(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Amen. First Thessalonians chapter number two. Real quickly look down at verse number 15. So the Bible says, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us and they please not God and are contrary to all men. Contrary to all men. We're going to break this down here in just a minute. Keep your place there, but go to Romans chapter number nine. Romans chapter number nine. So what we're going to talk about this evening, since we're in between books right now is the subject of Jewish supremacy and Jewish supremacy. You know, a lot of people, you just go to Google and type in what are the characteristics of a supremacy group. You're just going to get walled with white supremacy, white supremacy, white supremacy. It's like the only supremacy that's out there apparently is white supremacy. And obviously that is bad. I have in my lifetime met people that have that view. It's sad. They do exist and it's definitely wrong. The Bible says that we are all made of one blood. God has made all the nations of the earth of one blood. So I don't want anybody listening to this to be like, Oh, he's, you know, being racist or anything like this. This has nothing to do with race, but rather a certain people that are contrary to all men. We're going to learn who these people are, why they are the way that they are and who real Jews are. We're going to learn that today. This is very important for us to understand. This is a subject that 90, I don't know, 8%, 99% of Christians, professing Christians do not understand or just quite simply refuse to understand. And so before we start, I just want to be clear on a couple of things. Okay. And first of all, you know, we, we get this question a lot, you know, like, Oh, do you hate the Palestinians? You know, do, or do you, do you, do you wish that all the Jews would just get eradicated from the planet? And what I, my first response when I hear that is right here in Romans chapter nine, verse three, this is the attitude that we have. This is the attitude that Paul had about just your everyday Jew. Look at what Paul says. Actually, you know what, back up to verse number one. So he says, I say the truth in Christ. I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. Now look at this here in verse number three. And he explains why he has this heaviness, this sorrow in his heart. And he says, for I could wish that my self were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen, according to the flesh. So Paul's saying like, look, I know I'm teaching that they're no longer God's chosen people, those that were born in Judea or Jewry, but he's, he's making it very clear that he wishes that they could be saved, that they would just put down the traditions, put down that religion and accept Christ. That's the attitude that we have. We want to see people get saved. However, there is a Jewish supremacy in the world today. And I think it is very, very dangerous. Now, since we're in this chapter here, look over at verse number six, because this is going to highlight who we're talking about. And of course, I'm going to provide you with several examples tonight. Look at verse number six. The Bible says, not as though the word of God hath taken none effect for they are not all Israel, which are of Israel. Okay. Paul said it in his day and that rings true today. So the story goes, the narrative goes, the way that the Zionists preach this, the way the Zionists teach this as well. You know, we have modern day Israel today. That's a fulfillment of prophecy. They're the apple of God's eye. God loves them. They're going to heaven. They're going to go back to the old system and blah, blah, blah. Okay. That is not true. That is not what the Bible teaches. Just because somebody is born with a certain ethnicity in a certain part of the world does not make them supreme. It does not make them better than anyone else. And I'll just say this right off the bat, since this is probably going to get nuked anyways, I would rather eat lunch any day with a Palestinian than I would a Jew. Okay. I'll just say that right now. And if you don't believe me, you just haven't been soul winning long enough. Okay. Because nine times out of 10, when we go talk to a Muslim, they offer us water, cookies, coffee, all sorts of things. They're very nice. They're very pleasant to deal with. But the moment you knock on a messianic Jews door, which is double cursed, if you ask me, who wants to be a mess and a Jew, but that's my opinion. Okay. Or you just, God forbid, knock on someone's door that does go to the synagogue or that is born Jewish. Okay. What's the response? Typically it's very arrogant. It's just like, I'm Jewish. Right. You know, isn't that what they do? I'm Jewish. I'm a messianic Jew. You know what they're telling you without telling you? I'm better than you. I'm supreme. Get down on your knees and start licking my boots. That is the attitude that these people have. And these so-called Christians today are nothing but a bunch of simping, just gizzards that want the approval of Semites. They just want the approval of these Jews. It's disgusting. It's despicable. And I absolutely hate it because it goes against what the Bible teaches. Now look down here at verse seven. It says neither because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children? In other words, he's saying just because someone comes from Abraham's physical lineage does not make them special in and of themselves. He says this, are they all children? Okay. Rhetorical question. He says, but in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Verse eight. That is, so he explains what he means by that and says that is they, which are the children of the flesh. Okay. So your ethnic, your racial, your Ashkenazi, your Sephardic Jews, your people born over there today, whatever you want to call them. Okay. Look at the verse. That is they, which are the children of the flesh. Look at this. These are not the children of God. I believe today that the devil is so clever and there are preachers out there so smooth that they could convince you that these chairs are not gray. That our church is not named Shield of Faith Baptist Church. This is right in front of your face, but yet most of Christianity in most of the world today says, well, they are God's chosen people. I mean, at least that's what they say. Right here, crystal clear. These are not the children of God, but look at the rest of the verse, but the children of the promise are counted for the seed for this is the word of promise. At this time, will I come and Sarah will have us or shall have a son. And so obviously what he goes on to say there is what we all know. When you were born again, when you were saved, you become a Christian. You are God's child. And we're going to spend a great deal of time talking about that. Now go back to first Thessalonians chapter number two. So hopefully that's pretty clear on who we're talking about and how we feel just about the regular average person culturally, just your average Jewish person is much more difficult to be around, much more difficult to deal with. Whereas I would imagine a Palestinian, you know, it would probably be a little bit easier to get along with a little bit better. You know, you'd have more in common with them and whatnot that I think that's very clear. I think the only thing that the IDF, the Israeli defense forces are good at is actually beating down and picking on old people and bullying them and things of that nature. Okay. Now, let me give you a definition to start off. Okay. We're going to, I'm going to give you a definition of what a supremacy is. I typed into Google several times, you know, Hey, what, what are characteristics of a supremacy group? But it always, again, just pretty much always goes back to the total white supremacy, but I figured, okay, I'll play your game and take the most simple definition I could find. So just listen to this. It says a white supremacist or a supremacy group is basically the quality or state of being Supreme, a position. And here it is, we're going to focus on these three things right now. And then again, at the end of the sermon, listen to this unquestioned authority. Okay. Unquestioned authority, dominance or influence. So we're just going to keep that simple. Okay. So everybody, Oh, you know, white supremacy, white supremacy, blah, blah, blah. Okay. The question I have is, okay, so if you're going to throw that on them, are you going to apply that to these other groups? Are you going to apply that to the Jews? And if not, why? What's going on here? Could it be that they have unquestioned authority? Could it be that they have the dominance in media, in medical, in information that gets out there? Could it be that they have enough money to protect and to project their influence? I don't know. I'm just throwing that out there. Okay. So we're going to come back to those three things at the end here, but I really want to just start off here highlighting what Paul's saying and the severity of this here in First Thessalonians chapter number two. So let's back up here to verse number 14. So Paul says this, pay attention here. First three words, for ye brethren. Okay. So for ye, ye plural. Okay. All of you. So you Thessalonians are brethren. Okay. Look at what he says, became followers of the churches of God, which in Judea are in Christ Jesus. So right off the bat, we see a couple of things here. Okay. Number one, we see that he's calling these Thessalonians, which are not physical Jews. What is he calling them? He's calling them brethren. Okay. Fellow heirs of eternal life is what he means there. And he's saying you guys became followers of the churches of God, which in Judea are in Christ Jesus. So now we have a problem here. Okay. Well, we've got a group of people that are saved in Thessalonica that Paul's writing to. Well, now we have a group of people that he's referencing in Judea where Jews reside. Okay. And he's not saying that they're any better. He's not saying that they're Supreme. He's basically saying that you guys are one and like unto each other. But the big point here is that both of you are in Christ. Okay. Remember the Bible says, and I think we'll take a look at this later, that in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile. Okay. So look at the rest of the verse here. He says, For ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have, now look at this, of the Jews. So he's saying, hey, you Thessalonicans, okay, you guys decided to get saved and actually stick with the Bible, stick with the word of God, and that has resulted in some trouble. That has resulted in some of those in your own nation that don't believe to cause damage to you, to cause trouble, and to hurt you. And then he says, that's the same thing that's going on in Judea. Okay. Because of the Jews. Now look at how severe this is here. Okay. Because one group's worse. Okay. One group is worse here. We have to acknowledge this. This is the word of God. Look at verse 15. Who both, now look at that word there, that first word, W H O. Who is that referring to? Don't lose this. The Jews back in verse 14. Okay. Who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us. And they please not God, and here it is again, and are contrary, now look at this, to all men. To all men. Okay. That right there can get you thrown in jail in Canada. That can get you thrown in jail in certain European countries. That is what's called hate speech or antisemitic speech. But what it's really called is the word of God. This is the Bible. This is what the Bible says. This is the Bible. Who's Jesus? He's the word of God. This is Jesus Christ here saying this. Because one of the big things that people throw at us is, oh, well, Jesus was a Jew and you're against the Jews. Right? Isn't that what they say? Well, you're right. Jesus is a Jew. He did come from that part of the world, but guess what? He's also fully God. Meaning he was there before any of that was a thought in any human's mind. Okay. Before it was even created. Not to mention, he's the one telling you this. He's the one who inspired Paul to write this down and to warn us and to preserve this for us so that we could be aware of something. Okay. And that awareness is of a certain group of people and that group of people are Jews. Okay. Not just your everyday guy necessarily that goes to the synagogue, but the hierarchy, the establishment, those who have unquestioned authority, dominance and influence. That group right there, we need to be aware of. Why? Because they are contrary to all men. Notice he doesn't say, you know what? You're Thessalonians. Your guys are also contrary to all men. No, they're just stirred up and angry that there's Christians in their town. Whereas the Jews are like, we need to stop this across the board. We need to go everywhere throughout all the land and stop this. Don't misunderstand this. He's telling you they are contrary, meaning against all men. Here's why. Look at verse 16. Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved. To fill up their sins always. For the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. To the uttermost. Have we reached the uttermost yet? No. Have we reached the end yet? No, we have not. So what does that mean? That means they are still doing the same things today that they were doing on Paul's day, that they were doing while Christ was operating on this earth. They are doing the same exact things. So think about this here. Verse 16. What do they do? Well, we know they're contrary to all men. They're against all men. They want unquestioned authority. They want dominance. They want influence. I'm going to prove that to you later on. Verse 16. He says forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved. Again, we talked about this this morning. You guys know this. What happens if people don't get saved? They become dead. They experience the second death. They die. Now that is their goal. Their goal is to maintain control. That is what they want. That is their goal. That is also their goal today. For example, some of the most wealthy people on this planet. We'll just, so the live stream doesn't get blown up in the middle of it, I'll nickname these people. Who knows who the R-childs are or the R-fellers. If you don't see me after the service, I'll explain who they are. Okay, we'll go over it. Well, you go back in time here. I don't know, 19, 20s, 30s, somewhere around there. I might have those dates wrong. It's been a while since I've seen this material, but this is true. Okay, Mr. R-feller, John D. R-feller, okay, decides, hmm, you know, being the first billionaire in America, who's a Jew by the way, isn't good enough. Okay, and so guess what happens to him? Well, he stumbles upon a recipe to make petroleum-based medicines or pharmaceuticals. Okay, well, guess what? He realizes he's going to become very wealthy for that because he can patent it and he can now use the money that he gets from that to control the media. Okay, so you have, remember your M&Ms, okay? This guy has been able to control medical and media because what happened is when they switched over, so basically what happened, he comes up with this apparently, okay, he comes up with this idea to make petroleum-based pharmaceutical drugs and medicines, okay, and starts buying up pharmaceutical companies in this country, starts just buying them up by the dozens, I guess you could say, and just keeps on doing this. And then what does he have to do? Well, why are people going to buy these versus the natural remedies that have been around for a very long time that people know work, okay? So we know, okay, well, I've got enough money now to get to the medical schools and teach it there and to be able to push these things. What's the result? Well, the result is now and even today, doctors, the pharmaceutical industry is now the third leading cause of death in this country. That happened very quickly when that was established, when there was that change. They pushed the natural medicines over and basically silenced people, arrested people, started labeling them as quags, used the media to push his agenda, okay? Guess what? People get sick, people started dying, people are like questioning, hey, what in the world's going on here? What does he do? Founds the American Cancer Society, okay? Founds the American Cancer Society, problem solved. And here we are today. And I'm just bringing this up because we see this spiritually here in verse 16. This isn't even something that's debatable physically even today. You guys know this. If you don't, I'll show you afterwards. And so, you know, I put a sentence together here to help you and I remember the danger that these Jewish supremacists pose on society. And it goes something like this. Roses are red, violets are blue. If you don't want to end up dead, never trust a Jew, okay? If you can remember that, okay, and let that sink down into your heart, I think you'll be okay. Now I will say there are some pharmaceuticals that help people and that are okay or whatever. I'm not a doctor. I don't want to get into that, okay? But the point is we need to live our lives according to wisdom, okay? And everybody, oh, oh, the food's making us sick. And that's true in some aspects. But also the medicines, some of the medicines are making us sick. Who's at the top here? Is there any common interest? Can you question the American food pyramid? Can you question, you know, a doctor today? No, you can't. You'll get shamed by the media, okay? There's something wrong there. There should be alarm bells going off and red flags going off. And that should cause us as God's people who want to live our lives according to wisdom to step back and say, wait a second here. I sense evil. I sense something not quite right here. Let me do my research. Let me do some digging around, okay? So you can leave your place there and go to Matthew chapter number three. We're going to bounce around to the Bible here a little bit. We're going to go to Matthew three and then John chapter number eight. And we're going to look at who are these Jews? Who are these people that are contrary to all men? And how did they become that way? Were they always like that? What's the big deal here and what's going on? So who are these Jews that are contrary to all men? Well, John the Baptist gives us a little bit of a clue here. And this goes right into the title of the sermon here about Jewish supremacy. Look at verse number nine. Matthew three, verse nine says this. So of course, you know, he's doing baptisms. He's preaching the word of God and getting flack for it. And he tells the Jews of his day, this verse nine, and think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. We've already demonstrated in Romans chapter nine, who God's people are. It is not about race or ethnicity at all. It's really never been that way. It seems like it has been, but it really hasn't. Now go to John chapter number eight. So why would John the Baptist say that to the Jews of his day? Could he know something? Could he understand the sign of his time? Could he sense maybe a little bit of supremacy from the religious leaders in his town? I think you know the answer to that. And so he tells these guys, hey, don't think within yourselves that just because you were born in this land that you're somehow special, that you're the apple of God's eye, that you're God's chosen person, because that's not the case. God could cause rocks to rise up and worship him. And they'd probably behave a whole lot better if we're being honest. Okay. John chapter number eight, look down at verse 31. So the story here, okay, Jesus preaching to a mixed multitude. There are people in this crowd here that believe, and they are right next to people that don't believe and next to people that are just kind of like, I'm here for the show. I don't know what to do. Okay. So you have to understand that when you read this passage or you're going to get all confused. Okay. So with that understanding in mind, let's go to verse number 31. So the Bible says, then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, if you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. And we've talked about this several times in the past. You know, obviously, salvation is super easy. You get saved, you're good to go. However, you should want to go beyond that and be a disciple and learn more because the more you learn, the more freedom you open up in your life. Good thing to do. Okay. Now look at verse 33. They answered him because he's, it's just referring to this mixed multitude. So it just says they answered him. We be Abraham seed and were never in bondage to any man. How sayest thou ye shall be made free. Now, sometimes when I read this and I, and I'm just like maybe a little bit tired, has anybody ever given the gospel to somebody and they're like, I have no idea if I'm saved. I've got no clue. Like, like please tell me. Right. And then you're like, Oh, this is going to be great. And you start to tell them like, Oh, I didn't even believe that I was never lost. What are you talking about? This kind of reminds me of that. It doesn't nothing to do with the sermon, but it happened to me today. So I just wanted to bring it up. Okay. So look at this here though. Verse 33. They answered him. We be Abraham seed and were never in bondage to any man. How sayest thou ye shall be made free. So these people right off the bat, what do we see? They don't see a need for a savior. They think their ethnicity. They think that their race is good enough. Well, we're just born here. We're just better than you. We're just better than the world. We don't need to be saved. And guess what? That's the problem with these Jews today. And that's the problem with these simpers for semites today. Okay. These Christians are all the Jew. You know why the Rothschilds are so rich and why the our fellows are so rich is because God's blessed them because of their ethnicity. That is what is taught. I know some of you are looking at me like you're crazy. Yeah. That's because you've probably never stepped foot in a zealous, Zionist, old IFB church, or you've never stepped foot in a Zionist, zealous, new evangelical church. Okay. Because that's what goes on there just about every single week, especially the Calvary Chapel movement. That's where it's really bad. Verse 34. Jesus answered them. Now look at this here. Look at what he says. Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever commiteth sin is the servant of sin. So I have a question for you. Are all sinners? Absolutely. Okay. But there are a select group of people that say, well, back in the Old Testament, they did the sacrifice and that cleansed them. No. Okay. Not spiritually. Okay. What did Solomon say? For there is not a just man upon the earth to do with good and sinneth not. It's always been that way. Everybody's always been a sinner. All of us are sinners. All have sinned. Therefore, all need a savior. That's what he's trying to tell these folks. Look at verse 35. And the servant abideth not in the house forever, but the son abideth forever. So he's saying, hey, you guys aren't going to be in this capacity here being Judea forever. This is going away. Okay. This isn't permanent here. However, if you abide in the sun, that is permanent. Look at verse 36. If. Okay. Now that's a big if right there. Look at that. If the sun therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. Jesus himself is telling them, you are not supreme. You are not special because of your ethnicity, because of your race, because of your geological location. That is from the mouth of Christ right there, plain English. If the sun therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. Look at verse 37. I know that ye are Abraham's seed. He means physical, but ye seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you. Verse 38. I speak that which I have seen with my father, and ye, look at this, do that which ye have seen with your father. Uh oh. He's telling these physical Jews that they have a different father than those that are saved. That poses a very big problem for a lot of people today. Verse 38. One more time. Verse 38. I speak that which I have seen with my father, and ye do that which ye have seen with your father. Look at verse 39. They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. Okay? What were the works of Abraham? Well, guess what God said? Hey, get away from your father's house. I'm going to make you a great nation. I'm going to do all these things. Okay? I'm going to bless you, Abraham, by yourself. Okay? Because I've chosen you to start this physical nation up. And Abraham believed God. He believed that he said that. You know what God did? God imputed righteousness unto him. God gave him righteousness. He got saved just because he believed God. Not because of some animal sacrifice. Not because he followed the commandments. No, but because he believed. Okay? Those were the works of Abraham. Verse 40. But now ye seek to kill me, a man, that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God. This did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of, and here it is again, your father, who is this, then said they to him, we be not born of fornication. We have one father, even God. Okay. Ooh, a little hostility there, huh? Okay. So again, who are these Jews? Why do they have a different father? Who is this? Well, look at verse 42. Jesus said unto them, if God were your father, you would love me for I proceed forth and came from God. Neither came I of myself, but he sent me. This is why I often tell you guys when someone is barfing out of their mouth, well, I mean, we got the Bible today, but we ain't got the originals. Okay. You know what they're doing? Look at verse 42. Jesus said unto them, if God were your father, you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God. Neither came I myself, but he sent me. You know what they're saying? Well, God didn't send his words. He didn't send Jesus or he failed one of the two. Okay. And Jesus telling these people, they're not saying, look at verse 43. Why do you not understand my speech? Even because you cannot hear my word. Now look at this. Ye. Ye. Who's the ye there? It's these Christ rejecting Jews. He says ye are of your father and here it is the devil. Okay. Ye are of your father, the devil, and the last of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there was no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own for he is a liar. And look at this, the father of it. Verse 45. And because I tell you the truth you believe me not. Okay. So what is Jesus saying here? He's saying, hey, these folks that just believed on me, they believed what I told them and got saved. They have a new father. Okay. Whereas you guys have a father, but it's not God the father, though you think it's God the father. It is Satan. It is the devil. Okay. What else does this mean? Well, we're going to look at these here in a minute. Okay. But there's two places in Revelation where Jesus calls out a group of people for claiming to be Jews and are not. In fact, he calls them the synagogue of Satan. There's only one religion on this planet that's ever existed that uses a synagogue and that is Jews. Okay. That's it. Well, we know their father is the devil. So it makes sense when he says ye are of the synagogue of Satan who he's talking about here. Okay. He's not talking about Christians. He's not talking about Baptist or anything like that or Islam. No, he's talking about the Jews. Okay. Now go to Matthew chapter number 21. So now we know this group of Jews that we're dealing with very well. They are Christ rejecting Jews. People that used to have the oracles of God, but no longer have the oracles of God. So what happened here? Okay. Let's take a look at what happened here to those. Jesus is going to warn them about that. What is going to happen here in Matthew 21. Look all the way down in verse number 42. Jesus saith unto them. Okay. And then you know who the them is there and you've got to say it. Jesus saith unto them, did you never read the scripture? The stone which the builders rejected the same has become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Now look at this here in verse 43. Therefore say unto you, the kingdom of God. Okay. I'm going to break this down. Look at this. The kingdom of God shall be taken from you. Who's the you there? You there is the religious establishment of Judea, which is a province of the Roman government at this time. Okay. He says, therefore say unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation, bringing forth the fruits there up. So Jesus is telling the religious hierarchy of his day. Hey, the people that are supposed to be teaching the truth that are supposed to be teaching law, the teachers of Israel, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, okay, these great teachers. He's telling them, Hey, there's going to be a big change going on here. Okay. You right now in this story, okay, you're Israel. You're what's left of Israel. Okay. You're basically what's left, which is nothing more, like I said, than just a province of the Roman government, just a place called Judea, a just, I mean, a small shadow of what it used to be, what it once was a physical nation made up of 12 distinct tribes. Jesus saying, Hey, I'm going to take the kingdom of God from you. Okay. And with the kingdom of God comes what comes the word of God. I'm going to take that power. I'm going to take that from you. It will no longer be your trusted responsibility. You will not have that. You will not possess that any longer. And I'm going to give it to somebody else. I'm going to give it to a different group. Well, who is that group? Hey, well, you can leave your place there. Go forward in your new Testament to first Peter chapter number two, first Peter chapter number two. So where does this kingdom of God go? Who now on earth possesses the kingdom of God? Who possesses the kingdom of God? And what is this nation that brings forth fruits? Interesting. Well, Peter tells us, and there's other places as well. First Peter two, look at verse number nine. So Peter says this to Christians, to the saved, to believers. And he says this, but ye first Peter two nine, but ye are a chosen generation. The way the Zionist reads that is, oh, you, this guy right here, you Jew are God's chosen people. That's what the Bible says. But ye who are saved is what he means here. But ye are a chosen generation. Look at this, a royal priesthood, a royal priesthood. You know what the world's watching for today and what the media keeps harping on is the revival of the priesthood in Israel and the sacrifices that they're going to do. That's blasphemous. That's garbage. Peter here, he's got it right. Obviously he says, but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. Now look at it. Look at this, an holy nation, an holy nation, a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Jesus told you in Matthew chapter 21. He told the Jews, hey, you guys fumbled. You guys dropped the ball over and over again. You guys keep killing the prophets. You started your own religion. I can't trust you to bring forth fruits anymore. This is getting crazy. I had to send John the Baptist to even prepare the way. You got Nicodemus over in chapter three, not even able to explain salvation. This is just not going to cut it. And so he says, guess what? The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation, bringing forth the fruits there. Well, we know who that is. That is us, believers, the saved in Christ. We are the Israel of God. We are God's chosen people. And we have the proof. We have the oracles of God. Oracles are the power, the word of God. We have that today. And guess what we do with it. We go out regularly and we preach the gospel and we bring forth the fruits thereof. Now what's left now of that group in Matthew chapter 21, when God took the kingdom of God from them, all that's left, veil torn, is nothing more than a satanic religion called Judaism. I remember several years ago being in an old IFP church. It was a good old IFP church. And there were definitely some serious Jew worshipers in there. And the song leader one day after the service was like, hey, I'm going to be preaching here in a couple of weeks. I've already covered Buddhism. I've already covered Shintoism and a bunch of other isms, right? I said, hey, what about Judaism? And he goes, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you serious? I'm like, yeah, dead serious. Call out Judaism. And he's like, good night, brother. I mean, that was it. That's all you got to say? Like call them out. They're wicked. They're evil. God took the kingdom of God away from them. All that is left is the religion of human achievement, which says you must do, do, do, and do. And I believe they are the most dangerous on the planet based off of what they fund in regards to propaganda and so on and so forth. All right. Leave your place there. Go to Revelation chapter number two. So we know who these Jews are that we're talking about. Again, we're talking about skin color. We're not talking about hating a group of people that were just born in a certain part of the world. That's stupid. That's what our enemies want the world to believe that we believe, but we do not believe that. I've shown you who we're talking about. I've proven who we're talking about, and I proved how they got that way in their agenda. So here's a little bit more proof. Revelation chapter number two. We're just going to look at two verses here. Then we'll go over to chapter three. So look at verse number eight. The Bible says this, Jesus speaking here, saying unto the angel of the church in Smyrna. Now Smyrna is nowhere near Jewry. Okay. Nowhere near Judea. This is as gentile as it gets. One more time. And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write, these things saith the first and the last. Who's that? This is God. This is Jesus Christ, which was dead and is alive. The one who defeated death. Okay. Now look at what Jesus tells you again. This is almost on every single page of the Bible, which is why we have to be so aware of this. Look at verse nine. I know thy works. Who's the thy? The singular church in Smyrna. Okay. It says, I know thy works and tribulation and poverty, but thou art rich. And I know the blasphemy of them. So you have the thy there. You got your two groups here, the church in Smyrna, and then you have another group. Well, who is this other group? Well, let's take a look. I know the blasphemy of them, which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Okay. Are the synagogue of Satan. Well, the synagogue of Satan, what's inside of that? Well, if you back up, it's people that say they're Jews and are not. Okay. And of course your Zionist is going to say, well, there's a lot of people that claim to be Jewish, but they're really not. They're just lying to get attention. What does that even mean? Because even in the old testament, you could become part of the Hebrew nation of Israel. If you wanted to, you could join that. And I'm going to show you that you could be even after it was destroyed in Israel, gone, replaced by the Assyrians, become Samaria. And the nation of Judah gets taken over and taken into captivity. And they're long gone into captivity under a Persian rule and all of that stuff came. People still can become Jews and join that nation. And I'll show you that this is none other. Okay. Then the same people that were going to the Corinthians and messing with them, the same people go into the Galatians and saying, oh, it's cool. You got salvation, but you better get circumcised. You better do all these things or you're not really safe. It's the same people that they had to fight about in Acts chapter 15. It's the same crowd. It's the same people in John chapter eight, who Jesus says, ye are of your father, the devil. Okay. There is no debate about this. There is no, well, let's go look at the Greek. Yeah. You go look at the Greek. It says the same exact thing. Okay. There's no original management. Oh, shut up. This says what it means and means what it says. Now go to Revelation chapter number three, because guess what? God likes to tell us things that are important more than once because he knows people and how they are. Just remember your nines. You've got Revelation two, nine, Revelation three, nine. You'll have that roadmap in your mind about synagogue of Satan. Okay. Revelation three, look at verse number nine. Now we're talking to the church in Philadelphia. Again, far removed from Jewry. Behold, I will make them, here it is again, of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee. Okay. Interesting. Jesus never turns his back on a Jew. Never, never, never. A Jew could do no wrong in God's eyes. They have superpowers. That's why the leader of Home Depot used to be a Jew. I don't know if he still is, but I had a pastor back in the day say stuff like that all the time. And it was just so annoying. Even when I didn't know these scriptures, it's still because I'm saved and I got the Holy Ghost. I'm just in the wrong church. He's just in there just like, read your Bible. Stop reading books about the Bible. But subject for another day, look at verse 10. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience. Now did the Jews keep the word of his patience? No. We're shown that time and time again in the New Testament. I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth. We'll have to get into what that means another time. So we know who we're talking about. We're talking about Christ rejecting Jews. We're talking about Jewish supremacy that reigns very strong, very supreme today. Go to Romans chapter number two. Jesus calls them out twice in Revelation in front of the Gentiles and says, hey, those people messing with you saying, oh, I'm a Jew, I'm a Jew, I'm a Jew. Jew, yes, Jew, I'll do whatever you tell me to do. Guess what? Those people are not Jews. They do lie. They are of the synagogue of Satan. Because their father is the devil. How many times does Jesus have to say this before people will wake up and, oh, I get it now. I don't know. But the devil is a master at his craft, that I can tell you. But let's look at that phrase there. Because we're told that they do lie. Well, what does that look like? What does that mean here? If I put down a piece of paper in front of you and say, I just want to give you a quick test. We would never do this, but let's say, hey, I want to give you a quick test. What's a Jew? An honest 100%, what is a Jew, go. This should be your first answer right here. Hey, Romans chapter two, you already know where we're going. Look at verse 28. For he is not a Jew. You better pay attention to this. For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly. Oh, wait, what? Neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh. So he's saying, hey, guess what? You got a whole circumcision procedure you do? Hey, that's nothing. Hey, that's not anything. And then he's going to tell us what a real Jew and what real circumcision is in verse 29. But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly. Hey, how does that happen? Oh, that's right. Hebrews 4, 12. The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and so on and so forth. Look at verse 29. But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter. Why does he throw that in there? Not in the letter. Because what's the Jew's goal? The Jew's message is probation. You follow the law, follow the law, follow the law. Become part of us or go to hell. That's what they believe. It's the same thing. Follow us, do this, do this. But Paul says, no, what's a real Jew? But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men, but of God. Go study Judaism, go read some of their books, go watch some of their speeches, go listen to how they talk, go listen to the bills, go read the bills that they try to propose in our government. And you will see that their praise is of men. You will see Jewish supremacy because that is the real enemy, the real supremacy that is going on today. But the Bible's crystal clear. If you're saved, if you're born again, I don't care where you're from. It doesn't matter if you're from North Korea, Dubai, America, Brazil, Mexico, it doesn't matter. The moment you get saved, you are a real Jew. But somebody who comes up to you said, oh yeah, well, my name's Benjupiro and I don't like what you said and blah, blah, blah. Guess what? You're not a real Jew. You're a liar. I don't care if you've got a Dixie cup on your head. You're a liar because the Bible tells me that a Jew is not a Jew who displays it outwardly. Okay. That's what this says. That's what this says and that's what this means. So let's go back in time now to 2 Kings chapter 16 and let's even just look so that we all understand the history. How did Jews even become Jews? Like where do they come from? What's going on with all that? Okay, let's go back and take a look at that. So you go to 2 Kings chapter number 16 and I'll give you their history real quick. Okay. So while you're turning there, just break it down. Okay. Obviously you guys know the story of the founding of the physical nation of Israel. God calls up Moses and says, hey, I'm going to bring my people out of Egypt. We're going to establish law. We are going to have me, meaning God, over this nation and obviously judges and priests and there is no separation between church and state. It is, this is God's nation. It is what it is made up of 12 distinct tribes. Well, like you're learning on Sunday mornings, as time progresses, they get worse and worse and worse and they want to be like the world and be like the world, go into idolatry. It just never stops. It's just a never-ending cycle. God gets sick of it and basically says, okay, after Solomon, I'm going to divide this nation in half. Really it's not in half. It's 10 tribes go up to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. They become their own nation. They have their own Kings. Now Southern, you have what's called the Kingdom of Judah. They have their own Kings and they have obviously the tribe of Judah. You have the tribe of Benjamin and then you have Levites come in and you have stragglers coming in as well. Okay. So that's kind of where we're at here in second Kings chapter number 16. And there is a civil war. Now the Northern Kingdom of Israel, which are Hebrews, they're going to fight the Southern Kingdom of Judah, which are also Hebrews. And I say that because I want to mention this, and this is what you're going to see in the story here. All Jews in this time period, all Jews are Hebrews, but not all Hebrews were Jews. Remember we're way back in time now. So let's pick this up here and let's look at the first time the word Jew was mentioned in the Bible. Look at verse number one. So in the 17th year of Pekah, the son of Ramallah, that's the King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel at this time. And they're about to be completely smoked, completely done with. So verse one, in the 17th year of Pekah, the son of Ramallah, Ahaz, the son of Jotham, King of Judah began to reign. So the Bible is just telling you, Northern Kingdom of Israel, you got Pekah and down in Judah, you got Ahaz. Verse two, 20 years old was Ahaz when he began to reign and reign 16 years in Jerusalem. So here's the picture. During this time in the nation of Judah, the capital was Jerusalem. If you were to go up to Israel, it would be Samaria. That's how that works. So it goes on to say that he's 20 years old when Ahaz began to reign, reign 16 years in Jerusalem and did not that which was right in the sight of the Lord is God like David his father. Verse three, but walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord cast out from or before the children of Israel. Okay, so obviously not a great king here. He's gone the way of the kings of the North, not a good thing. Verse four, and he sacrificed and burned incense in the high places and on the hills under every green tree. Verse five, now look at this. Then Rezin, king of Syria, and Pekah, son of Ramaliah, king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem to war, and they besieged Ahaz but could not overcome him. Okay, you're about to read the first time that the word Jew is used in the Bible, so pay attention here. The first time you see it, okay, there is a war. Israel, who, you know, people that just aren't well versed in the Bible, they just think that, oh, they're all just Jews. Oh, no, Adam was a Jew, Noah was a Jew. You just get all these weird notions about people, okay, but the first time you see the word Jew in the Bible that you're taught who a Jew is, what do you have? You've got the northern kingdom of Israel, and you've got a heathen nation of Syria teaming up to beat down the Jews. It's really ironic that today so many people, any nation that goes up against Israel is going to get wiped out, and that's why we fund them, and that's why God's blessed America. I don't think God's blessing America today. Okay, our freedom of speech is out the window. We're constantly fighting, getting canceled, and all sorts of things. I mean, it's just insane out there today, okay, but I'm not telling you anything you don't know. Verse five again. Then Rezin king of Syria and Pecahson of Ramallah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to war, and they besieged Ahaz, but here it is, but could not overcome him. Verse six. At that time, Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and look at this, and drave the Jews from Elath, and the Syrians came to Elath and dwelt there unto this day. So what was a Jew? What was a Jew, okay? They weren't always like they were in the time of Christ, okay? During this time here, yeah, they got a king. He's not doing very good. He's not doing very well, but Jews are just, that's just a term used to describe people from the nation of Judea, okay? That is all it is. Now, you can leave your place there, and go to Esther. Go to the book of Esther, and go to Esther chapter number eight. Esther chapter number eight. Now, I'm not going to have time to break down Esther. We'll go through this book sometime in the future, okay, but if you're not familiar with the story here, there was a wicked guy during this time frame here, and his name was Haman, and he had this bright idea that he was going to kill all the Jews because one of the guys named Mordecai wouldn't bow down and worship him, okay? And basically Esther, who winds up becoming the queen, she winds up saving the day, getting everything put back into order, and the king, he has her as he figures all this out. Oh, wait a second. Yeah, I guess this guy that's real close to me, Haman, is not a good guy at all, and he realizes the plot that he had, and allows the Jews to be able to actually kill him and his men instead, which is a good thing, okay? Now, I just want to show you one verse here just with that quick background, okay? Verse number 17. This blows people's minds when you show them this, especially out in town. You show a Zionist this, they just cannot, they're just like, no, no, it can't be, it can't be because Jews are a special bloodline. It's just no, and they just melt down, okay? But here it is, verse 17. And in every province and in every city, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, look at this, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. So this is after their liberation, after the decree that went out to have them all put to death was basically nullified. And it says, and many of the people of the land were out of Jewry at this time. The Jews have been taken away from Judea, and they've been brought, carried into Babylon, and then, you know, the Medo-Persian empire took over and beat down the Babylonians. So now they control what is now the province of Judea, which is just Judah. I always get them mixed up. You get what I'm saying, okay? Just look what this says here. And many of the people of the land became Jews for the fear of the Jews fell upon them, okay? So you say, wait a second, how can this be? What's going on here? What does this mean? What this means is people wizened up and they saw God working through Mordecai. They saw God working in this situation and said, because look, let me just back up for a second. Hey, the Medo-Persian empire, they had this rule that when they would basically sign a decree, they would say, this is going to be law. They could never change it, okay? And there was a law put out, hey, you know, you're going to be able to kill all the Jews, okay? Well, God, and like I said, we don't have time to get into it. God was able to overturn that because that's what our God does, okay? And people saw that and they said, wow, and they started to fear, okay? What does the Bible say about fear when you fear God? Hey, well, the fear of the Lord bringeth knowledge. The fear of the Lord gives wisdom. We know that. We understand that. That led to the salvation of a lot of people. And those people who were not ethnically born in Jewry, in Jerusalem or in Judea, okay, or the southern kingdom of Judah for that matter, guess what? They became Jews. Outsiders became Jews. They got saved. Heathens, Gentiles in the Old Testament could still be saved, you know, but we're told, and we're told to believe, oh, there was just a special group of people that could be saved in the Old Testament and they're coming back. And in the millennium, you're going to have the great fortunate blessing to be able to sweep under their tables and take care of them in the millennium. As they sacrifice animals, you get to clean up all the mess. Aren't you excited? Doesn't anybody ever sit back and say, you know, when I hear that, I'm like, doesn't that bother you? Even when I was super ignorant, I was like, just bother, I really don't like this, man. I really hate this. There's something wrong. Where's that feeling out there, right? Well, guess what? It's our job to bring and put that feeling into people and to show people what the Bible really says, okay? So don't let people who are Jews in a special race know they're not, okay? Jewish supremacy is blasphemous, just like Islamic supremacy or white supremacy or black supremacy or any supremacy is blasphemous. For God has made all the nations of the earth of one blood. We're all sinners, just like Jesus said, and we all need a savior. Now go to Galatians chapter number three. Look down at verse number 26, Galatians chapter three, look at verse number 26. I just want to throw some more seasoning on this before we finish this off here. Verse 26 says, this Paul talking to the Galatians because we know that the Galatians had Judaizers come in and try to turn everything upside down. Oh, you got to follow the law. You got to get circumcised. Oh, do all this stuff. Look what he says here. He says, for ye, okay? Ye Christians of Galatia weren't born in magical Judea, okay? For ye are all the children of God. By how? By your bloodline? By your ethnicity? What does that say? By faith in Christ Jesus. Do not ever, ever, ever, ever in your life let someone get away with telling you otherwise. Never let that happen. Stand up for what the Bible says. Look at verse 27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. He's not talking about water baptism there. Look at verse 28. There is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither bond nor free. There is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. He's not saying you get gender neutral when you get to heaven. That's what the trannies are doing. That's what they're doing right now. They're using this verse to say that. It's not what it means. God is not a respecter of persons, okay? So just because you were born in Jewry or you were born here, born there, or male, female, no one's better than anyone else. We all sin. Therefore, we all need a Savior. Therefore, we're all one in Christ Jesus. Verse 29. And if ye be Christ's, then here it is for the millionth time tonight. Then are ye Abraham's seed, and here it is again, and heirs according to the promise, okay? And if ye be Christ's, okay? But Sam Gipp down here at Treasure Valley Baptist Church would like to have you believe, well, what they should say is if ye be Jewish, then you're special. And don't worry, because Jesus, he ain't your Messiah. Are you Jewish? If you ain't Jewish, he ain't your Messiah. That's what that clown says. That's exactly what he says. Thousands of people go there. Well, I don't know, thousands. Last I heard, last I talked to somebody there, it was about a thousand people, okay? And that guy has gotten up at least on two different occasions in the past and has said that, that unless you're Jewish, Jesus ain't your Messiah. He might be your Savior, but he's not your Messiah. My question is, how come 1,000 people did not get up out of their chairs and storm out the door? You see how people are? I'm telling you, this is crazy. That is how entrenched this doctrine of Jewish supremacy is, okay? People say, well, how could they control the media, the pharmaceuticals, the food, and all this different stuff, okay? Look, they do. This is just what it is, okay? That's the battle that we're dealing with. They're contrary to all men, and they got lots of money, okay? Lots of money. And you can do a lot of wicked things when you have a lot of money. Now go to Matthew chapter number 27, and we're going to begin to wind this down here, okay? So what makes a supremacy group? Remember, we talked about three quick things. There's a lot of things they have out there. I just want to do three. Unquestioned authority, dominance, and influence. All three of these packaged into one thing, apparently according to the world, makes you a supremacist. So let's see if the Jews fit into those categories. Have they ever done this before? Well, let's take a look here, okay? Matthew 27, look at verse number 20. Okay, so this is obviously the situation. Jesus has been arrested, and Pilate wants to let him go, okay? His wife's like, hey, you know, don't have anything to do with that, just man. You know, don't be involved in this, okay? So, you know, he's just like, I haven't found any fault in him. Look at what goes on here in verse 20. But, never good, but the chief priests and elders, okay? Now, who are these? Is this Al Jazeera? Is this Islam? Is this, you know, Christians? Who are these? But the chief priests and elders, these are your Jews, okay? These are your learned elders of Zion, okay? But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus, because remember the choice was going to be, they were going to release one prisoner every year at this time, and Pilate's hoping they would pick Jesus, but he's like, okay, I'll be a politician and play politics, and I'll present you with a choice. You know, Jesus or Barabbas, hopefully they choose Jesus, okay? But what are the Jews doing before the election here? No, they're interfering. That's what they're doing. They're, you know, fake ballots and all the stuff that they do. Look at verse 21. The governor answered and said unto them, whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said Barabbas. Gee, I wonder why. I wonder why. It couldn't have been because of the influence. It could have been because of the dominance. It couldn't have been because of these people that want to maintain this unquestioned authority, could it? Verse 22, Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. Verse 23, and the governor said, Why? What evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. So who's mentioned in this passage here as the driving influence and having the dominance over this crowd to get them that riled up? Oh, it's those who have the supremacy. It's the Jewish supremacy, the hierarchy there of that time. Go to John chapter number 19. Keep your place in Matthew because we're going to go to chapter 28 here, and then we'll be done. John chapter number 19. Look at verse 20. This title and so obviously during the crucifixion, they had made a sign pilot, had a sign designed about Jesus. And let's see what's going on surrounding that verse 20. This title then read many of the Jews for this place where Jesus was crucified was nine to the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Verse 21. Then said the chief priests of the Jews to pilot. Look at this. Write not the king of the Jews, but that he said, I am the king of the Jews. So you see here, the Jews here at this time. So the our childs and our fellers and all the other rich, dominant banking families of the world today. They hadn't been quite built up yet. So they didn't quite have the clout here in this passage that they have today. Okay, but they think they do it. The seeds there. It's already growing. It's already germinating. Okay, and they go up to pilot, who's a Roman, who's, you know, part of the Roman Empire that's oppressing them. And they're like, Hey, don't write that he was king of the Jews, but write rather that he said he was king of the Jews. Sound familiar? Guess what? They're doing the same thing today with your Bible versions. Verse 22 pilot answered what I have written. I have written and really that's the attitude we got to have. Okay, what is written? Let's take what's written and stand on that. Now, go back to Matthew and go to Matthew chapter number 28. But I want you to see there. What are they trying to do? They're trying to have the unlimited, the unquestioned authority and the dominance and the influence over other people. And they're so arrogant at this point, they think, Oh, well, we'll just get pilots to do our bidding. But luckily there, he says, now I'm not going to play your game. Okay. Who are the pilots of today? And obviously I won't say pilots are great, a great dude, obviously he's a politician, but you know what I'm trying to say here. And that would be those of us who have the truth. We are the ones that are declaring truth and we are the ones that they are trying to silence. You can go on YouTube after the service and just type in Jewish supremacy. You're going to find all kinds of videos from channels that have thousands and thousands of subscribers. Okay. But they're not going to delete theirs. They'll delete ours instead, who just has a measly 2,100 subscribers. Why is that? There's something going on. You know what it is? It's the spiritual battle that we fight. Okay. The devil knows that when a person in a group of people stand upon God's truth, that is the real threat to their agenda. Look at verse 11, Matthew chapter 28. So it says this, now, when they were going behold, some of the, some of the watch came into the city. We talked about this on Easter a little bit, but I just want to bring it up since it's relevant to what we're talking about after the crucifixion. So it says verse 11, now, when they were going behold, some of the watch came into the city and showed unto the chief priests, all the things that were done, verse 12. And when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel, they gave, here it is, large money onto the soldiers. So you can already see that banking system that is so prevalent today in operation. Okay. These people, they passed on this type of Judaism to their children, to the children, until you get all the way up into where we're at now. Okay. Their desire is to take over the entire world, to usher in their Messiah, who is not our Messiah, by the way. Okay. So look at what they say here. They gave large money unto the soldiers, verse 13, saying, say ye, his disciples came by night and stole them away while we slept. And I spent a lot of time on Easter actually breaking this down and the actual lie. So I don't want to go over that anymore. I just want to highlight the fact here. What are they trying to do? They are trying to control the narrative. It is no secret today that our major media outlets, even a lot of the alternative ones today are actually owned by Jewish people. Okay. There's some pretty strong evidence out there that even says Alex Jones is on that side. I'm not saying for sure. I'm not against you if you read or listen to him. I'm just saying, you got to be careful. You have to take that stuff and you need to filter it through what you know that is written down in this book. Okay. That's all I'm going to say about that. Okay. Look at verse 14. And this, and if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him and secure you. So they took the money and did as they were taught. And this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. And we're talking about this at Sowing Today. You know, I'm not like a super, you know, diehard TikTok supporter. We have TikTok because that's where a lot of people that want to do things to our church tend to reside. And so that's kind of how we got into that. But on TikTok, there is a lot of information that goes against the Jewish narrative. Okay. And so you ever see two parties in America agree on something? Well, you did when it came to TikTok. Republicans and Democrats alike are like, yeah, we got to get rid of TikTok. Okay. If you look deep enough, if you look hard enough, you know what you're going to find? You're going to find one of these with a lot of money paying a lot of people to get rid of it so that they can control the information that you and I get to see. They've been doing it for over 2000 years. There's nothing new under the sun. They're going to keep doing it until they get what they asked for. Okay. I'm telling you, that's how it goes. And so let me just say this again. Roses are red, violets are blue. If you don't want to end up dead, never trust a Jew. Okay. Now look, when you hear that, now you shouldn't have it. Oh, that's racist. No, you know who a Jew is. It's Romans chapter two. We're Jews. The rest of them are the synagogue of Satan. Okay. Nothing to do with race, ethnicity, or geological location. That is what the Bible says. And so I'll just leave you with this. Obviously the real danger today is not just this white supremacy. Okay. It's actually Jewish supremacy. That is the real danger today. And so hurry up and take this off YouTube. Okay. No, I'm just kidding. All right. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for this church and for your truth being so clear. Just pray you'd use us to be able to comfort and teach people, Lord, the greatness of what your word says about your children, who they really are and what they're really supposed to do. And we thank you for that, Lord, and just pray you bless the fellowship after the service. Bring us back safely on Wednesday in Jesus' name. I pray. Amen.