(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, amen, we're there in Matthew chapter number five We're gonna be kind of all over the place this morning But the portion of Matthew that I want to focus on is beginning in verse 13. Let's look down at verse number 13 Says ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt hath lost its savour Wherewith shall it be salted It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden underfoot of men Ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be head Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel But on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house Verse 16 let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven now the title of my sermon this morning is light style Christianity versus life style Christianity, I guess an alternative title would be lifestyle Evangelism versus light style evangelism and you might be thinking to yourself. What in the world are you talking about? What's light style Christianity or light style evangelism? Well light style Christianity is verse number 16 Look at it says let your light So shine before men, right? Well, what does that mean? And we're gonna take a look at this here We're gonna go to John chapter 1 So I actually want you guys head that way right now go to John chapter 1 and we will come right back here to this Verse but he says let your light so shine before men. Well, that light is the Lord Jesus Christ That's the Holy Ghost. That's you being saved, right? If you're not saved then you don't have that light but then he goes on to say that they may see your good works and Glorify your father which is in heaven. So light style Christianity is a well Balanced lifestyle, right? It's you being saved. It's you shining forth that light by preaching the word, right? We're gonna see that here in a moment, but it's also having good works You see lifestyle Christianity on the other hand is a doctrine that is very popular today. It's very popular Obviously in Boise, you know We have you know hundreds of churches hundreds of churches and I'm willing to bet that probably 99 percent of them Maybe 99.9 percent of them believe in what's called life style evangelism Basically, that is a doctrine where in you as a Christian, right? You live the best life you can you live your biblical life people will see your good works, right? Because these people always want to come to this verse They always want to come to this passage and then by them seeing your good works, they'll get saved, right? They'll be like, oh wow, you know, this person doesn't cuss they don't say bad things or whatever. They do this They do all these good works. I like that I want to be like you and I don't want to be like the world anymore And so I'm just gonna get saved right? That's the doctrine and I want to prove to you this morning that that is false doctrine But before we get back to that you're there in John chapter 1, let's take a look at this light What is the light right because he says let your light so shine before man. What really does that mean? Well, John chapter 1 does an excellent job at explaining that for us Look at verse number 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God The same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of Men, right? So we understand that the light is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the word So yes, the words that are written down in your Bible in our Bible is Jesus Christ. We understand that right? This is the light it is Jesus Christ. Look at verse 5 and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness Comprehended it not there was a man sent from God whose name was John the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light That all men through him might believe what does that mean? That means if you don't shine the light meaning the Lord Jesus Christ his words Right, if we don't preach his words and people are not going to get saved They're not going to get saved because you gave them some radical testimony They're not going to get saved because you gave them a chick-chack They're not going to get saved because even you gave them our invitation They will get saved by the preaching of the word which is light That is what the Bible is teaching us here verse 9 that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world So go back to Matthew chapter number 5 and while you're turning back down, I'm gonna read for you John chapter 8 verse 12 We'll go over this again this evening It says then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness But shall have the light of life and again when you get saved you get born again That light comes inside of you everybody understands that right that light is what he's talking about Psalm chapter 119 verse 105 says this thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path So God's Word is not only to get people saved obviously obviously, right? It's also to make us better It's to it's to fulfill the doctrine of sanctification, right? We're not supposed to be like the world We're supposed to be holy because God is holy and so how do we get to that position? We get to that position by God's Word by the light by the Bible, right? And if you don't have the light in you You're never going to get to that place someone 19 130 says the entrance of thy words giveth light it giveth Understanding unto the simple right? So you say well, I don't know very much I feel like I you know, I just don't have a lot of knowledge Well, the way you're gonna get it is by God's Word because the entrance of the thy word giveth light, right? So the more that you read the more that you comprehend the more that you study, right? The more you come to church the more of that light you're able to shine forth the more you're able to Increase your understanding and not become simple. So real quick back to Matthew chapter number five What does it say look down at verse number 16? He says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father Which is in heaven now, here's the thing, right? I'm just gonna tell a story real quick I think I may have told the story here before in fact, I'm pretty sure I did one time I was on a job. I want to say it was about three months ago I was on this job as fixing slaves refrigerator and this lady she goes do you watch the Game of Thrones? I'm like I'm thinking back to when I grew up in my house, you know My dad used to watch people play poker all the time, you know, and I'm Game of Thrones from for some reason I thought it was a card game and I was like no that's boring and she's like that's not boring. That's a great show I'm like it's a show isn't Like that a card game like poker or something. She's like no no no silly and she's she goes on and she's like it's got Fornication it's got it all she's not using these terms, right? She's she's trying to explain the detail. Whoa, hold on You know, I I don't I don't watch I don't watch that. In fact, I don't even have a TV now at that moment Here's what did not happen. Okay. She did not say Wow glory to God, you know that praise God I'm gonna get saved right now. Why didn't she get saved? Did I give her the Word of God? No, now I what I did do though is I did let my works I mean because that's a work right turning from Eve away I did let that shine before but she didn't say why didn't she get saved? Because I didn't give her the gospel. You see what I'm saying? I didn't give her the gospel and that's why she didn't get saved. I'm there doing a job I wasn't trying to get her saved But you have this doctrine today that teaches it Supposedly as long as you live a Christian and godly life that the world's gonna just all of a sudden fall to their knees And believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you know, what? The more I talk with that woman the more she started to get a little bit irritated with me and and she's like wow That's like bondage right see the world looks at us right because let's face it. We're independent fundamental Baptists I mean, we're pretty sanctified people right? I mean most of us probably don't watch TV. We don't watch filth We come to church you listen to me scream about sin all the time. You know, you're you're changing your life You're doing hardcore things now does the guy at the bar downtown does does he want that lifestyle? No, he doesn't does that make him want to get saved? No, it doesn't they look at us as being in a cult, right? They look at us as being enslaved as being not free, right? You don't have freedom, right? Isn't that what they always say you're in bondage. I can do whatever I want. You know, this is 2019 You know, I think women should be able to do whatever they want She'll be able to have an abortion should be able to have it, you know, well multiple husbands or whatever the case may be now This is so stupid. Here's another story. We got to tell you now brothers coke You remember this we knocked on this woman's door, right? And she knew who we were because of that big fight that we had with the Boise bench back in what March or yeah It was March. So we're not gonna slay these door and she's like, oh, I know who you are You know, she's like I've seen you on YouTube and your pastors. He's mean he's evil I'm like, well, I am the pastor, you know, I guess she didn't put two or two together, you know And she's like, well, I'm getting my coat, you know, I've told the story before she's like I'm coming outside We get her calmed