(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen Turn to isaiah chapter number 10 verse 1 woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees and that right grievousness which they have prescribed to turn aside the needy from judgment and to take away the right from the poor of my people that widows may be their prey and that they may rob the fatherless and what will ye do in the day of visitation and in the Desolation which shall come from afar To whom will ye flee for help and where will ye leave your glory? Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners and they shall fall under the slain For all this is for all this his anger is not turned away But his hand is stretched out still Oh Syrian the rod of mine anger and the staff in their hand is mine in ignorant indication communication I will send I will send that him against an hypocritical nation and against the people of my wrath Will I give him a charge? To take the spoil and to take the prey and to tread them down like the mire of the street How be it he meaneth not so neither doth his heart think so But it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few Or he sayeth are not my princes altogether kings is Not Cal no as car team ish is not Hamath as our pad is not Samaria as the makis as As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols and whose graven images did Excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria Shall I not as I have done done unto Samaria and her idols so due to? Jerusalem and her idols Wherefore it shall come to pass that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon Mount Zion and on Jerusalem I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria and the glory of his high looks For he saith by the strength of my hand I have done it and by my wisdom For I am prudent and I have removed the bounds of the people and have robbed their treasures and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man and My hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people and as One gathers eggs that are left Have I gathered all the earth and there was none that moved the wig the wing or open? Opened the mouth or peeped Shall the axe boast itself against him that he with therewith or shout the saw Magnify itself against him that should shake it shaketh it as If the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up or as if the staff should lift it up Itself as if it were no wood Therefore shall the Lord the Lord of hosts and among his fat ones leanness and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire and The light of Israel shall be for a fire and his holy one for a flame and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his beerus of beers in one day and Shall consume the glory of his forests and of his fruitful field both soul and body and they shall be as when a standard bear fainted and The rest of the trees of his forest shall be few that a child may write them and It shall come to pass in that day that the remnant of Israel and such as our escape of the house of Jacob Shall no more again stay upon him that smote them But shall stay upon the Lord the Holy One of Israel in truth The remnant shall return even the remnant of Jacob unto the mighty God For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea yet a remnant of them shall return the consumption Decreted shall overflow with righteousness For the Lord God of hosts shall make a consumption even determined in the midst of all the land Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts Oh my people that dwellest in Zion be not afraid of the Assyrian. He shall smite thee with a rod and Shall lift up his staff against thee after the manner of Egypt for yet a very little while and the Indication shall cease and mine anger and their destruction and The Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of my day my Denian at the Rock of Oreb and as his rod was upon the sea so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt and It come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off thy sole shoulder and His yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing He is come to Iath He is passed to Migron at Mitchmash He hath laid up his carriages They are gone over the passage. They have taken up their lodging at Geba. Rama is Afraid Gibeah of Saul is fled Lift up thy voice. Oh daughter of Gilim Cuz it to be heard on to lie ish a poor and a thought Mid me not is removed the inhabitants of get gee BIM gather themselves to plebe as Yet shall he remain at knob that day? He shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion the hill of Jerusalem Behold the Lord the Lord of hosts shall lop the bot the bow with terror and the high ones of of stature shall be hewed down and the hottie shall be humbled and he shall cut down the thickets of the forest with iron and We've been on shall fall by a mighty one brother David, would you listen to word of prayer? All right, amen Isaiah chapter number 10 now last summer we went through Several different passages in the book of Isaiah and if you remember Isaiah the son of Amos was a prophet during the times of King Uzziah Ahaz Jotham and Hezekiah and the book is basically his vision from God concerning Judah and Jerusalem and you can kind of tell by the first verse which we're gonna read here in a moment the state that the nation's In now obviously they have good kings have bad kings They're kind of on this roller coaster But even when they have good kings the Bible lets us know that there are still people that are trying to come up with not trying but actually doing coming up with evil laws and trying to get them past and sustained for the sole purpose to take advantage of The innocent. Okay, if you would look down to verse number one, it says woe unto them that decree Unrighteous decrees and that right grievousness which they have prescribed Now we've gone over this before but a decree you see what's a decree? It's an order that is given by a legal authority. Okay, basically a law and so God is telling Isaiah Hey Make sure you proclaim this truth to these people who are dreaming up who are coming up with these evil wicked laws to hurt righteousness To hurt righteous people they are gonna get theirs someday They will get what's coming to them The problem is until that happens leaves this vacuum and this gap and we're gonna talk about that tonight Now the title of the sermon is this free Cain Velasquez free Cain Velasquez Who knows who Cain Velasquez is now some of you do for those of you who don't know who he is I'm just gonna do an introduction for you. So Cain Velasquez basically is a celebrity Okay, he is a two-time UFC heavyweight champion The UFC is the ultimate fighting championship It's basically the highest level of mixed martial arts competition that you can go to on this planet right now And he was a two-time Heavyweight champion and is that true heavyweight not lightweight. Okay. I don't want to say something wrong so two-time heavyweight champion who retired in 2019 the guys had a long history of Just achievements. I mean he was an NCAA wrestler before he went to the UFC After his retirement. He did some work with the WWE or yeah, is it WWE? Yeah, I still remember the old WWF days with Hulk Hogan and stuff when I was a kid So he went to the WWE which is basically the WWF. Okay now I'm not endorsing any of those organizations Okay, I'm not endorsing the UFC if you really want to boil that down. They are wicked They support queers and all sorts of things I'm not you know endorsing them and I'm not attacking mixed martial arts have nothing in the world Against training in mixed martial arts or competing in mixed martial arts game Whatever problem with is one of these things obviously take over the work of God, but that's a sermon for another day So with that being said you say why bring this guy up? What did he do? What's going on? Well being as he's a Celebrity some interesting things happen to him. Keep your place there in Isaiah chapter 10 go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 7 Ecclesiastes chapter number 7 So he right now is in jail Okay, and for a supposed