that is the battle that is our weapon that is our go-to this is what we go to to prove truth this is what we need to go to for everything and I mean how many times they have to tell us that he's preserve his word it's a lot more than once all right but he only had to speak these words one time for them to shake the heavens to shake this world to the point where all that will be left one day is his kingdom and you say why because we can't be shaken by that after already born again we're the ones doing the shaking every time you go out and you preach these words to somebody and you get them safe you have shook the world out of their lives right you have made an impact on what they have been taught what they have been brainwashed into that my friend is important and that is powerful so we're gonna wrap this thing up here and again all that to say this you know the deeper understanding that we have of what Christ did for us right understanding why Paul in Hebrews contrasts the Old Testament Levitical priesthood to the the priesthood of Christ if you will write the the the priest that he is and the sacrifice that he made is to show us that it only had to be done one time and therefore anybody who wants to add to that or supplement that is wrong and that needs to be dealt but the deeper understanding that you have of these things the more tools that you have in your back the more tough nuts you're gonna be able to crack that's the point here and like again the one thing I want you to take away from this once means one time and no more that's it you will be surprised most people cannot give you that definition most Christians most people who say that they're safe well I think so I think I'm safe I go to church my grandfather was a pastor I go to the journey I go to the summit what you're gonna find is that they're sacrificing Christ over and over and over again and you know with this month being December it's always a good opportunity to get into a conversation maybe outside of a soul winning time with somebody if you have the chance you know and you never know where that could lead the more you understand in the Bible the better so when are you gonna be the better we're gonna be able to shake those false teachings through God's Word out of people's minds right and bring them into the kingdom of God this is the idea this is what we're here for this is our mission and we ought to never lose sight of that but just this one thing will help you out so much once means one time and no more test this you'll see most people don't understand and most people do not believe this I'm telling you it's a fact let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer thank you so much Lord again for these deep truths in the Bible it's pretty bless us Lord I pray you heal everyone that isn't feeling well and out of town on trips and stuff Lord I just pray for safety for all of us pretty bring us back here