(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, man, so we're in Proverbs chapter 9 now we're gonna focus on the last half of the chapter there beginning after verse 10 But Wednesday, we're gonna start a little series dealing with the first part of the chapter So well, we're gonna revisit Proverbs chapter 9. What I'm preaching about this morning is the subject of hell I was going through the sermons back to like when you guys are first meeting the house I realized I haven't preached a full sermon about hell Since since well for once it's moving here, but I couldn't find one that had been preached and you know A lot of times we may skip over the subject because we preach about all the time out soul wanting, you know We're always telling people about hell So it's easy to kind of just forget about it because like look I already know the doctrine right but it's important for us to Understand this doctrine the Bible says more about hell than it does about heaven and that's for a good reason, right? You say well, I'm already saved. Why do I need to know this? Well because it's gonna produce some fear in you and get you motivated to go get people out of that place Right people are headed there every single day. We want to stop that. I heard a preacher say a long time ago He said and this is this is true plus or minus a few people depending on the given day But he said this he said every second seven people die So by the time you lay your head down to sleep at night over six hundred thousand people on this planet Will have passed away and we know that most people don't go to heaven, right? So you can see the sense of urgency That's out there For people like us to have the truth who bear the truth to actually share and preach the truth with others So they can make an informed decision Alright, so let's start this thing off here look at verse number 10 Proverbs chapter 9 look at verse 10 and says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding so there's nothing wrong with seeking knowledge of the holy and Understanding the doctrine of hell gives you the right perspective the right characteristics of God There's a lot of people want to put this idea out there. Oh, well, you know, why would a loving God send people to hell? I'm gonna show you why I'm gonna show you why God is all loving but he's also Balanced and you can't have love without hate but he says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom And we need to learn to fear the Lord Jump down to verse number 12. He says this if thou be wise Thou shalt be wise for thyself So stop right there. All right, the beginning part of verse 12 says if if thou be wise So if you've subscribed to the wisdom of verse 10, you're saved you fear the Lord. You've called upon the Lord, right? What does it say thou shalt be wise for thyself? Right. And so with that is implied that we shouldn't be selfish with that wisdom, right? We should be willing to go out and preach that wisdom We should be willing to go out and share that but I think it's interesting that he's basically saying hey, it's on you Right. God's not a Calvinist God doesn't just decide who goes to heaven and who goes to hell and you hear me say that all the time Because it's true and because the majority of professing Christodom today preaches Calvinism The most famous Christian rappers Christian rockers pastors that are out there today in the Christian bookstores. They are Calvinist But it's interesting here. He says if thou be wise thou shalt be wise for thyself So what that's also saying is hey you have the ability to abide in that house of wisdom that was described in verse 1 Okay, and so with that you need to be able to perceive and understand truth But look at the last part of the verse he says but if thou scornest Thou alone shall bear it you see that says but if thou scornest So he's talking to two types of people here the person they would say, you know what I want to be saved I want to go to heaven and then he's also talking to the person that would reject that truth It would mock at it that would scorn at it and he's saying what but if thou scornest thou alone shall bear it Right. See what the Calvinist says is no God chooses. He predetermines who goes to hell and who goes to heaven. So that makes God responsible For the people that go to hell, but he says no, but if thou scornest thou alone shall bear it You see it's on the individual person, right? It's on each and every single person on this planet It's not on God. He's provided his way. He's provided his truth through nature. He's provided his truth through his word, right? He's preached his his line. His communication has gone out through the entire planet through the whole world So he's saying hey, but if thou scornest thou alone shall bear it. So guess what heathen professor you're going to bear it It's not God's fault. It's your fault Guess what Powell washer? It's not God's fault. It's your fault you false prophet you stupid stinking devil So we're going to move on from this here look down at verse number 13 So the rest of the chapter is talking about this foolish woman, right and we can learn some characteristics of what a foolish woman is But there's a deeper meaning to these passages here and I'm gonna show you this So look at verse 13. It says a foolish woman is clamorous. She is simple and knoweth nothing Some of you that weren't here Wednesday I'll just tell the story again, right? Kinley and I went out soul winning on Tuesday knocked on this lady's door. She's like hi How you guys doing, you know thinking we're probably selling cookies or you know treats or maybe we were gonna do Some kind of a chore a good deed for her. I said, hey, we're from Shield of Faith Baptist Church and she goes, oh No No way she goes you're lucky that I don't go back in my bedroom and get naked and come out here and I just like you're lucky you don't do that and she's like What? You kind of take it back. She didn't expect me to to respond that way and she's a little well What's wrong? Is it a crime to be naked? I was like it's a crime for you to expose yourself to a minor And she's a minor and she's like, oh Right. So I turn around and knock on the other door cuz I'm just getting mad and Kenley is a stand on there like this Just looking at her. I'm like, come on. She's like, I'm like, come on Come on, Kelly, but nonetheless a foolish woman the Bible says is clamorous That means loud these people a clamorous person is somebody who's loud confusing just arrogant. We've all been around them We've all seen them in the workplace, right? The woman just this won't stop They just won't stop running their mouth about various opposing ideas and just just foolishness just garbage The Bible says that they are simple people. They'll believe anything except for the truth, right? He says a foolish woman is clamorous. She is simple and knoweth Nothing look at verse 14 for she sitteth at the door of her house Now the rest of this verse is gonna give us the other meaning to this passage here He says for she sitteth at the door of her house on a seat in the high places of the city Now isn't that interesting Well number one we understand that not every foolish woman sits on the seat of a high place you say well What's a high place? Well a high place is just a Position of power and authority Right. So for example the the top pinnacle of the executive suite at Fox News, that would be a high place The state capitol that's a high place right Sony Records Columbia Records Rapzilla the people at the top of all these Organizations those are high places in the Bible saying here in verse 14 for she sitteth at the door of her house on a seat In the places of the city, right? so this is also this foolish woman here is also a picture of the world and the world's message to Mankind and we're going to learn about that here. So look down to verse number 15 Right. So what do we see we see that this foolish woman sits on a seat in high places of the city and we can see Objective here in verse 15 and it says to call passengers who go right on their ways So why does this foolish woman seek the high places? It's to call people that are passing by It's to invite people to a place. It's to to seduce people into foolishness. Don't turn there just listen to this Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 says and to you and at the straight gate for why does a gate and brought us away that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in There at now jump down to verse number 16 It says who so is simple let him turn in hither and as for him that wanteth understanding She sayeth to him verse 17 stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. So What does this woman do? She's looking at people passing by kind of like a prostitute, right? Are we not the whore? I mean, are we not Babylon USA is not our message to the world Hey partake in this foolishness partake in this clamor partake in this this alphabet LGBT fag Community type behavior, isn't that you know what our country produces to the world and isn't that not what we see here verse 16 again? Look, it says who so was simple. Let him turn in hither. So wisdom is saying Hey, look, you want to be simple you want to be stupid go ahead head right on in there But there's a there's a reality check this that we're gonna see here So who so was simple let him turn in hither and ask for him that wanteth understanding She sayeth to him stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. This is the do as thou wilt message This is what the world's message is. Hey do what makes you feel good. It's all about you The man owes you the man owes you something. You're not inherently wrong. You're there's nothing wrong with you Right uncle Sam owes you your college professor owes you your teacher owes you your mom and dad owes you do what makes you? You feel good. That is the message of the foolish woman and the foolish woman Represents the world looking for 17. This is the message stolen waters are sweet Is that not the message that's being produced today in our public schools in the colleges, right? We talked to people all over the place and there's the you this just spews out of them, you know Well, I just think I should do what makes me feel good I'm just worried about me. I just want to do what makes me happy Isn't that the message of soap operas Just do what makes you happy do is that well, that's the message of Satanism right do is that well You deserve it now don't turn there but listen to this. No, actually, I'm sorry. Yeah, look at verse number 18 I'm gonna skip that look at verse 18 But he knoweth not so it starts off verse 18 by talking about the person that wants understanding is passing by who's listening You know, yeah that message that the world's producing that does kind of sound good it says but he knoweth not that the dead are there and That her guests are in the depths of hell and that's the title my sermon her guests are in the depths of hell You see these people that are passing by this foolish woman They hear the message of the world and they say that sounds good That sounds about right as long as the good outweighs the bad as long as I don't kill anybody as long as I don't hurt anybody I should be okay Right, but in the end what's it about? It's about human achievement. It's about me. It's about what I can do That's what every message of just about every other religion on the planet produces Right. What can I do? Look at me? Look how good I am. Look at what I turned from Right. I've been to churches before where I've heard them preach sermons out of this chapter and they'll say we'll see You know people that want to go ahead and commit these acts with these foolish women and these prostitutes, you know Sounds like they're headed to hell. But is that true? What if somebody who's saved does something like this? Are they losing their salvation? No, of course not So this can't mean that it's not talking about somebody losing their salvation because they went and met with a foolish woman There's a deeper meaning here The foolish woman is talking about the message of the world and what they have in the world's invitation The Bible says will lead a person to hell if they ignored the wisdom found in verse 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning wisdom. The Bible also says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge You cannot get saved if you don't fear the Lord This is why we emphasize you have got to tell people about hell when you're preaching the gospel people need to know What they're being saved from right usually about the time you get to Revelation 20 or 21 isn't that when people kind of like? Fall out or they're gonna continue to listen on right? I mean hell is the doctrine that's gonna make or break that conversation And so we're gonna take a look at a few things regarding the place of hell Go to Revelation chapter number 20 revelation chapter number 20 So revelation chapter 20 so point number one this morning is this Hell is where the dead are and we saw that in Proverbs chapter 9 Is that not what I said it says but he knoweth not that the dead are there You see when you talk to these people down at Boise State and they say, you know what? I just want to go to where all my friends are You know, I had a friend who died in drunk driving. He didn't believe that He didn't believe what you're telling me and I want to go where he's at Guess what that person is foolish that person has made lies their refuge and that person has no idea Right. They have no idea that the dead are there and they're not gonna see their friends because it's a place of darkness It's a place of destruction in torment that nobody should ever desire to go to and it's our job to preach it to him because most Churches today will not touch this doctrine with a 10-foot pole because it is not pleasant. It's not pleasant to talk about So revelation 21 11. I want to show you that hell is where the dead are Look at verse 11 Revelation 20 verse 11 it says and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them verse 12 And I saw the dead right? So let's stop right here A lot of people have this false idea that when you die, it's over your consciousness just goes out You have no concept of reality anymore And you're just buried in the ground or people like Billy Graham Oh, well hell's just a separation from God and we're gonna talk about that. Is that true? And the answer is no and I can prove it to you in this verse and I saw the dead Small and great not just talking about tall and short right the dead small and great So the guy who had no influence in life who maybe was poor Maybe just just your your average average person almost said average Joe cuz But you get the point right and great, you know The great men of the earth the bankers the politicians the pop stars the rock stars, right? The small and great now look at what these dead people are doing. It says stand before God now, isn't that interesting? It says and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and you say how can a dead person stand? Because the people that are in hell Are considered dead. They don't have eternal life abiding in them. That doesn't mean that they're asleep It doesn't mean that they don't feel things. It doesn't mean they can't communicate doesn't mean they can't experience pain They can experience that very much. In fact, they're being judged here. So what does that to you that tells you that they can receive Right information they can receive instructions they can stand so it says any stand before God and the books were open and another book was Opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their words So God's saying hey, look you are all about works your whole life, right? You're all about works and what you did and turning through sins and repenting your sins And you got to be willing to give this sin up. He said let's see how well you did Let's go ahead and audit you. You wanted to take your own path. You wanted to do your own thing. Guess what? Let's check it out. See how well you did and the result is Is tragedy look at verse 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them And they were judged every man according to their works And look at verse 14 and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death So the Bible is making it very clear here. Just because it describes these people as dead does not mean they don't understand Information it doesn't mean they don't experience torment The Bible is saying hey you want to be judged according to your works You're going to hell and you will stay there for eternity Verse 15 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire So point number one is hell is a place where the dead are Okay, and the Jehovah Witnesses they love and I've even heard some Mormon say this right that That that hell is just a place where you're just asleep or as hell on earth, you know Because we're here and we're tormented and this is not true. Okay. Yes There are times where we go through tribulations and painful experiences and sorrows and woes in all of that But it doesn't compare at all to what the Bible says about the place called hell So point number one this morning is hell is a place where the dead are So let's move on you go to Matthew chapter 25 point number two is pretty quick Matthew chapter 25 I Should have told you to keep your place in Proverbs, but I'm sure you can find it pretty quickly So point number two is I want you to see the purpose of hell Did you know that hell has a purpose that God created it for a reason don't let people tell you Oh, well loving God wouldn't create hell because that's just a lie That's just you're just dealing with a person who has willingly made lies their refuge Matthew 2541 Matthew chapter 25 verse 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart for me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels Right. It wasn't prepared for man from the very beginning I've heard people say I think Richard Dawkins said something like, you know, God's just just a hate monger Just angry and you know these atheists I've seen them on debates and in interviews say, you know The Bible says that God created hell for mankind if they don't do what he wants if they don't Function the way he wants and that's simply not what the Bible teaches at all The Bible says right here into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels It was not God's intent on originally just throwing man into hell for any sin that they commit That is not what the Bible teaches at all And this also disproves the myth that the devil's in hell torturing people I have had people who claim to be Christians who go to church every single week in this area Tell me that the devil's they're tormenting people right now that it's like No, that's not what this says. And as we go through this you're gonna see that's just it's just foolishness. It's just ignorance So point number two, I wanted you to see the purpose of hell. It was created It was prepared for the devil and his angels now go to Deuteronomy chapter 32 Deuteronomy chapter number 32 And so I said point number one is hell is a place where the dead is and if you don't know this The Bible says it right now. Hell is actually located in the center of the earth, right? By the time you get to Revelation you get to see Apollyon come down with the key open it up and what happens smoke? Arises, right and out of that smoke comes locus I'm kind of getting ahead of myself, but we're gonna look at that But that is the beginning of the relocation of hell because hell at the Great White Throne judgment is gonna be Relocated to the lake of fire, right so you can use lake of fire and hell in the same breath. It's all torment It's all fire. It's all hell It's just I want you to understand that right now as we speak Hell is in the center of the earth and it's going to be relocated into outer darkness into what's called the lake of fire So you're there in Deuteronomy 32. I want you to see point number three, which is going to be the longest point I'm just going to kind of Go on from here, but point number three is the characteristics of hell I want to go over several Characteristics of how several things that the Bible teaches about hell what it's like what's going on there? Look at the Deuteronomy 32 look at verse number 22 It says this for a fire is kindled in mine anger and shall burn Unto the lowest hell and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire the foundations of the mountains So it says right here now now this this doesn't sound like the God of the New Evangelicals to me You'd be God gets angry lowest hell. What's this? You know why they don't talk about it or why they don't understand that when we're preaching them the gospel It's because their modern Bible versions take hell out of the Old Testament almost entirely But he says for a fire is kindled in my anger and shall burn unto the lowest hell So think about that for a second if there's a lowest hell Then there must be something above that to make that the lowest hell, right? So we don't fully understand every little detail about hell, right? But there's obviously a lowest hell right where I mean, where do you think a pedophile is gonna go to the highest hell? No to the lowest hell, right? Jesus said it was better for them to have a millstone tied about their neck and they'd be cast into the sea then they should harm one of these little ones Right where I mean, that's a pretty gruesome. I Mean painful way to die and that's I mean and that's in the physical sense I mean, I couldn't imagine fully or even comprehend what the lowest hell would be like but You know, it's it's gonna be it's gonna be interesting for those people Turn to Isaiah chapter 5 So the first characteristic is obviously that there's a lowest hell meaning there has to be different levels And like I said, we don't fully quite understand all that But nonetheless if God when he gave us the law put different penalties on different sins It would make sense that there's probably different levels of punishment in hell The next thing I want you to see is that hell is huge Hell is huge while you're turning to Isaiah chapter 5 I'm gonna read for you Proverbs 27 20 which says this hell and destruction are never full So the eyes of man are never satisfied The invitation that we read about in Proverbs chapter 9 Has been going on forever I mean since the beginning of time, you know since the fall of man and that invitation like I said look think about it 600,000 people are gonna tap out today. They're gonna die. They're going to drop dead Most of them will go to hell and the Bible says in Proverbs that hell and destruction are never full Isaiah chapter 5 look at verse number 11 It says woe it to them that rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink that continue until night till wine and flame them Verse 12 and the harp and the vial the tabaret and pipe and wine are in their feasts But they regard not the work of the Lord neither consider the operation of his hands And so again, I'm not you know, some people might read verse 11 and you know And continue on with this repenting your sins type message now Obviously, we're against all this drinking and all this garbage here that we're reading about but nonetheless the Bible saying the reason why they are doing this in this Situation is because they regard not the work of the Lord neither consider the operation of his hands So we're talking we're not talking about a backslidden Christian here. We're talking about the heathen. We're talking about the world We're talking about the people that have taken the invitation that the foolish woman has to offer the earth verse 13 therefore Right. Therefore my people are gone into captivity Because they have no knowledge and their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up With thirst remember in the Old Testament his people were the nation of Israel. It is different today His people are those of us who are saved the body of Christ, right? So it's different here So in the Old Testament you had his people who were not saved That is not possible in 2019 because the Israel of God is made up of people are safe. So let's move on here verse 14 Therefore so he's saying because of this because of these people because they rejected my wisdom. He says therefore Hell hath enlarged yourself and opened her mouth without measure and their glory and their multitude and their pomp and he that rejoiceth shall Descend into it anybody here ever ran into a proud atheist and I'm going to hell and I'm proud of it I know I'm going to hell we all have All of you we all have what does the Bible say here? You're gonna descend into hell buddy There's no hope for you your pride will bring you to destruction Now turn to Isaiah chapter 14 So he said hey because of this because most people reject the wisdom of God Most people don't want to be saved. They don't want anything to do with God It's unfortunate sad but because of those reasons hell hath enlarged itself It has it had it's had to expand why because it was originally created for the devil and his angels But now with the multitudes of the earth rejecting God rejecting his message. It has enlarged itself So that's another characteristic that I want you to see is that hell is huge now check this out The next thing I want you to see is there's no strength in hell There's no physical strength and obviously there's no spiritual strength because people in hell don't have a spirit Their spirit goes back to God whom gave it and it's their soul that is on fire their soul that is turning in the worms Isaiah 14 look at verse number 9 This is talking about Satan He says hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming It stirs up the dead for thee even all the chief ones of the earth It hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations So all these kings all these popular people these rich bankers these people that want to enslave humanity The Bible says that they're down there and they're getting stirred up But look at verse 10 it says all they shall speak and say unto thee art thou also Become weak as we so in hell these people understand that they have no strength They understand that they have no power. They understand that they are nothing Right. So you look at the devil and like are you the one that I worshiped? Are you the one that I bow down to are you the one that stirred up the nations? Are you the one that did all this? They're like, I thought you had horns and big muscles and fangs and you were omnipresent and all this stuff and it's you Right. That's all it is is you look at the rest of the verse says art thou become like unto us Psalm 88 4 says this I am counted with them that go down into the pit I am as a man that hath no strength the Bible is very clear There is no strength in hell people say well I want to go to hell because my buddies are there You won't have any strength even if you could see your buddy you wouldn't be able to walk to him You can't turn out of the worms that are engulfing. You can't get out of the flame that has surrounded you It's impossible because you have no strength. Look at verse 11. He says thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of thy vials the worm is spread under thee and the Worm covereth thee you say well, that's not very pleasant. Well, that's Bible. That's what the Bible says And you say oh you're just trying to scare us well, yeah That's right. You know, that's what why do you think these things are in here, right? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. What's wisdom wisdom is knowledge applied We are to take this knowledge and use it that becomes wisdom We're gonna talk about more of that later on turn to Psalm chapter number 29 Psalm chapter 29 So not only was hell prepared for the devil and his angels not only is it huge But people in hell have no strength They're weak While you're turning into Proverbs 29, I'm sorry. Did I say Proverbs Psalms? Right? Well Psalms 29 you guys turn to Psalms 29 I'm gonna read Psalms 28 Psalms 28 8 says this the Lord is their strength and he is the saving strength of his anointed So if he is the saving strength of his anointed his saved Right his people which are us then that means he has not provided strength He has not given strength to those who are not his anointed to those who are not saved. Look at verse 29 I'm sorry Psalm 29 verse 11 The Lord will give strength unto his people the Lord will bless his people with peace Does that say that the Lord gives strength to the dead? No, it doesn't there is no strength in hell These people don't have all you know, I've heard people that hate God so much say that one, you know If I go to hell, I'm just gonna be cursing God and doing all this stuff and just flipping out You won't have the strength to do that You won't have the strength there is no strength in hell You're not gonna be the big tough guy that you think you are here. It's not gonna work. Hell is a humbling place It's an eternally humbling place Alright go to Psalms 36 Psalm chapter 36 Psalm chapter 36 the next thing I want to show you is there's no mercy and hell there is no mercy in hell This is why the doctrine of purgatory Was developed to make it seem not so bad to reject God and so that you can follow man and there's no Consequences for that so that you can follow the invitation that the foolish woman has so that you can be her guest It's just all a lie. It's just all a trap Psalm 36 look at verse 5 there's no mercy in hell look at this Psalm 36 verse 5 says thy mercy o Lord is in the heavens and Thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds So his mercy begins down here as an option for those who want to be saved and it stretches up to the heavens Notice what's missing below the earth. There is no mercy down there There is no mercy and I'll prove it to you further turn to Mark chapter 9 Mark chapter 9 I Have Mark chapter 9 highlighted in my Bible I know to go there if somebody's stuck on the doctrine of hell or what it is and I've used it several times There was a time where I was preaching the gospel to this black Hebrew Israelite woman And she was like the Bible doesn't say anything about hell show me right now Right. It must have worked on several other Christians prior to us And so I said no problem and I read to her these verses that I'm gonna read to you and she's like well It didn't used to say that it didn't say that in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that's what she said I just went like this close my Bible. So we're done, you know, you're you're stupid. There's there's no hope for you Okay, you've obviously subscribed to the foolish woman the clamorous woman's wisdom of the world. So Mark chapter 9 look at verse 42 Mark chapter 9 verse 42 It says and whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me It is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea And it's interesting here how he starts talking about hell look at verse 43 And if I hand offend he cut it off It is better for thee to enter into life maimed then having two hands go into hell into the fire that never Shall be quenched Let's stop right here people say Several things about this passage here. I've heard the dispensationalist say well if you take the mark of the beast You can cut your hand off and still get in It's true Go down to Treasure Valley and start asking questions. That is what they will tell you I have heard several of these people say that I've also heard people here Well, if your hands, you know got covetousness and you got a problem stealing you better stop or you're going to hell And we know that isn't true. Jesus is saying hey, whatever is hindering you from being saved from believing on me You better just let go of that and believe on me so that you can be saved because it's better for you to Let go of that than to spend eternity hell. That's the whole message of this passage here Now verse 44 he says Where their worm dieth not in the fire is not quenched. So you say well I'm just gonna sweep all the worms out of the way. I've heard someone say that to me Well, I'll just I'll just scoot them out of the way then. No you won't Because there's no strength. There's no mercy and the worm dieth not there ain't no scooting them out of the way It's darkness. It's ever it's everywhere. But notice the consistency of the Bible here, right? What are we reading Isaiah? What's gonna cover Satan the worms? What is Jesus saying here? Hey, it's a place with a warm dieth not That's disgusting and there's been movies called worms and made about worms. And I you know, I was reading this, you know I was thinking I try to imagine myself just laying in like Nightcrawlers, you know or something like that Ah, man, no, you know, I wouldn't want to do that here You know, could you imagine spending an eternity covered in worms and burning and not able to pass out? Knowing there's no end to that. You're not getting out. You're it's done. Look. There's a reason why Jesus has this information in the Bible We need to understand it. We need to go We need to know where to go to find this stuff to show people Verse 45 and if thy foot offendee cut it off It is better for thee to enter into life than having two feet to be cast into hell into the fire That shall or that never shall be quenched Let me saying hey those feet they keep running away from my message. You better cut them off You better stop because this is your destination if you neglect that verse 46 where they're warm dieth not and the fire is not quenched And so notice how he keeps this consistency. He keeps saying this Hey, the worms don't die. The fire is not going out just in case you didn't hear me the first time, right? Just in case you didn't hear me the second time I'm gonna give you a third time verse 47 and if thine eye offendee pluck it out It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes to be cast in hell fire Once again, what are the dispensationalist say if you take the mark of the beast in your forehead, which they say could possibly be an eye Chip or something like that. You can pluck your eye out or you can cut your head off willingly Have somebody cut your head off and you'll be saved Yeah, but the natural man receiveth not the things that are you know the Spirit of God there forces unto him That's why they they come up with this garbage verse 48 Again, look at this Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched So many people today just don't want to get this Right, but this could help somebody because I've used this to help people out stolen I've had people say I've been going I've had people tell me this look I've gone to church my whole life I've never heard that it's like dude Matthew mark you haven't made it to books into the New Testament yet You've been going to church your whole life and you've never heard about this You I mean we haven't even gotten to chapter 10 to double digits and mark yet Most Christianity today haven't made it past Matthew chapter 1 Go to 2nd Peter chapter number 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 so obviously hell is huge. There's no strength in health. There's no mercy in help, right? Did you see mercy anywhere in this passage here in Mark chapter 9? No, it doesn't exist. There's no mercy Once you've decided to make that journey you say, you know, I'm gonna reject God. I don't want to be saved I'm gonna go to hell. This is what's gonna happen to you. This is gonna happen to these people. There's no hope There's no mercy. There's no getting out Now look at this 2nd Peter chapter 2 look at verse 4 It says for if God spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness To be reserved unto judgment. He's saying what? There's no mercy he's saying hey, you're nothing special He's like I didn't spare the angels that sinned against me in Romans chapter 8 It said he didn't even spare his own son But yet you we somehow people got this in their heads that well He'll spare me as long as my good outweighs the bad. Well, he's all loving right Christ already died for me So I don't have to do anything. I don't have to leave I could just go to heaven. Isn't that the Pope's message? Right. Oh even atheists can go, you know, just just come pay your dues and you know I'll pray him right out of purgatory or whatever. That was Billy Graham's message Right, even the Muslim if he looks to the light that he has, you know, gotta let him in the Hindu God a lot of men, you know The the Shinto priest got a lot of men because he's following the light that he has no This is the light the chains of darkness, right? There is no light that's gonna be your fate turn one more chapter over second Peter chapter 3 Second Peter chapter 3 look at verse 7 Second Peter 3 7 says this but the heaven I'm sorry But the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment in perdition of Ungodly men go to Matthew 16. No Bible says there are people on this planet right now So out of those 600,000 people that are going to die today November 24th 2019 the Bible saying you know what a lot of them actually have a reservation in helm Why is that because they've Accepted that invitation that the foolish woman has given them. They've become her guests an invited guest and This is their destination a place of darkness The Bible says that I in second Peter 2 for us is for of God's prayer But cast them dead hell and delivered them into the chains of darkness people will say well I Had a vision, you know where I went to hell and there was people in chains and demons and chains and and stuff like that There's no strength in hell. So why would you really need to be changed? The chain is the darkness That's what it is. You can't move you can't see you can't go where you can't see Right. So when people like bill wise there's this guy named bill wise and he's not wise. He's got a book Called something like 23 minutes in hell and he claims to have had a vision where he went to hell for 23 minutes Yeah an eternity, right? He went to hell for 23 minutes and in there he's talking about How he got like sucked down this tunnel and he landed in a prison cell and he could see like chains And then these demons came over and they like pierced him through with their their long talents He said, you know, it's like wait a second There seems to be an awful lot of light in this place of darkness according to you right and he's talking about these chains It's like well, we know there's no strength. There's no mercy. There's warms. There's fire. There might be chance You know, we don't really know we don't need to know we need to know what is written here It says that God delivered them into chains of darkness didn't say chains of metal Alright, and he's describing these chains like they got these, you know There's a big round type like you see on the ships and stuff like that's like dude. It doesn't say that in here That's extra revelation What do we what are we reading about in John right John chapter 14 15 and 16 that we're gonna see tonight Jesus over and over again says hey, the Holy Ghost is gonna bring up everything that I've taught you and bring it back to your Remembrance. Well, you know what? I haven't read yet are the descriptions of these chains and these shackles that the demons lock you up in when you go to hell For 23 minutes. This guy's an idiot Just another Pentecostal devil. So I had you turn to Matthew chapter number 16 The third thing or the fourth thing I'm sorry, we're gonna look at is the sneak attack of hell I call it the sneak attack of hell Matthew chapter 16. Look at verse 18 It says and I say also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it go back to Isaiah and this time go to Isaiah Chapter 28 so I know you guys are familiar greatly with these verses here or this verse in Matthew where Jesus says hey You're not the first Pope Okay, but he's saying upon this rock upon me. I will build my church. I'll build my body, you know, I will Establish the Israel of God is what he's saying He says in the gates of hell shall not prevail against it meaning you cannot lose your salvation He says over and over again. We see this in the Bible The gates of hell will not prevail against it But you know what the gates of hell will prevail against the foolish woman It will prevail against the heathen who rejects his message and you know what it's gonna sneak up on them And the reason why is because the world has made lies their refuge the heathen have an expectation Of what the afterlife is like right? They think it's a party. Is that not what Anton LaVey would teach people, you know It's a place where we're free from rules and regulations and do as I will right Well, you could do all you want down there according to your limitations with no strength. No mercy. No light darkness fire warms I don't know So the gates of hell can't Touch us but it is going to touch the proud. It is going to touch the haughty Isaiah chapter 28. Look at verse 14 Wherefore hear the word of the Lord ye scornful men that rule this people which is in Jerusalem In that same language we read in Proverbs chapter 9 about the scornful, right? What is what what it's gonna be there in look at verse 15 He says because ye have said we have made a covenant with death and with hell are we at agreement? When the overflowing scourge shall pass through it shall not come unto us for we have made lies our refuge and under Falsehood have we hid ourselves? Look the Bible is talking about the same people that you and I have to deal with in the workforce that you and I deal With outsole any people who have made lies the refuge people who have an agreement with hell, right? When I was in Japan, I was going to you kooska Baptist Church and I was taking their soul-winning class They had you know, they have the the little Bible Institute's at some of the old IFP churches have and I was like, you know I'm gonna take this soul-winning class. It sounds interesting They had the right gospel and I learned some stuff there, you know, it was alright One of the assignments they gave us was you have to preach the gospel to somebody at work So I was like, alright cool So I'll never forget this This guy had been talking to me to be seeing me walk to church on Sundays And so I figured you know, it seems like a good candidate. He seems like he's interested Well one day we were on a break and he was like, hey, you know, how's church going? I'll say I'm glad you asked and so I preached him the gospel like my assignment said to do and he said, you know What I believe everything you're saying I'm like man, I'm gonna get an a-plus on this. I got somebody saved I might get somebody saved he goes, but I've had a rough life I've had a lot of people that I love die and I know they didn't believe this and I want to go to where they Are he's like and so I'm gonna make the decision right now To just believe that God's gonna have mercy on me and then I'm just gonna go there and be where they're at and I want to see them Again someday and I and that that's my hope that's my agreement. That's my covenant basically is what he's telling me And I remember this verse here, you know, because you have said we have made a covenant with death and with hell Are we at agreement? God's saying hey, you know your falsehood this agreement your expectation is gonna perish Turn to Proverbs chapter 10 and while you're turning there, I'm just gonna read for you the rest of this passage here So you turn to Proverbs chapter 10 the rest of Isaiah 28 verse 16 says therefore thus saith the Lord God behold I lay in Zion for a foundation of stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation He that believeth shall not make haste So what does that tell you those that believeth not are gonna realize that that agreement that they have with hell with death Is gonna soon be broken in reality is gonna be set in place and hell is gonna sneak up on these people Proverbs chapter 10 look at verse 28. He says the hope of the righteous shall be gladness but the expectation of the wicked shall perish you see the wicked they have an Expectation because they've made lies their falsehood, right? They've believed themselves now They believe the lie and they say, you know what? I just believe the hell's what I say it is I believe it's a party. I believe I can get my ten virgins I believe I can get all this stuff or I believe that maybe Christ will come back someday and preach us out I believe there's chances beyond hell. I've had Mormons tell me that that's not what the Bible teaches That's fine If that's what you want to believe but don't claim to be a Christian Don't claim to be following the Bible because that is not what it teaches verse 28 again The hope of the righteous shall be gladness, but the expectation of the wicked shall perish. It doesn't say might it says it shall perish Verse 29 the way of the Lord is strength to the upright, but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity Verse 30 the righteous shall never be removed, but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth The Bible says the meek shall inherit the earth That's what it says Matthew chapter 7 says the workers of iniquity get cast into the lake of fire You say well, what does that mean? Well, that tells you The Christ is gonna throw these Christians that are trusting in the works and him right into hell The Bible says the workers of iniquity and according to Psalm chapter 5 God hates all Workers of iniquity not just the iniquity. He doesn't say oh, I love the the sinner and hate the sin He doesn't say that says no, I hate all workers of iniquity people that teach repent of your sins. God hates them Everybody understand that that's what the Bible teaches over and over and over and over again you say well No, they're not doing any harm to Christ They're just you know, if people decide they want to help themselves get to heaven They want to help Christ in themselves get to heaven that it's okay. God's gonna accept that. No, you're a worker of iniquity He sent his one and only begotten Son contrary to what the NIV says said his only begotten Son To die for the sins of the whole world and when you say that's not good enough I need to help you. He doesn't take that lightly Verse 30 the righteous shall never be removed, but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth Eternal security was taught even in the Old Testament Turn to Proverbs chapter 15 in Proverbs chapter 15 The Bible also says in Proverbs 11 7 when a wicked man dieth his expectation shall perish and the hope of unjust men perishes Don't let it bother you too much when you see these heathens talking or misspeaking about hell and purposely lying to people because you know What you know, you ought to know, you know what your expectation buddy's coming Guess what? Mr. Politician that says all roads lead to heaven your expectation is gonna sneak up on you It's going to crash and burn When you lift open your eyes in hell So number four, let's move on here This one here everybody knows but we need to go over it anyways hell is not separation from God Hell is not a separation from God You see this here is taught in even a lot of independent and fundamental Baptist churches today Well, there's some some you know, there's different levels to this. Some people say, you know, it's separation from God It's just outer darkness. I even heard one Baptist put it like this He said it's like this if you were to go on a trip to Disneyland and you get to the parking lot And you're told you can't go in you just got to hang out here, right? You're separated from the glory and from all that right? That's that's what it means. You're separated from God You know the fire and stuff that's not really sure that's just symbolic You know that just kind of represents how God's mad at you and you know, you're missing out for eternity Think anybody's ever read math or mark chapter 9 who teaches that and then there's others that say well, it's just separation from God Yeah, there's flames and worms and all this stuff. But really the worst part is it separated from God No, no, you're not separated from God Proverbs 15 look at verse 11 hell and destruction are before the Lord Does that sound like it's separated from the Lord? Hell and destruction are before meaning in front of the Lord how much more than the hearts of the children of men Don't ever get it into your head. Well, God's not watching. God doesn't know God doesn't care He doesn't see everything because hey if even the lowest parts of hell are before God You better believe your heart is as well You Don't have to turn there But listen to this Psalms 139 verse 8 says if I ascend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in hell Behold thou art there Understand this hell is not a separation of God. You gotta know God is you're gonna know that turn to Isaiah chapter 24 Isaiah chapter 24 So Hell is not a separation from God God knows exactly what he's doing Hell is before the Lord and contrary to popular belief Christ will cast people into hell But before we get there look at Isaiah 24 look at verse number 19 This is the earth is utterly broken down. The earth is clean dissolved The earth is moved exceedingly the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard and shall be removed like a cottage and the Transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again verse 21 Then it shall come to pass in that day That the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the kings of the earth upon the earth verse 22 and they shall be gathered together as Prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days Shall they be visited now has anything from verse 19 to verse 21 happened yet? Has the earth been wobbling around like a drunkard? Well, if you've been in an earthquake, you might think so, right but not to the magnitude that we're reading about here This is talking about the end, right and he's saying hey the people the high ones that are in hell Guess what? They're gonna be visited again and the reason why I brought this up is for a couple reasons number one a lot of people will take the verse about where Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison and they'll bring you back here and say see these people get a second chance Right. They got preached out of hell. That is not what this is talking about again verse 22 This is talking about the visitation of the great white throne judgment That's what's talking about and they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit that is talking about hell The pit in the Bible is often used to describe hell as well It says and they shall be shut up in the prison after many days. Shall they be visited right? Look at verse 23 Then the moon shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before His ancients gloriously now turn to Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16 So Hell is not a separation from God you say it will prove it You could use this passage right here Bible saying that the great ones the high people The people that are rich the people that hate God that are in hell right now. They're gonna be visited again They're gonna stand in line and be judged according to their works Why are you turning to Luke 16? I'm gonna read for you a couple more verses Matthew 7 22 says this Many will say it to me that day Lord Lord Have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works Right. These are the people that are being visited as well in verse 23 It says and then will I profess it them? I never knew you depart for me ye that work iniquity and we already talked about this you that work iniquity These are people that are saying hey, I taught Sunday school. Hey, I'm a Pentecostal. I did the Holy Ghost hokey-pokey I rolled around in the house. I cast it out devils. I did all these things Why am I in hell and he's saying hey, I don't care about you Kenneth Copeland how high you were How many jets you had Benny Hinn? Guess what you? Rejected the wisdom of the Lord you neglected my free gift you top people That they had to turn from their sins to be saved. You're a worker of iniquity and you're going to hell And so are all your followers Revelation 20 15 says this and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire Who does the casting read Matthew chapter 7? It's the Lord Jesus Christ Says send them in send them into like a fire the Lord Jesus Christ will cast people into like a fire Contrary to what people want to tell you today. Oh, well, Jesus wouldn't say that to them He wouldn't say it's like look you're not even saved. Why do we allow you to tell us what Jesus says? It's not right. It should be the other way around We're the ones that have the understanding we have the fear of the Lord We have the understanding of the holy because we have the key We have the Bible here and we need to be the ones that fill our area with God's doctrine All Right, amen number five What we're gonna see now is a testimony from hell. I'm not gonna go to Bill wise. I'm not gonna go to This other lady man. I wish I could remember her name. There was a book that was published Does anybody know what I'm talking about? It was called it was another book like Bill wise about some lady who went to hell want to say her name was Mary Something Mary Baker Eddy. That doesn't sound right. Ah Man, it was it was published. I think in 2004 But anyway, it's the same kind of junk right and she's like I went to hell for X amount of time I saw these demons I talked with them. You know, I had conversations. It's just the most ridiculous thing Look these people that write this stuff. They claim to have more knowledge than the Apostle Paul I mean think about that for a second that is just not true. You want a testimony from hell? Here it is Luke chapter 16 and don't let people say oh, this is just a parable No It isn't because he's using names and locations and everything in this passage points to a reality I mean all the verses that I've read up to this point just keep them in the back of your mind And think about that. This is not a parable, right? So let's take a look at this a testimony from hell Look at verse 19 There was a certain rich man Which was clothed in purple and fine linen who fared sumptuously every day verse 20 and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus Which was late at his gate full of sores Verse 21 and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores Verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom The rich man also died and was buried. Let's stop right there for a second Abraham's bosom bosom is a body part. It is not a location, right? It's not a compartment of hell because the way the dispensationalists and even people that aren't like fully dispensationalist They teach this doctrine called Abraham's bosom and they say that in the Old Testament when somebody died They went to Abraham's bosom and there was a good part of Abraham's bosom and a bad part and it No All that. I mean, did you not read some of the Psalms that we went over? Did it say that people looked over or anything like that? No, it describes hell as being beneath low down under in heaven always being above was not Elijah carried up Was not Elijah carried up in heaven not down and over into the good compartment of hell That's ridiculous verse 23 Look at this look look at this here Luke 16 23 and in hell He lift up his eyes. Stop right there. Does it say in hell? He opened his eyes I'm sure he did out at some point, but that's not what this says. It says and in hell He lift up his eyes. It doesn't say he lift up his eyelids. It doesn't say that he opened his eyes it says he lift up his eyes if Abraham's bosom was a compartment located directly to the side of hell. Why wouldn't he look over? Or look straight on I mean something other than up and by the way when people are in pain Have you ever stubbed your toes on what people do? They're like, ah, they look up That's what's going on here. He's in hell. He's in torments and he's screaming He's looking up and for some miraculous reason God allows us to see This insight here see this situation through his word so we can have a clear understanding of what's going on here He says and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom He didn't say I see Lazarus in some compartment over here right in his bosom In his chest area, so he's like hey buddy, you know, it's good to meet you now You're comforted you had evil things during your life But now because you trusted in God you believed on God, you know, you're saved and that rich man's like what's going on here? He knows he messed up now look at verse 24 and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me why does he say that because there's no mercy in hell and Send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue Why does he say that because there's no water in hell. There's no strength in hell He can't get up and go get himself a glass of water So he says send Lazarus. So what else do you see you still see that guy's arrogance? There's still just a little bit there, right? Why does he say Abraham? Could you hook me? I'm gonna be a glass of water Is there anybody else any porters any you know anybody else, you know around it could maybe just send me a little water No, Lazarus. He still hasn't let go of that. You see that Let me dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame You know what else it is missing here is Liberty where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty Hell and destruction are before the Lord but the Spirit of God the Holy Ghost now is on earth Reproving the world of sin. We're gonna look at that tonight, but he's saying hey, I've got no freedom. I've got no water I've got no mercy. I've got no strength But what he does have is his memory So that's another thing you need to understand in hell. There's no memory loss. You might get dementia here You might lose your memory here You might get Alzheimer's or you might claim ignorance and be like I've made lies in my refuge whatever but guess what in hell You're gonna have your memory and you're gonna know who people are Look at verse 25 What Abraham said son? Remember that thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou are tormented. Why is that because in heaven you're comforted in hell You're in torment, but he says hey, you've received good things Lazarus received evil things That doesn't mean that God purposely committed all this wicked evil on him evil in the King James Bible often means to hurt Lazarus was poor he had sores. He had a rough life. Those were hurtful things. That was evil. He received evil that way verse verse 26 and beside all this Between us and you there is a great gulf fix so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither Can they pass to us that would come from thence? So Abraham's like look? There's a separation here. There's a dividing line Why is that? Because once you're saved, you're always saved once you're a child of the devil once you decide to make that covenant with death It's a sealed deal. There's no getting out and you're gonna realize what you missed out on You know these people that want to reject Christ When they go to hell guess what they're gonna spend eternity realizing that that great Gulf Ain't going anywhere They get tossed to the lake of fire and they look over and they will see the glory that they missed out on they will See the truth. They'll remember the sermons. They heard they'll remember the soul owners that knocked on the door They're gonna remember the truth that was presented to them through nature They're gonna remember their conscience which is going to either excuse or accuse them for all of eternity Look at verse 27 he says Says this then he said I pray thee therefore Father that thou wouldest send him to my father's house. So he's still still hooked on Lazarus. He's like, all right Well, if you're not gonna send him to give me some water send him my father's house again Why not send somebody who's not being comforted? Why doesn't he say hey, okay Is there anybody else you can motivate that's alive on earth to come, you know, preach to my family? No, send Lazarus, please why he spent his whole life Sowing and reaping pride and Arrogancy verse 28 for I have five brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also Come to into this place of torment verse 29 Abraham saith unto him. They have Moses and the prophets Let them hear them. Oh You notice that the attitude that Abraham has it's like now they're without excuse they've got the book They've got the truth let them hear them let them hear them isn't that what we read in Proverbs chapter 9 at the end Let if they want to turn in hither let him that's what wisdom says go ahead You want to be the guest of the world be my guest, but just know that the dead are there Verse 30 and he said nay father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent He's not saying they will repent from their sins. He understands that they will turn He's like if somebody goes there and tells them they'll turn they'll repent They'll turn from trusting in themselves from trusting in their idols from not believing in God to believing on him But look at what Abraham says verse 31 and he said unto them if they hear not Moses and the prophets Neither will they be persuaded the one rose from the dead. Look people weren't persuaded when Christ rose from the dead You think they're gonna be persuaded just because I send somebody over there because I send Lazarus It's not gonna happen even when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead not everyone believed it and they all knew it Turn to Revelation chapter 9. We're almost done So in helm You got your memory there's no strength there's no mercy there's no Liberty there's none of that stuff right, but you still apparently have your foolish thoughts and Lazarus Send that servant send that petty guy Man, what is up with this rich guy? You see how rich people are see why I dread Saturday sometimes going to the rich areas All right, let's move on here. I just want to show you some additional insights here regarding hell revelation chapter 9 look at verse number 1 revelation 9 verse 1 in the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and To him was given the key of the bottomless pit. So there again talking about hell just another reference He's just calling it the bottomless pit Verse 2 and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace And the Sun in the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit And so this here is the beginnings here, right? This is the beginning The Bible's signaling to us. Hey hell's about to be relocated into the lake of fire here I like how it calls it the bottomless pit. Why is that because there's no gravity in hell verse number 3 it says and there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power as the Scorpions of the earth have power and it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth Neither any green thing neither any tree But only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. That's interesting So out of the bottomless pit come these creatures and they are in the business of torment Look at verse 5 and to them it was given that they should not kill them but that they should be tormented five months and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he Striketh a man you see what these creatures do they're in the business of tormenting people Where do they come from the bottomless pit from out of the smoke, right? I like I said, we don't know what they're doing But could you imagine being in darkness and a fire that never goes out covered in ones hearing these things flying around But you can't see them you want to talk about torments Look what this is alluding to is that hell is far worse than what we're even reading here Yeah Verse six and in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it and shall desire to die and Death shall flee from them you say well, why is that because these people are Reprobates these people have made lies their refuge. They've made a covenant with death They have an agreement with hell and they have an expectation of what the afterlife is like and now they're saying uh-oh We were wrong But their pride is in the way and they're like just kill us Right, they desire to die and it's like you you can you see the lack of understanding here Hell is literally being poured out on earth and these people are asking to die It's like you're going right into that pit and then you're gonna bounce right back into the lake of fire. So It just shows you the people in how they do lack understanding verse 7 in The shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared into battle and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold in their Faces were as the faces of men and they had hair as the hair of women and their teeth were as the teeth of lions And they had breastplates as it were breastplates of iron and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses Running into battle talk about torments I mean think about it right now out of the six hundred thousand people that are gonna die today Many of them are gonna this is gonna be reality here. They're going to hear these things They're going to be covered in these worms, right? You say well, why bring this up because we need to pull as many of them as we can out of the fire That's why verse 8 I'm sorry Look at verse 10 and they had tails like unto scorpions and there were strings in their tails I'm sorry stings in their tails not strings stings in her tails and their power was to hurt men five months and he had a king Which is the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon But in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon Go to 2nd Samuel chapter 24 real quick 2nd Samuel chapter 24 a False teaching that's out there. I'm sure many of you have heard it. Is that this star that fell from heaven this Abaddon or Apollyon is the devil look I've heard that in soul winning churches not churches like ours But I've heard it in the old IFB churches. They say well, this is the devil here and you know what it's not It's the the reason why that's taught is because they have a misunderstanding of the Holy One They're not really dividing the scriptures correctly this here Apollyon or Abaddon is just an angel of destruction You can see him executing Death and Exodus you can you're gonna see it right here We're just gonna take a look at this one here in 2nd Samuel 2nd Samuel 24 We're gonna start reading in verse 11. So David had numbered the people, right? He realizes he's wrong and now the Prophet Gad is gonna come to him and say all right God's gonna chase in you for doing this and he's gonna give you a choice We're gonna read about these two choices here 2nd Samuel 24 look at verse 11 For when David was up in the morning the word of the Lord came unto the Prophet Gad David's here saying go and say unto David thus saith the Lord I offer thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So God came to David and told him and said unto him shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land Or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies while they pursue thee or that there Be three days pestilence in thy land now advise and see what answer I shall return To him that sent me talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place Right. Look at what David's response is Verse 14 and David said unto Gad I am in a great strait Let us fall now into the hand of the Lord for his mercies are great and let me not fall into the hand of man So he's like, look, I'm better off just falling under the hand of God verse 15 So the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning Even to the time appointed and there died of the people from Dan even to Beersheba 70,000 men and we're gonna see who kills these 70,000 men verse 16 and when the angel Look at this and when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it The Lord repented him of the evil and said to the angel that destroyed the people it is enough Stay now thine hand and the angel of the Lord was by the threshing place of Arunah the Jebusite Now you can go back to Actually go to Jude go to Jude. So we're done there I just wanted to show you passage to just explain to you that God does have angels that carry forth destruction God does do evil. He does hurt people. He does kill people. That is the God of the Bible That's not all that he does. Obviously obviously he is loved Bible that the Bible does say God is love I mean, but yeah, but God commended his love for us then while we were yet sinners Christ died for us We've got to have the full balance of God's Word The Bible says a false balance is an abomination to the Lord, right? But I just wanted to show you that because in Revelation people say well Not only the devil can do death and destruction and that's not true. That's not true We shouldn't be ignorant like that of God's Word. So Apollyon, Abaddon, you know is an angel I'm not saying it's the same guy. I don't know. It doesn't say that I've heard that in the Hebrew Bible you can read the word about him a lot and maybe that's true I don't read Hebrew So I don't know but either way one thing that we do know is that God has his angels that do carry out Destruction and do kill people under his orders and it's righteous it it's just because it's God So we're done right here. All right, just a quick passage of application. You say you said all this stuff, you know This is definitely not pleasant. I understand that but these things do need to be preached Jude look at verse 17 So we understand that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom right and knowledge of the Holy One is Understanding we need to seek to always have this understanding but also look at verse 17 Jude 17 But beloved remember ye the words which are spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own godly lusts And let me stop right there part of their own ungodly lusts. You know what that is It's that covenant that we read about that invitation that That that false wisdom that we read about in Proverbs chapter 9 the world's message Hey do is that will those are ungodly lusts? That's the message of the world Look at verse 19 these be they who separate themselves Sensual having not the spirit Kind of describes the trendies verse 20 But ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost not talking about praying in tongues We've already beat that horse to death verse 21 Keep yourselves and the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life He needs to be our focus abiding in the new man he's saying verse 22 and of some have compassion making a difference and Of some having compassion making difference. I don't know. I think I mentioned this earlier But as you know, David's coke and Kayden were you know at that door yesterday without where they've got that woman the young Mormon lady saved or ex Mormon lady saved I looked across the street and There there is cunabaptist Church and I just couldn't help but think no. Thanks to you No, thanks to you. And that's why Jude says and some having compassion making a difference Because there's only some and that's why the Lord Jesus told us Hey pray that God would send more laborers into his harvest because the fields are ripe and ready to go So verse 23 and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even a garment spotted by the flesh That's us. That's your fundamental Baptist, you know, hey, we understand the the righteous message of the Bible free gift But we also want to remain Unspotted by the world, right? And so that's our message This is why we need to understand these things why we need to have knowledge of the Holy One so that we can teach others So we can separate the two because the message of the world is hey do is that well, it's all about you It's what you can do. The message of Christianity is really no different today. It's hey Turn from your sins. What have you done? Just any good deed you've done. It's probably good enough But that's not what the Bible says at all, right? We're the ones that have to clear that up for him It's like no no, no, no, no, even the thought of foolishness is sin. The Bible says you can't turn from all your sins It's impossible There's not a just man upon earth to do with good and sin if not Solomon said We're all gonna sin so we need to learn this fear and The reason why is because the fear of God is beginning of knowledge The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom that fear in people is what's going to get them saved Eventually. All right, so let's stop right here and We were done With this doctrine for probably another year, so All right, let's pray. All right. Thank you so much Lord for all these people that came to church Lord I pray you would help us to remember these things and be able to defend the doctrines of the Bible Lord but not to dwell on them at the same time and we just pray that you would use this mightily out in the community Lord to Reach more souls for you in Jesus name. I pray. Amen