(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys welcome back to the channel. Now before we start I just want to take just a couple of moments of your time to thank you all for putting up with us while we've switched from doing live streams to these premieres. Now we still have the chat open for you guys because we love seeing the chat and all the comments. We understand a lot of you guys have built relationships and I think that's very profitable so we want to keep that going. We just got a lot of stuff going on that we have to get taken care of here and so we hope to get back to live streaming hopefully by the end of the year. We've got some technical challenges in the building that we're in and so we're working hard to overcome those. So again I just want to take time to sincerely thank you guys for putting up with us during this time of having to upload these premieres and we definitely appreciate you guys prayers and by the way okay so even though you're watching a sermon that I preached last Wednesday you know keep sending us your prayer requests because we are still praying for you guys on Wednesdays. Okay you can text them you can email them you know you can throw them in the chat as long as somebody acknowledges you you know they'll make their way to me we'll get you taken care of okay we love praying for you guys we love you know hearing the praises that you guys have so definitely keep them coming. June 12th I preached a sermon about false prophets now I'll give you a little secret about this sermon here okay so I preached this sermon on June 12th and then we discovered that it wasn't fully recorded so since we want to keep these premieres going what I had to do is preach it again. Well the way my schedule was I wasn't able to do it Thursday. Friday we have spiritual leadership class so I preached it after that so if I look a little tired a little loopy during certain parts of the message you know now you know why so anyways again just bear with it it's a good study we're going to take a look at the fruits of false prophets all the way from the root up through the tree and then right down like I said to the fruit enjoy the message God bless. All right well Matthew chapter number seven tonight so if you look down in your bibles verse number 16 says you shall buy their fruits and that's what we're going to be talking about tonight we're going to look at who are them and what exactly are their fruits so it's going to be a good study on how to recognize false prophets this evening now it's kind of interesting with this title here so I titled this sermon how to be a fruit inspector and what I find interesting in that title is that I actually used to be a fruit inspector well more specifically I was a food inspector in the military after I left the infantry I realized that I was not exactly equipped to be around people and especially in the civilian workforce so I came up with this plan to get another job that would equip me to get a better job when I got out of the military and I do believe this was by God's design God actually opened this job up for me when I was with the person trying to find a job for me not a recruiter but a reenlistment person he just basically said you know this job doesn't ever come up very often and I think you should take it I think I've only seen this maybe once or twice in my life there's less than a thousand of them so I signed up I took it it was a great opportunity I spent four years working with the USDA I became a subject matter expert in fruits and red meats dairy and eggs as well now when they were training us to be a fruit inspector one of the things they would do is they would just roll out a bunch of plums or roll out a bunch of oranges and we would just have to sort through them which ones we thought were good which ones we could tell were bad and out of all of the ones that we thought were good they'd come by and open some of them up and inside you would find that some of them were actually rotten which was you know kind of weird because it's like well it looked good on the outside but yet on the inside definitely was not good and so what they would do then is sit us down and give us all the details about how fruit grows from the root to the fruit and that's how it was and then we would just practice feeling smelling looking observing and over time it got to the point where most of the ones that we thought were good and when we would would select them they would turn out to be good we got better at you know identifying fruit that was bad and of course we've all heard people say that Matthew chapter 7 not only teaches not to judge but that it also teaches that if you're really saved you're going to have the works right who's ever heard that yeah we've all heard that you know I can remember specifically soul winning the old IFB church up in Washington one night and we'd gotten some somebody saved and came back and we're getting ready to leave and the guy was like the guy was leading the soul and group was like oh so how'd it go I was like oh great you know we gave this guy the gospel got saved all as well and he's like well we'll really know if they got saved based off their fruits right Joe you shall know them by their fruits and I'm just like it's not even what that's talking about we've all heard that I'm sure everybody in here has heard that if you haven't you probably will at some point and it just demonstrates the gross biblical ignorance that we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis now you're there in Matthew chapter 7 but what I want you to do is go to Matthew chapter number 12 and we're going to go ahead and work up a first point for the evening I'm just going to give you three quick things tonight to think about to meditate on in regards to knowing them by their fruits so Matthew chapter number 12 when you turn there go over to verse number 31 Matthew 12 verse 31 look at what it says so Jesus speaking here says wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy I want you to note that word there blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the holy ghost shall not be forgiven unto men now when you hear blasphemy you hear that word what do you think of and when you picture somebody blaspheming what comes to mind well I know for me what comes to mind right away is somebody saying like GD or somebody