(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Amen. So we're in Deuteronomy chapter number four. Now, leading up to Deuteronomy chapter four, you guys know, Deuteronomy chapter one starts off with saying, these be the words which Moses spake. And what he begins to do is to remind the children of Israel of the good things that they went through, the bad things, some of the setbacks and some of the victories. You know, he talks about Caleb and how his heart wasn't discouraged when they saw, you know, the people of the land they were supposed to go and conquer. And he says, hey, remember how, what happened to those of you that were fearful and what, what befell you later on. And then he goes and talks about the victory over all King of Bashan and Sion, King of the Amorites. And you ask yourself, okay, well, why does it reinstate all the stuff that we read in Exodus and Numbers and, and, and what's the point? And the point is, you know, if we don't remember the victories and the battles that we've fought, the things that we've gone through, you know, we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes that we made. And you know, that's a loss of knowledge. You know, there's a lot of knowledge gained from trials, tribulations, pestilence, sickness, uh, terrorist attacks, all these different things that we face in our lives. Now we're there in Deuteronomy chapter four, look at verse number nine. It says, only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, unless they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life, but teach them thy sons and thy sons sons. So obviously the context here, you know, Moses reminding the children of Israel, Hey, you need to remember the statutes of the commandments of God. You need to teach them to your kids. You need to teach them to their kids, kids, and make sure that this ball keeps rolling forward, right? Because when that chain gets broken, what happens? Destruction every single time, right? But I like this phrase here where it says, only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently. And then he tells you why, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen. Now the title of my sermon this evening is lessons I learned from Katrina in Fukushima. Now you might be like, well, what are you, what are you talking about? Well, I had the, uh, unfortunate, uh, privilege of being part of both events. So what I'm going to do this evening is basically just tell you the story that I went through when I saw the things I learned, some of the similarities, uh, with those two events that I see going on right now with this Corona virus. And so what I want to do is just basically start out by talking about, uh, hurricane Katrina. So it was back in 2005. It was August. Yes. Right after what? Kylan was a month old, almost five, six months old. Okay. Oh, Kylan was six weeks old. Okay. I'll never forget it. It was a Friday, Friday night. We're making plans, you know, just got off work. We're like, we're going to go do this this weekend. You know, we're going to go to the whole foods market cause I was really super into health and I was going to get all these vegetables to juice and you know, just have a good old time. And not, not only that, but there are other things that we were going to do, you know, looking forward to some great weather, which I thought now I had heard there was a storm coming, but I heard it was going to hit Florida and so I didn't pay any attention to it. Uh, the news media hadn't been going off and normally we're alerted to, uh, cause I was in the military at this time. We'd be alerted to any kind of a tropical storm or danger that would be headed our way and they'd tell us to evacuate. Well, wake up Saturday morning and start doing stuff around the house and they get a phone call that says, you need to leave right now and go wherever you can and drive north and try to find a hotel somewhere. And I'm like, what is going on? We turn on the news and the mayor of new Orleans is freaking out, you know, basically saying, you know, the storm's coming here and it's, you know, it's picking up steam and it's kind of like, you know, when you pour kerosene on a hot fire, you know, and it just goes out of control. That's what the storm's going to be like. You know, we'd been through this before. We'd been through a couple of tropical storms. They said it was going to turn into hurricane category twos or threes and just basically wipe us out. You know, we would evacuate and it would never be as bad as they said. And so, you know, I decided, you know, it's better, you're better off as many times as the government cries wolf, you're better off playing it safe than sorry. Not to mention I had to obey orders and they said to leave, so we were going to leave regardless. And so we decided, you know, we're going to leave. So I think it was about one, two o'clock in the afternoon. We're headed on I-10, headed west, west towards Fort Polk, Louisiana. And, you know, we're going up and all of a sudden we hit traffic. Cars as far as the eye could see, media, all the news reporters in the middle of the highway, right, in the median. And they've got the I-10 shut coming into the city. And I think that's when it really hit me that we're in some trouble here. And we're just waiting there and Kayden's, you know, crying. The kids are like, what's going on, you know. And I'm like, we got to get out of here, right. And I can tell there's like nobody coming the opposite direction. And this is a true story. I said, I'm out of here. So what I did is I crossed the median and I'll never forget it. There was like reporters like looking at us. I just booked it across the median. I got on the other side of I-10. I just started driving and I looked behind me and there's a ton of cars just following me. You know, there's just following behind me. And I turned the radio to a different station and we're trying to be like, okay, maybe they saw that or they're going to announce it. And sure enough, they're like, people are driving on the opposite side of the road and it's not open yet. But I knew the cops, they were gone. Okay. You know, they've got bigger fish to fry than to worry about somebody trying to escape. So I'm like, they're not going to hold me. So we go north as far as I can remember. Maybe it was close to Baton Rouge before we could get back over. Was it Gonzales? One of the towns, probably an hour north west, an hour west, get back on the right side of the freeway and we leave. We find a hotel in Jasper, wake up the next morning and learn that it was bad. You know, it was bad from what the media was saying. Basically what happened then is I worked with somebody who our commander didn't like, to put it lightly. And what he decided to do is basically stick my family into a FEMA camp. He said, hey, there's this great place on base. It's where a lot of people that are fleeing, basically refugees, people coming in can stay. And so he tells me the directions, makes us go there. And I get to this place and it's a tent city. Literally they had all these tents and I'm kind of wondering like, how did you guys know to build all of these tents for this and what they are just bunks, double bunk, bunk on top, bunk on bottom. I've got a two year old kid and a six week old child and this idiot wants me to stay the night there and to just stay there. So no, I disobey. And what I did is I got a hotel on base and I went and stayed there. Next day I come to work and he finds out about and he starts flipping out. I said, I want to talk to your boss, you know, and I said, I know you've got a problem with me. And then we basically got into this argument and he didn't want me to talk to his boss. So he said, you know, why don't you just go home for 30 days? I'll bet you I can get you, 30 days convalescent leave, which means leave that I would not be charged for. That sounds like a great deal. So we did it. We went back to Washington and stayed there. And after that month I had to come back. So I went back to the city and when I got back, you got to remember all the damage is done and it was before the city opened up. So I land in New Orleans airport. I get picked up by the guy who tried to put me in a FEMA camp's boss, right? Who's apologizing and basically telling me, hey, we're putting your family on TDY for like six months. So all the stuff goes on and it actually turned out to be a good blessing. I made a lot of money off the deal. You know, so that aspect, God really, God really took care of us. So they take us in a helicopter, fly us back