down, you know, we get her calm down. She actually came to church Some of you might remember that she actually came and visited our church, you know And to show her kindness to show her that we're not like some Hitler style You know regime cult or whatever like she was trying to portray us at the first, you know, I we offered to help her move Okay, so we did some of the men here in the church We we went and drove truckload after truckload of stuff to Goodwill. I mean we drove up to Goodwill What was it like seven eight o'clock, right? They're getting ready to close this guy comes outside He's just like just no words. He's just shaking his head. Like I We didn't even ask him like we took over Goodwill and we told him how it was gonna be We put that stuff in there like we we became Goodwill, right? We became employees there for that evening Yeah, we told him, you know, we'll be back. What time do you close? He's like well, I'm like says nine o'clock So is that when the back closes like well, yeah, I'm like, okay Yeah, well, we'll be back and you know what while we were there and other people were dropping stuff off We actually helped him put that stuff away. All right So we do this she's grateful right? She's not saved but she's grateful, you know, and at the end she wants a hug and we're like You know, okay. What did you say Kayden? You said? It's good. It's good for a man. Not just touch a woman. I'm like, thank you Thank you very much. That's right. It's good for a man not to touch one. Yeah, we don't do that You know, she didn't really seem offended but but she kept saying, you know We're gonna write this big review and I want to take a picture you guys and this is such a great work that you guys Did for me we never got the review. I don't care about reviews, right? I want that one star right because that means we're doing something right when the world likes us, you know, obviously that you know It's like oh, you know, we're not really doing doing God's work there, but nonetheless, okay We do this great work. Did she get saved? No, she didn't I even gave her the gospel at the door Right me and scope were tag teaming her trying to give her, you know verses and just trying to help her out She came to church many of you talked with her. She did not get saved with the gospel She was not saved but doing that great work. I mean she had no one to help her Her church would not help her. Nobody would help her right. We help her We do a good work for her and guess what? She doesn't get saved. Why is that? Just doing good works for people does not get them saved. It doesn't even mean that they're going to to praise God It doesn't look I mean look all of you that work I'm sure you've had conversations with people and they're like, why didn't you watch Seinfeld last night or why did you know? I don't even know what's on TV anymore. But why didn't you watch the XY and Z last night? You know or Dragon Ball Z or he manner, you know The Smurfs whatever it is and you explain to them, you know, you know, the Bible says, you know That we shouldn't set wicked things before our eyes, you know, isn't that what David said though? So not I hate the work of them that turn aside, you know There's there's evil works in the entertainment industry right and it's designed to turn you aside from God's Word And we don't watch that stuff, you know, not because we're trying to earn our way to heaven We understand that's not how it goes. But nonetheless, we're trying to live holy sanctified separated lives But what it doesn't do is it doesn't make the heathen want to get saved We know that and the reason why we know that is because we go out into the community and we preach the gospel to people We tell them hey, you don't have to do any of this stuff. You don't have to do any of this stuff All you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved And we tell them that and that's what brings true Peace and we're we're a church that actually works that actually goes and does these things and we realize that's the light You know, I mean read the verse again read the verse again. Let your light so shine before men, right? So when we do that and part of that is how do you let your light shine? You have to proclaim it. You have to preach the gospel You have to explain these things to people and by doing that that shines the light, right? And that is a work that they may see your good works. So if they don't receive the light They're not going to be able to see your good works You see that lady that wanted a bash on me about the Game of Thrones. She didn't see my good works, right? She's blinded to it. Why is that because she doesn't have the light? That's why this is that's why I'm saying light style Christianity is that well balanced meal Right, that is you being saved and you understanding the light and preaching that to other people and yes doing good works feeding people Taking care of the brethren all of that stuff goes into play I get that but one thing that I will tell you and you All you guys already know that alone just doing the works alone does not get people safe. So go to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter number 20 And just to get started here we're gonna read verse 17 to 21 Acts chapter 20 This is Paul and what he's doing and he's giving He's speaking to the Ephesian elders and he's he's he's basically reminding them of the first works the works that they should continue to do So verse 17 it says and from Miletus He sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church and when they were come to him He said unto them ye know from the first day that I came into Asia after what manner I have been with you at all seasons Serving the Lord with all humility of mind and with many tears and temptations which befell me by the lying in way to the Jews and How I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you But have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house So he's saying hey, look, I didn't keep anything back from you. That was profitable You know that all the Word of God is profitable to you But did you know that if you go to most churches today that teach lifestyle Christianity lifestyle evangelism? There's certain parts of the Bible that you will never hear them preach about why is that because to them it is an offense to Them it causes division and they don't like that. They're not really after the truth. They are after your paycheck They're after your wallet. They're after your money. They're after fame. They are after glory They are after everything that goes against what the Bible really teaches and Paul's saying hey guys Hey, don't ever be like that, right don't ever keep back something that is profitable to the people You know what it's profitable to get your face ripped off once in a while that Profits you that washes you that makes you better and then in verse 21 He says testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ and so we could see the repentance toward God or turning towards God is faith on Jesus Christ He's not saying that you turn from your sins to be saved That's you know, we'll have to we'll address that again some other time but go to Romans chapter number 16 so you say okay, I get it just living a Sanctified holy separated life by itself is not going to get somebody safe. So what does get somebody say? What is the power of God unto salvation if you're in Romans chapter 1 look at verse number 16 Romans chapter 1 verse number 16 So what Paul said he said for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek So he says for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ You know what these people that want to run around these lifestyle evangelists these lifestyle do good You know people will get saved You know show them a banana and how it's curved and how you compete and how that's God's design and that's just gonna somehow Save people, you know that junk that you know what? You know what that tells me that tells me that you're ashamed of the gospel If that's what you're trusting if you're trusting in your works to get people saved Obviously you're not saved yourself. But number two that tells me that you're ashamed of the gospel So these people that want to go around saying you don't have to hey You don't have to go browbeat people. You don't have to go knock on the doors You don't have to be a jerk and go around and tell people they're wrong and they're on their way to hell All you have to do is share the love of Jesus. You know what it tells me that person Understand this that person is ashamed of the gospel That's why Paul says this for I am NOT ashamed of the gospel Why did he say that because he went house to house and from person to person preaching these things whether it offended him or not I mean, how many times did he get stoned? How many times did he get beaten? How many times did he get in shipwreck right? He had those things happen to him because he was not afraid He was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. That's why now I want to read for you this article here I took this article and it's from the Barna research group They do a lot of studies on Christianity of people's opinions and so forth and this articles from February 16th 2019. Just listen to this It says the vast majority of practicing Christian Millennials believe that knowing Jesus is the best thing that could happen to someone while nearly half Believe evangelizing is wrong a study conducted by the