taking the Lord's name in vain with their words correct now obviously there are things people do that are blasphemous I get that okay but look at what it says next and it'll highlight the context for you in verse 32 and whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him you see how that contrasts to the first part of verse 31 where he says wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men now look at what it says again in verse 32 after the colon but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come so what are we dealing with right off the bat here first two verses okay we're dealing with blasphemy and then in verse 32 Jesus mentions words speaking words against the holy ghost okay so we're talking about words now look at what he uses in verse 33 to put this all together we're going to make this into a point here look at verse 33 he says either make the tree good you see that everybody see that make the tree good he says either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and look at this again here's that word again and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit so the first point this evening what we're looking at here is this the first fruits are words the first fruits that we want to get very good at identifying false prophets with are their words okay because remember what Jesus said in Matthew 7 ye shall know them by their fruits so if you study if we become good fruit inspectors okay and we trust the bible we understand what Jesus is saying here we're going to realize that we can know who they are and the first way that we're going to get really good at knowing who they are is by understanding their words what they say okay now I'm going to have you guys uh well no you know what let's let's look at a couple other things here okay let's look at verse 34 let's just continue on here look at verse 34 so back on the subject here okay with with words oh fruits can also be words where we're studying look at verse 34 oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh okay now we could almost spend all night here if we wanted to okay oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things now this is where we see a lot of people get into trouble because they see somebody maybe it's online or maybe a family member somebody they know in ministry and externally everything looks good externally everything seems good they're very kind they're very giving they have a lot of works they're um esteemed at their work or they're esteemed in the community things like this but yet their words are evil evil in the bible means to hurt okay their words they are violating scripture somehow we point that out to them and we're explaining hey you know this person only believes in the original manuscript authority okay which is an attack on the word of god which is a violation of the word of god okay and why why is it that those people can't see through that right we point that out and they're just like yeah but they've got everything else it's because they're not good fruit inspectors they have not been able to separate their emotions and how they feel about a person based off of what they can physically see okay they haven't been able to separate that from the truth and use the eyes that god gave them inside of their head to look internally okay which we can do jesus said ye shall know them by their fruits this is a guarantee if we follow the teachings here and we understand there is a process to this guess what we're going to be able to identify these people okay and it's not going to be easy look i say this all the time these false prophets they're not going to come into a church like this with a megaphone and be like repent of your sins and just be completely different right out of the gate now every once in a while something similar to that happens people come in here and they're just like oh i can't believe you guys believe once they've always saved you know but those people are just out to lunch okay what we're after are the people that want to come in subtly okay and have the snake attitude the yea hath god said those are who we are always on the lookout for okay and not just people that come in here but people that are influencing out in town on social media what have you okay again verse 34 oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things so when he point out that these people are evil because they're speaking evil against the word of god okay we need to get people to understand because they're evil at the root they cannot produce good fruit it is impossible it is not going to happen i don't care how well the external is it won't happen verse 35 a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things again we need to teach people how to separate their emotions and what they see on the external okay to separate that and start to look on the internal and analyze the fruits and fruits are words that's the most abundant thing that we are given from people these people are constantly dropping their words they're constantly speaking making videos trying to make points trying to talk to you trying to get in okay listen to what they say but be well versed in the word okay you're gonna have to study this verse 36 but i say unto you that every idol look at this word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment verse 37 for by thy words thou shall be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned so again you guys see that and he starts off where we began reading there in verse 31 about about words okay and then he goes into fruits and then he goes back into words so the you know the lord is trying to tell us something here that we're going to know them by their fruits and the most abundant resource that is going to be available to you available to us are their words okay so again if we're going to be a good fruit inspector what are we going to do we're going to understand that right we're going to understand that we need to be well versed in the word okay in the word of god and then that's obviously our root and that is going to translate into recognizing fruit their fruits and so on and so forth so that is the first point of the evening now let's go ahead and go back in to matthew chapter number seven and let's begin working on this here okay so we started off verse 15 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but