crime that he's committed which I'm going to get to here in a moment But basically before I get into that, let me just make clear what this sermon is also about So it's about him, but really it's the repercussions of Unrighteous laws that are being passed in this nation and that are going to be passed in this nation and How to protect our children and how to protect ourselves in a wicked and perverse nation That's really what this sermon boils down to now You're there in Ecclesiastes chapter number 7 before I get into why I'm preaching about Cain Velasquez I want you to have this verse in your mind as I read the charges that are brought against this man Ecclesiastes chapter number 7 look at verse number 7. It says this surely oppression Maketh a wise man mad and a gift destroyeth the heart. Okay. Well a gift destroyeth the heart I mean that sums up a lot of politicians probably the overwhelming majority if not like 99% of politicians that are out there I would say that that into that verse there definitely Describes those people because we all know that politicians love to receive gifts and in this context It's talking about a bribe Okay, and it's talking about woe unto these people who would take a bribe in order to side with or to pass a certain law The Bible says that that is an extremely wicked thing But that is what we are left with that is the world that we live in and what that does is what the beginning Of this verse says it says surely oppression maketh a wise man mad now obviously there's different levels to wisdom Okay If you're saved you're privy to a lot of wisdom The best wisdom on the planet the wisdom that comes from above that we talked about briefly last Sunday Okay, but let me just say this. I believe that anybody who is against pedophiles who hates pedophiles Okay, let me let me make myself clear. Somebody who hates pedophiles is to some degree wise Okay, say why bring that up because there are laws being passed There are laws being drawn up right now aimed at protecting Pedophiles, okay, and what you're gonna see happen and what you're going to Learn about tonight. Is that makes people insane? It makes people mad Nothing should bother you more than to see somebody who would take the soul of an innocent life like that through molestation walk free Right. I mean that should infuriate everyone. Okay, and as I was studying for this sermon There's all kinds of people out there like Joe Rogan, for example, I mean he he was saying some nasty stuff I mean, he hates the pedophiles and stuff like that. So it's like if a guy like that who has been very vocal For his what do you want to say disdain for the Bible, right? If somebody like that hates pedophiles What do you say for the people that are? Supporting pedophiles. What do you say to the Christians that are out there? But he could still be saved. Oh, but we gotta love everybody because guess what those people are out there my friend Those people exist and those people need to have their mouths stopped They need to keep their mouths shut because to say that Jesus Christ loves even the pedophile demonstrates a gross disgusting Understanding of who he is. Okay, so back to Cain Velasquez. What is the deal? Let me read his charges and why he is in jail and why this matters to us Okay, so let me just read this I took this off of the internet It says this says Cain Velasquez was arrested on February 28th After allegedly ramming his vehicle into another vehicle and firing shots at the vehicle in an attempt to kill 43 year old Harry Galarte Galarte his stepfather was struck in the arm by a bullet now Your ecclesiastes go over back in your Bible if you would to Proverbs chapter number 13 Proverbs chapter number 13 So Cain Velasquez has various charges stacked against him I'm gonna read those for you here in a moment, but let me just say something here about this guy who? Got shot in the arm. Okay. Now before I say that, let me also throw out a quick disclaimer. I'm not advocating Vigilantism. Okay. I'm not saying that we ought to take up arms and go out and hunt down these people Okay, we all know and I've said this before it is the United States government's job It is any government's job in the world to protect children Every government should put pedophiles to death Okay, that is a fact that is what God says and if our government did that I wouldn't be preaching this sermon today Okay, and it would be a better place to live but that's definitely not the society that we live in Okay. So with that in mind, let's talk about this guy. So basically Cain went and followed this guy Tried to who molested I'm gonna say his close family member. Okay. I don't want to say exactly which family member There's a lot of confusion on the internet and I think it's for good reason Okay, because think about it if this had happened to you You wouldn't want that person when they grow up to constantly be questioned and bombarded by things So I'll just say his family member. Okay So going back to what happened. So Cain follows this guy I mean this guy's out of his mind Okay, and he really falls into the category that we just read in Ecclesiastes chapter number 7 verse 7 Okay, he's mad meaning insane He's crazy in this moment here because our government has let a child molester go Free. Okay, that makes people in should make people Absolutely upset and out of their minds Okay, so he goes and he rams this guy's vehicle and fires shots and unfortunately, he doesn't kill the pedophile He just shoots the guy's stepfather in the arm. Okay. Well what I say about that is that's the price of doing business Man, I mean, hey, you shouldn't be hanging out with pedophiles anyways, okay So I don't feel bad for the guy who got shot in his arm You know, I wish they all got blown up to be honest Okay, that's what I believe and here's why I say that Proverbs chapter number 13. Look at verse number 20 It says this he that walketh with wise men shall be wise Okay, we understand that we talk about that all the time Look at the rest of the verse but a companion of fools shall be destroyed Okay, that's why we preach about your company the people that you associate with on a regular basis, okay They're either going to help you or they will drag you down this applies across the board this applies to the world So you want to hang out with pedophiles and someone's upset. Guess what? You might just get blown up You might just get shot. It is what it is. Okay, I don't feel sorry for any of the people in that Vehicle. Okay. So let me go on and read some other things here about his charges So it says Cain Velasquez is due back in court on April 12, so basically what happened is Cain was denied bail Okay, think about this for a second Okay, I don't know if I'm I don't think I even mentioned this. So the guy who he attempted to kill mr. Harry Gularte the pedophile is accused of molesting Cain's family member over a hundred times You understand what I just said, huh? hundred times hundred times Did that guy get locked up? Is he in prison right now? No He got to go free but Cain shoots a guy in the arm and the California Judicial systems like oh we got to do something about this. We we need to throw the book at this guy We need to we need to make this an example so that other people don't follow suit So it says this Velasquez is due back in court April 12. He's facing multiple charges just listen to this Cain Velasquez faces one count of attempted murder with Shooting at a motor vehicle or aircraft one account assault with a firearm three counts assault with a deadly weapon three counts willfully discharging a firearm from a vehicle one count and carrying a loaded firearm with intent to commit a felony one count if convicted of the attempted murder charge alone Velasquez faces a minimum of 20 years in prison 20 years in prison yet the guy who molested his family member Okay is out free and guess what he was released without bail Okay, mr. Pedophile mr. And look you're crazy if you think oh well It just happened to to Cain's family member. Okay. Look this guy was living in a place where there was a daycare Which by the way? We know and hopefully everybody in here understands this, you know, be very careful at who you trust your children with Outside, I mean, I'm just just just telling you that because you never know who is around and that's wise, right? That's a prudent action someone who looks well to their going I'm not saying you need to be paranoid necessarily about everybody in here or anything like that Okay, but you got to be careful. Okay, you know, let me just say this I don't even let Kylan and Kinley go return the shopping cart at Fred Meyer without me outside of the vehicle or Caden outside of the vehicle. Look I followed Caden Okay, mr. Giant back there to the bathroom and I still keep an eye out for him to this day To this very day. I do not trust the people out there in the world when I was a kid Seventh eighth grade. Okay. I was doing something naughty doing some bad stuff We were throwing snowballs at trucks, okay, and you know, I figure okay now I'd already been in trouble for throwing rocks And I was like, well, you know in my little hiatus here. Let's just go down and throw some snowballs I figured it's not gonna hurt. Nobody's vehicle. Just make a loud sound and get a couple of good laughs Okay Well, we threw a snowball at this red truck and I'll never forget it This guy stops and it's just literally hell-bent on trying to catch us But luckily we knew the woods better than him had better stamina We out we ran We outran this guy and we actually had to go to the police because this guy was just I mean There's just something about it went back told mom dad They took us down to the police station and I could still see this guy's face to this day Guess what? The guy is a or was I don't know if he's still alive or a Convicted of pedophilia seven times at the time that he was trying to get us That was when I was a kid Okay, and you know, I'm thinking about this story and I'm like man Why was this guy even out seven times? Seven times this guy was convicted Convicted not just allegedly assaulted him right now This dude was convicted seven times of child molestation and was gonna probably try to get me and my friend, but he couldn't That was in the 90s Okay, have things gotten better since then? Oh, no, things have gotten much much worse and on that same note Think about this 1984 some of you guys may remember the story the story there was a guy and his name was Gary Plachet, okay, he's a Baton Rouge guy So I might be butchering the name even you know, I was stationed in New Orleans for four years But that does not mean I can pronounce Cajun, but this guy's name was Gary plushie. That's what we're gonna go with Okay Now his son was molested by someone and this dude Gary he tracked down the molester all the way to the airport and shot This child molester live on TV blew him out put him right now. Okay, that's what happened Guess what his charges were you got a seven-year suspended? Manslaughter sentence. Okay. Now if you know anything about law manslaughter is not the same as attempted murder Okay, so that was in 1984. Guess what? He didn't know jail time, right? He had some community service to do Okay, you know, but he didn't serve any time behind bars and everyone was cool with that people were like This is what it is, you know good you got him, right? And he was known as a guy who shot someone at the airport until the day that he died The guy has now passed away. I don't know if he saved or anything like that but just think about that 1984 a guy tracks down the person who assaulted his son and Blew him away and you know No jail time. Now. You got a guy who? Attempted to do that. Okay, but accidentally shot someone in the arm and what are they trying to do? They're trying to literally throw the book at him. That's why the title of the sermon is free Cain Velasquez I don't think he should do any time for this none It's the government that needs to do time for this. It's Gavin Newsom who needs to do time for this That's what needs to happen So back to our store here, mr. Harry Gularte the pedophile I was reading this article about him and I had to write this down Because they're trying to like make it sound like he's he did get some punitive action and it says this it says Harry Gularte did get Immediate an immediate exclusion order and what that means is he is deemed a threat to those at the daycare. Oh Really? He's just deemed a threat to those at the daycare, right? So you take him down to Toys R Us which they're closed They're to the mall or to wherever children are to a different daycare Does that mean he's a threat they're not according to the way this is written It's not look that guy's a threat to every child alive on the planet You put these people along with children. They will do what they do. They are implacable. They are reprobates. They are disgusting They should have two to the chest in one to the head. That is the only the only remedy for a pedophile so one of Cain Velasquez his friend another mixed martial artist named Ryan Bader. He wrote this about Cain He said this said he went after the man who was molesting his family member He actually calls out who is I'm not going to do that But it says the 43 year old man was released immediately with no bond and was able to go back home Cain took justice into his own hands and although not the smartest decision any father would have felt the same Way and you know, we you know moves sitting around after church sometimes and this subject comes up We all say we would do that. Don't we all blow and some of us probably would I Believe every guy in there probably would I know this crowd, you know, you would do what Cain did, you know, and I'm not I'm again not endorsing now But I wouldn't hold it over your head You know, I would support you if you get locked up here. Hopefully you'd support me if I get locked up, but So he goes on to say this He says to assist Cain Velasquez's family Here's the link where donations can be made because GoFundMe removed two campaigns raising money for Velasquez's legal defenses earlier this week. Isn't that crazy? GoFundMe, huh? GoFundMe sucks They're doing that stuff all over the place They find out you're raising money for like a Christian at least a fundamental type organization or something like this You know, you're they're done. They'll take your money You you'd be blessed lucky if you were if they even give it back to you so they won't support them at all and One of their spokespeople says GoFundMe prohibits raising money for the legal defense of a violent crime Are you proud of that? You know what you couldn't turn a blind eye You to it. I mean really a Violent crime, huh? It's violent to put a pedophile to sleep The dust who's molesting innocent children Look I get it. It's illegal Gary plush a got it that it was illegal But at least the justice system back then in 1984 had more stones and more Righteousness than what we're dealing with today Okay, and the whole point of bringing this up is because we need to see how the Bible intersects with this situation Okay, we need to see what God has to say about this because this is the reality that we live in today Okay, we do not have a righteous government and you know, oh, I know we live in Idaho and they're conservative These people are a bunch of clowns. Okay, these people are corrupt as the people in California It doesn't matter. It's pretty much politics today is like WWE Okay, that's really what it's like and there's people outside like Vince McMahon really pulling the strings you say this you say this You both get your money today. Good job Okay that's basically the system that we're dealing with now if you would go back to Isaiah chapter number 10 and we're gonna break down verse number 1 and Get started with this So Isaiah chapter number 10 again look at verse number 1 So this is what God has Isaiah communicate to the inhabitants of Judah in Jerusalem. He says woe unto them the decree Unrighteous decrees and that right grievousness which they have Prescribed I like how the Bible uses that language there that they have prescribed this, right? I mean who's ever gone to the doctor and had something prescribed to them, right? What does that even mean? Well, it means to advise or authorize the use of a medicine or a treatment Okay and that's that's that's what a prescription is and the Bible saying hey back in the days of these kings when Isaiah roamed the earth and was preaching he said there are people There are powerful people that are in this nation that are prescribing Okay, so they're not necessarily just behind closed doors doing this They're actually becoming open about these laws these Unrighteous filthy acts and they are prescribing them as some righteous thing as some treatment Okay, there look we could spend all night on this verse I feel like I mean there's all sorts of stuff that is evil and wicked that's being prescribed if you will by our government Okay, what was it not too long ago? The state of Texas said hey, we're gonna do away with all these abortions. Okay, then what did cast sleepy Joe do? Dirty riding Biden. Well, I've got these Abortion trucks. Okay, you know you you like your taco trucks. You like them burrito trucks that are out there Well dirty riding Biden's got abortion trucks, okay, and he's gonna prescribe those to the state of Texas okay, these people are adamant about prescribing death and Filth death and filth when you see Biden's picture you need to think death and filth who by the way is a pedophile himself Okay, I mean just look at the people that he picked for his cabinet right half of them don't even know what gender they are You know, he's got a couple of them thinking they can change their gender I mean think about that that is disgusting and that's who's leading this country. No wonder why Putin's like Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and do what I want. Okay, and I'm not taking sides in any of that I'm just you know, that's that that's a sermon for another day. Okay, I'm just simply saying that's why So again, he says woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees Okay, but again, like I mentioned at the beginning of the sermon, what do we do in the meantime because God says hey There's a big woe coming. There's trouble coming to these people They will be paid in absolute full and the Bible says that those of us who are righteous those of us who are saved We will be satisfied when we see and learn of the punishment that these people receive Okay, but what do we do in the meantime? Okay, because we know what Solomon said that oppression does make people Absolutely bonkers crazy mad. Okay, that's what happened to Kane. It's not his fault It really isn't his fault Okay, I mean think about it think about what happened to him Think about what we just talked about any man or woman in This room would feel the same way and would possibly even go as far as to do what he did You know at least Kane's the type of guy who says something it does it because you know I'm sure he's had that conversation throughout his life Oh, you know if somebody did that to one of my family members, I would go do this Okay, and he actually did it. Okay, but it's really the politicians that need to be locked up It's the lawmakers in California and in other states and in the federal government that need to be locked up They are responsible for why Kane felt that he had to take matters into his own hands So that's why I would say free Kane Velasquez go back if you would to Isaiah chapter number five And we'll see the same concept in that chapter that we're reading about in chapter number 10 Isaiah chapter number five look at verse number 20. This also sums up the situation Absolutely brilliantly. Look at what it says Isaiah 5 20 woe unto them that call Evil good and good evil that put darkness for light And light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter That's the United States of America. Okay, that is our nation. That is Babylon USA and you know what else that's the nation of Israel today, right the apple of New Evangelicals You guess what? It's the same thing. They're really all nations are like this. Most nations are like this game Look at verse 21 woe unto them that are wise and their own eyes and Prudent in their own sight and isn't that so true of these wicked evil pedophile alphabet people sodomites that are in Positions of authority in our country, right? Isn't that just like them they what do they always say? Oh, we're the ones that are wise because we've cracked the code who said God hath made them male and female We can be whatever we feel like we can be if you're born a man You can be a woman or you can be a woman that's a woman on one day and a man on the next day You can be fluid You can be Peter Pan if you want you can be Tinkerbell if you want it doesn't matter if you're six five and I dude The Bible says woe unto these people Look at verse 22 won't to them that are mighty to drink wine and men of strength to mingle strong drink You know, I think about the last part of that verse there and men of strength to mingle strong drink, you know what? That sums up the quote-unquote mighty people that we have in this nation I'm serious go talk to the a lot of these military people that are special forces that are Physically mighty mentally mighty that have what it takes to achieve the highest levels of military success And you know what you're gonna find by and large a bunch of drunks Right a bunch of people that do stuff like this and God says hey well into you Okay, I mean think about it Are these people really protecting our freedom you think Garden City PDs out there protecting your freedom? You think Boise PDs protecting your freedom? No, they'll snatch your kids from you Okay, I just read a story the other day about what was a Garden City or Boise PD one of the police departments around here that Went and snatched up a baby from someone because they missed an appointment with a pediatrician Should have brought that one printing that one out But this time would be like two hours and I guess I'm in trouble for going too long Wednesday So I'm trying to I'm trying to get through this but you get the point here woeing to them Okay, and this look won't to them that are mighty to drink wine, right? Isn't that our politicians weren't they? All caught drinking wine and doing all this crazy stuff when they were supposed to be wearing the mask and social distancing, right? They always get snapshots of them, you know, just chugging it up and living it up, right? This is what we are dealing with verse 23, which justify the wicked for Reward the pedophile Harry Gularte. Okay. Guess what? He got a reward, right? I look it's a reward to somebody to not go to prison for doing what they did In regards to those children So which justify the wicked for reward and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him So keep in mind and just understand the last part of verse 23 there This is what we are dealing with today as a nation God says woe unto them verse 23 Which justify the wicked for reward and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him now There are many ways that laws are being passed to try to do this Cancel culture is a big one always trying to kick us and our friends off of YouTube and social media platforms, right? What are they trying to do? Well, they're trying to stop the gospel from going out Look, there are people having the Bible way to heaven videos Taking off their YouTube channels having their YouTube channel shut down Specifically for having just simply the gospel on their YouTube channels I mean think about that that is what we were dealing with And if you think it's gonna get better you better think again Okay, turn to Psalm chapter 127 and while you're turning there, I'm gonna read this here. So let's answer the question why specifically did Cain Velasquez feel the need to do what he did and I'm gonna tell you it's because of this law that Newsom signed not too long ago and it's called SB 145 SB 145 so one politician put it like this and I don't trust him, but this is what it says and this is true I looked it up. It says Newsom signed SB 145 the bill that allows a 24-year-old to have physical relationship have to alter the language with a 14-year-old and escape a felony conviction and requirement to be a registered child molester Okay, and so I mean I would think about that Okay, so you can have a 24 year old dude prey on a 14 year old and then he gets called on the carpet all That 24 you guy has to do say well that person consented Said it was cool. And then he got mad at me and changes to and the courts gonna be like, oh, okay You don't have to register Now, let's stop right there. Let's think about this for a second here. Okay. Why is there what they call it a Registered sex offender list. Why does that even exist? Why have that is there one for thieves as a one for gamblers extortioners Yeah, because they don't change Think about that. The government has known for a long time and politicians have known for a very long time And even these stupid psychologists have known for a long time that pedophiles don't ever stop being pedophiles Yet, you know what the Nazarene Church a lot of men. We won't let them count the dough We might not let them sing the songs up in front and we might not let them preach But they can sure come in and fill the pew. That's what their manual says and you can go check that out Let me think about that and they're not the only ones You go up to any of these liberals and say this and you know what they're gonna be like Jesus loves them, too And I don't think so You're wrong Think about that. That bill is the reason why? Cain did what he did. Okay, and how many other people have done that that we just haven't read about? Okay, think about that here in Psalm chapter 127. Look at verse number three. It says lo Children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his Reward, what did Isaiah tell us about? rewards Well verse 23 said well into them which justify the wicked for reward Okay, people today are being rewarded Socially and politically for having abortions For not having children. I saw on Facebook the other day. I think was brother bill Posted a picture over in Portland. There's a giant billboard that said stop having children Stop having children. Where does that mindset come from? What does that mindset do? Where does it lead? Well, it leads to this right here The Bible says that children are inherited from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward Look those children that you and I have they are a reward from God We should do everything in our power and with his power to protect them look they are ours Right don't ever get this attitude. I'm gonna let somebody else raise them I'm gonna take them down to the school and this and that you know You really don't want to do that now. Some people can't avoid it Okay, they've had circumstances in their lives where it's led to where they have to go to public school I'm not shaming you. I'm not down on that. There are definitely ways that you can survive Look, I survived public school a lot of us in here did it can be done Okay, it can be done and you can learn wisdom and prudence to survive in any situation But I'm talking about the mindset. Okay, and what do you think the mindset of a celebrity is? I mean, come on They're busy, right? Usually too busy to honestly take care of their kids 24-7. And so what do they do? They do things like they put them in daycare, which you know on paper seems to the world like a good idea but the problem is people don't understand the Psychological issues of a pedophile people don't understand the fact that they are everywhere There are more of them out there and it's only gonna get worse than we understand They never stop All they do is prey upon the innocent. That is it You know, I want to hear these stories. I'm sure somebody's gonna try to send me one Oh, there's this one pedophile in this church and he repented of that and he's a great person now Yeah, I bet he's probably in leadership too, huh? Let me guess Yeah, the children's ministry Sunday school. Oh or worse like old Johnny Nixon Who who remembers Johnny Nixon? Yeah, who taught the taught the stupid doctrine that queers were all eunuchs. They're just misunderstood They don't understand the gift that God's given them. So they go out and they be a bunch of sodomites Sure pal so more on this bill here it says this It says this bill SB 145 was passed in the name of equality claiming the LGBTQ plus Minors deserve the right to consensual relationships as well as adults. It says Yet truly the only people benefiting from this bill are those who should be charged as offenders But are instead being defended by the state and I agree with that. I agree with that 100% that's exactly what it is So this bill was passed and this bill was pushed by a certain community and can you guess Who that community is? the alphabet community right LGBTQ plus The sodomites listen to this one senator put it like this said last year California Globe reported that state senator Scott Weiner of San Francisco and assemblywoman Susan Eggman from Stockton introduced legislation to end and this is in quotes to end blatant discrimination against LGBTQ plus young people regarding California's sex offender registry and Then the article goes on to say this Weiner and Eggman Hey, man, are both members of the California legislative LGBTQ plus caucus There You have it go to Psalm chapter 9 Psalm chapter number 9 so again I've read a lot about this bill. Okay, and there are people out there that are advocating for this They're like guys. There's nothing to be worried about. It's not as bad as it seems. In fact, it's better It's an improvement on the old way of doing things. Yeah, if you're a queer pedophile, it's an improvement Okay, that bill does nothing to protect the innocent Nothing at all if it did like I said prior to this we wouldn't be talking about this tonight would we No, we wouldn't all that did look there's a saying, you know, you give some you give give the devil an inch He'll take a mile, right? It's the same thing with a politician It's the same thing with a judicial system you give them an inch. They'll take a mile, right? This was so to speak the inch SB 145 it's really like a mile but that's the inch and so now you have all these cases of pedophilia popping up and Everybody in the judicial systems like oh wait, don't worry about that. You know, he's a minor attracted person He just needs to get some counseling and some therapy and go back out and you'll be fine or she'll be fine Whatever it is No There's only one way to deal with pedophiles and it's two to the chest and one to the head so that they can Be dead remember that formula. That's the bill that we need to drum up and pitch to our Politicians two to the chest one to the head that they all may be dead Okay, maybe somebody in here can make a song about that. I don't know hopefully Yeah, that's the bottom line. That's the bottom line today. Thank you Two to the chest one of the head so that every pedophile can be dead now right now that works Put that on the wall That's going up So I'm chapter 9 look at verse 17 The wicked shall be turned in to hell and All the nations that forget God. Okay, we need to know this we need to internalize this We need to understand this because this verse right here in the others like it go to Psalm 58 Can really provide you with comfort in the time of need? Okay, because I don't know about you, but just be hearing in reading about Cain Velasquez a story. It hurts my heart You know what? It should hurt our hearts. Look it hurts the hearts of the unsaid. I mean think about that So again, what does that say about somebody who's like well, you shouldn't have done that because you know what? I was on social media reading comments in different various news articles and there were people trying to defend the judicial system Well, he should have taken stuff into his own hands. That's what he gets He's rich. Anyways, you'll probably get out scot-free. That's the wrong attitude. That's the wrong attitude What about those innocent children that that pedophile took advantage of? They need to understand that the wicked shall be Turned into health and all the nations that forget God and that's this one right here you understand that someday this entire nation and its Political leaders and all of these CEOs that hate God They will be turned into fire and brimstone and they will burn forever and ever Jesus said this in Matthew 5 6 blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled You know, that's a promise as well. You know that thirst that you and I have that we have To see justice someday the Bible promises and it guarantees us that It will come to pass that we will get to see it that we will be filled that we will be satisfied But again, the problem lies in that vacuum and that vacuum is right now That vacuum is today where we don't see the justice yet from God because it's still building up Okay, he's still waiting for the perfect time. So you're there in Psalm 58. This is a psalm of David Look at verse number one. He says this do you indeed speak righteousness? Oh congregation? Do ye judge uprightly? Oh ye sons of men verse 2 yay in heart you work wickedness You weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. So understand this, you know, David speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost is Telling us that even back in his day. He knew who the children of the devil were He knew the sons of Bela what they were like and what they were always trying to come at him With and he's preaching against those people. Look at verse 3 the wicked are Estranged from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born Speaking lies and again, I broke this first down several months ago Okay, it's not saying that some people are just naturally born from the womb wicked and that some people aren't it's basically saying Hey, some people are born again right born again from above. Some people are just never born again They just float through and die and and that's it They they you know, they go to hell and some people are born into wickedness of the wicked one Okay And the Bible says in that moment with that understanding the wicked are estranged from the womb They go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies Go do a study on the sons of Belial throughout the Old Testament Everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie Everything that comes out of the mouth of our politicians who you know worship the devil there's video footage of them There's quotes of them talking about it. Guess what everything that they say is a lie is A lie. So again the wicked are estranged from the womb So when the wicked in this context these wicked people people that are born of the devil Okay with that saying in that moment, they're estranged. They are separated from the womb. They are separated the womb there represents reality It represents normal thinking it represents anything that could be righteous The Bible says that division has been made that line has been drawn they are now estranged from that and then what you have are people like Joe Biden people like his I Don't even know their names butt plug Okay, that's either what it what is about blood. Is he the transportation guy? Yes, the transportation guy Okay, and that other clown that looks like a Freddy Krueger movie With a wig. What's that one Levine? What's that dude's name or position? Yeah Health right. Yeah. Thanks Mike. Yeah, the the health champion, right? Yeah Think about that. I better stop. I'm gonna preach another sermon. Okay, we got to move on verse 4 Verse 4 their poison is like the poison of a serpent They are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear Look, do you think you could ever talk any sense into Joe Biden? Do you think you could ever get Gavin Newsom alone in a room and get him to understand Romans? Do you think you could get him to understand John 3 16? Do you think you could get him to even sway a little bit on SB 145? Not at all. Not at all Look at verse 5 says which will not hearken to the voice of charmers charming never so wisely See, so you see how David kind of makes that illustration that comparison there, you know There's people you've seen them on YouTube or seeing them on these shows You know that basically charm snakes. Okay. Well, there's some snakes that that don't work on. Okay, and on a human level Reprobates guess what that whole charming stuff. It doesn't work because they have one agenda and that is to destroy first number six Break their teeth Oh God in their mouth man Do you think that's gonna be read today at Rock Harbor? Is that gonna be read in any of the small groups in the Treasure Valley? Today or this month or this year this decade or ever No, they are not going to read that if they do they'd be like in the Hebrew though David was just really talking about let them be thirsty so that they can learn a lesson. It's talking about dry mouth Yeah, it's talking about them having dry mouth. Okay, it's not what you think You guys think you're so mean and so rude man. Shut your liberal weak mouth. You're disgusting Break Their teeth Oh God in their mouth, okay Look, that would be a good place to start with Harry or whatever. His name is Henry was something with an aged roulette the guy who allegedly or did molest Cain Velasquez his family member How about start with that breaking his teeth and then two to the chest and one to the head? Break out their teeth break out the great teeth of the young lions. Oh Lord do you think he's talking about real lions there? No, he's basically saying I mean, what does the young lion do it devours? Okay, that's what he's likening these wicked people into They just devour. Okay, the only solution for those people is death David understood that and he's saying this under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost verse 7 Let them melt away as waters which run continually when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows Let them be as cut in Pieces Man, the Liberals aren't gonna like this verse 8 as a snail which melteth let every one of them pass Away, like the untimely birth of a woman that they may not see the Sun This is the attitude that we need to have in regards to these people Okay, this is the attitude. This is where we stand. This is what we need And again, like I said on Sunday This isn't just David's private prayer language like that idiot Ray Comfort says now Ray comforts a false prophet and a devil Verse number nine before your pots can feel the thorns He shall take them away as with a whirlwind both living and in his wrath Again, David is shifting now to the promise that fulfillment that we will one day get which is so important for us to understand So that we don't go crazy in this earth verse 10 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked Understand what inspiration of the Holy Ghost means David is writing this with full permission and from the mouth of God Okay, that is the God that we serve. This is his mindset towards those types of people Verse 11 so that a man shall say verily there is a reward for the righteous Verily, he is a God that judgeth in the earth. This is how God wants to be viewed God wants to be viewed in this manner and when these leak these I'm sorry these were these weak liberals Leak leaks will call them leaks When they say stupid things like oh, but you know, you're so mean when you preach that sermon against him. That's not right You know what you're doing? You're basically trying to spit in the face of God is what you're trying to do and it's disgusting Go to Psalm chapter 127 Psalm chapter 127 So we're gonna get ready to wrap this up here in a few minutes But before I do I want to leave you with a good reminder and a couple of application tips But I want to leave us with a good reminder of how God views Children again, we already looked at this but let's look at it again Psalm 127 look at verse number three low children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward Verse four as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man. So are children of the youth. Okay Make sure that you have this mindset forever. I know sometimes these kids can get you know, get you just going nuts, but understand Right that they are a blessing from God They are yours. They are ours. We need to raise them despite what culture says despite what's out of season We need to raise them what I'm sorry with what the Bible says Okay, and that's what I'm talking about verse look at verse number five Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them They shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate Okay, and obviously, you know Dave was letting us know that hey when you invest in these children and you're with them And you love them and you take care of them and you tell them the things that are hard in the Bible and you explain Them to them you don't just shelter them, right? They're gonna grow up with courage They're gonna grow up with an understanding of what truly matters, which is not what is temporal But what is eternal go to first actually go to Matthew 18 go to Matthew 18 Matthew chapter 18 there's a story in 1st Kings chapter 14 of these children actually Okay, that mock one of God's prophets And I'm gonna read two verses for you about that situation and what happened to them But this does show you that God cares about how children turn out and what he will do to them to those don't First Kings 14 verse 12 says this you don't have to turn there You're in Matthew 18 But first Kings 14 12 says this Arise thou therefore get thee to thine own house and when thy feet enter into the city the child shall die so this is a story where the king has sent someone to Elijah and he basically tells him you know What your guys's feeble attempt at requesting that your sick child's gonna live is is not gonna happen the child is going to die and God says this in verse 13 It says and all Israel shall mourn for him and bury him for he only of Jeroboam Shall come to the grave because in him there is found some good thing toward the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam so the Bible says in this story here I was getting my stories mixed up But in this story here you get to see how God cares for children so much that he didn't even want Jeroboam the son of Nebat to raisin and decided to cause that child to die Which the Bible says that he went to immediately be with the Lord think about the child that Bathsheba Bared to David after their little incident, right? What happened the child died The child got sick and died and what did David say? He says hey the reason why I'm no longer mourning is because I'm going to go be with him someday He's not going to come back to me. I will go to be with him, but I was gonna read this story We don't have time. There's a story in Kings also about Elisha not Elijah, but Elisha who is doing his thing and preaching and There comes a point where these kids start to mock him And his children start to mock him and they say go up that bald head go up that bald head So you get that kind of a picture of maybe what he sort of looked like he was obviously bald But what does God do to those children? He sends some bears after them and they tear tore up 40 and two of those children Okay Don't tell me that God doesn't care about children because he definitely definitely does and to further prove all of that Let's look at Matthew 18. This is a very familiar passage in this church, but let's look at it again Matthew 18 verse 1 It says this at the same time came the disciples unto Jesus saying who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? You know the disciples they're always trying to figure out who could be the best who's gonna be at your right hand Hey, when's this kingdom stuff gonna really happen because we want to be the mighty men Okay, verse 12 and Jesus called a little child unto him and sent him in the midst of them Look at verse 3 and said verily I say unto you except you be converted and become as little children Ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven, which by the way proves you can't ever do any works for your salvation verse 4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child The same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven verse 5 and whoso shall receive one such little child in my name Receiveth me. Do you understand what Jesus is doing there? People say well, there's not a whole lot written in the Bible about the about little children and stuff I've heard that said that is ridiculous. Jesus is literally comparing a born-again Bible believing Christian to a physical child on this earth Think about that. So when God looks down at these little children, right? He loves them and he says hey You know what? They are like those who have been born again Understand that the value right when the disciples like who's gonna be the best who's gonna be the greatest You know, they were thinking he was gonna pick the biggest buffest dude in the crowd and bring him over You know, you start working out and taking the right supplements. You're gonna be the best. No, he grabs a little child He grabs a little child and says hey if you don't become as this little child You won't even enter into the kingdom of heaven jump down to verse number 10 And let's continue on here Actually, I'm sorry back up look at verse number six So right after that he says this but whoso shall offend one of these little ones Which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were Drowned in the depth of the sea For a pastor or for a so-called Christian to ever get up or make a video and Say that pedophilia has never been addressed in the Bible. Obviously, first of all doesn't have any concept of Leviticus chapter 20 Okay, we don't even have time to deal with that but you can find all that stuff in there Right put to death. That's the the short version, but they've obviously don't read this or they've never looked at this Jesus is very clear here on how he feels about a pedophile somebody who would offend a child Says especially one that believes in him Okay. Now all children that haven't reached the age of accountability are his They die they go they go to be with him That's what the Bible teaches. Okay, and what does he say about those people? Their best option and you already know is that they would have a millstone Hung tied about their neck and they cast into the sea. They'd be thrown overboard into the ocean That's better than what he has for them. Think about that for a second Imagine a pedophile Imagine the pedophile that violated Cain Velasquez as family member Imagine a righteous government comes along takes him out on a boat out in the middle of Pacific Right right off the coast of San Francisco there for example, how about that? Okay ties a big millstone around this guy's neck and just chucks him overboard that fear that Torment that pain that that individual is going to feel for the next few minutes as his head explodes due to the pressures in the water is nothing compared to what he is going to do to these people and You still have these weak liberal Christian say running around saying that Jesus loves Pedophiles they are all over this valley. They are all over the place. You know what they're a hindrance to the gospel, too They are because we go and knock on people's doors and like I would go to church But you probably see but you support pedophiles who's had that said to them I have I've had it said recently and then we always like that cuz I actually we don't like what? Really Wow now jump down to verse number 10 Says take heed that you despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in heaven their angels do always Behold the face of my father, which is in Heaven go to Proverbs 4 and we're gonna be done Proverbs 4 and we are done. So again What is the attitude? concerning God and children like what what is that like? Well, obviously we just read it right God loves the children and anyone who would violate them Especially in the way that pedophiles do they are literally going to be turned into hell Their best option is that they would be drowned in the depths of the sea and have their insides blown out of their ears Okay, that is their best option. I know that's graphic. But look I got that from the Bible Okay, and that's the perspective that we need to maintain when hearing and learning about these people They are never welcome in this church ever for any reason good not even to do maintenance Proverbs chapter number four how I want to leave you with three things real quickly to cope during these times Proverbs 4 look at verse 19. It says this the way the wicked is as darkness They know not at what they stumble and so what I want to bring up here really quickly Is that we need to make sure that we get on if we're not and stay on the side of righteousness Keep that zeal alive in your heart Okay because that is gonna help you get through these times that are coming up because it seems like every single day there's a politician or there's an article out about some new law that just Henders our Agenda and hurts the righteousness and the righteous people on this planet And so with that being said we need to make sure that we hate what God hates and hate those that God hates Look at verse 20 my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings Let them not depart from thine eyes Keep them in the midst of thine heart verse 22 for they are Life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh Okay, so what does that mean for us? You know what? It means that this book here can save your physical flesh It can extend your physical life on this planet, but not also your flesh But your offspring flesh too, right because your children are your flesh as well, right? And so the wisdom and the prudence that you can get from this book here from the stories of those who have made Mistakes before us can save your physical life and it can make your eternal life Obviously much more profitable with rewards and so on and so forth. So understand the importance and the value of Meditating on the Word of God day and night beginning of the day end of the day Okay Don't ever lose sight of the Bible in the Word of God because by doing so you're really forfeiting this great gift Okay, that's what it's saying Um Go to Proverbs 14 Proverbs 14 And while you go to Proverbs 14, I'm gonna read for you Psalm 119 verse 104 Which says this through thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way when I see people and they're just like, you know, and they're saved, you know God bless them, but they just don't have that zeal, you know to serve God or eat to even come to church One thing that I know based off that verse is they're not going through these precepts They're not applying the Word of God and by so doing they're gonna lose that zeal and that Blessed opportunity to really extend their life because the Bible says that this is health unto your flesh It's health because you know what when you're filled with Anxiety and looking forth to the things that are coming on this earth. The Bible says your heart could stop Jesus talked about that So there will come a day where people's hearts will fail them for looking for things that are about to come on this earth Right that is happening right now people look and like oh man all this stuff's going on the gas prices and look Yes, terrible. Okay, but if that is all you dwell on and focus on guess what guess what you will cut your life short Through thy precepts. I get understanding therefore meaning for that reason. I hate every false way It says thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path So you're there in Proverbs 14 once you look at verse 15 I'm gonna continue reading Proverbs 4 verse 23 Which says this keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life And we've talked about this in great detail we know the importance of keeping our hearts in check and Always bringing the Word of God into it because out of it are the issues of life Okay, and the heart of most people today has waxed cold and waxed extremely wicked and therefore The issues of life that we have to deal with are very very troubling Look at verse number 15. You're in Proverbs 14 look at verse 15 It says this the simple believeth every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going That is the definition of being prudent And so the last thing I want to leave you with is this make sure that you're constantly trying to improve your situational awareness Understand what's going on around you understand what's going on in the world understand about these laws learn What happens to Cain you know and pray for him to that he gets away with this that he gets out of this trouble Okay, because it's the other guy. It's the pedophile that should be locked up right But we need to constantly be improving our situational awareness So you say well why why because out of people's wicked hearts are the issues of life that affect us Every single one of us this doesn't just affect Cain and his family this could affect anybody in here at any given time I'm gonna read for you two more Proverbs Which are the exact same and it goes like this Proverbs 22 3 says this a prudent man for seeth the evil and Heighteth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished think about that for a second That verse is actually written twice in the Proverbs chapter 27 verse 12 says it again a prudent man for seeth the evil and heighteth Himself okay again. You say why talk about situational awareness, and why do we have to be focused on these things? You know wouldn't be better if we just didn't look at anything This is bad as far as the news goes and just you know put it away I've had people tell me that I have I've had people say oh don't talk about that kind of stuff You're just talking about general generic conspiracies that are out there that are obvious like like No, negative thing right no negative thing well, okay If that's your attitude you've jerked the wheel all the way to the other side and guess what guess what you are simple You are simple and when the evil does come to get you you're not going to be ready to hide yourself You're gonna get bit and your life is going to end prematurely Because the Bible says that the prudent look well to their going and the Bible says the Proverbs say hey this wisdom is For your flesh it will prolong your life So a prudent man foreseeeth the evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished Why do the simple pass on because they just believe everything they believe CNN they believe Fox they believe everything Cross the board oh, that's oh yeah, who's ever met somebody like that. They're out there Okay, and when times get tough. They are the first people to get smoked okay understand that You know Cain saw no other option, and he did what he did Okay, he's not a bad guy. I Know he's got fame and whatever. He's not a bad guy anybody who hates pedophiles and would actually you know Have that kind of zeal. I like him I Like him he's cool. I mean hopefully get saved if he's not I don't know I didn't have time to look that up, but the point of this is we need to have the foresight to prevent Ourselves from getting in that situation to begin with okay. That's why I've said this sermon is about wisdom. It's about Understanding the times that we live in so that we can see the evil coming and protect ourselves and protect our children Okay, because guess what it's not getting any easier out there It's only gonna get worse, but does that mean you have to start taking anxiety pills and this and that no Not at all what that means is you need to rejoice in the fact that you understand that woe Unto these wicked people God will turn them into hell, and it will satisfy you Understand that believe that and know that and that will provide you the comfort to go through this vacuum of when the wicked seem to be ruling and winning and To when God actually pours out his wrath on this planet, so we are going to stop right there Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much Lord for the wisdom in your word I do pray Lord that Cain Blaschus would not face all of that time But rather that you would end the pedophiles life somehow Lord and that you would remove these wicked people from us and I pray that you would keep us all safe Lord and keep us full of zeal and to Always have a hunger and a thirst for your word that we may be able to apply these things to our life Our lives so that we can do greater works for you And I just pray that you bless the fellowship after the service and again Thank you for all that you do for us in Jesus name. I pray you Amen please grab your songbooks one more time this evening and turn the song 134