Barna group reported this it says in a study entitled reviving evangelism The Barna group a research center that tracks faith and spirituality in American life reported that 94% of practicing American Christians agreed that the best thing that could ever happen to someone is for them to know Jesus On the other hand the same study found that 47% of Christian Millennials believe that evangelism is wrong That's half So, you know what that means they're ashamed of the gospel of Christ they are ashamed that's what it means It's Romans 1 16 it goes on specifically they believe that it's wrong to share one's personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in Hopes that they will one day share the same faith. You know what that is? That's lifestyle Christianity You know what that is? That's being ashamed of the gospel of Christ. You know what that is? That's foolishness That's what that is. It goes on to say this Part of their unwillingness to share their faith a different Barna study called spiritual conservations in the digital age reported seems to be that the generation entitled Millennials believe that people are more likely now to be offended by someone who shares their faith Go downtown Boise and talk to some of these college kids and you will see that to be true You know, they'll say things like I I just I just don't like the way that you approached me yeah last Saturday I don't know who it was in here, but somebody just went up and did the normal so many presentation of this lady I mean her shorts are like up to her navel, you know And I'm sitting there looking up at the sky like cuz she's you know She's angry and she wants to I want to talk to the pastor and I just happened to be right there and she's just like You know one of your people came by and he interrogated me and it didn't make me feel good And they try to make me feel like it wasn't saved. I'm like what they do She's like well she asked me if I was gonna go to heaven That offended you You got offended by that. I'm like, okay, you know, thanks for telling me your concerns. I'm out I don't have time for this. So I wasn't rude. It wasn't that rude. I just left, you know I'm not I don't I don't have time for that junk. But anyways What I want to do this morning is I want to expose somebody Who's built a ministry called lifestyle Christianity and his name is Todd white who knows who Todd white is anybody here know who Todd white is? Well, I got a picture of the guy here All right. Anybody's looking online. Look at that. Yeah, look at this guy. What do you think? Huh? First reactions? What do you say? What do you got? Huh? Look at this Yeah There you go Lifestyle Christianity turn to first Corinthians chapter number 11 first first Corinthians chapter number 11 This here's your big proponent of lifestyle Christianity right here. Look at this Look at this guy, huh? Look at that Todd white Makes about 600 K a year off of preaching and doing whatever the hell he does We'll go over here in a minute first Corinthians chapter number 11 Look at verse number 14 Now look up here real quick one more. Look let's go All right, look down to verse number 14 Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him I'll look at that Lifestyle Christianity first Corinthians chapter number 11 verse 14. We have a problem We have a very big problem You see what I'm talking about here. He's not after lifestyle Christianity. This guy's after your wallet. Like I said now This Guy here does not like the King James Bible. He there's a video out there on the internet Where he's explaining the stories in the airport and this TSA guy comes up to him, you know He's like, oh you got a Bible kind of Bible is it? You know, is it a King James the guys trying to tell him about the King James Bible, you know He's doing the right thing and Todd's like, you know, basically just mocking us King James only people and explaining how he you know I don't take that position and God's Word, you know was buried in the ground and whatnot And it's been a little bit since I've seen the video but you know the gist right? He's basically defending the modern versions and he's on stage at his church and he's preaching about this story and he's basically Explaining how we you know are wrong for having that That approach, you know, it's offensive. It's it's not right that God can use anything as Jesus love that saves people in all this other stuff Well, it's the Word of God that saves people. You know what Jesus is a rock called Rock of offense in the Bible, but Nonetheless there was a day Where and I don't believe Todd why I say he's not saved All right, but there was a time in his life where he read the King James Bible Okay, and here's what he looked like when he read the King James Bible Okay, look at this. This is what he looked like and then one day, you know as most people that aren't saved Do he got sucked up into the modern versions? Okay started reading the ESV and this is what happened to him Okay, this is what the modern versions will do to you Okay, it makes men grow their hair out and it makes women chop their hair off It does the exact opposite of what God wants so obviously I might be joking but You know, he still needs a haircut But look, I'd rather look like I'd rather look like this and be that King James Bible believe in Christian then the hell's this and this here's Like the most I don't know Conservative picture I could show you I guess I mean there's other ones we wanted to print more out But I don't want to waste our ink, you know, I mean when this guy puts it up in the bun man It's a thing. I mean it is a nest man. I mean, he's like his head's like way back here You know, he's like walking around like oh, you know and you think he's stuck up, but he's not It's just that all that hair is just weighing him down, you know So Todd white Lifestyle Christianity now he has a college. He has a university Okay, where you can learn lifestyle evangelism and I'm gonna read some stuff for you, I'll even give you the prices How does that sound I'll even give you the prices, right? Never mind the verses talks about you know, they with feigned words will turn you into you know Merch and make merchandise of you. All right, forget about that for a moment. This this guy's trying to help out, right? He's trying to get people saved Lifestyle Christianity University, here's what it is. LCU is a world shaking training program Designed to equip you in your god-given identity and equip you to extend the love of Jesus in day to day life So this guy has a university you can go there or you can be online and he will teach you how to do this Okay You'll be trained by a variety of world-class speakers and leaders including Todd white Lou Engel Dan Muller Daniel Kalinda Michael in all these guys, okay all these people Women pastors, you know, so on and so forth. It's a three-year program Three-year program, all right $450 initial deposit every semester non-refundable So if you guys want to sign up for this not only am I gonna slap you but you're not getting your $450 back Okay, it's not refundable. Now. Keep in mind. This is a three-year program, right? So a 450 initial deposit every semester Number two is $1,500 a semester Number three is $150 per semester, you know for books and materials and thing and so you could do the math for three years to learn lifestyle Christianity And I'm a hate monger And I'm hate when we're hate we're a cult We don't sell stuff here at church, right? We have ladies soul any training coming up this month We you know, we will train you. I mean pastor Mendez has the the soul-ending DVD We can get that for you any time for free We put all that stuff out there for free to train you how to really get people saved How to bring them to church and so on and so forth, you know, but this guy, ah, he wants money Right, and he's not even gonna teach you any Bible I've watched video after video of this guy right and and there's one video where I saw that he had the Bible out and he Had it on his head He had it like this and there's a picture type in Todd whitened to Google later and you'll see a picture of him with a Bible on his head like this, right? Why does he do that? He doesn't have a light in him. He is blind He's not saved. He doesn't use the Bible in his preaching He doesn't use his Bible in his little lifestyle evangelism videos. They're all over the internet I mean, he's always come out with him and this is what he does. He goes up to people for example I watched him come out of a gym. I think it was in New Zealand He comes out of a gym and he sees these three girls and he's like somebody I got a word of knowledge God told me that someone's ankles hurting He's like a check with the woman at the front desk. It wasn't her. So it's got to be somebody in this group Turns out one of the girls like oh, yeah, my ankle hurts on the side here, you know And and I and he's like, well, can I pray for you? Right and he's just basically speaking kindly at them and he's you know, tell him how much God loves them How much Jesus loves them, you know, no Bible verses nothing like that And then he prays for this lady's ankle and he's like does it feel warm and she's like yeah kind of it kind of feels Warm does it feel better? Yeah, it kind of feels better Well, I've got a challenge for Todd why let's go down to the hospital and see some people with stage four cancer And let's see your powers there buddy. Why don't these people these