look at this inwardly okay let's read the rest of the verse now but inwardly they are ravening wolves okay what's a ravening wolf a ravening wolf a wolf that is just ravenous just ravenous just hungry okay what you got to understand is that the lord is telling us that false prophets need to eat they need to feast they need to make converts and the way that they are going to do that is by creeping in and this is something that we're commanded here to be aware of okay to understand so he says beware of false prophets which come to you you see that there who's the you well it's you it's the saved it's us we need to be aware of false prophets that come to us but obviously this extends to people out in the community sons of adam because this is the sermon on the mountain the lord is preaching to a mixed multitude there are people that are saved there there are people that are hanging in the bounces whom we would come or call the the sons of adam okay and so obviously you know he is warning them as well but the point here is that false prophets will come to us in sheep's clothing okay this is not an external matter now yeah there are people out there and it's pretty easy to identify that they're false prophets you know it's like okay yeah joyce my i mean that's just crystal clear you know i suffer not a woman to teach there she is teaching you know there's several examples like that i mean some of these people just can't hide it they just have the gift of gab and they're able to use their aura to go out there and make money and to pray on the on the simple folks that are out there okay that's like the low-hanging fruit that's the easy stuff to see this benny and charismatic stuff at least in my opinion i mean for us it's pretty easy a lot of people even in the world that aren't saved they can see through a lot of that stuff okay but we're after the subtle guy we're after this type of person here okay that has the external you know a lot of false prophets you know you're going to find this to be true a lot of times you know you're not going to know because they don't manifest it they've got everything in order externally you're not going to be able to find anything on them they're going to seem to have everything put together the good life the good wife the good you know car the garage you know the five car garage all the stuff and claiming that god's you know blessed them or maybe not you know it just depends the point is hey we have to learn to look on the n-word with the word of god if we're going to be able to see their fruits okay because outside that pear that apple that orange it's going to look good but when you get inside it's rotten it's brown it's deteriorating there's worms inside of there okay that's what we're dealing with here so the second point of the evening is this okay a good inspector of fruit will study the root okay and there's a couple of verses in the bible that obviously point to christ being our root revelation 22 also in isaiah we're going to look at those next week but we want to study the root so the better that we know our truth the better that we know the word of god the easier it's going to be to see beyond okay to see beyond what the external what someone's trying to throw up in front of us it goes back to my days inspecting fruit you know we would grab things okay this one looks good it feels firm it's got a good look you know it smells it smells all right i'm gonna put that over here in the good pile instructor comes over cuts it in half boom rotten you know bruised inside and it's like how did you know to cut that one you know an instructor well i've been doing this for 30 years but also you see that one little round spot right there at the very entrance where the stem was yeah yeah guess what that's that's uh that's a telltale sign you know they would say things like that to us oh wow just that little small detail on that plum and you knew that it was bad on the inside but it looked good on the outside okay how did he know that because he had been studying the root from the root to the fruit and everything in between the tree how it grows all of these different details the deeper that you understand one that's good the better you're going to be able to spot a a mismatch or a false one and that's another thing that they would do to us they would just um they would do this with all sorts of stuff but especially with with fruits and even meats you would just get a tray of good ones ones that they knew were good were going to be perfect on the inside and you would pick them up and look at them smell them and just get really good at looking at what the good fruit was okay and the more that you did that the easier it was to pick out the bad ones and so that's what i'm saying here that a good inspector of fruit will also study the root now i want to have you guys turn to second peter chapter number two real quick second peter chapter number two so again point number one this evening okay fruits can be words now obviously fruits are also more than words false prophets do other things other than verbal okay we're going to have to get into that another time but i think the most abundant one and the focus at least of matthew seven here and matthew 12 are in regards to their words okay if we can't understand that and get beyond that then it's going to be kind of hard to get into the more you know deeper stuff so we're going to stick to that for right now so that's the first point now the second one a good inspector of fruit will also study the root now let's see where that takes us here okay and basically again you're right study the internal not just the external okay because they're going to have the external put together second peter chapter number two look down here now at verse number one look at what peter says but there were false prophets also among the people even as their look at this shall be false teachers among you this is a guarantee okay jesus gave us the guarantee that we shall know them by their fruits peter is also confirming something for us guaranteeing us something and that is what we will have false teachers among us okay this is false teachers among you now look at this who privately you see that word there privately we're gonna get back to that who privately shall bring in damnable heresies i want you to think okay i want you to think matthew