(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, welcome back to the channel. Tonight we are in Ecclesiastes, chapter number 10, and I titled the sermon left wing ideology. And so in this chapter we're going to talk a lot about verse two. Okay. You're going to see how verse two basically is the thread for this chapter. So in other words, Solomon tells us that a wise man's heart inclineth to the right and a fool's heart inclineth to the left. And what he means by that is that a wise man is going to basically guide his life towards the right. Okay. Meaning not talking about right wing politics necessarily, but, you know, meaning in the Bible, when you study right, you're going to find that right is associated with protection and effectiveness. And on the left, you're going to find the opposite of that ineffectiveness and a lack of protection. So this is a great chapter to go through to get some good insight on folly and fools, especially when they come into power. And I've got the chapter broke down into I think eight different categories. So for example, starts off in verse number one and we're going to talk about how foolishness can pollute your reputation. And then verses two and three are talking about the fact that foolishness is always going to be discovered. Okay. It can't be hidden for long. It's going to come out in people's policies and their speech, but most importantly the results. And then versus four through seven is going to demonstrate for us foolishness in high places. And so we're going to get some wisdom on how to deal with that because as many of you probably already know, fools have their way of working themselves up the ladder sometimes and taking positions of power. And we as God's children need to know how to operate in that environment. And then versus eight through 10, Solomon gives us a picture of folly, a picture of foolishness in action. Okay. So pay attention to that. And then of course, verses 11 through 14 we get to see how they speak. Okay. Solomon gives us a lot of good insight on their babble as he puts it on their speech and what we can gain from listening to that and how to properly respond to these guys. And then verse 15, you're going to see why a fool doesn't like to work and why labor is a weariness unto him. And the rest of the chapter is talking about how foolishness destroys a nation. You're going to find a lot of parallels with what's going on in our country today. And you're also going to see how the left came. People with this left wing ideology, how all of their policies lead to death and destruction. So something to think about. Share this with somebody that you know needs it and don't be afraid to comment. We love seeing your guys's comments and as always, we are praying for you guys. So keep sending us your requests. Hey, God bless. Enjoy the sermon. All right. Amen. Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. So we're going to call this left wing ideology. I'll show you why here in a second. So, uh, basically we've spent the last 10 weeks speaking primarily about wisdom. I mean, you know, Solomon, the wisest man to ever live. And so a lot of what he has to write is in regards to wisdom. And of course, Ecclesiastes is a gathering. It's really a gathering of his quest by experiment. So in other words, remember when he was older in his life, his wife, his wives rather turned his heart away from following the Lord. And these are basically collections of things that he observed looking at life through the lens of the world, life under the sun, in other words. And so we've been saying this for weeks now in order to have success in life, under the sun, we have to make sure that we are getting our wisdom from the source above the sun. And today we're going to talk about foolishness. This chapter, if you look at the word folly, foolish, full, it appears like nine or something times in the inside of this chapter. And so it's all about foolishness and I've got this chapter broke down to like eight different sections and we're going to go through that here. But before we start, I want to start off with just some, some attributes about a fool. So keep your place right there in Ecclesiastes chapter 10, but go to Proverbs chapter number one, real quick, Proverbs chapter number one. So I'm going to give you a four verses out of the book of Proverbs regarding fools. We're going to go to Psalm chapter 14 for one final one. And then we'll go ahead and get in right into our study there. So a fool, you study a fool in the Bible and you're going to often see that it's somebody that's basically morally bankrupt. Okay. And that's going to come into play as we go through verse by verse tonight, chapter number 10, but a fool, let's just look at a couple of things here too. In this chapter, look down at verse number seven. The Bible says this, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Okay. We talked about that a lot recently, but look at the other part of the verse, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. And just something that comes to mind very quickly. You know, we want to be very careful about who we call a fool because what you're saying is that this person actually has a despising attitude towards wisdom, which is a detrimental thing. It's a futile thing. It's a death sentence. So the fool despises wisdom and instruction. Okay. That's what we see here. Definitely not a good thing. And this is going to come into play later when we see a picture of fools actually in charge, which you're going to see Solomon gives us a picture that in chapter 10. So they despise wisdom. Okay. They despise instruction. But what else? Look at verse 