faith healers? Why don't they hang out at the hospitals? It's because they're frauds. That's why Right. Why don't you go down to the morgue and start raising the dead? Why don't you do that? Because you don't have that power. You're not even saved and you're a devil That's why Todd white is nothing but a long-haired hippie freak devil Yeah Looks like the predator on soy milk All right statement of faith here, let's see Okay, lifestyle Christianity is a world-class training center that raises equips and empowers believers of all ages To walk in the power of love and sound mind of Jesus everywhere. They go they emphasize I'm sorry, the emphasis of the university is not studying for the sake of learning It is learning in order to be changed yes LCU is not your typical University. Yeah, you got that right? I'd rather go to the heathen College They go to this junk is at least there. Maybe you can get a job, you know that of some value And I'm not condoning that either but I'm just saying that's better than this junk here. I mean The emphasis of this university is not studying for the sake of learning you notice what when I read this and read it again Lifestyle Christianity University is a world-class training center that raises equips and empowers believers of all ages to walk in the power of love sound mind Of Jesus everywhere they go nothing about doctrine and nothing about the Word of God if you listen to this guy preach You'll never hear him talk about sin, you know and in going off on that but yet he wants to promote Lifestyle Christianity right lifestyle Christianity you can't even follow one verse of the Bible And we're supposed to just look at your life and get saved. I Don't think so I don't think so that is weak that is that that is That is the times that we're living in where somebody could be so Stupid and yes people that follow this they're simple They're simple you know and there are people that I you know I've been in Baptist churches before well They teach lifestyle Christianity, and they would preach against this guy or whatever But you know at least they follow the Bible and they're wrong and then we should go out and preach the word Don't get me wrong, but you know not everybody who subscribes this doctrine has been saved That's not what I'm saying But I am gonna preach hard against this because this guy isn't saved his minions aren't saved Right and then think about all the money all the thousands of dollars that that people are paying to learn this garbage for nothing for a religion of vanity So statement of faith you know they are so on on the the this university's website. They've got a They got a statement of faith here Let's see he says freedom in Christ when Jesus died on the cross He didn't just die for us But as Jesus the sacrifice enables us to live a clean or live with a clean conscience free from guilt shame and condemnation Jesus paid the highest price for our sanctification by his blood Issues from our past don't have to define our present future as the Bible says we are new creatures in Christ He's already done the work. You know we just have to believe it and so you might think okay Well, he says it's just by belief, but I'm gonna show you that it's actually a whole lot worse than that He goes on you know a lot of the stuff here You know is kind of wishy-washy where it would sound like okay? Maybe it's not all wrong or whatnot you know there. They have stuff about the Trinity they have stuff about You know the blood of Christ they believe in that and then they've got this section about marriage We believe marriage between a man and a woman you know and and so on and so forth so he's a I guess there He's a big radical bold preacher in that moment, then it goes on to say this the lifestyle of Jesus everywhere We go we must emulate Jesus Colossians tells us that Christ in us is the hope of glory We can't afford to limit ourselves and think that only Jesus could walk in the miraculous We as Christians have Christ in us and the same power that raised him from the grave We must believe that Jesus wants to work through us for that super or for those supernatural results, so you see what's going on here He's a Pentecostal that's what he is he believes that you know you can get secret powers and and stuff like that from God and you can basically I don't know if he's a tongue-talker I wouldn't be surprised if he is I didn't get I didn't get that far in the study But he believes that you can walk out and just heal people right I mean there's tons of it There's a video of him at a restaurant You know and he's like oh, I'll bet you get migraines in this lady is like yeah I do get migraines well one woman doesn't get migraines You know what I mean, and he's like he prays for and she's like yeah, it feels better It's like did you have a migraine to start with I didn't I didn't get that far well. Let's move on here Let's see here Lifestyle Christianity's website, okay, so if you leave the university website And you go to his website right on that website you can find a section called dance, and he has There's classes where they'll teach you jazz dance. They'll teach you hip-hop dance They'll teach you basically how to mimic the world how to go down to your local club And I'm kind of being facetious here, but you go down to your local club look at their dance methods, and you can learn them Right how is that lifestyle Christianity? How is becoming like the world? Gonna get people saved right it's it's not now heat now. Here's the kicker. I'll just skip some of this stuff because there's a lot Salvation All right, here's what they say we believe that all men everywhere are lost and face the judgment of God that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation all right great and That forced the salvation of the lost and sinful man repentance of sin and Faith in Jesus Christ results in regeneration by the Holy Spirit One more time repentance of sin right so turning from your sins and Faith in Jesus Christ is what results in Regeneration by the Holy Spirit and when he says regeneration what he's talking about there Is he's saying that when you get saved the Holy Ghost gives you the power not to sin anymore now you start bringing up sins you know like Like this to him and that's where the Greek comes into play the Hebrew, and we don't have the latest manuscripts And it's not about doctrine. It's about love and we're gonna. We're gonna answer that question this morning is doctrine important Actually gonna answer that tonight is doctrine important, and of course you know that it is he goes on to say this furthermore We believe that God we will reward the righteous with eternal life in heaven And he will banish the unrighteous to everlasting punishment in hell But to him being righteous is you turning from your sins. That's what it is to him. It's no different than any other Other religion in the world remember. There's two religions. There's human achievement, and then there's the Bible right There's I've look what I did to get saved, and then there's the Bible which says you can't do anything to be saved You have to believe on Christ All right, here's the next part of their doctrine Pentecostal powers I added that that's it doesn't say that but it says we believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit Who's indwelling enables the Christian to live a godly life and minister supernaturally the baptism of the Holy Spirit is poured out on? Believers that they might have power to be his witness He's mixing a lot of truth and lies in there if you have the new man You have the ability to put that new man on every single day. He's ready to go. He's ready to work There's no doubt about that but what he's talking about there is this special baptism of the Holy Spirit where the Holy Ghost comes on you and gives you the Power to just basically do what's right and to go out and just share love That's all you do just share love with people and then the love just overwhelms them And they're like I feel so loved I feel so loved I'm born-again now and then people have this false conversion. You want to know how people get falsely converted It's by that kind of doctrine right there because in his videos, that's what he does He tells people that are already like faux Christians, you know, don't you feel how much God loves you? Look, I'm here and he gives people money and he gets people treats and in dog biscuits and you know, whatever Whatever he can find and these peas like don't you feel so loved and he gets them all riled up He gets their emotions going right and then all of a sudden they're like, yeah Yeah, and he's like, you know, you're born again You have the spirit in you and that's what they'll train you to do at this university and that you know That this is what we're up against here in this community This is what we're fighting against when we go out soul inning. So turn to Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians chapter 5 So quick review How they say lifestyle evangelism is supposed to work is you do a bunch of good works because you're the salt and light of the world You do good works people see it. They feel loved they believe in God That's what they say. No word of God. No Bible. No seed. No light Right, you basically just live this biblical life. And by the way the biblical life, it doesn't come from the Bible It comes from what they say it is they may getting saved hard, but they make living the Christian life