chapter seven and verse 21 through 23 okay matthew 7 21 through 23 we're going to come back to that okay so these false prophets okay they're going to be among us and they're going to again privately secretly covertly bring in what damnable heresies heresies that send people to damnation that send people to hell and you're going to see that in matthew 7 you already know where we're going but look at the rest of the verse even look at this here even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction okay so that verse there okay just like matthew chapter 7 you see the you there the us okay and then we see this privilege they're going to bring in these damnable heresies secretly covertly not announced with a bullhorn okay and they're going to bring these in meaning they want to bring these in to the body of christ and they will even go as far as to deny the lord that bought them so here's here's a question how are they going to deny the lord that bought them and still appear externally righteous well the answer is in the verse they're going to do it privately they're going to do it very subtly okay they're going to do it in a way to where most people unfortunately will not be able to detect so let's look at an example of that in the bible second timothy now go to second timothy chapter number three second timothy chapter number three look down at verse number five so look at what paul says here verse five having a form of godliness now look at this but denying the power thereof from such turn away okay you see that there there is a group of people that will have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof from such turn away what did peter say we said that these false prophets that would be among us would privately secretly privately try to bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them okay so here paul says that a certain group of people are going to have this form of godliness and they're also going to deny the power thereof well we know what that is okay that's the word of god the power of the word of god okay but what i find interesting really are the first four verses before verse five look at look at some of these attributes here look at verse one it says this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come so dangerous times are coming why is that well verse two for men shall be lovers of their own selves okay selfishness abounds you know what selfishness gravitates towards in professing christianity the original manuscript onlyists okay that movement there because what that movement does is basically teaches without saying the words that there is no absolute authority there is no absolute truth that god's word could change on a whim depending on what's discovered or what's revealed what the next scholar says or what have you okay so of course a person who is selfish is going to gravitate that way because they can have god however they want them again it all goes back to that burger king baptist mentality the cafeteria christian i'll have a little bit of this a little bit of that and i'm satisfied i'm good i've got my own religion a little touch of christ a little bit of this we're good and so we've gotten verse two here people are gonna be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud look at this blasphemers okay blasphemers you see an increase in that today don't you disobedient to parents unthankful unholy so this group of people here i mean they're all sorts of things okay they're blaspheming and it's not just with cuss words okay they're cutting down god they're denying the power that god has you see this all the time yeah i talk about this quite frequently because it's one of the biggest battles that we have and that is the preservation of the word of god to deny that is to blaspheme god is to say you can't do it you can't preserve your words god no unholy okay i mean is there not a movement out there against fundamentalists aren't they trying to equate fundamentalism with terrorism today yeah exactly that's what they're trying to do in fact a lot of times you run into these guys that go to these big mega churches and like oh fundamentals oh boy that's that's just sounds harsh and that just sounds divisive well it is what it is jesus said i came to bring a sword okay and this is the sword it does divide it does cut we all know that look at verse three without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fears despisers of those that are good look at this traders verse four heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god wow lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god but yet they're all of these things but yet verse five having a form of godliness okay so you're gonna have all these different attributes that paul writes about in the first four verses and yet they still have a form of godliness but paul says to timothy but don't worry they deny the power thereof that's how you're going to recognize them okay and so what that means is that when you're reading these things okay it's not going to be just necessarily so obvious okay it means that you're going to have churches you're going to have people doing all of these things but they're going to be called something else oh it's gentle parenting oh it's the you know it's it's being progressive you know it's not natural affection you know it's just you know some people choose to live that way god made certain people different you know they're going to have different names for these things but we need to recognize what they really are okay and be able to call those things out so again verse five having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof what are we supposed to do with these types of people who claim to be godly who have a form of godliness but yet we're like dude that's selfish that's unholy you have beer night at your church you're doing less services everything sensational you know all of these things that we constantly point out with professing christianity you know we call them out for these things but yet they still have a form of godliness they still have what they call the bible they still have church members congregation brother sister communion lord supper right they still have these things but they deny the power thereof and you know how they do that they attack the word of god look your church is something only you're