to the base, gives me keys to the government car. It says basically you're exempt from curfew. You can drive this car wherever you want, do whatever you have to do to get food. Here's the mission that you have to do every single day. Follow that and you're good to go. And so that's what I did. Now you can remember driving around town, I would see different militaries. I saw the Singaporeans there, I saw the Mexican army there, ATF agents and just basically lawlessness. The cops from what I could tell basically didn't exist. I could run red lights, go as fast as I wanted to. I can remember going 80 in a 30, you know, to work. No problem. Ain't no cops going to come get you, you know? And the city was just in disarray. I mean, there was hardly any stores open. If you wanted to see a fight, you could go to Home Depot and you just about guarantee you'd see a fight. Building materials gone, people fighting over two by fours, masks. I mean, you couldn't find those dust masks. You couldn't find air purifiers. You couldn't find really anything. Most restaurants closed. So I'm no stranger to when it comes to limited resources and things like that. But one thing that's different about Katrina that I'm noticing about the coronavirus is toilet paper. I didn't have no problem getting toilet paper, okay? I remember I went to Walmart and grabbed some. Paper towels, no problem. You know, beans and rice, they still had plenty of that and it's, you know, just a different beast, I guess. But I'll never forget it. One day I was driving by this neighborhood, kind of a rich neighborhood, and they had a guy walking back and forth, just pacing with a rifle and this huge plywood sign that says, keep out or we'll kill you, including NOPD. I was like, okay, wow, I guess they mean business. And I found out the reason why is because the police were going around taking people's guns from their houses and these people were like, we're not going to take that. You're not taking our guns. And so there were some people that banded together and decided, you know what, we're going to die on this hill and we're going to protect our community. And I talked to some police officers later on. They said, you know what, they aren't really the people that we're worried about. They're just trying to protect their stuff. So we were going to leave them alone anyways. So you can take that for what it is. They were really doing that gun confiscation more so near the downtown areas, I guess. And that's where they were really concerned about it, which is kind of strange because most of those houses were wiped out. But I mean, I'm talking about destruction like I'd never even seen in my life. You know, you go downtown New Orleans and see houses that used to be just really pretty and beautiful. And there's a boat and an RV in the upper floor of the house. It's like, wow, this is insane. The whole east side of the city leveled. Home Depot gone like it never existed. I mean, just complete destruction, you know? And I was talking to people because obviously I lived on base at the time and I would talk to the guys rotating security at the Superdome and they were telling me some of the stories and things that went on there. Mass rape, just out of control, drugs, just a cesspool of disease. They basically were like, we just kind of stood on the outside and made sure that, you know, if anybody started popping off shots that we would respond to that. But other than that, they're like, we're not getting involved. We're not about to get AIDS in here because of these people. And so, you know, a lesson learned there is that if the government ever tells you, hey, come to this stadium here and hang out, don't do it. Take your chances in the mountains. Trust me, I've seen it. You know, it's not pretty what happened. So there's that stuff. I'm sure I'm leaving things out, but I mean, you know, it took probably, I mean, by the time Jessica got back, I want to say it was about six months, six months later, she got back. The city started opening up more and more things, but there are unlimited hours. Some places got fully restocked and we kind of just got used to the way life was there. You know, we just kind of made it work. And now even thinking back, I can't even really remember being extremely burdened because the store wasn't open until midnight or anything silly like that. And then, I mean, I've heard it's taken years. Even to this day, things aren't the same there. You know, people have just gotten used to it. A new generation has come up and they don't really remember what that was like. And so, let's see, April, no, March, yeah, March, 2011, I find myself on the second deck of an aircraft carrier in Yokosuka, Japan. And I'll never forget this. I'm on the second deck. I'm doing a job. It's Friday once again, about two o'clock. We're about to be off at three, 3.30. The boss is going to let us go home early. We got all our work done. You know, I'm just finishing up a job. I'm feeling really good. And I'm going up to the hanger deck to get some materials. And while I'm walking, I start getting seasick. And I'm like, we're tied to a pier. Why am I getting sick? I look over and there's these sailors and there's spray painting, right? No protection, no mask, just filling up the cafeteria or the dining facility with paint fumes. And so, I'm thinking I'm getting sick off of that. So, I started yelling at them. I'm like, yeah, it's stupid. You know, people are going to get sick because of what you're doing. They're just like, ah, whatever it is, keep on doing it. One of my buddies comes up and he's like, dude, I'm feeling sick. I'm like, so am I. Let's go get some fresh air. Walk out to the hanger deck. I look at the pier and it's literally doing this. People are on their knees. They can't even walk. And I'm like, oh, that's what's going on. We're not sick. Hey, this is great. It's an earthquake, right? The only problem is I didn't realize how bad that was. Think about it. This ship is a couple hours away from Fukushima, right? And where you can feel the earthquake, it's bringing people to their knees that far away. And so, like the government does, they freeze, lock you up and they locked us on there until about five o'clock. And all of a sudden they make this announcement at five 30, the tsunami will be here. And so you need to get to the top of this hill as soon as possible. Ready, go. And so we're all hoarded off this ship. And I can remember like, you know, if supervisors are like, just run for the hill, right? So we get up to the top of the hill and we're waiting. About five 30 comes around. The ship goes up very, very slowly. You can just hear the tension in the ropes. You know, like, like the stuff's about to snap. And then it goes all the way down, touches the bottom of the bay and then comes back up and it sits. And that was it. And I was like, okay, well, this is good. I guess no damage. We go check all of our services. Everything seems fine. Boss is like, let's go home. And my boss is a big time conspiracy theorist. So he was upset. You know, he's like, he's like, they did this. I know they did. I'll bet you they set a bomb off somewhere around here just to mess with us. Cause they want to, you know, he starts going off on all this and we're like, okay, John, I'm out of here. I'm going home. I'm going to my hotel. Remember I went to the gym that night, rodeo style MMA, you know, had a great old time. Came back Saturday, woke up to a phone call. Everybody needs to come to work. What had happened is we have people work around the clock and somehow somebody got contaminated with radiation and went inside one of the plants in the ship and set off a dosimeter. And so we all had to get checked. One lady that I work with, she had a patch of radiation from her wrist to her elbow. Where did that come from? Is the question that I'm still wondering to this very day. And so we start getting reports like, Hey, you know, what happened in Fukushima? There's a, you know, a nuclear plant. Some of the rods cracked. There's a plume coming. You know, we're probably going to have to get out of here. Well, Jessica was scheduled to come that Sunday or the 10th. She was scheduled to come very quick, very quick after that, like, like that day. Right. So I think it was Monday. We get to work. We're still trying to figure this stuff out and they say, okay, this is really bad. We're all going to get on the ship and we're just going to leave. And I'm like, what? They tell us this on Monday. And I want to say it was a Wednesday by, or maybe a Thursday by the