Super duper easy, right? They define what sin is they define the standards they define the sanctification So the issue here is sanctification, right? So what they're trying to tell you is they're trying to tell you if you live a holy and sanctified life that you will get people saved Just solely based off of that, you know, and that's not true And we're gonna take a look at these things here at this doctrine of sanctification Sanctification because you know what we should live sanctified lives, right? God said be holy because I am holy That's what he says you there in Ephesians chapter 5 look at verse 25 Says husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it I'd like to bring this verse up every once in a while when people want to rag on church and we're out the door You know, I just don't believe in organized religion. I'm saying I don't believe you have to go to church I don't believe that's what Christ wanted. Well, why does it say he gave himself for the church? Why is there so many why are there so many verses in the Bible about us going to church not forsaking the gathering? You know iron sharpening iron and so on and so forth. Why are those things in the Bible? It's because he wants to set apart a peculiar people for himself He wants us to have good works that we may show the light right so that we can Proclaim these things so that we can be different from the world We are supposed to be different from the world and I'm not knocking that at all But you know, what's funny is they they say that out of their mouth, but then they don't practice that, you know And that's the problem that sends the wrong message that is confusion and that is by the author the devil Verse 26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it with a washing of water by the word So, how do you get cleansed? How do you grow? It's by the washing of the word by the wood by the water of the word When you read this book when you read the Bible it cleans you it cleanses you it exposes your sins It exposes our sins and it tells us what we must do to get right why for sanctification, right? Not talking about work salvation we've gone over that we don't believe that here We need the Bible in order to cleanse ourselves and to wash ourselves so that we can be different from the world We should be different from the world and we're a lot more different than the world than these people are Look, I remember when we were in Vancouver somebody somebody got someone saved, you know and this family they started coming to church and they were you know, they were They're always talking about like this is so crazy Like you guys live like so separate from the world But yet you preach that salvation so easy and they just it's just they were always saying that you know, and it's so true You know what? We're we're living holy sanctified separated lives. We're always trying to get better We're trying to distance ourselves as much as possible from the world, right? You know what why not not so that we can show that to people and get them saved But because that's what makes God happy. That's what God wants for our lives. That's what he wants for his local churches That's what he wants for his believers. But yet the message is simple. You don't have to do any of that to be saved Right, but see these people they won't tell you that they'll tell you that you do have to turn from your sins to be Saved, of course They're gonna get you roped in with Emotionalism and with lovey-dovey hugs and kisses and stuff like that and get you into their circle And then that's when they're gonna be like, okay Well, you know if you backslide or you know, you stop giving or you stop, you know doing whatever you're not really saved So verse 27 that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing But that it should be holy and without blemish again. We are not knocking sanctification turn to 1st Peter Yeah, 1st Peter chapter 1 1st Peter chapter 1 while you're turning there Maria for you, John 17 Few verses out of John 17. It says this and now I come Alright now come I to thee and these things I speak in the world that they might have joy I might have my joy fulfilled in themselves I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them Because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world. So this is Jesus Christ praying for us He's praying for for believers here and he's in in this prayer. He's saying hey, the world's gonna hate you the world hates Christians the world hates believers because it hated Christ first, right? So with that in mind and knowing and understanding that how are your works ever gonna get the world to believe, right? It's just gonna anger them more than anything and then he goes on to say this I have given them that word and I and the world hath hated them because they are not of this world even as I am Not of this world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world But that thou shouldest keep them from the evil They are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world sanctify them through thy truth. Thy word is truth Very simple doctrine, right? We understand that it's God's Word. That is truth. It is God's Word that changes people It's God's Word that saves people. It's God's Word that really sanctifies people. That's what does it? I mean think about it There's Buddhists out there that do good works they go feed the poor they have prison programs They they go into the military and they provide, you know All these PTSD stress relief type programs and they help people. Does that turn them to God the Father? Does that turn them to the Lord Jesus Christ? Does that turn them to be a Christian? No, it doesn't right There's people in Islam that do good works that feed the poor and do whatever does that turn them to becoming a Christian? No, it doesn't good works. Don't save people lifestyle Christianity isn't gonna save anyone First Peter chapter 1 look at verse 13 and we'll see a call to be holy We are called to be holy. We are called to be sanctified to be set apart from the world He says verse 13 wherefore girt up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end of the grace Our hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ verse 14 as obedient children Not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance We are to be obedient children That means when we read the Bible when we hear the Bible preached when we learn doctrine, we should be obedient We should follow these things. Look the Bible is full of things that we should do Everybody understands that there's a lot of stuff that we should do and we do try to do that here at this church But you know what there's only one thing that you must do to be saved and that is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ First 15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy and all manner of conversation For why verse 16 because it is written be holy for I am holy. We are supposed to be holy We are supposed to be sanctified We are supposed to be obedient because that's how God is then that's what God told us to do Right, but that alone isn't going to get anyone saved You can live the best sheltered Christian life that you want Even being saved and people are not gonna come knock on your door and be like what must I do to be saved? Okay, that's just not gonna happen. You need to go out. We need to go out and shine that light Right having that light obviously in shining that forth in showing people the truth now turn to 2nd Peter chapter 3 2nd Peter chapter 3 and then after that we're gonna go back to James chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 3 here's another passage of Scripture about sanctification Look at verse 10 2nd Peter 3 10, but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and The which the heavens shall pass away With a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up Right and he's gonna tell us the importance of understanding this. Why do we need to know this? Why do we have to have this settled in our hearts look at verse 11 seeing then? That all these things shall be dissolved. What manner of persons you ought to be That's why end times events are important. That's why prophecy is important a lot of people I just don't worry about prophecy or whatever's gonna happen happens. You know I know a lot of old IFP people They'll take that approach because in their hearts they know that we're right, and they don't want to fight They don't want to press it, but you know what that's what produces a sense of urgency And God's people is understanding the coming destruction to this world Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved. What manner of persons you have to be in all holy conversation and godliness All holy conversation and godliness look we are called to be above We are called to be sanctified to be holy and you know what by doing that it does help your soul Right because then you're not going out thinking like oh, man. I'm a hypocrite You know what I mean it does help your so any but not only that it helps you grow It helps you learn when you get the sin out of your life It's like peeling the scales from your eyes, and you can see more and more clearly And it's just a great thing now go to James chapter 1 because another problem with this bozo here Is in his videos right? Almost every time he'll run into a group of people and he'll be all let me show you the love of Jesus Let me just pray for you. Let me just do this for you. Here's 100 bucks right, and then there's somebody That's like. I don't want any of that I don't want anything to do with God you know cuz even he's gonna run into the atheist types of the God haters You know you know what he does. I just got a word of knowledge. I Just got a word of knowledge. God. Just told me a church hurt you you've been hurt by a church Right and every time what I say Yeah, yeah, I did. He's like see that's what religion does to people man You know and he's like that's what religion does to people man, and that's why you got to know that Jesus loves you He does you know and he just goes on you know the these these religions man all they want to do is follow these rules And follow these regulations, and they want to enforce them on the people and that's hate and that's not the Jesus of the Bible Well, that's kind of funny because in the beginning we learned that Jesus is the word right the word was with God You know it's from everlasting, and this is a whole book of rules my friend Thank God. There's only one of them that you have to follow to be saved But the rest of them man. There's a whole lot of Commandments in that book And you know what religion is a good thing if it's the right thing if it's the right religion, and you don't believe me Look at James chapter 1 look at verse 26 if Any man among you seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue But deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is in vain you see because what toad white wants you to believe is It's not about a religion It's about a relationship right and look I got sucked down that road to a long time ago I used to have the t-shirt that said that it's embarrassing, but I had it You know I'm confessing my faults before you this evening this morning all right, you know, but look at the verse let's think about this if any man among you seem to be religious and Bridleth not his tongue like telling people you got to turn from your sins to be saved right that's bridleth thing Not your tongue that's being a fool. That's being a devil. That's preaching lies But deceiving his own heart this man's heart is deceived and so are his followers so are his companions He says this man's religion is vain it means nothing It's empty so this this relationship garbage that toad white wants you to leave That's his religion, and that's vanity that is vain this person is a devil look at verse 27 Let's see what God thinks about religion Let's just those what is what does God think about religion is a good is it bad? What is it? Well look at verse 27 pure religion in undefiled before God and the Father is this right? There's another verse about the Trinity right pure religion in undefiled before God So there's a vain religion that we learned in the verse prior, and then there's a religion that is acceptable to God What is that? Pure religion in undefiled before God and the Father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in the reflection What is that that is works that is doing works right faith without works is dead We understand that and that also proves that there's a condition called faith without works that proves that you can have faith that works But nonetheless he says this to visit the fatherless and the widows in the reflection right doing works. It's a good thing That's religious. That's being religious. It's being committed. He says this and to keep himself Unspotted from the world I Wonder why he doesn't like religion I? Wonder why toad white does not like religion you know why he doesn't like religion because he's ashamed of the gospel of Christ You know why he doesn't like religion because he does not have the light You know why he doesn't like religion because he doesn't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ He's trusting in his own works, and this fool here is gonna be one of those guys swan-diving into the lake of fire in the end times Turn to Acts chapter 8 so what we're gonna do now. We're gonna take a look at some examples in the Bible of Using the Word of God to get people saved right. It's not lifestyle evangelism that saves people It's not lifestyle Christianity that saves people it is light style It's being saved in projecting that light to people so that they can see so that they can believe and that's what the Bible teaches not this Relationship junk garbage that toad white wants us to believe that doesn't work according to our Bible Religion is a good thing keeping yourself sanctified. Holy unspotted from the world is a good thing It's acceptable to God so that means what this fool is doing is not acceptable to God case closed We want this church one this book one this person's a fool. There's no debating this There's no oh, I'm gonna send you an email call you up and tell you how wrong you're no I'll hang up on you. It doesn't work. This is truth. This is the reality my friend This is what works acts chapter 8 look at verse 26, and let's just take a look at these I know you're familiar with these stories. Let's take a look at this. This is a story about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch look at verse 26 in the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip saying arise and go toward the south into the way that goeth down from Jerusalem to Which is desert and he arose and went and behold a man of Ethiopia a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of all her treasure and Had come to Jerusalem for to worship was returning and sitting in his chariot read a Zayas the prophet So here's an example of a guy who's interested in godly things right? He's reading the Bible. He's trying to understand it, but he can't Look at verse 30. I'm sorry 29 verse 29 Then the spirit said unto Philip go near and join thyself to this chariot and Philip ran thither to him and heard him Read the prophet his eyes and said understandest thou what thou readest. Why does he ask him that because he's vigilant He's sober minded and he understands that a person can't get saved just solely by reading the Bible So he says in order for me to understand this I need to know do you understand what you read in the end? And thank God the Ethiopian unit eunuch here He answers honestly and says and he said how can I accept some man should guide me and he desired Philip that he would Come up and sit with him now. Why didn't Philip just say hold on here Understand what thou readest put that Bible down Let's go feed some ham sandwiches to people and you can see my good works and get saved Why doesn't he say that because God wants us to understand it. It is the word It's the power of the word preaching the light that gets people saved Verse 32 the place of the scripture which he read was this he was led as a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb Dumb before the before a shearer so opened he not his mouth Verse 33 in his humiliation. His judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation For his life is taken from the earth in the eunuch answered Philip and said I pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet This of himself or some other man that Philip opened his mouth and began At the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus turn to Acts chapter 11 real quick acts chapter 11 So what did he do to get the Ethiopian eunuch saved? He preached Jesus. He didn't say let's stop Let's go feed malt oatmeal to the people in your country Ethiopia. He didn't say that did he know he preached him the Bible look Something that Todd White can't do because he's not saved something that Todd White won't do because he wants your money He'd rather just you know, oh, it's the love of Jesus Just send me you know your thousands of dollars every year and I'll teach you online or you can fly to Texas and I will teach you how to share the love of God with people look that makes God angry. That's horrible this dude I mean hell is gonna be super hot for this man. It is gonna be bad So Acts chapter 11 Peter is rehearsing in his mind and in his heart what he's gonna say to the Jews Because he just met with some Gentiles and he preached them the gospel. Okay, that's what we're reading here real quick So he's rehearsing these things and he's explaining these things How he's gonna respond to the Jews verse 5 I was in the city of Joppa praying and in a trance I saw a vision a certain vessel Descended as it had a great or as it had been a great sheet let down from heaven by four corners and it came even to me verse 16 Upon which when I had fasted my eyes I considered and saw four-footed beasts of the earth And wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air and heard a voice saying unto me arise Peter's slain eat But I said not so Lord for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth but the voice answered me again from heaven what God hath cleansed that call not thou common and This was done three times and all were drawn up again into heaven and behold immediately There were three men already come into the house where I was sent from Cassariah unto me verse 12 and the Spirit bade me Go with them nothing doubting moreover these six brethren Accompanyed me and we entered into the man's house and he showed us how he had seen an angel in his house which stood and said unto him send men to Joppa and Call for Simon whose surname is Peter verse 14. Don't miss this who shall tell thee words Whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved Why didn't God say hey Peter go grab Corineleus go grab his band of men Go down and give blankets to people that are cold go down, you know, and is that wrong? No, it's not wrong, but that doesn't save people. Look the Bible does not teach Lifestyle Christianity it does not over and over again. It's the word. This is God telling these people Hey Peter, go tell Corineleus words whereby you must be saved And you know what? The Bible said in chapter 10 about Corineleus that his prayers came up as alms before God and guess what? He wasn't even saved at that time and God saw this God said his heart is ready to be saved He will receive the word but he's got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I will send my Apostle Peter to do the Job, that's what he did. So these people all like brother Jeff preached, you know people today They want to say oh, you know Paul got saved on the road to the masses soon as he saw the light boom got saved right and people run with that and You know what toad whites? No, no exception here. That's the type of stuff that he teaches Oh, you know as soon as you just share the love of Jesus with somebody you give him $100 You give him a hand sandwich you go down to firehouse subs and buy my meatball sub. Guess what? Hey, they're gonna get saved They're gonna feel so loved and just oh, I just felt so loved, you know, and it's funny on this guy's videos You know, there's this these this woman and her daughter, you know that I guess say they graduated from this program And they keep they go into these whataburgers right and they go up to people Oh, you got migraines you get the same stuff, you know, and and they got videos with a whole crew, you know You know, they take a break from cooking all the cheeseburgers or whatever and they come out and you know She prays for him and he's got them on stage and they're crying and telling all those guys that whataburger They felt so loved and probably felt annoyed and they just wanted to get you out of there So they get more customers don't lose your job. That's probably what really was going on there, but Turn to Acts chapter 16. We've got two more acts chapter 16 So again, we've already looked at two passages where you need the Word of God to get people safe You have to preach that light you have to show that light to people to get them saved not just by your works That's not gonna ever do it You know why a lot of people that we get saved don't come to church is because they read the invitation Yeah, they get saved, you know, and they're like, well, it sounds kind of hardcore. You know, it's true King James only Man, I suits ties these guys seem kind of hardcore. You know what? We are we are hardcore You know what these types of churches they really are the special forces of Christianity today They really are, you know, we really are few in number and we're doing the most work I mean think about that think about the Treasure Valley This is like the Navy Seals of the Treasure Valley it is and I'm not trying to be prideful or boast But you know what, you know how I mean what last week we went so many like four times, you know Four different times and oftentimes it's just two or three of us, you know A lot of times just be me and brother David and brother Jeff during a week, you know, we'll go out We'll knock, you know, 25 buildings, you know of apartments, you know getting people saved who else is doing that nobody it's us That's doing it and it doesn't have to be that way. It's just the way it is. So let's move on here Let's talk. Let's real talk real quick about the Philippian Jailer act 16. Look at verse 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sing praises unto God and the prisoners heard them, right? So you understand the situation is going on here. These guys are locked up. They're in prison. They're singing praises They're talking about the things of God and these the surrounding people they're hearing this stuff And so they're kind of interested verse 26 and suddenly there was a great earthquake So that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and Everyone's bands were loosed in the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open He drew out his sword and would have killed himself Supposing that the prisoners had been fled, but Paul cried with a loud voice saying do thyself No harm for we are all here Then he called for a light and sprang in and came trembling and found out Or fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said sirs. What must I do to be saved now? Here's the question What Paul did was that not a good work Hey do thyself no harm Right Paul was being a leader in this situation and kept them from fleeing kept other people fling said hey do yourself No harm. Why didn't he get saved right then and there? Oh Because you need the Word of God to be saved That's why look at verse 30 and brought them out and said sirs What must I do to be saved that didn't get him say so he's hearing these things and he's like he understands Okay, I hear what you guys are saying. I want to know the truth And so he says what must I do to be saved verse 31 and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in the house of verse 32 Then they spake unto him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house again the third time It's the word that saves people not your works It's not your lifestyle last one acts chapter 22 acts chapter 22 Again over and over again. I don't think Todd White's probably ever read acts at all the book of Acts from front to back It's definitely not in a King James. I don't believe it. You could say all you can say all he wants to you I don't believe it How could you read these things and not see that you need the Word of God to get people saved? Unless you're a devil unless you're after people's money unless you're after people's souls Acts chapter 22 look at verse 12 and One and an is a devout man according to the law having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there So again Paul's telling his testimony on the road to Damascus brother Jeff went over this last week Let's read it again verse 13 came unto me and stood and said unto me brother Saul receive thy sight and that same hour I looked up upon him and he said the God of our fathers have chosen thee that thou shouldest know his will and See that just one and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth for thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou has seen and heard in verse 16 He says and now why Terry's thou arise and be baptized and watch why that he stands calling on the name of Lord So Ananias preached to him the Word of God he preached to him the gospel and we looked at that last week I don't want to keep hashing on that but you get the point when you need the Word of God to get people safe We need light style Christianity not life style Christianity now turn to Revelation chapter 20 and I'm just gonna read for you a few verses the Bible says Romans 10 17 says so then faith cometh by Hearing and hearing by the Word of God, right? That's what it says, you know We're not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, right? What is that the death, burial and resurrection? Where do you find it? You find that in 1st Corinthians you find that in the written word in the Bible Which you need to be saved 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 9 says this when I suffer trouble as an evildoer even unto bonds But the Word of God is not bound you see this fool here He says the Word of God is bound that you need the scholar. You need the Greeks speaker You need the Hebrew person. You need the archaeologists to dig it up and constantly give you new revelation Why is that because in his mind he's ashamed of the gospel and he thinks the Word of God is bound But that is what is wrong. The Bible does not teach that at all for listen to this 1st Peter 1 23 being born again not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth Forever we are born again by the in Corruptible Word of God that means you're not born again by the ESV. You're not born again by the NIV You're not born by see that has been twisted and had things removed and is corrupted That's not what saves people and you know what? That's why these people are running around this earth like chickens with their head cut off spewing out false doctrine All right one more 1st John chapter 2 verse 14 I have written unto you fathers because you have known him that is from the beginning I have written unto you young men because you are strong and the Word of God abideth in you and you have Overcome the wicked one, you know how you overcome the wicked one by getting saved. That's how you do it Does that mean that you're never gonna have trials and tribulations of perils again? No, it doesn't mean that at all You will have trouble and you need this light to continuously battle, but you've overcome the wicked one You're no longer under that bondage. You're no longer going to go to hell You're no longer going to have to worry about that. You've overcome the wicked one in his habitation, which will be hell Alright now the end result listen the end result of lifestyle Christianity is what? Jessica calls the Mother Teresa complex. Okay, I had I Couldn't I couldn't say it without laughing. Sorry. I figured but it's true right the Mother Teresa complex What was Mother Teresa known for good works, right? Isn't that what we're told that she did all these good works and look at all these good