either preservation only meaning you believe that god has preserved this truth and obviously for us that's the king james uh the king james bible or you're in the original manuscript only movement okay you're in one or the other there's don't let people try to pigeonhole you oh that's divisive okay yeah the word of god is divisive that's the whole point it divides it cuts it pierces okay it slices through all of the deception it slices through all of the fruit and exposes what's on the inside that's a good thing that's what we're called to do that's how we're called to behave but from these people we're supposed to turn away we're not supposed to have fellowship with them we're not supposed to be like oh that's okay i'm just gonna love on them until they get right no turn them away when people are denying the power of god and they're denying this oh my sweet aunt who's you know gone to the nazarene church her whole life and baked cookies for everybody and you know gave malto meal to the kids downtown of surely god wouldn't send her to hell even though she's just a little bit wrong on the gospel look nobody's just a little bit wrong on the gospel you're either right or you're wrong that fruit is either good because you're in the good root the root which is christ or it's bad okay you're either rooted in adam or worse you're rooted in satan look at verse six for of this sort okay so of this type this type of person here these types of people of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lust so who are they after they're after people that are already caught up in a bunch of sins and already caught up with diverse lust and so they can relate to these women they can relate to these people they seek these people why because they're already selfish they're already without natural affection so it's easy for them to relate to these people what they do they relate they get into their house and they take them away nowadays that's done every single day on youtube rumble social media tv all that stuff it's very easy today for false prophets to get into people's homes okay it's a battle that we're having to deal with see back in the day they'd actually have to physically go to people now it's all digital they come in real quick and it makes our job much much harder which is why we have to be as sharp as absolutely possible in today's day and age on the word of god and that's not to say they shouldn't have been like that back in the day or they weren't okay it's just today no excuses you have got to be a student of the bible verse 7 ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth and of course verse 9 says they will proceed no further and their folly will be made manifest to all men so with that being said okay let's go back now to matthew chapter 7 and get back on track here so point number one okay the the biggest group of fruits that are available to us are what the words the words that these people use okay that's what we're going to learn to analyze and the best way to do that you already know make sure that you're rooted and grounded in the word of god you're reading you're studying your bible yourself to show yourself approved unto god okay that's the best advice you're ever going to get on the subject that is what's going to make you a good fruit inspector that's why i put that for number one number two okay a good inspector of fruit is going to study the root and what i mean by that is we're going to learn to study from root to fruit how well can you i mean do you do you understand the resurrection if i were to give you a piece of paper and say define what resurrection is would you be able to give me the verse and acts would you be able to name the two components would you be able to say that it is two parts okay that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption not like the niv which just says his body wasn't left in the grave and his body wasn't going to decay or something like that okay completely denying the resurrection okay completely denying the very nature of jesus christ that he's fully man and fully god you get where i'm going with this okay so study from root to fruit the whole thing the whole counsel of god okay that should be your ideal uh thing that should be your driving force obviously listen to sermons sermons are great okay listen to as many as you can tolerate but i'm telling you right now okay that has a tendency to puff you up okay the bible's very clear on this paul's very clear on this knowledge puffed up okay you need to put in the work you need to put in the work yourself you need to be proving that what i'm saying is even true don't just believe me because i'm a pastor look it up for yourself learn these things on your own okay you are the inspector you have to do the work you have got to study so that's point number two now let's work in to number three here verse number 16 you shall know them by the fruits he says this right after do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles rhetorical question this doesn't need answering the obvious answer is no okay so he's like jesus like hey think about this okay you're not going to go to a thorn bush and start gathering grapes you're not going to go to a shrub of thistles and start picking off figs it's not going to happen you will not go to a apple tree and expect pomegranates or oranges or lemons okay that is not going to happen that does not happen that teaches us something when we can identify that what someone's saying is evil okay guess what that fruit is evil all the way through the branches through the tree all the way down to the root from fruit to root every single time you can guarantee it and if you can separate your emotions if you can step back and say you know what i know this seems good i know this has a form of godliness externally okay something's not right there's something rotten on the inside okay if you can get to that point you're going to be doing very very good you'll be able to help a lot of people and save a lot of people from damnable heresy okay what else does this tell us well this tells us that we can judge and we can in essence judge these people's salvation because if the fruit's rotten if the fruit's evil then the root's evil well if the root's evil the root's not christ okay it doesn't work like that so understand that verse 17 