time we actually got out of here, but they're telling us like this plume is coming. Well, in my mind, the responsible thing to do would be to just, okay, I get it. You got to protect your equipment, send the ship out and fly everybody you can home. Right. What are we going to do out to sea? We don't have the resources to keep working on this ship, you know? And so to make a long story short, all the higher ups, all the rich, all the people that book your plane tickets and do all that admin stuff, they booked themselves plane tickets and they came home. They dipped out of there as fast as they possibly could. And that's why we had to go on the ship. So again, I'm, you know, I'm a young man. I'm learning, okay, this is round two with these catastrophes. Don't trust uncle Sam. When they tell you something's bad, it's either not as bad or far worse than what it really is. And so we go on the ship. They float us out to sea. We start doing circles. We do the best we can to get the thing up and running. No hot water, probably for the first, the first 14 days, I'd say. So you're taking cold showers. The sailors don't like you on the bow, you know, just, just awkward. The culture was weird. All the people that were supervisors and managers, they all of a sudden became officers. We became enlisted, which I hated because I had already given up the military. I had already done my time and got out. And so I could recognize what was going on. So it was starting to get really hard for me. People fighting, arguing, and just, I mean, it was just, just chaos. It got to the points where the Navy had to establish their riot team anytime that we'd have a meeting because the civilians were about to get out of control. Like, you can't tell me what to do. I want to know what's going on and where we're going. No communication. I could not talk to Jessica. You can't pick up a cell phone on those things and just call whoever you want. That's not allowed. Internet, they watch every keystroke you make. And good luck trying to get on the internet with our two computers that they'll let you use, right? So finally I get a chance. We drop some people off in Sausabo. I somehow get selected to stay on for another two weeks. Go figure, right? And we go float around, come back. I go home. But the people that stayed behind wound up picking up a decent amount of radiation. And when I left that organization and I was going through medical, I asked the doctor, so what's my total? Because I was a nuclear worker. I'd go into plants regularly, do operations, do jobs and stuff. And he was like, oh, just, you know, he gave me the number, what it was. And I was like, that's weird. So what happened to that stuff in Japan? And he's like, oh, you've been to Japan? Kind of like gave me that Mormon look like. This never happened. Completely wiped off my records. The lady who had the big old infection or the radiation spotter arm, completely gone from her records. Not part of her total count. So to be honest with you, I'm kind of glad that I don't work anymore. Great money, great job, learned a lot, wouldn't trade it for the world. But the health aspect and just knowing the fact Uncle Sam does not care about you is enough to kind of be like, okay, you know, it's a good thing. I'm glad God called me out of there. But you know, from our first point, what I want to tell you is the first thing that I learned is this. The greatest danger is a panicked population. The greatest danger of any catastrophe is a panicked population. Turn to Matthew chapter 24. Matthew chapter number 24. I saw during Hurricane Katrina, people panicking when I got back, you know, where's the food? When are we getting restocked? This, that, and the other thing. The whole Superdome thing. People panicking, not knowing when they're going to get out, whether their houses are still, you know, standing. When you get around a bunch of heathen people like that, that don't love God, that are just selfish, you're in for a rough ride. You know, you're in for some trouble because people care about number one. But I want to highlight this verse for you. Matthew 24, look at verse 12. It says, and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. And so that's what you need to really understand about any kind of pandemic, any kind of terrorist attack, any kind of situation that affects the whole country, like a hurricane, a tornado, or something like that, is that because iniquity abounds in this country. I mean, think about it. What does our government stand for? Righteous acts or unrighteous? That's unrighteous. That's right. Stand for abortion, queers, everything that goes against God. And because iniquity abounds, the love of many is waxing cold. So what I'm trying to tell you is some people have this false idea that like, oh, something goes down and UN comes here. You know, our neighbors, we're going to band together and we're going to beat everybody because we all have guns. No, because iniquity abounds, the love of many wax cold. People are worried about number one. They aren't worried about you. I mean, think about that. Look around you tonight. Look at some of these empty seats here. You know, this community will back you up when there isn't a catastrophe. You think they're going to back you up if 5,000 UN soldiers just parachute in here in the treasure valley? Not going to happen. You know, you're going to have to protect yourself. And I would advise everybody to always be aware of where the masses gather when there's something that goes on. So let's say government comes in. Hey, we've got these food trucks. We're going to be passing this stuff out. Use caution, use discretion because the masses will trod you down. Now turn to second Kings chapter number seven, second Kings chapter number seven. And we're going to take a look at a time in Israel's history where there was a pandemic, where there was famine, where there were panic attacks and all sorts of just wickedness going on. And part of the reason for me showing you this is one, to kind of calm you down there, at least you can look to these stories and be like, hey, at least we're not in this stage yet, right? And also to learn from what they had to go through, how they reacted and how the masses reacted here. Now in second Kings chapter six, towards the end of the chapter there, look at verse number 26. So back up to second Kings six, look at verse 26. It says, and as the King of Israel was passing by upon the wall, there cried a woman unto him saying, help my Lord, O King. And he said, if the Lord do not help thee, when shall I help thee? Out of the barn floor or out of the winepress? Verse 28. And the King said unto her, what aileth thee? And she answered, this woman said unto me, give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son tomorrow. Verse 29, so we boiled my son and did eat him. And I said unto her on the next day, give thy son that we may eat him and she hath hid her son. At least we're not at this stage, okay? And what's the lesson here? If anybody offers to boil their kids, run, okay? But more seriously, you need to be careful about trusting people when there's famine, when there's a pandemic, when there's a terrorist attack, when there's a hurricane, when there's a nuclear radiological attack or something like that. All I'm saying is just be careful. People will promise you the world to get what they want. Okay? Look at verse 30. And it came to pass when the King heard the words of the woman that he rent his clothes and passed by upon the wall. And the people look and behold, he had sackcloth within upon his flesh. Then he said, go and do some more also to me. I'm sorry. Then he said, God do so and more also to me. If the head of Elisha, the son of Shaphath shall stand on him this day. But Elisha sat in his house and the elders sat with him and the King sent a man from before him. But here the messenger came to him. He said to the elders, see how this son of a murderer has sent to take away mine head. Look when the messenger cometh, shut the door and hold him fast at the door is not the sound of his master's feet behind him. And while he yet talked with him, behold, the messenger came down unto him and he said, behold, this evil is of the Lord. What should I wait for the Lord any longer? And so you can kind of see here, what does the King do? He blames God's people. He blames the prophets, right? You know, the government's kind of doing the same thing. Now I understand we don't know the full effects of this coronavirus, right? And like I said at the beginning, you know, whether you believe it or not, you're better safe than sorry. I don't care if they cry wolf a thousand times. One thing that I've learned for a fact is that they're either, the numbers are either way worse or way less, but you know what? If they say, hey, we absolutely have to quarantine people. Don't go outside. You're better off just heeding to that advice and then assessing the situation from there, right? Better safe than sorry. Cause look, what happened to the people that did not heed the warning during hurricane Katrina? A lot of them died. A lot of them got taken hostage. A lot of them got, I mean, had their lives turned around or lost their lives to begin with, you know, and they would have been much better off to just have left. I know people that lived in how well, my house is a hundred years old. I've never seen it in my lifetime. I'm going to stay right here and they are dead today. Is it really worth it for a house that's a hundred years old? That's been passed down from generation to generation. No, it's not worth your life. Not at all. The people that stay behind in Fukushima or in Yokosuka, Japan, they wound up picking up radiation through the food, through the water. And just because of the plume that came through there, you know, one of the reasons I believe why they took us out to sea and had us doing circles for as long as they did is to half-life us. Because I heard that some of the people that did make it back to SeaTac, they were setting off the dosimeters at customs. That's how much radiation they had picked up. Now that's insane. You know, I put myself on every iodine, blue algae, all the vitamins you could think of for months. No sugar, just straight organic diet. I think it might've helped. I mean, I haven't had any negative effects that I know of to this day. But what we can learn from what we've read so far here is that, you know, oftentimes the government's just looking for a way to blame God's people. You know, and I think maybe one of the reasons why they're like suggesting no more than 10 people, it's going to attack every church in the country. I really believe that. Now again, does that mean I'm going to be like, I'm not quarantined and I'm going over here. I'm going to do this. Not necessarily, you know, we're still too young in this, especially in the treasure valley. It hasn't really hit as hard. I talked to a person today who's very high up in the hospital industry above doctors and he's in respiratory health and he's very familiar with this virus. And he, and I'm just going to tell you what he told me is I think this is a joke. And he like forced handshakes on us, you know, cause at my job they're like, don't shake anybody's hand. I mean, they're, they're, they're freaking out. And you know, when you have, you know, these lavish, you know, this lavish lifestyle and you have these expensive vehicles and a lot of vested in this world, you know, and something like this happens, you're going to have a lot of fear, you know, because most of these rich people, they put their trust in their riches. The rest of us are like, we don't care. I'd rather go to heaven anyways. And I don't believe what's going on anyways that much. So I'm going to try to get as many people saved as I can before they all hide in their houses for the next month or two months. Right. So, you know, there's that. But he was saying, Hey, these doctors are freaking out. He's like, they're part of the problem. And like I said, I'm just telling you what he said. I'm not trying to downplay this at all because I haven't studied it that much. And like I said, I'd rather be safe than sorry, to be honest with you, because I've seen what happens to people when they ignore these warnings. Okay. And he said, you know what, these doctors, they're scared because one, he said, the main reason they're scared around here is because everybody all of a sudden thinks they have the coronavirus because of the media. You know, they hear a story on Facebook or on Twitter or on Fox news or CNN, and they come in there and they've got nothing but a bunch of allergies, which are very common for this time of year. And they're like, I've got coronavirus. I think I'm going to die. You know, so these doctors are stressed out because what happens when somebody does have that virus, they come in there and they're at the back of the line affecting everybody. You know, he's like, so that's why they're freaking out. He's like, and they're also freaking out because this is new. They don't understand it. And he said, number three, and I thought this was interesting. He said, they're freaking out because they're afraid they're going to lose them. Nice mansions in the Hills, man. I was like, Hey, you and I agree about that. You know, that, that is true. I've been keeping track this week and the people that I've seen freak out the most are in houses over $700,000. So what I've been doing is I go to a house, the person's all like, did you wash your little booties? Did you wash your hands? You know, this kind of stuff. I go out in the car and I type in, I try to find out how much your house is worth. So I can kind of just get some insight. I know it's kind of, kind of silly, but you know, it's true. You know, it seems like the middle-class people are like, man, I'm going to play golf. I'm doing this. I'm doing, they're just living it up, you know? And I, I don't know. You just got to, you got to kind of laugh, you know, like I said, don't give these people your joy, right? If you have to quarantine, so what, at least you're not having to boil your kids, right? At least we're saved and we believe the Bible. You know what? It's true. It's going to affect the church. We're not going to have that many visitors. It's going to be hard to have people open the doors, right? And we might have to make some adjustments in the very near future. But so what? That's a part of life. It will continue. We'll go on. Better safe than sorry. So again, we're going to keep reading here. So basically what happens here, you start off chapter seven, you're going to read about these four leprous men. You know, famine's bad. There's nothing to eat. They say, you know what? We're not going to wait here any longer. Let's just go and find the Syrians. Maybe they'll save us alive, or maybe they'll just kill us. We'll see what happens. So what happens? They go to where the Syrians are camped out because Ben-Hadad is leading a charge against Samaria, trying to conquer it. And what they find is that God had caused the Syrians to flee in the middle of the night. And so these four leprous guys, they show up to the Syrians camp. They don't find anybody there, but they find silver, they find food, and they're going into tents, which, you know, they probably shouldn't be doing, right? Being lepers, or hopefully they marked them, you know, before they went in there. And they start living it up. They start living the good life. And they kind of realize, you know what? This isn't really right what we're doing. We should probably go tell somebody. So look at verse 10, it says, so they came and called unto the porter of the city. And they told them saying, we come to the camp of the Syrians and behold, there was no man there, neither voice of man, but horses tied and asses tied and the tents as they were. Verse 11, and he called the porters and they told it to the king's house within. Verse 12, and the king arose in the night and said unto his servants, I will now show you what the Syrians have done to us. They know that we be hungry. Therefore, are they gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field saying, when they come out of the city, we shall catch them alive and get into the city. And so he decides to send a small group down there. They find out the truth that they did flee. And again, typical politician living in fear, right? They see a blessing and they can't even recognize it when it's right under their face, you know? And so again, you know, you can't trust politicians in this country. You couldn't even really trust them back then. Why? Because iniquity bounds, the love of many shall wax cold. Do you think they love you? Do you think they're going to tell you the truth about anything? No, you're out of your mind. Jump down to verse 17. It says, and the king appointed the Lord on whose hand he leaned to have the charge of the gate. And what I want you to notice here is what happens when people panic. Okay. So basically I kind of skipped some of the story, but they send the small detachment there. They find out, okay, it's true. And then everybody's like food, right? I mean, these people are hungry. These people have been, you know, having diseases, just all kinds. I mean, think about it. They're, they're having to boil their children. It's bad times, right? So when they hear that the Syrians are gone, freedom's coming, they're getting food. Look what happens. It says verse 17, and the king appointed the Lord on whose hand he leaned to have charge of the gate. And the people trode upon him in the gate. And he died as the man of God had said, who spake when the king came down to him. Again, okay, this isn't the same kind of panic that we have today, but it is a panic. It's a panic that the food's going to run out if they don't get there first. What happened? This guy who's in charge of the gate, this worker, he gets trode upon and he dies. So point number one is the greatest danger is a panicked population, right? So you find yourself in a situation in the future where everybody's heading to one location, be careful. And you say, well, what do we do? I'll show you what to do later on as the sermon goes. And all I'm trying to tell you is you have got to keep your eye on the masses because they are not filled with love. I hate to break it to you. Now, when I was in Japan and the earthquake happened, Japan's a wicked society. I don't want to be like Japan, but I will say they handled it a whole lot better than the people of New Orleans held up during Katrina. You know, I mean, they weren't freaking out. All the stores shut down early, and I'm not suggesting that they do this here, but they all redistributed water. They limited water, the limited resources. And if you went into a Japanese store, you could get water, you could get meat, you could get bread, you could get all the stuff that you need, medicines, because they just as a general, they just have a, they take care of each other better than we do here. I'll say it. It's true. It's a fact. Now I don't want Japan's culture here because that's a God hating nation. I mean, that's a fact. Wicked nation. I could spend hours up here talking to you the wickedness that goes on there, but they do a good job at pretending. Now I do think part of the reason why they are the way they are is because they contaminate the water. When I was there, I would not drink the water. I believe that they put pharmaceuticals or something in that water to keep them feminized. Some of the Japanese men that I met and trained with there, they believe the same thing. I can't prove that to you. That's just my opinion. Okay. So don't say that. I said that's for a fact, but that's what I believe. So you can just take that for what it's worth. If you would, turn to Proverbs chapter number 16. So real quick, I just want to talk about this point a little bit more. The greatest danger is a panicked population. Tent cities, bad. You know, the tent city they tried to put my family in was a joke. You know, there was, to this day, I don't understand it. There were people on base in this tent city. They'd been there for a while. And I'm like, where did they come up with these people? Are they actors? I mean, I remember people looking at their chops, like looking at us. I'm like, how are we supposed to sleep? Where am I going to put my kids? There's no place for them to lay. How's a six month old little baby going to sleep in a bunk bed? And these people were sketchy. I'll just say it, tell you it right now. You know, so of course I didn't stay. I'm like, I'm not going to stay here. This is a joke. And I lost all confidence in the government. So, you know, when I say stuff like we'll obey the quarantine and things like that, you know, just understand I've been through it. I know you can't trust uncle Sam. I've lived it over and over and over again in my life. But you're there in Proverbs 16, look at verse 27. It says this, an ungodly man diggeth up evil and his, in his lips, there is a burning fire, right? So an ungodly person will always have the agenda, have the goal to dig up evil, things that hurt, news that hurts. Okay. So I would just caution you, be very careful about staying glued to the news. Be very careful about listening to your co-workers. Why? Because they are full of fear. And the Bible says that the fear of man is a snare. It's not healthy for you. It's not healthy for your family. And it's not good for the cause of Christ. It will just snare you. So an ungodly man diggeth up evil. Anytime there's a crisis, I don't care, hurricane, earthquake, nuclear terrorist attack, a virus, you're going to have ungodly men in the media digging up things. I was in a house the other day and she, this lady was just blasting Fox news. This house was over a million dollars. Okay. These people are very wealthy, scared to death out of their minds. She's like salivating watching the TV. She's just like, Oh, I just, I just hope this doesn't bother you. The TV's right here. And I'm trying to work on her fireplace. It's just a super loud and all it is is the New Jersey governor talking about, we're going to do this, blah, blah, blah. And then going to Jay Inslee up in Washington, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Just fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. That's all it was. You know, and I get done working on it, you know, and I wipe everything down, right? Because I can tell how this is going to go. You know, it's just like, Oh, I think you wiped everything down. It looks like there's no fingerprints on it. And I'm thinking to myself, I'm more, I'm more worried about you giving me a virus and me giving you one. Man. But anyways, nice people. Aside from that, I I'd been there before. They, they were all right. Okay. I'm just letting off a little bit of steam tonight. All right. It's been a long week and I'm angry. Right. So I fixed like two things in her house. It turned out to be a pretty good house, you know, job wise, but I'll tell you what, the reason why she's freaking out is because she's just listening to this stuff. These guys are just fear, fear, fear, fear. You know, there's like a little twirly hypnotic symbol, you know, going back and forth and just circling around on Fox news. And she's just like, she's like doing this kind of stuff. You know, look, an ungodly man diggeth up evil. Those people on those shows are more worried about digging up evil. Why? Because their lips burn with fire. They want to open their mouth and they want to cast that evil out on the population. They love it. Why? Because they're miserable. They're freaking out too. They think they're going to lose everything. I don't really have much. I don't care. I mean, I got my family and stuff and you'd better believe I'm taking my family, but you know, I don't have to worry about losing the big boat, the jet skis. I don't have to worry about that garbage and neither do most of you. Right? You see what happens. I've told you this. This is what happens when people focus on the temporal versus the eternal. That's what happens. Something like this goes down fear. I'm scared. Where's the soy milk? Where's my bottle? Where's my blankie? That's us. That's how some of these people are. I went to another person's house and they're freaking out. This guy is a doctor and he was like, Oh, I'm sorry to call you out in a time like this. I'm not going to get too close to you. All right. He's like, like dance away. And he's trying to tell me his problem, you know? And I'm like, yeah, whatever. His wife, I don't know what she does, but she was super rude. I'm there to work on their ice maker, right? Cause you got to have your ice. Oh, God forbid my ice maker quits working. I got to go buy some ice at the store. But anyways, whatever. So this lady here, right? She's making these little chocolate things. She's like, I'm glad I read on the email that you guys are taking all these safety precautions because I'm making these chocolate treats here. And she's like, I need to get in the refrigerator right where I'm working. Of course you do. Right? Of course right now you just have to get in your refrigerator. You know, she's got this cookie pan full of these little peppermint chocolate things, right? And she puts them on these five bottles of wine that are sloped like this. And she's like, try not to knock them over. Guess what happened? They got all knocked over. Right? So what happened basically I was, I was done. I was telling the guy, you know, it's going to be, you know, $300 to fix this junk. I didn't say it like that, but he's like, I don't have $300 right now. No, but you got two Lexuses in a big boat in your garage. You can't afford 300 bucks, huh? Whatever. I didn't say it to him. I just, okay, fine. No problem. I got to get out of here. You know, open up the door one more time because I need to do something. I hear this crash. He's like, my ice maker's working. I was like, I don't think that was an ice maker. I said, come here, hold this door. And he goes over there, holds the door and it's all of his treats that are falling down. You know what? That's their fault. That's not my fault. Right? And I know this has nothing to do with the sermon, but it just really pisses me off. Right? The love of many has wax cold. That's what I'm trying to prove to you this evening. Right? Anyways, he had to pick all that stuff up and I was just like, that's not my fault, dude. You know? And he's like, yeah, it's not your fault. You know, we shouldn't have done that. You're right. You shouldn't have done that. It's stupid. Aren't you cold to be here to work on your appliance. And now all of a sudden you're going to have me playing Jenga in there too. You idiots. This is why I don't belong in customer service. It is hard for me to do this job. All right. What am I, what am I even talking about this for? Does anybody know? Yeah, that's right. The love of many show wax cold. All right. We got to move on here. Keep your place in Proverbs because we're going to come back to it like a hundred times. Right? So point number one is this, the greatest danger, what I've learned from these catastrophes, hurricane Katrina, Fukushima, and what's going on right now is the greatest danger is a panicked population. The greatest danger is a panic population. I'm talking about their physical actions and what they say. Don't listen to them. Don't trust them. You know, be thankful that we're called to be sanctified from the world. I would just encourage you to have as little to do with those people as you possibly can, because it's going to save your physical health. Go to Proverbs chapter 11. Proverbs chapter 11. Point number two is this. The government is lying. You say, what did you learn from hurricane Katrina? What did you learn from Fukushima? Point number two, the government is lying. Things are either worse or better than they say. Part of the reason is because there's a lot of authority in the government. Right? That's part of the reason. And I'm going to say this again so somebody does not try to twist my words. I don't care how many times they cry wolf. It's better to listen. Sorry. It's better to listen and take things seriously anyways than it is to just write it off. And then the next thing you know, they were right. And you lose your life or you lose everything that you have. Okay. So just, you know, just remember that it's better. You're better safe than sorry. Proverbs chapter 11. Look at verse 13. A tail bearer reveal his secrets, but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. Now the reason why I had you read that verse is because our government is full of tail bearers. The media is full of tail bearers. There are people, it seems like when, when things aren't as bad as they are, the media will try to push it to be as worse as could possibly be. They'll say things, they'll put people on there in a way to scare you, to fear monger you. I can remember being in new Orleans and watching Fox news in the chow hall on base, right? Just eating my breakfast, whatever, watching this stuff and being around some of the other guys. And they're saying like, Oh, it's not that bad. And you know, just saying things and we're like the holy side of the city is wiped out. The loss of life is far exceeded what you're saying. It is bad here. It's hard to get gas. It's hard to get food. FEMA's running around, knocking on people's doors, trying to find out if you're ripping the government off. I mean, it was a nightmare, you know? And so we, you know, day after day after day, while I was there by myself, you know, just doing my job, I would just, that's one thing I noticed the government is like, the media is lying to you every time. But does that mean we just blow it off? Let's say they do come out with a mandate. Hey, you have to quarantine yourselves. This is getting out of control. Just, just obey and do it. It is a biblical concept. It really is. It's in the Bible. Okay. Now do we, do I think that they're blowing this out of proportion? I don't know. Maybe, maybe around here because this medical professional I talked to today, he was like, most of the cases that have been confirmed here, they're not as serious as, as what the media has been putting out to be, you know, but I'm not going to necessarily just listen to that and take that for granted. If they mandate that, you're better off just taking that time and just doing it. Better safe than sorry. But yes, it's true. The government is lying and things are either worse or they're better than what they're saying. All right. Turn to, let's see, go back to Proverbs 16. I want you to turn to the memory of Proverbs 18, which says this, the words of a tailbearer are as wounds and they go down into the innermost part of the belly. And so just another little tidbit of advice, you know, don't glue yourself to the media. You know, a lot of us say, I don't have TV. That's fine. Be careful what you're reading on the internet. Okay. Stay up to date, stay informed. That's okay. But just know a lot of these people are tailbearers. Okay. They are tailbearers. They go and they sow gossip. They speak mischievous words to hurt. And the things that they say often go down and hurt the innermost part of your being. It's the reason why some people are freaking out because they don't have all the facts. All they have is the maybes. While I was listening to that stupid broadcast, I didn't hear like I heard any facts other than we're closing these restaurants down at this time for this amount of time. And the rest of it was, well, maybe we're going to have to do this. Maybe we're going to have to do that. And that's what people hear. They don't hear the maybe. They hear, oh, the end of the world's coming. Oh, we're all going to die. Oh man, some people are going to die. That's what they hear. You see, when you're not glued to the media all the time and you hear it once in a while, you can, your brain can really pick apart the lies and what they're actually trying to do. You know, so just be careful about tailbearers. The media is full of them. And Leviticus 19 and 16 says this, thou shall not go up and down as a tailbearer among thy people. So a good tidbit for us, you know, if you don't have facts, be very careful about spreading rumors. And I'm not saying anybody in here is doing this, but just be careful, right? Be careful about hearing a maybe or a possibly and then running around and saying that that's true because it's a commandment in the Bible that we don't behave like that. Okay. So Proverbs 16, look at verse 28, a froward man soweth strife and a whisperer separateth chief friends. Again, government media, full of froward people, full of fools. Proverbs 16, 29, a violent man enticeth his neighbor and leadeth him into the way that is not good. That is what these people do. They have led people to go hoard toilet paper and all these other products. And it's like, look, I've been going to the Albertsons on Lake Hazel and Five Mile like every day. Cause I've been driving back and forth by the golf course. Cause that's just where all my jobs are. You know, people want their stuff fixed so they can go play golf and come home and have a good meal. Right. And you know, I noticed that they have meats, they have canned goods, have everything. This don't have any toilet paper right now. They had a little bit yesterday and then that didn't last very long. But you know, these violent people that are out there, what they're doing is they're leading the people into a way that it is not good, which is why you gotta be careful and just, just be aware of the population because when they panic, people get hurt. People get trode upon. They get ran over. All right. So let's move on here. Go to Proverbs chapter 21, Proverbs chapter 21. So point number two is this. The government is lying. Things are either worse or better than they say. Know that, understand that, but don't go overboard with it. Okay. We don't need to hide down into a bunker for the rest of our lives and start, you know, digging holes up here in the mountains and get rid of the internet and do all this crazy stuff and make sure you don't go to Google, you know, and if you don't go to Google, that's fine. I don't really care, but just all I'm saying is just be aware. Just be aware of your surroundings and watch out when there's a mass gathering of people because you will get hurt. I have never not seen it. When there was a mass gathering on the USS George Washington after Fukushima, people were getting hurt. You know, people were getting threatened. You know, it was just a nightmare. Superdome, mass gathering of people, people getting trode upon, people dying, you know, drugs, murders, all kinds of stuff going on there. Bad idea. Hey, we set up this tent city. Come on down. Uh-uh. I will go make a bunker up there in the hills if that's the case. All right. All right. So we got to move on here. Point number three is this. Knowledge on how to acquire food and resources is just as important as stockpiling. Look, people love this. I've got a full garage of hand sanitizer and toilet paper. Well, you know what? You're not stronger than 25 people armed and trained ready to come get you. You're not that cool. You're not Rambo. I don't care how tough you are. These people think they're so cool. Well, I've got all these ARs and I've got all the stuff. You can only shoot one at a time. And let me just tell you something again. If you cannot shoot, move, and communicate at the same time, you will die. You are not Rambo. That is a fallacy. That is garbage. That's a fantasy. Shoot, move, and communicate. If you cannot do those three things and do those three things effectively, you will die. You will die. People say, oh, they're not going to come get me. If the government tries to enforce this quarantine, they're not going to come get me. They will come get you. And in that situation, it's better to know how to get food than it is to have that garage full of toilet paper and paper towels and all this stuff that you think you're going to get. Oh, I've got 18,000 cases of 556 and 762, man. You come to my... Look, all it takes is 25 trained men. People say, oh, the UN's weak, blah, blah, blah. They might be weak considering a lot of other military units around the world, but you're not stronger than they are. And if they come to get you, they will get you. Your best bet in a situation like that is to flee. And look, I think it's a great idea to learn what is edible around here, where to get water, and how to build shelter. Because if they decide to get crazy with something later on, let's say it's not a virus. Let's say the next thing is a terrorist attack, right? And they are going to come get us. Or they do allow the Chinese to hijack one of our carriers and come on shore with cruise ships or whatever, however they would orchestrate. Let's say something like that happens. You know, do you think the cops and the military are going to fight them and protect you? And then all the Americans are, you know, America, there's a guy with a gun behind every blade of grass. Oh no, cops will round you up and make sure you comply for your own safety. They will hoard you up and put you in a camp is what they will do. I've seen it. They try to put me in a camp over a hurricane because some guy didn't like my boss. How much more will they not do that to this nation here? So you need, I strongly recommend you study berries, how to get water, how to build shelter, and how to conceal yourself, how to hide. Look, that toilet paper and your 14 cans of stew, they're not going to save you. If you can't hunt, if you can't build shelter, you can't defend yourself, you're done. You know, when things are going great, it's nice to sit around the coffee table and talk about how tough we are and how much I'll do to the cops if they get out of line and come call me on me. No, you're going to get smoked. That's what's going to happen to you. So knowledge, point number three is this knowledge on how to acquire food and resources is just as important as stockpiling. Proverbs 21 verse 20 says this, there is treasure to be desired in oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man spendeth it up. So there is some value in saving materials. There is value in having extra food. Okay. I'm not against stockpiling. I'm not against having extra food. You should, especially right now, you should have some extra food. What does it say here? There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise. That means the wise will have these things no matter what. They come take away your 14 Kansas stew. The wise says I've still got food. They come take away your five, five, six. The wise says I've still got seven, six, two over here. They come take my house. I go to the hills. I go to the mountains. I escape. I adapt and I overcome and get the job done. Proverbs 21 verse 31. Look at verse 31. There's nothing wrong with being prepared. There's nothing wrong with being a prepper, but there is something wrong with being an idiot and thinking that your garage full of toilet paper is going to save your backside because it's not. Right? Verse 31. The horse is prepared against the day of battle, but safety is of the Lord. We need to remember this in times like this, safety is of the Lord. It's not going to be of you. And there's nothing wrong with preparation. There's nothing wrong with saving ammo. There's nothing wrong with having a bug out bag. There's nothing wrong with having extra medicine or food. There's not anything wrong with that stuff, but there is stuff wrong when people put their stock in the wrong things. When they think I've got this elaborate garden out in my backyard, how's that garden going to help? You know how long it takes to grow vegetables? How's that going to help you when the armed men come to your house? You will die. I wish people would get that concept through their head. I think everybody should spend one year in the infantry to see what would happen if a platoon of people came to your house trained and ready to go. People think, well, I'm a mighty man. I played college basketball. I was a big time wrestler. Hey, that's great. But 45 people with automatic weapons and semi-automatic weapons trained with communications that can move and shoot will destroy you. You are not that tough. I hate to break it to you. It's just, you will not survive. You're not going to protect that garden, dude. Nothing wrong with having those things, right? Have your garden, but have enough sense to know when you hear the boot steps coming, you better get running, man. You better, you better learn to flee. You better learn to put your pride aside and have that wisdom to still have those things when you flee. Look, there were people that did very well in Katrina that had wisdom, that did not go to the Superdome, that hid out in places. They still, they still made it alive. They still had food. They know where to go. They knew, they knew the right spots to go to, to take cover and to stay away from the masses. There were people like that. Those are wise people. Now in an earthquake, it just hits you like that and you're done. Okay. Not a whole lot you can do about that, but you could still have wisdom, right? You should always have extra stuff. You should always have preparation in the back of your mind. Okay. That's the point that I'm trying to make here. Look at Proverbs 27. Turn to Proverbs chapter 27. Look at verse 12. Proverbs chapter 27. Look at verse 12. It says this, a prudent man foreseeeth the evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished. I saw that in Fukushima. I saw that during Hurricane Katrina. And you will see that if this gets worse. There are people out there that do think this is a joke. And even if 10 million people did drop dead tomorrow, they would still want to go to the bars. Monday, I went to this guy's house. First call Monday. This guy's like, sorry, my house is all messed up, man. I just got back from the bar just a few hours ago. It was great. Had the whole place to myself and it's my birthday. He's like, I was in Afghanistan. I got this virus. I got that virus. I don't care. Ain't no coronavirus going to hurt me. How do you know that? The Bible says that the simple pass on and are punished. But a prudent man, he could foresee the evil. So there's nothing wrong with looking out and trying to assess what's coming. That's fine. As long as it doesn't become fearful and a snare unto you. Okay. That's fine. So we want to be prudent. We don't want to be simple. There's balance. The Bible talks a lot about balance. A false balance is an abomination to the Lord. All right. So let's move on here. Go to Proverbs chapter 29. Proverbs chapter 29. Point number four is this. We're going to move on here. We'll be done. Fear is a method to control people. One thing I learned from Katrina is when they wanted the masses to do something, they did it by promoting fear. Same thing with Fukushima. When they wanted us to get on the aircraft carrier, they would tell us the plumes almost here. It's like five miles out. And then there would be a delay in the like, well actually we learned it's like a day out. So we're good for another night guys. Okay. We're cool. And it's like kind of funny how this plume is like right on time with when we're supposed to leave, which tells me it's either already here and we're suffering from it, or it's not coming for a few days after we're gone. Don't really know. But one thing I do know is that fear is a method to control people. So we need as God's people to remember to protect ourselves from fear. Proverbs 29, look at verse 25. The fear of man bringeth a snare, but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. See, how do I remain safe in a time like this? You need to put your trust in the Lord. Don't allow yourself to become riddled with fear. Because when you do, you get yourself into a snare, into a trap, into anxiety and into all sorts of trouble and problems. And then you're not productive for God anymore. You're counterproductive. Right? So point number four, this is what I've learned from the catastrophe fees that I have seen is that fear is a method to control people. Turn to Proverbs chapter 10. And while you're turning there, I'm gonna read for you Psalm 23, four, which says this. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou are with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they come for me. Look, every single day, the Bible says that we're alive. We are literally walking in the valley of the shadow of death. But why do we not fear? Because we have the truth. We have the rod. We have the staff. We have God's word. We don't need to be afraid. You know what the people that are afraid, these people that go to these other churches like Treasure Valley, you know why they're afraid? Because they're not reading the Bible. They're reading the little subtitles on Fox News over and over and over and over and over and over again. That's why they're scared. Don't be like that. It's a trap. Proverbs 10, look at verse 24. The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him, but the desire of the righteous shall be granted. Just know this nation, it really does deserve what it's got coming. You know what? We're not going to be exempt from pestilence. We're not going to be exempt from earthquakes. We're not going to be exempt from terrorism. You know, God has to bring judgment on this nation. Will it happen with this virus? I don't think so. I could be wrong, but it'll happen with something else. It'll happen with the threat of an invasion because our military is not getting any harder. They're getting softer, right? They're turning themselves into women. You know, men turning themselves into women, allowing queers in. They're destroying themselves from the inside out. They're not going to be able to protect us much longer. God is going to take that away and say, well, this is Babylon. You don't know that. Show me the nation who's had the Sodomites prevail in their government and in their military that's still around today. Where are they? Where are they? They're gone every single time because those people flee when no man pursues. That's what the Bible says. Real quickly, go to first Corinthians chapter 16. First Corinthians chapter number 16. Why are you turning there? I'm gonna read for you Psalm 9 21 says this, put them in fear, O Lord, that the nations may know themselves to be, but men say law. So we need to think about that. We need to meditate on that verse. You know what? God allows these things to happen so that the heathen and the God haters will know that they're just men. Hey science boy, how are you going to save yourself from the coronavirus if you get it? You God hating reprobate. You're not going to be able to, huh? I don't care how much science you know. And guess who's trembling the most now? It's the rich. It's the doctor. It's the guy down at Boise State that makes a lot of money that tells people that we evolved from rocks and monkeys. They're scared and they're shaking in their boots. First Corinthians 16. We're going to answer this question now. Okay. You said all this stuff to us. What do we do? Look at verse 13. First Corinthians 16, 13. Watch ye stand fast in the faith. Quit you like men be strong. So you say, what do I do? Watch. Be aware. Don't be scared. Don't allow fear to settle in your hearts. It says, watch ye stand fast in the faith. Don't quit. Don't backslide. If we have to suspend church for a while, like some of our church friends are having to do this, so be it. We may have to do that. You know, time will tell, but he says, watch ye stand fast in the faith. Quit you like men be strong. Without God's word, without you turning your heart to God and saying, you know what? I'm going to apply these things to my life. You won't be strong. You won't be able to quit yourself. You won't be able to stand fast. Look at verse 14. Let all your things be done with charity. Don't forget about the charity, the brotherly love that we talked about. Somebody needs help, help them out. Somebody needs toilet paper, you got an extra roll, give it to them, right? Help each other out. This is how we will remain strong as the body of Christ during times like this, right? So just a quick recap. Point number one was this. The greatest danger is a panicked population. You know, beware the population and the direction that they're going. That's all I'm saying. Anytime I've seen a mass gathering hoarded by the government media, it's always been a disaster, all right? Always been a disaster. And point number two is this. The government is lying. Things are either worse or better than they say. And just realize we live in a crooked and perverse nation, okay? No secret there. That doesn't mean that everything they say you should ignore. Sometimes, and honestly, most of the time when they mandate something like that, it's real. When they told us to leave New Orleans, if we didn't, I may not be standing here before you this evening. If I didn't leave Japan when I did, I might be, I don't know, I might have an arm growing out of my head or something. Who knows, you know? You never know. And just remember this, Proverbs 29, 12, it says this, if a ruler harkens to lies, all his servants are wicked. Well, our rulers harken to lies, all right? Doesn't the president have Paul White as a spiritual advisor? Okay, he harkens to lies, okay? And that's probably the mild version, right? He harkens to lies in all his servants are wicked. Every last one of them. Why? Birds of a feather flock together. And point number three was this, knowledge on how to acquire food and resources is just as important as stockpiling. Proverbs 24, four says this, or 20 verse four says this, the sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold, therefore shall he beg and harvest and have nothing. Laziness in times like this will destroy people. People say, I ain't going to the store, I'll just Uber. What are you gonna do when all the Uber people decide to bounce? Then what? You know, I can't go outside. I guess I'll just sit here and die. Don't be like that. Point number four was this, fear is a method to control people. And we just need to understand the proper perspective with fear, okay? We need to fear God, not man. It's a snare, it's a trap. And right, like I said here, let me just read this verse for you again. Deuteronomy 4, 9, only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen. Unless they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life, but teach them thy sons and thy sons' sons. You know, it's going to get to a point where people are like, I'm sick of hearing about the coronavirus, I'm sick of hearing about this, I'm sick of hearing about that. But you know what? Out of all of this, there will be lessons learned that are worth value for the future to come, right? So don't be afraid to talk about these things as time goes on. You know, whatever lessons that we learn, we need to not forget them and we need to pass those along because knowledge is power. Amen. Let's bow our heads, have a word of prayer. Thank you so much for the truth of your word. For those that came out here tonight, Lord, please help us to remain calm and only fear you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.