22. The Solomon says this, how long you simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning. Now look at this and fools hate knowledge. Okay. So not only do fools despise wisdom, they despise instruction, but now we're seeing that they actually hate knowledge. Okay. Now go to chapter 14 here real quick. Chapter number 14, same book, proverbs chapter number 14. I'm going to give you a two out of here real quickly and we'll go back one book to Psalms, Psalm chapter 14. But uh, you're in proverbs 14 right now. Look down, look at verse number eight. The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way and that's what a prudent person does. So a prudent person is somebody that looks well to is going a prudent person is somebody who's basically saying, okay, if I make this decision, how's that going to impact tomorrow? How is that going to impact those around me? And so they're essentially playing a smart game of chess with life. You can kind of look at it like that. A prudent person's not just somebody who's like, you know, I ain't got a care in the world. I'm untouchable. I'm just going to do whatever I feel like doing. I'm going to do it. No, a prudent person's going to be like, okay, if I do this, what are the consequences? What's around me and what could hurt me? Okay. That's a prudent person. So what do we see here? Hey, verse eight, the wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way. So that's what the wise person does. He's trying to understand his direction in life. Of course, we know that the Bible says that the word of God is a lamp unto my feet and obviously light into the path. Look at the rest of the verse, but, so look at this contrast here. Okay. So you have one picture of the prudent man, the wise man, but the folly of fools is deceit, deception. Okay. We spent a great deal of time talking about deception this morning, and I'm going to give you plenty of examples later in the sermon about fools and their deception. But that is a hallmark of a fool because they despise wisdom. They're not looking well to they're going, they're not preparing for tomorrow. So everything's difficult for them. And so because they despise wisdom, they despise the instruction that people try to give them. They hate knowledge. Okay. The only thing that is left in their life is deceit. They're deceiving themselves and therefore they have no issue deceiving other people. Now look at verse number nine. Fools make a mock at sin, but among the righteous there is favor. So we also see that fools mocks in and many of you got to see a live example of that this afternoon, didn't you? Not to digress, go to chapter 14 of the book of Psalms. So just back in your old Testament there to the book of Psalms, just to look at one verse here. It's another attribute that you will see of fools. Psalm chapter number 14. Look down at verse number one. The Bible says, the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. Okay. So what does that mean for you and I? Well, what we need to understand from this, what the Bible's teaching us, it's warning us about the dangers of fools and sometimes, and if you haven't had this yet, you're probably going to, you're going to find yourself subjected in some way, shape, or form to somebody that is a fool and the Bible's telling us something here. Okay. A fool is also a person that says there is no God. We're another way you look at that. Obviously all these guys run around, Oh, there's no God. You know, the universe just kind of happened. Just kind of, you know, all just came together by chance. The Bible saying that they are foolish. Look at verse two. I'm sorry, not verse two, but look at the rest of the verse. So there is no God. They are corrupt. That's where I'm going for. Okay. They are corrupt. Who's the, they, Hey, well, this group of people here that deny the existence of God Bible is telling us that they are fools. Okay. And what a fools do. They despise wisdom. They despise knowledge. They hate knowledge. Okay. They hate instruction. And of course we see here, they are corrupt. They've done abominable works and there is none that do with good. Okay. And so that fool that you guys talk to all the time that we talked to you out in town here and they say, well, I don't believe in God. I don't have to believe in God. That doesn't make me stupid. That doesn't make me a fool. That doesn't make me a bad person. What does this say? What does it say here? What does that the last part of that verse there, there is none that do with good. So when they're telling you, well, I still do good. God would have a disagreement with you and say, I actually, you don't do good. So just a couple of very quick facts. There's plenty more in the Bible about fools. Let's move on here though. Go back to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. Let's get this started here. Okay. So the first section in this chapter, I'm going to title this, uh, foolishness pollutes. Okay. That's what it does. It pollutes and it doesn't take much. Look at this statement here. In Ecclesiastes chapter number 10 verse number one, dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking saver. So does a little, look at that. Maybe if you don't mind underlining, underline that phrase there, a little folly. Okay. Him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor. When I was in the military, we used to have this, this phrase, and this is so true. You can go from hero to zero in 60 seconds. Okay. You can be the best guy at PT. You can be the best marksman. You can have, you know, the best ruck marching times, but you go get a DWI on Friday night and everybody looks at you different as they should. Okay. It doesn't take much. You could spend five years, just being a stud doing all these great and wonderful things, but the moment you get popped for that DUI, okay, that is a corruption in your so-called honor and your reputation that you built. So dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking saver. What's an apothecary? It's basically somebody that working in perfumes. Okay. Somebody making all these different perfumes for a scent and things that nature. I don't have a lot of time to spend on that word, particularly, but it, you know, you do study it and you look at the, I don't know, the recipes, I guess I'll call of perfumes. Okay. And just a couple of flies landing in that thing and rotting is enough to pollute the entire thing. So it's, I think what God's trying to get us to understand here is the ratio. It doesn't take much folly to pollute somebody. Okay. It doesn't take much folly for us to fall in a reputation and honor. Yeah. So let's move on now and let's kind of get into where I titled the sermon left wing ideology. And what I want to show you this evening is that this left wing ideology that's being pushed in our society today is nothing more than a death call. Okay. Look down here at verse number two, the Bible says, a wise man's heart is at his right hand, but a fool's heart at his left. Okay. And so what you're going to see just as a kind of a way of categorizing this chapter, verses two and three is that foolishness can't be hidden. That's what God wants us to understand. Foolishness cannot be hidden. Okay. So verse two a wise man's heart is at his right hand, but a fool's heart at his left. Now what are you saying here? You saying that left-handed people are from hell? No, I'm not saying left-handed people are satanic or anything like that. But in general, okay, most people tend to be right-handed and in the Bible, the right is a picture, if you will, of protection and effectiveness. Okay. You study that out through the Bible. Obviously, what did Jesus say? Who's on his right? Sheep, goats, which one is it? Hey, it's the sheep to the right, the goats to the left. Okay. Do you think it's by coincidence that the old goat Baphomet figure, you know, is a simple lot of left wing organizations. Okay. There's something to that. So the right hand or the right side in the Bible is typically a picture of protection and effectiveness. Whereas the left hand in the Bible is often a picture of ineffectiveness and no protection. And let me just give you a couple of things to think about here in regards to left wing ideology, because I think it'll help these verses really come alive. Okay. For example, let's see, number one, what's a one thing that is constantly being pushed and even more so now obesity. Okay. Obesity is being pushed. I'm not making fun of people that are obese. There's a lot of reasons for that. There's a lot of hormone imbalances, chemicals and poisons and things like that in our food that caused this epidemic. But what the left does, okay, is they basically say, well, we want to promote that. We want to, we want to make sure and include them in beauty pageants and make sure that they're winning beauty pageants. We want to make sure and force companies to give them two seats on a plane and things of this nature. Okay. These guys are bullies and what they do is they're trying to prop that up. What does that lead to though? Ultimately, when you think about it, what do we get out of society, out of a ideology, out of legislation that pushes obesity, what's the result? Death, physical death. Okay. They do not live as long as people that are healthy. Okay. People that do not carry a lot of extra weight on. Okay. And so promoting that and pushing that and saying, no, no, that's okay. Instead of trying to get to the root cause of the issue and actually help people fix that and say, you know what, that's not okay. We need to do something and kind of help you out here so that you don't die early. Okay. Instead of promoting that, well, what happens? People die. Okay. Number two, I wrote down here, legalized drug use. Now in Oregon, what was it a couple of years ago? They decided, okay, we're going to go ahead and legalize all of these hard drugs. What was the result of that? Did people give them up? Say, well, because it's easy to get now and it's legal, I'm just going to stop doing it. No. What happened? People started dropping dead people. The death rate increased and what a P what's the government doing over in certain parts of San Francisco, not only making it legal, but actually providing these things at no cost to the homeless. What does that breed? Does that give life? Does that give education? Is that wise? No. What does that do? That breeds death. Okay. That's what that does. So that, I mean, think about this verse here. A wise man's heart is at his right hand. So a wise person is going to go to the right. I'm not talking necessarily politics here. You go talk to so-called politicians that are on the right. Okay. And you're going to find a lot of them are actually on the left. I'm not endorsing any politicians. I'm just simply saying here that what is in office today, the office of the president, his freak show that he's got is basically pushing a death cult honest through obesity, through free drug use. What about abortion? Do I need to even say anything about that? What does that lead to? Oh, a happy, joyous freedom. You know, a great household. No, it leads to death. It leads to generation prevention. That's what it leads to. Death, death cult. That's what these people are. What about allowing crime, being loose on crime and tough on guns? What does that do? What does it do when I say, you know what? We ought to just let these people go and just kind of understand that's how they are, but I want to take your guns away so you can't defend yourself. I'm going to put you behind bars because you shot somebody who broke in your house in the middle of the night, but this guy who did it, you know, we're going to, we're going to let him go. Does that breed life? Does anybody think that comes from God? No, that is satanic. That is a death sentence. Look, when I was in high school in Port Orchard, Washington, I knew this kid and he went and broke into somebody's house and was threatening to kill these people while his friends ransacked this guy's living room. Homeowner gets out of bed, blows a hole in this kid's stomach. Guess who goes to jail? Not the kid that robbed. It was the homeowner that got locked up. Okay. Is that fair? Is that biblical? No, that's not biblical. Okay. That is buffoonery. That is foolish and that is what's being promoted in our society today. Okay. So we've got loose crime, opening a blind eye to the borders. Okay. Has that provided life? Now, thankfully we've been able to get people saved that have come here as refugees. Thank God for that. That's what we're trying to do. But you know, by and large, is that policy, is that legislation leading to more righteousness? Is that leading to more people being protected? No. What are a lot of these people doing who've come across the border illegally from mental prisons and these psych wards and just out of extreme poverty? What is that doing? It's taking life. It's destroying people's lives. What about this one? Gender affirming care and promoting that and making our tax dollars pay for that. What does that do to society? Does that promote life? No, that sterilizes people. That destroys life. And again, just like abortion, it's generation prevention. That's what it is. What about this one here? Pushing mom into the workforce. What does that do? What does that do when you raise prices and you just cause inflation to soar and mom's got to go to work now and the kids are, you know, struggling. Does that promote life? No, that doesn't promote life. That makes life harder for people. What about putting all this sodomite garbage in libraries and having drag time story hour? What does that do? Does that bring life? Does that bring liberation and freedom? No, it promotes death. It promotes molestation. It promotes harm to people. What about this one? Tolerating pedophiles. You say, well, we need to re-educate them. The Bible says you can't re-educate these people. Does that promote life? Does that promote morality? No, it's foolishness is what it is. It promotes death. And what about this, this homelessness promoting, I mean, just, what does that do? Okay. When you say, well, it's okay. We're just going to feed them and take care of them. You're basically telling people it's okay to be that way. And then what happens, especially around here in the winter time, they get cold and they die. Or even during these times where it's extremely hot, what happens? A lot of times they die. So these policies lead to death. Now keep your place right there in Ecclesiastes and go forward one book in your Bible there to Isaiah chapter 32, Isaiah chapter number 32. Isaiah chapter number 32. And so we're going to read eight verses here. And what this is about is this is basically about what we have to look forward to as say, born again, Bible believing Christians. Okay. At some point in time when Christ comes back and sets up his millennial kingdom, okay, you're going to see that as a kingdom that will work. And I just want to kind of show you what that looks like here. Cause there's some nuggets in here. Uh, the point to what we're talking about tonight in regards to how a fool's heart inclines him to the left. Look at verse number one says, behold, a King shall reign in righteousness. Okay. We know that to be Christ in princes shall rule in judgment. What does our government do right now in regards to righteousness and in regards to judgment? I say no judgment and righteousness. This is subjective. Okay. It's whatever I say it is. You know why? Because the government would love nothing more than to be your God. And I'm not promoting anarchy. I'm just stating a fact. Okay. Verse two and a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest as rivers of water and a dry place as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. So look at how a person will be during this time. You'll come across a man across a person and this person will be a refreshment to you. Okay. Now in a lot of places, especially in this country that you go to, when you see people, a lot of times you don't get this vibe from them. Do you? Like, for example, we went to the Fiesta chicken and I'll just call them out. I mean, the food was all right, but you could just tell that we walked in there and they're just like, this girl's like, welcome to Fest chicken and she's looking at the wall. I'm like, this is going to be great. You know, it's just like, what do you want? You know, it was just, we got our stuff, got our food, but it was just, you know, we sat down and you know, it was the first one to bring it up. Of course. I don't think she wants to work. I don't think she wants to be here. I'm like, yeah, you know, I can't wait for those days to be over. You know, I can't wait for those days to be over for people to be like this here in verse two. Look at verse number three though. This says, in the eyes of them that see shall not be damned. The ears of them that here shall harken. Now does a full listen? Does a full harken? No. So what are we talking about here? The absence of foolishness. Okay. A true millennial kingdom. Look at verse four the heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge and the tongue of the stammerer shall be ready to speak plainly. Now look at this here. Verse five, the vile person. What's a vile person? Wicked person, a nasty person. Okay. The vile person shall no more shall be no more called. What is that word there? Liberal nor the churl. Okay. Nor the churl these churl people here is wicked people. These people that stir up evil that promote wickedness. Okay. So it says, nor the churl said to be bountiful verse six for the vile person shall speak the Lanny and his heart will work iniquity to practice hypocrisy and to utter error against the Lord to make empty the soul of the hungry and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. I'm not saying people on the right wing of society today have things worked out cause they've got a lot of problems too. But I'm just simply saying that you know when these left wing guys get up here and it was like, well we just love the poor and the homeless. No you don't. None of you do. If they could take every cent that you and I make, they would do it in heartbeat. In fact, they're on their way to doing that right now. What does the Bible say about these people that vile and that they're called liberal? Look at verse seven. The instruments also of the churl are evil. Okay. They're hurtful. That's what he's saying there. It's wicked. He deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words even when the needy speaketh right. And that's what a liberal person does. Verse eight, but the liberal deviseth liberal things and by liberal things shall he stance. That's kind of, you know, just how it is right now. We have to deal with this type of folly in life. It is what it is. And Solomon is going to give us some practical tips on how to survive the world in which he's observed this. So back to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10, let's get moving on here. And so again, verse two a wise man's heart is at his right hand, but a fool's heart at his left. And so the idea here is that a wise person is going to move on towards effectiveness and protection. Whereas the left handed person, a fool, his heart is going to guide him to ineffectiveness and a lack of protection, which is very obvious if you're just being honest with yourself and what's going on today in this country. Okay. Verse number three, he says, Yea also when he that is a fool walketh by the way, his wisdom faileth him and he saith to every one that he is a fool. So at some point in time and every fool, any person that walks in after this matter, they will be found out. Their actions speak louder than words and their folly will be made manifest among all men. And now verses four through seven, Solomon's going to show us what it looks like when foolishness reaches high places. So remember guys, just because somebody is a fool doesn't mean they aren't going to get promoted. Okay. Pull up a list of politicians and just pick names and you'll see this to be true. So verse four, he says, if the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place for yielding pacify of great offenses. And so here the preacher Solomon's giving us some great wisdom, some great advice on what we should do. Okay. And especially people of our sort born again, Bible believing Christians at some point in time, you may find yourself in a position where your boss or somebody that is above you has risen up. Their countenance has changed towards you. And now they're not looking at you the same and they're coming after you. Okay. Instead of just being like, yeah, what's up? You know, what you're going to do? And I got my rights. Okay. It's better in that situation to just yield, pull back and just say, Hey, whatever you want me to do, I'm going to do it. I'm here to work. You know, because inside, right, we're not there to please man. We're there to please God. Hey, that's our job. As Christians, we go to work to please the Lord. And by doing that in turn, hopefully we hope to please people. But if not, this is the best solution for you in that situation. Yield, see what happens. A lot of times you'll just see these guys back down. Okay, well I guess he didn't take the bait and they'll move on to somebody else. Okay. And then you can assess whether or not you need to change jobs or what have you. Yeah, I think that's a good picture there for us. Now look at verse number five. So he says, there is an evil, which I have seen under the sun, as an error, which proceedeth from the ruler. And he says, folly verse six is set in great dignity and the rich sit in low place. So folly is set in great dignity and the rich sit in a low place. You know, there's different ways you could look at that, but under the sun, life is not fair. Hey, and there are times where you see people that are just downright foolish and they get promoted to CEO, they get promoted to president, they get promoted to whatever. Hey, it's just the way that it is. And he's saying, I've seen this other evil under the sun where the rich are just kind of set in a low place. Yeah. You know, you got a guy who's done well for himself. He's made himself a lot of money, but nobody maybe respects him or even knows his name and know who's know who he is or anything like that. And Solomon saying, this is just an evil that we have to deal with under the sun. So this category here, I'd say basically this foolishness is in life and it's not fair and we have to face it. You know, it's much easier to go through life understanding. You know what? There, we're just going to have to realize we're going to deal with foolish people. You're going to come across them. It's just what it is. And verse seven, I have seen servants. So basically what he's doing here is he's giving you a picture of verse six. So he's saying, I have seen servants upon horses and princes walking as servants upon the earth. And why is that? Well, because sometimes folly and people that are foolish, they wind up in positions of great dignity. Whereas, you know, princess sometimes gets stuck or the rich get stuck in these, these lower places. Remember the devil likes to work by inverting things. He likes to work in opposites as above, so below that is how he operates. And so you will see that in the world. Now versus eight through 10, you're going to see a picture of folly or foolishness in action. Okay. So let's look at that here. Look at verse eight. He, the dick of the pit shall fall into it. You think like, Oh, okay. Of course. Right. He, the dick of the pit shall fall into it. And who so breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him. I like to use this verse when I talk about the hedge of protection that was around Job. One of the big problems in so-called controversies that someone came at me a long time ago when I first started this ministry here was they brought in, David up as a subject and basically called the church and said, Hey, what's the deal here? I don't think that the Bible is consistent because why would a just God allow David's sons to basically, or David's sons to basically come after him and to harass him like Absalom. Why would God allow that? And the answer is his hedge of protection. Okay. You go back early in David's life with Bathsheba. It's very clear that he sinned against God and God had to basically chase in him and decided to bring that chasing up later on in life. So later on in life when David needed that full 360 degree hedge of protection around him, there was a gap in that. And God said, I, I have to be just, I have to write this. I have to allow you to go through this because of what you did. Now, obviously God still loved David. David was a man after God's own heart. Everything still worked out in the end for David, but that's the solution. That's the answer because he took out his head trimmer and he went and did it. And you guess who's on the other side of the hedge laughing and accusing David? It's Satan. Just like he wanted to do to Job. Okay. Look at verse number nine, who so remove of stones shall be hurt therewith in he that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby. And of course he's talking, you know, when fools get put in these positions here, bad things happen. Foolish things are the result of that. Verse 10, if the iron be blunt and he do not wet the edge, you know, what does that mean? So if the iron be not sharp, so be blunt. And he do not wet the edge. W H E T. So sharpen. Okay. That's what he's saying. That's what he means there. Sharpen. So he not wet the edge. Then must he put to more strength, but wisdom is profitable to direct. So in other words, what the fool will do because he's lazy, despise, despise his wisdom, don't want instruction. He hates knowledge. Okay. He just wants to do things his own way. He's going to take that and I know it's done. I'll just hit it harder. That's what I'll do. So instead of taking a little bit of time and thinking, you know, if I could just sharpen this here, it's going to be more effective. Okay. Remember, what does a wise man's heart do? A wise man's heart is going to guide him to protection and effectiveness. The foolish man's heart will guide him into ineffectiveness and a lack of protection. So what the fool does basically with his wisdom is it's dull and he's just bam, bam, bam, just bash it even harder. Okay. He just takes his act. I know it's dull, but I'll just hit it even harder and it'll still work. And that blunt force work. Okay. Whereas Solomon saying, a person with wisdom never has to worry about that because he's continuously seeking to be prudent and to go forth with life. Wisdom always cuts through. Why? Because wisdom comes from God. It comes from above the sun and we know that the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. So let's move on here to verse number 11 and so verses 11 through 14, you're going to basically get some insight into how a foolish person talks. The operation of their speech rather. Look at this here. Verse 11, surely the serpent will bite without enchantment and a babbler is no better. So in other words, a fool flatters himself and a wise man flatters the fool. A fool flatters himself, but a wise man will flatter the fool. So a wise person, you're going to recognize a fool right away. That's the, all of you did this today by the way. And I was listening, you know, when you're talking with this guy here, you know, that was harassing us and you know, obviously being foolish and you're basically just knew he wasn't serious and just kind of tell him what he wanted to hear and himself. That's kind of an example of this. Okay. So he's saying that a serpent, you know, if you don't enchant him with that music, what's going to happen? If you don't have control of the situation is going to bite you. A babbler is no better. So this foolish babbler, so you run into somebody just mouth and man, dude, that thing's going a hundred miles an hour. They don't want to listen. They don't want to take instruction. They just want to tell you what they want to tell you. And you know, this person's a fool. The best way to survive these people is just, man, you got it. You're full. You have a lot of words and a lot of ideas. Okay. And just arm's length. Keep that person at harm's length, but try to keep the peace in that way. And what's going to happen is you're enchanting him through that process. Of course, you know, in your heart, you're not lying. You know, in your heart, what you're doing. Okay. You're trying to take control of this person. You do that in a wise way. What happens if you're like, you know what, Hey, you're a fool. You suck. Okay. They get more upset. You got another problem on your end, which I get doing and I've done it and I still do it. You know, it's just what it is. Look at verse 12. The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. So that's eventually where his words will lead. Deceiving himself, destruction, no protection, no effectiveness there. And somebody once said, you can lead a fool to information, but you can't make them think. I didn't make that up. I don't know who did. It just popped in my head. So verse 13, the beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness. And the end of his talk is mischievous madness. Just think of somebody that you know, that's a fool. You can take any celebrity you want or, you know, a bunch of these different people that have influence. Andrew Tate would be a good example. And basically, what do you have? Madness. That is always the end of what they have to say. The beginning and the end. Okay. You're not going to find these great jewels amongst what they're saying. It's just all madness. It's all falling. Verse number 14, a fool also is full of words. A man cannot tell what shall be and what shall be after him, who can tell him. Solomon's just reiterating what he already told us in the book of Proverbs. Okay. You're not going to be able to talk this guy into anything. Okay. A fool despises wisdom. He despises instruction. He hates knowledge. Doesn't want anything to do with it. So what do they do instead? They just talk. And because they have to deceive, because they are deceived, they talk more and more and more and more. They just babble. And so about the only thing you can do to that person is to literally enchant them. Just, Oh yeah, you, you, wow, you're great. I've worked with all kinds of these people, especially in the federal government. Okay. They're everywhere. And I'm telling you, I remember one time we checked out this government car. We had to go do something on another military installation. We came back and the sign, when you returned the car, clearly said, you must back this car. Okay. You must back this car. So what this guy does, he's yapping the whole way, just how great he is and all this stuff. And I'm just like, yeah, man, you're special. You're the man. He goes, you see that sign there? I'm like, yeah. He's like, watch this. He just like pulls right in there like 10 miles an hour, slams on the brake. He's like the heck with him. That's not what he said, but that's what I have to say. He said here. So he doesn't have to watch this. I do what I want. He goes, they get the car back when I give it to them. And I'm like, okay. So I go back to the office and he's gone for like an hour and he comes back in mope. And I'm like, what's the matter dude? What's the matter? His name was Brock. I'm like, what's the matter Brock? Nothing. I was like, you had to back the car in didn't you? He was like, shut up. Yeah, you did. They made you back the car in didn't they? Yeah, whatever man. You know, that's what I'm thinking of here. Okay. Who can tell them though? You know, that's the end result of a fool. They think they're all that. And then eventually reality catches up with them and it's over. All right. Verse 15 here. So what you're going to see here is a basically a fool in light of work, a fool in light of work. How does that mix? How does that look? You put a fool in the workforce. What results should you expect? Look at verse 15. The labor of the foolish wearieth every one of them. Now this is, now here's the thing, man. There are some people that are fools, they're foolish and they rise up through the ranks because they're very crafty fools. They're able to talk their way into these positions, but you start putting them in labor jobs. You start putting them to work or expecting results. The Bible says the labor of the foolish wearieth every one of them. And because of that, that's why a lot of them do wind up in management positions because they think, and they're, well, I don't have to do as much work up there. So if I could just get up there, you know, all will be well. But what you got to understand is that it where is every one of them because he knoweth not how to go to the city. What does that say in here? Well, he doesn't know how to really work. He doesn't think he's not prudent. The opposite of being prudent. The opposite of looking well to your going is what a foolish person does. Everything they do is not effective. He ain't worried about tomorrow. He worried about next week. He's worried about right now. What can I do right now to satisfy myself? He's a selfish person. Who's like, I'm not going to go to the city. I'm not going to do this. This is what do they do. They complain and say, you know what here, I got a better idea. How much you make? Oh, making a hundred grand a year. You know what? I should get a part of that. What about you? How much do you make? You know what? I ought to get a part of that. What about you? Oh, billionaires. Oh, we ought to tax them to the high heavens. Oh, millionaires. Oh, of course. Let's tax them to the high heavens. Okay. See where I'm going with this? This is how you wind up with commies. Okay. Because they don't want to work. They don't know how to find the jobs. They don't know how to get to the jobs. Okay. They suck. They're horrible. Verse 16 now. And so basically what you're going to see 16 to 20 is how foolishness destroys nations. Verse 16, Solomon says, woe to thee O land when thy king is a child and thy princes eat in the morning. Of course, you know, when he took the throne in Israel, what did he say? Well, what was one of his prayers? What was one of the things he said to God was that I basically feel like a child in this position here. And what did he do? He asked God to grant him wisdom to lead the people. So he definitely is obviously able to relate to this here. Verse 17, blessed are thou O land when thy king is the son of nobles and thy princes eat in due season for strength and not for drunkenness. Okay. And of course we know that drunkenness is another one of those things today that it's not punished like it should, you know, it's, it's, it's promoted, uh, looked on as a good, tough thing in society and it just leads to more and more destruction, death. And that one knows no political restraint by the way. So verse 18, by much slothfulness the building decayeth and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. Okay. So this here is a basically a picture of when you have the opposite here of verse 17 when you have rulers that say, you know what, I'm just going to be idle here. I think this thing's good. It's on autopilot. And of course, I think he saw a glimpse of that in his dad before the whole Bathsheba incident, though he wasn't born yet, but I mean, obviously he knew the story. It's the word of God. Uh, idleness ruins people. Okay. That's why we say, Hey, stay busy, you know, find something to do and do it with all of your might because life is short. None of us are guaranteed. Um, so verse 19 he says, a feast is made for laughter and wine maketh Mary, but money answerth all things. And of course, you know, life under the sun, money is the answer to a lot of things. Okay. There's nothing wrong with money. And I say this all the time, you know, get the money that you can. Okay. Just make sure that money don't get you because if it does, you're going to be out of church and you know, just not, you're just not going to be as profitable for the kingdom of God here. But the full says, ah, if I could just get the money, I won't have to labor. And if I don't have to labor, life is going to be good. But then all this work that needs to be done, what happens? Nobody is around to do it. And you have a collapse in society. And we're going to stop it right here in verse number 20 says, curse not the King. No, not in thy thought and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber for a bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which has wings shall tell the matter. And so I want to just highlight a couple of quick things here. He says, curse not these people. Okay. What does it mean to curse and cuss them out? Not necessarily what he's saying here is don't be, you know, wishing for the King and the person in charge to die. Now there is a place in the Bible, several places in the Bible where we would pray in precatory prayers for somebody. I don't have time to get into that tonight, but just in general, right? You don't want to have this attitude. Like we're going to curse your boss and curse these people. I hope he drops dead tomorrow. So when you got to go to work, I'm dropped dead. You know, we ought to pray instead. You know, hopefully, you know, God provided me with a better situation or they would turn the King's heart in my favor or exposed to me what I need to do to be a better person, to be a better worker or what have you. Okay. And you know, contempt for authority gets disclosed is basically what you could say. Okay. I mean, think about it. You know, these guys that are on the left, what's one of the things you want to do? Well, defund the police and I can kind of relate. You know, there's a lot of police brutality. There are a lot of police officers that abuse the law that do hurt people. And I get that, but that doesn't mean that they're all bad and we just need to get rid of the whole thing. Okay. I get the problems with the FBI, but the FBI still does do some good things. Trust me. I'll tell you after the service. But, um, the idea here is when we have contempt for authority, just as a whole, that comes out, the ruler is going to find out about that. And you could wind up getting yourself in trouble. Again, he's saying curse, not necessarily call out. We're commanded to call out evil. We're commanded to, like I said this morning, okay, to take a look at things that influence the body of Christ. We're allowed to analyze and to scrutinize those things and to see whether or not they are profitable for virtue, for pureness and truth and all of those types of things. There's nothing wrong with that. But in our own personal hearts, we had not to curse these people and wish they're, you know, harm and ill will and all that stuff because it doesn't profit anybody It's better to take the wise approach because the wise, the heart of the wise inclines us to the right, which is protection and effectiveness. So we're going to stop right there for tonight. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you again so much Lord for this chapter. I just pray you'd help us to remember this great picture that you gave us Lord of foolishness and what happens when it comes into power and how we can operate in that environment and still remain wise and successful Lord. And we thank you for all that you do for us in Jesus name. I pray. Amen. All right, we're going to have one more song here, and then we'll go and be dismissed.