even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit verse 18 a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree i want you to pay attention to that word they're corrupt neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit very basic very simple now we're going to build this third point here go to genesis chapter number six okay genesis chapter six so we're looking at this statement here verse 18 a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit do a study here on the word corruption in the bible or description in general you're going to find something always right by its side and i want to just show you a picture of that here in genesis chapter number six picture of the old world here before the flood look at verse number 11 look at the language here the earth also was corrupt before god everybody see that and the earth was what filled with violence okay so the whole earth during this time during noah's day was what it was corrupt before god it wasn't corrupt before man because man was doing what was right in their own eyes man was just doing whatever okay by and large but that resulted in something and what was it it resulted in the earth being filled with violence so all corruption leads to some sort of violence so point number three really just points to point number two and that is that corruption is rooted in violence that is where it leads to okay that is where it leads to now go to jeremiah chapter number 23 what does it even mean what does violence even mean is it two guys in the ufc fighting is that violent is a boxing match or a hockey game is that violent no a violence means to violate okay to violate something to go against someone else's will to invoke either physical force intended to hurt damage or kill someone or some thing so in relations to what we're studying tonight okay the violence that we're going to be looking at is based off of false prophets okay and what they say they're fruits okay what you're going to find is that they violate the word of god okay they will at some point in time in some way shape or form violate the word of god violate a doctrine let me just show you a quick example that jeremiah 23 look down at verse 36 jeremiah 23 look at verse 36 and the burden of the lord shall you mention no more so obviously jeremiah preaching here southern kingdom of judah for every man's word shall be his burden for ye have now look at this perverted the words of the living god of the lord of hosts our god okay so the charge from god through jeremiah to the people to the southern kingdom of judah is that you're going to go into captivity because you have perverted the words of the living god so in other words the living god gave some living words and man said we don't like that we want to make it more suitable for us and our agenda and our needs and what we want to do and god says that's not okay that is an act of violence that is perversion that is to pervert the living words which came from a living god so i mean does everybody track that okay our god is living would you agree amen now that's that's obvious it's like very basic stuff here okay we serve the risen resurrected savior we serve a living god who's described as the word of god in john chapter one so what does that mean what that means is that the living god can only give living words he doesn't give dead words he doesn't give words that don't you know go out into the earth and just oh just get buried or anything like that no no that that's ridiculous okay that's insane jesus said that an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit so when you hear people when you hear these preachers saying well you know i know the last part of mark there you know really doesn't belong but we'll read it anyways you know god forbid you say you know we're just not going to read it at all okay or you're missing verses and acts you get the point here okay when they're doing that they are perverting the living words which came from the living god they are violating the word of god they are corrupt that's it there's no oh you know they're they're just mistaken no they're corrupt okay and so you can bank that their fruits follow the fruit pattern all the way through the branch through the tree all the way down to the roots guess what that root is evil that root is evil it is corrupt it commits violence it is no good now let's get ready to wrap this thing up here go back to matthew chapter number seven and what i want to do is i want to show you guys the results here of this so remember okay let's let's real quickly break down matthew chapter number seven obviously the first what from verse one all the way down you can say to maybe verse 14 okay you're looking at how to properly execute judgment brother on brother in the church christians save people okay and then just so that we don't get mixed up like people do and say that you should never judge anything at all jesus brings up the subject of false prophets and what does he say what does he say verse 15 beware of false prophets ye shall know them by their fruits right so it is a guarantee that we will know them by their fruits which says he shall know them by the fruits okay so he brings up false prophets right away so that we know judgment has its place especially okay especially in the false prophet realm of things so um again verse 20 he just kind of solidifies that teaching from verse 15 all the way down here and says wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them okay now i want you to see this connection here he's not just throwing out like random subjects here okay what you're about to read next is the result of people partaking of these bitter fruits which came from a bitter root you can put it like that look at this here right away so verse 20 everybody see this wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them look at what he says immediately now in verse 21 not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven of course the will of the father john chapter 6 verse 40 it's very clear that we would see the lord obviously through the word and believe on him and be saved okay that's the will of god so that's not what this is about okay what this is about is what he says right after by their fruits you shall know them look what he brings up next not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven interesting why would they be