works got people saved this and that And you know, that's not true. Why is it not true because of everything we've read this morning That's why the reason that people like to use lifestyle Christianity to reach the lost is because they themselves They themselves are trusting in their works to save them Right these people he's trusting in his works to save him That's why he's using that out in town because that's what he trusts That's how you know, that is true when people want to proclaim this lifestyle Christianity It's because they're trusting in their own works in many cases. That's what it is. They're trusting in their works You're there in Revelation chapter 20 Did I tell you guys to turn there? All right. Thanks All right What verse are we going over here? 11. All right. Look at verse 11 He says and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face The earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them Look at verse 12 and I saw the dead Small and great stand before God and the books were open and another book was open Which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works you want to trust in your works there will come a day where the Bible will be opened and then There begins the audit the audit by the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay, you wanted to trust your works. Let's see how well you did That's what's going on here verse 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it in death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they Were judged every man according to their works Verse 14 and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire and whosoever. I'm sorry. We're casting like a fire This is the second death verse 15 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire Turn to Matthew chapter 7 and let's take a look at this same event here taught by the Lord Jesus Christ Let's take a look at this because remember what are these guys promoting good works? Good works right a relationship No religion which which is buffoonery So you're there in Matthew chapter 7 look at verse 21. This is what Jesus said same thing same event He says this not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven But he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven and it's funny because most people That believe you can lose your salvation. They will try to take you to this verse All you have to do is take them to John chapter 6 verse 40 and it proves clearly beyond a doubt that the will of The Father is that we will believe on the Son. That's what the will is. That's what he's talking about here Okay, so that's the will that's what we have to do And not only that even if you didn't know John 6 40 you could get that same conclusion by reading the rest of the verses here look at verse 20 22 Many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not Prophesied in thy name. So here we have a group of people they're calling Jesus Lord Are they not it says they're prophesying his name. So they're teaching in his name, right? They're they're they're saying hey God Lord Jesus, right? Jesus loves you. They're teaching in his name They're prophesying his name, right and in thy name have cast out devils Isn't that what this fool says like when the Holy Ghost comes upon you you get special powers and you can cast out devils Speak at times, you know, whatever right same thing and in thy name done many wonderful works So Here you have a group of people that call themselves Christians. They believe they're Christians. They believe they're safe. They're calling Jesus Lord They're doing works. They're teaching Sunday school. They're teaching church. They're teaching things, right? What happens to them? Look at verse 23 and then I will profess unto them. I never do you depart for me ye that work in equity This man works in equity why because he trusts in his works plus Jesus to save him which according to Romans chapter 4 verse 14 makes your faith void This man will swan dive one day into hell the pillow. I can't believe you said that you did that You know what? Shut up because that's what the Bible says That's what's going on here and you know what because of this fool and fools like him it makes our job Ten times harder during the week when we're trying to preach the gospel to people. That's why I'm upset Look at verse 24 Therefore right so for this reason he says therefore Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. That is a picture of Jesus Christ I mean think about it We have a group of people here who say Lord they teach they do works and that's not enough to save them Why is that because that can't save you it's only by belief It's only by verse 21, which is he that does the will of the Father which is putting your trust all on Jesus Christ Right. So that's why he says that look at verse 25 He says this and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon the house and it fell not For it was founded upon a rock and everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and do with him Not shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand That's why I can get up here and say this man is a fool because Jesus said that People that trust in their works plus Christ are foolish They're foolish verse 27 in the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell And great was the fall of it We're almost done here. Second Timothy chapter 3 verse 5. You don't have to turn there He says having a form of godliness, but denying the power of from such turn away This person has a form of godliness if you can believe it. I mean, you know, I mean, I mean think about it He's got a what he calls a church. He's got a little music sheet stand. That's clear glass, right? He has maybe some notes on I guess and he says God he says Jesus he says Jesus loves you He is a form of godliness But he denies the power thereof which is what it's the light. It's the word. It's God's holy word That's what he denies that is a sheep Lifestyle evangelism lifestyle Christianity by itself sends people to hell but light style Christianity Right saves people and provides eternal reward because it's a well-balanced diet. It's being saved It's proclaiming the truth. It's letting your light so shine before men that they may see your good works here real quick I just wanted to leave you with some verses You're familiar with these these are benefits to light style Christianity You can write them down and get them from me later But Proverbs 126 verse 5 says this they that so in tears shall reap in joy So though it's hard now, sometimes some of these communities we go to it's difficult We don't get people say but you know what we will reap in joy someday And in verse 20 verse 6 the next verse says he they go forth and weep with bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with Rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him your works your real works that you do going out and preaching the word will not return void They will account for something Proverbs 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that wheneth souls is wise Daniel chapter 12 verse 3 says this it says and they that be wise shall shine as the Brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever that is what light Style Christianity will do for you. It provides you eternal rewards I mean, that's what I want. We don't fully understand that verse, but it sounds pretty good It sounds like a pretty good hint It sounds like something we should all strive for right spending that eternity having that bright shining work But it's those that are wise and who's wise he that when it's souls is wise people that turn many to righteousness You know and the false prophets they'll look at this and say see, you know If we can just get people to turn from all their sins, you know, then that's us Well, we'll get these rewards, but that's not it. Righteousness comes from God read Romans chapter 4. There's an acid written There's none righteous. No, not one. How do you get that righteousness by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ? It gets imputed unto you It's a free gift. That's how you get it. Once you get it you have it forever And of course, I can't leave without saying this Matthew 4 19 which says this and he saith unto them follow me and I will make You fishers of men, right? We want to follow him. We want to be that peculiar people We want to be sanctified set apart so that he can make us fish as a man make us useful And then acts 5 42 says in a daily in the temple in every house They cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. Don't forget that house to house Person to person not by feeding ham sandwiches not by malt oatmeal not by your works But by preaching and teaching Jesus last verse second Corinthians 5 11 says this knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we Persuade man, it's important to give you the right perspective of who Jesus Christ really is because knowing that terror will help you persuade men This is why we go to people's doors. This is why we get into people's faces. Hey, you're gonna go to hell This is the truth. We persuade man. Let's pray. All right. Thank you so much Lord for all these truths in your Bible Thank you for all these people to come here Lord and and receive this message and be able to grow and learn from your truths Please bless the soul winning today Lord and the evening service and all the fellowship that we do in Jesus name. I pray. Amen