standing before him saying lord lord unless they have a form of godliness and we know that the attributes of those people second timothy right we just read it and we know that these people that have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof okay at some point in time they bit from that evil corrupt fruit and the sea germinated and it rooted down and they became the same thing verse 22 many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof these are people who were not aware of false prophets they didn't get the memo they didn't get the message they didn't understand and therefore they partook of that fruit and it was damnable heresy that was brought to them privately all these things are connecting right here this is the result of us not being aware this is also motivation for us to get after it and to start calling out false prophets and to make sure that we do all that we can do to stop them to get the truth out there because guess what what do they do they bring in damnable heresies and they do it privately remember internal is where the battle's at that's where you're going to find the proof right that's where you're going to find the proof beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves remember it's about the internal not this external verse 23 what happens great white throne judgment right here and then i will profess unto them i never knew you depart for me ye that work iniquity what happens after this you go read revelation what happens after this chronologically what happens right after this these people get thrown into the lake of fire which is the second death which lasts for how long that's right forever forever and ever you can leave your place there in matthew seven go to revelation chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 we're almost done here i just want to bring this up because we're going to talk about it next week revelation 22 16 i jesus have sent my an angel to testify unto you these things in the churches now look at this i am the root and the offspring of david and the bright and morning star so obviously we all know this the lord jesus christ is our root so everything that we do all of our fruits came guess what they're not corrupt they're not corruptible some people are going to come to you they're going to try to use certain verses in matthew chapter seven that we've already gone over and they're going to say see if you're really saved you're going to have these fruits we'll break that down next week we'll understand that it'll be good to go one last verse i want to leave with you which is proverbs 12 12 which says the wicked desireth the net of evil men but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit okay again we have to understand root to the fruit and that's how we're going to become better fruit inspectors we need to be good fruit inspectors of our own selves as well okay we need to make sure that we're proving things that are acceptable into god and of course the only way you're going to do that is to go to the root go to the word of god go to the bible so just a quick recap and beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves again this battle that we face today it is very deceptive peter said beware of false prophets which come to you privately okay they're going to be among you okay he said the false prophets were among the people just as false teachers would be among us they're going to bring in damnable heresy privately it's not going to sound quite as obvious as you might think okay it's going to be subtle it's going to be that whole yea hath god said okay and we're going to have to look out for that and so we're saying here just three quick things okay what's one of the fruits that's always available for us to inspect it's words matthew seven very clear matthew 12 very clear right talks about blasphemy of the holy ghost talks about blaspheming and speaking a word against the holy ghost and then equates that with fruits and it goes back to words okay we need to be up on our word and make sure that we have the good fruit right and we're constantly looking at the good fruit from the good root so that we can be better off at inspecting the fruit of false prophets and so that's really the second point a good inspector of fruit will study the root number three the root of false prophets is violence the very root of this corruption when people say and attack right they got the form of godliness but they're denying the power they're saying well in the original manuscripts in the in the greek it says this you know they're saying hey you need me to tell you what god said that's catholic and we always say that that's but that's so true that is catholic that is not christian that is not christianity that is not the living god giving living words that is their god giving dead words and man filling in the gap and picking up where god supposedly left off it's blasphemous it's speaking a word against the holy it's wrong holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost that's how we were given the scriptures and to attack that and to say well you know we got a pretty good amount of consistent scripture but you know this passage over here in mark is in question this passage over here in mica it shouldn't really be there james a lot of people think it should or shouldn't be there it's up in the air but the book of enoch's great should have the book of enoch be careful hey be careful these people are attacking the living words which the living god gave and it's not just some little oh they're just a little bit wrong on this no that tree is evil and cannot bring forth good fruit and we're commanded that people that deny the power of to turn from such to turn away from them so hopefully this helps gives you some things to think about and it's always it's always good to review these things it's always good to talk about strategies and points on how to get better at inspecting false prophets because we live in a world that is absolutely filled with them consistently and we're out there knocking the doors we're out there trying to get people saved and we've got to know what our fruit says we got to know very well so that we can help people that's the goal is to help people so with that being said let's stop right there and pick it up next week let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer